The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, July 17, 1849, Image 1

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mmh • ,W»5>« 1«Ha :;»»/»') h«M . fte nn.'ift'J IziiM* *t‘J wl JJ> -, »j t .M #rt* r-l »»«* JbttfcM In i ji/. .r > * ;.ir.«Vf J-»**7t»lS bating .,..-•< .•!■, ••<•( Ufw 'xth %ul nj. !•«)» P«« i«n»y iTJiX AIK ‘i H v i 11/3 * M ^ ,,»t.t vJht9^i5^!m;ij.U liiW ivtnh laiu-u>i*i ... ' HiijJlu id C,r/:if IrlSltfify it i-ratiboiq tbitfw -i*o;U mi ,, yfivtA) IAm fr I^Mj.,•.<!* r! lii.u 0.’ )KWi mUK’' b’lUunnj " WJiit'll 'ty>n»nH#££ '«l*i t's - ! l ft ip &Iq.’ iw/ttio •unit I 'i<ii» bull Hit. 'iiiT . mu li*.)t«>‘» x'vh ' im il di»l in-Hi 11 risEo! BOUHi .V I t V;.'. . If ~ OrLTV 6F:i8AVAN’N;A'H..- . A «ni«^t«W*' Wrawfeii „ *~Z TEN dollars per annum, '*■ kDvmn, . . .. .. .....*!■ *0R"- • — ' -■ - -.I ,. .... AT 8I x. DOLLARS! FOR .SIX) MONTHS ; tub TEirWB¥>S*x ,. fOR .TUEiCOUtf.TRlf, , . ' , . . U Tvabliibcd to W»t thojurrimgement of the iSf. Md coUtcihc all the ititcUtgahite. Comraer fij ’political and MirMtUaiiooiii, including new AdrartiaoutthU puWiaKod in the Daily Paper. "" THIS PAPER u iont to all: port*, ef the. 8tate and Union, j.ii-nfed in the oity, at* FIVE DOLLARS 2, ulum, or ut THREE DOLLARS for ai* clonthi. i ," . * TIIR WEEKLY GEORGIAN, . Tinubliahcd ovpry Friday oOomopn, oVthrh toLUa* per annum—ail payahlo in advance. u n_Each Citation by. the Clorka of tho # Court« ‘of Ordinary, that application has boon Jade for Lettera of AdnnmstraUon, muet bo pub- lMudTuiR-rrDAraatleaat. Notice by Executora and Admmiatratora for BebtoM cud Creditors to rendorin their accounts, mail bo published six wants. . ' aalcs of Negroes by Executors or Administra tors must be at public auction, on the first Tues- iiv ofthe month, betweeu tho usual hours pf sale, lithe place of public sales in the county where the LottorsTestamentary, of Administration,.or Guardianship, may have beengranted.firstgiving nirr oars notice tlioroof in one of tho pnhUo So” of this State, and at the door ofthe Court House, where such sales are to be held. Notice rorleave to sell Negroes, must bo pub lished for four months, before any ordor absolute shall be made thereupon by the Court. . Sales of Real Estate by Executors, Admiim- tratora, and Guardians, must bo puWishcd SIX- Tf DAYS boforo tho day of sale. These sales inuit be made nt tho Court House door of tho county in which the property is situate, and on the first Tuesday of tho month, botivoen tho hours often in tho morning and four ui the after noon. No sales from day to day is valid, unloss so expressed in tho advertisement. . . Applications by Executors, Administrators and Guardians to tho Court of Ordinary for leave to ■ell Land, must ho.published FOUR MON nils. Sales of personal property (except negroes) of testate and intestate estates by Exeontors and Ad ministrators, advertised FORTY DAYS. Applications by Executors and Administrators, for Letters Dismissory must be published SIX MONTHS. , Application for foreclosure of Mortgages on real estate, must bo advertised once a month for FOURJIONTHS. , . . Orders ofthe Court ofOrdmary, (accompanied with a copy ofthe bond of agreement) to inako tl- ties to laud, must bo advertised Three Months at least. . . . Sheriff's sales under executions regularly mated by the courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYSr^-Sales of porishable property under ordor of Court, must be advertised gener ally, TEN DAYS before the day of Sale. V All Letters directed .to this Oflico or the Editor, must bo post paid to eutitle them to atten tion. . - WILLUM B. IIAJbB’S i \ci boont/v. il T?hi.riill.t trrit^sufF •iti'i in .< l’*'ids iV : ;!I I. .IJ ’hy bvijj. btAnaA j lnop.'<4io».«v..«ii ol v ,... • j-“» -■ — ttfl ■ iiatlt tauiJitin to* »**<» akltq \*ui) 9ti yiav it fiad l/jf ,' ' iii j IB ;:i I f*v <tu Tf »Pf» B’j'l Ncw-YorJ* i, Architects and; owiiora oi any advantages whioVthese ,,, i¥W,wl other ruetallic substances hithorto used fortBofing, &o.. as' they posses^ at puce the lightne8s,of iron, without. Ui, liability to rust, having now-^911tested for spyetral years in this partiouj^,.both in this country and in Eu rope^ Thhy ar'P less liable to‘ Expansion and contraction Horn 1 sudden change of the atmos- pherq* than common tin-plates, iron, zinc, or any other metal, now .used. for roofing, und conse quently form a much better and tighter roof; re quiring far less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is bat a trifle more. A full stipplyi of all sizes, from 16f to 30 W. G., constantly on hand, and for sale by , GEO. JR. MOItEWOOD & CO. 14 & 10 Beaver-st. New York. The patent Hght for this article having been secured for the'iunited States, ail parties infring ing thereon, cither by importation or'otherwise, i U'iift>l;d *)o ft’n'tJinSiyhi PiaV lJJ 'tilt Vtl h'#nr»»fi 1 siibir* 1 i&Mia iU»S II be prosecuted. lyd&w novlO NowYork nod Bavannak Liao of Steamers— Weekly—Snllinu every Wmlaenda> . The new and superior Steam-ships TENNESSEE, Cupt. John Collins, and .CHEROKEE, Capt. Thomas Lyon, will, until.further.notice, leave Suvanuuh and New York every Wednesday, commencing with the 28th March. These swift Steamers aro each of 1.250 tons burthen, built in the strongest and most approv ed manner, and are unequalled in nil the needful qualities to give confidence as' well as despatch to travellers. They have all the accommodations for passengers anu freight requisite to entitle them to public patronage. The Ceutrul Raii-lload will despatch an extra train froui Alacon Tuesday evening, to connect with these steamers on Wednesday, andfrora Sa vannah on their arrival If .needed. Passage $25—payable in advance J for which, or freight, apply to PADELFORD & FAY, Savannah, or SAM’L L. MITCHELL, inar22 No. 194 Front-st. New York*. PASSAGE BETWEEN Savannali and Philadelphia, B* the Savannah and Charles- ZlriZVtZKl*ton Steamers and the STEAM- HHfiSfcsHIP COLUMBUS. By recent arrangements, Through Tickets will befurnished from Savannah to Philadelphia, by the Charles ton Duily Steamers and Stpain-shqe COLUM BUS, for Twenty Dollars. Freight will also be received iu Philadelphia, for Savannah, ut ten cents per cubic foot, for measurement goods, free ofallcliurges in Charleston. The accommodation for Steerago Passengers having beeu very much increased, slits can accom modate them comfortably, and Through Tickets from Savnnnuh will bo furnished ut $10. N. B—The COLUMBUS will loave Charles ton on her next trip, Thursday Afternoon, Juno 14th,after the arrival of the Savannah Steamers, and continue to leuve Charleston and Philadel phia every alteruute Thursday. BROOKS & TUPPER, june 4 ' Agents, Suvnnnah. Apothecary Store. T HE UN DERS1GNED having purchased the ' Stock in store, Smot’s Building, corner of Whitaker and Broughton streets, offers the same nt wholesale orretail. lie is in the receipt of fresh medicines from the North, which he will sell 011 as reasonable terms as any establishment in the city. L. J. MYERS, apr 18 ’ SDiet’s Building. LADIES’ SHOE EXCHANGE. L A DIE 8’ Misses, Children’s and Infant s SHOES, of every stylo, shade and pattern at the NEW GRANITE STORE, 103 Congress streeet, Savannali, Geo., sign 01 the Golden Hamh oct 1 PEOBGIA MANUFACWJREp VTOSNABURGS AND SHIRTINGS.—The mbacribers have ou hand the following kinds ol Omaburgs aud Shirtings, and Yarns, which they offer for sale ut factory prices. Troup.Factory, Extra heavy. Georgia do at Athens. Roswell do Nos. 1 and 7. Milledgevillo do. 8chley r s Stripes do best quality. Also Roswell Factory Shirtings; Milledgeville 4p; Factory Yarns, assorted Nos. apr 23 SNIDER, LATIIROP & NEVITT. Ill HATS AND CAPS.—D. A. AM BLER & CO. have on hand u full and com plete assortment of every possible variety ol HATS AND CAPS. Wo flatter ourselves that a more fashionable, a larger or better selected •tock of this kind of Goods has never boen ottered to tho citizens of Savannah. It comprises Fine Beaver, Mole Skin, Silk, Plain Russia, Tampi co, Ashland, Buena Vista, Rough and Ready, Knnchero, and Wool Hats ofevery description. Oue ofthe partners rosiding at the North, ena bles us to receive weekly supplies of goods. To Merchants aud. Planters we otter goods on m favorable terms as can be had South or North, oct 17 149 CONGRESS STREET. WATCHES AND JEWEL RY.—The subscriber wishes to call the ___ attonlionof his customers to a choice as lortiuontoffiue Watches, just received by recent arrivals, consisting of Gold Hunting CaseLevers, Gold Double Bottom Levers^ Gold imitation Dou ble Case Levers, Gold Anchor Escapement Le v ®rs, Silver Hunting Case Levers, Silver Double Bottom Levers, Silver Anchor Escupoment Le veri, Silver Lepine and Vertical Escapement. ’Alio, tine Gold Fob Chains, VeBt Chains, Curb Guard Chains, Keys and Chain Rings, all of which •tllbe sold as low as in any city in the Union. All kinds of Watches Repaired and warranted D. B. NICHOLS, oct 1 First corner west of Pulaski House. T O CAPITALISTS.—The undersign ed, in addition to his business as Druggist, proposes to establish, in the City of Charleston or Savannah, n Distillery, fur the purpose of manu facturing Alcohol (for Medicinal purposes only,) from the Sour Orange, a fruit common in the Stntes of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, which could be delivered at either of tho above named ports at a trifling expense. The process was lately discovered by him, and so rapid in its operation that a barrel can be distilled iu the short space of Ten to Fijleen Minutes This Alcohol has been pronounceih by medi cal gentlemen of Savannah, New York and Phila delphia, to bo superior to any now in.use for me dicinal purposes. Certificates from the first Phy sicians and Gentlemen of this City, New York and Philadelphia, can bo seen at uiy store, to which I ask your attention. I would bo pleased to receive communications from any part ofthe United States, which shall meet my prompt atteution. Address WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, JR. mnr23 Druggist, Savannah, Geo. ■ ur ii r'il t-!! 'tv uoad. : :■» mil Y<l ,ino.viiio luri V> s’dgh mil j ‘ !l '" f.-itb .v; ‘|t fl lo jlb/u:'! osb m't .oliiO Im/uiinigtiV j : IrWTo KfiNiib'J odi 'io Swoi 'vlwb *fl«h Maud Igglrtrfgg b’jtiu Ill'll y > oiG j j I.'ii.i yi.ia umtu nij ,lf»I. .Vfyt >‘lf.t A^NAHi'.T'oi-MfA-CO.N,',^ !Ll mo.l P«Menief ;Tralh« leave 8»vnnnnli »uil Stitcon.doilv, It ... J,:A M. - . 2^* .Wl v ^QtMacod aud Savannah,dally,P. M Tickets from Savannah to Aldcou, Georgia.. 1.. Li i 1..- $ 7 Of Do’ ’’dd ■ ,J, ’do ’ . in nr Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do, Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do v;.;. Atlanta,, do Augusta, do Coliimbus, do Opelika, ‘’Jacksonville, Ala •Talladei Talludega, do ) Huntsville, do } Decafiir,. .. j do ) 00 10 00 6 50 15 00 17 00 20 00 22 00 Tuscuinbig do "Tuskaloosti,. do # CoIumbus Aberdeen, 22 50 kaloosb, do A mibugj'Miss.. I ySprihg8,do .J... J * i.‘ Tenn ...L...i Mem^liis ? .‘‘ di. 28 00 25 00 30 00 Stages for Tallahassee and intermediate places connect with tho Road, at Macon, on Mondays, Wednesday# and Fridays; and with Milledgevillo daily. # To these pluces Tri-weekly without delay,—leaving Savannah on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. n,t ’ ’ * i RATES OF FREIGHT EORMERCHANDISE GENERALLY FROM SAVANNAH TO MACON. Measurement Goods.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets, Furniture, Shoes, Saddlery, Dry Goods, and oilier measurement goods, per Cubic fool,. i 13 cents. Crockery.-waroiu Crutes, Boxes orlllids. per Cubic foot, 10 do Goods by Weight.—-ist Class.—Boxes Glass, Paints, Drugs and Confectiouary per lOOlbs. 50 do 2d Class.—Sugar, Coffee, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tobacco, Leathor, Hides,} Copper,Tin, Sheetand Hooplron,Hard-ware,Rice,BoxesSoupand Can-^ dies, Holloware, Bagging, and other liouvy articles not enumerated below, ( per 100 lbs........... J 3d Class.—Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Pork, Beef, Fish, Tallow and Beeswax, per 1001bs...40 do 4fA Class.—Millgenring, Pig uud Bar Iron, Grind and Mill Stones, Nuils, Spikes ?«, ft An and Coal, per lOOlbs i U d0 Barrels Beets, Bread, Crackers, Potutoes, Fruit, Oysters, Onions, Ice, and other light An barrels each ^ .v uo Oil and Molasses per hhd (smaller ciusksiu proportion,) $6 00 Suit per sack, not exceeding 4 bushels, 50 cents. C. A. F. IRVINE, Agent of Transportation. Office of Central Rail Rpad, Savannah, May 15,1849. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. . ATLANTA TO DALTON IOO MILES. PASSENGER TRAINS leave ATLANTA Daily (Sundays excepted,) nt 1 o’clock, P. M., arrive nt DALTON at 8 P. M; returning leave DALTON ut 4 o’clock, A. M., and arrive at AT LANTA at 11 o'clock, A. M. Trains 011 the Memphis Branch Rail Roud, aud Stages for Nnshville nnd Knoxville, Tenn., and for Tuscuiubia, Ala.,and Memphis, Tenn.. rim iu connexion with this Road. RATES OF TRANSPORTATION FOR MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY. FROM ATLANTA TO Marietta nnd Bolton. >» OW iii ^ i-^o; ‘ >S g c Q-S-o ea 13 * ■ o ® ® 03 — p S so 5* £r a CZNTB CENTS. CENTS. 1st Class,—Per Cubic foot.—Boxes of Hats, Bounds nnd Furniture,.. 2d Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Boxes and Bales of Dry Goods, Shoes, Sud- ? dlery, Ginas, Painta, Oil., Drug, and Confectionery,....... J 3d Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Georgia Domestics, Sugar, Coffee, Liauor,^ Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese,Tobacco, leather, Feathers, 1 Hides, Cottoti-yarna, Copper. Tin, 1 Sheet-Iron, Hollow- j ware, Crockery, Castings, llurdware, Marble (dressed), &c.J 4th Class.—Per lOOlbs.—Flour,in sacks; Rice, Pork, Beef, Fish,Lard, "J Tallow, Bacon, in casks, boxes or sacks ; Beeswax, bales of 1 Rags, Ginsing, Fruit, Bur-Iron, Marble, undressed; Mill and | 2i 6 10 30 40 19 j 20 25 Grind-Stones, Mill Gearing,.. * j 15 Transportation Office, W.SfA. R. R>, Atlanta, April 14th, 1849. E. R. MILLS, Supt. Transportation. apr 19 BUSINESS CARDS. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. JoXm Mallery, Draper and Tailor, At the old stand on the Bay adjoining the City Hotel, I S NOW openng an entire Stock of NEW GOODS in his line, consisting of Cloths, Cassiiners aud Vestings, and a general assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and furnishing articles, all of the latest style and best materials ; which ho offers at prices fur below anything ever before offered in this mnrkot. He is prepared, also, to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen’s apparel, in the most approved style, having secured the assistance of Mr. MOTT, from New York, of many years expe rience, and much celebrity ns a Cutter. He feels confident of being able to please those who fuvor him with their orders. Those accustomed to sending North for their Clothing are invited to call and examine his goads and prices previous to doing so; as he feels ussurcil ho can fur nish them 011 as good terms as they can get them ubroad. f*« oct 13 M ay butter, cheese, CRACKERS, &c.—20 tubs choice Butter; 25 Goshen Cheese; 30 bbls. Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers: 30 half do. do. do.; 20 bbls. Pilot Bread. Landing and for sale by may 30 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. M. CAREY’S Fashionable Tailoring Emporium, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Corner of lVhitaker and Broughton-Strcets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. N. B. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, which will be made to order at tho shurtest notice, nnd warranted to fit. jan 27 . ly— REOPENED. E. WITIIINGTON’S LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, GAUDRY’S BUILDING ON THE BAY. GP’Ticketa nnd Shares for sale in J. W. Mau ry & Co.’s popular Lotteries. Uncurrent Bank Notes bought. ja n 1 ROBERT D. WALKER, MARBLE It STONE MANUFACTURER, BROUOHTON-8T.. BETWEEN WHITAKER &BARNARD. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Grave Stones, ofltaliun and Domestic Marble; Marble Mantle Pieces, and Berlin Grates; Free Slone for Buildings. Ornamental Irou Railings, &c. &c. t furnished to order. ly—■ oct 28 JOHN POOLE, HOUSE, SION, AND SHIP PAINTER, GILDER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER. All kinds of Mixed Paints, Glass and Putty, Paper Hanging, Fire-Board Prints, &c. For Sale at No. 11 Whitaker St. near the Bay, Savannah, Georgia. oct 24 ly— John P. Gnvtui &. Co., AUCTION AND COJIMISSION MERCHANTS, And Forwarding Agents, Macon, Gn. Macon, July 20,1847 ly july 23 A. SHORT, MAS TER BUILDER, Will tako contracts for Building and work in Masonry of every description. Residence East side of Pulaski Square. — jan 8 T HE WIFE’S PRIEND.-/mpor/a«t to those about to become Mothers.—Professor ALEXIS V. PAULITAN, ofthe Paris Lying-in Hospital, member of the Medical Academy of Frunce, Corresponding Secretary of the Paris Phurmncenticul College, respectfully begs leuve to uunounce to the Ladies of America, that he has appointed Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropenhurty, of New York, bis sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicine, known in France as The Wife’s Friend, or Mother’s Assistant the most extraordinary medical discovery the world lias ever seen. Its province is to Lessen the Pains of Child-Birth; und promote a safe, easy, and speedy delivery, which it does by assisting nature. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, plcasnntto the taste, mid never fails to promote an easy and safe delivery, and improves the gen eral health of both mother nnd child. It has been tested for venrs in ull the principal Lying-In Hos pitals of Europe, and receives the sanction of nearly all the prominent Colleges and Medical men <of the old world. It is tliegreatestmedicine in the world ; as all will gdtpit that a medicine must be thutwill lessen the terrible pains usuully atteiidnntou childbirth. There is no mistake a- bout this medicine doing nil that is said ofit. It never fails. It is iu the form of a fine, light powder, tube made into a drink, aud used for a few weeks previous to the expected event, and its price is so low as to bring it within the reach of all. Surely no humane husband will suffer his wife to endure pain, when itcan be so easily and cheaply avoided. For the small sum of only $1,00. sent post pnid to DR. JEROME Y. C. ROPENHURTY, New York Post Office, a package will be sent by return mail, it being so light that it pan be sent anywhere by mail, at u very trifling cost. ISTNo unpaid letters taken from the office. To prevent imposition, the U. S. Ageut, Dr. Ropenhurty will write his name in full 011 the outside label of each pnekuge. No other geutiine. Remember this. (jmosmarlO qH.3v/r. 3 - ‘Bar i:ut» ■t tWo" v! ^liod affi •j'V/o.noiip, 1 iK413«0SflHt ai« ,'h ; b.. ai. itfl n jj T* i’n a » v.\3 u ’> it it a * v t i o i«li -sdtAu sTaiWIdwl byliiV'J -ull l^'bllf: .V s.Z.rt^ * 1* V4J.vC to ijffi KiVoiJnoMpjH iin ■1 Bill til .ttd'U'oH O to oJ^Jl PH ' — mi. mJJo ’--‘f H>. t .l.- e «,C.,.y,V , cAua^pw'. „ A roan by tbs name of CLAPP baa essayed with a ypnnf^n^of Ibe same of 8<. t. Tojvniend, and, uaea his .name to put.up.a iBhmperyieVwhjeh they call^pr. Towa- •ahd*i Saraspeiille, deribrnlnatlny It OKHUINK, Orlitnal, •». ThU Towneend U nil doctor, and iievSr wA« \ but was fbraterly a Worker bnxultr6adii canals, and tbs like,. Yet he assnines the,title ofDj^., faif thq purpose ofsalnlny credit for what ns is ObL Thu Is'to cau^on the public hot to !he deceived, andfpurehase none but the QENrvtNR ORIGI NAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend’s S&mparilln, having oa It the Old Dr's, likeness, bis flunlly coat of arms, and h|i, slfnature across the coat of arms. Print ip tl Ojjice, 103 Nutsu-st., Nets York Citjf, '"■hiite'iHWfeM- 1 ',., /ZJ-EOROIA. — Bulloch Comity.— YJ To (ill whom it may conpern.-—Whereas Jasper Wilson, one'df the' Exdcutors upon the estate dfJahieB^Brinson, late of said Courlij',‘de ceased, applies for letters dismissory from the exeoutdrfcmp’of said estate. ' •’ Therefore 'the kindred end creditors of said This is ro prepared, l L iquid adhesive plaster, or col LODIAN—a new and elegant substitute for Plnstor cloths, Sutures, Bandages, &c.—This >avBW t wMt% t>ttM w<tt wttfm article bus been found by all surgeons who hnvel Men's uoj Boys' white, brown nnd cbl’d Cotton tested it, far superior and more convenient than ha)( u 08e; Gauze, Cotion and Merino Uuder- 4^ HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, ^TpT&c. &c.—A large assortment of Indies ^I^.nnd Mis es white, black and col’d Cotton Hose ; black nnd cold Silk and Raw Silk Hose; HAMILTON & SYMONS have received per Hartford and Suvannoh: A _ choice assortment of French. English and Bfilgium CLOTHS,CASSIMERS AND VEST INGS. selected with the greatest care, and ofthe host imported in this country. We are now pre pared to manufacture at the shortest notice, and in best maimer,' any garmeutin our line, for cosh °r approved credit 17 WHITAKER STREET, oct 13 — Savannah, Ga. AN EARNEST A P- PEAL.— Those who have never juj ’.:—r called on us for NEGRO BKO- WANS have something yet to learn, viz; Thai there isa smnll Shoe Store in this city, with a •*rge stock ofNEW GOODS in it, aua thnt we v ery much wish-to see more new faces. We are w home at all hours from half pastS in the morn- « i U m « 9 ta’to® evening,and those who call on ,pu a “ “*td us in a humor to sell good*. I ha Rico and Cotton. Planters in this vicinity and we wish them to lookpt ut THICK BROGANS this year, that they way know where to find tho goods they want n h« fi» ■ ilc ®' '' r ° aro n,,w •‘tPpHod with tlie Brogans we ever saw, aud we Would res- ryfinim Bisrotit' ; G UNSI--OUNSI—EDWARD LOVELL, Manufacturer and Importer of every de scription of Double and Single barreledGunsaud Rifles, Duelling, Belt, Holster, Pocket and Six- barreled Revolving Pistols, and every variety of Gun inuterial nnd Gun impliments.&c. Flasks, Pouches, Percussion Caps, Powder, Shot, Lead, and every article in tho Sportsman’s lino, for sale ow. EpGunsrestocked, Flint-Iocksnlterodto per cuasion, and repairing done as usual. SP*No. 11 Barnard street, South sideMarkct sign of the Indian. — nwe 2 W IOLESALE WINE, LIQUOR AND GROCERY STORE,-No. 188 Congress and 88 St. Julian Street,—WILLIAM M. DAVIDSON would inform his friends, that ho continues to keep on hand at his old stand, West Side of the Market, a largo assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AND GRO- CE1UES, all of which he offers on the best pos sible terms. He is also constantly supplied with the best ALBANY ALE and NEWARK CI DER, to which he respectfully invites the atten- tiorrof the public ~ oct 3 Hi HATS ! HATS l — NEW FASH- IONS FOR 8PRING. 1849. — Tho sub- scribers have received the Spring stylo of Hats from the manufactory of Messrs. W* H. Beebe & Co., Broadway, New-York, which they offer for salo on Saturday next, March 3d. at New York prices. D. A* AMBLER As GO. feb 27 149 Congress-st- CPRING AND SUMMER HOODS KJ per brig Excel—50 pieces printed Muslins and Lawns; lOdoz Ladles White arid black Lisle thread Hose; 20 do GeuU 1 . Lisle thread Gloves; 10 da Ladies Silk Glover, 20 pieces Cotton Qns- siinere; 50 do do coj’d Prints; 60 do« Ladies wht, black, brown and mix’! Cotton Hose: ICO pieces Scotch Gingham; 200 do Mosquito, Netting; 5 '"fptlr bnTdIr, Uthrop & nevitt. former means of dressing incised wotinos. For burns, sore Nipples, aud eruptive diseases, it has proved extremely efficacious. It is also much preferable to court plaster and gold beater's skin. It is not acted upon by water, and adheres with almost incredible tenneity to the skin, keep ing tho edges of the wound closely together, aud causing it to heal with hardly a perceptible scar. A history of the article, together with commu nications highly commendatory of its value from Dr. J. Mason Warren of Boston, Erasmus Wil son, F. R. S. Loudon, and other surgeons, will be found accompauyiug it. A supply of the above received by A. A. SOLOMONS, Market Square. R eceived per steamer CHEROKEE.—Pluin Swiss Muslius; Plaid Cambrics; Printed Muslins; Bleached Jeans and Drills; Black Wire Net Gloves and Mitts; White Cotton Hose; Puvillion Gauze, Ac. &c. For sale by LATHROP & FOOTE, may 29 Vests ; Lnds’ and Gent’s Cotton nnd Silk Um brellas. J ust received and for sale by marl MARSHALL & AIKIN. Wy YOUNG LADIES AND Mi N. MISSES will find us supplied with ^J-^fe^some very pretty black and bronze Guiter Bootees, Nos. 1 und.2; also, ll’s, 12’sand and 13*8, und Ladies of all nges nro very not to find themselves suited before leaving our Store, at 163 Congress street. nov 3 WILLIAM B. HALE. TUST RECEIVED.— 10 baskets best «/ refined Salad Oil; 3 cases fresh Prunes; a lot offresh Teas ; French Sweet Chocolate ; fresh Mnccaroni; do Vermicelli; a lot offresh Gnava Jelly, and many other articles too numerous to mention. For sale by opr 26 J. ROUSSEAU. PIANO FORTES-Made by Chickering, Nunn’s, and Fisch- _ - _ _ er, and Gale & Co. Tim subscri ber offers for sale a large assortment 617,6], 6J and 6 octave Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, from the above mnkers, These Instruments are unsurpassed by anV made in thiscorintry'for pu rity aud fullness Ufjone. and elegance : ofwork manship ; some of them are fhrnished with the complete Iron Frame, which strengthens the case and prevents the liability ofgettirig ont of tone; others have the ordinary metalio plate,' and can be offered fdr lower prices. 'TheaePianbs are offered without any advance from the menufac tutor’s prices, and those who are desirous of ob tairtingV«riperi6rinstoii)Watil ^pdeWtp pensc wnul/do Weffto -pipwttjebefr purchasing elsewhere. " - ^ jatl Sl '^2. ' L * t. W.-MORRELL rpRULY MAGICAL.—A great Paper’s X opinion.—M’Mackin’s Philadelphia Model Courier comes out and declares to its 70.000 sub scribers, and nenrly one milliou readers, that Doctor Wilby’s Celebrated Cough Candy is truly an excellent article. Read what it suys: "A Vulunble Article.— Those suffering from colds, will do well to procure a supply of Dr. Wiley’s Cough Candy, prepared only by Geo. W. Childs & Co. We nave had a fair opportu nity oflesting the virtues of the caudy in our own family, und. unsolicited, except by them, we give our experience. It is very pleasant to the taste, without nausea in its effects, aud almost magical in its operations upon the affection.” The above, from such a source, we think is enough to convince the most skeptical. We would advise all who are in the least trou bled with a cough, cold, orwy'disease arising fromthoBe complaints, to be-sirre thattbey pur chase a package ofDR.WJLEY’8 CELEBRA* TED COUGH CANDY, and we will guarantee them a perfect cure. Price 124, 50 cents, and $1 per package. Be sure to ask for.Dr, Wi ley’s Cough Candy, and take none other, if of fered to you. ■ Gzo. W. Childs A Co.- P Sole Proprietors. No. 820 Mnrkot st, PhilaV A. A. SOLOMONS, Agt. Market-sq. feb 3 t t , Sols agent for Savaunabi OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND, tub bmaiNAi; iiisooverer opthr Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old I)r. Towntend i» now ntraut 70 yenr* of nxc, nnd b&s ^>ng been known ns the AUTHOR nm\ DISCOVERER nf the GENUINE ORIGINAL ** TOWNSEND BAR- 8APARILf*A. n Being poor, he wa* compelled to limit IU manufacture, by which ilienna It has been kept out of mar ket, nnd the snles clrciunacrlbed to those only who had proved Its worth, and known Its vnlue. It had reached the ears of many, nevertheless, ns thone persons who hnd been healed ot' aore diseases, and saved from death, pro claimed Its excellence nnd wonderful HEALING POWER. Knowing, many yeart aro. that ha had. by hit skill, science and ex;>erleiice, devised an nrtlclo which would be of Incalculable advantage to mankind when the mean* would lie furnished to bring II into universal notice, when Its inestlmnble virtues would be known nnd appreciated. ThU time has come, the meant are supplied; this GRAND AND UNEQUALLED PREPARATION it manufactured ori the Inrgest scale, and Is called for throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially u It It found incapable of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young S. 1* Townsend's. It liu|irovcs with age. nnd never changes, but for the belter: because it Is prepared *a scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowl edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been brought into requisition In the manufacture of the Old Dr’s Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla mot, it It well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro perties, and some properties which are Inert or useless, and other*, which If retained in preparing It Ibr use, produce fermentation and. acid, which la injurious to the system. Some of the properties of Bnrsnpnrilla are so volatile, that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the preparation. If they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in iu manufacture. Moreover, these oslotileprinciplts, which fly olf in .vnpor, or as an exhala tion. under heat, aro the very essential medicU properties uf the root, which civ* to lt.nll U* value. Any person can boll or stew the root Ull they get a data colored liquid, which Is more (tom the coloring matteri* the root Than from any thing else; they can then strata this Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sour tnolosse* and then call It •• SARSAPARILLA EXTRACT or 8Y RtlP.” Rut such Is not the article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA. red, that all the inert properties of the 8nrinpnrillR root ure tint removed, every thing cupnble of becoming add or of fermentation, is extracted nnd rejected; then every imrtlde of medical virtue is secured In a puro and concentrated form; nnd thus It Is rendered Incapable of losing any of tu valuable and healing properties Prepared in this way, it Is made the most |>owerlul agent In the Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every side In iu favor by men, women, and children. We find It driing wonders in the cure of CONSUMPTION, DYSPEPSIA, nnd LIVER COM- PLAINIV nnd, .in, RHEUMATISM, * arising from , . IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy Iu all complainU arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of Iks Stomach, from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation ofthe heart, cold feel nnd hands, cold chills and not flashes over the body. It has not IU equal In Colds and Coughs; and promotes easy expcctnrntlou and gentle pcnpimilon, relaxing stricture uf the lungs, throat, and every other part. But In nothing is Its excellence more manifestly seen and ackuowlcdged than in all kinds and stnges of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in coses of Fluor Albas or Whites. Fhll ingof the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses. Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like; and Is as effectual In curing all the forms of Kidney Distaeco. By removing obstructions, and rcguluting the general system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and taut cures all forms of Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevents or relieves n great vuriety of other mala dies, as Spinal irritation. Neuralgia, St. Vitus’ Dames Swooning, Epileptic Fite, Convulsions, Ac. It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the ’stomach, and gives good digestion, relieves tha bowels of torpor and constipation, allays inflammation, purifies the skin, equalises the circulation nf the blood, producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, nua the Insensible perspiration; relaxos all strictures nnd tight ness, removes all obstructions, aud Invigorates the entire nervous system. Is nut this then The medicine you pre-eminently need! But ciin any of these things be said of S. P. Townsend'e Inferior article 1 This toung man's liquid is not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR’S, because of one GRAND FACT, that the one l* 1NCAPA OLE of DETERIORATION, and NEVER SPOILS, while the other DOES ; souring, fermenting, and blowing the bottles containing D into fragments; the sour, acin liquid exploding, ami damaging other goods 1 Must not this horri ble compound Ire polsunous to the system 7~- What I put acid into a system already diseased joitk acid I What causes Dyspepsia but acid 1 Do we nut all know that when food sours In our stomachs, what mischiefs It produces 1 flatu lence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint. diarrhoBa, dysentery, colic, and corruption of the blood 1 YVhat Is Scrofula but an acid humor In the body 7 What produces all tho humors which bring on Eruptions of the 8kln, Bcald Head, Bull Rheum, Erysipelas, White Swell logs, Fever Sores, nnd nil ulcerations Internal and external! It Is nothing under heaven, but an acid substance, which tours, nnd thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or leu. Whnt causes Rheumatism but u sour or acid fluid which Insinuates Itself between the joints nnd elsewhera irritating and Inflaming the delicate tissues upon which * acts 7 bo of nervous diseuses, of impurity of the blow!, o> deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments whldt atllict human nature. Ndw Is It not horrible to make and sell, and infinite* worst to use tills SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID ** COM POUND” OF S. P. TOWNSEND, tnd yet he wonlu fain have it understood that Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, l» tux IMITA TION of his Inferior preparation!! Heaven forbid that we should deal in an article which would benr the most distant resemblance to S. P. Town- tend'e article! and which shonid bring down npon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complalnu and criminations from Agents who have sold, and purchasers who have used 3. P. Townsend’s FERMENTING COMPOUND. We wish It understood, because It Is the absolute tmU, that B. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Town- tend’* 8ars&parilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dis similar; that they are unlike in every particular, having not one elngle thing in common. A* 8. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, Is no chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or disease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional man, what guarantee can the public have that they are re ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing all ths virtues ofthe artlclos used in preparing it. and which ara in capable of changes which might render (hem the AGENT8 of Disease instead of health. But whnt else should be expected from one who know* nothing comparatively of medicine or disease I It requires a person of some ex;>erience to cook and serve up even a common decent menl. How much more lin|H»rtant is it that the persons who manufhetare medicine, designed for WEAK STOMACHS AMD ENFEEBLED SYSTEMS, should know well the mddleal properties of pleats, the best manner of securing and concentrating their healing virtues, also an extensive knowledge of the various diseases which nflbct the human system, and bow to adapt remedies to those diseases! It Is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm Into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor into tha crushed and broken, and to banish Infirmity that OLD DR, JACOB TOWN8END hna SOUGHT and FOUND the op portualty and means to bring his Crand Universal Concentrated Remedy within the reach, and to tha knowledge of all who need It, that they u»y ienra and know, by joyful experience. Ua Transcendent Power to Heal. Forsnle by WM. HUMPHREYS, june 27 Agent fpr Savannah. missory will be grauted the applicant as applied for. * ■ t.J Witneu the Honorable William William., one ofthe Justices of the gaid Court, this 2d of July, ArD., 1849. july 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. b. or TYTINEVEH AND ITS REMAINS, ll with an. account of a visit to the Chaldean Cfirisliauis of Kurdistan, and the. Yczidis, or Devil-Worshippers, and art inquiry into the Man ners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians. By Austen Henry Layard, Esq., D. C. L. Received By ' JOHN M. COOPER, apr JO ; pj!I, /~i EOIfcGIA. -^Bulloch Couuty. XT To all- Whom. It, may concern.—Whereas James Houjn, guardian of John M. Wright, Orphan of William Wrigh^, late of said Courtly, deceased, applies for letters dismissoiy' from said guardianship. Therefore: the kindred and creditors of the said John M. Wright are hereby cited nnd’ ad monished to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office; IH terms of the law, other wise letters dismissory will be granted the appli cant as applied for; Witness the Honorable Peter Cone, one of the Justices of tho said Court, this 2d day of July. A. D., 1849. . july 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c.o. b.«. JaKT Doctor KchfiU Will and Te«ti deedHsed, lW , *«.« « fdrior Court 0 fAh id Mu nty.^yfh a "iry purposes, lor a citotion to Ittue andbe jiult- 1 according tb IavV’.' forletters dlsmliiib’ry.'. J These are therefore td cite and Udmonliili nll, concerned, uj file their Objection* (if any tlidV.' have) to the Applicant in'the Clerk’s offljjdipfraia* CoUTt, on or before the eighth day of Noyerabfj’. next, otherwise lettera dismissory wUlbe|ftn?&u! Witness the Hon. Anthony Porter, otu£ofjJi<j JubUcej^oT said Court, 1 this 8th day of 'Muy,,. may 8 SEABORN GOODALL, c.oloVcVci; mpUR MONTHS AFTER DATE, AE^til jL cation will be the Honorablp.tktt Justices ofthe Inferior Court, for the County of) McIntosh, while sitting fur ordinary purpqMs,-for leave, to sell all the real estate of theJats : JpHN, MITCHELL, deceased, in compliance .with hiq .last will and, .testament. RANDOLPH SPALDING, EwV. Darien,July 3,1849., July 9 i TJEKIOmCAlS AND AEWSPA- Jc ?! PER6r.-s-TlB»'.obicribir win procure' to ha,.ttjr>R«riodi. «J.<!r ; N«w.WW>/. AW ' ription. in .11 epre.p may 7 EORGIA. — Bulloch County.— YXTo all to whom it iriay concern.—Whereas James Lee, Executor upon the estate of Anthony W. Bonnell, late of said County, deceased, ap plies for letters dismissory from the executorship, of the said estate. ' Therefore the kindred *imd creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished (o file their objections (if any they have) in my office, iu terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant as applied for. Witness the Honorable James Cone, one of the Justices ofthe said Court, this 2d day of July 1849.’ * july 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. b. o. /^EORGIA. — Bulloch County.— VT To all to whom it may concern.—Whereas Haskell Souimons, Guardian of Benjamin J. Sems, Orphan of Margery Seats, late of said County, aecen^d, applies for letters dismissory from said guardianship of said orphans. Therefore tho kindred and creditors of said said orphans are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, in terms of the law, otherwise lettera dis- missory will be granted applicant as onrilied for. Witness tho Honorable John Goodman, one ofthe Justices ofsuid Court, this 2d day of July. A. D., 1849. july 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. n. c. /TEORGIA. —Bulloch County.— VX To all whom it may concern.—Whereas William Lee, Jun., applies for letters of admi nistration on theestote of Thomas Lee, a lunatic, lute of said County, deceased, these are to cite nnd admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of the said deceased to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any they huve) why letters of administration should not be granted tho said applicant. . , Witness the Honorable Benjamin Ellis, one of the Justices ofthe said Court, this the 2d day of July, A. D., 1849. july 5 DAVID BEA3LEY, c. c. o. b. /^JEORGIA. — Bulloch Comity, vJ All persons concerned ure hereby notified, that four months after dnje I ehnll npnlu^rn tho the Honorable Inferior Court of said County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to tho estato of tho late Sarah Gigger, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceused, this 2d of July, A. D., 1849. july 6 WILLIAM SHERFFIELD, Adm’r. TYTOTICE.—All persons indebted'-to'tbif L1 Estate of Daniel R. Rolfe, late of Chatham County, deceased, are requested to make |hiy- ment, and those 4o whom the said Estate lit in debted, will rdnder in their claims; properly ats tester, within the time prescribed by law. GRACE J. ROLFE, Ez’i*. july G * - flw—. V»v. ut I l^OUlt MONTHS after date I Shall X ply to the Honorable Inferior Cohrt qi* Bulloch County, when kitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell all the Reul arid Personal Estate of Mitchell llolloWav, lute ofsaidCoiiritv; Deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and Crbdi: tors ofsuid deceased. , * may 26 WILLIAM HOLLOWAY,'Adui’f/, l?OUR MONX’HS after date application X wUI be made to the Honorable Court of Or dinary of Chatham County, for permission to sell four Negroes, viz: Surah and her throechildren, Will, Delia and Susan, , for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of the Into Joshua Rahn. de ceased. ALEX. H. RAHN, Wr, mar 19 ■rj> XEOll'l'OK'S NOTICE.-AlIJiH'r'- XJ sons having demands against the estate of Dr.; JAMES TROUP,of McIntosh county,ittei ceased, are requested to present them properly attested; and those indebted to the estate are re quired to muke payment to J. IIAMiLTON.COUPER, D. II. B; TROUP... Darien, 16tl» Muy, J849. Qualified Ex!ora^ may 17 u G EORGIA, Bullocli County.—All perious concerned are hereby notified, that four mouths after date I shall apply to the Hon orable Inferior Court of said County, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lunds belonging to the estate of the late Charles Zitteraur. deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceused, this 2d of July, A. D., 1849. july 6 MARY ZITTERAUR, Adm’x. TV] OT1CE*—All persons having demands -L ^ against Isaac Slayton, late of Camden court* ty. deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, to me within the time prescribed by law. And all persons indebted to said deceu sed, are hereby required to make immediate pay ment. • HENRY R. FORT, AdnVr. may 11 XIXECUTOR’S NOTICE.—AH pm- XJsons indebted to the estate of ARCHIBALD CLARK, late of Camden county, Georgiai de ceased, are requested to make payment: And oil persons having claims against the same, are call ed upon to present their accounts -properly at tested. HENRY E.W. CLARK; St. Mary,, Geo. Jun. 1. Court of Effingham county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for lonve to sell (3) three traotoof land tu said county, containing in the aggregate (390) three hundred nnd ninety ucres. Said land ha lo iiging to the estate of Israel Weitman, late ot said county deceased, for the benefit of tbeiheira aud creditors of said estate, opr 3 E. G. WEITMAN, Ad’r. /^JEORGIA.—McIntosh County.— VX To ail whom it may concern.—Whereas, William I. King, Administrator on the ostate of Thomas IC. Gould, late of said county, deceased, hath applied to tho Honorable the Court of Or dinary of said county, for lettera dismissory on said estato. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant's discharge in the Clerk’s office ofthe sata Court, within the tiinoprescrib. ed by law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. Witness the Honorable Alexander Wyley, one of tho Justices of said Court, this 23d day of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred und forty-niue. june 9 E. M. BLOUNT, c. c. o. m’i. c. G 'EOUGIA. — Camden County.— l To all whom it mny couccrn.—Whereas, George Lang, Executor ofthe estate ofVVm. T. Ashley, has applied to tho Hon. the Court of Or dinary for letters of dismissory from tho said es tate.. These are therefore to cite and admonish uli and singular the kindred and creditors of said T. Ashley, to file their objections to the granting ofsuid letters dismissory, within the terms pro scribed by luvv, in the clerk’s office ofthe Court ofOrdittury, otherwise letters as pruyed for will be granted. Witness the Hon. Tho. K. Dunham, a Justice of said Court of Ordinary, this 5th March, A. D. 1849. HENRY R. FORT, c. c. o. c. c. mar 9 G EORGIA.—Chatham County.— To all whom it may concern.—Whcroas Isaac Abrahams will apply to the Honorable the Inferior Court of said County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for Letters of Administration (with the Wiilnnnexed,) on the estate and effects of Elizu Abrahams, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and udntonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors ofthe said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant, in the Clerk’s Office of suitf Court, on or before the third day of August next; otherwise Lettera of Administration will be granted. Witness, the Honorable R T. Gibson, one of the Justices of said Court, this 3d day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty nine, june3 SEABORN GOODALL. c.c.o.c.c. G EORGIA.—Chatham County.— To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, James Eppinger, surviving Executor of John Eppinger,lute of said county, deceased, hath ap plied to the Hon. the Inferior Court of stud bounty, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for a ci tation to issue and be published according to law for Letters Dismissory. These ore therefore to cite and admonish, all concerned to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office ofsaid Court, on or before the sixth day of September next; otherwise Letters Dismissory will be grant ed. Witness, the lion. W. Thorne Williams, one the Justices of the said Court, this Gtk day or Mgrch. A.D., eighteen hundred and forty-nine, mar 6 SEA BORN GOODALL, c. o. o, c.c, F OUR -MONTHS after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes for leave to sell a tract of two hun dred and Bovouty-threo acres of land (more or less) lying in the County of Burke, originally grantpd .to.WiUiit Hurst,.being part of the real mil nQuli.v-iq ofri :.j v•'<4it?v?f Ex’or. ? MONTHS after date application A will be made to the Inferior Court of Cam den county, when Bitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to soli the following properly belong ing to the estate of JOHN T. RUDULPH. for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors, viz: Wharf Lot and Stores, and one Dwelling House arid Lot, and the following negro slaves, viz : Abra ham, George, Dublin, Lucy, Philamiah and Bell- “»*• EMILY RUDULPH. St. Marys, May 29. 1849. june 5 TVOTICE.—All persons indebted to thoes* tote olISRAEL WEITMAN, late of Effing ham County, deceased, are requested to mako payment: And all persons buving demands a- gainst said estate ure hereby notified to present them withiu the time prescribed by law. may 29 * E. <5. WEITMAN, Adm’r. PUBLIC SALES. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE Of nn order from the Honorable the Justices ofthe Inferior Court, for the County of Mcln^ tosh, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold iu the City of Darien, ou the first Tuesday iu August next, nt tho residenoo ofthe late John Mitchell, deceased, all the personal estate ofsaid deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock in tho morning, and to continue from day to day, if necessary. Terms cash before delivery. RANDOLPH SPALDING, Exe’r. Darien, July 3, J849. july 9 E XECUTOR’S SALE.—ON THE FIRST* Tuesday in September next, will be sold- before the Court House door, iu the Town of Statesboro, Bulloch County, the personal prop, erty ofthe Estate of Churlea Zetterouor, deceas ed. consisting of oue negro man, Adam, Vidy Harriot, Annin, Hannuh, George, Peter and Clarisa. Terms of sale, twelve months credit. Purchasers will be required to give small notes with approved socurify. July 2,1849. ADAM JONES, , july 4 JOHN GOODMAN, J Ex **' QIIEKIFF’S SALE.-On the firar O Tuesday in August next will be sold, at the Court House, Effiugbam County, between the usual hours of sale, all that tract of land lying in snid County of Effingham, containing ono hundred acres, more or leu, hounded by lands of Janies Zcttrour on oue side, levied ou by a Constable, and returned to me as the property of* the said James Zottrour, to satisfy two execu tions in fuvor of Trion Pace tv, said James Zettrour. Conditions, cash, july 0 D. A. MORGAN, *. z, a UARDIAN’S SALE-WILL M SOLD agreeable to an order from the Honorable Inferior Court of Ware coanty. while sitting ua Court of Ordinary, before the Court House door in the town of Waresbpro’, Ware County, on the firstTuesday in August next, within the ustiel hours of sale : Lot of Land No. 193. in the 8th District of originally Appling, now Ware connty, containing 490 acres, more or less. Sold foFthe benefit of William H. Miller, minor. THOMAS HILLIARD, Guardian. june 25 a». jJBa^^sfssiisJa Boot* Gonti. Congrou Gaiter Boot. | L«. die. Congreil Gaiter Bootoei i Ladle. Blue, Blk end Bronze aide lice Goiter, j Genu. Leghorn Panama and Palm Loaf 1I.U; Boja aluf Chil dren. nreuy Leghorn Hata, for aole tt lheNeW One PricB Shoe Store in Broughton etreet. apr 25 E EFINED CASTOR OIL.—Tha Subacrib-' ere hare juat received a rent eaten of High ly Refined and Pure CaatorOil.’ Thia- artreti > being void of luata and imell ia aultobla for in-’ route, children and parenna with delicate 8to mocha. THOS.'U. TURNER & Cd, ' 181 Bar-etreat. brill ho atfari iim e'aoa itfl'S ■ aj^t 84 "washBurn, wilder : sa