Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 09, 1829, Image 1

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mW aUHQNHYWb SAVANNAH, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1829. NO. THE Ws<miw> ts EDITED AMD PUBLISHED IN TUX CITY or S AVAVHAB, BY ROBERT-SON & BEV AN, AT BIGHT DOLLARS PER ANNUM) PAYABLE IN ADVANCE @8$ FOR TUB COUNTRY, IS published to meet the arranccment of tho mails. Throe Times a Week (Monday, Wednesday and Fri day) at the office of tho Daily Georgian, and contains dl lhointelligence, Commercial, Political an«l Miscella neous, including Advertisements, published in the Dailj ^hc Country Paper is sent to all parts oftho State and Union, or delivered intlio city, atFlVE DOLLARS per aimuni, payable in advance. Advertisements arc inserted in both papers at 75 cents per square of 14 lines, for tho first insertion, and 37 \-Z %T„;rsapt^bo postpaip. Sulci cfluulJ and Negroes bj Admmislrulwu, «. secu lar! and Guardian, aro required by Uw tn be held on Hie iir«t Tuesday inthe month, bolwoen tho hours ot 10 nnd 3 o’clock, hi the Court Houle in tho county In-which tlte property ti lituatc. Notice of these sale! must bo eiTen in a public gazotlo Sixty Ban prcvioui to tho laic. Notice oflhoialo of Perianal Property muit bo given in like manner Forty days before the sale. Noticoio Debtors andCrcditora of an estate must bo ^Notice Uiat^pplic'alion will be made to tho Court of Ordinary for leavo to sell land, must bo publiihod Four Months. .. —— CHARLESTON FOUNDRY, TURNING St BORING MILLS. rriHE imbscribers tak** ih« liberty to in A form thair friends and tbo public gen erally, that they carry on at their es'ablish* niaot nil kinds of IRON and BRASS MA CHINERY; turning, boring and fitting up * the same for all the different uses it can be opplied to Steam Boats. Rice Mills, Saw Mills. Grist Mills, Sugar Mills, Pulling Mills, end all Miltvright work generally Steam Engines, of all powers, made and repaired on the most reasonable terms. Wrought Iron works of all kiods, and Sloatn Boilers made at the lowest prices All orders in their line will be thankfully received and strict attention will bo obser ved to make their patterns, &c. according to tho directions given. Apply to EASON & DOTTERER, Eason 1 * wharf, East end of Hasell st. conlin. tinued. Charleston, May 1829. (Hr Tho Editors of the Columbia State Ga 2o> f,Wtuyaw Intolligencer, Savannah Genr g. n, Augusta Courier, Darien Phamix. Fay cttovillo Observer, and Cape Feur Recur* dcr, will give the above advertisement three weekly insert ions in their respective papers, nnd forward their bills to E. & D. for pay meet. iune 4 63 Beach Island Academy, T HE Trustee, of the Ueuoh Island Aca demy, actuated by the enligbting spir it of tho day, ore gratified to announce to the public that this Institution (just organized) is now in operation under the auspices of Mr. DanielS Henderson, a highly respectable grnduato of tho South Carolina College. Mr. Henderson has been engaged for sev veral years, very successfully in Academical InstrmMpn. , In thia Institution will be taught the Latin nnd Groek Languages ; English Grammar. Geography and Astronomy, with the use of Maps and Globes; Arithmetic, Algebra, Go- omotry, Trigonometry, Surveying, &c with the various other branches of on English Edu cation, usually taught in similar establish, mente. - Few Institutions eqnnl this with regard to tho advantages resulting from locality. It ie io Edgefield District, about seven miles from the city of Augusta, within a mile ofa Church, in a moral and hospitable community, dense ly populated by respectable Planters. The situation ia elevated, retired and beautiful— it possesses the benefits of being near a large city, where tho studentHmoy occasionally re ceive instruction without imbibing the vices incident to a permanent residence. The year will be divided into four quarters and two sessions. Each session will inclnde a half year ; at tho cIobo of each of which there will be a Public Examination, succee. ded by two weeks vacations. No pupil will be admitted fora less term than a quarter. The Trustees plfedge themselves to attend strictly to the morals and health of those stu dents that may be placed at this Institution Board may be had in genteel private fam ilies, at from $80 to $100 per annum. Rates of Tuition will be as follows :— English Education, : $5 per quarter Classical Education, : 8 “ “ JOHN I. GRAY, JOHN MILLER, THO’S S. MILLS, MILLEDGE GALPHIN, SAMUEL CLARKE, Beach Island, 4tb May, 1829. Q3*The Editors of the CaroltnUa, Charles ton Mercury, and Savannah Georgian, will publish the above three times weekly, and forward their accounts to thisoffico for pay/ went jane 2 61-Pt NEW BOOKS. Received per ship Florian.for tale by T. M. Driscoll. S AILORS AND SAINTS, or Matrimonial raanceuvres, a novel 2 vols. THE PARENT’S MONITOR, or Nar ratives, Anecdotes and obeervationa on re ligious education and personal dnty; desigo_ o! for the instruction and encouragement of parents, guardians, and teachera, By J. Baber, minister oftho Gospel. MNEMONIKAor the Tabletof Memory, being a register of events from the earliest phfiod to the year 1829. Goshen Butter ■i A KEGS Prime Goshen Batter, jus JL receired and for sale by may 7 J.B. HERBERT. North American Review. W T. WILLI AMU baa just received • tho North American Review, No 63, for April 1629 CONTENTS S Art I. The New Theory or the Earth, Essai sur la Temperature de l’Interiour do la Terree. Par M L Cordier 2. Essay on tho Temperature of the Interrior of tho Earth By M L Cordier. 3. Considera tiona on Volcanoes, tho probable Causes of their Phenomena, tho Laws which determine their March, the Disposition of their Pro* ducts, and their Connexion with the present Slate and past History of the Globe ; leading to the Establishment uf a New Theory of (he Earth By PoiilottScropo. II. College Education, The Substanco of two Roportsof the Faculty of Amhorst College to tho Board of Trustees, with the doings of the Board thereon III. Ancient and Modern History, The History of the Declioo and Fall of tho Ro* man Empire. By Edward Gibbon. IV- Poi.lok’s Course op Time, Tho Course of Time, a Poem, in ton books. By Rpbort Pollok. V. Civilization and Conversion of the Indians. I. Proceedings and Four teenth Annual Report of tho Board of Man agers of tho Baptist General Convention.— 2. A Diseourso'on the Occasion of Forming the African Mission School Sooioty. By J M Wainwright. VI. Political Economy, Definitions in Politibal Economy ; preceded by an Inquiry into tho Rules which ought to guide Politic al Economists io the Definition and use of their Terms, with Remarks on tho Deviation from these Rules in their Writings. By the Rev F R Mnlthus VII History op tiie Louisiana Trea ty, Hisloiro de la Louisiane et de la Cession de ceite Colonie par la Franco aux Etatn Unis do I'Amcnque Septentrionale; pro ccdee d’un Discours sur In Constitution el Io Gouvernemeot des Etas Uois. Par M Bar- bo Marhois ' VIII Peliiam. Pelham ; or the Adven tures of a G*ntldman. IX. Wkihter’s Dictionary, An Atneri can Dictionary of the English Language.— By Noah Webster. X American Annuals, 1. The Atlan tic Souvonir, a Christinas aud New Year's Offering 2. The Token a Christmas and New Years Present. 3. Tho Talisman for 1829. XI.EIementnn Instruction. 1. The Frank lin Primer, 2. The Improved Reador. 3. The General Clans Book. 4. Essays on the Philosophy of Instruction, or tho Nurture of Young Minda Xlt C’lcrical Manners and Habits. XIII. Mus9nc<'<tHoU6 Rail iiond. Quarterly List of new Publications, may l T. M. DRISCOLL, H AS just received tho following new Works: Journal of a Second Expedition into the In'orior ot Africa. By the Into Commander Clopperton. To which is added tho Journal wf Richard Lander from Kano to the Sen Const by a more Eastern Route, with a Map of (lie route. TnE SiiEPnEnu’s Calender—Containing tho story of Rob. Dodds—Mr. Adaii60ii, of Lnvcrhope—The Prodigal Son—The School of Misfortune—George Dobson’s Expedition to Hell—Tho Loulcr’s of Selkirk—The Laird of Cassway—Tibby Hyslop’s Dream— Mary Burnett—Tho Brownio of the Black Haggs—The Laird of Wineholm—Widow Watt’s Courtship- A Strange Secret—The Marvellous Doctor—The Witohes of Tra- quair—NoncyChisholm—Snow Storms—'The Shepherd’s Dog, 2 vols.—by James Hogg, author of “The Queen’s Wake,” “Throe Perils of Man,” &c. &c. Talep of Military Life—By tho author of “The Military Sketch Book,” in 2 vols. 12 mo. “Tho principal scene of this very striking narration is in Ireland, and the incidents are connected with thoso stirring times in which /tho celebrated Emmet boro so conspicuous a part. The mysteries—the riots, the strange history of the hero, and the extraordinary na ture of the characters, irresistibly fix the ta tontioo of tho reador; and while the military portion of tho incidents is rendered promi. oent, the political and romantic featnres as. sist in tho general attraction and effect.” New Monthly Magazine. Dwight’s Tbavels.—Travels in the North of Germany in the years 1825-G, by Henry E Dwight, A. M. may 26 MILLEDGE VILLB Masonic Hall LOT TER Y Authorized by tho General Assembly of the State of Georgia. s c HEME : 1 Prize of 430,000 is SJ30,000 1 Prizo *• 16.000 it 15,000 2 Prizes “ 10,000 «« 20,000 2 Prizes •• 6,000 «( 10,080 6 Prizes “ 1,000 ti 6,000 5 Prizes 4 * 000 it 4,500 6 Prizes *« uoo »< 4,000 5 Prizes'* 700 ii 3,600 5 Prizos“ 600 ii 3,000 6 Prizes** 600 ii 2,600 5 Prizes “ 400 ii 2,000 5 Prizes** 300 if 1,500 6 Prizes** 200 ii 1.000 25 Prizes “ 100 ii 2.500 60 Prizes** 60 a 2,500 650 Prizes “ 20 ii 13,000 6,000 Prizes “ 10 ii 60,000 8,776 Prizes 4180,000 13,234 Blanks. Less than 2 Blanks to a prize 20,000 Tickets ot $10. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the Prizes to be floating from the com mencement, except thefollowing, fohich will be deposited at different periods in the Wheel, viz : a? m !►. G 8*3 s 0- — tj at® bQ m ^ O o a-r N ra B := -o s u- ft» -D 3 S’ ? .g ■» % « W’O ai 0) 0 £ * fail »> B •§*5 •S S fa* 4 Sg S = ■3 e &4 >n tj 2 of5000 i or ioooo 1 of 10000 1 of 15000 lof30,000 l “ 100C 1 “ 1000 1 “ 1000 1“ 1000 1 “ 1,000 1 “ 900 1 “ OOO 1 “ 900 1“ 900 1« 900 1 “ 800 t « 800 1“ 800 l‘« 800 1 “ 800 1 “ 700 L “ 700 1“ 700 1“ 700 1 “ 700 1 “ 600 l “ coo 1 “ COO 1“ f»00 l ,f COO 1 “ 500 l « 600 l “ 500 l *» 600 I « 600 1 “ 400 l «« 400 1“ 400 l “ 400 1 « 400 1 “ 300 1 “ 300 1 « 300 1 “ 300,1 “ 300 1 « 200 1“ 200 1“ 200 “ 200(1 “ 200 The whole Lottery to be completed IN FIVE DRAWINGS ONLY. The First Drawing to take place positive ly, on the Fourteenth day aj November next, or at an earlier period, should the sale of Tickets justify it. Tho whole of tho Prizes payable in sixty days after each drawing, subject to a deduction of Fifteen por cent.— All prizes not applied for in twelve months from each drawing, to bo considered os a donation to tho funds of tho Masonic Hall.— The drawing to lake place under the super intendence of . WILLIAM Y HANSELL, 'l ^ . SEATON GRANTLAND, D. B. MITCHELL, R. IC. HINES, E. H. PIERCE, WILLIAM J. DAVIS, FRANCIS V. DELAUNAY, BENJAMIN F. OWENS, THOMAS RAGLAND, JOHN MANNING, and G. W.MURRAY; WYATTFOARD. Secretary to CununLmuntrs. Present price of Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters $2 60, for sale io a great variety of numbers at tho CommisBioner’a Ofiico on Wayne Street, opposito Wiley & Baxter’s Store. Orders for Tickets and Shares from any pnrt oftho United States, postpaid, will meet with prompt attention, addressed to WYATT FOARD, Sec’ry to Comm’ra. Millodgevillo, May 12. may 21 152—fp §•!? ■g s 3® s- t> r §■§ If. N. YORK LINE j PACKETS. , . Slim MACON, O. I.. Porter, Muter STATIRA, Thou. Wood, “ EMPEltOR, J. H. Bennett, “ HENRY, Geo. Moont, " FLORIAN, P. Harrison, •' “ HELEN MAR, T. Harrison, « Tin 1 owners of llift Established Line, (alio pleaiuro io announcing,(o tho public that it ia again permanently complotcti with (ho a- bove Six first claas vessels. Thoy are all ■/Veto York built Ships, of the best maierislsi having elegant and spnciooB accommoda tions for pasaengctB, and are commanded by Masters of well known experience in tho trade. Thoy will sail from Now York every Six days, sod from thia, as often.—This arrangement will bo punctnally adhered to, and as Insurance can bo effected on ship' ments by them at the very lowest rates, it ia hoped that such a sltsro of patronage will bo extendod to thie lino, as it may merit; from tho greet expense necessarily inourrod in running it, and from its utility to the public. HALL, SHAPTER St TUPPER. jnn 18 TIIE SUBSCRIBER Respectfully informs the public Driscoll. ' HAS recoived per the lafo arrival! a large assortment of Books, among which aro tho following Works iccloiiftitical History, from tho Period of Antiquity to the Proaent Time—I) lustrated by Maps and Engravings. By the Rev. John Marshall. Homo’s Introduction to tho Critical Study oftho Scriptures. Memoirs of tbo late Mrs. Hasan Hunting’ The Epitome of Gen. Lot and Improvements in West Brbad if. EarHMP Oglethorpe ^ |ton of Boston. Third Edition, with ^ iDavis, ’ Introductory Essay. July ntroductory Essay. Memoirs of Mrs. Ann II. Judson, lato Missionary to Burmah, including a History of the American Bhptist Mission in tho Bur- miui4ta|*ro. Profracial Lettors, containing an Exposure of tho Reasons and Morals of tho Jesuits—by Blais Pascal. Translated from the French- Tho Unconditional Freonosa of tho Gospel —In three Essays. By Thomas Eiskino, Esq. Advocate. Letter! to Young Men on the Formation of Character. By Rev. James Hawes. Essays* upon tbo Pemetulty, Change, and Sanctification of the babbath. By Homan Humphry, D. D. Momoir of Rov. Leigh Richmond, A. M. Kcspocuuiiy imorms roe pumic . ui «#». jueign wcumona, At that lie has opened a HOUSE of author of the Dairyman’s daughter, &c. ENTERTAINMENT in Gaines title, Hall County Ho will not pretend to say bis accommodations aro supe rior to those of any other parson in the samo section of cuuntry—but passongers aro solid ted to call, with an assuranco that no paim will beFpared to rondor them comfortable — His house ie largo and commodious, with pri vato rooms for those who prefer such. His stables are capacious and well supplied.— Persons wishing to speud tho summer months in the up country, would do well to visit Gainesville. It is situated contiguous to se veral Limestone Springs, and in the vicinity oftho Mountains, surrounded by on elovated nnd romantic country, with fountains of the pureBt water. J. W SIIAW. Gainemlle t 1st May, 1829. may 14 44—fg mo • No. 10, for Rowland’s Hotel. The subscriber respectfully in forms his friends and tbe public, that he lias mndo considerable additions to his cslablibment which will onable him to accommodate, with every comfort, those who may fnvor him with their patronage. The many advantages his bouse affoids and his assiduity to give general satisfaction will he hopes, insure him a share of the public favor. W. T. ROWLAND. Greenville, C. II. (So. Ca ) ' may 7 139—fu mu JL t Sarsaparilla Syrup. IDS colebiated Svrup ia highly recoir, mended by tho Faculty ns an excellent depurativo Medicluo, and has been success fully employed in those anomalous cases of disease, which sometimes occur in Scrophu Ions habits produced by nn improper and ir regular use of Mercury. It is carefully pre pare! aud a supply will he kept on baud by LAY & IIENDl’ICKSON, Druggists, Nos 2 and 15, Gibbon’s Buildings, may 12 Postponement of Land Sale in Florida. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, J General Land Office, J 4 th April, 1829. ‘ N OTICE is hereby f*iven, that tbe Salo of Public Lands directed to tako place at Tallahassee, in the Territory of West Florida, on the Third Monday in May next, (by the Proclamation bearing date the 24th February, 1029.) is'postponed until tho first Monday in July next. By order of the President, GEO. GRAHAM, Commissioner of the General Land Ofiico. april.14 119—f Auction and Commission Store. r |lHE subscribers having associated them JL selves in tho above business, under the firm of Green Sf Hammond, Respectfully tender their services to their friends end the public generally—any buei ness entrusted to tbeir care will be promptly and faithfully attended to They will have regular Auctions every Tuesday. TH0MA8F. GREEN, CHARLES D. HAMMOND- References; Col. Seaborn JonCS. Seaton Grantland. Esq. Messrs. Wiley He Baxter. Col. E. Hamilton. Hines Holt. Esq. Messrs. Craft & Greene. Milledgevillo, April 16th, 1826. apri!20 24—fp T. M. Driscoll, H AS just received tbe following new pub lications : George Mason, the Young Backwoods man ; or Don’i Give Up the Ship: a story of the Mississippi. Price 75 cents. Tbe Rivals of Este, and other Poems—By G. Brooks and Mary E. Brooks. Price $1 Tbe Trials of Life—By the author of “De Lisle”—2 vols. Price $1 50. aubo, A few copies of Irving’s Life and Voyages of Columbus, and the Travels of the Dukb of Saxe Weimar. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI TED STATES. [ N pursuance of law, I, John Quincy Adams, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and make known that a public sale well be held at the Land Office at Tallahassee, in the Territory of West Florida, on the third Monday in May next, for the disposal of the public lands included within the limits of the undermen tioned townships and fractional townships, to wit: Fractional townships two, three, four, five and six, of range seven. Townships one, two, three, four, and live, of ranges twenty and twenty one. Townships one, three, four, and five of range twenty two. All situate North of the Base Line, and West of the Meridian. The lands reserved by law for the ubo cf schools or for ether purposes will be excluded from the sale, which will commoncc with the lowest number of section, township and range, and proceed in the order above desig nated. Given under my band, at tho City of Washington this twenty-fourth day of February* A. D. 1829. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. By the President: GEO. GRAHAM, Commissioner of tbe General Land Office. Printers of the Laws of tbe Uoited States in tbo State of Georgia and Territory of Florida, aro^equested to pobliih the forego ing proclamation once a week until tbe day of sale. march 10 8£ DUPONT’S GUN POWDER. T HE Subscribers have been “appointed agents in thia placo for the snln of the above Powder, manufactured by Messrs. E F. Di:t» nt, Do Nemours & Co. of Wilming ton, (Del.) and Will keep n constant supply at tho public Magazine ; they will sell at the Philadelphia price & charges, for cosh only.” An assortment of FFF and FF, G & R, in Kegs and half Kegs, nnd Eagle Powder Caonisters, is now offered for sale. A- LE BARRIER & CO, Mongia’s Brick Buildings, oct 14 230 A few copies of Scottfc Family Bible, in 6 vols. American Quarterly Review, WILLIAMS ha. just received CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in AtsgpAnett, W ILL ba .old at tho Court Houm be* tween the tiouraoMOand 4 o’clock. . ward, lariad on to cattily (a execution in favor of J S Olcot, c,libit Ezr, Kont. , Al«o, Sundry artiole. of Grocniai, Decto* tom, Crockery, &o. levied cn to .atiafir ot, Execution io favour of V/erron Lippit, egainet Pierce Howard and Benjamin 6. July 4 A. D’LYON, o,» 180 SHERIFF’S SALE. T.V d . a, J in Su * vA "di VX^ILL bo .old before the Court KottOh tt in the City of Savauoeb, between the uiua] hours of sale, tbo following property, • T, !T. m Too, William ad Nancy, ono div . mng 1 able, with end., one doam plain Chain, one doten •traw Ho., ooo Carpet, two Beditcada with be*, fofir PlMowi nnd two Uolitcre, one pair of Andtroim, and Tool’s, ono Bureau, twoMaUas<u,aq4'UV6'BttL Rtuad*—levied on under uttd by vlrttiaqf an exteutiqa on foreclosurejffmortgage, in the prop arty of Aon lor, in favor ofWilUnma. Tavltfr. . ** june 6 GEO. MILLER, a. c* c, •f Administrator’s Sale. On the firat Tueaday in Auguit boxt. W ILL bo sold before tbe Court houBB in. Fayette county, botweeu tbe hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. All that tract of land oitoatodin thefiftll for Jono ri l 0 83n Quartcrly Rotle »ti[>or ono hundredao^fo’rty forteJ’fuSo'oM^ tor j ono, 1839. « Mutiny 2021.2 acre., more or leu, being the real cHtato of Stephen H. Stocking, late of Savannah, Tailor, decM—To be told by per- mission of the Juitieeeof tbe Inferior Conrt of Chatham County, by virtue of an order of the said JuiticeB, pnised In term of Usrcth last when Bitting for ordinary purposes. * Conditions cash—Tho purchaser paifcfir for titles. ISAAC NORTON, Adm’or Eat. Stephen H. Stocking, deo’il, may 14 141 CONTENTS. „ ’• Dwormra,» Cltmtai Arnica, Journal of a beccnd Expedition into tho Interior of Africa, by tho lato Captain Clappcrton : to which i« added the Jour- na l of hi* own return to tho Coast, by Richard Lander, his faithful Servant. * H. Milton's Lkttem, Milton’s Familiar Letter*, translated fi-om tho Latin, with Note*. By John Hall. III. Astronomy of Laplack, Traito do Mccaniquo Celeste, par M. Marquis do Laplace, Pair do Franco, IY* Flint’* GEonnAriir and IIistorv or tjif. West' En.N State*, A Condensed Geography and IlUtory of tho Western .States, or tho Mississippi Valloy. By Timothy Flint, author of Recollections of (ho last ten y° R ' 3 jn the Mississippi Valloy. Salvo magna parens. V. Chancery Law, Chancery Cases argued and de termined in tho Court of Appeal* of South Carolina, from January, 1825 to May, 1820, both inclusive. By D. J.M’Conl, State Reporter. VI. HohneTookr, Memoir* of John Homo Tookcc Esq. j together with hw valuablo speeches nnd wri tings—also containing proofs, indnntifying him aath, t}l0 celebrated Letters of Junius. By J, A. Graham, LL. D. VII. Htfronv of Pm-svtvAKtA, Tho IlUtory of Pennsylvania, from it* discovery by Europeans, to the Declaration of Indcpondonco in 1776, By Thomn* Pi Gordon. VIII. Female. ntocnAritY.Fcmalo Biagrapyh ; of, Memoir* of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of ull Abo* and Countries. By Mary Hays. ^Hisloiro do Christine, Roino do Sticdo, por J. p. Cnttcau-Collovillo. Tho HUtry of Christine, Queen ofSwodun, by .1. P. Caltcau-Callcvillo. , IX. IIosack’s Life of Cu.nton, Memoirs of Do Wit Clinton, with an Appendix, containing numerous docu ments, illustrative ortho principal ovents ol hi* life. By David Ilosack, M. D. F. R. B. X. Russia, System of Gooeraphy, by M. Maltc- Rrun. Vol. VI. Book civ—cxiv. Russia. Wliitc Lead. T HE subscribers having buen appointed Ageut8for “ Peabody's While Lead," (which is warranted a very superior article) will be constantly supplied, and now offer nl manufacturer’s price, 150 kegs, Landing from schr Adams, from Boston. HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. mnr 21 Madeira Wine. I N addition to their present supply of Ma dcira Wines, tbe subscribers have receiv ed a few quarter casks of the justly celebra ted and well kuown brand of Newton Gor don, Murdoch & Scott—which they offer for saloon accommodating terms. SCOTT & BALFOUR march 21 99 Diversions of Hollycot, O R the Mother’s Art ofThinking—by the author of Clan Albin, and Elizabeth De Bruce. Ths above excellent work for, Children has just been received by T. M. DRISCOLL. may 6 American Castings and Nails. K dl/lfYLBS. AmencanCasMngsass’td. 100 kegs Cut Nails aisortcd sizes—20 of 4d, 25 of 6d, 25 of Bd, 25 of lOd. 5 of I2d—100 lb* each. For sale by J P HENRY, april 3 Castor Oil & Stdts. | AA dnz. Castor Oil 1UU 200 boxes Glauber Salts, 20 Ibr each suitable for plantation!), just received & for tale by LAY St HENDRICKSON, may 21 Drnggim Gibbon’. Daililingg. Printing Ink. A FEW kegs Newalnk, for sale at this Office. ropy 28 English Seidlitz Powders. A FRESH supply of Engliab Seidlitz Fair A. dare warranted geouino, and of very superior quality. Just received per echr Fraucia and for tale by LAY &. HENDRICKHON, may f9 Druggjete, Gibbons' Building,. Yesterday in Ireland. Y esterday in Ireland, anov- el. By the author of “To day in Ire land.” In two vols. 12 mor Contents: The Covramohon—Tho North erns of 1708. “In minute portraiture of character ; in analysis of thoso slight circumstances, which are yet so powerful when thoy 4ict on the feelings ; in occasional observations, often as neatly turned as they are shrewd, our author is among the happiest of bia brethren. We believe Mr. Crovvo the author of ‘Tho En glish in Italy aud France,’ is also author of this Work.”—London Literary Gazette. Just received by T M. DRISCOLL. Also tho following new publications; Tales or Passion.—By tho author of ‘Gilbert Earle,* Lord Lovel’s Daughter; Tho Bohemian; Second Lovo. CAnnoNAno—A Piedmontese Tale, by the Duko Do Levis, in 2 vo!*» Amir Khan, and other Poems, by Mis* Lucrctia M. Davidson) with tho Memoirs of the authoress. , Tick Philosophy ok a Future State— By Thomas Dick, D. D. ray 18 147 Hwaim’s Panacea. A FRESH supply of this celebrated Mcdi- X* cine just received direct from tbe pro pr etors, warranted gonuino, for salo by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, No. 2 and 15, Gibbons Buildings march 24 Sweet Oil. A FRESH supply of very superior Sweot Oil in bottles and flasks, and suitable for the table—just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, No 2 and 15, Gibbon’s Buildings may 19 Empty Bottles. T HE biglicit price will be paid for nil Inode of empty trine and porter bottles, by LAY to HENDRICKSON, Druggiatfj, Gibbous’ Building. april 35 Central Bunk of Georgia. MILLEDGEVILLB, May Stri82B^M R E30LVED, That (lie Central BanS^k opened for. Iha tramaction of buaines^ generally, on and oftortho 18th of June OUT* Extract from (be minotes. , „ H-W. MALONE, Cashier* , Rule, it. Offering day aboil bd Thursday, and discount day, the day tboxetd tor. mny 30 v Agency Office. O/llit Charleston, Fire and JttarintftBtoWfe Company', Sxvanha)!, Arnrr. so, 1819. T HIS Compnuy continue, ta Inntm n« fcninit Fire, Marina and River tUikajj moderate term, apply to HOME8 TUPPER, Agent. SOAPS I’ me Scented Soups. T HE subscribers have just received p lupply of very superior and highly scented SOAPS, such as noio, Chineso Musk, Oliva Violet, Vernacular Vegetable, Almond Oriental, Cinuamon Otto of Iteio, Ceylon and. Folm r Naples Shaving in pots, genuine Low'. Emollient Compound io reneij cakes, CoameticWaeh Ball., Ac. Tbeae Suaps are from Low’eFactory, Lon don, and which, for purity of competition, richness nod delioecy of perfume, are sur passed by none, and are offered at lev pri ces by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbon' Buildings. mny 20 Just Received. QHnn hams, Middliugi tk Shoulder* tltrUU North Carolina Bacon of sops.- rior quality For sale by i UPB ’ ■ J B HERBERT; Preston Smelling Salts. A SUPPLY of the above celebratad Saltr, very highly perfumed, end roeommeu> ded for tha cure of beadacte, fit, juat re ceived and for aale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, juoc 2 . Druggists, Gibbons’ Building Du. LEE’S ORIGINAL (Wimdham) BILIOUS FILLS OR FAMILY PHYSIO, A SU PLY of the above moob celebrated Pills, constantly kept on hand and for sale (wholesale or retail) by THOS. RYERBON, Jr. Druggist, .uno 14 “ Cut Tobacco. A FRESH supply of Lorillard’e Cut To bacco-Just received per Excel, and for salo very low by the barrel by may 20 LAY & HENDRICKSON. RANGOON OIL. A SUPPLY of this valuable medicine just received and for sale by TH03. RYERSON, Jr. march 24 Clover Seed. ^ Supply of RED CLOVER SEED, joe received and for sale by THOMAS RYERSON, Jr. may ( Just Received, CA HHDS, Prime Retailing Molasses Du For sale by J B HERBERT, may 18 Madeira Wine. npHE subscriber has received, direct from X Madeira, by tbe brig Howard, from Messrs. J. Howard, March So Co. a supply of very choice Madeira Wine, in pipes, halfpipes quarter catka and eighths—Abo a few. qr. casks of fine Sercial—which is now. offered for sale. J. P. HENRY, april 38 ]g| ■-—4> An Address. D ELIVERED before the Hibernian .So ciety, and Association oftbe Frienda of Ireland in Savannah, on the Festival of St. Patrick, tlth March, 1029, by Jamxs Cm- mnaiv, M. D. a member of both Societies. Just printed and published and for sale by THOS. M. DRISCOLL- Price 25 cento. april 29 Blacking. A SUPPLY of Day da Martin’s Shoe Blacking warranted genuine—Juat re ceived nnd for sale at a reduced priea by LAY So HENDRICKSON, may*r GibBonkffnildingj. . way 18