The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, July 03, 1849, Image 1

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r fm f , 'mg**? unit i v'mT&ki-'iy oi n \ vf.l tr -“| I r J.’Im; J-1'lWii '*.’1 / Ovt*. 1 # 0... •j *\{> ' (»i>>u,n jpiimrit i.;V‘ .'ViV'y ijV-jj. ii-» j'lli.r, L ’.s»it. «liU»r*«qqm * .. ■, »'•••<} <!.*•»A* " tVtlT ,\»VHS <J»v.-:i <t* •>'(;; . alhnal'i /»dl , *? .•,H -1 V<«s»lii!j iv i 1 r • > vf. lit U\ i :k!) ’in') 118 1-mS ’> , n i>t li-.i »M'. nql.v :«: ;rvirt; LOn Al-;/v 'iii i O') 'itr. 1 e.’f} Iftfii 4iti-iur nJ JR*§< v;i ' • ; • - .. ii; ||*>i.y^ v. •.. i? jv!j .hhtirM-- y*i>* fu\ j. .•: !..' fopo.iui: I: .. * matIV/ fijfcj. I;,;/. TW ' .v^ - -."T*■ '.‘.VT''' **V‘ •:'tr-‘ v ' ' ■•-• • i ■ .: ;'fo (m-U .miH' ami- • 71,! 1 sfi' irAihtirn M ,1.1m! Jg^^WtCie' .v:: ?. : I *' li f . ' . 'H -■■■ • " ■ tW ‘ erawi^cst.-taajjsriiHl ; •• *’ >.■:•,* : r -<u*iU)&f. ¥'« " .»• ' '• “ * .» •• t ' <■;> l - y ’ ‘ ■ ^ '! : fn« 1 ' ' ‘ ' J _'- ' ■ x)i? '' 1' VOt.HM ••'' >■ * --y V mr*»v •:>W \ ) V> <i! ny ■' •j>. !{;riiMV/ SaVa^NAII, TlTEsittt MOBIHlia, IU1S ». MM> • j. l jielfcd ?? NO. I T/rn ’■ ,■5 VtES&SLW ll rOBUlBSO Ilf THE •■:• O' , • w CITY OP SAVANNAH', t iCKSONt PCWCK k SIBLEY, MSKSy DOLLMS PIER ANXVM, j 1’ 'ipn ** “ ■— A IJM-uyU « *DVAKC1, XT 8IX DOLLARS JOR SIX MONTHS TUB TBMYBBia-T OEOIUlIAN, TOR TUR CODHTRY, . ..hiufisd to moot tho arrangement of tha ^to e t mo- a woek, (Tu0Btlay, Thuriday SaSwi) »> *• Oflicoof tlia Daily Mr ltd 3»™^ ul v". _n iL. ! n <«l !»nnna /^nntmiT IPI.— L . MiTooutaW aTtho intelligonce. Co'mmif EJ 'Politioal and Miacelloneouii including new ff-Semout. publtahed m theDeily Paper. A ■ THIS PAPER It nut n> all narta of the State and Union, ■ J in £ city, at FIVE DOLLARS w' d,| i"i^ J j“jft>H&E DOLLARS for aiz f annum, or t toutin’ _ ipnE WEEKLY GEORGIAN* Ti published every Friday afternoon, at thrxz ySE! per annum—aUpayablo in advance. N B-Each Citation by the Clerka of tho Couita of Ordinary, that apphoation haa been mado for Lettera of AdnnmatraUon, inuat be pnb- ■»tgffS , £SfiJrS Adminllttato'ri for Dshtors and Creditorato rendenn their acconnta, “sales of]Negroea'by Executora or Adminiatra- Jlinat be at nnblm auction, on the firat Tues- i,, ofthe month, between theuanal houra of aale, nthe place of public ealeainthe county, where Sa Lenen Teatamentary, of Adminiatration. or Guardianship, may liavobeengrantod.Gratgiving iiitt days notice thereof in one ofthe public Sea of thia State, and at the door ofthe Court House, where such eulea are to be held. Notice for leave to soil Negroes, must bo pub- li,hed for four months, before any order absolute ihallbe mado thereupon by the Court. , . Sales of Roal Estate by Executora, Adminis- inters, and Guardians, must be | published SIX- Tf DAYS before tho day of sale. Theso sales must be made at tho Court House door of tho county in which tho property is aitnate, and on thefint Tuesday of the month, between tho honrs of ton in the morning and four in the after noon. No sales from day to day in valid, unless io expressed in the advertisement. Applications by Exscutors, Actmuiistnuors and Guardians to the Court of Ordiunry for leave to Land, must bo published FOUR MONTHS Sales of personal property (except negroes) of testate and intestate estates py Executors and Ad- attention of Builders, AroHiteote and owners of Buildifigs. to the many'advantages which these E lates' possess over all other metallic substances itherto used for roofing, dbc., as they possess at onCe the lightness of iron, without its liability to rutt, having now been tested for several yean in this particular, both in this country and in Eu rope. They are less liable to^ expansion and contraction (Vom sadden chango ofthe atmos phere, thahOOihtttCn tin plates, iron, xinc, or any other metal now used for roofing, and conse quently form si much better and tigntor roof; re quiring for less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is out a trifle more. A foil supply, of oil sizes, from 16-to 30 W. G., constantly on hand, and for sale by GEO. R. MORE WOOD & CO. 14 &, lGBoavor-st. New York. The patent right for this article having been secured for the United States, all parties infring ing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be prosecuted. • lyd&w nor 10 ■ miiiistrators, must be advertised FORT Y DAYS Applications by Executors and Administrators, for Letters Dismissory must be published dia MONTHS. , ,. t 4 Application for foreclosure of Mortgages on real estate, must be advertised once a month for FOUR MONTHS. ^ . . , Orders ofthe Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy ofthe bond of agreement) tomaketi- tles to land, must be advertised Thrkjs Moxths at least. . , . , SherilFs Bales under executions regularly granted by tho courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYS—Sales of penshablo property under order of Court, must be advertised gener ally, TEN DAYS before tho day of Sale. V All Letters directed to this Office or tho Editor, must be post paid to entitle them to atten tion. i=t NoiyYdrkAdveraw merits. T)OOFHtG,-GALVAHHlBED TIN XV PLATES.—Tho .Iib.orib.r. beg to ball tho New-York and Sitraunnii Line of. Steamers— Weekly—Sailing every Wednesday* - ““ Tub new and superior .Steam-ships TENNESSEE, Cupt. John Collins, and CHEROKEE, Capt. Thomas Lyon, will, until Author notice, leave Savannah and New York every Wbdnxsday, commencing with the 28th March. • These swift Steamers are each of 1,250 tons burthen, built in tho strongest and most approv ed manner, and ore unequalled in all the needful qualities Yo give confidence as well as despatch to travellers. They have all the accommodations for passengers and freight requisite to entitle them to public patronage. The Central Rail-Road will despatch an extra trnin from Macon Tuesday evening, to connect with these steamers ou Wednesday, audfrom Sa vannah on their arrival if needed. Passage $25—payable in advance ; for which, or freight, apply to PADELFORD & FAY, * Savannah, or SAM’L L. MITCHELL, inar22 No. 194 Front-st. New York. PA8SAGE BETWEEN Savannah and Philadelphia, “ By the Savannah and Charles- 'ton Steamers and the STEAM SHIP COLUMBUS. By recent arrangements, Through Tickets will be furnished from Savannah to Philadelphia, by the Charles ton Daily 8leamers and Steam-ship COLUM BUS, for Twenty Dollurs. Freight will also be received in Philadelphia, for Savannah, at ten cents per cubic foot, for measurement goods, free of all charges in Charleston. The accommodation for Steerage Passengers having been very much increased, she can accom modate them comfortably, ntid Through Tickets from Savannah will bo furnished at $10. N. B.—The COLUMBUS will leave Charles- ton on her next trip, Thursday Afternoon, June 14th, after tho arrival of the Savannah Steamers, and continue to leave Charleston and Philadel phia every alternuto Thursday. BROOKS & TUPPER, jane 4 Agents, Savannah. CENTRAL RAIL B OADi BT FROM SAVANNAH TO MACON.^I Passenger Trains leave Savannah and Macon, daily, at. Do do nrrive at Macon and Savannah, daily, at Ticketsftom Savannah to Mocon, Georgia,.....; - Do do do Do ; do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Atlanta, Augusta, *fowt do do Columbus, do * Opelika, • •Jacksonville, Ala. •Talladega, do Huntsville, do Decotfiiy do Tuscumbia do ... •Tuskuloosn, do ... •Columbus,Miss. ... Aberdeen, do ... ... Nashville, Tenn.... Murpreesb’ do ... Columbia, do ... Memphis, do ..*.7 A M. ....7 P.M. $ 7 00 ....' 10 00 .... G 50 .... 15 00 17 00 20 00 22 00 22 50 23 00 25 00 30 00 Stages for Tallahassee and intermediate places connect with tho Road, at Macon, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ; and with Milledgeville daily. * To these places Tri-weekly without delay,—leaving Savannah on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. RATES OF FREIGHT FOR MERCHANDISE GENERALLY FRO.lI SAVANNAH TO 3IACON. Measurement Goods.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets, Furniture, Shoes, Saddlery, Dry Goods, and other measufementgoods, per Cubic foot ------ 13 cents. do do 45 do Crockery-ware in Crates, Boxes or Hlids. per Cubic foot .-10 Goods by Weight.—1st Class.—BoxesGlass, Paints, Drugs and Confeclionary.perlOOIbs. 50 2d Class.—Sugar. Coffee, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tobacco, Leather, Hides,' Copper, Tin, Sheet and Hoop Iron, Hard-ware, Rice,Boxes Soap and Can dles, Holloware, Bagging, and other heavy articles not enumerated below, per 100 lbs „ 3dClass.—Flour, Bacon,Liquors,Pork, Beef, Fish, Tallow and Beeswax, per 1001bs...40 do Ath Class.—Miilgcariug, Pig and Bar Iron, Grind and Mill Stones, Nails, Spikes . and Coal, per 100 lbs - 00 Barrels Beets, Bread. Crackers, Potatoes, Fruit, Oysters, Onions, Icc, and other light barrels, each, _• - ) Oil and Molasses per hhd (smaller casks in proportion,)..; $l Salt per sack not exceeding 4 bushels, 50 cents. C. A. F. IRVINE, Agent of Transportation. Office of Central Rail Road, Savannah, May 15,1849. do i 00 WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. ATLANTA TO DALTON 100 MILES. PASSENGER TRAINS leave ATLANTA Daily (Sundays excepted,) at 1 o’clock, P. M., arrive at DALTON at 8 P. M; returning leave DALTON at 4 o’clock, A. M., and arrive at AT LANTA at 11 o’clock, A. M. Trains on the Memphis Branch Rail Road, and Stages for Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn., and for Tuscumbia, Ala.,aud Memphis, Tenn.. run in connexion with this Road. RATES OF TRANSPORTATION FOR MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY. FROM ATLANTA TO WIU.UM B. KALE'S Apothecary Store. T HE UNDERSIGNED having purchased tho Stock in store, Smet’s Building, corner of Whitukcr and Broughton streets, oflurB the same at wholesale dr retail. He is in the receipt of fresh medicines from tho North, which he will sell on as reasonable terms as any establishment in tho city. L. J. MYERS, apr 18 Smet’s Building. T O CAPITALISTS. —The undersign ed, in addition to his business ns Druggist, LADIES’ SHOE EXCHANGE. L ADIES' Missus, Children’s and Infanta SHOES, of every style, shade and pattern it the NEW GllANITE STORE, 163 Congress atroeet, Savannah, Geo., aign or Ore Golden HaDd. oct I R EFINED CASTOR OIL.—The Snbacrib- era have just received a few cases of High ly Refined and Pure Castor Oil. This article being void of taste and smell is suitable for in fants, children and persons with delicate Sto machs. THOS. M. TURNER & CO. *pr 25 181 Bay-street, proposes to establish, in the City of Charleston or Savannah,a Distillery, for the purpose of manu facturing Alcohol (for Medicinal purposes only,) from the Sour Orange, a fruit common in the Stntes of South Curolina, Georgia and Floridu, which could bo delivered at either of tho above named ports at a trifling expense. The process was lately discovered by him, and so rapid in its operation that a barrel can be distilled iuthe short spuce of Ten to Fifteen Minutes This Alcohol has been pronounced by medi cal gentlemen of Savannah, Neio York and Phila delphia, to be superior to any now in uso for me dicinal purposes. Certificates from the first Phy sicians and Gentlemen of this City, New York and Philadelphia, enn bo seen at uiy store, to which I ask your attention. I would ho pleased to receive communications from any part of tho United States, which shall meet my prompt attention. Address WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, JR. mar 23 Druggist. Savannah, Goo. D ECE1VED, per Steamer CHEROKEE, JX Silk,Tissues, French Muslins, French Cam brics, Mourning Ginghams, Linen Ginghams, Linen Lustres, Linen Cbnmbrays, Linen Barage, English Hose, Egyptian Nett Mitts, do. Gloves. 8illc and Colton Umbrellas, Parasols. For sale by ISAAC D. LaROCHE, apr 16 Shad’s buildings. HATS AND CAPS.—D. A. AM BLER &CO. havo on hand a full and com plete assortment of every possible variety ol HATS AND CAPS. We flatter ourselvesthnt amore fashiouuble, a larger or better selected xtocic of tliis kind of Goods has never been offered to tbs citizens ef Savannah. It comprises Fine Beaver, Mole Skin, Silk, Plain Russia, Taiupi- <o, Ashland, Buena Vista, Rough and Ready, Raftcheto, and Wool Hats of every description. One of tho partners residing at the North, ena bles us to receive weekly supplies ofgoods. To Merchants and Planters we oner goods on ••favorable terms as can bo had South or North, oct 17 149 CONGRESS STREET. & WATCHES AND JEWEL RY.—The subscribe, wishes to call the attention of his customers to a choice as ^rivals, consisting of Gold Hunting CoseLovers, void Double Bottom Lovers, Gold imitation Dou ble Case Levers, Gold Anchor Escapement Le ven, Silver Hunting Case Levers, Silver Double Bottom Levers, Silver Anchor Escapement Lo Vers, Silver Lepine and Vertical Escnpoment. Also,fine Gold Fob Chains, Vest Chains, Curb «ftard Chains, Keys and Chain Rings, all of which be sold as low as in' any city in the Union. All kinds of Watches Repaired and warranted D. B. NICHOLS, Dct l First corner west of Pulaski House HAMILTON A SYMONS have received per Hartford and Savannah: A ^ILchoicoassortment of French, English and Belgium CLOTHS,C A8SIMERS AND VEST- selected with the greatest care, and of the oest imported in this country.., We are nowpre- P&red t° manufacture at the shortest notice, and in “0 best manner, any garment in our line, for cash Approved credit. , oct13 — 17 WHITAKER STREET, —Savannah, Gn. AN EARNEST AP PEAL.—Those who. hove never rtiwcj— wiled on us for NEGRO BRO-. jJANS have something yet to leom, viz i That , ere lsusmnll Shoe Store in this city^witha wge stock of NEW GOODS in it, and that we wry much wish to see more new facee. We are home at all hours from half paat.6 in the morn- ‘“jbhwil9in theovening.and iFiose who call on .'Jj^l find us in a burner to*sell goods, i*-®* ftice and Cotton Planters in this vicinity 25»V*?J fnov ^ ,,fl * And we wish them to'look at TlUCK BROGANS tliii year, thot they «»y. know where to find the gobd. they wont . J»t W' Wo ere new .applied with the ; 5iir . **“ we ever “W, end we wbnldrei- iJSlyray t.'th«W:wbo .heveiShpee to buy, , jMiirftllriUmuuito a ; vlf,. ' ” **• 1,tenets ... WIT..1 TAXf * nil. aomwIAM •. HALE,, *** Congrem $t flpntbilde 61 US *WPn*a9£ MiSKXfiwe 1st Class.—Per Cubic foot.—Boxes or Hats. Bonnets and Furniture,.. 2d Class.—Per 100lbs.—Boxes and Bales of Dry Goods, Shoes, Sud- ? dlery, Glass, Paints, Oils. Drugs and Confectionery,;...... ) 2d Class, n ' ^ ^ °—“ ware, Crockery, Castings, Hardware, Marble (dressed), &c. Ath Class.—Per lOOIbs.—Flour;iti sacks; Rice, Pork, Beef, Fish,Lard, Tallow, Bacon, in casks, boxes or sacks ; Beeswax, bales of Rugs, Ginsing, Fruit, Bar-Iron, Marble, undressed; Mill and Grind-Stones, Mill Gearing SI f 2 S a 3 5..“ 3? ?L7? fcENtS. 2i 10 30 10 20 L 10 >SSo aJnB 2. ® w “ 3 ? op ft rs &! CENTS. 8 LEGAL NOTICES. l^OUR MONTHS after date 1 shall op- X? ply td the Hdhorablo Inferior Court of Bulloch County, when Bitting for ordinary pur poses. for teavo to soil at! the Reaj and Personal Estate of Mitchell Holloway, late of said "Co un tv. Deceased, for the bonefitof the Heirs and Credi tors of said decenned. may 20 WILLIAM HOLLOWAY. Adm’r. pOl[R MONTHS alter date application wUI be made to the Honorable Court of Or dinary of Chatham County, forpefmission to sell four Negroes, viz ': Sarah and her threechildren, Will, Delia and Susan, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of tho Into Joshua Rahn. de ceased. ALEX.-H. IIAIIN, Exo’r. mar 19 F OIJR MONTHS after date, application will be mnde to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bnlioch County, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell tho reul and per sonal estate of John Hendrix, deceased, luto of said county. JEM1MAH HENDRIX, feb 15 Administratrix. pXECUTOR’S NOTICE.-AII per- X-J sons having demands against tho c 3 estate of w i gi Dr. JAMES TROUP, of McIntosh county, de ceived, are requested to present them properly attested; and those indebted to the estate are re quired to make payment to J. HAMILTON COUPER, D. H. B. TROUP. Darien, 15th May, 1849. Qualified Ex’ors. may 17 F OUIt MONTHS after date,application will be made to the Houorable the Inferior Court of Ware county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lands belonging lo william H. Miller. Minor, feb 24 THOMAS HILLIARD. Guardian. TTIOIJI& MONTHS lifter date, application Jl will be made to the Honorahlo tin; Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes lor leave to sell a tract ol two hun dred and seventy-three acres of laud (moro or less) lying in the County of Burke, originally granted to Willis Hurst, being part of the real estate of Andrew Mclntire, late of Chatham county deceased, for the benefit of hi' heirs and creditors. JOHN MURCHISON, may 1 Snrv’g Ex’or. LEGAL NOTICES. TTIOIJB MONTHS after dato application X WiH be made to the Inferior Court of Cam den county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho following property beloug- ing to tho estate of JOHN T. RUDULPH. for the benefit of the heirs und creditors, viz: Wharf Lot and Storofc, and one Dwelling House ami Lot, und the following negro sluves, viz : Abra ham, Goorgo, Dublin, Luc’y'. Phiiamiah and Bell- ar. EMILY RUDULPH. St. Marys, May 29. 1649. juiio 5 /^.EORGI A.-^-McIntosh County.— VA To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, William I. King, Administrator on the estate of Thomas K. Gould, luto of suid county, deceased, hath applied to tho Honorahlo the Court of Or- dinaiy of said connty, for letters dismissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish oil concerned, to filo their objections (if any they have) to the applicant’s discharge in tho Clerk's office ofthe said Court, within the time prescrib ed by law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness the Honorable Alexander Wyley, one of the Justices of said Court, this 23d day of May, A. D. ono thousand ei£ht hundred and forty-nine. june 9 E. M. BLOUNT, c. c. o. xi’i. c. EORGIA. — Liber y County. vjr wi *-•- * ,w » • - ** •* Whereas, John A. Hendry and L. B. Hen- dry.applies to the Courtof Ordinary of this Coun ty, for letters of administration on the goods and chattels, rights and credits of William H. Hendry, late of said county, deceased. Now, these ure to ci(o and admonish ad uhd singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, within the time prescribed by law, or said letters will be grunted. Witness the Honorable Edward Q. Andrews, ono ofthe Justices of said Court, this 26th May, 1349. J. S. BRAD WELL, c. c. o. l. c. june 7 A VISIT TO MONASTERIES IN ii. THE LEVANT. By the Hon. ObWt* - CurzonT" ... ^ . .. The Rose: 1 Its History, PoeYry, 'CuUtD'o J klfli ; “ BP * Classification. By S. B PursonV. 1 '•> Advcnturesin the Libyan Desert ond the'basla of Jupiter Amnion. By Biiylo St. John. >* ' » th‘fi Nortli andthe South, d oliVe re a Lecture ont' ; before tho Young Men’s Mercantile Library At* socintion of Cincinnatti,' Ohio. By Elwood- A Fisher.; Received by , * - / -ali-.A may 8 JOHN M. COOPER. .. BPD mer T>liKIODICAI*S AW» f.E' X PERS.—The subscriber wiU'procuro to be Bent to persons wishing to subscribe, any Periodi cal or Newspapor, American or FoVe^gn.; Sni- scriptioiis in ail cases payable in advhncBi'V'! : may 7- JOHN M. COOPEK.^ CUN DAY SCHOOL UNION PCD- O LICATtONs,—-Someof the latest) latest and best selected, qualified to jddge, also - Hymn and Question Books. For sale by . v. may 7 JOHN M. COOPER. ri'1 HE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF DU X WITT CLINTON; by William VV. Campbelk Tho Canons and Decrees of tho Sacred’ and - Orcnmenical Council of Trent, celebrated under • the Sovereign Pontiffs. Paul III., Julius III.', and > Pius IV., translated by the Rev. J. Waterworth. The Crayon Miscellany ; by Washington Ii> ving. The Spy, a Tale of tho Netitral Ground ; by • tho Author of The Pilot. Tho Adirondack, or Life in the Whods : by J. T. Headley. > No. 7. of Vol. 2; Ranlett’s Architect. Roi ccivcdby JOHN M. COOPER. may 14 1 .; The largest-and best us G t OLD PENS.- r t sortinents ever often d, for sale at. Ngw York prices, by JOHN Af..COOPERS may 8 MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior will be made to the Honorable the Iufurior Court of Effingham county, silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell (3) three tracts of land in said county, containing ill the aggregate (390) three hundred and ninety ucrcs. Suid land be longing to the estate of Israel Wcitmnii, late ol said county deceused, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate, apr 3 E.G. WEITMAN. Ad’r. 1VOTICE. —All persons having demands ll against Isaac Slayton, late of Camden coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, to me within tho time prescribed ly law.' And all persons indebted to said decea sed, are hereby required to make immediate pay ment. HENRY R. FORT, A’dinV.. may 11 " 25 15 Transportation Office, IV. 8f A. R. R., Atlanta, April 14th, 1849. E. R. MILLS, Supt. Transportation. apr 19 BUSINESS CARPS. M. CAREY’S Fashionable Tailoring Emporium, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Corner of Whitaker and Broughton-Strccts, SAVANNAH, OEOJtHIA. N. B. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, which will be made to order at tho shortest notice, and warranted to fit. jan 27 ly— E. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. John Mallory, Draper and Tailor, At the old stand on tho Bay adjoining tho City Hotel, I S NOW open’ng an entiro Stock of NEW GOODS in his line, consisting of Cloths. Cassimers and Vestings, and a general assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and furnishing articles, all ofthe intest style und best materials; which he offers at prices far below anyUiiug ever before offered in this market. He is prepared, also, to make to order all kinds of Geutiemen’s uppurol, in tho most approved stylo, having secured the assistance of Mr. AlOTT, from New York, of many years expe rience, and much celebrity ns n Cutter. He feels confident of being able to please those who favor him with their orders. Those accustomed to sending North for their Clothing are invited to call and oxamino his goods and prices previous to doing so; as he feels assured he enn fur nish them on as good terms as they can get them abroad. — oct 13 To the luhnbltnnt* of Havaunnli. In conformity with a Resolution recently pass ed by the Bourii of Health, I would call your re membrance to fob good state of Health enjoyed by our Fellow-Citizens for years past, and to urge ttpo :r tinuance •ortmentofline Watches, just received by recent 8Cnson ' mr r ciiow-L/iuzens nir years past, anu io j upon you the necessity, if you desire a con- ance of that blessing, during the approaching on, to keep under those local causes by a REOPENED. __ WITHIN GTON’S LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, GAUDRY’S BUILDING ON THE HAY. KSF'Tickets and Shares for sale in J. W. Mau ry & Co.’s popular Lotteries. Uncurrent Bank light. jan 1 Notes bought ROBERT D. WALKER, MARBLE Sf STONE MANUFACTURER, BROUGHTON-ST., BETWEEN WHITAKER&BARNARD. SA VANNAH, GEORGIA. Grave Stones, ofltaliun and Domestic Marble; Marblo Mantle Pieces, and Berlin Grates; Free Stone for Buildings. Ornamental Iron Railings, &c. &c., furnished to order. ly— oct 28 JOHN POOLE, HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP PAINTER, GILDER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER. All kinds of Mixed Paints, Glass and Putty, Paper Hanging, Fire-Board Prints, &e. For Sale at No. 11 Whitaker St. near the Buy, Savannah, Georgia. oct 24 ly— John P. Gavan A Co., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Forwnrding Agents, Itlncon, Gn. Macon, July 20,1847 ly jnly 23 A. S II O R T, MAS TER BUILDER, Will take contracts for Building and work in Masonry of every description. Residence East side of Pulaski Square. — jan 8 T HE WIPE’S FRIEND.—/m/»orfowt to those about to become Mothers.—Professor ALEXIS V. PAULITAN, of the Paris Lying-in Hospital, member of the Medicul Academy of France, Corresponding Secretary of tho Paris Pharmaceutical College, respectfully begs leave to annouuce to tho Ladies of Amorica, that he has appointed Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropenhurty, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicine, known in France as The Wifo’s Friend, or Mother's Assistant the most extraordinary uiedicid discovery the world has ever seen. Its province is to Lessen the Pains of Child-Birth, nnd promote a safe, easy, and speedy delivery, which it does by assisting nature. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, pleasant to the taste, und never fails to promote an easy and safe delivery, and improves the gen eral hculth of both mother and child. It has been tested for years in allthe principal Lying-In Hos pitals of Europe, and receives the sanction of nearly dll the prominent Colleges and Medical men ofthe old world. It is thegreatcstmcdiciue in the world ; as all will admit that a medicine must be thutwill lessen tha terrible pains usually atteudauton childbirth. There is no mistake a- bout tliis medicine doing all that is said of it. It never fails. It is in the form of a lino, light powder, to be mude into a drink, and used for a few weeks previous to the expected event, nnd its price is so low as to bring it within the reach of all. Surely no humane hushaud will suffer his wifo to endure pain, when it can be so easily nnd cheaply avoided. For tho small sum of only $1,00. sent post paid to DR. JEROME Y. C. ROPENHURTY, New York Post Office, a package will be sent by return mail, it being so light that it can be sent anywhere by mail, at a very trifling cost. ldiF*No unpaid letters taken from the office. To prevent imposition, the U. S. Agent, Dr. Ropenhurty will write his name in full on the outside label of each package. No other genuine. Remember this. Gtuos mar 10 G EORGIA—Chatham County*— To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, Robert II. Gridin. Esq. will apply to tho Honor able the Inferior Court of said county, wheu sit ting for Ordinury purposes, for letters of admin istration ou tho estate nnd effects ofGeorge Orms- by, late of said county, deceused: These are therefore to cito and admonish all and singulurtho kiudred and creditors of said do ceased, to file their objections (ifouy they have) lo the applicant, in tho clerk's office of said court, on or before the 22d day of June next, otherwise letters of administration will bo granted. Witness the lion. Elias Reed, one of tho Jus tices ofsaid Court, this 22d day of May, 13*19. may 23 SEABORN GOODALL. c.c.o. c.c. G EORG I A.-C tint Haul County .- To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, James Eppingcr, surviving Executor of John Enpinger,luto ofsnid county, deceased, hath ap plied to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Buid Comity, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for a ci tation to issue and be published according to law for Letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cito nnd admonish, all concerned to file their objections (if any they hnve)to the applicant in the Clerk's Office ofsnid Court, on or before tho sixth duy of September next; otherwise Letters Dismissory will be grant ed. Witness, the lion. W. Thorne Williams, one the Justices of the suid Court, this 6il» day oi March, A.D., eighteen hundred ond forty-nine, mar 6 SEABORN GOODALL, c. c. o.c.c. G EORGIA.—Chatham Couuty.- To nil to whom it may concern—Whereas Doctor Richard Wayne, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Miss Elizabeth Wilkins, N OTICE.—All persons indebted to lliees tate of ISRAEL WEITMAN, late of Effing- ham County, deceased, are requested to make payment: And all persons having deiunmls a- gainst said esiato arc hereby notified to present them within tho time prescribed hv law. may 29 • E. G. WEITM’AN, Adm’r. I EXECUTOR’S NOTICE.—All per- Jsons indebted to the estate of ARCHIBALD CLARK. Into of Camden county, Georgia, de ceased, nro requested to make payment: And nil persons having claims against the sains, are call ed upon to present their accounts properly at tested. HENRY E. W. CLARK, Qualified Ex’r. St. Marys, Geo. Juno 1. junc4 PUBLIC SALES. TUTcINTOSII SHERIFF’S SALE. -LtA —Will lie sold, on the first Tuesday m July next, in front of the Court House, in the City of Durien, McIntosh County, between the legal hours of Bale, Mrs. Elizabeth Murchtnenl’a right, title and interest, in and unto (said interest being only for her life time) tho following Negro Slaves, to wit: Dinnah, Jane and Lucy, and her infant Child. Loviud ou to satisfy ajfi. fa., issued from McIntosh Superior Court, in favor of Theodore P. Pease rs. Elizabeth March- ment nnd William J. Cannon. Property poiuted out by Plaintiff C. O'NEAL, may 31 Dop’ty Sheriff m'c. c. UARDIAN'S SALE-WILL BE SOLD 'J a. igroenble to. nil order from the Honorable Inferior Court of Ware county, while sitting ns a Court of Ordinary, before tho Court House door in tho town of Waresboro’, Wnro County" ou tho first Tuesday in August next, within the usual hours of sale : Lot of Land No. 193, in tho 8th District of originally Appling, now Ware county, containing 490 ucres, more or less. Sold for the heuefil oi* William II. Miller, minor. THOMAS HILLIARD, Guardian. june 25 piTY MARSHAL’S SALE.—Will V/ be sold iu front ofthe Court House, in tho City of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following property, to wit: Lot and Improvements on the North corner of Pine nnd WestBroud streets. Levied on ns the properly of It. M. Goodwin, trustee of Mrs. Scarborough, for City Taxes for tho years 1845, 184G. 1847,1848 and 1849. Also, North ImlfofLot No. 31 nnd Improvo- meiits, Yamacrawi Levied on as the*properly ofM. Volloltou uud Children, for City Taxes for 1847 and 18-18. Also, Part of Garden I.ot and Improvements, No. 9, West. (The N. West corner.) Levied on as tho i roperty ofHetty Arnold and Thomas W. King, for City Taxes for 1847,1848 uud 1849. Also, Letter It ami Improvements, corner of deceased, hath applied to the Honorable tho In- Harrison and St. Gall streets. Levied on as the ferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for a citation to issue and lie pub lished according to law, for letters dismissory. These nro therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant iu the Clerk’s office, ofsaid Court, on or before the eigblli day of November next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted Witness tho lion. Anthony Porter, one of tho Justices of said Court, tins 8lh day of May, A. D. 1849. may 8 SEABORN GOODALL. c.c.o.c. c. prompt removal of all animal aud vegetable de composition, beyond the corporal limits of Sa vannah. Cleanliness is an iudispensible ingre dient of health. It ought to bo observed by ull, otherwise you invite disease, and the consequen ces that necessarily follow in its train. We, your Board of Health, earnestly entreat you to white wash your Fancefl, Cellars, Out-hoases; und freeJy use the (Sulphate Ferri) Copperas in pro portion of two pounds to three gallons of water, inyourainks and other places emiting unpleas ant effluvia. For the better advancement ol benlth, we would suggest that each citizen adopt a feeling that he also is a member of this Board, by giving his attention to the cleanliness of his premiseB,and those around him. The Board of Health expects their Fellow- Citizens will afford them aid in their weekly vis its, to enable them to effect strict examinations and faithful reports. Yoar-Board of Health requests that von make known through the medium of its Chuirman, Ward-Committees, City Marshal, or by letter through the Post Office, of any nuisance or de posit ttitit may bo calculated to produce disease. The duty assigned to its is on arduous one. If we meet with a cordial and approving support, then shall we feel thutour labors have not been without effect. SOLOMON SHEFTALL, Chairman Bourd of Health. Snvnunnh, May 30, 1849. JQ.i IIATS ! HATS 1 - NEW FASH- . IONS FOR SPRING. 1849. —The sub scribers have received the Spring style of Hats from the manufactory of Messrs. W.H. Beebe A Co., Broadway, New-York, which they offer for salu.on Saturday next, March 3d, at New; York prices. D. A* AMBLER A CO ’ fob $7 '•*'" • 149 Congress-st. ISSEE*—Block and white »; LIWen Cunbiyb Hdkft L iquid adhesive plaster, or col- LODIAN—a new and elegant substitute for Planter cloths. Sutures, Bandages, &c.—-This article has been found by all surgeons who have tested it, fur superior nnd more convenient than I former means of dressing incised wounds. For burns, soro Nipples, and eruptive diseases, it has proved extremely efficacious. It is also much preferable to court plaster and gold beater’s skin. It is not acted upon by water, nndudheres with almost incredible tenneity to the skin, keep ing the edges of the wound closely together, nnd causing it to heal with hardly a perceptible scar. A history of the article, together with commu nications highly commendatory of its value from Dr. J. Mason Warren of Boston, Erasmus Wil son, F. R. S. London, and other surgeons, will bo found accompanying it. A supply of tho above received by A. A. SOLOMONS, Market Square. . HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, &c. &c.—A largo assortment of Ladies .and Mis es white, black aud col’d Cotton Hose ; black and cold Silk nnd Rnw Silk Hose; Men’s and Boys' white, brown aud col’d Cottou hall Hose: Gauze, Cotton and Merino Uuder- Vests ; Lads’ aud Gent’s Cotton and SiJk Um brellas. Just received and for sale by marl MARSHALL &AIKIN. W HITE LEAD.—600 kegs pure Nos. 1 ond 2 White Lend, iu 25,50, 100, 200 and 5001b. kegs; 50 kegs Venetian Red, Spanish Brown and Yellow Ochre; 200 lbs. Chrome and PariB Green, ground in oil. Received and for sale by DENSLOW & WEBSTER, mar 3 TUST RECEIVED.—10 baskets best «/ refined Saliid Oil; 3 enses fresh Prunes; a lot offresh Teas? French Sweet Chocolate ; fresh Mnccaroni; do Vormicelli t a lot offresh Gnava Jelly, and many other articles too numerous to mention. For sale by apr26 J. ROUSSEAU. jiI^TTum PIANO FORTES-Mnde LjLpppLujJ by Chickering, Nunn’s, and Fisch- U u U U 1/ er, and Gale & Co. The subscri ber offers for*ale a largo assortment of7, 6$, 6£ and 6 octave Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, from the above makers.^.These Instruments are unsurpassed by any made in this country for pu rity qud fullness of tone, aud elegance of work inauship ; some of them are famished with the complete Iron Franie, which strengthens the case and prevents the liability of jgettirig'ont of tone; other* have the ordinary metalie plate, and ean be offered for lower prices. 'Thebe Pianos are oflfcred without any advance from themannfno turer’a prices; and thosewfio are desirous ofob taininga superior instrnmirit ata moderate ex-' “*** * examinetofore "s i; ii MORRELL. * YOUNG LADIES AND MISSES will find us supplied with ^ gome very pretty black uud bronze aiter Bootees, Nos. 1 nnd 2 s also, Il’s,12’suml and 13’s, and Ladies of all ages ure very ant to find themselves suited before leaving our Store, at 1G3 Congress street. nov 3 WILLIAM B. HALE. rjlRULY MAGICAL.—A great Paper’s X opinion.—M’Mackin’s Philadelphia Model Courier comes ontand declares to its 70.009sub scribers, nnd nearly one million readers, that Doctor Wilxy’s Celebrated Cough Candy is truly an excellent article. Read what it says: “A Vuluable Article.— Those suffering from colds, will do well to procure a supply of Dr. Wiley's Cough Candy, prepared only by Geo. W. Childs & Co. We nave had a fair opportu nity of testing the virtues of the can-ly in our own family, und. unsolicited, oxcept by them, we give our experience. It is very pleasant to the taste, without nausea iu its effects, nnd almost magical in its operations upon the affeclinu.” The above, from such a source, we think is enough to convince the most skeptical. We would advise all who nro in the least trou bled with a cough; cold, or< any disease urisiug from those complaints, to he sure that they pur chase a package of DR. WILEY’S CELEBRA TED COUGH CAND Y, and we will guarantee them a perfect cure. Price 12£, 25, 50 cents, and $1 per packngc. Be sure to ask for Dr. Wi ley’s Cough Candy, and take none other, if of fered to you. Gko. W. Childs & Co. Sole Proprietors, No. 320 Mnrkot-st, Phila’a. A. A. SOLOMONS. Agt. Market-sq. fob 3 ' r V ■ ii Soie agent for Savannah. G eorgia.—ciiatiinm county.— To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, E. F. Wood ond Susan Wood, Guardians ofAI- znda S., Laura A. nnd E. J. C. Wood, have ap plied to the Honorable the Inferior Court ofsaid county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for a citation to issue and be published according t,o law. for letters dismissory. These arc therefore to cite and admonish, all concerned to file their objections (if anylhey have) to the applicants, in the Clerk’s office of said court, on or before tho eighteenth day bf June next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness, tho Honorable R. T. Gibson, one of (lie Justices of said court, this 8th day of May, A. D., 1849. may 8 SEABORN GOODALL, c. c.o. c.c. property of Henry Diitmers, for City Tuxes for J84G, 1847, 1348 and 1849. Also, Eastern half of Lot No. 8, Ymmicraw. Leviedon as the property of Patrick Kelly, for City Taxes, for 1848 and 1849. Also, Improveincuison the .South-east of quar ter Lot No. 3G, Green Ward. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Naomi Jones, for City Tuxes Ibr 1845,1847 and 1848. juuo I DANIEL H. STEWART, c. m. '|\f INEVEH AND ITS REMAINS, 1 i with an account of a visit to tlta Chutaeun Christians- of Kurdistan, nnd tho Yeztdis, of Devil-Worshippers, and an inquiry into the Manf tiers and Arts of tho Ancicut Assyrians. By Austen Henry Layard, Esq., D. C. L. Received by JOHN M. COOPER, npr 10 ri’ljaE Works of Cornelius Tacitus; with atl X Essay on his Life and Genius, notes, supple ments, &c. By Arthur Murphy. Esq. The whole works of Xenophon, translated hy Ashley Cooper, Spelmatl, Smith, Fielding aud others. The Philosophy of Religion. By J. D. Morety A. M. History of Queen Elizabeth. By Jacob Ab bott. , . Frank Forester’s Field Sports of the Uhuea States, und British Provinces, of North America. By William Heury Herbert. The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic. By Adum Fergusoni L. L. D. II.story of the Peloponnesian war. Translated from the Greek of Thucidides. By William Smith, A. M. No. 1 Mucaulay’s History of England—Cheat) Edition. The Diamond nnd tho Pearl. By Mrs. Gorei. The Marrying Man. The Midnight Suu. By Fredrika Brehfer. .. Western America, including California and Oregon, with maps of those Regions, &. &c. Received by JOHN M. COOPER. /tllBittlGAL und Pharmaceutic Munipu^ Vy lutiori: A manual of the Mechanical and Chemico-MecbnnicuJ Operations of the Labora tory, containing Descriptions of Instructions, Apparatus, and Management in Manufacturing, und in Analysis and Accurate Research, for the uso of Chemists, &c. By Campbell Morfit. . Also another supply of Cliaimiug’s Etheriza tion iu Childbirth. Anoesthcsia. or the Employment of Chloroform and Ethel* in Surgery, Midwifery, &c.; by J. xi Simpson, M. D., F. it. S. E. Received by may 15 JOHN M. COOPER. j^ARTAIN’S Union Magazine for Alarqh. The Marksmen of Monmoth, by Newtou M.‘ Custis. Kate Clarendon, or Necromancy in the Wil derness, by Emerson Bennett. Twelve Leclnreson CoinparulivoEmbryoiogy, by Lmtis Agassiz. Received by feb 27 JOHN M. COOPER. G eorgia manufactured OSNABURGS AND SHIRTINGS.—Thu subscribers huve on hand the following kinds of Osnahurg* nnd Shirtings, uud Yarntf, which tli&jr offer for sale at facto'y prices. Troup Factory, Extia heavy. Georgia do at Athens. Roswell do Nos. 1 and 7» Milledgeville do. Schley's Stripes do best quality. Also Roswell Factory Shirtings; Milledgeville do f Factory Yarns, assorted Nt>s. npr 23 SNIDER. LATHROP & NEVITT. g PRING AND SUMMER GOODS C ITY MARSHAL’S SALES.—The foil following Lots buving reverted to tho City, I will proceed lo oli’er for sale on the first Tues day iu July next, in front ofthe Court House, tin between the usual hours of sale, under the su pciiiitcndeiice ofthe Committee ou Public Sales und City Lots: Columbia Ward, Lots No. 7.11, 38. Crawford Ward. Lots No. 43,12,13. Elbert Ward, Lot No. 20. Franklin Ward, Lots No. 4. 31. Green Ward, Lots No.6,27. Jackson Ward. Lots No. JG. 40- Warren Ward, Lots No. 1.12. Pulaski Ward, Lots No. 10, 17. Washington Ward, Lot No. 31. jiif.e 2 DANIEL H. STEWART, c. m. awns; IHdoz Ladies white nnd black Lisld thread Hose; 20 do Gcnta’ Lisle thread Gloves; 10 do Ladies Silk Gloves; 20 pieces Cotton Cns- fliuiere; 50 do do col’d Prints; 50doz Ladies wht, black, brown and mix’t Cotton Hose; 150 piecel Scotch Gingham; 200 do Mosquito Netting ; 5 cases Marlboro Stripes (and Plaids; 5 bales Bed- tick; 5 do 4-4 bro Sheeting ; 20 do 3-4 bro Shirlt ing, for sale low by apr 16 SNIDER. LATHROP & NEVITT. ILLS AND TIIKE8HERS.-4 Improved Fan Mills for cleaning Rice; 10 do do do for all kinds small Grain; 6 Grain Threshers; 2 do do with Struw Carriers; 2 Port able Horse Powers; 40 Improved Grniu and Rice Cradles; 30 Hand Corn Mills; 6 “Fitzger ald's” Patent Horse Power Mills, for plantutiotf use. For sale by npr 3 DENSLOW WEBSTER. G GEORGIA. —Camden County.— T To ail whom it may concern.—Whereas,' George Lang. Executor ofthe estnte of Win. T. 1 Ashley, has applied to the Hon. the Court of Or dinary for letters of dismissory from the said es tate. These are therefore to cito and admonish nil and singular the kiudred and creditors of Said T. Ashley, to file their objections to the granting ofsaid letters dismissory, within the terms pre scribed bylaw, in the clerk's office'of tho Court of Ordinary, otherwise letters as prayed for will be granted. Witness the Hon. Tho.K. Dunham, a Justice of said Court of Ordinary, this 5th March, A. D. 1849. HENRY R. FORT, c. c. o. c. c. mar D pLEQANT PEBFinUEKY.—A JEi general aMOriment of Liibin-eExtractefor the Handkerchief; n variety of French, Engli.h, and American Pcrftnoery ; Toi|et and . Sharing Suapar Ahtjdne'Oile, Fohiatnm,; &c.; jniu reeeiv. n ™-‘ ;#:'A'.'-SDl)OMor- ',*1(113 ©:>“ tb*MOB - e^a V t oTotJ 'ifti'ftTjTri k Bit* rid dSW',&Wj orfl ■ami on naa*my* Jh?? stm • cb 'ril ^jUEOIlGIA. — Bulloch County.— _ To all to whom it may concern.—Whereas Thomas Knight, Sen. applies to the lion, tho Court ofOruiuary of said county, for letters of Administration on the’estato of James Mikcll, Sen., late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tho said de ceased, to be nnd appear at my office, in terms ofthe law, and show cause, (if any thoyhavo.) why letters of Administration should not be granted the said applicant. Witness the Houorable Peter Cone, one of the Justices of the said court, tills 15th day of May, A. D., 1849. . i . . may 26- DAVID BEASLEY, c. c.o. b. c p^ACON.—Landing, 20 hhda Side* Bucon; > lOhhds Shoulders Bacon. For sale by may 24 WOOD, CLAGHORN A GO. C LOCK MAN UFACTORY.—C. s. Spcrl'y, No. 13G Pearl Street, New York. Ilns ou hand un oxtensive assortment of Clocks of his own manufacture, adapted lo the Foreign and Domestic trade, at astonishingly low prices. Also, n large assortment of Buttons, Combs, and Fancy Goods. 1v— oct23 P URIFY THE BLOOD.—The vir ti tues ofSursnnarilla are too well known to d any praiso or puffing. That every one to nee< it will purify the blood'uud thereby muke the human system less liuble to disease, has been set tled beyond a doubt, by the most learned and eminent Physicians in tho world. Thomas M. Turxer & Co’s Compound Syr up of Snrsapnrilla is a •delightful aud healthful drinkfor summer. It haA been used extensively in Florida, and throughout the upper part of Georgia, for several years, and has never failed in giving entiro satisfaction. A number of fam ilies iu this city can testify that it is tho most pal- itablo Sarsaparilla now made. We do not pre tend to its being n cure all, but do confidently re commend it to the public ns a pleasant and heulth- ful'drink. Prepared and sold only by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. may 19 * 181 Buy atreet. Em RICH JEWELfcY bracing fine Diamond Pins and Rings; Gold and Turquoiaanil other settings of Ear Rings, Bracelets, Pins niid Ornaments; fine 'Guard, Vest* Fob and Neck Chairs; VVuis Buckles, Gold Pena and Pencils, and overy va riety of Now and Elegant Jewelry; togethe with a large assortment of Silver Ware, such u Ten 8eta, Pitchers. Mugs, fjsh ou(| P,e Knives Forks, Spoons, Card Cases; Plated and Fancy Wnres, (a great assortment,) Fine atitf Extfh do. Gold and Silver Witohea.’ Mantel Clocks and Tima Plecoa* Musical InatrninenU„Ifywic ! &e. .G CBEAWLr-We have a few ~J. dozed of “RdtiaadU’s Pherthin' Shaving Cream"'on ha‘nd. Thole desirpoa of luxuriating in a comfortable atid easy Shave had better sup. ply thenmhred at once with iomo of tbi* onri S*Lk ■ 2 - -mcHa *;■■"! j - ’»• riw #tmmm hbbU , pur brig Excel—50 piucus printed Muslind Law *'” ' “ “ * gNGL1SH TOOTH BRUNIIES^ Just received an invoice of-very superior English Tooth Brushes of tho subscriber’s own ' importation, npr 24 A. A. SOLOMONS. Agt. Morket-gq; r | >G Tsmjg LADIES.—The subscribe** X wish to timify those ladies who are troubled with Freckles aud would get rid of them, that “Michanx’s Freckle Wash” will not only eradi cate the freckles but also beautify the Skin. This celebrated Wash has been used for years. Ilia the invention of Dr. Chas. Micbaux, formerly Professor of Anatomy at Liege in Flanders. It has been extensively used in the l^nifod State*, and rarely fails to give qntire satisfaction. Al though intended principally for Freckles it.will remove Tan, Sunburn, Morphevy. Tetter, Red ness oft he Skin, Pimples and other cutaueoitl affections For sole by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO., novt 7 181 Bay-street. W l OLE SALE WINE. LIQUOR AND GROCERY STORE.—Nb. J88 Congress and 88 St. Julian Street.—WILLIAM M. DAVIDSON would inform his friends,thkt he continues to keep on hand of his old s West Side of the Market; h largo assbVti WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS ANE CER1ES, all of which he ofi'ere tin thp^beiri aible terms. He is also cofirtutilt suppiieB with the best ALBANY ALE 'Ana 'NEWARlUtB- DER, to which he respectftilly invites tljij itttffn* tion ofthe public /; - j oet3 l—ED^Ajk] fi ENSl-rGtJNSI-EDW, \Jf Mannfnctnrer and Import serintiou of Double and Singl&harrol Rifled, Duelling, Belf, Holster. POc barreled Revolving Pistols,,jMid evdiy Gnft inaterialandGunltnptimenU.Ao Poaches, Percussion Caps, Powder, Shot; L and every article in the Sportsinsn’s line, for cussion, and repairing done as end