The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 12, 1820, Image 1

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t V# THE Ida ILT GEORGIAN. Pol. Ik SATURDAY MOIIMXG, February 12, 1820. JVo. 61 For Sale, Op hoard schooner Zealous, 30,000 merchantable Boards 400 calk* Thoinaston Lime F.or Freight or Charter, V The staunch schooner ZEALOUS, J. MLellun, mailer, 107 tons burthen, and low deck. ip ply on bosnl, or to Homes Tapper. Feb 11—p For New Orleans, The fast-sailing Schooner i&Sr TWO SISTERS, MpX/l\ Samuel '1'ha.rter, jr. commander, "ail on the lHih inst.; For freight or passage, having excellent accommodations, ap. ply to the mairter on board, lying 1 at Felot’s "Wharf. Feb 9—lb For Riceborough, The Schooner LYDIA, captain Walker, Having part of her cargo engaged.— For the remainder or passage, apply the master on board, at the Exchange Dock. p c -b 4 54 Seth Rich, I NFORMS his friends and the public, that he has on hand at his amail store, in Barnard- Street, opposite Mr. Gardner Tufts dwelling- bouse, a good assortment of choice GROCE- BtES, PROVISIONS and OLD LIQUORS Which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Jan 18~39 I). WILLIFORD, THANKFUL to his friends for former sup port, begs leave to inform them that he has procured No. 2, Commerce Row, (lately occu pied by S. C. Dunning, esq.) where he will With gratitude receive their orders. •** I Regular sale days, Tuesday and Friday, •■heretofore. jan. 18—39 The Subscribers Have on hand a general assortment of HARD ER’ A.ItR, embracing most articles required for building; which they will be ready to expose f»i sale in a day or two at their store on the day. JAMES DICKSON CO. Jan 20—41 The Subscribers. By the assistance and very great exertions of Bind friends, have been enabled to preserve the principal part of their stock of me rebuilt dise, to- •jpRlicr will! their store, from the late conHligra- •on. They are now removing their goods back to theijr former stand, on the Bay, where they •rill oner for Sale, in a day or two, on their Ib.rmcr terms, for cash, cotton or negociable **P er - .,'Plie Stock comprises every article requisite to* the present and approaching season on which they Will sell by the dozen, piece or package. JAMES DICKSON Sc CO. The Augusta Chronicle, Miiiedgevillc Jour nal, and Washington News, are requested to publish the above for one month; and forward then* accounts to the Republics!! office for set- tltment. Jan 26 §r 46 Dissolution. T HE Copartnership formerly existing under the firm of RichariU tJ Harvowav, was dis solved by the death of the latter. Those who Have unsettled accounts against said firm are re* 3 nested to hand them in for settlement, aucl tone indebted to make immediate payment to A. RICHARDS, Who will continue the business in his own i ••me. nov21«i4d_ Frames for Houses, O F any dimensions, will be furnished by the subscriber at a short notice on moderate terms. Merchantable and clear whjte Pine Boards, for sale low. Thomas Jones, Jan 26—46 Huntev's lower wharf. Savannah Foor-IIhuse and Hos pital Lottery. THE recent calamity which has befallen our city, having almost place<| every individual to arrange anew his business, the Conrfnissioners of this LoMety, have been under the painful ne cessity to suspend the drawing (which was to have taken place yesterday) for u few days, the Commissioners being convinced that the Public will coincide, when it is well known the bene fits are for our Poor-House and Hospital. All the High Prizes remain m Ihe Wheel, and no Lotter) offers so great a chance to make a Fortune- For 'Pickets and Shares, apply at C. II. Hayden’s Office, In the Police Office, Exchange. N. B.—Persons holding Prize Tickets in the New’-York Lottery, are requested to call ami receive the money. Jan 20—♦ .Authorised by Law, for (he promotion of Education. TIIE 12ru CLASS OF THE Virginia Seven Numbers wrvvAix, Will be drawn, on Saturday, the 24th day of June, 1820, at 6 o’clock, i*. m. in the City of Richmond; when the public will know'the fate of the following prizes, in a few minutes:— SCHEME. 35 Prizes of 10,000 each. 1,848 do. of 100 each. 27.4-13 do. of 10 each. jyVur 3 Planks to n Prize, and the Priz e will he paid without discount. %* The explanation of the above LOTTERY may be had gratia, and tin*. Tickets are now for Sale, in this City, at ELEY’KN DOLLARS each, until the 12th of June next, by Robert Raiford, Sole Agent for the Manager, of ihe City of Sa- vatlauh and its vicinity.. Feb 9—558 12 J ANDREW LOW $ CO. I NFORM tbeir friends and the public, that un til their own Store is-rebuilt, they have rented the Brick Store ou the opposite lot, iate- lv erected bv colonel John Pray; where in a few days they will remove their GOODS, and open their counting-house. In the mean time, persons having business with them, will please call at the house of Mr. James M‘Henry, Court house Square. ' A considerable assortment of DRY GOODS, saved from the Fire, together u ith London bot tled Porter hW cT*tu» oi Crockery ware, are now offered for sale. Their usual supply of Spring Goods is expected from Liverpool in a'few weeks, Jan 17—38 SETH RICH, H AS just received by late arrivals, and offers for sale very low, Barrels and kegs of No. 1 Salmon Do do Sounds and Tongues Do Pickels SO small kegs of the first sort Butter, put' up up tor family use SO boxes of the best kind of smoked Herrings ALSO LY STORE, A variety of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS •f « good quality, consisting of Fly-market, Providence and Boston Mess Beef and Poik Nos. 1, 3 and 3 Mackerel Cod Fish by the box or lb. ^Potatoes, Turnips ami Beets by the barrel or small measure Onions, Bacon, Lamp Oil, Molasses, Soap Caudles, Chocolate, Pepper, Pimento fctarcli, Ginger, Roam, soft shelled Almonds Prunes, a good uxjortment of'l eas White and brown Havana Sugars LoufSuga-, A good assortment of the best kind of LI QUORS, WINES, kC* Also, 25>J reams Wrapping Paper, whifch will bo sold very low. jan 7—tlm Buckwheat Flour, Butter, Lard, &c '■dual received by the brig Hero und other ur rivals ; B " ckwheat FL0UR 6 tabs superior Butter, for family use fi 4 ) kegs excellent Lard 16 qr. chests Hyson Tea ID bbls Muscovado Sugar Vi.“ } «-**•««* 1 Large new Feather Bed All which will be sold at moderate prices ; |or r or approved town paper, hv Jolm Lewis, JMov. 24—50 Factor, Lxchange Dock i The Subscribers H WR removed their Store to the small building, on the lot occupied by their N Wallace, nearly opposite to the dwelling-house ofCupt. Win. T. Williams, in W hitaker Street; where they are now opening a general assort- ment of Hardware £f Ironmongery, Jutt received from Charleston• They take this opportunity of expressing their gratitude for the support heretofore ex uded to them, by their friends and former cus tomers, Ami solicit a continuance ufthc same. Low, Wallace & Co. Fe h 4—ii~54‘ For Sale. 100 casks Liverpool Porter 20 crates Croc leery 400 casks Stone Lime 5 hhda, N. E. Gin 125 olds do Rum 6 hhds Tobacco 40,000 feet white Pine Boarda 50,000 Laths 10 casks Nails 30 pieces Cotton Bagging 4 cases French glazed Hats 3 hiids wool Hats 20 casks Hoes 20 bags Coffee, best green A small usMHment of DRV GOODS, C.OXSISTIXC OF R. Cloths, Hosiery, Muslins, Ginghams, and Toilinet Vestings 2 cases French Ribbons 1 do do Cloth Shoes Jan 25—Ire S C Dunning Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Shoes and Boots, Jutt received from Tati.ou’s factory .Yew-York. JOHN W. POMEROY, Y ERY respectfully informs his customers and the public, that since the late fire, lie has taken a store in Congress street, adjoining Sel- Icck’s buildings, where he has just opened a general assortment of Indies' anu Gentlemen's BOUTS ftud *110Eft, of a superior quality, and will be happy in sup. plying all who may honor him with a call. N. U, Country Merchants may have an op- portunity of making a Choice Selection of the above articles that are fresh. Feb 2—1(52 Bills of Exchange O N Liverpool, <»lasg*w and Manchester, payable in London, for sale, Also—A few cusks of superior LONDON PORTER. Jno. Speakmau & Co* Junes*-wharf Dec 4 8 For Sale, 64 dozen Plantation Hoes 12 do Spades. Apply to I. Minis. Feb 8—rn __ On -Consignment. Landing from the brig iJ'vnnt, 8 casks Hardware, juch Tin: abticlm. Iron turn'd table and tea Spoons Tutania do do Table Butts, shoe ami carpenters’Pincers Compasses—gumbo and curry Combs Vianet, trunk, chest ami door Locks Pad, single &f douhle-bolted and hag Locks German steel Handsaws—Awl Blades Brass Candlesticks, brass ik steel Thimble* Shoe Tacks, knitting Needles, ^pod Augers Whitechapel V real old patent Sharps CapM Turns, desk Hinges, brass Butts Flush Bolts, bed Caps, spike Gunbletft T Hinges, shaving Boxes Japanned nutmeg Graters Tea Kettles, assorted sizes Smooth filled rollerBuckle* Japanned do do do Tin and japan Inlets Shoe and carpenter’s Hammer# Drawing Knives, 12 inches Cast iron Weights Brass Commodes Do Nobs, do Handles and Rose# Nobs to screw Do to drive Chest Hinges, ttfc Uc For sale on accommodating terms, by Isaac Cohen. Feb 5—i. The Branch Bank of the United Suites Ur.tnuv.cdto the counting bouse of It. Hlcimrdton SJ Co. JAKES HUNTER, Cashier, Jim 18 3» . The Subscriber, In addition to a very extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, has just received uu assortment of Merino Shawls 2 cases Irish Linens 1 case long Lawns 1 case rir.ii,colors Furniture Chintz 1 case, tmpertinc printe d Cambric* 1 cuse Cotton Wire Thread 1 trunk superfine Cotton Hose 1 bale black Bomhazctta White cotton Fringe, kid Glove# For Sale bv J. 1). Bold (tin in, Corner of Whitaker if Drought on sited a. Feb 4—54 New Crockery Store. The public are informed that a new China, Glass and Earthenware Store, is for thy present opened in Br uighton street, three doors cist of Mr. BoWeman’s dky good store and next' door to Messrs. 4> W. Turner & Co. Jan J5 ||re Notice. , Having been Invited to an examination of the dtuatlon of the Savannah Marine W lire In. nuance (Wire, after the recent dreadful confla gration, we have much satisfaction in' stating, that its Bank Stock, Specie, and Real Estate, are of themselves, more than sufficient to sa liafy the loss incurred by the fire, and 1o re deem the notes which it has now in circulation. W. B. BULLOCH, President Hank of Georgia, ft RICHARDSON, President Office Hunk U. States. JAMES JOHNSON, Preaident Planters’ Hank, Savannah, dan 13, 1820 Jan 17 38 Marine & Fire Insurance Company. An Election for 13 (thirteen) Directors to serve for twelve months will take place on Mon. day, the l4h February, between i|ic hour* of 10 and 2, o’clock, at the Office of the Company. R. WAYNE, Secretary. Feb 2—re The Subscriber Having sold his entire stock of Groceries to J)e hammer & Starr, returns his thunks for the liberal support lie has received and solicits a continuance of it to them. He intends to do- vote the whole of his time for the present to ihe collection of his debts, und will be found at ail times at his late counting-house, where all those indebted, particularly those in the coun try, whose accounts have been long standing, will be pleased to cull and settle, so as to ena ble him to resume his usual business in the fall, on a large and extensive settle. F. H. Wolman. J.ti 31—50 Nuticc, FI^IIE subscriber having Liken into copartner- JL ship Mr. H’ittiam FI. Holland, the busincs* will iu future be conducted under the firm of Pumjat Kf Holland. JOHN r. ko.uvat. l)tc 1,1819,-14 Medicine ami Drug Store. npHF/kubsfcnber having saved the greater part I of his MEDILfNE from the late Fire/hat opened a store in WUitakei -street, in the vicin. ily of Mr. Tobler’s, and opposite captain W. 7’. William’s residence. He will continue to prac tice the different brunches of his profession and may be found at his residence or at tfio store. Joseph C. Habersham. Jan 17—cit—38 Ponce £5 Mackenzie, H AVE removed to Jones' Upper Wharf, on the floor immediately under Messrs. Hall Hoyt’s Counting Room. In Store, und for sale on accommodating terms, 20 hhds Molasses 10 do Sugar 4 tierc- s Coffee. Jan 2^ fu Boards. 18,000 feet clear white Pine Boards 15,U00 do merchantable Uu For bale by Watts & Joyfter. Jan 31—50 Joseph Stone ^ Co. Have removed since the late fire to West inroad street, in the rear of the Georgia Hotel, near Win. Scarbrough, Esq. where they offer for sale on very accommodating terms, a good assortment of < Superfine Cloths, Cam nitres, Vestings uuJ Trimmings. ALSO, Ready made Dress Coats Frock Coats Pantaloons, Vests, Sfc. <JJ*c. of the best workmanship and first style. Jan 17 38 Just Received, Jn additional supply nf superior West of England Cloths, Cassimeres and Yestiugs, Which will be mude to order on the shortest notice, by Leslie Thompson. Nov 25—J—1 Just Received, By the Brig ALMIRA, A FRESH SUPPLY OF BOOTS k SHOES, In addition to a large assortment of the same articles, fortunately saved from die iatt fire. Samuel Evans. Red Wore dtmn Che Bluff, etui if the Bzeliunge. jan 25—45 The Subscriber Begs leave most respectfully to inform his country and city friends and the public in gene ral that he has taken a stand, North East corner of Bank Square, immediately opposite Mr. White’* Merchants* Hotel, where lie continues to carry on the Tailoring Easiness, with ele gance and punctuality, haring in Ins employ a sufficiency of first rate workn en, and the best Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings jind Trimmings, which will be made to order oh as accommodat ing term* a* the times will admit of, together with a good assortment of Ready made Cloth ing for sale cheap for cash, by Leslie Thompson. Jan 21 ei.aii|> Wayne 6j Cuyler W ILfi attend to their professional business in tiie western tenement of Mr. George Aiidersonls stores. They inform their friends and clients that alMmu. h their office J-o* been destroyed Ily fire,' they have preserved „I1 the papeisand books committed to their charge. Jan 18-39 r T Mrs. Pierce H AS removed to. the house pi op* iu. fly situa ted on the Bay, opposite tligo Washington Halit expresses her gratitude to her friends and hopes still to merit a Cdntinmutce of tin ir pat ronage. * sept.28.M0j At a meeting of the joint com- mlttc fur dislrihuliun of muniracullt-cted for the distresell luff'eieri by the laie'firt, th« fol lowing resolutions were paired, to wit; Resoled, that Ihe chairman, H w, A. linUoch, James M, Wayne, and II'ifHum Taylor, K.sqr9. he u subcommittee of tliis Board, to cmri'alcr and report as to the best nur’e w ’a*slfj»ug tlfe suf* bv the late tire, in • *’ ; %• amount of donation, having a d»n pj. jv- Hllity of the sufferers to sustain ' .t .•.■scm sp< c« lively; and that us soon us Portv I lil.<4.ti>d 1. lare shall he at the disposal of the con tRitiee, an apportioumenl shall take .placv, an) a snbsc. quent one when the total of emit; ibidlons shall be reee ved. Resolved, That toveral returns nadc tn.thi# board, having been Bi.nt without proper attvn ,tmn to form, it i* expi ciedJlii!' riflkfn, fur los ses, shall be made on oath anil cFtmeA, ?f|»os. dibit*, by persons knowing the extent of aucli losses, and be lodged witli the secretary, at least one day before the. meeting of the board. Detract from the minutes, , AUG I'M It’S DO! SSKT, aec*y. This board adjourned until Friday next, to meet at the council chamber, at 12 o’clock; of which ail persons/Coiu:erncf)i w ill please to taka notice. Feb 5—56 Savannah, February 5,1820. The joint committee appointed by council for distrihuti*n|of monies collected for the distress ed nuifettip by the lute fire, having resolved that “all daims for losses shall* ho made on oath, and certified, if possible, by pe- sonsknow. ing the atent of such losses, and be lodged with the tecretary at least one day before the meeting<r the Board,” and this resohitiim be ing made public, the sufferer* by the late fire are requeued und solicited to have regard to the same, in iff claim* laid before the joint commit tee: for stould .this form be neglected, the Hoard wiilfir compelled to postpone the consi deration ir such memorial. It is therefore rc- commendei, that where the a))plications here tofore made, have been informal, new .one* be lodged Vith the Secretary. The tufftrers iriro he sensible, how neco*» ■ary it is, tohava these claims formally atnLcnr- rcctly hefofc.the Board, asdeciVions will taka place on all, and tlioy, mu#t remain as matter* of inapectim und record for the justificiitiipi of those who Uve acted on theni, or to be, ulti mately reported upon, lor the satisfaofion of the gcncruis Public who, have created thli charitable aid relieving,fund. 'file Secritavy will oMend to the calls of the ifc'ccssitouaiwho may Iium- claims to make, and others whc. may wish to employ him fur thi* purpose, ioinething like the fullnwing form is, recommended—To be varied according to circumstance*:-*-* A. H. of the Gity of Savannah, being duly sw.nn, depuvth and sailh, that (he or sheJliv* ed und- resided in the said city (describe the house and foijron the morning of the lltlfJauu- atw lust, that in the conflugratjqn (heov^hej lost (describe the fuiftire of .the/css J and (bis. de ponent fordrer swears, that staler and mode rate valuation 1he said loss ainoonts to the sum of ——, and that t no P^trt of ihe said loss, as va lued and calculated in this deposition, has been saved by Insurance orofhertviw. , A statement of the ciltun|<tuhce* of the per son applying, may be added if thought prepir, and which no dfflibt,- will have due weight with the Board, a* well ns cortlficittet and testimony ofsttch loss, and Hie capacity yf tl;e applicant to bear the same— ulso if there was any Insur ance, and to what amount compared with ih# loss. ' Rjf tinier of the ChiUrivun AUGUSTUS DOUSsET, Sec’ry. ■h- FRENCH LANGUAGE. mr. mi a osn, 1 JSOR many years teacher of the French } gouge, in some of the most respectable schools on Ne\v-York island, informs the Inha- bilniUJ of this city, that it Ins intention to open a School for teaching tlwj same. Ho lenders them his professional services, and hopes that from bin praeticurknowjcdgc*, his unremitting exertions and attention to his pupils, he may f jive such general satisfaction, uB to secure to tiimclf a sufficient ahaie of patronage to induce him to malcc Savannah his permanent residence. Mr. D. wdl attend classes in private families, and seminaries if required. An Evening School ppened for those young Gentlemen, whose avocations render it inconvenient to attend during thC day. Terms—Fifteen dollars per quarter, Five in advance. For information respcctidgMr, D, he respect fully refers to Juints Greenhtqy ft Anthony But'cluy, esquires, and to Dr. Cotton. N. H. Mr. D. resides on the Bay at Mre. Grib- bi 1 t’s. Dec 14 rytrty-—-Hi icr'J'o the Poor and particularly those distressed by the late fire. CtEVRRAL gentlemen of this city having vo- © luntarily and kltfdly eontritnlted flour to be made info bread tor the distressed sufferers, the suliscribcr inform* tlu m, that they will be sup- ty days from tbit plied as heretofore, for thirty date by making tiie usual application. P. Brasch. Jan 22 ■ H Notice to IRftressed Persons! THE corner (ioubo in the lane on tin Knot of Barnard si reel, now in ihe |ios»c«aion of Major Jno. Scrivrn, i»tlit place of depoaii for Hlco ^nil Com, fumialicd by the Flantera of onr ehulHry, for the use of all who r; tint Either of those arti* clcs; they will be delivered ur.drr die aupefin. tendance of Aldennan Honrke, at 9 o'clock, A, M.—Beef, also kindly tVirieiiiail hj the same persona, w ill lie delivered at the same time and place, under the direction of Jno, 11. Ash, F.sq. and one or either of the»c gentlemen will at. tend tu-morfmv, and commence to issue ill- above aid to tmpoor. 0 Materials fuWlothing will alio be formshed. Jan 20—41 1 Compasses and Quadrants, JUiPJUtKl). ‘ B Y the subscriber, comer of L\ncp|n street and the lane, north of Broughtoii-strcet.— The subscriber not having as yet been able to obtain a Shop so as to enable him to erect his Brans Fmntdery; t Begs those who may want such work done to anoly as above, and the work will be attended ti Immediately. JAMF.& M.’CLlfcbH. Jan 29 ia . . Notice. a P.ORCF. NEW HALL, has removed to the white Store in Broughton street, next door to the dwelling bonne of Gardner Tufts Esur. where he has for sale a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, at wholesale and retail. Feb 2—ti. To Ilcnt, The subscriber otters to rent his FIUF,- PKOOF SI OItES, in the viciniljuof til- Steam boat Uunlpany’s wharf. ... John Hr Mol'd. Oct 2B—2f Notice. A LL persons having demands against’the es tate of tiie late Major ANDREW M’LEAN, will present them to , Thomas Bourke, adm-r. Ort .10- T ‘JW nil,,’ <» < Boarding^ , TWO or Three Uentlcmcn,,c^i,b¥ »ccomo- dateil witli board in a rcspectabl-ptirW* fam/ly. Apply at thi* Offic—. jail. 8*—tf. Ownei's of Houses. T HIRTY (lays from this (late, the Manager* and Assistants of Fire Kn^inca trill go tnro* the different Mure Is, to examine the state <4 the Fire Buckets, l.»<lder», &c. Ami they now give notice, that every person who nut;, ilijn be found pot furnished agreeably to the City Ordi- nee, will be immediately reported to Council, 1 JNO. 1UUFT, Secretary. Jan 29— f.—fp—51 For Sale, A PLANTATION on St. Simon's r«l»nd, cal- led Be. Char. The hoiiae *nt-pre»dnl nr. cupiedTjv captain Wyj|y> For terms, apply to Roswell king, Darien; or to Roswell Kmg,jun- Butler's UUuiL imar Darien. '' 1 ■ —•f—<ir T« IteuL i T HE commodious Whaif and Stores, at pre- septbet^pipd by.Mf-1. Minis, f«»r term# ap* ply to James Jolinston^ or « George Antleisvn & Son'. .tyn 27 ’ «u47 r • ■ ' - , To Iterrf, Several Coiiiitiiiff Himmt and Ware-hmiaM on jt-tc* 1 wharf. Applvto , R. & J. Habersham. Ian'IT "• ' ' To Hire, ■ T 1REE»|en. Who have berit seen*. touted to boatinR betwreir thi. j Augusta. Apply to tU« Faintu. | jaa l-HI