Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 21, 1829, Image 1

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ii'i I THE IS EDITED AMD^PUBLISHED IN THE OITT OF SAVANNAH, BY ROBERTSON &BEVAN, m ltQHt DOLLARS PER ANNUMj PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. <Wnmm FOE THE COUNTRY, id to meet the arrangement of the mailt, a Week (Monday, Wednesday and Fn- 1S„ 2»y) MUwSfeo'of du buily'Goorfiiuii, andi conlsjns nil too iHlelligooco, Commercial, PaMjcOlud M'seclla- ncoui, including Advertisements, |n,bUakod in Ihc Daily Paper. Union, ue delivered ill the city, #lFl {Minuin, payable in advance. Advertisements are inserted in both papers at 75 cents peV square of 14 lines, for the first insertion, and 37 l-~ for every succeeding publication. Communications by mail must bo POSTPAID. Sales of Land and Negroes by Administrators, Execu- tors and Guardians are required by law. to beon tho first Tuesday in Urn month, between tho hours ot io and 3 o’clock, at tho Court House in tho county the property is situate. Notico of those rales mint bo given in a public gazetto Sixty Days previous to Um sale. Notice of tho sate ofPersonal Property must bo given in like manner Forty days beforo tho sale. Notice to Debtors ar.d Creditors of an estato must be published for Forty days. Notico that application will be made to the Court or Ordinary for leave to sell land, must bo published hour Month#. Ship MAUON, “ STAT111A, 44 EMPEROR, 44 HENRY, “ F LORI AN, N. YORK LINE OF PACKETS. J). L. Porter, Muster Thos Wood, J. H. Bennett, Geo. Moore, F. Harrison,, »• HELEN MAR, T Harrison, Tim owners of tlio Established Line, take pleasure in announcing to tho public that it is again permanently completed with the a* bovo Six first clans vessels. They are all JVtw York built Ship^ of the boB mntnrials, having elegant ami spacious accotnmoda- tiotjs for passengers, and arc commanded by Masters of well known expnrienco in the trade. They will sail from Now York every Six days, and from this, as often.*—Till* arrangement wilt be punctually adhered to, and us insurance can bo effected on ship menta by them at the very lowest rales, it. is hoped that such a share of patronage will bo extended to this lino, as it may niorit; from the great exponeo necessarily incurred, in running it, and from its utility to the public Hall, siiapter & TurrER. jon 10 Potter’s Vegitablc Catholicon. T HE unrivalled and ox tensive reputation a I read, acquired by Ibis medicine, de* moods from the propriotor his greatful ae* knowlcdgmcnt to a discerning public. Those affected with KING’S EVIL, or Scrofula, NECROSIS, or diseased bones, SYPHILIS in every stage, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, ULCERS of every des cription, hdwevor old and inveterate; every variety of Cutaneous disease, Blotches on the face, Pimples and Teller in particular, Rheumatism end Gout, While Swellings, and diseases resulting from Jtlercury, may be confident of obtaining in all tbo above catea, in which nature has not altogether yielded to disease, radical and permanent cures from the use of tho Catholicon. This is the first discovery of a medicine taken in the stomach, that has had tho long desired effect of curing tho most obstinate and distressing external diseases. Tho use of nutritious food, and tUe ordina ry avocatiouB of business are not interrupted by the Catholicon; and its properties having tho power of restoring both flesh nod bone, and of renovating and invigorating every part of the system during the process of extermi nating disease, is without a parallel. The proprietor begs leave, respectfully, to return thanks to the many who have reposed confidence in his former statements, relating to the healing properties of tho Catholicon: and he would turthot assure the public, that ho will in oo instance forfeit their confidence, by recommending bis tnodicine as applicable to* any dtecaae in which it shall not' have proved itself eminently successful. The following certificates will, it is pre sumed, satisfy .the most incredulous, of the pre-eminent virtues of the Catholicon. LOT T E R ¥ Authorized by the General Assembly of the Stale if Georgia. CERTIFICATES. ■ Philadelphia, May 28,1024. Sir, now, thanks to your medicine, a hearty man. For nearly six yearn 1 have been a martyr to u disease, whose ravages threatened, if not soon slopped, to put a period to my existence, llaving had no regu lar medical ndvica from tho commencement, my com plaint ut last got lo such.a height that I could not swal low «■ iiliout great puiu and difficulty. Tumours formed in different parts ofiny body, and I began to think iny situation almost dusperutu. The fivo Lotties of Iho Catholicon which I have taken have completely cured me, and I am now us well as I could wish to ho. With my thanks, I um your obliged humble survunt, &c. GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, & . George Kane, of tho district ol Southwark, personally nppnured, and being duly sworn, doth declare and say, that the ubovo statement is, in all respects, correct and true, and (hat (ho siguuturo to it is in’ the hntui writing of this deponent. JOHN 11 INNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28, 182-1. [From tho Darien (Geo.) Gazette, November 1.] A MOST t.XTHAORPINAY tl’RK KKKIATtD |IY POTTER* Catholicon,—-Captain Donelv, keeper of tho light on Sapulo and master pilot for Doooy Bar, ub to inuku known to the public tho (allowing fact of u recent dale. Italian Lotion or Tincture of Pearls F OR Improving, prcsoiving and beautify ing tho Complexion.— 1 Tb» admirable compound hns stood tho best of all tests (that of experience) aod proved itself the most ef fectual and valuable conmotic yot discovered, for removing Pimples, Spots, Freckles, Red ness of the Skin, and all cutaneous eruptions, imparting to the skin the most delectable fairness- In case of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and various other humors, it has been used with peculiar success. Gentlemen whose faces are rendered tender by shaving, will find it excellent beyond precedent, for amo jiorating and removing the unpleasant harsh ness caused by the operation. Those persons whose uvocations expose them to intense so lar heat and sbvere winds, will find that an occasional application of this valuable com* pound will afford tho most soothing relief, os it removes tho unpleasant sensation caused by either. It has not been deemed requisite to offer a long recapitulation of its many vir tues, as its admirable properties are too well known and too justly appreciated to require it. But'as (here arc many vile and spurious cosmetics offered to the public, as possessing virtues of vital importance, it may not be UBoless to remark that the _• Italian Lotion* has been used by thousands, both in Europe nnd Amorica, with entire success, and far exceeding their anticipations. It not only renders tho akin beautifully soft and clear, but by repeated applications it promotes a goneral exercise of those important functions of the skin, which are of primary importance to those who wish to attain and preserve a beautiful complexion, and does not contain nny of those pernicious ingredients, which are the basis of most cosmetics now in use.— Certificates of its complete efficacy can bt^ shown to any who wish, either in English, French, Spanish or Italian. A fresh supply of this Celebrated Lotion has just been reseived and for salo by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Agents, juno 10 Druggists, Gibbons* Buildings. North American Review. W T. WILLIAMS bus just received . tbo North American Review, No 64, for July 1829. CONTENTS: Art. I.—Memoirs of a Financier. - Art. IT.—Principle, of Elocution. Aijr. Ill .—Hittory of Intellectual Philoto- fhy. Art. IV.—Dc Beranger's Life and Wri- tinge. Art. V.—The Greek Revolution. Art. VI—-Ahhul't Lettere on Cuba. Art. VII.- American Poems- Art VIII.—Popular Education. Art. IX.—Boiton Exhibition of PictureI. Art. X—Constitutional Hittory. Quarterly list <f Mew Publications. july 14 Food for Silk Worms. J UST received, a quantity of the seed of the Italian Mulbery tree. For sale by T- RYERSON, Jr. juneJ7 On tbo Bay. “ About n miintti ngo, I benight three bottles of Pot eii’b Catholicon, for ilio puriiosu of testing its virtue! upon Mr. Potcr M’Culluch;pilot of Dubov Bar, who had been for sovonil years confined. to Jiis bed ami s c HEME . 1 Piixeof $30,001) it $30,000 1 Priaso “ 16,(100 u 15,000 2 Prises" 10,000 u *0.000 2 Pris a“ 5,000 (i 10.000 6 Prized** l.bOO l« 5.000 5 Prizes" 900 it 4,500 6 Prizes" 800 It 4 00(1 6 Prizes" 700 •« 3 Stic 6 Prizes “ 600 4< 3,000 5 Prizes" 500 tl 2.500 6 Prizes" 400 <( 1,010 5 Prizes ** 300 «« 1,600 5 Prizes “ 200 <t 1,000 25 Prizes 41 100 dt 2,500 50 Prize* “ ' 50 Ad 2,500 650 Prizes ** 20 dd 13.000 ,000 Prizes" 10 Id 60,000 / SHERIFF’S SALE On the first Tuesday in Avgust next, W ILL be .old, in front of the Conrt House, in the eityof Darien, between the houraaflO A. M end 4 P. M. All thote Treat, or Parcel, of Land, known by tbe Number. Three (3,) and Six (6,) in.* plat and survey mode by Thontae M’Call, Esq. litualed on General’,, in the river, in M’Intosh county, lately the properly of General Lachlan M’Intosh, con' mining together seven hundred and forty-nino ■ml a half aero., and allotted to Archibald S. Bulloch in pursuance nfa writ of nartilion— levied on under execution upon foreclosure of mortgage, the Bank of the Stele of Gcor- [ia against Archibald 8. Bulloch nnd Wife, sailed from the honorable tho Buporioi Court of M’lntnsti county. TJHOMAS KING, s. M. c. i»iy 7 . 6,776 Prixos $180,000 13,234 Blanks, Less than 9 Blanks to a prize 20,000 Tickets at $10. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the Prizes to be flouting from Ihe com mencement, except QieJotloieing, which will be deposited at different periods in the Wheel, vit.- Prizes. latday’s drawing . W* bo s sr-s N "o a 'E.a 2 a. mr be tn >» ® .a •" | Prizes. 1 S? M -a a e s "T *G m bs ■ no S- 2 m -a 2 of5000 l of 10000 1 of10000 lof 16000 lof30,000 l » 10W‘ 1 “ 1000 l “ 100(1 1“ 1000 i “ 1,000 1 •» 90(1 1 •• BOO l “ son 1“ 900 1 44 900 1 “ 800 1 « 800 1 44 800 1 44 800 1 44 8 00 1 “ 700 l 44 700 1 “ 700 1“ 700 I" 700 1 “ COO 1 “ COO l '• coo 1 44 600 1 ,f 600 1 “ 500 1 « 600 1 44 500 1 44 500 1 •• 500 1 “ 40(1 l “ 4CM) 1 “ 400 1 “ 400il •« 400 1 “ 30C 1 « 300 1 « 300 I'- 44 300 I “ 300 1 “ 200 1 44 200 l *• 200] 1 44 200 1 44 200 SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesdayin Avgust next, W ILL bo .old before tho Court House in tbo City of Savannah, botwoon tho u- •ual hours of snln, tho following property, viz ■. One negro fellow named York, levied on as the property of John Harris, jr. lo sntisfy nn oxcculion in lavor nf lirndloy, Claghorn 4t Wood, ngainst said John Harris, jr. One negro woman named Mary, leviod an t. tho property of James Sandorlin, doa’ed., to satisfy executions in favor nf Moses Car ter nnd Mordecni Sbofitall, Sen’r—property pointed out by the edmioiitrutor,—lovy made and returned to me by a constable. .inly 7 GEORGE MILLEN, s. b. o. crutches in consnquelicuufitUcascilliniha, amt ulcerate,1——tho solus of bis loot with in tliul shocking stuio, that tliu bones worn perceptible bulb lo tliu sight uml touch. Mr. M’Culloch, after the use of thuv.f. norms oftho Catholicon, laid aside his crutches, and was this day in towli attending to his business,iu nearly perfect health.' Darien, November J, 182(3. Hartford,'Conn. February 20, 1827. Mr. Wm. \V. Potter- Dear Sir—I have now but onf. bottle of Catholicon led. A person arrived this evening, who came GO miles since morning, lor 17 bottles of Catholicon, and would have taken 24; but I could lut himhuvo but 8. lie came expressly fur the article, and says that the person, who had used two bottles, has had a “ liver affection or consupiption” 20 years; and that three of tho lam- ily arc invalid?, and have paid in ten years, for medical advice and medicine, §1,500. Ho says tho purson who has used the tivb bottles, never found any medicine to compare with the Catiioiicon, and that tho neigh bours. seeing the astonishing effects it produced, a num ber of them sent the above person to procure the arti cle, for various chronic diseases. Tho person told mo ho would wait two day, if ho* could to procure the two dozen. Will you, without fail, send mo, or, ifncccssiiry, even come with a few boxes of the Catholicon to Hartford, as I fear delays will take pluce in New York and New Haven; and as to being out of tho article, I cunnot think of it. I am, in haste, yours, Sic. E. W. BULL. TO SEAMEN. Thousands of unfortunate seamen are rendered use less to their country by the ravages of a devouring dis ease,lo which they are more subject than any other clqss of men. Tho case of an unfortunate sailor who cither embarks in a diseased state, or finds himself so, on a long voyugc, must bo truly deplorablo j and it may not, perhaps, be improper to suggest tho propriety of always including tho Catholicon in the medicino chests of tho Navy and Merchants’ service, it bring a sovereign remedy in tho disease alluded to. TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. Tho Vegetable Catholicon is peculiarly adapted to those diseases which are prevalent among the coloured population of the south. In that disease which is cal led Yaws, it is u sure remedy; a single triul of it will convince planters of its superior efficacy to any remedy never benature in the United States. They should of a similar without it. • Sold by the principal Druggists and Booksellers in the United States. £CjP Printed directions arc on the bottles W. W. POTTER, No. 13, South Ninth street, between Chcsnut and Market, onposito tho University of Pennsylvania. N. It, Those persons who may receive signal be fit from tho uso of the Catholicon, will confer a particular fiivour on those similarly afflicted, by forward ing certificates of their cures to the proprietor, or to any of his agents, A supply of tbe above Valuable Medicine kept on hand and orders from any part of the State, and letters poslago paid, will receive immediate attention LAY & HENDRICKSON* Druggists, Sole Agents, july 14 No2&)5 Gibbons*Buildings. Patent Office, June 20,1829. , A LL persons Laving business with tho Pa* tent Office, are requested to direct their communioatiooB directly to tho Superinten dent of that office* instead of the Secretary of State, the latter mode being attended w t tb considerable inconvenience and sometimes risk. All such communications are free of postage, and will receive immediate attention. JOHN D. CRAIG, Superintendent ID* The publishers of tbe Laws of the Uni ted States, will give this three or four inaer- tions juJy g , Sarsaparilla Syrup. T HIS celebrated Syrup is highly recotr. mended by tbe Faculty as an excellent depurntive Mcdtciae, and has been success fully employed in those anomalous cases of disease, which sometimes occur in Scrophu- lous habits produced by an improper and ir regular use of Mercury. It is carefully pre pared and a supply will be kept on band by LAY & HENDRICKSON* may 12 American Castings and Nails, k LBS. AmericanCastings ass’td. tJlJW 100 kegu Cut Nails assorted sizen—20 of4d, 25 of6d, 25 offld, 25 of lOd, 5 of I2d—100 ibicaab. For sale by J f HENRY, optil 3 Id 'a 8 The whole Lottery to be completed IN FIVE DRAWINGS ONLY. The First Drawing to take placeVosiTiYE ly, on the Fourteenth day oj November next, or at an earlier period, should,tbo sale of Tickets justify it. The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days after each drawing, subject to a deduction of Fifteen per cent.— All prised not applied for in twelve months from each drawing, to be considered as a donation to the funds of the Masonic Hall.— The drnsviug to take place under the super* iotendcnco of WILLIAM Y. HANSELL, *) SEATON GRANTLAND, D. B. MITCHELL, R. K. HINES, E. II. PIERCE, WILLIAM J. DAVIS, > FRANCIS V. DELAUNAY, BENJAMIN F. OWENS, THOMAS RAGLAND,. JOHN MANNING, and G.W. MURRAY, WYATT FOAXUDL Secretary to Commissioners. Present price of Tickets $10, Halves $•>, Quarters $2 50, for sale in a great variety of nutubors at tho Commissioner's Office on Wayne Street, opposite Wiley & Baxter’s Store. Orders for Tickets and Shares from any part of the United State's, nostpaid, will meet with prompt attention, addressed to WYATT FOARD, SccVy lo Comm’ra. Milledgoville, May 12. may 21 152—fp 23 15 a* 3 SHERIFFS SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL be sold beforo tho Court House in tho City of Savannah, between the u>- sual hours of salo, tho following proporty,vjz: One negro boy named William, levied on under & by virtue of a foreolosuto of moit- gnge in favor of William Joyner against Ja». E. Wells. july 7 GEORGE MILLEN, s e e. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, ¥17’!LJj bo sold at (he Court House be- v v tween tho hours of 10 nnd 4 o’clock. Lot and Improvements in West Broad st. Og’othorpe Ward, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of J S Olcot, against Ezra Kent. Also, Sundry articles of GrocBrios, Decan ters, Crookory, &c. levied on to sotiffiy nn Execution in favour of Warren Lippit, against Pierce Howard and Benjamin D. I)avtt>. A. D’LYON, c. a. july 4 . 189 SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL bo sold before the Court House, in tho City of Savannah, but ween the usual hvuro Of oalo, the following property, /Three NcgroeH, Tom, William and Nancy, qno di ning Tublc, with ends, one dozen plain Chairs, nno dozen straw do., ono Corput, two Buiistcadfl with bed*, four Pillows and two Roisters, ono pair of Andirons, Shovel and Tongs, one Bureau, two Mutrcsses, and fivo Bod- *“■ *i—lot’ ■ steads—levied on under and by virtue of an oxectitioh tilt on foreclosure of mortcaco, ns the property of Ann Tay lor, in favor of William S. Taylor. junefi GEO. MILLEN s. CIRCULAR. Department op State, > * ’ 829. - \ ATHENEUM, for June. W T. WILLIAMS has just received • tho Atheneum or spirit of tbe En glish Magazines, Nos 17 & 18. CONTENTS OF NO. XVII. Edinburgh Sessional School; Tbe Wan derer ; Sketches of Contemporary Foreign Authors, Statesmen, &c No III—Cano- vn; Autobiographies; A Fragment from the '•Nodes’*; Who loves me best. By Mary Ann Browne; Pains of Music; Sagacity, &c., of Dogs; Library of Entertaining Knowledge; Southey’s New Work; The Grave of the Broken Heart. Chapter III; The Indian with his Dead Child. By Mrs. Homans; Flowers on the Alps; My Moth er. By Mary Ann Browne ; Vernal Invo cation. By Della ; Tbe latest Female Fash ions; Varieties. CONTENTS OP NO. XVIII. Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tueiday in August next, W ILL bo sold beforo lbs Court liouso in Fnyotte county, botwoon tbe hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Alt that tract of lend situated in the fifth district of Henry county, known by tbe num ber one hundred nnd forty three, (143,) con tdining 2021 '2 acres, more or lets, being the real estato of Stephen H. Stocking, lato of Savannah, Tailor, doc’d—To bo sold by per mission ofthe Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, by virtue of an order of tbceaid Justice., passed in term of March last when eittiag for ordinary purpurea, Conditions caeh—The purchaser paying for titles. ISAAC NORTON, Adm’or Eat. Stephen H. Stocking, deo’d. may 14 142 American Quarterly Review, W T. WILLIAMS has just roceivud • tha American Quarterly Review,' No. 10, for Juno, 1829. CONTENTS. SELECTED TOASTS. AT MACOlt. , The Governor of Georgia—" Tbo law and tbo testimony,*’ Isis only guides. , Dr. 1Vm. B. Rogers, 2d Pice President— Joel Crawford—Publto sentiment, indicates him as. the aucceasot ot Mr. Forsyth—so may it be, Judge Strong —G. M. Troup—Hit ardu ous struggle fur tiio right of Georgia con summated, by tho adoption of hie just and wise principles and policy by Ijte present patriotio admiuielratiun of the gunorel go vernment. AT ATHKKB. By the Students if Franklin College. By the President.—Col. Troup aud Gov Ppreylh— 1 The ono the defender of our riglitw tlio other the firm cxecutorofouf lawe—May they be as hnfipy in tlio decline nf Hid, ae they have hitherto been useful. fly H IF Hilliard —George R. Gilmer— Lu intellect, hie honosty, his Human virtue, havosheda glbry about his. name,and ho carrion with timrintc retirement, the sympa thies and regrets of a wholo people. By D. S. While—G. R. Gilmer—The undaunted patriot, the energetic statesman, tho accomplished jurist; the moil who acorns to do a muon thing—May the people of Geor gia at the ensuing election place him at the helm of .affaire, By Samuel Rutherford— May the highest honor in the gift of Georgia be conferred up. on John Forsyth ; nnd may Geo. R. Gilmer remain in b's present situation, until Ilia en vy tvich has of lulo boon plainly manifested has subsided. [This toast, tvo understand, was drank by but u small portion uf tho company.—.Editor Athenian.'] By-John B. Tripp.—John Forsyth and Goorge R. Gilmer—Thou accident lias mar red tlioir friendship, their names ore worthy to ho joined in our glasses, and united in the hearts of patriate. By Gideon Alston—Goorgo*'M. Troup— A man who graspod thejiolm of our govern mont from corruption, and carried it safe through tho boietcrioiis ocean of politics, while the turbulent billow's wore hurling a- round, and anchored it in Iho harbour, ot prosperity. By George R. Clayton, E’l.—The citi zens of Savannali nud Augusta—Tha great markets of the Georgia planter—May all the commercial measures of tho government taud to tlioir prosporily. By Dr. Spriggins.—Sobn Q, Adams—our illustrious j'-N aw citizen, our unequalled statesman, wi^se greatest doiight is in. tho aorvico of his country, but who has been thrust into piivato, for tho imaginary merit of a potty chieftain. [Tho author uf this appears tabs ashamed to uvow it. We at local, know no Doctor Sprlggihe.—Ed. Athenian.] AT ATHENS, By the Citizens. The fariff.— Spiuning wheels and pretty fingers, its most successful opponents. By Col. Cobb—John Forsyth—An able Governor, the choice of froemon. ' By Giles Mitchell—Goorgia—Tho poli tical crcedBso ably eupporlod during tho late administration by her “ madcap Governor,” are now taken ae tbo text book of eome, ad opted by the Southland acknowledged ortho dox by all. AT'rniLipe’ ammo, wilkxs countv. Tho Executive of Georgia—Tlio manly decision of his character aombiued with that urbanity of manners proves tho bonovoloUca of his heart and places him among the first of Georgia’s favourite sone. By the reader, S. J. Whatley. G. R, Gil mer.. His constituents waver not in their con fidenco, although deprived of bis sorvico in council by unanticipated circumstances. By C• S, Billingslca. G. M. Troup, Tho atclesmcu of Lho South who surpassed in po litics the Hydra of tbo North; and gained for bis people tlioir legal rights. . By L. JlTetear. George M. Tronp. flay ho succoKsful bn and keep.upon alien!, • Anti be the l’residcnt in eighteen tbiny seven. By F. «W. Gibson. Goorgo M. Troup. Re gardless uf popularity, hie whole care and so- licitudo his country’s welfare. May his course through life ha like that of a ship wafted by gcntlo breezes over tbo unruffled wsvos of the ocean to its destined harbor. Xettere are received by the ladies in tha cCursa of a week. By a'curious custom* however, which prevails in these cases, they are never dislrei.ed by the necessity of giving “direct refuael. The understanding ia, that if the answer he written on Indian paper, tbo applicant knows that all his hopes, ae (at as regards the lady he has addressed, are at an hhd.” . . , Buckingham's Lectures. .London, May *9. The disturbe-es among tha operativa manufacturers, wo thought were suppressed but yesterday a body, of five hundred silkwea- at Bethnal Green, in the eastern quar ter of London, opposed a most determined re sistance lo tho otiioora.who attended two per sons 16 the house afe weaver iq order to take back some nnflniahed work, which wee considered to be. exposed to the knives of tho roving mal eontonti . Tho police were se verely out sad bruised, and although rein forced after a time, were compelled lo giro way alter having l.-.afloclually ondoavoted to defend themselves with pistols and cutlasses. The mob totally disregarded the firearms, nnd there was only 00c poreoo arrested. The continuance of this state of tnrbulence and commotion has thrown all most all the 15000 looms of SpilalHelda outof employ ment. ' . On Saturday,’Captain Roes left Woolwich o lus steam vessel, the Victory, with wMcl. i? 10 the diieovery oftho North Woet Passage, but in this instance ft jo eoid, Iho expeditioa is equipped enlirolyat Ins own expense, Tho stoam power employ ed in tho Victory is on a wholly now princi- pie, being ia contrived as lo combine every 'advantage lo steam power with perfect capa bility as a soiling.vessel. Tlio boilers used, occupy 10 email a space' that they are fixed between tbo engines; tbo consumption of fu el is one-half, nnd tlio' weight of the ongincs only ono lourtli, of those generally in uiBs— Another advantage gained is that a etomhey may bo dispensed with,which loaves the dcok, masts and rigging, wholly uniucumbtjred. CJMRT.EJW July 16.—In ibis Slate the puxmhment for Jorgory is denlh. In Ten- nosiee, (qs wo Isom from a lato Nashville popor).it Is punished by 39 lashes on the bare back--!mpriaonrneut for uut less than six .months and not exceeding- ,two years—by etundiiig* in the pillory for two hours on throe different dny fl ~by being famous—branded iu the hand by tbelettejr F.-and by paying costs. The second of- fence is puuiibed by death without benefi. ofu'ergy. According to the act of Congresef .chartering tho Bonk of the United States^ persons, convicted of forging the notes to that institution* or chocks upon it, are to be adjudged guilty of folboy-kept at hard la bor not lose than 3 nor more than 10 years— and fined not exceeding $5000. Wo will, not pretend to decide which of these difior- ent modes of punishment i« best j but wo think it o pity that thoro is hotSmord unifor* mity on tho Bubject. At all evonts, forgary being e crimo ellbetiug vitally tbo confidence ot society, the punishment should,bo remit ted ns seldom ae poesible, and only undec circumstances of poculiar mitigation. The Grave oftho Broken Heart. Chapter IV j The Druggist of Fife; The TwoUj, Homes. By Mrs Hainan. , Barba Yorghi, f VIU. Finale BiocaArmr, Female Diograpyh; or, the Greek Pilot; Flies ;' Sunset Meditations. Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of all I. Dircovoura in Central Africa, Journal of a Second Expedition into tliu Interior of Africa, by the late Captain Cluppcrtsn : tj which is added tho Jour nal of his own return to lho Coast, by Richard Lander, lus faithful Servant. II. Milton’s Letters, Milton’s Familiar Letters, translated from tho Latin, with Notes. By John Hall, III. Aotronomy os Laplace, Traito de. Mccaqiquo Celeste, par M* Marquis de Luplacc, Pair de Fraiice, duC. die. IV. Flint’s Geography and History op the West ern States, A Condensed Geography and History of tho Western States, or the Mississippi Valloy. Ry Timothy Flint, author of Recollections of tho last ten years in the Mississippi Valley. Salve magna parens. V. Chancery Law, Chancery Coses argued and de termined in tho Court of Appeals of South Carolina, from January, 1825 to May, 182C, both inclusive. By D. J. M’Cord, State Reporter. VI. HorneTooke, Memoirs of John Ilornc Tooltco Esq.; together with his valuable speeches and wri tings—also containing proofs, itidentifying him asili, author oftho celebrated Letters «.f Junius. By J. A. Graham, LL. D. VU. History* or Pennsylvania, Tho History of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans, to tho Declaration of Indepeudcnco in 1776. By Thomas F. Gordon. - By Della; The Rev Thomaa Chalmers, D. D.; The Two Miners of Famatina; The Recall.. By Mrs Hemana; American Criti cism -, Beauty; A Short Story; Varieties Terms $5 per annum. july 14 Purified Bear’s Oil, F OR tbe preservation and growth of in human Hair, preserving its health and beauty and preventing premature baldness. This article Is carefully extracted aod pre pared for use by N. S. Prentiss, of New Yorjr, and a supply kept on hand by LAYHENDRICKSON, Druggists, No 2 and'15, Gibbon’s Buildings. ju!jr4 Ages an Histoiro de Christine, Heine do Suede, par J. P. Catteau-Callcvillc. The History of Christine, Queen of Sweden, by J. F. CaUeau-Callcvillc. IX. Hosack’b Life or Clinton, Memoirs of De Wit Clinton, with an Appendix, containing numerous docu ments, illustrative ot tho principal event* of his life. By DavidHosaclt, M. D. F. R. S- X. 'Russia, System of Geography, by M. Malic brim. Vol. VI. Book civ—cxlr. Russia. Diversions of Hollycot, kR the Mother’s Art ofThioking—by tbe O R the Mother’s Art ofThioking—by tbe author of Clan Alblo, and Elizabeth De Bruce, Tbe above excellent work for Children baa just been received by T> HI. DRISCOLL. » V -J?6 Lames in India.—Tbo practice of Bond ing young ladies to India to bo married i. productive (laid Mr. Buokiogbam) of so much good, that tha prejudice which, very naturally, exist, ngainst it, is to bo regretted. Great numbers of the young men who fill civil and military situations in the Eait India Company’s Service, not bciog provided with suitable companions, are frequently driven to the expedient of taking to themselves native fomalc., a practice which i. e imclimea at tended with pernicious and unfortunate re mits. Tho paucity of Ladies iucrenscs, if that be possible, their value, aud no evont is held so important at Calcutta as the qrrival of a ship from England. The aoxicty to as certain what ladies are on hoard supersedes every other consideration; a change of Min istry, tho moat important I’ariimentary dis cussion., siuk, said Mr. B. into insignificance till this curiosity is satisfied. A uowspaper is publisliad every morning, yet ifa ship ar rive in the course of tbe day, the Editors, aware of tho impslienco that exists for infor mation, do not wait (ill tha next morning, but immediately publish what they call n .*• Gazette Extraordinary," containing solely tbo intelligence that ‘‘Tbe Hon. Company’s ship Mary has just arrived; sailed from En gland on such a day; the following is tbe list of passengers, 1 "die. subjoining a list of Dames, at the bead of which, of cootie, stands tbe ladies. Oo tbe uoxt morning tbo Course, or Hydo Park of Calcutta, presents so unusual gay aspect, every one appear to tbe best ad vantage, end many who may not bays visited tbe Coune for months putting forth tbeir at tractive gracca. The next bell is also mare brilliant and the attendance mare nameroub than usual- Though the young mss are ex- jrcmely captious in took jng advances, many Scant,Try or Husnakni I—At Mountratli Petty. Sessions last tveok, a smart lively damsel enmo forward to bear witness ia a cose of rlofing, but when tbo book was put to her alio declined to awcor, in regard of her bomgtn a certain condition.—‘‘Are you morriod itiy girl r” said one in authority.— ‘•Yes, please your worship." "And who is your husband?" "Tom Bergin, Sir." "So 1 thought, and I shall endeavor to have that gentleman sent over,(be water for polygamy. Ho is married to half a dozen women besides?" "Ob yes,” sold lho lady, smiling, "they say ho boa enough of sib.” "What ia more ex traordinary," said tho mugistrato, *‘l bear that you were aware of thu foot bofore the knet was tied. How could you bo euch a fool?” ‘‘\Vhy then,indeed,"saidsbo, skills o simper, %, it is not so easy lo get a man at all, Sir /’* liiirunn Ain.—It is stated in a lato paper that tbo brealb of a drunkard materially in jures tlio air of tbo room In which ho Bloepi. nnd onoreoaon oftho early dcatbeol tbo wives of drunkards, is Iheirinhaling the impure air of tboir hodroums. The heutth of decent people ought oot then to be exposed in publio houseu, by putting drunkards, as is often done, in the aarno lodging . room with them. If health, nnd wealth, and comfort, and charac ter, and body, and soul, arc so exposed by drunkenness—who does not rojoico at the moitiplication of teuiporanco societies ? Utica Register. Noses.—Mr. WadiJ, of facetious fame, basr an article in Mr. Colburn’s last Quarterly Journal, outiiiod observations on the Orgau of Scout. It rcIntcB rnaoy curious particu lars, historical and speculative, on this impor. tent feature and from begiouing to end ier rich w ilh fun. After quotiog Bhakepeere ia several passages, for it eecigB “ Shakspoara was a minuto observer of tho nnatomica! anti physiological varieties of [lie human frame,’ tho writer procoeds to the following ingenious classification, recommending that a proper distinction be observed between ‘funcliooal varieties, ond thoso which arise from size, shape or colour.-’ Shape.—Roman, Grecian, Smib, Pug, Flat, Sharp, Battle Nose, 1’arroticel Nose. Colour.—Hod, Ruby, Malmsey, Claret, Purple, Copper. Gossip's Bnirts.—There is a veoerabia church of Walton-ou.Tbames, e curious in- otniment presented to tho parish about a century and a half ago, by a poriou of soma consequence at that poriod, whose name seas Chester; jt was intended to be wore, to a punishment, by the fair sax, guilty of de famation, sod whose tongues engendered mischiet. It to pf singular construction, and whan fixed, one part eaters the mouth,which prevents the possibility -of/articulation. It booro this inscription ‘‘Chester presents Walton with a bridle to cijrb women's touguaa that talk idle i and its/presentation arose from tbe circumetanoiri of the indivk'u I whose name if boars, losing n valuable us. . 7 ,—■ TMiunuiu *»»• tate through the iMtihmeutality of a goiaip- piog lying wottan.w 7 ? : r * 2 Si