The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 26, 1820, Image 1

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THE DAILY GEORGIAN. Vol. U. SATURDAY MOfiXINO, February 26, $20. JV&, For Liverpool, The verv fine, fiilt sailing sli fA LADY GALLATIN, ^ Cufit. Barker, Bewhaviiig half her cargo ready to on board, will meet with no delay. For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, apply to John Lathvopii Co. .Feb 14 62 St. Ubes Salt—afloat. The catyo nf the bvig Isabella, cuni'iting of the above ai'ticlc, is offered for sale by the sub- torihers. a so For Flight or Charter, The above mentioned brig ARA BELLA, burthen 2800 barrels, built in ..Philadelphia of live oak and red cedar ■and well found in every respect. Ap. plv to NICHOLAS & NEFF. Feb 14—62 For any port in North. Carolina, jgm Th t* new schooner fbh TWO-BROTHERS, Captain heat, mitmSrn• 60 tons burthen. Freight will be taken low on an immediate application to h Uacon & Bruen, Feb 25—p Exchange wharf. For New York, The packet schooner ELIZA, ff. Weeks, master, Will sail on the 27th instant, (wind •nd weather'permitting.) For freight of 50 bales cotton on deck, or passage, apply to Fowler A Gardner, Feb 24—p Bulloch's Building. For Freight or Charter, The schooner SELOMA, [60 tons burthen, a first rate vessel, ! Joseph B. Atwood, master, can bedis- fepatched immediately for the West In flies, or to any port this side the Chesapeake. Apply to the captain on board, or to Thomas Jones, Feb 14—62 Hunter's, lower wharf. prime Wanted upon Shares, To sail as a coaster between Sa vannah, Darien, Brunswick and St. Ma- ,ry*s, a good staunch, sloop of 50 or 60 ons. For particulars, apply to the Feb 25—e Just Received, •find for sale low by the subscriber#, 2 cases 4-4 Irish'Linen, in whole tJ iLlf pieces 1 do 5-4 do Sheeting 1 do Canton Crapes 1 trunk Silk Hosieiy* well assorted 1 bale 6-4 Cloths—Cussimeres, all fashionable colors J. & W. Turner & Co. Feb 3—-53 Buckwheat Flour, Butter, Lard, &c Just received by the brig Hero and other arrivals, 10 hair and ? Buc h.wheat Fl.OL’It 12 fjf. bbls $ 6 tubs superior B-itter, for family use 65 kegs excellent Lard 15 qr. chest 9 Hyson Tea 10 bbls Muscovado Sugar 6 bbls.and / LinMed oil 1 cask } 1 Large new Feather lied All which will besold at moderate prices for cash or approved town paper, by John Lewis, Nov. 24—50 Factor, Exchange Hock Jjlack Nankin Crapes, &c. * AN INVOK'S CON8IHTINU OF Superior black Nankin Crapes Elegant Nankin Crape, gown patterns Black ring’d and P.villM Tm Ikurchieft And a few pieces black Qohigne Crapes Just ri reived, for sale by John Lalhrop iSf Co. Pi t) 4-54 __ Black Nankeen Crapes, c. An Invoice black, crimson and scarlet Crapes, Just received and for sale by J ohn Latln'op & Co. Feb 15 63- Hauler's Bunge. Frames for Houses, O F anv dimensions, will be furnished by the subscriber ut a short notice on moderate terms. Merchantable ami clear white Pine Boards, fur sale low. Thomas Jones, Jan 26—46 Han:" 't. lower wharf. The Undersigned H AVING for three years past bad a Com- ineieial Establishment in LIVERPOOL* Under the firm of Isaac, Dev & Co. Offer the sen ices of tlmt t ouse to their friends and the public, in the sa. <■. induce, the pur chase of Goods, and other business on Cuinmis- •ion. JUpend advances ' ill be made shipments. Andie w Low Co. Feb 21-67 | For Sale, tteceived by the brig Caroline, from Liverpool, 7o tons Salt ll>t>U Jugs, assorted sizes 100 hampers Irish Potatoes ' Also, in Storj, 10 cases of 16 and 18 ounce Copper 7 ithds Demerara Hum (O casks Porter William Scarbrough. Feb 24—u Tobacco. 15 Hhds very superior, r sale by _ feb 22—p GEO. GORDON. Savannah Poor-House and Hos pital Lottery. THE refient calamity which has befallen our city, having almost placed every individual to arrange anew bis business, the Commissioners of this Lottery, have been under the painful ne cessity to suspend the drawing (which was*ta huve'uken place yesterday) for a few days, the Commissioners b*lng convinced that tile Public will coincide, when it is well known the bene fits are for our Poor-Honsa and Hospital, All the High Prizes remain in the Wheel, and no Lottery offers so great a chance to make a Fortune- For Tickets and Shares, apply at C. If. Hajrdea’ft Office, in the Patitm Ojjic^ Kxxhange. N. B.—Persons holding Prize Tickets in the New -York Lottery, are requested to call and receive the money. Jan 20-—t Authorised by JMw,for th promotion of Education. THE 12th CLASS OF TIIE Virginia Seven Numbers LOTTE1VL, Will be drawn, on Saturday, the 24th day of June, 1820, at 6 o’clock, v. m. in the City of Rnintnvii; when the public will know the fate of the following prizes, in a few minntes:— SCHEME. 33 Prices of 10,000 each. 1,818 do. of 100 each. 27,415 do. of 10 each. -Year 3 blanks to a Prize, imil the Prizes will be paid without discount. *,* The explanation yf the above LOTTERY inav be had gratis, and the Tickets are now tor Sale, in this City, ut TEN DOLLARS each, by Robert Raiford, Sole Agent Jor the Manager, for the City of Sa vannah audits vicinity.. Feb 9—j|53 12 .1 . ANDREW tLOW $ CO. I NFORM their friends ami the public, that un til their own Stoic is rebuilt, they have rented the Brick Store on the opposite lot, late ly erected by colonel John Play; where in a lew days they will remove their GOODS, and open their counting-house. In the mean lime, persons having business with them, will please call at tin* house of Mr. Janies M'lieury, Court house Square. A considerable assortment of It BY GOODS, saved from the Fire, together with London bot tled Porter and crates 01 Crockery ware, are now offered for sale. *V -rmnv ipected from Jan 17—18 •—.'J puf>r>ly j»r wy.v.tK 4* i Liverpool ill a few weeks. Dissolution. T IIF. Copartnership formerly existing under the firm of Ricliurds Manway, was dis solved by the death of the latter. Those who have unsettled accounts against said firm are re quested to hand them in for settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment to 7 A. RICHARDS, Who will continue the business in bis own name. nov 21—48 Seth Rich, I NFORMS his friends and the public, that he ims oil hand at his small store, in Uurnurd- s.reet, opposite Mr. Gardner I’utts dwelling- house, a good assortment of choice GROCE RIES,, PROVISIONS and OLD LIQUORS which lie offers lor sale on reasonable terms. Jan 18 39 New Crockery Siore, O PENING next door to Messrs. J. & W. Turner ctf.Co’s dry good Store, Brough ton street: complete bine and white Dinner Services of the flasket, Chinese Flower Jar and Cottage Patterns, with Basins and Ewers attached to the sets. A complete assortment of Wines, Tumblers, Goblets, Decanters, Salts, &c. of flint Glass. Breakfast China Services •Uold edged .China Breakfast Plates Liquor Cases, Sul Feb 16— c&flp Four Hundred Dollars, As hereafter described, were Forwarded by the mail which was robbed on Monday last.— liould such Kills be offered, it is requested they be stopped: Letter A—No. 83, Feb. 1813, Planters* Bank, Geo. 100 dollars. A No. 125, 5tn .fun. 1818, State Bank of Geo. 100 dollars. H—No. 542, 5th April, 1817, Union Bank, 8. Carolina, 100 dollars. B-—No 69. August 27, 1811, Planters* and Me chanics’ Bank, Soutli-Caroliua, 2U dollars. F — No. 279, J Uh Dec. 1817, Union Bank, S. C. 20. H—No. 76, 21st April, 1817, Bank of the State of South Carolina, 20 dollars II—No. 23, 16th April, 1817, do do do 20 C—No. 33, 10th June, 18lo, do do do 10 D—No. 10, 6th January, 1815, do do do 10 Making the amount of 4 <0 dollars. R. & J. Habersham. Ffb 25 e \ One Hundred Dollars Reward. LOST; A SMALL red morocco POCKET BOOK, containing about 600 Dollars in Bank Notes, among which a note of the Planters’ Bank for &100, and one of the same amount on the State Hunk of Georgia-, the other hills are smaller; and a check on the Braucli Bank of the United States, drawnJ>y Archibald Clark for £50—also a Note for £99, drawn by Mr. Elihu Atwater, of St. Man’s; and a receipt given by Isaac Bai ley, of Camden county, for fe287 87£, in which he agreed in said receipt to make titles to part of Lot No. 5 and-Improvements, in the town of Jefferson. A Reward of One Hundred Dollars will be given for the recovery of said Pocket Book, vvi.b its contents, by leaving it at this Office, or by delivering it to the subscriber. John Bailey. Feb 25 Bills oR Exchange O N l.ivcbpool, »nd M»neh«»tei', payable in Eonton.Tnr aale. Ai.aii—A lew Ctt3u of anperior I.UINJIUP* POKIER. ■, Jno. aieakman & Co 1 \ Junes*-wharf. Dec 4 8 Ponce Mackenzie, H AVE removed to JRavs* Upper Wluilf. Oil the floor immediately under Mossi's. Usll & Hoyt’s Counting Rood. In Stove, and for sale on accomowdating terms, 20 lihds MolasseS . • Bl do Sugar ■> 4 ti«rc*wfv/»ttfr. J'inVT fu The Subscribers Have on hand a general assortment of HARD- Savbnnkh, J WARE, embracing most articles required foi' ,: U| 17 fi building; which they will be ready to expose, ——v—<>— for sale in a day or two at til nr store on the BuyJ JAMES DICKSON & CO. Jan 20—41 v . The Hubscriliers. By the Rssisiance and very great exertions « kind friends, have been enabled to preserve Lbf principal part of their stock of merenantdise, tf- gether with their store, from the late copflagif- tion. They are now removing their goods balk to their former stand, on the Buy, where t4i/»y will offer for sale, in a day or two, on tlifir former terms, for cash, cotton or negociaHe paper. File Stock comprises every m*ticle requisite for the prcMciitHmi approaching season on which they will sell by the dozen, piece or package. JAMES DICKSON k CO. The Augusta Chronicle, Milledgevillc Jour nal, and Washington News, are requested to publish the above for one month; and forward their accounts to the Republican ollicc for set tlement, Jan 26 §r 46 Dissolution of Coportmu'ship. FllUE Firm of CI1ANE C & KE I'ZE, was dis* JL soI\ed this day by mutual consent. J. 1*. Sktzk is duly authorised to settle ull business against old concerns. Those having demands, will please call on him for settlement by the 6th of March next, or they will be debarred pay ment; and those indebted are invited to do tlm same for settlement in full. A. Chanct, J.Pr. Setae. Savannah, Peb. 15,1S&). 69 Jn. Pr. Setzc, RATEFUL for the Patronuge favored with M. 4e»wws r aU having taken on his account the late esqihlislr meiit of Chanet & Seize, lie offers for sale, (‘new ly imported from London, by the wuy of Charles ton) a large supply of Ready Made Clothing; Sold cheap for cash, or on very uccomtnoOat ing terms, at the coruor of Drayton street sJn<I the Bay\Feb 22—64 The Branch Bank of the Unit! States is removed to the counting house Of RRichardson JAMES HUNTER, Caehtef, ^Jnl8 39 Notice. Ming been Invited to an examination of the •miHpi^of the SuvaUtmh Mamie & t\n* In. afler the recent dreadful confiu- have much satisfaction in stating, t Stock, Specie, and Ileal Estate, J themselves, more than sufficient to sa* be loss incurred by the fire, and to re- the notes which it has now in circulation. W. n. UULLDCH, JPtfsithhit Hunk of Georgia. R. RICHARDSON, Prescient Office U, States. JAMES JOHNSON, X f'lrsidant Flamers' Bank. nkh, Jan 13, W0 38 sutv grat| thuti aru tiai' ie Office, a ip, we hat ip Bank S f tlielliselv Tlic Subscriber H AVING rccoivcd the appointment of Notary Public, ollert his services in that line; lie will also undertake my ti-siialation in the French and English languages, with >v1ucli he may be favored. • • IJlciwill be found for (he present, in the Coun cil clip uber, where his office of secretary to the conuipUee of distribution is kept. Augustus Dousset. Feb 12 61 T will Notice. ■E subscriber haying taken into copast ner* hip Mr. William k. Holland, the business ifuture be conducted under the firm of ; j Pouyat Holland. JOHN F. POUYAT, tyc 1,1819,-14 i Wayne § Cuyler \*T*UL attend to their professional business ▼ ▼ in the western tenement of Mr. George Anderson’s stores. They inform their friends and clients that altlum di their office lias been destroyed by fire, they have preserved »11 the papers and books committed to their charge. Jin 18—39 sitim Mrs. Pierce H AS removed to the house . ted on the Bay, opposite the Wasliiugiun Hall; expresses her gratitude to her friends and hopes still to merit a continuance of their pat roliuge. sept 28 *10 Just Received, An additional supply nf superior West of Kngland Cloths, Cassimures and Vestings, Which will be made to order on the shortest notice, by Leslie Thompson. Nov 2j—I—1 The Subscriber Begs leave most respectfully to inform his country and city friends and the public in gene ral that lie lias taken a stand, North Fust comer of Hunk Square, immediately opposite Mr. White’s Merchants’ Hotel, where lie continues to curry Oil the Tailoring Himncss, with ple.- gance and punctuality, liuving in his employ a sufficiency of first rate workmen, and the oust Cloths, Casslmercs, Vestings and Trimmings, which will be made to order on as accommodat ing terms as the times will admit of, together with a good assortment of Ready made Cloth ing for sale cheap for cash, by Leslie Thompson. Jan 21—-eL&Jrp Notice. G EOKC.E NEWIIAl.L, has removed to the white Store in Broughton street, next door to the dwelling house of Gardner Tufts Esqr. where he has for sale a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, at wholesale and retail. Feb 2—et Notice. T HE copartnership of Hotchkiss & Daly is this day dissolved by mutual consent—27th November, 1819, ^ Daniel Hotchkiss Ji. Duly. Georgia Hotel, Livery Stables, Stage Offices, Sfe. The undersigned having leased the above es tablishment to Messrs Claborn Bevill and his lute partner, Gideon Daly, bath withdrawn him self from the same, and at the same time that ho would render his thanks to the public for their support, which he now does. He would rec ommend the present occupants as worthy of the liberal support of the friends pf the former couccru. Daniel Hotchkiss. The undersigned have entered into copartner ship under the firm of Bevill 8c Daly, and have leased of Mr. Hotchkiss the establishment known as “the Georgia Hotel, Lively Stables, Stage Offices, 8tc.” near the Market, in the city of Savannah, and it being their intention to devote their time entirely to this business, the public may expect every attention, comfort and convenience,which an establishment of this kind can afford. Claborn Bevill dec 1—4 Gideon Daly. FRENCH LANGUAGE. MR. VU BOSO. . sciiuola on New-Vork island, informs the inha bitants of this city, that it his intention to open a School for teaching the same. lie tenders them his professional services, and hopes that fYoin his practical knowledge, his unremitting exertions and attention to his pupils, he may give such general satisfaction, as to Secure to himselfa sufficient share of patronage to induce him to make Savannah his permanent residence. Mr. D. will attend classes in private families, and seminaries if An Evening School will be opened for those young Gentlemen, whose avocations render it inconvenient to utteini during' the day. Terms—Fiftfceu dollars per quarter, Five in advance. For information respecting Mr. D. he respect- fully refers to James Greunhotv & Antliony Jiaiclay, esquires, audio Dr. Cotton. 1 N. B. Mr. D. resides on the Huy at Mrs, Grib- bin’s. Dec 14—ref-j—16 67“ At a me.eilitgofthe joint cum* mitte for distribution of monies collected fofr tile distressed sufferer* by the late fire, thu IbU lowing rekolutiona were passed, to Witt Hbsolvid, that the chairman, H m. B, tl'dlb<\ Jan tee M. Waynei and William Taylbr, Esqt s. bo a sub-comuiittee of this board, to crushler uiui report as tu the best mode of classifyiftg the suf» feret s by the late fire, In distributing the amount of dohaiibu, having a due regard to the ability of the sufferers to sustain their losses rteipeo* tively; and that us soon us Forty Thouiand IloL lars shall be nt the disposal of the committee, iu| apportionment sliall take place; and a snlise* quent one w,lieu the total of contribution# sLull be rece ved. • Hrsvhtd, That Several rcttirnS ttiade tl> this bouitl, having been sent witfnnt proper,«tten turn to form, it-is expected dim ull cltcm for los* «i*h, shall be inadr »m oath uraircitBlt^ ff po*» ■ihie, by peRKiiia lfiu'. u . dlg.lho (fXtviit ot sncfi losses, ana be lodged with the secretary, at least one day before the meeting of the board* Retract from the minutes; AUGUb I US DOU88ET; lec’y. This board adjourned until Fridav next, th meet st tljo council ekaniber, ut 12 o’clock; oP which all persous concarnvd a ill please to tukt notice. Feb 5-56 Savannah, February 5,1820. Tjie Joiht Committee appointed by council fof distribution of monies collected for the dint reus* cd sufferers by the late fire, having resolved that “all claims for losses ■hall be inUiie mt oath, and certified, if possible, by pci sons know* ing the extent of such losses, and be lodged with the Secretary Ut least one day before the meeting of Uie Hoard,” and this resolution be* ing made public, the sufferers by the late lira are requested and solicited to have regard to t)i« same, in all claims laid before the joint commit* tee: for should this form be neglected, tl>4 Board will be compelled to postpone the consi deration of such mcmr.rial. It is therefore re* commended, that where the applications here* toforc made, have been informal, new ones lodged with the Secretary, flic sufferers must be sensible, holv nCCei* a ary it is, to have those claims formally and cor* redly before the Hoard, us decisions Will tuktf place on all, and they munt remain ns matters of inspection andAecord for the justification of tlio*se who have acted oh them, or to be ulti* mutely reported upon, for the satisfaction of the generous Public who, have created tlui charitable and relieving fund. The Secretary will attend to the calls bf the necessitous who may huve claims to make, ami others who may With to employ him for this purpose. Something like the following form is recommended—To be varied according to circumstances:— A. B. of the City of 9nvannnh» being duty ■worn, deposetli and saith.tbut (he or shej liv* ed and resided in the said city (describe tho . house anti lot J on the morning qf the Uth Jamt*' 1 try lajjt, that in the Conflagration (he or the) lost Gtwrtbe thr of the lots ) and this de ponent Ififfficr swears, n u fair apt mod** rate valuation the said loss amdtim.-, re of ——, and that no part of the said loss, as v* hied and Calculated in this deposition, bus been saved by Insurance or otherwise. A statement of the circumstances of the Ret* son applying, may be added if thought pfoper* imp which no doubt, will have due weight with the Board, as wcIUs certificates and testimony of such loss, and the capacity of the applicant to bear the same—also if there Was any insure mice, and to what uqimint compared with tlifl loss. By order the Chairman. AUGV8TU8 DOUSbET, Sec'ry. * # * Tliose having any claims on, or other business with tin* Evtate of Jamas Fouhkst, Esq. deceased, will apply to Robert Aiitchcl, Acting Qualified liueattor. Who offers for Hale, The HOU8F. in (Jolumbiu Square, in which Mr. Forrest resided. Feb 22- 69 Notice. A LL persons having demands 3gainst the es tate of the hilc Major ANDREW M’LEAN, will present the m to Tliomas Bonrke, uJm’r. Oct 30—29 To Rent. T ilF. commodious Wharf and Stores, at pre sent occupied by Mr. I. Minis, for terms ap ply tu James Johnston, or George Anderson k Son. Jan 27 eu47 To Rent, Several Counting Rooms and Ware-hpuses < n Jones* wharf. Apply to Ji. & J. Habersham. Jan 17 fir Tom 'I'o Rent. !I1B Subscribers dwelling house, on the Bay may be rented for six or eighteen months om the 1st May next, when occupancy may bo had, and the Furniture may be hired with it— and tui approved tenant may also hire the ser vants. PETER MITCH EL. Feb 20—t T(»- Rent, The gulisciiber oilers to rent liis FIRE- PROOF STORES, i;j the vicinity of the Steam boat Company’s wharf. John H. Morel. Oct 28—S7 To Hire, T HREE Prime Men, who have been accus tomed to boating between this place and Augusta. Apply to the Printer, juii * —33 Wanted to Hire, 4 N .rtive NEOKO MAN, who can be well l\. recommended, to uwmlin » Grocery Store. Apply u bin. othc rfeb ‘U—k—JO €?■ At ft meeting of the joint committee for the distribution of inoti.i-s«cijVcU ed for the distressed sufferers by the k.te lne # tlic following resolution Was passed, 8Hvai.nahI Febrtiury llili, 1820; Hesolvrd, \ hat tiiis Hoard will receive return* of losses bv the late fire until the 2otl. of ihia nionlli, and after that period proreed to dislri* butc tne charity fund alining the sufferers eus titled to relief. Extract Jrom the miimtcs\ Augustus Dousset, eec’ry t v Feb 12 61 9 JSauauhnh, 16.7; Ab. 1820, A great itufnber of applicants and claimant# before the joint committee of distributions liava not availed tliemselvea of die recommendation made the 10th instant, as to the formal manned of their application; it is further requested that the same lie attended to before the 2Ulb iust. of Otherwise such applications, will not be tukcii lip. Depoailiuiis or certificates of the actual circumstancea of losses by the fire, will be at great service in the consideration of Claim, Hr order of the Chairman, AUGUSTUS DOUSbET, sccty. Peb 17-65 IO“To the Poor and particularly thosi distressed by the late fre. S EVERAL gentlemen oftliiacity having Vft* luntarily and kindly contributed flour to bfl made into bread lor the distressed suflerers, th# subscriber informs them, that they will be sups plied as heretofore, for thirty Jays from tlu# date by making the usual application. P. Brasch. Jan 22 Notice to 'Distressed Personal THE corner bouse in the lane on the East of Barnard street, now in the possession of Major, Jno. Scriven, isthe place of deposit for RiCe and Corn, furnished by the Planters of oiu counlryi for the use of all who want either of tliose ai ti* cles; they will be delivered under- the superin* tendance of Alderman Bonrke, at 9 o’clock, A« M.—Beef, also kindly furnished by the sum# persons, will be delivered at the same time and place, under the direction of Jno. II. Ash, Esq. and one or either of tliese gentlemen Will at* lend to-morrow, and commence to issue thfl above aid to the poor. Materials for clothing will also be Aifnishcd. Jan 20—41 Owners of Houses. T HIRTY days from this date, the MafWgei# and Assistants of Fire Engines will go thro 1 the di Acre lit Wards) to examine the state of th# Fire Buckets, Ladders, &c. And they now* giv# notice, that every person who may then hi found not furnished agreeably to the City Orili* nance, will be immediately reported to Council' JNO. 1UUPT, SsshUurSi iw 39—M