The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, July 09, 1849, Image 1

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c "tub DAH.T otobbuj, u mimKo i« TU« atvr or -sa vaasa*; iacksonv mW * SIBLEY, 4T TE.V DOLLARS PBS ANNUM, r4 riau sMtMirmiAix* «» *»««*. aT SIX DOLLAR*"**® 81 * MONTHS THE TB f.WBlaa.T GltOBUIAN, ros TBR COORTRT. , nlmrdav,) «t the Office *f theDtelp Gtor j contains nil the intelligence. Commn *T’pnlitical md Minnellsanons, including now SiKmonf published in the Doily Paper. * THIS PAPER 1. Mint to nil parts of th» State and Union, , in the city, at FIVE DOLLARS ft, SITor at THREE DOLLARS for six months* Tint WEEKLY GEORGIAN, I, published every Friday afternoon, at thrkx eouitu par annum—all payable in advance. , « n _Each Citation by tho Clerks of tho Courts ’of Ordinary, that application has been aado for Letters of Administration, must be pub- Jwhed THtRTY DAYS ttt least. Votica by Executors and Administrators for Debtors and Creditorato renderin their accounts, mast be published six wkeks. ..... doles of Negroes by Executors or Administra tor, most be at public auction, on the first Tues- lav of the month, between the usual hours ofaale, &t the piece of public soles in the county, where TlOOFING.-GALVANIXED TOT .XId* PLATES.—Thesubscriben beg to call; the attention af Bailders, Architects, and owners of Buildings,, to the menyadvantages which these plates possess oxer all. other metallic substances hitherto used, for roofing, Sec., as they possess at oqcb the lightness of iron, without its liability to nut, haying now been tested for Several years in this particular, both in this country and in Eu rope. They are less liable to expansion and contraction from sadden change ofthe atmos phere, than common tin plates, iron, zinc, or any other metal now used for roofing, and conse quently form a muoh better and tighter roof; re quiring fnr less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is- but a trifle more. AlbU supply,.of all sizes, from 10 to 30‘W. G., constantly on hand, and for sale by GEO. R.MOREWOOD & CO. 14 & lOBeaver-st. New York. The patent right for this article having been secured for the United States, all parties infring ing thereon, either, by importation or otherwise, will be prosecuted. lyd&w nor 10 \be Letters Testamentary, of Administration, or NowwYitk and Savannah Line ef Steamers— Weekly—Sailing erery Wednesday. Th£ new and superior Steam-ships TENNESSEE, Capt. John Collims, and CHEROKEE, Capt. Thomas Lyon, will, until fiirther notice, leave Savannah and New York every Wednesday, commencing with the 28th March. These swift Steamers are each of 1.250 tons burthen; built in the strongest and most approv ed manner, and are unequalled in all the needful qualities to giro confidence as well ns despatch to travellers. They have all the accommodations Guardianship, may have beongranted.firstgiving „,TT Dvrs uotice thereof in* oue of the public mzeUes of this State, end at tho door ofthe Court House, where snch sales are to bo hold. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must bo pub- lished for four months, before any order absolute „hall be made thereupon by the Court. . Soles of Reid Eetate by Executors, Adminis trator,. and Guardians, mostbo pubbahed SIX- TV DAVS before tho day of sale. Thoae sales mast be made at the Court House door of tho j county iu which the property is situate, and on the tin* Tuesday of tho month, between the hours often in the morning and four m the after noon. No sales from day to day is valid, unless jo expressed in the advertisement. Applications by Executors, Administrators and Guardians to the Court of Ordinanr for leave to ...II Land, must be published POUR MONTHS. for passengers and freight requisite to entitle them to The Central Rail-Road will despatch an extra train from Macon Tuesday evening, to connect with these steamers on Wednesday, andfrom 3a vannah on their arrival if needed. Passage $25—payable in advance *, for which, or freight, apply to PADELFORD & FAY, Savannah, or SAM’L L. MITCHELL. mar 22 Nq. 194 Front-st.New York. tell Land, must be published Sales of personal property (except negroes) of testate and intestate estates by Execntora and Ad ministrators, must be advertised FORTY DAYS. Applications by Executors and Administrators, for Letters Dismissory must be published SIX .MONTHS. , _ __ _ Application for foreclosure of Mortgages on teal estate, must he advertised once a month for FOUR MONTHS. . , Orders ofthe Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy ofthe bond ef agreement) to make ti tles to Iona, mast be advertised Three Months Sheriffs sales uniter executions regularly meted liy the courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgago execuuons SIXTY DAYS—Sales of perishable property under order of Court, must be advertised goncr- lUy, TEN DAYS before tho day of Sale. • • All Letters directed to this Olfico or the Editor, must be post paid to entitle them to atten tion. PASSAGE BETWEEN Savannah and Philadelphia, Bv tub Savansah and Charlfs* on Stramers and the STEAM. SHIP COLUMBUS. By recent arrangements, Through Tickets will befurnished from Savannah to Philadelphia, by tile Charles ton Doily Steamers and Stcnra-ship COLUM P TT <3 Cam Tinniit,, TlnltnMM TN...1 L1 •■■Ilf —I l. - X&* FROM SAVANNAH TO MACON. JJPJ Passenger Trains leave Savannah and Macon, daily, at ..... Do do arrive at Macon and Savannah, daily, at.... Tickets from Savannah to Macon, Georcia. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do- Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ’ do do. do do do do Atlanta, do Augusta, do Columbus, do Opelika,. •Jacksonville, Ala. —— •Talludega, do 7 A M. 7 P. M. $ 7 00 10 00 6 50 15 00 17 00 20 00 22 00 22 50 28 00 Huntsville, do Decatur, do. Tuscnmbia do *Tuskaloosa, do -Columbus, Miss. Aberdeen, do Nashville, Tenn ) Murpreesb’ do - - > 25 00 Columbia, do ) Memphis, . do - 30 00 :( . Stages for Tallahassee and intermediate places connect with the Road, at Macon, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ; and with Milledgevilie daily. * To- these places Tri-weekly without delay,—leaving Savannah on Suudays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. RATES OF FREIGHT FOR MERCHANDISE GENERALLY FR03I SAVANNAH TO MACON. CAUTION EATKA A bw by lb* BUM of CUIPP fan* tnfa«nt with a young mu of th* mune of 8. P. Tuwnaand. and tues bit bum to put op & Sarsaparilla,, which they call Dr. Town* sand's Sarsaparilla, danominattaf it. GENUINE, Original, •te. This Townsend is no doctor, and ntm wasbut was Ibnnsriy a worker on rairroads, canals, and thellke. Yet ha ustunea the title of Hr., fur the purpose of gaining credit for what he Js not. This it to caution the iraiille not to be deceived, and purchase none but the QZNVINE OR IQ l- NAL OLD Da Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having oa it the Old Dr's, likeness, his family coat of arms, tod his signature across the coat of arm*. Principal Office, li)2 N&ssaust., New York City. Measurement Goods.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets, Furniture, Shoes, Saddlery, Dry Goads, and other measurement goods, per Cubic foot, .....13 cents. OLD DR, JACOB TOWNSEND, do do 45 do Crockery-warein Crates, Boxes or Hhds. per Cubic foot, 10 Goods by Weight.—1st Class.—Boxes Glass, Paints, Drugs and Coufectionurv pcrlOOlbs. 50 2d Class.—Sugar, Coffee, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tobacco, Leather, Hides,' Copper, Tin, Sheet and Hoop Iron, Hard-ware, Rice,BoxesSoap and Cun- dles, Holloware, Bagging, and other heavy articles not enumerated below, per 100 lbs - _ 3dClass.—Flour, Bacon,Liquors, Pork, Beef, Fish, Tallow and Beeswax, per 10(Jlba...40 4th Class.— Millgearing, Pig and Bar Iron, Grind and Mill Stones, Nails, Spikes ?., n and Coal, per 100 lbs - —- ) Barrels Beets, Bread. Crackers, Potatoes, Fruit, Oysters, Onions, Ice, and other light ?-e « barrels, each, - ) Oil and Molasses per lihd (smaller ensks in proportion,) $6 00 Salt por sack not exceeding 4 bushels, 50 cents. C. A. F. IRVINE, Agent of Transportation. Office of Central Rail Road, Savannah, May 15,1849. do do WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. ATLANTA TO DALTON lOO MILES. THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OFTHE Gennine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend i» now about TO years of nee, nnd has .on'g been known i»* the AUTHOR and DISCI) PER ER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL “ TOWNSEND SAR- SAPARIL/-A.' 1 Being poor, he wns com|*elleiI to limit its manufacture, by which means it has Iwon kept out of mnr- ket, nnd the sales circumscribed to those only who hod proved iu worth, nnd known Its value. It had reached the ears of many, nevertheless, ns those persons who had been healed ol" sore diseases, and saved from death, pro claimed iU excellence nnd wonderful HEALING POWER. Knowing, tunny years ago. that ho hud, hy his skill, science and e.V|iencnce, devised an article which would be of incalculable advantage to mankind when the menus would be furnished to bring it into universal notice, when its inestimable virtues wiraid be known nnd appreciated. This time has cnine, the means are supplied ; this GRAND AND UNEQUALLED PREPARATION is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially as it i* found incapable of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young3. P Townsend's, it impmvos with age, and ! never changes, hut for the bettor: because it is prepared on I scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowl edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of tho art, i have all lieen brought into requisition In the manufacture of the Old Dr's gursnparillu. The Sarsaparilla root, it is well known to medical men. contains many medicinal pro perties, and some properties which are inert or useless, and others, which If retained In preparing it for use, produce XMHTJR MOUTHS often date I shall np- X. ply to the Honorable. Inferior Court of Bnllocn County, when.sitting for. ordinary pur poses; for leave to sell all the Real and Personal Estate of Mitchell Holloway Jhte of said County. Deceased, for the benefit of the Hein ontL Credi tors ofsoid deceased. may 26 WILLIAM HOLLO WAY.'Adin’r. LHWR MONTHS' after dutenpniication A" W'll he made to the Hr —* • II he made ta the Honorable Cou rt of Or dinary of Chatham County, fdrpermission to sell four Negroes, viz t Surali and her threechiidren. Will, Delia ond Susan, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the Into JoshuaRalm. de ceased. ALEX. H. RAHN, Exe’r; mar 19 T^XECUTOR’S NOTICE •-—All per- XU sons having demands against the estate of Dr. JA3IES TROUP, af Mylntosh county, de ceased, are requested to present them properly attested; and those indebted to tho estate are re quired to make payment to . ii J. HAMILTON GOUPER, D. Ff. B. TROUP. Darien, 15th Mny, 1849. Qualified Ex’ors. may 17 ’ ^ F OUR MONTHS afterdate.application will bo made to the Honorable the Inferior .... vmuu.-.mvwvuv.u. PASSENGER TRAINS leave ATLANTA Daily (Sundays excepted,) at 1 o’clock, P. M. v .. .. BUS, for Twenty Dollar,. Freight**!!! al.o be DALTON „ 8 P M, returning leave DALTON at 4 o’eluck, A. St., ami arrive at AT-1 - J-* flSgXSZSjrSi :—ia 1. ' LANTA at 11 o’clock, A. M. • • - received in Philadelphia, for Savannah, at ton LADIES’ SHOE EXCHANGE. L A D I E S’ Misses, Children’s und Infant a SHOES, of every style, shade and pattern a the NEW GRANITE STORE, 163 Congress streeet, Savannah, Geo., sign oi the Golden Hand. oct * R EFINED CASTOR OIL.—The Subscrib ers have just received a few cases of High ly Refined and Pure Castor Oil. This article being void of taste and smell is suitable for in fants, children and persons with delicate Sto maens. THOS. M. TURNER & CO. apr 25 181 Bay-streat. D ECElVED, per Steamer CHEROKEE, LL Silk",Tissues, F ‘ L °" < SilkyTissues, French Muslins, French Cam* tries, Mourning Giughnms, Linen Ginghams, Linen Lustres, Linen Chombrays, Linen Borage, English Hose, Egyptian Nett Mitts, do. Gloves, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, Parnsols. For sale by ISAAC D. LaROCHE, apr 16 Shad’s buildings. cents per cubic foot, for measurement goods, free of all charges in Charleston. The accommodation for Steerage Passengers having been very much increased, she con accom modate them comfortably, and Through Tickets from Savannah will be furnished at $10. N. B—The COLUMBUS will leave Charles ton on her next trip, Thursday Afternoon, Juno 14th,nfter the urrivul of the Savannah Steamers, and continue to leave Charleston and Philadel phia every alternate Thursday. BROOKS &TUPPER, juno 4 Agents, Savannah. - Apothecary Store. T HE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the Stock iu store, Smet’s Building, corner of Whitaker and Broughton streets, otfers the same at wholesale or retail. He is in the receipt of fresh medicines from the North, which ho will sell on as reasonable terms as any establishment in the city. L. J. MYERS, apr 18 Smet’s Building. T O CAPITALISTS.— 1 ’The undersign ed, in addition to his business ss Druggist, proposes to establish, in the City of Charleston or Savannah, a. Distillery, for the purpose of manu facturing Alcohol (for Medicinal purposes only,) from the Sour Orange, a fruit common in the States of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, which could be delivered at either of the above named ports at a trifling expense. The process was lately discovered by him, and so rapid in its operation that a barrel can be distilled iu the short space of Ten to Fifteen Minutes This Alcohol hus been pronounced by medi cal gentlemen of Savannah, New York and Phila delphia. to bo superior to any now in use for me dicinal purposes. Certificates from the first Phy sicians and Gentlemen of this City, New York and Philadelphia, can be seen at my store, to which I ask your attention. I would be pleased to receive communications from any part ofthe United States, which shall meet my prompt attention. Address WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, JR. mar23 Druggist, Savannah, Geo. Trains on the Memphis Branch Rail Road, and Stages for Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn., and for Tuscumbia, Ala.,and Memphis, Tenn.. run in connexion with this Rond. RATES OF TRANSPORTATION FOR MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY. FROM ATLANTA TO row 3 2= • r°o: 3*7 r >3 5 c o.S.« a s o » — — 3 E “■ n 5 5T « 1st Class.—Per Cubic foot.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets and Furniture,.. 2d Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Boxes and Bales of Dry Goods, Shoes, Sud- ? dlery, Glass, Paints, Oils. Drugs aud Confectionery,.. > 3d Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Georgia Domestics, Sngar, Coffee, Liquor, "j Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese,Tobacco, Leather, Feathers, i Hides, Cotton-yarns, Copper. Tin, Sheet-Iron, Hollow- f ware, Crockery, Castings, Hardware, Marble (dressed), &c. J 4tA Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Flour,in sacks; Rice, Pork. Beef, Fish,Lard, 1 Tallow, Bacon» in casks, boxes or sacks ; Beeswax, bales of I Rags, Ginaing, Fruit. Bar-Iron, Marble, uiidresaed; Mill and | Grind-Stones, Mill Gearing, - J (CENTS. CENTS. 6 30 CENTS. 8 they entirely evnimmte and are Inst In the preparation. If they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only ' to those experienced In Its mnniUactiuo. Moreover, these wolatilt principles, which fly oil - in vapor, nr as an exhala- : tion. under heat, are the very essential malicU properties j of the root, which t?i«e to It all tts value. Any person can boll or stew the root till they get a dam adored liquid, which Is more from the coloring matter m i Uie root than from any thing els*; they can then strata ' Otis Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sour tnnlasser 1 <nd then coll It “ SARSAPARILLA EXTRACT or SY 1 HUP.” Rut such is not the nrtlcie known ns the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND’S ! SARSAPARILLA. This is so pre|Kired, that uli the Inert properties of the Court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes for leave to stjll a tract of two hun dred and seventy-three acres of land (more or less) lying ia the County of Burke, originally granted to Willis Hurst, being part of tho reul estate of Andrew Mclntire, late of Chatham county deceased, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. JOHN MURCHISON, niny 1 Surv’g Ex’or. 1DOUB IllOflll'IlS afterdate, application X will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Effingham county, sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell (3) three tracts of lan’d in said county, containing iu the aggregate (390) three hundred and ninety acres. Said land be longing to tho estate of Israel Weitnmu, late ot said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said estate, apr 3 E. G. WEITMAN, Ad’r. dry.npplies to the CourtofOrtinaWt. ty, for letters ofadtoinistratinn'on UieS chattels, rights nnd credltt o William gp Into of sniff cokfitV,'i!ecenfled. Now, these are to cite and admonish all and kihgtilnrthe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, il nny they have, in my office, within the time prescribed by law,orsaid letters will, beigranted. Wituess the Honorable Ed Wald CL Andrews, one of the Justices of said Courts thiai26th May. 1849. J. S. BRADWELEficact;out. o. J»» e 7 • . . '1 ©TICE.—All persons hnvirtg- demands -L1 against Isaac Slayton^late of Comdaa coun ty. deceased, are hereby notified to prqjpj# them, properly attested, to mo within the time prescribed by law. And nil persons indebted to. said: decea sed, are hereby required to make immodimanhv- mnnf. HENRY R. FORT,755*“t/ may'll ivy// pXLUIJTOU’N N©TICJB.-All per- -l-Jsons indebted to the estate of ARCHIBALD CLARK, late ofCamdhn county, Georgia, de ceased, nro requested to make payment : And all persons huving claims Against the same, ere call ed upon to present their accounts properly at- teste d- HENRY E. W. CLARK, a. sr „ Qualified E*’r. St. Marys, Geo. June I. jofie 4 I ^OUR MONTHS after dnte application will be made to the Inferior Court of Cam- ®to^hsun County.— lo all whom it may concern.—’Whereas Isaac Abrahams will apply to the Honoreblb'tfio Inferior Court of snid County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for Loiters of Administhtiou (with the Will annexed,) on the estate and’ effects ol Eliza Abrahams, late ofsnid county, deceased. These are therefore to cite end admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors* of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant, in the Clerk’s Ofllce u'f sutd Court, on or before the third diiy of Angtisfe* next; otherwise Letters of Administration will be granted. t r. • Witness, the Honorable R. T. Gibson, one of tho Justices of snid Court, this 3d day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and fortv nine; June 3 SEABORN GOOUALL. c. c, o. c. c den county, when sitting for ordinury purposes, I —f—-p • for leave to sell tho following property belong-! K i ri, , , an d |n ?, *9' hhds Sides Bacon; ing to the estatu of JOHN T. RUDULPH, for HDilids Shoulders Bacon. Fnr sole* by n - ~ • - may 24 WOOD. CLAGHflnitf m, tlie benefit ofthe heirs and creditors, viz: Wharf j >u»y >4 WOOD, CLAGHORN & GO* Lot nnd Stores, and one Dwelling Huuso and] QUA VINO CREAM 7—We have a few Lot, and the foMowing negro slaves, viz : Ahra- ^ dozen of "Romwell's Paormiii Shaving i r> i i • n ■* Cream” on hand. Those desirous of luxuriating irl O...U ° ham, George, Dubliu, Lucy. Philainiah and Bell- EMILY RUDULPH. St. Marys, Mny 29. 1849. june 5 IVTOTICE.—All persons indebted to times- XY t a comfortable and easy Shave had better sup ply themselves at once with some of this, unri valled Crentn. tnte of ISRAEL WEITMAN, late of Effing, ham County, deceased, are requested to make payment: And all persons huving demuuds a- gainst said astute are hereby notified to present them within the time prescribed bv law. may 29 * E. G. WEITMAN, Adtn’r. THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. 181 Bay-atreet. Cl M ANUFAC TOR V.-CTS, nnv 8 G < EORGIA.-Chatham County.— f To uil whom it may concern.—Whereas, James Eppingur, surviving Executor of John Eppinger, lute ofsnid county, deceased, hath up- 10 20 10 Sttrsnpnlln root nro first removed, every thinjr ci»|wble of ' plied to the Hon. tho Inferior Court of snid becoming arid, irnf fermentation, l« extracted and rejected; (County, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for U ci- then even’ pnrticlo of medical virtue is secured In a pure . ; ao ..„ ... i_.„ end concentrated form; aud tints ills rendered incapable of loiing any of its valuuble and healing properties Prepared in this way, it is made the most powerful ngent In the 15 Transportation Office, IF. 8f A. R. R., Atlanta, April 14tit, 1849. E. MILLS, Stipt. Transportotfon. apr 19 BUSINESS CARDS. M. CAREY’S Fashionable Tailoring Emporium, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Comer of IFhitaker and Broughton-Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. rjlHE WIFE’S FRIEImportant i fo those about to become Mothers.—Professor ALEXIS V. PAULITAN, ofthe Paris Lying-in Hospital, member of the Medicnl Academy of, France, Corresponding Secretary of the Paris Pharmaceutical College, respectfully begs leave N. B. Constantly on’hand, a full 'nsjortment ! Jo nnnoumc. to the Ladio, of Amerina, that he of Staple end FenSy Goode, which will he made mppomted Dj.!«.Y ■ C. *»»»«.« jf Staple and Fancy to order at the shortest notice, and warrantedto fit. jail 27 ly- REOPENED. E. WITHINGTON’S LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, GAUDUY’S BUILDING ON THE BAY. G^Tickeis nnd Shares for sale in J. W. Mau ry & Co.’s popular Lotteries. Uucurrent Bank Notes bought. jan 1 Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence the rmuion why wo hear commendations on every side lit iu favor by men, women, and children. Wo find It delnx wondcri in the euro nf CONSUMPTION, DYSPEPSIA, nnd LITER COM PLAINT. nnd in r RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, PILES, COST! TEN ESS, all CUTANEOUS F.RUP- TICNS, PIMPLES, ULOCTUES, and all affection* \ triiing from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It powes«esamnrvBllnu« efficacy in nil complaints arlilng from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from unequal circulation, determination nf blood to the hend, palpitation j of the henrt. cold feet nnd hands, cold chills and not Hashes over the latdy. It has not iu equal in Colds and Coughs ; and promotes enay expectoration and gentle perspiration, 1 relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, nnd every other part. But in nothing is Its excellence more manifestly seen mid acknowledged than in nil kinds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases nf Fluor Albns or IVhiits. Fill ing of the IVomb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like; and tation to iaaue and be published according to law fur Lottcrs Dismissory. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish, all r V Sk»««-r, .Vo. Dili Pearl Strut, JVcio York. Has on hund on extensive aaaortuient. .of Cloak* ofliia own manufacture, adopted to the Foreign nnd Domestic trade, at astonishingly low.prices. Also, a largo assortment of .Buttons, Couibs, and Fancy Goods. ly— oct.23 PURIFY THE BliOOD.—The'vlr'. X tues ofSarsuparilla aro too well known to every one to need any praise or putfiug. That it will purify the blood and thereby make the human system less liable to disease, has be6n set tled beyond a doubt, hy the most loarned and concerned to file their objections (if any they | eminent Physicians in tlie world, have) to the applicant in tho Clerk's Office ofsnid j Thomas M. Turner & Co’s Compound Syr- 1 nl >4»>nrm<■■••11.■ in #• 11 M l.*l-..l .... i • 1.1 . Court, on or before tho sixth day of September next; otherwise Letters Dismissory will be grunt ed. Witness, tho Hon. W. Thorne Williams, one (he Justices- of tho said Court, this Glh day oi March, A.D., eighteen hundred aud forty-nine. mnrG SEABORN GOODALL, c.c.o.c.n. up of Snrsnpurilla is a delightful and henltlifhl drink for summer. It has been used extensively in Florida, and throughout the upper part of Georgia, for several years, and hn» never foiled in giving entire satisfaction. A Dumber of fnm- dies in this city nnn testify that it is the most pal- ituble Sarsaparilla now made. We do not pre- f ^ EORGIA.—Chatham County.— j tonti t0 ft** benign cure all, but do confidently re- YT To all to whom it may concern.—Whereas cominend it to the public ns a plensnnt and health- Doctor Richard Wayne, Executor of the last I ‘ ul “ nn %, Prop«r«d nnd sold only by Will and Testament uf Miss Elizabeth Wilkins, deceased, hath applied to the Honorable tlie in- j ! feriorCourtofsiiid county, whensitting for ordi. i nary purposes, for n cilution to issue aud he pub lished according to law, for letters dismissory. THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. nv -'y l! L. 181 Baystreet. These are therefore to cite and adtnoniHhall lystem. it given tone it mi strength lu the whule boil y, aud *y« tbu* coreii all fornw of • Nervous diseases and debility, and thui prevents or relieves n great variety of other mala dies, as Spinal irritation. Neuralgia, St. Titus' Danes Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, tee. It clennses tho blond, oxcites the liver to healthy action, tones the stomach, nnd gives good digestion, relieves the have) to the applicant in tho Clerk’s office, ofsaid I Court, on or before the eighth day of November of New York, his sole American Agent, for the U as effectual in curing nil the forms of Kidney Disease*. concerne( |. t0 file their objections fif nnv they nala often wonderful medicine, Unowuin France »nd rapdeue, m, een.n.1 as The Wife’s Friend, or Jlother’s Assistant the most extraordinary medical discovery the world hns ever seen. Its province is to Lessen the Pains of Child-Birth, and promote a safe, easy, and speedy delivery, which it does by assisting nature. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted RICH JEWELBlf-Em bracing fine Diamond Pins aiid Rings; . nnd Turnuoisnnd other settings of Ear Rings. Bracelets, Pins and Ornaments; fine Guard. Vest, Fob and Neck Chains; Wais Buckles, Gold Pens and Pencils, and every va riuty of New nnd Elegant Jewelry; togetbe with n largo assortment of Silver Ware, suchu 'Pan Stufd Pifnli.... UV I .... i n — — • ?i e ““!! l A 0 . 1 V3SZ “S: ^ HATS AND CAPS.—D- A. AM * BLER A CO. have on hand n full and com plete assortment of every possible variety of HATS AND CAPS. We flatter ourselves that tioore fashionable, a larger or better selected «wk nfthis kind of Goods hus never been offered 'o the citizens of Savannah. It comprises Fine Ikaver. Mole 3kin, Silk, Plain Russia, Tamni- w. Ashland, Buena Vista, Rough und Ready, Raachero, and Wool Hats of every description. One of the partners residing at the North, ena ble* us to receive weekly supplies of^oods. To Merchants and Planters we otier goods on «favorable terms as can bo hud South or North, oct 17 149 CONGRESS STREET. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS). John Mallery, Draper and T a non, At the old stand on the Bay adjoining the City Hotel, I S NOW open'ng an entire Stock of NEW GOODS in his lino, consisting of Cloths, Cassimers and Vestings, and a general assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, aud furnishing articles, all ofthe latest stylo and best materials ; which he offers at prices far below anything ever before offered in this market. He is prepared, also, to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen’s apparel, in the most approved style, having secured the assistance of Mr. MOTT, from New York, of many years expe rience, and much celebrity as n Cutter. He feels confident of being able to please those who favor him with their orders. Those accustomed to sending North for their Clothing are invited to call and examine his goods and prices previous ROBERT D. WALKER, MARBLE Sr STONE MANUFACTURER, BROUGIITON-ST., BETWEEN WHITAKER &BARNARD. SJ TA NX AH, GEOR QIA. ail easy and safe delivery, and improves the gen eral health of both mother and child. It has been , equalises t producing gentle wnrmth equally all over tho body, and the Insensible perspiration; relaxes nil strictures ami tight- tested for years in allthcprincipel Lyme-In Hos- “»• roanve. nil ;.l„inicil<m., amt Invleamie. tho ootln ■ ~ A . r r .. J 6 .. nervous system. D not thus then Grave Stones, of Italiun and Domestic Marble; | men of the old world. S^tei^tateLJTcirS^nTMiSJ; The nisdicine yon pre-eminently need! Marble Mantle Pieces, nnd Berlin Grates; Free Stone for Buildings. Ornamental Iron Railings, &c. &c.. furnished to order. ly— oct 28 13 _ . ' .. . But can any of these things be snid of B. I'. Townsend’s It IS the greatest medicine , in/ennr article 1 This VAUmr man's liquid is not tn be WATCHES AND JEWEL RY.—The subscriber wishes to call the » attention of his customers to a choice os sortmentoffine Watches, just received by recent •frivol*, consisting of Gold Hunting Cose Lovers, Bold Double Bottom Levers, Gold imitation Don- Mi Case Levers, Gold Anchor Escapement Lo ’ er *. Silver Hunting Case Levers, Silver Double Bottom Levers, Silver Anchor Escapement Le Silver Lepine and Vertical Escapement. Alio, fine Gold Fob Chains, Vest Chains, Cnrb t*atrd Chains, Koys and Chain Rings, all of which *illbesoldas low os in any city in the Union. •All kinds of Watches Repaired nnd warranted D. B. NICHOLS, oc t 1 First corner west of Pulaski House. JOHN POOLE, HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP PAINTER, GILDER. URAINER AND GLAZIER. All kinds ofMixed Paints,Glass and Putty, Paper Hanging, Fire-Bnnnl Prints, &c. For Sale at No. LI Whitaker St. near the Bay, Savannah, Georgia. oct 24 ly— John P. Gavan A Co., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Forwnrdina Agents, Macon, Ga. Macon. July 20,1847 ly July 23 in the world : as all will admit'thatit medicine must be lhatwill lessen the terrible pains usually attendanton childbirth. There is uo mistake a- botit this medicine doing all that is said of it. It never fails. It is in the form of a fine, light powder, to be made into a drink, and used for a lew weeks previous to the expected event, aud its price is so low as to bring it within die reach of all. Surely no humane husband will suffer his wife to endure pain, when itcan be so easily and cheaply avoided. For the small sum of only $1,00. sent post paid to DR. JEROME Y. C. ROPENHURTY, New York Post Office, a package will be sent by return mail, it being so light that it can bo sent anywhere by mail, at a COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR’S, hrrau«* uf one CRAND FACT, that the oue i* IN'CAPA OLE of DETERIORATION, and NEVER SPOILS, while the other DOBS : souring, fermenting, and Mowing the bottles containing it intn fropineut* : the suur, ncirt liquid exploding, and (( imaging other goods : Must not this horri- j Witness the Hon. Anthony Porter, one ofthe ! Tea Sets, Pitchers, Mugs, Fish nnd P,e Knivea ! Justices of said Court, this 8th day of May, I Forks, Spoons, Card Cases; Plated and Funcy I A - D - ' ! Wares, (a great assortment.) Fine and Extra do. ! may 8 SEABORN GOODALL, c.c.o.c. c. , Gold nnd Silver Watches. Mantel Clocks and EORGIA,—Chatham County,— 11! ime l>iec ? 9 » Musical Instrument*, Music, See. VX To all whom it may concorn.—Whereas, Now opening und Hirsute low. E. F. Wood and Susan Wood, Guurdians ofAl- i D. B. NICHOLS, : zndn S.. Latim A. and E. J. C. VVnod.hnve np- j First door West ofPHlaski House, plied to the Honorable the Inferior Court ofsnid ; _ . Competent Workmen engnged in the county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for | **’ 0 P n,rB °f Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and ' a citation to issue and he published according 1 vvnrrnnt0 ”- dec 20 to law. fnr letters dismissory. 1 ^ UNS1--GUNS1—EDWARD LOVELL, These are therefore to cite and admonish, all • YX Manufacturer and Importer nf every de* , ...... . —— Importer nf every de concerned to file their objections (ifany theyimve) scription nf Double and Single bnrreledGunsand to the applicants, in the Clerk’s office ofsaid ' Rifles, Duelling, Belt, Holster, Pocket and Six- court, on or before tho eighteenth day of June barreled Revolving Pistols, and every variety of bi. compound ta poianmiti. u, .b. ^.»n. 1-/S.TS next■, othonyteoteitbradtemiraonr will b.. granted. \ Gun inalorte! ond Gun implimenta,dre. Florin. acid into a system already diseased with acid! What cniites Witness, the Honoranlo K. I . tiibsoii, one ol Pouches, Percussion Caps, Powder, Shot, Lead Dyspepsia but acid? Do we not all know that when food the Justices of said court, this 8th day of May, and every article in the Sportsman’s line for ul* loots ia our stoioncha. what intschiefi it produce* I flatu- \ 1849 ' : ow 1 * ° lence, heartburn, palpitation of the hoart, liver complaint, * ’’ a jrtnnnvcnonur -4-.^ A , , diarrhraa. dynenlery, colic, and corruption of the blood! may a SLAUtJICN GOODALL, C. R.O. C.C. i Ly Gtins restocked, Fllllt-locksaltered to per What l* Scrofula but an acid humor ia the iMniy 1 Whsi g-\ EORGIA. —CttindPll Coiiiiiv — c,,M ’ ,on - «nd repairing donors usual. Etr* n '“ . a J'humor, which bring "n Ero^Uon. o^th. (j n|I ., may ; JS-N.... Xi U-rnurd .treet, S.,nU.8ideM.rk.t Skin, Scald Hend, Salt ilhcum. Erysipelas, while Swell lugs, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations Internal ami external? It is nothing under heaven, hot an acid substance, which saars,nnii thin spoils all the tluids of the body, more or George Lang. Executor ofthe estnte of Win. T. i sign of the Indian. atig 2 10 doing so; as ho leete auured ho fur- j "jnr^nlLki'SiMUir^ nish them on os abroad. good terras us they can get them j oct 13 A. SHORT. MAS TER BUIL D ER. Will take contracts for Building and work in Residence East! jan 8 j very trilling cost. GSFWo unpaid letters taken less. What cause* Rheumatism but n sour or acid fluid. from the office. To prevent imposition, the U. S. Agent, Dr. Ropeiihnrty will write his name In full on the outside label of each package. No other genuine. Remember this. fimosuiarlO To the inhabitants ol* .Savannah. In conformity with a Resolution recently pass ed by the Bourtl of Health, I would call your re- J^IQUID ADHESIVE PLASTER, or COL-j HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, &c.—A large assortment of Ladies LODIAN—• nnw ..nil elegant snhstitme I ^^Caml llis es white, (.lack and col’d Cotton for Plaster cloth?. Sutures. Bandages, ic.—This; Huse . b | ac | ( .„ ld c „i d sjjik and Raw 8ilk Hose; momhrnnofl tn t « rrn ml atntrt nf Rnnlth 'pninvod i arl,c ? .2 “ een ‘°! ,u “ “X !l, ‘ surgeons who have j jf en »g an( j Boys’ white, brown and col’d Cotton merabrnneo to t..e good state or Health enjoyed] tested it. far superior and more convenient than, ^all Hose: Gauze Cotton and Merino Under- by our FelloWtCitizens for years past, and to j f nrn , pr , nfM1 hs nf dressim? incised wounns For \r . e. uauze, ^onoii inn merino unoer ..rftn linnn von the necessity if vou desire u eon- ‘ ormer ,nenn "? 1 arcssing incisca v^ounas. r or Vests ; Lads’ and Gent’s Cotton nnd Silk bin- urge upon you ine necessity, u you ucsirc -on i, urn8< sore Nipples, and eruptive diseases, >t; brellas. Just received and for sale bv tinuance of that blessing, during the approaching j j ma p rove j extremely elficacious. It is also i marl Si A RSI season, to keep under those local causes by a rauc j, preferable to cnnrt plaster and gold beater’s ! nrnmnt rntnnvn tif all animal nnd vegetable de- ‘i.: . t i n IARSI1ALL & AIKIN. IIAJIILTON A SYMONS have | received per Hartford and Savannah: A .j—^chnitoassortment of French. English and »« m CLOTHS,CASSIMERS AND VEST- selected with the greatest care, and ofthe imported in tliia country. We aro now pre- Sushf t0 man nfacture at the shortest notice, and in best manner, any garmentin our line, for cash 0r approved credit . 17 WHITAKER STREET, 0ct 1*1 — Savannah, Ga. Urt small Shoe Store in "this city, with a Stock of NEW GOODS, aud that wo T much wish to see more new fucea. We are ini hours from half past 5 in the raorn- n« Itl 1 ?.*!; l he evening,and those who call on ball ijnd u* in a humor to sell goods, are v\. ? fint ^ Cotton Planters in this vicinity en. rou»«JI ovv n *» nn *l wish them to look at nnv k^CK BROGANS this year, that they A know where to find the goods they want a Wn Bnce * We are now supplied with the 1K ' in * we 8VBr saw - and we would res- EJW 10 thora who have Shoes to buy. H»a>oar measures. J L WILLIAM B. HALE, At IGR Congress St South side of' Market Square. prompt removal of all animal and vegetable de- composition, beyond tho corporal limits of Sa vannah. Cleanliness is an indispensible ingre dient of health. It ought to be observed hy all, otherwise you invito disease, and the consequen ces that necessarily follow in its train. We, your Board of Health, earnestly entreat you to white wash your Fences, Cellars, Out-houses; and freely use the (Sulphate Ferri) Copperas in pro portion of two pounds to three gallons of water, in your sinks and other places emiting unpleas ant effluvia. For the better advancement ot henltb, we would suggest that each citizen adopt a feeling that he also is a member of this Board, by giving his attention to the cleanliness of his premises, and those around him. The Board of Health expects their Fellow- Citizens will afford them aid in their weekly vis its, to enable them tn effect strict examinations and faithful reports. Your Board of Health requests that yon make known through the medium of its Chairman, Ward-Committees, City Marshal, or by letter through the Post Office, of any nuisance or de posit that mny be calculated to produce disease. The duty assigned to tis is an arduous one. If we meet with.a cordial and approving support, AN EARNEST AP PEAL— Those who have never Qawb . called on us for NEGRO BRO- then shall we feel that our labors bavo' not been have something yet to learn, viz: That without effect. SOLOMON SHEFTALL, Chairman Board of Health. Savannah, Mny 30, 1849. HL HATS 1 HATS 1 —NEW FASH IONS FOR SPRING. 1849. — Tho sub scribers have received the Spring style of Hats from tho manufocloiy of Messrs. W. H. Beebe & Co , Broadway, New-York, which they offer for sale on Saturday next, March 3d, at New York prices. D. A* AMBLER & CO. feb 27 140 Congress-st. pE B TENNESSEE.—Black and white Lace Canes r Linen Cambric Hdkfs, Thread and Unfn Edgings; Egyptian Nett Gloves and Mitts. For sale by apr 10 — MARSHALL & AIKIN. skin. ' It is not acted nponby water, andadheres YOUNG LADIES AND with almost incredible tenacity to the skin, keep- Ml MISSES will find us supplied with ing the edges of the wound closely together, and ra&^fesotnn very pretty black and bronze causing it to heal with hardly a perceptible scar.! Gaiter Bootees, Nos. 1 and 2; also, ll's, 12’saml A history ofthe article, together with commn-i and 13’s, and Ladies of all ages are very apt to nication.s highly commendatory of its value from find themselves suited before leuviug our Store, Dr. J. Mason Warren of Boston, Erasmus Wil- at 1G3 Congress street, son, F. R. S. Loudon, and other surgeons, will | be found accompanying it. A supply of the; above received hy A. A. SOLOMONS, Market Square. nnv 3 WILLIAM B. HALE. which Inunaatea iUeif Iwtivflen the Joints nnd elsewhere, iiritetins nnd intlHtmnq the delieato imues upon which *■ j acta 7 So of nervous uiseuses, of impurity of the blood, <*• deranged circulations, and nearly ail the niluienu whitf afflict human nnturc. Now is it not horrible to make and sell, nnd infinits» “souring, FERMENTING, ACID “COM POUND” OF S. P. TOWNSEND, ind yet he wnulu fain have it understood that Old Dr. Jsenh I'owniend's Genuine Original .Sarsaparilla, is an IMITA TION of his inferior preparation:! Heaven forbid that wo should deal in nn article which would benr tho most distant resemblance to a. P. Town send's article! and which shonld bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load nf complaints and critninationa from Agent* who have sold, and purchasers who have used , 3. P. Townsend’s FERMENTING COMPOUND. We wish It understood, became It Is the absolute truth, that 3. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jncob Town* , send's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dis similar; that they are unlike in every particular, having not one sinele thing in common. As S. P. Townsend is no doetnr, and never was, I* nn chemist, no pharmaceutist—knuws no more of medicine or disease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional j man, what guarantee can the public have that they are re ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing all the virtues of the articles used in preparing it. and which are in capable of changes which might render them the AC ENTS | of Disease instead of health. , Ashley, ban applied to the Hon. the Court of Or-! XY7TIOLE8ALE WINE. LIQUOR dinary for letters of dismissory from the said es- ! Vl AND GROCERY STORE.—ao. 188 GROCERY STORE.—No. 188 tote. Congress nnd 88 St. Julian Street.—WILLIAM These are therefore to cite and admonish all . M. DAVIDSON would inform his friends,that and singular the kindred nnd creditors of said j lie continues to keep on hnnd nt his old stand T. Ashley, to file their objections lo the granting West Side of the Market, a large assortment of ofsaid letters dismissory. within the terms pro .WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AND GRO- scrihed by law. in the clerk’s office ofthe Court CERIES, all of which he oilers on the bestnoa- of Ordinary, otherwise letters ns prayed for will ; sible terms. He is also constantly snnnlietf with he granted. 1 the best ALBANY ALE and NEWARK C1- Witness the lion. Tho. K. Dtinlmm. a Justice of said Court of Ordinary, this 5th March, A. D. 1849. HENRY R. FORT, c. c. o. c. c. mar 9 DER. to which he respectfully invites the atten tion of the public — oct 3 G * EORGIA. — Bulloch County.— r To all to whom it may concern.—Whereas Thomas Knight, Sen. applies to the Mon. the SPRING AND SUITIMLER GOODS O per brig Excel—5ft pieces printed Muslina and Lawns; lOdoz Ladies while nnd black Lisle thread Hose; 2ft do Gents’ Lisle thread Gloves; 1ft do Ladies Silk Gloves; 20 pieces Cotton Cnf- T RULY MAGICAL.—A grent Paper’s . . . ... opinion.—M’Mackin’s Philadelphia Model 1 B “ l wha » e, »® »bonid be expected from one who know* Courier comes out and declares to its 70.000 sub * «»tolng comparatively of medicine or disease! Itrequlre. Court of Ordinary of said county, lor letters of simere; 5ft do do col’d Print*; 50doz Ladies wht, Administration 011 the estato of James Mikell, ' ■ •••«■- — * ’ Sen., lute ofsaid county, deceased. These are therefore to cite aud admonish a singular tlie kindred and creditors o censed, to he and appear nt my office, in (units i ing, for sale low by ofthe law, and show cause, (if any theyimve,) ; apr 1G SNIDER, LATIIROP & NEVITT. why letters of Administration should not* be | S ra^.l the snid applicant. „ .. j JfflfSSR&l ■ do do do fnr ail kinds small Grain; 6 Grain Witness the Honorable Peter Cone, one of 10 R eceived per steamer CHEROKEE.—Plain awira Muslin,; Pleid; Doctor Whet’s Celebrated Cough Camlv Cambrics; Printed Muslins; Bleached Jeans and i truly nn excellent article. Read what it says: Drills; Black Wire Net Gloves and Mitta; White j Valuable Article.—Those suffering from Cotton Huse; PaviIhon_ Gauze, &c^ &c. For | co | ( j f i f will do well to procure a supply of Dr. j Wiley’s^Congh Candy, prepared only by Geo. a I wrson of some experience lo cook and serve up even a scribers, and nearly one million readers, that common decent meal, llmv much more important is it that ” T ' " ' * ' ~ ’ the persons who manufacture medicine, designed for i trf'Tn 8,1,11 C " ,,r, ’ •“* 15 ““ lay ° r I Thresher,; 2do do wiih Straw Carater* 4Pool I . I.ty, A. I •• ; •_ I able Horse Powers: 4ft Imnrnved Grain nOrf sale by may 29 LATHROP & FOOTE. _ j W. Childs & Co. We have had a fair opportu- TUST RECEIVED.—10 baskets best! nityoftesting the virtues of the candy in our Jn‘ ' ' “ refined Salad Oil; 3 cases fresh Prunes; a lot i ownfumily, and. unsolicited, except by them, we offresh Teas ; French Sweet Chocolate ; fresh Mnccaroni; do Vermicelli; a lot offresh Gnava Jelly, and many other articles too numerous to mention. For solo by apr 26 J- ROUSSEAU. PIANO FORTES—Made by Chiekering, Nunn’s, and Fisch er, and Gale & Co. The Rttbscri- ber offers for sale a large assortment of7, 6J, GJ and G octave Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, from the above makers. These Instruments are unsurpassed by any made in this country for pu rity aud fullness of tone, and elegnnee of work innnship ; some of them nre furnished with the complete Iron Frame, which strengthens thecase and prevents the liability of getting out of tone; others have the ordinary metniic plate, and can be offered for lower prices. These Pianos are offered without any advance from the manufoc turer’s prices, and those who are desirous of oh twining a superior instrument ate moderate ex pense wnuief do well to call and examine before pU j£?l"*'-" h “ e ' , w , m uS£LL. give our experience. It is very pleasant to the taste, without nausea in its effects, and almost magical in its operations upon the uffection.” The above, from such a source, we think is enongh to convince the most skeptical. We would advise all who are in the least trou bled with a cough, cold, or euy diseasearising from those complaints, to be sure thatthey pur chase a package of DR^WILEY’S. CELEBRA TED COUGH CANDY,Aud we will guarantee them a perfect cure. Frice 12£, 25. 50 cents, and $1 per package. Be sure to ask for Dr. Wi ley’s Cough Candy, and take .none other, if of fered to you. Gxo. W. Childs & Co. Sole Proprietors, No. 320 Mnrket-st. Phila’a. A. A. SOLOMONS, Agt. Market-sq. feb 3 Sole agent for Suvannuh. TT* LEG ANT PERFUMERY. A .I i general assortment of Lnbin’s Extracts for the Handkerchief; a variety of French, English, and American Perfumery; Toilet and Shaving Sqapr, Antique Oils, Parnaturas. &c.: just receiv ed by A._ Ak SOLOMONS, Ag’t. dfcc 6 WEAK STOMACHS AMU EXFXEBLED SYSTEMS, should know well ibe medical properties of planu, th* best manner of securing nnd concentrating their healing virtues, also an extensive knowledge of the various diseases which affect the human system, and how to adapt remedies lo those diseases: mny 2ft DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. b. c. ^EORGIA.—McIntosh County.— yjF To nil whom it mny concern.—Whereas, j William I. King, Administrator on the estnte ot I Thomas K. Gould, late of said countv, deceased, It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm : hath applied to tho Honorable the Court of Or- to wonndod hon,.nl.y. » kln.ll. bop. lo .h., di , mry ‘ | lf 9njd ,. oumyj for | otte „ on Into wounded hnmanity. to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health ami bloom, and vigor Intn the crushed and broken, and to banish infirmity that Ot,D DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the op portunity and means to bring his Grand Universal Concentrated Remedy within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need It, that they may learn and know, by joyful experience, iu Transcendent Power to HeaL For sale by june 27 WM. HUMPHREYS, Agent for Savannah. N ineveh and its remains, with an account of a visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil-Worsbippers, und nn inquiry into the Man ners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians. By Austen Henry Layard, Esq., D. C. L. Received by JOHN M. COOPER, apr 10 T>ERIODKCAL9 AND NEWSPA- jL PERS.—The subscriber will procure to be sent to persotfc wishing to subscribe, any Periodi cal erNewapaper, American or Foreign. Snb- scriptiona in all cases payable in advance •• mayT* v" JOHT 9HN fif. COOPER. Haiti estnte. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant’s discharge in the (Clerk’s office ofthe said Court, within the time prescrib ed by Inw, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness the Honorable Alexander Wyley, one of the Justices of said Court, this 23d day ol May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred aud forty-nine. june 9 E. M. BLOUNT, c. c. o. m’i. c. able Horse Powers; 4ft Improved Grain nhd Rice Cradles; 30 Hnnd Corn Mills; G "Fitzger- nld’s” Patent Horse Power Mills, fojr plantation use. For sale bv apr 3 DENS LOW St. WEBSTER. G UARDIAN’S SALE;—'WILL BE HOLD agreeable to an order from the Honorable Inferior Court of Ware county, while sitting nsa Court of Ordinary, before the Court House door in the town of Wnresboro’, Wore County, on tlie first Tuesday in Augustnext, within the usual hours of sale : Lot of Land No. 193. in tho 8th District of originally Appling, now Wore county, containing 490 acres, more or loss. Sold fox the benefit of William H. Miller, minor. . THOMAS HILLIARD, Guardian, june 25 C HEMICAL and Pharmaceutic Manipu lation: A manual of the Mechanicnf and Cheinico-Mcchanical Operations of the Lahore- tnry, containing Descriptions of Inslhictione, Apparatus, and Management ih Matinfactaring, and in Auulyais and Accurate Resfchrch, for the use of Chemists, &c. By Campbell Morfit a Also another supply of Ghatming’s Etheriza tion in Childbirth. Ametthesio. or the Employment of Chloroform nnd Ether in Surgery. Midwifery? ®e. plhrJ. Y. Simpson, M. D , F. R. S. E. Received hy may 15 JOHN M. COOPER. G eorgia jiajufactcbed OSNABCRGS AND SHIRTINGS.—Tho antnerihera bore on hand llio fnllowiog kind, ol' O.nobTtrgo nnd Shirting., nnd Yarn,, which th*v offer lor ante nt lucnry price,. Troop Fnctnry.Eltrnhcn.jr. Georgia do nt Athene. Roswell do No,, l'nnd'7. MiltedgeTillo do. Sehlov’a Stripe* do hoit qnalit;. Roswell Faetorr ShTrtihg,; MatednrilU do: Fsctorr Yam*, assarted Noe. ^ »pr33 SN1UER, LATHROP 4 NEVOT. ^tata.