The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, March 16, 1820, Image 1

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t / • ->s -• THE DAILY GEORGIAN. m. il THURSDAY MOIlKtYG, March 16, 1820. JVo. 89 For Now-York, The rcirular packet elnp WOODBINE, Ctpf- Boobed r ... <%■. n..M4iN> huvinir . For freight or puaaaice, having «. r nr -, -Jtojrood accqynmodathms^ apply to ..the Captain oil pnarl, at Taylnr's wharf,'Or to Benjamin Howard, M.ri h 13— p .Inrf-W* Slum. For Liverpool, The fine ship FAIR TRADER, Cafit. Fletcher, _ Haring « Jwt of her carflrt en gaged, she a ill meet wUli despatch. For freight of 3 to 400 balrs,jippt) to Stnrges & Burroughs, . Match 15—m jVo. 3, Commerce lie re. For Liverpool, The substantial The snbstuotiq! ship PALLAS, Char Irk Stubbs, nuutrr. ITnvinjr more thap half hei car. rn eopajci'cl, and ready to go on btiurd. For m-igiit of 300 bale» Cotton, apply ou board at Fraser's wharf, or to lame!) Dickson ft Co. | March 14—37 * For Liverpool, The superior c^i^i r fastened ship Captain Toscnn, Has 600 bales of lier cargo rea* dj to go on boaf(|. For freiglit of the bulunce, or passage apply to the captain on board, at Jones* wharf, or to Nicholas & Neff. For Sale, limiting font the above w/, 100,OpO feet merchantable Hoards 100 bundles Hay yt)U boxes smoked Herrings , 30 do dry salted do 20 do Corf Fish 7 barrels Herrings 3 > barrels N.E Kum 6u boxes mould Candles A few firkins superior Butter. Apply as above March 14 -87 * For Liverpool, Tliti fim* Philadelphia built, cop. 'Ki/I^Spered und copper fastened ship NANC.Y, • Elk ana ti Bruy, mutter, Will he dispatched without delay, for freight or passage, having superior accommodations—ap ply on board, or to Nicholas ft Neff. March 7-81 For Liverpool, The llr.if • 1 ' S I API.RTON. Captain Amr.ry; will commence loading in a few days. For freight,.apple to Caruochnu ft MUchel. March 7—i. ft. Bills of Exchange O N ‘ Liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester, payable in London, for saK*, .—A few casks of superior LONDON POUTER. Jno. Spunk man ft Go- . Junes*•wharf. Dec 4 3 Stocks for Sale. 100 shares State Bank Stock 15 do Stei^m-boat do Apply to the Editor. March 1—76 State BahK Stock. 4JIXTY SHAKES,at private sale hv O GKomiC RCnr.Ev, Feh 16—64 . W. 1, Commerce Bine. ANDREW LOW Co. U .WE now their goods opened in the new brick store adjoining tliqir own lot, and Have jufit received, by the Caroline from Liverpool, a variety of. NEW GOODS, suitable for the season, which they oner Ipr sale on accommodating terms. Casks London PORTER, in bottles, and Crates oV CnbUf\KRV«WARE, iwsorttd. March 2—77 ‘ The undersigned, H AVING for several .years past, had a com- murcial establishment in Liverpool, under the firm of Isaac, Lore & Co. Offer the services of the house to their friends and the public, in the sale of produce, and other business, on commission. jjr' Liberal advances will he made on ship ments. Andrew Low & Co. March 2—<77 Dissolution. T IIF. Copartnership formerly existing under the fi"in of Richards > : J llarroway, was dis- solve,l by the dentil of the latter. Those who have unsettled accounts against said firm are re quested to baud them in for settlement, and those indebted to make minU.*diutc payment to A. RICHARDS, Who will continue the business in his own Mir. v uov 21—48 For Nfw-Oi leans, & Tlie fast sailing pilot-boat built brig COMMODORE HULL, Capl, Hutbm, Wirt sail on the 20th instant. For n* passage apply on hoard, or to Perry & WViglit; Who haw for tale, received per tuid brier, 50 hlids. of very prime Net*-Orleans SUGAR* M i 15-fiK For New York, The fine sclir. TKI/4C1RAPH, .1. Alien, matter, i Intended as a regular |>acket, burthen Li.iii tons—having half her freight en gaged, mil have immediate despatch; for the remainder, or passage, having handsome accom modations, apply to the Master on board, at Bulloch’s wharf, or to James Kenyon, March 15—n Hmtufs wharf. For Providence, R. i. The reg ho* packet brig GOVERNOR HOPK.1NS, it. *Y. Adams, muster. To sail soon. For freight or passage •ppu to*the master on hoard, at Rice’s wnurt, Mitchell & Bartlett. March 14 - b IVAN HUE; By the author of Tales of my Landlord, 2 vols. 2 dollars „iltn, lately receiv'd, The SKETCH ROOK, 5 numbers complete Giuvnnui Sbogurro, a new novel, 2 vols $2 The Munsier, Cottage Hoy, by Regina Maria Rvehe, 2 vols. £2 \V Jsh's l imed States and Great Britain, second fjlitron, %3 Crabbt’s tales of the HaM, 2 vols. g>2 Pbe Hcvsvm in" liiondoi»> vols. 50- tren. Pellet'* view of England, §1 25, £<*c. W. T. Williams. March 8—*p IVAN HOE! 4 ROMANCE, by the author of Waverly, Rob Roy, &c. Received bv 8. C. ft J. Schenk. Feb 7—c St. Ubes Salt—afloat. The cargo of the brig Isabella, consisting of Cite above article, is offered for sale by the sub scribers. -* v »» For Sale, Freight or Charter, -**- The above uuMitioncd brig ISA- RE!.LA, buithcn 2800 barrels, built in e .Philadelphia of live oak and red cedar, j£*:uul well found in every respect. Ap- pl> u» NICHOLAS fit NEFF. • Feb 14-62 For Charleston, M’lte regular packet sloop GENERAL WASHINGTON, John Mnnro, master, Will sail on Thursday next, weather .ug. For freight or passage, apply on oard at Moor's wiiarf, or to John Hogue, March 14—e Vulluc/is Buildings. Notice. All persons are cautioned against jntr^ crediting tuiy of the c»*ew of die Bi i- tish brig ALF.XANDF.R,as neither tin ^fi^ALcoi^ignees nor mvseif w ill be answeru- We for any debts contracted bv them. ROBERT MACKAY,matter. March 9 8.1 Madeira Wine. T HOSE who are desirous of supplying them selves yith sunn: of Hit* oldest and approved brands, will hear of a good opportunity by ap plication to (’amoeban ft Mitckel. Feb 29—tyf The Subscribers Have on hand a general assortment uf IIARD- BARE, endmicing most srticlesTequifed fin* building; which they, y ill he ready to expose foi sale in a day or Iwh at their store on the Ray. .f AMF.$ DICKSON & CO. ' 1 a '» 41 ■ The Subscribers. Rv the assistance and very great o*ert|oni of kind friends, have been enahleil to preserve the' principal part of their stock of mercliantdise, to* getlicr with their'stnre, from tlu* late conflagra tion. They ore now removing tlu'ir goods buck to their former stand, on the Bay, where they will oiler for sale, in a day or two, on their farmer terms, for cash, cotton or negotiable paper. The Stock comprises every article requisite fbrthe present and uppvAaehing season on which they will sell by the dozen, piece or package. .IAMKK DIGKflON & CO. i The Augusta Chronicle, Milledgeville Jour nal, and' Wasliiugtoh News, are requested U» publish the :i! A for one inuiithj and forward their atcoinits to the Kepubiican office for set tlement. Jan 26 §r 46 Notice. C lKOnuE NF.WH.VI.l-, h»i Pemnrcd to (In- t white Store in Broughton street, next door to the dwelling,house of Gardner Tufts Ksdr. where he has for sale a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, at wholesale and retail. Feb 2—eti Notice. 1 111F. copartnership of Hotchkiss Br Dam is » this day dissolved by mutual consent—2ftli November, 1819. Daniel IMclikisa G. Duly. Georgia Hotel, Livery Stfblee, Stage Offliys, Sfc. Tlie Unilersigned having leased the above tablishment to Messrs fJlaborii Rcvdl and It late partfter, Gideon Daly’*, hath Withdrawn bty- selffrom the same, and at die tame time that would Tender his t hanks to the public for tl siqi|)ort, which lie qow does. He would # ommend the present occiipupis us .worth] of the liberal support oFthe friends 6f the rorytef concern. . Daniel Hotchkiss. The undersigned have entered into eop&rt ?hip under tile .firm «t' Bevill & Duly, and I leased of , Mr. Hotchkiss the e.-ilubliHhm^d known as “the .Georgia Hotel, Livery Stahlci, Stage OflVecH, Slc.” near vl‘ y Mavirt# it} "tip cil) of Savannah, and it being their intention p devote their time entirely to this business, .It public may expect every attention, coiutyrtj/dl convenience,which an eslabtishmeiu of ilnswiTni cun all ol d. Clnborn Bevill dec 1—J Gideon Daly. ONE COPY ONLY, English Editions, Of the following late works, just received by tbc Caroline, Part 2d B atts' General Index to F.uglish Lite rature The Annual Biography and Obituary, for 1817, 18 & 19 Philosophy of Arithmetic, by I. Leslie, F. U. S. of Edinburgh View of the Constitution of England, by Con stance Aikina' Delineation of every county in England and Wales Anecdotes L. Cour Napolean Philips' Mineralogy Prolusions on the present greatness of Britain, bv Turner Philuuor on Chess, 8vo Don Juan, by Lord Byron, 8vo Tales of the Hull, 2 vols 8vo llayman's Treati|e on Brewing So W. Adams’ on Artificial Pupil l)r. Sctulmoie’s Treatise on Gout, Gravel and Rheumatism Dr. Bateman on the Diseases of London and state of the weather from 1804 to 16 Mariner's .Medical Guide, by Dr Vaudebttrgh, Surgeon Royal Navy Physiological Fragments, by L Bywatir And for sale by S. C. cj J. SCHENK. Jlso received, Elegant Bibles, various sizes and bindings— some smallest ever printed Munster Cottage Boy, 2 vols Giovanni Sbogarro, 2 vols Conrersatious oq Natural Philosophy. March 7 Authorised by, for the fit amotion of Education. THE 12th CLASS OF THE Virginia Seven Numbers LOTTERY, Will be drawn, on Saturday, tiie 24th day of June, 1820, at 6 o'clock, r. w. in the City of Kicn'tovi); \vlien the public will know the fate of the follow ing prizes, in a few minutes:— SCHEME. 3.1 Prizes of 10,000 each. 1,8-1# do. of 100 each. 27,115 do. of 10 each. A"ear 3 Illauk s to a Prize, anil the Prize» will he paid without discount. The explanation of the above LOTTERY may be had gratis, and the Tickets are now for Sale, in this City, at TEN DOLLARS each, by Robert Raiford, Sole Agent Jor the Manager, for the City of Sa vannah ami its xficinity.% Feb 9—!158~;—12 J * SEED RICE, FOlt’SAJ.R, BV R. ft J. Habersham. Feb 26 M BMCKWOOWS Edinburgh 'Magazine. I N innft)iiclng‘Uu.|r intention of rcpubll.h- ln K tbe ‘above, work in the United Mtmtes, llie Fublinlie™ con only express tbeir sn-prise that some Bookseller of extensive connexions bus not long ago occupied the .gryitml. The * he reasons no doubt may he fbtnid in the gt- nernl depression of trade, and the difficulty of Qolleotiug small sums through a widely scatter* cd population; still, Uiui a work of such decided .talent,and various literature, should have reach ed i's thirtieth number without an edition being demanded, argues at leust that its great merit is kuown hut to a very few, or that tile previous fate of Periodical Works in out* country lias operated cdl’ectiially ugaiiist the endertuking. Nolw itlMilamrtugthciareguing coiis.du-ationa, the Puhliaheis lime determiiud to solicit pub- lie patronage. If successful, they w ill endeavor to show, by the manner in winch the nuchani- pil part shall be executed, that tltev have de- jtvi’vcd it j* it not, they shall quit their object Vith regret, thut so distinguished a Production bon Id remain unknown tq the nuns of-Uuir anmtl’jnen. They trust, however, that by lerseverajice their end will be obtained, i^nd oil hat ground they make the attempt. BvAi kSviioa's Mkntivi may ht‘ 'onsidered having commoiiCed a new el's in Miseelliiiic- uif Periodical Literature, The.Criticism ia in general enndid, hofil ami indcpomlent. Against Jie partial, imd often inuligonnt criticism of the Northern Reviewei*s it liun nloi'C than once en* tej*cd its protest. Ihdeetl, it seems nl- niflst the only work which lias had the power ot disturbing the iepoHo,and of exciting the anx iety of those si lt-erecle^l litevuiy umpires. It is evident that they frequently writhe under the sfcterity of its sarcasm, aml tliat in future they must not'expect to inflict’wounds upon tin- oilV tiding talent and tirtnous prii.cipie with im punity. It is at once the friend of uuuHsuming gpnius, ( and the intrepid defender of high ac quirement; yet it tree’s with virtuous indigna tion those who, with talents of the first order, devote* them to the basest of purposes. The Essays and other Communications' in tins Work, are upon the most, interesting sub jects. They exhibit deep thought, extensive research, and no ordinary degree of learning. Their purity of style, ami dominion over our language, are* eqtiuj to any production of the age. There is scarcely a subject of any import- ance which Is not touched with a muster's hand. Their knowledge of the litqpry circle which directs and controls the metropolis of Scotland is as accurate as it is unlvfcraiU; nor cun any si milar work be pointed to, from yhich so much can be. learned, on the various subjects nf litera ture, mo-als, and the habit* of intellectual soci- .et), os Biadcwooit’i EiHdbiugh Mag tunic. OONUmDNft. The work will be pvibli^ied monthly, fifteen dat a after its arrival from Edinhiirgli, and deli vered to Subscribers in Savamum us early after as possil>h*,at Eight Dollai's per annum, payable in advance, "pie, ft publication has commenced with the number Tor October, 1819, w hich is just reCei\ * ed. The first 5 volmr es will also be reprinted as early as possible. ^‘Subscriptions received at the Rook Store of W. T. WILLIAMS, Agent, March 13—p rthe joint com- ot jjiontcs collected fnf t by the Ute fire, the foL * i# ##| , hose having any claims on, or other business with me Estate of J^ftss Fohkkst, Esq. decease d, will apply to Robert iVlitcliel, Acting Qualified Executor. Who offer* fur Sale, The HOUSE in Columbia Square, in which Mr. Forrest resided. Feb 22—69 Notice. A LL persons having detpunds again* the es tate nf the late Major ANDREW kJ'LEAN,* will present them to Thomas Bouvke, ailm’v. Oft 30--i!‘1 425 Dollars, As described below, were forwarded from Auirust:i on the 18lh February to Messrs. Adger & Black, >f Chai lesion. It IS I’ quested it'any of those bids are offered, they may be stopped. C No 70 State Hank H.C. lat. 11 Feb 1815 ft'JO il 76 do do 11 do 1815 20 73 do do 14 Jan 1815 10 D 70 do do 17 June 1816 10 A 74 do do 10 do 1816 1 D 665 do do 9 Mav 1814 10 A 98 do do 7 March 1815 10 1) 78 do do lu May 1816 10 C 54 do do 10 Ail)*’ 1813 2o D 12 do do 1 April 1814 10 A 5* do do 6 lull 1815 10 D 37 Bank of xhe State of SC 9 An# 1813 5 C 11 do do 7 Mav i81 o 20 34 do do 11 April lb 11 5 7 do do 29 July 18:3 5 66 do do 12 May 1817 5 42 do do 1 March 1815 5 46 do do 11 Aug 1813 5 39 do do 24 do 1812 5 80 do do 12 do 1813 5 47 do do 8 May 1817 5 39 do do 8 Muv 1817 5 4 do do 8 Aug 1813 5 27 do do 8 May 1817 5 43 do do 12 Aug; 1813 5 20 do do 1 March 1814 5 A 60 do do 3 Jan 1815 5 210 Union Bank S Carolina 1 May 1817 5 L 1779 Hank U. States pajable at Saraii- null, dated May 1817 10 F 865 tin do 1 Feb 1817 10 A 78 Planters 8t Mechanics Bunk South Carolina, dated 4 Feb 1815 10 B 19 do do 9 June 1812 10 1) 87 do do 25 Nov 1311 10 B 54 do do 2 Dec 1814 5 C 35 do do 10 Jun 1814 10 D 94 do do 1 Jan 1812 20 59 do do 14 Jan 1812 10 B 67 do do 5 do 1813 10 89 do do 2 Nov 1811 lu 54 do do 11 Jail 1513 10 50 do do 2 Dec 1811 5 27SUniotr Bank,9 C 2 Feb 1816 20 D 304 Union Bank S G 16 April 1816 20 a 272 d«> do 7 June 1816 10 162 Bank of S G 1 May 1815 5 Making 8425 R. Malone. AuKititi, 29tb Feb 1820—79 Notice. Having been invited examination of the situation of the Savannah Marine & Five In surance Ojfice, after the recent dreadful confla gration, we have much satisfaction in slating, (hat its Hunk Stock, Specie, and Real Estate, are of themselves, more thun sufficient to sa tisfy the.loss incurred by the fire, re deem the notes which it has now in circulation, W. II. BULLOCH, President Bank of Georgia, R. RICHARDSON, President Office Bank If, States. JAMES JOHNSON, President Planters’ Bunk. Savannah, Jtm 13, 1820 Jan 17 38 ' C>At a meeting* mitte fur distribution the ,di"trcMK-d stiffener* fc. low ing resolution* were passed, to wiv Resolved, that the ch«irmom WVa. R.Bufloth, Jatjifs M. Wayne, and ItVHum Taylor, F.nqrs. he a tubiebmiftiUcc of this boanl, to consider ami report as to the bjrat’rtiodi*iff classifying the suf ferers by the lute fire, indMrfbutingtheimbunt oftlonatiou, having a due regard to the ability of the su tie rev* to sustain their hsses rcanec* tjVcIy; and tha^as aoon as fortv Thousand Dol. tars shall be at fhe dispiwar«a' the committee, an apportionment sliaH take place; and a subse quent one when the total of contributions shall; be rece'ved. Itrsuh ml, That several retorna mad* to this board, having hcen sent without proper utten lion to form, it ia «*S|p('cl»d flmt all clmrn for lot* st-s, ahull he made on outk nml certified, if pos sible, by persons knowing the extent of| such louses, hmi he lodged with the sec.ict^ry^ at least one day before ihi meeting of the hsard. Extract front the minutes, \ AUGU8I U8 DOl.SNET, sec'yL - This hcs\rd ai^journed until Frida\ nr at, fo meet .it the council rlmflibt r, at 12 o’clock; hf which all persons concerned w ill please to takd notice, Feb 5—56 Savannah, February 5, ^820. The joint committee appointed bv cojinril'fbf distribution of monies collect cd for the distress ed sufferers by the lute fire, hating resolved that “all claims for losses* shall be made on oath, mid certified, if possible, by pc' Sons know* ing the extent of such losses, and be 1< cfged with the Secretary at least one day before the mretipgof the Board,” and this resolution be ing made public, the sufferers by the lari (ho are requeued and solicited to have regard tu.tlie same, in nil claims laid before the joint Commit tees for should this form be ncgleotod, tlie Board will he compelled to postpone the consi deration of such menu,rial. It in then fore te- commended, thut w here the Implication* here tofore made, -have been informal, new ont-S be lodged withtue Secretary. The sufferers must be sensible, how neats- •art it is, to hute these claims formally and cor rectly before the Bnurd, us decisions w ill tnUu place i»d all, Ami they itiitm remain ns niatu-;*s of inspection and record for the justification of those who have acted on them, or to he ulti mately reported upon, for the satisfaction of the generous Public wjm, have ciculert this charitable ami relieving fiu d. The Secretary will attend to the calls pf the necessitous who may liuvc claims to make, ami others who, may wish to employ him for dot purpose. Something like the following form is recommended—To be varied according to circumstances:— A. it. of the City nf Savannah, being duly sworn, deposeth am! sidth, tlut ("he or she J liv ed and resided in tl\c said city (itiwibe tht house and lot J on the morning of the 11th Juuu- my hist, that in the conflagration (hcoi sh#J lost Cdescribe the nature of the loss ) and this de ponent further swears, that alu fair and mode rate ValUatlmnue s^iil loss artKttints<tt»ihc sv.m of , and that no pan of flic said to^is va lued and calculated in this deposition, has been saved bj Iiihiiranee or otherwise. A statepient of the circumstances of the per son applying^ may be added if thought proper, and which no doubt, will have duo weight with the Hoard, as well fts certificates and testimony ot such loss, and tin} capacity of the applicant to bear the same—ulso if there was am insur ance, and to w hut amount compared.with the loss. By order of the Chairman. AUGUSTUS DOLSSKT, Scc’ry, N olice. • fllllfi subscriber having taken intaenpartner- L ship Mr. William H. Holland, the nusincss will in future be conducted under the firm of JPoiiyat $ Hullund. JOHN F. FOUYAT. Den 1,1819.—U Wayne £5 Cuyler W ILL attend to their professional business in the western tenement of Mr. George Anderson’s stores. They inform their friends and clients that although their office has been destroyed by fire, they have preserved,.11 the papers and books committed to tlieir charge. Jan 18—39 Seth Rich, I NFORMS his fnymis afid the public, that he has on liiiml at bis small store, in Bnruard- street, opposite Mr. Gurdiier Tufts dwelling- house, a good assortment of choice GROCE RIES, PROVISIONS ami OLD LIQUORS which he oilers for sale on reasonable terms. .Ia„ 18 39 Mrs. Pierce H AS removed to the house pleasantly situa ted on tin* Ray, opposite the Washington Hull; expresses her gratitude to her friends an4 hopes still to .merit a continuance of their pat ronage. sept 28 ’.0 The Subscriber H AVING received the appointment of Notary Public, otters his devices in that line; he willalso undertake any translation in the French and English languages, with which he may be favored. He will be found for the present, in the Coun cil chamber, where his office of secretary to the committee of distribution is kept. AugustusxDousset. Feb 12 fil Dissolution of Copartnership. Tl^HE Firm of CHANF.T cf 8ETZK, was dis- i solved this (lay bv mutual consent. J. P. Sktzx is duly authorised to settle all business against old concerns. Those having demands, will please call on him for settlement by the 6th of March next, or they will be debarred pay ment; and those indebted are invited to do the same for settlement in full. A. Chanet, J.Pr. Wetze. Savannah, Feb. 15,1820. 69 Jn. Pr. Setze, G RATEFUL for the Patronage favored with by his Friends urnl the Public in general, begs for a continuation of the same in his favor, having taken on his account the late establish ment of Chanet & Seize, he oilers for sale, (new ly imported from I .ondon, by the way of Charles ton) a large supple of Ready Made Clothing; Sold cheap for cash, or on very accommodat ing terms, *i thecoma? of Drayton street and the Day. . Feb 22-69 j Notice. F ROM the frequent trespasses committed on the subscriber’s land, vi/ cutting down and carrying off'spars, of every size, building poles, hoop poles, fence rails, and wood of every des cription, he is compelled for the third and last time to say, that he will prostcute every paw son detected in such acts. Joseph Stiles. Ffh 9fi <a Eire Marine Insurance. P ROPOSALS for Insurance against Fire and Marine Risks, at the Charleston Fire and Marine insurance Companv, are Homes Tapper, agent, March 3—pi Fifth slot n Bui:orb’s v, s r as. Stop the Thief! One Hundred Dollars Reward TMHl,L be given for »|tpr«hoiiilinBand Henna Tl ’ing at an gaol in Ilia United States, so that lie may be brought to’juatice, JOHN NEW. 1IY, wlto ran off about three weeks ago, with l Horse belonging to Thomas Blownngg, a belonging to James Sutton, and a Negro Wo.. nmil belonging to '.lie estate of John skinner. A description of each will be found below..— John Newby is about 23 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 incites high, light complexion, light hair, well set, anti itati on when lie went oil' a black coat and pantaloon* drub great coati and took with him a large yellow bull dog, which il ia presumed ite will keep with him—Negro Fenny, who went off with him, is about 30 years old. quite black, i feet Sor 6 inches high, well made, walks brisk, and speaks quick When spoken to. 'rite Horse is about 6 y ears old, between 14 and 15 hands high, an iron gttyi Ins natural trot rather sluggish for so young a horse. The Chair a stick double liigg, something worn, no sputter bourd, one of tbe wheels, it is believed the right one, lias been injured; the Harness, when bor row eti, ns also injured; and the left trace, where it is sttuclied to tbe heiius, was broken anti tietl witli a string, brass mounted, and tolo- ranly good. THOM Ah BHOWNIUGQ, JOSEPH M. SKIN.VKIL Thomas button. £dmtio^Jir, C. Jan. 34,1820-eu