The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, November 09, 1829, Image 2

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i,; 9m OS Q&fS&MIfc * uH)aj»urt?3®sr a ajury&w, , ronLisnmu ok iuib» ok tiib ti.Ntojt. DAILY PAPKR, J COUNTRY PAPUIl: ; r.ianr dollars. ; FIVE DOLLARS. ICJ* All Advcrtincniciit* nppcar In both pajitT*. MONDAY MORNING, NOV. I). DUTCH'S OKb'lUK. ' &‘<tvnnnaft, A r ut’. 7/A, 1820. $CP* Council having act apart Tuciuday the 12th ofNovetnbcrinat., as a day of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for His merciful protection of the poo* pto of this city during the past season, for their e.reuip* lion from disease and calamity, and for the manifold .other hlusalnw thoy havo enjoyed : * Now therefore, I dohereby request of the inhabitants, a proper and sincere observance of that day, by abstain* ing from their customary avocations, and by their devo* ling It tu Religious exorcises and public devotion—And 2 do also enjoin upon the City Marshal and Constables, the duty *>f preserving peace and good order through out the vity during the day. W. T. WILLIAMS, Mayor. The packet ship Britannia from tiverpOol arrived at New York on tha 29th ult. Her accounts aro to the 1st October, and afford of courso nothing from tho seat of War later than tho Paris papers to tho same date re ceived by the Sully. Under our commercial head will bo found the latest commercial intelligence with which wo havo been favored by our friend* • Tho Hon. Mr. Barbour, our late Minister to tho Court of St. James, cauro passenger in the Britannia. An extensive seizure of Tobacco was recently mado, at Liverpool, on board a vessel from New York. The smugulcrs hud adopted a novel mode for the purooso ol disguising their contraband titoichandizo. Tho Tobuc- co was in bugs, which contained,to all outward appear* auccM, cotton ; but on opening the bugs, the cotton was found only a few inchba deep, all the real being tobacco. Tho custum house oliiccrs, who acted on an information, seized not tower than seventeen bags containing cotton at id tobacco. , „ , __ Alderman Crowder has been elected Lord Mayor of London for tho ensuiug yeur. Such is tho stato of readiness in which the arsenal and stores are kept at Plymouth, that it is said, at that port alone, six sail of the lino might be completely equip ped for sea in a fortnight. It is said to bo the intention of Government to super annuate all Lieutenants and Commanders in his Majes ty’s N.ivv, whose commissions are dated in the last ccn- lorv, the* Lieutenants retiring on a pension with the rank of Commanders, and tho Commanders with that of Cap- The great modern master of the art of war (Welling- n, we presume, is meant by tho London paper which IdP* Tho Ladies of the Feiiula As}luin, relying on 'the countenance arfd support hitherto afforded them for t'.amaintciianco of Orphan Female Children, by the charitable citizens of Savannah, beg leave to inform the public, that their Annual Fair will bo held in tho Ex change Long Room on TUESDAY, tho loth of De-’ comber, where every articlo useful and ornamental will bo exhibited for salo from 10 o’clock in tho forenoon un til iO o’clock at nighL The charitable from all parts of our Stato attd our sis ter State, will we humbly hope make it convenient to at tend, and view one of tho most beautiful collections of Fancy Articles ever produced at any Fair. Tho most ot* thexo articles wo wish to he undeMood, aro the pro duction of our young Ladies, who havo employed the past summer in this work of charity—and w e hope they have not labored in vain. Formerly this institution was supported by contribu tions at tho Churches, which proved precarious and dis agreeable to tho Ladies. They therefore adopted this mode of holding a Fair annually, for the support of Fe male Orphan Children, who, without such aid must he cast friendless on tho world—mid ns they were forced to try every means in their power, they resorted to this mode in preference to any other. %* The Editors ofNeivspapcrs in Charleston, Beau fort, Augusta, Darien and Milledgevilhv will confer a fivor upon tho Ladies of the Savannah Female Asylum, by giving tho foregoing publication, an occasional place in their rtspuclivo Gazettes. relate* the anecdote] is said thus to havo expressed himself upon tho Into military operation* of Count Dic- , . hitsch :—“ 1 dent know which is to bo tho most admir* cl, the original plan of the campaign, or the _ combina tion of skill, courage, and cauiloti with which .it 1ms been conducted ; but thi* I do know, that this single campaign places Diebitsch at tho very head of hi* pro fession.” At ;t quarterly meeting of the .St. Andrew’s Society on Saturday evening, tho following gentlemen wuro elect ed officers, pursuant to the constitution, for tho ensuing year: Tho®., President. Rottr.itT Scott, First Vico President. Au x'n Tu.f a tit, Second Vico President. Wm. Robuhtjon, Secretary. John Low, . JAMES .UNOZttSUN, ) The bodies of John Murphy and Thomas Proctor, two of tho men drowned in tho oyster boat which capsized near Long Island, on the night of tho 31st nit. huv* been found floating in tho river. The faces of the unfortunate individuals were hu much disfigured, that they could only ho recognised by their clothe*. A Coroner’s inquest was held over them yesterday, and u verdict was returned, as in the caso of Hannahan, the Otsl discovered body, of “accidental drowning.” Three more known to havo left Cockspttr in tho boat are yet missing, viz: \V. Carney, John M’Cube and James Whoclan. Tho individuals lost, we understand, were nil foreigner*, two of them being natives of England and lour of Ireland. Complaints were mado *mno time since of tho great harshness and undue severity exercised by Commodore Creighton, towards tho officer* of the Hudson liigatc, then under his command, on tho Brazil station. In lottcrfrom Rio Janeiro published in tho New York A- mcrican, it is stated that the intrigues ofa portion of the superior officers had produced almost an organised op position to order, discipline and authority on board that vessel, but that tho offenders had been brought to Court Martial, found guilty, and had been sent home under their respective sentences, since which, tho offi cers and crew were in a stato of perfect harmony and discipline. Whatever may bo the fuels in this case, it would appear evidently to be necessary for the good of (bo service, and even for the reputatiou of tho Commo dore himself, that an investigation should take place, at a proper time. Tho Navy is tho favorite of tho nation, and tho reputation of its officers should ho sacredly pre served from imputation of any kind—and report* of this nature, even if founded on misrepresentation, aro calcu lated to do it irreparuhle injury in public opinion. The cxistctico of* spirit of insubordination in any shape, or of tho slightest ground for tho charge of oppression, nay even the fact ofa disagreement among it* officers such represented, arc equally to ho regretted in a service which has earned so muck glory for our country. Tho city ofNow York .judging from tho complexion of the newspapers, is ‘‘up to tho hub” in the business of the npproanhing elections. Thcro arc Legislative ticli- ctsin abundance—'Tho regular ticket, tho workmen’s ticket, the cider ticket—tho object of which is to elect a ?»lr. Comstock, und to attain certain great reforms in tho state, as well as to increase tho consumption of good •idcr at 7s. fld. a dozen—and the Musonic Hall Ticket i hat h to hr, formed ofthe fag ends, the shred* and patches of all ticket* and parties. Of theso it is not difficult to prophecy that the first will bo elected by a majority o* some 6 or 6000 votcs.Tho city clcctiuu at... «*!.<» t .in C e, and tho new constitution is to accepted or rejected by tho people. So that for a few days, those who look to tho newspapers of that city,(at least that portion of them engaged in tho mtlrr,)for sound sense or correct informa tion,will probably be disappointed. • A gfcntlemaa \vha Arrived in tlio Deborah, at Boston, from Surinam, (Sept. 12) haq sta ted to tho editors of tho Boston Courier, tho following :— A Brazilian ship, (formerly tho Suffolk, an American) after having taken on board about twenty slaves on tho Const of Africa, wna captured by a hermaphrodite, under Buenos colors. After being kept in company for a considerable time, they proceeded to the West Indies, where they were tukwi^by a Dutch cruizer, and sent to tho uboyo^HtttjfttH has already been noticed. On the trial of the privateersmen,one of thorn (an Irishman) who had been ullowod an evidence against jiis comrades, testified that tho crew of tho ship wore put in tKo long boat, and on being cast oft*from tho brig, the contents of a heavy caimoiimounted on a swivel, was discharged nt them, and all of them killed1-—and that tho ship was retained and filled with plunder from vesels of different nations His evi dence was corroborated by tho negroes, us fur as their means, if knowing would permit— they were in irons below at the time, but heard tlio boat hoisted out, &c. and immediately after tho report of a largo gun on dock ; and on being released, the prisoners were gone. Both vessels were condemned, as well as the ofilcers and men (about 50 or GO in number) who were on hoard at the time of capture.— Tlio sentenco of the court was sent to l lol- lund, and a sloop of war had arrived, bringing, as was reported, the King's approval, anu that the execution of tho pirates would take place in thirty days. Tho shin, being declared tin* seaworthy, had boon broken up; and it was said tlio brig would share the same fate. The latter was called the the Gen.-Francisco Dori- go, and said to have been built in Baltimore. A public sale of tliQ properly found on board tho ship nt tlio time tho Dutch cruizer cap tured her, took place at Surinam once a week —cargo said to bo worth $100,000. orally gone off on landing at our quotations. Tho quantity coming foward is scarcely ude- quato to the demand, owing hi a great degree to the low state of the rives at this time. Wo have often been utulos* to understand the jihruso so frequently used, Ihrre in a *Wf of ilijftrtnce in the Colton Mirkit. What wo never could havo acquired from Crabhe’s synonimes, wo have gathered from n friendthat i* to say, “/Ac pricn previously nwninul cm now be freely obtained''— though from a letter Ruder our commercial head, it would appear that tho phrase applied •ometime* to an actual rise in the price. TheU. S, ship Erie, Copt, Connor, sailed from Nor folk on tho 1 at inst.—destination unknown, but believed to bo Vera Cruz. Mr. J. J. Adams and hi* Theatrical corps went pas sengers for Charleston on tho lstinst. from Norfolk, it tho Steam Boat Long Brunch. Tho celebrated Ilcrr Clino has arrived in Charleston, having been engaged by Mr. A. for four nights. The Thoatro was expected to open this evening. Capt. Meyer, of tho ship Isabella, in 27 days from Cadiz, af New York, states that a Russian ship bud been chartered, and sailed on the 22d Sept, for Havtt. na, having on board 300sailors for the purpose of man. rung the Spanish fleet at that place. A Russian frigate from Copenhagen arrived on tho 2Sth for water, lo sail immediately to join the Russian squadron in the Medi terranean. Tlio Hon. Felix Grttndy was, on the 16th ult. elected to tfic U. S. Senate from the Statu of Tenesseo, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Ea Tho question in the Virginia Convention whether re. presentation shall he bused upon white population rrr/u- aivrly, or whito population and taxation combined, ap pears to have given xvay to another proposition, viz “That in tlio appointment of representation in the House of Delegates, regard shall be had to white population and tnxation combined, and in the Senate, to white pop ulation exclusively.” Mexico.—Letters from Vera Cruz of tlio 22d ult, mention a report, which it was feared would prove true, that tho stato ofCuadulu.vara had declared itself inde pendent ofthe Gctterul Government. Tho acting Governor of Now York has set apart the 3d of December next, ana day of Thanksgiving and Prayer; whilst the City authorities in Charleston havo appointed tho same time with our own, which is to say, Thursday next. Lately, in the Hhodo Island Legislature, a petition presented from tho colored people in Providence, setting forth that they are compelled to pay taxes, and at the same time deprived ofthe liberty of voting oravailitt; thomvclvc* ofthe benefit ofthe tuxes collected, particu larly as regard* public schools, praying for exemption from taxation—was read and refvred to the committee on Finance. Puni.ic Lands.—A committe of the House of Re presentatives of Tenesreo mado a report of on the 1 at ult. accompanied with a resolution requcstiiii; their Re- prosontives and instructing their Senators in Congress to use their exertion* to have all tho vacant land* of the United State* in any ofthe Rtntos und Territories sold ns soon as can reasonably be dono, at a fair price, at to induce the investment of idlo capital and the emi gration of the excess of population in the old States.”— Also, that the funds thus ruali/.od by the General Go vernment bo equitably apportioned among the different State* and Territories for tho purposes of education. A resolution hu* also been introduced declaring it in expedient tu extend (he charter of tho United States Bank, and instructing the Senntors in Congress und rn quoting tho ItcpreseiitulivcH to use their efforts lo pro- vent it. A bill is also before them for cutuhluhing a Penitenti ary in that Stato. French Claims.—The Newburyport Her- aid contains a letter from a “ distinguished townsman,” dated Paris, Sept. 15, from whicji the following is an extract “ Mr. Rives is daily expected; and much is anticipated from the positive instructions of which he is supposed to ho tho bearer; and from his own talents and character. The present conjuncture, however, is unfavorable, as the ministry of tho country is in a precari ous situation ;* pursued without mercy by a powerful opposition, which comprises live- sixths ofthe wealth, talent and energy ofthe nation, and so much occupied with the ques tions forced upon them by tho internal con dition of the country, the public discontents and tho questions growing out of tho conquest of Turkey, it is very unlikely they will bo willing to open their ears to any thing coming from tlio opposite side of tho Atlantic. Had the lato ministry remained in office, our pros- poet would havo been bettor; for thoy had assured Mr. Brown that the subject of our claims should ho taken into consideration, and disposed of in one way or another.” by the Britannia at kew-youk. Liverpoolt 1 st October, 1829,-—Tlio trans actions in Cotton last wook amounted to 10,000 bales, of all descriptions, viz 510 Sea Island at 10 a 20d.; 50 stained 5 a 7 ; 0200 Upland, 4if a i\\ ; 2400 Orleans, 5 a 7 ; 1900 Alabama, 44 a 5& ; 5050 Brazil, 0| a 7 ; 450 West India, 4$ a0£ ; 770 E* jvptian, 5jl a 7J ; 550 Eust India, 3J a 4). The weight of tho business was in tho last three days of tho week, und in that period the Market assumed a more encouraging ap pearance ; about 1000 of the American were on speculation, and 500, with the sumo quan tity of Brazil, and 200 Egyptian, making 1200 bags,were tukon for export; S.Isl’ds attracted considerable attrition, und an advance of \ to ,]d per lb,upon tho prices oft lie weak previous, was generally ronlisert. Tlio import of the wook was 13,539 hales, and since tlio 1st Jail. 589,079 have received into this port, against 501,777 to same period last year; tho increase from tlio Atlantic States is 60,705, while Jhc supply from tho Gulf of Mexico shows a de crease of 4,139 hales. On Saturday (20th ult.) about 2000 hales found buyers, nnd thus far in tlio present week, the business has been extensive, und the sales are computed nt 13000 bales, ofwhich about one half are American ; in somo instances holders have succeeded in obtaining prices a shade above those of last week, and the Market looks very firm ; the export demand continues to a fair extent, and Sea Islands are sought, after, at the full improvement above noticed. Rice, tlio only sale is 30 cusks at 18s. per cwt. Flour, in bond, and free, very' dull. Tobacco, tlio sales ofthe month amount to 785 hhds.viz: 229 Virg. Leaf & 440 Stemmed, 72 Kentucky Leaf and 38 Stemmed ; in leaf thcro is no change as to prices, but in stem med there is mi udvudeo of \ per lb.j tha present Stock is 7358 lihds. against 9536 at Hub period last venr. Cotton.—Upland 4ji a Gj}d. ; Orleans 5 a Oi a R ; Alabama 4g a OJ ; Sea Island 9A a 12A a 18 ; Stained 4 a 7. Rico in bond 15s. 9 a 18s. Saturday, 14th inst. For freight, apply to tlio Master on board at Scott & Balfour's wharf. ANoni.u Action.—Thu New York Cour ier and Enqirer gives tho following act of heroism, which it affimls us pleasure to re peat:—During tlio return voyage of the llramlywinc frigate, lately arrived in thi: port, a Henman fell from tho foretopsail yard, struck tlio hull of .tho ship, and wus precipitated into the ocean. A gallant sailor of the nama of Phelan, nnd a native of this city, instantly leapt into tho sen, and, alW an arduous effort, siicceded in saving ids couirudo, to the great delight and admiration ofthe officers and crew. VW are gratified to add, that the officers immediately presented tlio noble disinterested t»r with one hundred dollars, us a testimony of their high respect for his humanity and interpidity. We hope this generous, noble-hearted seaman if in oth er respects qualified, may he honoured with a warrant. Cam:.—V/e have seen some speci mens of Sngur cuno, the growth of piito lands in this vicinity, particularly one from tho plantation of Dr. R. Collins, which fully sup ports tlio most favorable calculations that havo been made respecting its cultivation. The canes are of good sizo and well ripened.— Tho crops are good, although they, have suf fered much from drought tho latter part ofthe summer. Many individuals of this vicinity have cultivated from one to four acres, or more, this scuson, and from tho success Hint has attended tho experiment, the quantity un doubtedly will ho yearly increased till it be comes an important part of their annual crop. Macon Messenger. A letter ofthe 1st Oct. with tlio pcrusul of which we have been favored, repeats the pre vious quotations of Uplands, *viz : 4-J a G.|. Tho sales of tlio previous day were 7000 hags at a shade advance—the improvement being on the lowest prices ;{d. Spinners nnd dealers have come foward freely, but there was no actual improvement in price fur the best qualities, and should the crop bo ttdl, it is doubtful whether the present prices will be maintained* The following is an extract: “ Iftlio accounts of the Sea Island crop having sustained injury hv winds and cater pillar, to the extent reported, ore confirmed by the next packet (arrived in the channel) prices will stifieu, hut if the middle nndjow- er qualities go much higher, the consumption will be curtailed by mixing Brazil and Egyp tian. “ In the manufacturing districts, a more favorable feeling seems to prevail us to trade generally, it is admitted that tlio spinners find a ready sale for their yarns at a fair re munerating profit, both lor tho domestic und foreign market, with u prospect of full cm- ployment throughout the season, and as the Mock of (.bittun in the interior is not large, there will be a regular demand in the market. The dealers are supplying themselves libe rally just now, considering tho prices to he moderate, hut jf bidders immediately require any ennsideralde udvunee, tho demand would he reduced to the weekly consumption.” FOR SVNBVRY, The regular packet sloop ANN, N. Sclouiich, Matter, Will sail for tlio above port nov 9 FOR CHARLESTON. (Via Reuufurt.) The steam packet JOHN D. MONGIN, Capt. Dubois, Will depart for tlio uliovo duces on To-morrow Morning, at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on hoard, or to nov 9 JOHN W. LONG. FOR AUGUSTA, Tho l'oleboat VIRGINIA, has half her freight ready to go on board, and will -meet with despatch. She has a full sot of hands, und will bo attended on tlio river with lighters. She madu ‘her last trip up to Augusta in 12 days. For tho butuncc offreight apply to CANDIjEU &■ DAVIDSON, Mongin’s Upper Wharf, nov 9 ®oop First Lottery '.—Wednesday: 5510.000 EOR 5. rjXHOSE who aro desirous to secure their FRIENDS OF LITERATURE. I F, in this city or its vicinity, there are any among the patrons of Franklin Colic™, who urc disposed to add to its Library rare nnd valuable works, which they may have in their possession, they will be gratefully re. ccivcd and safely conveyed to the Librarian, if left at the ofilco of the Georgian, nov 9 _ Chances, for the Brilliant Capitals in the MARYLAND LOTTERY, Class5tli, viz: 10,000 DOLLARS 4,000 DOLLARS 2,500 DOLLARS 1,880 DOLLARS 1,000 DOLLARS 1,000 DOLLARS 000 DOLLARS 000 DOLLARS And a large of 8400, 200, &c. Are requested to call immediately or they will be too late, at tlio NEW LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, Bnll-strect, next door to Eppiiigor’s. Tho above Lottery is under tho man- ngement of Y.vrns & M’lxTYnn—15 num. hers—0 drawn ballots—Tickcts'only 5 dollars. Halves2 50-and affords a chance flint may not again occur for obtaining a fortune at so cheap a rate. The drawing will ho received here on Wednesday next—so that there is no time to lose. Don't forget to call early, and at tho right place. Cash paid for Prizes, and Prize tickets ta ken in Exchange. nov 9 At tho dinner lately given to Commodore Porter by his friends in Chester, (l’u.) tho following remarks were made hy that gallant veteran in reply to u complimentary Toast relating to himself: Gentlemen—Allcr n painful absence from my native country of nenrly four years, it uf- loVds me unspeakable joy to hu lunried at the spot where, twenty yeurs since, I formed my nearest and dearest, connection—to ho placed at once in the bosom of my family, to bo sur rounded hy numerous friunds with whom I liad passed the most happy period of my life, nnd among whom, were it left to my eltoice I would cheerfully pass tho remaiudor. "A wanderer hy profession, nnd heretofore hy inclination, having seen much ofthe world, and experienced ninny ofits vicissitudes, nml having had an opportunity of making n just, comparison of tho enjoyments which each country and place 1 have visited nlfords, I am fully ami firmly convinced that thcro is no purl, of it. where mankind enjoys so great a share of happiness ns our beloved country; originating, principally, in its political institu tions, and the general diffusion of knowledge; and no spot within it, better calculated to produce the enjoyments of life, from its cli mate, ahimduneo ofits products, beauty and locution, Ilian Delaware county,Pennsylvania “ I ling, thoreforo, gentlemen, to drink, 'Health nnd prosperity to the Citizens of Delaware county—may they long enjoy in their rich and fruitful Helds, their liourislung manufactories und thuir abundant mineral products, all the wealth und huppincss that honest industry and patriotism merit.” Intkw’.htino to Fr.ovn l)u*i.ras.—In tho I Invntm paragraph which wo publiahod yeslcr. day from a Baltimore paper, was an extract ofa letter dated tho 10th inst. which said.— “A report is circulated [at Havana] and on. titled to credit, that tlio jntcndciit lias receiv ed from Spurn a Royal Decree disapproving of (ho duty of *5 per barrel on Spanish Hour imported m foreign bottoms.” In tlio Cadiz Diario Moronntil of October 2d, which lum been loaned us hy u friend, we find the Decree to which allusion must havo been mado in the above, hut which is directly ofa contrary import. Tho King of Spain, instead of disapproving, hns confirmed tho provision of tlio Ilavnua Tariff relating to Spanish flour imported ill foreign bottoms, hut nt the sumo time has prohibited it from going into upomtion until tho Decree sliull have been published at Havana.—Jour.Com. IMPIIOMPTI/ By a Lawyer on vntnessing the trial ofa Tanner vs. Doctor, for miil-practice. A monstrous bill Of Pukn and Pilt Wiis made by Doctor M—g, And G— o to pay Him in his way I* giving him a tanning. But G—o I cucss Will yet coiifoss That'ho, poor sorry elf, Willi nil id* pains • I la* got no gains Hut rather tunned himself. TIh ii as a friend I’d recoinmond A partnership together, Fur M—l* cun Tahu off ilia skin Ami G—o enu tan tho lrntliir. III Boston, on tho 25th ult. Mr. Guhriol E. Lewis, ol* Savannah, to Miss Sarah W, Nourso, of Boston. COMMERCIAL. Liverpool dates 1st Oct. Havro do. 30th Sept. Exports of Cotton and Rice from the port of Savannah from 1st Oct. to 1st AW 1*829. V. COTTON. RICH. To Havre 601 bales West Indies — 20 New York 2597 Providence Other coast- 1999 i 52 wise ports l 4597 72 Same time last year. U. COTTON. To Tluvro 078 W. Indies — Forts in ) , r »i U. States i 45U 75 215 5192 288 Charleston, Nov. 7,1829.—Cotton.—Sea Island, 29 a 25 ; Stained, 8 a 10; Short Sta ple, now 9 a 19, brisk; old 7.4 a 88. Rice.—Prime, *2] a 2g j mf. to good, 2: a 28. Cot tun,—Tlif re 1ms been an active de. mu ml throughout the week, mid lots have gen- MARINE J OU.RNAL, ai? aA'yAm'iMYaii High Water at Tyheo, 6 36, At Savannah K 15,000 DOLLARS. N. York Consolidated Lottery, EXTRA CLASS, NO. 14, D RAWN on tho 5th inst. und will ho re ceived on tho lfith by mail, or probably sooner hv packet. 9 drawn ballots. SCHEME : ARRIVED, Sloop Sidondid, Gains, Hartford, Ct. 0 ds with Gin v\i Northern Produce toJ. Stono, and to order. Sloop Albert, Lissctt, 3 days fin. Ricehoro, 44 Imles S. I. Colton and Cane to It. &. W. King, W. & II. Rose, P. Do Villars, W.Dun- lmm. Sloop Ann, Selowicdi, Sunbury, 10 hours. Cotton to Bulloch &• Dunwoody! Sloop Bolivar, Howland, IJiiricn, 1 day, 110 bushels rough rire to R. & W. King. Sloop Millnmid, Haig’s plantation, 1400 bushels rough rice to It. Habersham. Sloop Swallow, from Hutchison’s Island, 600 bushels rough rice to It. Habersham. Steamboat John David Mongin, Dubois,23 hours from Charleston, merchandize to G. B. Lninar. Passengers, J. R. Thompson &. family, Mrs. Saunders, and W. Scott. Pole limit. Virginia, from Augusta, witli 530 bales Cotton to Candler & Davidson agents. A. Le Burbier & eo. J. Gunalil, R, Mulone, BELOW, A ship. SAILED, French ship Felix, Rivest, Martinique. Ship Hazard, Chase, Providence. Brig William, Atwood, Boston. Sehr Justice, Emory, N. York. Schr. Ranger, Got he, for Baltimore. Sloop Supelo, Hathaway, Darien. “ America, Bolise, Sunbury. DEPARTED, Steamboat. Win. Gaston, Bowman, Au gusta, with tow boats. The ship Hazard for Providence,brig Wil liam for Boston, and sclir Justice for Now York, got to sea yestorduy forenoon. Tho brig Atlantic, Nye, cleared at Boston 28th ult for this port. The brig Rebecca cleared ut New York lor Darien 30th ult. Up far this Port—At Now York 30th ult ship Stiltirn, Wood, to sail 1st inst.; ship America, Eldridgo; schr. Glide, Macy; sloop Signal, Griffin. At Providunee29th’ult. brig Union, Burr, 1st Nov.; sloop Eleanor, Briggs. At Philadelphia, ship. William Penn, to sail 31st ult.; schr. General Elmer, Long, des patch. [from OUR COHKKNI’OXnENTS, ] OJJlccs of the Courier, Mercury and Uazettc, Charleston, Nov. 5—p. M. Cleared—Steamboat Charleston, Bonne 11, Savannah nnd Darien. Tlio brig Marsolla, Ililer, from Boston, ar rived this morning. On the 3d inst. in hit. 33 7, long. 77 30, fell in with, and picked up tlio boat ofthe sclir. William Mason Smith, Capt Sillinmn, of this port, havingon hoard tho Capt. and crowofthut vessel, consisting of seven souls. Tho William M, Smith was 12d«ya out from St. Augustine, hound for I'linrlilcfnn Iiixt .1. ... I i Clmrfuston, nml was cn|isizcd in the Gulpli, in Int. 92 20,011 tlin lnt inst. tiimi’illioMntii ini, nml sunk in 15 minnlcs. 1 prize of : : : 15,000 i do : : : 0,000 i do : : : 4,000 i do : : : 9,000 l do : : : : 2,025 5 do : : : 1,000 5 do : : : l 500 5 dn : : : • 400 10 800 10 do : : : : 200 20 do 1 1 I I 150 24 do : : &c. &c. &c. I 100 Tickets, : 85 00 Halves, : 2 50 Quarters, : : : : Orders attended to at : 1 25 nov 9 LUTHER’S Lottery <£• Exchange Office. 30,000 DOLLS. O N Saturday, the 14th inst. the 1st draw ing ofthe’ Milledgtville Masonic Hal mt 11 v n* inst. and 11th und 24th December. SCHEME. 1 prize of 830,(100 5 prizes of 8)00 I do 15,000 5 do 000 ■j do 10,000 5 do 500 o do 5,000 5 do 400 5 do 1,000 5 do 900 5 do 900 5 do 200 5 do 800 25 do 100 salo in a great variety of numbers ut LUTHERS Lottery 4* Exchange Office. nov 9 NOTICE. T HE subscriber respectfully infon friends nndtlienublie,t]mtlie bus open ed an office m the Exchange, imme “ generally, of a NOTARY PUBLIC, , COUNTANT & CONVEYANCER: will also undertake to post books for Me chanics, Tradesmen and others—cop trators, and Guardians, for the Ordinary—take affidavits—admin chief \ or de bene esse. terms. dor overy satisfaction. SEED RICE. 1000 BUS “ E ^ ot hugu E nT i ? ,j nov 9 255n Lip Naive. A SUPPLY of fresh Rose Lip Salve.— •zX. A certain euro for sore and chop’d Lira just reeetved and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 3 Druggists. To FumilioK. QA DOZEN very superior cold pressed )- tl Castor Oil, just received and for solo by LAY & HENDRICKSON, 1 Druggists, No. 2 mid 15 Gibbons' B nov 2 Sweet Oil. £A DOZEN very superior Sweet Oil, JU fresh imported, and suitable for the to. J blc, just received snd for sale by l LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 2 Druggists. Canal Whiskey and Hyson Tea. i KA MILS Superior Canal Whiskey 59 cutty boxes fresh Hyson Tea 131lis: each,landing from ship Macon and for sale by HALL, SHATTER, & TUPPER. nov 2 HAY. milF. subscribers offer for salo a quantity JL of tlio best quality Northern Iiay, at a : reduced price, at their Store on Scott & 1U1. four’s wharf. WM. & II. ROSE, nov2 249 Potatoes. -f AA DDLS Eastern Potatoes Avrvf 15 kegs Butter. Just received and i for sale hy CLAGIIORN & WOOD. novO Furnaces A SUPPLY’ of Portable Furnaces, of all bizc3, just received nnd for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 7 Gibbons’ Buildings, ; Herbs, URED and put up hy tho Shakers, just received and for salo by LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 7 Gibbons’ Buildings. Window Sashes. fy LIGHTS Window Sashes as- (StIUU sorted sizes For sain by HAZARD &. DENSLOW. nov 4 Sal Eratus, TTSF.D for making Bread light, justrcceiv. ed und for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, oct 28 Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildings. Canal Flour. 1 K BBLS Cunul Flour I 20 half do do For sale by CLAGIIORN & WOOD, nov 3 Mustard. ■J iTp BOXES of superior English Mustard &./£ suitablo for families, just received nad for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 2 Druggist*. Demijohns. QAA ONE mid Two Gallon Demijohn?, just received nnd for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 2 Gibbon's Buildings. Cotton Cards. OA BOXES Whittemore’a No. 10 Cotton ifivr Curds, binding ami for sale by COHEN & MILLER. nov 3 PLOUGHS. A N ASSORTMENT of Freeborn's Patent Ploughs. For sale by nov 7 JOHN BENTLEY. Potatoes, 1 Af; BBLS very fine quality for sale by 1UU TAFT & l'ADELFORD. nov 5 251—p Glauber Stilts. i *1 O BBLS Glauber Salts. Just received 1 $7 and for sale by A. BASSETT. , nov4 SUGAR. i €% W III IDS prime St. Croix Sugar, landing bd 9 from the brig Lydia, for sale bv nov 4 J.P. HENRY. LIME. XAA BARRELS Thoinastown Litnc. tJvr vF For sulc by nov 4 J.P. HENRY. Cotton Bulging. PCAA PIECES Cotton Bagging.of the vUU most approved brands. For sale by AO n4 J. P. HENRY. HATS. QQ CASES fashionable Hate, now landing wO und for sale by , nov 3 PIHLBRICK & BAKER. • Printing Paper’ Afi REAMS Printing Medium, now land- ing and for sale by nov 3 PIHLBRICK & BAKER. * At Private sale. QXA REAMS first quality Letter Paper. dJU . PIHLBRICK & BAKER, nov 3 Brass Grates, ‘ A NDIRONS nnd Shovel nnd Tongs-— i Just received und for sale low by - oct 31 N. B. & H. WEED. . ■I , nov 9 JOHN G. MAYER. 255nf Caution. N EITHER the Cnptntn nor Consijjnce of tho French shin Thetis, will ho 11c- countnhlo for any dents contracted hy her crew, nov 9 RYE. A FEW Bushels for seed. An|ily to PALMES &LE1- oct 29 25f»t> POTATOES. 1 PiA TD1LS Whitt: Potatoes, llirsali’fy I |)U PALMT1S I.HK. oct 22 Exchange W 0 ™*