Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 11, 1829, Image 1

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IS EDITED Jiff DP UBLISHED IN TBS omr OP SAVANNAS, BY ROBERTSON & BEVAN, AT XIOnT DOLLARS PER ANNUM, : paVaulf. in advance. POH THB COITNTHY, IS published to mpet tho ammuemcnt of tho mnils, Three Times R Week (Monday, Wednesday and Fri- . day) attlioofliv) of tho Daily Gohr^ian. and contains alftnoifltolligonco, Commorewl, PoKtiewond Miscella neous, including Advertisements, published in the Doily . Papc r * The Country Paper is sentto all parts of the Stato and • Union, dr delivered in tho city, atFiVE DOLLARS per annum, payablo in advanco. Advertisements arc inserted in both pnpers at75 cents per square of 14 lihes, for tho first insertion, and 37 1-2 fbr every succeeding publication. / Communications by mail must Imj POSTPAID. Sales of Land and Negros by Administrators, Execu tors and Guardians aro required by law to be held on (ho firstTuesduyintho month, between tho hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, atUio Court llouso in tlio county irvwhidh the property is situate. Notico of these sales must bo given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to tho sale. Notice of tho sale ofPcraonal Property must bo given in like manner Forty days before U\o sale. / - Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must bo published for Forty days. Notico that application will be mado to tho Court of ‘ Ordinary for leave to sell land, must bo published Four Months. THE NEW-YORK MIRROR, And Ladies' Literary Gazette. EMBELLIEB&D WITIl ENGRAVINGS AND MUSIC nplHE first number of the seventh volume JL 'ofi this periodical will be issued on the Bleventh day of july next. In the course of the year will be published four splendid Engravings.dr awn and executed expressly for , this work; and twenty-five Popular Melodies, with accompaniments, for the Piano Forte. The Mirror, among a vuriety of other i subjects, embraces tho following : Original floral Tales-~oitlier fictitious, or founded on events of root life, bribe Uttited Slates of America. ' \ 4 Reviows—-of publications foreign and do mestic. OrignahEfiiays—on literature, momlsi lii*» tory, voyages, travels, American aiiiiquites* thd fiho arts, &c. i ; \ Female Character—education, manners, . beauty and dross. / . .. ; 1 . American Biography-or historical Fltotihes of the lives of such persons, of both sdxes es have become celebrated for their here ism virtue, fortitude, talents, patriotism, ftc. Literary Intelligence—or notices ofiew publications. The Drama—comprising strictures A " the Now York stage. Desultory Selections—with occasional qe- tnarks. . . Anecdotes—humourous, literary, uiatoncil, &c. ’ ‘ ■ /, Passing Events of the Times. Poetry—original an.d selected. t£T The work is elegantly printed in tl toyal quarto form, on fine paper, with hou guois and brevier type. Fifty two numbei * complete a volume of four hundred and sii teen royal quarto pages, for which a beautify] ENGRAVED VIGNETTE TITLE-PAGE, and 0 copious index, are given. The terms are four dollars per annum % payable xn ad vance. Subscript'job received by j'ON. OLMSTEAD, Agent. my 18 n7—tn W. T. WILLIAMS. r ~- MAS just received the Athenium, or Jtl Spirit of.tho English Magazines,No 20 for July 16, 1329. CONTENTS: Eogliah Rhetoric and Rhetoricians; Break ing the Spell; Tho Image or the Dead ;.The First and Last Kiss; Choice Hints for a Plan to Discharge the National Debt; The He cuba ; Recent Visit to Pompeii; For a Young Lady’s Album; Metaphysics and Poetry;- Description of Mekka; Varieties. juiy 30 . Sir Walter Scott’s New Work. A nne op goirstein, or the mai- den o» the Mibt. 2 vole. By the author of Waverly, &c. Ac. Just received, by T. M.- DRISCOLL. 4 july 4 already acquired by: this medicine, de mands from the proprietor his grcV.tuI ac* kaowledgmentto adiscerning public; Those affected with RING’S EVIL, c? Scrofula, NECROSIS, ur diseased.. bones, SYPHILIS in every stage, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, ULCERS of every des cription, however old and invoterate; every variety of Cutaneous disease, Blotches on the face, Pimples and Teller in particular. Rheumatism and Gout, White SweUingi } eni diseases resulting from Jlfercury, may be confident of obtaining in all the above cases, in which nature bus not altogether yielded to disease, radical and permanent cures from the usoofthe Catholicon. This is the first discovery of u medicine taken in tho stomach, that has had the long desired effect of curing the most obstinate and distressing external diseases. ‘ - Tho ubb of nutritious food, and the ordina-, ry avocations bf business grt not. interrupted bv the Catholicon; and its properties having tho power of restoring both flesh and bone, and of renovating antfinvigoraring every part of the aystom during the process of extermi* noting disease, is without a parallel. The proprietor begs leave, respectfully, t<^- reluro thanks to the many who have repose* confidence in his former statements, relating to the healing properties of the Catholicon r and he would turthet assure the public, that he willin no instance forfeit their confidence, by.recommending his medicine os applicable to any. disease in which it shall not have proved itself eminently successful. The following certificates will, it is pre sumed, eatisfy the most incredulous, of the pre-eminent virtues of the Catholicon. N YORK LINE * or •. . .. PACKETS. dip Ma'oOiN, l) L P> RihH,:ua«ior '*• 8TATMA, Tbib Wood, > • l EMPEHOR, J. II. Bennett, ** ■V“ HENRY, - Geo: Moon*, «• «“ FI,ORIAN, F. Harrison, . •», • Helen mar, t. Harrimn, « ■ The owners of the Established Line, tako plensuro in announcing tothe 0115110' that if is again permanently Completed with theft- hove Six firsLclasa vesicle. ‘ Thoy mb all New York built. Ships, qf the best/tneteHals, having elegant and apaoious accommodti- 'tiona for passengers, and are commanded by Matters of well known experience in the twflB. Tbay^WiU tail from New. York every six days, nmlfromiliis, ns often,—This arranghmont will be punctually adhered to, and as Insurance can be effected pn ship* menta by them at tht very lowest rates, it, is hoped that such a share of patronage will be extended to this line, as it may merit; from the great expense necessarily incurred in running it, and from its utility to the public. HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. jan 16 CERTIFICATES. Philadelphia, May 28,1824. Sir,--I am now, thanks to your medicine, a heady man. For nearly six years 1 have been a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threatened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regu lar medical advice from the commencement, my com plaint at last got to such a height that I could not swal low without great pain and difficulty. Tumours formed in different parts of iny body, and I began to tlnnk my situation, almost desperate. Tho five bottles of the Catholicon which I havo taken have comploicly cured mo, and I am now as wall ak I could wish to be;. With my thanks, I am your obliged humble servant, &c. ' / GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, ss. G eorge Ifane, of the district of Southwark, personally appeared, and being duly sworn, doth declare and say. that tho ubovo statement is, in all respects, correct ana true, and that tho signature to it is in tho hand writing of this deponent. JOHN RINNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28,-1824. * y i From tho Darien (Geo.) Gazette, November 1.] l MOST EXTRAORDINAY CUBE EPKtXTEI) BV POTTER’S Catholicon.—Captain Donely, keeper of the light on Sopelo and iims’er pilot for Doboy liar, athorizes us to make known to the public tho following fact of a recent li ^Xliout a month ago, Thought three bottles of Pot ter’s Catholicon, for the purpose of testing iis virtues upon Mr. Peter. M’Culloch, pilot of Dobov Uar, who had been fqr several years coritinnd to fiis bed and crutches in consuquencc of diseased litnbs, and ulcerated foot—the' solos of his feet were in that shocking stato, that tho bones were pc'rceptiblo both to the sight und touch. , ' ., Mr. M’Culloch, after the uso of thrff. rottlf.8 of tho Catholicon, laid aside his crutches, and was this day in town attending to his business,in nearly perfect health. Darien, November 1, 1828. Hartford, Conn. February 20, 1827. Mr. Wm. W. Pottor— Dear Sir—I have now but one bottle of Catholicon lefi. A person arrived this ovening, who came 60 miles since morning, for 17 bottles of Catholicon, and 'would havo taken 24; but I could lot him have but 9. Ho camo expressly for the article, and says that the person, who had used two bottles, has had a “ liver affection or consumption” 20 years ; and that threo of tho fam ily aro invalids, and have paid in ten years, for medical 'advice and medicine, §1,600. .lie sayBtho person who has used tho two bottles, never found any meuiCjNeto compare with the CathoucoN, and that the neigh bours, seeing tho astonishing effects it produced, a num ber of them sent the above person to procure tho arti- alp, for various chronic diseases. Tho person told~mo ho would wait two day, if He could to procure the two dozen. Will you, without fail, scud me, or, ifneccsBary, oven come with a few boxes of tho Catholicon tc Hartford, as I fear delays will tako place in New York anu New Huven; and as to being out of tho articlo, 1 cannot think ofit. ' * I urn, in haste, yours, &c. E. W. BULL. TO SFMlEtf. Thousands of unfortunate seamen are rendered use- Iks to their country by the ravnges of a devouring dis- - 1 sc,to which they are more subject than any other class lien. The case of an unfortunate sailor who either mrks tit a diseased state, or finds himself so, on a lot» voyago, must be truly deplprablo; and it may no! perhaps, be improper to suggest the propriety of always including the Catholiconin the medicine chests oftnj Navy and Merchants’ service, it being a sovereign romldy in tho disease alluded to. PROSPECTUS. % U RGED by the solicitation bf many liter.- ary friends, and tho indigence of his cir- cunjstances, the subscriber has been induced to offer tothe public a poetic work, to be on titled “ THE IRIS,” of which he is tlior. To conei8t of,miscellaneous original pieces principally, religious, moral, and ama tory, comprising two hundred and thirty or more pages of fine demi paper, ctg/ilecrv mo, size—mnkiog it about the dimensions of Ro bert Southey’s “ Talc of Paraguay?—lo b* ueatly bound io boards, price oi^e dollar. Cnndor requires of the author to state, that the pieces over the signature of “ T. ” heretofore published in the Augusta Chron icle and Georgia Advertiser, and the Georgia Courier, will form a part of the work. The book will be ready for delivery by the first of: November, and payment expected thereupon. Persons desirous of becoming subscribers m Ihe book, will find subscription lists (for 4 i ho present.) at all timcB open at the Augt^ Book Stores, add tho office of tho AupP ta Chronicle. Those at a distance, wishing n copy, or copios of the work, will bo consi dered Subscribers by intimating their request addressed to tho author at this place post paid. JAMES M. THOMPSON. . Augusta, July ZZd, 1029. july 28 \ 5 ' # 201 (&■ Portable Lemonade Powders. T HIS Powder whioh contains ail the finer particles used in making Lemonade, is offered to the public ee on entire new arti' clc, and ia superior to the common mode, be ing completely divested of the musty flavour of Limee nod Lemons that are not fresh. It is particularly adapted for Travellers by sea or land, as it cau be carried any distance and will keep perfectly freeb a long time—can be prepared to drink in a shorter period and at moeb lea, expense, A supply of the above Powders neatly put up in bottles, just received and for sale by • LAY It HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbon’s Buildinga. joly gQ y Swaim’s Vermifuge Patent. A CERT AIN and Bafe remedy for worms in children, and can be adminiatered without the leaBt difficulty. Just received and for aale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, jnly 25 Druggists, Gibbons’ Building. Potter’s Vegetable Catholicdn. A FRESH supply of this celebrated Me- XjL dfeioe, just received per achr Martha, warranted genuine and for sale J>jt LAY & HENDRICK80N, Druggists, Agents, Gibbons 1 Buildings. ' july 25 TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. TfisVegetable Catliolicon is peculiarly adapted to thnscUiseases which aro nrcvalent among the coloured ponulltion of the south. In that disease which is cal led Ylws, it is a sure remedy ; a single trial of it will convirtn planters of its superior efficacy to any remedy ( ^vcrlbonaturo;in the United States. They should ■a similar without it. "Slid liy tho principal Druggists and UookscllcrflfcL . he fed States. ’ijl IQP* Printed directions ore on the bottles \ W.W. POTTER, No.13, South Ninth street, between Chesnut and Market onposito’the University ofPcnnsylvania. N. Ik Those persons who may receive sinnul bene fit fromVho use of the Catholicon, will confer a particularfayour on thocc similarly afflicted, by forward ing ccttificUcs of their cures to tho proprietor, ot to any ofhisagenth A suppNf. of the above Valuable Medicine kept on hand and orders from any part of the State, and lexers postage paid, will receive immediate aihnticn LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Bole Agents, july 14 ^To2& 16 Gibbons’ Buildings, Sarsaiarilla Syrup. T HIS celebrated Syrup ia highly rccum mended by me Faculty as an excellent depurntivo Medtciua, and has been eucccts- fully employed in thoie aocmaloue ceeea of disease, which sometimes occur in Scroplm- loue habits produced by an improper and ir regular use of Mercury. It is carefully pre- pared nod a supply will be kept on band by LAY & HENDRICKSON. may 12 American Cast sizes—20 of 4d, 25 of «d,! 5 of I2d—100 lbs each, For sale by april 3 ut Nail, anoi 5 of Sd, 25 of lOd; IP HENRY. American Quarterly Review, \j\T T. WILLIAMS lias just received v v • the American Quarterlr, Review, Nd. 10, for June,’1829'. CONTENTS. I. Di?covr.rur.s in Ciwtral Africa, Journal oT a Scccnd Expedition into tho Interior of Africa, by tho late Captain Clapporton; to which is added the Jour nal of Ins own return to tho Coast, by Richard Landur, his faithful Servant. ■ II. Milton’s Letter?, Milton’s Familiar Letters, translated from the Latin, with Notes. By John Hall. III. Astronomy of Laplace, Traito do Mecnniquo Celcsto, par M. Marquis do Laplace, Fair do Franco, &c,&c. ■ IV. Flint’s Geography and History ov the West- F.RN Stateb,, A Condensed Goonraphy and History of the Western Staton, or tho Mississippi Valley. By. Timothy Flint, author of • Rccollcntions of the last ton years in the Mississippi Valley. Salvo magna parens. V. Chancery Law, Chancery Cases argued and de termined in tho Court of Appeals of South Carolina, from January, 1826 to May, 1826, both inclusivo. By D. J. M’Cord, Stato Reporter.' VI. HorneTookf., Memoirs of John Homo Tookcc Esq. ; together with his vnluablo speeches and wri- ting8--ftlso containing proofs, indontifying him asthj author ofthc celebrated Letters of Junius, By J. A. Graham, LL. D. VII. History of Pennsylvania^ Tho History of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans, to ( tho Declaration oflndopendonco in 1776. By Thonias F. Gordon, , "' # . VIII. Female Biooraphv, Female - Biogropyh; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of all Ages ai.J Countries. By Mary Hays. Histoiro dc Cliristinn, Rcinu do Sucdo, par J. P. Catteau-Callcvillo. Tho History ofChristihc, Queen ofSwcden, by J. P. CaUcau-Calleville. IX. Ho? auk’s Life of Clinton, Memoirs of Do Wit Clinton, with an Appondik, containing numerous docu ments. ill ustrativo ol tho principal events oi his life. By. David Hosack, M. D. F. R. S. X. Russia, System of Geography, by M. Malte Brim. Vol. VI. Book, civ— cxiv. Russia. TAX COLLECTOR’S 8ALE. On.the first Tuesday in. October next, W ILL bo sold before the Court Houso in the oity of Savennah, betwoen the usual hours of sale.tho following pfoporty. viz; 2,646 acres of laud, Glynn county, Buffalo swamp, viz:—0 \ 6 acres returned as first qual ity inland swamp ; 400 auros Oak, and the residue Pino land, levied nn ns of Edwards, Doughty and O’Hear, to satisfy the 8£a(e end county tax for the year 1328, amount duo $25 45 and costs. Also, 2,608 acres of land in Camden coun ty, on St. MaryB river, granted to Robort Monford of the following qualities :--800 acres brncktob marsh, 200 do. 2d quality in land swamp, 100 do. 2d quality hammock and .1400 pine land—:also 1,160 acrpB of lend in said county on tbc Satilla. granted to Hora tio. Marbury, of tho following quality r—300 sores 2d quality tido swamp, 100 dp. oak and hickory nod 76d acres pino land, levied on as t’ -It ,♦* tj.n pRtates of Robert Moni tors ••. ...t aUvnotiiefy.jtHe 8thU‘ Wd uvx tor InvyeaT 18«Ui a* moujit due *116 06 nnd costs, aug 4 DAVID BELti, t G.c c. North American Review. W T. WILLIAMS has just received • the North Araorican Review, No 64, for July 1829. contents:: Art. J.—Memoirs of ti Financier. Art. ll.—Principles of Elocution. Art. III.—History of Intellectual Philoso* phy. Art. IV.—Dc Berangcr's Life and Wri tings., Art V.—The Greek Revolution. Art. VI.—AbboPs Letters on Cuba. Art. VII.- American Poems. Art. VIII.—Popular Education. : Art. IX.—Boston Exhibition of Pictures? Art. X.—Constitutional History. Quarterly list tf New Publications. july; 14 Diversions of Hollycot, O R (lie Mother’s Art of Thinking—by tbc eulbor of Clan Albio, and Elizabeth Da Bruce. ' The above excellent work for Childreo baa just been received by < T. M. DRISCOLL. may 6 , Purified Bear’s Ojl, F ORtbe preservation and growth of tbe human Hair, pMMrving it. health and beauty and pnv.pting premature baldness. This article ia carofolly extracted and pre Department ot State, ) ; Patent Qffki, June 19, IBM, { ... . A HLp.radnz having bnzineaa with the Fit- pared for oaa by N. S. Prentiss, of New York, A tent Office, aro raqupated todirect their andBiopplykopt onlnind h’ _ comounicatioo, directly to tbe Suporinten' LAY &. HENDRICKSON, ■* dent of that office, instead of (he Secretary o! , .Droggiate, No2 and 15, Gibbon’a Buildings. tba latter mode being attended wjtt sand i\ail8- , %J tl ly 4 fconsidorablo inconvenience and aoraetim to itii/w:— W4 ■ ' SHERIFF'S SALE. On thifirst Tuesday in September mat,. W ILL be sold bofore the Court Houao in ilia City of Savannah, between the uinal huuti ofeulo, One Nhgro manjiamod Major, levied or, a. the property Of /niae Fry, to satiety eke cutiohe in favor of John and Jaoob Waver, v». Jceae Fry—levy.'made and returned to me by a Con,table. Also, one negro girl named Virginia: le S *‘ed on aa the property of Catharina G, and ino F. Jobneton, to satisfy an execution in rorofBonj. A. Whito. ■uigl GEORGE MILLEN.w. l p. c. ’ . , HHEItlFF’B HALE, n T. On the first Tuesday in October next, W ILL bo aold before the Court Houao in tho city of Savannah, between tbe u,unU|bura of sale, • ,A portion of the furniture of I lid City Hotol, rninppaing Tobies, Choirs, Boda, Bedding, Bedstoade, Crockery and Silver Ware, Kuive, and Forks, Kitchen Utooaile, &o. Sic. he. Levied on under and by virtnoofan ex ecution nn foreolosuro, Tbos. M. Driscoll, ve. Henry W. Lubbock, nug 1 GEO. MILLEN, e. o. a. SHERIFF’S SALES. Qn the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL bo aold before the Court House in tbe City of Savannah, between tho U- eual hours of bbIo, tbe following property, viz: One negro boy named William, loviod on under & by virtue of a forocloauro of inort. gige in favor of William Joyner ngaiuBt Jaa. E Welle. j jnly 7 GEORGE MILLEN, a. c.c. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL be Bold, in front of the Court HoubO, in the city of Savannah, be (ween tho usual hours of aale, tho following property, viz: Building on wharf lot No. It, Washington ward, formerly Stanton’s now Ronoli’a wharf, with tbe.Comprossiag Machinery for pocking Cotton, Seized nndor n warrant of distrain for rent in favor of Wm. Roohe, againBt John Everingham, ir. aug 4 A. D’LYON, c. ft. SHERIFF'S SALE. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL be aold at the Court House, in tbe town of JefierBon, Camden County, within the naual hours of sale, All that tract of Land, situate, lying and being in Comdoo County, containing six bun dred and fifty acres, more or less, bounded north by tho Great Sntilla River, eaat by John Hardy's land, we.t by John ToinpUisrt’ land, and south by vacant land at the time of eurvey. Also, all that other tract of land, containing four hundred and sixty acres, more or less, lying in tho said County of Cam den, bounded north by tbe said Satilla River and west by John Hardy’s land Levied on as the property of John Couper, deceased, under an execution in favor of the State of Georgia, agaloat said John Couper, Tax Collector for M’lntoib county, for the year 1807, and James Polot and George White, hi, Boeuritios. Also, nine head of atock Cattle, levied on ae the property of John C. Richard, under an execution in favor of Beokwith & Dailey, property pointed out by Robort Paxton and Bryant Sheffield, accuritica. july 30 G. W. THOMAS, e. o. c. STATE ARSENAL. P ROPOSALS will be received until the let of December next, for building an Arsebal of lirick on tho Lot opposite tbe Guard House, 00 feet front by 40 feet deep, two stories high, in accordance with s plan in possession of the UDdersigned. Tbe proposals must include the cost of ma terials; tbe work must bd done in the best maoner, and must be finished by the 1st day ofMay 1030. Tho Bricklayers’and Carpen ter's proposals may be separate or jointly— the latter would be preferred. /’A Bond for Ten Thousand Dollars wit! proved security will be required, for ttJ fiitbful performance of tbo contract. W. T. WILLIAMS, .Ogent. tug 1 203—IftP cmCULAR. ' Food for Silk Worms. J UST received, ,a quantity of the seed of tbe Italian Mulbery two. For sale by T- RYERSON, Jr. jane 12 On the Bay. attention. O’The publisher e^o^bejfcatwof the Uni ted States, will give this tbree or four iuie.r- 1 CoBBttT.—A whig dinner wa* given in May. in London, at which Cobboti wye pres ent, who attempted to mr,ko a speech, but waa not ailqwod to proceed,' ant) wat uiti. mately forced to retreat: previous to whioh, among other epithets;, bestowed, was thst of ■■ old bone grubber.’’ Shortly aRer he pub- lishod (ho following acoount of.tbe dinner i— to Tax Et.ECTona or wistmiNster. ’ Barn-Elm Farm, 27 flay, 1829. Gentlemen—A band of hired ruffiaos, as, miming your nantesiosaambled-at tbs Crown and Anchor, in tlie Strand, on Monday last, lA celebrate what they called the punty nf election. The momoot I wont into tho room, I waa convinood, and (old Mr, Hunt and several, that it wai aotiGsemhloge of fellows that had been hired Si paid for boiog there. Since the (tinner f hove boon assured, on what I think very good author ly, that a hundrod and for- ty pounds ware laid out in tickets to be given away. I do not know this to be rruo i but 1 verily bolieve it to bo (rue s and it reata up on ovidanoo os good as that on which nine vpfdicts out of ten aro given in courts of jualico. At all tbo dinners wbioh I have ever seen, the tablcs.ere filled by degrees, promiscuously, leaviog vabaot plaoee hero and thero; but, upon this occasion, ell the uppor ends of all the four labtos that run tong-ways tho room, wero completely filled beforefmr o’clock, although tho dinner did not take place till six. I, who was sitting on tke elevated part, at the uppor odd of the room, and who had to sit thoro nearly, nn hour beforo. the dinnor began, bad time to survey these people, who wore, in appear ance, all of precisely the same itamp; mid dle-aged, ahabby, and'vulgar-looking mon, tolerably cloan, but having coarso linen, some bf a yellow-looking bus and some extremely blue, and having coats tho eoams of which were 19'hor white. 1, who know where to look for the characteristioa in such cesos, looked at their hands, which wero, generally, washed pretty clean ; but I saw tba deep veins with the dirt ot the bottom (till and a certain roughness botwoen the fore finger end tho thumb. Thoy looked'like peopld with whom a bellyful waa a sorioua object j onil l observed, dial whim looking at me they hud an unanimous scqwl on their visages. When the violuals came covered, they, beforo the eigen) was given for recov ering, and beforo tho waiters came to uaoov- cr, lifted up the sides of the cover to peep under to enjoy the eight,'os'it were, beforo. hand -, end when the covers, were taken oft‘, they pitched on in a way to eonyieoe you that tho eating part of the affair was to bn no sham. Thoy gave proofs of reel, hunger, while the awkward manner in wb ch thoy oorved tho articles proved that they were got amongst rarities. I saw one fellow endeavor ing to out a roast fowl naunder crossways, while enotbor had his fork stuck in the nook end, ’to bo ready to take away ona of tho ImlvoB. In tho quarter where Mr. •French was; ho wanted to gat at some Fish,he being d Catholio i end it not boing a meat day,— They wore all Catholics as far as rolatad to tbo fish, ho aimed at a piece of pudding, but a fellow had just then drawn tho pudding Up towards biebody, and had bant tiis arm round it, so as to form a rampart against all assail ants. With groat bogging Mr. French got a piece of pudding about thu size of an egg. Another gentleman, who was sitting in the neighborhood of some ealmoo, of which ho unfortunately happened to bo vary fond, was preparing his plate for a por tion in it; but in tho,twinkling of an eye it was snapped up, tbo gontlcmaii having the grief to bohold do lees (ban seven persons at one time driving their knives or spoons into tbo ealmoD, and (hunting, or endeavoring to thdrat their plates up to tbo aides-of tho dish. So quick was this oporatioo, that the waiters hBdnot litho to put down the sauco, and when ihe sauce boats came, three in number, one of thorn was seized hold of by one of tbo hired brutes,' and the whole of tbo contents tipped into bis own plato, over tbe eides of which part of tbo saooe found its way upon the lablo. A gentleman has told me, end another told me Ihe same thing in the roon), that somo of tlio fellows out up tho aspara gus with tbeir knives, and eat it slumps and all; wbioh, bnwevor, is not quite so bad as tbe conduct of a Nova Scotian who'once came to New York, and .who began eating tba asparagus at the wrong end. However, he bad been brougbl.up iu a country where asparogue does not grow ; there ia not the same apology to be made for 'those brutes j and, indeed, if I had not scan it with my own eyee, no one could have mado me believe ibat an equal number of really ill-bred, groe- dy, really hoggish creatures were to ba found in England ; 1 am sure l|iat ell North Amer ica, from Quebec to the Golf of Florida, does not contain, including Hocfci, two hun dred of such unmonaerly, and groedy, and iodocont brutes as I saw at tho Crown and Anchor leal Monday; and these are tbe wretobes to whom O’Coooell addressed him self as boing the fair representatives of the whole of tbe pooplo. of England. There ia no doubt iu toy miod at all of tbeir liaviog J *d the ticket given them. It wae impossi- It that two hundred of such fellowa ebould have bad thirteen shillings a piece to give for a dinner; and ae to their being actuated by any nubiio, spirited motive, the idea is ridicu lous- ' WILLIAM C08B|TT, A Qooi HU.—Friday moroiog some witty wag emeogat other notions posted the follow- iogon a house in Caoa| street. “Wealed 11,500 men. to enforce tbo Corporation laws.’, '.Intemperance juXi ‘ "' " (TgMEghANCE; rn drinking SWITCH- .—A late Connecticut paper, notioiog. the -progress bf temperance," elates, that the laborers on one side Of the . worke io that 8tato, had etiketitntod molasses and - water isatead of turn, for tbeir driok, aud it ia add ed, that fifty of these men, io nine Weeks, drank three hogsheads of molaams. Tho following excellent afflcle we copy from tlie last I'ortimoutb Journal. It is true to nature, and many onbe^ieaedeloniclub,” both mala and female, will iee tbeir impertao- tione reflected In the mirtor wbich'it held up - to them by the correspondent of Ibd Journat. It (a a. lamaplablu loot that many, persons who go to Cburoh regjilarly, think and apeak mote of what thoy tee dnrmg divine aorvice, .than what they Aepr from the lips of the preacher-' ' • ’' - - BotUa Garctic. * SUNDAY CONVERSATION. Jlfr. Editor.—Whether the propensity aiisaa from malice, or solely from'the lore of amusement, I am unablo tosay; but certain it ia, that I have always taken ptoasoba in witnessing (hose little fallings, which aro-not unfrcquently found ampng tho;good and kind- hearted. List Sun'day, ot tho oloae of the morning ehreitfe, ei I ehanoed. to follow in (he train of a small family party, an their way from cburoh, it wae my fortune to over hear their comments upon tho various sub jects, suggested by what they had soon, and heard. The group consiatod of an elderly gentleman, of grave and formal earriagb, ac companied by bis wife, a motherly persooago, of about sixty, who was supported op her left by n girl end a boy of about sixteen, and a indy, who appeared to hove reached tbo me ridian nf her chaims. Tho imagination of, the reader,must assign the shares ot tha con- veraation (otbeir roapoctirejproprietors. A good sermon; a very good sermon, wife. It ought io be good, my dear, for it-bee Vorn well. I have heard : it two or'three limes before-' 1 I wish, papa, t we might have something'in-. terostiog—I am tired to doath of sin, and mo- ralily. ■ Prey, eisler, did you eac that.woman in the paw next ta burs, with tho great bleek ribbon on her bonnet, like a thunder cloud l She means to havo mourning on' her bonnet, if no whore olee, : See her A I guess I did: or rather I saw her sleeves, like a fat mao in a hammock- puffing out. with twenty ysrde of groe do Naples. She is old enough to' wear bar grandmother’s damask, Poor woman ! aha thinks ■ Bishop’s iloevcs’ are all the fashion. Hush, chlldt she is u worthy good woman; aha was a Jones; and hennotbef was a Car ter. Whoa I lived in Boston, five end forty years ego, edme next November, ithe lived in the house, next to oura, with a great green doer, end a lion’s head upon tbe knocker, so that she’s no chicken DOW. Her father was a little, wonsel faced old man, with' a white Whig, and a cane taller than ha Waa, Who used to.keop a shop down by the market, end kept it till (lie day of liia death'; aedhia wifo looked as if dooth had forget her i she did gp off, however, Ope day, in a fit of parallela. Paralysis, woman, pairatysis t So you ssy, my door—hut tho doctor told mo what'it was,when I stood'by at the time, ‘IMrg, -i——'' said he, (he wase pleasant - man,Him eld lady lias got her walking pa pers.’ Well, well, lot hnr rest. Oar singing're- quires some looking to. That fallow in tbe front of tho gallery opeos hia mouth like a Crocodile-— Yea, papa, and screams like a Northwest er through a bee coop, . • Don’t interrupt me, cfaild“-I eay soma- thing must be done to put a stop to these new tunos, or we may oe well danoo jigs as pray. Why, papa, tbo first tuno waa a beautiful ono—It wee AuldLaog Syno. Old long what I Old Bangor is worth a do- zen ol It. Pray, sister did you seo cousin Polly come sailing up the broad aisle, in the middle of tbo long prayer? Yper indeed, J saw her, end so did every one else,or she would, have been much disap pointed. But I did not notice bar muob, for I was laughing at tbe old woman by the pul- pit, whose false curie got adrift, and hung a- bout her face I'.ko hop. rincB. Papa, why cannot I bare a new coat tb'g° to meeting ip, as well ns Nat Bates. ' Nat Bates may do as he likes—Who da you think seaB what kind of a coat you wear? My dear, did you seo how sadly Sally- looked ? I will lay a dollar ebe boa lost a beau. Poh! Mother, what busiaosa lias auction old wo man os aha is, with a beau ? Some business, child, I should think; for she bad oao, off and on for the last twenty years, to my certain kaowledge. How you talk, mother! Ifa young lady looks eau, it follows of course, that she ban lost a boau. She was mourning for bor bids. She and yon might join forces, sister, and cry in company. You aro, as near as I can judge about ofan age- Papa, I don’t want to go to meeting tbig afternoon—It is too hot end tifesome. Hot and tiresome, or not, go you shall,— I’ll nob leave you at home to be turning up Jack, apd disturbing tho neighborhood,while am engaged io devotion. Heigh day I thero- goes the toe of my shoe I Hang these infer nsl sidewalks, with (heir points jutting out like bagoets I Those rasosliy surveyors shall alter ’em, or I’l| know why not; tut, tnt! My dear, my dear, don't be potont by zo (rilling an accident on Sunday too I Trifling f If I had stubbed my head off,yon would bare thought it more trifling yet.— Trifliog! your toes feel very cleverly, I sup. Pobo. Trifling! Tom! you rascalt You jades! have dono giggling, tbia instant I”. * ' * * * Ha, reverend air; good morning to yon. A fine day, air, a Very; fine day. This warm weather is Tory fine for the grass. Yougava us an excellent sermon this morning, sir.— You wiped up the heretics admirably sir, ad mirably.,./.,.. .... ' . . ; . TamgladlBir.that it suited you i and hopw that it may be the means of doing good, espe cially that pprt of it which related to anger. / No doubt it, will..- air. I observed my> daigbbor, you . know who; kepf bin head down, irbile you were upon that point, i wa mbyning, eir. Wife, you did not forget, .. truet, to put on the onions fordinner? At tbia,moment, the party entered their, own dnors, ?nd I went my way, musing on- the effects of devotional ejerciaae.