The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 31, 1823, Image 2

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m SSK&f! •r ■ Y-p.-V'F M --JV . I . • •>; V. 1 * t\ f. J-,. • / a -. “r■- *'■ ■ i ‘'‘ y ^ ... \ - ‘S',if Vl r '•■'i . ;8. ( \YaX^A 1 ft'V':.'v ' nfv KHKKSD/.Y UOIIi-'lKC. UKU'M. ».■ i. ... AID TO THE GHhEKP., . .,' A resolution waa passed .eta meeting ' afftb Georgia yoliinteera of thU cUy,’uiv '.• ;-'-der the comWjnddf Caj>LU!gglna,a “fW • <«veningi iince, expreaalve nf thplfpympe'; Ky, in the 'cause. of.'the. Greeks, and. a committee, appointed to obtain the -tti liini«y,conttlbptioii! : of ,tbo m«mberi, for thdr.lief of that oppressed people.^ In jetaUeare necessary to prove that tniaeiom V.#SpK.if thla reiolotlon,' wi; tinder, eland thil Kexum of Tdiin nbtinai) and ■ xirrr noLuaii'Waeryeatetday remitted to . the (lew York dommittee,, JPe -hdieve ~«hle lathe first contnbutufcfrom Kts see vtOn of our country# in the clllae of Greek freedom# ! - F.manueVDe Ia iietta#'hia beep appoint 1 _ l . .. •i'_r_ai'..O..L11- «d by theXcgialiture, a Notary Public. ifliperfflrtlVrr.V? learn from Wsihingtoo, , aeyi' tne New York Mercantile; Advertise, ■of the soth iniLnt.that the British govern. Jnent has actually made a forroaPt^dder . cfhht- service!,and. solemnly pledged all the aid in her powers In s.ieti raehsurea ss vsur government may adopt in retlstsnce ty the designs of the Allied Power* of the •Continent of Europe, against the rights of *tbe South ‘American States* dihraltar papers ttfthe 14\h iif Novcm- coWnitig’Madrid dates 1 to the ' 7th, 'have been received in New‘/York; They >contalh* confirmation' ofthe iht^lligence, by our previous dates rendei ed too proba- ‘t>lfe,:that Hi ego had.b^en sacrificed t e •#Jtar of restored legitimacy. H^UjCon^ • demtied on tbr. fith and executedbyjW^- Jhg, oritheT^of Navembar-*and M pro* ■perty confiicated* • Every plea in’ hi* fa- -Tor was diiregarded-Mor his death had been’determined on s and he is number. sties tre>wartted/in 6ur state, V That they fft wonted,- is i palpable, undeniable fact. They ire. wanted In’e very county! and mis sionary labors are needed in this jolty,-- the"poor families in the extremities df the city, ihe hospital, the seamen, the’African ehUrcjies, present * large, and Important missionary - field.^ In fchort, no man,' it would seem/ vriro does, not shut- his eyes can rail to see that the institution has irre. sistible claims as a 8ociety. 8tlt it has claims, secondly, sa a Foreign Society. -It now supports one Torclgn mis sions'y, the Rev. Mr. Fisk, who is at pre sent laboring In Jerusalem, Tlilrmtiil.-n is peculiarly interesting, and peculiarly jm* portantj important, because its influence roust be very extensive, through the ^on*> Stan* intercourse between Jerusalem and the^sarrounding countries—and interest, log,'because It is fixed' in the land where the Saviour wai-born and lived, where lie performed his astonishing miracles, and died as a_ ransom for dinners» In the land where arose-the light of the gospel, which has fallen upon ns and will ere long, fail up. on every people, with salvation In Ha beams. But the society does not’d, rive its claims merely from the interest and im portance AF this'particular mission. It rests also on* the broad Claims- of minions in general. I am aware that mie vbhole jubiecL-ol -cd witli the martyrs whose blood haibcflu jnissmnvrTa'WffiStimciregnrded as matter " *hed ,Vn'the cause 6f /reedom. If the peo #Ie of-Spaty arecofitant to see thedei. (ruction of their best and bravest men, by cuch an imbecite tyrant as -Ferdinand, .vrithout *n effort, they are wortl y of such m. master, and his confessor. •Havre papers to the '13th November, tare received in • Charleston, but thrir con- 'lentsrareunrmportant. . The editor ofthe Wow-York'Statesma'n, states, ns a rumor at, that on ihe 17th instant, 117 members efCongresr. had agredd to 'attend a Caucus, though joot all with intent tp.aupp'oita nomination .of President. The whole number of mem-. Aen and• delegates in Congress is 213 of contempt. They are considered as the silly aohemes of zealous religionUta, which will soon terminsta and leave the world ijit as if hu been forages, a world, whose Inhabitants must have a variety of religion*, as well ssavariety nfcotvplexioni or lari* guhger But the objections commonly .urg 'd against missions, cannot beooticed now j they must be reserved for future' letters.— One remark, however; tnay beadded here 'he canse of mi salon a is the cause-of lanihr-phy ; 'and every honest lover of bit, fellow men, will at -least vith them success. W. N. - A numerous meet-ng of the members of (the ger.eial. assembly of thrstate of North Carolina, friendly to Wm. Q. Crgwford, Jus been held at the capitol at Raleigh, at which a nomination of electors was made for : 4he support -of that, gentleman, to the ..Fresidenoy, TheU. S. vessel which'wasstatedlnthe account from Tampico, of the great arid fa tal change of weather to have suffered 'the toss of eighteen of her crow by that ever.t; paves to be the Grampus, This ves sel lying in the port at the time felt the change of forty degrees, arid aixreen of the crew sickened—the G» soon left the ■port and ail the sick recovered, except Hr. Somerby, the purser, who died two days after. We have no doubt-that the "remainder of the story is equally exsggera- fed. We know that Tampico was sickly >4t are ignorant to^ hat extent, 7|t has been ascertained, that the-Pre- .-#ent house of Representetivea of Penxyh wania, is composed of one hundred mem- ~Bera, v'z farmers, 8 manufacturers, 10 merchants, 7 artists, 12 lawyers, 1 physici an, 3 surveyors, 1 innkeeper, and 2 cap. - Italbta,. of whom 79 are married, 3 widow ers, and 18 entitled to the distinguished appellation of Old Bachelors.>It was, no d6 ub tune of this latter claw, who,-when 'tome conversation took place -aa - to the manner in which the ladi^Tj should 'Be accommodated With seats on the inau guration of Governor Shulze, gallantly pro- p -sed that each member should support one of the fair auditors on hit knee/ Accounts fkom Alva- ado to the 20th-alt 'bv «n*anival in Philadelphia,’ state that the bombardment of. Vera Cruz still contin* -taed. A bomb fell upon the public store -£n the 8th, esploded, aiid burst open tbe -duorsandtitles ofthe buildings, and pro- . perty,to the amount of gt00,000 wa3 plun- -adertd by the inhab tants.. -It appears from a paragraph’in’thY pa- . ^ersthat counterfeit money, manufactured •in the U. States, and imitating the national currency had been introduced into Aux 43ayes. 7 in consequence -of this Traud-tbe •the Mans Ann, of N. York, was seized on • report that the bad base money on‘boird proved .groundless, and she ^ ivu released. - , ; A Brokerln Lexington,; Kentucky,^cau», ilonsthe public against’ Imitations fehn 1 ^jpcrican Eagle sod Half Eigle/w ‘ ‘Jn circulation in that place. They . .e*cculedikt>rq lighte*, tfyiq the you. piper, hti wilh KM Kb publlo might : receive In iccount of the ipresent ,it»te md elilmi oftio Sivinn*'' Ml.ilolti- ty Society, founded md eherimhed. 'by'tlie fcvcrctl Dr# 'Kblldck.-r.wlll notundr.t»he to glve-Vu'cii in iccount-.Hi preient Mite could be properly exhibited only by some memberofthpiocietyi bntin^Mminpon general.patronige. t can understand, and im de.iroustliSl pthernhoiild understand’ ehlmi irettyodbia—It hi»dhdnli'Br«tv wirfhmUe Society. It dealgr sto employ, md ever •ince lte-^rmMloil.'djitit employed mliilonirlei in the stite of 'd-.orgls. No We'libY'f revived theGAtrerDMoi BWmffi «eme Cspitdjfo'Ki ietle»i*gre*rt?.lmiro«eiti Hope .the meeting nf (he Ilrazilitn Congress,— -le -ill. **” a . It is matily anil free a* to.'he right! Bf the people u.hdoi-ls limited monar- chy.and nniaerntlji paiitWet ei’tp nn. tionil. independi-ncl., The. ltleV'of;! till end pricui.ere-feetiiy maintained, re coniipue'tn reciiye iijpplies from the north ofKurope,’which i»ill keep ptlr market lull until We receive the new crop, .Actual aalea in small : lola w rr-anhexatiohito Pnltogul ta iacornei on ill handa. Id Smtcniber, 4 >Por- iia ‘from that empire from Portugal.” ' The '■* imperial cabinet” declared that Ihe'Poftdgoeae cabinet most begroaaly deceived, of ft imagine that, the quea. linn admitted of anv doubter discui- •ion. . !• All the Brazilian! were of one mind on- that head-—Whatver might he Ihe fate of Portugal their cauae and let were onchiDgeable:— They would not aohmit to the Cortea and much teaa to an abiolute govern meet in The henltb of Ihe Portugueae eom miaatoner being certified to'be so bad, •['to render hia death certain if he were confined nn board -the ship, or obliged to art aai[ immediaiely, he waa •ufiered to be landed, opder an order of Ihe Congreaa, hot Hireited to be strictly guarded that he might com- municate with no peraonalexcept'hia immediate atten'danta. The greatest jealousy waa ahewe Of any attempt to negotiote orcodfer, wfthott a prelim, -inary recognition of indefgndence,— The fir.t miniater of the fing of Pnr- tugal having sent a letter bene of the principal statesmen of Rid which an- roonced the downfall of tie conalitu. lionet government at T.iabjt), end nr* ged e renewal of the alt-giance of Itrazif to the mother conntiy, the' Bra zilian etateaman pubtiahedit in a Rio paper of the 16th ; togethe* with his answer, in which he'tells “ pendent to advise hiB king; to recog nize without delay the independence To-rna xniTons ov ths exonaiiir. I perceive In the Georgian of yeaterdoy murnfng.somoramBrkt of Governor Troup, in relation'to the " uncouth word 1 * Cau. cus. He says, “ U Is not to be fouiid in our Dictionary.” If his Excellency will refer to Pickering's American Vocdbul?- ry, published in 1816, he will discover that, it is not* ** mere abstract conception*” In Gordon's History of the American Revolution, may also be found the foilow- inR'temarks:— 1 “Aboi^ the yearl738,the father of 'Samuel Adams, and twenty others, who lived in the north, or Shipping port, of Boston, used to* meet to make a Caueue, and lay their plan for introducing certain persona into places of trust. ®acb distributed the ballots in his own circle, and they-generally carried the election. In thia manner Mr. 8. Adams, first became representative for Boston. Cmicuning means electioneering^” *It is eorjectured, that at this practice originated In the shipping .part of Bnston, ''Caucutf' was • corruption of Caulker's Meeting, BODERIGO, of as * remedy for Ihe ills of "poor Poj^ag#J, , 'and a mians of de serving Ihe kindness of a ginerous na tion fib e Brazilian) who could do much gnodfor Porlogal, anil had no thing to fear from her pifwer, The Brazilian politicians who write in the newspapers of : Rio; treat*the letter of the Portuguese Minister of State; as abundant .proof that the new rulers of Portugal’were asblind and obstinate 70 thb xttiTOHS < vtrb oioxotav. . Being an advocate for the healthful and exhiliarating amusement of dsneing, and knowing that nine out of ten, at least of the youthful portion of the community, are equally partial to ItJ’-I am prompted to en quire what is the reason that the only place where we can partake of that amuse ment in thia elty, is so poorly supported From my own observation and acquaintance here,lam inclined to attribute the want of attraction in these agreeable parties,’to the ; the community, who in matters of Uste arid faihion, govern by prescriptive right with'absolute away.— Last year at this-time, nothing was more fashionable thlnthe Weekly Aiiemblies, no amusement received a beltey share of patronage, Snd all seemed tatiafied.' This seMOD, -without any apparent cause, and when'every thing, aa appears to roe, 5 !! ss Well* Jf .not better,.conducted than it was the’list, fashion and the graces ap pear to have 'deserted us witoout any as- signable cause, thus depriving tii Of many an hour Of cheerfulness and innocent en-. joyroent. Tbe ball cf Wednesday evening wiHistiffy us whether or not they have t^ken;their'finay departure, or have return* ed to enliven and delight u>, < Ever tripping at they.go, * Onth&light.fantaitir.toe.' . A B \CHET*01t* An eye Witness at the siege of Ta li* state*,'thatbn the night, of <hebo bird rient (23d^Sept) ArgueUte t the ecl-?br%< ed orator of the'Cortes, was serving as 6r. an6'Ke other Civllliaa were or danger, tOguese'cartel tinea Biabon, put IninUinWYA-PijfWBU'-.e commissioner nn boaVif.Tienertl Aou- it ‘Paulino 3e OlivelrS Tirito da Emi- cn. The Cnngrt'aa immediately .'iij.' terregated ihe . government estto his erreed ang.deinanjieaiiitrormetloV of whatever might be written or spoken in rejard to il. The government re fusal at first to allow ■hlnumrilaotl, and would listen -to no propoaitiona, nsileia he shewedI powa to leknowl. edge it once the independence nf Brazil, endtho --absolute vessel up for yoor.port. lhe Minerva; to aail/in a few days. Rice, 25 a Bordeaux, niv ir~lmjfcrtl'ln ! bohd Cotton, Geurgi., long ataple, per 100 lbs. 155 65 s I70, short do 115 a 1261 Louisiana, 125 a 135 i St Domingo, l« a t^ -Rioe, Carols new, pad. .100 Ibt 21 a 29. ‘JSu-por/a.r“Branily, 4th proof, per 50 veils, £30 a 235,t Wine, -cargo, good, per tun of 4 hods. 24o a 260 :— superior. GOO a fl50—Red Medoc, or . dipary in cases of 12 bottles, |6 a 18. good do do 20 a 24—auperiorAh do 28 o32—white, GtaTea (fc Sauterne, do SO a 36. rr TEtLOtv-citiZENS. 'I Akbr my •etf'u a Candidito Tor SheritT, at the ensu ing January election, and respectfully soli dtyour suffrages. JOSEPH WIGGINS, dec 31 J,' MARRIED, -On, the 29th Invt. by the'Rev. Ilr. ’Ant drew, Mr. O, M. Bins, to Hist JOHinai Hiirisass. On W-dnevdayevening list, by the Rev. Samuel B Hnw Hr. 'Josira Kinosift, to Miu Elixi Plants, both of thia city. Office Batik United States, ~) Sav. Dec. 8li<, 1823 S gk S this Bank will not b \opened to-. morrow, bonds.snd notes'then pay a* ole, ire to be -attended t » this day. . ' ’ : J* HUNTER, Csshirr. nee 31 ,1lr m PORT OK SA VAA'.VAH. CLEARED, Ship Amethy-t, Bussey, ’Liverpool Juhnslon, Hilla & Co. Scbr-'Science, Wert, New Orieana L Hills. ARRIVED, Brig-Romulua, from Portland, in ballast. BELOW-ahrig. -rivedifrom this port, afN.’York, inat. ship William : Wallace, Arrivi rath Wudd, (up to sail in n few daya.) At Darien, 27th achr- Thorn, Vernard , sloops Flora, Briggs r Three Brothers, Howland :-RiaingSun,Detn. Cleared for thia port, at N York, 20th kit. ship Eliza'Barker. Itowaon, at Charleston, sloop Delight, Cooper, The sloop Victory, Ripley, has or. rived at Charleston, from -Pnil with goods to • sundry (parsons in Sayan- no't. Flour,Potcltoes and Cider. It ALP bbla superfine frcaii Flour 50’bb!s best Eastern Potatoes and 30 bbla veryluperior NewarkCidtr Landing’.from ship Clifford Wayne,' .for axle by CRANE 8t NEWCOMB, dec 30 30u aa their predecessors, with respect to L Brazil'; amt theynall opon theirenun-.8 trymen to be prepared to defend their rights with arms against aggression from whatever quarter. At the latest dotes, the Brazilian Congress were engaged in discussing the draft of a Constitution' framed on the bases of." equality hefore the law; security ol the person s invinlabiliy of iroperty : freedom of the Press end reedom of industry.” Good aeeds hove been sown in'Bitazil. JVnf.Gnr. Charletton, Bee. 29—Cottcn—Set Island, 23 o 28--Stained do 12 a 16. Maine and Santen, 20 a 2?— Short Staple, new. 12} e 14}. Rice.—Prime,32 J—Inferior to good 32 a 2}. Colton—’But little boaineaa has been done the past week, owing to the hoty-days. We continue the quota tions of all descripiions of Cottons, the samre as in our last—at jahich rates the few sales making are effect. Rice—No variation in prices, and holders are 6rm St present rates.—A lew bbls. of very snp"rior quality, have been sold as high as 22 87} ceuta. Freights.—Scarce, at J-8tha of a penny lor Cotton to 'England, and f) cts. to France. For Sale, ri HHDS* retailing'Leaf Tobzceo ■/ 6 Hilda. Brown 8ugar v 12 Barrels'Loaf do , It do Lump do. . 3 Barrels Fresh Ground’Gingfif Gun Powilert Imperial U Hyson Tea - in «m«ll boxes R. CAMPBELL, dec .10 30p Sugar and Hay. LARGE higshead! St* Croix Sugar, 110 Bundles Prime Hay, for tale by GEO. GORDON, dec 29 29 Corn Afloat. 1 RU8HELS best quality Beach Island Corn, for sale on bosrd boat ( arolina Packet, at Bolton's central wharf. JNO.B. GUIBU. dec 29 29p Seed Oats and Baltimore White Flint Corn. ■£y -pEW hundred boalicta Bremen Oats, t&uk ut'a (upeerior 300 buabets White Pbnt Corn, in Jotl to suit purchuer»'_Tor sate by ’dec 27 GEO. F. PALMES. Exchange Dock 2Bp itfew-Tork. Dee. 20 —Coffon— The import from the tSt ■ t > th? 10 h Doc. waa 1112 bates From South- Carolina, 224Virginia' 49 i -Louisiana 89 | Gi'orgie, 750. Too traussetinns were limited, and tho'hnlders of prime bales were deposed to recede from our highest iquolstiona'for uplands, which can be obtained but tor small- lotsml very prime meantime rao.t nf the low qualities of Uplands and Alnhamita baviugbeen aold, we ad vance a cent on our minimtrm rate of last week fnr'Uplands, and half a cent for Alabama. ThegeOera) sales of new:Uplands, were;made at 15 a 15} cents, A amiili parcel of Loui.-.- ianas were sold at 18} cents, and a fancy brand is Held lor a -tilt higher price.—Uplands, 13} ■: 16 i Lnyiatana 15 a ,17; Tennessee 13 a 141 Alaba ma. 13} a 16 R-ce.-' Has been very heavy the present;wbek. There are a, few prime pircela which are held 23 37}. 90 Uaye-.. ’ .' ; Exchange,—Bills on Englaod have b»eo. steady rati out quotations. On Frartce a advance baa been ex*, (itrienced. Bill* on London, 60tl. 8 prcm. do Franco, 5 35, Landing, From, Schooner llebixca & Polly, at Taylor'i Wharf, BBLS Superfine b'/our, fursd/e by C.C., GUIS WOLD. dec ?7 Green Coffee. amrf\BAG5 Gteeu Coffcee, just /air ilwVfi/ ded and for sate by / DOUGLASS U SORREL, dec 37 28p Cider and Cherry Brandy. f ijrv BARRELS first qusfity New Ark Cider 25 do Cherry Blcndy, landingTrom chip Clifford Wayne; and for sate by * CALVIN BAKER, flee 27 , , Whiskey. BARBELS Whiskey, just receiv ed per ship Clifford Wayne, and forsu/e by CALVIN BAKER, dec 27 28i Planter’s Bank Stock. SUAUE9 tor site by . GEOHGP. SCHLEY, W t •' Bids on New York, ^)OR sale by nor 15 83 C.0.61USWOLD. A meiettg 6f the Jtia* IMsoftbelnferWCpfiBiyitihheJoatlcei . u latham, is ISLAY, ‘ of thb ahip Pacmr, for Greenock, vill be taken at eleven o’clock, A; U. THIS DAY, from K» cStthtlngrodmof T ,. , . Joshua uiLNE. dee31 .... . v .... . *#* Any information re- ■phetiog a Plaid Cloak, left at the Labors, -too 31 ; 31 To the Voters of Chatham To Sportsmen. TURKEYS will be,.hot for, on I Thursday, the Irt of January next, ai the White Houle on the White Bluff Rond, formerly Delchamp-i house, dee 31 .11 INDEPENDENT Ttesb^teitiaii CtvurcVk. A N election wjH be held at tlio Church, on MONDAY, the 5th- January, for five Trustees, to manage the affairs of the corporation,' for the -eniuing -year. Any individual holding a pew in fee simple, or hy renting, will be entitled to vote, and the auperintendants witl receive^oies from 10 until 2 o'clock, P* M. By order of the Board of Truilees, JOS* CUIIMING.'Chairraon. dp.n It 11 Lost, ~~ - A PROMMISSOttY NOTE, dated Dei cember 17th, 1833, for R300, drawii by Robert Mitchel, in favor of F. M* Stone, and endorsed by him and by the subscriber, payable four months after date This is to esution all personiTrom tra c ing for the said nbte NATHAN BAKER, dec 31 3Ip FRESH ALE. .^celebrated New*York ALE} receivei per Clifford -Wayne, and for sale by J-BaSHAPTER* At A.*B. 'Panning L* C**'s 31, lti> Wool UotB, UomcsVie GooAb, t*\ougVvft, §e. 41 ’ OASES Wool Ha*.s 7 Bales Domcatio Shirtinfls 2 do do Sheetings and Wood's PatentPloughs,-varibus size* For sale by ; THOMAS BUTLER Of CO. drr 31 31n|| wMBm, UmtlE subscriber now have on hand'aml will receive in* the 'course of a'few days, a -large supply <»f SavfeJL T:\m\beT, Consisting of Planks, Boards 'and ScantOng. assorted, together with ~ Bbt Slav Pipe Ilhi. and BhV Staves, Hanging limber ijf best boated Shingles. All of which they offer at reduced prices, and on aecommodating tetms, for dxport 'detnindx. BROWN A OVERS l-REET. dee 31 31p FOR SALE, ON accommodating terms, Hy 3oY\n Yl. llciA § Co G RUNDY-S BLUE PLAINS . 3, 3ft «nd 4 Point Blankets An invoice of Crockery and Glass ware, selected expressly for this market Hollow Ware, comprising Pots, Camp 'Ovens, Spiders, Tea Kettles, Sad Irons, and Hoca 4? inch Baltic Hemp Cotton Bagghg Do Flaxen do 38 in. strong Brown Sheeting AhSO, 100 kegs Duporit’s Gunpowder, as sorted 1 bale Domestic Plains of'Superior quality ALSO, ’dec 31 91fbf GENERAL DRUG And Family Medicine Ware House. T HE subscriber has received per the •Clifford Wayne, (Vesb sweet oil, flnr. chamomile, arrow root, nutmegs, cloresj cinnamon, mace, allspice, black pepper, rad ginger, p'uiv. ginger, pearl ashes, la n glass, Iceland moss, gum opium, gum camphor, Henry's ealed. magnesia, rad. rhubarb, rotten stone, pearl barley, rad- serp. verg- 200 bottles of the very best kind of c.dd pressed American castor oil, 500 bottles common sweet oil, low, charg ed for carpenter* use, Don's ealed msgne sis. Also, pink »nd blue s*ucers # tor paUit- mg on velvet, large snd small sites, for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No 8, Gibbons' Betiding*, dec 31 . .... Found, a; SHALL BUNDLE of Linen-the A. owner can have it by applying at thia iffice dec U* 20 Lfe|t Night.of Perforn. ; but one in'8avaankH \ Change pf Perfortnan Tins. Evening, M The evening's Entertainment to 1 , menco with the GvRAND ENTREI To conclude with the henofifulli NELSON, ' danefitg (o the tntie'ofPxdd-'O IIORBEMAKSniP by the whole troop of I FLYIN« PHENOMENI Still Vaulting, by Ke whole troop. C.'own, 1 Whittaker' SLACK WIRE RY HRS.WILT [V She will go through the whole . wonderlhl equilibriums. THE FIRST TIME IIEfi Ground & Lofty Tumbl] By Mr '.Kamplin eud e whole tre GRAND TRAMPOLINE! BY MASTER fP/T/lWA-Efi,! over a number of Horace. (Sorters, t HORSEMANSHIP ST MRS. WILLIAMS, Kite will go through her elegant a! of Equestrianism, and conclude, with -ho .lx division* of the | BItOAD SWORD, Th- ,Horan in full' speed. HORSEMANSHIP t y Mr "ST/CA'I HOHSEM YN8IIIP On two Wsh,. By lUr lihjih, During which he will periT.rm the art feet of carrying Mast. ■■ Whittaker] arma length, the hors s going aq full speed. n The faeautifol American Mare FANNY, will go^'through ih. whole of her] ASToMsiwra trim I ' C .ro'lj .-e W'tir — The Hunted Tailor, '• r»»* II.,'Ami', ' JOURNEY TO BRENTFORD Billy Button, Mr* Bythe, I Riding Mister, MrChampiJ Oiown, ' Ur. Willimm Box 75 cents, families with childrenL der ten ye*s of age, admitted to the Bl at half price. Pit 50 cents 1 Doors open at half put-6, and peefti ■rtce to co nmence st nsll paft7: *doq No smoking altowed'Within the doo the Circus. - The division on the left hand side o.. Pit, is for the accommodation of peopll colour. ■ Tiokcts to'be hid daily at the City! and at the Box Office of the Circus, ; ten to two o'clock* Tickets only i the night for which they are sold t Chi not tranaferable, V Persons having demands on the L oui, are requested to present them od before Thursday' the-1st of January, deeir New Year’s Ball. HTDIR subscriber begs leave to infol 41 Ihoae ladies and gentlemen uf Savl nab. who are In the 'habit ofltteniiing I Practising Balia,-tint the next will ta] place Tula EVENING, it being year’s eve, inatetid of Tuesday. He would also menlibn, that in futt he willelwaye be prepared to fornioh Ball and Supper Parties With evefy’requisite accomifiodotion, h ing made arrangements for io doing in t most tasty style, and on tlte most reum ble t^rm , and will be thankful for any derain that line. JOHN d. LEGE, Professor of Dancing dec 31 27u| Lost or Mislaid, O N the niglit ofthe 271.” inst/a PI Cloak. Any person finding the sin by leaving it at the Georgian Office, a be liberally rewarded, dec 30 STOLEN, F ltOU the Mansion Hotel, a piece < Green Levantine Silk, a good de spotted, containing 46ft yards. A suitib reward will be given for the recovery i saidrilk and the detection of the thief.* All persons are cautioned against purebs ing tbe same, by WM. TURNEB. dec 30 30c # QUIKK’S Eaaeuwc oi T^xe, JpOR changing Ijghi red or r grey hsir.o ia to a beiutift _ the head, whiskers, tun and permanent black or brown, for salt by ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, No 8, Gibbons' buildings N. B I have appointed Anson Parson Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent r the fttate of GeoTgia, to sell my P.flitnce Tyre. THOMAS QU1HR. dec 30 RASS i t by Fenders. Mron Fenders, of all rise 1 per Cotton Plant, and lot l fy.MOSRELL, Opposite Col. Stiellman's N* B. Alio, Andirons snd Shovels *w Tottf*. dec 12 61 Onioiis, Oats and Oil. ^ FEWHampera Onions Barrels Oats CMC do ... • do do CM Oil For sale on board ^rig Adeline, at W tor’s Wharf j, dec II'