The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 25, 1820, Image 1

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' -i* ikFi rtguWT Wy VjrlWF lyW (i »‘. Voi. n. FRIDAY MORNING, February 25, i*2<). No. 1% reb 22—p For Liverpool; Thu ship CORA) Capt, Me bleu, Will meet with no delay. Fot* (freight of 300 halos Cotton, apply It. MCHAUD80N Co. For Liverpool, The vcrv fine, fast sailing ship LADY GALLATIN, Capt. Barker, CSfctJi&ving hull’her cargo ready to •o on board, will meet with no delay. For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, apply to John Lathrop & Co. Feb 14 fi 2 St. TJbes Salt—afloat. The cargo of tile brig Isabella, consisting of | receive the money. Savannah Poqr-Housc aud HoS' pital Lottery. THE recent calamity which has befallen our city, having almost placed every individual to arrange anew bis business, the Commissioners of this Lottery, have been under the painfuhie- ccsaity to suspend the drawing (which was to have taken place yesterday) for,a few day*, the Commissioner* being convinced that the Vublic will coincide, when it is well known the bene fits are for our Poor-House and Hospital, All the I fig’ll remain in the' 1 Wheel, and no Lottery offers so great a chance to make a Fortune- For Tickets and Shares, apply at C. 51. Hrtvilou’w Office, In the Ptilicu Office, K.vchnngr. N. Ik—-Persons holding Prize Tickets in the New-York Lottery, are requested to call and the above article, is offered l'«r sale by the sub fC fibers. ami For Sale, Freight or Charter, The above mentioned brig ISA BELLA, burthen ‘280(1 barrels, built ir Philadelphia of live ouk ami red cedar, hand well found in every respect. Ap ply to •» NICHOLAS St NEFF. 1 Feb 14t-62 Jan 20—t For New York, ' ' The packet schooner ELIZA, H. Weeks, matter. Will sail on the 27th inslant, (wind her permitting.) For freight of 50 Sales cotton on deck, or passage, apply to Fowler & Gardner, Peb 24-—p Bulloch's Building. For Freight or Charter, The schooner SKLOMA, [•60 tons burthen; a first rate vessel, Joseph B. Atwood, * Custer, can be dis- ypatebedimmediately for tlie West In- 4^08, or in.any port this 9ide the Chesapeake. Apply to the captain on board, or to Thomas Jones, f el> 14—62 J/initer's loiter wharf. Just Received, And for sale low by the subscribers, 3 cases 4-4 Irish Linen, in whole half pieces 1 do 5-4, do Sheeting 1 do Canton’ Crapes 1 trunk Silk Hosiery, well assorted 1 bale 6-4 Cloths—Cassimcres, all fashionable colors J. & W. Turner & Co. peb 3 53 Just received by the brig Hero and other arrivals, ' iSq^Uphl Buckwheat FLOUR 6 tubs superior ButteV, for family use kegs excellent Lard lpjt'. chests Hyson Tea 10 bids Muscovado Sugar Authorised by Law,for the promotion of Education. THE 12fn CLASS OF THE Virginia Seven Numbers I.OTTE1VI, Will he drawn, on Saturday, the 24th day of June, 1820, at 6 o'clock,'K m. in the City of Wtcnuotii; when the public will know the fate of the following prizes, in a few minutes:— SCHEME. 35 Prizes of 10,000 each. 1,8+8 do. of 100 each. 37,412 do. of 10 each. Near 3 Blanks to a Prize, and the Prizest will he paid without discount. ,* The explanation of the above LOTTERY may he had grails, and the 'Pickets are now for Sale, iu this City,-at TEN DOLLARS cadi, by Robert Raiford, Sole Agent for the Manager, for the City of Sa vannah and its vicinity.. Feb 9—1158 12 J AN ORE W LOW $ CO. I NFORM their friends und the public, that,un til their own Store is, rebuilt, they Jyave rented tjie Brick Store on the opposite lot, late ly erected by colonel John Pray; where in a few days they will remove their"GOODS, nod open their counting-house. In the mean time, persons having business with them, will please cull at the house of Air. James APliciiry, Court house Square. A considerable assortment of TUfY GOODS, saved from the Fire, together witji London bot- , tied Porter and crates of Crockery ware, are now buckwheat Flour, Butter, Lard, &c offiewl tbr * nle ' 6 bb Is and > 1 cask 5 Linseed OIL J Large new Feather Bed All which will be sold at moderate prices for cash or approve J'town paper, by John Lewis, Nov, 24—50 Factor, Exchange Dock Black Nankin Crapes, &c. AX IXVOICK CONSISTING Of Superior black Nankin Crapes Elegant Nankin Cmpe, gown patterns Black ring’d and twill’d Handkerchiefs Aud a fe w pieces black Bologne Crapes Just received, for sale by John Lathrop Co. Feb 4—54 ’ , Black Nankeen Crapes, tyc. An Invoice black, crimson and scarlet Crapes, just received and for 9ale by John Lathrop & Co. Peb 15——63 Hunter's Range. Frames for Houses-, O F any dimensions, will be furnished by the subscriber at a short notice dn moderate terms. Merchantable and clear white Fine Boards, for sale low. Tliomas Jones, Jan 26—46 Hunter's lower -wharf. The Undersigned H AVING for three years past had a Com mercial Establishment in LIVERPOOL, under the firm of Isaac, Low & Co. Offer the services of that house to their friends «nd the public, in the sale of Produce, the pur chase of Goods, and other business on Commis sion. Liberal advances will be made on shipments. Andrew Low Co. Feb 21—67 I Dissolution of Copartnership. T HE Firm uf CHANET ti SE I ZE, was dis- solved this day by mutual consent, J. P. Sei ze is duly authorised to settle all business against old concerns. Those having demands, will please call on him for settlement by the 6th of March next, or they will be debarred pay ment; and those indebted are invited to do the same for settlement in full. A. Chanet, J. Pr. Setze. Savannah, Feb. 15,1820. 69 Jn. Pr. Setze, I RATEFUL for the Patronage favored wit h _ I" bv his Friends and the Public in general, begs for a continuation of the same in his favor, having taken on his account the late establish ment-of Chanet & Setze, he offers for sale, (new ly imported from London, by the way of Charles ton) a large supplv of Ready Made Clothing; Sold cheap for cash, or on very accommodat ing terms, at the cornor of Drayton street and the Bay. Feb 22—69 G" Their usual supply 6f Spring Goods is expected from Liverpool in a few weeks. Jan 17—38 Dissolution. T HF. Copartnership formerly existing under the firm of Richards Harroway, was dis solved by the death of the latter. Those who have unsettled accounts against said firm are re quested to hand them in for settlement, nntl those indebted to make immediate payment to A. RICHARDS, Who will continue the business in his own name, i noy 21—48 Bills of Exchange O N liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester, payable in London, for sale.—A few casks of superior LONDON PORTER. Jno. Sprakninn & Co* *** Junes''--wharf\ Dec 4 8 Ponce fy Mackenzie, H AVE removed to Jones’ Upper Wharf, on the floor immediately under Messrs. Hall & Hoyt’s Counting Room. In Store, and for sale on accommodating terms, 20 hints Molasses 10 do Sugar 4 tierce*Cnfftaa* , Jan 27 fu . • The Subscribers Haye on hand a genernt assortment of HARD WARE, embracing' most articles required for building} which they will be ready to expose foi sale in a day or two ut their store on the Bay. JAMES DICKSON & CO. Jan 20—41 g/* The Branch Bank of the United Slates is removed to the Counting house of It. Richardson if Co. JAMES HUNTER, Cashimu Jan 18 39 TliA Subscribers. By the assistance apd very great exertions of kind friends, have been enabled to preserve the principal part of their stock of mfercnantdise, to gether with their store, from the late conflagra tion. They arc now/removing their goods back to. their former stand, on the Bay, where they will oiler for sale, in a day or two, on their former terms, for cash, cotton or negociable paper. The Stock comprises every article requisite for the presentami approaching season on wihiclj they will sell by the dozen, piece or package. JAMES DICKSON 8t CO. The Augusta Chronicle, Milledgeville Jour nal, and Washington News, are requested to publish the above for one month; and fora aid their accounts to the Republican office for set- tlcment. Jan 26 §r 46 Notice. Having been invited to an examination of the situation of the Savannah Murine & Fire In- sm-auce Office, after the recent dreadful confla- S ration, we have much satisfaction in stating, tat its Hank Stock, Specie, and Real Estate, are of themselves, more than, sufficient to mi. tisfv tile loss incurred by the .fire, and to re deem Uie notes which it lias now in circulation. W. p. BULLOCH, President Bank of Georgia. H. RICHARDSON, PttMdmd n u k IL States. JAMES JOHNSON, Presided Planters* Bank. Savannah, Jan 13, 1820 Jan 17 38 Notice. T HE subscriber having tukeii'into copartner ship Mr. Ilillium R. Holland, the business will in future be conducted under the firm of Puuyat Holland. JOHN F. I'OUYAT. Dec l, 1819.—14 Wayne £5 Cuyler "IiriLL attend to their professional business f f in the wealem tenement ofiAJIr. George Anderson’s stores. They inform Their friends and clients tliut although their office has beet) destroyed by fire, they have preserved II the papers and books committed to their charge. Jan 18—39 sifua Joseph Stone Co. Have removed since the late fire to West ftroudatrenu in the rear of the Georgia .Hotel, near! Wm. Scarbrough, Esq. where they offer for sale on very accommodating terms, a gyotl assortment of. Superfine Cloths, Cassi meres, { Vestings tend Trimmings, ' AI.HO, ‘ . , Ready made Vre$$ Coats Frock boats Puutaluons, Vetifa tj*c. »$*c. •of the best workmanship and first style. Jan 17 .38 S ( elh Rich, I NFORMS Ills friends and the public, that he has on hand at his small store, in lfariiard- sircct, opposite Mr- Gardner Tuft* dwelling- house, a good assortment of choice (fiROCF.- RIE8, PROVISIONS and OLD LIQIMJRS wltioh he offers for sale on reasonable fernis. Jan 18 39. 1). WILLIFORD, THANKFUL to his friends for former sup port, begs leave to inform them thafc he has procured No. 2, Commerce Row, (lately occu pied by 8. C. Dunning, >esq.) where he will with gratitude receive tlieir orders. *,* Regular sale days, Tuesday ,aqd Friday, as heretofore. jail. 18-39 ■ The Subscriber H .Vving received the appointment of Notary Public, offers his services in that line; he will also undertake M»y translation in the French aud English languages, with which he may be favored. He will be found for the present, in the Coun cil chamber, where his office of secretary to the committee of distribution is kept. Augustus Dousset. _Fcb 12 61 New Crockery Store, O PENING next door to Messrs. J. & W. Turner,Co’s dry good Store, Brough ton street: complete bine and white Dinner Services of the Basket, Chinese Flower Jar and Cottage Patterns, with Busins and Ewers attached to the sets. A complete assortment of Wines, Tumblers, Goblet*, Decanters, Salts, &c. of flint Glass. Breakfast China Services Gold edged China Breakfast Plates Liquor Cases, Sec. Feb 16—c&flp For Sale. 100 casks Liverpool Porter 20 crates Crockery 400 casks Stone Lime 5 lihds, N. E. Gin 125 bids do Ruin 6 hhds Tobacco 40,000 feet white Pine Boards 50,000 Laths 10 casks Nails 30 pieces Cotton Bagging 4 cases French glazed Hats 3 hhds wool Hats 20 casks Hoes 20 bags Coffee, best green A small assortment uf DRV GOODS, COXKISTIXO or B. Cloths, Hosiery, Muslins, Ginghams, and Todinet Vestings . 2 cases French Ribbons 1 do do Cloth Shoes £ C Dunning Jau 25—-! re Just Received, An additional supply uf superior West nf Jingland Cloths, Gassiintu-es and Vestings, Which will be made to order on (lie shortest notice, by Leslie Thompson. Nov 25—4-^1 Tbe Subscriber. . Begs leave most respectfully to inform his country and city friends and the public iu gene ral )hut lie lias taken a stand, Nonli Eapt corner of Bank/ Square, immediately opposite Mr. While’s Merchants’ Hold, where he cdntiiuics to carry on the Tailoring Jlusinest, .with ele gance and punctuality, having in his employ a sufficiency of first rate workmen, and the b^st Cloths, Ciuwlmeres, Vestings and Trimmings, 1 which will be made to order on ns accommodat ing terms us the times will admit of, together with a good assortment of Ready made Cloth ing, for sale cheap for cash/ by Leslie Thompson. Jan 21 ei&llrp Mrs. Pierce n AS removed to the house , ted on the Bay, opposite the Wunfungton llal); expresses her gratitude to her friends and 'hopes still to merit a continuance of their put- sept 28 ’h) voltage. ! At a meeting of thejoint cojp* mittc for distribution of monies collected inf the distressed Sufferer* by tne late fire, the fob lowing resolutions wore passed, ta f it: Resolved, that the chairman P- Bulloch, James Af. IVnyne, and William TcyrwvEjqfn. bo a sub-committee of this board, to ctuiBider and report u* to the best mode of elimdfying fhr juf. torero by the late fire, in distributing tin Monuat of donation, having a due regard to the ability of the sufferers to sustain their losses resnccs tivelyj and that ns soon as Forty Thousand j)ol. lars Alt All be at the disposal of .the committee, an apportionment shall take place; and n flub*, quent one when the total uf contributions shall be received. . - Rcsok ed, That several returns made to this board, having been sent with:<<* proper ntten tion to form, it U expectcd ;litu ullifiMro^hr 16*. At, Hindi ho iiumIu oq o^tli -i'll, JfpC*- siblc, by ftcrsom knus\ n' |«|'.. ± v losses, anil be lodged With,'the secretary, «4 least one day before tbe meeting of the board. Extract from the minutes, AUGUSTUS DOUSSET, s*c’y. This board adjourned until Friday next, to meet at the council chamber, at 12 o’clnpk; of which all persons concerned will please to take notice. Feb 5—56 FRENCH LANGUAGE. mr. nu ltosq, I ^IOR many years teacher of the French Lan guage, in some of the most respectable schools on New-York island, informs the inha*' bitants t,f this city, that it his intention to open a School for teaching the same. He tenders them his professional services, and Hopes that from his practical knowledge, his* unremitting exertions and attention to his pupils, he mu) give such general satisfaction, as to secure to himself a sufficient share of patronage to induce him to limke Savannah his permanent residence. Mr. D. will attend classes in private families, und seminaries it required; An Evening School will be opened for those young Gentlemen, whose avocutiqus render it inconvenient to aucmi n, r «4.. 5 *u- j.. y Terms—Fifteen dollars per qtiui ter, Five in advance. For information respecting Mr. D. he respect fully refers to James Grccuhow & Anthony Barclay, esquires, aud to Dr. Cotton. 1 N. B. Mr. D. resides on the Bay at Mrs. Grib- bin’s./ Dec 14—ref 16 Notice. r'lEORGE NEWHALL, has removed to the vJT wliite Store jn Broughton street, next door to tl\e dwelling bouse of Gardner Tufts Esqr. where he has for sale a general assortment of BOOTS and SUQES, at wholesale and retail. Feb 2—ei Notice. T HE copartnership of Hotchkiss 8r Daly is this day dissolved by mutual consent—27th November, 1819. Daniel Hotchkiss G. Holy. Georgia Hotel, Livery Stable.$, Stupe Offices, #c. The undersigned having leased the above es tablishment to Messrs Cluhorn Bcvill and his lute partner, Gideon Daly, hath withdrawn him self from the same, and at the same time that he would render his thanks to the public for their support, which lie now does. He would rec ommend the present occupants as worthy of the liberal support of the friends of the former concern. i Daniel Hotchkiss. The undersigned have entered into copartner ship under the firm of Bevill &. Daly, and liave leased of Mr. Hotchkiss the establishment known as “the Georgia Hotel, I.ivery Stables, Stage Offices, &c.” near the Market, in the city of Savannah, and it being their intention to devote their time entirely to this business, the public may expect every attention, comfort and convenience,which an establishment of this kind can afford. Clabom Bevill Gideon Daly. dec 1—5 *** Those having any claims on, or other business with the Estate of Jamxs Fohhkst, Esq. deceased, will apply to Robert Mitchel, Acting Qualified Executor. VPho offers Jor Sale, The HOUSE in Columbia Square, in which Mr. Forrest resided. Feb 22—69 Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Thomas Strong, lute of Suv/munli, deceased, are requested to present them, within the ijme prescribed by law, and those indebted ary re quired to make immediate payment to James MUIenry, Qualified Administrator. Feb 7—56 Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Capt. Jumeif Law, lute of Savannah) deceased, will please render them lo the-subscriber, pro perly attested, and those indebted to said estate are required lo make immediate pav nient to James MOlenry, Administrator. Feb. 7—.56 Notice. A LL persons having demands against the es tate of the lute Major ANDREW M’LKAN, will present them,tp Tliomas Boui-ke, adm'r. On ,10—39 To Rent. FllHE commodious Wharf and Stores, at pre- JL sent occupied by Mr. L,Minis, for terms ap ply to James Johnston, or George Amlerson & Son. Jan 27 en47 Savannah, February 5, 1/128. The joint committee appointed by council for distribution of monies collected for the distress, cd sufferers />y the Into fire, having resolved that “all claims for losses shall be made on oath, and certified, if possible, by pontons knftw. Ing the extertt of such losses, and be lodged With the Secretary at /vast one day before the meeting of the Board,” and this retolution he- infc made piiblie, the sufferers by the late fire are requested and solicited to have regard to the same, in all claims laid before the joint commit, tec: for should this form be neglected, the Board will bf compelled to postpone the consfe deration of knell memorial. It is therefore commended, that where the applications he‘ve. tofore made* have been informal, new ofics be lodged with the Socrctury. 't Thu sufferers must be sensibly how n,6qe!K sury it is, to ( ]iaye those claims for tally hi jd pnr. rec’fly before the Board, asdecis job wjdl tyke place on all, and'they must vein iu us matters of inspection aiblr^ctml for the jistifte.ution of those who liavci acted'tm them, |r t/> bo i|lti* mutely report ei upon, lor tint aadsfuct ioa of the generous Public who, have created this charitable and relieving fund; ( The Secretar} will attend to tjbc calls of the necessitous wlul may have claims to make, und other* who maV wish to employ him for this purpose. Something like the 'following form is recommended—'Xu be varied according to circumstance*i-4 * v ' A. It. of the fiity of Savannah, being duly sworn, deposeth and ssitb, thfct (he or sheJ'liv. ed and resided in the said ciW (describe the house and 1 ,lot) on the morning lltli Jaim* ary last, that in the conHugraUim Che or she]) lost (describe the nature uf the lots J and this de ponent further swears, that at a faip and mode, hue jmmR L,«a amvimtJLtp the sum of , and that no part of the mimIow, ift hied and calculated in this deposition, has been saved by Insurance or other-wise/, A statement of the circninstHiiee# of the per son applying, maybe added if (bought proper, and which no doubt, will have due weiglit with the Board, as well as certificates and testimony of such Iohh, and thj* capacity if the applicant to bear the same—also if tilery uuh #ny insur* artfce, and to what amount compared with the l(A.s. By order of the Chairman. AUGUSTUS DOUSSET, Sec’ry. O’ At a meeting of the joint ifomlni^icc furthe ilistiibution of monies collect, cd for the diHicuFil Hoirm rs l,y the lute lire, the following reflolotion wub puaed, Suvannah. February lull, 1828: ’ /Inalvcll, That this Board will receive returns ofiosses bv the late fire until the 30th of this month, and after that-period proceed to dislri. bide tne charily fund among the sufferers ciw titled to relief. Enrurlfcom the minute., Augustus Dousset, sec’ry. Feb 12 01 'it Savannah, 16th Peb. 1820. A great number of applicants and claimant* before the joint,committee of distributions have not availed tlienteelves of the .recommendation made the 10th instant, as to th^jfimna! manner of their application} it h further requested that the same be uUeuUcd to before the 2Utli inst. or otherw ise such applidalious will not be taken up. Drpositious or certificate* of the actual JircuniMunces of losses by the fire, will be of great service in the consideration of claim. - Mr odder of the Chairman, AUGUSTUS DOCSSET, lec’ry. Feb 17—65 s To Rent, Several Counting Rooms and Ware-houses on Jones’wharf. Apply to R. At J. Habersham. Jan 17 To Rent. T HE subscribers dwelling house, on the Bay inay be rented for six or eighteen months from the 1st May'next, when occupancy may be had, and the Furniture may be hired with it— and au approved tenant may also hire the ser vants. FETEK MITCH EL. Feb 20—t ‘ To Rent, The subscribe, oilers to rrnt bis FIRE- PROOF STORE#, in the vicinity of the Sleuin- boat Company’s wharf. t Company Oct 28—27 John H. Morel, To Hire, T HREE Prime Men, who have been accus tomed to boating between this place and Augusta. Apply to the Printer, jan < —33 Wanted to Hire, A N active NEGRO MAN* who can he well recommended, to attend in a Grocery Store. Apply at this office. Feb 23—h—70 |CJ*To the Pour and particularly those distressed by the late fire. EVERAL gentlemen of this city having vo* hmtarily und kindly contributed flour to be made into bread fertile distressed sufferers, the subscriber informs them, that they w ill be sup- plied as heretofore, for thirty days from this date by muking the usual application. P. Branch. Jan 22 Notice to Hififreased Persons! THF. corner house in the lane on the East of Barnard street, now in the possession of Major Jno,.Seri ven, istfie place of deposit for Rice and Corn, furnished by the Planters of our country, for the use of all who -want either of those arti cles; they will be delivered under the superin- tendance of Alderman Bourke, at 9 o’clock, A- M.-Rtrf, a'so kindly furnished by the same persons, will be delivered at the same time and place, under the direction of Jno. II. Ash, F.sq. and one or either of these gentlemen will at tend to-morrow, and commence to issue the above aid to the poor, Materials for clothing will also be furnished. Jan 20—41 Owners of Houses. T HIRTY <t»y« from this date, the Manager* and Assistants of Fire Engines will go thro* the different Wards* to examine the state of the Fire Buckets, ladders, Jkc. And they now give notice, that every person who may then be found not furnished agreeably to the City Ordi nance, will be immediately reported to Council. JNO. I1AUPT, Secretary. Jan 29—l—fp—51