The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 08, 1820, Image 1

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THE DAILY GEORGIAN. Vnl. II. TUESDAY MORXIXG, February 8, 1820. Xu. 51 For New-York, The regular packet brig IiFiVANT, ]), flotd, muster, will sail on the 9th Inst. For freight g£j£|Of cottonpn deck, or passage, apply to Cupt. Woodoirboard, at Jones* upper wharf, or to NALL & HOYT, Who have irccived per mid vessel, 1$ offer for mA*, 50 bids, prints PORK, N. Y.‘City Inspection Feb 4 For N e\v York, The Schooner HERO, capt. filaclyston, [* will meet with deftpiqch." Tor freight tor passage apply to capt. II. on board, at Wallace’s wharf, or to / Ilall Sf Hoyt. Fel> r—56 For Riceborough, The Schooner LYDIA, captain Walker, (Having’ part of her cargo engaged.— ||For the remainder or passage, apply to tin: iu tster on board, at the Exchange Dock. Feb 4 54 For New York, The new sloop PLATO, capt, Harriett, tons burthen, will meet with des- jjpalch. For freight or passage, having r ood accommodations, apply to Capt. B. on uurd, or to Hall & Hoyt. Feb S .For New York, The sloop CYNTHIA, cupt. Gardiner, .will meet with despatch. For freight _ £or passage, having good accommoda tion.-, apply on board, or to Hall & Hoyt Feb S Seth Rich, I NFORMS his friends and the public, that hi has on band at his small store, in Barnaul, street, opposite Mr. Gardner Tufts dwelling, house, a good assortment of choice GROCE RIES, PROVISIONS and OLD LIQUORS which lie offers for sale on reasonable term* Jan 18 39 , D. WILLIFORD, THANKFUL to his friends for former sup port, begs leave to Inform them that he has procured No. 2, Commerce Row, (lately occu pied by S. C. Dunning, esq.) where he will with gratitude receive their orders. ',* Regular sale days, Tuesday and Friday, as heretofore, jan. 18-39 The Subscribers Have on hand a general assortment of HARD WARE, embracing most articled required tor building; which they will be ready to expose foi sale in a day or two at their store on the Bay. JAMES DICKSON CO. .Ta”°’ -41 The Subscribers. Bv the assistance and very great exertions of kind friends, liave been enabled to preserve the principal part of their slock of merchantdise, to gether with their store, frbm the late conflitgra- . tiou. They are now removing their goods back to their former stand, on the JJav, where they will oiler for sale, in a day or two, rin their former terms, for cash, cotton or ncgociable paper. , ~ The Stock comprises every article requisite for the present tint! approaching season on which they will sell by the dozen, piece or package. JAMES DICKSON k CO. The Augusta Chronicle, Milledgeville Jour- -nal, and Washington News* are requested to publish the above for one month; and forward their accounts to the Republican office for set tlement. Jan 26 §r 46 , John I. Grieve Co. WttHJLl) inform tlieir Friends and the Piffi- f f lie, that they havte now removed to the lower floor of the brick buUdingin Johnston’s square, rented by Messrs. A.vdukw Low & Co. where they now have, and intend keeping u general assortment of DRY GOODS. Jan 29 w ru48 Copartnership. The subscribers having purchased of Messrs. Gray & Hinder their stock of SHIP CHAN DLERY and GROCERIES, have united them selves under the firm of BOIVE.Y & SMITH, and dffer for gale at wholesale and retail the gbove articles at their store, Bulloch’s Holdings. WILLIAM P. BOW EN, -THOMAS Jl. SMITH. Thankful for past favors, the subscribers beg leave to recommend Messrs. Bowen U Smith to their friends, amr solicit a continuance of support to them in the above bu siness. GUAY it. BINDER. * Feb 5~l Dissolution. VIE Copartnership formerly existing under . the firm of Richards & Harrow*)*, was dis- ved by the death of the latter. Those who re unsettled accounts against said firm arc re- csred to hand them in for settlement, mid jse indebted to make immediate payment to A. RICHARDS, Who will continue the business in his own m Cl nov21—48 Frames for Houses, „ O P any dimensions, will he furnished by the subscriber at a short notice on moderate :crms. Merchantable and clear white Pine boards, for sale low, Thomas Jones, Jan 26—46 Hunters lower wharf. Savannah Poor-House and HoS' pital Lottery. THE recent calamity which has befallen our city, having almost placed every individual to arrange anewAis htfnincsR, the Commissioners of this Lottery,"lave been under tl|e painful ne cessity to suspend the drawing (which was to have token place yesterday) for a few days, the Commissioners being convinced that the Public will coincide, when it is well known the bene fits arc for orn* Poor-House and Hospital. All the High Prizes remain in the Wheel, and go Lottery offers so great a chance to make a Portuhe- For 'tickets and SI pares, apply ut i C. H. Hayden’s Office, In the Police Office, Exchange. N. f —Persons holding Prize Ticketsin the New-Vrk Lottery, are requested to cull and receive the money. * . Jan i)—* ANDREW LOW $ CO. I NFORM their friends and the public, that un til their own Store is rebuilt, they have rcMite(*thc Brick Store on the opposite lot, late ly ended by colonel John Pray; where in a fyr days fhey will remove their GOODS, and cn tlieir counting-house. In the mean time, rsons having business with them, will please .11 at the house of Mr. James M'Henry, Court- Hise Square. A con'Sidoruble assortment of DRV GOODS, ved tifiin the Fire, together with London boi led Porter and crates ot Crockery ware, are now jffereu for sale. Their usual supply of Spring Good% is expected from Liverpool in a few weeks. Jan 17—38 Blanchard, Brothers & Co. Will be found at Messrs. Johnfhienin & Co's Counting-Room, Anderson’s Building; where they offer for sale, 8 pipes Brandy 19 bbls ditto 10 do Hum ' 4 boxes Saddles and Bridles 2 ditto men’s fine wool Huts I ditto boy’s ditto ditto 1 ditto men’s assorted Koram Hats 8 pieces superfine blue, black & green Broad Cloths Jan 17—38 For Saie. 100 casks Liverpool Porter 20 crates Crockery 400 casks Stone Lime 5 hluisJ N. E. Gin 125 olds do Rum 6 hhds Tobacco ^ \ • 40,000 feet white Pine Dourra 50,000 Laths 10 casks Nails 30 piece* Cotii*»» Uapm'iHff 4 cases French glazed liatl 3 hlids wool Hals 20 casks Hoes *•* 2(i bags Coffee, best green A small assortment of 1)RT GOODS, C0MS18T1 Kn OF. 11. Cloths, Hosiery, Muslins, Ginghams, and Toilinet Vestings 2 cases French Ribbons 1 do do Cloth Shifts Jan 25—Ure S G Dunning Crapes, sewing Silks, fco. Black French Crapes uiul black Italian sew ing Silks, •together with a general assortment of Drv Goods. For sale at the store, cornerbf Whitaker and Brough’on streets., formerly oc cupied by W. P. Beers k Co. J. I). Buldeman. Jail 17— 88 Chatham Academy. T HE Quarterly Examination of the Classes in this Institution will comin£hce on Friday next, instant, to which the parents and friends of the pupils are invited. The succeeding Quarter will Commence on Tuesday the 1st of February. • Tickets of admission will he issued by the un dersigned; at his store, west-eiul of Bolton’s Range, under the counting-room of A. B. Fuy- hin St Co. to whom it is necessary to apply oil or before that dafT TERM* OF INSTRUCTION. lioy's School. First Class, spelling and reading, $10 00 Second Class, Arithmetic, Grammar \ , 0 . . and Geography, ’ 5 UU Third Class, ditto with Languages} and Mathematics, 5 Girl's School. First Class, spelling and.reading, 10 00 Second ditto, reading, writing and? 19 nn Arithmetic, 5 Third do. do. with Geography and / .o History, 3 Fourth do. do. with Drawing, 8te. 15 00 W. T Williams, Treasurer Hoard of Trustees. Jan 25 rn 45 Mrs. Pierce H AS removed to the house pleasantly situa ted 011 the Bay, opposite the Washington Hall; expresses her gratitude to her friends and hopes still to merit a continuance of tlieir pat ronage. sept 28 ’10 Compasses and Quadrants, REPAIRED, B Y the subscriber, corner of Lincoln street and the lane, north of Broughton-street.— 'flie subscriber not having as yet been able to obtain a shop so as to enable hiin to erect his Brass Foundery; Begs those who may want such work done to apply as above, and the work will be attended to immediately. JAMES M’CLIESH .Ian 29 Ja To Rent, The subscriber offers to rent his FIRE PROOF STORES, in the vicinity of the Steam boat Company’s wharf. John H. Morel. Ort 28—27 Hills of Exchan O N Liverpool, (’ mid TUnchester, rmvablo in London, for sale. I Aijm—A few casks of Inpono LONDON FORTEK. Juo. Speakman k Go* Dee. 4-—‘8 i J. & W. Turner & t) • H AVEopencil a Store on Uie wwh side of lirmigliton Street, Jjetwccn Itujniiil Wlli- taker Streets, where they are <)p4fi«g a gene ral assortment of DltY (100D$, Mir.h they offer for sale, on the most I’eaaolW® Jan 22—rc / n>. * Blankets ‘St Plains. • 4 bales 8-4 WhitneV - Blankets i , 2 bales best whiuyWelcii Plains The above goods jusireceived and for 9alp by Carnachan & Mitchet ' Novl7—44fS ' SETH RICH, H AS just received by late arrivals, and Offers for sale vefy low. Barrels and kegs ofrfo. 1 Salmon Do do Sounds and Tongues l)o Pickels up NS 20 small kegs of the firit sort Butter, pui up for family use 50 boxes of the best kind of smoked Herrngs ALSO IJV STORE, A variety of GROCERIES and PltOVISK of 4 a'good quality, consisting of Fly-market, Providence mid Boston l^ess Beef and Pork Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel Cod Fish by the box or lb. - Potatoes, Turnips and Beet^ by the barre small measure Onions, Bacon, Lamp Oil, Molasses, Soap Candles, Chocolate, Pepper, Pimento 1 Starch, Ginger, Rosin, soft shelled Almon|s Primes, a good assortment of Teas \ White and lwo\vn llavuna Sugars • l Loaf Sugar, green Coffee A good assortment of the best kind of Ll QUO US, MINES, &c. Also, 259 reaipt Wrapping Paper, which wil he sold very low. * jan 7—41 in Joseph Stone ify Co. Have removed since the late fire to West Broad street, in the rear of tlje Georgia Hotel, near Win. Scarbrough, Esq. where they oflp for sale on wery accommodating terms, a goid assortment of Superfine -Cloths, Cassimercs, Vestings aiul Trimmings. ALSO, Heady made Dress Coats Frock Coats Pantaloons, Vests, $c. Sfc. of the best workmanship and first style* Jan 17 38 New Crockery Store. The public are informed that a new China, Glass and Earthenware Store, is for,the present Opened ill Broug'hton street, three doors east of Mr. Boldemiin’s dry good store and next door to Messrs. J. W. ^'urner & Co. Jan 25 ||rc Ponce Mackenzie, H AVE removed to Jones' Upper Wharf, on the floor immediately,under Messrs. Hull y Hoyt’s Counting Room. In Store, and for tale on accommodating terms, 20 hhds Molasses 10 do Sugar 4 tierces Coffee. Jan 27 fu Boards. 18,000 feet clear white Pine Boards 15,000 do merchantable do For Sale bv Watts & Joyner. Jan 31-50 Just Received, An additional supply of superior West of ding-land Cloths,, Cassimercs and Vestings, Which will be made to order on the shortest notice, by Leslie Thompson. Nov 25—11—1 The Subscriber Begs leave most respectfully to inform his country and city friends and the public in gene ral that he has taken a stand, North East corner of Bank Square, immediately opposite Mr. White's Merchants* Hotel, where lie continues to carry oil the Tailoring JJimneiw, with ele gance and punctuality, having in his employ a sufficiency of first rate vvorkn en, and the best Cloths, Cassimercs, Vestings and Trimmings, which will be made to order on as accommodat ing terms as the times will admit of, together with a good assortment of Ready made Cloth ing for sale cheap for cash, by Leslie Thompson. Jan 21 eiX'H'P lp“ The Branch Riiu\t of the United Suits t, removed to thu aounUmr liouae of R. Kidno’dion £jt’n. JAMES HUNTER, Ca.hler. Jen 18 39 Notice. , Having been united to an examination of the mtltallon of the Savannah Marlin' & Fire In- Milmce Office, after the recent dreadful conflu- grntion, we luve much satisraftion lii fltaliiig, that its Bunk Stock, Specie, and Real Estate, arc of themselves, move than fuflicieiit to sa tisfy the loss incurred by the. fire, and to re deem the uotes which it has now In circiijatinii. ’ W. B. BULLOCH, President t f Georgia. •ft. RICHARDSON, President Offer Hank V. States. JAMES JOHNSON, President Planters' Hank. Savannah, Jan 13, 1820 Jim 17 38 Notice. The Stockholders of the Marine and Fire In surance Company arc requested to meet at the Office on FRIDAY’ the 11th instant, at twelve o’clock, at which time it general sHtemeilt of the. ulluirs of the office Will be laid Before them, and other mutters of importance tlieir consideration. Feb - 3—53 It. Wayne. Sec’y- Marine & Fire Insurance Company. An Election for 13 (thirteen) Directors to serve for twelve months will take place on Mon day, the 14th February, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, at the Office of the Coinpuny. R. WAYNE, Secretary, . Feb 3—re Tiie Subscriber Having sold his entire stock of Groceries to De lximater 1$ Starr, returns his thanks for the liberal support he bus tfuceiiod and solicits* a continuance of it to them. He intends to’dei vote the whplc of his time for the. present to the collection of his debts, and will, be foimd nt all tiines at his Jate v counting-houSe, where ull those indebted, particularly thole in tile cubit- try, whose accounts have been long standing, will be pleased to cull alul settle, so as to enu- Ide him to resume his usual business in the full, i a large and extensive scale. F. U. Welinau. Jun 31-50 NEW RICE. T HE undersigned has removed to one of the fire proof stores on Fraser’s-wharf, wherb he continues to transact the Factorage and ’ Commission BUS INES8, and will be happy in devoting bin best attention and endeavors to promote flic inte'eat of all those persons who will favor him Willi their patronage. 11c has for sale some large crops of I'riinc Savannah River RICE, which ho is now ready to deliver in considerable parceis, at tfu: short est notice. PETIT DE VlLLERS, Factor. Savannah. l)cc. 2, 1819. Dec. 3 2m 7 N Alice. T HE subscriber having taken into copartner ship Mr. Hjttliim R. Holland, the htupnesf will ill future be conducted under the firm of Pouyat Holland. John i’. pouMt. Dec 1,1819,—14 . At a merlins of the joint dfim- mitte for tlisirlhutiln » t moim s colU c’e^ f'of the distressed Htillcrt 'Sbv the lute lire, the foi* lowing rcaofhtio„awc rt- plisicd. to wits . Retiilvnl, thattjtr chawnmn, It m. H. RuUovh| Jtum s M‘. IToyne't md William ’Jpy/or 1 , EftqnK ho asuh-coinmitlee' !*thin board, to eWmidcr and fi?port as to the I st'mode of classifying the sulk j'erera by the late re, in distributing the amfmul of donation, liavi g a due regal’d to the ability of the sufferers o Sustain their losses rsftpcc* tivelv; and that i soon as Forty ThmisiuvKl)ol« Jars sliall he at tl disposal- of the committee-. an appovtiqpment tul} take place; ami a subsc* quent one when lie total of contributions shall he-received, . ITtcl+'d, 'flj seMfriil <*ftiirn* fnnde t6 thiA board, having WfcarSAt.vwithout pi-oper ntten* tlon to form, it if cageci'd dial all claim fift loi^ svs, shall be made on bftth und certified, if pos» sible, by persons know ing the extflit of such losses, anil he lodged with the secretary, at least ope duv before the mcetVpg of the bon’d. Extract from the mitottts t AUGUSTUS DOUVsET, tec’y- • TliDi board udjourncil until FiVlu next, to meet at tht council chamber, at 1- Vclock; of which all persons concerned will plcuAf io take no-wqi Fob 5-56 Savannah, f(biliary 5, 1820,^ The joint committee appointed b\ council lot distribution of monies collected for tin di-tressa ed s dfcivrs oy the late lire, having p.solved tli;i* “all cla<ms for losses shall h*-* on oath, tnd certified, if possible, }>y pyis.n km- v- ing the extent of such losses, and be lodged with the Secretary at least one day helorc ilio , m. otingof the Board,” und this lestdiitii u he« ing made publlv, ine stiflcre'rif by the,Into fit* are requ sled and solicited to have regard to th# •atno, qi all claims laid before (lie joint c< • mib tec: for Should this form be neglected, the Board will be compelled to postpone the corsi« deration of such mem* rial, ftjstherefi re re commended, tlmt where the applications tn re* toforc made, have been informaU new *'nc# be lodged with the Secretary. . The suOcwrs must, he sensible, how no* ej* liry it is, to hftvq those claims formally and cor rectly before the Board, us decisiomr,will lute , place on nil, and they must remain hh malt c ry of inspection and record fe(* the justification or tliosc who have acied on them, or to I c ulti mately reported upon, o the satisfaction of the generous Public who, have created this charitable and relieving fund. The Secretary will attend to the ends of the necessitous wlet> may have claims to make, und others who may-wish to cmplm him f J U purpose. Something like the following form J is recommended—To be varier. accoro i.g to circiiiiistanceH:— | A. It. of the Pity of SaVannah, being duly I sworn, dcnosclh and saith, that (l. or she J liv* I ed. und resided in the said citv f describe tht I house and mtJ on the morning ol h 11th Janu* ary lust, that in the conflagriU on (lieovahej lost C describe the nature of the lose J uml thisde* nonent further swears, that at a fair apd mode rate vuliifttton tWe «ud ).4s M'viinn of —- r ^nd that no part of th»- wild loss, as vai* lued and calculated in this'deposition, 1ms heCit saved Jiy Insurance or ise. A stAtcniciit of the ciiTums'aiict s of*the per son applying. may be added if thought proper, and which no doubt, will have due weignt With the Board, as well as certificates und testimony of such loss, and the capacity of the applicant to bear the same—also if ther<T a as buy insur* mice, And to what amount compared with the loss, By order of'the Chapman AUGUSTUS DOUSSKT, SecVy. Doctor Dashiell H AS removed tq the corner of Habersham 8t Bay streets, opposite the residence of Mr. Telfair. Jipi 29-^—49re tht Pour and particularly those distressed by the late fire. S EVERAL gentlemen of this city having vn* luntarily und kindly contributed flour to bt made into bread for the distressed sufferers, the subscriber informs them, that they will be sup plied a4 heretofore, for thirty days from this, date by making the usual application. V P. Broach;* Jan 22 Notice. G EORGE NEWIIALL, has removed to the white Store in Broughton str.eet, next door to the dwelling house of Gardner Tufts Esqv. where he has for sale a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, at wholesale and retail. Feb 2—ei Just Received, ’ By the Brig AUIIRA, A FRESH SUPPLY OF BOOTS & SHOES, In addition to a large assortment of the same articles, fortunately saved from the late fire. Samuel Evans. Red Store down tfie Bluff, east (f the Exchange. jan 25—45 Medicine and Dfug Store. fIMIE subscriber having saved the greater part J. of his MEDICINE from flic lute Fire, bus opened a store in Wliitukei-stnset, in the vicin ity of Mr. Tobler’tftund opposite captain W. T. William’s residence. He will continue to prac tice the different branches of his profession und may be found at his residence or at the store. Joseph G. Habersham. Jan 17—eu—38 . Buckwheal Flour, Butter, Lard, &c Just received by the brig Hero und other arrivals, JSqfbbnl Buck " ,l, “ t f'-uuh . 6 tubs superior Butter, for family use 65 kega excellent Laid 15 qr. chests Hyson Tea , 10 bbls Muscovado Sugar ?c“ } Li "*“ d01L 1 Large new Feather Bed All which will he sold ut moderate prices for cash or approved town paper, by Jolm Lewis, Nov. 24—50 Factor, Exchange Dock Notice to Distressed Persons! THE corner house in the lane on tlu* Kant of Barnard street, now in the possession • f Major Jno. Striven, istlu: place of deposit for Rice and Corn, fui'iiished by the Planters of our country,* for the use of all wha want either of those arti* clesj they will be delivered under the superin- tentiance of Alderman Hourke, at 9 o’clock, A. M.—Beef, aiso kindly furniritul by the sajiio persons, will be delivered at the same time and place, under tins direction of Jno. II. Ash. Esq. and one or cither of these gentlemen w>U at tend Kx-morrow, and commence to issue tht . above aid to the poor# Materials for clothing will also be furnished, dan 20—41 , Owners of Houses. rilUlRTY day9 from this date, the MahfigeH •JL and Assistants of Fire Enginbs will go thro* the different Wards, to examine the mate of the Fire Buckets, Ladders, kc. And they now t-ivo notice, that cVvry person who may then he found not furnished agreeably to the City Ordi nance, will beiiuiuediatulv reported to Council, JNO. IIAUPT, Secretary. Jan 99—j.—*1p—51 Wayne Cuyler W ILL attend to their professional business in the western tenement of Mr. George Anderson's stores. They inform their friends and clients tkal although their office has been destroyed by fire, they have preserved dl the papers and bdoks committed to their charge. Jun 18—39 LOST, A T the late fire in removing it—not far from the Exchange; a large quarto volume of the BOOK of MARTYRS^ by Fox; bound in Calf, with Plates, the name of J. C, Patterson within.—Any person having found the same, aiul will leave it at the Georgian Office’ shall receive a gratuity if required, FeH 3—lip To Hire, T HREE Prime Men, who have been accus tomed to boating between this place and Augusta. Apply to the Printer, jan 5——JJ For Sale, • A PLANTATION on St. Simon’S Island, cal. led St. Clair. The house is at present oc* cupied by captain Wylly. For terms, apply to Roswell King, Durieli; or to Roswell King, jun. Butler’s Island, near Darien. Jftli 17—t—ii To Rent. T HE commodious Wharf and Stores, nt pr*« sent occupied by Mr. I. Minis, for terms up* ply to * James Johnston, or George Ate* rson & Bon. Jan 27 eu47 For Sale,* ‘VTINE hundred lbs. Prime FFA^’ERS in i^l good order for Bedding. Apply ai this of« fire. dec .‘>0^—29 ~ To Rent, Several Counting Rooms and Wnredloutftf# on Jones’ wharf. Apply to R. k J. Haberaham, | J»a 17