Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 08, 1829, Image 1

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*u _ While's, Academy; mHE subscriber announces to bid friends A end the public that the exorcises of his Academy will be suspended until the first ol November next. The principal object which he will have in view during his absence, will he to form an acquaintance with the system of education adopted in the most distinguish ®d seminaries in the northern states, and he indulges the hope that the result of hit* ob servations will render 1)is Academy increas ingly worthy oV public patronage. Having token a large and commodious house in n pleasant part of the city, he will bo prepared to tako fivo or six boys as boarders—and ho assures the public that the health, morals nnd improvement of his pupils, will be the objects of his unwearied nod undivided at tention-. GEO. WHITE, jiijy 7 I9t—fe SHERIFF'S SALE On the frit Tuesday in A ugusl next, "MflLL be sold, in front of the Court v v House, io the city of Darien, between the hours of 10 A. M and 4 P. M .All those Tracts or Parcels of Land, known by the Numbers Three (3.) and Six (6,) in a plat ond survey mado by Thomas M’Call, Esq. situated on General’s Island, io (lie river Alatamaha, in M’Intosh county, lately the property of General ^aclilan M’lntosh, con taining together bovoo hundred and forty nine nml a half ncreB, and allotted to Archibald S. Bulloch in jfursuanno of a writ of partition- levied on under execution upon foreclosure of mortgage, the Bunk of the State of Geor gia against Archibald 6. Bulloch and Wife, issued from the honorable the Superior Court of M’lntosh county. THOMAQ KING. s. m. c. july.7 SHERIFF’S SALE On the first Tuesday in August next, ’WA7 ILL be sold beforo the Court House in f f the (<ity of Savannah, between the u suul hours of sale, tho following properly, via . One negro fellow named York, levied on ns the property of J«*hn Harris, jr. to satisfy an execution in tavor of Bradley, Claghorn & Wond., against said John Harris jr. One negro Woman named Mary, levied rin as the property of James Sanderliu, deo’ed., to, satisfy executions in favot of Moses Car ter arid Mordecai Shojtall, Soo’r.—property pojnted tut hy the administrator,—levy made find relumed to me by a constable ' ' july 7 GEORGE MILLEN,s c. c.‘ . SHERIFF’S SALES. • ' On the first Tuesday in Sep ember next, ’’INSTILL be sold before the Cou»t House jn M the City of Savanoah, between the u eual hours of sale, the following property, viz. One negro boy named William, levied ou under & by virtue of a foreclose! e of iriort gage io favor of William Joyner agaiust Jue. E. Wells. july 7 GEORGE MILLEN s c c White Havana Sugar and Ma- lasses. • flA BOXES Volute Hnvana Sugar /mi\J 10 hhds Molasses Landing from steam boat Gov Taylor. Alpo. landing from achr Frnuces, • 20 boxes Soap. For Bnle by J. 11. HERBERT, jttlv 3 Scidlitz and Soda Powders, &c. pLf\ DOZEN Seidlitz Powders [ of sup’r eJLr 50 do Soda do y'quality. ALSO, A supply of genuine Lemon Syrup Just received ner fichr Oregon & for *nle by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildings june 23 IIAY, &c. &c. QQ BUNDLES Prime Hay . OO 10 boxes Lemons — ; . 10 cfo Rabins Landing from scltr Frances and for ealo low from the wharf by july l COHEN & MILLER. ' Letter Paper. fjjri REAMS hot pressed Letter Paper X ’ » W ALSO, A few Reams Printing, Medium and quarto post Ruled'Paper. Just received per brig Frances pnfl for sale by june 25 PHILBRICK & BAKER. Mustard &. Vinegar. *1 ft BOXES London Mustard iU20 bbls 1st quality Cider Vinegarfc Just received and for sle by june 16 COHEN & MILLER. Portland Rum and Hay. BBLS Portland Rum (coloured) 50 bundles prime Hay Landing from ship Florian and for sale by HALL, SHAPTER &. TUPPER. june 15 • •• Martinique Molasses. HMDS priino retailing Molasies— X vX Landing and for sale low if taken from the wharf, apply to HALL. SHAPTER & TUPPER. . june 16 Landing from ship Chancellor. A /"h ROUND Boxes Cheese ~l:vF 10 bbls Whiskey For sale by JB HERBERT, july 3 WHISKEY. K BBLS. Philadelphia Ryri Whiskey vLanding from brig George nnd for ealo by JOHN II. REID, june 26 182 St. Croix Sugar. O K HHDS Prime St Croix Sugar, land- ing from ship Chancellor and for sale by HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. july 3 Leaf Tobacco. •j HHDS prime Leaf Tobacco X ” For Bale by juno 23 COHEN & MILLER. Lemons. GA BOXES just received and for sale by d£U PALMES .& LEE, june 35 Exchange Dock. Letter and Cap Paper. REAMS Letter and Cap paper. Just V” vecived and for bbIo by June 17 PHILBRICK & BAKER. „ „ HAY. *1 £*ft BUNDLES prime Hoy for sale, A.W Apply to PALMES & LEE, June 10 , Exchange Dock. MALLERF & DJJFFY, nilAPEKS & TAILORS ON THE BAY, EAST OF THE CITY HOTEL, H AVE received by reccnt'orrivale from New York, afresh nod»ohigunt nssori itieut of the most Seasonable Goads, in their lino—Consisting of— . Blue black, brown, olive; green aori inixt BROADCLOTHS, Blue, brown, green and steel inixt QUEENS CLOTH. Blue black and fancy colorod singlo millet) CASSIMERE. Merino Cloth and Cnssimere, (light and beautiful materials for summer wear) Bombazine Circassian Brown, while and drab English and french drill Striped Florentine, Satin Joan Grass Cloths. Bpurhon Drill Silk Camhlet,.Nankeen And a variety of other Stuffs, suitable fat summer coatees and pantaloons. V E STINGS: English, Italian and French black and colored Silk, » * Valencia and Marseilles of Buff, Wliito nnd neat fancy Patterns White nod.Buff Cnssimere and Cash 1 marpt. • t All of which they are prepared to make In measure, in I he best manner and at short notice. FANCY ARTICLES: A hamlsonifc assortment of Silk and Linen Cambric Pocket Hand kerchiefs Cravats, Slocks, Stiffeners BInck, wlijte and straw colored Horso skin Gloves Gra«s Cloth and Linen do Suspenders, Wotch Guards and Ribbons Hosiery of nil descriptions Foraging, Morocco, Cadet and Moditer rancan Caps. tyo. &c. ALSO, A general assortment of * READY MADE BPIIKG AND SUMMER • Consisting of Coats, Frocks and Coatteee, Pantaloons Vests, Jackets, Drawers, Shirts, Collars. &c &c. Sin. M* & D respectfully inform their friend that the whole of their goods have been care* fully'selected by Mr. M.'and the ready made Clothing; manufactured entirely under his inspection, and they nssure their customers that the utmost confidence may bo placed in the faithfulness of their work, opril 30 133 SPUING AND SUMMER G 0 ^0 D S LOW, TAYLOR & CO. e AVE landing from ship Oglethorpe,from Liverpool, an extensive and general hssnrtmenf of BRITISH MANUFACTURED GOODS. Also, received by recent nrrval9 from View York, *0. A L411GE SUPPLY OF AMERICAN AND INDIA shasghas&s autcoXiES. Which the) efior for ealo by tlfe original package piece, or dozen, at moderate prices; nnd always hove for sale OSNARURGS, COTTONS ‘IGGJNGf, CRATES OF EARTHEN WARE, CASKS OF LONDON BOTTLED PORTER, AND SCOTCH ALE. npril 25 .129 10,000 DOLLARS. xraiosr CAN AX. LOTTERY, CLASS NO. VII. T O be drawn in Philadelphia This Day— the dro wing will be received on the 12th instant. 9 drawn ballots. SCHEME: 1 prize of : : : 410,000 1 do : : s 5.000 1 do : : : 3.Of 0 1 do : : : : 2.845 10 do : : : : 1,000 10 do : : : . : 500 10 do : : : 300 30 do : : : : 200 30 do : : : : 100 & c. &.C. &.C. Tickets $5 00 Halves 2 50 Quarters 1 25 Orders attended to at july 3 Lottery 6f Exchange Office DRAWING O F the Virginia Stato'Lottcry, Class No 20. 38, 39, 42, 40, 5, 43, 58, 19, 17. Holders of prizes will call for the cash at LUTHER’S, july 4 Lottery »Sy Exchange Office. Purified Bear’s Oil, F OR the preservation and growth of the human Hair, preserving its health and beauty and preventing premature baldness. This article is carefully extracted and pre pared for use by N. S. Prentiss, of Nqw York, and a supply kept on hand by LAY &4IENDRICKS0N, Druggists, No 2 and 15, Gibbon's Buildings, july 4 Essence of Tyre. A SUPPLY of Quirk’s celebrated Es senceofTyre, for changing light, red. or grey Hair, Whiskers, &c. to a beautiful and permanent brown or block, without the least injury, just received and for sale by LAY Si HENDRICKSON, Druggists, No 2 and 15, Gibbons’ Buildings, july 4 Saratoga Water in Ice. T HE Subscribers propose to keep Sar atoga Water cooled in Ice, and if tilt increased demand Will warrant tho expense, it will be continued throughout the season, it will therefore be ready for customers every morning at 6 o’clock. LAY* HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Nob. 21)115, Gibbon’s Buildings. jUUC 27 Books ! Books!! Books t I f . T IIOS. M. DRISCOLL has received the following new publications per tha la Jo ■u rivals. Twt.Lv* Years Military AdmcniM® m the three quarters of the Globe, bat^eur tin years J802 and 1014, in.whiqb.nre co 1 tainod the Campaigns oflhp t)uko of hngton in India and his last in Spain ScmitIi of Franco Tiif, Com.EGiAN«, n Novel in 2 vole. JikTTE’s FituM Europe’, comprising the Journal of a Tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, Franco, ftaly and Switteeflamj, in tlic years 1825-26 bad 1827—By N. II. Car- ter, A Discourse on the character and public service of Do Witt Clinton, delivorod before the Association of the Alumni of Columbia College, by James Ronwick, M. D. June 9 Tlic Last of the Plaiitagcnets. T HOS. M. DRISCOLL haa just receiv cd per Florian, an assortment of Books, among which nro tho following new publica tions• The LA8T OF TIIE Pr.ANTAGENKTa; tin Historical Romanco—illustrating some of tl *; public events, and Domestic nnd Ecclesiasti cal mnnners, of tho 15th and 16th centuries. “Thin work contains many historic scones, sketcliod with great vividness and power.—- The incidents of the atory are numerous, well contrived nnd well told. Tfio stylo is at onco elegant without ostentatious ornament, aud (ftrspicuous without tedious diffuseness.” " Critic. Specimens of American Poetiiy, Criti cal nnd Biographical Notces, in 3 volumes, juno 16 W. T. WILLIAMS. H AS just, received tho Athentum, or Spirit of tho Fmglisli Moga2iues,No 15 for May 1st, 1829 CONTENTS: Mayday; Song for May Morning; Tlic Grave of tha Broken Heart; The Fountain •»f Oblivion ; Tho Choice of a . Besidooce ; Scraps f rrfm tho “ Noctos”; The Universe , Edinburgh Sessional School; Pope Leo XII; I stood by the Grnvo ; The Wnverley Nov els; Song; Mr Moore, tho Poet; Tho La test Female Fashions; Scientific Miscellany; Varieties juno »7 Irving’s CoIumbus-(Abridged.) rirs IIK Life and Voyages of Christopher JL Columbus by Washington Irving (ab ridged by the same) price $1 25 Sermons Prenched in England by the Righl Rev Reginald Heber D. D. price $1 50. Le'ters from the ./Egean, by Jos. Emorson price 25. .lust received by juno 25 T M DRISCOLL Sir Walter Scott’s New Work A WE OF GUlliSTEIN, or ThkMai dknof the Mist. 2 vols. By the author of Waverly, die *o. Just, received by T. M. DRISCOLL ) jnly 4 Custom House,, •• Savannah, 1st July, 1829. S EALED proposal- will be received until 12 o’clock, the 8th inst. for keeping in repair the Beacons nnd Biioya nUnched to this Port and District, for one year following tho 1st July inst. Persons wishing to con tract. frill learn particulars by applying at tho Custom House. JOHN STEVENS, Colloctor. july3 188 • NOTICE. T HE subscribers begdeave to »nform their customers and friends, that early in tho fall they will have a superior assortment of dry goods, both imported and domestic, of every descrip tion, which they intend selling on their usunl liberal terms. Thoy also inform that Wii liam Rose will attend to (ho Dry Gooda busi ness. ond Hugh Rose to the Factorage and Commission business at their Counting House on the Bay, and will make liberal ad vances to Buch ns may fee] disposed to entrust (hem with the disposal of their produce— Both businesses will bo carried on ns before under the firm of WM. & H. ROSE. • june12 170 NOTICE. T HE undersigned hnvo’connectpd them selves in business under (he firm of Uoe & Merriman. CHARLES ROE, CHAS. !>.' MERRIMAN. july t ISO NOTICE. finIIE subscribers liavo united their inter- JL est In tha practico of Medicioo and its collateral brnnclios. One ofthe firm will bo always in attendance, at tho office formerly occupied by Dr. U. Wayne. L- II. FIJRTII, R. WAYNE. june 27 183 NOTICE. C OUNCIL will receive proposals, for lighting tho Lamps and furnishing Oil for the same until next January—Security for the performance of tho contract will bo required Applications may bo left at the Office of Clerk of Council. M. MYERS, c. c. juno 27 183 Notice. 1 HE Court of Ordinary of ChathamCoun- — ty will meet at the Court House in Sa vannah on Monday next, the sixth day of Ju ly, at 10 A. M- SAMUEL M. BOND, Clerk. july 1 86 NOTICE. J B. HERBERT, Efiq. will act as my • agent during my absence from this City. A. BASSETT. ' july 2 Ten Dollars Reward. R ANA WAY from the subscriber, about the* let of Fnbrunry last, a negro wo man named DOLLY, about twenty-four or fivo years of age. and about five feet two or three inches high, yel'ow complexion, lias a large mouth and broad teeth, free spoken and liBps a little. She is no doubt lurking about town, or the plantation occupied by Johu Milton, E?q last year, to whom she was hi red. The above reward will be given by her delivery to rne on Wilmington IslaDd,or lodg ed in Savannah jail, so that I get her .again. , ELIZABETH WHITING, may SO 55 for new york. (kb TA b'l IB1IEI) LINE) The regular packet ship ST A T / R A, Tnos, Wood, master. Will sail on Monday, 13th inst. For freight or paisago having excellent ac commodations, apply to Capt, W. on board - 'MALL, 8HAPTF.R STOPPER, EF Tim packet ship HELEN MAR, will sucooed tho Statira, ond nail on hor regular dn> Monday 90th irtst.* fitly f FOR NEfV-YORK, [B C H»0 0 N K R hi N E. ] 'The ftut sailing packet sohr FRANCES, Wm, Meade, muster. Will sail on Monday 13th inst. ..'or treight or passogo having: handsome ac commodations, apply to Capt. M. on board, or to july 6 COHEN * MILLER. FOR PROVIDENCE, . JTYv The packet ship TOfV ELIZA * ABBY ufRInw Will sail nbout tho lUtb inst. JBlniiiTMa For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to Copt. Green on board, or to J. STONE, june 2 for dariejy, The sloop GEO. WASHINGTON, Luce, master. Will soil for tho above port with despatch. For freight apply on board at Jones wharf or to June 30 CLAGIIORN & WOOD Just Received. 10 dozen Fancy Chairs 15. bags Feat her b 15'casks White Lead For sale by J B HERBERT. mnv 20 Landreth’s Garden S.eeds. A supply just received, among ' which am Flower Seeds Buta 1 Boga do. Onion do For oolo by T RYERSON, Jr. Bpril 24 1m P. M’INTYRE- Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that ho iB now roa i|H§fljgdy to entertain them in that beau aSsESiiful situation, No. 5 Broadway, opposite the Bowling Green,’ nenr the Battery, where ho i9 enabled to tako in families, in private or at the public tnblo, on reasonable terms. The house is extensivo nnd conirno dions, and boing near the Battery, renders it very ple.uRant for families ID* The Savannah Georgian, Charleston Courier, and Baltimore Chronicle, aro ro quested to publish the nbove for one month, and pend theirs bill to P. M’lnfyre, No. llmndway, Now York, for poyment. juee2 10! Treasurer’s Office, • ' Juj.It t, IBM. T HE nrcrnjje price of Flour during tho loot month being $7 25 por barrel of 196 lbs , Brcnd for the present month must wei,7li as follows, viz : 12'; cents Lonf 2 lbs 10 oz. Cl do do l do 5 do. Of which all Bakers nnd sellers of Broad will take due Notico. M. W. STEWART, c. t iuly 2 87 Final Notice to Free Persons of Colour, ’. F REE persona of Colour who have not os yet registered their names in the Office of the Clerk of tho Inferior Court ofthe County of Chatham, nro hereby informed that unless they do so on or before the first Monday in July'next, they will bo proceeded againBt as UiQ Law directs. R. W. POOLER, Cl’k. june 12 170—en|| SELLING OFF. A BNER BASSETT intends closing his Cm. business for tho season in a few days, and offers for Bald—Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Almonds, Cnesift, Nutmegs, Cloves, Mnce, Sperm Candles, Tallow do. Sonp ; choice Liquors of all kinds—Together with a great variety of Groceries and Provisions, at reduced prices. June 18 Irish Potatoes. A NY quantity from one to 3fi0 bushels, fresh from tho ground, can be furnished at short notice and at a rn dorato rate. It is presumed tho article will keep sound during a voyage to Europe, and at this season, it may be of some consequence to masters of vessels leaving our port. Apply to PALM EH & LEE, june 23 Exchnngo Dock. Lost or Mislaid, A N Umbrella, brown .Silk, no bordcT,cnnc stick, Ivory head, with Lyon, Castle street, marked on the handle, the finder will be reasonably rewarded by delivering the some to jur.c 24 A BASSETT. Horse and Gig. F OR sale a first rate Gig (i baddle Horso, a good trotter, with a gig and haiiiees new in February last. Apply at the office of tho Georgian. june 16 Hair Powder, &c. A FRESH supply of superfine Sconted Hair Powder with elegant Boxes and Puffs, just rccoived and for sale bv LA Y & HENDRICKSON,Druggists, june 2 Gibbons Buildings For Sale. A SET of Cost Iron Sugar Rollers—second handed. Apply to W. W. HARRINGTON, Johnston’s Squaro. june 23 179 rams BAOiSfi THIS DAY. SHERIFF'S BALES. On the first Tuesday in July ntxt, W ILL bo sold before the Court Houso in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, tho following property: ■Tho nno third intorcst which Francis Uoylo him inla No. (16) sixteen, Franklin Ward, with the improve ments therocm, bounded East by Jefferson street, South by Bryan street, West by Lot No. (16) fifteen, and North by a Land. Also, the ono third intorcst which Francis Doylo has in Lot No. (10) tun, Digby Tylhing, DcckdrAVanl, bounded East by Lot No. (0) nine, South by Hryan street, Wost by Jefferson street, nnd North bv a Lane. Also, tho ono third interest which Francis Doylu has in West Ijnlf ofl.ot No, (3) three, Ellin Tything, Iloath- coto Ward, botuulod Earn bv East halfof said Lot, South by a Lane, Wust by LotNb, (4) four/and North by Brouchton street—the above is levied on as the proper ty of Francis Doyle, to satisfy an Execution in favor o tho Bank of tho Stnto ofGcorgin, and others. All that Lot No, (20) twenty, CnrpontorBRow, Trus- too s Garden, bounded West by East Broad Street, North by Lot No. 11, East by Lot No. 21, twenty-one, ami South by Lot No. 22, twonty-lwo—Levied on ns tho property of tho cstato of Isaiah Davenport, to satis fy an execution in favor of Robert Mitchell* All the right, title and interest of Edward Harden, in and to tho following 35 Negroes, to wit: Juno, Sam, Joo, Esther, Laura, Rose, Nelson. Julia, George,Mar- tha,Dido, Stephen, Noll, Jacob, peter, Isaac, Louis, Monday, Frank, Jacob, Jupiter, Hordtimes, Sambo, Bohby. London, Fortuno, Judy, Dido, Floin, Itachcl, John, Mondky, Pan 1 , March, Judy—-Levied on n« the property of Edward Harden, to satisfy executions in fl»- vor of Henrietta G. Aliny, tho 1’lunter’s Bank, and it. l'\ Williams., the following 22 Negrons, viz s Joe, Paticnco Mnriha, Molly, Victor, Hannah, Dorcus, Lalayctto, Cupid, Nelly,'Andrew, Park, Biddy, Mathilda, Emily, Clmrlcs, Smart, Chinn, and .Sophia—Levied on to bu- tlsl’y oxenuliona in favor of tho Bank Kioto of Georgia, Johnston & Mackay, nnd others, vs. Franns Doyle, Ono Negro named John—levied on ns tho property o John Connelly, dcc’d. to satisfy executions in favor of Augustus S. Jones, and Broudiicr& Few—the above Negro bas been levied on and rotumed to mo by a Con stable. GEORGE MILLEN, e. c. c. juno 6 SHERIFF’S HALES—CONTINUED** On the first l\icsday in July next, W ILL be sold at tlio Court House, in the City 6f Savannnli, between the usual hours of sain, tho following property:— One half of Lot No. (21) twenty-ono and (22) twenty two, Franklin Ward, with'tilff improvements thereon, known as the Geor gia, Hotel and Stables, bounded East by Franklin Sauaro, South by Congress Sireat, West by West Broad Street, and North by St. Julian Street—lovied on ob tho property of John P. Willinmson, to salify executions in favor of the Darien Bank, nnd others—to bo sold at tho.risk of tho fortnor purchaser, he not hnving complied with the terms of sale, june 13 GEO. MILLEN,'s. c. c. SHERIFF’S SALES-CONTINUED. On the first Tuesday in July next, W ILL busold at tho Court Houso in tho city of Savannah, between the usual hours of snln, the following property ?— All that Lot No. (C) si.v, Columbia Word, will* tlio improvements thereon, bounded East by Lot NoTfWi, seven, South by a Lane, West by Lot No. (fi) five, and North by Brpu»hton-st. Auso, nil that plantation nenr Ravatmnb, known os Twecdsidd, containing 485 acres, niorour less, with tho improvements tlieroon, bounded North and North Ennt by Savtinnnh River and Onslow Island, on the North West by lands belonging to Postcii, and on tlm Sontlt by lands lolonging to Mrs. Margaret Mackay— Icvifcd on as lho'property of John Morel,- to satisfy execution* in favor ofthe Bunk of Darien, Bank of the Statu ofCcor- gia, nnd others. Airo, tlio following seven Negroes, viz. Bosof40 idlin' nnd her five children,, Surnuel, Isaiah, Uimililo, and Laura, and ono Jackass—lovicd_ on an tlio property of Francis Doyle, to satisfy mmdry exccn. lions in favor of William Heimott—tho above properly lias been levied on und returned to me by a Consinbu*. juno 6 GEO. MILLIJN, s. c. c. CITY SHERIFF'S SAGES. On the first Tuesday in July next, V/VTJLL'be sold at tho Court Houso in the ▼ 7 city of Savannah, between the hours of Ip nnd 4 o’clock : Lois Nos. 19 and 20, Washington ward, with tho improvements thereon ; bounded east by East Broad street, south by St. Julian street, west by Wot-hiogton square, nnd north by Bryan street—Levied on to sa tisfy an execution in favor of George W. Owens, against John Everingham, Jun. Also, n negro woman named Molissa, 'to satisfy on execution in favor of David Guglq, against Jnn« Stilwoll, adra’.v. of John Stilwell doc’d. and G. Butler, security. Also, sundry articles of furniture—consist ing of bedstoads, matresseB, chairs, wash stands, and one largo carpel—Levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of Isaac W Morrell, against Ann Taylor. A. D’LYON, c. juno'9 167 tax collectors sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, W ILL be sold before tho Court Houso in tlio City of Envnnnnh, between tbo usual hours of sale, the following property, or ao much thereof as will satisfy the tax for 1828 2021-2 acres of land in the third district of Houston county, known in the plan ofsuid district, by tho No. 115. and hounds on Nos. 110, 114,116, and 142—le vied on ns tho property of F.stutc of A, Hunter, to ru- tiffy tlio State nnd County Tux for tho yeur 1827.— Amount due $9 22, und costs. DAVID BELL, t. c. c. c. mnv4 136 EXECUTOR’S SALES. On the first Tuesday in July next, W ILL be Bold before tbo Court House in Chatham County, between the u«unJ hours of Sheriff’a sales,—one undivided se venth of all that island called Sa vannah River, in said county, containing in the whole about 150 acres, 20 of which are reserved for tlio uso of tho State, tvhich sale is mado under nfid in pursuance of an order cf tho Justices of the Inferior Court of Chat ham county, silting for ordinary purposes, for the benefit of tho heirs of Thos. Telfair, dec. By order of Ar.Ex’n Telfair, Kx’or. J. B. HERBERT, Auc’nr. may 6 138—f mum 9MM» THIS DAY. BY J. B. HERBERT. On tho Aral TUESDAY in July, At tho Coort Houio botwetm the digit hours of aolfi. A negro follow orod about CS soars. Hiowifo 11 •( 3A do. & child o boy •* “ S do. good Hold Imnds. july 4 ByJ. B. HERBERT, On tho first Tuesday in July next, At 11 o’clock will be cold befors tbo Court House in this city. A negro man about 28 ymlxa of age, a good stevidore. juno 30 Terms cash. BYJ.B. HERBERT. On tho first Tuesday in July uext, ’ At 11 o’olock will bo sold bolbre tbo Court House in this city. A negro man about 30 years of age. juno 30 Teton cash. BY J. n. HERBERT, On tbo first TUF.S DAY Id July next, wfl bn sold before the Court Hone in tbli ell at 11 o'clock, A Negro Man, about 23 years old, a good field hnnTd. AMO, accustomed juoo 24 A Negro Boy, I to the hold. Terms cnflL , .SMS Bu J B. HERBERT. On tbo first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold before tbo Court Houie ln thi* city, ot 11 o’clock. All that port oflbo northern half lot no. ff, Trustees' Gardens, in tho city of Savannah, with tbo tenements ond improvemontalhera.* on. * juno II Terms .caBb Administutor’s Sato. BYPH1LBRICK & BAKER. On the first Tuesday in July next. W ILL bo sold before tbeCourt House in the City of Savannah, between tbo usual hours of sale—tlio following negroes; viz : Juno & Judy, Belonging to the estate ofLauncclot HFeay deeeugud and sold by permission of the In ferior Court of Chatham County, by order ofthe Administrator. Terms cash. Purchasers paying foV titles, BY J. B. HERBERT, On the first Tuesday in Jutyn&b ILL bo sold beforo tbo Court Housoiot the City of Savannah, ot 11 Three Lot s of Land la tho villago of Vornonburgh, in tlioJJfs- trictaf While Bluff and Countyaf Chatham, known by tbSKos-'fl', 16 and Iff juno 6 Term, Gath. W 1 ; Administrator’s Sale. BY PHILBRICIC * BAKER. On tho first Tuesday in July next* ILL be sold at tho Court House in tha city of Savannah, botwoon the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 4 P. M. the follow ing named Negroes, Juno and Judy belonging to tho estate of Luuncclot H. Feay deceased,—sold by order of the Justi ces of tlio Inferior Court of Chatham County, nnd by order of tho Administrator.—Condi tions cash, purchasers paying for. titles, may 20 BY J.B. HERBERT. TO-MORROW, Olh inst. At II o’clock, willheeold before my stojq^ A general assortment of GROCERIES, ALSO, 2D bbls Soperfioo Flou£ 20 do Whiskey. ALSO, , tj 100 3 gallon jugs 100 2 do do 10D 1 do do 60 i do dp july 7 Terms cakb. Atkinson’s Vegetable Dye. A SUPPLY of‘Atkinson’s Vegetable Dyo, r for changing red or grey hairs on thfr head, whiskers, &c. to a beautiful sod per- mnnent brown or blsck.just received and for* sale by THOH. RYERSON, Jr. june 25 81 ' v Combs. A FINE assortment of vary superior Drei-‘ sing, fine teeth and Pocket Combs and Comb Brushes—just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, june 3 Gibbons Bmldiogf.’ NOTICE. BANK STATE OP GEORGIA. Savannah, July 3. 1029. T HIS Bank will be closed at I o’clock P M on and after Monday tbe 6th instant until the first day of November next, july 0 A PORTER, Ca-hier. Justices Court. USTICF.S PETTYk CHADBOURK will hold their Courts on the same day aud at the same place, so soon as (he Suits now commenced will admit. Finding both ofthe days on which their Courts now sit, io convenient from the Superior Court and Court of Oyer <$• Terminer sitting on those days, they havo determined to change to the first Saturday of the month, commnocing with September. Their offices will he kept as usu • al. Savannah, 2d July. * ID" Justice Clndbourn’s Court sits 13th inst.—Return day, Friday the 3d (to-mnr* row.) Justice Petty’s Court sits on tbe 27th inst.—Return day, 17th inst. july 2 86—pf D NOTICE. URING my absence from this State, R. Raiford will act as my Attorney. 6 T. RYERSON, Jr, Day &, Martin’s Blacking- A SUPPLY just received ond for sole by A THOS. RYERSON,-J/- junc-25 ‘81 REMOVAL. T S. LUTHF.P'3 EXCHANGE Office • is remuved to the Office formerly oc cupied by S. & M. Allen & Co., two doors EoBt of tho City Hotel. jnrte 22 , Savannah Exports. T HE Exports of Cotton and Rice for June, are ready for delivery at ther Bookstore of the subscriber. T M DRISCOLL, july 1 ' Traits of Travel, O R Talcs of Mod and Cities—By tbo au thor of “High-ways and By-ways."-.2 vols—Just received by T M DRISCOLL. i'lnn 55 Food for Silk Worms. J UHT received, a quantity of the scad of tho Italian Mulbery tree. For sale bf T- RYERSON, Jr, jnno 17 Ou the Bay. Cow Pease. A FEW bushels just received of (tie first quality suitable for planting. Apply to PALMES & LEE, juno 17 Exchange Dock. FLOUR. 1 AO RBLH Superfin. Flour just receiv- 1 tt 11 cd ond foreale by nioy 57 PHILBRICK BAKER. , F Chloride of Lime .OR sale fey A. G. OEMLEfy june'30 'B3 , -ii J • ~~P*7 *