Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 01, 1829, Image 3

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I'ftmT Oaniiipilom rtir JltWinon Ropul Tliu merchant* oftuii.'tndthe.othor cit ies qflha United States, interested in tho Undo with Mexico, or tho Qulph, will lftirn with iiiisfaotloo, that the Qavernment cctod with the greatost promplltudo on being ad vised of the eslling of tho expedition from Havana towards ibat ooait, that the ihoit of- Active tnoaeurei were taken, at ao early Jay to Strengthen our squadron on the West In dia elation ; and that Com Ridgely, noting in the spirit whioh anitnatos the lined of bin Department, had anticipated hit instruotione, ft despatched the sloop of war Hornet, Cept. Norris,'from Puntaoola for Tampico, as toon as informed of the actual departure of the fleet from Havens. They, may be assured that no moans, rendered necessary or pru dent, under,the circumstances, have been overlooked or neglected. Wbilo on a eutijuot connected with tho, Navy, we may be permitted to observe, far Uu information of the Richmond Whig, that if an apparent defalcation of $19 000, up to the pretent lime, affords nny excuse for the removal of Mr. Kingv tho Navy Agent at Norfolk, Covornor Branch will nut be fuund bnoxiout to consurs for that unpleasant net of duty.” Tho editor of the Cincinnati Advertiser estimated some time since, that tlte present year’s crop of Flour would exceed, by at least one million barrelt, tlint of any preced ing year in the United States. In his paper of the 19th Inst, ho says, that bo is now not only satisfied of tho correctness of that esti mate. b'ut from more recent information is of opiuion that Ibo excess will be nearer two million than one. The French papers stale on tlm nnthority of a letlor from Madrid, dated the25th July, that the of Cuba, Vivos, had sunt in Ins resignation. Ho complains of the appoint mant of Barradas to tho com mand of the expedition against Mexico.— Vivos is fearful of the consequences of tho expedition, says the letter from Madrid, and being unwilling to sharo tho responsibility,ho begs the King to send him a successor. STATE ELECTION. ’• On Monday next,5!h Ootober, an election will be held throughout the state for Governor and a Representative in Congress. Tho fol lowing gontlemen are candidates: FOR GOVERNOR. GEORGE R. GILMER, JOEL CRAWFORD. FOR CONGRESS. T. U. P. CHARLTON, H. G. LAMAR. COUNTY ELECTION. On the samo day an election will take place for a Senator and three Representatives in the State Legislature. FOR SENATOR. R. W. HABERSHAM. REPRESENTATIVES. R. M. CHARLTON, L. S D’LYON. GEORGE HOUSrOI’N, MORDECAI MYERS, RICHARD WAYNE. [13” Tho Editors of die Georgian will fed obliged Vi their friends residing in tint ntlfornilt Counties for n rolurn (by first mail alter dm result is luiuwn) „f tin, votes given fur Goviinior, Member of Congress, and the cindidntos fur die State Legislature, BOARD OF HEALTH, SAVANNAH, 20th Sect,, 1S20. Se.don't Report of interments of persons who have died in the City, during the week end ing the 29/A September, 1029. Died of Dysentery . , I, aged 65 years. “ ** Fever . . . .1, “23 “ “ Fife from Worms 1, “ ft “ « “ Itifl. of the Bowels 1, “ 11 mo’s. . V I Da D relay. C Ljpblt, ChiehittarJr iranton, D McMahon, T M Driscoll, Mo- Paddiftrft Walsh, P,almei A Leo, A Cham pion, NBA M Weed, C W Rookwall ft Co. Low, Taylor ft Co. JlogliaftCo. Been, Booth ft Rt. John, J Lewis, D O’Byrno, R R Smith, Claghorn A Wood, nod to order.— Pqsitmgers, Mr Quille and lady, Messrs. Mc Donald, Wood, Carter, Foster, Weyrnan, Mantling, Newoll, Wheeler, Norllt, Camp-: bell,. The H. M. has boon detained below ainco Monday last for want of a pilot. Scltr. Wotree, Nunor, Baltimore, and 3 di fm the Capas, tb Sorrel ft Anderson, As- sotted cargo to Beera, Booth A Bt. John, R Malone, J P Henry, J Lewis. T Purso, A G Oomler, 1 W Motrel, W Williams, Lny 6 Hendriekson. J Barry, 0 Johnson, Bayard It Hunter, Tall A Podclford, J Stone, uaitdiy A Legriol. 15 Paiiengcrt. SAILED, ' Sloop George Washington, Luce, Darion. DEPARTED, Steamboat Samuel Howard, Lewis, with tow boats for Augusta. The brig Pocahontas, reported in our last ns usliora on tliooutsido ofTyhoo, went to pieces on Monday afternoon. Of the cargo, consisting principally of Dry Gooda, Hard ware and Croakory, less than a quarter will lie saved. Consignees in Darien are—P. R. Young ft Son, A Kimberly, J. Snow, B. S. Orillia, Hawes ft Mitchell. We are requested by Cnpt- Walford, to say that \ho brig was not got olf. but was drivou further on the bcacb, which caused her to bilge. Anntvitn ,-rom this tobt. At Now York 20lh, sclir Glide, Many, ur for this pobt, At Now York 21st, Ellip Stotira. Wood, regular day, ship Andes, Tompkins, dispatch. The Eliza A Abby, was to leave on the 24lh. Tho Henry Take at Boston, loti Liver pool 13th Aug. reports ship Olive Branch for this port in a lew days. The scltr Voroon, Dasey, is advortisod at Now York lor St. Mary’s. rnoM oua connKSPONDXNTS, OJjicee of the Courier, Mercury, and Gazelle Charleston, Sept 2B—4J p. M., Arrived—Ship Othello, Wright, New York 3 days. Brig Mary, Kolly, Havana 5 days. Coffee, Molasses, Sugars and Fruit. U. L. sclir. Eliza. Pike, Now York 4 doya Cleared—Sloop John Chcvolicr, Sisson. Savannah. [By the ship Othello.] New York, Sept. 22—Arrived, brig Lewis, Williams, Marseilles 67 days. The L. ex perienced very severe weather oiftbc passage —lost mainyard, Ac. Bremen brig Franklin, Klockgclcr, from Bremen. 3d Auguat. Brig Atlantic, Howland, Trinidad de Cu ba, 33 day6. Sand Keys bearing N. N. W. spoke sclir Emily, Fisher. II days from Mo- bito for Philadelphia, with the mate and four men sick. Sclir W ilarlou, Briggs, Ci' s' of SL Dn- niingu, 2t days. Otflce o f the Gazette, ) Philadelphia, Sopi. 4—llj a si f Arr.—Ship Halcyon, Pallcraun, .50 ds fm Liverpool with Silt. Hr. brig Ardent, Guminon, Liverpool, S I days. Schr Pi ce,nix, Green, 2.1dsfui Mansenilla. Cuba, Sclir Fair Play, Finharn, 9 da fm Wilming ton Scbr Gen. Elmer, Long. 4 ds fm Hartford. Sclir Eriimn, Bishop, 26 ds fin ftlutnlo. C. W. ROCKWELL & CO. H AVE received bv ibo late arrivals froth New York, and now have on bpard the Helen Mar, a Urge and extensive assortment ® 0, of . ;.V Woolen and, Cotton Goods, Among which aro tho following 20 bales London Dufllo and Point Blankets, of assorted quality and sizes 40 balcsfLInsey Kerseys 10 do Canton do in , 6 do IlaatiyDrab dn 15 do Blue and Mixt Plains 30 do } Bro, and Blea’d. Shirtings 20 do j do do Sheetings 16 do Domes, Plaids and Stripes 15 cases Satinots, sssorted ALSO, Fancy Calicoes, Dorchester Ticks, Apron Checks, Cotton and Silk Ildkfs., Leghorn Hals, Flannels, Plaid Cloaks, heavy Drab Conta—nnd a groat variety of other SEASONABLE GOODS, Which with thoir former Block, they will eel* on the most reasonable terms, oct t 229 SHERIFF'S SALES. On the first Tuesday in November next, W ILL he sold before the Court House in the town of .fefTcrson, Camden coun ty, between the usual hours of sale, All that tract or parcel of land, lying in Camden County, nnd the improvements ihereon, containing five hundred acres, more or less, whereon David Hall, Sen’r now re sides, hounded on the east bv Win. Berne’* land, north by Little SatiHa lliver, nnd south by A. Atkinson’s land ; levied on under un execution in favor of Elias Fort vs. David Hall, Sen’r, nnd David Ilall, Junr. Also, all that tract or parcel offend, lying in Catndcn county, eitunte on the poet road, about four miles from Brown’s Ferry, con taining twelve hundred acres, more or less levied on as the property of Thomas Hall, to satisfy a true execution against him for - the year 1828, or bo much thereof, as will satisfy the samo—amount due $15 92, and costs. Also, one tract or parcel of land, situate in Canulen county, on the Coleraine road, and bounded on tho east by Thomas How ell’* land, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or leas, and the improvements thereon, now in the possession of Rigdon Brown—Also, two other adjoining tracts or parcels of laud, lying in Camden County, situate on the Great Satilla River, containing one hundred acres, each, more or less,known by tho name of Canty’s Cowpens, and ad joining lands of Thomas Hall and Shcrard Sheffield ; levied on as tho property of Rig don Brown, to satisfy executions in favor of Joshua Hooper and Joiscy Hooper, Execu tors of Wm. Hooper, dec’d, vb. said Brown, and James Moore, yf. the same. G. W. THOMAS, a. c. c. oct 1 229 __ jfor* exlitioi under tho firm of C. W. Rockwall Savannah! Rolpb. MYntiro A ci Chnrloiton j and 0, Kcluoy (tea. New York, Wa« dissolved on tba flat day of July laat, by tho death of Mr. George Ralph The alfair* of the late ooncorn Will be aeltled by oilltar of the aubioribera, C. W. ROCKWELL,)Surviving OHAS. M’INTIRE, } co-partn- CHAS. KELSEY. ) note. ,.,R0pt 26 , 227 Co-Partilorship. T HE fiubaoribori tiave formed a onnnex- ion in tba WHOLESALE DRY GOODS RUSINESS, under the firm of G. W. RooKWELr, A Co. They havo juat recoivod a large supply of If Which they olTor for sale pa the moat accom- mocating terms. CHARLES W. ROCKWELL, CHARLES M’lNTIItE, CHARLES KELSEY, GEORGE H. KELSEY. N. B—The lame partita will Iranaact blit sineBs in Charleston under tho firm of Cltns. M’lntiru A Co., and iu NewYork under tba- of C Kulaey ft Co. sept 26 SEASONABLE GOODS. L ANDING'This Day from Ship Ogle thorpn, a ^general and extensive im portation of FALL AND WINTER BRITISH GOODS, Which aro offered for salt, together with a complete assortment of DOMESTIC ARTICLES, by LOW, TAYLOR A CO. sept 22 225 MALLERY & DUFFY, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, ON THE J1AY, EAST OF THE CITY HOTEL. H AVE received by late nrnvals from New York a partial supply of Seasonable Goods, Consisting of Cloths, Cassimcrca, Vest ings, Coats, Frock Coot3, Coatees, Pants, Vests, Drawers, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Cra vats, Stocks, &c. &c. sept 29 22R 5,‘J45 DOLLARS. * Non Residents, f At the Poor House and Hospital. By order of the Board, WM. MOREL, Scc’ry. Names of persons who have died during the week. Robert Kerr, Pennsylvania, aged 65 years; Thomas Stone, New York. 23 do.; Sarah L. Petty, Georgia, 6 do.; Orlando W. Hopkins, Georgia, 11 months. OOXKMBRGXAZ*. Dates from Liverpool, •* “ Havre, FOR DOSTOJi OR ANY NOR THERN POUT. The sclir P A N O P E. Jlfagathtin. master, Will meet with auick despatch if freight otfers. For w!iich*or passage, ap ply on board at Mcngin’s wharf, or to L. BALDWIN & CO. oct 1 229 GUARDIAN’S SALE. On the first 'Tuesday in December next, 'WILL be aold at tho Conrt Houan, in T? tho comity of Carroll, bourses the hours of 10 A M. and 4 P. M. Lot No. I•■?.?, in the lUlh District of Car roll county. AI.SO, Will ho Fold on tho ramp day, and be- tworn the same hours, at tho Court House in Monroe County, Lot No. it). 1st district of Mnnmo county»' n Ito lot No. 24*1, iu the first dish id of Moir j too county. i AI.SO, Will he sold on tho same day,and betw een J tho Kami* hours at the Court lioueu in Mus- I eogco county, , lxOt No. 117, in the 11th district of Mus-! cogeo county, said land being part of the real estate of Mary G. Loper, Missouri Loper and John C. Loper, minors and orphan chil dren of Ash Loper, deceased. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordina ry of Chutham County. Conditions cash— purchaser puyii-g for titles. HESTER LOPER, Guardian. oct 1. 229—j9 tv UNION CANAL LOTTERY, CLASS NO. xr. W AS drawn in Philadelphia on the 26th inet—tho drawing will be received oo Monday, 5th Oclohor. scheme: 1 prize of i 4 t $6,24fi SO do : l.ouo £l) do ; ; : t 600 20 do : j : 300 23 do : 4 ; : l. 200 &c. &.C. &C. Tickets .. .. e e t .. .. $5 00 Ilnivcn .. e. hi 5C Quarters .. . 1 25 Orders attended to at pnpt 29 Lottery «V Exchange (Jj/ice FUR DARIEN, The sloop NEPTUNE, Co tin, master, Will leave for tho above port on Monday, 5tb inst. For freight or passage, •apply to the Capt. on board at Williamson’s wharf. oct 1 j SAVANNAn ExPORTB.Sepl. 29. Schooner Wm. H. Crawford, for Mariin- iquoand a market—450 pas. Scantling.210 Boards, 21 pcs Ranging Timber. married, In Philadelphia 17:h inst. Ilennv Si.oan, of Savannah. Georgia, to Caroline, eecood daughter of William Worrell, of the former pity. DIED, In Warren enuoty, on the !4tb inst. Mtb, Elizabeth Stitii, wifo of Col. John Stith. in the 56 yoar of her ago. PORT OF SAVANNAH. High water at Tybce, Do. “ Savannah, NOTICE. The Polo Boat OGLETHORPE, Will leave Mongin’s up per wharf—fur Augustn THIS .MORNING, at 10 o’clock, a lew light packages can tie taken on hoard, if sent to Candler ft David,ou’s store prior to that hour. oct I 229 CLEARED, Bcbooner Wm. H. Crawford, Alden, for [ Martinique and a market. W. Crabtree. Scbr. Frances, Whittlealey.New York. Cohen If Miller. ARRIVED, 8bip Helen Mar, Harrison, Now York, 4 days to Hall, Simpler ft Tupper. Mdze to J „ B Herbert, L Baldwin ft. Co. C Campfiold, J W Long, J Slooe, P Cattonet, J Norton, E Bliss, Hazard ft Donslow, J A Boaolard, J McKsoZie ft Co. Stiles ft Fannin, W P Hunter; 0 Tenney, A G Oemior, J Cum- ming, W ft H Bryan, Taft ft Padelford, R Malone, Robertaon ft Boren, Ketchura ft Burroughs, M H Wakeman, J Souddor, H Lord, 3 Bentley, J Anderson, Lay ft Hon- driokson, Gaudry ft Logriel, M A Slarr, I W Morrel, Finch ft Warland, Sorrol ft An- rlnrsAn, Dunhams ft Campfiold, J C Lego.W Marshall. 0 Johnson, M Prendorgrast, F Densleri A Lo Berbier ft Co, T Butler & STAGES, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. T HE subscriber has commenced running a lino of Stngos threo tiinoB a week, between Savannah and Augusta—to leave Savannah ever) Sunday, Tuesday, and Thurs day morning, and arrive at Augusta the oexl day. It will leave Augusts every Sunday, Tats day, and Thursday morning,and arrive at Sa vannah tho next day. Fare, $15. Good liuraes and careful drivers have boon engaged- J. B. GUIDRON. ID* The Stago Office will ba kopt at tho Bar of tho Mansion House. oct 1 229—p Notice. ALL persons who already hayo or who may ZjL hereafter cornu into possession of any ar ticles saved from tho wreck of the brig Po. oahontss (lately wreoked on the Stono Ilorsu Shoal) are requested to report tho samo im mediately to us i otherwise tho law will bo rigidly ouforced against thorn. COHEN ft MILLER, oct I p Just Received, 1 A BOXES Mustard IU 10 bbfe White Wlno Vinegar 7 half do Tongues 10 firkin* Goihon Bnllnr. Landing from etiip Halt'll Mar, and for sale by J B HERBERT, oct 1 CxUAULlAN’d SALE. On the first Tuesday in December next, W ILL bo sold beforo tho Court house in Effingham county, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. the following tract of land, viz : One tract situate in tho county of Effing ham, on the Back Bay Road to Louisville, between 17 and 18 miles from Savannah, containing 20Q*acres more or less, being tho aouthorn part of h tract of land originally granted to John Wisenbaker—being part of the real estate of Mary G. Loper, Missouri Lopor and John C. Loper, minors and or phan children of Asa Loper, dec’d. Sold by permission of tho Court of Ordi nary of Chatham County. Conditions cash, purchaser paying for ti ties. HESTER LOPER, Guardian. oct 1 229—f9w Landing from ship Macon. 5 PIPES “ Utnrd, Dupuy Si CoV” Brandy 100 pieces Cotton Bagging 25 hags prime Green Colfoc * For aalo by B. W. DELAMATER & CO. pept 22 225—r. Received per sclir. Excel, Q HHDS prime St. Croix Sugar J. O 50 bags Java Coflno 5 pipes Cognac Brandy 3000 lbs Bar Lead For salo by ROE & MERRIMAN. sept 24 326 Liverpool Ground Salt. A non BUSHELS Salt for sale in lots ttxJvF" to suit purchasers, by S. H. FAY ft CO. Jilongins lower Wharf. sept 10 220—(to Madeira Wine, I N Pipes, halves, quartors nod eighth, Ai.eo, Surcinl Wino in qr casks and cases of 2 dozen boltlou J. P. HENRY. sept 15 Muscovado Sugar, Crockery, &c. Al\ HIIDS prime Muscovado Sugar, it" 30 cratoa Crockery (assorted) 30 boxes first quality Claret For salo on accommodating terms by F. H. tVELMAN. •opt 19 224-11 Paper See. Landing. “ REAMS Fine and Supur lino let to Paper 70 do Printing paper. 10 kegs refined Saltpetre 3t) kegs butLer Crackers. For salo hy sept 15 COHEN 4- MILLER. sept It R | , Juat received by ra- coht arrivals several hand some Carriages. Also variety of neatly finish- Sod (hgs. For salo on ac- ciimmodating terms hy FRED. DENSLER. 219—3w Landreth’s Garden Seed. A SUPPLY just received, per eloop Catharine &, Elizabeth, end for sale by J T- RYERSON, Jr. sept 6 ’ Agent. For Sale or to Rent. The subscriber wishes cither to sell, nr rent fur one year front tho 1st of November next, his House, situated on Columbia Squsro,corn er of York end Habersham Streets—a osr- ringe house nnd stable, with other out build ings, ore attached to the House. JAMES BROWN, scptR 219—{ ft sug t To Rent, The lower part of the Building on (ho Bay, one door ErbL of the Marine & Fire ineurance Bank.— For terms nnqnire of C. VV. ROCKWELL & CO. 203 Stores to Rent. Jal. To».lcnt, the block of buildings on Taylor’s wharf atpreionl oc- IsluMa cupied by M’Elhiney, Girvin & «HMftCo. Possession can bo had on the first day of next month. Apply to WM. TAYLOR, sept 1 216 For Sale. That convenient Hrtqse in Co him bin Word belonging to John F. Lloyd, nt present occupied by Mrs. Stiles. If not disposed of by (he 16tn October it will then be rented. For particular* apply to JAMES G. WILSON, sept 26 227-1 Swedes Iron. Lately arrived nnd now landing from brig At* lantic, nl Jones’ upper wharf, rtAA TONS of 1st quality Swedes Iron, hLl comprising a full and complete as sortincnt of nil ui/.ea. For sale hy HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. FCpt 12 BLINDS. LOW priced, inside Window Blinds. Juat received per scbr. Frances, and for sale hy nug 25 HAZARD DENSLOW. 300 Thomaston Lime Alloat. CASKS first quality Thomaston Oxj” Limn on board schooner Fame. For salo by sept 22 ’ COIIEN & HILLER. Butter and Cheese, Just received per Macon and Excel, ■i ^ KEGS clioico Goshen Butter JLtJ 10 casks do Cheese 10 half bbls Fulton Market Beef 12 bbla “Holts,” Crackers 25 boxes Sperm Candles For safe by CLAGHORN & WOOD, sept 22 Anciaux’s wharf. Sugar and Castings. A 4"k HDDS Mu.covndo Sugar 4" 10,000 lbs American (Justing. Just received and for sain by J. P. HENRY. BUpt15 Sperm Candles, BOXES first quality Sperm Candles Ovf 25 do Soap. Just received and for salo by. .HAZARD Sf DENSLOW. sept 17 * Cotton Bagging, &c. 200 PIECES buat 42 inch Ilemp Bag. 100 piuco. Tow do 60 hhds New Orloaoa Sugar Juet landod for .ale by eapl 22 J. P. HENRY. Coffee, Sugar nnd Mae,korcl. 8 HHDS Colfoo—prime Greco Jamaica 50 barrel. Loaf Hngpr 100 do No 3 Mackerel, prime Landing from ship Macon nod tor >alo by HALL, SHAPTER ft TUPPER. ■ept 24 Green Coffee. 200 RAGS Prime Green Coffee Juil lauded sod for aalo b; ■ep « i by J. P. HENRY. 210 mmuo SAW. ■ w#>- BYJ.B. HERBERT. On SATURDAY, 3d (nit. At M o’clock, will be aold before my itor» A general assortment of GROCERIES. ALIO, 5 lihdi Molaeaei 10 boxd. Soap 10 hbl. Huger By J. 11. HERBERT, On tho firet TUESDAY iu Octobor next, will bo sold bofore the Court House in tho City of Savannah, botween the u.ual hour* u! sale, A Negro Boy, aged about 14 yearly a house sorvaof. sept 19 By J. B. HERBERT\ On the first Tuesday in October next, W ILL ho sold bufurc the Court House In tho City of Savannah, betwoon the u- 6ual hour* of salo, A first rate Field II And, 2d year, of ago, aept 12 BY J. ’J. HERB E It T, On the first Tuesday in October next, W ILL ho Bold beforo the Court House id the City of Savannah, between ther usual hours of aalo, A Negro girl named DAPHNEY, .gad 19 years. Sold at (he riek of the former purchaser, lie not having complied with the terms of sale. Terms Caab. sept 5 100 DOLLARS REWARD. S TOLEN from the Western Mail which left this City on Saturday night last, a package containing $084 OC, consisting a* well as can be recollected of tho iollowiog bank noteB: 1 of 100 dollars 1 “ 50 do. Tho balance-20’j 10’s 6’s and some 3’s b 2’s., all marked “19Hi SepVr.” The notes were principally of the Branches of the Bank of the State of Gaorgia—6ome of tho Central Bank k Bank of Macon—done up in & pack age oddroaaad to Burrs, Booth & 61. John, , Augusta. The above reward will be paid oo it* delivery at either of the offices of tho sub scriber*, at Savannah, Augusta or Charles ton. BEERS, BOOTH & ST. JOHN. FGpt 26 227 AN ORDINANCE tor preventing disputes about boundary within the corporate limits of the City, awl for uther purposes. Sec 3 ° lut l,oIller or l° l boidora, oc- ' .Lx copier or occupier., of any lot or lots, shall, under u penalty of fifty dol lars, lay tho foundation of any building or fence oil the lines of any lot or lots, or parts of Iota, owned or occupied by him, horor them, unless such lines are first ascertained by the City Surveyor ; and after the lines aforesaid are ascertained, such owner or owners, occupier or occupiers, ebali not place any building, fence, or other thing ap pertaining thereto, so as to affect the right of (ho city or others, under the penally of fif ty dollars for each offence, and such en croachment shall forthwith bo removed at tho owner’s expense. Extract from the Ordinance passed De- oember 17th, 180’. D. B. MITCHELL, — Mayor. /ft Council, SepU 24,1(129. Ordeisd. that tba above section be publish ed ia the Gazettes of the Gity for two weeks. Extract frqm the minutes. a. MYERS, C. C. sept 26 227 NOTICE. A N Election for Governor of the State, n Member of Congress, and a Senator nnd throe Representatives for tho County of Cha- •'liani, will be hold at the Conrt House, in tho City of Savannah, on the First Monday in October next. By order of the Justices of the Jnfcrioi Court. ROBERT W. POOLER, C. C. sept 12 221 To Rent, T HE wharf Lot No 4 find Dock, well calculated for a WOOD YARD, or SHIP CARPENTER. For terms apply to JOHN W. ANDERSON. scptCG 227—1 in NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to tho subscriber, cither hy note, doe bill, or otherwise, aro requested to settle the 6ame, and ti.osc having demands will please present them on or beforo the first day of October next. W. B. HARRISON. sept 22 Paper Hangings. J UST received per ship Flormo a full sup ply of French Paper Hangings, Borders aud Firo Board Prints, ninoug which are somo now and elegant patterns For sale by sept 17 HAZARD & DENSLOW. DEVEREAUX. A TALE hy the Author of “Pelham” and “The Disowned” ia two vols. Just re ccived and for safe by T. M. DRISCOLL. sept n Stoneware. A GOOD assortment received per brig Frances, from the Manufactory. For sale by H. SLOAN, eopt 22 Hunter’s Buildings. Toilet Bottles. A N extensive assortment of Toilet Bot* tins, new patterns, just received and for sale by LAY& HENDRICKSON, sept 8 Druggists, Gibbons’ Building Preston Smelling Salts. A FRESH supply of Pre6ton Smelling Salts, celebrated for head ache, &c.— Just received nnd for snlo by LAV & HENDRICKSON, *opt 99 Druggists. Gibbons’ Buildings. JOHN w. LONG, Offersfor Sale. C/k IHIDS Now Orlonns Molasses 100 hags |iriinu Green Colfoo 40 do do Java. do 7 hhds do St. Croix Sugar 7 pipes Swan Gin 5 dn Rcignetts.Rrnndy 30 bbls first quality Canal Flour 30,000 acgnra Sylva’a brand 10 bags poppor and pimento 50 doz. Oruwn Sherry wina in boxes, sopt 26 227—p Joseph Gumming, Offers for sate, OA DDLS Molasses, first quality A\3 60 hhds Sugar, of superior quality Alt bbls do do good quality Received by a reecut arrival direct from New Orleans. eepl 2t 225— it Boarding School. M ISS ANGELICA GILBERT, having removed her Boarding School to New Yurk, and taken a commodious house in ths northern part of (lie city, (Houstouo alrcet. No. .90, near Broadway.) aided by very com petent assistants, experienced in teaching, presuming it may sometimes bo desirable to parents residing in other places to send daughters who havo been at school, to re ceive Imre the greater advantages of instruc tion in the higher branches, nod elegant ac complishments by masters, gives this notice of her establishment, and refers to her adver tisement in tho New York American, and Enquirer, of the 29th of August. Iler terms are Fifty Dollars a Quarter, for Board and Tuitun, in English and Scientific Studies, or in this ratio fruin the time of en trance, viz: Banding. Writing, Arilhmetic, Grntmnar, Orthography and Definitions, Mo dern nnd Ancient Geography, cunnectcd with History, Composition, Elements of Chemistry.Rhetoric,[Blair’s,) Logio, (Hedg es’,) Moral Philosophy, Theology nnd Evi dence of Christianity. (Paley’s.) Elements of Criticism, (Kahns’.) Geometry, (Euclid) Algebra, Astronomy, Philusophy uf tho Mind; and so fur as pursued thoroughly taught. French is tanglu by herself nt <J7, and Music Vocal and instrumental at $12 a quarter and the usual charge the Piano- hut when musters aro employed according to their charges, os woli as Drawing, Dancing, Italian nnd Spanish. Reference is by permission made to Judge Edwards, Dr. Sam’l Mooro, Professor Moore, Samuel Ward. Esq. George Sullivan, Eiq. New York ; Judge Sutherland, (Albany,) Rev. Mr. Lacy, (Albany,) Rov. Mr Ches ter, (Hudson.) Rov. Mr. Butler,(Troy,) Rev. T K. Sullivan, (Kt^tie,) Rev. Mr. Eiiea and Rev- Mr. Crocker, Providence. sept 26 227—p Yellow Pino Timber wanted - T HE Subscriber will contract for Yellow Pine Timber of various lengths and siz- es.dolivcrnhlo from tho middle of September to the 1st Docrmbcr. WILLIAM CRABTREE, Jr. Ag’t. S. S. S. Mill Co. NEGROES WANTED. Wanted to hire, firo ublo bodied Ncgroen Apply as above. »’’g 20 211 Lumber Factorage. T HE Subscriber informs his friends au tho public, that ho continues the LUM BKR FACTORAGE and COMMISSIOl BUSINESS, at the wharf adjoining the Ci nal.oD his individual account. Ho takes this opportunity of returning hi grateful thanks to those, whoso liberally pi tronized tho late fijin of Wyllyk Broun, an respectfully solicits a share of tba same. ELIsnA WYLLY. Savannah, lit Sept. 1829. 8C P l 1 216-Btm Commission anil Agency Busi ness, DARIEN, GEORGIA. T HE aubscribora oflor their services t their friends and tho publio, as Areni and Commission Merchants in Darien —The linro extomive wharves and ware bourn an wtil pay prompt attention to all buaint with which (bay may be favorod. i HAWES ft MITCHEL, Darien, 101b August, 1819. aug 11 Coal for Sale, Goal, which will bs sold |c rum on board. r I> •apt 36 \ mitchel. 207|3mo