The Savannah Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1847-18??, August 06, 1849, Image 1

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l’|Uai>AU,Y GEORGIAN, j :M'jt(M*UK*P W 7Hi,\ , ' ' CITY OF SAyANNAH, iackson, punch & sibi.ey, TE y DOLLARS per annum, PAVABL* BMI-ANItUALWr W ADVAMC*, OR RSSal s; ft :it & A T SIX DOLLARS FOR BIX MONTHS tub thi-weekly georuian, FOR TH* COUNTRY, , i. mibliahed to meet the arrangement of ‘the Ji ,Co time*« waek, (Tue«day. Thursday Saturday,) at tho OUioo of tho Daily Otar SJtAt d contain, till the intelligence, Connuor S5 Political and Miacellanoouo, including now Advertisements published in tho Doily Paper. * THIS PAPER 1, >nnt to oil parts or the 8tatd and Union, 1 llivored in tie city, at FIVE DOLLARS "er annum. or at THREE DOLLARS for six months. TJIB WEEKLY GEORGIAN, Is published every Friday afternoon, at three wllam per annum-all payable in advance. ipTIN Tho8tri>scriberir bftgtdcall tho attention of Builders, 'Architects and ow.neraof Buildings, to the many advantages which these dates possess over all other metallic substances jltherto used for roofing; &c.,ns they possess at onoo the lightness of iron, without its liability to i*8t f having how b?en tested for several years in his particular, both in this country and in Eu- ropo. They are loss liable to expansion and contraction from sudden change of the atmos- phore.than common tin plates, iron, zinc, or any other metal, noty UBed for roofing, and conse quently form a much better and tighter roof 5 re quiring far less frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is but a trifle more. A fiiU supply, of all sizes, from 16 to 30 W. „ constantly on hand, and for sale by GEO. R.MOREWOOD & CO. 14 & 16Beaver-8t. New York. The patent right for this article having been securedfor the United States, all parties infring ing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, ill be prosecuted. lyd&w novlO « n.—Each Citation by die Clerks of the Courts of Ordinary, that application haa been made for Letters of Administration, must he pub- tinharf THIRTY DAYS at least. 1 Notice by Exooutors end Administrators for Debtors oud Creditorsto renderin thoiraccounts, 611st bo published six weejcs. . . Sales of Negroes by Executors or Adimmstra- S must 60 at public auction, on the first Tues- New-York and Savannah Line of Btcaniora— Weekly—Bailing every Wednesday. The new and superior Steam-ships - .TENNESSEE, Capt,.JoH» Collins, and CHEROKEE, Capt. Thomas Lyon, will, until fiirther notice, leave Savannah and New York overy Wednesday, commencing with tlio 28th March. These swift Steamers are each of 1.250 tons burthen, built in the strongest and most approv ed manner, and are unequalled in all the needful qualities to give confidence ns well us despatch lUhe^l'actTof piibli^aaleViri tho^enunty where ‘“^eller.r Thejhaveollt)m«ecomnmdmmn. * . * nP Arlminmtmtinn. or •ho Letters Testamentary, or Administration, Guardianship, may have been granted.first giving itirr ears notice thoreof in one of the public mzettes of this Stoto, aud at tlio door of the Court House, whore snclt solos are to bo hold. Notice for leave to ooll Negroes, must bo pub- liihod for four months, before nny order absolute ahall be mado thereupon by the Court. Sales of Real Estate by Executors, Admints- trators, and Guardians, must be pubhshed SIX- “ - - ’■ — . J... nfanlo TllBBO SttleS Tf DAYS before the day of sale, mast be made at the Court House door of the county in which the property is situate, and on the first Tuesday of the month, between the fo.m Of ten in the morning and four in the after- noon. No sales from day to day is valid, unless so expressed in the advertisement. Applications by Executors, Admmiatro ore and Guardians to the Court of Ord.narv for leave to soil Land, must he published FOUR MONTHS. Sales of personal property (oxcept negroes)of testate nnd'intestate estates V Executors and Ad- ministrators, tmiBtho advertised FORTY DAYS. Applications by Executors and Administrators, or Letters Dismissory must be published SLY M AppHcndon for foreclosure of Mortgages on real estate, must ho advertised once n montllfor for passengers and freight requisite to entitle them to public patronage. The Central Rail-Road will despatch an extra train from Macon Tuesday evening, to connect with these steamers on Wednesday, atidfrom Sa vannnh on their nrrivul if needed. Passnge J^35—pnyablo in advance 5 for which, or freight, apply to PADELFORD & FAY, Savannah, or SAM’L L. JMTCHELL, mar22 No. 194 Front-st. New York. FOUR MONTHS. Orders of tho Conrt of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the bond of agreement) to make ti tles to land, must bo advertised Three Months at least. . , , Sheriffs sales tinder executions regularly ennted by the courts, must bo advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYS—Sales of perishable property under order of Court, must bo advertised gener ally, TEN DAYSbcforo tho day ol Sale. arrangements, Through Tickets will be furnished from Savannah to Philadelphia, by tlio Charles ton Daily Steamers and Steam-ship COLUM BUS, for Twenty Dollars. Freight will ulso bo rocoived in Philadelphia, for Savannah, at ten cents por cubic foot, for measurement goods, freo of all charges in Charleston. Tho accommodation for Steerage Passengers having been very much increased, she can accom modate them comfortably, and Through Tickets from Savannah will bo furnished at $10. N. B—Tho COLUMBUS will leave Charles- ton on her next trip, Thursday Afternoon, June 14th,after tho arrivul of the Savannah Steamers, and coutinuo to leave Charleston and Philadel phia every uftermto Thursday. BROOKS &TUPPER, juno 4 Agents, Savannah. • All Letters directed to this Oliico or tlio Editor, must he post paid to entitle them to atten tion. ______ III C II JEWELRY — Em bracing fine Diatnotid Pins and Rings; . Gold and Turnnois and other settmgs or Kings, Bracelets, Pins and Ornaments; fine Guard, Vest, Fob and Neck Chains; Wais Buckles, Gold Pens mid Pencils, and every va ricty of New nud Elegant Jewelry; togethe with a largo assortment of Silver Ware, such as Tea Sets, Pitchers, Mugs, Fish and Pye Knives Forks, Spoons, Card Cases; Plated and Fancy Wares, (a great assortment.) Fine and Extra do. Gold and Silver Watches. Mantel Clocks and Time Pieces, Musical Instruments, Music, &c Now opening and fotsala low. ^ First door West of Pulaski House. N. B. Competent Workmen engaged in the Repairs of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and warranted. dec 20 Apothecary Store. T IIE UNDERSIGNED having purchased tho Stock in store, Smet’s Building, corner of Whitaker and Broughton streets, otters the same at wholesale or retail. lie is in the rebeipt of fresh medicines from the North, which lie will sell on as reasonable terms as any establishment in the city. L. J. MYERS, upr 18 Smot's Building. m HATS AND CAPS.—D. A. AM - j BLEU &CO. hnvo on handnfull and com- plete assortment of every possible variety ol HATS AND CAPS. We flutter ourselves that a more fashionable, a larger or better selected stock of this kind of Goods has never been ottered to the citizens of Savannah. It comprises Fine Beaver; Molo Skin, Silk, Plain Russia, Tamm- co, Ashland, Buena Vista, Rough and Ready, Ranchero, and Wool Hats of every description. One of the partners residing at the North, ena bles us to receive weekly supplies of goods. To Merchants and Planters wo offor goods on as favorable terms as can bo had South or North, oct 17 149 CONGRESS STREET. ■ WATCHES AJYD JEWEL RY.—The subscriber wishes to call the attention of his customers to a choice as 8ortmcntof fine Watches, just received by recent arrivals, consisting of Gold Hunting CaseLevers, Gold Double Bottom Levers, Gold imitation Dou^ hie Case Levers, Gold Anchor Escapement Le vers, Silver Hunting Caso Levers, Silver Double Bottom Levers, Silver Anchor Escapement Lo vers, Silver Lopine and Vertical Escapement. Also, fine Gold Fob Chains, Vest Chains, Curb Guard Chains, Keys and Chain Rings, all of which will ho sold as low as in nny city in the Union. All kinds of Watches Ropuired and warranted D. B. NICHOLS, oct 1 First corner west of Pulaski House. HAMILTON Ac SYMONS have received por Hartford and Savannah: A . choice assortment of French, English and Belgium CLOTHS,CASSIMERS AND VEST INGS. selected with the greatest care, and of tho best imported in this country. We are now pro- pared to manufacture at tho shortest notice, and in thebestmannor, nnygarmontin our line, for cash or approved credit. 17 WHITAKER STREET, oct 13 — Savannah, Ga. GEORGIA MANUFACTURED VX OSNABURGS AND SHIRTINGS.—The ■ubscribors have on hand the following kinds ol OMtiaburgs and Shirtings, and Yarns, which they ouer for salo at factory prices. Troup Factory, Extra hoavy. Georgia do nt Athens. Roswell do Nos. 1 and 7. Milledgevillo do. Schley’s Stripes do host quality. Also Roswell Factory Shirtings; Milledgevillo do Factory Yarns, assorted Nos. a Pr23 SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITf. pEH TENNESSEE.—1 case Carolina ■*- Stripes; 1 do Richmond do; 100 pieces “svillian Gauze; 5 do Black Barage. Just re ceived and for sale by • MARSHALL & AIKEN, June 19 west side Monnment-squore. rjEOUGlA FLOUR—100 bbls Etawah Flour, in store aud for sale by jnno 39 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON, T IME.—050 bbls. Lime from brig Zonobia, For sale, to arrive, by • 12 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. CMOKED TONGUES, &c— Land- „ jng, 150 Smoked Tpngucs; 10 half bbls F. M. Beef; 50 kegs Lard,for salo by June 14 WOOD, CLAGIIORN & T IME *LJ landii &CO. juno COO casks superior quality Liuiei landing from brig Zenobin, for sale by 10 18 BIUGHARLKELLY & Co. TTAYFOR SALE—60 bnles North Riv- er Hay, Innding from bark Isanc Mead, for j e °n tho wharf. Apply to I 3 CRANE & ROWLAND. PASSAGE BETWEEN Savannah and Philadelphia) By the Savannah and Chari.f.s- ^TferE^TON STEAMEns AND THE STEAM. SHIP COLUMBUS. By recent T O CAPITALISTS.—The undersign ed, in addition to his business as Druggist, proposes to establish, in the City of Charleston or Savannah, a Distillery, for the pnrposo of manu facturing Alcohol (fur Medicinal purposes only,) from the Sour Orungo, a fruit common in the States of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, which could be delivered at either of the above named ports atatrilling expense. The process was lately discovered by him, and so rapid in its operation that a barrel can bo distilled in the short space of Ten to Fifteen Minutes This Alcohol has been pronounced by medi cal gentlemen of Savannah, Ncio York and Phila bo superior to nny now in use for me dicinal purposes. Certificates from the first Phy sicians and Gentlemen of this City, New York and Philadelphia, can bo seen at my storo, to which I ask your attention. 1 would ho pleased to receive communications from nny part of tho United States, which shall meet my prompt attention. Address WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, JR. mar 23 Druggist, Savannah, Geo. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. Jolm Mallory, Draper and Tailor, At the old 6tand on tho Bay adjoining tho City Hotel, I S NOW openmg an entire Stock of NEW GOODS in his lino, consisting of Cloths, Cassimors and Vestings, and a general assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and furnishing articles, all of tho latest style and best materials ; which ho offers at prices far below anything over before ottered in this market. Ho is propared, also, to niuko to order all kinds of Gentlemen's apparel, in the most approved stylo, having secured the assistance of Mr. MOTT, from New York, of many years expe rience, and much celebrity as a Cutter. He feels confident of being able to please those who favor him with their orders. Those accustomed to sending North for their Clothing nre invited to cull nud examino his goods and prices previous to doing so ; us ho feels assured lie can fur nish them on ns good terms as they can get them abroad. -— octJ3 liP FROM SAVANNAH TO MACON.^J Passenger Trains IodVo 1 Do. do arrive Tickets from Savannah tc Da do do Da do do Do do do Do do - do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do d6 Do do do Do do do Do do .do. . ....7 A M. XL M. $ 7 0(1 10 00 •osn, do ‘ •] m, do [ •rings,do J ' :EEEL==E=Ej G 50 15 00 17 00 20 00 22 00 Atlanta, do . Augusta, do ColumbuB, do Opollka, "Jacksonville, Ala "Talladega, do Huntsville, do Decfltur,, do TuMumBia do "Tuskaloosn, do "Columbus, Aberdeen, IlollySprini . Nashville, Tonn Murpreosb’ do Columbia, do . „„ „„ Memphis, do 30 00 22 50 28 00 25 00 .Stages for Tallahassee and intermediate places connect with tho Road, at Macon, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Ffjdhys; and with Milledgevillo daily. , _ • * To these places Tri-weekly without delay,—leaving Savannah on- Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. RATES OF FREIGIIT FOR MERCHANDISE GENERALLY FROM SAVANNAn TO MACON. Measurement Goods.—Boxes of Hats, Bonnets, Furniture, Shoes, Snddlery, Dry Goods, and other measurement goods, per Cubic foot 13 cents. Crockery-ware in Crates, Boxes or Hilda, per Cubicfoot,.. '. 10 do Goods by Weight.—1st Class.—BoxesGInss, Paints, Drugs and Confectionarv per lOOIbs. 50 do 2d Class.—Sugar, Coffee, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tobacco, Leather, Hides,') Copper, Tin, Sheet and Hoop Iron, Hard-ware, Rice,Boxes Soap and Can-1 , r j dies, Holloware, Bagging, and other heavy articlesnot enumerated below, f per 100 lbs J 3d Class.—Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Pork, Beef, Fish, Tallow and Beeswax, per 100lbs...40 do 4t/i Class.—Millgearing, Pig and Bar Iron, Grind and Mill Stones, Nails, Spikes \ , and Coal, per 100 lbs 5 JU Barrels Beets, Bread. Cruckors, Potutoea, Fruit, Oysters, Onions, Ice, and other light I 75 ^ barrels, each;. - - »...) Oil and Molasses per hhd (smaller casks in proportion,) $0 00 Suit por sack notexceeding 4 bushels, 50 cents. C. A. F. IRVINE, Agent of Transportation. Office of Central Rail Road, Savannah, May 15,1849. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. ATLANTA TO DALTON IOO MILES. PASSENGER TRAINS leave ATLANTA Daily (Sundays excepted,) at 1 o’clock, P. M., arrive at DALTON at 8 P. M; returning leave DALTON at 4 o’clock, A. M., and urrive at AT LANTA at 11 o’clock, A. M. Trains on tlio Memphis Branch Rail Road, and Stages for Nashville and Knoxville, Tonn., aud for Tuscumbia, Ala.,uud Memphis, Tenn,, run in connexion with this Road. RATES OF TRANSPORTATION FOR MERCHANDIZE GENERALLY FROM ATLANTA TO M a rie tta nnd Bolton. U* a O pq 2 2 g S' | £.* Qq i-^ps Sb?? a * Or — » ® jrt ?£.?■? CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. 1st Class.—Por Cubic foot.—Boses of Hats, Bonnets anil Furniture,.. 21 0 6. ‘2d Class.—Vet lOOIbs.—Boxesnml BnlesofDry Goods, Siloes, Sod- ) dlery, Glass, Paints, Oils, Drugs nud Confectionery, J 10 30 40 3d Class.—Per lOOIbs.—Georgia Domestics, Sugar, Collec, Liquor, "l Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese,Tobacco, Leather, Feathers, 1 Hides, Cotton-yarns, Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron, Hollow- ( ware, Crockery, Castings, Hardware, Marble (dressed), &c. J 10 20 25 4th Class.—Per JOOlbs.—Fiour.iri sacks; Rico, Pork, Beef, Irish,Lnrd,) Tallow, Bacon, In cnskB, boxes or sacks ; Beeswax, bales of 1 Rngs, Giusing, Fruit, Bar-Iron, Marble, undressed; Mill and j Grind-Stouos, ftlill Gearing, J 1 J 10 15 A'm&n by thd namo ot ClJlPP hM «n*aged with A young man of tho name of 8: P. Townsend, and Use* his name to put op a BaniaparlUa. which they call Dr. Town- aend'a Sampanlla, denominating U QRJfUIftL, Original, etc. ThU Townsend U no doctor, and never was; but was formerly a worker on railroad,, canals, and the like. Yet be assumes the title of Dr., for the purpose of gaining credit for what he Is not. ThU U to caution the public not to be deceived, and pnrch&sa none hat tho QtWUJJfK ORIQI- JML OLD Dr. Jacob Tmvntorid's Sarsaparilla, having on It the Old Dr's, likeness, his IHmlly coat of arms, and his signature across the coat of arms. Principal OJfci, 103 JVhssau-sL, JYeie Pork City. /^JEOUGIA—Chatham County.— VT To all whom It may- concern.—'Whereas, Mr,s. Ellen Duffy will apply to the Honorable tlio Iriferlbr Court of said coanty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for letters of administra tion On the estate and effects of Michael Duffy, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular Uie kindred and creditors of said do ceasod, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant, in the clerk’s office ofBaiq court, on or borofe the 30th day of August next, other wise letters of administration will be granted. WitnesBthe Hon. Robort A. Lewis one of the Justices ofsnid Court, this 31st day of July, 1849; july 31 SEABORN GOODALL. o.c.o. c.c. OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND, TUB ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF TIIE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 yenrs of age, nnd has ,ong been known n, the AUTHOR and DISCOVERER of Hie QEKUl.VF. ORIQIML “ TOIVJVSEJVD SAR- 8APARILIJI.'' Doing poor, ho was compelled to limit its nmnnOiciNro, by which ineiins It has boon kept out of mar ket, and tho sales circumscribed to those only who had proved Us worth, and known its value. It had renched the cars of many, nevertheless, ns those persons who had been healed of sore diseases, and saved front death, pro claimed its excellonco and wonderful.. HEALING POWER. Knowing, many years ago, that he had, by his skill, science and experience, devised an article which would be of Incalculable advantage to mankind when the menn, would bo furnished to bring It Into universal notice, when Its Inestiinahlo virtues would bo known and appreciated. This time has come, tho means nre supplied; (his OllJUVD JUfD UNEQUALI.KD PREPARATION is manufactured on tho largest scale, and Is called for throughout the length nnd broadth of the land, especially M It is fonnd Incapable of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike yoangt?. P. Townufond’s, it Improves with age, and never changes, hut for the better: because it is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific nan. The highest knowl edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have alf been brought Into requisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it is well known lo medical men,-contains many medicinal pro perties, and some properties which nro Inert or useless, and others, which if retained in preparing it for use, produee fermentation nnd acid, which is Injurious to tho system. Bame of tho pmjxerilos of Hannpnrhln nro so volatile, that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the preparation, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in Us manufacture. Moreover, those volatile principles, which fly olF In vapor, or as an exhala tion, under heat, aro the very essential medical properties of the root, which «lve to It all U* valua. Any person can boll or «tew the root till they get a dai* tolorod liquid, which Is moro from tho coloring matter lu the root than from any thing else; they can then strain Oils Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sour molasse* snd then cnll it ‘'SARSAPARILLA EXTRACT or SY RUP.” Dut such is not the nrllcle known ns tho GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA. This is so prepared, (hat nil the Inert properties of the Barsapnrllla root are flrst removed, everything capable of becoming add or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected; then every particle of medical virtue Is secured in a puro and concentrated form; nud thus Ills rendered Incapable of losing any of Us valuable and healing properties Propared In this way, It Is made the most powerful ngont In tho Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why wo hear commendations on every * • • * ‘ *" - -1lt We And I Transportation Office, W. A. R. R., Atlanta, April 14th, 1849/’‘ E. It. MILLS, Supt. Transportation. apr 19 BUSINESS CARI M. CAREY’S Fashionable Tailoring Emporium, Ir _ SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Corner of Whitaker and llrougliton-Strccts, Pi A VANN All, GEOlttllA. N. B. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of Staplo and Fancy Goods, which will bo mnde to order at the shortest notice, nnd warranted to fit. jail 27 • ly— It E O P E NED. E. WITHIN G TON ’8 LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, <UUl>ltY»8 BUILDING ON TIIK BAY. X^Ticketa and Shares for sale in J. W. Mao- nr & Co.’s popular Lotteries. Unctirretit Bank ;ht. jail 1 Notes bough ROBERT D. WALKER, MARBLE &f STONE MANUFACTURER, BKOUGHTON-ST., BETWEEN WHITAKER &BARNARD. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Grnve Stones, ofitulian und Domestic Marble; MnrbJo Mantle Pieces, and Berlin Grates; Free Stouo for Bnildings. Ornamental Iron Railings, &c. &c., furnished to order. ly— oct 28 JOHN POOLE, HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP PAINTER, GlLDEll, GRAINER AND GLAZIER. All kinds of Mixed Paints, Glass and Putty, Paper Hanging, Fire-Bonrd Prints, &c. Far Sale at No. 11 Whitaker St. near the Bay, Savannah, Georgia. oct 24 ly— John P. Gavun & Co., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Fni-wnrriinR Agents, IHncoii, Ga. Macon, July 20,1847 ly july 23 M AY BUTTER, CHEESE, CRACKERS, &c.—20 tubs choice Butter; 25 Goshen Cheese; 30 bbls. Butler, Sugnrnnd Sodu Crackers; 30 half do. do. do.; 20 bbls, Pilot Bread. Landing and for sale by may 30 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. A. S II O It T, M A S TER B UILDER, Will take contracts for Building and work in Masonry of every description. Residence East side of Pulaski Square. — jail 8 L iaUID ADHESIVE PLASTER, or COL- L< QUNSI-GUNSI--EDWARD LOVELL, Manufacturer nnd Importer of every do scription of Double and Single barreledGuusaiid Rifles, Duelling, Belt, Hotter, Pocket and Six- barreled Revolving Pistols, and every variety of Gun mntoriul nnd Gun impliments, &c. Flasks. Pouches, Porcussion Caps, Powder, Shot, Lead, and every article in the Sportsman’s line, for sale ow. tS^Giins restocked, Flint-locks altered to por cussion, and repairing done as usunl. * ISP’No. 11 Barnard street, South sideMnrkot sign of the Indian. — nug 2 TT7TIOLESALE WINE, LIQUOR YV AND GROCERY STORE.—, -No. 188 Congress and 88 St. Julian Street.—WILLIAM M. DAVIDSON would inform his friends,that he continues to keen on hnnd at his old stnnd, West Sido of tho Market, a largo assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AND GRO- C FRIES,-nil of which he otters on the best pos sible terms. He is also constantly supplied with tho best ALBANY ALE and NEWARK CI DER, to which he respectfully invites the ntteu tion of tho public — oct 3 Dll IIAT8 l IIATS I-NEW FASH- IONS FOR SPRING. 1849. — Tho sub scribers have received tho Spring stylo of Hats from tho manufactory of Messrs. W. II. Beebe & Co., Broadway, New-York, which they offer for snlo on Saturday next, March 3d, at Now York prices. D, A* AMBLER & CO. feh 547 149 Congress-st. QPRINGAND SUMMER GOODS kJ per brig Excel—50 pieces printed Muslins and Lawns; lOdoz Ladies white and black Lisle thread Hose; 20 do Genta’ Lisle thread Gloves; 10 do Lndies Silk Gloves; 20 pieces Cotton Cas- simere; 50 do do cql’d Prints; 50doz Ladies wht, black, brown and tnix't Cotton Hose; 150 pieces Scotch Gingham;290 do Mosqiriio Netting; G cases Marlborh Stripes {and Plaids; 5 holes Bod- tick; 5 do 44 bro Shooting; 20 do 34 brp Shirt ing, for sale low by I apr 16 SNIDER, LATI|RQP & NEyiTT. T HE WIPE’S FRIEN 'by—Important to those about to become Mothers.—Professor ALEXIS V. PAULITAN, of the Paris Lying-in Hospital, member of tho Medical Academy of France, Corresponding Secretary of tho Paris Pharmaceutical College, respectfully begs leave lo announce to the Lndies of America, that he hns nppointed Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropenhurty, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicino, known in Franco ns The YVifo’s Frieud, or Mother’s Assistant the most extraordinary medical discovery the world hns ever seen. Its province is to Lessen the Pains of Child-Birth, nnd promote a safe, easy, and speedy delivory, which it does by assisting naiure. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, pleasant to the taste, and never fuilsto promote an easy and safe delivery, and improves the gen eral health of both molhor nnd child. It has been tested for yenrs in all the principal Lying-In Hos pitals of Europe, and receives (ho sanction of nearly all tho!prouiinent Colleges nnd Medical men of the old world. It is the greatest medicine in tlio world ; as all will ndinitthatn medicine must ho that will lessen the terrible pnius usually nttcudautou childbirth. There is no mistake a- hout this medicine doing all that in said of it. It never fails. It is in thu form of a fine, light powder, to be made into a drink, nnd used for n lew weeks previous to the expected event, and its price is so low as to bring it within tho reach of all. Surely no humnno husband will sutler his wife to endure pnin, when it cun be so easily aud cheaply avoided. For tho smnll sum of only $1,00. sent post paid to DR. JEROME Y. C. RUPENHUllTY, New York Post Office, n package will be sent by return mail, it being so light that it can he sent anywhere by nmil.nta very trifling cost. I^No unpaid letters taken from the office. To prevent imposition, tboU. S. Agent, Dr. Ropenhurty will write his name in full on the outside label of each pnekngo. No other genuine. Remember this, times mar 10 side In Its (Uvor by men, women, nnd children, doinp wonders in the euro of CONSUMPTION, DYSPEPSIA, nnd LWER COM PLAINT, und In RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, PILES, COSTIVENESS, nil CUTANEOUS. ERUP TIONS, PIMPLES, BLOCTUES, nnd nil aflbctlous nriiingfrom • IMPURITY OF TIIE BLOOD. It possessosainurvollottscfllcncylnall complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from unequal —•—.«— 0 f jjlor* *- ***- *— A circulation, determination of'fclood to the head, palpitation haul of the heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and hat Hashes over the body. It hus not ita equal in Colds and Coughs ; and promotes easy ex|>ectorntion and gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, nnd every other part. Hut in nothing is Its excellence more manifestly seen — 1 acknowledged than In all kind* and stages at FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in c.isesof Fluor Albus or IVhitcs, Fhll ing of the IVomb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses. Irregularity of tho menstrual periods, apd tho like; nnd '■ as eifectual in curing aii (he forms of /fidne^ Diseases. By removing obstructions, and regulating the general stem, It gives tone nnd strength to the whole body, and us cures all forms of Nervous diseases anti deUllity, and thus prevents or relieves a groat variety of other mala dies, as Spinal irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ate. It elennsos tho blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones tho stomach, ami givos good digestion, relievos tho bowels of tor|Hir and constipation, allays inflammation, pltrifies tho skin, equalises tbo circulation of the blood, iroduclng gentlo warmth equally all over tho body, aud be Insensible perspiration; relaxes all strictures and tight- uess, removes nil obstructions, and Invigorates the ciitlM nervous system. Is not this then The medicine you pre-eminently need 1 Hut can any of theso things bo said of S. I*. Townsend’s Inferior article 7 This voting man’s liquid Is not to bo COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR’S, became of one GRAND FACT, that tho ouo is 1NCAPA BLB of DETERIORATION, nnd NEVER SPOILS, while tho other DUES ; souring, fermenting, and Motet** the bottles containing it into fragments ; (ho sour, acid ilqulc. exploding, und dunmglng other goods! Must not this horri ble compound be poisonous to the system?—IVhatl put acid into a system already diseased with acid I What causes Dysi»eusla but acid ? Do we not all know that when food sours fn .ODIAN—a now and elegant substitute for Plaster cloths. Sutures, Bandages, &c.—This article hns been ftmnd by all surgeons who have tested it, fur superior and more convenient than former means of dressing incised wounds. For burns, sore Nipples, and eruptive diseases^ it has proved extremely efficacious. It is also much preferable to court plaster and gold beater’s skin. It is not acted upon by water, and adheres with almost incredible tenacity to tho akin, keep ing tho edges of the wound closely together, nnd causing it to heal with hnrdly a perceptible scar. A history of the article, together with commu. nicationshighlycomniendaiory of its value from Dr. J. Mason Warren of Boston, Erasmus Wil son, F. R. S. London, and other surgeons, will bo found accompanying it. A supply of the above received by A. A. SOLOMONS, Market Square. ^ HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, ^T>T&c. &c.—A large assortment of Ladies ^I^.and Mis es white, black aud col’d Cotton Hose ; black and cold Silk and Raw Silk Ilosc; Men's and Boys’ white, brown nnd col’d Cotton hall Ilose: Gauze, Cotton and Merino Under- Vests ; Lads’ and Gent’s Cotton and Silk Um brellas. Justreceived andforsalohy marl MARSHALL ATKIN. PROF. It. B. TAYLOR would inform tho Lndies and Gen tlemen ofSavaunnh, that he is now ready to give instruction on the Piano Forte, Organ, in Vocal Music nnd Composition. All communications left at tho Pulaski House, or at his house, No. 121 Congress-street, (opposite) addressed to him, will he promptly attended to. Reference—George Jones, Esq. dec 4 — TYECE1VED PER STEAMER JLU CHEROKEE.—Plain Swiss Muslins; Plaid Cambrics; Printed Muslins; Bleached Joans nnd Drills; Block Wire Net Gloves and Mitts; Whito Cotton Iloso; Pavillion Gauze, &c. &c. For solo by LATHROP & FOOTE. TUST RECEIVED*—10 baskets best J refined Sulad Oil; 3 cases fresh Prunes; a lot of fresh Teas ; French Sweet Chocolate ; fresh Maccaroni; do Vermicelli; a lot of fresh Guava Jelly, and many other articles too numerous to mention. For sale by apr 26 J. ROUSSEAU. PIANO FORTES—Made by Chickeriug, Nunn’s, and Fisch er, and Gale & Co. The subscri ber offers for sole a large assortment of7, 6| t Gi and 6 octave Rosewood and Mahogany Pianos, from the above makers. These Instruments are unsurpassed by any made in this country for pu rity and fullness of tone. aud eloganco of work manship ; some of them aro furnished with the complete Iron Frame, which strengthens the case and proveQts.the liability of getting out of tone; others have the ordinory metalic plate, and can be offered for lower prices. These Pianos are offered without any advance from themanufac turer’s prices, and those who aro desirous of ob mining a superior instrument at a inodornto ex pense would do well to call and examino before purchasing elsewhere, f jan3| W I. W. MORRELL. T RULY MAGICAL.—A great Paper's opinion.—M’Mackin’s Philadelphia Model Courier comes outanddoclnresto its 70.000 sub scribers, nnd nearly one million readers, that Doctor Wiley’s Celebrated Cough Candy is truly an excellent article. Read what it says: “A Valuable Articlo.—Those suffering from colds, will do well to procure a supply of Dr. Wiley’s Cough Candy, prepared only by Geo. W. Childs & Co. Wei lave had a fair opportu nity oftesting tlio virtues of tho candy in our own family, and, unsolicited, oxcept by them, wo give our experience. It is very pleasant to the taste, without nausea in its effects, and almost magical in its operations upon the affectiou.” The above, from such a source; we think is enough to convince the most skeptical. We would advise nll.wbo are in tho least trou bled with a cough, cold/ or any disease arising from those complaints, to be suro tbnttbey pur chase a package of DR. WILEY’S CELEBRA TED COUGH CANDY, and we will guarantee them a perfect cure. Price 12<J, 25, 50 cents, and $1 per package. Be sure to ask for Dr. Wi ley’s Cough Candy, oud take none other, if of fered to you. Geo. W. Childs & Co. Sole Proprietors, No. 320 Market-st, Phila’a. 4. A. SOLOMONS, Agt. M&rket-sq. feh 3 Sole agent for Savannah, E legant perfumery.—a general assortment of Lnhin’s Extracts for the Handkerchief; a Vortety of French, English, and American Perfumery j Toilet and Shaving Soaps; Antique Oils, Pomatum’s; &c.; just receiv ed by A A. SOLOMONS, Ag’t. dec Q GEORGIA.—Bulloch Uounty.— VX.To all whom it may concern.—Whereas Jasper Wilson, one of the Executors upon tho estate of James Brinson/late of said County, de ceased, applies for letters dismissory from tho executorship of said estate. Therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections (if any they have) in my ollice, in terms of the law, otherwise letters dis* missory will bo grantod tho applicant as applied for. Witness tho Honorable William Williams, one of tho Justices of the said Court, this 2d of July, A. D., 1849. july 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. n. c. EORG1A.— Bulloch County.— Vjr To all whom It may concern.—Whereas James Hngin, Guardian of John M. Wright, Orphan of William Wright, late of said County, deceased, applies for letters dismissory from said guardianship. Therefore the kindred nnd creditors of tho said John M. Wright are hereby cited nnd nd monished to filo their objections, (if any they have) in my office, in terms of tho luw, other wise letters dismissory will bo grunted the appli cant as applied for. Witness tho Honorable Peter Cono, ono of tho Justices of tho said Court, this 2d day of July. A. D., 1849. july 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c.o. n. c. DEOAjL NOVICES. ssa8SSc=iaBa#r'‘ VA To all whom it may conccr may- conrernfj-^V. William Lee, Jtin./ Applies for letters of *'< nistration on thecfitale of Thomas Lee, a lunatic, late of saldJConnty, deceased, these are loolte and admonish all and singular the kindred ftul creditors of the said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by laW, nnd show cause (if any they hare) why letters of administration should not be granted the .iald applicant. Witness the Honorable Benjamin Ellis/one of the Justices of the said Court, this the 2d day of July, A. D., 1849. . ! july 6 . DAVID BEASLEY, o. o^o.^. c) riOUR MONTHS AFTER DATE, AP- X plication will be made to the Honorable the nnn.tACt)nll..L I Inferior Courtof Bulloch county, Georgia, when sitting for ordiuary purposes, for leiive to sell the Real Estato of James Mikell, Sen/ late of said county, deceased. July 17,1849. . . , THOMAS KNIGHT, SEN., july 23 «. i Administrator. TjlXEUUTOR’S NOTICE.-AH per- Aii sons having demands against the estate^of Dr. .JAMES TROUP, of Mclntosli county, de- censed, nro requested to present them properly attested; and those indebted to the catuto arore- quired to make payment to J. HAMILTON COUPER, D.H.B. TROUP. Darien, 15th May., 1849. Qualified Ex’ors. may 17 —A: Q.—All" p OTICJE.—All" persons having demands ’• against Isaac Slayton, late of Camden coun-* ty, deceased, aro hereby notified to prosent theiii, properly attested, to me within the time prescribed by luw. And all persons indebted to said decea sed, aro hereby required to make immediate pay ment. IIENRY R. FORT, Adufr. muy 11 I ^OUR MONTHS AFTER DATE, APPLI- cation will bo mado to the Honorable tho G eorgia.—Duiiocii county. Ton" all to whom it may concern.—Whorons James Leo, Executor upon tho estato of Anthony W. Domicil, Into of said County, deceased, ap plies for letters dismissory from thu executorship of tho said estate. Therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to filo their objections (if nny thoy hnvo) in my office, in terms of tho law, otherwise letters dismissory will ho granted tho applicant as applied for. Witness the Honorable James Cone, ono of tho Justicos oftho said Court, this 2d day of July-, 1849. july 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c.c.o.n.c. Justices of tho Inferior Court, for tho Conrity of McIntosh, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for luavo to sell all tho real estate of the late JOHN MITCHELL, deceased, in compliance with’his last will and testament. ; RANDOLPH SPALDING, Exe’r. Dnrien, July 3,1849. july D ’ Estate of Daniel R. Ilolfe, late of Chuthanf County, decensed, nro requested to niako pay. went, nnd thoso to whom tbo said Estato is in debted will render in their claims, properly t»t- taster, within tho timo proscribed-by law. GRACE J. ROLFE, Ex’ix. july 0 Gw— ^UEOUGIA. — Bnllocli County. — all to whom it muy concern.—Whereas Haskell Soinmons, Guardian of BHiijaiuin J. Sems, Orphan of Margery Sems, late of said County, deceased, applies for lettors dismissory from suid guardianship of said orphans. Therefore tho kindred nnd creditors of said said orphans ure hereby cited and admonished to file their objections (if any they have) in my olfico, in forms of tho law, otherwise letters dis- missory will ho granted applicant as applied for. Witness the Honorable John Goodman, one of the Justices ofsaid Court, this 2d dqy of July, A. D., 1849. july 6 DAVID BEASLEY, c. c. o. n. c. f'*EORG1A. — Bulloch County.— vj All porsoiu concerned are hereby notified, that four months lifter date I shall apply to tho mid ~ tho Ilonornblo Inferior Court of said County, when silting for ordiuary purposes, for leave to sell nil tho lands belonging to the cstnte of tho late Surah Giggcr, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceased, this 2d of July. A. D., 1849. july 0 WILLIAM SIIERFFIELD, Adm’r. /GEORGIA, Bulloch County .-All VT porions concerned nro hereby notified, that four months after duto I shull apply to tho Hon orable Inferior Court of said County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell nil the lauds belonging to tho estate of tho late Chnries Zitteruur. deceased, for the benofit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, this 2d of July, A. D., 1849. july 6 MARY ZITTERAUR, Adin’x. ^JEORGIA.—Mclntosli County.— ... our moiinichR, what mischief* it produces 7 fliita- lcnce, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, dlnrrham, dy.untery, colic, nnd corruption of tho blood! What Is Scrofula but an ncld humor in the body 7 What iroduces all the humor* which bring on Eruptions of the 5kin, Scald if cad, Salt Khoutu, Erysipelas, White Swell Ings, Fever Sure*, und all ulcerations internal and external? It Is nothing under hcaVen, but an acid substance, which sours, nnd thu. spoils all the fluids of the body, moro or less. What causes llhcumatlsm but a sour or acid fluid which Insinuates Itself between (he joints and elsewhere Irritating and lntlnming the dcllcnto tissues upon which X acts 7 bo of nervous diseases, of Impurity of the blood, o> deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments whl* afllict human nature. Now is It not horrible to mako and tell, and infinite# verst to use this SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID “ COM POUND” OF S. P. TOWNSEND, Mid yet he would fnln have it understood that Old Dr. Jnen* Townsend’s Genuint Original Sarsaparilla, Is an IMITA TION of his Inforior preparation 1! Heaven forbid that wo should deal In an article which would bear the most distant resemblance to 8. P. Town- lend’s article t and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain lond of complaints and criminations from Agents who have sold, and purchasers who have used 3. P. Townsend’s FERMENTING COMPOUND. We wish It understood, because It is the absolute truth, that 8. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob Town send’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dis similar ; that they are unlike in every particular, having not one single thing In common. As S. P. Townsend is no doctor, nnd never was, ta no chemist, no pharmacemut—knows no more of medicine or disease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional man, what guarantee can tho public have that they are re ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing all the virtues of the artlclos used In preparing It, and which are in capable of changes which might render them the AGENTS of Disease Instead of health. Hut what else should lie expected from one who knows nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ! It requires n person of some experience to cook and serve up even a common decent meal. How much more Important ia U that the persons who manufacture medicine, designed fur WEAK STOMACHS AND ENFEEBLED SYSTEMS, should know well tho medical properties of plants, the best manner of securing nnd concentrating their healing virtues, also an extensive knowledge of the various diseases which affect the human system, and how to adapt remedies to these diseases! It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm Into wounded bumnnlty, to kindle hope In.the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor into the crashed and broken, and to bnnlsh Infirmity that OLD DB. JACOIkTO VVN8END has SOUGHT and FOUND the op portunlty and means to bring his .Grand Universal Concentrated Remedy within tho reach, and to the knowledge of alt who need It, that they may leura and know, by joyfrtl experience, Us Transcendent Power to Real. For sale by WM. HUMPHREYS, june27 Agent for Savannah. ull whom it may concern.—Wliorcus, William I. King, Administrator on tho estate of Thomas K. Gould, lute of said county, deceased, hath applied to the Honorable the Court of Or dinary ofsaid “county, for letters dismissory on said ustate. Theso are therefore to cito and admonish all concerned, to file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant’s discharge in tho Clerk’s office oftho said Court, within the time prescrib ed by law, otherwise lettors dismissory will ho granted. Witness the Honorable Alexander Wyley, one of tho Justices of suid Court, this 23d day of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. jnne 9 E. M. BLOUNT, c. c. o. m’i. c tytineveii and its remains, li with an account of a visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and tho Yezidis, or Devil-Worshippers, and an inquiry into the Man ners and Arts of tho Ancieut Assyrians. By Austen Henry Lnyard, Esq.', D. C. t. Received by JOHN M. COOPER, apr 10 .... P ERIODICALS AND NEWSPA PERS.—THo subscriber, will procure to be. sontto persons wishing to subscribe, any Periodi- col or Newspaper, American, or I* oroign. . Sub- dcriptioniin all coses payable in advance: may 7 . JOUNJI. COOPER. rj.EORGIA. - Camden County.— VX To aii whom it may concern.—Whercns, Georgo Lang, Executor oftho estate of Win. T. Ashley, has applied to tho Hon. the Court of Or dinary for letters of dismissory from the said es tate. These nre therefore to cito and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of suid T. Ashley, to file their objections to tho granting ofsaid letters dismissory, within the terms pro scribed bylaw, in the clerk’s office of tho Court of Ordinary, otherwise letters as prayed for will he grunted. Witness the Hon. Tho. It. Dunham, a Justice of said Court of Ordinury, this 5th March, At D. 1849. IIENRY It. FORT, c. c. o. c. c. mar 9 Q.EO RGIA •—C li at li am C o u i aty .— To ull whom it may concern.—Whereas, James Eppingcr, surviving Executor of John or, In Eppingerjnte of said county, deceased, Irnthnp plied to the Hon. the Inferior Court of said County, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for a ci tation to issue and be published according to law for Letters Dismissory. These nre therefore to cite nnd admonish, all concerned to file their objections (if any thoy have) to the applicant in the Clerk’s Offico ofsaid Court, on or before tho sixth day of September next; otherwise Letters Dismissory will be grant ed. Witness, the Hon. W. Thorne Williams, ono the Justices of the said Court, this 6th day or March, A.D., eighteen hundred and forty-nine. mar 6 SEABORN GOODALL, c. c. o. 6.c. N OTICE.—All persons indebted to the ‘ — jlOUIt MONTHS after datu I shall up- . ply to the Ilpuorable Inferior Court of Bulloch County, when sitting for ordinarypur-* noses, for leave to sell all tho Rcul and.Personal Estate of Mitchell Holloway, Into ofsaid County, Deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs aud Creui* tars ofsaid deceased. may 2(1 WILLIAM HOLLOW A Y.Adlu'r. T^OUR MONTHS nfterduto, application X will bo made to tho Ilouorable tho Inferior Court of Effingham county, sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell (3) threo tracts of land in said county, containing in the aggregate (390) threo hundred nnd ninety acres. Said lund*bu« longing to tho estate of Israel Woilman, Into ol said county deceased, for tho benefit of the hoire and creditors of suid estato. opra E. G. WEITMAN, Ad’r. Tj^OUR MONTHS after dute application X will bo made to the Inforior Conrt 6f Cam den county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for loavo to sell tho following proporly belong ing to the estate of JOHN T. RUDULI’H, for tho benefit of tlio heirs and creditors, vizt Wharf Lot and Stores, and ono Dwelling House and Lot, and tho following negro slaves, viz : Abra hain, Georgo, Dublin, Lucy, Philamioh and Bell- • „ EMILY RUDULPH. St. Marys, May 29.1849. juno 6 ■JVTOTICE.—All persons indebted to thees- ±1 tato of ISRAEL WEITMAN, luto of Effing- ham County, decensed, ore requested to mako payment: And all persons having domands a- gainst said estate nro hereby notified to proaeitt them within the timo prescribed by law. may 29 * E. G. WEITMAN, Adm’*;. PUBLIC SALES. QTY t viTY hheriff t §H"5ale QFpeiuW- • ABLE PROPERTY.—On tho first Tues- day in August next, will bo sold beforetho Court House, iu the City of Savannah, between -thb usual hours of sule, a negro slnvo, named 6AM, levied on as tho property of Willlinm A. Fergu son, undor a writ of Attachment, granted at tho instunce of Lathrop & Footo, returnnblo to thb Court of Common Pleas and of Oyer and Ter miner for the City of Savannah, and sold by or der of tho Judge of the said Conrt a ? perishable property. GEO. W. WYLLY, Sheriff, july 25 M ORTGAGE SALE.—WILL BE SOLD* on tho first Tuesday in Octobor next, in front of tho Court House, in tho city of Darion, between the legal hours of salo : A Negro Man, named BRISTER. Levied on as tho property of Robert B. Mason, to sutisfy a Mortgngo. fi la, in favor of Laban M. Smith vs Robert fi,. Ma son. Properly pointed out in Mortgngo fi fit, C. O’NEAL, jrijy 30 Doputy Sheriff, m. o. jyjcINTOSH SHERIFF’S SALE.—WILL he sold on tho first Tuesday in Soptuinber next, in front of the Court IIouso, [n tho city of Darien, hotween the legal hours of sale, tlio fol lowing property, to wit: Lot No. 106* with the improvements, in tho city of Durien, lovied on as tho property of L. M. Smith, to satisfy an Execu tion issued out of McIntosh Superior Court, irl fuvor of Emmorson, Harris <fc Potter vs L. M. Smith. C. O’NEAL, ' : july 30 Deputy Sheriff, m. c,— E XECUTOR’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF an order from the Honorable the Justices oftho Inferior Court, for the County of MoIn? tosh, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold in tho City of Dnrien, on the first Tuesday in August next, at the residence of the late John Mitchell, decensed, all the personal estate ofsaid deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock in tlio morning, and to continuo from day today, if necessary. Terms cash before delivery. RANDOLPH SPALDING, Exe’r. Dnrion, July 3,1849.july 9 J ' G EORGIA.—Chatham County.— To all to whom it may concern.—Whereas Doctor Richard Wayne, Executor of tho last Will aud Testament of Miss Elizabeth Wilkins, deceased, hath applied to the Hohorablo the In ferior Court of said county, whensitting for ordi nary purposes, for a citation to issne and be pub lished according to law, for letters dismissory. These are therefore to cito and admonish all concerned, to file thoir objections (if any. they have) to the applicant in the Clerk’s office, ofsaid Court, on or beforo the eighth day of November next, othorwiso letters dismissory will be granted Witness.tho Hon. Anthony Porter, ^one oftho Justices of said Court, this 8th day of May, A. D. 1349. may 8 SEABORN GOODALL,e,p,o.c. c. F OUR MONTHS after date.applicntion will be made to the Honorable the Inferior. Court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordi nary ptirposesfor lcaye to sella tract of two him j dred and goventy-tliree acres of land (mbjrb or less) lying in tlta County of Burke, originally granted to Willi* Hqrst, boing part of the. real estato of Andrew Mclutiro, late of ( Chatham comity'deceased, for the' benefit of bH heirs and creditors. JOHN MURCHISON, may 1 , Surv’g Ex’oj. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—ON THE! Tuesday in September next, will be sold, before the Court House door, in the Town q( Statesboro, Bulloch County, tlio personal prop-, erty of the Estate of Charles Zctterouer, deceas ed, consisting of one negro man, Adam, Vicy Harriet, Annis, Hannah, George, Peter and Clarisa. Terms of sole, twelve months credit. Purchasers will be required to givo small iiotct with approved security. July 2,1849. ADAM JONE8. *) „- July 4 JOHN GOODMAN, j Ex r§ ‘, SHERIFF’S SALE* — On the Bnt O Tuesday in August next wift bo~»oId, bt th¥ Conrt House, Effingham Coonty, between thef usnal hours of sale, all'that tract of land lyinM in said Coanty of Effingham, tdatninihg iml hundred acres, more or lbs, bounded by laildtf of James Zettrour on one side,-levied on-bt *< Constable, and returned to me as tho property of the said Janies Zettroar, to satiety tfco'bxbfto-* lions in favor of Trion Pace m. said* Jamdti Zettrour. Conditions, cash. <: :-i'* -'.b*v •.? ' joly 6 P. A. MORGAN, ■. x. G UARDIAN’S SALE—V J - bgreeable to an-order fromt! Inferior tJourt of Ware county, toil Court of Ordinary,' before the Court ® in the town nf.-%roibofo», Ware, t the first Tuesday in August next, withip t hour* : Lot of Land No. 19" benefit of William II. Miller, mindi jutto 25