The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, June 25, 1849, Image 1

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.. . , ... U-iWi* C. )aK» attl S*ivi-»*iwWx* .i’l—M'*-•.*: • . »r t inM i* i'» •.T.r-irta ■t'uui C4 ‘•tvft* flJ’U l|i t !■*.«. . u' i -iHli! -iff V ■■!.■>.. a. '•:::g;:,-.•’.:•?:***;• - . •• >v^-;.ry^. ri .**.«£» ^ * 'tjimw- ’i-* * ■ • ^ : : ’«fca»•)A- | * ' *.■••'• • "• •*■ *• • ■ *•.. Jim* .;,/]/•. li.jlJOv M»> (tr> il--.ll ■A.'it wfijdftroJl '/ M .: ,i »! b:-!»(!»up i'fa i; :v ,j<; ! (M i. o i \i 5-'j,UT'^ 0>* * I'il *l.v i.o-'i (« '“7* H- 1 tr.'i>|qii j'.-„, ■■ w -i i sift v toil •' j * • f* 8 . V* ‘ ’• •'' '''* ,V- yfcj ,T ^"'' i ■■>»■( 11 ,em&joti a®Y ll,« v. »»•;!>: .1-1 ;no ox ■■>'/. I T» 1 ■* t*»' ^vd '• I U-V. 4. * t i :•’ )•- ;- ; 4v:,'•’•'•• • '• >' ’ . -Mtti 1«itvvwjMuI -'.jMfi 1 •i/.j,' 7<i* }.* in> . ;*‘l wmi... 'J-7.TU i, ' • •■<'/ ■ VOL. XXXI. i •(.< obno’.fv.V’l^is ' SAVANNAH, MOBTDAV MORNING, JUNE 93, 1840. - If •*.?»»/'. J. NO. 111! ■SOU* rilE DAILV GEORGIAN,, u ruar.mun ID THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, JACKSON, PUNCH & SIBLEY, J *V. T£N dollars per annum, ** 1 ..m.lMIID4Ll.f IN. ADVANCE. VaYABL* **MI*ANKOAI.LT III ADVANCE, 0/1 1 '■ ■ ’ AT six DOLLARS_FOR BIX MONTHS OTIB TKI-WEBIU.Y GEORGIAN, JOH Till OOOTTHT, publi.hcd to moot the arrtflgomeut of the si md contain" nil the Intelligence. Commer Cl Political and Miacellaneotta, including new »Jrertimnienta published in theJDady Paper. 4 THIS PAPER- 1. ...t to all pane of the State end Union, deCrod in die city, at FIVE DOLLARS " u,mra, or at THREE DOLLARS for au booth!- _ THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN, hnubliahed ovory Friday afternoon, at tbex* ^,1.. por annum-all payable in advanco. N B -Each Citation by the Clerlta of the rouia Of Ordinary, that application has been mode for Lottera of Adminiatrntion, must bopub- lohedrumJrnAYs at least. Notice by Executors and Administrators for nsbtors and Croditorsto renderin thoiraccounts, must bo published six weeks. ..... Sales of Negroes by Executors or Administra tor, must bo at public auction, on the firet Tues- Z oftlio month, between tlwueual hours of sale, ,t ths place or public sales in tho co unty whore the letters Testamontary, of Administration, or Guardianship, may have boon granted, first giving mir osvs notice thereof in one of tho pub ho unites of this State, and at tho d oor of the Coart House, where such soles are to bo held. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must bo mth- lijhcd for four months, beforei any order absolute idull bo made thereupon by the Court. Sales of Reid Estate by Executors, Attaints- tntors, and Guardians, must be published SIX TY DAYS before tho day of sale. Those soles most be made at Ilia Court Houao door of tho county in which tho property ta situate, and on the first Tuesday or tho month, betwocn tho hours often in the morning and four in the after noon. No sales from day to day ta valid, unloss so erpressed in the advertisement. Applications by Executors, Administrators and Guardians to the Court of Ordinary for leave to mil Land, must bo published FOUR MONTHS. Sale, of personal property (except negroea) of testate and intoatate eatatea by Executors end Ad- miaistrators, must be advertieed FORTY DAYS. Application, by Executors and Adnumatrators, Ibr Letters Distuissory must bo published SIX MONTHS. . , „ . Application for foreclosnro of Mortgages on real estate, must be advertised once a month for FOUilMONTHS. Orders oftlio Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a cony of the bond ofngreemoiit) to mako ti tles to land, must be advertised Tiirbk Momths at least. SherilTs sales under executions roguljuly granted by tho courts, must bo advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgago executions SIXTY DAYS—Sales of perishable property tinder order of Court, muat bo advertised gener ally, TEN DAYS before tho day of Salo. , All Letters directed to til is Office or tho Editor, must bo pest paid to entitle them to atten tion. WILLIAM 35. HALE’S B York Advert foments, R OOFIIVO.-OAIdVANIZED TIN • PLATES.— 1 Theoubicribera beg to call the attention of Builders, Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantages which these plates possess oVfcr all. other metallic substances hi * " “ Mil i lithorto used for roofing?<fcc.,as they possess at once the lightness of iron, without its liability to rust, having now been tested for several years in this particular, both in this country and in Eu rope. . They are less liable td expansion and contraction from sudden change of the atmos^ , . w T ... «nt« phere, than common tin plates, iron, zinc, Qr any other metal how used for roofing, and conse quently form a much better and tighter roof? re quiring far less frequent repairs, whilst tho first cost is bat a trifle more. A mil supply, of ell sizes, from 16 to 30 W. G.; constantly on hand, and for sale by GEO. R. MORE WOOD & CO. 14 & 16Beaver-st. New York. The patent right for this article having boon secured fbr the United States, all parties infring ing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, W14be prosecuted. lyd&w novlO New-i and Savannah Line of Steamers— ~ ^Sailing every’Wednesday. Jkx new and superior Steamships -a TENNESSEE, Capt. John Collins, and CHEROKEE, Capt. Thomas Lyon, will, until further notice, leave Savannah and New York every Wednesday, commencing with iho 26thMarch. .. . These swift Steamers are each of 1.250 tons burthen, built, in the strongest and most approv ed manner, and are unequalled in all the needful qualified to give confidence as well as despatch to travellers. .They have all the accommodations for passengers and freight requisite to entitle them to public patronage. The Central Rail-Road will despatch an extra train from Macon Tuesday eveniug, to connect with these steamers on Wednesday, andfrom Sa vaunah on their arrival if needed. Passage $25—payable in advanco ; for which, or freight, apply to PADELPORD & FAY, Savannah, or SAM’L L. MITCHELL, mar 22 No. 194 Front-st.New York. PASSAGE BETWEEN Savannah and Philadelphia, By the Savannah Xni^Ciiarles- ^Tfcal^TOX Steamers and the STEAM» naSH^HfcSHIP COLUMBUS. By renent arrangements, Through Tickets will be furnished from Savannah to Philadelphia, by the Charles ton Daily Steamers and Steam-siflp COLUM BUS, for Twenty Dollars. Freight will also be received in Philadelphia, for Savannnh, at ten cents per cubic foot, for measurement goods, freo of all charges in Charleston. The accommodation for Steerngo Passengers having been very much increased, she can accom modate them comfortably, and Through Tickets from Savannah will bo furnished at $10. N. B.—The COLUMBUS will leave Charles ton on her next trip, Thursday Afternoon, June 14th, after the arrival of the Savannah Steamers, and continue to leave Charleston and Philadel phia every alternate Thursday. BROOKS 1& TUPPER, juno 4 Agents, Savannnh. Apothecary Store. T HE UN DERSIGNED having purchased tho Stock in store, Smet’s Building, corner of Whitaker and Broughton streets, offers tho same at wholesale or retail. II e is in the receipt of fresh medicines from the North, which ho will sell on us reasonable terms as any establishment in the city. L. J. MYERS, apr 18 SmefoUuildiug. rjy O C A PIT AIL, 18 TST h e undersigii- LADIES’ SHOE EXCHANGE. L A DIE S’ Misses, Children’s and Infant s SHOES, of every style, shade and pattern tithe NEW GRANITE STORE, 163 Congress streeet, Savannah, Geo., sign 01 the Golden Hand. oct 1 R EFINED CASTOR OIL.—The Subscrib ers have iust received a few cases of High ly Refined and Pure Castor Oil. This article being void of taste aud smell is suitable for in- fints, children and persons with delicate Sto machs. THOS. M. TURNER & CO. apr 25 181 Bay-streot, a ECEI VED, per Steamer CHEROKEE, 8ilkjTUsues, French Muslins, French Cam* brics, Mourning Ginghams, Linen Ginghams, Linen Lustres, Linen Chninbrays, Linen Barago, English Hose, Egyptian Nett Mitts, do. Gloves, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, Parasols. For sale by ISAAC, D. LaROCHE, apr 16 Shad’s buildings. 1 HATS AND CAPS.—D. A. AM BLER &CO. have on hand a full and com- f lete assortment of evory possible variety of IAT8 AND CAPS. We flatter ourselves that unore fashionable, a larger or better selected *tock of this kind of Goods has never been offered to the citizens of Savannah. It comprises Fine Beaver, Mole Skin, Silk, Plain Russia, Tampi- 00, Ashland, Buena Vista, Rough and Ready, Raachero, and Wool Hats ofevery description. One of.tho partners residing at the North, ena bles ns to receive weekly supplies ofgoods. To Merchants and Planters we oner goods on u favorable terras us can bo hud South or North, oct 17 149 CONGRESS STREET. ed, in addition to his business its Druggist, proposes to establish, in the City of Charleston or Savannah, a Distillery, for the purpose of manu facturing Alcohol (for Mcdicinul purposes only,) from the Sour Orange, a fruit common in the States of South Carolinu, Georgia and Florida, which could be delivered at either of the above named ports atatrifliug expense. The process was lately discovered by him, and so rapid in its operation that a barrel can he distilled in the short space of Ten to Fifteen Minutes This Alcohol has been pronounced by medi cal gentlemen of Savannah, Neto York and Phila delphia, to be superior to any now in use for me dicinal purposes. Certificates from the first Phy sicians and Gentlemen of this City, New York and Philadelphia, can be seen at my store, to which I ask your attention. I would bo pleased to receive communications from any part of the United States, which shall meet my prompt attention. Address WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, JR. mar 23 Druggist, Savannah, Geo. CENTRAL BAIL HOAD. ^FHOM SAVANNAH TO MACON.ja Passenger Trains leave Savnnneh end Macon, deity, at 7 A M. Do do arrivo at Macon and Savannah, daily, at - 7 P.M. Tickets from Savanuah to Macon, Georgia, - 00 Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do .do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do 10 00 6 50 15 00 17 00 20 00 22 00 Atlanta, do Augusta, do Columbus, do Opelika, "Jacksonville, Ala. •Talludega, do Huntsville, do Decatur, do Tu8cuiubia do "Tunkaloosa, do •Columbus, Miss. Aberdeen, do m rings, do », Term. Murpreesh* do Columbia, do Memphis, do • 30 00 22 50 28 00 25 00 Stages for Tallahassee and intermediate places connect with the Road, atMucou, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and with Milledgeville daily. • To these places Tri-weekly without delay,—leaving Savannah on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. RATES OF FREIGHT FOR MERCHANDISE GENERALLY FROM SAVANNAH TO MACON. Measurement Qoods.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets, Furniture, Shoes, Saddlery, Dry Goods, and other measurementgoods, per Cubic foot, :....13 cents. Crockery-ware in Crates, Boxes or Hhds. per Cubic foot, 10 Goods by Weight.—1st Class.—BoxesGlass, Paints, Drugs and Confectionary.perlOOlbs. 60 2d Class.—Sugar, Coffee, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tobacco, Leather, Hides, Copper, Tin, Sheet and Hoop Iron, Hard-wure, Rice,Boxes Soap and Can dles, Holloware, Bogging, and other heavy articles not enumerated below, per 100 lbs - , 3<1 Class.—Flour,Bacon,Liquors,Pork, Beef, Fish, Tallow and Beeswax, per 1001bs...40 do All. fVl. _,, 111....!... UIm Tin. I.nn (2.1 n/1 nvj.1 Mill fl.nona Mi.'.Il. Cn.lrna 1 45 do >30 do Ath Class.—Millgearing, Pig and Bar Iron, Grind and Mill Stones, Nails, SpikeB / and Coal, per 100 lbs - $ Barrels Beets, Bread. Crackers, Potatoes, Fruit, Oysters, Onions, Ice, and other light ( 7 k l1n barrels, each, $ Oil and ftlolasses per hhd (smaller casks in proportion,) $6 00 Salt per sack not excoedmg 4 bushels, 50 cents. C. A. F. IRVINE, Ageut of Transportation. Office of Centra^ Rail Road, Savannah, May 15,1849. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC KAIL ROAD. ATLANTA TO DALTON 100 MILES. PASSENGER TRAINS leave ATLANTA Daily (Sundays excepted,) at 1 o’clock, P. M., arrive nt DALTON at 8 P. M ; returning leave DALTON at 4 o’clock, A. M., and arrive at AT LANTA at 11 o’clock, A. M. Trains on the Memphis Branch Rail Road, and Stages for Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn., and for Tuscuuibia, Ala.,and Memphis, Teun.. run in connexion with this Road. RATES OF TRANSPORTATION FOR MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY. FROM ATLANTA TO W a * 2.3 n >n OW ?a s 5* 5 <.« o« 2= * fr? P 1st Class.—Per Cubic foot.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets and Furniture,.. 2d Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Boxes and Bales of Dry Goods, Shoes, Sad- ? dlery, Glass, Paints, Oils. Drugs and Confectionery,.. ) 3d Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Georgia Domestics, Sugar, Coffee, Liquor,' Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese,Tobacco, Leather, Feathers, Hides, Cotton-yarns, Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron, Hollow- ware, Crockery, Castings, Hardware, Marble (dressed), &c. 4(/i Class.—Per JOOlbs.—Flour,in sacks? Rico, Pork, Beef, Fish,Lard, Tallow, Bacou, in casks, boxes or sacks ; Beeswax, bales of Rags, Ginsing, Fruit, Bar-Iron, Murble, undressed; Mill and Grind-Stones, Mill Gearing CENTS. 2J 10 CENTS. 6 30 20 10 -2.g g 2.£ » r ■8 O 5 P O? ~ w 2 40 25 15 Transportation Office, IV. fir A. R. R., Atlanta, April 14th, 1849. E. R. MILLS, Supl. Transportation. apr 19 BUSINESS CARPS. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. Jobn Mullcry, Draper and (Pa ilor, At the old stand on the B»y ndjoiuing (he[City . - *•'- Hotel, I S NOW opening an entire Stock of NEW GOODS in his line, consisting of Cloths, Cussimera and Vestings, and a generul assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and furnishing articles, all of the latest style and best materials ; which he offers at prices far below anything ever before offered in this market. He is prepared, also, to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen’s apparel, in the most approved style, having secured the assistance of Mr. MOTT, from New York, of many years expe rience, and much celebrity as a Cutter. Ho feels confident of being able to please those who favor him with their orders. Those accustomed to sending North for their Clothing are invited to call aud examine his goods ana prices previous to doing so ; as ho feels assured he can fur nish them on as good terms as they can get them abroad. . —- act 13 ft WATCHES AND JEWEL- Jsi RY.—The subscriber wishes to call the Will attention of his customers to a choice as aortroentoffino Watches, just received by recent atriTsla, consisting of Gold; Hunting CfcaeLevers, Gold Double Bottom Levers, Gold imitation Dou- ”' 8 Case Levers, Gold Anchor Escapement Le * er «, Silver Hunting Case Levers, Silver Double bottom Levers, Silver Anchor Escapement Le veil, Silver Lcpine and Vertical Escapement. Also,fino Gold Fob Chains, Vest Chains, Curb Chains, Keys andChain Rings, all of which aii ?°^ aa * ow M * n any city in the Union. All kinds of Watches Repaired nnd warranted D; B. NICHOLSf- 1 First corner west of Pulaski House. HAMILTON A SYMONS have received per Hartford and Savannah: A jJLchoicu assortment of French, English and Bfilgmm CLOTHS,CA88IMER8 AND VEST- b? t 8| * aoleetcd with the greatest care, and of the imported in this country. We are now pre pared to manufacture at the shortest notice, and in M. CAREY’S Fashionable Tailoring Emporium, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Corner of Whitaker and Broughton-Strcets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. N. B. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, which will be made to order at the shortest notice, and warranted to fit. jun 27 ly— REOPENED. E. WITIIINGTON’S LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, GAUDRY’S BUILDING ON THE DAY. ESTTickots and Shares for sale in J. W. Mau ry <& Co.’s popular Lotteries. Uncurrent Bank Notes bougnt, jo» J ROBERT D. WALKER, MARBLE S( STONE MANUFACTURER, BROUQHTON-ST., BETWEEN WHITAKER &BARNARD. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Grave Stones, ofltalian and Domestic Marble; Marble Mantle Pieces, and Berlin Grates; Free Stnnn for Buildings. Ornamental Iron Railings, &c. &c., furnished to order. ly— oct2P JOHN POOLE, HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP PAINTER, GILDER. GRAINER AND GLAZIER. All kinds of Mixed Paints,Glass and Putty, Paper Hanging, Fire-Board Priuts, &c. For Sale at No. 11 Whitaker St. near the Bay, Savannah, Georgia. oct24 ly— John P. Gavail fr Co., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Anil Forwarding Agents, Macon, Gn. Macon, July 20,1847 ly july 23 A. SHORT, TER BUILDER, Will take contracts for Building and work in Masonry of every description. Residence East side of Pulaski Square. — jan 8 rjtHE WIFE’S FRIEND.—Important JL to those about to become Mothers.—Professor ALEXIS V. PAULITAN, of the Paris Lying-in Hospital, member of the Medical Academy of France, Corresponding Secretary of the Paris Pharmacentical College, respectfully begB leave to announce to the Ladies of America, that lie has appointed Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropenhurty, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicine, known in Frunce as The Wife’s Friend, or Mother’s Assistant the most extraordinary inedicul discovery the world has ever seen. Its province is to Lessen the Pains of Child-Birth, and promote asnfe.easy, and speedy delivery, which it docs by assisting nature. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, pleasant to the taste, und never fuils to promote an easy and safe delivery, nnd improves the gen eral henlth of both mother nnd child. It has been tested for years in all the principal Lying-In Hos pitals of Europe, and receives the sanction of nearly all the!prominent Colleges und Medical men of the old world. It is thegreatestmedicine in tho world ; as all will admit that u medicine must be thatwiil lessen the terrible pains usually ntteudanton childbirth. There is no mistake - bout this medicine doing all that is suid of it. It never fails. It is in tho form of a fine, light powder, to be made into a drink, and used for u few weeks previous to the expected event, and its price is so low as to bring it within the reach of all. Surely no hu mane husband will suffer his wife to endure pain, when it can be so easily and cheaply avoided. For tho small sum of only $1,00. sent post paid to DR. JEROME Y. C. ROPENHURTY, New York Post Office, a package will be sent by return mail, it being so light that it can be sent anywhere by mail, at a very trifling cost. CsP’No unpaid letters taken from the office. To prevent imposition, theU. 8. Agent, Dr. Roponhurty will write his name in full on the outside label of each package. No other genuine. Remember this. Chios mar 10 LEGAL NOTICES. pOUR MONTHS after date I shall ap- A ply to the Honorable Inferior Conrt of Bulloch County, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell all the Real and Personal Estate of Mitchell Hofloway, late of said County. Deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and Crcdi-. tore of said deceased. way 86 WILLIAM HOLLOW AY/Adm’r. T71 OUR MONTHS after date application J. will be made to the Honorable Court of Or dinary of Chatham County, for permission to sell four Negroes, viz : Sarah and her threechildren, Will, Delia and Susan, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of tho late Joshua Rnhn. de ceased. ALEX. II. RAHN, Exe’r. mar 19 17IOUR MONTHS after date, application A will be made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Bulloch county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell the reul and per sonal estate of John Hendrix, deceased, late of Baid county. JEMIMAH HENDRIX, feb 15 Administratrix. •pXECUTOR’S NOTICE.—All per- AJ sons having demands against the estate of Dr. JAMES TROUP, of McIntosh county, de ceased, are requested to present them properly attested; and those indebted to tiie estate ure re quired to muke payment to J. HAMILTON COUPER, D. H. B. TROUP. Darien, 15th May, 1849. Qualified Ex’ors. , may 17 F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Ware county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for loave to sell tho Lands belonging to William H. Miller. Minor, feb 24 THOMAS HILLIARD. Guardian. F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes for leave to sell a truct of two hun dred ami seventy-threo acres of land (more or less) lying In the County of Burke, originally granted to Willis Hurst, being purl of the real estate of Andrew Mclnlire, lute of Chatham county deceased, for the benefit of hi? heirs uud creditors. JOHN MURCHISON, may 1 Snrv’g Ex'or. F 'OUR MONTHS after date, application will bo made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Efiinghuin county, sitting (or ordinary purposes, for leave (o sell (3) three trnctsof land in suid county, containing in the aggregate (390) three hundred and ninety acres. Said land be longing to the estate of Israel Woitmnii, late ot said county deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of said estate, apr 3 E.G. WEITMAN, Ad’r. J^OTICE •—All persons having demnuds against Isaac Slavton. late of Camden coun ty, deceased, ure hereby notified to present them, properly attested, to me within the time prescribed by law. And all persons indebted to said decea sed, are hereby required to muke immediate pay ment. HENRY R. FORT, AdmV. may 11 G eorgia—cimtiiuiii county.— To all whom it may concern.—Whorcos, Robert II. Griffin, Esq. will apply to the Honor able the Inferior Court of suid county, when sit ting for Ordinary purposes, for letters of admin istration on the ostatennd effects ofGcorgo Oruis- by, late of suid county, deceased: These nre therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said do ceased, to file their objections (if auy'thoy have) to tho applicant, in the clerk’s office of said court, on or before tho 22d day of June next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witness tho Hon. Elias Reed, one of the Jus tices ofsaid Court. tliis22dday of May, 1849. . may 23 SEABORN GOODALL. c.c.o. c.c. QEORGIA.—Chatham County.—- To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, James Eppinger, surviving Executor of John Eppingerjate ofsaid county, deceased, hath ap plied to the Hon. the Inferior Court of said Couuty, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for a ci tation to issue and bo published according to law for Letters Dismissory. These aro therefore to cite nnd admonish, all concerned to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office ofsaid Court, on or before the sixth day of September next; otherwise Letters Dismissory willbegrant- Witness, tho Hon. W. Thorne Williams, one the Justices of the said Court, this 6th day oi March, A.D., eighteen hundred and forty-nine, mar 6 SEABORN GOODALL, c. c. o. c.c. ^TEORGIA.—Chatham County.— '"tauuiauiuio ak uiu imuuvoi uuuuu, uuu 111 woeitmanner, any garmentin our line,for cash Approved credit. 17 WHITAKER STREET, oct 13 Savannah, Ga. W AN EARNEST AP- V^^^^PEAL.— Those.who have never P ,.7^^^ c aUed on us for NEGRO BRO- J’ANS "W 0 aoraething yet to learn, viz: That |J 8, e ta a sranll Shoe Store in this city, with a "Jgo stock of NEW GOODS in it, and that we Jy touch wish to see more new faces. We are w Dome at nil hours from half past 5 in the morn- 9 in the evening,nnd those who call on us in a Immor to sell goods. it* w w c ? n,M tC°tt°a Planters 1 in this vicinity oi.. y r£;;?J tnov * nnd we wish them to look at THICK KROGAN8 thi. year, that, they vJ. ? now whero to find the goods they want a bii» n ° 0, aro now DuppUed with the p , ' ( r ro 8sus. we ever saw, and we would res- To the Inhabitants of 8nvauuab. In conformity'with a Resolution recently pass ed by the Board of Lfealth, I Would call your re tnembrance to tue good state of Health enjoyed by our Fellow-Citizens for years past, and to urge upon you the necessity, if you desire a con tinuance of that blessing, during the approaching season, to keep under those local causes by a prompt removal of nil animal aud vegetable de composition, beyond the corporal limits of Sa vannah. Cleanliness is an indispenBible ingre dient of health. It ought to he observed by all, otherwise you invite disease, aud the consequen ces that necessarily follow in its train. We, your Board of Health, earnestly eutreat you to white wash your Fences, Cellars, Out-houBes; and freely us9 tho (Sulphate Ferri) Copperas in pro portion of two pounds to three gallons of water, in your sinks and other places emiting unpleas ant effluvia. For the better advancement oi henlth, we would suggest that each citizen adopt a feeling that he also is a member of this Board, by giving his attention to tho cleanliness of his premises, and those around him. The Board of Health expects their Fellow- Citizens will afford them-aid in their weekly vis its, to enable them to 'effect striet examinations and faithful reports. . ' Your Board of Health requests thatyou make known through the medium of its Chairman, Ward-Committees, City’ Marshal, or by letter through the Post Office, of any nuisance or de- ioait that may bo .calculated to produce disease. Clio duty assigned to us is an arduous one. If L IQUID ADHESIVE PLASTER, or COL-' LODIAN—a new and elegant substitute for Pluster cloths, Sutures, Bandages, &c.—This article has been found by all surgeons who have tested it, far superior and more convenient than former means of drossing incised wounds. For burns, sore Nipples, aud eruptive diseases, it has proved extremely efficacious. It is also much preferable to court plaster and gold beater's skin. It is not acted upon by water, andadheres with almost incredible tenacity to the skin, keep ing tho edges of the wound closely together, and causing it to heul with hardly a perceptible scar. A history of tho article, together with commu nications highly commendatory of its value from Dr. J. Mason Warren of Boston, Erasmus Wil son, F. R. S. Loudon, and other surgeons, will be found accompanying it. A supply of the above received by A. A. SOLOMONS, .Market Square. LW^jito those who have Shoes to buy, “’tag in your measures. , ’ WUJAM B. HALE, At l«a Congress St Squill side of - " 135 Market Square. we meet with a cordial nnd approving support) then shall we feel that cur labors have not beert without effect. SOtOMON SHEFTALL, Chairman Board of Henlth, Savannah, May’30, 1849. NEW Sk, HATSTHATS i - NEW FASH- IONS FOR SPRING. 1849. — The sub scribers hate reoeivedthe Spring style of Hats- from the manufactory of Messrs. \V. H. Beebe A Co., Broadway, New-York, which they offer for sale on Saturday next, March 3d, at New York prices. D. A’ AMBLER & CO. feb 27 14Q Copgrdss-st. R TENNESSEE*—Black hhd white H- .Lace Capes ? Linen . Cambrifc Hdkfs; Thread and Linen Edgings?. Egyptian.Nett W HITE LEAD.—500 kegs pure Nos. 1 and 2 White Lead, in 25,50. 100,200 and 500 lb. kegs; 50 kegs Venetian Red, Spanish Brown and Yellow Ochre; 200 lbs. Chrome and Paris Green, ground in oil. Received aud for sale by DENSLOW & WEBSTER, niar 3 . HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, &c. &c.—A large ussortmeut of Ladies _ . .and Mis es white, black and col'd Cotton Hose ; bluck and cold Silk and Raw Silk Hose; Men’s and Boys’ white, brown and col’d Cotton half Ilosc: Gauze, Cotton and Merino Under- Vests ; Lads’ and Gent’s Cotton and Silk Um brellas. Just received and for sale by iuar 1 MARSHALL &A1ICIN. fry. y si YOUNG LADIES AND MISSES will find us supplied with _ some very pretty black und bronze Gaiter Bootees, Nos. 1 and 2; also, 11’**, 12'sand and 13’s, und Ladies of all ages are very apt to find themselves suited before leaving our Store, at 1G3 Congress street. nov 3 WILLIAM B. HALE. To all to whom it may concern.—Whereas Doctor Richard Wayne, Executor of the last Will nnd Testament of Miss Elizabeth Wilkins, deceased, hath applied to the Honorable the In ferior Court ofsaid county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for a citation to issue und be pub lished according to law, fur letters dismissory. These nre therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to file their objections (if any they have) to tho applicant in the Clerk’s office, ofsaid Court, on or before the eighth day of November next, otherwise letters dismissory willbogranted Witness the Hon. Anthony Porter, one of the Justices of Bttid Court, this 8th day of May, A. D. 1849. niayS 8EABORN GOODALL, n.c.o.c. c. LEGAL NOTICES. 'C'lOUR MONTHS after date.application X; will be made to the Inferior Court orCam* den couuty, when aittiifg for ordiuory purposes, for leave to sell the following properly belong ing to tho ostate of JOHN T. RUDULPH. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, viz: Wharf Lot and Stores, and ono Dwelling House and Let, and the following negro slaves, viz: Abra ham, George, Dublin, Lucy. Philamiali and Bell- ar. EMILY RUDULPH. St; Marys, May 29.1849. juneS EXECUTOR’S NOTICE.—All per- JLJ so ns indebted tothe estate of ARCHIBALD CLARK, late of Camden county, Georgia, de ceased, are requested to make payment: And all persons having claims against the same, are call ed upon to present their accounts properly at tested. HENRY E.W. CLARK, Qualified Ex’r. St. Marys, Geo. June 1. june4 /7JEORGIA.—McIntosh County.-* YY To all whom it may couceru.—Whereas, William I. King, Administrator on llie estate of Thomas K. Gould, late of said county, decensod, hath applied to the Honorable tho Court 6f Or dinary ofsaid county, for letters dismissory on said estate. These arc therefore to cite aud admonish all concerned, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant’s discharge in the Clerk’s office orthesaufCourt, within t!ie tiino nreanrib- '“is,'/,',, .. . . .g k., i„.., i».. At t * —-.I i._ Every thing seemed to point my mind to nu * object, viz.: the preparation of tills herb into a medicine. I then determined to roturn to the city of N. York. I did so, and immediately inquired for the herb. It was not to be found. I then sent to Europo and there found it under another unme. ed by law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness the Honorable Alexander Wyley, ono of the Justices of said Court, this 23d day of May, A. D. ono thousaud eight hundred uud forty-nine. june 9 E. M. BLOUNT, c. c. o. m’i. c. /^.EORGIA. — Liberty Comity. YX Whereas, John A. Hendry and L. B. Hi Hen- dry.npplies to the ConrtofOrdinary oftliis Coun ty, for letters of administration on the goods and chattels, rights and credits of William II. Hendry, lute ofsaid county, deceased. Now, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, iu tny office, within the timn prescribed by law, or said letters will bo granted. Witness the Honorable Edward Q. Andrews, one of the Justices of said Court, this 26th May, 1849. J. S. BRAD WELL, c. o. o. i.. c. june 7 1YTOTICE.—All persons indebted tolhees- tale of ISRAEL WEITMAN, late of Effing- hain County, deceased, aro requested to make payment: And all persons huving demands u- gainst said estate are hereby notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. may 29 » E. G. WEITMAN, Adm’r. PUBLIC SALES. C 1ITY MARSHAL’S SALE.—VVill / be be sold in front of tho Court House, in the City ofSavaunnh, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following property, to wit: Lot and Improvements on the North corner of Pino nnd WcstBroad streets. Levied on nB the properly of R. M. Goodwin, trustee of Mrs. Scarborough, for City Taxes for the years 1845, 1846,1847,1848 nnd 1849. Also, North halfof Lot No. 31 nnd Improve ments, Ynmacruw. Levied on ns the property ofM. Volloltonaiid Children, for City Taxes for 1847 and 1818. Also, Part ofGnrden Lot nnd Improvements, No. 9, West. (The N. West corner.) Levied on as the property ofHetty Arnold und Thotnns W. King, for City Taxesfor 1847,1848 and 1849. Also, Letter R and Improvements, cornor of Ilarrisonand St. Gall streets. Levied on as the property of Henry (Dittmers, for City Taxes for 1846,1847, 1848 and 1849. Also, Eastern half of Lot No. 8, Ynmacrnw. Loviedon as the property of Patrick Kelly, for City Tuxes, for 1848 and 1849. Also, Improvements on the South-east of quar ter Lot No. 36, Green Ward. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Naomi Jones, for City Tuxes for 184o, 1847 and 1848. june 1 DANIEL H. STEWART, c. m. C ITY MARSHAL’S SALES.—The following Lots having reverted to the City. I will proceed to offer for sale on the first Tues day in July next, iu front of tho Court House, between the usual hours of sale, under tho su perintendence ofthe Committee on Public Sales und City Lots: Columbia Ward, Lots No. 7.11, 38. Crawford Ward, LotsNo.43,12,13. Elbert Ward, Lot No. 20. Franklin Ward, Lots No. 4, 31. Green Ward, Lots No. 6, 27. Jackson Ward, Lots No. 16,40. Warren Ward, Lots No. 1,12. Pulaski Ward, Lots No. 10, 17. Washington Ward, Lot No. 31. juno 2 DANIEL H. STEWART, c. m. jyjcINTOSH SHERIFF’S SALE. G EORGIA.—Chatham County.— To ull whom it muy concern.—Whereas, E. F. Wood and Susan Wood, Guardians ofAl- znda S., Laura A. and E. J. C. Wood, have ap plied to the Honorablo the Inferior Court ofsnid county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for a citation to issue nnd be published according to law. for letters dismissory. Those aro therefore to cite nnd admonish, all concerned tofilo their objections (if any theyhave) to the applicants, in the Clerk’s office of said -Will he sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, in front of the Court House, in the City of Durieu, McIntosh County, between the legal hours of sale, Mrs. Elizabeth Marchment’s right, title and interest, iu nnd unto (said interest being only for her life time) the following Negro Slaves, to wit: Dinnnh, Juno nnd Lucy, and her infant Child. Levied ou to satisfy u fi. fa., issued from McIntosh Superior Court, in favor of Theodore P. Pease us. Elizabeth March- ment and William J. Cannon. Property poiuted out by Plaintiff. C. O'NEAL, may 31 Dep’ty Sheriff m’c. c. '■heaungointmeh? BK'B All ^Douttneyear 1617; I Wft> UvibgihUie western ps<t of tbit S tafe, x ““ ir. One day pursuing the occupation of a farmer. One day while chopping in the woods, I foolishly cho my foot Hourly ofiyinstead of the tree. Di this misfortune I employed myself in pbruiit fragment leaves ofen old volume, printed in Eng* land some hundred years ago. Among these scattered leaves I read of an herb Which had been analyzed by some of England's ancient Alche mists, shewing properties and qualities never bW fore fouud in any p «mt that was evet discovered! This one herb, under the force efthe Retort and Crucible, developed more than teh distinct properties. This fact struck my mind so forcibly; that it was impossible to get rid of it. Something seemed to tell me that Providence, whose speeiu care is extended towards all his creatures, l)ad: uover concentrated into one small herb so many medicinal qualities, as various and as complicate!!* Ithough perfectly identical as the human blood, without a wise and good purpose. Here was to be found the acids, the alkalis, tho oils; the water, the air, tho salts, the soda, &c., all combined, con centrated. and chemically united into one single < lenient of power, forming a substance more al lied aud in affinity to the human blood than was ever before discovered in the works of nature. Laboring under these impressions for severer years, 1 became uneasy, discontented, and un willing to confipe myself longer to the duties of a LOCK MANUFACTORY.—C. S. Yy Sperry, No. 136 Pearl Street, New York. Has on hand an extensive assortment of Clocks of his own manufacture, adapted to tho Foreign and Domestic trude, at astonishingly low prices. Also, a large assortment of Buttons, Combs, and Fnncy Goods. ly— oct 23 DliKIFY THE BLOOD.—Tho vir XT lues ofSarsapnrilln are too well known to 10 me applicants, m-cra. omen oi mm eV(Jrv ou8 , 0 „ e od any praise or puffing. Tliat court, on or before the eighteenth duy of June UwiI| ^^ blood and thereby malm the 7V r human system less liable lo disease,1,a. been aet- Witness, tho Honorable R.l..Gibson, one. of , bo ,.J nd a doIlbt> h „ , bo | earn ed end A° D ' 1849 ’ y ’ 1 Ph 7* ici " n * in «*• world - may 8 SEABORN GOODALL, c. c.o. Having prepared the article to my satisfaction*. I gave it nwuy to all who would use it. Hun* ilrcds, I might suy thousands, took it into their families and used it: some fur une thing and some for unolher, nnd ull from the very first to tho very lust, pronounced it of unrivaled excel; once and power. The first case tliat came under my observation, was a man tliat had lost the use of his arm for some years. The Ointment restored his arm completely in a few days. This surprised me as much as it did the patient. After him there came a man with sore eyes produced by gunpowder—a very bud ease indeed. One box only sufficied to mako a perfect cure. And I would here remark that humlreds have been cured- of sore eyes, who nover found any relief hut in tnis Oint ment. There nextenme a woman who was suffering excruciating pain from the ague in the face.— Her physician (thinking it the toothache,) had extracted eleven of her teeth. But the difficulty still remained as bad ns ever. The Application of the All Healing Ointment was attended with immediate cessation of pain. Her face however, begun to swell, und the surface was covered over with pimples of eruption like prickly heat. In onednyall this disappeared. About the some time, a lady mado application with it for the headache of long standing, and a falling of. tho hair. The Ointment cured her headache,-and restored her hair. Since this, I huvo known the Ointment to cure cases of ten, twenty and forty years standing. I hositato not to say, that it is almost nn infallible remedy for this complaint. About this time there wore two cases, one of Consumption, and the other of Scroftila, which had baffled the skill of every physician whotires- crihed. It was wonderful to witness tho eflectof the Ointment on these persons. No one would beliovd it unloss they hud personally witnessed it. But it did the work proporly. There was no half way business, for they recovered their health in a few months. Shoumntism, Fever, Quitizy, 9oro Throat, Cu taneous Eruptions, diseases of the Spine, and Nervous Complaints were treated with unheard of success. Butin Chest diseases, such as Asth ma, pain and oppression, I believe there is no bet ter remedy. Also, the common discuses, such as Ulcer Sores. Scald Head, Humors of the Skin, Inflammation, Piles, Sore Eyes, Sprains, Bruises, nnd Burns, it seems to bo a perfect antidote.— People would come into the store smiling, wish ing to know if I was really the Seventh Son, or whether the Ointment tliat I gave them was indeed all-qeoling ill its nature. For said they, notone single application has failed to cure. Liver Coinpluiiit, particularly, wus treated with great and universal success. , It produced such good results in all cases that it hns been Hoised abroud, und I was offered sums of money for a receipt to make it for private use merely. Evory muti spoke well of it, as it had donoso much good. Notwithstanding all, I have been careftil not to recoininen d it. except in cases I know it would do good. I wassivvor willing to lend uiyself to any thing without first testing its merits. This I en* deavor to do on ever}’ occxsiou, and when I acted us one of the Sick Committee in the Lodge of I. O. of O. F. I then tested it upon Brothers in the mostcriticul conditions, and hud abundant oppor (unity of proving its worth. And, iu conclusion, I would remark tliat I have pi iced this Ointment before the people ofthe U. States during tho lust nine or twelve months, and so general bus been the satisfaction, and so great amount of good done, that more than half a mill- inn of boxes have already been sold. I do really believe there never was a medicine which gained such widespread, universal nnd unnnimouisatis faction as the All-lleiiling Ointment. From all parts of tho laud there have come up one deep, sincere and universal voice of approbation saying •‘McAlister thy tongue hath dropped tho word of truth und Jove, while health forever attends thy footsteps.” And were I now to give nil the good sayings of tho pooplo, their unqualified approval, ‘ (heir thankfulness aud gratitude, their joy dtrecnv ering from disease and sickness,,-1 could, fill a volume. Jamks McAlister"* Now York. For sale, wholesale and retail, by J. M. TURNER & BROTHER, oct 18 Agents for Savannuh. * ^JEORGIA.—Camden Comity.— JUST RECEIVED.—10 baskots best •J refined Salad Oil; 3 cases fresh Prunes; a lot bffresh Teus ; French Sweet Chocolate ; fresh Mnccaronijdo Vermicelli; a lot of fresh Guava Jelly, and many other articles too numerous to mention. For sale by apr 26 J. ROUSSEAU. PIANO FORTES —Made BQnSni by Ghickering, Nnnh’s, and Fisch* U U x u 1/ er, and Gale & Co. The subscri ber offer* for sale a large assortment of7, 6$, 0i and 0 octavo Rosewood and -Mahogany Pianos, from tho above makers. These Instruments are unsurpassed by puy mado in thiscouutry for pu rity and fullness oi tone, and elegance of work manship ; some of them are furnished with the complete Iron Frame, which strengthen^ the case and prevents tho liability bf getting out 1 of tone; others.havo the ordinary metalicplate, andean bo offered fpr lower prices.. These Pipnos are offered without any qdvaltlce 'from the uianafac hirer’s prices, and those who are desirbus of ob taininga superior instrument ata’mbderateox- _ . - v- ... . ponse/wottkljdq welltO'Qaft wid; examine before Gloves end Mitts. Forsileby. f nurbhasitig elsewhere. ’ , . aj* 10 ' ‘ MARSHALL 1 & AIKIN. ( v — I. W- MOfeffELL. , nRRULY MAGICAL. —A great Paper’s X. opinion.—M’Machin’s Philadelphia Model Courier comes outand declares to its 70.000 sub Hcribers, and nearly one million readers, that Doctor Wiley’s Celebrated Congh Candy is truly an excellent article. Read what it says: *.‘A Valuable Article.— Those suffering from colds, will do well to procure a supply of Dr. Wiley’s Cough Candy, prepared only by Geo. W. Childs & Co. We have hud a fair opportu nity oftesting the virtues of the candy in our own family, aud. unsolicited, except by them, wo give our experience. It is very pleasant to the taste, without nausea in its effects, and almost magical in its operations upon the affection.” The above, from snch a source, we think is enough to convince the most skeptical. We would advise ull who are inthe least trou bled with acough, cold, or any disease urisiug from those complaints, to be sure thatthey pur chase a package of DR. WILEY’S CELEBRA TED COUGH CANDY, and we will guarantee, them a perfect cure. Price 12^, 25. 50.cents, nnd $1 per packuge. Be sure to ask for Dr Wi ley’s Cough Candy, and take none other, if of fered to you. Geo. W. Childs & Co. Sole Proprietors,-No. 320 Mnrkct-st. Pliila'a. A. A. SOLOMONS, Agt. Market-sq. feb 3 Sole agent for S&vannnh. To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, George Lang, Executor ofthe estate of Wm. T. Ashley, has upplied to the Hon. the Court of Or dinary for letters of dismissory from the said es tate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kiudred nnd creditors of said T. Ashley, to file their objections lo the granting of said letters dismissory. within the terms pre scribed bylaw, in the Clerk’s office of the Court of Ordinary, otherwise letters as prayed for will be granted. Witness the Hon. Tho. K. Dunham, a Justice of said Court of Ordinnry, this 5th March, A. D. 18-19. HENRY R. FORT, c. c. o. c. c. inar 9 G eorgia.—Bulloch county.— To all to whom it may concern.—Whereas Thomas Knisht, Sou. applies to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of said county, for letters of Administration ou the estate of James Mikell, Sen., late ofsaid county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil aud singular the kiudred and creditors of the said de ceased, to be and uppeur at my office, in terms ofthe luw, and show cause, (if any theyhave,) .why letters of Administration should not be gruuted the said applicant. Witness the Honorable Peter Cone, ono of the Justices of the suid court, this 15th day of May, A. D., 1849. * < ‘ •’ may 20 DAVID BEASLEY,;o. b.o. B. tf. Thomas M. Turner & Co’s Compound Syr up of Sarsaparilla is a delightful and hcnlthful drink for summer. It has been used extensively ill Florida, and throughout the upper part ( of Georgia, for several years, and bus never failed iu giving entire satisfaction. A number of fam ilies in this city can testify that it is the most pal- itable Sarsaparilla now made. We do not pro tend to its being a oureall, but do confidently re commend it to the public as u pleasant and health ful driuk. Prepared nnd sold only by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. mny 19 181 Bay street. IVIILLS AND THRESHERS.- Lr JL r ‘ - * * - Improved Fan Mills for cleaning Rice; 1C do do do for all kiuds-small Grain; 6 Grain Threshere; 2 do do with Straw Carriers; 2 Port able Horse Powers; 40 Improved Grain and Rice Cradles; 30 Hand Corn Mills; 6 “Fitzger ald’s” Patent Ilorse Power Mills, for plantation use. For sale by apr 3 DENSLOW & WEBSTER. JEWELRY — Em M aynard a noyes> cele brated BLACK WRITING INK FOR QUILL OR STEEL PEN ! •!—This Ink lias stood the test of more than thirty years’ trial, and during that timo has been constantly increas ing iu public favor and patronago, and is now the leading article iu the country. It flows with freedom, becomes permanently black, and will not mould under any circumstances. SAVANNAn, Ga., June 24,1617. The undersigned having for several years Used in their respective offices the Black Writibg Ink manufactured by Messrs Maynard & Noyes of Boston, certify that they have uniformly’fotfnd it to be superior to any other, particularly m the un changeable character of its blackness. J. Smith, Cash. Marine & Fire Insm dice Bk. R. R. Cuylkr, Cash. C.R. R. & B’kg Co. tftK J. Hunter. Cash. Insurance pk. of Columbus, S. C. House, Sec. Sav. Ins. and Trust A. Porter, Cash. Bk. of the State of Ga. I. IC. Tefit, Teller “ “ •• For sale wholesnlo and retail by THOS. M. TURNER & Cb. feb 10 Wholesale Druggists* 161 Bay it. . Lnbin!« Extracts for the Handkerchief; s rarrety or French; BttgUtbr and American Perfumery; Toilet and Shaving ■"W : DACONr-landing, 20 hhds Sidea Bacon; JD lOhlids Shoulder. Bnoon. For.ole by may 24 WOOD, CLAGHORN & CO. £<HAVING CJbUSAM.jrW.ehavea^Jew .dqaen of, “Roussell'a Piietmin Shaving Cream” oh hand. 1 Thoao dcairoua of litxhriating in o.comfortable and eaiy Slave had boftorinp- ply thomaalyoaot once with .aonia of |hU,itnri- ^^Mkas m; TBimtaBb Ctt: 1 RICH _ bracing fine Diamond Pins pud Rings; Gold arid Turqnois nnd other settings of .ur Rings, Bracelets, Pins and Ornaments; fino Guard, Vest, Fob and Neck Chains; Wnis Buckles, Gold Pens and P&nclls, and evpty va riety of New and Elegant Jewelry; togelhe with a large assortment of Silver Ware, suchia Tea Sets, Pitchers, Mugs, Fish and P/s Knives Forks, Spoons, Curd Cases; Plated and Fancy •Wares, fa great assortment.) Fine and Extra do. Gold aud: Silver Watches. Mantel’CloQks and Time Pieces, Musical Instruments, Music,. Nowo P c»i..g»..dlor«|l^ IcHo ^ ; ,- First door West of Pulaski Hbuse. N. B. Competent Workmen engaged in the Repairs of Clpokf nnd .Jfewidrj, and warranted. dec 20 Congress and 88 St. Julia* Street.—WtLLlAM M. DAVIDSON would inform bis .friinda, that hecontiuues to keep on band at hia bid stand, West Side of the Market,.a latge Assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AND GRO CERIES, all of which lie ofi'err.oh thd best pos sible terms. He is also cou*tantly snpplied with the best ALBANY ALE and NEWARK OI- DEE, to;which he respectfully invites the atten- tion oftbe.public ; ■ -■,, ; oetifli ■j- wm