The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 17, 1829, Image 1

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a L IC.J* Ow o#*t ^AifWW^hnfo, tliq hjviiiiiro, IbU »lay, «rj(h}icnjlngrto Gkoiwun io.utir reader*, in • new nttillKMiitlfitl drrM, princtaally from tho Foundry offi. Wilmq R*. WNbw York. . • ThnRloR'iy ami liberal patronage wlrifclt hn« hitherto (wtfhtvceivmlbyilio Gwwflian, n*l which, hut been tho more RratcUjI brnof•» •cmkiredftocly, «u»d without fcoUdtalta #n our part, demand* cur aincore nduffi ft. leJdmetrt*. An the only and prepnf return •*» op* pow* rr, n h.w ov<ft Uccn w* niristugnrelek* iif cap*#*, not a ..t)0 to render our publication worihy of if* natrons by m-utm*s lh,ita typngtopninul nobolliahmoitta \ but by itnuvtch’Ua of an-imluRtry which ha* novur tired, to Mwlur-U lb a medium of tho oarlicrt ami mort correct in- l to tbo cutnmcryirtl cdmrriuufty, and by tho support ut what wo butiovu to Iw correct political doc. trifled, to advance tho true interest* i>fyur nathro state, and the goiicfal prosperity of our happy country. In our News Room wifi always bo found tho latest papers from all parts qftlio Union, either by regular o»urreol'Mdil,or by vcasul, and upon our Bulletin any intelligence of interest received by extra ahcct or other- wist*, with a report or arrivals at tbit jiort os aeon os received* • - The advertising patronage of o nowspaper is that upon which Kis principally dependent lea support, and which ofeourse, We are most anxious to secutOi Tho (•eorgian has for many years received a largo proportion t.r these agreeaWo and interesting articles of mor- r.uttilo ttitefiignncu ; and os it is tho evidont interest r»f every individual when • paying for tho insertion of his mlvurtUemunt pi socuro tho most extensive cur rency to if.thut being tho value recoivod for his expendi- tore, it is due both to ourselves ami bur friond* to any, Chat our circulation is more ext onsivo than any. 4<% publication in this State, and that our now typo, which comprise* a handsome ussortmout of tho ornamen tal, n# well as tho plain material, will enable us to dis play their favor* to tho best advantage. •Savannah, Saturday, Oct. 17/A, 1829. MWmm t, BEGEMBTSH It, 18»». NO. »«. j A Gazetteer of the State of • r Georgia, B Y the Rev. Ailiol Sherwood. Second Edition-—*1829* ! Price $1. CONTENTS. A Map of the State, with all tho now Counties and Roads. ' ... I, tJnncral Description of Georgia. History , 4 S«s- m.hi* of Logilsture. Ticatiea and Acqnwqwtt ot f.anu. J1 Ivors. General Remarks on Lakes. Ponds, race of the Country. Soil. Productions. Climate, limn. Zoology. Ornithology. Divisions. Government. Ju diciary. Manufactures. Imports ami Exports for a se ries of years, Militia. Kevutiue. Funds of thu State. Antiquities. Counties, with their length, breadth, square miles,population.&C.. Tax paid by eachCoun- ty. Appropriation*. Salaries of Officers for 16-9. Ileligion/ Population. Counties jh alnhabetical or der, with chief towns and number of Academies. if. *A particular description of tko rivers, mountains, creeks, ccwntlc*, towns, villages, banks, canals, nunural swings, &c. &c, in alphabetical order. HI, An Appendix, with a biographical sketch of all the persons niter whom tho counties were named. His tory of ike Press, with tlm names of tho Nuwspopcro in tin!* State, number issued weekly, &c. History ami Progress of Education, with the amount of Academic un*l Poor School funds, and i»rub;iblo number of pupils instructs). Pauperism. Sketch of tho suw-rul Belt- cious Dcnoniiuatiuus in the Slate, with their numbers. Culture of sugar, rice, nml Colton, with u history or Hie intreductiwu of tho latter plant into America. Culture of Silk. of Post Offices in the Mate. List or Go- vernors. Doctors’ l* oca. Old Stylo and New Style. Pr'icu of out aides, lauds, &e. List of lloads. Mem- her* of Congress since 1789. ’ . , T , c . , „ XitlioHaU— List of Presidents of tho United States, with that of the chief officers. Post Office revenue in chief towns in U. S. Newspapers inU. 8. Ecclen- mnifiil Statistics. Medical Statistics, number of deaths in New-York, Pldladuiphiu, Wuriiiugiun, and feavnm null. , ; Just received by „ _ , * T. M. DRISCOLL. nov 20 CHEAP- AND FASHIONABLE Hougc, Sign, Furniture if Shij> GILDING, GLAZING AND PAl'EU- IIANGING. rpMF, subscriber gratcftil for funner favor., JL after a residence often years, tenders his services to tho public in tho uliove lino, and informs them that his Establishment, Sign qif the Hand nml Brush near the Exchange, is undergoing a general and extonsivo im provement, and that ho has received by lute arrivals a lurge supply of PAINTS, OILS, nltt'SHES, WINDOW GLASS, &c, Are. , With the nssistanbo of a competent foreman, whom ho hns’einployod, will onnblo him to. execute work of tho kind, on as accommoda ting terms as any person in tho city. l'aints, Oils, Brushes, Window (Pass, Sashes, Paper Hangings, <\-e. <$•(•. With a general assortment of articles in the lino always kept on hand, for.sulo wholesale and retail. • , N. B. Paints prepared lor use and uiroc- tions given for us'mg them. r M mLow _ octo am-Sni Valuable School Books Just received from Boston, mid for sale by THO’S. M. DRISCOIsLi, WUm.F.SVl,C AND ICTAtt. rrillE National Spelling Boo/f. by B. D. JL . Emerson. This work is probably bet. ter adapted to the purposes of tpachwg tliati any other work over before published; and,al- tlioilat*' trims lint lntiirt»o.« teUnio tin* oolille it him mot with a sale rarely irpccdented mol is now in use in Biiston \nidm sedmols as well «*ln Nw Vork,imihido|B|i|^Ac^ Molasses, Siifjar, Collco, &c A A IIIIDS. retailing Molasses 'JU 2P do. prime St. Croix Sugar 10 do. Porto Rico do. 10 do. prime N.Orleans do. 10 do. mutation Jutnuica Rum ' lobbS | Coffen 30 catty boxes Hyson Tea ) Sultan’s 10 do. do. Young Hyson do. J cargo, imported in July last 5 pities Holland Gin, warranted puro 50 bbls. N. E. Rum 75 do. Potatoes 150 casks Nails, assorted 300 reams Wrapping Paper 8 tons Swedes Iron, assorted For sale by TAFT & PADELFORD. nov 17; • Lamling from sclir. Extol, KA BBLS. Canal Flour J" 20 lirkins Gosliou Butter 8 half bbls. Fulton Market Beef 10 tierces Sperm Oil 10 bbls. Cider 10 kegs Salt Pctro For sale by nov 30 COHEN & MILLER. Whclpley's Campend of Ilistory- popnlar and useful work. The American hrsl Class Bonk, National Reader, and A» / " lro '{j‘“" n j olm the National Reader—’ey tho R«v. John Piorpnnt. These works have boon prupaied ..Yiiressiv for the Boston shcools, whoro they are now in uuo, exclusively, as reial ngbooka; and so great is their mor t, that, tbo t vo flrst named have been repubUslied^o *«Wj*J* us a great iuiproveinout on the books tlicr * n National Reader—At a mooting of the school committee of tho city ofBoBton, hoi- •lei, at the Mayor and Aldermen’s room July 2d, 1829—Voted, That “Piornont “ Reader” bo introduced into the P«Mta gram luur schools of tlnscity, In lieu of ® English Reader,” after tho visitation of tho Shools in August. ^ Phillips, ‘"rTTexpects shortly, tvlucli is now in the iwess, Lectures on School: Accmn.ij _ hoiiira comploto Schoolmaster s Slaimal, highly sorvicoalile to every perso K it in the subject of common schools—by cs. ^ Teachers fiirnVslied with copies for r,x- umimi’lon gratis. Britshtts. DOZ. Paint Brushes nssortotl sizes 50 do White wash do do do 4 do fine Varnish do do do • 30 do Marking do 2 kinds 70 do sash Toolfl 4 Eng and French Graining tools ‘ 10 Groce Cumols Hair Pencils Gobi and Silver Leaf, Pulloto Knives, &c. nov 17 “ Ituisins, Wines, mid Tints. ■a *5lfh BOXES Bunch Muscatel Raisins, B. UU in lino order and new fruit L. 1’. Madeira 1 j ;1 casks and •• Totierino > , )ottlca Pale nml brown Sliorry J IiniJorinT, Hyp on, anu Black leap, ot re cent importation and fine flaver, in chests and catty boxes Received and for sale by XL Now Store and Now Goods, .4 BENNETT would inform the Ladies of Savannah arid tho public generally, tljat ho has just arrived iVom New York with a handsome and extonsivo assortment uf Fan cy and Staple Goods* .of tho very latest fash ions and patterns, which ho is now opening at tho Store recently occupied by Messrs. James Inglis & Co. No. 1, Young’s Buildings, Market Square. Part of the assortmont now on hand is us follows, viz: . Forty Cases of Fancy ami Maple Goods, consisting in part of the following: Rich figured Gros do India,yGros do Chinn, Gros .do Naples, and Grbdozinc Silks' Rich plain do _ do do do Rich watered do do do do Rich figured Silk Velvets for Bonnots, a new nrticlo A very general assortment of Silks ami Satins, oftilnipst every description und colour A handsomo assortment of Silk Fringe for Dresses Black Modes, Palmnrinos, and Cote Paly Popelincs and Mamlarino Silks tor Dresses Lace and worked Collars Thread and Bobinott Laces Merino, Cashmere, Thibet, aud Palmorine Shawls anti Mantles Barege Shawls . Rich Gnuzo and Silk Senrls and Shawls A rich assortment of Belt Ribbons A general assortment of. rich Ribbons OfJlrivh Birds’ Feathers, Zephyr Plumes Merino Cloths,Italian nml Aroplmnc Crapes Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs . Linen Cambrics, Silk Hosiery Pongees, Nankin and Canton Crapes Bandauna and Silk FlngTIandkerehiofs Long Lawns and Irish Linens 0-4,0-4 and 4-4 Bobinott Laces Gimp Edging and Gimp Laces Lithographic, Ze*pliyr and Embroidered Crape Handkerchiefs Foulard aud Lithographic Barego do. J jape Pelerines, Ladies’ ami Misses’ Gloves Silk ami Fancy Vestings, • Gentlemen’s Gloves ’ Gentlemen’s Plaid and black Silk Cravats Black Bombuy.inest, Bead Rags and Purses Clark’s Spool and Grroll’s Cotton und Vis iting Curds Bobbins, Tapes, Colton Cords Laco ahd Pourl Buttons, Italian sowing Silks Patent Pins and Noodles Black isico and Gauze Veils Fancy Silk and frog Buttons, Habit Braid Worsted and Silk Braids Blond Luces arid Luce und Blonde Footing Marseilles Quills A gcnernl assortment of Toys und Willow Baskets Jewelry, Waist Buckles, Bracelets, and Ear Drops A general assortment of Corsets and Curls Sit. . a ■ ' '•••-* : ' 10 CUSy S New Dry Goods Store. J. A. & a7 WILSON ^^NS'OUNCK tutlio uiliubitonta ot Savan- EMPplUriS OF FASHION. i.i Bolivar liats <lo. 3 in si-R LnilioB 1 Liigliorml, 1 rm.n Misaos' nub and vicinity, that they. have just opened at the atom ui Johnson’s Square, next door to Messrs. Low, Wallace &. Co. a. full assortment of STAPLE AXI) FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, , purchased principally tit, auction sales in tho cityofNcw York,-nil of which they oflbr ut wholesale or retail ut tho most rcdnccd prices, Intending to receive regular supplies from N. Y'ork, they will constantly present to their customers a great variety of all that is now, fashionable and iiricfiil in thejr line. “Part of their. Assortment ut present is us follows : Merino Cloths of tho most lushlaimblo col ours Merim/Circapsiuns do do Long White Bile. & Scarlet Merino Shawls 4-4, 7-4, and 8*4 Square do • Long & square Cashmere do various colors Gauze, Do Coupe, Rarago & Gros do Nap, Ilkfs and Scurts , Blk ai\d fancy col’tl .Bareges &. Paltnarincs Satin Cross Barred do Gros do .Nans, Gros do Berlin, and Gros do laden, blk and liudiionablo colors Heavy black Sinohows and Sarsnetts do India Satins Si Satin Levantines Mattconi’s best bluok Italian Lutestrings Florences and Satins, assurtud colors Crape Lisse do BlaOk Murcejimf Silks Italian and Arcophnno Crapes Black Nankin &. Canton do Ladies’ horseskiiucastor, kid & silk Gloves and’Mitts do Ornamontul Tops do Gent's Woodstocks, castor, borseskin and Norway „doe ' do 2 cases containing a complete assortment of Lit dies’,Gentlemen’** and Misses’ Cot ton, Worsted buubV woolHosiery English & French blk ami while silk do 1 mill)’* wool, Vigonin, and silk half IIcso Linen Cumbricks and lint li cuitib. Ilkfs 2 cases Irish Linen uf the moat approved l’abric Irish and l.assia Diapers. A largo selection of Fancy Prints of tho richest style Plaid and Striped Ginghams • do Swiss* book, jaconet, mull and lmnsook Muslins 0-8 and CM Cotton Cambrics White und London printed jaconet Cravats Black ami ctil’d Italian do Valencia, Marseilles, and 1‘Jor. Ventings Bolt Ribbons of various now styles Rich Gro do Nap & do Coupe gauze Bon net -do Plain, Saliiitmd tVmn Hto22 Rich white and blade Bohinutt. Ltiuo Veils English umi French tlireud Lacc» mid Kdg- i«®tt P’ Etr.brehVry, Sir. Sic. ALSO, Blue, Black, Brown, and Cadet' ttrixt Lon- MALLEIIY & MJFFY, 4)l£t Vlh’^4 oiwohitu Tim KxcirAXon, H AVING availed thonisolvcs of the most roccnf arrivals from Europe, tire now irepared to fiirnish thclrfrionds.und the pub ic generally, with umoro elegant and exten- sivo assortment of Goods in their line, than they have ever ofihrnd heretofore, viz : Wilkins’ superior Golden Brown and Olive CLOTHS, (quite a new style) Blue, Black Dralco Neck, Green, .Steel aud Oxford inixt patent finish'd LONPpN OLOTIIS. Sup. blue,'’blaclf, brown, drub, fawq, steel luixt., Corhoau,' Lavender, awl other col’d LONDON CASIMKRKS. Black and blno black plain VELVETS. Figured, brown .and Fancy colored do. And a great variety of ligfjt und dark col’d Silk und Valencia VEST ( NG S. Double boihl blue and brown CAMBT.ETS, a very superior article for Cloaks and Great Coats. Being supplied with a full nml .first rate complement of New York and Philadelphia Workmen, from tho first establishments, they ate prepared to malm up the above articles in a stylo that cannot fail to please. Also, as usual. For the accommodation of Travellers and thosri who profur despatch, they have a full assortment of Rendi) Math’ Clothing, of the 1st, 2d nml.3d qualities, consisting of— .Coats, Frocks, Goatees, Great Coats, Cloaks, Opera Cloaks, Pants. Vesta, . Shirts, under Vests rind Drawers, Collars, and Ifosierv, of a 11 descriptions. , Cloth, morocco, urnl patent leather (kips of . Luke-Davis’ most approved style Demons & Hitydam’s N: York, ’jVnantV •PJtiladelnliia/.oml Towsotds Baltimore approved Stocks of all pat terns Riding Beits, Shoulder Braces, ‘ Watch 'Guards, .Suspenders, Fancy Spitallield hkfs. (Jravats, Cravat Pads, Purses, Hair Brushes, Pantaloon and Vest Springs, Hosskin, Castor,and Buckskin Gloves, Double Mechanic 'Jlosskin Gloves, (the most- beautiful article of the kind ev er ©Herod in this market) the whole of •which will bo sold at tho jiiost reduced prices, for cash or town acceptances; N. B, Tho whole of tho above stock hav ing, been carefully selected, .and tbo greater part pulvhasod direct from the importers by Mr. i>. personally, and tbeready-nmde clotlt- ular of il(o Court* held Jcor(|ntV during Ilio TullTefftiVInd far' tUo Butara Circuit. - • Kvi’mum'Cnmr.—11 rynn Uh Dcccmlicr—Liberty Olti Doc.—ElUnglmin Milt Die,—Olmtham 4th Jail ltulloch, is ailjouMiC'd to Thurcday, Sox. 26th. .InfewOu CitVitT.—Xlbcity, CU Monday ip Dcccm- Fy—Way no,' lari Mondiiy. iti Doc.—Cawden, 1*1 Monday in January—Glymi, SdMondoy in January-^ M’imtrth) Mimdiiy in iTnn.—K>yMr4lt) -^tottday •{» Jan.—liul:i.di, lrtt in February—Gffinafiant a 2d Monday in' UhailianqSil Monday in Febru* iirtv ! . # • * 'ttcpiru days and Temp o f tho Court of Common I'ZeaA nmkCJytr nj:dTcriniiiLt''ofthe City ofSavarititffi ; Dec.Toriii, 1 U20-llciurn day 4tli-mcet« 2d Monday,14th Jan. “ 'isJO “ ’ fc * L “ J ‘ r “ ''*■* March «* “ . Jiaio “ “ . July »* 4 ‘ Dec, Thu Court uf .Ordinary kIib .. inonllis,bogim,ii.j; with thu first lfitlt. 4UV .2&th. 26thFeb.“2d, “ 8lh lfltli, mocb? 4th “ SClh dlh “ 2d •* 14th «|d •« 2d « 12th fjth •» 3d « 16th 3d « .2d ‘‘ 13th ocularly onco ovary two Mumlayin Jnhuary. Tho Federal Circnit Court opined on tho 6th Nov,, Millrilcovillp, and will sit uguin in this City on the 11th of May next. ( LIAS. A. WOODRUFF, Wiiic, Tea, Fruit Dealer arid Orocer, Oman ron pai.k n.v accummodati^o tcbus, S PARKLING Ghngipaigit of vorv choico quality, imported from Rheitns, fn Bask* els utul Cases,. 1(50 bbls and kegs Alexandria Crackers . 22,000 Scffars (Caiisio uiul Sylva brand) direct from Ilavatia- 85 bags prime Green Cuba, &. old white Java COFFEE \ Prime St. Croix IN. Orleans Sugars Band Cuba Molasses | is 1 injhlnki bbls I 100 bbls No. 3 Mackerel prime Fulton Market. Beef Clmrante, imperial Crown, London DorkN tmd Seign- elfe BRANDIES Metier, Swan und Wecsp ttuth.GliNS ()jd 4Ui tiraof Jamaica RUM Irish WJiiskey of fine flavor, warranted {niro us imported,, 35 bbls family Louf Sugars Old London Particular, Madeira, Tcne* rifle, Port, and Sherry WINES, in^osks demijohns and Lotties 40 casks 0 & 8 doz e a. London Porter 6s Brown Stout (Ilibbcrt’s) in «its& pt9 White and Red Wino Vinegar * 80 whole nml half boxes Bunch Mus catel Raisins “ <S*a American und English Mustard' Wardale’s London Pickles ° S Sa CHARLES A. WOODRUFF. nov 7 Just lleccivcil, Landing from brig Lydia, RABBIS Portland Rum £l\j IN STORE, 2pipos Scignettc’s Brandy 5 half do . do 3 pipes American do 2 do Otard Dupuy &. Co do 5 do Swan Gin 1 hbd Jamaica Rum For sale by HAZARD & DEN SLOW, nov 4 . A general assortment oi - .Broad C’lotl Brown autl Bleached Sheetings and Shirt ings Tickens, Plaid Homespun,.Calicoes, Ging hams Satinets, Linsoys, Rose Blankets,Flannels And a. very general assortment of almost every kind of .Staple und Fancy Goods, ut wholesale and retail, all of which will bo sold at a small udvutiee for cash or city accep tances. O^r A. p. will constantly receive nil that is new and fashionable, nml will sell as low us any other Store • in Savannah. Country Merchants will find itlo their interest to civil and exatiune the Goods for themselves. Mrs. A. BENNETT would inform her friends and tho Ladles in Savannah generally, that she bos opened a general assortment of MILLINERY,—and Dress Making done tit the shortest notice. All orders in tho above business will bo executed with neatness atul despatch at No. 1, Young’s Buildings, nov 10 xt negro Kuraevs iWcnile Psalmist, i \Id introduction to Sacred O R Tlio UjUiraj*, t t)l0 rc quest of tho Music— Tll i on ." By Low- ^‘Bostou Sabbath School w dl Mimon. Just rocoivciiff nR1? cOLI.. IlnisinS, Butter, &c. nA BOXES Snitch Raisins (new) OU 30 half anil nr. Boxes do. 12 kccs Goslien Butter 20 half and qr. bbls Buck Wheat Meal ftco from grit 0 half bbls F. Market Beef 30 bbls 1’rimo Beef 80 rooms Wrapping Paper 50 do Letter and Cup do. Just received per brig Lydia and ftir salo by nov 4 A. BASSE I’i’. Ituisins, Willi's, &c\ BOXES bunch Muscatel Raisins 5k 1 '.'•''heavy in Bd > Blue Lin.-uyt* 2 do London ditfilo Blankets 1 balo’ Jtost; dt* from i) to 14 4 8 bales brown and bleached Shirtings and Shee t'mgs 1 case blue and steel tnixl SattinetlH 1 do ( Vtton Vviulditig ldo Apron aud Furniture Checks net 27 . . • ing mnnufttcfurntl immediately ttudnr Ids in-j 0t ’l ^ spcivtion, we Teel confident ’in assuring otir j .t friends, that nothing has beetfsparoil in ren-*j Gapers atul Brandy Fruits West India Preserves Cordials, assorted 75 boxes Sperm Candles . Georgia Mould do and Doolittle's Soap’’ Imperial, Gunpowder, • Hyson und black of superior flavor and quality, sc- 1 lee ted for family use, im chests, catty boxes, auu 21b catties oet m TEAS ?TE lality, Nnils, Sugar, Flour, tiering nnr'cMitblishmont worthy the put ron-1 Mb TONS Swedes Iron assorted—-flat age wc htrvo heretofore so liberally enjoyed. " ^ oet Bl . * M* & 1). do do do do TlicadvcnturesofaKing , sJ‘*J^ i ; B Vtlio Author, of “Almack’.Re-viaJt -u 2vol3.—Just rcceiveilby dec 1 . VTVF assortment^ enamelled, A and ornamented terns, with ground shades, juat rocoiveu , ler sale low by HENDRICKSON, N ^ Y a,S IB Gibbon’s Buildings.- •nov 7 -r- ” Blftcksinitiis' loow 50 qrboxes 7 jars grapes 10 qr casks 10 Indian bbls 20 do do ----- , 30 bbls first quality Newark Cider 100 boxcB yellow soap . , L tv£ ^ 8Cl11 S^^lfiiLLEl'g { Cette Madeira Wine Sweet Malaga Wino St. Croix Sugara «fcc. Landing from slup Aspasia, cur, IIIIDS prime St. Croix Sugiir 20 200 bbls No. 1, 2, amid Fall Mackerel 50 halt'Ms No.l and 2 _ do 5 pipes Holland Swan Gin 50 boxes negro Pipes ■ •• unnn lbs Codfish For sale by 3000^8 CoUiisu jQnpj BENTLEV. LAY &, HENDRICKSON, DREGaiSTs, aimtusH* nuiiiniNas. H AVE received'by late arrivals— 8 ithds Grcccn Copperas 20 ko«rs Refined Salt Petra . 8 bbls Epson Suits 50 ounces Sulphate Quinine (Genuine French) 80 bbls'&boxcs.Pluafa of every descrip tion 0 do Spirits Turpentine 1 do Bright Varnish 3 do Gold Pressed Castor Oil 1 do Nutmegs 1 case. Mace . 1 coroon Spanish Indigo 2 cases Fig Blue English 3 Ithds Portable Furnaces 10 .V bbls Rcills & Lorriilards Cut To bacco 4 50 baskets Sweet Oil 1 doz each ) very 50 boxes do do 2J “ “ $ gup’r. 10 do Roll Briinstuno 3 bbls Alum 0 do Ground Logwood 1000 gallons Sperm Oil 500 do Wlittlo do (refined) For sale in lots to suit purchasers, on tho most nccommod'ating terms. oct2I and l*riiim Fork. Landing from shop Splendid, BBI.S. Mess Pork £k\j 70 do. Prime do. 25 bbls. Phelps’s Gin. IS stoui:, 100 casks Cut Nails 100 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel 20 lilids. St. Croix Sugar . 40 bags pritno Groen Cofibo 40 roaiurt''imperial und super royal Print ing Paper. . 60 reams Wrapping Paper For stile by J. STONE, nov 10 200 NEW GOODS. O OMA I/UW^' waive Flannels, usriortca qualities •1-4 Linen in hall* pieces CassimorojShtiwJs, black, scarlet and as- Murted colors Prussian do assort oil colors Children's Grecian Boots do 12-1 Marseilles Quilts Pearl Buttons, different qualities llat Cumbricks do do Brown Linens do do Just received from New York., per schooner Frances, and for sale by JACOB WARING, noV 2 Gibbons' buildings. bars from I to 12 inches wide .Square do. I to 4 inches wide 214 casks Cut Nails 4 to 50d, 100 lba each 50 do Brads 0 to 20d* 100 lbs each uni’Aisu&Mwr- NEW GOODS. E mbroidered crape shawls Jet aud blue blackiSilk Fringe Linen Cnmbricks linen CombrickmbUfs 50 doz Lamb’s wool half hose 30. do Cotton half Misses white Cotton Host 10 by 15*4 and 10 by;18-4JDatnask table 1 . cloths . Worsted Barrage assorted colors, &c. I Just'received arid lor snlo by ! ‘ CUAMl'lON & LATIIllOP. ’ S. E. Comer of Gibbons’ Buildings. ' nov 11 Goslien Butter, Flour, &c. K KEGS hurt,Goshen Butter X tl 20 half cud qrbbls Buck Wheat Meal • free, from grit SO hhls Canal Flour 30 halt ’bbls do. do ’ HO bbls prime Pork 10 do Mess . do 30 do prime Beef 80.000 Alexandria Segnr*. Ju#t received per ship Queen Mnb nml for sole by ABNER BASSETT. itoV 20 Landing from sclir. Glide, CA I1IU..S (.'anal Flour •JvF 20 bundles Iluy* 15 bids Cider Brandy 10 firkins Goshen Buttter r» clu.'sts Hyson Tea. 10 boxes do do 4 For sale by COIIEN &. MITiLER. - rw'I’AlU lluUows. ussasass—, Ruccivod and for ^ jj. WEED, nov 11 UAV ssjgjR-.—.taw-axi Dent’s JJilous FilS. ■ m fiUPPLY iiiat'ricolvBil A dQC 8 TUOS. RVERSON.ic.,Ag’t. Iron, Maclccrel and Cheese. OO .TONSSwralofl Iron assorted sizes 32 140 bills Mackerel, Nos. 1, - and 3 20 half bbls Nos. 1 & J do •20 Casks prirtut Goshen Cliccso Juat recoivod ^d «'^MERRIMAN. oct 17 230 Demijohns^ c* A A ■ONE and Two Gallon Demijohns, 200justedaijdfiwsale^^ nnv 2 Giblion’s Buildings. — - T" (>rks. . OUI’FLV of Corks for Jars and Fumi- nov 14 Guns, Rifles and Muskets. 1 CASES containing a full assortment 1U of Single -and Doiiblo Barrel Flint and Percussion Shot Guns . , 2 cases Flint and Percussion Rifles 1 case Muskets Just received and for sale by N. B. fell. WEED, oct 27 Ale? Flour, Butter, &.c. BBLS. Fidlcr & Taylor’s Albany Alo OU 20 Iialfbbls. Cattnl Flour 10 do Fulton Market Beef 10 firkins beat Goshen Butter - 10 casks do Chersn 50 boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins 100 do Negro Pipes Landing from ship Statira and for sale by °. JOHN BENTLEY, nov 17 \ t Just Received,. 7 L ANDING from brig Stranger, from Havana. 01,000 Spanish SegoTfl (Causlo brand) •for sale r^-'f^IERBEItT. oct 22 1 Flour, Butter, Lard, &c. . Landing from ships Andes and Emperor, AA Blil.S Canal Flour £l\J 12 FirkinsclioicirGoshen Butler • -60 do Lard for family uso 15 casks 1st quality Cheese ' 10 Iialfbbls Fulton Market Beef 10 do and 10 qr bids Buckwlioat meal 20 bbls Fidlcr & Taylor’s Albany Ale 10 do Ciilur Forsalo by JOIIN T BENTLEY, oct 20 Swairfi’s Vermifuge—Patent. A FRESH supply oftlriMvalusblo medicine, highly rocommojidodas n safe niul cer tain euro for*worms in children, just received and for sale by^^ ^ HENDRICKSON’,' oct 8 Druggists, nov 23 Landin'' from brig Atlantic. ltEAMy wrnpjnng pnpor fi cases mens ami boys Broguns . 10 *Iihds Porto Rico EttgarH 10 co prime Molasses 50 bbls No. 8 Mackerel *5 pipe* Holland Gin . For sole by nov 23 - J. STONE. <ug GO do Iloward-stract Flour 40 cutty boxes Fresh Ilyson Tea .80 bags low .priced Cbfleo GO pieces best Ilcmp Bugging 80 do heavy Tow do 10 do I Icssians 400 bags “ Youlos” Shot assorted li.ktigs Bur Lead 150 kegs No 1 White Lead 50 bbls Vhclp’s Gin 80 do Portland Rnm colored 5 Ithds New Orleans Ruin 4 do “Pfistnr’s” Jamaica 15 ’ . 1 lihd Irish Whiskey 5 pipes Canury Wino 8 quarter casks do do 850 bids No 3 Mackerel 50 hulf boxes No 1 Chocolate 200 reams Wrapping Paper 85 boxes “ Cavendish” Tobacco, superior quality JlO.kogs do do Richmond, No 1 lOlfstuull boxes coimnou Segars * 40 quarter do half Spanish do ICO one 10 lbs, tl ) 80*<inarter do J Spanish Segars 12 half do$ 10 bo.xes fresh Lemons 12 do do. Raisins 15 coils Packiiig Yam 1 box Sulplmto Quinine 2 boxes fchvnims Panacea 800 Grind ritoues, small sizes. For sale on very accommodating terms by HALL, SIIAPTER & TUPPEU. dec 4 l.imc. 4’(t. A K O CASKS Dexter Lime 1JU 20 bbls first quality Ciller 80 do. Potatoes 10 Ithds first quality retailing • • Molasses. For sole, lutiding from ship Eliza &• Abbv, apply .to tho Cupt. on board or to nov 18 J. STONE. Cut (Buss Toilet. Bottles and 1 Pungcnts. A SUPPLY hist received and for sale by TIIOMAS RYERSON, .Tr. nov 12 Satinets* Brown Sheetings, &c. 3 GASES Satinets,- assorted colors and qualities 2 bales Brown Sheetings 1 case durk Fancy Prints 1 do. low priced do. 1 do, do. Furniture do. Pluin Bobinott Footings, wide and narrow Merjijo and Prussian Shawls and Mantles Merino Handkerchiefs, scarlet and white Silk Bandanas, (fine quality) Silk Umbrellas, large size, (ivory handles) Darning Cotton, assorted numbers Pins in packs, Nos. 4, 4£, 5 and 0 Dressing and Side Combs, assorted sizes Wire Ribbons,, assorted colors (1-4 Joconet Muslins, different qualities Colored Net Suspenders, low priced Rod Fluiuielsi vuriousaunlitics Black Worsted Hose, uo. dt?. Lunding l>om schr. Excel, for sain bv JACOB WAKING, nov 30 Gibbons* Range. C. W. Rockwell &. Co. • . . Hat* received R ED and White Flannels. Brown aml’Bleaalieil ShirliiiRs 4-4 St 0-4 Brown St Bleached Sheetings Stripes, Fluids, Brown Joans oct. 20 : ' S!l9 • Turks Island Salt. . a BUSllEBS;Isindingfrom srhr 'T-UUU lCutnlidin andfor sale oil ue. cemmodutine terms I). haIl, shaftlr nov 25 i TOPPER. Canal Flour. • n'A BBLS Canal Flour,.lunding from ship Queen Mub, ami for sale by JOHN BENTLEY. nnv 20 Share Moulds. 4 TONS Share Moulds. Received and for sale by N. B. & It. WEED, nov 11 Moss Pork and Beef BBLS. Moss Fork 10 do. do. Beef Landing, fcrsidebjj, j. j>jvDELFOUD. Canal Flour, Buckwheat and Hams. WHOLE and half bajrcls Canal and f OP Richmond FLOUR 25 kegs Philadelphia Buckwheot 1000 lbs. superior Baltimore 1TAMS of * • small size and fine flavor Landing and fur sub* by C1LMILEB A. WOODRUFF. nov 21 Roe & Mcrriniun, .. OJ'crfor sale, EA BAGS Java Cofl’ee UU 30 bbls Canal I-'Iour 10 cusks Goslien Chceso 20 boxes London Mustutd 50 i!e. Muscat!.-; Raisins, nov 23 9