The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 15, 1829, Image 1

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s ahaimi.—Wo havu Uw mingtho ClnmnlAN tqobr • render*, in icijinlly from iho Foundry The Heady ami liberal patronage which has hitherto Nieiitfccwvcd by ibo Georgian, and which has boon I j! iff 0 hocauao r«adored freely, and without h!«S£Hr «»«r pari, itatutk!* o«r rinotro ackixm- ^ “" ly Jt»'dt»ropcr rotuni in our bow* SLiMS? °H r , a ’ r V lc d a ^® Mtir expense, t*i • * ' .1^1 MS* . otrr w^nroRht patron* hy trcatiHM* intoi tyMjftiiptHcal emMilahmoutt t hut by the otorciao fcf tin industry which has nover tired, to rnhtlor it the medium of tfio earliest and most correct in- tolligonce. to the contmureinl community, and by tho capporl or what wo teliuVo to l»u correct political doc- irtiitf*, to advnnco the true* of our native state, nnd the general prosperity of our hippy cnimtr< ur Nwi Room will always bo lb in our ? . try. louti.l the latest paper* from all parts oft ho Union, either by regular course of Mail t or by vosst l, nnd upon our llultetiu any intolligonco of interest received by extra sheet or other- "iso* with a report of arrivals at this port as sown as received. The advertising pat nun go of a newspaper is that upon which it U principally dependent for support, mui which of course, wo are most anxious to seetuo. The iivorgittn has for many year* received a largo proportion ••r these agreeable and interesting articles of mer cantile intelligence ; nnd us it is tho evident interest ol every individual when paying fir tho insertion ol his advertisement to secure tho most extensive cur- r reficy to it,that being tho value received for hi# expendi ture, it is due both to ourselves nnd our friend* to say, that our circulation is mare extensivo than any daifv publication in this State, and Unit our now type, xvhieli comprises tt hatidsomo assortment oftliuormiinmi- t d, u.< well u* the plain maturinl, will enable us to dis play their tuvor* to tho host advantage. Savannah, [Saturday, Oct. 17th, 1820. A Gazetteer of tho SstateTof Georgia, B Y Iho Itov. Adiol Sherwood. Second Edition—1820. Trieo $1, CONTENTS. A Map of the State, with all the new Counties an if Hoad*. I. General Description of Georgia, History, f 3 sions of Logilslure. Treaties uud Acuuisition of i, * JJivcrs. (icnernl Remarks on I.ake9. Pond# „ U . CL ‘ of tho Country. Sail, Productions. CUr* 10 * ^Rain. Zoology. Ornithology. Divisions. (J,» eminent. Ju- iliciiry. M.Uinfucturi:*. Imports ® c * ties of year*. Militia, nevonum .* umlaut iho State. Antiquities. Counties, wiUy'" c,r breadth, square mites,population. &c. 't'Jf'! Su’m* tv. Appropriations. l5ali» ,,es OlHm* for 1H-9. iVtgmn. Population. Guuuttcs m alohabetieal or- tier* with chief towns, and number oi Acad-mics. ll. A particular, ascription of tho rivers, mountains, creeks, counties. p«fcn*» villages, banks, cuuals, mineral eprirnu. fee. &o in alphabetical order. Hi. AnAj*l ,uu with*biographicalfkcleh©rail tho persons M»«T whom tho Counlicsxyeronnmed. His tory of tlio Press, with the names of tho Newspaper* in the mate, numlior Issued weekly, &c. History and Progress of education, with tho amount of Academic nod Poor School funds, and probable number of pupils instructed. Pauperism. Sketch of tho several Kelt- gious Denominations in the State, with their number*. Culture of sugar, rice, and cotton, with a history of the introduction or the latter plant into America. Culture .•f Silk. I,l«ti.f l‘.*1 Office, in the hide. lent of On. vernort. DwW F« Old Styloi nn.l Now Stylo. Price of*oatablus, laud#, &c. List of lloads. Mem ber* of Cougrc** since 1769. .Vu/ionah—List of IWulont* «f tho hutted State?, with that of tho chief utfioers. Post Office revenue in chief towns in U. S. Newspapers m U. S. Lectori- nslieal Statistic#. Medical Statistics, number of deaths in New-York, Philadelphia, Washington, and Savon- uah. Just received by _ , T. M. DRISCOLL. nov 20 V aluahlc School Books Justircpcived from Boston* rilO’S.M. DRISCOLL, WKOLKBALB XNW KBTAIfc. , fc fllilE National Spelling BookM ll. D. 7 X Emerson. Thin work ih probably bet- •-*" 1 1 " tin* pujpo** of teaching than any other work over before published; though it has not long been before the public, st has met witli a sulo rarely nreccdentcd, and in now in two in Boston public schools us well as in New York, Philadelphia, <sn\ IVhclplcy's Compand oj History A very popular anil useful work. The American First Class Bool:* the National Header* and An Introxhiction to the National Header—by the Itov. John i’icrpout. These works have been prepared expressly for the Bostou shcoola, whore they are now in use, exclusively, as reading books; and so great is their merit, that the two first named have been republished in England, as a great improvement on tho books there in use. . - .. National Reader—At a meeting of the school committee of tho city of Boston, bul lion at the Mayor and Aldermen s room July 2d, 1829—Voted, That “Picrnont’u National Header” bo introduced into the public gram mar schools of this city, in lieu of “ Murray s English Reader,” after the visitation ot the shools in August. Attest,- T. W. PniLLiPB, Sec’ry. of the School Committc. Now Storo and Now Goods, [ A BENNETT Would inform the Ladies *(X« of Savannah and tho public generally, tliat he has just arrived ftom New York with a handsome and extensive assortment of Fan cy and Staple Goods, of tho very latest fash- oils und patterns, which he is now opening it tho Store recently occupied by Messrs. Tames Itiglis &Co. So. 1, Young’s'Buildings, Market Square. Fart of the assortment now on hand is as r ’allows, viz: Forty Casts of Fancy and Staple Goods, consisting in pnrt of tho following: Rich ligured Gros do India, CJrosdc China, Gros do Naples, and Grodczine Silks Rich plain do do do do Rich watered do do do do Rich figured Silk Velvets lbr Bonnets, a now article 1 c AN. A>. 4'Ulllll, piOpiUCU AOi LSU UUU ions given for using litem. P. MARLOW, ocl G 281—3m Molasses, Sugar, CotVee, &/C. A /Y HIIDS. retailing Molasses X-Lr 20 do. nrimo St. Croix Sugar 10 do. Porto Rico do. 10 do. privna N. Orleans do. 10 do. imitation Jamaica Rum 20bbE } Coir °° 00 catty boxes Hyson Tea ) Sultan’s 10 do. do. Young Hyson do. { cargo, imported in July last 5 pipes Holland Gin, warranted pure GO bbls. N. E. Rum 75 do. Potatoes 150 casks Nails, assorted 800 reams Wrapping Paper 8 tons Swedes Iron’, assorted For sale by TAFT & PADELFORD. nov 17 Lauding from sclir. Excel, BBLS. Canal Flour 20 firkins Goshon Butter 8 half bbls. Fulton Market Beef 10 tierces Sperm Oil 10 bbls. Cider 10 kegs Salt Pctre For sulo by nov 80 COIIEN & MILLER. ' New Dry Goods Store. A NNOUNCE to the inhabitants ofSavan- -t V uah and vicinity, that they have just opened at tho storo in Johnson’s Square, uiwh dour to Messrs. Low, Wallace Si Co. a lull assort incut of STAPLE AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, purchased principally at auction sales in the city of New York, ull of which theyoflbrat wholesale or retail (ft tho most reduced prices. Intending to receive regular supplies from N. York, they will constantly present to their customers a great variety of ull that is new, fashionable and useful in their line. Part of their Assortment at present is as follows : Merino Cloths of the most fushionablo col- Brushes. t A DOE. Pamt Brushes assorted sizes v/ 50 do White wash do do do 4 do finoVarnisn do do do 30 do Marking do 2 kinds 70 dp sash Todff 4 Eng and French Graining'tools 10 Groco Camels Iluir Pencils Gold atid Silver Leaf, Pallctu Knives, &c. Just received, for sale hy HAZARD &• DEXSLOW. nov 17 litiisius. Wines, and Tens, j •fl QA BOXES Bunch Muscatel Raisin?, I JL 0\J in fine order and new lruit 1 'IwilL {in casks and “ lencrillo > hnttbw Pale and brown Sherry ) _ . Imperial, Hyson, ami Black Teas, of re- i c ‘'i cr L k, i n l ot , bUl 1 I,1 . ( ; ‘“V 1 V cent importation and line flavor, in chests I w ’ ,O C8a l? n ! u r,jla, l' u ^ 10 ^ %VI ^ and catty boxes at a small advance ter cash i A very general assortment of Silks and Sutins, of almost every description ami colour A handsome assortment of Silk Fringe fu^ t* Dresses ? Black Modes, Paltnarines, ami Cote 1‘uly Poi»eline8 and Mandarine Silks for Dresses Lace and worked Collars Thread and Bobinctt Laecs Merino, Cashmere, Thibet, and Paltnarinv Shawls and Mantles Barege Shawls Rich Gauzo ami Silk Scarfs and Shawls A rich assortment of Bolt Ribbons A general assortment of rich Ribbons Ostrich Sauls, Birds’ Feathers, Zephyr Plumes Merino Cloths,Italinnand Aropliano Crapes Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs Linen Cambrics, Silk Hosiery Pongees, Nankin and Canton Crapes Bandanna and Silk Flag 1 lundkcrchiefs Iiong Lawns and Irish Linens 0*4,0-4 and 4-4 Bohinott Laces Gimp Edging nird Gimp Laces 1 Lithographic, Zephyr and Embroidered Crape Handkerchiefs Foulard and Lithographic Barege do. Lace Pelerines, Ladies* und .Misses’ Gloves Silk and Fancy Vestings, Gentlemen’s Gloves Gentlemen’s Plaid And black Silk Cravats Black Bombazines, Bead Bags and Purses Clark’s Spord and Orrell’s Cotton and Vis iting Cards Bobbins, Topes, Cotton Cords Luce and Pearl Button?, Italian sewing Silks h Patent Pins and Noodles Black Lace and Gauzo Veils Fancy Silk and frog Buttons, llabit Braid Worsted uml Silk Braids Blond Luces und Lace und Blende Footing Marseilles Quilts A general assortment of Toys and Willow Baskets Jewelry, Waist Buckles, Bracelets, and Eari)rojfd A general assortment of Corsets and Curts Silver Tassels, baud^. &c. 10 cases Straw Cottages and Bolivar Hats. 3 roses Ladies* Leghorns, 1 case Misseif’^df 4 do French Flowers, 8 do. Pattern IIate Brazilian Combs,Men’s and Boy’s Cap* A general assortment of Broad*( ’lotlrs Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirt- itigs Ti-’kens, Plaid Homespun, Calicoes, t.'ing- itams Satinets, Linseys, Rose Blankets,Flannels And a very general assortment of uhiiost nov 7 Received and for sale bv CHARLES A. WOODRUFF. Just Received, Landing from brig Lydia, BBLS Portland Rum IS STORE, 5 pipes Soignctto’s Brandy > half <’ 5 half do do 3 pipes American do 2 doOtardI)upuy&Cc . .do. 5 do Swan Gin 1 Iriid Jamaica Rum For sale by HAZARD & DENSLOW. nov 4 or c;ty accep tances. OCT A. B. will constantly receive oil that is new nnd fushionablo, and*will sell ns low as any other Store in Savannah. Country Merchants will find it to their interest to cull and examine the Goods for themselves* Mrs. A. BENNETT would inform her friends and tho Ladies in Savannah generally, that she has opened a general assortment of MILLINERY,—and Dress Making done at the shortest notice. All orders in the above business will be executed with neatness und despatch at No. 1, Young's Buildings, nov IB «,eo S r«jmy, and largo uml small Atlas . iiuodricli’a History ot tho United States , Questions on tho same, by J. • Morso’s Geography, and Fostor s Grammar, lor beginners. .. , . T. M. D. expects shortly, which is now in the press, Lectures on School Kctnuig— being a cpmplete Schoolmaster s Manual , highly fscrviuoahlo to every norsen onpigml inthc.suhjoct of common schools—bj fc>. R* Teachers furnished with copies for ox. jaminatioit gratis.■ — i Juvenile Psalmist, O R The Child’s introduction to Sacred Music—Proparcd at the requcft ot the •'Boston Sabbath School Union. y t ,1 Mason. Just received bjr The adventures ofa King’s Page, B y the Author of‘‘AhnaoU’s Ke-visitod in avols-Justrceeiyc.lhj; nTSCOIT[ Lamps. 4 FINE assortment of onamclled, Iilam A andornnmontod Glass Lamps,no Pa tents, with ground shades, just rua\ for sale low lw & iieNDRIC KSON, Mo. ‘J and 15 Gibbon’s Buildings. nov 7 — iilacksmiths’Tools. rA PAIR Bellows Q vF 30 Anvils 50 Vices, somo very superior 2 casks sledge and bund hammers Received and for &IL WEED. Raisins, Butter, QA BOXES Bunch Raisins (new) Ovr 30 half and qr. Boxes do. 12 kf’gs Goshen Butter 20 luilfandqr.hbls BuckWhcat Meal free from grit 0 half bbls F. Market Beef 30 bbls Prime Beef 80 roams Wrapping Paper 50 do Letter and Cap do. Just rpceiveu per brig Lydia and for sale by nov 4 A. BASSET f. Raisins, Wines, 50 l)Unc h Muscatel Raisins f > 50 qrboxes 7 jars grupes 10 qr cosku 10 Indian bbls 20 do do 30 bbls first do do do do I | Cette Madeira Wine Sweet Malaga Wino Newark Cider 100 boxes yellow soap Landing from sclir Frances, aud for snle by nov2 COHEN & MILLER. ours Moriiu/CireasfdanB do do Long Wliite Blk. & Scarlet Merino Shawls 4-4, 7-4, and 8-4 Square do Long&. square Cashmere do various colors Gauzo, Do Coupe, Baragc & Gros do Nap. Hkfs and Scarf’s Blk aiid fancy col’d Barages &- Pulmarines Satin Cross Barred do Gros do Naps, Gros do Bor!in, and Gros do Indos, blk and fushionablo colors Heavy blank Sinehows und Sursnetts do India Satins & Satin Levantines Mattooni’s best blank Italian Lutestrings Florences and Satins, assorted colors ’ Crape Llsso do Black Mnrcolino Silks Italian and Areoplmnc Crapes Black Nunkin & Canton do Ludics' horseskin,castor, kid & silk Gloves and Mitts do (Jrnutnental Tojrs do Gent’s Woodstocks, castor, boranskin and Norway.doc do 2 cases containing a complete assortment, of Ladies*,Gentlemen’s and Misses’ Cot ton, Worsted &. lamb’s wool Hosiery English & French blk ami white silk \1o' T.amb’s wool, Vigonia, nnd silk half Hose 1 linen Cambricks uml linen numb. Ilklk 2 cases Irish Linen of tho most ajqtrovcd * fabric Irish uml Russia Diapers* A largo selection of Fancy Prints of tho richest style Plaid and Striped Ginghams do Swiss, book, jaconet, mull and nansook Muslins 0-8 and 0-4 Cotton Cambrics White and London printed jaconet Cravnts Black ami eoi’d Italian do Valencia. Marseilles, and Flor. Vestings Belt Ribbons of various new styles Rich Grode Nap &dc Coupo gauze Bon net do Plain, Satin and Mantua do from H to22 J’icJt white and black Bobittell Laco Veils Efiglifh and French thread Laces ond Edg- ing» Paris Embroidoiy/ Sic. JtLfJO,- illue, Black, Rroivn, nml Cadet inixt Lon don Cloths and Cassimerr»3 1 Titile white and red Flannels 5 bales heavy ittixt negro Kertl’ys .*> do Blue Linsevs 2 do London dtflile Blankets 1 bain Rose do from 0 to 14 4 8 halos brown ami bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 2 case blue and steel next Sattinctts 1 do Cotton Wadding 1 do Apron and Furniture Checks ocl 27 Mess and Prime Pork. Landing from sloop Splendid, QA BBLS. Mess Pork vF 70 do. Prime do. 85 bbls. Phelps’s Gin. iS STOKE, 100 casks Cut Nails 100 hbls. No. 3 Mackerel 80 hhds. St. Croix Sugar 40 bags prime Green Cofl’cri 40 reams imperial and super royal Print ing Pajicr E.TH‘ORIi;.1I C)X^ l AslIlOX. MALliEHY 4- DUJTY, mum unm OPPOSITE THE EXCllANOK, H AVING availed themselves of tho most rccont arrivals front Europe* aro now prepured to furnish their fVieuds uml the pub lic generally with a more elegant and «vo nssortmont of Goods in tlicir line, than they have 6vcr offered heretofore, viz : ^^ ^ ilkinB* superior Golden Brown and Olivo CLOTHS, (quite a new style) Blue, Black Drake Neck, Green, Steel and Oxford mixt patent finish’d LONDON CLOTHS. Sup. blue, black, lirown, drab, fawn, steel mixt, Corbeau, Lavender, and other col’d LONDON CASIMERES. Black ami blue black plain VELVETS. Figured, brown and Fancy colored do. And a great variety of light and dark col’d j Silk and Valencia VESTINGS. i Double boiltl blue und brown CAMBLET.S, n very superior article for Cloaks uml Great Coats. Being supplied with a full nml first rate complement of Now York and Philadelphia Workmen, from the first establishments, thev are prepared to make up tho above unifies ih u style tliat cannot fail to please. Also, as usual, For the accommodation of Travellers and those who prefer despatch, they liavo a foil assortment of Ready Made Clothing. of tin? 1st, 2d uud 8d qualities, consisting of— —Coats, Frocks, - Coatees, Great ('fiats, Cloaks, Opera Cloaks, Pants. 'Vests, - - Eliirt s, under Vestfi and Drawers,Collars; •—amlJ-Iosien'refuR-deseriptifiHHv - - «*.Ckith*.im>ioct!u».aml patenLleatiior (lapfujf Xuko .Uavi8’-xnoit-npj)ro*a»#| st*tdo «.. Dorernus &. Snydatti’s N: Yi/rlc, Tenutit’s Philadolnliin, uml Towson’s Baltimore ap|)rovcil Stocks of nil patterns Riding Belts, Shoulder Braces, Watch Guards, Suspenders, Fancy Spitalliehl hkfs. Cravats, (’ravat Puds, Purses, Hair Brushes, Pantaloon ami Vest Springs, Ilosskin, Castor,nnd Buckskin Gloves, Double Mechanic Hosskin Gloves, (the most beautiful article of iho kind ov er offered in this market) tho wholo of which will bo sold at tho most reduced prices, for cuslt or town acceptances. N. D. The whole of tho above stock hav ing boon curcfully selected, und the greater part purchased direct from the importers by Mr. D. personally, and the rendy-umdc eh.til ing manufactured iminedintclv under his in* Ga^^?^urLng W t!»! *F«U TcrSjinJ Cirequ. SiTfRio* CouhT.-Jlryan 7th Derariil ?» l ^ D . cu T“ E,R "^ a ' n ' l4,h CKHh „ liiillocli, I* adjuurned to ThumUy. Nbv. 26th. • .isniftioR Cot iowLibetiy, 3d fllowfay'‘ b^-VVAy'w. Inti Monday W Dec.—Ci Monday in Jwiuory-ttliroi. ad Mond^ iu m’iuuirit, 3itM<>nduy «» Bulloch. 1*1 MoiiduVin .FchtunrvvEi -d Monday in Fob—Clmmam.DdMoudaJr'ia ary, * . Itoturn dn># nnd Tormi o f tho Court of I leus and Oyer and Terminer of tho City of Savor Dec. Term, t»J9-Huturn day 4th-mcet*2d Monday,l] Jan. *• im “ I6th « 4lh « A March'• “ <* C6t1i Feb. “Sd •>Pril 41 “ •• lGih, meet* 4th Jima “ «• <ith «* 2d July “ “ •* 2d «* 2d “ 12i Oct. ** o *. 8ih “ 3d «* 181 Dec. « “ ad u 2d t» is. The Court t>f Onlinnry sito mgutarly once every two i imnitiis,tiegiiitiifig with tho first Motiduy in Junuwy, • * . i Tho Foilcral Circuit Court opened on tho 6th Rdr.J f* nt Miilcfit'cvillf, and will ait agum in thi* City t~ 1 M'.li ol’Muv nost. O UAS. A. WOODRUFF, IVinc, Tea, Fruit Dealer and Grocer• irvioii foil u t ■ *• A.. L ■ ' Wecsp OFVKI1S »'«« Ktt.R ON ACL'OMMOnATINQ TEBlIf, S PARKLING Cbnmpuign of vory choico quality, imported from ltlioims, m B.ik- e/6',t;mi Casts. KID bbls nnd kegs Alexandria Cratker* Sr gars (Csusio and -.Sylv^,** direct from Havana ■ 65 bags prime Green Cuba, & old whito ; Java CUFFEE Prime St. Croix ) N. Orleans Sugars > V, 1 llli and Cuba Molusscs S ^ bb 8 ;i 1(?() bbls No. 8 Mackerel pritno Fulton Market Beef Charnnte, imperial Crown, Lonrloii Dock, and Seidu etto BRANDIES Modor, Swan and tinch.GINS Uhl 4th proof Jamaica RUM Irish Whiskey of fine Davor, warranted pure as imported,. 85 bbls family Loaf Sugars Old London Particular, Madeira, Tone-1 rifle, Port and Shorn' WINES, in cask? I demijohns nnd bottles J 40 ca.-ks 0 it 8 doz o a, London Porter Brown Stout (Ilibbert’s) in qtq&] White nml Red Wine Vinegar fc() whole anil hall’ boxes Bunch . ftttel Raisins . American nml English Mustard’ Wdrdule’s London Pickles Copers am) Brandy Fruits West India Preserves Cordials, assorted 75 boxes Snenn Candles Georgia ftlould do und Doolittle's Soap] Imperial,' Gunpowder, ) r Hyson nnd bluclc C \ of superior flavor and quality lectcd for family use, in cl. catty boxes, und 21b catties of..] JL Krwsiitr* -.octBl spection, wo feel confident in assuring our i f TVnlte Wi',™,. friends, that nothing has been spared in ren-t deringour establishment worthy tho patron- i TONS kuwIph Tp. ttgo wo httvo heretofore so liberally eniovod. 1 oct 81 M. Jfc’D 200 TONS Swedes Iron assorted—Dot NEW GOODS. O SNABURGS, Dorchcgtcr Ticks. White Flannels, assorted qualities 4*4 Linen in half pieces Cassinioro Shawls, black, scarlet and as sorted colors Prussian do assorted colors Children's Grecian Bouts do 12-4 Marseilles tiluilts Pearl Buttons, different qualities Hat Cambricks ilo do Brown Linens do do Just received from New York, per echooner Frances, and for sale by JACOB WARING, nov 2 Gibbons' buildings. 80 reams Wrapping Paper St. Croix Sugars &c. Landing from ship Asptsia, (in HIIDS prime St. Croix Su/jar 200libla No. 1,2, umlUFullMacltcrcl 00 half bills No. X nnd 2 do 5 pipes Holland Swan Gin 00 boxes negro I’ipes 3000 lbs Cud Fish Tor sale hy . octal JOHN BENTLEY. LAY & HENDRICKSON, imuooisTa, uinooNs’ nuiLMNns. ! H AVE received by late arrivals— 8 hhds Grccon Copperas 20 kegs Refined Salt Pul re 8 bbls Epson Halts 50 ounces Sulphate Quinine (Genuine French) 60 &jfs & boxes, riiiuls ofevery descrip tion 0 do Spirits Turpentine 1 do Bright Vurnish 8 do (’old ProRscd Castor Oil 1 det Nntmogs 1 caso Muco 1 ccroon Spanish Indigo 2 cases Fig Blue English 3 hhds Portable Furnaces I 1U ^ bbls Rcills & Lorrlllards Cut To bacco . I 50 baskets Sweet Oil 1 do?, cnclt i verj* GO boxes do do 2J ** “ 5 oup’r. 10 do Roll Brimstone 3 bbls Alum 0 do Ground Logwood 1000 gallons Snorin Oil 500 do Whnlo do (refined) For sale in lots to suit purchasers, on the most accommodating terms. oct 21 nov 10 For sale by J. STONE. 2fi0 NE W GOODS. B MMIOIDEIIED Crime Shawls Jot ami blue hlaekJSillc Fringe Linen Cambricks Linen Cnmbrick llhkfs 50 doz Lomb’a wool half hoso 30 do Cotton half Misses white Cotton Hoso 10 by 15-4 and 10 by 18-4]Damask table l cloths ! Worsted Barrage assorted colors, Sic. | Jusf received and for sale hy CHAMPION & LATIIROP. : S. E. Corner of Gibbons’ Buildings, j nov11 Goshon Butter, Flour, &c. •f K KEGS best. Goshen Butter *. 20 half nml qr bbls Buck Wheat Meal fVen from grit J 80 bbls Canal Flour ) 80 half bbls do'do 30 bbls prime Pork \ 10 do Mess do> i 80 do prime Beef ; 80.000 Alexandria Scgars. ^ | Just received per ship Queen Mnb nnd for sale hv ABNER BASSETT, j nov 20 Landing lrom sclir* Cilidc, K/Y J.tilLS Cunnl Flour (JU 20 imndlcs Hav 15 bids Cider Brandy 10 firkins Goshen Butlter 5 diesis llvson Tea 10 boxes do do For sale hy COIIEN MILLER. nov 11 HAY. T HE tmbsmbera offer for nalo a quantity oftho bout quality Northern Hay, aj «- Toduchd prico, at their ™ HCWE.’" four’s wlmrf. vv 1U * * 4(Ki four’ nov Hunt's Bilous Pills* * SUPPLY luBt'rcceivcd and tor .sole u> AdocO Vlioa. RVE11SON jr;.A L 4 Iron, Mackerel and Choose. OO TONS Swedes Iron assorted sizes UA 140 bbls Mackerel, Nos. 1,2 and 8 20 half bbls Nos. 1 & 2 do 20 Casks prime Goshen Chccsg Just received and for sale by IIOE&MERRIMAN. oct 17 230 Demijohns. 90 A °NE and ’XV-o Gallon Demijohns, flUU just received arulfor sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 2 Gibbon’s Buildings. Guns, Rifles find Muskets. A A CASES containing a full nssortinenf XU of Single nml Double Barrel Flint and Percussion Shot G tins 2 cases Flint aud Percussion Rifles 1 case Muskets Just received and for sale by N. II. & II. WEED. oct 27 Ale, Flour, Butter, &.c. BBLS. Fitllor & Taylor’s Albany Ale Ov 20 linlf bbls. CnUnl Flour 10 do Fulton Market Beef 10 firkins best Goshen Butter 10 casks do Cheese 50 boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins 100 do Negro Pipes Landing from ship Stntira nnd for solo by JOHN BENTLEY, nov 17 Just, lluceivod, T AND1NG from brig Stranger, from i JLi Havana. . 01,000 Spanish Sugars (Causio brand) of Superior quality For sale by J. B. 1IERBERT. oct 22 Flour. Butter, Lard, &c. Landing from ships Andes and Emperor, HA JIBI.S ffannj Flour 12 Firkins choico Goshon Butter HO do Laril for family uso 15 casks 1st quality Clicoso 10 half bbls Fulton Market Bcof 10 do and 10 qrlihls Buckwheat mcnl 20 hbls Fidler &. Taylor's Albany Alo 10 do Cider For sain by JOHN BENTLEY. ■ act 20 nuv 23 Landing from brig Atlantic. REAMS wrapping paper 0 cases mens uml boys Brogtms 10 hi ids Porto llico Sugars 10 eo prime Molasses GO bbls No. 3 Mackerel 5 pipes Holland Gin For sale by nov 23 .T. STONE. Lime, Jj»c. | KA CASKS Dexter Lime AtJvf 20 bbls first quality Cider 80 do. Potatoes 10 hhds first quality retailing Molasses. For Sale, landing from ship Eliza & Abby, apply to tho Cupt. on board or to 1 nov 18 J. STONE. Cut Glass Toilet Bottles and Pungents. A SUPPLY iustreroived und for sale by Thomas r verson, Jr. nov 12 bars from 1 to 12 inches wide »Squarc do. 1 to 4 inches wide 214 casks Cut Naiis 4 to 5<jd, 100 lbs eadi 50 do Brads G to 20d, 100 lbs each 30 hhds prime St Croix Sugar 5U bbls Loaf Sugar - -**-•- 53 do llowurd-strect Flour 40 catty boxes Fresh Hyson Tc& 30 bogs low priced Coffee <10 pieces best Hemp Bagging 20 do heavy Tow do 10 do Hessians 4CX) bags ** Youles” Shot assorted 5 ktfgs Bar Load 150 kegs No 1 White Lead 50 hbls PJiclp’s Gin 20 do Portland Rum colored 5 hlidii New Orleans Rum 4 do “ Pfistex’s” Jamaica 1 hhd Irish Whiskey 5 pipes Canary Wino 8 quarter casks do do 350 bbls No 3 Mackorel 50 half boxes No 1 Chocolate 200 reams Wrapping Paper 25 boxes “ Cavendish” Tobacco, superior ’ quality 30 kegs do do-Richmond, No 1 loo wtnull boxes common Sugars 40 quarter do half Spanish uo . 100 one 10 lbs do 1 I 20*qunrtcr do > Spanish Segsi^ j 12 half do} i 3 0 boxes fresh Lemons j 12 do do Raisins 15 coils Packing Yarn \ 1 box Sulphate Quinine ' 2 foxes Svvaims Panacea | 800 Grind Stones, small sizes. • For sale on very accommodating terms by i HALL, .SHATTER Si TUPPER. '. dec 4 ! Satinets, Brown Sheetings, &c. 3 CASES Satinets, assorted colors and qualities i 2 hales Brown Shootings j 1 caso dark Fancy Prints • 1 do. low priced do. J 1 do. do. Fitruiturc do. ‘ Plain Bobinctt T wntwips, wide and 1 I Merino nnd Prussian Shawls and Mantles Merino Handkerchiefs, scarlet and whito/ £ ! Silk Bandanas, (fine quality) / j | Silk Umbrellas, largo size, (ivory handles) ‘ Darning Cotton, assortud numbers. Pins in packs, Nos. 4, 4£, 5 and 0 Dressing aud Side Combs, assorted sizes Wire Ribbons, assorted colors 0-4 Jaconet Muslins, different qualities Colored Net Suspenders, low priced Red Flannels, various qualities . Black Worsted Hoso, do. do. - Landing from sclir. Excel, for sole by • JACOB WARING* nov 80 Gibbons* Range, j Corks. A SL’PI’LY ofCorki; fur Jars anil Furni ture, received ond for sulo by LAY & HENDRICKSON. nov It Swaim’s V ermifuge—Patent. A FRESII supply ofthis\nluablo medicine, highly os a safe ond cer tain cure for worms in children, just received and lbr ealo by LAY & IIEN DRICKSOIJ, ett 8 m Druggists. C. W. ItoCKXVEIX &- Co. Have received R ED and Whito Flannel., Brown and Bleached Shirtings 4-4 04 Brown Si Bloodied Shootingi Slrincs, X’laidsi Brown Juans octal) 1 2 «s Turks Island Ssalt. • A AAA BUSHELS, Landing from soli 4UUU Katalidin and for sale on a ""“HKseSteb & ram. nov 55 Canal Flour. QA BBLS Canal Flour, landing from Bhip OU Queen Mali, and for Bale by rnirre bent nov 2(1 JOHN BENTLEY. Share Moulds. 4 TONS Share Moulds. _ Itecniycd forBalohy nov 11 and N.B.&H. WEED. Mess Pork aud Beet. * A BBLS. Mobs Pork 4:U 10 do. do. Beet lUnding, forsdehy, & j, ADELr0Rp . Canal Flour, Buckwheat and Ilams. WHOLE nnd half barrels Canal • Richmond FLOUR 25 kegs Philadelphia Buckwheat 1000 lbs. Mijtorior Baltimore HAMS of 8muU size and fine flavor Lauding ond forsalo by CHARLES A. WOODRUFF- uov 21 Hoe & Mcrriinnn, Offer for..ale, Kft BAGS Java Coffeo 3U 30 bbls Canal Flour 10 cank-B Goshen Chcceo 20 boxes London MusUtil fiO do. Muscatel liaisids. nov 33 p