The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 28, 1820, Image 1

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THE DAILY GEORGIAN. Vol. II. MONDAY MOHNING, February 28, 1820. No. 74 For Liverpool, The verv fine, fist sailing ship LADY GALLATIN, % Cupt. Barker, tahaving half her cargo ready to R t> on hoard, will meet with no delay. For eight or pottage, hav ing fine accommodations, apply to „ _ ^ Joku Lathrop & Co. Feb 14 62 St. Ubes Salt—afloat. The cargo of the brig Isabella, consisting of .the a'oove article, is offered for sale by the sub- 'tcrihers. Far Sale, Freight or Charter, The above mentioned brig ISA BELLA, burthen 2800 barrels, built in Philadelphia of live oak add red cedar, 1 well found in every respect. Ap ply to 1 ’ NICHOLAS Ik NEFF. Feb For any port in North Carolina, * The new schooner TWO-MOTHERS, f detain lI cut, __ 60 tons burthen. Freight will be taken low on an immediate application to Bacon & Ilmen, Feb 25—p Exchange wharf. For New York, The packet schooner ELIZA, II. Weeks, master, Will sail on the 27th instant, (wind and weather permitting.) For freight of 50 bales cotton on deck, or passage, apply to Fowler & Gardner, Feb 24-—p Bulloch's It gilding. For Freight or Charter, The schooner S15LOMA, [ 60 tons burthen, a first rate vessel, 'Joseph B. Atwood, master, tan he dis- pmtenedimmediately for the West In dies, or to any port this side the Chesapeake. Apply to the captain on hoard, or to Thomas Jones, Feh 14—62 Hunter’s lower wharf* Just Received, And for sale low by the subscribers, 9 cases 4-4 Irish Linen, in whole & half pieces X do 5-4 clo Sheeting X do Canton Crapes 1 trunk Silk Hosiery, well assorted A bale 6-4 Cloths—Cassimercs, all fashionable colors ' J. & W. Turner & Co. Feb 3 53 Buckwheat Flour, Butter, Lard, &c Just received hi/ the brig Hero and other arrivals, ' Uutkwhe “ t ' *' L0UK 6 tubs superior Butter, for family use 65 kegs excellent Lard 15. qr. chests Hyson Tea "10 bills Muscovado Sugar i Sir d } “ oil 1 I .urge new Feather Wed All which will be sold at moderate prices frr cash or approved town paper, by John Lewis, Nov. 24—50 Factor, Eartumge Dock Black Nankin Crapes, &c. AN INVOICE CONSIST! NU OP Superior black Nankin Crapes F.k-tjiiiil Nankin Crape, gown patterns Black (ring’d and twill’d Handkerchiefs And a lew pieces black Bologne Crapes Just ncei.vtt, fur sale hi John Lathrop <Sf Co. Feb 4—54 Black Nankeen Crapes, tyc. An Invoice black, crimson and scarlet Crapes, just received and for sale by John Lathrop & Go. Feb 15 63 Hunter'8 Range. Frames for Houses, 3 F any dimensions, will be furnished by the subscriber at a short notice on moderate Tins. Merchantable and clear white Fine cards, for sale low. Thomas Jones, Jan 26—46 Hunter's lower wharf. The Undersigned fAVING for three years past had a Com- L meicial Establishment in LIVERPOOL, ier the firm of Isaac, Low & Co. Vr the services of that house to their friends 1 the public, in the sale of Produce, the pur- use of Goods, and other business on Commis- n., liberal advances will be made on shipments. Andrew Low Sf Co. Feb 21— 67 I For Sale, Received by the brig Caroline, from Liverpool, 70 tons Salt 1000 Jugs, assorted sizes 100 hampers Irish Potatoes Also, inStord, 10 cases of 16 and 18 ounce Copper 7 hhds Dcmevara Rum 20 casks Porter Feb 24—u WtHiam Scarbrough. Huthorised by Law, for the promotion of Education. THE 12tii CLASS OF THE Virginia Seven Numbers wuryAVi, Will be drawn, on Saturday, the 24Jh day of June, 1820, at 6 o’clock, i\ m. in the City of Ricumonii; when the public will know the fate of the following prizes, in a few minutes:— SCHEME. 35 Prizes of 10,000 each. 1,848 clo. of 100 each. £7,413 do. of 10 each. Near 3 Wanks to a Prize, and tfA Prixis will be. paid ivithuut discount. *„• The explanation of the above LOT TERY may he had gratis, and the Tickets are now for Safe, ill this City, at TF,N DOLLARS each, by Robert Raifovd, Sole Agent Jor the Manager, for the City of Sa vannah and its vicinity.. Feb 9—158 12 J ANDREW LOW CO. I NFORM their friends and the public, that un til their own Store is rebuilt, they have entod the Brick Store on the opposite lot, late- v erected by colonel John Pray? where in a ew days they will remove their GOODS, and open their counting-house. In. the mean time, persons having business with them, will please call at the house of Mr. James M'Henry, Court house Square. A considerable assortment of DR I r GOODS, saved from the Fire, together with London hot- tied Porter and crates of Crockery ware, are now ottered for sale. %* Their Raual supply of Spring Goods is expected from Liverpool in u few weeks. Jan 17—38 New Crockery Store, O PENING next door to Messrs. J. k W Turner W Co’s dry good Store, Brough ton street: complete blue and white Dinnei Services of the Basket, Chinese FlowdV Jar and Cottage Patterns, with Basins and Ewers attached to the sets. A complete assortment of Wines, Tumblers, Goblets, Decanters, Salts, &c. of flint Glass. Breakfast China Services Gold edged China Breakfast Plates Liquor Cases, <5tc. Feb 16—cScjp Savannah Poor-House and Hos pital Lottery. THE recent calamity which lias befldlen our city, having almost placed every individual to arrange anew his business, the Commissioners of this Lottery, have been under the painful ne cessity to suspend the drawing (which was to have taken place yesterday) for a few days, the Commissioners being convinced that the Public will coincide, when it is well known the bene fits are for our Poor-House and Hospital. All the High Frizes rbniain in the Wheel, and no Lottery offers'so great a chance to make a Fortune- For Tickets and Shares, apply at C. H. Hayden’s Office, In the Police Office, Exchange. N. B.—Persons holding Prize Tickets in the NeW-York Lottery, are requested to call and receive the money. Jon 20—t Rills of Exchange O N Liverpool, Glasgww and Manchester, payable in London, for sale. Also—A few casks of superior LONDON POUTER. Jno/Spcakman & Lo* Jones'-wharf. Dec 4—8 The Subscribers Have on hand a general assortment of HARD WARE, embracing most articles required for building? which they will be ready to expose foi side in a day or two at their store on the Bay. JAMES DICKSON & CO. J»r 0b...41 The Subscribers. By the assistance and very great exertions of kind friends, have been enabled to preserve the principal part of their stock of merchant dise, to gether with their store, from the late conflagra tion. 'Fliey are now removing their goods back, to their former stand, on the Bay, where they will otter for sale, in a day or two, on their former terms, for casli r cotton or ncgociable paper. The Stock comprises every article requisite for the present ami approaching season on which they will sell by the doXf n. piece or package. JAMES DICKSON 8c CO. The Augusta Chronicle, Milledgeville Jour- nal, and Washington News, are requested lo publish the above for one month; and forward their accounts to the Republican oflice for set tlement. Jan 26 §r 46 Dissolution of Copartnership, T ill; Finn uf OHANF.T a Sfil ZK, mm dis- solved this day by mutual consent. J. 1*. Setvik is duly authorised to settle all business against old concerns. Those having demands, will please call on him for settlement by the 6th of March nGxt, or they w ill be debarred pay ment; and those indebted are invited to do the same for settlement in full. A. Chanet, J.. Pf. Hctze. Savannah, Feh. 15,1820. 6S Jn. Pr. Setzc, G RATEFUL for the Patronage favored with by his Friends and the Public in general, begs for a continuation of the flame in his favor, having taken on liis account the late establish ment of Chanet U Seize, he otters for sale,{new<- ly imported from London, by the way of Charles ton) a large supply *»f Ready Made Clothing; Sold cheap for. cash, or on very accommodat ing terms, at the corner of Drayton street and the Bay. Fch 22—69 Dissolution. T HE Copartnership formerly existing under the firm of Richards & Harroway, was dis solved by the death of the latter. Those who have unsettled accounts against said firm are re quested to hand them in for settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment to A. RICHARDS, Who will continue the business in his own me. nov 21—48 Seth Rich, I NFORMS his friends and the public, that he has on hand at his small store, in Barnard- street, opposite Mr. Gardner Tufts dwelling- liouse, a good assortment of choice GROCE RIES, PROVISIONS and OLD LIQUORS which he otters tip* sale on reasonable terms. Jtui 18 39 | The Subscriber B EGS leave most respectfully, to inform his friends and public in general, that he has taken a stand in Congress street, corner of Lin coln, to carry on the T amoving IWisuicbs, and SCOUlilNG OF COATS and CLOTHS in the best manner. Feb 26-73 George Troup. Six Hundred £5 Ninety Dollars A S hereafter described, were forwarded by the Mail, which w-as robbed on Monday last, from hence to Charleston: should inch Bills be ottered, it is requested they be stopped: Letter A No. 905 State Bank of Georgia, 6th Sept 1817, £100 “ A No. 231 do do do 9th Jan. 1818, 100 “A 947 do do do 28th Jan. 1817, 50 “ A 6J6 State Bank, N. Carolina 28th June, 1813 100 “ A 39. do do do 31st Dec 1814 100 “ A 245 do do do 15th Jan.1814 50 “ A 1000 do do do 28thJujie 1813 50 “ A 663 do do do 5th Nov. 1811 50 “ A 830 do do do 22u Feb. 1813 50 “ B 358 State Bank Geo 10 Feb 1817 20 “ A 740 do do do 4tb Aug. 1817 20 Making the amount'of Six Hundred & Nine ty dollars Jos. Cummin Fnh 26—73 .• "O' Notice. F ROM the frequent trespasses committed op the subscriber’s land, viz cutting down and carrying off'spars, of every* size, building poles, hoop poles, fence rails, and wood of every des cription, he is compelled for the thin! and last time to say, that he will prosecute every per son detected in such acts. Joseph Stiles. Feb 26 <[a Notice. piF.OIUiK NF.WII M.]., has removed to the wX white Store u» Broughton street, next door to the dwelling house of Gardner Tufts Knur, where he has fur sale a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, at wholesale and retuil. Feb 2—cl T Notice. IHE copartnership of Hotchkiss & Daly is _ this day dissolved by mutual consent—27th November, 1819. Da»y.-1 Hotchkiss G. DMy. Georgia Hotel, Livery Stables, Stage Offices, Sfc. The undersigned having leased the above es tablishment to Messrs Clahorn BeviU and his late partner, Gideon Daly, hath withdraw n him self from the same, and at the same time that he would render his thanks to the public for their support, which he now does. He would rec ommend the present occupants as worthy of the liberal support of the friends of the former concern. Daniel Hotchkiss. The undersigned have entered into copartner ship under the firm of Bevili 81 Duly, and have leased of Mr. Hotchkiss the establishment known as “the Georgia Hotel, Livery Stables, Stage Offices, &c.” near the Market, in the city of Savannah, and it being their intention to devote their time entirely to this business, the public may expect every attention, comfort and convenience,which an establishment of this kind can afford. Clahorn BeviU Gideon Daly. dec 1—5 *** Those having any claims on, or other business with the Estate of James Fouuxst, Esq. deceased, will apply to Robert Mitchel, Acting Qualified Executor. Who-njfm fur Sale, The HOUSE in Columbia Square, in which Mr. Forrest resided. Feb 22—69 *** At a meeting of the Joint Committee for distribution ol monies collected for the relief of the distressed sufferers by the late fire, Savannah, February 24th, 1820. The Board took into consideration the list of applications for relief, and the amount of losses, whereupon it was resolved, that the fol lowing claims be rejected, us not falling within the province of the charitable fund entrusted to this Board, to be distributed amongst the dis tressed sufferers hy t?ie late fire. [List cnlenul oh the J Dilutes.) Resolved, That the said rejected list fie en tered on the Minutes for the information of all concerned, with leave to cither of the claim ants, to make explanations as to his or her cir cumstances and to adduce proof thereon, to enable this Committee to reconsider the rejec tion now made, jf this he applied for, on or be fore the 2d day of Mutt'll next. * Extract from the Minutes, AUGUSTUS D DUS SET, Sec'ry. Many of the applications before the Joint Committee have been rejected for an entire want of evidence and formality, which might have been avoided hy proper attention to the rule heretofore recommended: if this be wil, fully neglected, it is but naturul to suppose that the person applying is indifferent about relief, und not an object ot the fund at the distribution of this Board. It is therefore, again, and for the last time recommended, that incapacity to bear the loss, and the stute und circumstances of the person applying, (where not known to some of the members) must appear, by actual affidavit or collateral evidence: otherwise, persons may ultimately compluin ot' the amount allotted, which w ould have been different, had proper and common precaution been takei). Many ap plicants, no doubt, fully entitled to the atten tion of the Board, are stingers to them, and must attend to their own interest, and not im pose upon the members, the necessity of decid ing unsatisfactorily to themselves, or seeking for information from others, for the justification of their voles. By order of the Board,' AUGUSTUS DOUSSET, Sec'ry. Feb 25 l fiJ* The Branch. Bank of the United States is removed to the counting house of 11. Richardson &('n, JAMES HUNTER, Cashier. Jan 18 39 Notice. Haying been invited to an examination of the situation of the Savannah Jllarine & Fire In surance Office, after the recent dreadful confla gration, we have much satisfaction in stating, that its Bank Stock, Specie, und Real Estate, are of themselves, more than sufficient to **• tisfy the loss incurred by the fire, und to re deem the notes which it has now in circulation. W. B. BULLOCK, President Hunk of Georgia. It. RICHARDSON, President Office Bank If, Slutea. JAMES JOHNSON, President Planters' Bunk. Savannah, Jan 13, 1820 Jan 17 38 N olice. i F19HE subscriber having taken into copartner- X ship Mr. William R. Holland, the business will in future he conducted under,the firm of Pouyut (£ Holland. JOHN F. l’OUYAT. Doc 1,1819,—14 At a meeting of the joint com- initte for distribution of monies collected fop tlie distressed sufferers by the late fire, the foN lowing resolutions were passed, to wit: Resolved, that the chairman, W in. B. Hutloch, James M. Wayim, and William Taylor, Esqn. be a sub-committee of this board, to consider and report as to the best moth of classifying the si if. form by the late fire, in distributing the amount of donation, having a due regard lo the ability of the sufferers to sustain their hisses respec tively? and that as soon as Forty Thousand Dol lars shall he at the disposal of the Committee, an apportionment shall take place; and u subse quent one when the total of contributions shall be rece.vcd. Resolved, That several returns made to tbit board, having been sent without proper utten tion to form, it is expected that all claim for los ses, shall be made on oath and certified, if pus. sible, by persons knowing the extant of such losses, turn be lodged with .the secretary, at least one day before the meeting of the hoard. Extract from the minutes, AUGUSTUS DOUSSET, scc’y. This hoard adjourned until Friday nrtit, to meet at the council chamber, at 12 o’clock; of which all persons concerned will please to tuko notice. Fob 5—^6 Savannah, February 5, 1820. The joint committee appointed by council for 'distribution of monies collected for the distress- id sufferer* by the late fire, having resolved that “all claims for losses shall he made on oath, and certified, if possible, by persons know, mg the extent of such josses, and be lodged with the Secretary at least one day before the meeting of the Board,” and this resolution be. ing made public, 4110 sufferers by the late fire are requested and solicited to have regard to the same, m all claims laid before the joint commit, tee: for should this form bo neglected, the Board' will he compelled to postpone the consi deration of such memorial, It is therefore re commended, that where tlu applications here, tqfore made, have been informal, new one* lie lodged with the Secretary. The sufferers must he sensible, how neces sary it is, to have these claim* formally' and con rectly before the Board, us decisions \rill take place on all, and they must remain a* mutters of inspection and record tor th$ justification of those who have acted on them, or to he ulti mately reported upon, for the satisfaction of the generous Public who, have created this charitable and relieving fund. The Secretary will attend 1o the culls of the necessitous who may have claims to mukc, and others who may wish to employ him for this purpose. Something like the following form is ruconlmcudcd—To he varied according to circumstances:— A. B. of the City of Savannah, being duly sworn, doposeth and saith, that (he or she ) liv ed and resided in the smd city (describe the house und lot J on the morning of the 11th Janu ary last, that in the conflagration (he or the J lost (describe the nature of the loss J and this dc. ponent further swears, that at u Fair und mode rate valuation'the,said loss amounts to the sum of — —-, and that no part of the said loss, us va lued and calculated in this d*to.4tion, has been saved by Insurance or otherwise. A statement of the circumstances of the. per son applying, may be added jf thought proper, and which no doubt, n-ill have due welglit with the Board, as well ris certificates and testimony of such loss, and the eupacity of the applicant to bear the same—also if there wus any insur ance, and to what amount compured with the loss. By order of the Chairman. AUGUSTUS DOUSSET, Sec’ryx W ayne § Cuyler W ILL attend to their professional business in the western tenement of Mr. George Anderson’s stores. They inform their friends and clients that allium, h their office has been destroyed by fire, they have preserved >dl the papers and hooks committed to their churg< Jan 18—39 Notice. A LL persons having demands against the es tate of the late Major ANDREW M‘LEAN, will present them to Thomas Bourkc, adm’r. Oct 3(1— To Rent. rflHE commodious Wharf and Stores, at pre- X sent occupied by Mr. 1. Minis, for terms ap ply to James Johnston, or George Anderson & Son. Inn 97 pii47 For Sale. A PRIME, Healthy and Stout Nego Fellow. lie is an excellent Plough and Axe-man, wishes to live in the country; he will be sold a Great Bargain. He can be seen on, application to the subscribers. J. B. Herbert, Co. Feb 25 72 To Rent, Several Counting Rooms and Ware-houses on Jones’ wharf. Apply to II. M J. Habersham. Jin 17 To Rent, The subscriber offers to I’ent his FIRE PROOF STOHE8, in die vicinity of the Steam boat Company’s wharf. John H. Morel. Oct 28-^27 Mrs. Pierce H AS removed to the house pleasantly situa te«l on the Bay, opposite the Washington Hall; expresses her gratitude to her friends and hopes still to merit a continuance of their put- ronage. sept 28 *10 FRENCH LANGUAGE Mil. mi nosq, I jlOR mitny years teacher of the French I .an- ^ giluge, ill some of the most respeetablt schools on New'-York island, i v Tins the* inha bitants ot this city, that it his intention to open a School for teaching the same, lie tenders them his professional services, and hopes that from his practical knowledge, his unremitting exertions and attention to hi* pupils, he may give such general satisfaction, as to secure to himself a sufficient share/if patronage to induce him to make Savannah hjs permanent residence. Mr. D. will attend classes in private families, and seminaries it required. An Evening School will he opened for those voting Gentlemen, whose avocations render it inconvenient to attend during the duy. Terms—Fifteen dollars per quarter, Five in advance. For information respect ing Mr. D.he respect fully refers to James Greenhow tk Anthony Barclay, esquires, and to l)r. Cotton. N. B. Mr. D. resides on the Bay at Mrs. Grib* bin’s. ' Dec 14 ref 16 & At a meeting of the joint committee for the distribution of monies collect ed for the distressed sufferers by the lute fire, the following resolution was ptu>scd, Savannah. February 11th, 1820: Resolved, That this Hoard will receive returns of losses by the late lire until the 20th of Ihip month, and ufter that period proceed to distri bute tne charity fund among the suff erer* ei» titled to relief. Extract from the minutes, Augustus Doubset, sec’ry. Feb 12 61 . Savannah, 16th Feb. 1820. A great number of applicants and claimant# before the joint ooniinitlee of distribution* have not availed themselves of the recommendation made the 10th iiiHtunt, as to the formal manner of their anpheulioji; it is further requested thut the same be attendedto before the 20th inst. or otherwise such applications will not be tukcu up. Depositions or certificates of the actuul circumstances of losses by the fire, w ill be of great service in the consideration of claim. Be order of the Chairman, AUGUSTUS DOUSSET, sec’ry. Feb 17—65 Icy To the Poor und particularly thorn distressed by the lute fire. S EVERAL gentlemen of this city having vo luntarily arid kindly contributed flour to be made into'bread for the distressed sufferers, the subscriber informs them,, thut tl tv will be sup plied as Heretofore, for thirty days from this date by making the usual application. P. Rrasck. Jan 22 To Rent. T HE subscribers dwelling house, on the Bay may be rented for six or eighteen months from the 1st May next, when occupancy may be had. and the Furniture may be hired with it— and an approved tenant may also hire the ser vants. PETEK MITCHEL. Feb 20—t To Hire, T HREE Prime Men, who have been accus tomed to boating between this pluce and Augusta. Apply to the Printer, jan * —33 Wanted to Hire, A N active NEGRO MAN, who can be well recommended, to attend in a Grocer)' Store. Apply at this office. Feb 23—f,—70 Mules and Waggons To hire, by the day, w eek, or month.—En quire at Fair Lawn. Feb 26—l Notice to Distressed Persons! THE corner bouse in the lane on the East of Barnard street, now in the possession of Major Jnb. Striven, isthe plait* of deposit for Rice and Corn, furnished by tJie Planters of our country, for the use of all who wind either of those arti cles; they will be delivered under the supcriiu tendance of Alderman Bourkc, at 9 o’clock, A, M.—Beef, also kindly furnished by the same persons, will be delivered at the same time and place, tinder the direction of Jno. H. Ash, Esq, and one or either of these gentlemen w ill at tend to-morrow, and commence to issue the above aid to the poor. Materials for clothing will also he furnished. Jan 20—41 . The Subscriber H AVING received the appointment of Notary Public, offers Ids services in that line; h# wil) also undertake my translation in the French und English language-, with which he may b« favored. lly will he found for the present, in the Comi. cil chamber, where his office of secretary to the committee ofdistributum i* kept. Augustus Dousset. I Fob 12 61