The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 02, 1829, Image 2

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iftsauttatfavu & mui'y <fcv»j I’OntlBIIRUk OK T4IK CAW* OK TIIE UNION. daily pa pen, : : : : : : mcmr hollaur. COUNTRY PAPER 5 Jit:: FIVE DOl.l.AUR. iL^/ 5 * AH AilvcriHcmctitR iqqnur in both papers. ; s WEK.NKSOAV MORNING, DEC. a. We Live received a copy of the address of tlin lion.' John M'I’iii uson llcttntfN, delivered before the Amiri- cun Whig and .Societies at Princeton, N. J. on the evening preceding the Annual Coniinencetm nt the College of New Jersey, ami published at the n- , quest of llie s So^ictics. This address has received tin* j tribute justly due to its merits wherever it has been read, , nn-1 tve fuel that our opiuiait can neither ml l to nor sub- , tract frotn it, were wo disposed to make the attempt.— )t is not only a model of a pure and subdued but classic- al style; but the topics discussed are such us render it highly valuable to every youth in our country, engag ed in the cultivation of Ihs mind, or about to emerge from its Hulls of Learning to act his part in the great Theatre of the world. It Is indeed, u comprehensive lliyi st of a liberal education, no leas valuable for the pu lpy of ire style, than fir the admirable manner in which the subjects it embraces are enforced, and in which tin mind of the youthful student is allured to the knowledge p'upcr for Ins acquirement, whatever may bo his future pursuits. We cannot pretend to select one portion of it m preference to another, ns a specimen of the nddress. We take the 'following ahnoM at random, as relating to ike History of our own Country, and therefore more in- tvfcstinjj to the! render 'Che hhi'ify vf the work! at large, is interesting to the s-i’iular. That of the nation;?, with whom your own i< tit'ist intimately connected, should chit fly ‘cnsngo your attention. lispwiallv ought you to acquire u thoroiiudi, and accurate know ledge oft lie history of your own conn- try—of the rise, progress, and present condition, of the iiiiliii' t sovereignties, which compose it—I of that magnificent fabric of government, in which these are ■ happily tiuit.«l. | Contrast with her present eominnudiug attitude, the I humility of her colonial dependence, Familiarize 1o yourselves, the contemplatii n of lliat evenllid period, which unmeiliately preceded her struggle fir freedom.— Enter into the councils ofihat trying hour. Ucnlixe the profound intclfigrui e, ilm unwavering patriotism, the noble daring of our gallant anecslors, ami learn to esti mate the value ofthc pledge wbieli they g.»ve, and wlueh they redeemed, to peril "life and Ibrlnnc and sacred hon or/’in the achievement of a name, mid u place among Ihc nations of the earth. Study the narrative of her rev olutionary strife, and liiuik wi ll the uucoiujuerabte spii.i which eomhictod it to its glorious issue. I'uusc to con template'the itiamipieious era of the ancient confedera tion, and escaping frotn its *11111 and disnstron.s twilight, puss to that bright and glorious day, which under the auspices of our federal charter, was seen to break in al most meridian cliiilgcuco upon the view—whose mil*! end cheering light yet beams nrottnd you. Then Imw the knee my yoiillifil brothers in humble gratitude to heaven, for’its manifold mercies to ymir native laud, an I j*wear in the fervent sincerity of your young hearts, to preserve, protect, defen*J itsV'uioti J The peroration to this address, which we subjoin, is as beautiful in its construction and imagery as it is im pressive ami just in the moral rclloclions embodied in it. Although tho orator, in a manner culled for by the oc casion refers to the sc**nu around him as that of his birth, yet it will ho recollected, that from his youth he has been identified with the .Stnto of Georgia, mid that the dither of Major Ucrrleu, was an uid-dc-cump to Gen. M‘In- losh, and served that statu throughout the Revolution: My Voting Hrothcrs ! The world on which von are rnt'Ting, in all the ardor of hope, in all the purity ofim- eorrupted feeling, is arrayed in oliurnw, winch it bor rows from fancy, and which will vanish at your approaeli. # fl:o pleasure with which it allures the unwary, is brief and evanescent, as the dream of tlm morning. It llnats gaily on the advancing tide, but vanishes with the flood— olid sadness mingles wnti 11s ctmiug *..»«*».». For life, is but thu flood tide of the heart. Content—the emblem of its gentle flow— It swells in bliss—and then—its waters pnrt, To seek their ocean home—nil else is wou. You will he loo hurelv called to exert the courage, which enn encounter danger with calmness ; and the fortitude which endures, and triumphs over calmnity. Jtut on thus sido the grave, the beautiful vision which now dazzles your iuexncricnocd eye, will forever chide your grasp. Human life is but a step in thu series of infinite existence ; n point at which a man pauses to To'ikurouud him, before lie bumelies 011 eternity's ocean. Would you enjoy hnppmcs-j here ? Seek it in tlm fulfil ment ot your various unties—in the cultivation of inicl- lyet—in cherishing the benevolent nlfeetioiis. Seek an I find whatever of reul happiness, is allotted to us here below, in the consciousness of having endeavored to live, as becomes an intelligent being, destined to iuuiiur- laiity. I know what arc your feelings. They have been mine—for like yourselves, uud from this spot—I too have gazed in all thu ardor of youthful emotion, on mi, untried world lief ire me. Even now I share vour find ings. Even now I can recall the sensations which thrill ed in my bosom, ns I listened to our venerable precep tor, when from this sacred desk, ho hade us an affec tionate farewell. Peace to his memory 1 Years have rolled away, hut the scene still lives in re collection, in all itsoriginul vividness. Yes tho time is long past—hut the vision is bright, Jt renews the warm foi ling! id'youth, And memory awaken’d, recalls with delight, Its guileless simplicity, fervor, and truth. I havu endeavored, vainly perhaps, perhaps unwisely fno, to stay these feelings, lest they should render me even more unfit for tlio performanrn of the duty, which your llattcring confidence had assigned to me. Why should I restrain them now ? My tusk is"! done ; and tlmy prompt ine, mv young brothers, to hid you,—in all tlio fulness mid in nil tlm sincerity of my'heart, I do bid von. Good speed in your journey through life. Why then “lioultl I restrain 'he 'emotions which tire awakened ju iny bosom, while hive, 111 this sacred leiti- pie, oil such an occasioii as this, I iclrace llie scenes of my curlier—yes, even of my infant years; recall to my recollection, dm instructors, and the associates of my youth ; assemble in imagination, the vrrv individuals of that clusM, with whom in yonder venerable academy, my own noviciate was completed ; and sadly recollect, Imw many of them already sleep in ihe grave, while I remem ber that from this sacred altar, in times long past, the aspirations of my young heart, have ascended to the throne of the Eternal ; that the ashes of my ancestors (•■posit in yonder house of silence ; that thu ii indeed ••my own—my native land It having been stated that, about Jd,WO of tlm money paid fir Patents hud not heut uncounted fir at the Treasury, the Washington Telegraph says it is due to Doctor Thomas I*. Jones, the late .Superintendent of the Patent Ollier, that it should ho known, that no p u t ot tliis defalcation took place under his administration. Resolutions have been introduced in tho Legislature of North Carolina instructing the .Senators and request ing thu Representatives of that stale in Congress to un- their exertions to procure the extinguishment of the In- •Jian claims to nil their lauds in tlm state, and the repeal u! tlm salt tax ; which were read mid laid on the table, A Court Martini was held at Cantonment Jessup, in tho Statu of Louisiana, in July lust on First Lien- tenant W. S. Cokpilmmi, of tlm. 7th regiment of Infan try, by whom Itu was Gmiul guilty of thu charges pre ferred against him by hi* superior officer, viz. disobe dience of orders, mutiny nn-l breach of arrest, lbs was sentenced by thu Court to Im cashiered, and disqualified frotn over holding any otlicu in the Army of tlm l/nited States; and the proceedings of tlm Court have been ap proved by tho President jvillt Urn exception of that part of thu scuteueu which disqualifi»s Lieutenant Colqu- hoimfrom ever lioMiii* uny office in the Army ofthc United .Staten. •A ball was to lm given at (icorgetown oil Thursday Just, the receipts of which will ho upplict! to tho relief ot tho sick and indigent lul>urcrs who have been employed on tho canal. , B..W. Leigh, un nclivu member of tho Virginia Con vention, has Ismti Imriit in olligy in Itockiiiglmm Comity Virginia—shame, shuttle to the Old Dominion ! C tif-rtc I.a nd*.—The'following arc iheproviiiotiaof thu act to nuthoriso tho Survey of tho Landi in tho , Creek Turritory claimed by this Stato, tho receipt,of which wo motitiotied ytslerduy Tlm first section provides, that all that part of tho territory in question which lies cast oCtIni Alabama line, and north west of a line cunum-iicing at tho north west curlier of Curcoll oomiiy—thctico with said county lino cightnccu miles—thence at right angles with' said line running to thu Etowah River, shall lm called section the that pint of thu said territory lying oust of tho last iimuiiotu.'d line, and north of a line to he continued on the Carroll line eighteen mile*—thence at right angles a strait lino to Alahlmlsce Creek, to form the Auumdirrtion; and all that part of said territory cast ofthc last men tioned line, mid west of tlm Chuttulmocbce River, to firm thu third section, Oihcr sections provide fir dividing tho territory into dis!iict4,st)i-tion4, uud lots of HE I-2 acres; fractions t«« be reserved tu thu Statu; twenty-four District Survey- are to he appointed by joint ballot. Three persons in addition to b* elected to mu an I mark the district and hues; surveyors to give bond in thu sum of ; 10,0.0 dollars, with security. Thu surveyors nfe re- quite/ to perform tha duty personally, tako tlm mean- tiers of water courses, keep field hooka. &c. Thu dis trict surveyors to make returns in ninety and the sec tional surveyors in sixty days. Thu coinpf us iiion to district surveyors is th*cc dollars per day, out of which they are to defray all the oxpensos ineident to their of fice j sectional surveyors to receive $3 60 per day. The laud to ha serve l is to b.j el as ted lindur the heads of first quality river laud, first qualify oak and hickory, se cond quality o »k an 1 hickory uphill (, first quality pine land, uud pine laud, to he noted upon the plat returned to tlm Surveyor’s office. Thu last suction provides, that “the surveyors as herein mentioned, idiall bu cal led out fur the performance oi llieir duty, whenever the Governor shall in his discretion think proper, und the interest of thu state require: Provided, however. That thu said surveyors shall nut 'he ordered out until after the adjournment of tho next session of Congress, unless previous (hat timo tho General Government shall de cide in favor of thu claim of Georgia to thu aforesaid territory, in which case tlm surveyurs shall be ordered out as sjon thereafter as possible.” Latest from I'ttxxer.—Tho ship Great Britain 1ms tu rived ut Newport from Havre, hound to New-York, having sailed from Havre nti the 21th of October. Our correspondents at New-York, thu editors of the Mercan tile Advertiser, have received Havre papers of tho 23d Out. which, however, curtain no nows of moment. Sides at Havre, Oct, 2id, 37 halos Louisiana Cotton, ft! toS7 1-2; 231 Mobile, SO ; 137 Uplands, 81 to : 1.ID hags St. Domingo Coffee, *1.13-1, in bond; 100 it in do. 3(1 I- I, i'»rfu, !»//» fir/danfnt.—Accounts from Prevrsa an- nounec as eertaiu the death of General Dentzel, who sueeceded General Church ns Generalissimo of tho t ! reek forces. 11u died tit Vonif/.a on tho 1 ;>vh of Sept, of u niiilignmit fever. Private letters udd that minute gnus wvro fired «t Vunitya on thu iGtli, probably on oc casion nflho (letter*J’s fimcrnl. tuliliflhnn'nt (ns agrood upon by both partiod) of a lino ot'quaraiitinu upon tho bunks of the Danube. Our solicitude lias also been ex tended to tho fate of tho people who are our co-religionists, and subjected to Ottoman domination. Tho nnciont privileges of tho Principalities of Moldavia & Wullucliia have boon sanctioned, and their welfare'has beotf* consolidated by new mlvautuges. Tho rights' accorded, to tho Servians by tho Treaty of lhielmrost, ami confirmed by tho Convention of Akcrnmnn, were previously suspended in their operation; but these stipulations will in lhturc bo faithfully observed. Tho pnliticu! existence of Greece, determined by Russia, in concert with the Allied Courts of Franco ami England, lias boon formally rccognzcd by tho Ottoman l’orte.” Tho following, it is said, will bo the dispo sition ofthc Russian troops during the occu pation of Routnolia and tho Principalities:— General Diobitsch is to remain with his head quarters tit Adrmnopin, extending his posts to the Balkan. Guttural Roth wifi form with his corps tho chain from tho Bulktin to. tho Danube. Count Pahlen, with twelve thou sand men, will occupy Wullucliia, und (ion. Kisselow Moldavia, wit It 8,000 men; while tho third corps, under General Krassowski, is to cross tho Pruth,nnd re-enter tho domin ions of Nicholas. With the exception of that single corps, it, therefore, appears that the whole of the Russian army employed in the operations of tlie war in Europe, is to remain on the Turkish territory till payment of tho indemnity has been' completed. General Santander lias arrived at Ham burgh from I/igtmyru. Mr M‘I,uue, tlm American Minister, bad a long conference with the Earl of Aberdeen, Oet. 10th. Tho Prussian State Gazette of thu 1-itli Oct. contains a long oflieial explanation of the part taken by the Prussian Government in the negotiations for peace between Russia und Turkey. Arrangements have boon made, says a London [taper, lor stationing u larger military force limit usual in the Ionian Islands und at Malta, as a precautionary measure, until uf- Itiirs in the East assume a inure settled as pect. The London Morning Chronicle of the Mist, says every thing in thu city wore a cheering aspect yesterday, und all the public securities, both English anti foreign, experi enced un advice. The transactions were lurge. Grout quantities of Gold ami Silver hud been exported to the continent ; but an abundance remained in tho country. Ihmlmrgy Oct. 111.—Wo leant from Vi enna, under dntc of the Gth, that the Austrian government has contracted a loan ofi*4 mil- lluenoa Ayroft paper* to the 23d of Septem ber have been received ut Baltmuro. The country appears tube comparatively tranquil On tho lOih September the installation of tho Senate took plltco. The sessions of the Senate are to be held t»i private. Several of the Senators had subsequent ly sent in their resignations. Home important measures have been u- dopted, with a view to the increase of the revenue. An impost ofono dollar per hetul is hi id upon all cutttlo introduced for the eon- suption of the city, and 12 reals upon that for tin* use ofSalndcrus. Hides of all descrip tions to pay one dollar duty each ; tobacco uud verba of Paraguay, Corricntcs, and Mis- Kioncs, 10 per cent ;* sugars, 20 per cent " bats of foreign manufacture, 0 dollurs each . and foreign salt 2 dollars per funega. These measures are to go into operation on the 1st October. Reaiarkabm: St ao k Accident.—On Tues day night, about 7 o’clock, as the stage from the north was descending tho hill about two miles above I<unsingburgli it being very dark, tho hind wheels got off the road where tho bank was about 15 feet high; tho king bolt came out and the hind wheels and bodv went down tho bank, turning over twice m the lull, till it was brought up by a fenco and some -trees. What is very’remarkable is that though there wero eight passengers inside, none of them worn injured beyond bruises.— The hody utid top ofthc stage were complete ly destroyed. The two forward wheels nnd the horses were left in the road. Tho driver jumped from his seat and escaped unhurt.— A passenger who was on tho outside, was budly cut in the head.—Alb. Dili. Adv. THE MARKET. SAVANNAH, 1>H<\ 2, 1820. Tho .1.11tavm of .1... 0.11, cm,Inin, the..,,|, j J 1 "''* Horiiis, nt 1 m*r rent wlijrji will soon ofthc Km-.' of the Ni-ilu*rltiti.U mi the iqx'iiiti^ ofthc ' be published, with the houses of Rothschild, Slates (triii r*.l, un the Ithh Oct. in which ho states . Gevmullor, Eskelos. and SonilU & ('(). that he ha ! taken niuusmcs to [tut an end lu the ilistur* “ Ijituccs in lii.lia, (Java.) Il<* iutorms ilia St ae* that since had fimm^l n c<Hilrart of itiarriage with Priitcit Albert, vounjest sou of thu ICitt'g of 1’rtts* sin, tiial that he anticipates that this ttllitutee will bind the two houses still more strongly together, than they have been hitherto commercially connected. Latest most Encji.and.—The ship Boston, has arrived at Hustim from Liverpool, w hence she sailed on the 23J of October. Liverpool papers to that date atid- I. ondon to the 21st nro furnished by this arrival. The Cotton market it will bu perceived hy our commercial jtcad, continued firm at previous rules mid the demand extensive. On tho affairs of the Continent, the Liverpool Mer cury of the latest date remarks in the following terms t— It seems probable that Urn Konditiotis ot peace will tm sh moditicit by the Emperor as to render them less one rous to tho Porte, and less objectionable to the p wvcr.t of Europe, though no intelligence | 0 tliat rll'cct, bi*yoiid mere rumors and statements contained in private letters, has vet h.-on received. Such u reduction in the mnqmit ofthc indemnity demanded hy RtiKsi.a, as tnav bring it within the menus of tins Porte’, is confidently expected. It is stated that a negotiation for a loan to enable tho Porte to defray tins reduced indemnity, and prevent tlm longer occupation ofthc principalities hy tho Kussitius, , lias already been opened tit Paris. The statement re. specting the loan is probably premature. If the indem nity demanded be not reduced, or thn Porte lm not n$. wistod by a lo in to defray it, tho occupation of.thu prin cipalities and other putts of itm Turkish dominions by the Itifisiuns tuny he coitsidctcil pcriiiaiieiit, as those who aro lie-t aeqiiaiuted with the resources of the Sal- tun, deem it utterly impossible that he should pay the stint demanded of him, even in ten years, and hy instal ments. This,'together with tho great privileges uud immuiitltcs claimed hy the Russian subjects in Turkey, nnd other articles of the treaty hearing hard on tlm Porte, will be a constant source of dissension; the resumption of hostilities is probably not tar distant, and with it will come the full development of the Russian designs, and perhaps the final dismemberment ofthc Turkish' empire in Europe. This can only he prevented hy thu iwtevfrr- mice of other European powers, and Midi iiiteilciciioo would probably lead lo u general war. It was staled in the A/'-xs'iger dm ChumUrcn, and other French papers, last week, that tho Pachas of Bosnia, Albania, und other Pachalicks, with numerous other duels, disgusted by 'he hutuiiiatitio tomis of the treaty with the Russians, had resolved on coutimiing the war, had assembled nil army of .70,(110 tiicii animated with thn utmost tainti- ci«tn, til Sophia uud Comatiova, uud laid placed Gene, ral I iiehilsrh tu a sit mt ion id’s'imu peril. Theru seems, however, to have been no louudatiou whatever lor thu report. Tv drum was sung at Bucharest on the Mill nit. in celebration of the signing of Ihe treaty of pence nt Adrinnoplo. The inhabitants of tlie two principali ties are said to In* very well iifii'cted towards tliu Rus sian-, ami not in the least desirous of coining again un der the dominion of the Porte. Tito Burin Coustitiit’nmnel of Oet. 1(1, says IItttl. tlie English uu<! French Ainha^satlors havu remonstrated against tho treaty of,Soot. II. It adds that on the 10th, the Sultan had not Biuictioned tho frouty; and that Nicholas will jtrolmhly tnodily the conditions prt'scrihetl hy his General. “One ciiciinisttuiro might re-kiud!e war in those countries—the disobe dience of thu Rue Ins—by which England'may profit, to annoy tho Russians.” Great rejoicings, accompanied with much military anti religious pomp look jilaeo at St. JVli.-r.dtiirg, in consequence of (lit! Russian victories and tlm “ glorious pence,” on the dth Oet. The Emperor is loading ids gene- v.tls with honours mid rewards by means of titles and promotion. Counts D mbit sc It and Poskiowirsch aro made Field Aliifolmls; Gens. Nesselrode and Woronzow are knighted, &c. Tlm Emperor has published a Manifes to, congratulating his subjects oil the restora tion ot peace with tho I*orfc; complimenting his army, ami vindicating the course pursued hy Russia in relation to the war. This mani festo gives thu following sketch of tho objects attained hy the treaty which may he consid ered the official Russian version of it “ This pence promises to Russia the most prosperous ami happy results-—the blood of her warriors is compensated for by numerous adytiningoH. The passage of the Hardauellcs ami tlm Bosphorus is from henceforward free and open to the commerce of all tho nations ol the world. The safely of our frontiers, especially on the Asiatic side, is forever guar anteed hy thu incorporation with tho Empire of ihe fortresses of Annua, l»oti, mid All lm It- zik—of Atzkow and Aklmlkaloki. Our for mer treaties with the Porto art; confirmed hy ii, and ro-cstuhlished in all llieir vigour; and just indemnities are insured for tho expenses of tin! war, and tlm individual losses sustained by our subjects. Tlm scourge of the plugne, which linn ho olVen menaced tho southern provinces of Russia, will in future he confined wtihin a do dde barrier, by. means of the oa- Porlugnt.—Tim rumor of tho recognition (!mt tot .nwirm. to l ’= v ■>•*" , ! l '- Ui K u '' i 1 nsiojritiiiuitoauvcieigii of lor hiii only daughter I ortugat, is repeated in tho French papers, .... ... • ...x and confirmed by private letters received in London. It is stated in Paris papers of the 17th, that tho Count of Figuern. Minister of Portugal, 1ms presented his letters oferod- cnco to Ferdinand,& that tlm Minister of tho hitter had been formally received ut the Court of Miguel. DOMESTIC ARTICLES. Cotton.—Uj.lamlsU 1-1 aft 3-V; |iriiuu 10 cents; Sea Island 20 n 22, and upward Ibr fancy brands. Rick.—Interior tomiod, $2 1.4 u 2 S’..;, Fiocn.—I»hiladd|dnn, 0 1-4 a 0 3-8 ; Canal, 61-2. CriRX.—Per Bushel, 60 a 02 1-2. Hav.—Primo Northern, lir^t quulity,G0. WttisKKV—28 ti 20'. X. Emii.anii Ri'.m.—34 n 33, Nottriicit.x Gin.—32 n 31. Tobacco.—LanfSJ a 4 ;Miiuufiictnrcil,7 a* 14 A*.2.7 a 30 M vc kj:kh.—No. t, JSU; No. 2,^6 26 : No. 3; S3 77, Taii.ow.—8. I>i 111K.—Prime, $11 a 12, scarce. Bacon.—none. • ILuu.—10 cents. —Ga 7 rts. lit r rsit.—13 ; Inferior, 10<rl4. Sou*.—Yellow4 n 0 1-2. Canni.Ks;—Norllarn, inmikl, tallow, 10a 11; Georgia, 10 cts ; Sperm, 23a 24, Ciur.'r.—7 a 8 1-2 cts.—Yellow Pino Rnnsinji Thnher, 31-2a5; Si cum Sawed 1.711 17 ; Flimriuy Hoards, 16 ; River Liunher, HoariN, Plank and Scant lino, 10 a 12; quar tered I 1-1 inch Flouring Hoards, li; While Pine Clear, 17 a 18 5 Merchantuh!»*, ft a 10. FOREMAN PROinXTIONS. llAimtNn,—Dundee mid Inverness, *12 inch 20 u 21. OzNAitnnw,—9 l-2a 10 cents. Cur.NiAC Bn\Nnv.—Otard l>iipiiy& Go. brand 160 a 1 (50: other brands 100 a 1 12 1-2.>Gin.—b0 a 10.7. Sait.—Lixerpuul, eoarso <10. •SruAlt.—Havana while, 13 1-2 a 11 1-2 ; llrmvn 0 11 10; Mnseotnd", H« 0 1-2; Si. Croix, 10 u 10 l-l ; New Odenus, 7 1*2a 83-4; Refilled Loaf 17; Lump, 1.7 1-2 a r l.cllors from LWion, dated tho beginning' CokvkkT—Prime Gri cn M a 1.7; other qualities plenty of tlm month, statu that the Capital continued I nmldnll, 12 1-2 « U. in a most distmlicd und disorganized slate, : Jl v «on*.Tbia.—1G*»u 11 - «•!*« per II*. i.i . .. e . .* . ll cm. Jatn.ima 112 1-2 a 120 : \\ esl India, none. uml Hull U>.« ismntl0ll3 fclidti ot nil atrocious j s,.,,. ...J XV. Jmlin, JSa New Orient,!, iitel Cice. .description were of nightly occurrence.— 8vrnp32a33. ^nsiness w«ut entirely at a stand. The noin- • iiHtruit l)uv Goons.—66 u t»21-2per cent adv. ber of persons tmtmsotiod in this unhappy! CiumKKHv,—2.7 a 33 per etn*lv court?ry. many ufthom lor imaginary otlhjitTs, is stated to he h’**),00II. .Mr. O’t.-omtull met with an accident: he was thrown from his carriage, and lay Jor an hour quite in.-etisible. His brother, at the sumo time, hud Ids arm badly fractured. Tho rivers in England atnl Scotland laid been Hooded, in consequence of heavy and continued falls of ruin. The Colder near Carlisle and the Eden und Pelt end had ovrt- Jlnivud their hanks,nudoccasioned cosideralde mischief. No less than eighteen vessels were stranded in a storm ut Sunderland. From the Leeds Mercury—“ A correspon dent who travels through tho manufacturing districts of Yorkshire, says—“There arc in thn country evident symptoms of improve ment in trade, but they may prove to be only tomporn ry. It is certain, however, that more goods are made and disposed of now than two muni hs ago, especially in tlm fitney trade; though while some ofthc weavers of those goods nro working sixteen hours per dnv,n grout number are out of employ. The quan tity of good sold in the Bradford market on Thursday last, was very large, but without the smallest advance in* prices. Tun Janissaries.—Previously to the surrender of Adrinnoplo, numbers * ofthc old Janissaries waited upon Count Diehitsch, and claimed his protection. “J know” said the General *‘thut as Janissaries you lie under thu displeasure of tho Sultan and his minis ters,—I come to re-oslublisliyour order—and that, you may not. be defenceless when I march forward towards the capital, I will deliver up to you the arms of those who havu been tho nrimol cause of your destruction.” Upon hearing this speech, llmso faithful ami hon or able subjects of .Mahmound declared them selves unanimously in favor ofthc Russians, «i»l expressed themselves willing to fight bc- nonth their Inn mors * The Sultan gave mor tal offence to these tyrannical nnd arbitrary soldiers when he abolished their order &- slew their comrades—they have patiently waited llieir time and they have had their revenge. N. Y. Courier. Tut: Wills'ot* Sit vknpkark, Milton, and i\.MM>r.i:oN Bonaparte.—It is a single lnr eircumsltmcn that the last wills and tes taments oft he throe groatost men of modern ages are tied tip in one sheet of foolscap, and nitty he semi together at Doctor’s Com mons. Ju the will ofthc Bord of Avon is an interlineation in his own It and writing. “ I give unto my wile mv brown best bed with tho furniture.” It is proved by William Byrdc, 2’Jd July, 1010. The will of the Min strel of Paradise is a nuncupative one, taken hy hio daughter, the great, poet being blind, The will of Napoleon is signed in a hold style ot handwriting; the codicil, on tho e.ontrury, written shortly before his death, exhibits tho then weak state of body. of French physicians, Rent |f» Egypt in order to try tho effects nCchloride in arresting the propagation of tho plague, have sent some important and curious results to Paris. Tho shirts and other clothing of persons who laid died with thu worst of tho disease, proved, after being steeped in a- pro. ptiralion,• entirely harmless when next to tlm skin of the physicians. The experi ment which killed tho famous Dr. Valle, at (be Havana, was found innoxious at Tri poli, with that precaution ; so, likewise, the dissection of bodies just dead from the plague when (buy and l ho dissectors wore well wash ed with ehlorurct. I’ur.Tun* **‘3 I ( ,.,v —Swell .- 1 . n*‘! , uTi«!»l, SI07 ti» 8 ii< r lr*n. EXCHANGE. On F.nmi \ no—7 n 7 1-2 iiununal. Ni:\v V"hk.—(i0 iliw<, 1 1-1 a 1 1-2 p'*r«:ciit. disc. Bank pmiwid*—I-2V-r el. jiruni.,»iglit. Piiu.adj.M’UIA. 1V». «!>»• IIai.ti MoltDu. <|o. V. S. Bank Nutk.s.—T-l a 1-2 prein. C11 a it t. ki*tox.“8iulit 1-2 jirem. N. x 8. Bank Ni»ti:i».—5 |n*r et. Daiiik.n Hank Notes.—1 jwr «sl. dwet. Bank ok M %««•«.-—1 a t 1-2 ilis. CcvriiAi. Hank, I 1-2<lis«*t. Statk Ha nk ok G i:nuu i a Notes, payalilo at llieir Bruuehc.', ollior Ilian AuuiiHta 1 1-2 per cl. disci. FREIGHTS. To'oor.—I-2d. Fit Ante—1 a 1 1-8 ct. peril*. New Youk—SI n 81 1-4 per l»nl«. Piiovi hence—SI 1-1 a 11-4 per bale. Boston—$l 1-2 perbulo. HKMAIlhS. (COTTON.—Uplands fur the last week have been in good demand, and tho sales made will probably reach to tiboiit 3000 bales, ut from 9 l-l u 10 cents, mostly at ft 1-2 a ft 3-1, niul for prime 10 cents. ^ A small lot of a fancy brand brought 10 1-2 cents. 'Vo have Liverpool accounts to-the. 23d Oct. which stato that the market* for Cotton continued linn and the demand steady, which without improving our present rates, will tio doubt have a corresponding ell’oct here in giving firmness to thu market. We quolu Irotn 0 1—1 a 10 cents. In Sun Islands some small sales have been inado ut 23 cents. Wo quote 20 a 22 cents. RICE.—The demand for this nrtic.c still continues steady, and the sales ofthc-week will amount to about 000 or 10ft liftrcf **, at from 2 1-1 a 2 3-1 mostly at 2.7-8. Strictly primo continues scarce, and would readily com* matnl $3 s wo qnolo from 2 1-4 a 2 3-4. "CIHhV.—The last cargo salo p us inado ot 6ft cents, Tltr re is imuc atloat ut present, llcluiling from stores ut f»2 1-2 cents. FLOUR.—.Some^iles of Flour havo been made du ring the week, nt ft 1-4 a li 3-3, und Cunal 0 1-2. The demand however is limited. GROCERIES.— 1 Tho t •uimnclions in Groceries du ring tho week havo been very trilling at last week’s quo tations. FR EIGUTS—'l’n Liverpool l-2d. To France I 1 1-8 cents. New York $1 u SI 26 per halo. To Providence SI 25aSl 50 per bale. To llostou !-2i COMMERCIAL. Liverpool dales 22d Oct. || ] Invre do. 22d Oet. Suivlsluml, ami Ruined Sea Island cotton.— In prices there is no alteration ; tho market scorns firm, the demand being extensive and the Import small. Tho import is 8100 bags, viz: 2100 American, 4020Brazil; 500 West India and 1481) bales Surat. Corn Exchange, Oct. 20.—At this duy’s market tho demand for new Wheat was lim ited, and prices 0 to 4d lower. English Money Market.—London, Oct, 21.—The impulse givon to English und Fo reign fluids within tlie last day or two contin ued, audit is pretty well ascertained that a large portion of the lute purchases made in English Stork nro for investment. London Market, Oct. 21.—Hire.—There is no alteration in Rice ; tho marltot is hea- vv. The Government contract for Carolina liicc, which muy be required, was at XBOlOs per ton. (Jotton.—Tin* Cotton Market is not so brisk; Surnts at public sale, were taken itt at rather low prices. The purchases for thu lust week, ending last night inclusive consist of 11510 b'umts, 531 a 3ld; 11 Bengal, 5Ud; 50 Pornatns, ; 550 American, 5£ a 6-fd ; 20 Cartha'gena, id ; 550 Surat, ut public sale, 53 a 43d. Tobacco.—There ate few sales of any ex tent to report. There is more inquiry after tobacco this afternoon; about 7lf hlttls. mid dling Virginia art! taken for export at a *J*j. MARINE JOURNAL. U'i'JJ'-J h’S SJJVy.TA'fVf&'U i High Water iitTyheo, M) 48. )| At Savannah 12 HI. ARRIVED, Schr. Marinion, Briggs, S.ipelo, 1 day.— 2500 bushels rough Rice to It & W King. Slooji Eliza, Richardson, Turtle River, 4 days. 23 hales Cotton, &c. to A G Miller, Cliighorn &. Wotid,^ II Habersham. Sloop George Washington, llbwill, from M’Lereti’s Mill. 54 tierces clean and 1400 bushels rough Rico toJ 1* Williamson, P De Villcrs. Steam Packet George Washington, Curry, Augusta, 20 Its to J W Lon^r. 50 hales Co‘t- *ton tujd other indzo to C Lijipit, J M’Keuzie xt Co. Passengers, Mrs. Wooltolk, Mrs. Ware, Mrs. Veitch, Miss Powley, Rev. Mr. Tnhnadge, Rey.'*Mr. Patterson, Rev. Mr. Curtis, Rev. Mr. Colliding, Re*. Mr. Pinttcy, Messrs. Harris, Crane, Stiillforth, Moore, Whitter, White, Alcxundor, master Myers, and 1 in the storage. DEPARTED; Schr. Olariau, I lundy, Santee, S. C. Steam Packet .John D. Mongiu, Dubois, Charleston. Sroumboat William Gaston, Bowman Au gust u. The British Tar, Hurt grave, lor this port, sailed from Liverpool Oct. 2**3(1. Brig Sea Island, Atwood, for this port clear ed at Boston, 20th tilt. Ship Floritui, Harrison, cleared nt Xew York 2lst tilt, for this port; brig Frances, Durfey, do.; schr. Oregon, Dunham, do. Ship Dorothea, Davis, cleared for this port at Philadelphia, 2fitl tilt. Schr. Mystic up at Boston, 20*.li nit. for this port, dispatch. Brig Eagle, Muurnn, tip at Providence, for tlrsport, dispatch. Schr. Sopnronitt, Dudley, up at Baltimore Kith ult., for this port, dispatch. rROM OCR COUUF.«l»ONWF..VrS, Office# tf the (Jouricr, Mereary and (facet tc. Charleston, IVov. 2H—4.} P; M. Arr.—-U. I,, brig (’ottrier, Smith,"i\. York. U. I a brig Coral, Squires, New Vork. Pas. sengersj Mrs. F Brown, and Mr. V Decamp and lady, of tho Theatre. Steamboat. Andrew Jackson, King, Augusta, via Savannah. In tlie oiling— S lip Bolvidcm, Nabli, from Bultimore. FOR LIVERPOOL. Tho bark ARMADILLO, (Jdpt. Robertson,- Will sail on the 6th inst. for the above port. For freight of 100 bales Cotton, apply to the Captuin, on board, or to dec 2 J. & J. REED. FOR MEW-YORK, The staunch fast sailing brig EDWIN, Williams, master. Will sail on Thursday. F or freight on deck, which will he taken low, ap. ply to IIALL, SIIAPTER & TUPPEIL dee 53 U - YORK. [sen o o s i: u l i n »:. ] The fust sailing packet schooner E X C E L, E. licit her, master, Will sail Tomorrow. For freight oil deck or passnge, upply to Cu]»t. II. on board, ut Anciaux’s wharf, or to den 2 COIIEN & MILLER. FORAlfaUSTA, * Tho Steam Packet GttOROK WaRUINOTON, • Capt. J.’Curry, ■ Will leave Bolton’s whf. THIS EVENING,at 4o’clock. Forfreight or passage, uj»ply on hoard, or to doc 2 J. \V. LONG, Agcnt- roilAlUilKPA, " The Steam Boat SAMUEL HOWARD, Captuin Wray, ——— Will leave the Steam wharf This Day with tow bouts for Au- For freight ap]*ly at the Steam Boat, WILLIAM P. HUNTER, Prcs’t. Cavalry Ortlt*r.«, SAYAXSAII, 27Ik .Vo». 18J*7. fjnilE Corps of Georgia Hussars will us X ^ seinblo at its Parade Ground on MON DAY, the? 7th dnv of December, at.T o’clock P. M. in full uniform, urnicd und equipped fo drill. By order* SMITH, Acting 1st Snrg’t. dec 2 7 Charles A. Woodruff, On thn Hay, opposite the Exchange, OFFERS FOR SAL I? : ’“'i A NAT, FLOUR, in whole mid half bids. Buckwheat in half and quurf or do. St. Croix and New Orlcuns i In Illids. > and ) Bnrri'ls. Liverpool Market, Oct. 20.—Cotton.— Tlie principal sales arc making ut 5jj add.— Our stiles for a number of weeks past havo been exceeding heavy, so tho consumers be ing supplied, it may happen that they may keep out of thc market for a while. On the other hand, all our mills arc now nt work,nnd of course tho consumption is groat., anil tho prices too are inodorato, und the import will he light for a considerable time to come. The import of Amoricnn Cotton into tho Kingdom at this time, is about ccjunl to tlmt of the whole oflustyoiLr, but wo think that our stock of nil kinds ut tho close ofthc your, will bo consid erably less than at the close of last year. Our Grain markets aro declining. Now Irish Wheat is selling to day at 7s 5d per 70 lbs. Oet. 22.—On tho 20th wo addressed yon by t his vessel, since which tho feeling is not so good for Colton, and wo have not been a- ble to go on with sales at tlm prices then ([no ted. This being contrary lo the general ex- pectation.of holders, they now show more disposition to accept oilers, that they had pre viously declined. Wo think now thorn aro evident symptoms of the late briskness in the market being short- ly followed hy a calm. Tho next udvices Irom your sido tiro expected with some mix- ioty. Oet. 22.—The sales of the wool; are 18,000 hags, of which 200 bags were sold on Friday last hv public auction, consisting chiefly o| Notice. P UBLIC worship will be held This Day at half post 11 o’clock A. M. ut the room ofthc first Presbyterian Church, by the mom- hers of the Syuud. dec 2 r ~i\DEPENDENT PIIESB YTE III AN ~ CHURCH. T HE Pews belonging to the Church, will bo rented THIS DAY, tho second of December, at 10 o’clock, A. M. for one year. The present occupants nro allowed the priv ilege of retaining their Pews, upon paying the assessment on the original cost. TJic neces sary information may be obtained hy applying at the Counting Room ofj. B. Herbert. ALEX’R TELFAIR, Chairman, dec 2 l__i Christ. C-luircli. rilllE Pews in this Church which are not X bold in fee simple, will ho rented at. ton o’clock, THIS DAY the 2d December, and notice will bo given hy tho ringing of the bell. Persons wishing to retain Pews held hy them lor the last twelve months, will please to signify their intentions previous to the sale, to cither of tho undersigned. JAMES B. READ, >, mi. I’AHKKIt, £ " ' mll ’“ s - - __ 287 Lost, or Stolon, ROM tho SliiK 0 »» llio morning ol' 30th X ult.. between Savannah nnd B. S. Lamb’s, Bryan county, a large size Trunk, containing Gentlemen's anil Ladies’ W’oaring Apparel, with the owner’s name Jus. M. Mlutosh, Lieut. Uuitcd States Navy, cm a plate on the front oftho Trunk. Any information lendintr to tho recovery oFtlm property will lie suittu bly rewarded ami thankfully received hy BEN’J.S. lamb, for James M. MTutosh. d" l 7-p Sugars Prime (Julm Molasses • 45 Casks “I lihbert’s” London '■ Porter and double Brown Stout containing (i a ml 8 dozen each, quints ami pints. Loaf Sugar, double refined it/bills. 50 hags Prime Green Coffee 515 do. old white Java do. 250 sacks Liverpool Ground Salt 75 bids No. 53 “Full” Mackerel dec 2 LAST NOTICE.! ! * MARYLAND STATE CLASS VII. T HE above wns drawn in’ Baltimore on tho 25th instant,and the drawing will he received hero TO-MORROW MORNING. It is on tho popular odd und even system, by which tho purchase of two tickets or shares, insures the adventurer o/ir, and he may draw three prizes. The Prizes arc ns follows : 10,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars 500 Dollars 400 Dollars / 200 Dollars Ami a large number ol* smaller denomination. More Prizes than Blanks! Tickets only FOUR Dollars—halves, qtmr* tors and eighths in proportion. Orders are received at the I38TABLISPIED OFFICE, Bull-street, next door to Middleton’s, in till tin! popular Lotteries. A few reinnitt un called for in Ihe above advantageous scheme, to he determined To-Morrow Morning—so that application must be made THIS DAY, or never. doc 2 20,000 DOLLARS. NRW-YORK CONSOUDATKII & visit CI.ASS No. 13. AS ilrnwn in NW-Ynrli on I ho Sdlli nit. The drawing will lm rccoivuil on thu w (illiinst SCIIEMR State of Georgia. By Elijah Baker, Clrrk of the Court of Oritinaril, for tho Comity of Liberia. ' M U. IthUSKN KlNOnpplion tor iL’ticrs of ndtiiiiustration, de boiiis non, of Hour}' Austin, deceased. TIicko nro thorpl'oro to rite nnd ndmonisli nil nml nimmlnr, tlm kimlroil nnd crmlitnrs of tliu nuid duenaned, tollln timir objection)., rjf nny tlioy Iinvo.) in my Oilin' «t llieoborninrh, on or he loro the first Alomlay in Jamiarviiext; ot herwise the letters applied for will be*grunt ed to the said applicant. Witness tliu i Inn. John Dnnwody, onn nf “ »l <li« wild Cmirt of Ordinnrv, tins tlnrteonlh dnv ot November, in tho year of our Lord, eighteen hundred und twenty nine. [I. S.] K. UAKEH.C. u. o. h. u. dec 2 ~ 1 [>r zo of giCO.OOrt 1 do . 1(1,00(1 l (lo 3,00(1 1 do 3,(300 1 do 1,110 r» do 1,000 ji do ooo 5 do •ion 21) do 100- Tickets, §10 00 Ifttlves, a on Quarters, : : 2 (HI Orders attended to nt « 4 T sr± 1 rr r,,li , oS ' Vn T of&il*"- V A h ‘ ‘ riV, '"ed nud tor stile bv ' :>•' ** ’rilOS, RYERSON, *lr‘. ' LUTHERS dec 2 Lottery «)’• Exchange Oficc. Cut .tiul Wrought Nails, Brads and Spikes. ‘Spin CASKS Cut Nuils nsd. 3d to 00d 50 do.fine Wrought Nails 530 do Cut Brads fid to 20tl 510 do Wrt. Spikes asd. I to fl ins. Received for sale bv nov 24 N. B. & H. WEED. Share Moulds. A TJJXS Share Moulds. Received nml I fi»r sale hv X. H.& H. WJWD. !l'!\ U