The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, June 28, 1849, Image 1

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«.*>r.~ {.;••; •_• ; .. ::,\i ...IS’:.' ^MgJu>;j.a;M< t u-.. ««: • -.««||y*-.v>»««.« ««. «*« ><«•*> «*»! *>« .. . . • /^5Br ri ! /nMv. • rif >A/ a i r.'^r h / ^/ ; A ' /ii/ ’ *s ,- :■ ■ r ; ,11 k.J ■ I. ! I .1 • ...• . ... ,„,... -v! =J0^DAIX,V OEOJBGIAIV ii rnauiniD in tm city OP SAVANNAH, ncMOXi PUNCH & SIIU.EY, if Tffl DOLLARS PER ANNUM, .■ui.iMnimv i, inv’iMRf. MM1IA 1.1 XDVXNCX, r ^ ON *T BIX DOLLARS_FOR SIX MONTHS TBS TBI-WBEIU.Y GBOHUIAN, ran Tit* ooottrt, 1. nublishod to meet the arrangement of the jLCTttae. * tv.e,k (Tuesday Thuteday ^HtHittirday,) at the Office of the Daxly Geor 2?. and contain! nil the intelligence, Coramer fTi'oAiSt ” “ I If, ’Political and Miicellanooui, including new JS^rtUimont 1 published in the Daily Paper. THIS PAPER ». Mnt to all parti of the 8tate and Union, Ahvered in tte city, at FIVE DOLLARS l d S, or at THREE DOLLARS for six month*. THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN, Ii miblished evory Friday afternoon, at thrxk w ii1bi per annum-all payablo inadvanco. N B —Each Citation by the Clerks of tho Coorta of Ordinary, that application has been JUdo for Letters of Administration, must be pub- liihed thirty days at least. ' Notice by Executors and Administrators for Debtors and Creditorsto renderin their accounts, ouitbe published six wxxks. . Sales of Negroos by Executors or Administra tors must be at public auction, on the first Tues- dir of the month, between theusual hours of sale, it the place of public sales in tho county where the Letters Testamentary, of Administration,. or . Guardianship, may have beon granted,first giving iiity days notice thereof in one of the public ftzettei of this State, and at the door of the Court House, where such sales are to be held. , Notice for leave to seU Negroes, must bo pub- Tubed for four months, before any order absolute ihill be made thereupon by the Court. Sales of Real Estate by Executors, Adminis- traton, and Guardians, must be pubhshed SIX- TV DAYS before the day of sale. These sales muit bo made at tho Court House door of the county in which the property ib situate, and on the first TucBdayof the month, between tho hours often in tho morning and four in the after noon. No sales from day to day is valid, unless so expressed in tho advertisement. t Applications by Executors, Admimstraiorsand Guardians to the Court of Ordinary' for leave to cell Land, must be published FOUR MONTHS. 8alei of personal property (except negroes) of tiitats and intestate estates by Executors and Ad- Srators,mustbe advertised FORTY DAYS. Applications by Executors and Administrators, for Letters Dismissory mustbe published SIX MONTHS. „ , ,^ Application for foreclosure of Mortgages on rial eitate, must be advertised once a month for FOUR MONTHS. # . , Orders of the Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond of agreement) to make ti tle* to land, must be advertised Three Mouths at least. . , , SherifFs sales under executions regularly granted by the courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYS—Sales of perishable property under order of Court, must be advertised gener ally, TEN DAYS bofore the day of Sale. V All Letters directed to this Office or tho Editor, mustbe post paid to entitle them to atten tion. R oofing*—galvanises*i> tin PLATES.—The subscribers beg to call the attention of Builders, Architects and owners of Buildings, to the many advantages which these rust, having now been tested for several years in this particular, both in this country and in Eu rope. They are less liable to expansion and contraction from sudden change of tho atmos phere, than common tin plates, iron, zinc, or any other metal now used for roofing, and conse quently form a much better and tighter roof? re quiring far loss frequent repairs, whilst tho first coBt is but a trifle more. A Aill supply, of all sizes, fVom 16 to 30 W. G», constantly on hand, and for sale by GEO. R. MOREWOOD & CO. 14 & 16Beaver-st. New York. Tho patent right'for this article having been secured for the United States, all parties infring ing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be prosecuted. lyd&w novlO New-York find Savannah Lino of Steamers— Weekly—SnlllnQ every Wednesday. The new and superior Steam-ships TENNESSEE, Capt. John Collins, and CHEROKEE, Capt. Thomab Lyon, will, until further notice, leave Savannah* nnd New York every Wednesday, commencing with the 23th March. These swift Steamers are each of 1.250 tons burthen, built in the strongest and most approv ed manner, and are unequalled in all the needful qualities to give confidence os well us despatch to travellers. They have all the accommodations for passengers and freight requisite to entitle them to public patrouage. The Central Rail-Road will despatch on extra train from Macon Tuesday evening, to connect with these steamers on Wednesday, audfrora Sa vannah on their arrival if needed. Passage $25—payable in advance ; for which, or freight, apply to PADELFORD & FAY, Savannah, or SAM’L L. MITCHELL, mar 22 No. 194 Front-st. New York. WILLIAM B. HALE’S LADIES’ SHOE EXCHANGE. L ADIES’ Misses, Children’s and Infant s SHOES, of every style, shade and pattern it the NEW GRANITE STQRE, 163 Congress streect, Savannah, Geo., sign oi the Golden Hand. bet 1 R EFINED CASTOR OIL.—The Subscrib ers have just received a few cases of High ly Refined and Pure Castor Oil. This article being void of taste and smell is suitable for in- fonts, children and persons with delicate Sto machs. THOS. M. TURNER & CO, npr 25 181 Bay-atreot. D ECEIVED, per Steamer CHEROKEE, •IX SilkjTissues, French Muslins, French Cam bric*, Mourning Ginghams, Linen Ginghams, Linen Lustres, Linen Chatnbrays, Linen Borage, English Hose, Egyptian Nett Mitts, do. Gloves. 8ilk and Cotton Umbrellas, Parasols. For sale by ISAAC D. LaROCHE, ipr!6 Shad’s buildings. JH HATS AND CAPS.—D. A. AM BLER &CO. have on hand a full and com- S ite assortment of every possible variety of ATS AND CAPS. Wo flatter ourselves that * more fashionable, a larger or better selected stock ofthUkind of Goods has never been offered to the citizens of Savannah. It comprises Fine Beaver, Mole Skin, Silk, Plain Russia, Tamni- w, Ashland, Buena Vi6ta, Rough and Ready, •knchero, and Wool Hats of every description. One of tho partners residing jit the North, ona- hleiuito receive weekly supplies ofgoods. To Merchants and Plantors we ofier goods on ^favorable terms as can be had South or North, oct 17 149 CONGRESS STREET. PASSAGE BETWEEN Savannah and Philadelphia, By the Savannah and Charles ton Steamers and the STEAM-. SHIP COLUMBUS. By recent rrangements, Through Tickets will befurnished from Savannah to Philadelphia, by the Charles ton Daily Steamers and Steam-ship COLUM BUS, for Twenty Dollars. Freight will also be received in Philadelphia, for Savannah, at ten cents per cubic foot, for inensurement.goods, free of all charges in Charleston. The accommodation for Steerage Passengers having been very much increased, she can accom modate them comfortably, and Through Tickets from Savannah will bo furnished at $10. N. B.—The COLUMBUS will leave Charles ton on her next trip, Thursday Afternoon, June 14th,after the arrival of the Savannah Steamers, and continue to leave Charleston aud Philadel phia every alternutoThursday. BROOKS &TUPPER, Agents, Snvannah. jnne 4 Apothecary Store. T HE UN DERSIGNED having purchased the Stock In store, Bmet’s Building, coiner of Whitaker and Broughton streets, offers the same atwholesalo orretail. He is in the receipt of fresh medicines from the North, which lie will sell on as reasonable terms as any establishment iu tho city. L. J. MYERS, upr 18 Smet’s Building. T O CAPITALISTS.—The undersign ed, in addition to his business us Druggist, proposes to establish, in the City of Charleston or Savannah, a Distillery, for the purpose of manu facturing Alcohol (for Mcdicinul purposes only,) from the Sour Orange, -a fruit common in the States of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, which could bo delivered at either of the above named ports atatrifling expense. The process was lately discovered by him, and ro rapid in its operation that a barrel can be distilled in the short space of Ten to Fifteen Minutes This Alcohol has boen pronounced by medi cal gentlemen of Savannah, New York nnd Phila delphia. to be superior to any now in use for me dicinal purposes. Certificates from the first Phy sicians and Gentlemen of this City, New York and Philadelphia, can be seen at my store, to which I ask yoar attention. I would bo pleased to receive communications from any part oftho United States, which shall meet ray prompt attention. Address WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, JR. mar23, Druggist, Savannnh, Geo. BTFROM SAVANNAU TO MACOK.jg Paaienger Train, lonvo Savannah and Mncon. daily, at 7 A M. Do do arrive at Macon and Savann,It. daily,at.. - 7 P.M. Ticketa(Vom Savannah to Macon, Georgia $ 7 0(1 Do do J - • do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Atlanta, do Augusta, do . Columbus, do ........ Opelika, V. — ’’Jacksonville, Ala Talludegn, do Huntsville, do Decatur, do Tuscumbia do “Tuskuloosa, do ’’Columbus, Miss Aberdeen, do §1 10 00 6 50 15 00 17 00 20 (JO 22 00 22 50 IlollySpri Nashville, rings, do 28 00 Murpreesb’ Columbia, Momphis, EE=! 25 00 30 00 Stages for Tallahassee and intermediate plncea connect with the Road, at Macon, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ; nnd with Milledgeville daily. * To these places Tri-weekly without delay,—leaving Savannah on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. RATES OF FREIGHT FOR MERCHANDISE GENERALLY FROM SAVANNAH TO MACON. Measurement Goods.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets, Furniture, Shoes, Saddlery, Dry Goods, and other mensurementgoods, per Cubic foot, 13 cents. 10 Crockery-ware iu Crates, Boxes or Illids. per Cubic foot, Goods by Weight.—1st Class.—BoxesGlass, Paints, Drugs and Confectionary.per lOOlbs. 50 2d Class.—Sugar. Coffee, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Lord, Tobacco, Leather, Hides,*) Copper, Tin, Sheet aud Hoop Iron, Hard-ware, Rice,Boxes Soap and Con- 1 dies, Hollownre, Bagging, and other heavy articles not enumerated below, per 100 lbs _ 3d Class.—Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Pork, Beef, Fish, Tallow and Beeswax, per ]001b*...40 45 do -Millgenring, Pig and Bar Iron, Grind and Mill Stones, Nuils, Spikes and Coal, per 100 lbs - j u do do do 4th Class.—] and , Bnrrels Beets, Bread. Crackers, Potatoes, Fruit, Oysters, Onions,Ice, nnd other light burrels, each, )' Oil and Molusses per hhd (smaller casks in proportion,) $6 00 Salt per sack not exceeding 4 bushels, 50 cents. C. A. F. IRVINE, Agent of Transportation. Office of Central Rah. Road, Savannah, May 15,1849. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC KAIL HOAD. ATLANTA TO DALTON 100 MILES. PASSENGER TRAINS leave ATLANTA Daily (Sundays excepted,) at 1 o’clock, P. M., Arrive nt DALTON at 8 P. M; returning leave DALTON at 4 o’clock, A. M., nnd urrive at AT LANTA at 11 o’clock, A. M. Trains on the Memphis Branch Rail Rond, and Stages for Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn., and for Tuscumbia, Ala.,and Memphis, Tenn.. run in connexion with this Road. RATES OF TRANSPORTATION FOR MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY. FRO.M ATLANTA TO M a rie ttaj and Bolton. Kings to n.j Cass, Cnr-J tersville &■ Acworth. 1 >3 * c ? ■ OP — 63 ?v S3 ra -Z. ? C.7 ? CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. 1st Class.—Per Cubic foot.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets and Furniture,.. 2d Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Boxes nnd Bnlesof Dry Goads, Shoes, Sud- ? dlery, Glass, Paints, Oils. Drugs and Confectionery........ ) 3d Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Georgia Domestics, Sugar, Coffee, Liquor,') Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese,Tobacco, Leather, Feathers, l Hides, Cotton-yarns, Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron, Hollow- j ware, Crockery, Castings, Hurdwnre, Marble (dressed), &c.J 4th Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Flour,in sacks; Rice, Pork, Beef, Fish,Lard,') Tallow, Bacon, in casks, boxes or sacks : Boeswax, bales of 1 Rags, Ginsing, Fruit, Bar-Iron, Marble, undressed; Mill and j n 6 8, 10 30 40 10 1 20 25 5. 10 15 XM>UR MONTHS after date I shall np- X ply to the Honorable Inferior Court of Bulloch County, wlion sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell all the Real and Personal Estate of Mitchell Holloway,- late of said County, Deceased, for tho benefit of the Heirs and Credi tors of said deceased. may 26 WILLIAM IIOLLOWAY.Adin’r. JpiOUK MONTHS after date application W'll be made to the Honorable Court of Or dinary of Chatham County, for permission to sell four Negroes, viz : Sarah and her threechildren, Will, Delia and Susan, for the benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of the late Joshua Ralin. de ceased. ALEX. II. RA1IN, Exe’r. mar 19 F OUR MONTHS after dute, application will be mnde to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Bulloch county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell the real nnd per sonal estnto of John Hendrix, deceased, late of said county. JEMIMAH HENDRIX, feb 15 Administratrix. ■piXECUTOR’S NOTICE.—All per- JLA sons having demands against the estate of Dr. JAMES TROUP, of McIntosh county, de ceased, are requested to present them properly attested; nnd those indebted to the estate are re quired to make payment to J. HAMILTON COUPER, D. II. B, TROUP. Darien, 15th May, 1849. Qualified Ex’ors. may 17 jpiOUK MONTHS after date, application be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Ware county, when sitting for ordinary 06es, for leave to sell the Lands belonging r ill.nm IT llill... kftun.. to William H. Miller. Minor, feb 24 THOMAS HILLIARD. Guardian. F OUR MONTHS after dute, upplicution will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes for leave to sell a tract of two hun dred and seventy-three acres of land (more or less) lying in the County of Burke, originally granted to Willis Ilurst, being part of the real estate of Andrew Mclntirej lute of Chatham comity deceased, for the benefit of hi? heirs and creditors. JOHN MURCHISON, may 1 Surv’g Ex’or. 17<OUR MONTHS after date, application X will he made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Effingham county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell (3) three tracts of land in said county, containing in the aggregate (390) three hundred nnd ninety acres. Said land be longing to the estate of Israel Weitman, late ol said comity deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate, opr 3 E. G. WEITMAN, Ad’r. TV] OTICE. —All persons having demnnds ±1 ogainst Isaac Slayton, late of Camden coun ty, deceased, nro hereby notified lo present them, properly attested, to me within the time prescribed by law. And all persons indebted to said decea sed, nro hereby required to muke immediate pay ment. 1IENRY R. FORT, AdmV. may 11 p EORGIA—Cliatliuin County.— \JF To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, Transportation Office, W. Sf A.R. R., Atlanta, April 14th, 1849. E. R. MILLS, Supt. Transportation. npr 19 BUSINESS CARDS. M. CARE V’ S Fasiiioxari.e Tailoring Emporium, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Corner of Whitalier and Rroughtan-Strects, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. N. B. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Gpods, which will be made to order at tho shortest notico, and warranted to fit. jan 27 ly— REOPENED. E. WITHINOTON’S LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, GAUDRY'S BUILDING ON THE 1IAY. ESPTickcts and Shares for salo in J. W. Mau- rt & Co.’s popular Lotteries. UucurrentBank Notes bought. jan 1 NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. John Mallory, Draper and Ta ilor, At the old stand on the Bay adjoining the City Hotel, I S NOW oponng an entire Stock of NEW GOODS in his line, consisting of Cloths, Cassimors and Vestings, and a general assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, aud furnishing articles, all of the latest style and best materials; which he offers at prices far below anything over before offered in this market. He is prepared, also, to muke to order all kinds of Gentlemen’s apparel, in tho most approved 6tylo, having secured the assistance of Mr. MOTT, from Now York, of many years expe rience, and much celebrity as a Cutter. He feels confident of being able to please those who favor him with their orders. Those accustomed to sending North for their Clothing aro invited to call and examine his goods and prices previous to doing so; ns he feels assured ho can fur nish thorn on as good terms as they can get them abroad. — oct 13 WATCHES AND JEWEL RY.—The subscriber wishes to call the attention of his customers to a choicoos *ortmontoffine Watches, just received by recent wnvali, consisting of Gold Hunting CoseLcvors, bold Double Dfottora Levora, Gold imitation Dou- °l«Ctie Levers, Gold Anchor Escapement Lo Jw*, Silver Hunting Case Levers, Silver Double Bottom Levers, Silver Anchor Escapement Lo 7eri, Silver Lopine and Vertical Escapement. AUo,fine Gold Fob Chains, Vest Chains, Curb JjSfW Chains, Keys and Chain Rings, all of which ****}}* sold as low as in any city in.the Union. All kinds of Watches Repaired and warranted • D; B. NICHOLS, ■° et * First corner west of Pulaski Hopse. j. Hamilton & symons have received per Hartford and Savannah: A NG8. selected with, the greatest care, and of the “Wtioported in this country.. We are nowpre- to manufacture at the shortest notice, and in “»oe*t manner, any garment in our line, for cash w *PproTed credit, .... 17 WHITAKER STREET, Ml “ — Savannah, Ga. To the Inbabtlanta of Mavnnnab. In conformity with a Resolution recently pass ed by the Board of Health, I would call your re membrance to ftie good state of Health enjoyed by our Fellow-Citizens for years past, nnd to urgeuponyou tho necessity, if you desire u con tinuance of that blossing^ during the approaching season, to. keop under thpso local causes by a prompt removal of all nnimal and vegetable de- composition, beyond the corporal limits of Sa vannah. Cleanliness is an indispensible ingre dient of heqlth. It QUghtto be observed by all, otherwise you invite disease, and. the consequen ces that necessarily follow in its train. We, your Board of Health, earnestly entreat you to white wash your 1 Fences, Cellars, Out-houses; and freely use the (Sulphate Ferri) Copperas in pro portion of two pounds to three gallons oT water, in your sinks and oiher places emiting unpleas ant effluvia. For the belter advancement ol health, we would suggest that each citizen adopt a feeling that be ’ also is a member of this Board, by giving his attention to the cleanliness of his ROBERT D. WALKER, MARBLE 5f STONE MANUFACTURER, BROUQHTON-ST., BETVEKN WHITAKF.R ^BARNARD. SAFJNNAlf, GEORGIA. Grave Stones, ol’Italiun and Domestic Marble; Marble Mantle Pieces, and Berlin Grates; Free Stone for Buildings. Ornamental Iron Railings. &c. &c., furnished to order. Jy— oct 28 JOHN POOLE, HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP PAINTER, GILDER, GRAINER AND RLAZIER. All kinds of Mixed Paints,Glass and Putty, Pnper Hanging, Fire-Board Prints, &c. For Sale at No. .11 Whitaker St. near the Bay, Savannah, Georgia. oct24 ly— John P. Onvan & Co., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MKIICIIANTS, And Forwnrdlnu Agents, Macon, Git. Mncon, July 20,1847 ly july 23 A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER, Will tako contracts for Building nnd work in Masonry of every description. Residence East side of Pulaski Square. — jan 8 L iquid adhesive plaster, or col- l< .ODIAN—a now and elegant substitute for Plaster cloths, Sutures, Bandages, &c.—This article has been found by all surgeons who have tested it,far superior nndmoro convenient than former means of dressing incised wonnos. For burns, sore Nipples, aud eruptive diseases, it has proved, extremely officacions. It is also much preferable to court plaster und gold beater’s skin. It is not acted upon by water, and adheres with almost incredible tenacity to the skin, keep ing the edges of tho wound closoly together, nnd causing it to heal with hardly a perceptible scar. A history of the article, together 'with commu nications highly coinmendniory of its vnluo from Dr. J. Mason Warren of Boston, Erasmus Wil son, F. R. S. London, and other surgeons, will be found accompanying it. A supply of the above received by A. A. SOLOMONS, Market 8quare. T HE WIFE’S FRIEND,—//npor/aut to those about to become Mothers.—Professor ALEXIS V. PAULITAN, of the Paris Lying-in Hospital, member of tho Medical Acadoiny of France, Corresponding Secretary of the Paris Pharmaceutical College, respectfully begs leavo to announce to the Ladies of America, that lie has appointed Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropenhurty, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicine, known in Franco as The ’Wife’s Friend, or Mother’s Assistant the most extraordinary medical discovery the world has ever seon. Its province is to Lessen the Puins of Child-Birth, and promote a safe, easy, and speedy delivery, which it does by assisting nature. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, pleasant to the taste, nnd nevor fuilsto promote un easy and safe delivery, and improves the gen eral health of both mother nnd child. 11 has beeu tested for years in all the principal Lying-In Hos pitals of Europe, and receives the sanction of nearly nil the‘prominent Colleges and Medical men of the old world, It is thegreateetmediciue in the world ; as all will admit that a medicine must he that will lessen the terrible pains usually nttendanton childbirth. There is no mistake a- bout thi$ medicine doing nil that is said ofi It never fails. It is iu the form of a fino. light powder, to ho made into a drink, nnd used for a few weeks previous to the oxpectod event, nnd its price is so low ns to bring it within the reach of all. Surely no hu mane husband will suffer his wife to endure pain, when it can be so easily and cheaply avoided. For the small sum of only $1,00. sent post paid to DR. JEROMF. Y. C. _ k .. „ . „ _ ROPENHURTY, New York Post Office, n package will be sent by return mail, it being so light that it can be sent anywhere by mail, at a very trifling cost. STNo unpaid letters taken from the office. To prevent imposition. theU. S. Agent, Dr. Ropenhurty will write his name in full on the outside label of each package. No other genuine. Remember this. Chios mar 10 Robert II. Griffin. E6q. will apply to the Honor able the Inferior Court of said county, when sit ting for Ordinary purposes, for letters of admin istration on the estuteand effects ofGeorge Orins- by, late of said county, deceased: Those are therefore to cito nnd admonish nil und singular the kindred und creditors of said de censed, to file thoir objections (if any they havo) to the npplicnnt, in the clerk’s office of said court, on or before the 22d day of June next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witness tho Hon. Elias Reed, one of the Jus tices ofsoid Court, this 22d day of May, 1849. may23 SEABORN GOODALL. c.c.o. c.c. XpOUR MONTHS lifter date application X will be made lo the Inferior .Court of Cam den county, when sitting for ordinary pnrposes, for leave to sell the following property belong- ing to the estate of JOHN T. RUDULPH. for the benefit of the heirs nnd creditors, viz: Wharf Lot and Stores, and one Dwelling House and Let, oud the following negro slaves, viz : Abra ham, George, Dublin, Lucy. Philnminh and Bell- ar- EilllLY RUDULPH. St. Marys, May 29. 1849. jutie 5 ^ZJEORGIA.—McIntosh County.— VJ To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, William I. King, Administrator on the estate of Thomas K. Gould, late of said county, deceased, hath applied to tho Ilonorablo the Court of Or dinary of said county, for. letters dismissory on said estnto. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to file thoir objections (if any they have) to the applicant’s dischurge in the Clerk’s office oftho said Court, within tho time prescrib ed by law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness the Honorable Alexander Wylcy, one of the Jnstices of said Court, this 23d day of May, A. D. one thousaud eight hundred nnd forty-nine. jtineD E. M. BLOUNT, c. c. o. m’i. c. GEORGIA. — Liber y Comity. — A Whereas, John A. Hendry nnd L. B. Hen dry.applies to the Court ofOrdinnry ofthis Coun- *rr * ly, for letters of administration on the goods and chattels, rights and credits of William H. Hendry, late of said county, deceased. Now, these nre to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in myr office, within the time prescribed by law, or said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Edward Q. Andrews, one of the Justices of said Court, this 26th May, 1849. J. S.BRAI)WELL,c.c. o. l. c. j uno 7 1YTOTTCE.—All j lersons indebted tolhee t II perse late ol ISRAEL WEITMAN, late of Effing- hnin County, deceased, aro requested to mnko payment: And all persons having demnnds u- gamst said estnto are hereby notified to present them within the time proscribed by law. may 29 » E. G. WEITMAN, Adm’r. ■pXECUTOR’9 NOTICE.—All per- JLisoris indebted to the estate of ARCHIBALD CLARK, late ofCamden county, Georgia, de ceased, aro requested to make payhicnl: And nil persons having claims against the same, nre call ed upon to present their nccounts properly at tested. HENRY E. W. CLARK, Qualified Ex’r. St. Marys, Geo. June]. jnne4 PUBLIC SALES. M CINTOSH SHERIFF’S SALE. —Will he sold, on tlic first Tuesday in July next, in front of the Court House, in the City of Darien, McIntosh County, between the legal hours of sale, Mrs. Elizabeth Mnrchment’s right, title and interest, in nnd unto (snid interest being only for her life time) tho following Negro Slaves, to wit: Dianah, Jane and Lucy, and her infant Child. Levied on to satisfya^. fa., issued from McIntosh Superior Court, in favor of Theodore P. Ponser.v. Elizabeth Mnrch- meut and William J. Caution. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. C. O’NEAL, may 31 Dcp’ty Sheriff m’c. c. ^lUARDLAN’S SALE.—WILL BE SOLD G 1 EORGIA.—Chatham County.— F To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, Janies Eppinger, surviving Executor of John Eppingcr, late of snid county, deceased, hath ap plied to the Hon. the Inferior Court of said Comity, aitting for Ordinary purposes, for a ci tation to issuc'and he published according to law for Letters Dismissory. These nre therefore to cite and admonish, all concerned to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicantintlie Clerk’sOllice ofsaid Court, on or before the sixth day of September next; otherwise Letters Dismissory willbo grnnt- cd. Witness, tho Hon. W. Thorne Williams, one ihoJusticeH of the eaid Court, this Cth day oi March, A.D., eighteen hundred nnd forty-nine, mar 6 SEABORN GOODALL, c.c.o.c.c. G eorgia.--ciisitiinm county.— To nil to whom it may concern.—Whereas J agreeable to an order from the Honorable Inferior Court of Ware county, while Hitting os a Court ofOrdinnry, boforothe Court House door in the town of Wnreshoro’, Wnro County, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the usual bourn of sale : Lot of Lnud No. 193, in the 8lh District of originally Appling, now Wnro comity, containing 490 ncrcs, more or less. Sold for the benefit of William II. Miller, minor. THOMAS HILLIARD, Guardian. junc 25 MAGNETIC MACHINES. ’ This beautiful and scientific instrument com bines important advantages overall other invon tinns of the kind, and hns been utiivcrenllyadopt ed by the Mf.dical Profession, os being the moHt perfect and effectual Magnetic Machine that has over beon invented. It is entirely simple in its construction, and therefore not liable to get out of order, or become deranged in nny manner. It ndinits of tho most perfect control, nud onn be oraduatkd to any power—adapted foran infant, or sullicient for thp strongest ndult—at the plea sure of the operator. Tints, in n neat nnd port able compass, an nmplo nnd unfiiillng supplyo the life-giving influence of Electro-Magnetism may bo instantly obtained. The magnetic power is imparted in a continuous manner, nnd with nouuplensniit Hensation to tho most delicate pa- tient.£lt requires no assistant in its use. and is in every respect entirely harmless. The whole ma chine is so simple nnd perfect, tliat itcnn be used aud understood by a child. Dr. Morchead's Magnetic Machines are used with positive nnd permanent auccess in- all cases of Rheumatism, ncute or chronic, ap plying to the head, fuce or limbs. Gout, Tic-Do- lorenx, Nervous nnd Sick Headache, Purulysis or Palsy, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis. Palpitation of the Heart, Spinal and Hip Complaints, Stiffness of the Joints, Lumba go. Neuralgia, Nervous Tremors, General De bility or Exhaustion, Deficiency of Nervous and Physical F.nergy, und all Nervous Disorders or Complaints arising Iroui a deranged state of the Nervous System. \s a preventative for Apoplexy the Machine is confidently recommended, nnd ii^ the most cofirmcd cases of Scrofula, Dropsj', Erysipelas, Denfness, Ciirvuture of the Spine, und ail similar complaints, its effects nre equally successful. Encli Machine is conveniently arranged with the Battery and all necessnry appliances, put up in neat walnut cases. Accompanying each is a new Manual, containing full and simple direc tions fur its use nnd application in tho various diseases in which it is recommended. Every family should possess one of tlffese beau* tifnl instruments. It will always he found a val uable companion, nnd very often the best physi cian in the time of need. Price of the Machines complete, TWELVE DOLLARS each. A liberal discount mode *o Wholesale Purchasers. Tho Mnchii'es can he safely sent to any part ol the world,’nud each In strument is warranted. Manufucutur''d and sold, wholesale nnd retail, by D.C.MOREHEAD. M.D., 182 Broadway, New York. C ITY MARSHAL’S SALE.-Wil! be sold in front of the Court House, in the City of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in July noxt, the following property, to wit: Lot and Improvements on the North corner of Pine nnd West Broad streets. Levied on ns the properly of R. M. Goodwin, trustee of Mrs. Scarborough, for City Taxes for the years 1845, 1840.1847,1848 and 1849. Also. North half of Lo t No. 31 and Improve- incnt«, Yninneruw. Levied on ns the property ofM. Volloltonand Children, for City Taxes for 1847 nnd 1848. Also, PnrtofGnrden Lot and Improvements, No. 9, West. (Tho N. West corner.) Levied on aa the i ronerly of Hetty Arnold and Thomas W. King, for City Tuxes for 1847,1848 und J849. Also, Letter R nnd Improvements, corner of Harrison nnd St. Gall streets. Levied on ns the property of Henry Diitmors, for City Taxes for J04G, 1847, 1848 und 1849. Also, Eastern half of Lot No. 8, Ynmacraw Doctor Richard Wayne, Executor of tho last Will and Testament of Miss Elizabeth Wilkins, deceased, hath applied to the Honorable the In ferior Courtof said county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for n citation to issue and lie pub lished according to law, for letters dismissory. These aro therefore to cite and ndmonishnll concerned, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant in the Clerk’s office, ofsaid Court, on or before the eighth day of November next, otherwise letters dismissory willbcgranted Witness tho lion. Anthony Porter, one of the Justices of said Court, this 8th day of May, A ' D ’ “seaborn GOODALL, c.c.o.c. c. 1 SAEES.-T„c Levied on as the property of Putrick Kelly, for City Taxes, for 1848 ana 18-19. Also, Iinprovemenison the Sonlh-enst of quar ter Lot No. 3G. Green Wnrd. Levied on ns the property of Mrs. Naomi Jones, for City Taxes lor 1845, 1847 nnd 1848. jtiuo 1 DANIEL H. STEWART, c. m. may 8 ^yHITE LE AD.—500 Jiegs^pure Nos. ^JXchoicoassortment of French. English apd premises, and those around him. tvKf m ? L0THS * c ASSIMERS AND VEST- r Tho Board of Health expects their Fellow- i wlectad with, the jrreatest care, andof tile * *** AN EARNEST A4P PEAL.—Those who have -never (UwaT 7 c,Hed ? n U8 NEGRO BRO- have something ye* to learn, ;▼&; That Ii!. 11 asnuffl Shoe Store ip this city, wUba .took of NEW GOODS : in it, md that we ■/much wi.h to ieemoro new faces. Wo ore hours from half postB in the morn- it if.ii*5 “V ln tho evening, end those who coll on Tk *i nt * us in,a hnmorto sell gpods; . f •w* Cotton Planters in this vicinity hnoir us, end we wish them to look at THICK BROGANS this year, that they 7 scow Whore to find the goods thoy wont * l^ houcs, Wo ora now supplied With th* W0 «' , er sdwy and‘> we <would res' At 163 Congress St South elde of GloVesan ^ Market Sqnare. *P* 10 Citizens will afford them aid in their weekly vis its, to enable them to effect strict examinations and.faithful rpports. Your Board of Health requests thatyou make known through the medium of its Chairman, Ward-Committees, City Marshal, or by letter through the Post Office, of any nuisance or de posit that may be calculated to produce disease. The duty assigned to ns' is an arduous one. If tfe meet with a cordial and approving support, then shall we feel that our labors have not been without effect. n w - •' SOLOMON SHEFTALL, • i v * -v—' 'Chairman'Board of Health; ’ Savrinnah, May 30, 1849. *« ? > M ' TTlATS l ~ NEW FASH- R IONS FOR SPRING.' 1849. — The ,nb ncriben have received'thc Spring atyle of Hall from the manufactory of hfesm. W. H. Beebe & Co., Broadway, Now-York, which they offer for .nle on Saturday next, March 3d, kt New York prico.i. ‘ , ; D. A- AMBLER & CO. fiS ™ _ _ 141) Congrew-et. ! weaver «w7ood'we wonldre.- » ■-V. - it.”.. M«Congro^.L ; <« tho« who hove Shoe. t. buy, pER TENNESSEE.—BlackondwhUe 7«w BMMfM. 'in-ih '•••).! • -.'is It . JL Loco Capes .Linen Cambric Hdkf.; • WILLIAM B. HALE, 1 Thread. ami l/iip» Edging.; Egyptian.Nett For eale by MAR8HTALL & AIKIN. and 2 White Lead, in 25,50, 100,200 and GOOlb. kegs; 50 kegs Venctinn Red, Spanish Brown and Ye|Iow Ocnre; 200 lbs. Chrome and Paris Green, ground in oil. Received nnd for sale by DENSLOVV & WEBSTER. mnr3 TUST RECEIVED.—10 baskets best refined Salad Oil; 3 cases fresh Prunes; a lot offresh Teas ; French Sweet Chocolnto ; fresh Maccaroni; do Vermicelli'; a lot offresh G.nava Jelly, and many other articles too numerous to mention. For sale by apr26 J. ROUSSEAU. PIANO FORTES-Made by Chickerlng, Nnnn’s, and Fisch er, and Gale & Co. The subscri ber offers for sale nlargo assortment of7,6|, G£ and 6 octave Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, from thavbove makers. These^Instruments are unsurpassed by any made in this country for pu rity and fullness of tone, and elegance of work manshipfigom® of them gre furnished with the complete Iron Frame, which strengthens the case inti .prevents the liability of getting < out of tone; itbers have the ordinary metalie plate, and cap themamriac ‘^“us of ob others havh be offend for prices. -TI offered syithput any afvatice froi tnrer’s prices, VlPWflw* W- @BgsaN» V jan 31 1 - I. W. MORRELL leramex ie before , HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, «fec. &c.—A large assortment of Ladies . and Mis es white, black and col’il Cotton Hose ; black and cold Silk and Raw Silk Hose; Men’s and Boys’ white, brown and col’d Cotton hall Hoso: Gauze, Cotton nnd Morino Under- Vests ; Lads’ and Gent’s Cotton and Silk Uiq- brcllns. Just received nnd for sale by marl MARSHALL & AIKIN. W YOUNG LADIES AND Mb MISSES will find us supplied with ^L-^g^^aome very pretty black nnd bronze Gaiter Bootees, Nos. I and 2; also, ll’s,12’snnd nnd I3’s, and Ladies of all ages aro very apt to find themselves suited before leaving our Store, at 163 Congress street. nov 3 WILLIAM B. HALE. rjlRULY MAGICAL.—A great Paper’s X opinion.—M’Mackin’s Philacf Mackin’s Philadelphia Model Courier comes outand declares to its 70.000 sub scribers, and nearly one million readers, that Doctor Wiley’s Celebrated Cough Candy is truly im excellent article. Rend what it says: “A Valuable Article.— Those suffering from colds, will do well to procure a supply of Dr. Wiley’s Cough Candy, prepared only by Geo. W. ChildS'& Co. We have hnda fuir opportu nity oftesting the virtues of the candy in our own family, and. unsolicited, except by them, we give our experience.' It is very pleasant to the taste, without nausea in its effects, and almost magical in its operations upon the affection.” The above, from such a source, we think it enough to convince the most skeptical. We would adyi?e all wbp orp jn tjie least trou bled with a cough, cold, or any disoase arising from those complaints, to’be suro that they pur chase a package of DR. WILEY’S CELEBRA TED COUGH CANDY, and we will guaranteo them a perfect .care. Price 12£, 25, 50 cents, nnd $1 per package. Be sure to ask for Dr. Wi ley’s Cough Candy, nnd take -none other,’if of fered to you. Geo. W. Childs & Co. Sole Proprietors, No. 320 Mnrkef-st. Phila’a. A. A. SOLOMONS, Agf. Markel*sq. feb 3 . Sole agent for Savannah. • ■ I •V-' lllllll .VIIl, G EORGIA.—Cliatliam County.—! I will proceei To all whom it mav concern.—Whereas, I d n v iu July r* t- id i i o f. J «i*4 i . • r following Lots having reverted to the City, ---- -- • _ —— f UUf til „ J III.-., Ml l.l/|,fe III I,IV VIIUII E. F. Wood ami Susan Wood. Guardians ofAl-1 between the usual hours of sale, under the su znda S.. Laura A. and E. J. C. Wood, have ap plied to tho Honorable the Inferior Court ofsaid county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for a citation to issue and be published according to lnw,. for letters dismissory. These nre therefore to cite nnd admonish, all concerned tofile their objections (if any they have) to the applicants, in the Clerk’s office of suit! court, on or before tho eighteenth day of June next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness, the Honorable R. T. Gibson, one of the Justices of said court, this 8th day of May, A. D., 1849. may 8 SEABORN GOODALL, c. c.o. c.c. Q.EORGIA.- Camden County.- To all whom it may concern.—Wherens, George Lang. Executor ofthc estate of Wiu. T. Ashley, has applied to the lion, the Court of Or dinary for letters of dismissory from the said es tate. 7 These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred, and creditors of said T. Ashley, to file their objections to tho granting ofsaid letters dismissory. within the terms pro scribed bylaw, in the clerk’s office of the Court of Ordinary, otherwise letters as prayed for will be granted. Witness the Hon. Tho. If. Dunham, a Justice of said Court of Ordinary, this 5th March, A. D. 1849. HENRY R. FORT, c. c. o. c. a. mar .9 pcrintcndence oftho Committee on Public Sules and City Lots: Columbia Ward, Lots No- 7.11. 33. Crawford Ward, Lots No. 43, 12,13. Elbert Ward, Lot No. 20. Frankliu Wnrd, Lots No. 4, 31. Green Wnrd, Lots No. (5, 27. Jackson Ward. Lots No. 16.40. Warren Ward, Lots No. 1.12. Pulaski Ward, Lots No. 10, J7. Washington Ward, Lot No. 31. jnne 2 DANIEL II. STEWART, c. m. Important and Valuable Testimony. FROM DR. IIOLLICK, The celebrated Author, Lecturer, and Practi tioner. Nf.w York, Oct. 18th, 1848. Dear Sir:—In compliance with your request, to “state candidly my opinion of your Gradua ted Magnetic Muchlne, it affords me pleasure to soy, that I highly approve of their simplicity and convenience, and that nfter numerous trials of those manufactured by others, I have been induc ed to adopt yours in my practice, and to recom mend them to those who consult me on the sub jeet. I find your machines to b£ perfect in. ma ny little matters iu which others are deficient, und I have to commend the ingenuity which you exhibit in the arrangement of the instrument, which renders ir very portable, and at the same time exceedingly powerful. I should also state that I hnvo never round thclenst trouble In keep* ing your instruments in perfect order, and tho simplicity of their construction in such, thet I should suppose no person would find nny diffi culty in this re*pect. This is not the ease with other instruments, many of which are complex iti tlieir construction, and therefore liable Jo derange ment. In u few words, I considartho general cx cellence of your Magnetic Machine tvorthy of coinmendution, nud believing that they are of high remedial value, not only with Medical Pr«c- tioners, hut In the hands of any intelligent pei;*| son, you ure free to use m.vjname and Tufliiencd, if it can he of service. It may not ho nmissto mention that I regard the Magnetic Machine ns peculiarly beneficial In the prevalent class of diseaso called Nervous Complaints, nnd that I hnve recommended yhur instrument in severe nnd protracted cases of Dys-- pepsia,Convulsions or Fits, nnd denfness, (which is nearly always of nc:vous character,) with tu* Tine SUCCESS. I am, donr sir, very respectfullyyours, FREDERICK IIOLLICK, M. D. To Dr. D. C Morehead, 182 Broadway, N. V. FROM DR. CHARLES A. LEE. Editor of the New York Journal of Medicine, Professor of Materia Medicine in Geneva Col- lege, &c. D. C., M. D. Dear Sin: I luivo employed your Improved Graduated Magnetic Machines, for the lust year to offer for salo on the firtt Ttics- in my practice, and have found them superior to next, in front of tho Court Hou^e, — 1u: - 1 * 1 1 - • ! ~ any with which I have heretofore been acquain ted. They appear to uie to combine nil the ad vantages desired in such an instrument, mid I accordingly cheerfully recommend them to tho profession. CHARLES A. LEE, M. D. Professor ofMatcriu Mcdica in Geneva College. . . 5. LOCK M AN UF ACTOBY.-C s Sperry, No. 136 Pearl Street, New York. Has on hand an oxtensivo assortment of Clocks ofhis own manufacture, adapted to the Foreign and Domestic trade, nt astonishingly low prices. Also, a large assortment of Buttons, Combs, nnd Fancy Goods. 1v— oct 23 JpUKIFY THE BLOOD.—Tho vir p EORGIA. — Bulloch County.— VJ To oil to whom it may concern.—Whereas „ ANT. PERFUMERY.* .. J gwfcrid assortment of Lnbin’s Extracts for the Handkerchief; a variety of French, English, and American Perfumery; Toilet and 8having Soaps; Antique Oils, Pmntmmg &o.^nitjreceiv- fi ilc If A ‘ °v Thomas Knight, Sen. applies to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of said county, for letters of Administration on the estate of James Mikell, Sen., lute of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said de ceased, to be and appenr at my office, in terms of the law,, and show,causa, (if any they have,) why letters of Administration should no^ be granted the said applicant. WitaesB the Honorable Peter Cone, one of the Justices of the said court, this 15th day of May, A; D.71849. may 26 , DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. i jg ACON L -r-I.nnding,< 20 hhds Sides Bucor, D^ ^0J;hds;$Jioulders.Bacon. u Jp*:M|e by^ ^ WMO-.UBl. MUVVU* ■ ^ “ may 24 WOOD, CLAGflORN & ( HAVING):CBEAIW—W«>v.» few SiWHi plythMO w.’cam’-on Sanfi.. Thoaede.ironiollaxunating In VComfortable and eUf SH»;o.had batter fcp- ply them ..l... at ana. with.- •Mde'Ofithiattnrfc ’ ?t THOMASit.TukSiE*^ib. ’*'* HOT 8 161 Bat&bet. tties ofSarsaporilln nro ton well known to every one to need any praise dr puffing. Thut it will purify the blood and thereby nrnke the liumnn system less liable to.disense, has been set tled beyond a doubt, by the most learned and eminent Physicians in the world. Tiiohas M. Turner & Co’s Compound Syr up of Sarsaparilla is a delightful and healthful drink for summer. It has beeu used extensively in Florida, and throughout the upper part of Georgia, for several years, and has never failed in giving entire satisfaction. A number of fam ilies in this city can testify that it is the most pal- itable Sarsaparilla now made. We do not pre tend to its being a cure nil, but do confidently re- FROM HORACE GREELEY, ESQ., Ediior of the New York Tribune. We recently heard of n easu where h mdlhcr. ond newly born infant given upas dead, wero rcsiored almost instantly by tho iifc of the Grnd- . uated Magnetic Machine. These instruments aro mnde by Dr. Moreheah of this city, and we learn that tneir use ia rapidly extending among intelligent Practitioners. . They nre exceedingly elegant mid convenient in their construction, nnd we believe equally excellent and efficient in their use. commend it to the public ns a pleasant and health ful drink. Prepared nnd sold on! .... joldonlyby « THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. may ID_ J81 Bsy street. RICH JEWELRY — Em bracing fine Diamond Pins and Rings; Gold nnd Turquoisand other settings of Bur Riugt, Bracelets, Pins attd Ornaments; fine Guard. Vest, Fob and Neck Chains; Wais Buckles, Gold Pens and Pencils, nud every va riety of .New , and. Elegant Jewelry; togethe with a large asso^tmept o^Silver Ware, anchis Tea Sets,’ Pitchers, Mngfc, Fish and P/e Knives Forks, Bpdtofl*? Card‘Cashs; Plated and Fancy Wares, (a peal assort* irtfJFin*«»d Extm 4a.' G<|1<J am) Silva. .Watches.- Mantel .Clocks: and SiliMigl* r. D. B. NICHOLS, ’ Firat dcmrWert uf Palaxli Hoaxe. N.B. Competent Workman the i Jewelry, and dee 20 Repair! of Watehee, Clocks and warreptad. CV" Price of tho Machines, TWELVE DDL* LAJiS each, complete in every respect, end warranted. Forsalo nt proprietors prices by ' A. A. SOLOMONS, Agent, feb 3 —3m.c Market Sqnare. '■■-I From the New Orleans Commercial Times. Is it too much lo say that every family, hotel, boarding-house, every ship nnd steamer which leaves our ports, nnd every physician nnd per son needing benefit or desiring to do good, should possess nt least ono of Dr. MonKHKAD’s Mngnctic Machines 1 In nil Nervous Diseases we know them to be invaluablo. Congress and 88 St. Julian Street.—WILLI A"* M. DAVID80N'would infbrm his friends,'timt he continues to keep on hand at hfi 'old ateiidi West Bide of the Market, a large assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AN£ L GR& CfiRlES, all of which he offers on the best pos sible terms. He is also constantly supplied with tho beBt ALBANY ALE hhd NEWARK OI- DER, to whicli he respectfttlly Invites tHe often- tion of the public — 0 ct3 14- |^.ljNS!~OTINSl..E».WARD LOVElt,v V Monuftclurer and Importer of. every de scription of Double oud Single barrejedGunaeod > If-" " "feter. Pocketamfjli,.; Rifles, D ibafrqkj$: 1 ■n ircu.eiOD Cape, Towder, Shot, L^d,: fliele in the Sporutnon’alihe, fores!, sign of the Indian. — aug 2 '