The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, October 19, 1847, Image 1

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UilDAttV -GEORGIAN, |I PUOUIHED in THII if CITY of SAVANNAH," ' william h. mntocii, DOLLARS PER ANNUM, fATABLB SBMI-ASKUAI.LT W ADVANCE, OR |T S [.v dollars for six months. tiie tki-wbkkly Georgian/ aok tub cousrnr, wrnct Iho wrnngemont of the llmM ivook, (Tuo«doy, Thnnilajr, ifiX "to OITira nl' thS Daily Gear- S Md contain. all llio intolllgonco. Commor- S’polilioal and Miacollmooua, including new Idi'ertisciiicuta published in ill" Only Popgr. THIS PAPER , * la ocul I" all part-a.ortho anno and y..,o.n h» liflivorcil ill the city. at I'I Via IMJIaLALtS BTnnmn, or at T PH Eli DOLLARS Tor sue ionths. __ TUB WEEKLY GEORGIAN, ; .... Is ptihlisiicd every Friday afternoon, at trtrtBE (ouins per annum—nil pay able in advance. pi B —Each Citation by tlio Clerks of tho rriurls of Ordinary, that application has been made for i-ctlors of Administration, must bo pub- b^ted thirty davs nt leant. Notice bv Executors and Administrators for Debtors and Creditors to render in their accounts, must be published six wkkks. Sales of Negroes by Executors or Adiniiiistra- » must be at public auction, on the first Tues day oftlic inonlli, between tho usual hours of sale, at the place of public sales, in the county.^ where the Letters Testamentary, of Administration, or Guardianship, may have been grunted, first giving siwmm notice thereof in onu of tho public mcltes of this State, mid ut the door of the Court House, where such sales are to bo held. Notice for leave to sec Negroes, must bo pub- IMicd for four months, before any ordur absolute toll bo nmilc thereupon by tho Court. Sales of Koal Mutate by Executors, Adminis- Mors, and Guardians, must bo published SIX* TV DAVS liuforb the day of sale. Those sides nast bo made nt the Court House door of the nunty in which the property is situntc, niid on to first Tuesday of tho month, between the hours of ten in the morning and four in tho nfter- mou. No sales from d.1y to dny is valid, unless w expressed in the advertisement. Applications by Kxuqutef*. Administrators and nardians to the Court of Ordinary for leave to tell Land, must be published EO(Jll MONTHS. Sales of personal property (except negroes) of tesWo and intestate estates by Executors and Ad ministrators, must bo udvortised FORTY HAYS. Applications by Executors and Administrators, for Letters Dismissory must bo published SIX M0NTH8. Application for foreclosure of Mortgages on rul estate, must bn advertised once a mouth for FOUR MONTIES. Orders of tho Court ofOrdinnry, (accompanied with a copy of the bond of agreement) to make ti des to laud, must be advertised Thukk Months tfleust. ShcrilEs sales under executions regularly mted by . the courts, must bo advertised IIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYS—Sales of' perishable property inder order of Court, must bo advertised gcncr- illy, TEN DAYS before the day of Sale. , All Letters directed to this Ollico or the Kdilnr, must bo post paid to entitle them to atten tion. mu TUI R EMOVAL.—Tho Subscriber hns cd to tho corner storo udjoining_ „ Co’s. Saddlery, opposite Parsons’ Drug Store, ■•id has made and is still receiving largo add if— his stock of BOOKS AND STATIONE liicli are offered for sale at reduced prices. PAPER OF EVERY DESCltlPTlOl ngjisli, French and American of every grad lality nnd prico. A fino article of Ruled Li 'aper, front .$2 to $2 50 per ream. STEEL PENS in great vurioty, from 37 <J to $1 per gross. A fine stack of WRITING, COPYING A MARKING INKS, English and American. Also, QUILLS, READY MADE PENS...... QUILL I'EN NIBS, thelgttor a now and inge niously inado article of tho host quills, und ' with holders. Also, a fine nsssortmont of Quarto, Cap, De lia and Medium PORTFOLIOS, with und ~“t locks. Plain Sheep, Morocco, extra gilt I' Morocco, and Paper Macho do. FUENCH PORCELIAN PUMP INK- oiANDS—nfinc assortment. Also,*a great v tidy of Glass and other Inks, together with hne itock generally, of indispciisibTo und conv tnent articles for an olfico or counting room. 50, a fine assortment of English nnd Front IN AND FANCY NOTE PAPER AN ..... ELOPES, Visiting Cards, Card Coses, Ci mass Seals, and plain and fancy Wafers of evoi muss ocais, and plain c description and lor nU variety of articles select' commodution of ladies. toget inlly DRAUGIIl BOARDS of vurious sizes. ■ t 3* °* new and interesting GAM) ANNUALS FOR 1847, splendidly illii na richly hound. Also, nn extensive si 5555- a,ld bMl JUVENILE AND ic new works of the day will bo recci are issued by the publishers, and sold puces. 1 The subscriber solicits the nu ““ n . ,t y* His Book Stock i ’ Cra ' P r ' ccs i and in regnru io ouuionnn mels assured of being able to give wUisiartioi io me country morcliant is offered 2000 Spol 5 “? 0 , k ’-MMO quill., aouo quiro.. Dlank Worl Urn™, ii anJ “, lar ?“ "link nf Bible,, mid To S,"fc, 'JTOI Book,, Nolo Book,, Pnper, Ini rr nrii.J u. Ul “i S '; ll0 ‘ )l Books generally, at low keu ^ WU k. ns been before ottered in ttiis ma: PIU ‘NTING AND BOO] 17 JOHN M. COOPER. Tho .nbrcribe'rMcf Z*' Udic. 0,1,11 1,10 G 0 "" 8 ' city, so furw fj?, “ n h 9llMes a "' 1 Children, ir IW-buss mid-IVm L B " I "‘ E ' 8 ' Boon, Shoe,, wnunhowoTn"” 18 concerned. To tlie i « S s I « n,," 7 ' ?"? Ili '" 0 *l> »r Ready J eh,, ° >“I boon "nrpoBBod for , m.S ' 1 ' i i dura MW Dot Ibn Loilie bnmmer n,,N„ ? l ," 11 “"PP'y of fiwbioi «ock ofSIm,!!, ’ , * lnt our b»rge nnd v To the YutiwiAi ,,aW v u ? ,0 ““it every cuslo ofierinir Uip bo . 11 announced that wi Hats & Unnnma and Leg COi Conaress Street, si on r WILLIAM B. HALE. picture? a _ uov. 10 MSScilANOJjj- fvery style, a “tore, m C Ooriffl J fluir,(SS5' , ?r* V ® B>l— ’ A P rent vayiel y Baffalo und iSf** Si 11 ' T{ »o^h and Nail Brush Combs; Perfume Aitic| efl r? cllCH . Toilet Ornaments and Far D fiUGS Ait V ^ "“PP’y of free Ua ‘ AU “elected with tie utmost care. ‘♦Dt 20 THOMAS RYERBON, corner of Bay& Whitukcr -Sts. me&amm LEGAL NOTICES. |^.EOROIA, ApfrlinK. Cojiilty.-Jo. f VX nil whom it -may. concern.—Whereas, Dan-. V. iel Morrison applies to me for letters of Adminis- bo trationon'tho estate .of .Henry . Simmons, late of na said county, deceased. -sol These are therefore to cite, and admonish all on and singular tho kindred and creditors of the said- Me deceased, to file their objections (if any they Cl have) within tlio timo prescribedky law, why said rot letters should no; be granted. Given from trader my hand, at. office, this 6th g* September, 1847. ’ 1 MALCOM JOHNSON, o. c. o. a. c. for oct 4 bo J^ EOKUIA. Bulloch County.—To tlie \J ull whom it may concorn.—Whereas, Allen the WilHains, Guardian of Martha A. Lyons, hath kn applied to tho -Hon. tho Court of Ordinary of eig Httfioch county, for Letters Dismissory from said Sr Guardianship. # nu These are therefore to cito and admonish all St persons whatsoever interested, to filo their ohjee- on lions (if any) in my office, wilhiu the time pro- iss scribed by tew, othorwiso Letters Dismissory will tig bo granted the applicant. Ja oct 1 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. n. c. W fVrOTIUE.—All persons indebted to the os- Xl tato of Joseph Pondarvis, late of Wayne j ' County, doconsod, are roquosted to como forward nnd malto immediate payment. And nil persons . hnvinff any demand against tho ostatc, aro request ed to liana in tho same regularly uttestud within tho timo proscribed by tew. / oct 12 CALEB PENDARVIS, Exo’r. X! I.IOUR MONTHS after date, application J? X will bo made to tho Hon. tlio Justices of tlie .“ Inferior Court of Chatliain County, white sitting 'V as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the nor- sonnl property belonging to tlio cstatc-of Mary E. Turner, lata of said county, deceased, for tlio 11 1 benefit of tlio heirs aud creditors of Buid estate. uU aug 17 STEPHEN A. .PATOT, Adm’r. *ir<OUR MONTHS ufter date, pplication 1 J. will bo made to tlio Hon. the Justices of tho p Inforior Court of Bulloch comity, white sitting 01 for ordinary purposes, for leave to soil a lot of I’J laud iu Early county, No. 140,5th district, belong- . ing to tho estate of James Brinson, deceased, for 1,1 tho bcuelit of tho lioirs und creditors of said es- ?" tato. JASPER WILSON, ) Vr , ra “ aoptlS • SIMEON llltINSON, ( 1-xr8 ' Jj TTtOIJK MONTHS after date, application to X will ho Hindu to the lion, the Justicos of tlio jj Inferior Court of Chatham county, white sitting j.q for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell two No- »p grocs, being part of tho personal property of tlio | 0 tetu John P. Williamson. Sold for tlio bonclit of •„ the hairs. JOHN N. LEWIS, Guardian. C( sept 2 |f I.IOUR MONTHS afterdate, nppicution fo X will he made to tho Hon. tlio Justices of tlie de Inferior Court of Clmthnin couuty, while sitting sa as a Court of Ordinnry, for leave to sell tlio real estate and slaves belonging to tho estate of Mi- chael Dillon, Into^ of said county, deceased, for tlie 9 benefit of tho heirs, devisees und legteos rif said f] estate. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Ex’or. J jtiue 23 ti 1NOVB MONTHS oiler doto, application 9j X? will be made to tliu Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatiiant county, white sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real jr estate nnd slaves, belonging to thu estate of l)oro- thy Salfuer, Into of said county, deceased, for a division of the same among the heirs of snid os- j tato. N. NUNGEZER, Ex’or. j«iy ^ of I^OUU MONTHS ufter date, application nr M. will ho nmdo to tlie lion, tlio Justices of tlio j, Inferior Court of Bryan county, when sitting ns a j Court of Ordinary, ior leave to sell all thu per- *j sonnl property of Mury S. Wilson, a minor. r.| jtily 25 O. W. IIART, Guardian. a CEGAIISI SEOARSii SEOAItWi! | O Just received— 5,000 Sugerior Britannia Brand 01 5,000 * 4 Charleston 44 _ 4,000 44 Diann « i 2,000 44 Gold Leaf 44 ' 6,000 “ Britannia Scgtmdi Brand n 5,000 44 Pnnetela 44 c 5,000 44 Consolacion 44 L 3,000 44 Lord Byron 44 ft Besides various other brands, which tho suhscri- R her ofTors at wholosulo and retail. '■ P. JACOBS, « 27 Bull street, sign uf thu Indian. y sopt 14 ti T-TA VAN A SEOAU8.—Tlio Subscriber. ! . XI having made arrangements with tlie most celebrated rfegur Manufacturers in Havana, will , continually keep on hand, for sate, a choico so- . lection of tiiuir own direct importation, and now v ! huvo ou hand tlie following: x 20,000 Britannia Garcia choice Scgara 25,000 La Ceres do. i , 25,500 Aquilte do. " i 10,000 Cousolacio do. * t 5,000 Washington Regalia do. 10,000 Venus do. \ 25,000 Alrio do. . and various other brands, which they oiler on nc- . coimnoduting terms • i ) oct 0 CONNERAT & BARIE. i ’ W IWES ANU TEAS.—10 qr. cocks r Teneriffi) Wino, common; 10 do. do. su- , poriors 10 do. Port, superior; 50 catty boxos Hy- d son Tea, 50 do. do. Gunpowder do.; teuding from ] f hark Peter Demill, and for sate by ! Y oct IS SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. XTOIjABSItiS.—25 tcs. superior St. Croix 8 XTX Molasses, tending nnd for sole by r oct 12 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. o IX IO COFFEE, &C. 50 bags prime d XV Green Rio Coffee, 25 boxes Candy, put up expressly for retailors, tending from bark Peter Demill, and for sale by by |i oct 12 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. <, CHOICE GOSHEN BETTER.— s- 15 firkins Goshon Butter, warranted choice, i, tending from bark Poter Demill, nnd for sale by oct 12 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. r * IXAOtiINO TWINE.—5 bales Bagging . XX Twine, rocoivod, and for sale by [v oct 13 E. SWIFT. TAYA COFFEE.—30 bags old Govern or uieiit Java Coffee, tending ana for 6ale bv oct 12 WOOD, CLAGHORN & CO. ’ '• "IXUTTER, Ac.—25 kegs choice Goshen it JX Butter; 20 boxes Cheese; 2 do Pine Apple 8* Cheese, landing from ship Hartford, and for safe by «. oct 8 WOOD. CLAGHORN & CO. rpEAS.—10 chests superior Hyson Tea; 6 ca- X ses Gunpowder nnd Imperial Tea; 10 i-heBts ‘ choice Powchong Tea; 25 do. ordinary do. do.; 20 ; do. Souchong Tea, tending per por Hartford, and £ •forsule by WOOD, CLAGHORN & CO. Io IX AI8INS.—30.boxes Bunch Raisins, large ti XV andbeuutiftil, forsule by r . oct 9 ALBERT HARD. re JTtLOUR.—175 barrels St. Louis Flour, a rn JO auperior article for Bakers, tending from ir bark Convoy, for sale liy oct 5 COHEN & FOSDICK. 10 TtLOBR *0.-100 bbla. Georgia Flour; Hi X sacks Corn Meal of superior quality, for fumily use, for sale by U oct2 WASHBURN, WILDER & CO. T ABB, Ac.—l!i bbl*.- No. 1, Loaf Lord; gi .1-4 50 boxes Burchill’s No. 1 Soap; 50 boxes “ Healed Herring; 30 boxes Goshen Cheese, lond- “• ing from ship Hartford, ond for sale by oct 6 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. s’, 'W’ IWE ©IN.—2 pipes Madeira of Vf Wine. 10 qr. do., 10 eighth do. ite do. do.; 50 bbls Phelps’ Gin. Landing from brig Alice Bentley, and for sole by oct 5 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. of IX UTTER AND CHEESE.-10 kegs cs . XX choice Goshen Butter; 25 boxes superior iy Orange County Cheeso, landing from brig Savan- J.v «ab, and for sale by oct6 CONNERAT & BARIE. fiCNNV CLOTH. 20 boles Gunny VX CJoth; tending from ship Camara, for sale by oct 7 WASHBURN; WILDER & CO. t Tuesday i SALE. . December,next, •o Man Slave, nnmod Lafayette, levied d of ofi. fit., founded onforedosure of issued but of the Superior Court of County, in favor of Henry K. Bur* i. T. Waters. ELISHA WYLLY, Sheriff, o.«, f'l IK A Til ADI SHERIFF’S SALE. Vj On the first Tuesday in Novomber next, bo- City of Savannah, County of Chatham, wn in tho Plan of said City by the number iteon (18) bounded East by Washington laro, South by St. Julian Street, West bv Lot ibor seventeen (17) and North by Bryan i to satisfy the foUowin I executions Folm G. Fal- . ; Cope & Mills vs- samo? d. Leigh vs. samo; C. C. Thomason & samo; nnd three, Franqis M. Scarlot, Tuesday i W. J. McINTOSlI, Administrator. LADIES' SHOE EXCHANGE. Tf A DIES' Misses, Clilldrotfs and Infiint's JLi SHOES, of every style, shade and pal at the NEW GRANITE STORE, 163 Congress streeet, Savannah, Geo., sign of the Golden Hand. . oct 1 WcAei It’S SALE.—By virtue of tlie Honorable Inforior Court ’, wlion sitting for ordinary pur- i nt tho Court Houso door in All tho remaining real cstato of Robert Three v Flovd. Tlircc hundred Acres grant- t Underwood, containing about Eleven ind Forty Acres, inoro or loss, nnd sold iiufit of tho heirs and creditors of said Terms nmdo known on tlie day of JOHN A. IIF.NDRY, ENOCH DANIEL, Qualified .Executors. |10 FACTORS * PLANTE RE PLANTATION GOODS.—Sridkr, La- do. Fancy End Twilled do. do. Georgia Plains, Scldoy’s manufacture do. Cnblo Warp do. 25 do. Fancy, do. do. Washington, Glasgow and Union rolled Kerseys do. extra lionvy Mnllory do. do. do. plain and twilled Red Flnnuol do. plain and fanev Linsoy Woo I soy do. heavy Cotton Osnnbiirgs, Georgia made do. 1M brown Cottou Shirting do. 7*8 do. do. cases blub and fancy Stripod Homespuns do. low priced Calico doxon Kilmarnock Caps do. Scotch Bonnets do. Wool Socks. 100 do. Head Ilandk’fs do- do. Gloves. do. Cotton and Wool Shawls. For sale nt tho lowest prices. sept 6 Chill Fever, Dumb Ajhie, Inter imttent & Remittent Fevers ^ j all the.vaeious forms of Bilious_Diseases SPEEDILY’ 3c TDORODGilLY [ C U R r. D ’ ■ '^•.Osgoods IntUaChoV^ . r T HIS invaluablo medicine was prepared from nn exensivo nractico of several years in a bilious climate, uuu is nevor known to fail of cur ing Fever nnd Ague, or any of tlio diseases above numed. Those who are suffering from afiections of this kind, ns also tlioso who huvo become invalids from their ofiecls upon tlio constitution, will find tho India Cholagogue a most invaluablo remedy for purifying the blood, and thoroughly cloanaiup from the system tlio morbid cttects of u bilious cli- nto. Tho wondorful operation of tho Cholugoguo in eradicating bilo from tho human systoin, can only explain its extraordinary agency in tho speedy, thorough nnd pormunont cure of fever unu ague, nnd the various grades of intiirmittent. ntul remit- tent fevers. It is equally effectual for tlie euro of Liver Com- tiaint, Jaundice, Enlargement of tlie Livor: also foilurgement of tlie Sploon, called A^uo Cake, and tlie various forms of hillious Indigestion.— These, with the other varied affections of such climntos, arising IVom a common miasinal cause, are only modifications of tho same disease, and e- qually controlled by the same rotnedy. Tho operation of tho Gholagoguo, as its name imports, is upon tlio livor—promoting tho dis charge of bile. The thousands who have used it need no further evidence of its valuo than its hap py restorative effects. For salo by J. M. TURNER & BROTHER, jan 11 Monument Square. RlCfTLTURAL ,IMPXE- . -ENTS.—Having ipade large additions to eir former assortment of Agricultural Itnplc- lehts, the subscribers now ofier to planters and ituints,*a better stock than ever before offered . —a 8outh0ru country, consisting in part, of the illbxVing articles, viz: *V PLOUGHS, ilcee Cast Iron, Nos. 10,11,12 and 20 ;ori, or CopnecticutWrought iron 1,2,3, A 4 pattern ■—Ties, Norse &. Mason’s Improved, viz: . ioavy2horaeor ox o. with whool nnd cutter No, 2 B, a large 2 horse Do. with whool and cutter No. A 3, medium 2 horse 4< A 2, light^horso “ A 1, light 1 mule or gardon . “ 6 inclvligHl 1 horse turning “ 7 do. do. modium 1 horse turning 41 15 do. do. new pattern Ido, for lightsoil. . ** A *l, Jidb hill 2 horsa • J 41 O, > do. do. 1 do. Sub-soil, a Jieavy 2 horse or ox Double Moulif Broad or Furrowing, 1 horse Cotton Trenching, 1 horse Rice do new pattern, with gunge “ ” id withi 1REAT BARGAINS FOR CASH. f JOHN MURPI1EY has received in store Irish Linens Silk Ildkfs from nicy vestings nt 7i>c per ning Do Laius from 12^ :n.F up, Liuon Ildkfs, Idrun’s Huso at 10 to 50e, c Silk at 3 cents a skeiu, 'loths from 50c to $2, needle to t 25c; i ; which, to- goods, are well dosiro good nnd oiig 4 R UTTABAGA, Doin’.'H^riili .WWtt,Flit Dutch and Globe Turnip Scods. AU vorie- Dutch and Globe Turnip Seeds. AU tios of Cabbage, Radish, Spinach, Lattuco, Peas, Cunlifiower, Boots and Salsify Scods ; Garden Trowels, Inarching Knivos, Pruning Scissors and Nippers. Just received por Storting, and for so* by J. M. TURNER & BROTHER. Bept 16.Monument square. TEW FALL GOODS.—The Subacri* I bora linvo received, by late arrivals mid are iv opening a full assortment of Fnnoyand Do- stic Dry Goods, which consist, in part, of nad Cloths, Cassimores, Satiuotts, Twoodfl, stings, in every variety, Black Alpacas, Silk ran do., Black, Plaid, and Col’d Merinos, Wore- Plaids, Oregon Plaids, Twilled Ginghams, Hicb do., Cashmere Dresses,Mouslindo Lninos, Roy and Brocho Shawls, Printed Cash- Mi WATCHES AND JEWEL* RY.—Tho Subscriber wishes to call tlio attention of his customers to a choice as sortment of fine watches, just received by recent arrivals, consisting of Gold Hunting Case Levers, Gold Doublo Bottom Lovers, Gold imitation Dou ble Caso Lovers, Gold Anchor Escapement Le vers, Silver Hunting Caso Lovers, Silver Double Bottom Levers, Silver Anchor Escapement Le- vora, Silvor Lepine nnd Vortical escapoment. Also, fino Gold Fob Chnins, Vest Chains, Curb Guard Chains, Koys and Chain Rings, all of which will ho sold as low as in any city in tho Union. All kinds of Watchos Repaired and warranted. D. B. NICHOLS, oct 1 First comor wost of Pulaski House. BUCKNER A nEEEKElt, Nos. 105 nnd 106 Bryan strent, havo just received, a fine assortment of BOOTS nnd SHOES, for Gentlemen, Youths and Boys wear, of tho best materials and maniifucture, and of the lulcst stylo. Also, Ladios, Mines'and Children's Shoes of every variety and stylo, warranted as good as can be found in ibis market, and at as low prices. A largo and carefully Bolected stock or PLANTATION BROGANS, which planters and factors will find to their advantage to call and examino. Caro takonj in fitting measures. Also, n general assortment of Caps, Trunks, Valises, Curpct Bags, School Satchels, Ac. And a supply of Ladies and Gcntlomen’s Paris made Boots, direct importation.oct 1 Ins Towels, Clasps, Rings and Tassels,Braids 3ilk Twist for Purses, every variety of Silk .otton Umbrellas and Parasols, Oil Cloths, Carpetings, Druggctt or Figured Baize, Carpet Rugs, Ac., Ac., which, with a variety of other till bo ottered at tlio lowest market prices, be most accommodating terms, Wholesale I. Merchants, Planters, and others, are o call nnd examine. GODFREY A LaRCCIIE, West corner Shad’s Rungo. ACES AND EMBROIDERIES. J Inside Hhdfi Emb’d Muslin Collars; Lace ,isle Edging and Inverting; Linen do. do.; Plain ndFig’dhlk. Lisle Lace; Fig’d and plain Cup .ace. For sale by oct2 HENRY H. STOTESBURY. JJLO VES.—Ladies black and dark Hopkiu • Gloves, do. light and white do. do. do. white black nnd whitoSilk do. do. and Miss Merino do. N *WRD s\viFT JroSil raopecS* ? inftrai Ins frionds and tho ..public generally, that he: has commenced tho Wholesale Grocery Buslnoss, in the store adjoining S. E. Crane’n Carriage Repo sitory, and nearly opposite to Mr. John Boston’s Counting Room, on Bay stroet. where ho is now receiving, and intends to keep constantly on hand, a general assortment of Groceries, to which he invites tlio attention of purchasers, fooling satis fied that, from his long experience in the business, combined with his personal attention being given to the purchase and selection of his stock In the Northern market, that he can offer ns grout In- ducoment to buyers ns can be obtained in this City or Charleston. His stock comprises the following, with every thing else in his line: New Orleans Sugar, Laguira Coffee St. Crox do. Rio d*. Muscovado do. Java do. Orleans refined do. Scgara and Tobacco of Stuart's Loaf do. * various brands. White Havana do.. Liquors, Wiues, Ac. Crashed A Powdered do. Teas of different qua- Cuba Molasses. lilies. sept 4 , _J° wheel. Tho above Ploughs, with and without stocks— extra stocks for tho improved Ploughs HOES. Lyndon's oxtra black Curotina, 0,1,2, A 3 crown. Do. bright do. 0,1,2,A3 do. Do. Rice, No. 2 and 3 do. Do. Now ground, PP and PPP do. Do. Oval Eye Grubbing, Nos. 2and 3 do. Do. Round Eyo do. Nos.2and3do. Lyndon A Co's. Anchor, 00,0,1 and 2 do. Brude’s Patent, 0,1, 2,3 and 4 do. Light Yankee AXES. Collin's A Co’s. ) y. • S Root’s Bond’s } Various patterns. J Ki . SHOVELS. Handled Spades, Snckot Spades CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, Ac. Improved Cultivators, with gnugc wheel Cullivutor Plough, or Ilorao Iloe Common Hnrrows, Folding do Corn und Cobb Crushers, u bund mill Do. do. do. for horse power Com Shcllora; Fan Mills, two sizes Patent churns, Plantation Wheelbarrows Common Straw Cutlers, Patent do. do. Swingletrcos Grain Cradles, new pattern, Rice do. do. SCYTHES, HOOKS, Ac. English Patent Scythes, American Grass do. Grass Platt uo. Briar and Brush do. Scytli Snniths Briar Hooks, Corn Cutters Post Spoons, Ox Yokes and Ox Bowb Frails, Axe Helves, Pruning Shears . Dirt Scrapers for public roads Gardon llocs and llnkos, Ditching Knives Transplanting Trowols and Forlts Gardon Reels and Lines With a variety of Implements not enumerated. For 8ule by DENSLOW A WEBSTER. oct 7 /"GROCERIES.—1UU boxes llutiuuouii« VA Soap. 50 dq. Fay’s pale Soap. 50 boxes Colgate’s do. do. 50 half boxos Family Soap. 25 boxes No. 1 Chocolate. 50 M Prineipo Sogara. lObags Black Popper. 25 boxos Mustard. 5 bags Allspice. 20 bills. Clarified Sugar. 6 lilids. choice St. Croix do. 200 Demijohns Is, 2s, 3s, and 6s. 50 boxes Bunch Raisins. 00 doz. Brooms. 50 doz. pninted Pails. 20 boxes Table Salt. 3 chests Oolong choice Tea. 15 cases “ Ryans” London Porter. 10 baskets 4 ‘ Rococo” Champagne. 20 boxos assorted Cordials. 20 bbls Crashed and Powdered Sugar. 15 bags Brazil Sugar. 15 eights cusks Brandy. 15 quarter casks Malaga Wino. 15 do. do. 44 Dourette” Malaga Wine. 5 eighth do. do. do. ‘do. 5 quarter do. Madeira Wine. 15 eight do. do. .do. 2 half pipes Otnrd, Dupuy A Co’s Brandy. 5 bbls. Clover Leuf Gin. 15 do. Cordials. 13 Voncl’s Regalia Segura. 200 Reums Wrapping Paper. 50 Gross Andrew’s Chewing Tobacco. 20 boxes perfumed S6ap. 100 GroSs Friction Matches. Landing from brigs Philura and John Hart man, nnd for sale by sept 15 CONNERAT A UMIF, LHC ESI t SEEDS. — The Subscribers M. have received a choice selection of GAR DEN SEEDS, which hsvebecn raised with great care by a Seedsman of high reputation, and are warranted as good as any to bo foand in tills country. • ASPARAGUS.—Giant and Roots. BEANS.—Kidney, Dwarf, Bush or Snap.— Early Mohawk, Eurly Yellow, 0 Weeks, Early "**“ " - - "** ** " ‘000 igu Early Wliito, Large Purple ape. CABBAGE.—Early York. Large York, Green lobe Savoy, Early Sugar Loaf, Early Drum- /^RfGiNTonrM’j HEALING OINTM - - Jfc f 1»I7,1 was living inthe weitem part'of this State, pursuing tlie occupation of a fanner. One day ~tiiile popping in the woods,-1 foolishly chopped ly foot nearly off, instead of tho tree. . During tlusmisfortnne I employed My&lffti perusing tlie fragment leaves of an old volume, printed in Eng- - land some hundred years ago. Among these. scattered leaves I read ofau liorb which had been analyzed by some, of England's ancient Alche mists,-shewing properties and qualities never .be fore found in any plant that was ever discovered. This one herb, tinder the force of the Retort ■ and Crucible, developed more than ten distinct properties. This fact struck my mind so forcibly, ; tliat it was impossible to get rid of it. Sbmeth'ng seemed to tell me 'that Providence, whbso special care is extended towards all his croatures, hod never concentrated into one small herb so many uiediciuul qualities, as various and as complicated, '|%JEW GOODS.—Tlio subscriber has just ±1 opened a full assortment of New and Fash ionable Spring and Summer Goods, selected from the latest importation*, which hois enabled to sell at a fraction over Now York prims, consisting of tlio following articles: Superior French and English Cloths, Drab do , Etes, Cassimercs of every description, Fanny Vel vetings, I White Marseilles V listing. Fancy do. do., Black Camlctceus, Superior White Barnsley Drills, Funcy do. do., Brown Drills, Tweods of every description, Cordnroy, Superior Riding Cora. Funcy articlos, such as Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Cravats, Packet lldauk'fs, Under Shirts (-Drawers, An., A., Ac. And ovory articlo iu his business. All of which ho is prepared to warrant oftlic best description. MICHAEL CEAREY, Draper and Tailor, Sign of the Golden Lamb, Cor. of Whitaker and Broughton-sta. N. B. Two first-rate workmen wanted.' None but tlie best need apply. mar 22 TJAINTS, OHS, &«.—10,000 lbs White JL Lead, nitre, extra and No. 1. in 25, 50 and 100 lb kegs; 1000 galls. Linseed Oil, 1 bbl Copul Varnish, 1 do. Japan do. 50 boxes Chrome Green, light and dark; 50 do. Chrome Yellow, 50 kegs Brown and Black in Oil, 2 cades Engli.h Lamp black, 5 bbls Spiritu Turpentiuo. Just received and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, ont 5 s Gibbons' Buildings. oct 6 do. do. super Black do. Opened y HENRY H. STOTESDURY. D HESS GOODS.—Cashmeres; black and > RY GOODS.—The Subscriber lias re ceived by recent arrivtds a large portion of Full and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, all of sept 17 i HENRY H. STOTESBURY. [30NNET RIBBIONS •—Fancy and L) Plaid Ribbons, received and for sole by oct 6 HENRY H. STOTESBURY. VTALAGA WINE.—£0 quarter casks, JA landing frombark Camera, for solo by oot 6 COHEN A FOSDICK. HHEE SE.- L/ for sale by ootO -15 boxes Cheese a fine article. ALBERT HARD. /^OFFEE.t-50 boos Rio, 23 db old Govern- Vy ment Jhva; 2 bales Mdcha, landing from brig Savannah, and for sale by oct 7 J. E. GACDRY ACO. N ET TWINE.—5 bales Seine Twine, 0, 0. 12 and 16 threads; 150 lbs. Gill Net Twine, for sale, wholesale and retail, by oct 2 G. R. HENDRICKSON. If: HI IEEE It'S TOBACCO, Ac.—150 groco Mrs. Miller’s Fine Cut Tobucco, 10 boxes Goodwin’s Patent Pressed, just received and for sale by- G. R. HENDRICKSON, oct 8 Gibbon’s Buildings. Red Cranberry BEET.—Early Blood Turnip, Long Blood, White French Sugar. BROCOLI. Cape. CAl Globe Savoy, Early Sugar Loaf, Early head, Late Drumhead, Large Late Battersea, Late Flat Dutch, Early Flat Dutch, Green Glazed. CAULIFLOWER.—Early and I,ate. CELERY.—White Solid. CRESS. — Curled or Poppcrgrass, Broad Leaf. CUCUMBER.—Early Framo, Early Cluster, Early Short Green, Early Long Green. CARROT.—Early Horn, Long Orange, CORN.—Swoot or Sugar, Early Canada, Tuscnrora. EGG-PLANT.—Purple. KALE.—Groen Curled Scotch, Purple. LEAK.—Large Scotch, London. LETTUCE. — Drumhead, White Cabbage, Curled Silesia, Largo GrccnJicud, Imperial Cub- boge. MELON—Green Citron, Nutmeg, Cantclope, Large Musk. MUSTARD.—Brown or Black, White English. MARJORAM.—Sweet. ONION.—Yellow Dutch, Large Red, Silver Skin, Onion Setts. OKRA. PARSLEY.—Curled. PARSNIP.—Large Dutch, Gurnsoy. PEPPER.—Bell, Caycno. PUMPKIN.—Connecticut, Mammoth. PEAS.—Early Washington, 2$ feet, early Warwick, 2 feet, Eurly Double Blossom Frame, 3 feet, Early Charlton, Golden Hotspur, 3| feet, Dwarf Marrowfat, 3J feet, Bishop’s Dwarf Pro lific, 1 font, Matchless Marrowfat or Tall, 6 feet. RADISH.—White Fall, Hardy Long Scarlot, Long Salmon, Scarlet Turnip, Yellow Turnip, (fine Summer and Winter Variety,) Black Full or Spanish. RHUBARB ROOTS. SALSIFY. SAGE. SP1NAGE.—Prickly or Fall, Round Leaf or Summer. SQUASH.—Early Summer Bush, Early Sum- mor Crook-nook, Winter Crook-neck, Cocoanut or Porter’s Valparaiso Vegetable Marrow. TURNIP. — Early White Dutch, Flat or Spring, Early Red Top, Early Garden Stone, Largo English Norfolk, Hanover or Long Tank ard, Purple Top Rutubcgu. TOM AT A.—Large Rod. THYME. FLOWER SEEDS. In packages of 12, 25, 50 and 100 kinds in each. FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, Ac. Buckwheat, Broom Corn, Blue Grasu Canary Seed, Ilcinp Seed, Millet, Red Clover, Rye and Oats. Flower Seeds, Roots, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, furnished to order from one of tho best and moat extensive Nursery und Flower Gurdeua in this country. An assortment of Books on Agriculture, Gar dening, Rawing of Stock, Poultry, Ac., to which will be added the most populur works published on tho above subjects. Agents for tlie American Agriculturalwt, pub lished monthly by A. U. Allen, N. Y., for which subscriptions are solicited. oct 7 DENSLOW A WEBSTER. itocmeins.—n. a. uiiuAti uiici. VX for sain, on favorable terms, SUGARS.—10 hhds. St. Croix; 25 do. Now Orleans; 25 do. Muscovado; 30 tierces do*.; 10 do. roliued Orleans; 50 packages Stuart's loaf, crashed, and powdered; 5 boxes wliito Havana. COFFE.—150 bags Rio; 50 do. Laguira; 50do. Java. MOLASSES.—50 hhds. Cuba, 25 tierces do.; 50 barrols Orleans. CRACKERS, Ac. —20 bbls. nutter; 20 do. Boston; 20 do. Sugar; 10 do. Pilot Bread. SHOT.—100 bags, assorted. POWDER.—50 hogs, assorted. BACON.—20 casks sides; 5 do. Shoulders, and 5 do. Hums. PEPPER. A SPICE.—10 bags each. PORTER.—20 casks Byass, pts.; 20 do., do , qta. ? 20 do., do., Ale. ALMONDS.—10 frails soil shell. RAISINS.—-25 boxos Malaga; 25 half do. TEAS.—20 half chests Blade; 20 qr. chests Hy son; 10 coses Imperial. VINEGAR.—2 j bbls. Cider; 5 casks Wliito Wine, CANDLES. 50 boxos Adumautiiio; 25 do. Snorm; 25 do. Tallow. SOAP.—100 boxes, various brands. TOBACCO.—2000 packages, various brands. S EG A IIS.—100,000 Spanish and Principe, the most aqproved brands. LIQUORS, WINES, Ac.—10 pipe*and halfdo. pure Otard Brandly; 10 pipes pure Holland Gin; 150 bbls. Western Whiskey; 100 do. Northern Gin; 50 do.N. E. Ruin; 25 do. ox tra choico old Monongahela Whiskey; 10 do. *• Bourbon’’ do.; 15 pipe* and qr. casks choico old Mnderin Wine; 2 hhds. choice old Port; 10 bbls old Peach Brandy, oct 10 C OMBS.—Every variety.of Tuck, Side and Long Combs, pt Shelf/Imitatjoh* Brazillisn, and Horn, also a few Shell Bntterfly Combs, re ceived per brig Josephus, and for salo by sept 30 G, R. HENDRICKSON. B ATil BRICK.—3 casks English Both Brick, for cleaning knives, &c,,-juat receiv ed, and for sole/ wholesale or retail, by G. R. HENDRICKSON, oct 8 Gibbons' Building. SpEBM and WllALIi OIL Wj barrels winter Bleached 8perm and \ G * ROCI'jRIES*—100 hugs Rio Cull'ue, 20 • do. old Java, 20 do. old C.uba, 10 do. Cape do, 20 lilids. Muscovado, 5 do. St. Croix, 6 boxes Loaf, and 10 bids. Crushed Sugar; 10 hhds Sides nnd Shoulders, 10 bids. Sugar cured Hams, 10 do. and 25 kegs Lard; 30 boxes Sperm, and 25 do. Tallow Caudles, choice Green and. Black Teas, for sale by THEODORE MINIS, oct 12 C lIAMPAGNJRj Ac.—10baskets Cham pagne, qta and pints, “Grape,” brand, 20 boxes Claret. 20 baskets Sweet Oil, 100 boxes Sardines, 10 do Brandy Fruit, 5 do Vormaeilii, 5 do Macaroni, 20 do Lemon Syrup, 10 do Rasp berry do. Landing from brig Josephus, and lor sale by WOOD, CLAGIIOKN A CO. sept 30 OUTTEK .—Okegs Prime Goshen Duller, JU lauding, for sale by ocl 3 L. BALDWIN A CO, |^I*OIJR,—50 sacks and 20 barrels Georgia A Flour, ground from new Wheat, u uploaded article, for sole low by oct 8 ALBERT HARD. L IMJG.—800 casks Lime, cargo of schooner Emily. Kuight, for wile to arrive, by oct 8 L. BALDWIN A CO. L IMB.—500 casks fresh Lime, luuding from sclir. Mary Farrow at Johnson’s wharf, for sale by L. BALDWIN A CO. may 20 contrnted, and chemically,,united Into one »i igio jehumuiuaf .power, forming a substance more ol- . lied aud in affinity to the hitman blood than was ever before discovered in the works uf nature. Laboring under these impressions for soveral years, I became uneasy, discontented, and uu- wilting to confine myself' longer to tlio duties of a farmer. Every thing scorned to point My mind to ono object, viz.: tho preparation of this horb into a medicine. I then determined to return to tlio city of N. York. I did so, aud immediately inquired for tlie herb. It was not to bo found. 1 then soul to Europo und tiiero found it under another name. Having prepared tho articlo to my satisfuctiun, I gave it away to all who would uso it. Hun dreds, I might say thousands, took it into their •families and used it: some for one tiling und some for aunthcr, aud all from the very first to tlio very hist, pronounced it of unrivaled excel lence nnd power. Tlio first caso that came under my observation, was a mtiu that hud lost the uso of his arm Ibr some years. Tho Ointment restored his arm oouiolotely in a lew duys. This surprised me as mucli as it did the patient. Allor him thore came a man with sore eyes produced by gunpowder—a verv bail case iuifeod. Ono box only sulticied to make a perfect cure. Aud 1 would here remark that hundreds have been cured of suro eyes, who never found any relief but in this Oint ment. There next came a woman - who was suffering excrucintiug pain from the aguo in tlio face.— Her physician (thinking it tlio toolhncho.) had extracted cluvou of her teeth. But tlie difficulty still remained us bad as ever. The Application of tho All lluuliug Ointment was attended with immediate cessation of pnin. Her llico however, began to swell, nnd the surface was covered over with pimples of eruption like prickly boat. In ono day util this disappeared. About the same time, a lady nmdo apnlication with it for the headache of long standing, and a falling of the hair. Tho Ointmont cured hor henducho, and rostorod her hair. Since this, 1 havo known tho Ointment to cure coses often, twenty mid forty years standing. I hesitate not to say, that His almost an infallible remedy for IhU cuuiplaiut. About this time there w*ore two cnscs, one of Consumption, and the other of Scrofula, which hud bullied the skill of every physician who pres cribed. It was wondorful to witness tlio ottuetof the Ointment on these persons. No one Would believe it unless they had personally witnessed it. But it did tlio work properly. Thore was no half way business, for they recovered their health in a few mouths. Rheumatism, Fovcr, Quinzy, Sore Threat, Cu- taueous Eruptions, diseases of tlio Spine, ond Nervous Complaint* wore treated with unheard of success. Butin Chest diseases, such as At>lh- ma, pain nnd oppression, I believe there is no bet tor remedy. Also, tlio common diseases, sucli us Ulcer Sores, Scald Head, Humors of the Shin, (utluiuuiatiou, Files, Sore Eyes, Sprains, Bruises, and Bums, it seems to be a perfect antidote— People would come iuto the storo smiling, wish ing to knew if I was really the Seventh .Son, or whether the Ointment that I gave thoni was indeed nll-licaling in its nature. For said they, not one single application hns failed to cure. Livor Complaint, particularly, was treated with greut and uuiveraul success, It produced such good results in all cases that it has been noised abroad, aud I was ofiered sums of money for n receipt to inuko it for privute use merely. Every man spoke woll of it, as it had douuso much good. Not withstanding ull|J have been careful not to recommend it, excopt in cnscs I knew it would do S oyd. I was never willing to lend myself to any ling without first testing its merits. This I en deavor to do ou every occnsicu, und when I ucted us one of the Sick Committee in tlie Lodge of I. O. of O. F. I then tested it upon Brothers in the most critical conditions, nnd had abundant oppor tunity of proving its worth. And, in conclusion, I would remark that I have placed this Ointment before the pcoplo of the U. States during the lost nine or twelve months, and so general lias been the satisfaction, and no grant amount of good done, that more tlmn half a mill ion of boxes have already been sold., I do really believe there never was a mcdicino- which gained such wido spread, universal and unanimous satis faction os the All-Healing Ointment. From all parts of the land there have conln up ono deep, sincere and universal voice of approbation saying “McAlister thy tongue hath dropped the word of tmthnnd love, while health forever attends thy foot steps.” And were I now to give all the good sayings of the people, their unqualified approval, their thankfulness and grntitudo, their joy ut recov oring from disease and sickness, I could fill a volume. James MoAi.istrr, New York. For sale, wholesale aud retail, by J. M. TURNER A BROTHER, oct 18 Agents for Savannah. M Molasses, for sale by II. J GILBERT. AR,—15 hhds. prime Forte Rico Sugar, landing from brig Alice Boutlcv, nnd for sale by SCRANTON A JOHNSON. B ACON, Ate.—-Shoulder* nnd Hams of a suncrior quality. Also a few barrels of New No. 1 Mackerel, for family use, for sale by sept 28 A. HARD, Cor, of Broughton and Drayton sts. T EMOIVS.—Just received, 5 bbls. West -Li India Lemons, ClOOBYEAR’S PATENT VUL- VX CANIZLD RUBBER BELTING.—An assortment of tiro abovo of various widths, for sale at Manufacturer’s prices. Also a small supply of Goodyear’s Patent Rub ber Bands. These Rings or Bands ore for plac ing round papers otid parcels of every description. In an instant one can bo placed round a packet of papers, holding them firm, at the same time al lowing an addition or reduction without loss of compactness. For sale by oct 6 DENSLOW & WEBSTER. O barrels wintej; Bleached Sperm i Oil, landing from ship Camara frdm ] for nta by CONNERAT A oot 6 and Whale Boston, nnd A BARIE. g TEEL PENtiS.--200 Gro. $ct 12 JOHN M, tindfcj K ICE AND RAISINS.—10 casks whole Rice, a fine article for family use; 10 boxes Raisins, for sale low' by oct 2 ALBERT HARD. A MS.—200 Reynolds Extra Sugar cured Hams, just received, for i oct 7 J. E. GA1 A CO- , and for sale by CONNERAT A BARIE. nah, and for stile by J. E. CAUDRY A CO. B ISCUITS.—10 barrels and half barrels Soda, Sugar and Butter Biscuits, lundiug from brig Savannah, and lor sale by oct 7 J. E. GAUDRY A CO ^^NIONS.—2000 bunches Onions, received nnd for sole by netti . II. J. GILBERT. I ^jLOUR.^—125 bbln. superfine Flour, laud- . ing per bark Convoy, arid for ante by oct 6 CONNERAT A BA RIF. QUNDRIES.—Apples, Potatoes, Tobucco, K15 Herring, Cod Fish and Cbecso, landing from brig Alice Bentley, and for sale by ?et 5 II. J. GILBERT. T> UTTER.—20- kegs choice Blitter, for X> sale by THEODORE MINIS. •6ct7 flANDLES, Vy Landing froi 40 hoxea Judd'a Caudle. Landing from brig Savannah, and for sole by oct 9 J. E. GAUDUY & CO. TJKTXEIi AN» LARO.—10 bbls. No. JL* I; Loaf Lord, 18 koga choico Batter. Load ing from let 4 E. 8WIJT. nilYXEB IdliOlIIt.—10 bbbla. Georgia Floor, 10 do. O 10 kogBchoice Orange Cotinly Butter, lend- X Apples, received ond for aale by ing from brig Phdara, and for .41« by Ctia ALDERT HARD. “ — «bpll5 CONNERAT & BARIE. G <OLO PENS.—a largo supply of tlie ii- T bovc embracing every variety of all tlio prin cipal makers, which have been selected in person with great care, aud cannot but givo satisfaction. Tho assortment varies in prices from $1 to $4 50 and includes some very superior small size Pens for Indies writing; together with a fow Pens in liouvy Gold Cases. A lioorul discount made to wholesale purchasers, ort 12 JOHN M. COOPER. -jVTEW PUBLICATIONS.—Graham’s .Li American Monthly Magazine, for October. Godey’s Lady Book. The Kitchen Directory and American' House- wife, coutaiiiiim the most valuable and original receipts in all the various branHies of Cookery. The Frugul Housewife qr Kitchen Companion. The Volunteer or the Maid of Monterey, a tale of the Mexican war, by Ned ^untlitig. Christopher Tadpole by Albert Smith with il lustrations part 1. Thu Journeyman Joiner or tho companion of the tour of France, by Georgo Sand. The Gurdiuur and complete l-’loumt. Endless uiiiueeinent containing nearly’ 400 en tertaining experiment*. Comic Nursery TaleHby Y. W. N. Barley. Received by JOHN M. COOPER, oct 13 T>ART « Louie tlio Fourteenth and Court X of France, by Miss Pardou. Nonnan’s Bridge, or tlie Modern Midas. No. 29 PictOriu History of England. . MargaretiGrahaai, or tho reverses of Fortune, by G. P. R. James, Esq, Tales and Sketches, by tho Jate Wm. 8. Stone. Received by . - JOHN M. COOPE& oct 0 J^llAiatPAONE.—IS basket. Anchor and 15 baskets DeBriment, quarts and pints.— f . 3! t*_»m LmIw d.itOMMah om,I Aav ri.ilii. * . , Oi' id pU Ryoir’a Landing from brig 8avannah, and. for act 7 J.K. GAUDRY .Porteriin store and IbrraJe b. oct 7 J, E. GAUDryACO. OEGARSf A Ceres; 10 M £ of 0! -15 MI «SI01 4 1C! MLa- boxe* aid ji _,_ r , Jdingfronted Gen Washington/and for sale by * oct 2 CONNERATABARIE.