The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, May 10, 1823, Image 1

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THE GEORGIAN. Mi\V SEHlliS—VOL V BArjlJmJlU. SATURDAY MORJWJVQ, JUAF 10, 182S. NO I4J Board of Health. P^E following gentlemen have been ap- i pointed members of the Board of faith, far the ensuing year : Vashington ward:John B Davies,Robert Charlton farren ward; Abraham Nichols, J B Her bert ^recn ward j AJ C Shaw, Jas Wilson folumbia ward; J Bond Herd, H Campbell eynold’a ward ; Elias Fort, M J Kappel *nson ward; S C Schenk, M LulTborough 'ercivnl ward * W T Williams, W F Mar shall >.vrby ward ; Josiah Penfieltl, Phili|5 Branch )ec)ter ward ? John Sbellman, David Bell leathcote ward; Moses Cleland, Win Starr irown ward; Joseph S Helot, Lot-ell Maso-i a;k B onwaid{ Theodosius Uarstow, John Eppmger Slbeit wnr»» A«l*n» Cope, Bonj Ehefftall .iberty ward; Wm Taylor* Jno Waiers anklin ward ; A G Oemler, Wm Over- si reel . lew Franklin ward j Thos Williams, J C II Ivenstinc )gl\ihorpe ward; Jas Marshall, Hugh Ar cher, Wm C Mills JAMES MOUH1SON, Mayor, April 9th. 18.3; ... ril 15 119 THE DAILY GEORGIAN, t EDITED AM) PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OP SAVANNAH, J-j Geo* YldbeTtaon, Jr. At J58 per annum, puyablein advance. WV THE GEORGIAN, FOUTHBCOUNTUY, Is published to meet the arrangement of ie nail, three times a week, (Tuesday Imrsday and Saturday) at the Office of ie Daily Georgian, and contains all them, dligence, Commercial, Political and Mis- ilfaneous, including ad .'ertisements, pun ished in the Daily Paper. - The Country Paper Is sent to all parts of ie State and Union, or delivered in the ity, at fivo dollars per annum, payable in Ivance. Advertisements are inserted in both pa* ars at 75 cents per square, of 141 nes, for ie first nsertion, anu 37J for every suc^ ceding publication. WILLIAMS’ iUc-YAvy & Comn&rcial HEADING ROOM. vECKIVED per ship South Boston, Ma* i. gi.zines for January, February, and larch, viz:— nil’s Court and Fashionable Magazine .ckermut/a Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions, lie. porting Magazine lejiertory of Arts, Manufactures and Agr culture lew Monthly Magazine ft Literary Journal .omlon Magazine 'illoch's Philosophical Magazine ’hompson's Annals of Philosophy NEWSPAPERS prom London and Liverpool to March 4. anril 15 119 .Notice. HHE Copartnership existing between the JL suDscnbm, is this day dissolved b> mutual consent, ANDREW C MITH. JOHN TURNEll. Savannah, 6/A March, 1823, inarch 7 f3m 86 vwsMwa 0£ Evers i cscviyjWon Ij» DONE AT THE GEORGIAN JOB OFFICE, IK THE BEST STYLE, On New and Conspicuous Type, AND ON MODERATE TERMS. In addition to Law, Notarial, and othei Blanks, which are furnished ready printed, or executed at the shortest notice, arc the following Commercial Blanks:— Shipping Articles Common and Letter-sheet Bills of Lading Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange Entries of Merchandise Foreign outward. Foreign inward, and Coasting Manifests Charter Parties of Aflreighlmeut Ruled Tables of Exports of Rice, Cotton, (Jc. Labels for Counting Rooms Steam-Boat Yard Receipts Merchant's Labels, for marking tlie dif ferent departments of Business Checka on the different Banks in this city Patroon Receipts Steam-Boat Receipts Ship Surveyor’s Certificates, Statements of Damages, for the Recover of Insurance Muster Roll and Articles for Vessels Seamen’s Warrants and Protection* Custom-House Ronds Counting. House Almanacks Statements of Exports Foreign Export Entries Passengers’ Entries Dray B lls dj*Apply at the Job Office, the same re- entlyoccupied by 11. P. Russell, or at tin rice of the Gkojibiak. MAYERS HAMILTON AVE received by late arrivals from N Yo rk, a large and general assortme H of Spring and Summer Goods. COATS of black silk camblet, bombazine bombazett, union cloth, stripe floren tine, and cotton enssimere. PANTALOONS of black and white nankin crape, blue and blk silk camblet, blk satin, white and colored drill, sripeflo rentine, union cloth, vigonia cassimere, blk stripe silk, aiid stripe satin, (a new article.) VESTS of figured and silk stripe Valen cia, figured stripe and plain blk silk white Marseilles and silk stripe vulen cia, fig,toed and stripe tuiiinet and Marseilles. ROUND, JACKETS of blk silk florentinc, stripe iia'teen, bombazett, stripe flo- rentine, seersuckers, and cotton cassi- mere. Linen and cottton Shirts, trimmed and plain Drawers, long and short Stockings, Gloves, Suspenders Handkerchiefs, &c. And In Store, A large assortment of bin •, black and fan cy colored .;loth Frock Coats, Ureas Coats, Coatees, Pantaloons, and Vests of all qualities. The above compiise an assortment t worthy the attention of purcha* ' sera, as they are all manufactured by them at their warehouse in New York, and are warranted equal to any in this city, and will be sold at N York prices, at their store in Whitaker St middle tenement, opposite Young’s Buildings. Also. A few cases of HATS for sale, less than C'ist to close the co-tsignment, april 18 Up 123 Notice. £\ I.L persons having demands against the Estate of Basil Peltier, deceased will please render them to the subscribe, properly attested, and all those indebted to said estute, are required to make pay ment to LEWIS DUFAUR, Ex»r, St. Mary**, Cia March 26, 1823, aprlt 2 fu 108 Receiver of tux Returns No tice. T HE Subscriber is now ready to receive the Return of Taxable property for the year 1823. His Office is in the west end of the exchange, where the Post Office vas formerly kept. ADAM COPE, n. t. b. c. c. feh 4 *59 MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, No. If. NEWARK I ACADEMY. T HE Summer Session of Newark Aca demy, commenceaon the first dm of May | and ends on thmghth day of Octo. her. The Winter Session commences on the first day *>f November j and ends on the eighth day of April. This Institution consists of three Depart ments, conducted by competent ancl expe rienced Teachers, who devote their undi vided attention t * the particular course of studies put sued in their respective depart ments. The course of instruction embraces all the necessary branches of a liberal educa tion. TERMS. Classical Department, Tuition, £7 UL> per quarter. Fuel for the winter session, 50 do QuIHra id Ink, 25 do English and Mathematical Department. Tuition, £5 00 per quarter, Fuel for the winter session, 50 do Quills and Ink, 25 do Young Ladies* Department, Tui’.ion, including nee dle work £5 00 per quarter. Fuel for winter session, 50 do Quills and Ink, 25 do Drawing in water colors, 6 00 do Do. in Oil, 10 00 do Music on the Piano Fortc,l 5 00 io French, 8 00 do Dancing, 8 00 do Board, Washing and Lodging. For Pupils under 10 years of age £100 per amum. For Pupils of 10 years and upwards, 125 do ( Payabein Quartet ly advance. J Boarders must furnish their own Beds and Bedding: and those who remain in the family during vacations, will be charged three dollars per week. Boarders have every necessary assis ance in their pr paratorv studies, as six of the Teachers reside in the family. A Glass will be fo med on the first day of May, annually, to enter on the study of the Latin Language : Pupils who have made some pr' g^easin the Language, may join such classes a. they shall be found competent to enter, at any period during the year. ANDREW SMITH, Principal, JSewark, March 2Utb, 182 f, j\ew Jersey. Reference in Savannah, to Mr. Kobebt Scott. upril 19 uf 123 Sheriff’s Sales. On the Jit'at Saturday after thejirst 7 uesday in June next, ILL be sold at tin Market houBein the town of St. Mary’s, between the hours of ten and four o'clock of that day, Part of Lot No five, containing one hurt- dred feet square, and all the improvement thereon, consisting of one dwelling house and other necessary buildings, lying in the town of St Mary's, Camden County, bound ed on the north side by Norrls-street, and op the west side by Bryunt-slreet, levied on as the property of Elihu Atwater, l. satisfy an execution in favor uf Samuel Clark, administrator of David Lewis. Pro- pert’* pointed out bv the defendant. Also, half of undivided lot No Twenty* seven, lying in the town of St Maiy's Cam den County, in the possession of John Hachlottc, senr. at tins lime, levied on &9 the property of Philip Bracie to satisfy his date, county, and poor taxes for the year 1822 j amount due £3 87 8m. JAMES N1BLACK, dscc. may 8 139 -VVVWVVM.LW — #!}®<D 9 <D(D<D HIGHEST PRIZE. DRAWS 28th MAY, - wvvwvw— SRHEME. 1 prize of R 100,000 U g100,000 1 prize ill @0,000 is ‘20,000 2 pi ivies iif 10.000 is 20,000 2 prizes of 5,000 is 10,OCR 20 prizes of 1,000 is 20,000 50p'izesof 100 is 5.000 60 prizes of 50 is S,000 6000 prizes of 12 is 72,iUIO 25,000 Tickets. 2250,000 MUZES OXI. Y 10 HE DRAWN. Under decree in Equity. jT$?!LLbesold before the Court bouse in Coosuwhatchic on Tuesday the o.u ui April next, being the second day ol the netting or the Com l of Common'H’leus; for Beaufort District, ail that undivided moiety or half of a tract of Land situate on May River, St. Luke’s parish, bounded east by Wm. liuynard, north by the said River, West by Mis, Ha’lstein, and south by Doc- v» r Fairchild, containing about one hundred W'd eighty acres. Coiiuitions—Cash, purchaser to pay for Ucs. BEN.I. II, BUCKNER, Com. Kq’ty. Cona-ahatchie, March 17, 1823. swell 21 * 98 Will be completed in TWENTY DRAWINGS. One prize of £5,000 wi^ be deposited in the wheel after the 4th drawing. One prize of £10,000 alter the 12th drawing; the £20,000 alter the 15th, and the £100,000 prize wili be deposited in the wheel on the 19lh drawing. Prizes subject to a deduction of fifteen per cent. Payable sixty duys alter the com (fiction of the drawing. The other prizes to be floating from the commencement of the drawing. Tickets, THIRTEEN DOLLARS. ORDERS for Tickets in the above Lot- »ery, received and forwarded without ex pense, at ALLENS' Exchange Office. april 26 \ 129 Southern Pacificator. r HE Editor respectfully informs his Pa trons, that lie has been advised of the hipment of his printing materials. He, herefore, fondly hopes that the Pacifica- or will very shortly make its debut before t public that has honored its Prospectus vith a reception at once liberal and ani- nated. Gentlemen, into whose hands, subscript ion papers have been placed, are request- 1 to make returns as soon os possible, jnn 24 50 Bills on New-York, F ou babe, by GEORGE GORDON, a;,ril 30 |> 132 Mackerel. tSli'Ift'FY BARRELS No, 3 Mackerel WU'iJ 50 <!u No. 2 do april 29 50 do No. 1 do 24 Imlfbbl. No, 1 do Pol sole by S. U.FA11KUAN. i o Merchants. fi\ YOUNG Man, a native of Scotland, mm u ho has been in the employ of a re- special le house in Charleston for the lust six Years, in the Grocery and Factorage business, wishes to obtain a situation in Suvummii or* one of the interior towns. His quaiifi. ations as a salesman and Book keeper, and tried attention to the interest of his employer, are such as will render his services valuable to any norson in want o an assistant. A moderate salary only is expected. Apply to the Editor of the Georgian. Hpril 18 122 Information Wanted. I N the year 1818 the Subscriber was com pelled to leave his native country, on business to the West Indies, and placed his only Son in the bands of an acquaint ance, lor the benefit of board and school ing. He was left with a man by the name of Joseph Cunuada, livu g in the city of N.York, and with the said Lannuda lie pla ced the requisites to support the child for the space ot four years $ he returned with the expectation of finding his child, bu* Gannada had left New-York for the South ern states and had taken the Bov with him, without leaving the least knowledge ofliis intended abode or esideuce. All the knowledge that can be obtained is, that he left New-York and shipped on board of a northern schooner bound to Sa vannah, and from thence he went into the Western part of the stale, said to be Wilkes County or Lincoln. He left New-York in the month of October, 1820, and has not been heard of, although there has been the greatest pains taken to asce lain his place of abode. It is thought he is in tile state of Georgia ar Tennessee. The said Thomas Csnnada is a man of a< bout 40 years of age, of dark complexio-, black eyes, of good height and size. The boy’s name is William B. Cook, at this time ten years of age, of light com plexion am, blue eyes. Any information respecting the said Wm. B. Cook or the said Thomas Cannada, by mail, addressed to the subscriber at Brookly,., Long island, State of New-York, wili be thankfully received by a distressed nd an unfortunate man. JAMES COOK Jj* The several printers in the states o Georgia, North and South Carolina, and Tennessee, are most earnestly requested to publish the above a few times and oblige the distressed, april 18 122 VILLAGE HOTEL, CAMBRIDGE, S. C. jA T this Establishment the utmost atten non and care toward the comfort and c.'.venience of Travellers, is respectfully offered by the subscriber. Families tra veiling to the mountains, can be accommo. dated with private rooms, fitted up in a neat and comfortable manner. His Bar is always well supplied with Liquors of the best quality; with excellent Stables and a careful hostler. He hopes for a contin ance of public patronage, so liberally be stowed on him since Ins commencemen in the above line. HI !HARD MATTHEWS, april 30 f hn 132 No 3 Mackerel. HUBS. No, 3 Mackerel, land- nix from brig Almira, from Bos : too. For sale by J. LATHROP it CO. tpril 28 p 130 PUBLIC SALES. PUBLIC SALES’ *wtesg ■La. Sheriff s Sales continued. On thejirst Tuesday in June next, “ILL be sold at the C-iurt house in the city of Savannah, between the hours of ten and four o'clock, All the Household and Kitchen Furni ture, belonging to Orran Byrd, under fore- cl sure to E Early, now contained in the City Hotel. Persons desirous of purchas- ng may view the Furniture on the premi ses. A a% a Job Press and a quantity of Type levie t on as the property ot Kappel & Bart- let, to satisfy an execution m favor of ti e representatives of Thomas E Lloyd, Also, lots No 17 and 18, Franklin ward, bounded east by J- fferson-str. et, west by Montgomery-street, north by Bryan and aouth by St Julian-street, levied on as the property of F S Fell, to satisfy executions in favor of the Planteis’ Bank and others Also, lot No 10, and improvements, se cond tything Anson ward, bounded east by Lincoln st. south by State street, west by lot No 9, and north by a lane, levied on us the property of William A. Mo >re, to sa tisfy an executiou in favor of the adminis trators of Balt Jones. Also, loi No —, and buildings on the Thunderbolt Road, in the county of Cha 1 - liam, levied on as the property of John Bull, to satisfy an execution in favor of JumesSandcrlin, pointed out by the de fendant. Also, all that three fourths (}) of lie half of Lot (No 5) five Trustees Gardens near Fort Wayne, with the mprovements thereon, levied on as the properly of the estate of Wm. G. Boor, at the suit of King Baldwin, for the use of Win loor. ABRAHAM D’LVON, see. mar 8 139 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in June next, ‘II.L be sold at the Court House in the city of Savannah, between the h'lirs often and four o’clock. A Negro man named Moser, levied on as the property of Geo D Millen, to sdisfy executions from a Justices court, in kvor of John D Bolderman and L II Furtl, re turned to me by a constable. Also, ail the interest of JohnC Bel, in the following property, one tract oflanjlon Burnsid'* Island, and ot e tract known by the orphan house trset in the amtiy of Chatham, levied on as the property of Jno C. Bell, to satisfy an execution in, Avur o£Gardner Tufts, A so, lot letter K, Brown Waul, No 1, levied on as the property of ihc Presby terian Church, to satisfy un execution in favor of Aaron Champion. Als ,—-'he following negroe?, Leah, Chance, Juliana, Charles, Mama, Henry, Leanora, and Isaac, le vied on us the pro perly of F. S. Pell, to satisfy an execution in favor of Allen M'Lean and wife and Jas. Wallace* ABM D'LYON, see may 5 136 Sheriff’s Sales. fOn thejirst Tuesday in June next, lA^ll.Lbesold at the Court House in the v v city of Savannah, betweeu the hours of 10 and four o’clock, Ten negroes, viv. Cato, Hager, Lucy, Ju dy, May, Betty, Sophia, Clarindu, Little Mary, Ned, and their issue, Muriali and Ra chel, levied on under a foreclosure of u mortgage as the property of Jno. W Stirk, to satisfy the trustees of the White Bluff Congregation. ABRAHAM D'f.YON.scc. april 3 10R Sheritt's Sales. On the Jit st Saturday after the Jirst Tue- day in June next, W ILL be sold at Hie Market House ii the town of St. Mary's, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock of that day. All that certain piece or parcel of Lot No. 24, situated in the town of St. Mary's, containg 60 feet in front and 200 feet in depth, with the improvements thereon- levied on as the property of Jolip 11. M in i<>sli and others, to satisfy an execution ir favor of Edmund H. Pendleton. Condition! of sale* Cush. M. II. UF.BHARP* dscc. St> Mury*s, April 4.U, 1823. may 5 136 SAVANNAH Poor House and Hospital. V fiSlIINU Committee for March and April, CHARLES HOYTamlGEORGE tV. ANDERSON. Attending Phviician, Dr. FRASER. THOMASP OLHILL, Secy rl 1 81 Notice. f B1HE Copartnership of Hall, Hoyt U Co JL was dissolved on the 15th inst. by the death of Mr Wm. Starr, Jr. The busi ness will be conducted hereafter by the un dersigned, under the firm of Hail Ci Hoyt. GEORGE H U.L. CHARLES HOYT. f« t> 94 r 7* INotice. QTpHE Theatrical association hitherto ex ^ isting between Charles Giifert and Cnurles II. Graham, was dissolved by con sent on the first of February. The manage ment of the several Theatres lately under their direction, devolves upon the subscri ber, to whom communications may here after be addressed. CIIAS. H. GRAHAM. march 6 85 Assize of Bread. T HE average price of Flour being £8 50 per barrel, the weight of Bread for f»e present month, must be is follows, viz: 124 cents Loaf 21bs 3 oz. 6j cents Loaf lib l£oz. Of whieh all Bakers and Sellers of Bread will take due notice. JOHN I. ROBERTS, c. t. april 5 111 State of Georgia. fly Elijah Raker, Clerk of the Court of Or- jinary for the County of liberty. R ichard s. baker, executorofihp last will and testament of Thomas Ra ker, sen. late of said county, deceased, applies to be dismissed from 'the adminis tration of the estate oftlie said deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admo nish all persons concerned, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office at Riceborough, within the time prescribe-1 iv law, otherwise the said applicant wili lie dismissed from his said administration. Given under my h ind and seal this twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenly-threc. [L.S.] E. RAKER,e 0 O AC. march 24 ft-100 City Sherifi’a Sales. On the Jirst Tuesday in Juju next. "*!l.L be sold in front of the Court* House, between the huurs of two and •Jjjei# o’clock. Sundry articles of Household Furniture : evied on a9 the property of Mary Ann Benspn, to satisfy an execution for rent, in favor of Kursley fJ Bresley. Also—Sundry articles of Household ami Kitchen Furniture, levied on as the pr perty of George D. Humer, security f-rRo- bert Hoy, to satisfy a judgment in favor ofClaghorn & Basset. All. I. D’LYON, c. s. may 3 136 By J. B. Herbert and Co. On the Jit st Tuesday in Jay n*xt. W *i.Lr»e sold befeethe Court House mi ihocity of Suyuuiiah, between tht 1 usual hours, All that 5 acre Lot, Spring Hill* opposite the lot of John Cum .chan, and fron'iog on the roul leading from Liberty-street. Also, Lot No 32, Washington ward, will Hie improvements thereon, consisting of two story buildings for Dwelling House?, and other necessary outbuildings. Also, Lot No. 5, 'Trustees Gardens, with the improvements the»* on, consisting of Range of two story buildings and other necessary out-houses. Also, a Lot at 'Thunderbolt, fronting on the River, a desi«ab r « summer retreat, sold as the estate of William G. Knoe, dt ceased, by permission of the Inferior court of Chntham County, may 6 137 Terrs cash, PRICES CURRENT. jfilHE following Price Cw~ent from PA. IL RIS* Wig Exchange Office, for the year 1823, is issued for the better regu lation of his Customers, Transients, and all jthers within the jurisdiction of liis irnpe. ial domain: Monthly Customers,; t tty plentiful,per month Do do who shave 6 limes per week, £2 per month, rather dull transient do from 10 to 12$ toterabl brisk. Doubtful Customers—no demand Cutting Hair, 25 cents, brisk Cutting Ladies’ Hair at their abodes, 50 cents, rather fair Gutting and Dressing do do do 7 cents, pretty fair Ornaments for the Heads of Ladies and Gentlemen. Ladies Curls from £1 to 1 50 per bunch, in demand Ladies Beau Killers from £2 to 2 50 per bunch, ready sale Ladies Heart Slayers from £3 to 3 50 pe: bunch, in demand LadieiBeau catchers from £5 to 5 50 per aett, dull Ldsies full dressed Wigs from 18 to £2t each, rather dull Ladies crop Wigs, from 15to £18, tolerably fair Gentlemen's crop Wigs from 15 to £20, not so good Gentlemen's Crown pieces with springs, from 10 to £12, in demand Gentlemen’s false Whiskers £2 50, in de mand Gentlemen’s revolving Quieus £2, no sale Gentlemen's false Eye Brows £2, no sale Real Japan Blacking, warranted to cure »r prevent Corns, Gout, and ot her fashion- ibie complaints. The penetrating power of this Liquid not alone's warranted for .ts efficacy, but the superior Gloss it leaves on the boots and shoes is so powerful, that the expense of a Looking-Glass may be saved, should emergency require the ne cessity of shaving themselves at home or abroad. Wigs, Frisettes, Curls, Bandeaus, prompt ly exchanged foi cash or approved notes, Gash at all times preferred. N. B. A Clerk is wanted at this office, me that understands Shaving, so as not lo lurtthe feelings of customers, will be pre< faired, by application to JOHN HARIS. K.C. It F (be CORN. BUSHELS prime Corn a< 1 float; for sale by J. U. HERBEUT b CO. march 27 102 Just Received, BARRELS Gin I V kegs IlMier 45 hnvt-s Hid 4 f.hls GI.uberSsK, Fur suh- by , ORRAY TAFT, may 1 1133 SUGAR. Hlllis Muscovado Sugar For sale by _ S. B. PARKMAN. may 5 p 136 Brown Sheetings. BA! Eh Brown Sheetings For salt-by may 5 „ . S B At Private Sate. MUDS prime N O Sugar ilwSSir 2u bags prime Green Loffiee h hhds N O Bum Apply to \I. B HERBERT k TO. •tvorrli Y 8* City. Tuxes. nil IE Digest of City Taxes havingbe«a 11 completed, the subscriber s now pre* ;:a.ed to iretivo tilt same. All persons liable, will call and sttlle the same on up bef re >he 5«h day of June next, o»li< rwisa executions wriflhe issued indiscrimii.aL i/ against a 1 defaulters. [ JOHN f tOBF.Ill S* c. T. City T’eusurer's (JJce. may o 137: Wants u Situation. YOUNG Gentleman who lias been engaged in this state as a private I utor, wishes a situation in that caj Hcity m a private family—or v\ll take charge df a small school in the couMry. He ban no objection to remain rli.ti'vg the summer m> nths. Apply to the Ed tor of the Glob- 01 AN. .fan 23 49 Notice, 3TJHRF.E months afuo ih u . n; ' >n %A will be made to t„. 'Va*'- . , foP payment of Hie tollowii >. V '< «• said Bank, viz No. 313,dated .mik - n* fl '* payable to G<*o. R. f;lt»yt r.n r. q f >r 'f. i 00* the left hand ha-f of which ; !<-:«t. JOHNSTON, HiM.S (4 \ !>. rtwrli 5 -f3-. Notice N 1NF. months afterdate. the Honorable Jus ;r«>s Court ni r.fllngli'.in u-m..* • all the r til estate of J ! Moore, deceastd, for tl e iieirs. HFZFKIAH I V may 7 iJ8 i.f-r ?v *9 ‘9 "f ■.u* HALL tv flOV OFFER FOR S '. : F,, k flBL8 B’ll’imnn-jiu.Mh ’P 100 do Frimt I’orfi. i i y Inspection 20 bbls Mess do do do .0 2* tons Swedes Iron assm*; 4 40 hi ds Hhiladelphia Rye Wl.isL-i-y 9 bbls Cider B andy 20 hhds Muscovado Sugai3 50 crates Crockery, ahbortud for this market 20 pieces Cotton Bagging 30 coils Cordage 50 bbls No 2 Shad 5 cases Bugging Twine 2 pipes Cognac Brandy 2 do Corsica Wine 2 half pipes and 32 casks Pico Madeira Win.- 12 cases Champaigne 50 boxes Soap 20 bags Pimento 50 bnndhs Hay 200 Grindstones feb 24 . i.76 Whiskey. H©© BARRELS old Whiskey may 5 For sale by 9 B HARK MAN. p 136 Chip Hats. a) CASFS Men's Chip Hats W Just received and for sale by BAKER & MINTON, april 16 i 120 CORN. BUSH ELS prime Corn, forsale on board the sloop Rising Sub at Bolton's Central wharf. Apply to J. D. HERBEUT U CO. march 22 99 corn. * BUSHELS prime White Corn, for sal* on board the < iiuoo. ci ltuby, at Bolton's central wharf. * Apply to J. B. HERBERT 8c CO. april 17 121 Notice. I HAVE fully authorised Mr. Andre Smith to act as my Attorney, during m tosence. H, M'DONALD. march 7 f i 86 Stone Ballast. TONS Stone Beliut For sale by HALL O HOYT. april 14 118 IS BTAILRRS of Spirituous Liquor. [%> wh"se licenses have expired, v ill b epurted to Council at the m at rt^tila .m-etinir, uob-m they renew th. r license before that time. - F. U. STONE,«.« april 12 UJ