Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 23, 1829, Image 1

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. imm si SAVAMNAH, THURSDAY JMOiCNING, JULY 33, 1839 no. m : TUB IS EDITED AND PUBLISHED IN THE * OITY OP IATAMHAB, BY ROBERTSON dt BEVAN, i»t CtOflT DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADYANdE. FOR THE COUNTRY, JS published toancottho nmmwmont of the moils, Threu Times a WSok (Monday, Wednesday and Fn. day) atthoolflco of the Daily Georgian, and eontoino all the intelligence, Commercial, Political and Mucclla- ocous, including Advertilemcnts, pnbluhod ui the Daily Paper. Tho County Paper ia i*.i\tto all parts of the'Statu and Union, or delivered in tho city, at FIVE DOLLARS per Annum, payable in advance. Advertisements arc inserted in both papers at 75 cents per square ofl4 lines, for the first insertion, and 37 1-2 for every succeeding publication. Communications by mail must be POST PAID. # Sales of Land andNegroes by Administrators, Execu tors and Guardians arc required by law to bo held on tho first Tuesday in tlie month, between tho hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, at the Court House in the county in-which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must bo given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the sale. Notice of tho sale ofPcrsonal Property must bo given in like manner Forty days beforo the sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be published for Forty days. Notice that application will be mado to tho Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must bo published Four Months. mm N. YORK LINE OF PACKETS. m Snip MACON, 1).'I*.Porter, Master «> STATIRA, Titos Wood, “ *• EMPEROR, J. H.Bknnett, “ ” HENRY, Geo. Moore, “ ” FLORIAN, F. Harrison, 44 “ HELEN MAR, T. Harrison, 44 The owners Of the Established Line, take pleasure it) announcing to the public that it is again permanently completed with the a- hovo Six first class vessels. They are nil Neui York built Ships ut* the bcs. materials, having elegant and spacious accommoda tions fur passengers, and are commanded by Masters of welt known experience in the trade. They will sail from New York overt Six days, and from Uys, ob often.—This arrangement will bo punctually adhered <o, and as Insurance can be effected on t nients by them at the very lowest rates, Ufw hoped (hat such a share of pat ronage will be extended to this line, as it may merit; from the great expense necessarily incurred in running it. and from its utility to the public. HALL, SHAPTER Si TUPPER. jan 16 Italian Lotion or Tincture o 1 Pearls F OR Improving, preset ving and beautify ing tho Complexion.—This admirable compound has stnud the best of all tests (that of experience) and proved itself the moat ef fectual and valuable cosmetic yet discovered, for removing Pimples, Spots, Freckles, Red ness of the Skin, and all cutaneous eruptions, imparling to the skin the most delectable fuirncss- In case o( Scrofula, Salt Rheum and various other humors, it has been used with peculiar success. Gentlemen whose faces are rendered tender by shaving, will find it excellent beyond precedent, for arne liorating and removing the unpleasant harsh ness caused by the operation. Those persons whose avocations expose them to iotenso so lar heat and severe winds, will find that an occasional application of this valuable com pound will afford the most soothing relief, as it removes the unpleasant sensation caused by either. It has not been deemed requisite to offer a long recapitulation of its many vir tues, as its admirable properties arc too well known and too justly appreciated to require it. But as there are many vile and spurious cosmetics offered to the public, as possessing virtues of vital importance, it may not be useless to remark that the ' Italian Lotion’ has been UBed by thousands, both in Europe and America, with entire success, and far exceeding Choir anticipatious. It not only renders the skin beautifully soft and clear, but by repeated applications it promotes a general exercise of those important functions of the skin, which are of primary importance to those who wish to attain and preserve a beautiful complexion, and does not contain any of those pernicious ingredients, which are the basis of most cosmetics now iu use.— Certificates of its complete efficacy can to shown to any who wish, either in English 1 French, Spanish or Italian. A fresh supply of this Celebrated Lotion lias just been reseivod and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Agents, june 10 Druggists. Gibbons’Buildings. North American Review. W T. WILLIAMS bas just received • the North Americao Review, No 64, fbr July 1829. contents: Art. I.—Memoirs of a Financier. Art II.—Principles of Elocution. - Art. III.—History of Intellectual Philo so- phy. Art. IV.—De Beranger's Life and Wri tings. Art. V —The Qreek Revolution. Art. VI —Abbot's Letters on Cuba. Art. VII. - American Poems. Art VIII.—Popular Education. Art. IX —Boston Exhibition of Pictures. Art. Constitutional History. Quarterly list of New Publications. julv 14 Food for Silk Worms. J UST received, a quantity of the need of the Italian Mulbery tree Fof eale by T- BYEKSON, Jr. j BO et7 On the Pjy. Potter’s Vegitable Catholicon. >'pHE unrivalled and extensivo reputation, X alrend acquired by this medicine, do* n\auds from (he proprietor hi* greatful ao* knowledgirieni to a discording public. Those affected with KING’S EVIL, or Scrofula, NECROSIS, or diseased bones, SYPHILIS in every stage, ULCERATED SORB THROAT, ULCERS of every des cription, however old and inveterate { every variety of Cutaneous disease, Blotches on the face, Pimples and Tetter in particular. Rheumatism and Gout, White Swellings, and diseases resulting from Mercury, may be confident of obtaining in nil tbo above cases, in which nature has not altogether yielded to disease, radical and permanent cures from the uso of the Catholicon. This is tho first discovery of a medicine taken in the stomach, that has had the loog desired effect of curing tho most obstinate and distressing external diseases. Tho use of nutritious food, and the ordina ry avocations of business aro not interrupted bv the Catholicon; and its properties hnviog tho power of restoring both flesh and bone, and of renovating and invigorating every part of the system during the process of extermi nating disease, is without a parallel. The proprietor begs leave, respectfully, to rBluru ttiauha to tho many who have reposed confidence in his former statements, relating to the healing propertus of the Catholicon: and he wouljl lurthef assure tho public, that ho will in no instance forfeit their confidence, by recommending his mediemo as applicable to any disease, iu which it shall not have proved itself eminently successful, Tbo following certificates will, it is pre sumed, satisfy the most incredulous, of the pre-emiueut virtues of the Catholicon. CERTIFICATES. Philadelphia, May 28, 1824. Sir,—I am now, thanks to your medicine, u hearty man. For nearly six years 1 have been a martyr to a discusc, whoso ravages threatened, if not soon slopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regu lar medical advice lrom the commencement, my com plaint at last got to such a height that 1 could not rwuI- jow without groat pain and difficulty. Tumours formed in different parts of my body, and I began to think my situation almost desperate. The five bottles of tho Catholicon which I have taken have completely cured me, and I am now as well us I could wish to be. With my thanks, 1 am your obliged humble servant, &c. GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, as. George Kane, of the district ot Southwark, personally appeared, and being duly sworn, doth declare undsny, that the above statement is, in all respects, correct ami true, arid that the signature to it is in the hand writing of this deponent. JOHN IUNNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28, 1824. [From the Darien (Geo.) Gazette, November l.J A MOST EXTIlAOltUlN.lV tlHE l.m.tTF.D llV PoTTIlll’S Catholicon.—Ciiptiiin, keeper of the light on Supulo and master pitol for Dohoy Uar, alhorizea us to muku known to the public tho loltowing fact of iftmeent date About a month ago, I bought three bottles of P<\ Tea's Catholicon, for the purpose ot' testing its virtues upon Mr. Pater Rl'CuUucli, piU.t of- Dubov Uar, who hud boon for several yours confined to his 'bed and crutches in consequence ot diseusedlimbs,and ulccrutcd tout—the soles of his feet were m that shocking stale, that the bones were perceptible built to the sight und touch. Mr. M’Culloch, after the use of tiiiuf. norms ofthu Catholicon, laid aside Ids crutches, und wits this day in town at loading to his business,ill nearly perfect health. Darien, November 1, 18*26. . - Hartford, Conn. February 20, 1827. Mr. Win. W. Potler- Deat Sir—I have now but one bottle of Catholicon tett, A persort arrived this evening, who came GO miles since morning, for 17 bottles of Catholicon, and would have taken 24 ; but I could let bun havo but 9. lie cumo expressly fur the article, uud says that the person, who had used two hollies, has had a “ liver affection or consumption” 20 years ; and that three of the fam ily arc invalids, and have paid in ten years, lor medical advice and medicine, $1,500. Ho says tho person who has used the two bottles, never found any mf.dic.neto compare with the Catiioiicon, mid that thu neigh- hours, seeing the asioiiishing effects it produced, anuin- her ot them sent the above person to procure the arti cle, lor various chronic diseases. The person told mo he would wail two day, if he could to procuro the two dozen. Will you, without fail, send mo, or, if necessary, even come with a few boxes of thu Catholicon to Hartford, as I fear delays will tukc placo iu New York und New Haven; and os to being out of tho urticlc, I cuiuiot think of it. I um, iu haste, yours, &c. E. W. BULL* TO SEAMEN. Thousands of unfortunate seamen aro rendered use less to their country by the ravages of a devouring dis ease,to which they are more subjeetthau any other c.uss of men. The case ofan unfortunate sailuig&who either embarks in a diseased state, or finds himself bo, on a long voyage, must be truly deplorable ; and it may not, perhaps, be improper to suggest the propriety of always including the Catholicon in tho medicine chests of the Navy and Merchants’ service, it being a sovereign remedy in tho disoase alluded to. TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catholicon is peculiarly adapted to those diseases which aro prevalent among the coloured □ mlation of tho soutJr. In that disease which iscnl- Yaws, it is a sure remedy ; a single trial of it will convince planters of its superior efficacy to uny remedy never bcnaturc in the United States. They should of a similar Without it. . Sold by the principal Druggists and Booksellers in thu United Spites. ICJ 4 * Printed directions aro on the bottles W. W. POTTER—. No. 13, South Ninth street, between ChesnutJpWu llarket, opposito tho University of Pennsylvania^ N. 11. Those persons who may receive sipnal bene fit from the use of the Catholicon, will confer a particular favour on those similarly afflicted, by forward ing certificates of tlieir cures to the proprietor, or to any of his agents. A supply of the above Valuable Medicine kept ou hand and orders from ouy part of the State, and letters postage paid, will receive immediate attention LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Sole Agents, july 14 No 2*&1 5 Gibbon*’ Buildings. Sarsaparilla Syrup. T HIS celebrated Syrup is highly recon; mended by (be Faculty as an excellent depuratjve Medicine, and has been success fully employed in those anomalous cases of disease, which sometimes occur in Scrophu lou8 habits produced by an improper and ir regular use of Mercury. It is carefully pre pared and a supply will be kept on band by LAY & HENDRICKSON. mav 12 American Castings and Nails. E;■f\Sl LBS. AmericanCusiingBass’td aJu'UU 100 kegs Cut Naila asBorted sizoa—20of4d, 25 of 6d, 25 of fid, 25 oflOd, 5 of 12d—100 lbs each. For sale by J? HENRY, aprii 3 . MILLED (SEVILLE Masonic Halt LOT T E R Authorized by the General Aeimbly of Ihe Stale of Georgia, s c HEME . l Prizo of 830,000 is <130,000 1 Prizo “ 15.000 15,000 2 Prize9“ 10,000 a 20,000 2 Prizes". 6,000 K 6 Prizes 44 1,000 «t 6,000 6 Prizes" 9D0 it 4,500 6 Prizes” 800 •i 4.000 5 Prizes” 700 •I 3,500 6 Prizes" 008 is . 3,000 5 Prizes" 600 t( ■ 2,500 5 Prizes" 400 II 2,000 6 Prizes" 300 II 1,500 6 Prizes" .‘200 .«! 1,000 25 Prizes 4 * too II 2,600 60 Prizos 44 60 It 2,600 C50 Pri2o8 * 4 28 «< 13,000 ,000 Prizes 41 10 <1 60,000 Y- On thefrit Tuesday in Auguzl nttL ’W ill told, in front of ihoWRirt f loo V V Houio, in tho oily of Dorlen, bowlon tho fi. All E 6,776 Prizes $100,000 13,224 Blanks. Lose then 8 Blanks to u prize 20,000 Tickets at glO. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All Uie Prizee to be Jlaoling from U\e earn- mencement, except the following, whichx^ will be deposited at different periods in the Wheel, viz .* s N *0 ft 5 « 2 f** — "3 Prizes. 1 eo g’.S *tj 2 *T7 s S’! N S “ K3 ” M 75 •P 60 si! N *0 F •g ^3 (B n 6JI gJS.2 ■£■3 S B- m *o 2 of6000 1 of 10000 Uf 10000 lof 15000 l»f30,000 1 ” 1000 l «• 1000 I « 1000 1 “ 10011 1 « 1,000 1 ■■ ooo l » flOO 1 " 500 t “ UUO 1 “ 800 1 « 800 l ” 800 l “ poo l “ 600 I ” 800 1 “ 700 I ” 700 1 “ 71)0 1 “ 700 1 “ 700 t “ coo t ” COO t “ coo t ” B00 1 « 600 1 « 600 1 ” 600 t “ 500 1 « 600 1 “ 600 1 « 400 l « 400 1 “ 400 1 “ 4«l!l « 4(H) I « 300 1 “ 300 1 “ 300 t “ 300 1 " 300 1 “ 200 1« 200 1- 200 “ 200 l *■« 200 The whole Lottery to be completed US FIVE DRAWINGS ONLY. The Fimt Drawing to take place dositive i.r, on the Fourteenth day oj November next, or at an earlier period, should the sale of Tickets justify it. The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days after each drawing, subject to a deduction of Fifteen por cent.— All prizes not applied for id twelve months from each drawing, to be considered as a donation to the funds of tho Mnsonic Hall.— Tho lake place under the super* inteudenco of WILLIAM Y. HANSELL, 'I SEATON GRANTLAND; D. B. MITCHELL, K. K. MINER, E. H. PIERCE, WILLIAM J. DAVIS, FRANCIS V. DELAUNAY, benjamin f: owkns, THOMAS RAGLAND, JOHN MANNING, and G. W. MUR K AY, WYATTPOARD. Secretary to Commisswiu rs. Present price of Tickets glO, Halves $5, Quarters $2 60, for sale in a great variety of numbers at tho Commissioner’* Office on Wayne Street, opposite Wiley & Baxter’s Store. Orders for Tiokets and Shares from any part of tho United States, postpaid, will meet with prompt attention, addressed to WYATT FOARD, Sec’ry to Comm’rs. Milledgevillo, May 12. may 21 152—fp SHERIFF’S SALES. On the first Tuesday in Scft ember next, W ILL ha sold before tbo Court House in the City of Savannah, between the u- sual hours of sale, tbo following property, viz: One negro boy named William, loviod on under & by virtue of a foreclosure of mort- p»ge in favor of William Joyjier 8gaiofct Jas. E. Wells. july 7 GEORGE MILLEN, fl c >. rls* JtS^ CIRCULAR. Department ov . c tatr, ) Patent Office. June 29,1829. y A LL pnnwns having business with tho Pa* ti nt Office, ore requested to direct their urimtriiinicot nns directly to the Superinten dent of that office, instead of the Secretary of Slate, tho B atier mode being a Headed w t tb 1 onsidnrnble inconvenience and soine im es k. AH such communication;- are free of : t'lge, and will receive iinuiediHlo attention ’OIIN D CRAIG. Superintendent CTTho ptit'lishers rif the Laws of the Uni ■■hales, will give this three or four in«or- <lS july 8 ATIIENEUM, for June. W T- WILLIAMS lias just received • tho ATHENEUMor spirit of the En glish Magazines,. Nos 17 & 18. CONTENTS OF NO. XVII. Edinburgh Sessional School; Tim Wan derer ; Sketches of Con^mporary Foreign Authors, Statesman, &c.—No III.—Cano va; Autobiographies; A Fragment from the “Noctcs”; Who loves me best- By Mary AnoBrowoe; Pains of Music; Sagacity, &c., of Doga; Library of Entertaining Knowledge; Southey’s Nev» Work; The Grave of the Broken Heart. Chapter III; The Indian with his Dead Child. By Mrs. Hemans ; Flowers on tbo AIpb ; My Moth er. By Mary Ann Browne ; Vernal Invo cation. By Delta ; The latest Female Fash ions; Varieties. CONTENTS or NO. XVIIt. The Grave of tbo Broken Heart. Chapter IV; The Druggist of Fife; The Two Homes. By Mrs Hemans, Barba Yorghi, the Greek Pilot; Flies ; Sunset Meditations. By Delta; The Rev Tbomot Chalmers, D. D.; The Two Miners of Famatioa ; The Recall. By Mrs Hemaoa; American Criti cism ; Beauty; A Short Story; Varieties. Terms $5 per annum. july 14 Purified Bear’s Oil, F OR tbo prezervatioD and(/r-,v(h of the human Hair, preaervint it. health and beauty aod pre*entiog premature baldnesi. Thie article ia carefully extracted and pre pared for uso by N; 8. Preotisa, of New York, and a oupply kept on hand by LAY So HENDRICKSON, Druggists, No 3 nod IS, Gibbon’s Buildings, july 4 sMm SHERIFF’S SALE. tho hours of 10 A. M and 4 P. M. All ilioio Tracts or Parcels of Land, known by the Numbers Threo (3,) and Six (6,) io a t and survey made by Thomas M’Call, q. situated ou General!* Island, in the river Alatamuha, in M’Intesh county, lately the property of General Lachlan M’lutosh, cun-* mining together seven hundred and forty nine nnd a half acres, and allotted to Archibald S. Bulloch in pursuance of a writ of partition— levied on under execution upon foreclosure of mortgage, tho Bank of tho State of Geor gia against Archibald 8. Bulloch nnd Wife, issued from the honorablo the Superior Court of M’Iniosb county. THOMAS KING) Mt. c. i«iy 1 ~' SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL bo sold beforo the Court House in the,City of Savannah, between tho u • sunl hours of sale, tho following property, vi* » One negro fellow named York, levied on as the property of John Harris, jr. to satisfy nti execution in favor of Bradley, Cloghorn & Wood, against said John Harris, jr. , One negro woman named Mary, levied on aalhe propnrty of James Sanderlin, d&o’cd., to satisfy’ fxccutlons in favor of MofietwC# ter and Mordsoai Sheftall, Son’r.—♦property pointed out hy the administrator,—lovy made and returned to mo by a constable, july 7 GEORGE MILLEN, b.c.c. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL be sold at tho Court House be tween tho hours of 10 onu '4 o’clook. Lot nnd Improvements in West Brood et. Og'othorpe Ward, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of J S Olcot, against Ezra Kent. Also, Sundry articles of Groceries, Decan- ters, Ctnckcry, &c. levied on to sotisfiy on Execution iu fnvour of Worrcn Lippit, ogninet Pierce Howard nnd Bonjnmin D. Davis. A D’LYON, c. s. julv 4 1/iP SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August ncjl, W ILL bo sold bofore tho Court llouso. in the City of Sovnnunli, between the n.wal hours of sale, tbo following property! viz i Three Neproes, Tom,'William and Nancy, ono di- nin» Table, w ilh ends,one doZ< , n pluin CJiuirp/ono dozen straw do., one Carper, two Keduteads with beds, four Pillows and two. Bolsturfl, one pair of Andirons, Shovel nridTon;:«, one Bureau,,two Matrcsaoe, and fivo Mcd- Rlo.ids—levied on tinder and by virtue of* on exception on fbrenlosiiru of mortgage, os the property of Ann Tay lor, in favor of William S. Taylor, june 6 GEO. MILLEN R. c. c, A dministrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL bo sold beforo tbo Court house in Fnycttu county, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. All that tract of land situated in tho fifth district of Henry county, known by the rvyrn- bor one hundred and forty threo, (143,) cou tabling 202 I *2 acres, more or less, being the real estate of .Stephen II Stocking, late of Savannah, Tailor, dec’d—To ho Bold by por* miBflion of the Justices of the Inferior Couit of Chatham County by virtue of on order of tliesnid Justices, passed in term of March Inst when sitting for ordinary purposes. Conditions cash-‘-Thc purchaser paying for titles. ISAAC NORTON, Adm’or Est. Stephen II. Stocking, dec’d. may 14 142 American Quarterly Review, W T. WILLIAMS has just received • the American Quarterly llcviuqr, No. 10, for June. 1829. CONTENTS. I. DurovEHtES in Cintual Africa, Journal of a Second Expedition into tho Interior of Africa, by die Lie Captain Clappcrton : to which in added the Jour nal of his own return to tho Coast, by Richard Lander, his fuithful Servant. II. Milton's Letteba, Milton’s Familiar Letters, translated from the Latin, with Notes. Uy John Halt. III. Agronomy or Laplace, Traite do Mecanique Celeste, par M. Marquis du Laplace, Pair dc France, dec, &c. IV. Flint’s GtooiuvitY and History or the West ern State*, A Condensed GcoK Ta phy and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley. Uy Timothy Flint, author of Recollections ofdio last ten years in the Mississippi Valley. Salvo tnagna parens, V. Chancery Law, Chancery Cases urgued and de termined iu tho Court of Appeals of South Carolina, from Jnnunry, 1825 to May, 1U2G, both inclusive. By D. J. M’Cord, State Reporter. VI. HobveTooke, Memoirs of John Horne Tookcc Esq.; together with his valuable speeches anti wri tings—also containing proofs, indenturing him asih, author of the celebrated Letters of Junius. By J. A. Graham, LL. D. VII. History ov Pennsylvania, Tho History of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans, to the Declaration of Independence ia 17 .G. By Thomas V. Gordon. JVIII.- Female Biography^ Fomalo Biograpyh ^ or| \ nfClirU'tiuo“ Queen » UI. r tMALC *■ uiiimu ; Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of Ages and Countries. By Mery Hay v. llistoiro do Christine, Reino de Suede, pai Cuttcau-Callcville. Tho History of Christine, of Sweden, by J. P. Caltcau-Collevillo. IX. Hwacr’s Li?* ov Clinton, Memoirs of Do Wit Clinton, with an Appendix, containing numerous docu- monts, illustrative ortho principal events ol his life. lly« • David Hosack, M. V. F. R. 8. > t X. Rimu, System of Geography, by M. Malto Brun." Vol. VI. Book civ—cxiv. Ruwl»» Diversions of Holly cot, Art of Thinking—by Ibe Albio, sod Elizabeth Ds O R tb« Mother's author of Clsn Bruce. The shore excellent work far Cbildreo basins. be.nrcccivcd T by MDwscoLL wayfl Stt>i£ Worms.-—Wo publish a letter from Dr. Paaoalis on the aubjuct of a mothod in* ventod by him for expediting tue silk, worm in forming its cocoons, ns well as pioduoing thorn of larger Biza nnd purer* colour by. moans of eloctriolty. Wo have vieited Ihe place where the experiment is going on, nnd have seen the insects subjected to ihe iuffu-. enco of tho oloctricol fluid, actively at work in spinning Choir silicon shrouds, while chose which woro only partially tileotrisod ;Vorc Inter in their operations, and thooo to whioh electricity had oot boon applied in any de gree were still inactive. A vurietvof modes of treating the silk worm havo bobn ot differ eat limes suggested & adopted, somo of thorn roquiring considerable euro ond cxpmico, &. nono of them wo bolievo perfectly cortnin in their result. If (he method of Dr. Pascnlis shall bo found os Bncccssful in farther oxpe riments ns in tho present one, and if its ap plication to practico can bo made, ns ho sup poses it may bs, with an economy of tho us ual pnina and expense in raising silk worms, the discovery will prove an important public beuefil. ' JYY Y. Post. To the Editors of the Evening Post i Gentlemen—The small uurseryof Sil); Worms which you and many others havo vis ited, was plannod on anew method, with n viovv of ascertaining by experiments tho in fluence of electricity upon this lepidopuir.c insoct. It is a fact not lots truo because strange, that to this day, such on inquiry should not havo been instituted, although hinted ut by one or two writers. Yet, mo dern Europenn culturists have tortured their minds .with ay sterna tic methods, and proces ses, the rationale of which, through infioato care, rules and oxpensivo provisions must ul timately elicit that elemant from the the am bient altnoBphcre, their very host and sue cessful operations remain nevertheless unex plained. Ihuvejust mado three, divisions of Silk Worm seeds, not larger in quantity than we coyld conveniently food ; they wore loft to spontaneous hutching Si t> ordinary cere they were also exposed to (ho late vicissitud es,of the temperature,which wo novercorrect etl by artificial heat. Those wore of coil tso a little thinued in their ranks, & although they have spun good yellow cucoutw, they have been in nursery ten days longer than the following; concerning those we havo noth* ing to boast of, A second division was insulated in litters hy moans of a strong twillod cloth of silk laid over the hurdles, and as the room of (ho nursery was aired, and confined air frequent ly renewed, it in ovidont that the worms wore always in a positive elate of electricity —they woro remarkably vigorous—they mounted to spin a week sooner than the first division leaving no idlers and few sick ; their brushwood nut boiog sufficient ib space, they were offered two inclined hurdles made up of split cnties, which- they admirably til led up with their own while, end largo go* coons—this portion has therefore bueu suc cessful iu about30 days, Thu third division hud been insulated not only by silk but by gluss supports, aod through s powerful jar of a portnblomachino was electrisod as often as ilia condition of the nlmrpphere would permit— perhaps eight or ten times ; they were visibly excited ; they ale voraciously, at loaut five meals a day ; they rested on the 30tli day to mount und spin. They waro clustered in* largo bundles on tho brushwood, all of white silk, slightly tinged with a green hue. These co coons have been weighed, were found of the first quality—10 or 17 to an ounce. This small difference was owing to the brushwood not being selected as tho most convenient for tho spinnerB. , Some other details of tho abovo experiment will be furnished in (he first number of the Silk Cullurint, now iu press, to ho issued the ensuing week. From yours, respectfully, FELIX PASCALIS. July Ilth, 1829. It is now some six or seven months, if our recollection serve us on this interesting point, since we were struck by an agreeable aod universal change in the fomale figures that crossed us in the street. A gontlo rounu- ucss of oullioo spoke wonders in favour of our countrywomon to our unsophistocatod eyes, which ionocently set down to the ac count of nature what was only the cuoniug work ot the mnntua maker. “A change however, soon came ovdr the spirit of our dream.” L»ke a geuorous nature once de coived, we grew unreasonably suspicious.— A general distrust accompanied all our per ceptions, end every day wo ascribed Iusr to nature aod more to the artist. At length, the absurd imitations we saw avery where of the human form, showed us that the band maidens of Venus, the inautua <a makers, no longer conteot to adorn, extended their might ambilioo to excel her. The absur dity, however, seems to have reached tho last point: we predict that & crisis is ap- proachiog, and that puff* aod padding,ore a- bout to ’’take to themselves wings, aud fly away.” Many prudent bachelors have an nounced their deliberate intention to wait Hie change of the fashiou beforo they made their choice, dooming it imprudent to endan ger an cogagemout by a discovery of the ox* loot to which tho deception had ‘ ried. Thus all hypocrisy fails its object, aod oo falsehood, nious, whether it be a printed puff or a quill od petticoat, can hope to deceive long. Ball. American. Which IITUS TRUE Vs*i\,ioNf—The fal lowing puragrnpb i« now circulating through the newspapers: 'Sir 'riioman Moore was taken to Hit, spalHitd A. D. 1535. Ho had a vary loo? board, ‘o/«Druide,'and when ho laid his head down to ha,a it guillotinod, (tho Ro- bospiorriao system was known in England a bundrnd yoars elnoo) morrily said to tko offi cer, 1 You ho,o orders to cut my'head ofi; but havo none to cut my board, therefore 1 pr'oy you to spurn it.’ Hume gives rather a different account nf it. Sir Thomas Moro tho Chancellor, ono of the first men of his ago, wob triad on tho charge of denying tho King (Honry Rtli’s) Suprema cy in church nmtlors. Insufficient ofidonco was produced in suppori of the ohargo, but Ihp arbitrary monarch, who was said nover to havo spared any woman id hit, lust or an; man in bis wrath, was bent on his execution. When Sir Thomos Moro was mounting tho soaffold; he .aid to ono V Friend, help me ap f and when 1 coino down again, iel mn .hilYfcr my.clf." Tho executioner asked him for giveness; ho granted his request, but told him, “ you will novor get oredit hy behead ing mo, my nook is so 0110.1.” Than laying Ilia bond no tho block, he bado -Che execu tioner stay, till lie put aside his board i “For," said ho, '■ « novor committed treason.” Sisom.An Mahhiage.—A company of strolling playurs were performing io n village in Columbia County—tho play wo bolievo was Othello, and tho senate was waiting for tho arrival of tho fair Duadcmcna -from the Sagilary, a minister rose and commenced reading tho marriage service, ond actually married a Mr. Uriah T. Harvey to a Miss Abagail 11. Cloyes, and pronounced the nup- - tual adutonitions. Tho audionce doubtless thought it was part of tho play until tho blush ing brido look bor seat among tho audience, ond Othello continued his address to the sen ate. , A more singular act or acooo of bye- ploy wo vonturo to say was novor witnessed on ony slogs The clorgymai aflor the act should havo thrown offhis cloak, and cried out in tho language of tho poet "hero am I, Hamlet tbo Danu,” Tho Minister was (he Kov. Mr. P. Q Art Italian Dlath—llftlini, a man cT ability, wbo bad boon for sovoral years poet of thu Opera, was in tho habit or aoliciting subscriptions among tbo performers and mu- sicians to relievo him from his frequent em barrassments i until at last tho company du- clared they wuuhl subscribe no moro. In u lurimght after, it was nnnounoed that the uuforlunato pout was deed ; and the new. Was confirmed by his friend’s appearing du the opura night to solicit a last subscription for his deccut burial. As it waa tho laat,ths sum was subsenbod. Ou tbo next opera, night, tbo subscribers saw, to their utter as- lonishmsut, ltodini seated in tho centre of the pit, with tbo greatest nonchalance iinagin- ablu, amusing hunsolf with bia opera-glass add snuff bolt, dressed in a ucw suit of utuurn. ingfur bioisolfd Tho donation was the ecu. forth called Rodini’s resurrection money. Tight Lai im;.—We noticed a short timet ago, tho occurrence of n caio of sudden death iu this city, occasioned by tight lacing. The' Vermont Journal of the 4th of July contains a communication from Dr. Palmer, which gives tho dislressiog particulars attending the dnatli of a Mrs. 8. of that town, aged 18* which was produced by tight lacing, causing an sboese to form near the pit of Ihe atomanb, whioh burst internally. Or. F. ob'.oinod permission to open the body. In the chest, tlie left lung was shrivelled to the thickness uf unit's finger, and ils spongy structure des troyed sn ns to'be wholly unfitted for boaring a part in tlie process of respiration. Its de- genoration of slrocture was wbat physician! dcsignuto by the term hepatization. On tlunday week thorn wore no bans of marriage either fur first, second, or third time, published at Buinloy Church, which, out of a population of 15,000 inhabitants within that Clinpolry, is considered a very remarkable occurrence, and one that has not so happened there for a Dumber of yearn, or perhaps within Ibe memory of the oldest inhabitants. Ofiatoyears, upun qn average, the bans fur Cfloon or twenty couple have boon published each Sunday. Noolher rea son can bo given far this unusual circum stance exeept thet trie extreme poverty and wretchedness of the working people prevent them marrying—a consideration which bas not beeu very common amongst tbo tower classes. —Aerils (king.) Intelligencer, scovery or tno ox- in had fails at longtb nf d, however inge- Tavsun without oboo—The Williag^ town Advocate mentions one kept by Timo thy Were, Esq. on tho road between Wit hometown and Pownal. His bar-room isdi vided by tbe boundary line between Mastu- choactte and Vermont, eo that he effects a “reform” in both States. He keeps a good bouse aod is well patronized. Louis tbo Fourteenth, made a Duke of a country lad, wbo in bis youth, taught him to make bird traps; Acuna voutiiu Aouk.—Iu tbeyearlSOO tlie Chief of Kerrund. tludayot Kooli-Khau. seeing odo of tho gcntlcincu of the Persian mission dying iu the tool,ill of a quartan ague, he begged to be allowed to cure him; and be- ing asked wbat wqs his remody,said he would beat him with sticks till he was well. Tb$ invalid declined tho experiment; at which the chief was not a little offended, and brot a number of his followers to swear tbat they lmd boon recovered by bia blows. “My prac tice ho said is (bis. I tie them op by' ti.s lioela when the cold fit is on, and bastinado them mast sevoroly, ecolding them at thu Homo time, eo as to produco heat and terror, instead of a cold fit, and I always succeed ed.” Envv—The most curious specimen of en vy, wo ever beard of, was exhibited by u London Aldermen, whose name we havo for. gotteo. He was on his way to a turtle din ner, and was encountered by a half slurred, and half naked beggar, wbo solicited charity. Ho looked at the applicant intently for a mo ment, and then burst out “confound you I’d give five guineas for your appetite!” Suobt ConnxsroKDEKL'B.—Mr. Bh corns’ pliments to Mr, C.; thinks it unnecessary his pigs shonld.go through his grounds.— p/y.—Mr. C's compliments to Mr. B.; thinks it equally unnccesiar ' i—Stockport Ai pigt with two gees.- Sultan Osman had a gardper whnpleasaj him so well by hjs tact in planting cabbages, that he rewarded him by appointing bin) Viceroy of (ho l»|o of Cyprqs t %