The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, November 07, 1848, Image 4

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■ f IIVATInQ OINToIEWX.—Anouiuie!«••• w », i,Yiii* lnuio«.«««p«tt»r UjMfijw nfdvol/mo. priitad in ftng tare found in'any plant that '*»« «v«r dl*o»i'lred. This nnn horb, iiiuldr the force ol the KeWrl and Crucible, developed more than ten distinct propertiea. This fact .truck my mind .0 forc.hly, that it was impossible to get rid of it. Somethin-• alined to tell mo that Providence, whoac apccu eira la extended towards all his creatures, nan never concentrated into one .mall hcrb »o uwav medicinal unaliUe., a. Varlon.uiHl.coniplicuieo. rhoffl«rf«Uy identical a. tin, binnell dee, wlthoilt a ivi.o and good purpose. Here »us w bo found the ncida.lbo alkali., the1 oila, tho rau$r. Uic alr, the suits, tho .oda, J».,al combined, coH- eentrated. and chemically united into one aillglo , r I'nrntiiie a .ilb.lMloo mure nl- elo nenl uf power, forming * sitb.tnuou lie I and in affinity to •l»P“ , "^ 1 , b . l ??l U “ ,n SA.R«AI>, IN QUART BOTTLES^ DU. T0W1*MI£*D*H COMI'Ol’ND K.\rSACT OK AND FOR THE .odhrut-a * uuc CURE OF Liven cosip. SARSAPARILLA. IKosrfcr Blessing »f * hr .let. " r.v JWloTile I " ever befort discovered in the work* of nntltyo^ Laboring under these impressions "'S»' va-ira, 1 became uneasy, diicnntente.1, and un- willing to coniine myself iongor to tho duties of a fa Every thing seemed to point mv mind to one eb'act via.: the preparation of tltts he.b into a medicine. I then determined to roturn :o the city ni' N* York. I did so, and iintnedmtcl inquired for tho herb. It was uot to be found. I then sent to Europo and there found it under another Maine. Thn ni«'t •.xtraorlliurv JbsMuhte In thn Worltl I TAi» Extract it pat up in Quart Bollltt: it U lit timet ckraptr. pUaint^rr. nnd learrnuted tv* perior In fifty mid. It earn leithoul vomiting, purging, tit tuning or debilitating Ike J'atient. Tli" ffrvnt beauty and •dporlority of tills'Saraapnrllls • m Ml ot'icr msiUninca tr. that whits it nra.lkato* the ill.- •uc, It iiivl.Mratoa ilia ll t» our of Hie very l.otl SVRfXH AND SUMMER MKDtClMKI Kvnr known: it not only |.uri!ies llio whole »>Mim. nnd •trcngllirn. tUn partoil. but il create! netr. parr and rick blood: u lower pouaraail liy no other medicine. And in lliU be. the grand secret of it. wonderful »ucce»». It lia* performed within llio lu.t two year*, more tlmn 100,000 cure, of aevore cu.m of tllmarc; nt Inasi 15,000 wore coiutdrri'd Incurable. It liu aavod tho live, of more than 10,000 children duilux the two prat muuou.. 'Tlavlng prepared the arliclo to iry satisfaction. I gavo it away In all who would use II. Hnn- Hun dredkl'tniciu say thousands. to* k it into tlu*ir families and used it: Annie for one tiling and iomo for another, and all from .ho very Hrst to the very lost, pronounced il of unrivaled excel that came under my observation, • a man foal: had ln.l foe use .1 hi. -rn-for 10,000 cn.ea of Oenernl Debility nml want «f Nervous Ki»n «y. Dr. Towiuond’a SarewnarUU Invigorates the whole lyatom permanently. To tlin»o who havo Inal their muscular ciienty by the effect, or medicine nr indUcrc- lion couimiuad in youth. or thi cxcjmIvo indujccncr. ol the prarion*. aud bronchi on a ponaral physical pro.lrm- linn nfllm nervous ly.tcm, liu.itude, want uf ambition, fainting actuation*, premature decay ami decline, haatou- ius toward* that fatal dUflKM, Cowsunuition, can be en tirely retort'd by tliia pleasant remedy. Tin* oarau- parilla U far auperior to any InvinornliuK Cordial, Aa it renew* and uivkorate. tlie »y»tcm, give* activity to llio limb., and .tranirth to tho muecular system, in a mo.t extraordinary degree. Cnn*umption Cnvo«t. '•'mri ""'fho Ointment restored hi. arm j CMseiVtb* Sin .ft. days. Tins surprised men. j SKealt, Difficult or Vrofutc Expecto ration, I’nin in the Side, iff-1 Aiiot been andean be cured. was some in tcll'us ii did the petit nt. .After him there cmne j a man with .ere oyes produced by gnnpow de r—a j very hud ease indeed. One hex only Mlthned In I moke a nerfoel cure. And I would here remark j 111 It lllliiareU. have linen cured ol sore eves., who never found any rebel bill in line Omt- ; no'.t rame a woman who was suffering j excruciating pain from the ague in the fiico. Her nil *iciasi (ihinking tt the tnotliatlie.) h-td j oxtruutail cltwwt of Iter teeth. Nut tho rlitlieiilt) j still reitminctl iw bml us ever. Hie Application 0 I* t', e All Healing Ointmeiit wtw attonilcd with immcliatc cossatiou of pain. Her face bo we ter, Sa le .well, nndlhe.urft.-e uas-ovored ever | with pimples of eruption like nnckh It., one dav all this ilisappearml. About this* »ame j dale, "a Indv made apnllealion with It for Iho i headache of long standing, and a falling of the hair The Ointmollt cured her hgad.iehc, end restored her hair. Since this, 1 hare known the j Ointment to cure case, ol ten, tn en!> and forty veers standing. I hesitate nnl to say. Hull ills idntost an iniallihle remedy for this complaint. About this limo there were two eases, one ol Coinuinpfimi, and the other ol Scronda, which had homed the skill of every pliy.iciau who pres cribed. It was woilderlul in witness the etli • I of t ie Ointment on these persons. No one would bel'evn it unless they had persona ly ' j. But it did the work properly. 1 here was no hall way business, for tliey recovered their health 111 a B Slltiuuiotism, Fever. Cluinzy, Sore Throat, Cu- IsneiMls Eruptions, diseases ol tae Spine, and Non ous Complaints were treated with unheard ... n„t i„ Chest diseases, such as A-tii- MrtTTI.NO i\em I t>rk, April tW. I?I7. rts. Tewvsxs’D—1 verily III.; ;o«e tt»n.|» fill:. Isu I.SS.1 Ills III..U, tlirouuli Prevl.lenM, «f «< let mv life I invc f*»r *ov«ml* lunl ° b to Coityn. ll became wurec nml worw At la»t I n.l.fl.1 l “ r C rt , t} , ;‘"* ; tie* of blood, bad night Sweat*, anti wm cn»tlj •»•’*•»*»• tat',I and reduce,|. nnd did not expect to live. * only UAC.I ymir 8nr»»|mrill.» » »bort time, and Hurt. hn> a wonderful chmue bomi wro.isbt iu mn. I am »«» “[*•« to walk all over tlm city. I no blood, and in) coucli It a* left me. Voit can well mugiiin tlmt 1 am thuiikful fur tlic*n remits Ymir ubi-tlieut servant. \VM. ULSSKI.UW Catbcriue-kt. IN-nmlr Mriliiinc. Dr Townaond'* Sar*apnrill.i i» a sovereign and eneedy cure for liicipumt CimMiinptlmt. U.irrmiiie*.*, I',u» fieri, or Fallimf »l lbc Womb. Cojtivmic..*. 1 lie'., currlnva, or Wnile*. oti>iructe,l «tr ilitlicult M. u.lrua- tinn. Iiieonlinotieti of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, ami for the general prostration ol the *y»tem— no matter s. bother the result produced by irregular'll; illness or accident. Nothing can uo more surprising than ild invigorating edoct* on the l.mnaii ft Hina. I'eno.u all weakn,w» aud las.i- Hide, from taking once lioemii* robust and full or cuersv under its indue two. It immedm el.v ruunteracl* tin. uenrle.-iicsof the. female frame, winch is l.w Croat cause ot ll irrmine.M. ll will not ho experted ol n*. in case* of *» delicate a nature, to oxhitnl rertificHte* o cures performed but we can HMuro thn nlllietcd, that hundred*ofra*e» have befit reported to im. I lmn«nnd» of cases wlntre families have been without clilMr. after using a few bottle* uf tbl* iiivaluaole i have burnt blc*»rd with fine, healthy offspring. tnliciiio, To Tlotlirra nml Mnrricil ■,ndi«*i*. . . ..... .. 1.1. . I...M.V nVIlPii.tll' IV This Extract of Sar*aiu«rilla has been oxpro**lv pro- - *o f,male complaint*. No feaiale of success., me, pain end oppression, I heliovu there is no bet- ter remedy. Also, ihe conmton tliAeases, Attch as Ulcer Sores. Scttld lleud, 11 untora ol the fekm, Inflam nation, Tiles, Sore Eyes, Sprains, Bruises, and U irim. it seem* to be a portect nutulnte.-- People would come into the tdore stntbtig, will ing to Know if l was really tho Seventh Son. «r whether the Ointment Unit 1 gave them was indeed albuoaliug in its bat.tre For wtd they, not one •ineloa tplic.itiou bus tailed to cure. Liver Complaint, particularly, was treated with great and univernal Httecesfi. . • Il produced such good roMilt* in all raws that t has been noised abroad, and l was otlcred sum* ol nionev for n receipt to make it »® r .P r,vn }° .“*! merely. Every man spoko well ol it, as it Had dnlieeo much good. - Nolwilhstnnding ell. I hnve been rsreful not to recom .lend it, except in cases 1 knew it would du . . ...:u:.v.e ts. Ismrl invuoll to nnv good. kliuuld lirgler icntivu for any 1 IU ,1, V..V-VM. , gonil. I whs never willing to lend mvsell tn nut niiii" without first testing its merits. This I en deavor to do on every occasion, and when I acted ns one of the Sick Committee in the Lodge ol I. O. of O. F. 1 then tested il upon Brothers in the moot critical condition*, and bad abundant oppor tunity of proving jt» worth. .... * And, in conclusion. I would remark that I hate pi iced this Ointment before the people ol the U. States during the lust nine or twelve months, and «o general bus been the satisfaction, and so great it uount of good done, that nmro than halt u min imi of boxes have already been sold. ! do rnallt believe there never was a medicine which gained such widespread, universal and unanimous satis- faction a. the All-Healing Ointment. Iroiii nil parts of the land there have c.unc up one deep, sincere and universal voice of approbation saying “McAlister thy tongue hulli dropped the word ol truth and love, while health forever attends thy foot steps." And were 1 now to give all the good sayings of the people, their unqualified approval. Ilteir tiiankfulnesfi and gratitude, their joy at rccov oring from disease aud sickness, 1 could nil a volume. James McAlister, fcew \ork. For sale, wholesale and retuil. by J. M. TURNER & BROTHER. „ C 113 Agents for Savannah. R. OSOOOM'S INDIA CHOLAGO CUE—For the cure of Fever and Ague. Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Intermittent and Re- purfii in retVrancj to fematn complaint*, who has rrn.nn to *'ippos C *h« |» iipproachinff that critical period. ** The »*•”« of ‘V r - twit** it. as it i* a certain pr. ‘—•" numerous and horrible disi u ■utiirrt nt thi« tiinn of lira. 1 hi* Pj- v I. It l',*« vslintU. fur III',,. »li>» !- r,! .I'l'tonchlllv e ,i. e bl„,vl and inviiioraluv.'tnc s\»l.*m- tna< eu. Si, mil Ji. .. inv-duablo for all iho delicate di*ca- liii-b woinmi arc subjact ole syspon. ronoat pi nnammltv lb* ,v removing tlm iinparitic* of Hi* in.ilntiuj n* to pro*lni-t- siib.i-ipti-ni dm casi- «»fnn>*t asnlicin- - * tuUi'ii for R.v n-inx a It braces natural «-n**ri;it:i body, not *r, far relaxation, whirl fs-inab- wcn'tnt-si tlii* medicine. mnn> «« tioiis may bo prevented. r and painful surgical opera- CSrpnl inching lo .Tlolhrri* nnd C hildren. It "the safe*! n..“ most .-ffrctuul ninlk.iu- for purify- iiic th.. svstrm. mid relirtins tlm sulT.irii-.** tiUmjIai.l upon child birth «v*-r di*cov. rrd. It slrrimtln ti* bnlh iho n.odmr nml cliiM. prevent* pm a urn. *l‘srnso, tn- ,-rsnsr* mi.-I onrlchc* the food, those who »}»»• '«“• ' “ think it i* ImlUponsable. It i* hiudily u*«dul both bclora and after conrtiminent. as it prevents disease* altmidnnt upon childbirth—in Costitenes*. l*iU». Cramp*. Me J- iii» of dm Feet. Despondency. Heartburn, \omilin., Pain iu the mid Loin*. Pnl*.- Pam-. Ilrmorrliatio. and iu rrsfutalinif dm secretion* und c«|imli/.ing tlm cir culation it hns m. njiiul. The ureut ln-niity of Hi* medicine i*. it i» always safe, und the must delicate use it most successfully, very few case.i require an) oUu.r medicine, in *nmo a little Castor Oil, or Mnyuesia. U usetul F.xerciv* In the open air, und I is lit food with tlii* 1 medicine, will always ensure a safonnd easy con- fluuinoiiL Cosine i'n rally in un of its treat cheek thei ed I.V rtism idkatle* li the • hum: rich nil. 1 < fre«, iirtis' Tlrntify nml Hcnllh. Chalk, and u vnriely of prepurnti'in* xen*- tv hen applied to tlm face very m.iiii spoil it They close tlm- pores of the skin, aud ,‘ulatioii. which, when nature is not thwart- • or powder, nr the skin inflamed by die in roups, beautifies it* own production in f-tce Divine." us well ns in tlm irunmn ot ieately tinted mid Vuriefiated flow ■i'll hralthy eire.ib.lion of tlm fluid* rich blond mittent Fcvorn, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Lit largementofthe Liver. Enlargement ol the Spleen and all the various forms ofUilions Diseases. This invaluable medicine was prepared front an extensive practice of several years in a jiliott* • ! - 1.......... tn lr.ll nl'otir'intr Pn. the eoiir-iii? of thn pure, rich blood to die extremities, i* that •hiuh paint* the v-mntriianco in the most «xqul. site I,entity. I« ‘hat which nm^ts tlm iudH.crmable ilindes mid flashes ol .lovMtii' noun can describo. This lm tssft.2E5£ iff f M-sSii-T jf' 1 ]" i»".v i. fair ns driven snow, tfrhe pattiL and n»o i i that all ndmire. but y is tlm oftsprlnir of «n- If there is lint n free and iMiietic*, ',;’3 Z STA iu if ■: tilnl. If elm be brown or yellow, und there is pure and active it wives a rich bloom to dm cl.oek*, and a brilliancy tn their eye* tliut is fiiicinadna. This is why tho southern, and especially the Span i liulic*. nre *o much admired. Ladies in tlm north ish Indicr, nre »o nine.. «•■....■ — . . , who take hut little nxnrcisc, or ure L J®* 8 room-, or liavo tpoiled tlmir complexion b> tlm nppli- cation of dcloterious mixtures, if they wash to re. gain nluetie.ity of stop, buoyant spirits, sparkliiiu uye* r . i i nt,,yimiK dit-v slionltl use W». I own- climate, and U never knmvti to fail of curing Fe- rerand Ague, or any of the diseases uhove named Those who arc Buffering from nlfeetionA of thi- kind, as also those who have become invalid* from their effect* upon the constitution, will find the India Cholegcpue a most invaluable remedy for purifying the blond, and thoroughly cleansing from tho system the morbid effects of a bilious c * ,mutc - . * .. , The wonderful operation ol the Cholagogue in eradicating bile from tho human system, can only explain its extraordinary agency in the sneedy. thorough and permanent cure, of fever and ague, nnd the various grades of intermittent and remit tent fevers. It is equally effectual for the cure of Liver Com- E lnint, Jaundice, Enlargement of the Liven also ttlargcmcnt of tho Spleen, called Ague Cake, and the various forms of billions Indigestion.-— Those, with the other varied affections of such climates, arising from n common minsmal came, arc only modifications of the stnne disease, aud o- qually controlled by the same remedy. Sole Agents for Savannah, J. M. TURNER St. BROTHER, oct. 21 Monument Square. I\T A Y N ABD^a IO YE S’ € E EE- 111 BRATKO BLACK WRITING INK ami beautiful complexion*, they *hout«l use D». Town- .end's Sarsaparilla. Thou.nnrt* w ho I.uvm tried it. nro more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladle* of etery •tation, crowd our cilice daily Notice to llie I.nrlics. Him imitnto Or. Towiuoml » Sar»:ui«rlll«. Imye • * U.~,. .ly Jftr J-e- l»v»,l»l,lr t!»llo<l tl.-ir .Ultra Mr, malts, til-.. &c., nnd have c.. l .ded our bills mi.l circular- which relates to tlm complaint* of women, word for won .other men who put up nmdiciim, have, since tlm treai success of Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla in cmupNinf Incident to females, recommended tlicirs, nltliough pre- viously they did not. A number of tlicro Mixtures, 1 ills. A c. nro injurious to females, us tlmy neffravntn ilisuiisn, and undermine tlm conMitutinn. Dr. Townsend * is the only and !m*t rm.mdy for the numerous fcumlu com- plaint*—it rarely, ifever fail* of effecting n |mrma.ient cure. It ran bn tnltcii by the most delienle femnlej, ill «nv case, or by those cxpoctm? to become mothers, with tlm greatest advantage*, a* it prepare, the system nnd prevents pain or danger, and Mrcnglhru* both mother and child. Re curoful to got the gonunm. FOR ClUlCL OR STEEL FEN !! ‘—This Ink hns stood tlm lest of more limit thirty years’ trial, and during that time hns been constantly increas ing in public favor and patronage nnd iu now tho leading article in the country. It flows with freedom, becomes permanently black, and will not mould under nny circumstances. Savannah, On., June 24,1617. Tlm undersigned having Tor several years used in tlmir respective oflices the Blnck Writing Ink manufactured by Messrs Maynard & Noyes of Boston, certify that they have uniformly found it to ho superior to nny other, particularly in the un changeable character of its (dnekness. J. Smith, Cash. Marine St, Fire Instil .nee Bk. R. It., Cash. C.R. It. &. B’kg Co. Ga. J. Huntkh Cash. Insurance Bk. of Columbus. 8. C. Houbk. Sec. Snv. Ins. und Trust Co. A. PoRT*it. Cash. Bk.of tho State of Ga. I. K.Tkfkt,Teller “ « “ For sido wholesale and retail hv THOS. M. TURNER & CO. fob 10 Wholesale Druggists, 181_Bay st. /Garden see ds, ac.-a ivesh atTn- VT ply of the usual varieties just received: Karlv Canada, White Flint. Tttscarora and Su gnr Cofn; Extra Early. Early Washington. Early Warwick. Early Charlton, Early Double Blossom Frame, and Dwarf Marrowfat Pens : Bunch and Pole Beans, usual varieties Cnnnry, Ilnmp.Mil- Ictt and Lucerne ; a few hundred Asparagus R 'feb® l0W Pri DBN8i:0W A WF.BSTFR. e v . ,t«> ’ m0N ' Hir,. f «0N,U*p '• rnmec 0t ,,°* LOSS Olr . ^ wi# 0/r DEBR/rp ^ ^ This Medicine lint* acquired a very ex tended and established reputation wherever it haa been used, based entirely on its own merits, which iti luperlor ofllcaoy hna alono auitnined. Thu un* fortunate victim of hereditary disoaso, with awollcn Kl»nds, con tracted ainews, and bones half carious, has been restorod to health I vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered with ulcers, loathsome to himself and his attendants, has beon m&do whole. Hundreds of persona, who had groaned hopelessly for years under cutaneous and glandular disorders, chronic rheumatism, and many other complaints springing from a derangement of the socrctivc organs and tho circulation, have been raised as it were from the rack of disease, and now, with regenerated constitutions, gladly testify to the efficacy of this incstinmblo preparation. Tho testimony of those who have been cured by its use, with their residences, has boon published from time to tiino; nnd wero it desirablo, u mass of tho most overwhelming testimony could bo brought forward, proving most con clusively its inestimable value. Tho afflicted, and those who have not used this medicine, are invited lo make a trial of its virtues, and appropriate lo themselves the benefits which it alone can bestow. A UN U AlsS A'Olt AWd^.-Tua Rosary 1jl of Illustrations of the Bible; editod by Hov. dwnrd E. Huh*. The Book of Ptuirls; a choice Gatlutid or Prose. Poetry and Art, containing twenty finely ••xccutod steel Engravings. Ruby t a Token of Friendship for 18*111. The I with stipe,b steel Engravings from designs by oeluhrated Artists. The Rose of Shurou : a Religions Souvenir, •or 1-141); edited by Mrs. 8. C. Edgnrton Mayo. The Excelsior Annual, or Pupil’* Gift, for 1841), edited by Ed. B. Fellows. The Forget-Me-Not for 1840, edited by Al- Veil A. Phillips. . . , The Lady’ll Animal; n Pottvt nir of Friend- dtipnnd Remembrance for 1810 ; edited by Em ily Maraltull. The Juvenile Scrap-Book for 1849; edited by Grandfather Merryiiintt. The Pearl, a Cfirintmas, New-Yenr and Birth- Bay Present for 1840. Green’s Nursery Animal for 1P49. Received by JOHN M. COOPER. oct 00 CANCEROUS ULCER CURED, OF SEVEN YEARS’ STANDINO. This cur* was effected in July, 1B44 ; there havo been no symptoms of a return, and her health still continues good, July, lffid. Neu York, July 25, 1844. Messrs. Sands:—Gentlemen—I consider it but an act of justice to you to state the following facts in reference to the great benefit I have received in the euro of an ob stinate Cancehoub Ulcer on my breast. I was attended eighteen months by a regular and skilful physician, assisted by the advice and counsel of one of our most anlo nnd experienced surgeons, without tho least benefit whatever. All the various methods of treating cancer were resorted to; for fire weeks in succession my brenst was burned with caustic three times a-d»y, and for six it was daily syringed with a weak solution of nitric acid, nnd the cavity or internal ulcer was so Inrge that it held over an ounce of the solution. The doctor probed the ulcer and examined tho bone, and said the disease was advancing rapidly to the lungs, and if I did not get speedy relief by medicine or an operation, the result would bo fatal. I was advised to linvo the breast laid open and the bones examined ; but finding no relief from what had been done, and feeling I was rapidly getting worse, I almost despaired of recovery, and considered my case nearly hopcle*s. Seeing various testimonials and certificates of cure by tho use of Sands’ Sabsafa- rilla, in cases similar to my own, 1 concluded to try a fen bottles, several of which wera used, but, from the long deep.scutcd character of my disease, produced no very decided change. Considering this as tho only probable euro for my cose, I persevered until the disease was entirely cured. It is now over eleven months since tho cure was completed! there is not the slightest appearance of n return. I therefore pro nounce myetlf WELL, and the cure entirely effected by Hands’ Sarsafahilla, as t took no other medicine of any kind during Ike time I tens using if, nor have I taken any since. I’lease excuse this long-deferred acknowledgment, which I think it my duty to make. Your valuablo Sarsaparilla cured me, with the blearing of Divine Providence, when nothing else could; and I feel myself under lasting obligations to you. I can sny many things I enunot write, and I do most respectfully invite ladies nfflicted as I have been, to call upon me, and I will satisfy them fully of the truth os stated nbovo, and many other things in reference to the case. NANCY J. MILLER, 218 Hulliran-strect. G vor I vchiImt. Gralium'b Ainrriuan Monthly Magizinefor No vember. The Two Diatins; or tho Son of n Count, nnd llio Datig'itur of n King ? hy A!o.\ Dumas. Tito .Mysteries of Russia. Trutisiuiuu trout the French. The Rival Beauties, a Novel; hy Miss Pardoc. Shandy McGtiiro or 'Pricks upon Travellers by Paul PeppergrnsH, Esq. Kate WnLiiipiiuin.u Novel; hy Miss Pickering. Tho Mysterious Personage ;by S. Sinclair. Conversations on tho Tenth ; by E. Parsons. Tales front tlie German of Cunoti Von Schmid: knselino; Clnra. or tho Rod mid Whito Roses; ind Foraot-.Mo-Not. Received hy oct 27 JOHN M. COOPER. nOLLlAS & JLiUJLliJJEk, /So. lOh BRYAN STREET, are now receiving heir Fall auuplyofC ROCKERY AND HOUSE BURNISHING GOODS, to which they respect fully invito tho attention of purchasers. Theh stock in part consists ns follows t Crockery, China and Gluts IF«re: W. Granite, Flowing Blue and Mulberry Din tr Soils ; do do Ten do ; China Tea Suits, vol! band ami plain; do do Raised Figaro China Vas os; Hoquut Holders, China .Mugs, Ornaments, Children’s Tea Setts, Glass Lamps, Tumblers. VVino Glasses, Solar and Astral Chiitiituvs, Dr. canters. Castors, Candy Glasses, Bird Bottle. Stone Jugs, Jars, Butter Pots, Churns, See. Lamps, Tin ll'arc, lye. Solar Lumps of beautiful patterns; Lamp-head Side, and Hall lamps; Laments, Britannia, bras* and tin Candlesticks. 'Pea Trays, single and in ivro'riDjB.—uu. w mr J, v wot* M - - • PolLfl setts, slop and toiled Pails, Foot-baths, Cake and Spioo Boxes, Tea Cuddies, Cttfibo Urns and Big gins, Egg-boilers, Tea-pots, Oyster-dishes, Dish nnd Plato Covers, Jully and Blontt Mange Moulds, Charlotte de Rmn>c Pans, Gravy Strainers, Putty-, nuns, Venison and Stuuk Dishes, Nursery Lamp?, Britannia,G. 8.and IronTeautid Table Sponm, together with a fnllassortineiitof brightTin-wure. Cutlery nnd Domestic. Hardirare. Ivory Table Cutlery in setts of 51 pieces, ot Knives only, Buck-horn and common Cutlery, Scissors, Razors and Pocket Cutlery, Codec Mills, Mince Knives, Carpet Jacks, Soup Diges ters, Fish Kettles, Potutoe Steamers, Pots,Ovens, Shovel and Tongs, elegant steel Firu Setts. .Suttee and Stew Pans. Furnaces, Wafer and W a file Irbtts, Couldioib, Cooking Stoves, Colfee Roasters, Brass and common Andirons, Stair flictcd with Cancer, Fistula, \V Pn , . cor. ond t,ii,io,o, originating ft™, cnil.0, tlml lie lo pornnn,™ily B | ' Yf* ofMncnii, where he mnj- lie round I,. ! end winter. Or. M. winld gn.,3 n’ lh gnmxl Ihe reportu, viz: that i,„ , “f from Georgia—that he wax dead mind. It utso oppear. that ”>»|t oilier Doctor., nre mailing or , fol'O impremion that i|,ov treat dft» E e«Ur. M. does, IhcrehV P««ii nnd deceiving their patieiu,, lute, Imve been wolully iiupoved het!ll nliligod to Dr. P >|'VlT",' '“hil deem, il only ncceiinry in add u,?,’,.«• ondcnnllniied viiecn.v in n, c ‘1, ‘“it tlic.o di.en.t',, i.conclii.ivo evid,n.. ? ? ! “ pnriorily ofthia prnetico overall till., or nny other coumrv. l'„, ,i . l "»i Rods, Sad-Irons, tea and dinner Bells, rat nnd mouse Traps, Wire lenders, Egg-whips, Jagging LIVER COMPLAINT. Ths following i* an extract from a letter received from Rev. William Galusha Berkshire, Yl., Ocf. 22, 1815. Mcssrx. Sands I havo been afflicted with a severe pain in my side, occasioned by a diseased liver, for tho last twenty years; suffering at times what language can not convey; but since taking your Sarsaparilla I Imve been greatly relieved, so much so that I have been able to attend to my business, and preach occasionally, for the last fifteen months. I wholly discarded all other medicine, and thoroughly triud tho Sarsaparilla, which I can recommend in truth and sincerity to ail those who are tn any way afflicted with any species of scrofulous complaints. There have been some remarkable cures effected by its use in this vicinity. Mrs. I. Shaw, by the use of six bottles, was restored to better health than she nnd before enjoyed for ten yeurs; and Mrs. W. Stevens, who had been severely nfflicted with Erysipelas, was entirely cured by the use of a few bottles. Yours truly, WM. GALUSHA. T HE LIFE OF FAITH; three parts in one. By Tlionttts C. Uphain. Principles nl* the Interior, or Hidden Life. By Thomas 0. Unhum. Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates, with English Nolen, critical and explanatory, the Pro legomena of Ktthuer, Wiggers Life of Socrates, etc. Bv Charles Anthoii, L. L. D. The Three Sisters aud Three Fortunes; nr Rose, Blanche, aud Violet. By G. II. Lewis, Esq. part 8. Harper’s Edition of tho Arabian Night-*. Received hy oct25 JOHN M. COOPER. Irons, Oyster Knives, Cork-screws, &c. See. Wood aud Willow Ware. Buckets, Tubs, Sieves, Brooms, Wash-hoards, Barrel-covers. Bellows, Faucets, Bird-cages, .mull tumor ..lade il.i eppomw,ft,*,j lip, iittnr the corner oft mv inouil, * unrrui’viM v»n. - - J)' became somewhat troublesome il Wool-cards, Lemon-squeezers, Woud-spoons, Several friends expressed concern for t„ e J 5 1 Crimping-moehiiies. Alsu nit assortment of Mar-1 IU 8 l,,at H, X ‘{‘other had dn-d of Cxt. t !)S| kcl-buskets, Cradles and Wagons, travelling and ‘ rp!,u scrub, shoe, clothes, nail country. For H.m i,0, '»I or this ea.ertion ho rofor. to L f* A-n ... . PS mill,I Cnncer.&c.. which in:,,- bo obtainefiSL lo bun h, lone, (p 0It wiue For the ftirllio-r .neo„S“ m ®J tod, Dr. M. would just adit. Hint oniV^'.'N Macoll, the, will Lv o (lie uio.l SP mon, in lavor oflbe mllil, „r il,. , having ncee.. tn ihnve ivlin hit, i wliolo, and nl<o, to thoie w|,o ... under trenlllleht (froui variom "?“» ii.oii) ill over, „ ag0 „ ni | v „ it f plumlv. Ihe .treatment i. vv.ihum o! 1 * " tr n„/t w ll knife, or caustic, and is both local. c °u»iiimioBii J [Jefferson. Jackson f V c„ n ^ I W- Mor,hell.-C"s";l®-| the public knew that som*T CURE OF A SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. South A’in^rion, R. I., October 11, 1817. Mcssri. Sands Gentlemen—My little daughter, when ono year old, watt attacked with a scrofulous humor on her face, which soon alter extended into her eyes, causing almost totnl blindness in one of them, und disfiguring her whole face. 1 employed two physicians to attend her, who exhausted their utmost skill to give her relief, out tt all proved useless, and finally ono of them remarked to me that he had known of some striking cures effected by Hands’ Harsapnrilla, and advised me to try it. I ob tained ono bottle, which she commenced using, and before it wus nil used up it had effected an entire cure. It is now over four yours since sho was cured, and there has boon no reappearance of the disease, and wo are satisfied that it is a perfect cure. It gives me great pleasure to add that I can recommend it to every sufferer from any similar complaint. Respectfully yours, GEORGE R0B1NH0N. 4 NNIJALS .. ./■ Il Beauty, or Literary Gill, for 1849. Ldited bv Emily Poroival. ’ Leaflets of Memory, an I Ilf initiated Annual for 1849. Edited by Ri.-yutdl Coates, M. D. The t )pal, a Pure GiftVnr all Seasons. Edited by Mrs. Surah Josepha Hale. ’ Friendship’s OllVring. a Christmas, New Year and Birth day Preseut. for 1349. The Chrisnau Keepsake, and Missionary An nual, for 1849. A Gift of Friendship, a Token of Fentcm- brance, for 1849. Christmas Roses, and New Year’s Gift, for 1819. Christmas Blossom*, nltd Ne\V \ear s Wreath, lor 1849. By Uncle Thomas. I The Hyacinth, or Atl’ootioin Gift. A Christ- I mas. New’ Year nnd Birth-day Present, for 18-19. I Received hy JOHN M. COOPER, oct 23 fancy Baskets, dnstiii; and other Brushes. Fancy aud Miscellaneous (toads. China, glass and wood Tovs. a line assortment suitable for the approaching holidays ; fancy box es, mirrors, playing cards, backgammon boards, chess-men, ladies’ dressing cases, marbles, ther mometers, pins, tooth und nail brushes, dumb bells, dog muzzles and collars, liquor flasks, hook rests, newspaper files, crimping machines, knife cleaners, &c. &c. . . , Planters, Housekeepers and Strangers visiting the city, are invited to call, ns their large, and va ried assortment will he found worthy ol theirjit- lircust-em! ihnimy m-limanw i*ij 0 yJJ , | dinpooif..,, toward, cuncvro.,, rf, | felt but little apprehensions until ti, e , 1 year, although its size had considerjblvin, I r, « #«• ®f ll, » ywr. til" III V. Sumiil A-'i I ov|ire.,cil great tear IlntitWH.Cenn, Lnl me Hull Iron: |ie,-smuil kuoivieilg, ofim’nBl -ueli diseases lie win sure yon ceiildtunH'l Hut envorul pliyeiciaiu had caulioned niTtl irrilute il, u, | e , eny one do III ng lo it tenet they -liiiuld matte .ouiitiin.^l non. old. Hy the taller |mrt nl April il d threatening appearance, and I had ,J , ,-J conference nl the SI. E. Cburcli Sort Jfl toretnirg, \ a., and ns you ore aoitizenvi'f n.l nmtid Vn., 1 determirn d to see vomvLn, came oil t** the .Madisc- A ItJIOW Koor.-lut received IIi i'nAllgu.t fn'it.T'starWd'fmt'benS m xV euiMily ol Col.,live. Arrow K.iot. new „,, y ,|,i,t,tr a very eminent pin, P -inn a ra l crop, and lor sale hj J. RUU.-SLAL. (l ntu | t„|,| me it threatened to be atm * — , ... • , place, ami kindly oileredio cat it out fon/. The Arrow Root may he distinguished from • • - uor ’ Bf ' Potatoe Starch hy the dill’eront sizes of its parti cles and by tbe diiVcrenee of structure. It i.* dos- lihtto of that fetid unwholesome oils, extractieable by alcohol from Potatoe starch.—Dr Ire on Arts. ' 1 have examined and have had prepared some \rrow Root cultivated ami manufactured hy f'ol. Hallowes of St. Marys, Georgia. It is the best soring me tlmt l'would sitfil-r lei* I'mmthtk t 1 than any other method of catting it. Bat I hi known litany taken out with the knife sad reappear. 1 therefore thought it best lod lC '.fl although wanted to an uusightly scar woaldaull my face. But I am happy to faythstLiibrl ” vn " successful in r H cn dnvs vou xviti and ill le- \ ritCrARED AM) BOLD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY A. B. <fe D. SANDS, Drugoisth and Ciiemiatb, 100 FeLTON-ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, NlW YORK. Hold also by Druggists generally throughout tho United Htates and Canadas Price per Dottle; six Bottles for $5. Agents in Savannah G. K. HENDRICKSON *V Co.. A. A. DEN S LO W. J OS LPII M .1L R • XEK, A. A. SOLOMONS, nnd ft. S. BAILEY. Agents in Macon. BRUNO \ IRG1N« 5 in lliiwkiusviilc, D. R. MATIIKWSON; in Augusta. WM. KITCHEN, and 1. BARE! 1 CO. oct 19 tosEPi«..v«?»*»4ft ! 1)®“ al facing Tin: Market—Begs leave to inforti liis friottds and customers, ami the public getter ullv, that he is just returned from the North with one of the largest and fitm-t assortments of Fane) and Staple Dry Goods, which he oilers for sale, holt-sale or retail, nil us good terms as can be had iu any city in tin: Union. French .Muslins, gingham Muslins, plain and fig’d Bareges, Balzorincs, silk Tissue, dross am furniture. Prints, linen Dresses, etitb’d linen ami cotton Ginghams, Swiss, Cambric, Organdie. Muslins plains and fig’d, black and col’d Alpacas, Irish linens.table Diapers,B. L. Russia nndiscotch Diapers, white Shirtings and Sheetings, brown Shirtings and Sheetings, heavy shirt Stripes, furniture and apron Checks, Dimity, Drap BALSAM OF LIVER Tluit tliis medicine should ae- |ttireso mirth notoriety is not at all strange when we take into consideration the vast number that arc cured hy its use. For many ycara it luu- proved sonslo’uishiiigly.ntceessfulat the North,that nearly every family retain it in their house as an tidote to colds, cottghsnm! consumption. That no other article possesses the same merits is equally true, and the consumptive Icarus that he can depend upon this medicine when all others have proved worthless. There is not a doubt but thousands aro yearly cured by this inestimable medicine, and in many instances where those given up to die,have in niiinc’diblu short time been entirely cured hy its unrivalled efficacy. The fob ■' ---- - remarkable case of consumption was c p' lowing Hcrofuli* Cured. Tlii* certiBenin conclusively prove* that this Horst- pnrilla ha* perfect control over the mo.t ob. inn*" casus of tho Wood. Three persons cured in one house I* unprecedented. * Three Children. I)r Townsend—Dear Hir: I have tho pleasure to Infer in veil llmt llirrc -f my diil.lrcn hav. Iir.i, ruroj of Ilia Scrofula l.y Ilia a,c of your ..""Hf"- Tliay warn allllrlial vary savaraly wilh hail Horn,, hov. taken ouly four hottlec, It took them away, for which I fuel niysolf under great ohlisnlioii. Your*, respectfully, ISAAC W. CHAIN, 100 Wooster-sL when others were complaining nt the boat, and 1 my skin was very yellow. I fell away to skin amt hones, my veins sunk in aud became invisible, and Shawls nn l rSonrrsll P 'o?y e Fn’.i., B nroxtre n ns»ori i i !»r fki " .'“O' }'o«ow: I feli nwnv lo oki.. nml iiu*iit from 75c to §0 a piece. POSE-WOOD WRITING DESKS. I.V—A superior English article of Rose-Wood ..I. ll-u!,;,.- Ilnalr. ivl' <1 ilV.n-oMl lli'/l and Mahogany Writing Desks, of diftcrent sizes and patterns. For sale hy oct 17 JOHN M. COOPER. riiOILET AND SIIAVINOSOAI’N JL —A few doze dozen of a superior imported arti- dc.for sale hy JOHN M. COOPER, oct 17 raiJIE WORKS of vVasliiiigton Irving. JL New edition, revised, Vol. 1, Knickerbock er’s New York. Life, Letters, and Literary Rema ns, of John Keats,edited by RichardMoncktou .Millies. Classic Tales; Comprising in one volume the most esteemed works of imagination—Rnsselas; Vicar of Wakefield ; Exiles of Siberia; Paul ond Virginia; Indian Cottago; Gulliver's Travels; Sterne’s Sentimental Journey; Sorrows of Wcr* ter; Theodosius and C'oustuutiu; Caatlc of Ot ranto. Received by sep If JOHN M. COOPER. il l FA lTX the SECOND.from his accession to the death of Ciuceti Caroline; hy John L llcrvcy. Also, further supplies of Charms and Counter-Charms; hy Marta J. McIntosh. Eureka or tho Universe, a prose Poem; by Edgar A Poc. Principles of Zoology, by Louis Agassig and A A Gould. Appleton’* Riilroud and Stoambont Compan ion. Received hv JOHN M. COOPER. - ? . . ,.- - than tw.. weeks thereafter.the rU, ptality of that variety offacctila I bate met with, j j,. u j t i|nj rc |y |u-akd. leaving so smallr being superior to any Bermuda or other Arrow j _ SCim .,.| v lo | ie noticed without close mmiaui Root I have seen. Samuel Jackson. M. D. University of Pennsylvania. fob Id riots. iiALiiowES’ pure ak- Vv ROW ROOT—” New York Hospital. Oct. Utlt, 1847.—I have made an aiialvsis and compa rative examination nftho Arroxv Root grown and uianufaetitrcd from tho crop of ic-lti, hy Col. Hallowes. of St. Mary*, Ga., nml now exhibited at tin* Fair of the American Institute of this City, and have to report that I find it equal iu every respect to the best Bermuda Arrow Root, and .nucli superior in the care with which it has neon manufactured to most of the Bermuda now in tiio New York market. “Lawiienck Keiii, Professor of Chemistry to the College of Pharmacy, nnd Lecturer on Medi cal Cliemistrv in tho New York Hospital.’’ A supply of the last crop just received by A. A. SOLOMONS, Agent, oct 11) Market-square. fiaNE GOLD «V SILVERGOODS, 1*_ L Hr..-- Including '* D your mat mil stmt) liavcj im-i-ii eniirtiut J uvor.v flusL-riptioii; real Dial, oml1 ri. Ii Jen ■ / . f N ^ rirv. ol smut variety, and embracing tae uevvst >ign „, — „ !a p| vlW ,U I would therefore advise all who are :fl,r{.| with Cniiecr in its various character, tonllil sot- you. for I coti*ider your treatmenttecenj far more Mii eessfiil than any I have mrknml and I fuel confident in suiting you will not us take without good hope of Mtccesi. With sciltiinciiU of high regard. 1 amvt:l J- IV. GLKtS1 The Rev. J. W. Gleen is favorablt kuosis the public as a Metliodi*; tii:iii*u.-r,iiitVUtrfa Conference. His address is JvtlVrsou, JaeUrp county Ga. \V. W.JI| Mnton. t'rbnvmj l'j, 1;47 ll Dr. W. W. Murdiull.—Sir.—A scn>i-ofg|J tude will not permit me to hid you adien nitl 1 havo first returned my sincere thank* forthtl sistntice w hich you Itindly and so* lficieutlynH dered during my recent affliction. Whenlil arrived iu Macon, with n view lo t> «t yourtfE incut for that dreadful dis. as.- ('.nicer.I rj cntifess I entertained many anxious doubts(tl cernmg my r< coverv. Those doubt?, (thankt fl your medical skill) bavej been entirdy miiciif 81* p «) piART 1*7. B It A ITI IW AIT'L’S RETROS PECT of Practical Medicine and Surgery Graham’s Aitioricati Monthly Magazine for September. Godov's Lady’s Book for September. Subscribers to cither of the above works will please call for their copies. JOHN M. COOPER. BY Til X n,o,muy-:.uir7oo-,,,ni,, CI.OTIIING ! every per..a me flying. A IVieii.l of F W HOI.ESALK—Clolh, Drop fl’Kt.', Wrl-: iniiie rr.nouuiienfli'fl inutolry !>r. 1'ey or'.,, ml,'ll Conl.Cr.itou Cloth, Ce.hmirotte.Tiveefl,: "I Liverwort, wInch 1 got, n» my liliy.ican flu te. ll Ma r Cmi r o“DSM ,h i!r^’frockC^tX"" i «■« »" Soofl, and llii. mediciiie'.obn' ro.lorofl i'“T."oo ? .-Cn«iii..ero, Drill, Tweed, Lin-|*>eto good lieelll, ognm. cn nml Cussinett. Vests—Fig’d and Plain, Satin, Cashmere and Marseilles. Tho above goods aro selected with great care. ■ , , . • . . . .• , . a bv iny.elf, I,l the Inrge.l hoil.o., end my facilill... i •«•«< nwlady, the eaii.o ,» pin,,., neglect your fir., • r. .. .. flvinnlimiv. nml thnti tritln with tliini's nf nn lien J. Kavanaoii, Ship Carpenter, CIO Wutur-atrcct. Although thousands are cured by Dr. Taylor's | Balsam of Liverwort, nnd as many still die of that iiir liuyiiiu are Btioir n. to citable compete !?tmpt«m.. and thea wiU.,. th.ngn of no „.e I a* to cnaiiic me iu i;i»iiiim:h: . i . • ; , . ° , nnd examination of the . *.'»“* ■» » lu “ - c!llh Mvrniient. and nlhor. buying I one ennbe^enredn they wdi. .Take Bill every this medi- with nny house. A vvho'fo-nU, C V""oiitiii’eJ.’' o'vl'n ift'an'nurebnie"^ i vi'm at tlie firstiipprouoh'or Iho ill.iflioil. loo, and a, de. Vc take n picnic to .h„,v llic good.. ! you will be nuily enroll. \ et Hu. inedicino ho. Together with a groat many other | «««* comntinption in advanced «Ugc», n. the p 07 .testimonials below will prove. But the .surest iiuniernii. to mo,mon. l,l ‘ r gZ-1 I defter, a. "delay, are ulway. dm,. mar 27 way is not to COFFEE, TOBACCO, gnroiw." .AUUOUS. &c.—Tho subscriber hasrecoi- Consumption Cured.--My son having a violent ved hy rocont urrivals ] cold, used to cough violently, raising quantities QUO Alt, O LI Opinion* of lMsrsieinit*. Dr. Towum-iiiI in almori dully rccemii* orders from Pliysicians in iliffcreiii parts of thn Union. This is to certify tliut we, the undomltfiiml, IMiybicinns of tho City of Albany. Iiuvo in nanwroM presenb. etl Dr. Townsend’* Sarsaparilla, nn«l believe it to bo ■no of the most VRluuble|»ro|iaration»ltMhr market J.WII.HON. ft I. D. It. It. lllllGGH. M. D. Albany, April 1.1817. P. K. ELMBNDORF, M. D CAVTIOIV. Owins to tho Front success nnd immense rain ot ur Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, a number of «t«» formerly our Aseiils, hnve coniinuiiced ninklu« Sarrapa rills Extracts, Elixirs, Ilittor*, Extracts of 4 e low Dock 6ic. Thoy generally put it up in the .nine shaped hot* tins, and some of them hive stole nnd copiudour adver tisements—they are o-j|y worthless Imitations, nnd should he avoided. IMnclun] OH1™, 120 FUI.TON Str.M, Sun PelMln. a On fl Minin street. Boston -. Dyoita N, Y.i KCUUIIIR o.n.B 7' a n Hon*, l’.n North Second street Fhllndolphlui 8. 8 llnncn, DrUBuist, Baltiinoro; V. M. Cohnn. Ulm»4c^too Wrisht &. Co., 1S1 Cliartren Street, N. Pesrl Street, Albany; aud by all tlm principal Drue irfit* nml Merchant* generally throughout tiio Umiod State*, West Indies and the Canadas. For nnlo by TIIOS. M TURNER «& CO., Agonts, Stunts’ new building, corner Broughton and Whitaker streets. fub 28 CFGAR AND BRANDY.- prime Porto Rico Suirar: 10 tlti 15 Ithds. prime Porto Rico Sugar; 10 do. Now Or leans do.; 20 quurter and 10 eighth casks Do mestic Brandy. Landing ft-om Isnnc Mend, and for sale by SCRANTON «fc JOHNSTON, oct 20 50 liltds Porto Rico Sugar 20 do St Croix do 100 packaged Stuart’s Loaf, Crashed and Refin ed Sugar. 25 bills Co lice Sugar 300 bags Rio Coffee. 50 bags Luguirudo 50 do and pocket* Java do 100 packages Tobacco^ various brands 100 hhls common and 50 do Phelps’ Gin 100 do N E Ruin. 50 do Western Whiskey 50 qr and eighth casks Malaga Wiuu 5 half pities Otard Brandy 5 pipes Holland Gin I puncheon St Croix Rum 20 qr nnd oightli casks Madeira 'Vine 10 bids ext sup old Monongahela Whiskey 100 pieces Dundee Bagging 15 bales Gunny do 75 casks Bacon Sides 300 canvassed Hams, very choieo 100 whole and half hhls Canal Flour 50 hhls Bnltimoru do 20 do and 10 halfpipes Cider Vinegar 50 do No 3 Mackerel 100 kegs Hazard’s Powder 200 hags assorted Shot 100 boxes Soap, various brands 25 boxes Pearl Starch 50 bids Crackers aud Pilot Bread 20 bags Pepper, 10 do Spice 20 boxes Adamantine Candles 25 boxes Raisins, 11) frails Altnonds 50 hint* Culm Molusses 50 hhls Nnw-Orleatis do, 50 boxes Pipes 25 casks Porter, pints and quarts 20 qr chests Hyson Tea 50M. Spanish Segura, various brands 25 boxes Cheese For sale on favorable terms by sep 15 H. A. CRANE. of thick putrid matter, and finally lie could not turn over iu bed, from weakness, lie manifest ed every symptom of confirmed consumption. ForO years he had been subject to the asthma. His physicians, Drs. Vertnoulc and Anderson, said he was incurable and must soon dio. Yet I was determined to try Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort and strange ns it may uppear, this medicine has fully restored his health. Sophia Gallon, 14 Norfolk-at, Asthma Cured.—I have suffered from thn JgTSVY : or Frederick Bastion; by M. Eugene Tho Forty-five Guardsmen; hy Alex. Dumas. Jenny Lind,a Novel; by .Miss R. L. Hendricks. Lena* Cameron, or the Four Sisters; hy Mrs. Grey. The Tor Hill: by Horace Smith. The Foundling of the Mohawk, Revolution ; by Newton M. Curtis. l.eveiiworth, a story of the Mississippi and the Prairies; byJ. D. Nottrac. The Sinker Lovers, or Virtue and Innocence triumphant; hv D. P. Thompson. Received by JOHN M- COOPER, sep 2 fashions. Real Silver Pitchers,Tea Sets. Goblets, Mugs. Syphons and Fish Knives and Forks; new pat ent Gothic pattern Forks and Spoons, very ele gant; Prince Albert and double threaded pattern do., and plain : Sherwood’s Galvanic Batteries with directions ; Papier Macho “Goods in nhtin- Janeo ; Vases: Plated and Military Wares; Gui tars. Flutes, Accordions, Banjos, and Sheet Mu sic; Walking Canes, &c. Call and see, as now opened. Repairing of Watches and Clocks attend ed to as usual, and warranted. D. B. NICHOLS, dec 4 1st door West of Pulaski House. I .liPORTEBL lO DO U S A N I> WINES, &c.—5 half ptpos Martell Brandy. 5 do do Otard do; 25 qr casks Madeira Wine, .Intruder as a gentleman ntnl cliriciin- character manilested by your constant iirbinitl ami humane attention to myself during nijilk ness. Sympathizing with all '.vim sre ifflicttJiJ I have been, I am willing lor \outo toe note in any manner which any stive to info* those unfortunates that the re is a certain remdB lor their disease. Yours with grrtitinle. | REBECCA WAKft | Ilcsidenre, Madison. Morgan county.bY'- Mrs. Ward had been attended many wan lj. eminent physicians. \\.\\..M. I Cullodcn, (in., Fib. I?. Mi. [ The ease of Mrs. Ward was n distressin*e«B as was known to imwt ol the inhabitant*of31*--^ son and also to the lion. .Mr. ofMtwl It will be observed that I give the adJrtow patients that tin y may he corri'qiondtd wii i| x talc of llio G O J The King’s Plot; by G P R James, Esq. Tho Battlo of Buena Vista, with tho operations of tho •* Army of Occupation," for ouc month; bv James Henry Carleton. Received by JOHN M. COOPER. nt.g24 OOPIIISNIS OF THE JPUOTEO O TI _ 1VE POLICY, hv Fr. Bastist, with uu in troductory letter, hy Dr.Francis Liehcr. Principles of Zoology, by Louis Agassiz and A gustos A. Gould. Gray’s Botanical Text Book, see ond edition. Illustrated with more than a thousand Kngru j Asthma a very long time, and have used every medicine I could obtain lor its cure iu vain, until I tried Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort. Tlii* 1 medicine has afforded me most manifest benefit, | and is. in my opinion, a cure for this distressing [disease; more especially, as I know of many speeii nses among my friends, where it has been highly I successful. Persons interested nro invited to cull 1 at my residence for further information, j Mas. S. Kuton,2J8 Luumut-st. ! Wo might give hundreds of testimonials from Physicians, the press, clergy, and those who have ! been cured, but all we desire is to call the attention of the afflicted, und for their own good they will I try it. j Look out for counterfeits! Always obs< rve tho i signature, Geo. Taylor, M. D., on tho ct graved label, aud prepared at tho Wholesale D< pot, 72 Beokriinn-stroet, New York. For sulu by A. A. SOLOMONS, A. A. DKNSLOW, Of whom only can tho genuine be had. All othes nro spurious. 20 innr25 vines. Mirahenn—A Life History in four Books. Received by JOilM M. COOPER. aug 15 E MO l it of WILLIAM ELLERY CHAN- NT.NG—With extracts front liis correspon dence and manuscripts. Endymion : a Talc of Greece; hy Henry B. Hirst, author of the Penance of Roland, *&o. The Pulpit Orators of France and Switzerland, Sketches of their Character and Specimens of their Eloquence ; by Rev. Robert Turnbull ’J’he British Female Poets ; hy Geo. vv thniie. Crantley Manor : n Talc ; by Lady Georgia- na Fullerton. Appleton’s Rail-road and Steamboat Com panion. Received by aug 10 W. Be- JOHN M. COOPER. qr . , -- .... I do do Donaldson Madeira do, 5 do do Loudon )s pru.iiiuied that none could wwh for bettert*| Dock do do; 2 half pipes do do: 50 boxes Claret ; denn* to show the utility of mv treatment.^ J wine; 50 do Morgan Claret: 25 cases Martinique Cordials; 5 do Sardines; 25 baskets Bordean Oil; 15 boxes Citron; 10cases Prunes: 15 boxes Mus cat Wine: 20 casks London Porter; 20 qr casks Malaga Witte—landing per luig American and barque Vernon. For sale by oit 3 ( ON N K R AT & BAR IE. _ ICSIBT!—Corneiitis’ Lard Lamps! The T l-J Su Reference—Rev. J oin s V. limlfrey (of Sir| null) wiio of late lias been under Ur. M *t TVlBW ~WIi OLE sale dry goodb i 1 3TO ft E.—The sulwcriber has jii*t opt| an entire new stock •'( Dry Cioods. in thew4| next m N. II. At II Weed, ill Brm«hlonJJ" Up Stairs—which lie oilers for rale ntntJ tbset ibers are selling off their assortment | B a e only, at the lowest market pricer. . . i ....... j ■ ...r. „...i i i ,Y' __ iievuv i' W, HUNKY F. W 91 ETA Lit’ Gt; ARIXfl I of tlm above celebrated Lumps at reduced price; and would invite the attention of all who would j ■ |j. wish to get a good and handsome Lamp lor o j n.V.q«„ PP lv of thcsU small price, to call. These Lamps w.l burn jyi h , X , BEL 11A* Ij - # ^ tho meanest kind of oil, and give a bettor light ; than the old fashioned Astral Lamp will with the best sperm oil. As a matter of economy there Lamps nre preferable to all others now iu u«rt. , Also Sperm and Whale Oil for Solar Lamps for sale hv* THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. fob'21 P APJEHt.—300 reams single and crown ’ Wrapping Paper ; GO do double wrapping paper; 40 do heavy Grocer’s hag do do ; 50 do Hardware and fine envelope do; 50 do Shoe and Tea do; 75 do Foolscap do; 100 do plain and rub'd letter paper ; GO do Flat Cup, and Bucket Post for printing. For sale low by may 20 DEN SLOW & WEBSTER. S ”HOWKIi MATHS.—Smith & Terry’* ^ftd'iiu.'olic ol Him mo»i ''“‘“'fT' l,nrge Plllilffe Batli—the hint llntli evnriniule. i of |,j, ,J„y. Tho Wine liu «•" 1 1 nil oillcoJliuu last, nnd i« ,1 : nl’il hn* hwlill in ,l,i*'ry ■>;»J . , . . ... yeurn, mid sonic of it iwarly \f I\I5« Him on Bath. Just received und for rale Im I. W. MOURELL. JL l it* lll'.bll.K'r .» B1.|-| V m ! article oft vnrinil* tridlh* from U l» I’ l **l Tliia article has horn llioroilgly '» Steam Itien Mill. in tliis city, and iff » ! in this vicinity, ns well as hy many l»«»" J 1 riolls parts of llic Slate, tor trill an ’• ■ „| nil plain Retting, has a decided 181 llavstrcel. 1 Leather, anil lines not ill ! hy wet or dry weather. , . , As wo sell lliis at iiianiiliicmrcM pn»] terms itre cash. For sale hy . ... mar :l l)i:.NSI.OWst:'™aTI puoice oi.d : vy Meriher oilers lor sale a let Wines, the private slock of a B™"'" 1 " dolphin. Most of these ■ ■' "lie late Wilson llnnt,. "J i of llinmo*l,llsliligimf«".“S mtlgi! • , y, „ sours Ol Ills The Large Pump Bath with Copper Pump, com- j vnmui |, ,], lct pleto. Kendall’s Sleeting Bath, which has sb.od J No||C of - it | 1; the test of ages. Terry’s Hip Bath. Smith s Sits- |ce|| y eurS( nensiou Bath. Just received and for sale low, . npr fil,ToW&TVOODHJi WAKE. Wi'v itheutt P ART I, VANITY FAIR, n novel w a hero; hy William MakepeaceThackcry. I W. DIORIlEIiL invites his friends • and tho public generally, both from town and ... ... * ti .... i I.:.. ....... virnvi. country, to call and examine liis now FURNI TURE STORE in SmntV now Buildines. Smote’ now Buildings, Broughton Street, the largest in the country under ono roof, whore ho will havo grunt pleasure in exhibiting to them tho most extensive assortment of ready ntado Furniture ever offered in the Southern markets. nov22 C ANAL FLOUR.—25 bbls Canal Flour,land* ing and for sale by aug 15 SCRANTON &. JOHNSTON. D omestic iiaudwaue.-tiio i subscribers have constantly on hand a good assortment of family Hardware, comprising Pots, Skillets, Spiders, Dutch-ovens, WnfflouudWu- for Irons, Fry Pans. Iron and Copper Teakettles, Brass nnd Porcelain Preserving Kettles, Soup Digesters, Fish Kettles, Sauce ond Stew Pans, Firo Dogs and Shovels, Iron and Soap-stone Furnaces, Coffoo Roasters, Sad Irons, &c. For sale by COLLINS & BULKLEY. mar 15 rjEFIMGEIIATOIlS.— Badger’s Itn- JLV proved Pattern which does,not consume half tho quantity of Ice as tho old style, llnrn- ding’s approved Chests. Just received and for sale by I. W. MORRELL, apr 25 it iiiiiu, "j •» ••••• - i — . i, Tho Tenant of Wildfoll Hall ; by Acton Bell. Part G, Arabian Nights Entertainments. The Young Schoolmistress ; by Joseph Alden Tables of Logarithms of Numbers and of Lines and Tangents for every Ten Seconds of llic ciuudmnt, with other useful tables; by I.lias Loomis, A M. A Sermon on the consequences oricjlo \vorcts, delivered in tho Independent PresbyterianCJiiireh Siivitnnuli, On., May 14th 18-18 | by ttuv. W. Preston. Received by rtft _ n ,. n aug 9 JOHN M. COOPER. HARMS AND COUNTER CHARMS, by y ’ •’ en "" 1 Maria J. McIntosh, author of Two Lives, Aunt Kitty's Tales, Conquest und belf-Conquest, & Tho Young Lady’s Homo, by Mrs. Louisa C. Tuthili, author of I will be u Lady, &c. Uoligeoti Teaching by Example, by Richard W Dickinson, D D illiiuunuut — . Gems from Tapper, consisting o rex tracts from 'roverbinl Hiiliwoiiliy, Tlnillaund Li' Lives, IIuc- Provcrhinl tenus, &e. . . . , t r i t . I^unartino’sPilgrimage to the If olv Land, com prising Recollections, Sketches and Reflections mado during a tour in the East. 2vols. Queens of England, vol. 12. Received by JOHN M COOPER, julyll ' —Wagons. Cradles, Cloths Hampers and Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Keelers. Biggins. Trays, Churns, Pastry Boards, Rolling-pins, Beefsteak pounders. Mullets, Lemon-squeezers, Butter* prints, and n variety of other articles iti the house keeping line, always tin hand and for sale by COLLINS it BULKLEY. sep 8 ,, ^ J l ‘'Vr'U st. P O WOE K3') «’••'V is "’ r r *VP“- rior erystnlised Rifle Powder. 10-lb each; 50 do Dupont’s do. Just received and for sale by L. LOV ELL, No. 10^ Barnard street. Also, A Counter 20 feet long, will bo sold cheap. _ sc l ) pOWDEB* SHOT, Ac.—150 kegs a: mi thor particulars apply to fob 16 A HOG A N V O H AI If *^ SHOT. ___ American Crystallized” Gun Powder ;20fl bn on Patent Buck-shot; 300 do drop do : BarLead Percussion Caps, Steel and Brass Dog Collars; 1 case good Plantation Muskets: 3 do cheap Ger man double and single Guns; 1 dozrevolving Pistols, Nos. 2, 3, und 4. Just received nnd for sule at No. 194 Barnard street, by E. LOVELL. C4^*Rifles made to order nnd warranted to shoot.; L EIWONS.—10 boxes Lemons, in line or der, landing per barque Peter Demill. and for sale by CRANE &• ROW LAND, oct 10 CJWEET Oil*. — 19 baskets snneriot O “nick” Oil. Just received and formate by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. june 16 18) Bay-street^ IvTew mackehbl.-?n tiViB. n... i ll und 3, mid 30 half bill* No. 1 now I ollftix Muckurol. luudinu ftom hiirk I’ctcr Ilonid ond for siilo dy SCRANTON .t JOHNSTON. for snlo dy oct 11 ij Phelps’ Gin, 50 do Connecticut River Gin 20 do .Domestic Brandy, 50 do N E Rum, 75 do N O Whiskey, in store, and for sale bv nrt 13 J SWIFT & DKNCLOW . 'I'nndo Willi Slirilli’ »“»'"• jy'nol'liliul 8 uovSft 1 8'u|clVW^| YAOJIESTftrST—3-4 BrownSbiftin^l Jj”ml iV4 brown A bleacl.c.l SkrWjJI boro Stripes and Plaids, Shirtings stnp*-. ^ brays and Checks, for sale at reduced aug 17 ’ ‘ C ~ iiliOKOFOini! CHHC The subscribers liavo ju?t ret ^ supply of this invaluable article, wbt in quantities to suit nurolmsert. _ . f oJ mar8 TIIOaIaS M. 'L ,IRN H“vJ TrocERIes; FR UlTS AND , J R r 'j iWI.IilUl.Oi * ,,v * , , ;L.« \ TlONARir.8.—Tl» hiilwcnber ri’Blioolfiilly Inform llio Cin/.im* "t. 8 ? . *t ._ Illumes* a the that they have eoiiimenccd ‘ j ,)il building, next to Walkers 3larbl ) .i rcclly o).pn*fto„lo Mr^Dirkrin^ » Jj south side of Bloilgi...» now receiving, anti will constant) r a general afcsortment of groceries, ^ nmnifNt which tnav be found Ain 011 ’ , 5,„„g».w.,ichni^b*ri J .^.. j ; o Prunes, Citrons, *v.. ••••/ tention to business, and selling, nt merit a share of public P atr ‘ , ' , e$F *. dec 14 JUSariJv j’J'I CAP! in a in*!* !'*l : n ” H "ifo'P'-Ht.:!nfrio'r w*. Also. Maynard it "Th, nMI , cc j. inull »iz.od JjItfuNKR * , fob in jvb^«?!iH2!SSWBSf /"10S1IEX IJIJ'I’TEK * look* 11 Cx—13 mbs of (lOBhon nn r r.»nd ; . nl . Cheese, received nerbrigA” s0 j( /ftOFFCK. Vy landing from bark I C|« 15 coil I.N A ■