Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 25, 1829, Image 1

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mmw SAVANNAH, SATURDAY MORLMNG, JULV 26, 182D. AO. 200, THE is EDITED AND PUBLISHED IK THE \ dVJfV OP SAVANNAH, BY ROBERTSON & BKV AN, , jjjf kiout dollars per annum* PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ®8*1&<<*#<*« FOR THB COUNTRY, 19 published to moct tho arranaemont of the mails, Three Times a Week (Monday, Wednesday and Frj- d«vl at the office of tho Daily OenfRiam and eontaltMi Coalmen* Po&aland Meertfe • ifous, including Advertisements, published m tho Daily ^ The Country Paper is scntlo all P£ r ‘ s °JS e T S A t ?i t a aml Drdon, or delivered in tho city, atFiVE DOLLARS per fiunutn, payable in advance. Advertisements arc inserted in both papers "titrate . per square of 14 lines, for the first insertion, and 37 1- <pr every succeeding publication., Communications by mail must bo POST PAID. JSttssssSjtsSSSi a““Cor&"S,KK«* £.»rop«W wsli!^ Notice of those Bale, mtut be nivori i» a gasette Bitty Days P™'° us lh ° B lJc ' Notice of tho sole of Persons! Property roust ho given rtl like manner Forty days hefuro tho ssle. Notice to Dehtora and Creditors of an estate must bo fmhlishcdlor Forty days. _ Notice that application wilt be made to tho Courl Ordinaryforleavo to sell land, must ho pubhshod Fouj, . Months. . _ & take N. YORK LINE °p PACKETS. Ship .UACON, D. L. I’oRTtn, diastor •* STATIRA, Thos. Woun, •• EMPEROR, J. H. Bekkett, I, henry, Geo. Moore, “ FLORIAN, . F. Harrison, HELEN MAR, T. Harrison, Tho owners or the EttablUhtd Line, pleasure io announcing to the public that it ia again permanently completed w»th the a- bove Six first class vessels. They are all /few York built Skips of the bes*. maturin ls, having elegant and spacious accoinmoda- tion8 for passengers, and are commanded by Masters of well knoicit experience in the trade. They jvill sail froto New York every Six days and from this, as often.—I his onarioomont will be punctually adhered to, and aw Insurance can be < (Fueled on ship ments by them at the Very lowest rales, it if hoped that such a sharo of patronage will be extended to this line, as it may merit; trom the great expense neucssarily incurred iu running it, ami from its utility to the public. HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPBtt. jnn 10 y _ • Italian Lotion or Tincture ot Pearls 1 7JOII Improving, preserving and beautify* . ing the Complexion.—This admirable compound has stood the best of all tests (that of experience) aod prpved itself the most ef fectual and valuable cosmetic yet discovered, for removing Pimples, Spots, Freckles, Red ness of the Skin, and all cutaneous eruptions, imparting to. the akin the moat delectable fairnc8B. In case of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and various other humors, it has been used with peculiar success. Gentlemen whose faces are rendered tender by shaving, will find it excellent beyond precedent, for ame liorating aud removiog the nnpleasant harsh- ness caused by the operation Those persons whose avocations expose them to‘ intense so-* hr heat and aovere winds, will find that an occasional application of this valuable cdfir pound will afford the moat soothing reliof, as it removes the unpleasant sensation caused by either. It has not been doemed requisite to offer a long recapitulation of its many vir tues, as its admirable properties are too well known and too justly appreciated to require It. But as there are many vile and spurious cosmetics offered to the public, as possessing virtues of .vital importance, it maf not be useless to remark that the ‘ Italian Lotion’ has been used by thousands, both in Europe and America, with entire success, and far exceeding their anticipations. It not only renders the skin beautifully 6oft and clear, but by repeated applications it promotes a general exercise ofthosc important functions of the skin, which are of primary importance to those who wish to attain and preserve a beautiful complexion, and does not contain any of those pernicious ingredients, which ore the basis ol most cosmetics now io use.-— Certificates of its complete efficacy can be shown to any who wish, either in English, French, Spanish or Italian. A fresh supply of this Celebrated Lotion has just been reseived and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Agents. June 10 Druggists, Gibbons’Buildings. Potter's Vegetable Catholicon. T HE unrivalled and extensive reputation a I read ■ acquired by t his mediciue, do* moods from the proprietor his greatful ao* know lodgment to a discerning public. Thoso affected with KING’S EVIL, or Scrofula, NECROSIS, or diseased bones, SYPHILIS in every stage, ULCERATED SORfc THROAT, ULCERS of every des cription, however old and inveterate; every Variety of Cutaneous disease, Blotches on the face, Pimples and Tetter in particular. Rheumatism and Gout, While Swellings, and diseasus resulting from J\J*rcury, may be confident of obtaining in allAho above cates, iii which nature buB not altogether yielded to disease, radical*and permanent cures from the use of tho Catholicon. This is the first discovery of a medicine taken in the stomach, that harbad the long debirHl effect of curing the most obstinate add distressing external diseases. Tho use of nutritious food, and tho ordina ry avocations df business are not interrupted by the Catholicon; and its properties having tho power of restoring both flosh and bone, and of reoovatiog and invigorating every part of the system during tho process of extermi nating disease, is without a parallel. Tho proprietor begs leave, respectfully, to return thanks, to the many who have reposed confidence in his former statements, relating to tho healing properties of tho Catholicoo: and he wouldlurlhet assure the public, that ho will in no instance forfeit their confidence^ by recommending his modicioe oa applicable to any diseaso, iu which it shall not have proved itself eminently successful. The followiug certificates will, it is pre sumed, satisfy the most incredulous, of the pre-eminont virtues of tbo Catholicon. N* CERTIFICATES. Philadelphia, May 28, l&l. Sir,—I nm now, thanks to your medicine, a’hearty nian. For nearly six years l have been a martyr to a dise.-wc, whosc'ruquges threatened, if not soon slopped, to put u period to my existence. Having hud no regu lar medical advico from tilts commencement, my Corn- plaint at last got to such a height that I could nut swat. Lw wit haul great pain and difficulty. Tumours furnwJH In different parts of my body, and 1 begun to think my situutiou almost desperate. The five bottles of the Catholicon which I have taken have completely cured me, and I am now as well as I could wish to be. With my thanks, 1 am your obliged humble servant, &c. GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, es. George Kune, of the district ot Southwark, personally appoured,' and being duly sworn, doth declarfe mid say, that the ubove statement is, in all respects, correct and true r und that tho signature t>> it is in thu hand writing of this deponent. JOHN B1NNS. Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28,1824. [From the Darien (Geo.) Gazette, November 1.J A MOST LXTHAOHOTNAY Cl'HK imXTED BY PoTTEM'S Catholicon.— Captain Dourly, keeper of the light on Saiielo and muster pilot fur Dolmy llur, at horizon m to make known to tho public tbo loliowing fact ol' a roccut date. • f. m ■ •• “ About a month ago, I bought three bottles of Por- teii’s Catholicon, for the purpose of testing its virtues upon Mr. Peter M’Cullorh, pilot of Dubov liar, who hud hecu fur several years confined to bis bed and crutches iii consequence of diseased limbs, and ulceruied feet—the soles of bis feet Were in that shuckim •: ;o, that tho bones were perceptible both to the sight and touch. Mr. M'Culloch, after die use of three efthe Catholicon, laid aside his crutches, aim was this <lay in (own attending to his business, m neaily perfect he.illii. Darien, November 1, 1826. Hartford, Coun. Fcbru-irySO, 1827. Mr. YVm. W; Putter- Dear Sir—I have now hut one bottle of Catholicon left. A person arrived this evening, who 00 ...lies since morning, fur 17 bottles of Catholicon, ana would havo taken 24; but l could lot him liuvo but 0.. He came expressly fur the urtic!e,*and says that the persoh, who had used two battles, has hud a 11 liver affection ot consumption” 20 ycurs ; and that threo of the fam. ily are invalids, and have puid in ten years, for medical advico and medicine* 81,600. Ho soyatlie person who has used the two bottles, never found any medicine to compare with the Catholicon, and that the neigh bours, seeing tho nstonishing ilftcts it produced, a uuiu- her of them sent the above person to procure the MIGLEDGE VILGK Masonic Hall LOTT EEY Authorised by the General Assembly of the Slate of Georgia, n| flAimwa. 8 C II E IU B 1 Prizo of £30,000 is 430,000 „1 Prizo “ 15,000 «« . 15.000 S Prizes “ i(i,ooo •i 20,000 2 Prizes 41 5,000 it 10,000 6 Prizes* 4 1,000 *i 6,000 5 Pnzos“ 900 ii 4,500 5 Prizes “ 800 4.000 6 Prizes “ 700 ♦i 3,500 5 Prizes 4 * 600 i; 3,000 5 Prizes “ 600 u 3,500 5 Prizes 44 doo 'tt 2,000 6 Prizes 44 300 it 1,500 6 Prizos 44 200 ii 1,000 25 Prizes 4 ‘ 100 it 2,500 60 Prizes 44 50 “ 2,500 650 Prizes 44 20 41 13,000 6,000 Prizes 44 M> «l 60,000 0,778 Prizes <J 100,000 ! 3,394 Blanks, Lees than a Blanks to a prize 30,000 Tickets at jjio. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the Prizes to be footing from the com- mcncetnent, except thefollowing, which will be deposited at different periods in the Wheel, viz : nuSJ . bo • m c o «•- N T3 ® ” U tn t*»B ? bC a ps.S s-s * ifl'S, •r « U u Q- ft* T ^ s a. m -T3 £ .6 2 CU rp -o offiOOtM of 10000 •So B 83 5 0m in *TJ 1o/'lOOOO 1 of 15000 lof30,000 10001 8001“ 800 1 “ 700 1 “ 60011 44 600! 1 44 400U “ 3«hi»« 2001 ** 1000 1 900 1 " 800 1 700 1 •* 600 1 “ 600 1 ” 400 300 200 CIRCULAR, Department or State, ) Patent Office^ June 29,1020. \ A LL persons having business with tho Pa tent Office, are requested to direct their communications directly to tho Superintend-: dent of that office, iustcad of the Secretary olV Stoic, the latter mode being attended w^th ^ considerable inconvenience and somolim es risk. All such communications aro free of postage, and will receive immediate attention. JOHN D. CRAIG, Superintendent Er*The publishers of tbo Laws of the,Uni ted States, will give this throe or four inser- tions . j u |y 8 Nortli American Review. W T. WILLIAMS baa just received • the North American Review, No 64, for July 1829. CONTENTS 5 Art. T.—Memoirs of a Financier. Art II.—Principles of Elocution. Art. III.—History of Intellectual Philoso phy. Art. IV.—De Beranger's Life and Wri tings. Art. V.—The Greek Revolution. Art. VI—Abbot's Letters on Cuba. Art. VII.- Americun Poems. Art VI11.—Popular Education. Art. IX— Boston Exhibition of Pictures- Art. X-—Constitutional History. Quarterly list of /few Publications. july 14 * Food for Silk Worms. J UST received a quantity of the seed of the Italian Mulberv tree. For aale by y- RYEESON, Jr. jeno n Qo the Be- piirsou to procure the arti cle, for various chronic diseases. The person told mo bo would wait two day, if he could to procure tho two dozen. Will you, without faH, send mo, or, ifnoccssary, even cornu with a fow boxes of tho Catholicon to Hartford, as I fear delays will take pluce in New York and New Haven; and as to being out of the article, I cannot think of it. I am, in haste, yours, &c. EX W. BULL. TOSEAJdEJf. Thousands of unfortunate seamen aro rendered ustv less to their country by thu ravages of a devouring dis ease,to which they aro more subject than any other class of men*. Tho case of an unfortunate sailor who cither embarkaifta diseased state, or finds himself so, on a long voyage, must be truly deplorable; and it may not, perhaps, bo improper to suggest tho propriety of always including the Catholicon in the medicine chests of the Navy and Met Chants’ service, it being u sovereign remedy in tho disease alluded to. TO SOUTHERJf PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catholicon is peculiarly adapted to tho^e diseases which aro prevalent among the coloured population of the south. In that discuno which is cul led Yaws,it is a sure remedy ; a single trial of it will . . w %t>>> , -ssi **•»„„. n» 8 n*i 8 . of a similar without it. Sold by tho principal Druggists and Booksellers the United States. [CP Printed directions arc on thc.bottlcs W. W. POTTER, No. 13, South Ninth stroer, betwocn Chesnut and Market, opposite tho University of Pennsylvania. N. B. Those persons who may receivo signal fit from the use of' the Catholicon, wifi co: particular favour on those similarly afflicted, by forward- ^certificates of their cures to the proprietor, of to any A supply of the above Valuable Medicine kept on hand andoedera from any part of the State, and letters postage paid, will receive immediate attention LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggista, Sole Agents, july 14 No2& 16 Gibbons’Buildings. The toho/e Lottery to be completed IN FIVE DRAWINGS ONLY. The First Drawing to take place positive ly, on the Fourteenth day oj Jfu vernier next, or ot an . earlior period, should the ‘salo of Tickets justify it. The whole of tho Prizes payable in sixty days after each drawing, subject to a deduction of Fifteen por cent.— All prizes not applied for io twelve months from each drawing, to be considered as a donation to tho fundi of the Masonic Hall.— The drnwiug to take place under tho super* inteodence of WILLIAM V. HANRELL, 'k ^ . SEATON GRANTLANI), “ 1). B. MITCHELL, R. K. HR fcS, r. H. I IKKCE, V\ II,LL\M J DAVIS, FR ANCIS V. DELAUNAY, BENJAMIN F. (V. I NS. THOMAS RAGLAND. JOHN MANNING, an d G. VV MH WRAY, WVaTTFOAU . *secretary to < V.mmissiontrs. Prp.Rnt print* ui TipIicir pu llalm ^0, Q i 'Tier. 511, for >nle in a great variety of ■ iiitikbcrs at iliu Comtni&si tier’d Offi (! oil ' V..vne Street, upposite Wiley & Baxter’s Store. Ortlere for Tickets and Shares from any part of the UnitOtl Stalee, postpaid, will meet with prompt uttonlion. aditrersed to WYATT FOARD, Sec’ry to Coinm'rs. Milledgeville, May 12. may 31 153—fp > £ l). SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in Avgust next, W ILL be cold* in front of the Court Houio, io tho city of Dorion, between the houri of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. All those Tracta or, Parcels of Land, known by the Numbers Thtco (3,) and Six (0,) in a plat and survey made by Thomas M’Coll. Esq. situated on General’s Island, in the river Alatntnalm. in M’Intoah county, lately the properly cf General Lachlan M’Intoah, con* taiuing teguthor seven hundred and forty nine and a half notes, and allotted to Archibald Bulloch iti pursuance of a writ of partition— levied on tuuicr execution upon foreclosure of mortgi go, the Batik of tho State of Geor gia agniPM Archibald S. Bulloch and Wife, issued from tho honorable tho Superior Court of M’lntnsh cmfnty. THOMAS KING, b.m.c. july 7 SHERIFF’S SALE. un the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL bo sold before tho Court House io (ho City of Savannah, botwocn the u- gual hours of sale, tho following property, viz . One negro fellow named York, levied on os the property of John Harris, jr. to satisfy an execution in lavor of Bradley* Clnghoro & Wood, against said John Harris, jr. One negro woman named Mary, lotted on os tLe property of James Saodcrlin, dcc’od., to. satisfy executions in favor of Moses Car ter and Mordecai Shoftnll, Son’r.---property pointed out by the administrator,—levy made and returned to me by a constable, july 7 GEORGE MILLEN, a. c. c. 1,000 900 800 700 COO 600 400 300 g»ff« 200 E. V SHERIFF’S SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL bo sold before tho Court IlotieC in the City of Savannah, between the u- aual hours of sale, tbo following property, viz: One negro boy named William, levied on under & by virtuo of a foreclosure of mort- trn^e io favor of William Joyner against Jai. july 7 ‘ GEORGE MILLEN, a. c c. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August ncxt t W ILL bo sold at the Court House be tween tho hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. Lot and Improvements in* West Broad at. Og’ethorpe Ward* leviod on to satisfy on execution in favor of J SOlcot, ogainat-Ezra Kont. Also, Sundry articles of Groceries, Decan ler6* Crockery, &c. levied on to satisfiy Execution in favour of Warren Lippit against Pierce Howard and Brnjnmiu D Davis. A D’LYON^l-, a Jv4 ^ IH9T MW SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL he sold before the’ Court Houso, in the City of Savannah, bet ween the t«*ual hours of sale, the following property, viz t Three Negroes, Toni, William amt Nancy, ono di ning Tnlile, uith ends, one riuzrn |,|nin Chairs, one dozen straw do., one Carpet, two lie dale a (Is with beds, lour Pillows hikI two DoUterc, one pair ol Andirons, Shovel and Tuiip, one liureuu, two MnttessOB, anil five Bed steads—levied on under artd virtuu of an execution on forcrioiiurn of mortgage, hh tfio property of Ann Tuy- lor, in favor of William 8. Taylor. 1ILLEN, GEO M Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL be sold before tho Courthouse in Fayette county, between tho bourn of 10 A M. and 4 P.M. All (lint tract of land situated in the fifth district of Henry county, known by the num bor ooo hundred and forty threo, (143,) con trifling 202 I *2 acres, more or less, being (ho real eutntu of Stephen If. Stocking, late of Savanoah, Tailor, decM—To ho sold by pet** mission of the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, by virtuo of an order of thesaid Jasticcs, passed in term of March Sarsaparilla Syrup. T il IS celebrated Syrup is highly recom mended by the Faculty as an excellent d.purativo Mediciue, and ha. been success fully employed in those anomalous cases of dise.Be, which sometimes occur iu Scroplm loue habits produced by an improper and ir regular use of Mercury. It is carefully pre pared and a supply will be kept on baud LAY & HENDRICKSON. mav 12 American Castings and Nails. C i a LBS. American Castings ass-ld JUVU 100 kegs Cut Nails assorted sizes—30 of 4d, 35 of 0d, 35 of Od, 25 bflOd, 5 of 13d—100 ibseach. - .J P HENRY. Fur ealo ij tyitil»' v ATHENEUM, for June. T WILLIAMS has just recoived " .the Atiiunkum or spirit of the En- CONTENTS OF NO. XVII, Ediukurgh Heeaional School; Tho Watt, Herer; Sketches of Contemporary Foreign Authors, Statesmen,. &c.—No III.—Conu- va; Autobiographies ; A Fragmcot from tho ■‘Noctoa” ; Who loves me best. By Mary Ann Browne; Fains of Music; Sagacity, 6a,, of Dogs; Library of Entertaining (Knowledge; Southoy’s New Work; Tho Wave of the Broken Hoart. Chapter III; liom January, 1825ioMay, Iii26, Indian with his Dead Child. By Mr.' v- J - M'Cord, State Reporter, mns; Fiowersonthe Alps; My Moth- Chapter a>he Indi ~ ' ~ Hemans By Mary Add Browne ; Vernal Invo- calion. By Della; Tho latest Femalo Fash ions; Varieties. • CONTEXTS or NO. SV1IT. The Grave of tho Broken Heart. Chapter IV; The Druggist of Fife; The Two Homes. By Mrs Ilemans , Barba Yorghi, the Greek Pilot; Flies ; Sunset Meditations. By Dolls; The Rev Thomas Chalmers, D. D.; The Two Miners ef Fsmatioa; Tbs Recall. By Mrs Itemaus; American Criti cism ; Beauty i A Short Stoty; Varieties. Term. $5 per annum. , july 14 & Purified Bear's Oil, OR the preservation an4 gr human Hair, ( jt when silling for ordinary purposes. Conditions cash—The purchaser paying ' titles. ISAAC NORTON, Adm’or Est. Stephen II. Stocking, dec’d. may 14 14* American Quarterly Review. W T. WILLIAMS hiis just received • the American Quarterly Review, No. 10, for June. 1829. CONTENTS. I. 'DisrovEnrcs is CijasriiAi/ Anna. Journal of a Second Expedition into iTio Interior of Africa, by tho late Captain Cluppcrton : to which is added the Jour, nul of his own return to the Coast, by Richard Luuder, N his faithful Servant. II. Wilton’s Lett pus, Wiltou’s Familiar Lctterii, ' translated from the Latin, with Notes. By John Hull. ,111. jisrtiONOMY ok Lapi.ack, Truito do Meeamquo Celeste, pur M. Marquis de Laplace, Pair de Franco, See, Sic. IV. Flint’s Glocrahiv and History of tiie West- erX States, A Condensed Geography and History of tho Western States, or the Mississippi Valley. By Timothy Flint, author of Recollections of die last Ion years in thu Mississippi Valley. Salvo mugna parens. V. Chancery Law, Chancery Cases argued and dc- tormined in tho Court of Appeals of South Carolina, ’»*826, f Tho following excellent burlesque appear ed in Rome paper io Ihia State wb believe the Augusta Chronicle about two years ago. It bears rather hard upon us Georgians but is very.omusing nevertheless $— PRK8KNTINO A 8TAKDAHU. “These gallant souls who shoulder gunu, And twice a yeur go out a training." Il won ns fair a morning as one would wish tn behold i when, oboying the obll of,tbo rollihg drum, Capt- Blinn, (butter known to the pub lie as nu orator, end lawfully elected a men* her of the legislature) marched with ineatur- ed step to the muster ground, having*clean buck tail 6tuck in his hat. and a woollen anslt lied round Mb body, whoreby waa'BUBpouded a largo cut ond thrust aword, which, from ira vonerabio appearance, might have been tbo very same weapon which Golieh drew upon tho heroic David ; but it was not. On ItiB right 6huulder ( )ay.a knot of plastered yel-. low cotton, which’ pnssod for an opaulettq of a commissioned ojTicor, for such was ho who had utmost “filled up tho measure of hit) country’s glory. “Shoulder arms l” exclaimed' tho double' lunged commander, ond a general con tusion‘ensued among tho broomsticks nod cornstalks. “Right tuce l” ‘‘Keep off on my 10018,” says ono—*“I refckon you don’t know your right arm from your loft,” says another. “You lio 1” exclaims- a third, “Silence 1” thunders Barney Blinn, (instruments tune,) Bobs drum, bank ! snar drum, rubadub! fife, tootle, tootle I bugle, terratutoirs !— Quick timo, l'orad march * ” Music strikes up. “Como all ya. bold Virginians, I'll Iiayo you for to know, That for to fight tho unomy We’re going for to go J. “Toko caro to wheel to tbo right—march! Furred march ! Trail arms. Shoulder arms. By files to the front, form platuous, march l” Thus they procteded higgledy pigglcdy, one tumbling over the, oltiur, until they or* rived nt Squire Dodd’s whero they wore greeted by the loud cheering of or logtoh ol ragged lirtle urchins,who rushed out of echool in spite of the threatening shako of their old pedagogue’*^hickory aiyitch. But what in apired the warriors most, ond brought tho glow of conscientious pritlo in their leotbor couutcuancea, were the smiles a baud of fair spectators, who stood .crammed together'in tho wiudows, and the piazza, which stretched oluug the front of thu Hpuiro’s house. A nod from tho gallant captain sufficed ob a hint, and the military buiid struck up the fashion* able air of “Polly pot the kettle on,” in com- plimeut to tbo ladies* who giggled, and, as u grateful return; waved their handkerchiefs and kissed tlioir Luiidu tu tho bravo defeud- era of thu fair. Unit 1—front—loft, uo—rigUt dross!—back there, back, heads up—eyes right—steady- now front—order arm* 1” A bucket of whis key now went its merry round, much to the cucourngemeut of home manufactures/ fpr no innn fell short of a half pint, the Usual guage of a backwoodsman, who knows the true use of his gullet. Fallstuff waa a fool tu either of them, for his leather lined paunch seldom Jruew any thing stronger than sack; theirp o|^erc proof stgujust tho action of modern wfl% key. ^1 When the best part of the day’s sport was over, the troops wero again culled to order, and what few rifles thoro were among them, proved by their unsteadiness that their bear- ora bad lost tho best part of theiT understand ing, though* they had taken in an additional quantity of now spirit. At the roll of the ,drutn, a- fine plump country Iquh stepped sueakiogly from the crowd of damsels, bearing & stnudni'd, or rather n yard or two o< whilo homespun, witha turkey buz zard surrounded by thirteen black lus tres worked in the centre (doubtless in tended for tho American Eagle ond the thirteen stars:) over the whole, in blazing letters of broad cloth was worked tho motto, “ Georgia, and State Rights.” The abashed damsol, (who’but for her blushes, who would have borne a fine sem blance tu Joan of Arc, when that inspired heroine stood with her country’s banner up on the battlements of Orleans;) after passing hor arms twice or thrice along the under part of her none, and snivelling a little to givo interest to her appearance, held (ho banner out and spoko as follows “ Gcotlo* man : This hero flag which is worked by tho girls of our school, I hand over to you.-— It possibly may happen, that bouio on these Joys you may bo called into service, to fight for tho rights of your own State ; and all wo’ve got to ax you in, that vou won’t dis grace it by running front your inimiee.” Capt. Blinn stepped in front of tho ranks, and, with tho air of one . who is aware of knowing something about such matters, sa luted the fair donor with three several fiou- both iuclusivu. By ..... . _ John Homo Tookeo Esq.; together with his valuable speeches and wri tings—also containing proofs, indontifying him aalh, author of tho celebrated Letters of Junius. By J. A. Graham, LL. D. VII. IlbTOHT of Pennsylvania, Thu Hisfory c Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans, to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. By Thomas F. Gordon. VIII. Female Biography, Femalo Biograpyh ; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of all Ages and Countries. By Mary Hays. Histoirc do Christine, Reinu do Sucdo, par J. P, Catlcau-Callcvillc. Tho HUt-ry of Christine, Queen of Sweden, by J. P. Cattcau-Callcvillc. IX. Hop ack’s Life of Clinton, Memoirs of Do Wit CliuUn.withan A ~— JS -‘— MWU . U w ... v ,. noalth and,^. ity and prevention mature baidocss. f\K the Mother’d Art of Thinl This article is carefully extracted aud pre- VP author of Clan Albio, and J pared for use by N. S. Prentiss, of New York, and a eopply kept on hand by . LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, No 2 and 16, Giblio’a Buildinga, py* X. Ru»u, System of Geography, by M. Malto Brim. Vol, VI. Book civ—cxiv. Russia. Diversions of Hoi Iycot, iking—by - the Elizabeth De Bruce. The above excellent work for Children has just been received by X. tf. DRISCOLL. iu my Integrity,Tor no mlnistor.tion mini* to bi depended upon ; Ihorelbru 1 will ny tlial all wba murch undor ibis O.f sbal! bn for Jackson or rn.y I be d-d, if Ml take it* May be you donf know whot corruptions do mes are going on to injure our csodsrdato, who is fsitionlly culled Ciney Natty, that bourn tho nam'd of a brnye Chorokoo chief, ,whb died of eating wild parsnips. Tbo, soy ihst lie killed si* militia men, add served them up at the Icotionsorir.R barbecue: that ho shut u mnn io cool bluud ,• that ho tra duced tho affections of bis wife from soother man, nm! 09 forth ; but its a lio, b I’m mils- cle and bone for the follor (hat 'says it is’ot jt cud ivbo urn (hem tbsloupparts tbo minis. turotlon f Their deeds will giro an answer. I ho have forgml leltere; they have fobrica- tod lies ; tlicy have bribed. noivepnpora Jlho yiliialss of publie dopimon.;) ibcy'ro consti- tuling end terrifying a woolen’s bill, which will cxcriininste southsrn trndn; they’re shelling bends with the niggers of the (erri- tory ol Hsjli, nnd elding ond obotleuiogtbn hnghah in moking tho Grooks as corrup- tious os themselves. They are leagued with one Col. Trade, n rank Hartford convention, or; they nro ploying billiards, they nro est- mg public dinners, waatieg public pens, and travelling in slogs conches ! Whose hem (bat will not say ihat these ’ore doings is not ignominious! (Loud shouts.) Ilurrs) my hoys! Guorgiuna IS pluck—down wilh thu unulsierntion ; up with old Ciuoy Natty, ready; 01m, fiiol” 1 * ! No sooDer was the word given thao the in- struincnlo o( doolh snsworod with s poo —-bang—whiz-boom—which harmoniously blended with tho msirumentnl bang—rub-a- dub—tool/a lootlo—and (emu la-tn, while thai compaoy sonmpored ofl’tho held. ~ PicTunKrgf.n —If iLo renowned Dr. Svn- lox ”cru in our day performing his perambu- lutions 111 search of tbo ‘‘pictureanuo,’’ we vpmuro to any ho would not travel beyond Ibo pages of the diurnal and Uobdomadal pub- licatioou ot tlicse United Slates. EnvDtian bioroglyphios, Chineso duvlcos, and tho tat tooing of “our Rod Brsllirou,’* aro all fairly distanced by ii.o ingonous signs preBzod, af- haed, and intermixod with the notice! of our bent and moat essentiul friends—our ad. rertiBing customoru. If wo go on at tho rut. we have, a oowepaper will, by nnd by bo a more collection ol pictures. Look for nn in? otooco, ulourdlh pugo; it iamoroliko tbs symbolic pntuor (Ban a business sheet. There arc ladies and gentlemen (baking faces at each ot her, with combs aud looking glasses cloac at hand to drcBs by; hydrants and stoves, harness for horses and eusponders foi* dandiea.a square patch of drapery represent, mg a bed curlnin or masonic nproo, wskuov not which, and the evorlaaiing, indefaligablo firemen apparently proclaimings general conflagration, nil amply displayed for tbo ed ification ut grown up children. Such ia the fact ; wo deeply deplore it, mid Imveiuceo santly reinonalratod against it. We have implored, argued aod entreated (o be spared the degradation, but all to no effect. There- ply is, -if you wont insert them others will.” vvo base no right ro say the space occupied by those decoraiiunB is wasted, because we aro paid for it, & it is much lore labour for ou, compositors 10 put in a picturo thau to set up ibo same qusulity of typo; but it srguoe bad taeiu, Juulis bed, slid tolls to our preiadica abroad. Wo must; boworer, do our custom* ors the luetico to aoy, that their devices era in general appropriate ; neither is this com- •nullity more addicted to this abowy practice than others, and they hnvo tho advantage ter* of being to the full ua judicious in tboir so. motions, Ol this wo could cilu abundant proof, but au iuslance or two shall suffice -s In a highly pospcotablo Dot ton paper before ub, is a pretty little lnodrcapo made up of trees, cascades, cottage and water works Tins 1. to represent Balling Clutbe 111 It. oDolher, paper, we seo at tho head of so ad vertisement, a full grown, well fed porker— -•tho wholo hog.” And ,wbat think yoir this fat pig is to indicate.” -'D’yn givo it npf” Why, that Iho advertiser is a maker of brush, ea ! I f This ip Mnemonics—-pig, bristles brushes—a rare association of ideas truly Wo do uoi douht, tho author of this cute no* tion could make a ivhietlo out of a pig’s tail, A parallel to Ills above device would bs to hangout tbo sign of a horse-to (bow that tho advortisor made fiddle slicks. Aurora. with a new quid, be lliua addressed hor io behalf of his associates 1 “ We accept of' tins ’ore flag, ma’am-from you and tho other gals withgonrrvineold continental feeling., prevading o'or breasts; and I reckon there's not a follow anioogat us that would uut dio to defend it. Is there my boys.' (No-no.) We mo all politicks now a days, and theso ’oro is pretty ticklish times; but tho devoice on this 'ore color shell bring to miod tbo prclopstives of out atats, and of the duty we sirs Koskiseko, Pulaski, De Kalb and tbo rest of our forefathers who bled and died for tbs invisible rights of Ameriky. Has Geor gia out causo to etnnd by her arms ? Ia the An extraordinary atory is told by Coptaii^ Wallnco, of a lover and his mistress, who wore raved in a singular mauucr from tho jaws of a shark. A transport, wilh part of a regiment on board, was soiling with a gen- t 0 broezo along tho coast of Ceylon, one of thu oflicois was leaning ovor (he poop railing, conveiaing with a youog lady who hod ini spired him with Ibc tender passion ; Iho fair ouo.woa in hor cabin, and in (be act of hand- mg a paper Io her lover, when overreaching herself, she fell into iho sea, ond supported by her cloll.cs, drifted astern; Ibo oflicor lost 00 tnno in plungiog in after hor, and swims raing towards her, upheld her with one arah. nor WIIU on •TV- "•*“ “ou-i I ho sails wore quickly backed, the shinl Go- Mies of bis sword, and a low congou. Ailed ho. and prep.rationa wore mak ng to lowor a taling the standard and charging his ruou b boat; when to tho dismav of all on board l ments,illustrative oftho principal events ol hislifu. By not consulted, invested of her territories, & David HosaekjM. D. F. R. 8. trampled down upon under tho foot of Gin’- “ 6l tl ral Government tho men of tbo coalition? Is she not hold up to contrlsion ; and as Jack Spear says, do they not bito the thui in scorn ? Yes ma’am ; but we’ro tbs bo; for defending state rigbta, aod Crock or Cherokee, or any other of (be Auimalgerma- tion party shall not moke us butlgo an inch. (Loud Cheering.) My constitutes Imvoelec ted mu to tho legislator; they know I’m raiionpasitiocer, and ikereforo hayu alliacco i . , diamay of all on board, a large shark appeared from coder tho keel of tho vessel, and glided towards bis victims; a shout o terror from the agonizod spectators called the attention of the officer to tho tapw proaebing danger; ho saw the monster's fear- ful leogtb nearing him, bo rnude a desperate effort, pinoged aod splashed the water so as •to frighten the shark, who turnod and dived away out of eight; the current had uuw car ried the officer ond tbo lady close to the vc», sol, whon tho shark appeared a second lima alongside, and was in tho act of turning on his back to seize onooftbo hapless pair when a privalo of tho officeils company, who was atanding in ihd bammook'ootting, iumomf fearlessly ov ,,r ’ ,,i " T ' < • *--- * . -. hand, shark, csbIv ovorbunrd with a bayoaol in , which he plunged into tho back of i, which instantly disoppoarinir.thRih big back.of tln> ly disoppoaring,the threo wore quickly released from their mba situation, joy! SL perilous March or Poetry.—Tko reporter of Smi th field market (London) woe quite poctft col last week. Ho eaya, “the cloud that ' hung ao long ovor this market still obscures our vision!” aod adds, “the tauByji tndff partakco of this dullncxj.”