The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 12, 1829, Image 2

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■ >. ia®iflistaiea®sr * lua'yAWj runium'Kiu or tub law* or tub union. iu!i.y i*Ai*BU» : : COUNTRY PAPER : i EKIItT UOLI.AUS. ; PIVU DOI.I.AHH. »CP All Advcrtbomoulj appear iu both paper*. s SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 19." Tur. Fair, tu be held by the f.iulit e tor the Hencfii <.f the Fctiialo Asylum, on Tuesday next, we uinlurstmnl is in active preparation, and w o are assert d on (lie best authority, will be the very nonpareil of all past, ptesent nml future exhibitions of the hind. From our personal knowledge we cannot speak, but w e have every reliance iu the fact. All who doubt, however, will - Live an op portunity of tcsliug it on the day wo hate mentioned j mid if they are not delighted with tha exhibition and the exhibitors, w e shall bo compelled reluctantly to doubt *hc:r taste, or throw asu’u our prophetic mantle forever. ’’Fur. Navy—A writer from Washington, states that thp Secretary ortho Navy will, in the amnia! report from his department, suggest some itiod.fti ations ofim- portance. Ho will recommend the number of navy yards to bo reduced to two; ono in the NuragmiM-i, the oilier j» the Chesapeake ; to tl.o first, that at si. wu will be retained As nil appendage, and to the second, that at Washington, D. C. The Conmiis/ioi ers of the Navy will, it is understood, fuvor these arrangements. Among the passengers who sailed from New York on the 1st lust, in the packet ship Corimhian (hr Loudon,!* th.' lion. Wm. 1\ l’teble, Minister to the Netherlands, wiih his lady and £ ft! e daughters. Also Mr. Davcrac, ^ccr^j ar y of Legation. The first and principal busi ness of Mr. Preble will be to argue the question relating t) our North Lost boundary, which it will bo remember- tJ, wwreferred to tlio King oftho ‘Nctlierlands for do- eisinn. The commissioner on the partofGrcat Britain, is Sir Howard Douglas, late Governor ofNova Scotia. The question oTihc choice of a successor to Judge Washington, is One of considerable interest, in the cir cuit left vacant, which comprises the city of Philadelphia. As a member oftho Supremo Judicial Tribunal of the United States, before which questions involving the laws of nature .and nations, and controversies ortho highest importance known to our form of guvcrnmctit, must be determined, theolHce is one ufihu most responsi ble,-as well as honorable in the country. Among the names mentioned as successors to the vacant scat, arc those of Henry Baldwin, of Pittsburg, Lnngdon Chuvcs and Judge Gibren, now on the bench oftho Suprutnu Court of Pemry’.vauittt The enterprise of our countrymen is ever on the gui rit-Cf-A vessel is already advertised in the Boston pa pers for Constantinople. Tho remark of Dossuliues, the Muck chicfj that if a bag of Cofibe were hung up iu u place which shall bo nameless, nn American would go aider it, was founded on correct observation oftho cha racter of our traders, ami although uttered ns a sarcasm, exhibits in tho strongest light their activity and enter- prise. Congress,—Our limits yesterday compelled us to break otr our remarks upon tho subjects likely to bo brought before Congress, at its prosent session. The usual scramble for the public funds will probably take plnco. New York appears disposed to cuter the arena by applications for tho propesod Cuual at Hurl- gate iu Lung Island Sound, and to clear Urn channel oj tho Hudson River, near Albany—applications aro ex pected too from New Jersey to aid the Morris Cnnul, and no doubt others wilt bo made. Tho claim nl South Carolina will not probably bo pressed for tho uso of her Hail Road, after tho resolutions against nil appro priations for internal improvement recently passed in tho Legislature of that State j and indeed, it may well bo doubted, whether these appropriations will ho made as . freely as hitherto. Should tho revenue of tho Uni m continue unimpaired in any important dogroo, in spito of unwise restrictions, and monsures whoso only object is to exclude those very articcs of commerce, from which it lias been principally derived, tho national debt must at an early period bo liquidated. When that event is con summated, it will bo an interesting subject of inquiry, whether by n change in tho Constitution some provision inav not be undo fur tho disposal of tho surplus reve nue among the states, for the purposes of Internal Im provement, or whether the scale ol otir duties shall not he reduced to tho standard of our expenditures. The Public Lands and the Cenniis, with tho nppo*. tionment of Representation, and the claims of tho Hul- iliaraoT theRcvol-lion, will also node ubt allbrd a livid lor legislati n. But the ntOji important question to Gem-gin, ns well ns one interesting to Alabama, North Caro'itta mid some Vi'the other states, is that relating to thu In. lion a uithitt thuir several bounds. The Clicrokct.-s intcn-l »t ||,«. present session ofCongress, to nddrtsj that body through their agents against tin policy cf tho government to. wards them. The United Slates will be presented w ith the singular spectacle oftho ambassadors of a power claiming to be independent, within tho- limits of one of •ho sovereign members oftho confederation, appealing to the representatives of tho whole Union, against thu dceUions of a co-ordinate branch of the government. Of the policy oftho administration, no doubt can be en tertained. In a letter to Governor Forsyth of the otli of August lost, the Secretary of War says— “The President will not drparl front the policy he has determined upon as to tho Indians. His conclusions as already communicated by himself and through this department, were the result of sound reflection, and will not bo yielded until Congress shall require it. If in pur- - suing this policy, the end and object ol which is kindness and humanity, and safety to our red brothers, they shall (It.termino lo act in opposition, to draw tho sword and appeal to battle, deeply as lie will regret it,-the conse quences must abide with them.’* It is not necessary at this time of day, to arguo this qOfcst.on—it has within two or three years past been fully investigated in all its bearings, the rights or thu states have been fully ascertained, and the policy of the sul- iiiiuislration is the settled policy of the country. Of the (dates represented iu Congress, all have been inhabited by v»r ions tribes, at sumo time iu tho situation oftho Chur- ••keep, when' they are p'accd under the dominion of our laws, Tho course of Georgia iu her dealings with the Jndiunn has been most unjustly decried by tin wo whore only object at least the effect of whose tffi.rts tan only Im to embarrass tho government iu complying with bur long delayed demands, Yet knowing »«. \u- do the ardent du>iro of thu present admiuitlrutiun to fettle the Indian qtOMtioii, in consonance with tho rights mid in terests of this stat<>, wo cannot permit nurse Ives to doubt dial tho tflbrtH of tlio-m who seek to raise u storm in which they may rule,'will be defeated, and tlm ad ministration left tiueiubnrniFHed to pursue the course pointed out by wisdom, justice and the trim interests of th" red man. That.jl may bo successful in tlio attain- iu> nt of tbnsn ntiri every judicious measure of its policy, we need not udd that wo (itrvoutly hope. Tlmt the pre sent session of Congress may be distinguished by its de votion to business, mure than by profitless discussion nr irritating political recrimination, ts wo are sure, equally desirable lo the people as it will be bciit-liciul to the country. rniv ate correspondence. lo rtiK r.niTuiu *v otonuixs. ^ tyill edge vi lie,fl'UesduiJiVct:. 8. In ScnrttriycKterday, thcSll Id nuffiorteo limited tra- iliiig.aiptiMier«hips K; vvau rcjuitcdby a uiujurily of two. Tim bill tainblwU'mt} Um r.dvs of DvwUujp', \Ylwwt- ugc, &o, at Ravuniinli—and the bill i-xicinlmgthe limits of Savaiinnh and tho jurisdiction of its Corporation, were passed. A motion to rr-considcrlho resolution, passed mi Sa turday, calling for a IbUnfdeldcus, &c.of tho Central Bul k, was hot, yeas 3*2, nays 83. Mr. llruitslbrd prcscnlcJ a remonstrance from certain citizens of Daritn aguiust changing thu timuuf holding elections for Aldermen. Tho hill to extend tho jurisdiction of Justices oftho IVuco, ami to regulate and define tho mode of staying .uJgmcnts in executions, &c. was laid on thu tublu until ca'lcd up. Tho hill to prevent tho employment of slaves or free persons of color in setting types, was passed. Also, the lull to point out thu uiodo of electing Constables in each Captain’s 'District*. .Also, to authorize tlio Bank of Darien to reduce the amount of its bills now in thu Cen tral Bank. Iu tlm House of Representatives, the business was [irincipi-lly confined to county matters. A motion to rc-considcr the rejection of tho claim ot Major Wood, was rejected, nays 0.1, yeas 40. The resolution for the relief of John "Rurnctt, Jr. late Tax Col!o« tor of Glynn county, was passed. A motion mudn to take up thu-resolution laid on the table some days back, requiring tho Dircctots of tlm Central Rank to furnish a list of debtors, their endors ers, Sir. was negatived, nays 59, yens 43. Tlio bill to amend the law of Contempt, (noticed last week,) was passed. Thu bill to amend the fld section nfiho 4'h article of the Constitution, was taken up. A substitute was adopt ed in Committc o for the bill heretofore mentioned by me, which made all Militia Officers elective by the free suffrages of those persons subject to their command- To bo commissioned or brevetted by the Legislature.* Tho voto on its passage was veas G3, nays 09. for want of two thirds. Tho House mut again in the afternoon at 3 o’clock. The Committee of Finance, to whom was referred the expediency of reducing tl.o salaries of tho officers named below, reported a bill, making permanent, after tho next election, tho following sularins, intended as a full compensation for all services required by law;— Secretory of State, $2,000 Surveyor General, $2,000 Treasurer, 1,600 Comptroller “ 1,600 A hill was reported ins/nntcr, to call an extra session oftho Superior Court of Richmond county, to com- menno on tho 1st Monday in February. Also, a bill to alter tho time ofholiling'Courts in that Circuit. About an hour and a half was occupied in reading bills from Senate. In thu'Housc, this morning, tho hill to authorize tho survey oftho Creek lands was tho ordar of the day.— Before taking it up a resolution was offered, calling on the Executive for all additional testimony received from the Commissioners lust sent to collect information re specting these lands, which, after some discussion, was negatived. Mr. Shmter stated,from the most undoubt ed authority, that the most important testimony hud been collected front Indians belonging to on emigrating patty, but luTuro tlio disclosures were made, a pledge was ex acted, that they shouU not be made known iu any sliapo until tlioy had left the nation. Mr. Dougherty, at whoso instance those Commissioners had been sent, exposed the impolicy of ntuking known any testimony that migat he collected, us it was intended not su much for tho Legislature us to correct thu M/mrie testimony that might bo culloctud by the United Status Agent.— Tho bill was then taken up in Committee of the Whole. Tho relative ait'itudo of parties in the Legislature is singular, and to a stranger they would uppuir to have changed situations. The Clark pat tv, heretofore claim ing tn ho tlio exclusive friends, ill this State, of General Jackson, nru now violently iu favor of measures iu di-1 reel opposition to those rccoincnded by him; whilo tho jd VS!, ltrf tu Turkey Troup parly, on whom so much abuse has been lavish- i ed fur treasonable moa»urcH t &c. aro decidedly iu lavra of a conciliatory course. Tlio former, regardless of consequences, are for tlm immediate survey and occii-. palion of ull the Indian lands ; tho iuttcr are desirous (conceding however nothing of thu justness and ul imate enforcement of our claims) of nwaiting the decision of the President he loro oven the disputed Creek luud is surveyed. I judge from tho sentiments openly expres sed iu debate by tho leading members of both parties. A member of thu Clark party, who was in fuvor of the most thorough going measures, and urged the fully of further lempoihing with thu Indians after their expres sed refusal to cede their lands, openly accused thoTroup Coventor Duval, of Florida,' recommends to the Exo* itive Council, the "passage ofukvr by which ilia vulua. of a iiltt’vo killed byimothe^juave, when thu murderer is executed, thairbo appropriated from tho Treasury fo bo divided between the owuors of both. Cnpt. Jdsftjih'Swllor of Mobile; has boon nppoinlfot to Ihu comtriaftd oTtfid Re verbid C Otter Pulaski, lit place of Cnpt. Duvozac, suspended. L Txr.ixo timk iiv tub FORELOCK.—Tlm New Orleans papers announce John B. Dawson, Esq. as a candidate fur tho offico of Governor of Louisiana m 1332 ! A gent'cninn who dined a short time stiicu with the President, states that his health was better than it hud been for the last ten years. Tho Legislature of Tencssco has appropriated $3,300 towards tho establishment of a Hospital at Mem- phis j and passed a resolution inviting tho co-operation ofthosc other states whoso citizens nru interested in the uavig. tion nfthe Mississippi river, to uid in promoting tho accomplishment of so desirable an object. Tho pro posed locution is opposite to Chickasaw Blutr, aud iu ulioullut. 3.V J N. Goon.—Dr. Jesse Fificld, of Waterloo, recently went into tho office of the Seneca Farmer, to untie the editor; but he caught a Tartar. After two or three blows tl.o Editor took the cane from bis assailant, and paid hiiuotf with c.mipoimd interest. In other words, he gave the son of Esculapius a sound drubbing. Cincinnati, iu Ohio, was incorporated as a town in IS02, when it contained about SCO inhabitants. Its pre- oOuakuiuhiimvi i‘ tulKWor/^® uusuccoshriI iu obtaittuig Uto tiLVo,r,ot’,thojSultau by his •rather tardy display or.ibal, itV4s added that ho intends, td: inarch..with ,liis troops upon Grooco; for what purpuso it. in hard to miy, HiS career at alPovonts, tvilT be'but 'short. , 1'Dy thu French Pftpers of Tuesday,* IF* op- pers that tliero was u report iu Constantino ple, on the 1st hist, that General DfcbitscH had refused passports to tho Ambassador of the Porto to tho Czar. If so, tho Itussiun Commander 1ms acted in ignorance, or defi ance of all diplomatic etiquette, which estab lishes the peremptory right of every indepen dent sovereign to send an Ambassador to any other with whom ho is ut peace, lly the same papers it also seems tlmt tho Minister Plenipotentiary of Don Miguel was presented to the King of 8p:iin on Sunday the lltli inat. It is stated in the French papers that news had reached Kgina, the seat of tho Greek Government, on the (ith ult. tlmt 4000 Alba nians hud penetrated tho defiles of Mount Oetu, and were advancing on Lividia and Attica. This event occurred during the ar mistice of Adriattople, and belbro the signa ture of tho treaty of peace. The Greeks were prepared to ineet tho invaders with d force of about 3000 men, under Demetrius Ypsilanti. From the London C>iUtor. of Oct. 30, The following article, which wo extract inis,biil lUoaolcti lire (iucliidint! lOOOHuratH anil UrazUa taken lor export) ut ubout last wooli’s prices. The auction of Mu rats and Sea Islands was well attended, vie. : 1550Sea Islands lit lid tu 17j|d j 50 stained do at O-a Btd'i 4680 botveds' at 5 a tig ; 1OT0 Orleans ntlU n7d; 9780 Alibamas, il^biles, &c.nt4JnO),4d:e. ‘ Rhe:—Yib casks Am. Rico bro't. 15 a 10s. 1‘riocs Current, Liverpool, Oct. ill.— Cotton.—Sea Island, line good and middling, lid a 9s j stained 5 a lOd ; upland bowed 5 a Old; Now Orleans 5} a 7jd ; Tcnn. and Alan. 5 a Od. lticc, cwt. in bond, Carolina, 17s. a *1.— Tar, Am. bbl. 11a 10s. Liverpool, Oct. 28 Tlio sales tu day aro estimated at about 2000 bales. There lias been a tolerable fair busincssdono in manufac tured goods during tlio present week. London, Oct. 30.—In Cotton business re- mains brisk, and prices firm and improving. Another letter from London, dated OOtli, says,—Cottonremainsstcady with large trans actions. Avgusta, Dec. 9.—Colton.—Since otir last report of tliojnarket, Cotton has experienced some depression. It still urrives freely but sells at a dcelino of a 4 of a cent or therea bout. November, was 603—aiul about auo third that number ofkccl and Hat boats ai rived in the same period. present licrlin, Oct. 18.—The present state of _ , , . „ . r , Turkey is represented by eye witnesses us RoMm tolls u. s »lory arose Plalpst Phcst, who I nlIlst .f.elaticholy, so as, in fact, to claim pity. hoiss brisk and kale, fell dead as ho was pay,„ 5 no [i: , m8 blJen coul f nilod Umt in U ou melia also which perhaps causes many, says he, not to puv , t f, 0 g roa t C r part oftho population consists of theirs, for tear of the like uccidunt. Christians, u'lm rnll tlininsnlvos Rnnmtimns When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that tho dunces arc ail in confe deracy against him.—Su-ift, Later piiom Europe.—The Brighton, ' packet ship from London, at N. York brings paper* from tho former, of 31st'October, and from Southampton of 2d November. Noth ing new in the position of the late belligerents is disclosed. TlurTurk had ratified thetrea- ty of Adrianople, and sent to St. Petersburg un ambassador and presents—among these “ a cloak of ermine with an agraffe of dia monds for tlio Emperor, and ten Turkish shawls adorned with pearls and brilliants for tho Empress.” Speculations are numerous in both the French and English papers, as to tho probable issue of the present condition of things be tween tho Porte and Russia. Tlio Augsburg Gazelle, as quo'.ml by the Paris Mcssagcr du Chambrcs of 28th October, gives, under tho head-of Pern, 28th September, a state ment of the diffmlties oftho Porto to pay the stipulated indemnity, nnd then follow these suggestions:—“ Will tho Great Powers tid- •vunee money to tho Porte, or will tho Rus sian troops oecitpy tho-proviticuH’till ull th expenses of tho war nro paid I In thu case, it would ho long before tlio Sultan recover, hio authority in those provinces, and ho would, besides, be deprived of his best re- sources, lti tho other case, tlio European powers, who Hindu thu advancas, must dis- ponsu with till formal security, and consider them rather a-j a free gift than us a loiln. ,, — Tho writer presumes nidi n course would be difficult for tlio English ami French ministers, on account of their responsibility, and there fore* infers that, although tlio lteis Elfendi has as is alleged, plainly intimated to the ambas sadors of Franco and England, the reliance oftho Porto upon their nations; for means to ilisdiuvgo the hulommlies, theee will nut hv Christians, who cull themselves sometimes Armenians, and sometimes Bulgarians; all these believe nothing less than that Russia was currving on war for the sake of conquest, and would take them under its protection, which is the more pardonable, ns they wero not acquainted with the Russian * Declaration of War.* Tlio population, therefore, oven in Adrianople, openly expressed their joy at the appearance or the Russians, whom they con sidered os thoir deliverers. The Russians will withdraw, the people will fall again under the dominion of the Sultan, who will hardly fail to exercise the most dreudful vengeance. It was hardly ventured to acquaint tho people with tho melancholy necessity of tlio retreat, of the Russians; already in their fears they seo scaffolds erected in Adrianople, and the Sultan fix his head-quarters there. Whether these appearances will bo realised to their full extent remains to bo seen. Soniu confidence is placed in Russia, which lias come forward as thu kind protector oftho distressed; and it is hoped that it will strict ly enforce tho stipulations in favour of the Christian population. Tho ruin of the Turk ish army, wo limy say the intcrnul dissolution oftho Turkish Empire, is without parallel.— L * H tJtiL inftm. j T,l ° ro ff u,!ir troops throw away their arms in * Suit nt i vvmilfl I wll< J lu l’ odiUf3 » 11,0 ^'“wosity and humanity tho Russian General had conquered them moro Hum the bravery and the perseverance of his soldiers. Tlio irregular troops lied with their arms (their moat vv.hablc piuperty) as mg t past has generally sold from 7 a 7.v a 8| cents for cash, and some at 8^. Norfolk, Dec. 5.—Cotton.—A considera-* hie quantity of this staple, has been brought to our market during tho present week, from the ucighboriiqr counties of this Stuto and X. Carolina, and luus readily obtained 9 to IM cents. From the Xno York Shipping ami Coni' mcrcial List, Dec. 2.—Cotton.—Tlio nuIos, since our last publication, amount, to ubout 050 bales—comprising about 500 Uplands, old and new crop, at a 103 cents, mostly new crop at 9^ a 10$ ; 113 Alabaman at 9L and the remainder New Orleans at 12$ a 12$ eta. Many of the manufacturers having supplied their immediate wants,and shippers being un willing to come forward, to any extent, at pre sent rates, tho demand has been much less animated, and tho current pricoB of last week not so roadily obtained. The stock, howev er, continues very email. Import, from 1st to 30th Nov. 8,923 Export, from 1st to 30th Nov. 7,250 Import, from 1st Jan. to 30th Nov. 124,251 Eamc period lust year, 145,709 Decrease, Export, from 1st .Tan. to 30tH Nov. Euino period lust year, 2M55 90,169 117,212 Rice Decrease, -Some .sale. 21,023 have been made within our range, but the transactions are not large. Import, from 1st tu 30th Nov. 1487 ten. Exchange.—On England 9$ j on Franco, 5 27.1 e. MARINIS JfOURNAIi. WJPJt 4)1» a&^A-liStA'Ji. l oll ME W YORK. [UHTAIH. 1B1I1:» LIND.] Tho rugulur iiiickct ship E M I> E U O R, J. II. Bennett, master, Will have immediate diapatvk. Fat IVeiglit or passago apply to Capt. B. ou board or to HALL, S1IAPTER &. TUPPER, dec 12 FOR. PHILADELPHIA, The fast Bailin', packet bria EAGLE, JV. S. Mauran, master, Will meet with immediate des patch. For freight of 50 bales or passage, having goud accommodations apply on board at Mongiu's wharf or to dec 12 ' TAFT & PADELFORD. FOR SEW-YORK, Tho packet brig LYDIA, Capt. Wood. AVill be dispatched immmcdiatcly. For freight or passage apply on board, or to dec 12 J. STONE. FOR CHARLESTON, Tho regular packet iiloon JOHN CHEVALIER, Capt. N. B. Sisson, Will have herdamages repaired This Morning, and will sail ThiB Day if the wind is fuir. Far freight or passago apply to Capt. S. on board or to Joe 12 JOHN W. LONG. FOR AUGUSTA, Tho steam boat CALEDONIA. Cnpt. Ropdcit, Will positively leave Tins Evening. For freight npply nn board 1NO. JPKEN55IE&CO. er tn dee 12 100 Bags Coffee, F°r sale by dec 12 JOSEPH CUMMING. ' 10-p Landing from Einporor, A A BIII.S. Canal Fleur 'x ” 10 do. Nowork Cider 12 kegs best Goshen Butler New Lard arid Prime Pork 20 ps. Domestic yard wide Flutm-: ALSO, Vassar’s superior Ale, constantly for sale and wnrrruted by \V. L1PP1TT. dec 12 10- 1'resit Artificial Flowers. A BENNETT Inis just received per ship • Emperor, a handsome assort ment ofthu ubovo article, alsu low price Flowers and Wreaths for Children’s Hats. For sale at No. 1 Young’s Buildings, Market Square, dec 12 lmd with him 590 or 900 men, on jaded hors es, who refused to light against the Russians. juuscnurgnme nuiiMnniut**,wceo wm nut m* IbrtWidMg, and Umt, c u :me.|. , eirtly. thegued , ^ v ,,. lu ' rn t „',..huit into the eitv.' ‘ from the treutv, which -j. , * . . ... * . i Only a few baiialions of regular iufautrv in.cii lavish-; M,, [ w ^-’vuiud to aetic.jiutc, \. ill not be real:-! j, |U j ||(lt vot w , cu jj„, •• iiiretiomo remarks from tho Berlin Gazette, which look u little like paving tho way fora a permanent occupation by tho Russians, at the request of the. inhabitants^ of Adrianople and Iloumclia, affects discourage the idea, that these remarks are from the pen of any Minister, or that they tear the veil from Rus sian policy; yet tho Courier itself seems to us to have misgivings on tho subject. Tlm Loudon Times of the 27tli October, republishes from a Hamburg paper “the Sep arate Act,” accompanying the treaty of Ad- ftnutfeiAr. Consuls.—Philip Mwrii, E*q. | mH been confirmed Vico Consul in Hoitmi, (or (ho Staten iirMansndin'imiH, Maine, Now Hampshire and Rhode Llnyil j QlirihlopJmr Noale, fi«q. as Vim, Consul Alextuidrin, fijr the District of Coluiiihin. puityofii fear of ros|innsihility and inconsistency, a** , riamqih*. Wo t an now only say of it ill tho evidence ofwhi.'h he read t«-r:aiu* extracts from G<»v- 1 language nfthe Times unm Troup’* mussuj'o of Ic-.'J. Judge ^hotter, how- *» Tlmt in tho most courteous and polished ever, made a very aide e\|,«.n of tile principles of {language imaginable, tho Court of St. Petcrs- ihnl |iu reply, and I think retorted aatisfitctorily : burgh lias proceeded lo announce to the world, the of mcmoi-tuiey. Mr.'oM moved ihut ^ through tlm medium of some grave docu- tho ConiioitreeriAc and repmt pre^re^-*, which was nc»a-: monts railed treaties, that Wullachiu and lived. Mr. BLckjoflSidimond, and .Mr. Ilaynewrpokc Moldavia no longer belong to Turkey, but to at length iu favor of thu Milistitutu of the latter. Mr. the Czar of-Muscovv.—that Turkey in Eu- Donpdn ny udvMintcd bin own resolution, inrtitioncd in ro i»c, >»o Jiititlor by wliut thin formsof circtun- luy last, and btatud that the uriyinal hill reported by the h*cutiou the unpalatable truth maybe dis- t-'oiiuniuco on the State of tl.c Republic was annul in : o'd-^oil,—that Turkey in Europe has* no indc- pendent e\isteuee, hut is henceforth us sub stantially the slave and property of Russia, as the lut:*;!* power would persuade us that Wullachiu has a feudal Sovercigh in the Porte.” M. Chubert. the I’iro King, on the 30th October, s wallowed a tea-spoon fall of Frus- sic-Acid without injury ! Four drops oftho ' same acid put upon’the tongue of a cut, in Committee? |.y a majority of one vote only,'nnd that his resolution was offi red us a Mibmilutc iu ai corduLtc with thu wish oftho minority of that Commit tec. Alter udi-hato liibiiu}; to half past one o’clock, on mo tion to report disagreement to the bill and substitute, it nii« carried. The mail is now closing, and tho matter is still under discubidon. .Mr. Habersham, in Senate, offiirrod n substitute to the day for Friday. Nothing else of importance was transnered. !’• S.—2 o’clock, P. M.—Mr. Dougherty’s substitute is rejected, nays 68, yeas S3. I think nothing will be done to survey the lands at present. uext experiment, it is intimated,will bo that of permitting a mad dog to bite him. He lmd not, however, at the lust dates,quite perfected his antidote against that, poison. Peru, Sent. 29.—The nows is just spread that the Bmtun 1ms this day ratified tho trea ty concluded ut Adriuuople oil tho 14th.— NVo copied without remark yesterday a paragraph Y 7 V'7 - from tho Boston Palladium, which expressed tho appro-' ^ l, I* “is Aules-tle-Cump, is >f other countries was takimt Conslantinoplo to-day, to lake the hension that the Cotton of other countries was taking the place or that of tlio United States in tlm Liverpool market. That this apprehension, however, is not well founded, ut least at the present time, will appear satis- torily from tho remarks of tho Journal of Commerce, which wo annex:— Tlm whohjqunniiiy of cotton imported intoG. Britain in lb-2, was 632,201 halos, in 1828, 710,314 bn leu, und the Inry st quamuy in any ono year, viz. in 1827, 693,- 030 halts. ’ low largest infertile- lono iliatn year. Imported from the U. S. 320060 018075 411938 I'roiu Briizil & Portugal M2I7II l!IJ(70 IMOHH From tlm East Judies 19113 73728 81*00 Freni Egypt 3191 101134 GllUU Up to tlm latest dales from Koglaml. tlm imports from tho Lnitml Stiui.-s into tlm United Kingdom had been iihuut 63,030 hides greater than last year-—Brazil &c. 20,(3)0grimier— East Indus, 2,01.0loss—Egypt, 10,000 Iuas. Comparing thu amount imported into bYaiire (hi- ring tho first throe quarters of thu present your with tlm c.n-M spending period of the two preceding voars, wu find a coiiKKlcrahle mcrenro from tlm United Stutos; u slight dimimiiion Iroin Brazil, und from Egypt a diminution of 49,318 hales, viz. Ireiu 62,428 to 13,810. If to this wu add tho lad, that m 1809 our total exports of cotton a- moiiutcd to Ifl!J,9J*l—in !8l8,to 293,528—iu 1820, to 701,968—and in tlm previous your lo still morn by 880 - WX> hales—it will ho snflicicinly evident, that unless sumo great revolution should occur, our iiossesmou of tlm col Ion murkeiM of thu world is secure to any cMcni w hich wu may desire to occupy them, 'i'hn <|ifli>mliy w ith Egypt, wo suspect, has its seat deeper than iu tlm wars of the Bidlatt. It is to ho found in tha monopoly which thu Pucha has assumed, und which ho maungeit badly ns a planter ora merchant, however lunch t>.i“i - tiiy he may posseas ns u w arrior or politician. 3 •ratification to Ath'iauopU. The two Uussiuti ofiiccrs who mine with the Prussian Ambassador will also set out im mediately for their resjieetivo destinations, to bring the news of the conclusion nnd ratifi cation of the tieucc—ono to Count Pusho- witsch Erivtuisky, tho order to the Dardu- iiulieM. The ratification would have been niudo earlier, lmd not tho ornamuntal writing (which, according to Oriental custom, is in dispensably necessary) required considerable time, llalil Pacha, of throo tails is appoint ed .Ambassador Extraordinary to St. Pcters- burgh, und the preparations for his speedy de parture are making with grout activity Nodschib Efi'endi, fornierly ’J’stmsch-Bachi, now invested with tho rank of a I'rivy Coun cillor, is to accompany him, and it is thought that several officers of rank will bo in his siute. llalil Pucha is universally esteemed huru fur. his lino person, ugrocubio inunners, and; a highly honnrublo churacter, freo from all tlie faults usually ascribed to tho Turks, und cvc- ry body is convinced that it would have been dilfienlt to make a hotter choice. London, Oct. 30.—^Tlio Gonnan mail this morning brings some intelligence from Eorvia .which slates that tho Eidtan is under muuh difficulty us to raising tlm monoy for tho in demnity ; and that tho movement of the Pucha »>1'Scutari, who liutl remained inactive dtiriii"' the war, is undertaken only far the purpose t jr as tliov wore aelO, and positively declared i’ivy would light no moro. Abdurrhanmn Pacha, a native of Erzerouni, whoso wife and his whole Harem iu tlmt city were taken prisoners by the Russians, had commanded , the Turkish cavnlty oftheVight wing. >Vhen | High Waicrut’fabee, 8 <19. || AtSuvamiuh 10 in’ he reached Aruba Bourgns un Ills retreat, he ; r^gggg —^ in... Bred .... CLEAR El), B.trk Philetus, .Morril, Havre. J. Cunahl. ARRIVED, »Sh!i) Lagoda, Bradford, Boston, 8 ds. Bal last to the master. f Brig Lydia, Wood, from Providence, to J Stone timlO Johnson. Passengers, Mrs. J Stuno anil family, Miss L Stone, Messrs. Bowers and Borden. • Eloop Mill Maid, Hernandez, Bond’s plan tation. 1500 bushels rough Rice to It Uub- ershum. ♦Sloop George Washington, Hewitt, from Haywood’s mill, 90 tierces lticc to P DoVil- lcrs. Lamar’s towbpout no. 9, 0 ds. fin. Augusta. 634 bales Cotton to G Gordon, S 1) Corbett, A Lo Barbicr & Co. G Thomas, T Butler & Co. R Malone, O Tciiucy, Taft & Padclford, Kotchum &< Burroughs aud II Lord. DEPARTED, Steamboat Gov. Tuylor, Davis, Augusta. Notice. T HE Lav Days on Cotton received per Boats Nos. 7 &. 15 will expire on Mon- day 14th inst. W. P. HUNTER, Pres’t S. B. Co. doc 12 t enemy, found a sta- y , r , . .... „ n .. . i hit; point in tho muss of contusion. In the 11,0 London C onnor of Cn-JOlh, m oo;n, yi|1 '„. cs ml(1 tm ,, wtl;n w „ mc n, wlmarooll.urt wise confined in their liouses» were seen shall no longer bo loft lo tho capacity of the Premier und his cabal—that thcoflfccts both of our foreign and domestic policy shall ho made the subject of legislative impiivv—in a word, that the meeting of Parliament for the despatch of business shull not bo delayed be yond tho first wedt in January ! ' 'I urn out at .Oldham,—For some weeks a tmsimdorstandmg has existed betwixt Messrs. Gould & Cooper, of this town, nnd thoir apin. tiers, m consequence of which tlio latter gave notice to leave offwork; und nt tho expira tion o that time they turned out, Messrs, tioulil and Cooper wished to pay tho Man. Chester rates, which ureso much for tlio snore of hunks, whilst at Oldham they pavhv tlio dozen. Tho former would, in fact, a- mount, to a deduction from thoir workmen’s wages, they therefore resisted it, aud left their work in a liody. Thus tho Manchester turnout, is stdl operating and, it is proli- aluothat one oftho consequences will liu u series of struggles throughout tlio tviiolo of this district. COMMEKCIAL. J,ivnr|nHil dales21 si Oct, || 'Itnvnulo. STlhOct. Savannah Exports, Doc. 11 Park Philetus, lor Havre.—448 halos Un. mnd Cottbn, 400 tiorcos ltico,4 barrels Inji. [nv THIS JASIKR eitllPPER, AT NORFOLK.] Cotton—Tlio Liverpool Chronicle of Out. •it, says:—Wo Imru to notice another week of running with erics of terror, ubout tho streets, to save and secure their children. A conster nation had seized tlio Turks, which mudo those who witnosed it shudder. Tho ac counts from tho bead quarters of General Die- bitseh (now raised to the dignity of Field- Mnrslinll, aro moro pieusing. There was a-' bundonco of overy thing supplied bv the inhabitants. Tho Count lias had Tc De em performed ill tho principl Greek Church; and a thing unheard of in the annuls of Tur key, ho and his staff have trodden with thoir Christian foot the pavement of tho celebrated great mosque. Tho Turkish priests volunta rily jepenod to him tlio doors of thuir holy temple of Murad. Much pruiso is bestowed nn tlio discipline of tho Russian army, nnd the polished manners of tho officers. Even the Cossacks hove become much much more cizilized since the great war against Franco: and there are few Instances m tho present cuinpuingii of iheir huiving committed any cruel excesses but many anecdotes are rela ted of their simple honesty. The London Morning Journal a paper vio lently opposed to the administration of tlio Duke of Wellington, contains tho following paragraph:— The voice of public distress calling- upon his Majesty's Ministers to rc-ussemblo Par liament, and take into consideration the de plorable state of thu country, has, wo have reason to know, boon attended to by our gracious Monarch. His Majesty has deter- -. ,, . _ , vm . turned that the desperate situation of affuirs ” e ’ rc ’ Guad. Stint. Superior, Cox, Fort Roy al. Mart. Sloop John Dennison, Fitch, Knv Tlio slooji .Tulin Chevalier, Sisson, which sailed from this port for Charleston, returned yesterday having experienced a severe gulo of wind on t ho night of tlio l»th off Charleston, and sustained considerable duniugc in her suits and rigging-. Brig Industry, Booolior, heneo at St. Barts., lBth tilt. Sloops Georgia, Sapelo, Bolivar, and Throo Brothers, Luce, at Darien. Schr. Mystic, Olcut, cleared for this port, at Boston 28th ult. Selir. Lucy, Tisdale, at Darien, from New i ork, 8 ds.; selir. Defiance, Poinsett, do. fm. Charleston. FROM our coMRcsroxnnxTS, Offices oJ'tiaiCouricr, Mercury and Gazette, Charleston, Doc. 0—H P. M. Arr—Fr. brig LaDryas, Cauchio, Point West, viaTybee, where siioput in on account of bad weather. Old Iron, old Rigging, tic. to the Master. The J. 1). took oil' part of tlio rigging, part of a chain cable and sail,from tlio wreck oftho Hr. brig Win. Htirvoy, ashore off Tyhoe. Sloop Leopard, Gibbs, Providence, 14 ds. Steam l’uckot John D. Moulin, Du bois, Savannah, via Beaufort, 10 ha. Cleared -Jir. ship Bengal, Bissett, Liverpool. Ship James Perkins,Crowell. Havre. Below—Shin James M„ from Philadelphia. UJittlB IMiahh t ti° Ladies cl t!lu l-Ymato Asvlimi, rrtvina on I! 1 ! 1 “ I I!'! C,IU !‘™ "!."l.a ,l l;l"" 1 hitherto uljbriltnl ilieni lor . isoi/ loin or ut cciiibur, wl.cro every urtiulu usuliil ami ((i‘iiauicntnl will I'i'l 10 iA-S ai nigh,r rUI " 0,t:IU ' :k iU “‘ U r, ’ reU,,0 “ lm ' ;iV,elii , xi,at'lo | ro, | i all liana of our Slato ninliiliraia- Rr . tale,«ill "'-'Immlily lio|n- niiikcileunveiitoiit to ai- V. '• ""f 1 ':‘r v u "” die moot beaarilllt colletli.,u» ,|- K‘ 7. om Itnaliiceit any Pair. Tin, ol Iln>e iirliclej no rvisti lo |m niiilnralinid, nru lln, nro. iluoliun ul mir yoimaLiuliea, «U.i have eiiii.l,n,.,| i|„. ji,mt ainillner m i n «„rti ofeluril v—u.ul m r„a,ell„-y liaen not liilinrinUii vuin. ' r,i,!!i^Mi rly <!|“ i " 1 sliu, "i,".' ', VM au|aiorieit bv conirilai- j™’ 1 “ “ Lheirdm, win, i inonll |irncnrioi|» uml ilia- S"" Laitate. i liey ihorutbru mloiited tide Sartrii air.aiiliiinlly, for lliu an|i|iorl olKe. .- 0r ' , i , , an “Whlnn, who, wiitiuiu •ucli uid nnwt bo uial Irieii'llnaa on lliu world—and ns tlioy worn tbrceil tn in'in V n- r ' V 'heir |,awer, Uioy reaorteil lo thin made in |u>flt‘i(nir» lo any nllmr. Now Crop N. O. Stift-ar. -w IIIIIK! .. •?.. . cxlunsivo busiuosH iii tho Cotton market—tlio Qfi H1IDS primo new crop, will bo Hold onnl d |lrl, tg tlto last fivo woolts reaching 103,. l“" if applied for iimni'diiilulv. ..00 hags, Ihe unport this weekis otilv l«:t-i 'f'.".' R.' ,t j* HF'NRV All Academy of Fine Arts W ILL bo opened in .Mr. Young’s Building, above tlio sturo of Messrs Nichols it Juans, by i\ G. GETTENBERG, of Gormnny, who will touch tlio various branciiw of DRAWING, such as Architecture, Perspec- live, Historical, Ivindscupo, Flowers, &e. &c. llo will also tuko Portraits iu oil uml in water-colours. dee 12 jo 815 Reward. R ANAWAY from the subscriber a Negro Boy ubout 20 years of ago named Dick, very dark, has a down look, is about 0 feet 5 inches high, and is supposed to have gone to Savannah, where ho onco lived. Whoever will return the said Boy to me, or lodge him in Jail cither iu Savannah or Dublin, shull re. cejvo tho above reward and all reasonable charges. JOHN M. HAMPTON. Laurens County, Ga. Doc. 8. dec 12 10—Jl Bank of Darien. December 7,1620. DIVIDEND NO. 13. T 1IE Board of Directors of lliis Bank have this day declared a Dividend out oftho profits oftho institution, for tho last six mouths, of two per cont. on tlio amount of Capital Stock paid in, which will ho payable on und uftur tho 15th dav of Junuury, 18311. EBENEZER S. REES, Cashier. Tito Savannah Georgian and Milledgcrilta Journal will give thu ubovc, throe insertions, dec 12 rj Notice. Bank of Darien, Decembers, 1829. A N ELECTION will be held, nt the Bank. mg IIuusc, in this city, on MONDAY, tlio 4th day of JANUARY NEXT, for FIVE DIRECTORS, on tlio part of tlio individual St ockholdcrs, tor the ensuing year. The pull will he opened at ten A. M, and closed at two P. M. By order. EBENEZER.S. REES, CasUkr. Tlio Savannah Georgian nnd MilJcdgovilln Journal will publish thu above until tho elec tion. dec 12 ifi Dividend No. 5. Marine and Fire Insurance Rank, ) Savannah, 4th Dec. 1829. > A DIVIDEND has been dcclurctl on the jirolitH of this Bank for the lust 0 month* of One Dollar per Ehure, and will bo paid ou and after MONDAY next, the 7th inst. W. \V. BAKER, Cash’r. dec fi 19 PI a ii tors’ Bank—28th Dividend. T HE Directors have declared a Dividend oft wo and a half nor cent for tho lust six months, which will bo paid on oraftir Tuesday uext, 15th instant. J. MARSHALL, Cashirr. dee 0 ' 13—1. Negroes lor Sale. W ILL be sold positively, under tlio Court 1 louse in the town of Wilmington, N. C. on the 19th of February next, from . „ 5 ?,. la 10 P LIKELY NEGROES, in families Persons disposed to purelmsi\ cun acquire tlio necessary information, by nj>- ng at tlio olllco of the Cupe-Fcar Ueconi- can piping er. Terms will be made known on tho day salt Wilmington, N. C. Dec. dec 8 2d. 1929.