The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, October 27, 1829, Image 2

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*» ** uiwttuiuitfdto&t Ac uiuw&stt WBLlMir.118 Otr* TUB LAWS OV TUB UNION. DAILY PAPKIl, J J : J 5 S KIOHT DOLLARS. country paper: : : : : : five dollars. 4CP All Advctluutncula uiqtuur iu bolli papers. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27. MSSfifiBB3sassM>SMMisaiiaiifiBa Tho last Columbus Enquirer, contains tho following notice respecting tho Crock Chiefs, who huving started a short timo since, for Washington City, subsequently returned to their nation; thereby, evincing the expecta tion of an useless errand, and also that the main charac ter oftho General Government towards them is that of determination.—“Tho deputation of Creek Chiefs who started a feu* days ago for Washington City have return ed to their nation. They proceeded no farther than to ltidgc’sin the Cherokee country, who it is thought has advised them to ruturn, for what purpose we know not, but suppose must have satisfied their apprehensions in regard to the truth of the messages delivered them hy Colonel Crowell, to ascertain which, it is understood, was a part of their business at Washington City. We could hope he lias made still greater impressions upon thorn, is wo have no doubt from our information, that he la in favor of tho immediate emigration of tho Indians. It 80, probably he tins given thorn mlvico which may be beneficial to both them and us,” Arrangements arc nuking in Augusta, for tho np- proaching season, by Mr. E lender, who visited this city iu the Theatrical Corps during the two' last winters.— Mr. Do Camp, tho Manager, is in New York, and Phil adelphia, engaging performers for tho Columbia and Au gusta Theatres. Tho same gentleman wo understand lias engaged the Savannah Theatre, and we learn by a letter received here, will open some tiino during tho lat ter part of Junuary or early in February, for a season of twelve or fourteen woeks. We hopo that Mr. Do Camp, ortho owners of this once bountiful house, will endeavor to restore it in some degree, to its former state. In its present dilapidated condition, it is a disgrace to tho city, and almost unfit fir the resort of those who tuay bo expected lo patronize it. VttMittciA Cosvi ntwn*.—The Committee on the Bill of Bights have reported again d any amendment of that instrument. The Executive Committee have reported i u favor of a Governor, a Lieutenant Governor, and of tho abolition of tho Executive Council—that Sheriffs shall he elected hy voters qualified to vote for Members nf the Legislature—tml officers of Militia Companies shall be nominated to the Governor bv their respective Companies—Field UlHcers to lie nominated, by Com missioned Officers—mid that no pardon be granted in uny case, until after conviction ami judgment. The Judicial Committee have reported, among other resolutions, in favor of retaining the Judges under the new Constitution, during good behaviour; that the pre sent Judges shall retain their seats until the expiration of the first session of the Legislature held under the new Constitution, hut that the Legislature may cause to be paid to such of them as shall nui be re- appoinletl,such sum as, from their age, infirmities and part services, shall be deemed reasonable. JuJgcs to b- elected eira m, by tho Legislature, cadi house voting separately ; Judges to bo impeached by tho IIouso of Representatives be- foro tho Senate, and two-thirds of the latter required to removo them, fee, The debates in the Convention will soon commence*, and its interest will uo doubt increase with its sitliugf. The Agricultural .Society of.South Carolina appear to entertain a favorable opinion of tho machinery for pound- ingllicc, that has lately been constructed by Mr. Rave*, •id, upon new principles 5 and even go so fur ns to say, that it will place within tho power ofevery Planter the means of acquiring on his estate, improved Mills for pounding out his Crop, and on terms considerably less expensive than those required fir tho machinery now in use. They further express their belief that he is justly entitled to gr« at credit for his very valuable improve ments ; and that his name will over rank with the names of those men who, hy their genius and talents, usefully applied, have rendered essential benefits and services lo their country. . • Whatever may be the character of the British institu tions, or the situation of thu groat mass of the people of that country, there is a substantial freedom in tho dis quisitions of the press on public affairs, for which in this country wo do not always give it credit. Although in our individual feelings wo inny dissent from the justice or propriety ofan unvaried course of vituperation on any question or towards any individual, in reading some of the British prints, we cannot hut give them credit for the boldness ofi heir attacks. It i.i stated in our foreign extracts of yesterday, Unit the London Morning Journal has been indicted by tho Duke of Wellington, for n libul on his character. That paper, however, nothing daunt ed hy this appeal to the laws on the part of one, whoso influence must he of great weight in tho scale, reiterates its charges iu the following words : — “Tho Duke of Wellington is Proud. ‘‘The Duke of Wellington t.« Overbearing. “Tho Duke or Wellington in Grasping. | “Thu Duke of Wellington j* Di-ikonest. “The Duke of Wellington in Unprincipled. * “As for thu rest, wo affirm, that tho Duke of Wel lington is cnpbhle of Join# any lh ng. n a wm or tins description on the part ofu Prime Minis- ter, is of rare occurrence, and the policy ofgiving imjmr- tnnee to charges, which appear to be, nml piobnbly are the uflapriag of passion or spleen, is questionable. A most exqui ile story tor the lovers of the mare cllutis, has recently run the rounds of the newspapers, relative tothecnpliirrf of a vessel and the pickling of her mur- ilcred crew, in sundry pork barrels, by certain pirates in the West Indies, ft is a pity that so excellent a laic of wonder should lie entirely destroyed only for the want of one trifling ingredient, truth. It is stated to have liccn frequently published in «lif- f rent purls of the country, in various stages of perfec tion, urtd that the ‘‘horrible pickling'* of the crews, is n (firinci!, on good authority, to hr* a brnn new embellish ment, by one oftho Major Longlsiw family. The next lime it is raised wosupposo wn shall have a description of a cannibal feast on (be quarter deck, with proper ac companiments. Un Saturday wo recorded tho decease of tho Chief Magistrate of Maine ; mid to-day, wo are called upon to armoimre the death of I*»:tkii I)>:kiii«nv, tho Go vernor of l<ouisiann, on lliuflth in«t. It was occasion ed hy n wound in the head, received from tho trunk of a tree, when leaping from his carriage, to avoid the danger likely lo he incurred from its being upset. His vacancy will bo filled by II. JIaiivais, who, in rases of the hhe emergency, in charged by the Constitution, wi«h all the Executive powers. fhoNow Bedford Courier states that tho ship Gala- ten of that port, captured by tho Miguelito squadron ofl' Torcoira, has been condrmntd at Lisbon. Tho Ameri can Consul informs thu owners, that ho lias demanded the restitution of tho vcssol, with damogos fordotontioti and insults offered tocitiionsof tho United States. Mobile.—Tlio lust report from tho Health Offico, under data of October 1*2, informs that soverol cases of tho prevailing epidemic liavo occurred in that city } to which is added this further advico, that absentees should not return to tho city boforu tho occurronco of frost. Tho^ntload of OoUon (middling) was brought to Columbus, (Guo.) this scosouhy John D. Cliamberlers of Talbot county, and bought at 7 cents, by Messrs. S, & II. T. Wool folk. Tho Governor o Pennsylvania lias called an oxtraor- dinary session oftho legislature), to bo opened on tho 3d of November next, for the purpose of making provisions lor the State Canal fund. A fellow named Joseph Ilruco has been taken up in Stockbridge, Mass, having in his possession counterfeit bank notes to tho amount of $1,900. A bill passed the Ilouso of Reprcsontntirw of Ten nessee, “to protect young ladies from impositions in early marriages,” but tho ‘‘potent gruvo and reverend seign iors” oftho Senate postponed it indefinitely. Lath from Mexico.—tty tho sclir. Oscar, at Now Orleans, from Vera Cruz whence she soiled cm thu22ri nit. the editor of tho New Orleans Argus 1ms received n copy oftho ar ticles of capitulation oftho Spanish finny.— Gen. Barrada8 himself arrived in tho Oscar. Gen. tt. loti Tampico for New Orleans on board the Spanish sclir. Francises* but meet ing with the Oscar, in the Gulf, lie took pas sage ott board of her* with a part of ilia stuff, consisting of Brigadier General Isidoro Bar- rnda8, Don Engenio Avozanctu.Don Jose Al- bnro, D. Ildefonso Gutierez, D. Froderico AHmrez Sitnidcl, D. Jose Maria Callcjas, D. Salvador Abril, 1). Juan Cortez (a prest) and his assistant Pedro Medino. Our doubts in relation to tho terms of tho capitulation, wore well founded. Wo have loaned (says tho editor of tho Now- Orloans Argus) a copy of tho capitulation (tho only one in town) which we intend publishing; at present wo have only time to give an abstract of it. Tito Spanish army evacuated Tampico, retaining their arms and colors, but only to carry them to Don Manuel Mior V. Teran, Lieutenant of the Mexican army. The Spanish division will garrison at Victoria until ready to sail,und its support and expense of transportation lo bo at the cost of its chief. The sick and woun ded unable to march, to remain at Tampico and to he transported to tho hospital to be taken care of at the expense of the Spanish government. The Mexican General to pro tect tho lives and property of all persons be longing to the expedition. Tho Spanish Gen eral is authorised to semi one or two officers to tho Havana to procure transports.— By two additional articles, it is proposed, 1st, bv tho Spanish General, and 2uly, by the Mexican General, it is agreed:; 1st, that if the troops forming part of tho division of Barradas arrived at Tampico, they shall bo notified of the present convention that they may return to the Havana ; 2d, that the Gen era), tho Chiefs and Officers, and nil the troops forming n part, of the division of Bar radas, solemnly hind themselves not to take up arms against the .Mexican Republic. This is the substance oftho capitulation so glorious, so honorable to tho Mexican army, and which was so horribly disfigured hy the reporter of the (taiga. Honor to tho Bravo. Tub Choctaw*.—We aro indebted to a friend for a copy of a letter from the Secreta ry of War to Col. Ward, Choctaw agent. Ala. hit. Department op War, July 31,1620. To Col. William Ward, Agent. Sir : I have received your letter, and ap proved the talk made by you to the Indians. Tho President is fully satisfied that the oppo sition produced amongst the Indians against emigration is ascribablc mainly to tho inter ference and b.ul counsel of vicious white men, who gain a place in the Nation. Theso have no business there. None aro to be permitted to remain in the Nation, but under a written permit from tho Agent which permit is to bo revoked when good behavior is lost sight of, and not to bo given except where tho party is known to he of good character. White men married to Indians, and who conccqiiont- lylby their regulations aro entitled to residence, arc not to be considered us requiring permit from von. But even theso when found to bo disorguuisors, ai.d seeking to thwart the poli cy and views of tho government, must bo re. ported to this department, with tho circum stances of their conduct; aiul an order will bn forthwith given to remove tliuin from tho Nation. How can tho Indians expect to remain where they aro : They are surrounded by tho whiten. They aro within tho limits and jur isdiction of a State, whose laws may at any time bo extended over them; nor can the gen eral government here prevent it; because they have not the constitutional power to prevent it. But beyond tho Mississippi, this government will bo disposed, when there set tled, to molest or disturb them no more, but leave them and their children at peace, uud in repose forever. They will be interrupted by no one. The tribes that shall go there, ami enter into poaco and fellowship with us truly and in sincerity, will hnvo none to dis turb or make them afraid, because their eno- oruies would be our enemies. The United States would not look with indifferonco upon any tribe making war with another, but view ing the quiet and happiness ‘of the whole, would with paternal euro consult and main tain the interest oftho whole. If is desired and directed that you constant ly in all your intercourse with tho Indians urge upon them llio utter inability of their Great Father, to prevent the State of Mis sissippi front extending their laws over their country, and of his desire, as well for the interest ami happiness of his red, ns white children, that they shall make up their minds to remove, and become settled in tho west. You are requested to he vigilant and ac- tivo in enlightening the minds of the Choc taw Indians upon tho subject, that they may understand the opinions of their Great Fat It. or. Ho wishes thorn at some convenient and curly time, to meet in Council, and ho will on learning thoir wishes send some con fidential friend amongst them to agreo up. on a trenty by which tho whole nation shall go off together, except those who shall prefor to remain, and coino under the laws tift he .States. The seal of the war department is att ached that it maybe known that.these remarks em anate from thoir Great. Father. Very Respectfully, JOHN 1J. EATON. Tho New York Journal of Commerce \ an article on tho Corn Crops of 1628, condors it worthy of romark, that although tho rop of 1829 is known to be abundant, both u the West and South, tho receipts of tho se ion, thus far, liavo entirely disappointed the ex pectations founded on that fact; haying oen really much loss than they were a yoarkgo. The reasons assigned for this, early inlflie season, wore drought at the North, wot nithc South, and tho disposition oftho agricultuists not to soil too early, ns soino of them tlljik they did laHt year. To all this, however, it must no doubt bo added, that tho high prices of Inst year brought forward all tho old stocks, and loll tho granaries, both of Europe and America, empty. So that, should prices for this year continue low, o considerable part of the crop will go to supply this vacuum, and be retained in the hands of tho growers. After all tho attention which was turned to tho English markets, the exports to that country from the crop of 1828 wore comparatively trilling, and our whole export to Europe bore but a small proportion to the exports which the northern ports of the Continent made to England alone. Tho following is an extract of a letter, dated Liverpool, Aug. 21, quoted by the same paper:— “ You allowed your anticipations to outrun tho reality last season. Your prices, advanc ed so rapidly, that not a single shipment was made which left a profit, and while we have hail since lust harvest nearly 3,000,000 quar ters of grain from tho Continent, we hive had only 100,000 bbls. of Flour from tho United States.” Liverpool Antes Havre : «!r>. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT, OJficc of the Courier, Charleston, Oct. 20. \ Rice.—In this article the demand and iulns of tho week were fair, ami at old quotathns, which wo repeat, prime $2 J a 28, inforit to good, 2 l g a 2}. One lot prune broughtTthe highest quotation. Foreign exports oftho week 140 casks. \ Flour.—We continue to quote Flour St a Corn.—Of Corn there was no arrival h the week; we therefore continue the old quu tut ion, 50 a 50 cents. Groceries.—A good business continues tt\ be done with the country in all descriptions of Groceries, Dry Goods, &c. notwithstanding the low rivers. Frieghts, to Europe continue dull—Id is the rate for Cotton to Liverpool, at which there are three ships loading ; to Havre lj cents for Cotton, one ship loading. Exchange*—On England, 8.1 a 0; on France, Of. 20. Export of Cotton and Rico from Charleston to Foreign Ports, during the week ending 2*lth inst. COTTON. RICE. Sea Island. Upland. Tierces. Liverpool, 199 981 225 West ludics, MO Magnolia, Oct. 9.—A few hales of Cotton oftho now crop, tho first of tho season, was offered in this market yesterday—eight cents was offered and refused—consequently we continue old quotations of all descriptions of Cotton. Arm York, Oct. 1\\.—Coffee There ii no change, in jiricm*. Jtagil u-.ts sold lo ;!.<• trade at l2.{ a 13 cunts ; Java II* cents.— St. Domingo brought tit ntirtinti llLi cts. Colton.—Wo notice the sides of about 990 hales, of which ?()» were Upland, at 8' f u H.V cents, for middling 8;j a Oi cents for fair, 01 ulO.j cents for good and prime, over let) were now at 19.] a II cents ; about 1(H) Mo. bile, at 8j, S\ 9 and 10 j cents; ami New Or leans, at 0j a 13J cents. Sugar.—Sak s of 259 boxes, Pernambuco white, lit 9 a 9| cents ; 80 boxes ordinary Ha vana brown, at. 3;] cents. The Jamaica, by the British ship Waterloo, brought Oja7 cents. Rice.—This article continues at 28 a S3, 100 lbs. * Molasses remains with but little demand, and no favorable change in prices. In Augusta, Mr. William Ckothers, merchant of Mobile, to Miss Mary, daughter ottho lute Asuph Wright, Esq. of Warren ton. High Water ut Tyhoo fin. Kavauttnh 7 17 9 .17 Alt HIVKI), hr.ship Thetis, Lahorde, 17ds fin Martin- timquo. Molasses to tho Master. „ . „ SAILED, Brig l ranees, Foy, New York. A small sloop, called the Eliza Ann, ho- longing to this port, was deserted on Sunday week, and was towed up to Dr. Cuyler's plan tation, at the south end of Ossauaw. The man who hud charge of her, was picked up swimming up the crook and crying murder ! evidently in a state of temporary insanity.— His name is Antonio, & ho usually runs to St. lire’s ^* U cttI ® 0 UIH k° on safely lodged at The American ship Globe, arrived at the r J M m!k i \ cr ** B "'us robbed hy n slave vessel, of1200 dollars, provisions and clothes and the crew ill treated, on tho 17th June, lut. 0 N. Ion. 22 W. m The ship Amelia, Post, from New York to Mobile was fired into on the night of the 30th **]•♦ «y a schooner off the Stirrup and Orange Keys. I In* Man*, Colo, from Maine for Pen- sncoia, wai fired upon by the sumo vessel tho sumo night. [vltOM or It. ronUKHVONDKNTH, ) Offices tf the Courier, Mercury and Gazette, Charleston, Oct. 23—4A P. M. Arr.—Ship Sarah &. Caroline* Prince, Li verpool, sailed 10 Sopt. Fr. ship Eugene, Point Poire, Gaud. 27 ds. lino ship Empress, Sinclair, New York hours. Smack Intrepid, Packer, New York, *1 ds. Now U. L. sclir Nile, Sturgoa, New York, 3 days. Sclir. Alert, Smith, New York, 4 dnytf. Sloop Diamond, Davis, New York, 4 days. Missing. O NE Darrel mcrehnnilizn (branded 0. & II.) landed l>oin tho lirip Francos from I’mvidoncn. Tim |icrsou luivmg it in bis pos- allusion, will please to roturu it. to tlm eon- aiRiloo. ]. GANA1II.. oct 27 ‘,’13—.- FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, The superior copper fastened and coppered ship ANDES, Janes Tomkins Master, will bo in .readiness to rccoivo Cargo in _ fow days. For terms apply to tho master on board, at Scott’s wlmrf. 200 Bundles Ilay for snlc. Tomkins on board, oct 27 Apply to Capt. 2-Mp FOll NEW YORK. [schooner line.] Tho fast sailing packet sclir. O R E U O N, Thomn» Dunham, jr„ mailer, Will sail on Thursday next.— For freight on duck or passage, having hand, some aeeummodations, apply to Capt. D. on bunrd, ut Taylor’s wharf, or to oct 27 COHEN & MILLER. FOR AUGUSTA. The Steamboat SAM’L HOWARD, Will leave tho Steam bont wlmrf TO-MOR ROW, the 28th inst. for Augusta with tow boats. For freight or pussngu apply ut tho Steamboat Office. W. I*. HUNTER, President. oct 27 EVENING oct 27 FOR AUGUSTA, The steam bont GOV. TAYLOR, Whihlen, master. Will leave hero THIS Fur freight apply to COHEN & MILLER. FOR CHARLESTON viu BEAUFORT Tim Btoain packet JOHN D. MONGIN, Capt. Dubois, Will luavo for the abovo places This Day, at I) o’clock A.M., For freight or passage, apply on board,or to oct 27 JOHN W. LONG. FOR AUGUSTA. The Steam Boat EDGEFIELD, . Capt. J. Rlarkman, 3 Will leave This Day, for Augusta with tow limits. For freight ap ply to oct 27 .1. M’KENZIE & CO. Williamson’s buildings. 213 oct 27 To Rent, THE commodious dwelling house on tho South Common, recently occupied hy Mr. Law. Also, sev eral Stores in desirable situations RUirT. HABERSHAM. 211 u n Court of Ordinary. T HE Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, will hold its regular session on Monday next. S. M.BOND, v. c. o oct 27 Singiiijr School. A LL who feel an iiit"rest in tho improve* meiit of Church Music, are invited to at tend a Meeting to he held at the SuMmth School Room, in tho Academy, THIS EVE NING, at 7 o'clock, forthenurposoofndojit- ing suitable measures to establish a Singing Hdront. ° oct 27 r ACAitl). T HE undersigned, in behalf of tho onbin passengers of the bark Armadillo, John Robertson, Master, are happy to liavo tho opportunity of expressing their high opinion, of his Zealand abilities in conducting Ins ves sel from New York to this port, ami their gratitude for his kind and assiduous attention in promoting their comfort on the voyage. Edwin Halt, O, Cougar, (J. Webster, 77ms. Clark, M. Lvffhorrow, H7n. Brown, E. Curtis, Hiram fuller, Charles Spoor, 1l r /». Campbell. oct 27 $10 Howard. R ANAWAY from the subscriber, his ne gro woman IIACIIAEL, formerly the property of Mr. Bulloch and Mrs. Lloyd, and lately belonged to Mr.Tyues. Rebeccaletl on the Utli inst—is about 50 years ofugc, short, slight stature, walks a little lame, and wants four toes on one of her feet. She is well known in Savannah. The above reward will bo paid on her being lodged in the Jail of Cha tham County. Tho law will he rigidly enfor ced against all who harbour her. THOMAS FULTON, oct 27 241 AT THE REPUBLICAN FLAGS. And LITTLE HOPE, St. Julian Street, west of the Market, I S to he sold the admirable Thoimrs Wa ter, or Warranted Tooth Ache and Scur vy Drops, approved by the Faculty of Paris, and several eminent physicians in tho city of New York, where it is also to bo sold hy ten respectable Agents, and has stood tho test in this city. Prepared by Louis Falligunt, and none else in the United States. Also—a good stock of such articles as are generally wanted, such as Drugs and family Medicines, Tin Ware, Perfumer}', Linseed and Sweet Oil, Claret, Malaga, Muscat, Ma deira and Toncrifle Wine, Syrups of all kinds, Cordials assorted, hy the bottle and by the dozen, just received from New York, patent cement for mending China and Glassware, netloctor Lamps, &c. for Arlcquin trust, (thut. is to say) from the hand oftho Purchas er to tho Pocket oftho Vendor. Also—An assortment of Picture Frames and Tin Bugles. Those who may please to repose confi dence* will indeed ho welcome on the pro posed conditions. N. tt. Should any Phial of tho above drops he sold without Fnllignut’s signature and seal, the same must he considered as spurious.— Price 25 cents. oct *J« foT* Hardware, ut lory, & c. T HE Siilincriliem liavo rocoivoil bv Hip lulu arrivals from Liverpool nml New York, a general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND Heavy Goods, YVhioh aro oflbroil fur snlo ou accommo dating lerniH, by N. B. & II. WEED, oct 27 New Dry Goods Store. .T. A. & A~WILSON, A NNOUNCE to the inhabitants ofSavati* . nah and vicinity, that they liavo juit opened nt tho store in Johnson’s Square, next door to Messrs. Low, Wallace & Co. a Bill assortment of STAPLE AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, purchased principally at auction sales in the city of New York, all of which they ofibr ut wholesale or retail at tho moat reduced prices. Intending to receive regular supplies from N. York, they will constantly present to their customers a great variety of all that is new, fashionable and useful in their line. Part of their Assortment at present is us follows : Merino Cloths of the most fashionable col ours Merino Circassians do do Long White Bile. & Scarlet Merino Shawls 4-4,7-4, and 8-4 Square do Long& square Cashmere do various colors Gauzo, De Coupe, Barage &. Gros de Nap. I Ik Is and Scarfs Blk amt fancy col’d Bnrages & Pahnarincs Satin Cross Barred do Heavy black Sinchcws and Sarenetts do India Satins & Satin Levantines Matteoni’s best bluck Italian Lutestrings Florences and Satins* assorted colors Crape Lisso do Black Murcelino Silks Italian and Areophane Crapes Black Nankin & Canton do Ladies’ horscskin,castor, kid &. silk Gloves and Mitts do Ornamental Tops do Gent’s Woodstocks* castor, horseskin and Norway doe do 2 cases containing a complete assortment of Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Misses’ Cot ton, Worsted &. lamb’s wool Hosiery English & French blk and white silk do Lamb’s wool, Vigonia, and silk half IIoso Linen Cambricks and linen camb. Hkfs 2 cases Irish Linen of the most approved fabric Irish and Russia Diapers. A large selection of Fancy Prints of tho richest style Plaid and Striped Ginghams do Swiss, hook, jaconet* mull and nansook Muslins 9-8 uud G-l Cotton Cambrics White and London printed jaconet Cravats Black and col’d Italian do Valencia, Marseilles, and Flor. Vestings Belt Ribbons of various new styles Rich Gro de Xnp &, de Coupe gauze Bon net do Plain, Satin and Mnntimdo from 14 to22 Rich while and bluck Bohinett I^icc Veils English and French tlireud Laces and Edg ings Paris Embroider}', &c. &c. ALSO, Blue, Black, Brown, and Cadet inixt Lon don Cloths and Cussimercs 1 bale whit e and red Flannels 5 hales heavy mixt negro Kerseys 3 do Blue Linsoys 2 do London dutfio Blankets 1 halo Rose do from 9 to 14 4 8 bales brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings l case blue and stool mixt Sattinetts 1 do Cotton Wadding 1 do Apron and Furniture Checks oct 27 Hnllmv Waro. Nails, Steel, Sail Irons and Traco 'Chain*. Q(Y (Jh f ‘ifTk Carron Hollow Ware 0l M*V** 850 ‘ ;,,sks Cut Nails and Brads, assorted 4d to GOd 2 tons German .Steel 1 ton Blister and Cast Steel 10 cusks Sad Irons 50 bags Trace Chains Just received mid for sale hy N. B. & H. WEED. oct 27 Just Received, Landing from Armadillo and Emperor, S 3 HALF Pipes 1st quality Brandy 3 pipes Holland Gin 5 bbls Madeira Wine 5 do Teneriffc do 2 qr Casks Malaga Wine ALSO, 25 kegs V K Butter of superior quality 7 cases lints assorted For sale by J. B. HERBERT, oct 27 Guns, Rifles and Muskets. ■J CASES containing: a full assortment * V ot Single anil Double Barrel Flint ami Percussion Shot linns 2 cases Flint mid Percussion Rifles 1 disc Muskets Just received and fur sale bv N. B. &1I. WEED. net 27 Negro Shoes, &c. Ol PACKAGES—consisting of Mon's *■ Bant*, Bonier*, Shoes nml '.Pumps also, Lillies,Boys anil Children’* Siiocs—and 40 dozen Loud Pencils’ For sale low at LUTHER’S nrt 27 Exchange Office. assf-siw & TAHioiSr MARKET HqCAIIB, T ENDF.R their sincere thanks to thoir frieiidu nitd tho public generally f llt past favors, anil very respectfully solicit a continuation of patronage. They have received and nre receiving t fresh and hnndsomo assortment of Super. Super. Fashionable Cloths, Cussimcrcs, Vest, mgs, &c. &c. Also, on hand an extensive assortment of Fashionable Ready Made Clothing, Consisting of Frock Coats,Coattces, Vests, Pantaloons, Shirts, Cloaks, &c. Also, a splendid assortment of Fancy articles, such as Cravats, (of the very latest style,) .Stocks, Hosieiy, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c. &c. N. B. The veir latest New York, London and Philadelphia Fashions arc received, and their customers may depend on having their gurments made in a stylu not. to be oxmledby any, and at the shortest possible notice, and also on such terms as cannot fail to please, oct 27 244 Sheet ami iinop Iron, and Tin Plate. 5 TONS Sheet nml Hoop Iron 50 boxes Tin Pluto. Received and for sale by oct 27 N. B. & II. WEED Rum and Gin. O/Y BBLS. Portland Ruin, colored 50 do “Phelps” Gin Now Innditignnd for sale by HALL, SI L\ PTE It &. TUPPER- oct 27 Wire Fenders, ^ Direct from the Manufactory. 6 CASES assorted sizes and patterns Brass and plain Tops with anti without mould ings. For sale hy oct 27 PHILBRICK & BAKER. v M. A. STARR, % (Ao. 1 tjj* 1(5, Gibbons' Buildings) H AS received by recent arrivals and of- fers tor sale on accommodating tcnn3* 20 hhds New Orleans Sugar 15 do St. Croix do. 100 bags Green Coffee 20 tons Swedes Iron, assorted 100 kegs Nails, assorted 100 bbls Northern Gin 20 or. casks Marseilles Wine 10 do do Malaga do. 5 pipes “ Otard, Dupuy & Co” Brandy 5 ao “Seignctts” do. 5 do « Menor Swan” Gin 5 hhds Jamaica Ruin 20 qr. chests Ilvson Tea 40 bbls Loaf and Lump Sugar 10 boxes London Mustard 20 do Soap 10 bags Pepper 10 do Pimonio Together with a general assortment of GROCERIES. oct 21 239—l PORK & BEEF. XD BBLS New York City Prime Pork a/Vr 30 do Prime Beef 1500 gls Sperm Oil 40 kegs Lard 25 do Goshen Butter 15 casks do Cheese 40 boxes Pipes 15 half bbls Fulton Market Beef 12 do Pickled Tongues 25 kegs Wine Biscuit 20 boxes” Vundyk’s” Mustard 20 do Sperm Candles 50,000 American Scgurs 50 bbls “ Alexandria” Flour 30 Imlfboxes Raisins 5 bbls Almonds Just received, landing from Armadillo and Wave, and for sale by oct 20 CLAGIIORN & WOOD. Ttifl it Patlciford, H AVE rocoivoil by recent arrivals, the following goods, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms— 50 hhds Molasses 75 hags Coffee 50 barrels N, E. Rum 01K) roams Wrapping Paper 20 pipes pure Holland Gin 175 kegs Cut Nails tt tons Swedes Iron, assorted l cask Nutmegs 12 hhds Sugar • 13 hales Domestics • 8 boxes Axes "Ct 22 240—p|| „ LANDING rrom (trig Progress, from Boston, HHDS .St. Croix Sugar 20 do Porto Rico do. 100 bags prime Green Coffee llK) reams Wrapping Paper 1D0 casks Cut Nails 10 hhds pure Molasses Rum 30 hags Popper 20 bales Brown Shirting For sale by J. STONE. °ct 21 239—l Brogans, Shoes, Hats & Paper OI| CASES Brogans anil Shoos, wurran toil oftho first quality 8 oaso Common nnd lino Hats 1(H) Roams Wrapping l’npor 20 do Writing do For sail! very low by BARKER & EATON, (.Vo. 2 Young'* Building*.) Country Merchants, nnd others wishim to purchase, will do will to call. 1 oct 22 240—(l N. O. Sugar. ■J O HHDS N.O. Sugar, landing from sclir A —3 Oregon, nnd for snlo Ivy I'HILIIItlCKfc BAKER. oct 27 Molasses. t A(\ HHnSJpriino Retailing Molasses . U Now lumling and fur sale hy M. A. STARR, oat 27 24lp POTATOES. "J XA BBLS Whito Potatoes, for snlo by IJV l’ALMES &. LEE, oct22 Exchange Dock. Coloring (or Liquor, J llST received ninl for snlo nt retail by LAY Si. HENDRICKSON, oct 24 Druggists, G ibhems Buildings. Prime anti Mess Pork. 1 All BBLS Prime Pork s-UU 30 do. Moss do. Landing from shipAspt ALSO, 20 reams Supor-Royal Printing Pap 20 do. Imperial do. do, 0 cases Brogans and Boots 10 boxes Hunt's Cnsl-Steel Axes 7 pipes Holland Gin For sale by J, STOXI oct 24 242— Flour, Butter. Lard, &c. Landing from ships Andes and Emperor, O/j BBLS Canal Flour ^”12 Firkins choice Goshen Butter 50 do Lard for family use 15 casks 1st qunlity Cheese 10 half bbls Fulton Market Beef 10 do and 10 or bids Buckwheat men! 20 hhls Fuller & Tavlor’s Albany Ala 10 do Cider For sale hy JOHN BENTLEY, oct 20 BRANDY Ac. A _,„ . .lust received, FEW pipes Superior Brandy of “J. J. Bose&. Co.” 'Imperial crown’ nml "Fa- Ycrcnu’s” brands— AMO, A few dozen superior Champnigno 2 pipes old Swan Gin 10 casks vvlijte Wine Vinegar For solo by JOSEPH ADZE. °>A20 238—i. Landing From* chr. Ptaughhoyfram Baltimor 7rt ™<KS Green Coflbo • ” 13 hhds Claret 10 bids nnd 3 boxes Hama 50 kegs Idird 10 boxes bar Lend 500 hags Shot assorted l* or sale hy oct 23—p SORREL & ANDERSON