The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, July 24, 1849, Image 1

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• s TOIL XXXI. ‘THBDliW OEOHGIAN, , n rostuntp « tS* ' oitt OP SAVANNAH. JACKSON, PUNCH & SIBLEY, at tbs dollars per annum, ilMI-MllUU.LT IK IDVXSCI, AT SIX DOLLARS FOR SIX’ MONTHS TBB TRI-WBEIU.Y GEORGIAN, TOR Tit* COlntTnV, I, published to mui» th* Rrnngumrator thu • ,ai, three tlmoi « vtook, (Tuerf. r . Thureday ; id Saturday,) it tho Office of tho Dotty Oar jS. and contains all'tho intelligence, Commer ml, Political and Miabollaneouo, Including now Adrartiremonu published in the Daily Paper. THIS PAPER - __ ,. , - Ji o, delivered in tin per annum, or at •iontha. — — ilhion, J at FIVE DOLLAR8 - DOLLARS for air THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN, lli published every Friday afternoon, at thrxi eoiuna per annum—all payable in advance- N. B.—Each Citation by tho Clerk* of tho CbtTrta of Ordinary, that application baa been taade for Lettera of Administration, mult be pub- tiahed thirtt Data at leaat. Notice by Executors and Administrators for Debtoreand Creditorato renderin their accounts, oust be published aix 'wzxXa. Sales of Negroea by Executora or Adminiatra- tara must be at public auction, on the firat Tues day ofthe month,between theuaualhours ofsale, at the place of publio sales in the county where the Letters Teatamentary, of Administration, or Gaardianahip, may have been granted,first giving lirrr DATs notice thereof in one of the public itiottea of this State, and at the door ofthe Court House, where ouch sales are to be held. Notice for leave to cell Negroes, must bo pub lished for four months, before any order absolute ahull be made thereupon by the Qourt. Sales of Real Estate by Executors^ Adminis trators, and Guardiana, must be published SIX TY DAYS before the day of sale. These sales mast be madaat tho Court House door of the county in which the property ia situate, and on the lint Tuesday of tho month, between the houn often in the morning and four in the after noon. No sales from day to day is valid,unless attention of Builders, ArchlteeiS and owitere'of Buildings.'to the tunny advantage* which these plates poasees over all othor metallic substances hitherto used for roofing, Are.,as they possess at ones thellghtneaa of iron, iciikotti its linlUityto nut, having now boon teated for several year* in thla particular, both in this country and In Eu rope. They are less liable to expansion and contraction Rom sudden 1 change of the atmos phere, than common tin plates, iron, zinc, or any other metal now used' Ibr roofing, and conse quently form a much better and tighter roof; re quiring for less froqtiont repairs, whilst tho first coatlahut a trifie more. A foil supply, of all sizes, from 16 tri 30 W. G-, constantly on hand, and for sale by ■ GEO. R.MOREWOOD & CO. 14* 10Beaver-st. Now York. The patent right for this article having been securedfor the United .States, oil parties infring ing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, wfilbo prosecuted. lyd&vv novlO Applications by Executors, Administrators and Guardians to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, must be published FOUR MONTHS. Sales of personal property (except negroes) of testate and intestate estates by Executors and Ad ministrators, must bo advertised FORTY DAYS. Applications by Executors and Administrators, 6r Letters Dismissory must be published SIX MONTHS. , , „ _ Application-for foreclosure of Mortgages on real estato, must be advertised once a month for four-months- Orders oftha Court ofOrdtnary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond ofagriement) to make ti tles to land, must be advertised Thru* Mouths at least. , , , ShcriiTa sales under executions regularly arutled by the courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYS—Sales of perishable property under order of Court, must be advertised gener ally, TEN DAYS before the day of Sale. » * AlILettors directed to this Office or the Editor, most be post paid to entitle them to atten tion. WILLIAM B. HALE’S Nesr-York awl BaVamrak few .r esei ^Weekly—Sallluif erery Wednesday. The now and superior Steam-ships SSUmtm TENNESSEE, Capt. John Collins, and CHEROKEE, Capt. Thomas Lyon, will, until further notice, leave Savannah and New York every Wednesday, commencing with the 28th March. These swift Steamers are each of 1.250 tons burthen, built in the strongest and most approv ed manner, and are unequalled in nil the needful qualities to give confidence as well ns despatch to travellers. They have all the accommodations for passengers and freight requisite to entitle them topublicpatronage. The Centra! Rail-Road will despatch an extra train from Macon Tuesday evening, to connect with those steamers on Wednesday, and from Sa vannah on their arrival if needed, Passage $25—payable in advance ; for which, or freight, apply to PADELFORD & FAY, Savannah, orSAM’L L. MITCHELL,, mar 22 No. 194 Front-st.New York. PASSAGE BETWEEN Savannah and Philadelphia, By the Savannah and Charles ton Steamers and the STEAM SHIP COLUMBUS. By recent arrangements, Through Tickets will be furnished from Savannah to Philadelphia, by the Charles ton Daily Steamers and Steam ship COLUM- •BUS, for Twenty Dollars. Freight will also be received iu Philadelphia, ibr Savannah, at ten cents per cubic foot, for measurement goods, free of all charges in Charleston. The accommodation for Steerage Passengers having been very much increased, she can accom modate them comfortably, and Through Tickets from Savannnh will bo furnished at $10. N. B.—The COLUMBUS, will leave Charles ton on her next trip, Thursday Afternoon, June 14th, after the arrival of the Savannah Steamers, and continue to leave Charleston aud Philadel phia every alternate Thursday. BROOKS &TUPPER, june 4 Agents, Savannah. Apothecary Store. T HE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the ( Stock in store, Smet’s Building, corner of Whitaker and Broughton streets, offers the same at wholesale or retail. He isinthe receipt of fresh medicines from the North, which he will sell on as reasonable terms as any establishment in the city. I*. J. MYERS. • fipr lb ' HmeTs Builqtfg. 163 Congress streeet, Savannah, Geo., sign oi the Golden Hand. oct 1 6BLWSS, subKcribers have on hand the following kinds ol O.snaburgs and Shirtings, and Yarns; which they offer for sole at factory prices. Troup Factory, Extra heavy. Georgia do at Athens. Roswell do Nos. 1 and 7. Milledgeville do. Schley’s Stripes do best quality. Also Roswell Factory Shirtings; Milledgeville do; Factory Yarns, os*sorted Nos, apr23 SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITr. T O CAPITALISTS.—The undersign ed, in addition to his business ns Druggist, nroposes to establish, in the City of Charleston or Jdvannak, a Distillery, for the purpose of manu facturing Alcohol (for Medicinal purposes only,) from tho Sour Orange, a fruit common in the States of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, which could be delivered at either of the above named ports at a trifling expense. The process was lately discovered by him, and so rapid in its operation that a barrel can be distilled in the short space of Ten to Fifteen Minutes This Alcqhol has been pronounced by medi cal gentlemeuof Savannah, New York and Phila delphia. to be superior to auy nowin use for me dicinal purposes. Certificates from the first Phy sicians and Gentlemen of this City, New York and Philadelphia, can bo seen at my store, to which I ask your attenliou. I would be pleased to receive communications from any part ofthe United States, which shall meet my prompt attention. Address WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, JR. mar23 . Druggist, Savannah, Goo. fill HATS AUD CAPS.-D; A. AM BLER AGO. have on hand a fltll and com plcte assortment of every possible variety ol HATS AND CAPS. We flatter ourselves that a more fashionable, a larger or better selected stack ofthis kind of Goods has never been offered to tho citizens of Savannah. It comprises Fine Beaver, Mole 8kin, Silk, Plain Russia, Tampi co, Ashland, Buena Vista, Rough and Ready, Rancliero, and Wool Hats ofevery description. One of the partners residing at the North, ena-r bins unto receive weekly supplies ofgoods. To Merchants and Planters we offer goods on &s favorable terms as can be had South or North, net 17 140 CONGRESS STREET. WATCHES AND JEWEL RY.—The subscribe; wishes to call the ___ attention of his customers to a choice ds aortmautof fine Watches, just received by recent arrivals, consisting of Gold Hunting CaaeLevers, Geld Double Bottom Levers. Gold imitation Dou ble Case Levers, Gold Anchor Escapement Le vers, Silver Hunting Case Levers, Silver Double Bottom Levers, Silver Anchor Escapement Le vers, Silver Lopiuo and Vertical Escapement. Also, fine Gold Fob Chains, Vest Chains, Curb Guard Chains, Keys and Chain Rings, all of which *»ub6 gold as low as in any city in the Union. All kinds of Watches Repaired and warranted Di B. NICHOLS, oet 1 First corner west of Pulaski House. i HAMILTON * SYMONS have received per Hartford and Savannah: A choice assortment of French, English and , im CLOTHS,CASBIMERS ANDVEST- ‘NG8. selected With the greatest care, and ofthe «est imported in this country. We are now pre. fu u 10 ma nnfc c ture at the shortest notice, and in »us best manner, any garment in our liriej for cash or approved credit 17 WHITAKER 8TREET, °ct 13 < ... Savannah, Gm fcnk. AIT EARNEST AP yWa^PEAL.—Those who; have never called on us foY; NpORO BROn JJAN8 hajre soinathiffg yet to learn, viz: That jnero is a 6mA11 Shoe Store in thU ally, with urge,stack of NEW .GOODS ip it, aiid that wo very much wlih tosee more hew faces. We are 5*2’ ai hodrs from hdlFpast 6 in the morn- intheevening.'aridthose who cdll on Bnd us in a humor to sell goods. the Rice and Cotton 1 Planters In thik vicinity w1b * ,! lhflm to look at i who baVe Shoes te buy, , ^ "williamb; Actfls ***** Co *«**' #cl0S ' NTaritel Square NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. John Mallery, D n a p k n and Tailor, At the old stand on the Bay adjoining the City Hotel, S NOW open'ng an entire Stock of NEW GOODS in his line, consisting of Cloths, Casaimers and Vestings, and a general assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and furnishing articles, all of the latest style and best materials; which he offorB at prices far below nnytning ever before offered in this inarkot. He is prepared, also, to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen’s apparel, in the most approved style, having secured the assistance of Mr. MOTT, from New York, of many yenrs expe rience, and much celebrity as a Cutter. He feels confident of being able to please those who favor him with their orders. Those accustomed to sending North for their Clothing are invited to call ana examine his goods and prices previous to doing so ; as he feel* assured he can fur nish them on as good terms as they can get them abroad. — oct 13 Passenger Trains laavo Stvannob and Macon,daily, at .....I... ...T A M. fal 'go *™« at Macon and Savannah, daily,at.... \ 7 P. M. Ticket* from Savannah to Macon, Georaia ;..... $ 7 0(1 n n .1 n .! n A * I ‘ . .S * .A Atlanta, do Augusta, do Columbus, do ^Opelika, . Jacksonville, Ala. *Tallndegn, do Huntsville, do Decatur, do Tuscumbia do M Tiiskaloosa, do •Columbus, Aberdeen, HoIlySptfngSt . , Nashville, Tenn. Y Murpreesh* do > Columbia, do ) >osn, do 1 in, do j rings,do j 10 00 6 50 15 00 17 00 20 00 22 50 28 00 25 00 Stages for Tallnhassej and intermediate places connect with the Road, at Macon, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and with Milledgeville daily. • To these places Tri-weekly without delay,—leaving Savannah on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 3 , RATES OF FREIGIIT FOR MERCHANDISE GENERALLY FROM SAVANNAH TO MACON. other measurement goods, per Cubic foot, Crockery-warein Crates, Boxes or Hhds. per Cubic foot,... Goods by Weight.—1st Class.—Boxes Glass, Paints, Drugs and Confeclionnrv perlOOIbs. 50 2d Class.—Sugar, Coffee, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tobacco, Leather, Hides,') Copper, dies, 3d Class.—Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Pork, Beef, Fish, Tallow and Beeswax, per 1001bs...40 do 4th Class.— Millgenring, Pig and Bar Iron, Grind and Mill Stones, Nails, Spikes > and Coal, per 100lbs.... J Barrels Boets, Bread. Crackers, Potutoes, Fruit, Oysters, Onions, Ice, and other light / barrels, each, * ) Oil and Molasses per hbd (smaller casks in proportion,) $0 00 Salt per sack not exceeding 4 bushels, 60 cents. C. A. F. IRVINE, Agent ofTransportution. Office or Central Rail Road, Savannah, May 15,1849. .13 cents. ..10 do i. 50 do « do j ..40 do j 30 do I 75 do ! 00 .60 cents. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. ATLANTA TO DALTON 100 MILES. PA8SENGER TRAINS leave ATLANTA Daily (Sundays excepted,) at 1 o’clock, P. M., arrive at DALTON at 8 P. M; returning leave DALTON at 4 o’clock, A. M., and arrive at AT LANTA at 11 o’clock, A. M. , Trains on the Memphis Branch Rail Road, and Stages for Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn., and for Tuscumbia, Ala.,and Memphis, Tenn.. run in connexion with this Rond. RATES OF TRANSPORTATION FOR MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY. FROM ATLANTA TO lad-1 1st Class.—Per Cubic foot.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets and Furniture,.. 2d Class.—Per 1001b*.—Boxes and Boles of Diy Goods, Shoes, Sad dlery, Glass, Paints, Oils. Drugs and Confectionery,.... 3d Class.—Per lOOIbs.—Georgia Domestics, Sugar, Coffee, Liauor, Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese,Tobacco, Leather, Feathers, Hides, Cotton-yarns, Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron, Hollow- ware, Crockery, Castings, Hardware, Marble (dressed), &c. 4 thClass.-r '— * ' ' ©a 2: rm Si! CENTS 2) 10 10 CENTS. 6 30 20 >S | a fcrj § gig - s s - op =5 S fS CENTS. 8 40 25 Transportation Office, JV.SfA.R. R., Atlanta, April 14tA, 1849. E. R. MILLS, Supt. Transportation. apr 19 BUSINESS CARPS. M. CAREY’S Fashionable Tailorino Emporium, — SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Comer of Whitaker and Broughton-Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. N. B. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, which will be made to order at the shortest notice, and warranted to fit. jan 27 ly— REOPENED. E. WITHIN GTON’S LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, GAUDRY’S BUILDING ON THE BAY. (^Tickets nnd Shares for sale in J. W. Mau ry & Co.’s popular Lotteries. Uncurrent Bnnk Notes bought. jan 1 ROBERT D. WALKER, MARBLE Sf STONE MANUFACTURER, BROUOHTON-ST., BETWEEN WHITAKER fcBARNARD. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Grave Stones, ofltaliun and Domestic Marble; Marble Mantle Pieces, and Berlin Grates; Free Stone for Buildings. Ornamental Iron Railings, &c. &c., furnished to order. ly— oct 28 JOHN POOLE, HOUSE, SIGN; AND SHIP PAINTER, GILDER* GRAINER AND GLAZIER. All kinds of Mixed Paints, Glass and Putty, Paper Hanging, Fire-Boafd Prints, Ac. For Sale at No. 11 Whitaker St. near the Bay, Savannah, Georgia. oct24 ly— Joint P. Gnvan & Co., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Forwarding Agents, Macon, Go. Macon, July 20,1847 ly jnly 23 A. SHORT, If A 5 TER BUILDER, Will take contracts for Building and work in Masoniy of every description. Residence East side of Pulaski Square. — jan 8 M AY BUTTER, CHEESE, CRACKERS, Ac.—20 tubs choice Butter; 25 Goshen Cheese; 30 bbls. Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers: 30. half do. do. do.; 20 bbls. Pilot Bread. Landing and for sale by may 30 8CRANTON A JOHNSTON. G UNSIp-OUNSI—EDWARD LOVELL, Manufacturer and Importer of every de scription of Double and Single barreledGumiand Rifles, Duelling, Belt, Holster, Pocket and Six- barreled Revolving Pistols, and every variety of Gun material and Gun impliments, Ac. Flasks. Ponchos, Percussion Cups, Powder, Shot, Lead, and eveiy article in the Sportsman’s line, for sale ow, ISTGuns restocked, Flint-lockspltered to per cussion, find repairing done as usual. EPWo. 11 Barnard street, South side Market sign of the Indian. -/ —' nng2 WHOLESALE WINE, LIQUOR YV AND GROCERY STORE.-r-No. 188 Congress and 88 St. Julian Street.—WILLIAM M. DAVIDSON would inform hit friends,that he continues to keep on hand at his old stand, West Side of the Market, a large assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AND GRO- CERIES, all of which he offers on the best pos. sible terms. He is also constantly supplied with the best ALBANY ALE and NEWARK Cl. DEE, to which he rospectftilly invites the atteb lion of tho public ' — , oct 3 HI HATS I HATS I -NEW FASH- IONS'FOR SPRING. 1849. — Tho sub nr have received the Spring stvle of Hats the manufactory of Messrs. W. H. Beebe Broadway. New-York,. which IKey offer for sale on Batnrday’ nett; Match 3d. at Nc— York prices’.' 3 A* AMBLER A CQ fob 27 149 Cohgress-st. and I—ii«. , ijhiiuwoii mi■ thread Hose; 20 do Gents’ Lisle 10 do Lndhs Silk Gloves; 20 p simere; 50 do do col’d Printi f black; brown anid mix't Coj Scotch Gingham; 200 do citses 1 Marlboro Strlpei' thtead Gloves; T HE WIFE’S FRIEND.—Important to those about to become Mothers.—Professor ALEXIS V. PAULJTAN, ofthe Paris Lying-in Hospitel, member of the Medical Academy of France, Corresponding Secretary of the Paris Pharmucentical College, respectfully begs leave to announce to the Ladies of America, that he has appointed Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropenhurty, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicine, known in Franco as The Wife’s Friend, or Mother’s Assistnnt'the most extraordinary medical discovery the world has ever seen. Its province is to Lessen the Pains of Child-Birth, and promote a safe, easy, and speedy delivery, which it does by assisting nature. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, pleasant to the taste, and uever fails to promote an easy and safe delivery, and improves the gen eral health of both mother nnd child. It has been tested for vears in all the principal Lying-In Hos pitals of Europe, and receives the sanction of nearly all the prominent Colleges and Medical men of the old world. It is thegreatestmedicine in the world ; as all will admit that a medicine must be thutwill lessen the terrible pains usually nttendnnton childbirth. There is no mistake u- bout this medicine doing all that is said of it. It never fails. It is in the form of a fine, light f iowder, to be made into a drink, and used for a ew weeks previous to the expected event, and its price is so low as to bring it within the reach of all. Surely no humane husband will suffer his wife to endure pain, when itcan be so easijy and cheaply avoided. For the small sum of only $1,00, sent post puid to DR. JEROME Y. C. ROPENHURTY, New York Post Office, a f iackage will he sent by return mail, it boing so ighttnntit can be sent anywhere by mail, at n very trifling cost. d^No unpaid letters taken from tho office. To prevent imposition, theU. S. Agent, Dr. Ropenhurty will write his name in ftifl on the outside lubel of each package. No other genuine. Remember this. 6mos mar 10 L iquid adhesive plaster, or col- LODIAN—a new and elegant substitute for Plaster cloths. Sutures, Bandages, Ac.—This article has been found by all surgeons who have tested it, far superior and more convenient than former means of dressing incised wounds. For burns, sore Nipples, and eruptive diseases, it has proved extremely efficacious. It is also much preferable to court plaster and gold beater's skin. It is not acted uponby water, andadheres with almost incredible tenacity to the skin, keep ing tho edges of the wound closely together, and causing it to heal with hardly a perceptible scar. A history of the article, together with comma, nications highly commendatory of its value from Dr. J. Mason Wnrren of Boston, Erasnpus Wil son, F. R. S. London, and other surgeons, will be found accompanying it. A supply of the above received by A. A. SOLOMONS, Market Square. HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, Ac. Ac.—A large assortment of Ladies .and Mis es white, black nnd col’d Cotton Hose ; black and cold Silk and Raw Silk Hose; Men’s and Boys’ white, brown and col’d Cotton half Hose: Gauze, Cotion and Alerino Under- Vests ; Lads’ and Gent’s Cotton and Silk Um brellas. Just received and for salo by ronrl MARSHALL A AIK1N. YOUNG LADIES AND MISSES will find us supplied with .some very pretty black aud bronze Jalter Bootees, Nos. 1 and 2; also, ll’s,]2'sand and 13’s, and Ladies of all ages are very apt to find themselves suited before leaving our Store, at 163 Congress street. nov 3 WILLIAM B. HALE. by. the nsmo (if Cf,APP hs* digued with a - 7 - . thi nsm«,of 8, P.Townwnd. and Qua his' bum* to pat tip 4 Sarsaparilla, which they all'Dr. Town- ■end’s Scmpnnlla, denominating it OfLffUINR, Original, •ts, fmir Tnwmend Is no doctor, and never was j bat wu *"••• » Worker bn raltrnad*canal.,and the like. Yet be the title ofPtn flirthe purpose,nf gaining credit for what he Is not. This fa to cay lion the public, not, to be deceived, and purchase none but (lie ORJfUlNR ORIQI- JML OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend’s Sawaparllls, having oa It the Old Df's. likeness, his fhmlly coat of arms, and kta signature aeross the coat of arms.' Printed OjUt, 102 jtossa»at H JVrie Yerk dtp. Wltno.a the Honorable Willinni Williams, one fiftlio Jounce. °e the said Court, this 2d of July. A. D., 1849. jnly 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c.c.o.b.c. /^lEORGIA.—Bulloch Comity* — VX To nil whom It may concern.—Whereas James Huain, Guardian, of John M. Wright. •Orphan of William Wright, late of said County, deceased, applies for letters disraUsory from said guardianship. - - Therefore the kindred and creditors of the said-JohnM.Wright ore! hereby t jc'pgd u j\pd u ^- have) in, in terras of the law, other wise letters dismissory will-be granted the appli cant ns applied for. Witness the Honorable Peter-Cone, one of the Justices of tho said Court, this'2d day of July. A. D., 1849. jnly 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c.o. b. c. G eorgia. — Buiiocii county*— To all to whom it nmy coucern.—Whereas James Lee, Executor upon the estate of Anthony YV. Bnnnell, lute of said County, deceased, ap plies for letters dismissory from the oxecutorship of the sold estate. Therefore tho kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections (if any they hnve) in my office, in terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissory will ho granted the applicant as applied for. Witness the Honorable James Cone, one of the Justices ofthe said Coutt, this 2d day of July) DAVID BEASLEY,c.c.o.b.c. 1849. july 6 G eorgia* — Bulloch county* — To all to - whom it may 'concefn.—Whereas Haskell Semmons, Guardian of Britijamin J. Sems, Orphan of Margery Sems, Into of said County, deceased, applies for letters dismissory from said guardianship of said orphans. Therefore the kindred and creditors of said said orphans are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections fif any they have) iu my office, in terms of .the law, otherwise letters din- missory will be grunted applicant as applied for. Witness the Honorable John Goodman, one ofthe Justices ofsuid Court, this 2d day of July, A. D., 1849. » jply C DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. b. c. /^EORGIA* —Bulloch County*— To all whom it may concoru.—Whereas William Lee, Jun., applies for letters of admi nistration on the estato of Thomas Lee, a lunatic, lute of said County, deceased, these are to cite mid admonish all and singular the kiudred and creditors of the said deceased to he and appeur at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cunse (ifnny they have) why letters of administration should not be grunted the said applicant. Witness the Honorable Benjamin Ellis, one of the Justices ofthe said Court, this the 2d day of July, A. D., 1849. july 5 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. b. c. County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to tho estato of tho late Sarah Gigger, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceased, thin 2d of July. A. D., J849. july 6 WILLIAM SIIERFFIELD, Adm’r. TJECEIVED PER STEAMER JLVCHEROKEE.—Plain Swiss Muslins; Plaid Cambrics; Printed Muslins; Bleached Jeans and Drills; Blnck Wire Net Gloves and Mitte; White Cotton Hose; Favillion Gauze, Ac. Ac. For sale by LATHROP A FOOTE, may 29 TIJST RECEIVED.—10 baskets best O relined Salad Oil; 3 cases fresh Prunes; a lot offresh Too* ; French Sweet Chocolate ; fresh Maccaroni; do Vermicelli; .a lot offresh Gnava jelly, and many other articles too numerons to mention. For sale by npr'26 I. ROUSSEAU. PIANO FORTES—Mode by Chiokorlnx, Nunn's; and Fundi- _ _ .er, eud Gnle & Co. Tho subscri ber offers for sale a lone assortment ol7, Of; 6j and 6 octavo Rosewood end Mahogany Pianos, from the above makers; These Instroments'sre unsurpassed by any made in thin country for pn< rilyoud fullness oftono. aud; eUgance of work monship ; soma of them'are furnished with the complete Iron,Frame, which strengthen* thecose and prevents tho liability of getting!odt oftono; others havo the ordinary meUlio plater and can ha offered for lower prieer. Thcae:Pianooare offered without any advaaeo from the msaaftio FfSftr * rpRULY MAGICAL.—A great Paper’s JL opinion.—M’Mackin’s Philadelphia Model Courier comes ontond declares to its 70.000 sub scribera, aud nearly one million readers, that Doctor Wiley’s Celebrated Cough Candy is truly an excellent article. Read whut it says: “A Valuable Article.—Those suffering from colds, will do well to procure a supply of Dr. Wiley'a Cough Candy, prepared only by Geo. W. Childs A Co. YVe nave bad a fair, opportu nity oftesting the yirtues of the candy in our own faniily, and. unsolicited, except by them, we give our experience. It is very pleasant to the taste, without nausea in; its effectVatid almost magical in its operations upon the affection.” The above, from each a source, we think'is enough to convince the most skeptical. We would advise all who aredu the least trou bled with a cough, cold, oviany disease arising them a perfect cure.. > Price 12J< 25, 60 cents, and $l per package. : Besnreto isk feir Dr.-Wit ley’s Cough Candy ( .and take none; others if of fered toyon« ,,, Gxoi WtiCmuDl A Co. • Sole Proprietors, No. 320 Markat-strPhila’a. ...A f: Ai,SOLOMON8».Agt.Markemq. t: fob 3 . i! . f ut. - BolC agent for ^dvannah: OLD Dtt. JAOOlt TOWNSKND, TUB ORlntBAI. DISCOYRItKR OB TUB Cennlno Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townaend ia now nbout 70 yean of njrc. ft ml has .onf been known n» the AUTHOR ’nnd DI8COVRRER of the OtWUlNK ORIOINAJ, “ TOWNSRNl) SAR- SAPAlU/.f.APelng jinur, ho was compelled to limit IU mnnufitctnre, by which means It hiu been kept out of mnr* ket, nnd the sole* circumscribed to those only who hud proved its worth, and known Its vnltte. It hnd reached the enre of mnny, nevertheless, ns thoie persons who had been hented of sore dtsennex, nnd snved from dentil, pro* claimed lu excellence nnd wonderful HEALING POWER. Knowing, fogny years ago, that he had, by hi* skill, •deuce mid experience, devised nn anlclo which would be of Incalculable ndvnntnpe to mankind when the menns would be furnished to bring it into universal notice, when Its InestimnMe virtues would be known nnd appreciated. This time has come, the menns ore supplied; this GRAND AND UNEQUAL/.Kl) PREPARATION is - manufactured on' the lnrgent scale, and is called for throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially as it Is found tncnpahle of degeneration or deterioration. Uullko young 8. P. Townsend’s, it improves with age. and never changes, but for the better: because It Is prepared an icitntificprinciples by n scientific man.-' The highest knowl edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been brought Into requisition In the manufacture of the Old Dr’S Snruipsrilla. The 8arsnpnril!a root, it U well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro perties, and some properties which are Inert or useless, and others, which if retained In preparing it for use, produce fermentation and aeid,. which la injurious to the system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile 1 , that ihejr entirely evaporate and are lost In the preparation. If they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced In Its nianufiiciuic. Moreover, these astatUs principles, which fly off in vapor, or as nn exhala tion. under heat, are the very essential -mcdicU properties of the mot. which e|v« to U nil Its, vnlne. Any perron can boll or stew the root till they get a dam colored liquid, which lo more from the coloring matter i K Die root than from any thing olse; they can then strain tills Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sour molasses and then eall it ••8Alt8APAItlLI.A EXTRACT or 8Y RIIP," Dot such Is not the article known ns the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA. This is so prepared, that nil the Inert properties of the Sarsaparilla root arc lint removed, every thing capable of becoming acid or of fermentation, Irexlrncted nnd rejected; then every imrilrle or medical virtue is secured In n pure and concentrated form; nml thus U Is rendered Incapable of losing any of lu valuable and healing properties Prepared In this way, it is made the most powerful agent In the Cure of innumerable slifteasea. lienee the reason why we heny commendations on every ■Ids In IU f ivor by men, women, and children. We find It doing wonders in the ouro of CONSUMPTION, I) Y8PF.PSIA, and LIVER COM- PItAINT. and in RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, Tfctt arising from _ IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising Dorn Indigestion, from Acidity if Iks Stomach, from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation ofthe heart, cold feet nnd hands, cold chills aud not flashes over the body. It has not IU equnl In Colds aud Coughs; and promotes easy expectoration and gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every other part. But in nothing Is lu excellence more manifestly seen and acknowledged than In all kinds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of Fluor A/bus or IFhites. Fall ing ofthe IVomb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses. Irregularity of the menstrual imrlnds, and the like; and Is as effectual In enring all the forms of Kidueu Diseases. By removing obstructions, and regulating the general system, It gives tone nnd strength to the whole body, aud tens cures all forms of Nervous diseases and debility, and thus preveou or relieves a grant variety of other mala dies, as Spinal irritation. Neuralgia, St. Vitas' Danes Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, fee. It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, Ion,, lb. aumicb, nnd ,lv«, ,o«l dilution, rallovu lb. BORGIA.—Dlclutogh County.— Sil‘. ME JJf.ffKSibffl Kraft To oil "ho- it nmy coucern, -Wholes,, producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and the insensible perspiration; relaxes all stricture* and tight ness, removes all obstructions, and Invigorates the entire nervous system. Is nut this then The medicine you pre-eminently need 1 But enn any of these things be said of 8, P. Townsend’s Inferior article 1 This voting man’s liquid Is not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR’S, became of one GRAND FAUT, that the one Is 1NOAPA BLK of DETERIORATION, nnd NEVER SPOILS, while the other DOE8 ; souring, fermenting, and blowing the iofUr# containing It Into fragmenU; the sour, ncld liquid exploding, anil damaging other goods! Must not this horri ble compound be poisonous lo the system 1—If hot I put acid into a system already diseased with acid I What cattsos Dyspepsia but acid t Do we not all know that when food ■ours In our stomachs, what mischiefs it produces 1 flatu lence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, and corruption of the blood I What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body 1 What produces all the humors which bring on Eruption* of tbs Skin, 8cald Head, 8«h Rheum, Erysipelas, White Swell tap, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and sxlernall It is nothing under heaven, but an acid substance, which sours, and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more nr less. What causes Rheumatism but a sour or acid fluid which Insinuates Itsalf between the Joints nnd elsewhere Irritating and Inflaming the delicate tissues upon which * acts 1 So of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood, o- deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments whi* afflict human nature. Now Is U not horrible to tnaka and sell, and infinites ■sp«s to use this SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID "COM POUND” OF 8. P. TOWNSEND, ind yet he would fain have it understood that Old Dr, Jaertb Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, Is an IMITA TION of his Inferior preparation I! • Heaven forbid that wo should deal in an artiele which would bear the most distant resemblance to 8. P. Town send's artielsl and which should bring down upon tbs Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and criminations from Agents who have sold, and purchasers who have used 8. P. Townsend’s FERMENTING COMPOUND. We srisb It understood, because It Is the absolute truth, that 8. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Town send's Sarsaparilla are ksaven-wide apart, and infinitely dis similar; that they are unlike In every particular, having not one single thing in common. As 8. P.Townsend is no doctor,and never was,Jane chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or disease than any other common, unscienllfle. unprofessional man, what guarantee can the public have that they are re ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing all the virtues ofthe articles used In preparing It. and which are In capable of changes which might render theih the AGENTS of Disease instead of health. But what else should be expected from one who knows nothing comparatively of medicine or disease! It requires ft person of some experience to cook and serve up even a common decent meal. How nmeh more important (a It that the persons who manufhctnre medicine, designed for WEAK STOMACHS AND ENFEEBLED SYSTEMS, should kdow well the medical properties of plants, the' best manner of securing ’and concentrating their healing. virtues, also an extensive knowledge ofthe various diseases' which aflect the bnmaa system, and how to adapt remedies to these diseases! - It Is to arrest fmnds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm Into wounded humanity, to kindle hope In the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor Into,the crashed and bhiken, and lo banish Infirmity that OI.D DR. JACOB TOWNSEND haaiBOUOr*” ‘ pprtnpUy and mwm» to bring his... -Hi” Grand- Universal Concentre ,, ...Remedy •. „ Formlo'liy .'jW-ffr.!! IUGHT and FOUND Iho op Concentrated <*•>! sjiwijf'ifc race. Us Sal.,/; —, and*ksow t by jo Transcendent Fowl , v wm. uump;hrbv8, : .- . Agent for, Savannah. nera and Arts ’of the AncienV Assyrians.' By Austen Henry Layard. F-eo;. D. C. U- Recmvj * bjrv.'H I t? id JOHN M. COOPER.- i-® sa ■ . i .. ", ;OrJl L fi'.' Justices of sold Court, t ‘A.D.1849. - ma y8- SEABORN GOODALU a^.oA., .Will, Delia and Suian. for the befnqfitofthtf heirs and creditor* of the late Joshua Dr. JAMES TROUP, of Volntbsh coni censed, are requested to presont them ptbVferly attested; and those indebted to the eatate drefre- quirodtomakepavmenttO! ■ J. H „ . D Darien, 15th May, may 17 J. HAMILTON COUPES, D.H. B. TROUP. ' ' fay, 1849. ; Qualified EiW- IV OTICE.—All peraons having demands , jy notified to present xtuuR MojpH!tApm.'jMTia,AHb.' f .cation will bo mado to the HhanfiShthh' Justices o f tlie lnferior Court, for the County of McIntosh, while silling fpr ordinary purnoses to#’ MITCHFI ,, r a,, r| h ' re °J e?Ute of 4: e JOHN jsftswtsggt' “ r- ar jjjy Q IVAll persons indahtod to thli J ° r D J ,niel '* R » lft - late of CKailiam County, deceased, are requested tb make pky. ment, and thoae to whom the said Estato i«°h- debted will render In thoir claims, bronerly at. tester, within tho time prescribed bylaw. ' - i a GRACE J. ROLFE, Ez’ix. July 6 Gw— PfS MoNIHpB after date I .ball -L Plv to the HnnnrnMo ."Pi G eorgia, Bulloch county.—aii perions concorned are hereby notified, that four months after date I ahull apply to the Hon orable Inferior Court of said County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ail the lands belonging to (he estate of (he late Charles Zitteranr.'deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, this 2d of July, A. D., 1849. jnly 6 MARY ZITTERAUR, Adm'x. - nmy concern,—Whereas, William I. King, Administrator on Lite estate of Thomas K. Gould, late of said county, deceased, hath applied to the Honorable the Court of Or dinary of said county, for letters dismissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonisli all concerned, to file thoir objections (if ony they have) to the applicant’s discharge in the Clerl/s office ofthe said Court, within the time prescrib- cd by law, otherwise lettera dismissory will be granted. YVitncss the Honorah! j Alexander YVyley, one of the Justices of said Court, this 23d day ol Mny, A. D. one thousand eight huudred and forty-nine. june 9 E. M. BLOUNT, o. c. o. m’i. c. G JEOHG1A* — Camden County.— f To nil whom it tnay concern.—Whereas, George Lang. Executor ofthe estate of Wm. T. Ashley, has applied to the Hon. the Court of Or dinary for letters of dismissory from (ho said es tate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said T. Ashley, to file their objections to the granting of said loiters dismissory. within the terms pre scribed by law, in the clerk’s office of the Court of Ordinary, otherwise letters as prayed for will be granted. . Witness the Hon. Tho. K. Dunham, a Justice of said Court of Ordinary, this 5th Alarch, A. D. 1849. HENRY R. FORT, c. c. o. c. c. mar 9 G eorgia.—cixatimm county.— To all whom it may concern.—Whereas Isaac Abrahams will apply to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of said County, when silting for Ordinary purposes, for Letters of Administration (with the Will annexed,) on the estate and effects of Eliza Abralmms, Into of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, , to file their objections (if any they have) lo the applicant, in the Clerk’s Office of said Court, on or before the'third dny of August next; otherwise Letters of Admiuistrufiou will be granted. Witness, the Honorable R. T. Gibson, one of the Justices of sni{l Court, this 3d duy of jply, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty nine. jlind3 '. SEABQRN GOOuALL, c. c.o. c.c. /^'EORGlA.—Cliatbam County.— vT To all whom it- pray concern.—Whereas, James Epninger, surviving Executor of John Enpingcr, late of said county, deceased, hath ap plied, to the Hon. the . Inferior Court of said County, sitting for ; 0«!iimry; purposes, for a ci tation to issue and he published according to law for Letters Pismjuory* . ■ - ‘*tj> j :•'j m< are therefore to oite. and admonish, all March, A.D, : M. - 'EY OUR MONTHS* afte* d*i J-.- Mwiilbe made to the Honorabl Conrt of Chatham;county, when si - °® e iu, ugurt, mis -uuivdsyior .n hundred and forty-nine. - -N GOODALL, c. 0.0J3.0. ^joHNlmrRGHisoN,' : : ' Barv’j E*’oi. "l 8 Honorkble inferfor ‘conrt'S Bulloch County, when sitting for ordinary dun poses, for leave to sell all the Real and Personal Estate of Mitchell Holloway. Iqte of aaldGopiUy! Deceased for the benefit ofthe Heirs and Credi- lors or said deceased. 20 WILLIAM HOLLOWAY. TT.^ECUTOB'S NOTICE,—All £rlnJr WWaiSi-* of AUCHIBA1.U CLARK, late of Camden county, censed, ore requested ta moke payment i And'all persono liovtng cloima opoinst the same, are ball ed unon to present, their accounts properly it- tested. HENRY E. W. CLASH?- Qualified Ex’r. jun. 4 St. Murye, Geo. Jnnel Ht vu uiwiaH, uia nODOraDIfl' IHa'TnlKAJ ihree hondreil’end 1 ninety aMHfe longing to the estato of Israel WoSmbn fireS sold county deceooed, Tor tho benefit of tliSi end creditors of said ostaio. Dtlre E. G. WE1TMAN. Ad'r. after dole ep^i will be made to the Inferior Cm,,, , — —-I uemone 10 the Inferior Court of Cota- den county, when sluing for onlinsiy pnrpMM for leave to sell the following property belong' ing to the estate of JOHN T. RI/dBIph fS Lot onlf Si° rih ° le ! M ood creditors, vln Whbrf {'“! 0 " d , S 1 "’;*; «"d one Dwelling HoqsVmd tk ° n8 * ro slaves, viz t Abrn horn, George, Dublin, Lnm- Philamith sad Bell- St. Mery»,Mny89. 1849. RUD >hib5 goinst snid estate ore hereby notified to present them within the tune prescribed bv law 1 may 29 « E. G. WEITMAN. Adm’r. FPBrilO SAriES. TJ3XECUTOR-S SALE.—BY VIRTUE DF •rf »n order from tho Honorable the Joiitlces ofthe Inferior Court, for the County bf Mein- tosh, wliilo Sitting for ordinary, will be onld 111 the City of Darien, an the first Tnesdav Mi^!! e ii“ t i nCIt ' r , 8,ideno8 bf the late John Mitchell, deceased, ell the personal estate of slid deceased. Sole to commence at 10 o’e'ock in the morning, nnd to continue from day today.if necoaaary. Terms cash before delivery ' RANDOLPH SPALDlPtu'Ele’r. Darien, July 3,1849. jfiiy g ■pULCU I'OR'S, HALE-ON THE FIRS^T -LJ rneaday in 8eptember next, will be sold hefero the Conrt House door, in the Town off Statesboro, Bulloch County, the personal nroo- erty ofthe Eetate of Charles Zetterouer, deceas ed. consisting or one negro men, Adam, Vioy Harriet, Annie, Hannah, George, Peter mid Clems. Terme of eele, twelve months credit. Purchasers will bo required to give emnll notes- with approved secnrjlj. July^2,1849. jnly 4 JOHN GOODMAN. ISM, CllUltlll-S 8AI,E.-On the tm O Tneaday in August next will bo eold, et the' Court House, Effingham ..County, bfetween the usual hours of eale, all that tract ol land tying m said Couuty of Effingham, contalnln^due - hundred acres, more or less, bounded by-Isudr ' of Janies Zettrour on one side, levied on by Constable, and returned to me gt the pumertr' ofthe said Janies Zettrour, to satisfy two «£ec£ lions in favor of-Trion P^tce w^.egi^TiiBee’ Zettrour. Conditloos, cosh. - , , ’ . julyg D. A. MORGAN, s.z. c. (TUARDIAN-S: SALE -WILL BEl 1 SOliB ”• ogreeohle to nu ordor from the Honorab Inferior,Cqurj orWere county, while slltini Court of Ordinary, before thbConlt Hqnbb in tho town of Wnreeboro’, Ware Count ibe firat Tuesday in August next, within thb t hours of sale Lot of Land No. 193, in thh'8 District oforiginallyAppling, now Wore Suni 001110101111,499 scroll, more or less. Sbld 'fflr tl benefit of VVilliain II. Miller, minor. THOMAS HILLIARD, Guai jiinef" | BOOTS,] M HATS— Gents, pog-d and Boots; Gents. Congress C " dies Congress Gaitor. Bootees t. and Bronxe side hoe Geitere; 1 „ Panama and Palm Leaf Hits {ft Bbjh drsnsjireUyLeghnrn Hati.foissh Opp Pripe Shoo Store in Broughto 0|ir25 « EF1NED CABVOR OIL.. ershave just received >' fin ly. Refined and Pare Castor O being voidof taste fants,- children ' " nUeht. iin-i