The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 10, 1820, Image 1

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THE DAILY GEORGIAN. Vol. U. THURSDAY MORNING, February 10, 1820. No. 59 For New-York, Tlie regular packet brig K LEVANT, /). U'und, muster, will »»il on tlie 9lh inst. For freight of oottun on deck, or pntugc, apply to Cunt Wood on board, at Jonea' upper wliarf. or t0 1 IIALL St HOYT, Who have received ptrtniihr.irl, (J offer far mb, 50 bbls. prime POIIK, N. V. City Inspection Feb 4 For New York, Tlie Schooner HERO, K cabt. Blackstun, will meet with despatch*. For freight or passage apply to capt. B. on hoard, tt Wallace’s whorl, or to Hull Hoyt. rebr—js • For Ricebo rough, The Schooner LYDIA, captain Walker, i Having part of her cargo engaged.— £ For the remainder or passage, apply > tlie .luster on board, at the Exchange Dock. Feb 4 54 For New York, The new sloop PLATO, capt. Bartlett, k 96 tons burthen, will meet with des- £putch. For freight or passage, having vuod accommodations, apply to Capt. B. on Douixl, or to Hall & Iloyt. Feb J For New York, ^The sloop CYNTHIA, capt. Gardiner, a will meet with despatch. For freight Jor passage, having good accomtnodu- Cions, apply on board, or to Hall & Hoyt FebS Setli Rich, I NFORMS his friends and the public, that he has on hand at his small store, in Barnard- 4k itreet, opposite Mr- Gardner Tufts dwelling- house, a good assortment of choice GROCE RIES, PROVISIONS, and QLD LIQUORS which he offers,for sale on reasonable terms. Jan 18 39 D. WILLIFORD, THANKFUL to his friends for former sup port, begs leave to inform them that lie has procured No. 2, Commerce How, (lately occu pied by S. C. Dunning, esq.) where he will with gratitude receive their orders, *,* Regular sale days, Tuesday and Friday, as heretofore, jan. 18—39 The Subscribers Have on hand a general assortment of HARD WARE, embracing most articles required for building; which they will be really to expose foi sale in a day or two at their store on the Bay. JAMES DICKSON £4 CO. .In n ' 90-41 The Subscribers. Bv the assistance and very greiit exertions of kind friends, have been enabled to preserve the principal part of their stifck of inevciiantdise, to gether with their store, from the late conflagra tion. They are now removing their goods back to their former stand, on the Bay, where they will offer for sale, in a day or two, on their former terms, tor cash, cotton or negociable paper. The Stock comprises every article requisite for the present and approaching season-on whidi they Will sell by the dozen, piece or package. JAMES DICKSON & CO. The Augusta Chronicle, Milledgeville Jour nal, and Washington News, are requested to publish the above for one month; and forward their accounts to the Republican office for set tlement. Jan 26 §r .46 John I. Grieve fij Co. W OULD inform their Friends and the Tub- lie, that they have now removed to the lower floor of the brick buildingin Johnston's Square, rented by Messrs. Ajjdhkw L»w £4 Co. Where they now have, and intend keeping a general assortment of DllY GOODS. Jan 29 ru48 . Copartnership. The subscribers having purchased of Messrs. Gray £4 Finder tneir stock of SHIP CHAN DLERY an 1 GROCERIES, have united tliein- felves under the firm of JIOIVEJY £4 SMITH, and offer for ua|o ut wholesale and retail the above articles at their store, Bulloch's Buildings. WILLIAM P. BOWEN. THOMAi U. SMITH. 7 Thankful for past favors, tlie subscribers beg leave to recommend Messrs. Bowen £4 Smith to their friends, and solicit a Continuance of support to them in the above bu- •iness. GRAY fit FINDER. Feb 5—i Dissolution. r fR Copartnership formerly existing under the firm of Richards £4 Hurrowav, was .dis solved by the death of the latter. Those who have unsettled accounts against - said firm are rt- 3 nested to hand them in for settlement, and lose indebted to make immediate payment to A. RICHARDS, ho. will continue the business in his own name. nov 2!"—48 Frames for Houses, O F any dimensions, will be furnished by the subscriber at a short notice "on moderate terms. Merchantable and clear white Pine ^oaids, for sale low. Thomas Jones, Jan 26—46 Hunter*s lower -wharf. Savannah Poor-House anti Hos pital Lottery. THE recent calamity which has befallen our city, having almost placed every individual to arrange anew his business, the Commissioners of this Lottery, have been tuider the painful ne cessity to suspend the drawing (which was td have taken place yestetday) for a few days, the Commissioners being convinced that tho Public will coincide, when it is well known the bene fits are for our Poor-House and Hospital. All the High Prizes remain in the Wheel, and no Lottery offers so great a chance-to tnuke a Fortune- For Tickets and Shares, apply ut O. II. Hayden’s Office, In the Police Office, Exchange. N. B.—Person* holding Prim Tickets in the New.York Lottery, are requested to call and receive the money. Jan 20—* ANDREW LOW $ CO. I NFORM their friends and the public, that un til their own Store is rebuilt, they have rented the Brick Store outlie opposite lot,late ly erected by colonel John Piny,* where in a few days they will remove their GOODS, and open their counting-house. In the mean time, persons having business with them, will please call at the house of Mr. James M'Hciiry,'Court house Square. A considerable assortment of DItY GOODS, saved from the Fire, together with London hot- tied Porter and crates of Crockery ware, are now offered for sale. *,* Their usual supply of Spring Goods is expected from Liverpool in a few weeks. Jan 17—38 Blanchard, Brothers & Go. Will be found ut Messrs. John Gvenjn £4 Co*8 Counting-Room, Anderson’s Building; where they oiler for sale, 8 pipes Brandy 10 bbls ditto 10 do Bum 4 boxes Saddles and Bridles 2 ditto men’s fine wool Hats 1 ditto boy’s ditto ditto 1 ditto men’s assorted Koram Hats 8 pieces superfine blue, black Si green Broad Cloths .Ian 17 38 For Sale. 100 casks Liverpool Porter 20 crates Crockery 40U casks Slone Lime 5 hhds. N. E. Gin 125 bbls do Kmu 6 hints Tobacco 40,000 feet white Pine Boards y 50,000 Laths 10 casks Nails 3u pieces Cotton Bagging 4 cases French glazed llats 3 hhds wool Huts 20 casks lines 20 bags CoH’ee, best green A small assortment of 1)RV GOODS, CONSISTING OP B. Cloths, Hosiery*, Muslins, Ginghnms, and Toilinet Vest mgs 2 cases French Ribbons 1 do do L’lotJi Shoes Jan 25—lire S C Dunning Crapes,- sewing Silks, &c. Black French Crapes and black Italian sew ing Silks, together with a gene nil assortment of Drv Goods. For sale at the store, corner of Whitaker and Broughton streets, formerly oc cupied by W. P. Beers & Co. J. 1). Bolileman. J»,i 17-18 Chatham Academy. T HE Quarterly Examination of the Classes in this Institution will commence on Friday next, 28ih instant, to which the parents and friends of the pupils are invited. The succeeding Quarter will commence on Tuesday the 1st of February. Tickets of admission will be issued by the un dersigned; at his store, west-end of Bolton's Range, under the counting-room of A. B. Fan nin & whom it is necessary to apply on or before that day. TERMS OF INSTRUCTION. Boifs School. First Class, spelling and reading, $10 00 Second Class, Arithmetic, Grammar? 10 , n and Geography, 5 Third Class, ditto with Languages? and Mathematics, $ Girl's School. First Class, spelling and reading, 10 00 Second ditto, reading, writing and? no Arithmetic, 3 Third do. do. with Geography and ? jg 5 q History, 5 Fourth do. do. with Drawing, &c. 15 00 W. T. Williams, Treasurer Hoard nf Trustees. Jan 25—rn 45 1 Mrs. Pierce H AS removed to the house pleasantly situa ted on the Bay, opposite the Washington Hall; expresses her gratitude to her friends anil hopes still to merit u continuance of their pat ronage. sept 28 ’10 Compasses and Quadrants, REPAIRED, B Y the subscriber, corner of Lincoln street and the lane, north of Broughton-atreet.— i he subscriber not having as yet been able to obtain a shoo so as to enable him to erect his ‘/■ass Foundery; Begs those who may want such work done to apply as above, and tlie work will be attended to immediately. JAMES M’CLJESiJ. Jan 29——|ja To Bent, The subscriber offers to rent bis FIRE* PTfOOK S TORES, in the vicinity of tlie Steam boat Company’s wharf. John H. Morel. Oct 28—27 Bills of Exchange O N Liverpool, Gtasg*w and Manchester, payable in London, for sale.—A few casks of superior LONDON PORTER. Jno. Bpeakman & Co* Junes*-wharf. Deo 4 8 • J & W. Turner & Co. H AVE opened a Store on the south side of Broughton Street, between Bull and WhU taker Streets, where they are opening a gene ral assortment of DRY GOODS, which they otter for sale, on the must veusonahle terms. Jun 22—rc Blankets § Plains. 4 bales 8-4 Whitney Blankets 2 hales bast white Welch Plains The above goods just received and for sale by Carnochan k Mitcliel. Nov 17—44 VS SETH RICH, H AS just received by late arrivals, and offers for sale very low, Barrels and kegs of No. 1 Salmon Do do Sounds and Tongues Do Pickels 2d small kegs of the first sort Butter, put up up for family use 50 boxes of the best kind of smoked Herrings ALSO I.V STORE, A variety of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS of a good quality, consisting of Fly-market, Providence and Boston Mess Beefand Pork Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel Cod Fish by the box or lb. Potatoes, 'Turnips and Beets by the barrel or small measure Onions, Bacon, Lamp Oil, Molasses, Soap Candles, Circulate, Pepper, Pimento Starch, Ginger, Rosin, soft shelled Almonds Prunes, a good assortment of'Teas White and brown Havana Sugars Loaf Sugar, green Cofl ee A good assortment of the best kind of LI QUORS, WINES, &c.. Also, 2.59 reams Wrapping Paper, which will be sold very low. jan 7—*lm Joseph Stone fy Co. Have removed since the late fire to West Broad street, in the rear of the Georgia Hotel, near Wm. Scarbrough, Esq. where they oiler for sale on very accommodating terms, a good assortment of , Superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings anil Tl'immings. ALSO, Dead if made Dress Coats Frock Coats Pantaloons, Vests, Sfc. Spc. of the best workmanship and first style. Jan 17 38 New Crockery Store. The public are informed that a new China, Glass mid Earthenware Stole, is for the present opened in Broughton street, three doors east of Mr. Boldeioan’s dry good store and next door to Messrs. J. W. Turner & Co. Jan 25 ||re Poace 6j Mackenzie, H AVE removed to Jones’ Upper Wharf, on the floor immediately under Mcssis. 1LII £4 Hoyt’s Counting Room. Jn Store, and for sale on accommodating terms, 20 hhds Molasses 10 do Sugar 4 tierces Coffee. Jan 27 t" Boards. 18,000 feet clear while Pine Boards 15,000 do merchantable do For Sale bv Watts & Joyner. .Tan 31—50 Jifet Received, Jn additional supply of superior West vf England Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Which wiil be iinide to order on the shurtetd notice, by Leslie Thompson. Nov 25—1—1 The Subscriber Begs leave most respectfully to inform his country and city friends and the public in gene ral that he has taken a stand, North F.ast corner of Bank Square, immediately opposite Mr. White’s Merchants’ Hotel, where he continues to carry on tho 'Tailoring Business, witli ele gance and punctuality, having m his employ a sufficiency of first rate woi kn cn, and the best Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings and 'Trimmings, which will be made to order on as accommodat ing terms as the times will admit of, together tvmt a good assortment of Ready made Cloth ing for sale cheap for cash, by Leslie Thompson. Jan 21 et&Mrp Notice. C 1EORGE NEWIIALL, has removed to the I white Sjore in Broughton street, next door to the dwelling house of Gardner 'Tufts Esqr. where lie has for sale a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, at wholesale and retail. Feb 2—cl Just Received, By the Brig JUIIIlJt, A FRKSH SUPPLY OF BOOTS & SHOES, In addition to a large assortment of the same articles, fortunately saved from the late fire. Sanmel Evans. Red Store down the Bluff, east of the Exchange. jan 25—45 £> The Branch Bank of the United Slates is removed to the counting house of R. Richardson £4 Co. JAMES HUNTER, Cashier, Jan 18 39 Notice. Haying been invited to an examination of the situation of the Savannah JUariue £4 Fire In surance Office, afier the recent dreadful confla gration, we Have much satisfaction Jn stating, I bat its Bank Stock, Specie, and Real Estate, arc of themselves, more t.huii sufficient to sa tisfy the loss incurled by the fire, and to re deem the notes which it fins now in circulation. W. B. BULLOCH, President I!wife of Georgia. It. RICHARDSON, President Offer Hunk If. States. JAMES JOHNSON, President Planters* Bank. Savannah, Jan 13, 1820 Jan 17 38 Notice. The Stockholders of the .Marine and Fire In surance Company are requested to meet at tlie Oflice on FRIDAY the 11th instant, at twelve o’clock, at which time u general statement of the affairs of the oflice will be laid before them, and other matters of importance submitted to their consideration. B. Wayne. Sec’y- Fell.1—5.1 ~pt !urine (j? Fire Insurance ■■ Company. An Election for 13 (thirteen) Directors to scrvje forlwelvc months will take place on Mbn duy, the l4th February, between the hours of 10 |md 2 o’clock, at the Office of tile Company. H. WAYNE, Secretary, Feb 2—re Tb«-.Sul>scriber Having sold Ins entire stock of (NBcrics to De I jama ter £4 ijturr, returns his Wttk* for the liberal support he has received iwfkoUcits a continuance of it to them. He ini^jtisfto de vote the whole of his time for tluv aresent to the collection of his debts, and wil/fk found ut all times ut his lute counting-houSIrVhere all those indebted, particularly those in the coun try, wlfose accounts have been long standing, will ba pleased to call and settle, so as to ena ble him to resume his usual business in the fall, on a large and extensive scale. F. II. Welman. Jan 31—50 NEW RICE, rjlHE undersigned has removed to one cf the JL fire proof stores on Fraser's-wharf, where be continues to transact the Factorage and Commission BUSINESS, and will be happy in devoting his best attention and endeavors to promote the interest of all those persons who will favor him wilh their patronage. He has for sale some, large crops of Prime Savannah RiverIUCE, which lie is now ready to deliver-in considerable purceis, at tlie short est notice. PETIT DR TILLERS, Factor. Savannah. Dec. 2, 1819. Dec. J 2iii 7 N olicc,, rnnw subscriber having taken .into copartner- .I. slop Mr. U i Ilium It. Holland, the mi sines* wdl in fUtnre bo conducted under the firm of JPouijat Holland. JOHN F. 1’OUYAT. Ddc 1,1819,—14 £> At A meeting of the jtunt com mute for distribution of monies collected for the distressed sufl’ert ra by the late fire, the fot* lowing t'eaolutions werr pas*, d, to wit: Resolved, that the chairman, Wm. B. Bulloch, JameoM. Wayne, and ll'HUum Taylor, F.sqra. lie a sub-committee of this boirdt to cortsider and report us to the heat mode nf classifying tho suf ferers bv the Into fire, in distributing the amount of donation, having a due regard to the ability of the sufferers to sustain their losses respec tively; and that as soon us Forty Thousand Dol lars shall beat the disposal of the roninqttce, an apportionment shall lake place; and a subse quent one when the total of contributions shall be ri ce ved. Resolved, That several returns made to tbit board, having been sent without proper alien ti in to form, it is expected that uHc.hnm for los ses, shall be made on oath aiid certified, if poo* si hie, by persons knowing the extent of hmcUi louse-!, and be lodged with the stCtotarv, at leust one'day before the meeting of the board. Extract from tlie minutes, AUGUSTUS DOTS SET, sec’y. This hoard adjourned until Friday nett, to meet at the council chamber, at 12 o’clock, of which all persons concerned will please to take notire. Feb 5—56 Savannah, Febminry 5, 1820. The joint comniitt«v appointed bv council for distribution of monies collected for the distress ed sufferers by the late fire, having resolved that “all claims for losses shall be made on oath, and certified, if possible, by pei sons know ing the extent <vf such losses, and be lodged with the Secretary at least olio day before th« meeting of the Board)” and this resolution be ing made public, the sufferers by the late fire are requested und solicited to have regard to the same, in all claims laid before the joint commit* tee: for should this form be neglected, the Board will be compelled to postpone the consi deration of such memorial. It is therefore re commended, tliut where the applications here tofore made, have been informal, new ones be lodged with the Secretary. The sufferers must be sensible, how neces sary it is, to have these claims formally and cor rectly before the Board, as decisions will tuk® place on all, and they most remain as matters of inspection and record for the justification of those who have acted on them, or to be ullT- inately reported upon, lor the satisfaction uf the generous Public who, have created this charitable and relieving fund. The Secretary will attend to the calls nf tho necessitous who may have claims to make, and others who may wish to employ him for this purpose. Something like the following form is recommended—To be varied according to circumstances:— A. B. of the City of Savannah, being duly sworn, dcpoaet.h and saith, that ( he or s/xj liv. ed and resided in the said city ('describe tlx house and lotj on the morning of the 11th Janu ary last, that in the 'conflagration (he or she J lost (" describe the nature of the loss j ami this de ponent further swears, that ut amir and mode rate valuation the said toss amounts to the VT.m of , and that no part pf (he said loss, as \a- lued and calculated in tliii <U position, has been saved by Insurance or otherwise. A statement of the^iri uniwtatices of the per* son applying, may be od<(fcd if thought proper, and which no doubt, will have due weight vv itU the.Board, as well i^s eertifiqdes and testimony of such loss, and the capacity of the applicant to bear the same—also if there was any instil* mice, ami to what amount compared (villi live loss. Bn order tf the Chuimnun. AUGUSTUS DOUSSHT, Sec’ry. Doctor Dashicll H AS removed Id the corner of Habersham & Bay streets, opposite the residence of Mr. Telfair. Jun 29 49re Medicine and Drug Store.- fllUR subscriber having sa.ed tlie greater part 1. of his MEDICINE from tiiv late Eire, luis opened a store in Whiiukei-street, in the vicin ity of Mr. Yobler’s, and opposite captain W. T. William’s residence, lie will continue to prac tice the different branches of his profession and may be found at his residence oral the store, Joseph C. Habersham. Jan 17—eu—-38 ICJ*To the Poor ami particularly.those distretmed by the late, fire: , : * S EVERAL gen lie men of f hi* city having vo luntarily und kindly contributed flour to be made into bread for the distressed sufferers, the subscriber informs them, that they w ill be sup plied ms hereto# re, for thirty days from thie date by making the usual application. P. Brasch, Jan 22 Buckwheat Flour, Butter, Lard, &c Just received by the brig Hero and other arrivals, ta^ r bbu| B ' ,c,tw,,c ‘ u yuwu 6 tubs superior lluttcr, for family lisp 65 kegs excellent Lard ♦ 15 qr. cbests Dyson Ten 10 bills Muscovado Sugar X ST 1 I Linked OIL 1 Large new Feather Bed All which will be sold at moderate prices for cash or approved tow n paper, by John Lewis, Nov. 24—50 Factor, Exchange Dock Notice to Distressed Persons! THE corner bouse in the lane on the East of Barnard street, now in tlie possession of Major Jno. Scrivt-n, istlie place of deposit for Rice and Corn, furnished by the I’la titers of our country, foriho use of all who want either of those hrti- clcs; they will be delivered under tlie sup< rin* tendance of Alderman Botfrke, at 9 o’clock, A- M.—Beef, kindly furnished by the same persons, will be delivered at the same time and place, under the direction of Jno. II. Ash, Esq, and one or either of these gentlemen will at tend to-morrow, and commence to issue the above aid to the poor. Materials for clothing will also be furnished. Jan 20—41 Wayne £5 Cuyler W ILL attend to their professional business in the western tenement of Mr. George Anderson’s stores. They inform their friends and clients that although their office has been destroyed by fire, they have preserved 11 the papers and books committed to tlieir charge, Jan 18-39 LOST, A T the lute fire in removing *t—not far from the Exchange; u large quarto Volume of the BOOK of MARTYRS, by Fox; bound in Calf, with Plates, the name of J. C, Patterson within.—Any person having found the same, and will leave it at the Georgian Office, shall receive a gratuity if required, Feb 3—Ijp' , To Hire, T HREE Prime Men, who have been accus tomed to boating between this place and Augusta. Apply to tht Printer, jan 5—3i Owners of Houses. T HIRTY days from this dute, the Managers arul Assistants of Fire Engines w ill go thro* tlie different Wurds, to examine the state of tlie Fire Buckets, f.udders, &.C. And they now give notice, that every person who may then be found not furnished agreeubly to the City Ordi nance, will be immediately reported to Council. . JNO. UAUPTf Secretary. Jan 29—r,—fp—5i For Hale, A PLANTATION on 8t. Simon’s Island, cal led St. Clair. The Iioubc is at present oc cupied by captain Wylly. For terms, applv to Roswell King, Darien; or to Roswell King, jun. Butler's Island, near Darien. Jan 17—t—n . To Rent. T IIE commodious Wharf ansi Stores, at. pre. sent occupied by Mr. I. Minis, for terms ap ply to James Johnston, or George Anderson & Son. Jan 27 eu47 For Sale, N ine hundred lb*. Prime FEATHERS in good order for Bedding fice. Apply at dec 3( this of- To-Rent, Several Counting Rooms ayd Ware-house, ill Jones’ wharf. Apply ,0 B. k J. Habersham. Jan IX