Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 06, 1829, Image 1

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. v '. ■' - •. ■ ■ ' i " '-r i, I- ■ - ■ ■ ' • - "vflpr,- . j. ; ■■ ’ •-•*.. ■' V v MB . I i ; • *w} '£• - - :*#Njkj(I ■ • ■ $jj ' v * ** - vip^|pv- ggrar . ' ■ ;•;■-■ -- J8t&r'- : ^8^’ ;■ ■■ - ; trs?-;• . , v /.. f- ;■' ‘ AJfD jP UB LIS BE D OrreoPSAVAMWAH, B| rOB EB^Tson & BEV AN, ArrZIOHT DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ■ 'Fho Country Paper to SonUo all parte of tho Stato and Union, or delivered in tho city, atplVE DOLLARS per aniiumj'pa/able. in advance. iiV rniui luun do rue jl rotu. dth^aixandaod Negroes byAdminiitratora, Execu- ton atwh Guardians ode required by law to be held on ~ > first Tuesday in the month, between the houreof 10 i 5 o’clock, at the Court House in the county in which iropetty is situate. Notibo of these aales must be • r jasettA Sixty Days prerloue to tho sale. ale of Pereonal Property must bo given Oriy days belbre the sale. 0 totoetoors andOreditdrs of an cstato must bo fBS thotS>pfIcat?on will bo made to the Court, of Ordinaryforleavptbsoilland. must be published Four Mouths. IUNDRY, icuMUris. liberty to in ijf'jSibua gen ial, they carry on at thp(r establish' kinds of //tQjVnnd BRASS MA CIIARLESTO MaiL-*, arm ttaCir IHends M' .. ..Crally/thal they canyon at *1 Wot all binds of IRQlf.Md \t, iurolog; boring, and fitting up me same tor, alltho different uaea it enn be applied to Steam Bontaf Rice Mills, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Sugar Mills„Fjilling Mills, nod all IWilwright.Work generally . Steam inginca,*6f all powers, made and repaired on l_ ■ Lir terms. Wrought Iron ted to niake their patterns, &c. according to the directions given- Apply to , v 1 JH BASON M DOTTERER, 'l, -Eaaon’iwhatf, East end ofHasoll et, centin- ' .linoed, : ; Ch*f|eiton;.May,-18*9. O" The Editor* oftht^C^lumhia'Stnt* Gn- gettn;VVjMy»w inteili(}encer. Savannah Geor gina, AUSnsfa Courier, Darien Phot nut. Fay ettevific Observer, and Capo Fear Recor der, will givo fliodhovo advertisement three wenkly iiisertroiiidri their respeciive papers, and'forward ihijir bills to E. fit D. for pay , jiirin 4 : ; .. - Befell Island Academy. ■ ivE Truytees or the Beaoh Island Aca- 1 A demy.''actuated by the enlighting spir- I j'tof the day,-are gratified to announce to the public, that this Institution (just organized) is noiyindhdratioiiunderthe nuBpioes of Mr. DANlii-S HENDBitaoN, a highiy respectable graduate of the .Sputh Carolina College. Mr. Hendofson lias been engaged for eev- voral years, very. Successfully in Acndemioal 1 ?IMhiiirn»titut'ioh willVf tauAt Ilie^Latin and Greok Languages; English' Grammar, Geography And Astronpmjr,. with tho use of Maps and Glpbes (Arithmetic,-Algebra, Go- om'btry, Tfigoiometryf Buryeyir.g, &c with . the variplis other hfanoheB'ofnn.Etigheh Edu- .cation, usually tajight • in similar- establish. iDont^s ‘ , .- i- j, m Few Institutions equal this with regard to (he advantages resulting from locality- « is io Edgofield District, about seven-miles from (he oity oT Augusta, within a mile qfa Church, io a moral and hoapilahle community, dense ly populated by rcspeotable Plantera. The . situation is elevated, retired and beautiful- i< possessed the benefit. of.^iBg; Mt a largo city, where the students mayoocasionally re North American Review. W T. WILLIAMS has just received • the North American ResieWi JMo 63, for April 18*9. CONiTENTSS Art. 1. The New Theory or TDE EAn-rn, Esaai sur la Tam’peratiire 'do 1’Interieur de la Terree. Par M L Cordier. 2. Essay on the Temperature of the Interrior of the Earth. By M L Cordier. 3. Cooeidera lions on Volcanoes, the probable Causes of their Phenomena, the Laws which determine their March, the Disposition of their Pro ducts, add their Connexion with the preeent State and past History of the Globe ; leading to the Establishment of a New Theory of the Earth; By Poolett Serope. • IL Oollhoe Education, The Sobslance of.two Reports of the Faculty- of Amherst College io tho Beard of Trustees, with the doings of the. Board thereon III. Ancient and Modern History, The History of the Deoline and Fall of the Ro man Empire. Ry Edward Gibbon. IV. Poi.lok’s Course or Time, The Course of Time, a Poem, in ten books. By Robert Pollob. V. Civilization and Conversion or the Indians, 1. Proceedings and Four teenth Annual Roporl of the Board of Man agers of tho BaptiafGeneral Convention.— 2. A Discourse on the Occasion of Forming the African Mission . School Society. By j M Wninwright VI PolitioXl Economy. Definitions in Pulittbal Eoonomy ; preceded by an Inquiry into the Rules which ought to guide Politic al Economists in the Dcfiniiton and use of thoir Terms, with Remarks on the Deviation from these Rules in tbeir Writings. By the Rev F R Malthus. VII History nr the Louisiana Trea tv, Histoire de la Louisiana et de la Cesaion do cello Colouie par la Franco nux Etots Unis de l’Amerique Septentrionale; pro cedoo d’un Oisoours aur In Conatilutinn el Ic Gouvernemont dea Etas Unis. Par M Bar- be Marbois. VIII. Peliiam, Pelbam : or the Adven tures of a Gohtlaraan. IX. Webstkh’s Dictionary, An Ameri- can Dioiinnary of the English Language.— By Noah We--ster. X American Vnnuals, 1. Tho Allan- ncSonvcoir, a Cbristmas aud New Year’s OITuring 2 The Token a Christmas and New Years Present. 3. The Talisman (or 1829 XI.Elementary Instruction. 1. The Frank lin Primer, 2. The Improved Reader. 3. The Gcueral Class Book. 4. Essays on tho Philosophy of Instruction, or the Nurture of Young Mioda. ■ , XII. Clerical Manners and Habits. XIII. MaesaohuseitsRai) Road. Quarterly List of new Publications. 1 mnv I _ B umuou im»v . oild two sessions. Each session will include A half years nt the olose of each of which there .will be a Publio Examintmon, socoee- dod by two woolts. vaeptionsi. No pupil will -•be admitted for a’less term than,n .quarter. The Trustee! pledge themselves co attend striotly-to the mwah"md health of those stu- «RsrBa« l 535Ssa: English Education, : jtS -por quarter, p john , millbb.„ ;"% ■»] ? wHiiihi the abore three times woekly. and forward their accounts tot his office for pay -NEW Boom ship Florian,,fi>r~tale by *1. Driscoll-c T. M. VimCOLL, H AS just received llse following new VVorlis : Juuknal of a Second Expedition into the Interior ot Africa. By tho late Commander Clapporton. To which is added the Journal of Richard Lander from Kano to the Sea Coast by a tnoro Eastern Route, with a Map of the route. Tub SHEWiEnrOa CALENDER-Containing tho story of Hob. Dodds—Mr. Adan son, of Lcverhope—Tho Prodigal fc>on—The School of Misfortune—George Dobson’s Expedition io Hell—The Louter’a of Selkirk—The Laird of Cassway—Tibby Hyslop’s Dream— Mary Burnett—The Brownie of the Black Haggs—'The Laird of Wineholm—Widow Watt’s Courtship- A Strange Secret—The Marvellous Doctor—The Witches of Tra- quair—NancyChisholra—Snow Storms—'The Shepherd’s Dog, 2 vola.—by James Hogg, author of “The Queen’s Wake,” “Three Perils of Man,” &c. &c. Tabes of Military Life—By the author of “The Military Sketch Book,” in 2 vols. 12 rao. “Tho principal scene of this very 'striking narration is in Ireland, and the incidents are connected with those stirring times in. which the celebrated Emmet bore so conspicuous a part. Tbe mystories—the riots, the strange history of the hero, and the extraordinary na ture of the characters, irresistibly fix the ta- tention of the reader; and while the military portion of (he incidents is rendered, proroi. oent, the political and romantic features as* Hist in the general attraction and effect.” JVcto Monthly Magazine. Dwigiit’s Travels.—Travels in tho North of Germany in tho years 1825-6, by Henry E. Dwight, A. M, mny 26' Auction and Commission Store. T HE subscribers having associated them selves in tbe above business, under the firm of Green Hammond, Respectfully tender their services to their friends end the public generally—any busi ness entrusted to tbeir care will be promptly and faithfully attended to They will have regular Auctions every Tuesday. THOMAS F. GREEN. CHARLES D. HAMMOND References: Col. Seaborn Jones. Seaton Grantland. Esq. Messrs. Wiley & Baxter. Col. E. Hamilton. Hines Holt, Esq. Messrs. Craft & Greene. Milledgovilla, April 16 th, 18*6. anril *o . 24—fn 11 •' »«y> tfla^^gW'Pnb- JtX lioationsi 1 ' George W(Baon, ;.tliRiL __ qiati i or Don’t GivaJrajtoa-ShjBfciatBi the Miasissippi. ««» The Rivals of E»te, Md otherL, S> G.-BrtOks and BjRrj^.Brqiift.^ Ttie Trials of Life-W t h « aiithpr of “De Usl»**t voV. , Price 81. 80. , also, * A few copies of Irtmg’s Life and Voyages of ColumbuB, andtlft \ ’. • Travetoof tbe Duke of Saxo Weimar, MtLLEDGEVILLE Masotlic Hall LO T TERY Authorued by tbe General Assembly of the Slate of Georgia. SCHEME: 1 Prize of $30,000 1 Prizo 2 Prizes" 2 Prizes” 6 Prizes “ 16,000. 10,000 6,000 1,000' 900 6 Prizes ” , 800 •' ,... ^-.Prizes ” ; 700.. « 6 Prizes” 600 6. Prizes” 500 “ . 6. Prises •’ ’ 400 « 6 Prizes” 300 “ 6 Prizes” 200 “ 25 Prizes “ 100 “ 50 Prizes” 60 “ 650 Prizes “ 20 “ 6,000 Prizes “ 10 “ $30,000 16,000 20,000 'fi’oS .'4,500 4-000 3.600 ,'3,-000 2.600 2,000" 1,500 1,000 2,600 2,600 13,000 60,000 6,776 Prizes $180,000 13,1*4 Blanks. Less than 2 Blanks to n prize *0.000 Tickets at $10. • THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the Prizes to be, footing from the com mencement. except theJollowueg. which wifi be deposited at different periods in the iPheel, yin.- * “- * to ■o k • e £ - •= 2 of5000. of 10000 1 of1000011 of 15000 lo030,000 1 “1000 l 1 900 1 “ 800 I “ 700 1“ 1 “ 500 1 “ 400 1 “ 800 1 200 N *0 S Jv! i “ i *« i “ 1000 c 700 1»* 400 300 200 * ■ m a.-s • •c ja g ftd -a §11 £•2 2 to T3 The whole Lottery to be completed IN FIVE DRAWINGS ONLY. The First Drawing to take place positive ly, on the- Fourteenth day oj November next, or at an earlier period, should the sale of Tickets justify it. Tho whole of the Prizes payable io sixty days after each drawing, subject to a deduction of Fifteen por cent.— All prizes not applied for io twelve months from each drawing, to be considered as a donation to the fundi of the Masonic Hall.— The drawing to take place under the super intendence of WILLIAM Y HANSELL, ^ . SKA-y: AND, |Ji If s:3 V? § D. B (I R. K. HlLLd, E. K. PIERCE, ... t WILLIAM J. DAVIS, !. FRANCIS V. DELAUNAY, f! BENJAMIN F. OWENS, THOMAS RAGLAND, JOHN MANNING, and G.W.MURRAY, J WYATT POAHD. Secretary to Commissioners. Present price of Tiokots $10, Halves $6, Quarters $2 60, for sale in a great variety of numbers at the Commissioner’s Office on Wayne Street, opposite Wiloy & Baxter’s Store. Orders for TicketB and Shares from any part of the United Stales, postpaid, will meet with prompt attention, addressed to WYATT FOARD, Sec’ry to Comm’ra. Milledgevilic, May 12. - may 21 152—fp ”1. Postponement of Land Sale in Florida. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, General Land Office, 4th April, 1829 N OTICE is hereby givon, that the Sale of Public Lands directed to take place at Tallahassee, in the Territory of West Florida, on the Third Monday in May next, (by .lie Proclamation bearing date the 24th February, 1829.) is postponed until the first Monday in July next. By order of the President, GEO. GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Office, april 14 110—t BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI TED STATES. I N pursuance of law. I, John Quincv Adams, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and make knowo that a public sale well be held at the Laod Office at Tallahassee, in the Territory of West Florida, on the third Monday in May next, for the disposal of the public lands included within the limits of the undermen tioned townships and fractional townships, to wit: • Fractional townships two, three,four, fee and six, of range seven. 0 Townships one, two, three, four, and 6oe, of ranges twenty and twenty-one. Townships One, three, four, and fee of range twenty two. All situate North of the Bate Line, and West of the Meridian. Tbe lands reserved by law for the use of schools or'for other purposes will be excluded from the sale, which will commence with tbe lowest number of section, township and range, and proceed in the orfier above desig nate. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington this twenty-fourth day ofFebruary, A. D. 18*9. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. By tbe President : 3AM, eneral Land Office, if the United States a. and Territory of o publish the forego* ice a week until the day ot Printing Ink. FEW kegs Nowa Ink, lor aale at this . Office. , . may *8 - - -■ v i: ■;, - - - * , •' * ■ , .1 *'>.*. ' 1 N. YORK LINE » OF . PACKETS. ACON, 1). L Porter, Master I’ATIltA, Thos Wood:. EMPEROR, J. H. Bennett, “ HENRY. Geo Moore, “ FI.OHIAN, F. Harrison, “ HELEN MAR. T Harrison. Tho owners of the EiiabUihtd Line, take pleasure in hunouneing to the public that it is again permanently completed with the a- bovo Sid first class vessels. They are all Afcio -Tork buiU Ships, of the best materials, haring elegant and spacious accommoda tions for passengers,.and are commanded by Mailers of welt known experience ' in the They will sail from New York every Six days, and . from this, as often.—This arrangement will bo punctually adhered to, mid ns Insurance can be effected on ship ment! by them at the very lowest rates, it is hoped that each a share of patronage will be extended to this line, as it may .merit; from the | rcql expense necessarily incurred in runt ng it, and from its utility to the public. HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. jaa 16 . THE SUBSCRIBER Respectfully informs the public n that he has opened a HOUSE of ENTERTAINMENT in Gaines’ eillc. Halt County. He will not pretend to say bis accommodations are supe rior to those of any other person in tho same section of country—but passengers are solici ted to call, with an assurance that no pains will be spared to render them comfortable.— His bsqse is large and commodious, with pri vate rooms for those who prefer sucli. His stables are capacious and well supplied Persons wishing to spend the summer months in the up country, would do well to visit Gainesville. It is situated contiguous to se. veral Limestone Springs, and in the vicinity of the Mountains, surrounded by on elevated and romantic country, with fountains of the purcBt water.' J. W SHAW Gainesville, 1st May, 1829. may 14, 44—f* mo Rowland’s Hotel. Tbe6iibBoribor respect folly in forms his friends and the public, that bo has made considerable additions to his esiablibinent. which will enable him to accommodate, with every comfort, those who may favor him with tbeir patronage. Tho many advantages his house nllbids and liia assiduity to give general satisfaction will ho hopes, insure him,a. share of tho public favor, v. o ’. \\ . ‘ »f>v»T -AWIY Greenville, C. H. (bu Da,) may 7 / 139—fu Sarsaparilla Syrup. T HIS celobrutud Syrup is highly rocom, mended by tbo Faculty as an excellent dcpurntivfi Mediciue, and has been succvss- I'ully employed in those anomalous coses of disease, which sometimes occur in Scrophu lous hobiis produced by an improper and ir regular use of Mercury. It is carefully pre pared and a supply will be kept on hand by ' LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Nos 2 and 15, Gibbon’s Buildings. mav-t2 DUPONT’S UUN POWDER. T HE Subscribers have been “appointed agents in this place fnr the snle of Ihe above Powder, manufactured by Messrs. E. F. Dupont, Do Nemours & Co.<«f Wilming ton, (Dal.)'and will koop a constant supply nt tbo public Magazine ; they “will sell at the Philadelphia price & charges, fnr cash only.” An assortment of FFF and FF, G Si R, in Kegs and half Koga, and Eagle Powder in Cannisters, is now offered for sale. A. LE BARBIER & CO< Mongin's Brick Buildings, oct14 *30 White Lead. T HE subscribers having been appointed Agents for “ Peabody's While Lead,” (which is warranted a very superior article) ‘will be constantly supplied, and now offer at manufacturer’s price, 150 kegs, Landing from achr Adams, from Boston. HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. mil’ 21 Madeira Wine. I N addition to tbeir,present supply of Ma deira Wioos, the subscribers have receiv ed a few quarter casks of tbe justly celebra ted and well kuown brand of Newton Gor don, Murdoch & Scott—which they offer for saloon accommodating terms. SCOTT & BALFOUR, march 21 9D Diversions of Hollycot, O R tho Mothor’s Art of Thinking—by the author of Clan Albin, and Elizabeth Dc Bruce. Tbe above excellent work far Children has just been received by T. M. DRISCOLL. mny 6 American Castings and Nails. ^xOnn LBS. AmericanCastiogs ass’td. rJDxJ’Lf 100 kegs Cut Nails assorted sizes—20 of 4d, 26 of 6d, 25 of 8d, 25 of lOd, 5 of I2d—100 lbs each. For sale by J P HENRY. . april 3 Castor Oil &. Salts. /\fV doz. Csstor Oil VV *°® koses Glauber Saits, 20 lbs :h suitable for plantations, just received Si for-sale by LAY 4- HENDRICKSON, may tl , Druggists Gibbon’s Baildinga. ■ English Seidlitz Powders. 4 FRESH supply of English Seidlitz Pow tx: dere warranted genuine, and of very superior qualhv Just received per ochr and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, may 19 Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildiogs. -V \" \ T. M. Driscoll.: HAS received per tbe late arrivals a large assortment of Books, among which ore the fallowing Works: The Epitome of Gen. Ecclesiastical History, from the Earliest Period of Aotiquity to the Present Time—II lustrated by Maps and Engravings. By the Rev. John Marshall. Horne’s Introduction Io the Critical Study of tho Scriptures. Memoirs of tbe late Mrs. Susan Hunting- ton of Boston. Third Edition, with an Introductory Essay. Memoirs of Mrs.,Ann. H. Judson. late Mjssionsiy to BurmaB, including a History of theAiRorican Baptist Mission in the Bur- man Empire., Provincial Letters, containing on Exposure of the Reasons and Morals of the Jesuits—by Bloi. Pascal. Translated from tho French- The Unconditional Freenesa of tbe Gospel —In three Essays. By Thomas Eiskinc, Esq. Advocate. - Letters to Young Men on tho Formation of Character. By Rev. James Hawes. Essays upon the Perpetuity, Change, and Snnctificntiou of the Sabbath. By Heinan Humphry, D. D. Memoir of Rov. Leigh Richmond, A. M. author of the Dairyman's daughter, &c. ALSO, A few copies of Scott's Family Bible, in 6 vols. American Quarterly Review, %MT T. WILLIAMS has just received • the American Quarterly Reriew, No. 10, for June. 1829. CONTENTS. s ' I- Diwovehifs in Cintral Africa, Journal of a Second Expedition intq the Interior of Al'rica, hv tho »° V, a J ,laln ^l a PP e rton : to which is added tho Jour- nal of lus own return to the Coast, by Kichard Lander, lus faithful Servant. II. Milton’s Letters, Milton’s Familiar Letters, translated from tho Latin, with Notes. By John Hall. III. Abtronomy of Laplace, Troito do Meeonirjuo Celeste, par M. Marquis do Laplace, Pair do France, &c. &c. IV. Flint’s Geography and IltsTont of thf. instates, A Condensed Geography and llistoiv of tho Western States, or tho Mississippi Valiev. By Timothy Flint, author of Recollections of tfio last ten years in tho Mississippi Valley. Salvo magiia parens. V. Chancery Law, Chancery Cases argued and de termined in tho Court of Appeals of South Carolina, from January, 1825 to May, 1826, both inclusive. By D. J. M’Coru, State Reporter. VI. HorneTooke, Memoirs of John Home Tookeo Esq. ; together with his valuable speeches nnd wri tings— also containing proofs, indontifyir- l,: — —- 1 - nuthor of tho celebrated Letters of Junius, Graham, LL. D. VII. History of Pennsylvania, Tho History of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans, to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. By Thomas F. Jordon*, • Vllf. Female Biography, Female BiogrtpyJ*; ur. Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Wuroim, al' mi Ages and Countries. By Mary Hays. Histoire do Christine, Reino do Sucdn, par J. P. Catteau-Callcville. 'Tho Hist' ry nfChristino, Queen ofSweden, by J. P. CaUcau-CallcviUc. IX. Hcwack’s Life of Clinton, Memoirs ofDcYVit Clinton, with an Appendix, containing numerous docu- ments, illustrative of tho principal ovenU of his life. By David Hosack, M. D. F. R. S. X. Russia, .System of Geogranii}'; by M. Itlallc- Rrun. Vo). VI. Book civ—cxiv. Russia. By J. A. Yesterday in Ireland. Y esterday in Ireland, a Nov- cl. By the author of “To-day in Ire land.” In two vols. 12 mt*. Contents: Tho Covramahon—Tho North erns of 1798. “In minute portraiture of character ; in analysis of those slight circumstances, which 1 are yet so powerful when they act on thc| feelings ; in occasional observations, often as neatly turned as they are shrewd, our author is among the happiest of his brethren. Wc bclievo Mr. Crowe the author of ‘Tho En glish in Italy aud France,* is also author of this Work.”—London Literary Gazette. Just received by T. M. DRISCOLL. Also tho following new publications, Tales of Passion.—By the author of ‘Gilbert Earlo,* Lord Lovel’s Daughter; Tho Bohemian; Second Love. Cahhonaro—A Piedmontese Tale, by the Duke De Levis, in 2 vols. Amir Khan, and other Poems, by Miss Lucretta M. Davidson, with tbe Memoirs of the authoress. The Philosophy of a Future State— By Thomas Dick, D. D. may 18 147 Swaim’s Panacea. A FRESH supply of this celebrated Medi cine just received direct from tho pro pr otors, warranted genuine, far sale by JjAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, No. 2 and 15, Gibbons Buildings march 24 Sweet Oil. A FRESH eupply of very superior Sweet Oil iu bottles aod flasks, and suitable for tho table—just received and for sale by LAY Si HENDRICKSON, Droggieie, No 2 and 15, Gibbon’s Buildings mnvID C Empty Bottles. T HE highest price will be paid for all kiode of empty wioe and porter bottles, by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbous’ Buildiog. april 25 r • SHERIFF’S SALES. On the first Tuesday in Augiutnext, Y7K/TLL bo sold before tbe Court Housein T V tbe City of Savannah, between tho,u- suai hours ot salo, the following properly, viz: One-uogro boy aamed -WjllTnm, levied on under Si by virture of a foreclosure of mort gage in favor of William Joyner against Jas. E. Wells. One negro woman namon Mary, levied on .as tbe proporiy of James Sandetlin, dee’ed., to satisfied executions in favor of Moses Car- t*r and Mordccai Shoftnll, Sen’r.—property' pointed out by the administrator,—lory madir and returned to me by a. constable. . juiy'a GEORGE AULLEN.s. c.,c. *1 CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL be sold at tho Cpurt House be tween tbe Lours of 10 and 4 o’clook. Lot and Improvements in West Broad st, Og'ethorpe Word, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of J S Olcot, against Ezra Kent. Also, Sundry articles of Groceries, Decan ters, Crockery, &c. levied on to satisfiv an Execution in favour of Warren Lippit, against Pierce Howard and Benjamin D. Davis. A. D’LYON.o.s. July 4 189 SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL bo sold before the Court House, in the City of Savannah, between tha usual hours of sale, the following property. Three Negroes, Tom, William and Nancy, ono di. Ding Table, with ends, ono dozen plain Chairs, onodozetf .(raw do., ono Carpet, two Bedstead, with bodf. four, Pillows and two Bolsters, ono pair of Andirons, Shovel and Tones, one Bureau, two blutrcssee, and tiro Bed steads—levied on under and by virtue of an execution on foreclosure of mortgage, as tno property of Ann Tay lor, in luvor of Williams. Taylor, June 0 GKO. MILLEN. e. c. c. Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL bo sold before the Court house in Fayette county, botwoen tho hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. All Hint tract of land situated in the fifth: district of Henry county, known by the num ber one hundred nnd forty three, (143,) con taining 202 1 -2 acres, mnro or less,' being Ihe real estate of Stephen H. Stocking, late of Savannah, Tailor, dec’d—To bo sold by per mission of the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, by virtue of nn order of the said Ju9ticeB, passed in term of March last when sitting for ordinary purposes. Conditions cash—Thu purchaser paving for titles. - * ISAAC NORTON, Adm’or Eat. Stephen H. Stacking, dec’2, may 14 142 Central Bank of Georgia. MILLEDGEVILLB, May 2*. 1829. R ESOLVED, That the Central Bank bo opened for the transaction of businesa generally, on and aftor tho 18th of June next. Extract from the minutes. , H. W. MALONE, Cashier. Rule it. Offering day shall be every Thursday, and discount day, the day thereaf ter. • may 30 . 'r Agency Office. Of the Charleston, Fireand Marine Insurance Company- Savannah, April 20, 1829. T HIS Company continues to Irisure a- Jgainst Fire, Marine and Rivor Risk on modet-ato terms apply to HOMES TUPPER. Agent. Cut Tobaccd. A FRESH supply of Lnrillard’s Cot To bacco—Just received per Excel, and for saVvery low by the barrel by ' may 27 LAY & HENDRICKSON. RANGOON OIL. A SUPPLY of this valuable medicine just received and for sale by THOS. RYERSON, Jr. march *4 Clover Seed. A Sopply of RED CLOVER SEED, jus LX received and for sale by THOMAS RYERSON, Jr. may 8 Just Received, „ rC(Oi HHDS. Primo Retailing Molasses □U For sale by I B HERBERT, may 18 SOAPS Fine Scented Soaps. T HE subscribers have just received a supply of very superior and highly scented SOAPS, euoh qa Rose, Chinese Musk, Olive' Violet, Vernacular Vegetable, Almond- Oriental, Cinnamon Otto of Rose, Ceylon and Palm Naples Shaving in pots, genuine Low’s Emollient Compound in round cakes, Cosmetic Wash Bolls, &o. v. These Soaps are from Low’sFactory, Lon-, don, and which, for purity of composition, ji.i richness nod delicacy of perfume, ere stfr- “ ’ v passed by nono, and are offered at low pri ces by LAY & HENDRICKSON;^ Druggists; Gibboos’ Buildingt. ■'? may 20 ' v Dr. LfiE’S -rib ORIGINAL (Windham) BILIOUS PILLS or . , A taxxly physio. SU PL Y of the above much celebrated Pills, constantly "Kept on band and for salo (wholesale or retail) by . THOS. RYERSON. Jr. j one 14 Druggitt. i Madeira. Wine. " T Hfi subscriber has received direct front • Madeira, by the brig' Howard) from Messrs. J. Howard, Mafch & Co. a fupply S’* very choke Madeira Wirtei io pipes, halfpipe* quarter casks and eighths—Also a few qr- cask# of fioe Sercial—which is ftow'^n’ersS ’ for sale. J. r. HENRY. V april. 28 .. -. v i.' 181 f' * ' V-wis An Address, iSL *' D elivered before tU Hibdrtiin &- eiety, aod Aesociationofthe.FriQndsof Ireland in Savannah, on the Feztiyal of St. Patrirlr 17tk Mkwih 1119(1 U Ti»»r!m M Patrick, i7th Mlireh’.7829, by James Ctn.” “ if both Soeietifi^-t LINAN, M Just priuti 1, a member of T — and published and f< THOS.M.D“^ Pries 25 cents.-- ii« ; n ftril r- Blacking. A SUPPLY of .Day d? Martin’S Siab Blacking warranted genuino—Just tig ceired and for a,le at. a reduced price by LAY & HENDRICKSON, may 27 Gibbon’c HuiMinaiv may 18 t J s?