The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, November 20, 1823, Image 1

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/ /a 4 THE GEORGIAN. {jap*. SB H SKtUSB—VOL IV bjvjumah, riWHsiur moiuyi.yo, avvkaihkh jo. ma «n S'l iff T UK DAILY GEORGIAN, kuiTMii j»i> rtutuntots tut CITt OF BAYANKAU, 3 Geo. lLobettaon, Jr. 81 g8 pcr«nnum,p*j«!ikm klvtiac*. THE GEORGIAN, YOUTHS COUNTRY, i pubiuhr-l lo mrrl llir •muipmurt ol n%il, ilirtc t »e«h, (llimlnj' .,*iUv tint Suunlsjr)•( tun UlRcntJ r*II» Gcor^,n. «twl coainiitt ill ihn In. rf-nins Ccnmnnill, Polttinl •*!*»• ..emit, mctetUi* viren wewnnU, pub- hid In tho IHIIy l*tp«r. Ill CoonlfT I'tjWI it lent In ill twit w it»l« imi Union, or .Irlitimf In 1r.e , it in itoUiri per moons pnjnbk in _nrc. Srcitbenae-tli iro into tied in l-o*S pi- « 7* einit per moire, of U l oe*. lor lit* .ntedion. iwl 37i for e*cry tut- .line pablittlion. Elegant Brushes iT rceitril from Mr Tt,k»‘t Ftotorj X Iml choice ,.t>Mcni ..I mole lo onlcr, tod pultculttlj teltd me. Vi, : Bnnhcs ht <e ml anttU lit lur do Htlm vood, railed btcht ted lifotaol fjoih dr Sllrer mind, pWn tw! C-.tcd htodlcs i«*dt in lh« hid rale wile. a> ti J% nab tool tod bone WdVt r ate « Ufgo tad ttntil S .,1 da . x » :Jl» »J*I j.WrSt Hnfiici U».v BMttk *m! wtwlpfi Shtrinpnun F r *»lr bt * firmtrxA, A* Be CM-W -ill *V . — To Planter*, l*TT re artful. • Ur** tuppl; of !**»- 1 4*» ('***■ (X>—lo boirt *t o«i< a*d » d Jim rxX- Fat m'? k», by ASHOS FAU^Oti* So 8. tubbcoA 1 butfcbnc *** V) | VACCINATION. ;|7. .vt^ntit «f Snrttwm!, tre Infatrne# ihtl lie. 1. II. r»!1h. *iB oi Pr. Uj .Bn Ut, I ml to I r«rj -l-r j. dUftorl, Cram lltl nYhrfl, IV. ■» wefc u rill nil M W rct.dcnec M •urtfi t lass—New Scries. Nl.W-VOIlfc STATU liUttaUita l.nUery, TOI1.I, b* tirtnn on 31 f It, 44 rafter tev,tt>lBnatbntt male-* tawnier — .SimVft—7 litlM* t' he Crtna. •iCHRiir- 1 Paw 8^.0#) il gM.-OO 1 10.0 0 10,10* ■ 9 3.001 1 . 00 3 1JOO 3.0 41 8 I.WI1 8.000 1 9M 9JO 71 too 00 9 1 TO 1Hi.£0 j; l 10 M.ilO ; 9 P-t'S 8137,300 II tilnnfc*, t > tfc.Stnac. niff 7,!m vt htByt. * « 1! VI; * J > with A 1.-T4...fV. ■ji ».!h i N*t ojit'.c*. ml run % I Vo. ut Hum. thaui tk»<t. .e mat of the fora b did. on < to ( blttaiti, (■ IS. lb. ll^iOlitl’ K» loeaVr t « lintmS, Iw pM < .1. cl no fvt fjj of ilneiur, ml o of iS«o eiil h« 4>te<s rod lh« .* I to t reahiMlot I he ill*.! .hi hethnt d'.e*. *<U he «» <!•> ;o,‘W‘Mkt% th.l Vt.iof oft t nod <. ■!. v eoHTisd to ...idorlfitt Tie** ritiop eotlm#*'!. fcfc ..I ««.—tod'St ;•> l.h mad flfc, • a.', he I* diflMt.— o!aia,.-(.OIb. tthl id ft I lo. ;. JI. tool ?ih--«44 nth h* r .4 tr I» 'I o«4lar* TV«tn har!.< I Otmlilfl Mol llh-lkt III J| 7i.rn.rlHr Id 81 ».| 7ih- lie >1 Jd t v-ilie Sd 3da*d fl -l eJd J*b t. h~lU If 4d> 7ih ml Ike fh ill <r.h—t.l) rel be iotb.j lo 10,1 dd ISM hec-krfen i> lb# Id, UK oral be act 1 e*l w »»J dolitrt. Ail » rt,(bo.»* MittadUt ber.of if n of ilAtt Mdlna kIho rill iMh be rled IratW d'etre I bone Stale f *. It)f«*Ol I'e drteo .eoakera tie v* .vule.i It >1 .Mart. And sum -f *■!**« **r*M*J Ike drtno **»■ eiU loth to erfiM fo 19 )M V* fihrt e MS thtd beer dim n r<diteporloidomiotum m Im 41 * «e rafifttr Kt*. flirtt ftp ...I. date tAer iSndreeto#. nd t*»‘ . at HeetSWOdrdnrtao* efft f»t lor »■ * -odembfe Mtet V ret l/dlerp it r> lot tattont* of If TWt.aa,e*S.|Wkn a*imobrntUdo tmoAert IwlltS dt raeeott M* ootitaded |* dm d 17 s leeilVe dtdoerWn *4 It per MM .. otea, .Nnontld IkMlbliMM fttmt fitotoj Tttktit 10 ll J M .LKS‘>% Exchange OJfln-. TolEJuT— ns wmar. dh* it« Mf:«« I beaten, «Wep«d b, Wea. A , Steel MrbMf Yamocoatao>7,e. ^ of (Anttokrf. fie i,f«M.o>l,i* dll MAM TAVViM M StiM* W, fdJtlOM Iff. M 71 7f ttf Highly Approved Patent Mcdicinca. f|»»« n«e«lndt t Ur. TAny mm Aromwic sJ Vottib I'ntf , K|# \v«uri T«wHh ACh« l»rib.ip*-A t»rf, UniUyt Iiiuli tt'lc r«rttuly fbr the PUr* H Amt***t ll<h Olnlrmtnl* HaSsuiii Unlli^at, k cmt|hl CoUli hr Vkunk*$ c«kbr*trd Court) Drvlti mmI rill*. CoMlil. S»jm r*# <tr»iM| Kli«t« IMl'i lUlinm nf litnc), Ito. Fur mIo by A. l»An.V»S9, UrafgUl So So (UbboA* iltuMinp. City.SlicriiTa Hales. f>n flnt TuewUjr Iff IWe«>bfr m W ill, hr m*44 bn w iXc Cihiyi Hum bet*e«« th« (Mtul l*vur* U 10 m*1 • o'tkki AUvs. Uni tKwM* IfftrvMbl l»w Wii»r »*>*l So *6» Kibf »t urnl* fruolm^ in V«#b Mrrcl. amt runinf* in ‘trpib <n a Une in lh« eity r»( Hmonatu «n in »)«ly Wilt It Rritl XCo h) fliluv rdf rmuticM from It** Conti ol Oftr am! lc«nin«r, prvpctty |HMnirU out by Ik tleftnfbni. JAMFeS W. ft US, >. c.a. nor 1 83 Hlifrifl'V Hales. Oi fi 7'wfcbin WJi t VVWIU •*>! '. *1 rb* Ikift Moax- m v# ’abr ol txVvtm \ht boutt of Jil am! 4 a'rlocb, 8«» orfivti. *»*, Ftvik. Nancy. RitvUl, Vilhan, Ubri am! Ui'lr Aft}* b< •mlon u itvr j» oprrt' nf Ifbn |?v.r.t If f«,euet|iiJM ol 3tid b Co ton «4 Jim.l, lu*M»Wy *n t icoitr- n ft* m Wi*bli74Ctim (knnty, iq far n*r ol 8*. UftVtMnm. Ako,alJ lU.t aooth half rf U* So l\ \taalnnfi«9^ IV**! w*U» hwtmlt l nP b* FeM* HfJOjI S\rrmt. imib HytK« r’Ji'j biff ol tvd M. «»H by M No J?„ a**! wib by !•. 3«lna Ifwd »*m lb* ^YviprYfy id %hm «tt*i v *4 (buff f IT. Efim, »< iV **-M nlKiff Rikl • in, k n*v »• t Wilt w lift Mm! «4k«n, AWtS, lot {ttf la. *•■! ltp»OTf»nlSKIe <on! tytfvfy; Amj* •* !, bomtvtlrhl ran by l.t'r-jh u, ftjnlHbf Hu? rttwl, ftll hi U* Nn f, *•»-$ wifib b; a Hm. lunnj o* »»ibif *rf A- Mwtv, l«» •itfb »n r«(<ui)w t* W of Um a4 m,»^rrt. t» tf ||#v« j^ri. Air *» lb*» imn r4 bw! bfra tfrrbjc*! t*n* a p***! %A OKI *t !e>l «*ttr«! far ti t #»fa t« *4 C-Mr****^ laiff b »ab*! am! ibiitr 4r* «*w m4 lb#** froftbf in Iba 'l -»av»*c*A3i. Imovnby )bir tr»H l M»«o4tb« kn N« A ilk) 7 ifi kwiib t Amw» »*a! Uv ibt f *8 i»bn I* Multf iW*r*nl, ini *b?5) til ibo U4 »n riyfd »»i »b«rJS ftufffflje* W &f!> #>1^.* «W1 brfjvW M lidbmA by W *k‘ t ** **4 ku •Hi'ntrJ ly by t!'» Uvk.« F f ' ? 1 v:K,u,a Sm’w !?y b; lha leriHb.p bnc I ai rfunat, afc-4 f by HanfMo •»< No 7, Uftr-I on ** )b« paof anty of IV** ). V*Jb»M«ta» in «» i»*fJ 10 *;«M**« W»Rb iiuif ©fl. (/<“* am! NlW»f4 I* too by a Cofti**bb- AUbl. U’leVoN.f c. « nor a n Micritis salt s ConUllucd. (In |mt|i tl Infi 'lt If llrT. W II bn Mid (wkc ilrftnaiR •v.niw in CKufidm <^j'iy fho hnnrt vf f © •©.) ttifrr nVbrb, A tutf-ia o •*** naan*-! Fbca InrWd tm *»mlar * !<***!< wn *4 a tia** (tv* i.b*«Kr K Un«!i» W.lbam W*i»r*nj* Ai»u\ )• 1 I'Uf l Mffuel Lfaulm a»! IMmom, |<»w4 ©•** m l»h* pf'jjip ty it 34a ♦waKii, i« «v *fy f V7Mii'<ra m fa tot «4 W ■{*» I'aj.ivII u*l | Entry, (or uw elW« Ibrsfl u J Wa#* k A!a*». * 1 Iba *. «**!•* •«*! .•)#*•<*,» ©f I bf Il’ijuMi, h » «l l)*4 in U t «« <lbf •!><)'<<, 3J»J »MY fit Vr«b Vatrr*} on at 'Lff yrryff*)* ©4 an^ »rAo iHrrflMr*, 1« MtiWl •« rialud 0f in (mm -I It llt/tsa, atJourvUlralrc* U datjtAtf lb*mr )y, Ala n fn*if Wfinot, flaib. Friar, M«aar Mfl Wof ty, and mum *<*• <if l o( IjniMbilil Niai fa. km4 mawtlf an itatnimi in fitvt of llaaty fd-ftcMn, iftitsl ilka «». I«r»i«ai4mfi (nntdi m Ttvamm t) »VM. A «r«nJ J ti rf ikgaftl CabiKf Fnmifnry, kt»*4 <n» mU (**$**’> «f aM*b M»l- Mflttol.aSj laarnuf^ »n l«»«r*f34* n ' H, 3um k4Uf an4 Ibwijc ll Fa.tta* Ab<V 4aJ <N bn«!4ia9» ♦>« fmr'lb rw»« «4fM bl, l«R«f W G**lMtrj bl Iran «• tkty »«*v mtooi it U;« >*n l*»44«»ii hwI, ##4 amibrid In* fr« bmid IV Wain r,4 IV lathd). b’vlH JK1 af mb! b< U«>ar!«n i« ibt Mv»{n*(y of ImA M lbf •ml tUwf 4 vrafw*. nmkt aa Itamn- %i*o tm MwtVmait *4 • Ntvrttf*** (lowf <4 Wnff A UlitONv §e«» v! Si C?ooh nnb Nobiprinting. fill ir. c.wi*ru.,-, ‘oV*» ik« n.., § eod A+fdOtior f|£«t i.j.oiJt ro ,o«C«d M »k» ieM,.a« lThn«|e;i, |So ,<<•«.era of Ike pekk, >lt iSt MtlM-.S moi ,eod »lll k* erdilol lot til ndoio |.< *Mh. efck.1i eel fc* rtwdel tl |l.t tkeated tree, oe-l >e 1fco Moil too.», I,h,eott-eet, Tfc* MMetiMM td Tape it cot ,i m teat M ale eaeh e, iw kto:doa«dM ttjft, *♦ lie tteal atoetetM. sotiwrr n uTtijf. Lump Oil J e*f SMfit.d »•** ,w upKM W.pte • *fth* >*" Ww-» atiartM.i .,*•p It., pweadtrlf tefcttjd let n.t. eevae li»»M Aad t* **l> fcr A fleadMld M,11eAfc**'t St4Ad,. *e* If N b: Amcriean and London Piiuio Eortes. T IIR wbvetiber rvapnciSilty •Rnmicn to bU fHtrtdt am! ill# public m pt^wr ai, tbnl he !ia« mat)e inch arranpr .nent* with ihc ({(fTcmni Uantifanotrrf* of thr above ariinr, «« in 1* enabl'd 10 beep ootitiantl) nn bind *4 Ihr twtrutt t*uv<», Iht hn\ rrorbm%tuh p »«•! oflhv n»u#t a,.{trure4 mibrra, •arrar.lrtl. licit now oitenmp aetml limrumcni* t4 Urn »t*»t rby tot and fanldonable pat. trrna and of »ij*rrjr cxruttocuon, which have hem rclccim! by I hr boat and non c t|r«ntnced judge a »Ad are «u,w oSorct! fur w|tU ptrCrt Hiile.UotU titor. The) can bo ctamioed tl 1*4 Ftanrtum Store nfpoMlo Cuh StmUmum Mwn llowt Wbitabor Mitfit. B A AC W MOnUKUoe N H. Fiaoo I’ inr* tuned and repaifrd .<• * A? mmwm Patent Medicines. J UST rrcc.acil from Hr II; Mt, t freak •aiimljr of OVOrr* PATKNT Ml: IIICINKS eontatuta; cfclrS; U Khlir of llnllh VcpM Nrrtwat C«f.litb Ceael tael Winutt'.ir Klopt 1‘tlrfl! Sloflaechic 11.Be.a AuulUltimalMIsf'lioaiaia K>t Wider AI.HO, Ore lite^Tera Chtfcntl Toella trUliuir. .•oe.lrr, for tale Iln> llurc Mill) eppe HU Hat Uufatnft. J B. BRRntr.l.OT For dose Hftaving. in Hr.AHUII.L tad JOHN VAHBKH'S • rd I KffgL»'> HijiVMU j‘»M f««irrd fru« bqslw, and lot oak by AS nos lunins*, Ur«|Tgifl, No 4s (»hbocV RuiMiap i«mc n n Hupcrior H. Gin, Cognac Brumly, R. B Porter, Nc. Jm* rmtittof ya,* B/jtW'V. S FVr \ p yvr* lifflUrvt i^o 4 p«p«* f‘ sf RuMy jf tMko U*rr!»i It II F«^*t i bale TlnaAitd* »r*v V*A«ec<4 »*d Tm> Id Vrt«i»c» F«k| t*h hr j » nr.:mr,itr u cn>, nrVJ M Attachment Hale. ttW l ho IrM ft *bt UvM It*Ito, w A# SMtbT -di Km a*. ,f H-wt U'f **>! f .too l>t H««n. by Ur oa. Tat-ncy, *t t'-„r ol A©4b U. An**ry, anfj by '•tint nlC*«wi, A. U*l TOX,r< c. i< V> WnTc^aiiti i\vint\ WM Cor.f/* u.m . 4 <**n» Hvf'f -n T • .*>* Wiflk* bfla thsif nb). IIAtl- b IWT. 7 M Flour. '‘f-fVTb nf,ni Kv, b W4Acw«iJ FiKrt J4/4/ (r.« r M m») % SMt )V* An F f W« by mu. k ur*rr. •m i o m Knglitii Castings. <: \%ivto%. t r«k* Ns T <K O’lfcK ift* i. n. « u cn. UDDUiD ' Kl 1* 71 Otto of Hoses. J !*VT Rfditoi, *-vJ rictVft! pen Fwf ub try A rAIHVOI !»•'ff n) ?»sm \ 8fiV|<v|i •vri ,0 *f Castor Oil. KITTI M Ut* Well, f^atthb* ItaatffjfM. if *r,f t,l »«« i ti minniFior. zm ?**» *n* by *na ?4 Durham Mustard, I CS 7 - tl T'."’. */.| pkft.MTv. my .1, ptklf M H, 'J s <»» a*|. fco A PA«tia»». 0No * U hhoet’ B-U opt •M 71 74 SDD Marknrel .'re. Pll »• So 1 Uwhaitl Mth tt»v*h| fttywifa M* llul* Si. Cmi |<4in, r«M»**by mam tf uorr. 51 o 91 Glass lamps. Ao.t WotTto!/.* .lot .tmin, I ,»(. taMlakoot «, |V» ..j*,, | otaf • M i:«t4lc Moths «<|S afcefcte t-l "*?r »!ev l»»p Muon el tS teem UtapWel. Uo. per A PABHOVi, lUoftOd. V, ( IkkkooH* IV-U-rt Easy Hbaving, J W Heeo..«4 tire t, afcf k,M) tp pterw.1 Mt>« AmrwfM -Win Utter. Aeffttitltl, AVMt}l PAB*OV«. 0~r,.S St U Ikkteea '. Hep » *1 Bar day’s R. R. H. Porter. Ul\ 0A*ai «f Hrpotie. pfell,,. jtt> «r- UV Matl MM tfcap Seaffc 7*e a*V t, f a ncMK«r t/ co «pa >J *f N01ICK. 'ISlir. Sabtctlhtr, htriHc. ttilth-B la, fit I. trlf tea belllKta, in M II,iI|c.tIW, (to ilora Ilia aenkat w ha ftuaJt ua Ut UUM III3SI0N UNB. JOHN r. ROBTJhSD. iki I» »■ fir Furniture Cork. J UST radeitMl per thl|>Honan, t top i.ljroftis Yolatl Puannun Cork, lor dUhp AVION |*AlllOVS, bVH) DuWuea Ueviurd. POLICE OFFICE, CtftS Dmiiui, 4oi4 Itt), rronFUKAf a »pp«*n o*at »h« itt v/ wbkhtook pUct ttu« w-etutsf o*v AmbtbaW lowtb, K»»|*a, wbaif. irn Uar work t4 an intomliin. In obrslieotntn § rrwlv'ioa t*f U«nc«( I do Kerch) effff * reword of Ft»c Hutadrtd U-4!*r* lo nny pctva or pcfhrsni who uill f<rrrdil» m* Irnor, locnnbbr CijsuicxI In pnflrfculw lo MntKltof Ih© pwtfcwa or prtfnut gu-U) of ibo rnme, JAMRS I40HHIS0N. M*i*c Cwj t/ Utwwnl *Uf*l*< I 41 M i ui k, Pdpcr, e*c ^jc C. C. uia»«rn|.l), Ofir*tfto KSS U |*r»mr Fork L*'j b.*j*w;t*ah Cjjpct* k Mile/ l*tj*z M Mpcnbi gvflitj |4 LtftrU Al< "t T * VtiU li/W UlilVH, I .‘jir Hrr«7tfd by *A*p Aotr’ita In* •I *fh»b *a4 Am*fKM., * 1«) \ j end IV ) 17 WiAdiia LUm, b‘ by sNUrN |*AUtON8« No I, i;,U»<w *r« * I Aluck.ud, a f\ SHI A So i H*<Saul Dsy 1 > N ta ffivii llrtrr J.t! U-tSa 1 tj«! liT tale fey •iajx cr tiorr Ml I* 17 To the Public. fp'lll ttfdffcytifhl bate j»i«:*slt4 '.fee U IsnkTy M l I'Kr ll•'«**© M l|tn;. a |*i. Mad • *i «)•©«. d c-*, iboAfKtt Hay I*r *U tr**fi*x* ut mkA otomt-fs M-! >«&*«*■ ft^MSr*n %.u i« is n.triiid iftwii whree Ihcy w»ll Mw rtfdtoil abTf^phihlpfl'diig, udHI ihy rxtelK’a tjtvf? iknw be-Uth ewif IVMWf* *f*S f'Slsrn ••*hvg4).iar«vi4i on tvnr%*oit, n*J ©• Uf* i*«W © w kjr *£ tbf n <-'k %a tb» iNh*f..«xi»»nfc. Frn tdm4»i#tnn •«* • nihdAnd who wc #•« cm)< «.«« . .r tn raytcviNfft, i« fw*v*;r^MC«arir ibrvf m«4ff ffcllw-ttf hSo'W.tMaf'^ «r«fb k «frd nr fc.x<f*di by tl* duH ^. : /©Jn<ts^c «-aml g-^* afMdrd *-if a Mfstfl, IHnnr t/tdHd »#ib a-'v-f y •4rn*<* f^C **»i9 it «w! ho foci* »u <e». k'tftnf t Usry «•(! V? kMd ll. a’-fd vhttc data |br.y cm pv><) be in IW <\ss*tirj(, M»l WhU naAr * It to by ti'Vtir{.tVa b) tb* *«rt| «i<rol fkftfcftiaUJ; thj-KtbltktW 't-f liftn d Ik* pkiMtia. Ibf pwcatt •ill Imp k|4 In md iMKifliV *tsl vdl b< loMi'Sf >W *1»J. tWaM** Un*f7*d kff l* t*<v**w tl* IVnl *•> iw,r,l«a(«M s4 ik I'lutm H »d.«ul rl thoi <osn.A umlcti ao r.iyvcfitHtw •% imr* fWSf.^f cdthcftt/tfUlwl *H! V iMdr* j-itpnl to «Mr pitifsit^ the dkf t* Im%K **4 ihr nt,** wd b< kd^rd «• twt Pfjut* an!*.*-©. cuO nif -Astern may k h+.t by them •:» tktwa Ihy urnl«flfc£rt«i.| w.n V .t,l tJuT M«^*tt*4 day *ffJ «*»Cf*.rr »k« idinimP) Tkf •■Hrtffff m t?w<ikifsr| lo »*h Hh bmagu'U) «0»| aiii fwl *vt •cw. r*tof*'.*».U Us> rrf<*it4 r« tSr ldi< » fftflfiwm- WUtf wdlywi Hi JW jwfikaa in* «Uf 4n» M’*A{Sf, ♦/<•-! J^l hr «**tj 4m IU*| ihry rw^-v *P«r tb# ftjmr-fcjoMK #/ Hit «**«** j'fvsat# •yftntftfiMf ♦*%»! ♦Jjwnrvf- mrh.Vf* may k Ul »> y-r* 4«*» l*s «y ’a teficbw* will k «s tk u«* UfiM if »yr«. M SKfbjf ft i«h kf.«kf- r»4bfiM hffui *f h»*fp *sk9.t 1 .*na»«c.!r — Rill* sMtff-s •iHU* «m4* teif •>sr, b-*vK *lt a.«pl ysr-dt*#, *krt th* *♦ *f iw p*.#** rvs^^.rto ibvun. b*mhf‘bM-f *i*f4 vl|| ♦bfl k i t|«<t<4 Uo pyftd*ffsi )u »0 #*«<** ymksafU w»tl k l««*k>ii at tk rtlKSfH nlll-m VbaiaUwvWftkia »i tk Mjffnn *4 ibf o-oM* i**m wlW bn wwn*fd»-t%bk, «««• for ♦*-»** t Id lk pf)*w« d tk h«nt|>9i*l Iw •»« kM(Wd*4*ytti Ik rd*f ** A4«smMW ida lW ItsMii vtd vsfl W yu.. fWtlf-J Iff *ppk b# Iff tk MdfUiyK V •Hr*# NijUiliW U»df«W« il IkWsigbl** •hub «b C MANtflU. ) IV !W AHVHN. aWt ji It IJi Prime Folk. Oftvth B aHtM.l lent ISO !• Ih) lilAU U4r is, ttrfc, r. t! ISliMUTivt fa XntTOjriipcpslA UUciiit. AlVIOSk tin r*tii lip iol#tai>»\ U t>-B >Vt nr# in mtfcn i*«tl .4 o» a*tHni1 f>*«a nnfc»S»4 7nn, proptnA ho TWftMS, tn4 art wnnwah.l fc, 11, ..'.ant m lfc# Smfc IN mb fct a. riwwhvs. Iv.-ttv.*. Vo. a tWrfcim'a So.IX.#. »>l !| »» Fot Htilc, WCI M tWfl Pt# tmm (■tiff# m#tia wrwfc, • *itnf • aoto*. ..4 (IMO T lit aXoa, «,<M It Mi«Uil ftnih oat. Infooo lit It Totnftt 4» Bnwfc* o. at. t# t> | -o.<!.a,, nt| tt htfatn Ifcr Tool loan *mr« 1 » inuiMfit v eo mi as OKKUK.U. Drug and Family Medicine WAHFo I10U8E. Srpilit Koiar-niMr I ta i -«ti.r.l hr the ** *»:<•« t.,..^f,M» ,\ew r*»4. 1‘ultfapim **if Aarorpe, an mIAuhomI top plfU iiRCr.s, eiie.vicAi.s, reui vMcu.r, Dvr. nrri i'H, ci.ash wake, fee. Ac, "o 1, 6m Y *i 'f Tr.*.v.J hl'fce b *' t ** 4 * »«•!•» Waa# Thrw I. r.onnm.on o.ih bn t-nri noth rfcotc « aerj a/e»!,u ««! etUn. MIC. A cmtu.lrfillc miffbuf kt itis>iU hr«n ahrVfd nn ihr (mkw *4 MMM aitKkJ gt*ff»i!>. will cn/nr «>u<if Utter ibin «U*t (bra b««sr f (f-fwilr, vi.olirmro Cwty Wrr d P.ti, FUMs^a, MhtJ aJ U,»| « ebaaf in L»* K«c afe ©uixicd i« aa«l ciaoiior hi dirnachtt M«f<t «Ufott<#a »s<Jk t»*d to atj otiitit, by AN AON FAnw>N% Iku/r»i.?;o8 Ubi*#em liswK.hCw esrt 'J 66 Just Received. (linn "'Xur.l.s (,«. BtAuan llor- .;•! o«rr, fKwj I jj «kitf boir* |«,*h: rial T«t Ua»d oosdVM'f 53. 24 CKwPn* |«r;w »*•! ar-,<S <«©«(>»• dm t o C8 k4>f4ltYi4 t* then ikiitr, cy /vJ iazoftty oar ho aa!r Ly ). II lltmiRUT Jk CO. *<i ?! 74 Madeira Wine. 31V1ft v>Vfi.,jt»nJ f:u lid, pa)a bl imUpflf nr. tfty Vbrfal 'tj«,t.* *a/ fc r s)ma4,jy t < Wf* XV.Erl. p i*« N h»V f. fH-a. a?'* rsgh’ha, the {malty cstkbtwtfd kratM* «f A U /h •«s»h4 .Mffffd tf ( » d tbi ascral i*^st*.ai . ,9 U, thff J«*r IldJl a id t^wr , all tf aift-j a w <4 ftatka^.r»4 fj«a', . 7.fCa lit k* * *t»W»sj!Ai.'-i* airtji |a* tha jowUi.-sr, <4 ihf Uf %C*trf-a lfyt» tbe .,4*--4 d 4f,.t*ja duwi t» t|,4 )*««t j tt«J w.J lb** iU-wy i fsk** h*r »*s? <yaa*Mi i V(*tb hairatfsf^ Ilf (o#m v«jrt yfatiaJi a*t.«« kff «« i!m nmtdb iJ tWwary * tbitslift, cfbn •Uaid k m*4 aUsjt ik |H d t* >«4mw I KHT III Vlf UiKA » »'b N t, IftU, V Ml »mf«k -J Chatlmm Academy. d^NHh bivi.ig'wi • ill U# tt* m* «m #*;»!*•» »»*'O’ f'« «a M«»M'AV NkX r. -h, in inti. t>!..1i. «;.«.«!-Mfent, >4 da« Ito,. w | iona« ) »iiM(,|»,|, J.lrff. «»• "*«*'< >•*-« l.4,. *f— •‘•hr aMbMr# it, t * ,f -- *t-,-!o *w»fcr tlainh'iHoiroi t>4 Wn tot rti. •*',ff ,h ' i^ittotl Whu4 >,t V. turn,. ,1-apru tf uSmmiw* eo.,« |„ fair C>* UMint. r»»,1. ud „ t.fc, » || '■* nroo"-*! !» ft*l,tu allot lubau tf lArrlaAlpa »llror f nm vc aora' M'haoi. Im t ku. AfffUfcg llfti ttOwXUg pet • ,l * »w»«. OtertfAf, ®'° W J4 4pn*kt^r;^ ,,w fs4*.#4t 9 *»ttoo ll ta OiHLH HCOfiZZ: -4 4 l T” ’’••ftanr R J SO ■«t .4, 4o «,tii an,! *.# im* Aafcfc. nn t (J w d*. w-tib CaaeCfW^hy^ Awt«». «»»}, IhiHs, tfr. 15 13 b«. T 8«.*nth, HitvmiO**. 99 15 91 f Velvet Corks. A i|MF. rVbkt Irry «ic.»it»a*tk «* iJL hand ik U ii V fbil kM« t * ie*o brtlblg *4 Wife- hf id* by ANbiib I'AHUlM, I tkwgC4W # No A <*MW ? NAPLES SOAP, hr I '» luf* a*fd «a*v»an I t *. )««' it ■ #dlrs' SMlvattWilbi J'.-# »«k by AS*u*FAlm»VN PfVgyWt !k A IwMwfW' (UdJaft )a!» J4 Vi II. Gin, Cog. Brandy, Jam. i Hum ami Butter. «•! 1 * * t -f**< tBl Wyf t l-Vf )**taat* Rva In# l:.7.* forptSShri* fFit'AfSP * J M » i tlftn" orft \ i j tx Hi 4Hr *if K tr. *. • ? r.» *\ M.fsrwtf ktuj s tmt*>.-(» a|'V *'«*’ JEm *W f »/.*dr »< Mifk© V-* *4 skHfWwif 1 -, *.-*• ii'y&vt-ii r»fik4 ikwikb mvn u tv oaw/v. k ». **d )bs*f» Vfuki t*J |« tW Mxl Mfsts *d a/w tv^wfftJ twmtflif (4rt«m*.s»«. k t; fjAMru# Ovsl^ifii Adoi'r. j-.r "•* M .Mai>iui p (lllicc. a* fMMw-t* noth r to tax MfruMfcwi I yf, M *. ‘ N * *TS IU f>5 y ho 1*14 9), 94W butwb) ♦no'irtlMA u>*4 V-. !»«a ska -9WK om Jsm.a vm «** «b» il> •ttstt M nmV f, I! FTYVNftot on H 7 t* PBINT1NG. #|A!l)t *»Wnk* liG^ t*S.r* <k Km« I n*ijf.if«i»m4i riimi, t-Lw.ii *d* Unt fttd lull r. rrtfco nact.-.* t* ; <A r. *• •*» *' •y <>, r U-a-'-Tt., ,i. oli At Srotofcm. tot. 4tj tha ult «| vV Oforgia Job 4?ffirr, **• O •»* n«M n* rv.a T#*^s, /*d*r» 1 ♦■‘-ff.j. < . *«(*>» < ut t tonttt-yW i.iout, H.a.4 M.' .t rieS |Wi*f fl . , Miiy.ue-, Attuet' | ( £fy W»1 5* »I.!'. TIT! -.4 , « TV Uoft M ffcSrJ-*,!# I r J-rr K _ »«}!IKi IU,.^. II. I.ta, ,TJ.. ,4 4 1 -■ tiv< IHIav.S wuwnt, InU># hf.UoAl li I..1.YKS, f Ahftfrtsff «>* F tefta! Uen-. i- 7AJX9»<T’* Itf ‘‘•a.'JV. COUff AfacihssK it* Iwe --ia A* J w #s (nf A«s |k t iK*aip<4i» rat f»tct»(Mx*r« ft? 4| |v*» S»w An 7 ■ r C » ’vi»** ben uiet f,, vH’ 1 * *t*« *«• I «4 / ’ On a.** M T«l* ♦ *M 4* li.-Tlfc'U Uri m U|ff MfJ TVfWkbol l '< xl t^.a «v a.,* n r*'* a* Ik c^*r t !«#*<» Ft'f«ru.a»i«ify Nak* 4m !*>» *«1 JkfTfMWKMfc'nla TR wn*.ti <4 Ay^-t*. vf'f»>*-M*.4icKfj < i |k« A-'*ni,f.f#U-fciitM; «.i« Hadfvfa d U< ih Sriofh^iw fits ivy. fcu.j sUokxfAat U.’i!* ti fxa*fha#up8 'Mail fWSMPl*^ HWHshffPt "•-’ffcjv ko*A »/TY7iy*l» It «t» ll | * **f^a Tt.: IV r.-t. 7'* tel ' ' « » ‘i 'if*tWl w-tb • irwrP’fJ afsffCTPdNftA { f U.jfc « l}fc.*Vl f 'j*9 lUaGl k «*ti ;»* r? Itmirsincc against Hit Wll - Jt »*» C«M»<r**n. Rtf ul «d> umt^r Icuas af*4 i a. StM'itlaMo’ ifr^lanpafhtrm ♦fid akl fr<y»s f, . «.i lif *a»«f «#m#H «r jmty-m-a, fpfiM 1<«| « ly F tv. k M) **•*» fNf4b <*M» fMet.ih U m*t rt w.<r« f*M*. !>•# robA-’if»k «W4 am * M !«■»* lit. fjh?4wad:ifh« Iff IW swAfa* !.rsv>?'>, v^a ft xull fit I 4 ftps*4, «t*f<2 «• #epffw«9*«4 «« Ha** fn4.(Ms w«|1«<hA ik »hi «n<i*&i*ii t« Kiar «^«ai<mw «4 tfc* *;©> SrfT 1 , tVrx C-nff^afts «*n4*«g*fct ia at twwr* to '*1 s&i* U!) awtfH/fci *4 «W w% ffo. •wAg-4 A*?'# 9i#4 rWn»<»'A lit* «ttvu.*4 rmvt« »4 tl-* HtwiTRit am pnuififcUf, atd thmM a tftwif iwAiw^itvwvf *a ar# piymtu. bv* -*< yar^wuny ♦« bu ut* »w fAww «*'* *• aotnjs-.Jj-. h HATCT^N, mu 51 M l-smp 1 (HI, ,4ir»* *«« fs'Tyvj k «k WV* WtiXlptOs. £F|Y'|\ (*4i«p»i* #.!»* sji.hlty ml in math* w/ww <*«v*wd 3|yw**v* »V ffAi«r*f.4 |mr JMn*a# ,| ftg (i«f4| t*»*\ M wt* l, b» A FAM»«bN9 h i*rnt% A t 8, ffciMwffn* A '1 he Hutneriher, A t afct l4.a*W5M tf »<«»l tl tit f»v*4< tut M*HVN»0«l >*• OntolHtatNtl too ..Hint a» Anfnrtt. «Mn fc# «>a t»v*f i. il**n M Hilt# Wol fHTTtln*,# m> ». MIV'lvoV jjtU„ N House aiitlVumilurT. tMSvh Ifct MMt|H4t'Tl Into tft in i' ttwn M-mni %*m IN «t 1Vo v.otin fc*t f Hftufcf Tfcnrtf M r.»v*, m t »Mfc (run. t font «4vn#r Vtomt v4 It*#* a«SSr fc<- H » * tHwhi., m4 (tftotnl HTtoVlHMTfoUT*. t..MMfO.TWt hr. toarhr., *-h vMa#tn*vlt»tM «nfc«afco vtoJ>-»* |o.V»oT*, TOO Ml# .too, VI- • ton. 0H»».I oo Mwntt» fcoMf to fctolHfcH*- Vttofctlt to t . v-.V-ovt fr.fcoo fvnfwa Mnta.., 4»*».a-v*f» «* W*| hM Sm#«4* ll ,fc . * # 40 •if Ml* To Rent, IA vy> iw-ttwNW* hfwmntff.Hm a4*wuk. ik (TUa W M* TMlRkF-Mf *< a F**•»■*„ «•* k’bwxal’*y b'tvtoI F>* iftma, if. fftii 'H* .i A, FVvW'. a) ;nL,a« fc Kb IfdTg Cmybig mwiv *« »* M>b Ji AMM fVt Ifffsa# AfMTtto ni.ff \i tiMlnvr titans. * nil# «T.1o«*oVr -t »*m fc.T0.ofc, V Shut tJ) . -o->.o. It oTofcrn Mow it oH HI.ITX tl ItoUfitmt jHuMmxiiiuis/c*, wif M 5*40 Stale of Gcorgk—I baUwun County, fh *»<►>**# hh* On,tut. ItlfHl «s »» w*t font Unrfcnnt* W MI« ton to.Hoirtflr Aw (Wat! 1 It. 7 I THAO h O Pblrilltja *“ to 11 i li W ■ Wm* fc I m I 1 %W. n" ' Sfr*1ofBff torffH 1 ", 9ff OS^WAWa .<oAMMUKWonHitM Aw ttoton millAint tf |t*v l*> Hum X ..Hito if % aMA. toM hfoff#toato)to *n jMK^w tobfav. * wff*w wwwf^a »«tws ta tori AaCriw A* x.iafcwf Mat a'AtoWtm*Mff Aft oa^. fbln tSn^ hr^niwn w wto *omgw (4 Mwy l«yM»4mamw +tmtm****+m W# mhw; %7 .vr tori VtoM# to »w ijtffcwM to a, Iff Ah'* U»iw rf Uw toM Otoff, Ml to fc*. M« «*o tnotoh ttotofc ton - ,vz 1 11 HS)*ffa«« Irttoto *f Mbhdwnhm *4S fctfuto# «Ww» A* Atotoriff fffft, *. aa Ijonicwt now if Aw tonffanw tt Mm n l iw».t,Aw ««*«*» tttffff to# nf Qua h W ww iffninMri n*to Infaffnit nf annnff tow, aManm*)A« •A » If