The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 24, 1823, Image 1

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if THE GEORGIAN. S«\V SRRIKS—VoL V fuirjiMmA wunxKsvAr mokwo, dkckmbxu m ism, so. to. mms T HH DAILY GEORGIAN, crnr or savabhah, |\j O.fjNV.UoWtUon, At jj» t*t»r>*um,[*T»hl#m adiancr THE GEORGIAN, KiKTUf, COIINIKT. 4$. It pnUBAol to a«l tlui aeeenRjmMl ot the nrt. tMe* limea* week. (Yutnle,' The.nMp *«d »' «»* «*«««* tto Dully Ontfiia,andconuln*•U<Mtn. let'-utco.#, OemmercUL PaSUtelbrt "“* • tttmcus u*h*luie »J»»fl'i*# »#»'.•, I”!®- htohnllnth* Itoty Paper. - . The Uouelty Pep#* !••«»<>« Atanttl Use aute and Union, tt JtHeered l» the Ci,,Mln doltor. per man*. payable la ll'.KI. . , . .. A4«e«tieio*ftt*et*litteirteJ 10 both pe. Bat it 71 <*nta per w|uere, ut 141-iwt, for Ue Sr* iBttituus end }f| hr etety IUC- OtvV.Vr* v u KU:,tu,». rimthuiu Academy. cniiiC MIN * mil open foe limit- A renlon off"- 1 '# en MONDAY NKXr, lb* 17cN la*. L'ailtrthc wiperintendenee «ftbe H«v. Mb Cinri* who w.II more paiicnhtly *!■ ttvlwCx upper eUetaf jrw*«* lailws XMtonito ead*«dla the dnto''- udhdte eUiwcnl acboot HvM« Uirrei. ybbctt ef rlmudoa aunt be obU.i,#t! I* permitted 10 retain tfUr tit Uj>»t of TERMS. BOPS' SCHOOL. uw Hit de O tt Kv.Koiut.ct tad sr. l s&;™Sl3Sh. 8 “" arte UOQ JJ.tedetMiGttinvbr. «* :Ljl ■Bav.Urtar.Ut. . U» ^ WK. T. WJUJ4H*. ■ ItwaawK Wot* *t» , Itwvtivi llmnun, Ikii.) .UowenWV, ,Ve* 21, UJJ { ilTbWIM'.tlKD, thti «Kt rubj* ir«J rsautu- w lien bd puWlil H neon t auiMh. Mi ientoafih# <5m»u«» ■< dbeati*,nn«4 Ike nett KMwttl atertlen. ' Aunt. RUSH A *CK>U,8«c'ry, INSLNAfP. ’ .W <aW # V.\ 111}. WIIKIKAS, H li A„,.4,tr m it.*< (tie tilUrC* Ilf itlC Cltilrlu of tbit It.tC, U I'l lft< rtt.t-tr ni thH.vtpg Klcflotl ol 1‘fTM ■ki t mmI Vicc*rmMett vt the. Ifwtctl XUjiO't «',i; TAT* ‘ . •, ■ Mi it. rnrW l,y tU X.K4U ami Umm at .)t<Mr;rrui»,i .f (V «/ Cc.gta, it t..a<.al.Inrmt'f met, Ttitt It bt the tUty ef the autiMa tho iKtllnrtfcJ? ittbe»«»»l»tclrtiior« la b« litW U lb« llilTrtent cotmllrl of thil ititr, fur iht chtle* <rf mtntbin uI'IIk ty*.tlt- ten-, it Ibr l>«t (tttrttl cltclioti Ihritlti, tnplunoto t .rttb tnd tKit V01c»,*t Ihf lira* of rterltioc h* two, whether he deh •MMilvii HnWtt of ... I trlr'i'.Tt Mitit be wort kil to the |«r <plr or io5»mttl by the l^t .Uinie. tnA to rtqitU toeb eoti-r t* dfiufy ««h lit ojr. by roitonifneohU l.tbet the teorj ffiflt er UpU)ttvt,u ceobt* t“ lh« tnllh <■( 'he e.ul, on eeuetiBA out the bill .n, lu tnuo to the ittum of the tiU rk-.iiutt by t'loa la ItwMiurttulhr Kteettlfti t>i|u ttittl. • ItUe .•••trnrnt 1,1 |l-er iHrtu J-TMI 10 the rtdlbitlhe wttirnty he !*U hi-r«r» the nett !.-f,tU(utr, by tut »,Mlkw> ■V tl »^i-t. ehttot I nA-ir .1 t t » /uirtr. < n nri, Thn Ueeteot- leecy the (.ereroor, be not ho it hereby tr<|tie««tl> tioro tbk tctrUtioa to be l<ubUhcJ eilhwit ikUy, m the tetert} Cnrttn of tbu tttr, tint to continuetbf nM pnb8c*tiea once > mantb, until the Elegant llruahca A Ufsmml chcce Maatwttit of beiitnle to uia, ud puticnSetly • total 0**. v fi ■ «Mb Btnebtta Uifoeiwt PtufllUe Hur da beikaWt rtMIdbeih. Trtth ,,,V <!^“*il«r »lred. pMr end «.ud tuadto. mode in the Art lit* 8tJulrde,nth tool eedbone bwelln Mil le-£a »«d t*ell N*i»de . Coebdaeod SCji^iSaeedn Shade*Bom* 4 A rAfWOK* fhvy>v«i At S, (Udnu* Mmump. net It « Spanish Scgurs. fKIV eery Ann ' SKli.tlU.heve to lul DM, (m nil bf MRIjCtMtUtk^nie Uo4 aim) ic ttd (o umilttwlr. TIIUHaS STOCKS. IVttoW In ike lienee of Sepieatautiree, Kw 14, ■ HO Reed end concerted In, OAVIO ADAMS, gpneker. Appreend Set. nhr IS,t»A a U< Titour. Otottner. dee 1 H SJooh nnti Sot^prinnng. fiSIIK iabtortbet bettor taken the Abe* 1 and A+^tieenp Mtr, rrcehtly at cupkd «e the flcw*»nTuhOAer > , taCc.u the attention et ih« inAUteibnetuMUb. SST!rt.rVatbe futW (hr ett erten f.r aurb, ahHPf •« h* ewrtUd at the ebarttet ertka end in tile anti nartonn. Ckeamwrr. The wmOimm efT)pa h MKbet totnahk bin tedeveib to the haaiuniit <0**, en 0* art noDcrr m.TOH. ms®- fHOfTWO end tJcm» tArWt. ef » nor IS To I'lantciB, . m ney» 'Hie Subscribe ns, iK’aa^aiSsjtea '•“■•"SWS'rtffiBie ear? M To Item. russfc±jv Ifcae ne Weed MrW. Prtee^anrty He let efDwtmbat. Pa wrtoMppIple WJIXIAM TAYfAMLee SOOT. W.fUOOWW. eetStfi 1-4 II. Gin, Cog. Nmrttly, Jam. Hum and Halter. Kttse OJ * *■> taMeltrud/ lUhlaltMi'i . ItSAi'i* -.-. * UnfcteBetter Swaim's l’ananm. "AYfl been *«edrtt I «(«e« I# Ot. W Saart. to n4 htbee reSbeeh brw- dMSfmdSK.k’th tphr.. A OantoHy to ta<h nented W the 0**U<5frtS Mtodyto*. end .Ui to Md Hf ' **<» **etA» a mf lirrt Ueu.frntl Alt*- jr-t'iiIinggBIgjt '?*!th-'f AbCii'.i t. or.MIr.*. — -J ye | The Under* Igurri 1 J A4 to'*.<«itor KeUHnl • * beneiw, /*, /t-m AS hutotueeiib atodi .ii, tor btutod ! ‘to 44* '.>t '« «4lh yi«Wtolpe-a 1. »"h |roottw4-»L ‘"•‘fv, n*.h bt"^'-'‘.l *” t*- ** luMu.i. to »S«.« tUO it toy! tot IMp*..T| Spte .^ifiii <M» fH*il Al.fXAf‘OWtli jtn it, - 5fcB IIUKTKAl Low's Superior Perfumed Honj)«, rnoM i.osnos, via. jr. yobs, m Ttt*toH.truueK. i/swar«*£ do (tore da Itohe do Vtfeacatar da Vegetat* do AbyieinUn doYenlrt da fibnynee do Chinee. Until de Unto dnVtobt do lUnbnath daCtytoe ALSO. JtavhtitfeMeettetr Oil,gwuloeHtube. h "* h ' A.fAttSOKS, ttnintiit, ifn. K Obbaae* MlMlete. For Sale, That Fnluel.V l'U»talU>a, fTHOWNbyito MteaeSCedti «mr IV arttelida* thwt I.TO onto ntut'id inibr Ontdet to Ubtto Sbtir. tad ton toUee Af JO May Island, eeer lS» ibotf,uaii4»l«* tbuel 390 terra dltt SLrty-Four Afr^ron. Ir ak It , PATWfK HOUSTON, er tieoeoKasmiNiruN. Penceden ef ibf etoerr *9t be stead thrtjrt lit to the JOth eOMeety^lSto. House and Furniture. C*0# ede Umenetptrrd leew efe to# I Mery bnmeeednbeta l»t-t»ftl SX« pm, The h«eee hy S eprtjht phenr. fesaSiH '■erfSel^ttoOiweeMfr'eed •dbMthe MnUtre, jlMbn* rWy_Ml'' S»-WS:CS- 3S eetSJ Wee " - llardwnro and Cutlery. r lB *#Sw<»'tor bn retained Orta/be Hub b «*t bn renrll «d ted h IN* epe Mac e IV(C and t*v«t*l aw«»i .< IM4* «* wtC~"Tij Kbit '.at deed If*• SC** too SutiH liber, A t |UtoM.«« t< Mt.tatef MtStoedl baa lier-t-tU 1 tot Oiee»W*tol Be- i-mhI. A'itot*. *b*t. M alUMlendti ,.lM#tre jar nd pnt«b*ti»* at SiM'inuT fcMUfiiui..*, **4t4 n ■XV PKW eery Son yeltow SPANtlll ObA SKU.tM.hna been ordered fer n A. PA*W»*iV ltltolfiit. Mu, S, (Hbtomt' Sud irg*. *»» “i” l’tirkttutl Taper, t> c,, ' ' ' r‘ : * OJfrrt fur *nU, r ut MB Pork Sc« tore Cliy Icipct! on Copyins I’aptr of a »*i}T aupriiur U".liiy Lrltrr *lo do do di nor It 09 ”'V J' The Undersigned, IL|M« Heiclunti. Itonhe, end rt> tciiir other nritlap in c c ruel .Ml b.inliOBw raanuer. en appHtotlcn bf« rrtidence In Jcffeirin 8t net. Sot, >me. nor 4 Silt Window Glass. lltR nibtcriber* will funuib, »| .< , nolle#. Window (Iliw if til tilct, al r.uuced prkea. JOHNSTON, HIM J, U Co. oct f <S fla Insurance against Fire. JfptIK A'<nc Inaurvice Coaptk|r. Mart, il Utd. wOllMW. bawr. .ad toaUinyi in# -chaadiu, fatniloie and other ptnpeliy inclodwc rtMtcli la port, I heir ciTyot t, if c aCettmloM or tUrneye by Vila, far eny The eoadlllotu, which are awatetelo, way be known on appbcnllaa t* Um enb* tenber, tto* I* nuthone-d rernt,ud It empowered la bnue pohetoe wlibcut the dehor leddeat to other agmeto* of ton The J ... ear the A.Q amount of toe ecttnltoe*. pm- labdH doeenateaseedlba e<t The pretnnMM are u thnnld nder * ttoen* Indace meat to an, pereaa hatlac praperty at tmnrd to place ilb Mcurlry. MAKTOK. cet« 7fi PRINTING. fBBB oibeaitbi r httbac taken the Bee* 1 ... htfiitm. Oitire, c«i*tr of tUy end It) Mtetoe. toteade to eany an lha detttouiv, inti iti breather,ua der the t#«e aftba tOrorgia SEoU-tOffirc, mmi«i nanant' rat Or- 4, Wai Ihtnr, Onatm, (aM Jtoa.aad thmnmeAd AW*, Aha# .want Sntt, P*«atM,l/<. WW he aotlj tittnte an the euai • Mwknte Term*. ttOOKRT m.llbi, lie bee rtnetantjy an Krtnl a Leix* act) pnml Aewrtatoat ef Inn, Commune and Ncurtal ' BLANKS, raemertenaa ttotd* and aerafntuacea tor Sap. Court AiiMhauau by da Attachaieat baadt tor do Urtltnlimm on PramUnry Kate* tor do Do on Atcnuta tot do n rh'a and Ca »e*t tor do Snbpnnaa on todntlMMa ito Ticket* ead rmtlJndcirrnu da Paede tot cmintirO) creed Tcnaiorr rt aljndcrawetadn ft *eS m Pi r.*l da OcdarMtoattaPiamiMacy Metre do l»o on AcumMe do Vreuenu ef ApptriartotM, raart Onfiaaty Do AdminMnlimt da Hattie, ef UetehalwBee Pou yw **4 dueietlr bill, ef Kuheege fonrum end cartta* Mtadato Suwnlawt ttofeipte IblbitrUlin* tomitft Smriw Tneetber a lib a front! tntottraem ef tfiieallMaanttUaaU. a«t»s rr Notice. ■mUR fattoota* aSUeto wjO bt ttoittad a by CanecM, at Utotr rexekr *aet«« 1* January amt a- UecMtler with feet r.lctkafOwwarO, «M do WttMcceraf OeuMtil, SCO dt QlerbafibaOantt afttonwie*} , Warn eel 0>*t and Thrtebur,f ■ Shaun af tbn MM, da •UM inhey af NO da «upcttoUndMteltywatohjnhty rw da DtpO da da M to. run Setyecid. da da M 1<<',, d* M flirt af the M*tb<t, reel (Sty tnmyer, . ^_a!iu *>»»l tn'i«fi''T««l aNwiUy ere *»#,« '«.■*>. APbAetata Will Data lh.,1 etmtlll*. mom, etlb Ibe.i i|j’.tltbiCUtkV 11* H.Hreua.. e. Wants • hiiuatioh. a'-lh tedtobrlttyitaO d »»f W B Lamp Oil, Jhwmrafrrrf Jy rte Iff tfaCarr. ffldfitok IkUlM br.l t|..hiy ul W'.nlrr t/ww Ittalned ip. .. fa< wlMteti par UvaiCly nt hnlli nan, at /btWtbr, fit It, CIUw' A-iMv». A tirtnt BargaUv V. T IP. fnlloeiny IimIcJ ptopctiy Io Me* Intotb enemy, 4 bSVrcdi- A PLANTATION, on the wtiert tf Soqib Newport, bounded ea the ruin ro,d icndmjr o Duitu, car toning 331 eerta. , A Plantation S »! rteodm b«4t it CMS# M*f I <w. lid tl vhiis id jU.cfS.CtK.uiow tnawirtywn*wwtmMtort»Mir 3«.cna. ALt( ^ The place of my bta Oretr Neek, adM«ilg Henry _ enb Heane. SritUford .ad (took, eontaio- ing about BO acre. 1h,» lut placciet handuiitte ead healthy tUtuiloa. wkb the ailt.r.ltyrt of ae iw.lnuM.hlr Otbery. ■Urn, Uc. t*.r Ibe premitrt. Trrtnttor e a halt ot m part, are • (fne.t at ib« #« redated prictt, aitb uwioabicd lltlutbereub by «.WAunuuiB. drets ihijy f,;i —— i. .j i,,,, ,m . Sparta Academy. TOUR tiMfrat ef (hit IneUrtea bet# the it ptotoniflneaaeuacabiih.fHrndief bietetnrr. tbu they here cipH toe the euiuimf jeer, tbe aerritna ef Mr. An drew Rhee. A. at. etrecier ilium aimer ab<St*« ud caprtieaca le the toameetloa ef yt-i'h, they, enter tbe om toctaMhfeeba will be glee* to wbaemy fieer tbe tonitutiea wd Muddm YVlnc. T int nn-lrniaiied hu «n b»ad end if- Itn fur «le #o .ary l.bcl i,i«,i. • hr** t,,*M.l(, .I Superior Madcin lf f in€S 1 H**!*#* fWptt, rpitiUf tihSlM * to-1 L»U> CrrLLlto'r.I Uu«t'4 «Wj» //pwtrrfJAdrl 4f 0», *4 r** fc*m4 ,n, t m>u,i.u6» la tilt yr.r mi and awe. Ml Unbirb are if much w.w. J qud.i.rl, lie bid a eobtcnpiwn- Me.yi u,., u i>ribe licport.1 aaaltlie kt.i U Vtrtoea, <K», (be iiImu! «l UalriTb direct loUJ«|«rti and mil (heukfull) rtedb# vrdntfti aajqn^ WUfa Vetoes, We*m*"STO-iJ,.., wiicb gene telly MiiU lierr io the moMb iitsxi.'s&xszr-* ecpt» Xi.ia Furniture Curk. fUST Itcdrai i t' d»p Comb, a eny dj^glyeffirt Vcliet Punmit* Cork, tor ANSON rAtsoss. i‘ork, Pajicr, &c, tfc. C. fc CUISItfOf.D. 8*k M KSS a Prime Pork Cuy ImpKlioe CepyiM h Lciicr paper Umpen 1 «&Ai# < .. n l „ i, wdh thcr Hr. Bhe* bee bane an InMiwetarefyonlh with gtrar npotailnn tortmaardiafiwtai y ytere, elneyner efwhkb time be eu on-tonne #f |i*riin* In tba I'artmii ef Nurtb bayed eadbeber id that thnee wha may think proper to •end I heir.child wa aaoaud. to tWelar MUottoa, wilt rent tea adequate eompeii UliOl far till {SfpCtfstMMl u ll^f CM^I* Tbe Oneefc and Imla >«npmea win be taMhtipemmitieilly i a frntrel eeeiae ef, Oeagnpby with lln uia of the Otabea i f.atinb ftwmmen and Cam. ptnMaa.w«b pwtieekr atuditen to the P<wmw4m|mlofU. Ce««rt tofTMt*. Tbr to cult dtpatOMM arfi be ran. darted by lUullU., In wVrt mil be tangM iMMS g, WT tiT j. f - chib tvwn- ■ma.firm-v-i.' 1 >'•»>. Nmh Jfart, "nl#* mtvla Iht Uwtnwtne at w»B rniba mieetieflbe in. pH*. The a|i#<ti«aMbaMikya«d ipm able, tedfirndbaantoar cm Mhadrtttoa' aeaal prleaa. With aO theta edfertacr#. tb* Board af Tree*#** rtrAdreUy eepcet ~ dderifinth MrhaA, /hill ef AM tafiam rertMtochaMUnb gll WperertMee « da. !•'» da 3d da. r» de I<*HNLVCAV*WlB.T. •parte, December, Si ICO, dee IS tr IS Notice. TUB fcaa fMNn rtuneeb, t* -t>tu?..rth.wti be la WHBaMVapereilan H**, aethe tab Ml I , tin ween time, the *aa of Stafre atS pa aetend> td d*w* Bnai Pen*. Wane bm*h to tba Petrr, a berm Jut * uettoaedt *•* mtihlhr Cturtenea aid AmtoMto *•****«■ iteuBit* mi that# hr tikae wrowwid Vtrty hwe rsas^ffiSnssa able,chat eekkie*. 0». the «het tbue date eftWntek. the chtihMa* Half wHI be take*B*m IheUato* Parry to Pw,». burgh, fa eadkea. At the parent, I tote will he lUn* mUi tor Atfvd* made ep ea oacb aid* ef , Wwwdrt Sae ML and a* the deareto Mtob aea on »hoMm, Thentot rtf Thenday, a S uVfcek, PM to Hale S. a.. .k w— ii» # -SB - --mm. |nL*4,adl mM A tHw WU-iStidP *t *' •VbeS.A ». Vib-fttheelBif, lub dc*U tits Thirty DttlWtt Reward |J ANAdfAV (mm ten wtocrtnr, |e Ito Jinnuy ImL rtw M*tw*h by Itn MiJ- Sam-and Ptitr. - m'e” ,TT5rL?!y •**w "WJm YWy BWB W ■«», 1. ■ y ,, * tj m1. . IS M eeM WfMl ta* etonSSf^ ditto*.- The dbers inr.i m* eett Anatn<etoteaeokand SeedkOuwCaeu ' Art#- ton |enn .-Iftlef e -■ * t it Ike ut. n e BArti yS9 rPr* *»■ |MfBSWWI*| SAB w^wrw IBB MS*'**. **4iu>l*« iban tobty ji.t, m tbu I (ft tone Kbit, lb»U Ut.ll* lb* abet. taM'd.*rsinadMlinfy ttthat efibtm. AB |#men t<a toeltieed imdee ^■•'SibSHe th*ttol4«to r-t pi to* NOTIUK. 'lSIIBIdw*r,be»»* .. J totoJL*. 1 Mil in * ■***«, hi *Mt*dl«ii#t, t«. 4.« ttoMutue teUWrtMbtolto OOif. SwtOtUdM* _ jKMUfT.MWUNB. mm wt*» • .s I’ l Liaa^ Turr Itrcrieol by Map Ameriot Ea. •I ffith ead AnMOMta, t by Li ead 10 by ft SUadew Olaw, fer ede by AMSANPAMOm, Draxxirt Ne (.(totoM Mndtoeft. *31 • *» Mackarcl, fjc. CMhBtUJI KoS Meckatcl © *f IQ bbh lndk bear J«t haded ead far rale by . HALL U HOYT, act It IP To the public. jgs.ritefcM'iSJiis Mek eremrii art nr crore. Sene in will •ad h *a eetolhtA ueuet where they ndt faBTv **•.»" to. • * - y • • f. .rrStf, Stdl SO thecamfettoihaUbtorhcahfc may robnHp. Phmtrt ead athm oentoj *4tn aJI act bemeatfyi aed wti m the meat time tenon. m#*by wwTe* tbtffl nbrt aide to lha toaituiit*; Pcwpto4e>hRAte« aiUnwt hbartag nadn ebrutdt A iohi ntoeL i&K'jssss.'wa by abnrpiid. TV#* aSbemd, whh aoat ■hatemt ar« ahaStnetderte Ar w.<ha» to- rtitodnei ttoy efShnbnttortunAtd thru than dMf ton paaaUy he la the tmuiy, aed will aeStrknyy »#«;.'(, ihm by the In tort -Lnih.,' -gT.- ■ “** IS«ITMVwCBUlWWUlp»elBrtt(*| tto todte ef Ito pbidetoe. Ttonrleau aUto krptle aUtrtdndpbrttertwAto ‘ Bern tlahtoR tto thy. Thews- to lewUre tba btoreten- . _ tto Phater*. Whine* R ah. —. e^nbdtMie in - u- ' - ~* 1»"» tS.CJl WebadW IB > »,■ Lvf M MPf* Atncrlcan and London Ptand Fortes. T UB Mdmrfhe* mwrnfiSy '-•tot tl.i l» ■ * — Art tw b.t mUt .kk MU^ewlto' Wdh lb* 48rw< t Maartbrutute M >tot ■ iqprtjeirhK at ea b. e .km io ttn Ouauami, mi bud baanhnet. of ibn *tue1Wtl.«»,lL. W *.„. n „T« 4 ^toff'. td .be man vpreicd odm.niatZd. w .it# iz tern* end A tayttlm cviertotumb «£oh i ~ii>crt»l< C4. i Mutator Ittee , . ___ JSAAC *» Moancu, K.#.riu# r«io toned ./.! trpdidd. i'aiciu Muitcjnca. fUSTreuH.dAmn Vt Dj iL» v tsiTOty «r uvorrs patbnt me- v«getaide Semap C#td»h Caul and Rbeeaulc IW*; » ALSO, v. , ,.... Dto hrtfiM. 0U«oM Timti ertOm* Powder, tor Me m my Mur. anily nopn. ** my Min# anily ’i.'fh BOnnH/ir. Por dose Sliaving. op scabgua epd mun RAMBmrs ** • *44 Kaghth Rutaeeerr }eM ‘ trim UeeSas »nd to rta^bjr h Jg*+Z»• 0, WWBaBSi** OnewHf rflbr ItatpiUlwiD to inMw- pritert ta white pttoeahb the otto* to •iMlHt Umk vtffi • ill if fuJfril Cn Xu. .Ljn.oJBOo|L SBlflAhnMIm - - b ^ UrtU Met***. I ntrtl •Wlrtt *•*< SM Wf- <M Mumtiae* tort to bad hytbwe wto drdta them. ~ • if*. a . —ea. ■ -• -W. ,w , «n , - a • Bf BtMlitol 'W Irs^Ul la,m jSma mtwrt eii.iim. oIm * - — - V 1 BtnW wBCB ^Olvtwmtrwt ’WLmmt met! rtto^MMIto WJW »* - • -— »_ * i»7 wrt» (Bg^i m ymwy sk max tw tMbtnfitalandwa eatyley (and tow- are. PatlewM will to mM« ttobfiaw. tof term* i to Wtt trBI pay SI W )Tt totea htibi Inttonlih.edHbrtnr) tot that ttoy ntaein Miet tto eepitwunn tt that tenet ytonte amanmeau eadtptert MtotoMrtor b* Lad at S3 per tone, Ihatk efntar wtS bo na.'td a* the ttow amVAemn mm SBWf tCTtoN ■* HMidto wm a*- - — j S.4 m lB k u q . f. Will WM^QI.ViRbV.SMMRL- a_ - ^.* . .| M | , m q to QWi m ' iLa u. ~~ ^#,h. mj MW P*nwV IN WWIMM IN palieai Kprtt* them. Sneiethiee elite mdihnbe etpeetad (ar epurtma. to *«Mali Stteamdirteeto wdl be torted nil ah m nto .... - - ~ . . Uto a Ml ' MiNdfniircijwrt VNtpnbnMifHjg. loxillt ff% tW (tMRW 4\kf todom .Mil tiUbl MlwIffiwN IMM tor the pi,meat rf ibe h*«nrt**d«hhtto m Ad&rtaa let* ttohavtal art tort*. A - Me.teiMa ton ah. - . A.. ■ — - . A . cvfr-l M| *hf V«kWlM*rti Ml .ABrtfi^^mtodtoM imblfrtwd RmhioS^m tv w c lUKmXr epOtJ ta . M Le wine, been Fm Bole. tom. rt^rtn^to MM Lip V m wugjw B gtoni , , JmemB^toRto toRNtot •tot m j.B.ncB»m» oil l4JC*a Pills. I V«W twwirt duwrt tort Dto VIL P. * PAblrtk*, JBybUJe StttoWehtoC Half let’s It. D. H. PiUfcr. UIV l'*»rtlMt.. < mi*M*»lto,.Iliirt })U taMMjwe ilw toaeto Bitoee. to.: m Vto ^ ttbaweaNfOB. Supciior H. Gin, Cognac Brandy, B. B Porter, Qc. Jmt ranmai (tr top dflaA r«t. S even pmeedMaTa* 4 tup« Ct«. Riaady Nmdi tDrdeyBB farter i bale tawewSet’w. Viteami and lib art Vtadnee ?M%EtBEBr( Prt* «t rerco. Wluc and twine. S TOW CtvM toton 4 erne*Bar; .< r*vn tot# to eaU lew MchanmSee. , . uALLtoRorr. M 7 BS Flour. IKXDa-SS SlbBittoo (‘remit by am IS lit HAU. A MOTT. Kngliith Cr*tings. pwmtZEZ.'ssss J. b HESacartfco. tot is n Otto oTHoses. 1«*Y RttwiH and wnweeaed pate W reeaaV by A PARtrtNt JDay^MWwE0toU«*BidS»(ei ' castor OIL SDOSKfESSSt: r.B BEETVBLQr, foteai by onto Durham Mustard, mW m.S&Siaa Mackarcl tie. fii*P rronu to Hlrto Sl Ore** Some. , Ykt Mi* by MAU. tf Brnr. net «J ' eft Glass Unipa. Aswraarstttsfn! "^HatoUep ton*** *»*B Um. mSUin/tSSSo, Um+W*K JW* AXyrtS PACSOXA, *4Lh»»w.p, I ca, Jamaica Kwm 0? 1). Liu. r. BiuumiiMt a co, W*tv trtitrtfr **<f Wto KcOmw, jlill ■iR»t*rt|».*D«it. aiiu**i«(* CM S bib fs.'e Juamm toe irn Mrtttfiin^ w ** u w» Flour unit Whiskey. mm w