Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 15, 1829, Image 1

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THE IS EDITED AXfD PUBLISHED ^Potter’s Vcgitablo Catholic fllUE unrivalled aod extensive refutation X alreedt acquired by lliia medicine, do* ■—ao—aoonio—iMOM^I.wdora—^No—M—ra—o— 1 — SAVANNAH, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15. 1829. s== ===s=s==sssss^~bim».»—~-tri h-• i i".'i %rm»: IN TDK 0ZT7 OF SAVANNA*?, BY ROBERTSON & BEVAN, AT ElOBT DOLLARS Pf.R ANNUS, VAYAULK IN ADTANCB. %<mun POtt THE COUNTRY, 18 published lo meet the arraNccmcnt of the malts. **• “ - x Week' (Moivluy, Wedneiday and Fri- ThtooTimesa . . - , day) Rtlhcoffice oftho DailyGoorqiui. ajul contain* oil thu intelligence, - Commercial, Political and Muedb- ft com, including Advertisements, pnbtuued in tho Daily IPapur. . - The Country Poporis sent to all parts oftho Stntonnd Union, or delivered in the city, atEiVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements aro inserted in both paper* at 75 cents tho first insertii per square ol 14 lines, lormoiirsi insertion, and 37 1*2 for every succeeding publication. Communications by mail must bo POST PAID. Sales of Land nrid Negroes by Administrators, Emeu* tors and Guardians aro required by law to bo hold on tho first Tuesday in Uio month, between tho hours of 10 and 8 o’clock, at tho Court House in the county in winch Ah« property ts situate. Notice of these sales must bo given in a public gazette Sixty Days pruvious to the sale. Notice of tho salu of Personal Property must bo given in like manner Forty days before the sale. Notico to Debtors and Creditors of on estate must bo published for Forty days. Notico that application will be mado to tho Court of Ordinary for leave*! sell land, must bo published Four Months. THE NEW-YORK MIRROR, And Ladies' Literary Gazette. EMBELLISHED WITH KNQBAVINOS AND MUSIC T HE first number of the soventh volumo uf this periodical will be issued on tile ELEVENTH D4T OP JULY NEXT lo the COUrse of tho year will be published pour splendid Engravings. drawn and executed expressly for this work; and twenty-five Popular Melodies, with ULCompanimerds. for the Piano Forte. The Mirror, among a variety of other 6Ubidets, embraces the following : " Original Moral Tales—either fictitious, or founded on events of real life, in the United Slates of America'. Reviews—uf publications foreign and do mestic. Orignal Essays—on literature, morals, his tory, voyagos, trpvels, American aniiquites, the fine art*. Ac. Female Character—education, mounore, beauty and dross. American Biography—or historicalskotclu** oftho lives of such persons, of both sexes ns have become celebrated for their heroism virtue, fortitude, talents, patriotism, dr«:. Literary lnleUigcncr—or notices of new publications. The Drama—comprising strictures on tho New York stage. Desultory Selections—with occasional ic- omrUswr’L . Anecdotes—humourous, literary, historical, & c. Passing Events of tho Times. Foetry—original and selected. (D* Tho work is eloguntly printed in tho royal quarto form, on fine paper, with hour geois and brevier typo. Fifty two numbers complete a volume of four hundred ond »ix teen royal quarto pages, for which a beautiful engraved vignette title-page, and a copious index, are given Tho terms are jour doll a ns per annum, payable in ad vance. Subscriptions receivod by JON. OLMSTEAD, Agent, may 1R • l '7—* L W. T. WILLIAMS. H AS just received the Atuenium, or Spirit oi tho English Magazines,No 20 for July 16, 1829. CONTENTS S Eoglish Rhetoric and RhetoricianB; Break ing the Spell; The Image or the Dead ; The First and Last Kies; Choice Hints for a Plan to Discharge the National Debt; Tho He cuba ;Iiecont Visit lo Pompeii; For a Young Lady's Album; Metaphysics and Poetry; Description of Mekka; Varieties. july 30 | Sir Walter Scott’s New Work A nne op guirstein, or the mai den op the Mist. 2vols. By the author of VVoverly, &c. drc. Just received by T* M. DRISCOLL, july 4 Portable Lemonade Powders. FfflHIS Powder which contains all the finer JL particles used in making Lemonade, is offered to tho public as an entire new arti* ole, and is superior to tbo common mode, be ing completely divestod of thu musty flavour of Limes ood Lemons that are not fresb. It is particularly adapted for Travelers by sea or land, as it can be carried any distaoco and will keep perfectly fresh a long time—can be prepared to drink in a shorter period and at much less expense. « A supply of the above Powders neatly put up in bottles, just received and for salo by LAY ft HENDRICKSON, Droggists, Gibbon's Buildings. july 28 Swaim’s Vermifuge Patent. A CERTAIN and safe remedy for worms in children, -and can be administered without the least difficulty. Just received nod for aale by LAY b HENDRICKSON, july 25 Druggists, Gibbon,’ Building. Potter’s Vegetable Catholicon. A FRESH supply of this celebrated Me- diciue, just received per schr Martha, warranted genuine and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Druggists, AgpQta, Gibbons’ Buildings- July 25 mauds from the.proprietor bis greatful sc* koowledgtnent to a discerning public. TUoso affected with KING'S EVIL, or Scrofula, NECROSIS, or diseased bones, SYPHILIS in every ringo. ULCERATED SORE THROAT, ULCERS of every des cription, however old and inveterate; every variety of Cutaneous disease, Blotches on the face, Pimplts end Teller in particular. Bheumalism and (lout, tVhitc Swellings, and diseases resulting fiotu JHcicury tna> t» confident of obtaining in till tbo above oa«na, in which nature has not altogether yiol'-d to disease, radical and permanent cures t; the Vue of tho Catholicon. This is tho fira discovery of a medicine taken in tho stomach, that baa bad tho Joog desired elfoct of curing the most obstinato and distressing external disease*,. Tho use of nutritious food, and tho ordfi ip, and as Insurance can be effected on "idun* I TT m the city of Savannah, between the lfua^nents by them at the very lowest rates, ir.^i^unl hours of sale, ry avocations of business ere not interrupted hoped that such a sharo o? patronage will be bv the Catholicon; and its properties having the power of restoring both flesh and bone, and of renovating and invigorating every part of the system during Uio process of extermi nating disease, is without a parallel. The proprietor begs leave, respectfully, to return thanks to the many who havu reposed confidence in his former statements, relating to tho healing properties of tho Catholicon: and he would tuvthet assure the public, that ho will in no Instanco forfait their confidence, by recommending his medicine ns applicable to any disease, iu which it shall not have proved itself eminently successful. Tho following certificates will, it is pre sumed, satisfy the most incredulous, of tho pre-eminent virtues of the Cathuhcou. CERTIFICATES. Philadelphia, May 28,1824. Sir,—I am cow, thanks lo your medicine, a hearty man. For nearly six year* f have been a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threatened, if not soon stopped, to put n period to my existence, Having hud no r«gu^ lar medical advica from the commencement, my com- plaint at lust got to such a height that I could not swal low without great pain and difficulty. Tumours formed in different parts of my body, and I began to think my situation .almost desperate. 'Dio five bottles of tho Catholicon which 1 have taken have completely cured me, and I am now ns well as I could wish' to bo. Will* my thanks, l am your obliged humMc servant, &c. GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, George Kune, of llio district ol Southwark, personally appeared, and lining duly sworn, doth declare and say. ttiaUho above sUitymuiC is, in all rcSpccts. correct and nwt\- euiumuii p,iiiuii lAajAiVi.. vull W. OHU trite, ninf that the signature to it is in the hand writing of litis deponent. JOHN U1NNS. Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28, 1824. -r [Front the Darien (Geo.) Gazette, November l.J Am ■ PROSPECTUS. < U RGED by tho lolicitalion uf many litor- ary friends, and tho indigence of bis cir cumslanooa, the eubio*her line been induced to offer Jiu the public aTiootlo work, to bo on- titled “THE IRIS," or which ho is the au thor. To consist of miscellaneous original piocei principally, religious, moral, and ama tory, comprising two huudrod and thirty or more pages of lino demi paper, eighteen mo. ««—making it about tho dimensions oflto- boit Southey’s “ Tale of Paraguay,"— to be ucatly hound in boards, prlcu onk Condor requires l>f tho author to state, that tho pieces over the signature of “ T. ” heretofore published in the Augusta Chron- • Ik In and Gaorgia Advorlisor, and tho Georgia 1 * “ourier, will form a part of the work. >tW - book will bo ready for deliversj by the first of Norembor, and paymont expected thereupon. Persons desirous of becoming subscribers to the book, will find subscriplion lists (fow the present,) at all times'open at the Augus ta Boob Stores, and the office oftho Aogos* to Chronicle. Thuao at n distaoco, wishing a copy, or copies of thn woilc, will bo consi dered subscribers by intimating their request addressed to tho author at this ptaoo post paid. JAMES M. THOMPSON. Augusta, July lid, 1029. july 2d am MlWT KXTRAURi'INAY Ll Ht tmitll' HV l # «TTMlV Catholicon.—Captain Dowdy, keeper of the light on Supulo and master pilot for Dolmy Hur, utlmfir.c* us tu make known to the public the fallowing fact of a recent date. “ About * month ago, I bought Uiree.koUlcs of Put- Tan’s Oatiioucon, tor thu porptuto of toning i»-virfV?) upon Mr. Peter M’Culloch, punt of-Duhov llur, who had been for several year* coiitineti to hii bid and crutcln-3 in conscqueiirc ot diseased hmbs, mid ulcerated f< ct—tin: doles of hia feet who in that nhwlnitg stale, that tho bunts were perceptible both to the mghtund touch. Mr. M’Culloch, after the use of tubes hwtds ofthu Catholicon, laid aside his ciutrhcs, and was this day in town utimidiiig to his businc8S,in neatly perfect health. Darien, November 1, 1626. Hartford. Conn. February 20, 1627. Mr. Wm. W. Potter- Dear Sir—I have now but nut liottlc of Catholicon left. A person arrived this owning. who came GO mile* situje morning, for 17 bottles of Catholicon, and would have taken 24; but I could let him have but 0. Ho catite expressly for the article, and says that the person, wltj had used two bottles, has had a “ uvr.n atfection or consumption” 20 years; and thut Uitco of the fam ily dru invalids, ond have paid in ten years, for medical advitu and medicine, $1,500. lie saysthu person who has used the two bottles, KEVOI POI ND ANY MCDICaSr.TO coMi'iRt with tiikCathoi icon, and that the neigh bours seeing tho astonishing effects it produced, anum- bor ot thorn sent tho above person to procure the arti cle, for various chronic diseases. The person told mo he w^uld wait two day, if he could to procure the tvo dozen. Will you, without foil, send me, or, ifniecssary, even come with a fow boxes of the Catholicon to Hartford, as I fair delays will take place in Now. York and New Haven; and as to being out of the article, I cannot think of it. V I am, in haste, yours, &c. E. W. BULI.. I TO SEAMEN. Thousinds of unfortunate seamen aro rendered use less to thlir country by the ravages of a devouring dis ease,to wkich they ore more subject than any other class of men. The case of un unfortunate sailor who cither embarks i(i a diseased state, or finds himself so, on a long vovac, must be truly deplorable; and it may not, pernats, be improper to suggest the propriety of always inciiding the Catholicon in the medicine chest* of the Navy.and Merchants* service, it being a sovereign remedy in tic disease ulludcd to. TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. Tho Vegetable Catholicon i* peculiarly adapted to those diseasls which arc prevalent among tho olourcd population of the t>outh. In that disease which is cal led Yaws, iiis a sure remedy ; a single trial of it will convince platers of it* superior efficacy to any remedy never benafarc'in the United States. They should of n similar without it. Sold by tlfe principal Druggists and Booksellers in tho United plates. {LJ** Prixtcd direction* are on the bottle* \ W. W. POTTER, No. 13, Soqth Ninth street, between Chcsnut and Market, oppose the University of Pennsylvania. N. B. Thou persons who tnay receive signal bene fit from the um of the Catholicon, will confer a particular favouton those similarly afflicted, by forward ing certificate* ofthtir cures to the proprietor, or to any of hi* agents. \ A supply of tho abovo Valuable Medicine kept on hand orH orders from aoy part oftho State, and letter^ postage paid, will receive immediate attention LAY fc HENDRICKSON, bruggista. Sole Agents, jaly 14 No 15 Gibbons'Buildings. Sarsaparilla Syrup, T HIS celebrated $yrup id highly recoin mended by the faculty as an excellent depurative Medtciue, and has beeu uuccess- IK N.YOHK LINE •or PACKETS. blnjj MACON, I). L. Purtilu,Aiu.t.r “ STATIRA, Taos. Wood, “ * “ Ei\irKHOR, J. H.BeNNETT, ’• : “ HEN IIY. Gico M on*. •• “ FLOKIAN, F. UxnniioN, <■ “ HELEN MAR, T. Honnnoa. *• Tbo ownora of tho Established Line, take pleura in aonounciog to tin; public that it if og n pmiianciilly complolnd with tlm a- I. vi* S11 fin clan, vvoscle. Tlicj ate all AVio York built Ships of tlm bps tnBtnrial., bavmg i'legaut and spacious accununoda* | os for puHsengprii, and are commanded by ‘ '. ' o' well l<mnen oxperioiicc in tbo Iroiic.. . • 1 will tail fruni Now York ovotr Six days, end iron. Ibia,- aa oitan.—Thi- arraDgoment will bo puuclo.illy adhered extended to tins line, as it may merit j from tho groat exponao nocosaarily incurred in running it, and from its utility to tlm public, HALL, SHATTER b TUFTER. jan 10 Aroorican Quarterly Review. T. WILLIAMS lias just rnunivnU • tlm Amur,CUM Quarterly Review, Nu. lO. fat- Juno. lUwO. CONTiSNfsI. ’ I. DirctATMc* nt Oi.fJCAt Ariitcx, Joiinul of u SocLttd Exp coition into tho Interior of Africa, l»y tha late Captuiii Cluppcrtoii: to which 19 aidcj tbo Jour* nul of In* ow n return to thu Coast, by Uiuhurd Lander, his faithful Servant. II. Mu.ton's Lhitem, I.Iiltoa'c Familiar Letter*, translated from the Latin, v.jih Note*, lly John Hull. HI. Astronomy ok Lati ace, Traito Ho Mcraniquc Gelcdtc, par M. Marqui* do Laplacv, Fair do Franco, &<:. <Scc. IV. Flint’s Geograi'Iiv and History ot the Wot- r.RN Statm, A Condensed Geography and History of tho Western Status, or tho Missibdippi Vnlloy. *|Jy Timothy Flint, nuthorof ltccollection* ofrtio last ton yenta >11 thn MisKissippi Valley. Salvo mngna parens. V. Ciiamxry Law, Chancery Case* argued ot«l de termined in tho Court of Appeals of South Carolina, from January, 1625 to May, 1828, both inclusive. By D. J. M’Coru, StatoKimortcr. VI. HorneTookr, Memoirs of John Homo Tookce Esq.; together with hi* valuable speeches atul wri tings—also containing proofs, indei.tifying him as ib, author oftho celebrated Letters cf Juniu*. By Graham, LL. D. VII. HtsfoRY or Pennsylvania, Tho History of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans, to the Declaration oflndcpcudcncc in 1770. By Thomau F. Gordon. VIII. Femals ntooRAtBY, Fomalo Biograpyh ; nr, Memoirs of Illustrious nnd Celebrated Women, of all Ages and Countries. By Mary 1 lays. His tom: do Christine, Reinc do Suede, par J. P. Catteati-Callerillc. The History id Christine, Queen of Sweden, by J. P. Caltcau-Cuflcvillo. IX. IIoiack’* Life of Clinton, Memoirs of Do Wit Clinton, with an A]»|»cndix, containing numerous docu ments, illustrative ol the principal event* of hi* life. By David Hwsack, M. I). F. It. S. X. Ri isia, System of Geography, by M. Malta Brim. Vol. VI, Book civ— cxiv, Russia. SAILS®. dllEltW .jT’B SALE. On the first Tuesday in September nut,. W ILL bn sold boforu llio Court IIuum ill Ills Oily ot Sstiinnnh, botnouu tbo u.ual hours of snls, One Nogra uisn D»mnd Major, Invisd an ns tho propnrly of Jasso Fry, to satisfy exo eulloosin fsror of Joho and Jacob Wxvor. vs. J uses Fry—lovy undo and laturutil to am by ■ Oonstxblo. ! Also, one negro girl named' Virginia, In- tlad on atjho propsrly ofCothnrlno G. ond Jonn F John.ion. tu satisfy so execution in lavnr of Bsnj. A. While, sug I GEORGE MILLEN.e. c. o. . "a WALE On Os. firel -t Winy in Qelobvr next, yyir.L be sold boloro the Court llousi From Mr*. Halo’* Magazine. OLD AND NEW TIMES. When my good mother wm a girl— Sumo thirty year* ago. Young ladio* then knew how to knit* . A* well a* how to *ew. Young ludictf T1IIN could spin a weave, v Could bake, and brew, and awcep 1 ‘ lance and Could sing and play, could donee And could a secret keep. Young ladies THIN wero beautiful A* any beauties now— Yet thej? could rako the new-mown hay. Or Bulk tho ** brindled cow,” •;Yi paint, A pot tiou oftho rutnituro of tha City Hotel. cotopriiiDg Tables. Cliuira, Bede, Balding* Bcd«toad8, Crockery xml Stiver Ware, Kuivcti and Forks, Kitoheo Utensils, «5ro. «Vc* &c. Levied on under and by virtuo ofun ex ecution on foreclosuroi Tbos. RI. Driscoll, vs. '‘onry W. Lubbock. w nuir 1 GEO. MILLEN, e. c. SHERIFF'S SALES. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL bo sold bofuro the Court House in the City of Savnnnah, but woun the u* buoI hours ofsnlo, tho following properly, viz: Ouo uegro boy oauiod William, levied on under & by virtue of n foroclobuto of inert- pngo in favor of Willium Joyner against Jus. E. Wells. july 7 GfcORGE MILLEN.e. c c. TAX COLLECTOR’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in Odder next, W ILL be Bold before the Court House in the city of Savanoati, between the uatrul hours of salo,the following property. vi»: 3,545 acros of land, Glynu county, Buffalo swamp, viz:—-015 acre* returned oa first qual ity inland swamp; 400 ocros Oak, and tho residue Pine laud, loviod on as tho property of Edward*, Doughty oud O'llour, to satisfy %o state and snuuty tax for tho year 1U2U, amount duo 425 45 and aosts. , Alsu, 2.600 acres of laud io Camden coun ty, on St. Marys river, granted to Robert Mouford of the ibllutviug qualities :--000 acres brackish marsh. MOO do. 2d quality In- land swamp. 100 do. fid quality hammock and >400pioo land—nlso 1.160 acros of land in paid county on tho Satilla granted to Hora tio Marbury, of the Iblloxviug quality !W0 acres 2d quality tide swamp, 100 do. oak nut! hickory end 760 acros pioo land, levied on ne the property of the estates of Robert Mont- fort and >So,omeu Pendleton, to aaliefy tho bti»td*innrBtmnty ^mi-Vor-ttiwycBT lott), « motinl duo jjl 16 90 and costa. n»nr 4 DAVID BELL, v u.<*. c. oung-tadibs thin wore bonnets too, Aii«T with (hom thoir own htiif: They maic theta Dan thei* o wn goOJ straw, Arid pretty, too, Uicy were. Young Ldics then wore gowns with *lcute* Wlarh would fust bold thoir ami*; And did not havu as many yard* As acre* in their farm*. Youn* Ldic* tiiin oft fell in love, And married, too, tho men ; While inun, with willing honrt* and true, Loved tliunj all back ngoin. Young Ldics n.»w can knit and sew, Or read a pretty book— Cun sing or puint, nndjoko andquir, But cannot bvur to cook. Young ladi* now can blithely spin Of “ street yarn” many a spool, And weave u web of scandal too And dyo it In thu wool. Young ladies now can bale? their hair, (*an brew their own cologne ; In nuRuowEn plumage often slun% SViiiJj they neglect their own.' And a* to secrets, who would think l'idclity-^i pearl 7 None but’a modest little Miss, Perchance a country gift. Young ladies N'W Wear luvHy'tibRti, —What pity thoy should wftMliuni; And then their bonnet*, heav'ns ! they fright Thu beau that venture* nigh them. Thun 11* to gowns. I'vo hoard it said They’ll hold a men ; And it you once get in their sleeves You’ll no’er get otrr again. EVn Jove is changed from what it was— Although true love is known: 'Tih wealth adds lustra to thu check, And melts the heart of stone. 71iu* Time works wonder*; young and old Confess his magic power. Beauty will fade ; hut Virtue prove* Pure gold in man's last hour CITY -SHERIFF'S BALE. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL bo sold, in front of the Court House, io tho city of Hnvunnnh, bo Arecd tho usual hours of bale, tho follotViiqr properly, viz: n Building on wharf lot No. ft, Washington wnrd, formerly fjuototi’ri now Roach's wharf, with the Compxossiog Machinery for packing Cotton, scizod under a warrant of distrain for root io favor Of Win. It ache, ogoiubt John uujj 4 A. D'LYON. c. 9. North American Review. .< W T. WILLIAMS has juet received • tho North America Review, No 64, for July IU29. V CONTENTS J Art. I.—Jilemoirs of a Financier. Art. II.—Principles of Elocution. Art. Ill-—History of Intellectual Philoso phy. Art. IV.—Dc Bcranger's Life and TPri tings. Art V.-t-The Greek Revolution. Art. VIx—Abbot's iAiers on Cuba. Art. VII.—American Poems. Art. VIII.—Popular Education. Art. IX.—Boston Exhibition of Pictures. Art. X.—Constitutional History. Quarterly list of New Publicaliolm july 14 “ depurative _ fully employed in those anomalous cases of disease, which sometimes occur in Scrophu lous habits produced by. au improper and ir regular use of Mercum It is carefully pre pared and a supply will be kept on band by LAY & HENDRICKSON. mav 12 American Casting 5000 LBa Amtric and Nails. iCMtiog. as»’td. 100 kega Cut Nail, usorted sixes—20 of 4d, XS of Sd, 25 of Bd, 25 of l(ld, 5 of lid—100 lb. cash. For salo by JP HENRY, spril 3 Diversions of Hollycot, O R tho Mutlior’s Art of Thinking—by the author af Clan Albio, and Elizabeth De Bruce. The above excellent work far Cbildreo has just been roceivcd by T. M. DRISCOLL. may fi Purified Bear’s Oil, F OR tbe preservation and growth of tb« human Hair, prossrriDg its health nod beauty and pre.enling preuietur. baldness. This articlo ia carefully extracted end pre pared for uso by N- S. Prentiss, of New York, and a supply kept on hand by LAY It HENDRICKSON. Druggists, No 2 and 15. Gibbon’s Buildings, july 4 Food for feilk Worms. J UST received, n quantity,pf tbo seed of tbe Italian Mulbsry trso. For sals by T- RYERSON, Jr. - On (bo Ray. jnee if SHERIFF’S SALE. On thefirst Tuesday in September next, W ILL bo sold nt tbo Court House, in thc^ town of Jefferson, Camden Count/, within tbo usual hours ufsalo, Ail that tract of Land, eituoto, lying nod bnipgiu Camden County, containing six bun Ural and fifty seres, more or less, bounded north by tbo Groat Satilla Riror, oast by John Hnrdy’slnnd.wost by John Tompkins’ land, end south by vacant laud ut tho timo of surrey. Also, oi) that other tract of land, contnioing four, hundred ond sixty ncrea, more or Iobb, lying in the said County of Cnm* dco, bounded north by the said Satilla.River and west by John Hardy’s land ; Levied on as the property of John CDupcr, deceased, under an cxcoution in favor oftho State of Georgia, against said John Coupcr, Tox Cnlloetor for M’Intosh county, for tho year 1007, and James Polot and George While, his securities Also, oino l.cad ofstodk Cattlo, levied on ns tbe property of John C. Richard, undur Jfcpzecution i.i favor of Beckwith dt.Bailey, property pointed out by Robert Foxtoa on£ Bryaot Sbdliclu, securiticB- july 30 G. W. THOMAS, e. c. STATE ARSENAL. P ROPOSALS* will be received until the 1st of December next, lor buildiof; an Ausenar of Brick on the Lot opposito tho Guard Home, 60 foot front by 40 feet doop, two stories high, io accordance with a plan io poattmioaof tho undersigned. Tho proposals must include tho cost of ma terials *, the work must be done in the best mtnobr, and must be finished by the 1st day of May 1830. Tbo Bricklayers' sod Carpen ter'* proposals may bo separate or jointly— tbe latter would be preferred. A Bond for Ten Tbousoud Dollars with ap proved security will bo - required, for the faithful performance of tbo contract. W. T. WILLIAMS. Agent. suj?l 203—ftp CIRCULAR. Dei-hitment or Stits, } Taunt Office June 29,1825. > A LL persona having business with tho Pa- A tent Office, aro rcqucitod to direct their communication! directly to tho HuperioHn- dnnt of that office, Ustuad of tha Secretary of State, tbo latter mods being attoodod w,tb considerable inconvenience nod sometimes risk. Ail such communications are free of pottage, and will recoivoimmcdistoatteutioo. JOHN D. CRAIG, Superintendent, ICrTbo publishers of tbe Laws oftho Uni ted States, will give this three or four inser- tious J“'y 8 ‘-FoRTUriK'd FROLIC Oil TIJR MAID TURNED mistress.—A lanuar of Euiuoruetdhirc being engaged tu marry a yufiiig ludv residing some ton or twolvo miles distant from his es tates, and said to bo worth four or fiva thou sand pmiuds. hudjio far conoladod arraogc ifb ‘ menu for the conRHiiutalioo of their hopes, that thu intended bride, in order that uuthioc ‘ g to ctimploti; tbnir tiappi- •oeing bis comptoion look grtra and ratbor dUplca*sd, tho patient immediately added— ’Oh dinna think, Jfttnio, i uodcr value the word o’truth, or wad compfiro tbo dlrido volume wi» ony human production, hot what I mean is, that in my present condition, my miud, when yo read Burns, wsd be sari to turn on aomothmir gudo. for his dosoripflone aro se clear and sae sweet, that thoy bring liber days and ithor places to my mind—my pains are forgot—my thoughts wander for away,—our ain home rites before me, wt’iu* greoo knowei, gowan, end glioiiog burn,— and ob Jamie, I think upon my mother, eufl opun Jennie,—and my heprt, a* (be same at wi’ the Bible, rites to God, J through whose kind provid«nce I hope to rettirh, *never to leave them nur Scotland malr l’ The sel- diors mingled tears and aobi together. To tho readers wKrc iho foforencM. Mnbxon't Tales. j* ” Sudden abandonment ufstrono drink. —As many persons aro in tbe habit of con sidering K dangerous for bard drinkers lo abandon their cups at uuce, perhaps ibe fol lowing eftio-, standing on unquestioneblo authority, will bo Interestng. > Tbe first i* takon from a small but very valuable volume oflerinons by tbe Her. John G. Palfroy, Pastor of tbo church in Brattl* square, Boston, preached and printed io 1B37. “ It has been oecsrtained to bo an error, flit there is danger to life in wholly and of r sudden discontinuing the use of ardent spirit!, in cases whorn it has been tho moil immode rate. Tbo patient in such cases undergoes, n disease which among its subjects, is de nominated tbo horrors, and which has beon thought to bn in its nature fatal unless tho customary stimnlons woro supplied. He Is thrown into the most miserable condition of 'uudily nod mental imbecility. He aaonot sloop. He aces all aorta of irightful phantoms of the imagination in a crowd around him, with (a* it sQcms lo himself) tho disfloctaou and certainty of actual eenae; aadaustaios, hi short, all the agonies of terron Tbo fib Curnes on tuicf a day of abstinence, And laats sumetimea four days, though commonly lose than two, nnd loavot tho body and mind fec- blo but without disease, I mention it as great ly to ths honor of the physician of tbe Hotiid of Correction ia this city. Dr. J. B» Flint, that proceeding with n judgment and courage that justified each thu other, ho baa oatab- lishcd tho common opinion concerning tho needful palliative in this caao to be ground less. Of (wo hundred and fifty patient*, with whnm ho hos unforced total abstinence, he has lost not ono.” P. 60,67. ' Evening Pod, 'i A Veteran Naviuator.—Col. -Baldwin* of Albany ha* lately deposited in the Albany J Institute, the Log Book of ,Capt. Stewart I Doan, kept during three voyages from . L nntytotfrkn* Untilrodeally, Mri D. wftA* * 1 citizen of Albany .but uow resides in Ibis city r should bo wanting ness and domostiu comfori, hired a servant, . . , - girl, whom she stmt to thu farmer’s bouse a-1 UU1 * e *V 0 If i a b e ®ftby fe rp ? D bout a month bofoio tho dny appeiotod for! d). r. Jour, of Com tho MS#. The formor himevot beiro; vo-1,. r , h * uu.t.triking ami inctdom. nt ry uuacoptiblo of the under puasione, fell ao j * 118 oro * that as commander of a private deeply ioluvu with tho maid, that bo wrelo */"'«< »“««'• hn captured thu first BnUats. for now you will have only one bout to clean iostoad of two ” Humble Origin.—Sir Peter Laurie, one ofTtio Aldermen of London, and Kir Richard Birnic.tho bend police magistral inEngland, are both nativos of Scotland, and bulb com menced thoir earner together In London as apprcntico saddlers, with Air. Godsmau, sou ol that Captain Godsman whoso naroo is as familiar a* a household word io lovornesr, from tho circumataoco of hi* having formed one of tho mast boautifn! and romantic walks io tbo vicinity of tho town. Inverness Courier. Thin Legs,—M. de Tulloyland being at court ono day wbun tho corps diplomuliijut wont to pay thoir respects lo tho King, ho was observed to goxo very earnestly at ono of the personages admitted to llio salon bleu, au J who was remarkable for his excessive thin legs. Go bniog asked what engaged bis attention, M do Talloyrand replied, ** I am puzzled to discover whether the Baili de F ■ — wears threo swords, or has got to ioform tho lady he was very well Contaotcd , with tho bargainsho had forwarded him, nnd ^iocd not trobblo horself fort her on tho ma trimonial subject.—Exeter Alfred. Sensibility.—Latour Alaubourg lost hia leg ut tho battle of Lqipric. After ho had suffered amputation with tho greatest cour age, he saw his servantorying, or protend- ' do°g,iia 0»P». D hs. frequently mcnllonod to rao r said his master, “you know ,on are vury glad, (•■ysCol. B.) ills only opprebeniion nt « hi . . onremminim. 1 tel nilunnti.Mi.a unnm>i> Government cruizor, taken after the dooUra- tion of iudopendencu ; and that ia tho sloop Enterprise of CO tons, built in South Market streut, under his special direction, he mada a successful voyago to Canton, immediately vftor tho close of tho revolutionary war. lie whs the first American citizen who car ried tho dug of hia country to tbo Chinese eoa. threo legs.” Anecdote of military life—Ia tho grenudier company of a Hcotiiih regiment, forming part of tho British army in Spain, wero two privates, known among their com panions as (bo ‘ twa freions,’ from tho steadi ness of their mutual attachment, and other wise much respected for propriety of coo' duel. In one of the laBt shiramhes which took place among tbo Lower Pyrenees, when our bravo follows drove their oppo nents from ono entrenched height to tho other to the very confines oftho ( *acrcd territory/ one oftho •friens* received a severe wound in tho thigh. During tho fow weeks in which our troops were io cantonments previous to entering France, tho wouudod of tho regi ment in question lay in a church, ood among them thu individual now mentioned ;—his friend in tbe intervals of duty most affection atcly watching over him. (io ooe occasion our informant, while visaing and cheering tbo sick of bis own company, finding himself placed within a few foot of their bed, but io a position where he remained unseen, could not forbear stopping to admiro tbe behaviour S>f the two friends; aod, as bo confessed, bis heart melted, even to tears, on hearing their conversation I—’Jamie,’ said the wounded mao, *1 feel sae strong the day, that I fain wad bear you read to me.’-A-'I am most nil- ling,’replied bis companioo,‘bet 1 fear we can get oae books here, ao* it’s far to 07 quartern, and-yakon I diooa lik# to leave you.’—‘Look.* wm tbo answer, ‘in my koap- sack, there U two book* there, tho Bible and Bums’* poems I Ifyo read,* continued he, looking up to bit friend with a grateful smile, It dlnai amckle cere which ye get,* But commouciog that adventurous voyago was, that tho irritation produced by a long wm which had just termluatod, might subject bint to ill treatment on tho part of tbo British a- gente at Canton, lie was agreeably disap pointed : tho officer* of the factory were bon- ombto tn«», - who admired tho adventurous . nnd fearless spirit that had guidtffl'an Alhony sloop to thut distant region. They guve him an iuvitotion to . tho (abler of the “Factory Company,” during hi* resi dence in Canton, and provided him with a barge and aarsmuu for his accommodation. From iho Haippdhire, (Mo**.) Gazette. Jemima Wilkinson—This peticoateff mialeador of a baud of fanatics from Rbodw Island purchased a large and beautiful farm nosr Seneca Lako, New York, which isnoir in possession of 000 of her disciples called Aunt Esther; it iB not far from Pen Yao,(or Pennsylvania and Yankeo Town.) Aunt Esther hold* fast to the Globe, aod will not sell a rod; her companions are 20 fawn co lored cats. A Iato traveller relates ooe of Je mima’* miracles, which is quite as convinc ing as those of tbe prince bishop Hohenlohr. She announced her intention of walking a* crosBSonoca lake, ond alighting from he* carriage, walked to tbe watoroo tbo while handkerchiefs strewed in tbe road by her fol lowers ; she steepped ankle deep into tbe wa ter, and then turning to the multitude, Inqui red whuthur they had faith that she could pas* over, for if not, she could not; 00 receiving an affirmative answer, she returned to ber, carriage, declaring that as they bclievod it to her pc*or, it was unnecessary to display it. Jemima died somo years since, apd Aunt Esther is probably tbo onlydisciplo remain ing—it is conjectured that she values Jemi ma’* earthly legacy, the form, more ttau her prophetic teaching. 1 ‘.■asi the ttooda are Bimxo xnd Ski.liko—In purcbaiing ar ticles of morchandigo nothing more ought to be attempted than a lair exchange oroomtno. dily fm epecie. Tbo habit of Biking ona prico and accepting another deserve, repro bation. Tbo seller io unju.t to bimielfif hq permit tbo buyer to purchase from him at ton low e-rate, and ufljntyo tbe buyer if be require from him more (pa (I worth. Those who are fond of bargains lose lima is buntlng after; them, than tbe differ- iJl enoe of (be prico in tbo arlicleotboypurcbain . h’' can cump«oiate, wore ersn tho -principle oa ’ ’ (-1 which tho oct, a proper ono. Tbia ranging , from abop to shop has (iron origin to a fash ionable method uf killing time.wnieh w terra- .hopping, end io in truth o moon b uowared . rantobls smuwmont, at tho oxpense of tbo tradesmen end abop-kecepors who ore sub ject to it. . M