The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, January 04, 1820, Image 2

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TM<) * >4-1)1 | ill Ml MT JOHN M. HjIHNKV. ♦he Doc 1 »An.r phi’i I’lVD nOl, 4, HIUIIT DULIfM—V»VJ»tm III* >1 N IJI.H. ptVfiDLK I* AHVAWiKe .111 jmXft mu If urtv Hil'i'ftiirmcnU appear In Ini 1 1 '<upr,n—unit *M/I by only, *' kOllfcUieV. f-oxniiN, Nov. 1. Cur coircspondant at North HiiieltU,miya “The Uuku ul Northumberland, follow- htg the liwt«ti-|w ol his i^itllunt fattier, lias appeared lb bq perfectly hunted jlowtrby Tlie Senate lima, mi motion of Mr. the Dines. Per tllrdn or lour daya they Williams of Missttsippi, proceeded to were obliged to keep themselves secreted, class by lot, the senators of the state of The Horse Hoards were ordered opt to Alabama; when Mr, 1C iijj having drawn ipiell the disturbances that were at one No. 2, placed him inlthe class Whose term lime going on, but the Danes had good of service expires on the fourth of March, time to make their retreat home before I H id; and Mr. Walker drawing No. 3, the cliatge was made, tine of the first was of course placed in the class whose traders in Copenhagen (a Jew) hid his term of service expires on the finirtl; of lion to demolished, and he liatvly escaped March, 1323. withhjslile. A. ves«sl from one of the Mr. Williams of Mississippi, from the lower ports in the Baltic, arrived at Co- committee to whom the subject had been penhinren with 5('0 passengers (mostly referred, reported a hill declaring til Jews,) but were not punnitted to land.— consent of Congress to tin- admission of Tlie King had in some degree qnieted ike the state of Maine into the Union, whidli disit'ntions of'his sujKcta when the Tri- was •cut nolica to a(t Ins laic volunteer tenan try, infantry and cavalry, that their ser vice, and (hose of otlici patriotic defen der* of the Crown and Constitution of the country, will l>« accepted, and means ta ken fo fit theih for service forthwith. There needs hut the sound of a bugle hum and (lit) rcgimcnlul bagpipes to rouse Noithuudnia to join the standard of the illustrious Percy, ill support ol King George Hi, and the Coasldalioit as by law established.” - ' v Nov. 7. We have received 1’aris papers ul Wed nesday last.’, f h#y. cotiiiiiuiinate no in. tulligciiiu.respectiitg tile progress ol tliis- ease in the south of Spain) hut in annnun cing the cerritionies winch were obscrvrd on t|ie entrance <d the vjiicen Into Mad- ■ id; they prove the liveliness of the ap prehensions entertained in the capital with regard to tilt* virulence of the con taginn. Hie authorities uf the city tear lug less some prison from the infected place* might introduce themseivvs amidst tlie concourse of people cohccled by cu riosity to witness the Qiiecn'a entrance, issued an edict, imposing a fine ill 4(1 ducats' upo any individual entering ijadiid without a passportj hut should '(KHnilieiduul sii entering without n pass port be Irum any purl ul Andalusia tint infected by the disease, he should pay a flue ul 1UU ducats and bu exiled Irum Madrid fur two years; but should lie come from any place actually infected, tlie edict declares that he sliuuhl sailer death. The Paris Journals uf 'Wednesday contains nothing mure important than tlie rich promise ul the wine harvest, Olasuuw, Nov. 4. , Tlie meeting of the radical UHurmers at Loudon, on Monday lust, Dc. Watson in the chair, passed very quietly ; it was very far from being numerously attended. A series uf resolunon*,ol the usual tenden cy, were unanimously ngreed to, as also an oddreaa to the Princu Regent. The address was oRgreat ’length; it took near ly un hour to read it. At a meeting of me county of North- iitnbcrlnuU oil Saturday last, culled by liis Urnce tint lautl Liuti'iiaut and Cug- Jjra Itoluluum, it was resolved urforiu ur- ussoualiotia.'hi the chiefdowns m the ~ ^ontv »•-' tnrtiiqjhoui Hie country. y*r»4fjT ■ lVvKMCF.ll (I. 1 [On Monday liratraf a public meeting , the iuhahilatds of Aye, Provost Oownn in the chair. It was unanimously resolved ■c’ to form an armed assorintiimiu that town, About 80 niunes were aoliscribed at the meeting, ami, in the course of two days, they amounted to upivaixls of -tuo. Ware similar associations genereaily adopted over the country, we would soon bear lit- tie of the Radical Reformers. NOVEMBER i), We feel much satisfaction in stating that trade was brisker last week , limn it has been for a cniisideralde period. Not only the cotton ami woollen manufacto ries, but colonial eoimuodatios, hove risen here; & the tralisnotiims have been to such an extent as to elicit some improvement in the. foreign exchangee. Tins gratify- ing result is chiefly owing tv the vivacity of the last l.eipsic lair, whore all the Bri tish goods ofi'erd lor sale lUet with pur chasers. There is no doubt ihal our man ufactures will long coin nice to lie wanted in large quantities; and, if the supply could he judiciously regulated, they must of emuse yield lair profits'. No information, it is said, lias yet been received from lieutenant Parry, who commands the expedition for exploring Baffin's hay. As the season is now ra pidly advancing, it is conjectured he Inc passed through Sir James Lancaster* Sound, notwithstanding Captain Kitts's assertion of its being pucainpmcd with uf rtymnulh,. Chatham. Deptford, Pembroke, Woolwich, Poi'U- mo'itli. Mieernemi tmd Bombay, with the number ol'gpi.a they ore intended to car ry ; 3 or 120 guns, .1 of 106, 2 of 104, 8 of 84, I of 80. ti of (4, 3 of 60, ! of 50, 80 of 46, ,13 of*# 1 of SO, 22 of 10, sloops, 6 bombs, anil 9. cut tern—-Total 100. From the North of Europe. The brig Triton has arrived at Salem in 63 daya from Copenhagen. The Sn- solution for consideration! lorn Gazette Informs, that allairs at Co- Resolved, Tnat tlie committee on cota- petdtngrn had been in confusion between tnerce and manufactures be instructed to the Dunes and Jews. Frederick VI. wua enquire into the expediency of allowing ill favor of the latter, and the Danes were importations free ottluty, of the raw stone in rOn«C(|'icnc|>, dissatisfied, and a revolu- from which oil stores are manufactured, lion seemed to he brewing. The Jews in the United State;. SEN AIK, Wednesday, December 22. After presentation and reference of nu merous petitions and memorials, the Son ata took up the resolution submitted by Mr. Noble un tlie 2|st inst. and agreed thereto. t ’ Mr. Palmer submitted the following re ton sailed. —» - ■7V Arabian Ihrs-. This noble animal, which Intelv arri ved at New York, in the ship llm.iii i, has been sold for four tho'issud dollars, to Messrs. Mflioii anti Van Ranst, and has peeu covey ell to Lang Ish.iid. WASHINGTON. Every thing which relates to the life fit actions of this great A "good plan, ca not fail til'int -rest every reader whose bosom is warmed by Atucricon feelings. Of till men, the name of Washington must lie must depr to American hearts; and, as t)e. years roll uwuy, inslead of being lost ii distance, the more brilliant do his vittei- appear, and the more strongly cntirincjd are we-of the true greatness of his chtjr- racler. "There is a imiornfa: pleafiuit” says the eloquent Ur. Collyvr, ‘in recall ing the actions and reviewing the lep- ings id' those who are gone before. Tiije has effected changes by his slow devask- tions, which speak to the heart; and t|e cannot hear the voice of years departed, without feeling our attention arrested,mil, amid t|ie suspension of our employment, giving reverence to the testimony of, whose wisdom, snatched from that all-dei- troying haift*. remifops U|hiii record our iiiBtrtirtlod.’’ w 'i'lie follmviog interes'tujj^hectltite ol the father of our repuh'it/ive find in Bis- sht’s ctinlimintimt tjL-Wume; and we do •not recpllocl to,diave met with it in any other place. ' ll illiisiratt'S, ln« most fnrribln'triariner, the over-rniiog llrnl of Prtlvidence, ill directing ilia operations ol a mail’s mind ill motile its whop.he is least of all aware of it. This eapin'i sinc.ident, from which it appears that, the life id' the hum was in imminent danger, took place during some tlkirtfiishitig a day or two previous to the battle of Uramlvwiijo, and ia de tailed in a letter Iroiu. Major Fuigiisson, who' commanded a fiftu corps ill advance of the Hessians, under Den. Knyph.insen, to Ills friend in England. The letter in question, gives the following 'crotlur: "We luid not lain long, wrieu a rebel officer, remurKublr by a Hussar ilygss, pas- sod towards our at my. wifldn almji 't cd yards of my right tlyok, not preeeiviog os. llr was lidlotved by another dressed ill a ■lark green and bill", nomited on a hav horse, with a rcimlrkahle largo high rock ed hat. I ordered lor e good shuts to steal near to them anil fire at them; hot tlie idea disgusted me; I recalled 'he or der. The hussar in reluming, made a circuit, but tlie other passed within a hun dred yards of us, upon which 1 advanced from the went I towards him. Upon my calling, he stopped; but after looking at me, proceeded. I again drew his atten tion, and made signs In him tn stop, levell ing my piece at him; hut he slowly can tered his wav.. As 1 was within that dis tance at which, in. the quickist. tiring, 1 could have lodged half a dozen balls in or about him, before he was out of my reach, 1 had only to determine; but, it was not pleasant to fire at the back of an un cus read. The Senate went into the consideration of Executive business, after wh cli they adjourned. 'HOUSE OF UKI'ltKsKNT.VnVES Alter the reception and reference of various.petitions, Mr. Smy th of Va. submitted the follow ing resolution; Hi‘mlvetl, That the Secretary of VVarbe instruct'd, to .cause to lie prepared and [; laid before this Mouse,lit the next session uf ('.nngress, a system of field service and police. I'm the government of the army of " United Slates. and and which- was only «cn by h.i.i.orl ntremllog individual, who was acquitting that he i« unable to return to the aonth- himself very coolfy of ins duty: so I k* ward Irani Ihe thime.idmi* bergs and him alone. The 'day after, 1 had been masse, of ,ce which move u, thj, direr- te „| thU-UM V to some-wounded ollicers tioii during die sommi-r. in elfher ease w |„, il; t , 1 m no deficiency of provisions or warm cloth ing can lie oxpericTCed','Us both the Hec- la and ticipec are well stored with cverv necessary. It is well known that licut. Parry always conceived that every at tempt at discovery in the Polar regions was generally relinquished at the time w hen the greatest chance of success of fered. The months of August, Septem ber and October are considered as the most favorable in this res|iect*! the new ice rarely beginning to Jbiiti until De cember : until that time the old'ice con tinues waiting. The land expedition uniter liejit Frank ly u for Fort York, Hudson's Uiy, to the cop|ier mine river, where Mil llenrue listed he fell in with tlie sea, fine the close of the present [ year, by which he will reach the high northern-la titudes in tlie spring, and have.the sum mer to prosecute his researches. Lieut. Fianklyn, with a surgeon, two midship, men, anti two seamen, have been some time at Fort York, making the necessary preparations with the Indians fur their journey The following :s a correct return of ships building and ordered to be built, in same room with me, wncii otic of the Burgeons who had been dress ing the wounded rebel officers, came in and tqltl us, that they lud been informing him, tieiicrul Washington was ail the morning with the light troops, and otily attended by a French officer in a hussar dress, he Inuiscll tlrcs-etl anil mounted in every point- as above described. 1 am not sorry tliut I did not know at the time who it was.”—/'unit. Mirror. the Mr.8. stated, that this motion was made by tlie tiiiamiiinos request of the inilitary cdmiiiilteef and explanatory ol the mo lives which dictated tile pro|Misiiititi, .Mr S. took a brief view of the defects ul the existing military code of the country, and of some of the benefits likely to result It om a revision anti amendment of it.— Tlie resolution was agreed to, Mr. Walker uf N; C. uffored the follow ing resolution: Jleunlvtd, That it is expedient to pro vide by law that itll minion who enlisted in the service of the United States, in the late war with Great Britain, and who con tinued in service until peace was cniiclutl etl, and w me discharged us minors,be al lowed a bounty of laud as a eimipeiisen lion ilmt is reasonable ap'd adequate to tneir service, Mr. Taylor of New-York, objected to this resolution, because instead of propo sing in the usual mode, to enquire into the expediency nf allowing the bounty, it was S.motion to clan- in oni'u (ha! such a jonuty is expedient. . For such a decla ration lie was not prepared, because he ! id not believe that such lurtiier provision jr the persons in question was expedient, 'hey had by the grace and charily of the government, been placed on the same liliiting as other soldiers, and lie saw no re to extend further bounty to them. He we generally in favor or at least wil ling tu assent to enquiry, but unless pre- sen. ed to the House in in,it shape, lie must Vo,i'against this proposition! Mr. Duiker modified ins motion so as to direct the military committee to, en quire iolo the expediency of the object. Mr. Stiothor moved tii lay the resolu tion on the table; which nvtiim after some conversation oil the . subject, was lost. flie question was then taken on ugrce- ing't'i the resolution, and decided in the tines TO. grossed joint resolution, direc ting a distribution <4 copies of (tie Jour nal id the. Convention, &c. to those mem bers of the present eongress not embrac ed by t ie former resolution, (which it was inadvet'ently staled had passed yester day) was read the third ante, and on mo tion of Mr. Whitman,referred to a select committee. I.OSsES IN THE SF.MlNOt.E'WAK. The Hnnse then resumed the consider ation nf the bill to provide-for the pay ment for horses or other property lost, raptured or destroyed during the Semi nole war. The debate oil the motion for indefinite postponement was resumed, and continued pearly until sunset; when the queftjijn thereon was >1 . i,lod in the ne gative, by the following votef For the postponement, fin . Against it, pg Mr. Hlma then moved an jimendnmnt to- tlve bitl; but before acting on it, the House adjourned. $>* James M. Wayne a Hifbtu-tl U. CUV LElt hwc entered into si copaKnershp, to Practice the Law, in the Ea.Vit rn circuit »»F the state, in the counties of Burke and Scriven- in the middle oirettit, and in the Federal circuit couri of the* United States. fhjiir Orfice. is near the FAcItange, on the Day, and o\«r tlie OtHce of ti»e Savannah Ue* puSlican. ’H'\ Vpv. L IH19 35 ALTiiUATlONS LIB RAUF. T IIK days tor tielivenng ttonks to the Mem bers of die Savannah Library Society will remain as heretofore, \ie: tuiluIt<ihie*iLiy and I'raiuy; hut the hours, instead «;nVom 4 tu will he trout 3 to 5 f. r. during the winter months. OEM1.EU, Scc'ru S. L. 8. flax 1W—t negative—ayes. The Thursday, December 23. IN SENATE. The motion submitted yesterday by Mr. Palmer, was taken up and agreed tii. Mr. Macon olfered tlie following reso lution for consideration. Resolved, That the committee on the ju diciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency uf prescribing bv law tlie mode of quartering soldiers 'during war in the houses of citizens, when tlie public ex igencies may make it necessary, ami the mode by which private property muv be taken for public use; designating particu larly by whose orders property may be taken, the manner of ascertaining its val ue, and the mode by which the owner shall receive, with the least possible delay, the ■ T just, compensation to which lie is entitled 1 by the constitution of the United States. The bill declaring the admission of Maine into the Union, was further consid ered and postponed to next woek. i>y e 7- Aflef hearing and disposing of several petitions, The Senate adjourned to Monday next. HOUSE of lu;P IKSENTATIVF.8 After tlie presentation and reference of petitions— Mr. Smith, of Mil. reported a bill sup plementary to the act “to regulate anil fix the compensation of clerks in the differ ent offices,” (to continue certain clerks in some of the offices,) which was twice read and committed. e Mr. A. from the same committee, re ported a hill to authorize the Commission er of the Land Office to remit the pay ment of certain instalments due on cer tain lots in Sliawneotown, in tlie stale of Illinois.—Twice read and committed. Mr. H.ll, of Massachusetts submitted fur consideration the following resolution. . Resolved, That a committee be appoint ed to enquire into the expediency of es tablishing 11 National University within the District of Columbia; and that the cum- niiU'-f have leave te report by bill or oth erwise 1. Mr. Hill said, ill iotrodilciiig his mo tion, that tlie adoption of this measure had been recommended byi each ot our illustrious Presidents, and with a particu lar view, among other things, to perpetu ate the Union, and form a national cha racter. Whatever, thereftyre, hail this teu- iluicy, he wanted to promole. Some gen- tleouMi, said lie, doubt the" constitutional- ‘ ity uf tlie project connected with interim! improvement. Sir, this is'llic point at is sue; and if there is not to he found a suffi cient number in both houses to pass the aw, the way will be open tu apply to tile people, the fountain ol power, to be vested with the aullmrity. Other gentlemen' will probably say that there is no surplus mo ney in the Treasury; and that this is not (lie time to introduce the subject; but I think diiTerentiy. Tlie resources of the United Status ate great, and the wealth of a nation cuasists hi theinduatry ami econ omy of its inhabitants. 1 think, there fore, we may not fear to make the ex periment, and hope my motion will pre vail. I'lie question being then taken on the adoption of the resolution, it was decided in the negative. So the proposition was rejected. Mr. liendrioks, of Indiaui, offered for consideration the following resolution: Resolved, 'That the committee oil the Public Lands be instructed to enquire in to the expediency of s0 amending the law of forfeiture, dial the actual settler and cultivator of the soil shall have a prefer- ance ol re entry alter his lands shall luivu been forfeited to llm Untied Slates, and before they shall be exposed to publi. sale. t)u the question to agree to this resolu tion, the House divided, without debate; was agreed tu—64 votes to 58. On million of Mr. Foot, of Coon, after a low words from him and Mr. Storrs, rea ped iiig its object, the following resolve was adopted: Resolved, That the Secretary , of War lie directed to lay before this liouse the rules dml regulations established by the commissioner, and adopted by the War Department, in relation to the execution ul Hie “act to authorize the payment lor property lost, captured or destroyed by the enemy, while in the.military service of the United States, and lor other purpo ses,” passed the'9th of April, 1 1 ti; par ticularly in relation to horses lost. Mr. tiuimes, of .Massachusetts, after Stating that on the 2Tth day of March last, a resolve had passed thisliouseculliiigonime ol the Departments for a statement of the monies paiJ fur extra services, to the At torney General of the United Slates, and for an action of the nature ot those servi- ces; and that, un the 3d March last, a re port had been made on the subject, and ordered to lie. on the table—fpred that this report he now referred to the com mittee 00 tlie Expenditures of the State Department. On motion of Mr. Cubb, the committee 011 the District of Columbia were instruct ed to enquire into tlie expediency ofau thurizing and requiring the. levy court of said county to lay a tax upon the people of the county o; Washington, of sufficient amount to defray the expence of building a court house, 8tc. fhe Order of the Day being called for, 011 the unfinished business ol yesterday, viz: the bill to authorize the payment lor horses or other property lost, captured, or destroyed, during the S’emiqple War— a Mr. Font moved that the further consid eration thereof bp postponed, with a view to the reception, before acting upon ‘it, of the information contemplated by a resolu tion this day passe .1, ou his. motion. This motion was opposed by Mr. Stro ther, ot Virginia, and Mr. James, of Ten nessee; but was determined in tlitf affirma tive—88 to bo. So the bill was for the present postponed. NAVY APPROPRIATIONS. The orders of the day being postponed fur tlie purpose, the HnosO resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. H. Nelson in the chair, is- the .bills-reported by the committee m Ways and Means, lor making, additional appropriations for the support of the Navy. Some proceedings took place, of which a further account will be given another day. Littlo progress was made hi the 'bu siness,before the committee rose, reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. And the House adjourned. SAVsYaVaVsiUl; TUESDAY MORNING, Jistuav 4. An election took pliire yesterday for County officers, when the following g Cu .\ tleinen were duly elected, J. T. Bolles Clerk Supi^ior Court. 94 j 452 924 635 381 282 I. Delynn, Sheriff. J. Eppinger, Tn.v Cnllectur. A. Cope, Receiver Tax Returns J. Kennnn, Surveyor B. W. Leach, Coroner Planters Bank. DIVIDEND NO. 15. [HIE Directors having* This Day declared ; dividend of Four pet cent, for the last six months, the same will be paid to the Stockhold ers or their proper representatives, on and after THURSDAY his*. J. Mtu-sliiil, Cashier. -i-xf In the follmviog extract oiir reader, will pc, ceivc that a fresh iict of fatal violence lias been added to the number ofthosu which bare lately filled our papers from every part of the Union Every mail brings accounts of depravity an( ) ci-iine rivalling those of tlie oldest ami most coveupt countries of the old world. It wooldbe extremely unjust, however, to stamp tlie pr,,,. eut act with such characteristics, before the u n . fortunate individual or his friends have hud an opportunity to he heard in vindication. Very great excitement appears to have been 1 JLdn. cod by the event in New.York;, but the friend, of Ur-Goodwin assert that the wound reccircd by Mr. Stoughton resulted (ram accident. If* fortunate occuvrance.-tyetlenhy af. ternuon, about 3 o'clock, as Mr. Stough ton, attorney at law, was walking down Broadway, near the comerOfMai-len-lune he met with Mr, Robert Goodwin, of Bair tiinore; and after some word) and blows Mr. Stoughton received a w(und from a cane sword, of which he dip] in few minutes. Mr. Goodwin .railed off, and at this moment, we believe. Ins not been taken, A circumstance oftliis rtiture could nut have failed to excite inucli btiblic feel- ing, and various rumors and reports have arisen oa the Subject. VVs have endea vored n ascertain the causes which led to this (disastrous .affair. Mr. Stoaghtnn, it appears, had acted ascounsel in some t dts brought against Mr. Goodwin, in relalion to Spanfsh. affairs, in which Mr. Goodwin took umbrage at some transactions, and had challenged Mr. Stoughton, w hich lie dc- e-find accepting We are told that ia walking past Mr. Stoughton, Mr. Good- win u-ed some harsh terms which was re sented by Mr. Stoughton, who returned snd struck Mr. Goodwin; a scuffle ensuing Mr. Stoughton rere’ved tii wound which terminated his existence. Mr. Goodwin Walked leisurely off Such ir the neemmt giv-m to us by persons wnqsaw the affitir. We deeply regret that an event of such a Hat re should have occurred ni our city, hut forbear enlarging upon it a pr C-Vut. Adv. The funeral of the lamented James Stough ton, Esquire, took place yesterday after- 00011 at 3 o’clock, at his father's house. The nu merous friends of the deceased, and these of Ids'aged .parents began .to assemble at an early hum;, and before the precession moved it was computed nearly lu,'.XJu people were present. Wc have seldom witnessed so great a collection on such a melancholy occasion. Tile proces sion moved from Mumy-street to Broadivuy, thence down Fullou-atrect to Greenwich -street and up Barclay-strcet to St. Peters Church, Where tlie body was interred. An appropriate anil impressive discourse was delivered on the oceusion in the church, by the Rev Mr. Taylor.- lhc verdict of tlie Coroner’s jury which sat on the body of the deceased, is stated to be in tire following words—" That James Htougliton came to Ids death .by a wound received from a sword cane, held by Robert M. Goodwin, and which entered between the ninth and tenth 1 ibs of toe tell side, from seven to eight inches’’ vI/i-tc. 4(Iv. Dec 24i A meeting was lately licld nn board of the flag-ship Washington, com. Chauiicey, station ed 111 Ncw-York, for tlie purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of establishing a hind tor the support uf tlm widows and orphans' o; all officers who may die or fail in battle. Military Road.—'The troops lately employed on the military read- from Detroit 10 the slate ot Ohio, have retired to winter quarters at De-\ troit. They have finished cutting the road, and making the necessary bridges, to the Miami Hup.ds. Distancauf 7S miles,—Com. .Wo. Both bouses of Congress adjourned over, on Thursday, until Monday. 'The recess gives an opportunity to tlie upholsterers to. finish the furnishing tlie two houses, and make Some little alterations. The appearance of the Hall of re presentatives, us well as the'ulility of it hasbeen much improved by the crimson curtaiiis're cently festooned behind the pilfers. That Hall indeed, is daily more admired and more approv- ed.—A'at. Intel. 2J/A ult. 1 he Steam Ship Savannah is yel in ,our bar- bov, and will probably winter here. She is an object worth attention ; and, we may add, the enterprise -of her projector and commander, entitles him to respect, and deserves reward We Imve had an opportunity of seeing some of the letters from Europeans and Americans in Europe, who had an opportunity of seeing and railing in this vessel. They all speak with ad- miration of the performance of the vessel, and with praise of the skill and deportment of cap; tain Rogers. The National Advocate recent" mends the employment oftliis vessel h_< the got eminent ns a despatch vessel, combining, in her construction, certainty with celerity. Or, we suggest, she might be employed as a revet nue cutter, for which service she is well adapt ed. We understand capt It. means to offer her to the government, and we believe it «ill find it an advantageous bargain to purchase her eft reasonably terms.,./*,