Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 01, 1829, Image 1

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iff * * m £ a ■M Mu ; Mfsasias-mzi SAVANNAH, SATl AlOttNING, AVGUST l 1829. 203 the /' 1 IB 'EDITED ANDPVBLtSHED IM TBE - - orrr op savannah, BV ROBERTSON ,* SEV AN, • ATEIOBT DOLLARS PER AMHCM, EATABLE IN ADVANCE. 1 • m S>$6 Ufofflfo# fob tee country, 18 published tonroetlho arraMoment J* 10 MMi M^oStotfUlTp.ily'GcorKlan, »" d contains 7eper. The' discovery of a-medicinc taken fn tha stomach, the ubo of tho Csth annum, payable In advance. tors at 75 cents persquwe of 14 hne., for tho first totitlloa, and 37 1-2 for every succeeding publication. ‘ , Communications bymail must ho POSTPAID. , r Sales ofLand and Negroes bV Administrators, ®*®cu- • ' and Guardians are required by law to bo bold, off ' -Notice oftho sale of Personal Property mast bo given ■ mUko manner Forty dnye before ihoealo. W NoticotoDebtoran.idCroditorsofancstate.mU8t bn published for Forty days. . . . • Notice that application will be rnado 1 to . Ordbiaryfyrioavoto sell land, must bo published rou Months# - . that bus had the long desired efleet of curing the most obstinate and distressing external diseases. The use of nutritious food, and the ordina ry avocations at'business are not interrupted by the C&lhnlicon; end its properties haring the' power of restoring both flcslt and bone, and of renovating and invigorating every part of the system during the process of extermi- noting disease, is without a parallel. , The proprietor begs loave, respectfully, to return thanks to the many who have reposod confidence in his former statements, relating to the healing properties of tho Catholicoo: and he would turthat assure the p.ublip, that he will in no instance forfeit their confidence, by recommending hiB medicine as applicable to any disease, in which it shall not have proved itself eminently successful. The following certificates will, it is pre sumed, satisfy tho most incredulous, of the pro-eminent virtues of the Catholicon. N.YORK LINE ■ f&mggzL PACKETS. Ship MACON, D. L. Porter, Master “ STATIRA, Thos. Wood, i ••EMPEROR, J. H. Bennett, “ “HENRY, 1 Geo. Moore, ‘ .<> FLORIN, F. Harrison, “ “ HEEEN MAR, T-Harrison, The ownorB of the Established Line, take pleasure in announcing to tho public that it ’ is again permanently completed with the a- bovo Six first class vessels. They are all Jfcw York built Ships: of the best materials, | having elegant- and spacious accommodd- § lions for passengers, and are commanded by , Masters of well known experience in tUe f- trade. They will sail from New York every Six dam and frdln this, ae often. —This arrangement will be punctually adhered l *' tp acid as Insurance can be eudcted on snip .Tiinenta by thorn nUlie very lowest rales, it is I'hoped that euch a share of patronage will be \‘i extended ter this line, as it may merit; troui the great expense necessarily incurred in running it, and from its utility to P“J 1,Cf HALL, SHAPTER & TOPPER., jan 1,6 •.’ . L | Italian Lotion or Tincture of ' Pearls F OR Improving, preserving and beautify ing tho Complexion.—This admirable compound haB stood the beat of ell teata (that of experience) aod proved itself the most ef fectual ond valuable cosmetio yet discovered, for removing Pimolee, Spots, Freckles, Red- neeb of the Skin, and all cutaneous eruptions, imparting to the skin the moat .delectable faimees. to case of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and various other humorp, it. haa heenUBed with peculiar eucoesa. Gentlemen -whs* faces are rendered tender by shaving, will find it excellent beyond precedent, for. ame tiorntiog and removing the unpleasant harsh. neSecauBed by the operation Those persons whose avocations expose them (o intense so lar heat and severe winds, will find that an occasional application of thie valuable com* .. pound will afford the most soothing relief, as 1 it removes the unpleesaot sensation caused by either. It has not been deemed requisite to offer a long recapitulation of its many vir tues, as its admirable properties are too well known and too justly appreciated to require it. But as there are many vile, and epuriouB cosmetics offered to the public, as possessing • virtues of vital importance, it may not be useless to remark that tho • Italian Lotion 1 haa been used by thousands, both in Europe and America, with entire 8U0ceas, end far exceeding their anticipations. It not only renders the skin beautifully soft and clear, . but by repeated applications it promotes e general exercise of those important functions of the skin, wbiohare of primary importonco to those who wieh to attain and preserve a beautiful complexion, and does not contain nay of those pernicious ingredients, which are the basis ol most cosmetics now in use.— Certificates of its complete efficacy can be ehown to any who wish, either in English French, Spanish or Italian. A fresh supply of this Celebrated Lotion has just been reseivod and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Agents, ^une 10 Druggists, Gibbons’Buildings. North American Review. T. WILLIAMS has just received the North American Review, No 64, for July 1829. CONTENTS! Art. I.—Memoirs of a Financier. \ Avlt IL—Principles of Elocution. Art. Ill—History of Intellectual Philoto^ phy. “y Art. IV.—Be Beranger's Life and Wri tings. Art- V-—The Greek Revolution. Art. Yl—Abbot’e Letter* on Cuba. ' Art. VIL- American Poems. —Popular Education. Boston Exhibition of Pictures. Constitutional History, list cf New Publicatione. = s f Vegetable Cathqlicoii. T HE unrivalled and.extensive reputation. ahead, acquired by ibis medicine, de mands from the proprietor 1 his greatful bo- Coowledgmehfto a discerning publio. ' Those effected with KING’S EVIL, or Scrofula, NECROSIS, or diaossed bones, SYPHILIS in oreiy stage, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, ULCERS of every des cription, however old and inveterate; every variety of Cutaneous disease, Blotches on tho face, Pimples and Tetter in particular, Rheumatism and Goal, White Swellings, and diseases resulting from Mercury, may bo confident of obtaining in all tho above cases, in which nature has not altogether yielded to disease, radical and permanent cures from ~ holioon. s is the first CERTIPKfATES. Philadelphia, May 2B, 1824. w, thanks to your medicine, a hearty !y six years l have boon a martyr to a -I am now, man. For nearly six years I have boen a martyr discaso, whoso ravages threatened, if not coon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regu lar medical advice from tho commencement, my com plaint at last got to such a height that I could not swal low without great paiu and difficulty. Tumours formed in different purls of tny body, and f began, to think my situation almoBt desperate. The fivo Ijoltles of tho Catholicon which I have taken have completely cured me, und I am now os well as I could wish to be. With my thanks, I ain your obliged humble servant, &c. GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, Georgo Kano, of tho district ol Southwark, personally appeared, and being duly sworn, doth declare and say. that the. above statement is, in ail respects, correct and ipccts. true, and that tho signature to it is in tho hand writing of this deponent. JOHN BINNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28, 1824. [From tho Darien (Geo.) Gazette, November 1.] A MOST EXTRAOHDINAY CURE EFFECTED UY P0W|LR’9 Catholicon.—Captain Doncly, keeper of the lighten Sapolo and mastoi* pilot for Doboy Car, athorizes us to maho known to tho public the following fact of a recent date.. i ...... “ About n tqonth ago, I bought threo bottles of Pot ter’s Catholicon, for the purpose of testing its virgin upon J\!r, Peter Al’Culloch, pilot of Dobov-Bar, who hud been for several 'years confined tonis bed ami crutches in consequence ofdiscased limbs, and ulcerated feet—jho soles of his feet were in that shocking state, that the bones were perceptible both to tho sight und touch. Mr. M’Culloch, after tho use of three dottles oftho Catholicon, laid aside his cftitchcs,'and was this day in town attending to his business,in nearly perfect health. Darien, November 1, 1826. Hartford, Conn. February 20, 1827, Mr.Wm. VV. Pottcr- Doar Sir—I have now but one bottlo of Catholicon left. A person arrived this evening, who cltna 60 miles since morning, for 17 bottles of Catholicon, end would Lave taken 24; but I could let him Imvo but 9. Ho came expressly for tho articlo, and says that the person, who had used two bottles, has had a “ liver affection or consumption” 20 years ; and that three of tho fam ily aro invalids, and havo paid in ten years, for medical advice and medicine, $1,600. He says tho person who has used tho two bottles, never found any medicine to compare with the Catholicon, and that tho neigh, hours, seeing tho ostonisliing effects it produced, auum< her or them sent tho abovo person to procure the arti cle, for various chronic diseases. Tho person told mo bo would wait two day, if he could to procuro tho two dozen. Will you, without fail, send mo, or, if necessary, even come with a few boxes of tho Catholicon to Hartford, as I fear delays will take place in Now York and New Haven; and as to being out of tho articlo, I cannot think of it. Iam, in haste, yours, &c. E. W. BULL. TO SEAJUEN. Thousands of unfortunate seamen oro rendered use less to their country by tho ravages of a devouring dis- easo,to which they aro more subject than any other class of men. The case of an unfortunate sailor who either embarks in a diseased state, or finds himself so, on a long voyage, must be truly deplorable j and it may net, perhaps, bo improper to suggest tho proprlol ' always including the Catholiconm tho medicine cli oftho Navy and Merchants’ service, it being a sovereign remedy in tho disease alluded to. TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. TheVegotablo Catholicon is peculiarly adapted to those diseases which aro prevalent among the coloured population of the south. In that dieeoso which is cal led Yaws, it is a sure remedy ; a single trial offlt Yaws, it is a sure remedy ; a Bingle trial off convince planters of its superior efficacy to any remedy never benature'in the United States. They should of a similar without it. Ml' .* .kjtK'j'l.. V11.1.14 Masonic Hdll LOT T E R Y Authorised by the General Assembly of the State of peorgia.' scheme: 1 Prlxoof $30,000 j 1 Prize * Prizes" * Prizes« 6 Prizes “ 6' Prizes" 6 Prizes" 6 Prizes" Prizes' 1 ' 6 Prizes" 6 Prixos" 6 Prizes " 6 Prizes"* *6 Prizes •• 60 Prizes" 660 Prizes “ 6,000 Prizes" 16,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 900. 800 700 ,■•.690.': 500. 400. 300 800 100 60 80 ■ 10 $30,000 15,000 80,000 10,000 6,000 4.500 4.000 3,800 3,000 8,500' 8,000 . 1,500 1,000 8.500 8,500 13,000 60,000 'SHERIFF'S SALE, On thefiretffuesday in August next, TX^UiL be sold, in front »f -file Court TV House, iti (hn city nf Darien, between tlin hours of 10 A. M and 4 P.' M. Al] iliosq Tracts or Parcels of Land, known by tho Numbers Three (3J tied Six (0,) in a plat and survey'made l>y ( -Thomas M'Cdllj Esq. situated on General’s Island, in the river AUtimaba, in M’Intoeh county, lately the properly of General Lachlan M'lntoeb, con taining together seven hundred and forty.nine end a half acres, and allotted to Archibald 8. (Bulloch in pursuance of a tail of partition— teviod on under execution upon foreclosure of ,mortgage, the Bank of the State of Gbon gle against Archibalds. Bullooh end Wife, issued from the honorable the Superior Court of M'Intosb county. 1 V THOMAS KING, e.m.o. July 7 6,776 Prizes 13,824 Blanks, Loss than 2 Blanks $180,600 prize 20,000 Tickets el $!0. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the Prizes to be floating from the cont- mcncement, except the following, which will be deposited at different periods in the Wheel, viz : *,.2 •Si . • E CU--a III 2 of 600P1 1 “ 1000 1 1 “ BOO I 1 « 800 1 700 1 1 “ 600 1 1 “ 600 1 1 “ 400 l 1 « 3001 1 «• 2001 of 10000 “ 1000 « 900 i 800 « 700 ‘‘ 600 “ 600 « 400 ” 300 « 200 1 If 1,31! SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL bo sold boforo the Court House in the City of Savannah, between tho u- suel hours of sale, tho following properly, viz: . One uogro fellow named York, levied on at tno property of John Harris, jr. io satisfy an execution id tavor of Bradley, Claghoru & Wood, against said John Harris, jr. One negro woman named Mery, levied on ho property of Jamou Saodetlin, doo’od., satisfy executions in fa vor of Moses Car ter and Mordecai Sbeftall, Sen’r.—property pointed out by the admioislralor,—lovymade and returned to me by a conetable. july 7' GEORGE MILLEN,s.n.c. 1 of 1000011 qL 15000 loKO.OOO 1 >• 1000 1 1000 1 “ 1 000 t “ 900 1 “ 000 1 “ 800 1 " 8001 “ 1 11 . 7001 “ 1 “ ' 6001 «. 1 “ 6001 " 1" 4001 “ 1 »• 3001 11 1 •• 2001 “ 600 800 t “ BOO 700 1« 700 600 1 600 400 300 1 “ 300 200 1 •< 200 t“ 600 1 “ 400 i ■ 77to whale Lottery to be completed ■ IN FIVE DRA WINGS ONLY. The First Drawing (o take place positive- nr, on the Fourteenth day oj November next, or at an earlier period, should tbe sale of Tickets justify it. Tbe whole of the Prizes payablo in sixty days after eaoh drawing, subject to a deduction of Fifteen per cent.— All prizee not applied for in twelve mamba from each drawing, to be conaidored ea a donation to the funds of the Masonic Hall.— The drawing to take r 1r "'uT,dde.- Ibn super* iutoodcnco'nl . . WILLIAM Y >; • SEATON GRANlU ii.... 1). li.WITCHELLl H. IC.. HINES. E. H. PIERCE, WILLIAM J. DAVIS, FRANCIS V. DELAUNAY, BENJAMIN F. OWENS, THOMAS RAGLAND, JOHN MANNING, end G. W. MURRAY, W YATT FOARD. Secretary to Commissioners. I price of Tiokots $10, Halves $5, Quarters $2 50, for sale io & groat Variety of numbers ut tho Commissioner’s Office on Wsyne Street, opposite Wiley & Battler's Store. Orders for Tiokets and Shares from any part oftho United States, postpaid,'Ml meat with prompt attention, addressed to WYATT FOARD, Sec’ry to Comm’rs, Miliedgaville, May 12. may 21 155—fp SHERIFF’S SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, IXnLL be autd before tbe Court House in v v tho City of Savannah, betweon the u- sual hours of«alo, the following property, viz: One negro boy named William, loviod on, under 4Ujy virtue of a foreclosure of mofT gage in Tavor Of William Joyner against Jas. july 7 ' " GEORGE MILLEN.s. c. c, Present i CIRCULAR. Department of State, ) Patent Office, June 29,1059. j A LL pereone having business with tho Pa' i\. tent Office, ore requested to direct their communications directly Io tbb Snperinten dent Of that office, instead of the Soorotary of State, tho latter made being attended Wjtli considerable inconvenience Bnd aometim os risk. All such communications aro free pf postage, and will receive immediate attention. JOHN D. CRAIG, Superintendent, in*Tho publishers oftho Lawa oftho Uni- led Stales, will give this three or four inser tions july 8 ATHENEUM, for June. W T. WILLIAMS haa just .received . tbe Atueneum or spirit of tue En- - . . the Atueneum or spirit of glith Magazines, Nos 17 & 18. 5 -,T7-;. .. CONTENTS OF NO. XVII. 681 ?' Edinburgh Session.l School; The Won'- tho United States. [Cy» Printed directions are on the bottles W. W. POTTER, No. 13, South Ninth street, between Chesnyt and Market, opposite the University of Pennsylvania. N. B. Those persons who may receive signal bene fit from the use-of the Catholicon, will confer a particular favour on those similarly afflicted, by for ward ing certificates of their cures to tho proprietor, or to any A .Mil kept on State, aod lay’Thendrickson, july 14 Druggists, Solo Agents, No 2 it 15 Gibbous’Buildings. Sarsaparilla Syrup. T HIS celebrated Syriip is highly recoir. mended by tho Faculty as an excellent depurqtive Medicine, and has been success fully employed in those anomalous cases of disease, which eometimes occur in Scropliu- lous habits produced by an improper and ir- regular use of P pared and a^eu may12 juoe W l for Silk orms. eived. a quantity of tbe eeed of ’ i Mulbesy tree. For sale by T- RYERSON, Jr. On (he Bey- American Castings and Nails. K. nA A LBS. American Coatings aas'ld. 3lfUU 100 bega Cut Nails assorted sizes—;20 of 4d, 85 of 6d, 85 of 8d, 25 of lOd, 5 of 12d—100 jbs each. For sale by JP HENRY. ' april 3 dorer; Sketches of Contemporary Foreign Authors, Statesmen, &c—No ifjj Cano va; Autobiographies; A Fragment from the “Nootcs”; Who loves me best. By Mary Ann Browne; Paine of Music; Sagacity, Sc., of Doge; Library of Entertaining hoy’s New Knowledge; Southey’s Work; The By Mary calioD. By Della; Tbe latest Female Fash ions; Varieties. , CONTENTS OF NO. XVIII, The Grave of the Broken Heart. IV; The DruggiBt of Fife; The Homes.. By Mrs Homans, Barba Yorghi, tbe Greek Pilot; Flies; Sunset Meditations. By Delia; Tbe Rev Thomas CbBlmen, D. D.; Tbe Two. Miners of Famatina; Tbe Reoall. By Mrs Humans; American Criti cism ; Beauty ; A Short Story; Varieties. Terms $5 per annum. july 14 CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next, W ILL be eold at tho Court Homo be tween tho hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. Lot ond Improvements in West Broad st. Og’nthorpo YVard, levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of J S Olcot, ogainBt Ezra Kont.Cv -0 Also, Sundry articles of Groceries, Decan ters, Crockery* &c. levied on to satisfiy an Execution in favour of Warren Lippit, against Pierce Howard and Benjamin D. Davis, . , ' . !>’I YQ. ! c> e ju!V 4 SHKRlFl »sj> SALE. On the first Tuesday in August next t W ILL be sold before tbe Court Houso. in the City of Savannah, bot ween the usual hours of sale, the following properly, vizi Threo Negroes, Tom, William and Nancy, ono di ning Tabic, with ends, ono dozen plain Chairs, ono dozen straw do., ono Carnet, two Bedsteads with bods, four Pillows and two Bolsters, ono pair of Andirons, Sliovcl and Tongs, oneBurcab, two Malrcsses, and fivo Bed steads—levied on under ■ and by virtue of an execution on foreclosure of mortgage, ns tho property of Aim Tay lor, in favor of William S. Taylor. June 6 GEO. MILLEN, b. c. c, From the Yankee. The sleioh ride As I waa g_. Mr. Josh Carter’s tavern this othor hoard a terrible qpiao io tho bar-room, unfit think's I,-I’ll just put tny houd. ip ( anil, afio whin is the matter. -Whoorah, roared a hoap of fellows, horots Johnny Biddle, bo’ll go and that mokes ten,—and hauled me lb among them. What's tha occasion i says I— O, a slsigh-rido over to Shaw’s (evefy body goes to Shaw's that goes sleigh-riding) Wit# galb, fiddles, sbd frolic. Whoornlr, says I. I motion, says Dr. Patridge, that ovary gen tleman go right straight nuwV and get his ijoigh and lady/ urtd meet at Hunk', corner; and with another whoorah, Wo burst out-of doors oud Boatteredx . I ran full syeed to tha widow Beans. Her daughter Patty is tho handsomest girl io ty, Casconbay. I had gireo bor aeroo pretty^Ei bread bints, and only waited for, a good cbanco to pop tbe question. And out it shall como this vary night, toys I. I bounced into Widow Bean's out of breath, and was near ca' telling Patty jn tho euds. She bed just dono washing, and was “ • lidsi tbe best room to put'it to rights ; and when wo arrived, the floor was swept-(bo best ja pan candlesticks wore paraded, the fire place filled with green wood bnd little lion was an chored olota undor the jani to tug ot (ho bro- kon-wioded beilowsos. No fire appeared but foero were oireng ; ayoipioms ' .for there 'waseb Jack,ofsmoitet and part of.itttissine tho way up tbo chimney, strayed about the dancing 10910, which fisva ms a chance to bit of another compliment upon Patty’s beau- ' r, as, being tbe oauis of drawing tbb smoky; Ivory body laughed at the novelty of thdi T 3b. But thorp was no lime for chat; As boon as wo hadaswigof the bot stuff all round, we sat the fiddler down by the jam, took tho floor, and went to work with might, aod main, lbs fiddler keeping time with tbo wringing out, stan<(fng in tbs midst of tubs, 1 aeatruckall pails, mopi Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in August noxt, W ILL bo sold before tho Court houso in Feyotle county, botween the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P.M.. All tbht tract of land situated in tho fifth I was (ui district of Henry county, known by the miHta when in her ono hundred and forty threo, (l43,)oon^V ou B* taining 2021 -2 acres, more or less, being the tbor. V real estate of Stephen H. Stocking, late of Savannah; Tailor, doc’d—To be sold by per mission oftho Justicosof the Inferior Court of Chatham County, by virtue of uh order of theesid Justices, , passed in term of March Iasi when sitting for ordinary .porposoa. . Conditions cash—Tbe purchaser paying for titles. ISAAC NORTON, Adm’or Est. Stephen H. Stocking, dcc’d. may 14 148 ps, and kettles. She wad atrock if a hoop, ut the eight of her spark, and woutd have blushed nicely, I guese, if sits had oot boen as red as she should be already. A word lu your ear, Patty, says I, giving her e wink, and stopping aside into a corner, and told her what was brewing. I’ll run and borrow the Deacon’s elelgh, and come book right away, aaya 1- O, ye needn’t bo in suob n leerin’ hurry, esys ab6, for I havo got to shift from lap to toe. You seosrhat a pioklo I nin in. Ab, Patty, says I,' beauty when unadorned is adorned, the—wall I vow, iayu Potty, Bays olio. And off I .hot, for hew was I to follow up such a bold speech, but I could not help sniggering nil tho way to tbe Rea con’s, to tbiok bow ewimmingly mattlrs were going on, I was so full of this that I entirely forgot to mnko up a story to fob off upon the Deacon, till I got almost to Ins door; for the Deaoon is a sworn enemy to all fro- licking, end so is his mare. I’ll toll him, snrs I, I’ll tell him, 1 wont to carry, a grist to mill. But that will bo found out—uo matter; so it is after tha election ns the politicians say. ‘ The deacon gave u mortal squint at my faco, when I did my errand, but I was safe behind a shirt collar. Hu thou full to chew ing his cud ami considering. • Mother’s clean out, says I—both ryo und injun. The Doa- oon spit. Well neighbor, if you are ufear’d to trust a follow, here’s two shillings afore- haad. Poll poh, John, says ho, walking up v.,d ring tbo money, • not trust yon.; A, . ... J ; (X-, pioklo up Suckoy. Y„u’li otive Hie chttcr slow;; John—dud now I think an it, you may bring back my grist, timt is how nt the mill—and look ebarp at the miller, John, when ho strikes the toll moa- eure. It was too late (0 stiok at lies now, so I promised orery thing, jumped into tbe sleigh, aod stoered to tbo.widow’i with f colon. It is tbo height of gentility, you know, for a lady to make her beau wait as long as rfpsaiblo.QDSuoh an occasion, I sat over a heap of warm ashes in widow Bean’s, parlor, lietoning to Patty stamping about in bor stocking feel, in thechambor ovor head for one good hour. Thon i stood up to tbo looking glass and frizzled upraybair,ohaoB- cd my shirt pin to a now plseo; thought over seme epoeobes to make under tbo buffa lo skin, and finally laid a plot to lug in tho awful question in a sort of slanting fabltioo, At last Patty appeared in her glory; and I was just crooking my elbow to lead her out, in como mother Bean. Where uak gwyin to Patty t A sleigh riding,sgpv Whet, and leave your oousin Dolly alone,Io euck her fingers f ' A‘| American Quarterly RevI8>% W T. WILLIAMS has just received • the American Quarterly Review No. 1*0, for June, 1829. CONTENTS. I. Discoveihw in Central Africa, Journal of a Second Expedition into tho Interior of Africa, by tho late Captain Clapporton : to which i> added tho-Mfl! nal of Ins own return to the Coast, by Richard Lander, his faithful Servant. u II. Milton’s Letters, Milton’s Familiar Lottcre, whopper, I tell ye. translated from the Latin, with Notes. By John Hall. III. Astronomy or Laplace, Traito do Mccaniquo Celeste, par M- Marquis do Laplaco, Pair do Franco, &c. iuc- IV. Flint’s Geography and History or the West ern States, A Condensed Geography and History of tho Wosttrn States, or tho Mississippi Valley. Bv’ Timothy Flint, author of Recollections oftho last-urn years in thn Mississippi Valley. Salvo magda parens. V. CmancervLaw, Chancery Cases argued ami de termined in Uio Court of Appeals of South Carolina, 1826, both inclusive. By emoirsof John Homo Tookco Tl i valuablo speeches and wri tings—also containing proofs, indentifying him asib,* author oftho celebrated Letters of Junius. By J. A. Graham, LL. D. ' VII. IlnroRY or Pennsylvania, Tho History of nUm wf a. Pcnnsylvsnia, from its discovery by Europeans, to tho Lvoapter Occupation oflndepcndence in 1776, By Thomas F. lie 1 WO Gordon. . A Purified Beat’s 1 jpOUtbo preservation endgroASI^ tbe human Hair, preserving its health aod beauty and preventing premature baldness. This article is carefully extracted and pre pared for use by N. S. Prentiss, of New York, end a supply kept on hand by LAY* HKWDIMUKSQN, Druggists, No 2 aod 16, (ribbon's Buildings, Gordon; VIII. Female Biography, Female Biogn^lyh; or. Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of all Ages and Countries. By Mary Hays. Histoiro do Christine, Beino do fiuede, par J. P. Catteau-Calleville. Tho History of Christine, Queen of Sweden, by J.P. Caltoau-.Calleville. IX. Hoiacx’s Live or Clinton, Memoirs of Do Wit Clintonl with an’Appendix, containing numerous docu- ments,_iilustrattre of the principrf events ol bis Ufa. By ■i'hiis, iiiumauvu are mu rnuiv-y— —— —/ DavidII<?sack, M. D-F. R. 8. ’ ■ • Y. TtifsaiA, System of Geography, by M. Malle Brun. Vol. VI., Book civ—c»v. Russia. Diversions of Hollycot, O R the Mother's Ar' ofTliiiiiniig—by the uutbur of Clan Albiu, and Elizabelb Do Bruce. ' *- The sborA excellent work for Cbildreo has iurt been received^. DRigco ^ msyfi yo do (bat, after comiog.all tbe way front Sa co to see you. Hero was a knock : down ar iibii on le gumont. All may plans qf courting and oom- lort molted drfwn nod run off in a moment.— sew directly that (be widow was resolved to push big Dolly Fishor into mysloigb, wheth er or no; and tliore waa no remedy, for tbe widow Beau** a stump that is uoilbcr to be got round nor moved out oftbo way. I made aoine mention about tho small efze oftho sleigh,but she shut my mouth distantly. Let me alone, saye she, I went n sleighing before you wsb born youngster. And iff don’t know bow to packo sleigh, who doeB—Patty Bean, stow yourself away hero, and slink yourself up email. Iffhero ien’trbom rvo must make room, es the fellows used to eay. Now Dolly, hoist yourself io tbure. And she tumble her into the aleigMIiko a shot from a shovel, ora cart load of pumpkins into a gon dola. It wast chuck full of her; 0 she is a Chopper, I toll ye. Why, Johnny Biddltr in my day, they used to pock us layer upon layer. At this butt. I ouesked round to Pat ty. to begin tbe second layer upon bor lop.— But the widow was wide nwake. Snh clenched me by tbe caller, ead patting upon Dolly’s knees, here’s the driver’s seal, says she. Plant you foot fist and firm nieca, jump up, Johnny—sod now away with her my lad. By this time I bad got so ravin’ mad that I could bold in oo longer. I fell foul of tbo old mare, aod if I did’nt give it to her about right, then therc’fl none o' me, that’s all. The Deacon counted tha welts upon- her hide a week afterwards, when he celled on me to a reconing, wbicb was made with chalk upon the upper flap of hie every day hat. Sukey not understanding such jokes, took (he bit io his teeth and shot off, tight on eend, like flash of true Connecticut lightning., Jomini! bow we swimmed over it- And the houses aod barns, and fence., and pjgntyes. flew by ue like ecud by the : moon. \And yonder ia Hank's corner. Whoorah I end whoorah, answered ell tbe ladies and gentlemen with one voice. Sukey, scared at the noise, iurued the corner with a flirt, aud tbe alegb was bottom upwards in a -—- whoa there! whoa! Tha first thing I knew was that I was in the bowelB of a unow bonk, jammed down under a.half ton of Dolly Fisher. I thought I should never see day light again— and when.hey hauled me out, I left a print in tbe enow very much like a cocked up hat knocked into tha middle of next neck, as the saiior'any. • i broken ' Howsomover, no bones ... shook our feathers and crept into our nesta- ;ain, laughing as lend uo.the best,of them.— fife aleigbe wore now formed into ■ string, the fiddler following; and away we started on the read to Shaw's,bolla giogling, Addle Boun ded,^and every bqdy hallooing and eoream- %tor Shaw hoard the racket two^--® for hq was always on tbe look out ofa fa moors afet.. ~~ shiny night. Ha fail to kicking npadostia ’ bollowses. Not to ,bo lengthy, wo kept it up, froliok. ing and drinking hot stuff till midnight; and whilo it lasted, the fun was real gonuioe gonuioe.— But as I coot a sheep’s eye at Patty nowaad a notion that iho and Blah C then, I took a notion that iho and Blah Gold ing wcre.rather thiok—together considern.’ Thinks l, she wauls to mnko me jealous, to spur mo oo ; so seeing them io close confab as I woe cantering down outside, I poked my head between .them and cried boo /—but iba cut wee soon let cut of the beg. Wo paid the reckoning—four and sixpence a piece.— IThibk of that I Every body gruniblM ; but Pout Sbaw did’nt core. Then followed tha. crow ding of sleighs, taking io the ladies st the door. Suob a hubbub, and confusion.— But when my turn come, Io and behold! Pat ty Bean waa mining! aud sq was Si Gold ing !—Here is the ond Of roy story ; whoev er wants to know the particulars that hap pened in tho i ido home, must ask Dully Fieb- The Deaoon will.leli you what sort of a you licklc Sokey came home in, and how t I paid “for tbo whistle.” Finally, wht went io our meeting house the pext Sunday morning, ‘ know very well bow Patty Bean nod Joslah Golding are to square accounts. Cock Roaches.—'The Providence Patrigt has discovered n method of destroying: tfieC troublesomo intruder, at once simple dud ef fective. Itisoifollowai— Prpouro from tho (apothecary or herb ares man a moderate quantity of that oderiforoue regulable called Poke Boot; in wa ter imtjl tbo juioee are extracted, and .min gle the liquor with good West India molas ses, or ir the spirit of patriotism be extrava gant, with molasses from New-Orleaosi eprond the liquid io largo platters or soup' plates, in the kitchen, pantry, closet or wash house, or Whatever apartment may have been tbo subject ofin-asion, and the enemy will bo found olein in heaps, lying try hnndcdsnnd fifties, before the following morning. A gentleman to whom wo are Indebted for this information, slates that ho slaughtered 675 cook roaches in a single night, by means of the poke root and molasses—and that tha root which hoi been boiled beiog thrown info s cloBot, thickly invested by the enemy, tha place was quitted entirely in a fear days, groat numbers being loft dead upon tbe field. T|ie smell of the poke root attraeta tho cock roach—he ie tempted aud cate it— i / i swells'incontinently, and perishes almost PcnEsTniAku—keep tA the MBHT?— .Two or threo year, ago, a man was coming down Broadway and another warg ’ They met, and both moved to tbe turn out-a bump followed of and nothing gained ,by it. They then both mov- ed’to the left—anolber bump, and a simulta neous groan. Each was shxiooa to pass, uoilher stood still, and both were bothered. After repeated aitempls they turned and ran, aubling th . ? one doubling tiro corner of Leonard and the other of Franklin, so round into Ciiurcb-it. when to their utter horror they bumped to gether again. They eat down on a etoop in despair, bewailed their lamontable condition, and mqdo a solemn compact that one should go south oait and the other north-east, so that they might never again como in contact in this world. But they met in the antipodes —neither hod yet learned bow to turn out, and limy blow out each other’s braimfby way of Bottling the question. Teko warning, yo awkward pedestrians, and when you meet, turn out to tbe right. N.Y. Courier. J m Important Law Cask.—Ad action woe fried io tbo Superior Court of Now .York, on Tuesday last, the result of which may a lilt" ' " - r ave a little iofluenco in preventing fruudti- ’ ent purchases, in anticipation of bankruptcy. It appeared that goods Were purchased upon a credit and sent to the store of the purchaser, who oo tho ensuing day assigned them with others, for the payment, in the first instance, of Bundry confidential creditors, end the ba lance in payment of bie creditors generally. Tbe action was trover, brought by tbe ven dor against tbo assigooes to recover back bis goods. A verdict was rendered in his favor, for tbeir value, subject to a review of tha the caee by tbe court. Little doubt is enter tained that tbe verdict of tbe, jury will be .. ., .. —- • - v fc. r ,-■■3 sustained. N. Y. Herald. A new end very elegant mode of decora ting tbe walls of rooms/ instead of papering them, has just been adopted in Paris. It Consists of glssa stained by a peculiar pro cess, with landscapes of historical subjects.— II is the invootioo of e retired officer; aud in this country, where novelty is much encour aged aod glass ie so cheap, the inventor in likoiy to be well remunerated.. From tbe price of glass of in England, howerer, the practice cannot be introduced there. -Non osinis Mobiab.”—Sir William Cof-. • ' tie ie not quite dead, At a late dinner nt the 'Old Bailey, the Flower of tbe City Aldermen volunteered Giecs and thus gracefully'de livered himself-i- “Ood blew tbe meat, Aad themes eat.” • •' .. 'I