The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 23, 1829, Image 1

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Ol II OWN Arr.MIM.—Wu luvo tlio pluunuiO, On* Aw, ofpru«cnltuaUw Um>RW.w to uur renders, iti ii nclv and bnantilUl ilrasa, principally from the Foundry o*'K. Wiling K*q. ot'Ncw York. • Tiro stoutly and liberal putroiiiryo which hot hitherto Wu received by dtu Georgian, and which Iim baon tlio im«e grateful because rendered iVeely, and without solicitation on our part, demand* our siucuro acknmv- •Jo foment** A* ilio only nml proper return in our po\v- «r, it lia* ever boon our nim, regardless of expense, not aionoto render our publication worthy of it* patron* by noatnoM in it* tyiM^ ciiiliollbhinnnts ; but by the exercise of an industry which ha* rawer \iicd, to render it tbo inodium of the curliest and tno*t correct in* tcUiguMce. ui thu commercial community, und by thu mipioirt of what» o belie vo to bo correct political U»»c- , trine*, to advance tlio trim intorost* of our native state, mid tlio general nroxpnrily«four happy eotmiry. In mir News IVniiii will always bo Immd tlio latest p ipor* from all part* ofiho Union, either by regular course of Mail, or by vessel, und u|ioii our llulletiu imy intelligence of interest toccived by extra sheet or other* wise, with a report of arrivals at this port us soon us received, Thu advertising patronage of a newspaper is that up.mi which it is principally dependent fur support, and which of course, wo are most anxious to nucuic, Tim (icorgian has for in my years received a largo proportion of these ugrccahlu and interesting articles of inor- t'uutilu intoliupinco { and us it is thu evident intorost of every individual when paying for thu insertion of his advertisement to secure ilio most extensive cur rency to it,that being the value received for his expendi ture, it is duo both tu ourselves and our friends to say, that our circulation is mure extensive than any daily publication in tld* **•*•«» a " J that our which comprises n handsome assortment of iliooriuuiioii- t d, us well us tlio plain material, will enable us to dis play their favors to the best advantage. Siv<ininth, Saturday, Oct.hth, 1829. A Gazetteer of the State of Georgia, B Y tlio Rev. Adicl Sherwood, Second Edition—1821). Crico «1. CONTENTS. , . A Map of tbc Slate, will, a'.', tlio new l ounUtit atn» "r ti.nn.d Oeicr'wfmu ufOeornla. Itiatorj-. Sos. eiolli ol'I.aaiUturf. T.o4lli:« tail Ac-yusiilainlul I.and. Itivora. Gutllrul Itamarki on Lakes. Pafl'K race uf the Cuunlrv. t?oil, Productions. Climate, Hutu. Zoology. Orintholojjv, Divisions. U overtoil cut. Ju diciary. M muf. id tires, imports and V-sport a fuf a sc ries of years, Mihtia. He venue. 1-unds of the btate. .\ iniquities. Count in s, with thetr Idiffth, breadth, ttipiuro miles,population, See. Tax pan! by each Couit. tv. Appropriations. Salaries ol Olficer* for I8-J. lteli 'ion. Population. Counties in nlnhul'etical or der, with chief towns and number of Academic*. II. A particular description of the rivers, mountains, creeks, counties, towns, villages, hanks, canals, imncrul springs, fee. &«*. in alphabetical order. HI? An Aliirciutis, "Hh a. Inogrnpluoal akotcliofull tin* persons after whom the counties wore named. His tory of the 1‘ress, with the names ol tho NeiVRpapcrs in the State, number issued weekly, See. II'.story and Progress of education, with thu amount ol Academic and Poor School funds, and probable number of I'Upils instructed. Pauperism. Sketch of the tmveral Hob- eiotts DenomiiiaMoiis in the Stale, with their uumhers. Culture of sugar, rice, and eoU»u, wuh «. history ot tliu julroJuction of ilio laiter plant into America. Culture „f Sdk. List of PostOlikes in the State. List ot Gu- \ crimrs. Doctors’ Foes. Old Stylo and New Hyde. Price of eatables, JiunN.Jkc. Ltit w. Itoads. Mem bers of Congress siliou 1»89, , e .„. JS'ithnal List of PresidentH of ihe Lluted State s, villi that of thu chief ollkers. PoM Oiftcn revumm in chief towns in U. ». Newspapers m b. S. l.'jefcm- iisIkmI Statistics. Medical Hatisties, uumb. r-f deaths In New.York, Philadelphia, Washington, and Satan- tali. fe reived br T>SL]JIUSCOIX . liov ‘JO VOL. XII. SAVAMAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DKC13MBER S3, 18«». NO. 25. C1IEA1’ AND FASHIONABLE House, Sign, Furniture ,$• Ship PXJtSTWaKGfe GILDING, GLAZING AND PAPER- HANGING. T HE subscribe* gmtofid for former favors, utter a residence often years, tenders his services tu the public in the above line, ami informs them that his Establishment, Sign of I lie Hand and lirush near the Exchange, is undergoing a general anil extensive im provement, and that he has received by lute urrivuls a large supply of PAINTS, OILS, imrsitrs, WINDOW GLASS, Sic, Sic. With the assistance of a competent foreman, \eti„ii, tm tin.j—,t»toyetli will -....t.l him tu execute work of tlio kind, tin ns uccommodu- t in it terms ns any person in the city. l’aints, Oils, Brashes, Window Glass, Sashes, Paper Hangings, ijn. tj-c. With a general assortment of articles in the line always kept on hand, for sale wholesale and retail. N. B. Paints prepared for use and direc tions given for using them. 1>. JIARLOW. oct 0 231—«hu Molasses, Sugar, Cotleo, &-o. A /A III IDS. retailing Molasses tL vr 20 tlo. prime St. Croix Sugar 10 do. Porto Hico do. 10 do. prime N. Orleans do. 10 do. imitation Jamaica Hum SSb£K |c«®» 30 catty boxes 1 Iyson Tea ) Sultan’s 10 do. do. Young Hyson do. { cargo, imported in July last 5 pipes Holland Gin, warranted pure no bbls. N. 12. Hum 75 do. Potatoes 150 casks Nuils, assorted 000 reams Wrapping Paper 8 tons Swedes Iron, nssorted For sale by TAFT & PADKLFORD. nov 17 LtttuUng from sclir. Excel, ftr .A BBLS. Canal Flour 20 Itrlritis Goslion Hotter 8 half bbls. Fulton Market Beef 10 tierces Sperm Oil 10 bills. Cider 10 ko/rs Suit Petro For sale by nov no coun.v & mitj.f.k. Iron, Nttils, Suonr. Flour, <Vc. TONS Swedes Iron nssorted-^Uat JmiVJxJ burs from 1 to PJ inches wido Sipinre do. to 4 indies wido 214 ciiuks Cut Nuils 4 to r»0d, 100 lbs each 50 do Brads 0 to‘JOtl, 100 lbs ouch •UI hitds primo St Croix Su^ar f>0 bids liOafSngtir fit) do Ilowurd-strcet. Flour 40 catty boxes Fresh Hyson Tea Ol) lilies low priced Colleo (10 pieces best Hemp 20 tlo heavy Tow do"* 10 do Hessians •100 bays “ Yotiloii" Shot assorted 5 kejpt Bar head 150 kept No 1 White Load 50 bbls Phelp’s Gin 20 do Portland Hunt colored .•> ’t!. ‘c A'-.-, ^ u Rmm, 4 do •« Pilstcr’s" Jamaica 15 ‘“iolioHn^ Oi« ^ various l,ra.^ 1 hhd Irish Wliisltey 5 pipes Canary Winn \\ (jtiarter casks do do 350 bbls No 3 Mackerel 50 half boxes No 1 Chocolate 201) reams Wrapping Paper 25 boxes “ Cavendish” Tobacco, superior quality OO^kejfs do do Richmond, No 1 100 sttutU boxes common Scaurs 40 quarter do hulffchmnisli do 1(10 one 10 lbs d 1 20 quarter do > Hpanislt fcWars Pi huh’ do 5 10 boxes fresh Lemons Pd do do Uuisins 15 roils Packing Yum 1 box Sulplmto Quinine !i boxes »S wain is Panacea 300 Grind Stones, small siz* i s. For sale on verv uceonuitodatitm terms by HALL, SJIAPTHR &. TUPPJiH. dee 4 Vitluttl>lo Rscliool Bookti dost received from Uaslaa, and lor sale Inj TIIO’S.M. DH1«<'OLtli, WIIOI.EHAI.K A.' • rill IF Station*! 4L lOinerson. Tins won t-r utluntot! t.. tlio iiurpimcii ot lonclong loan any oilier work over bvfco pttWtfU-tV, thotigh it hot* not long ht-’oit d 4 ."-" * tn -* 1 .* it haa tjirt with a ttal 1 .' tardy V-' " 1 V; ami imt'JW in ttau in Buolan -' houl» an wall an in New York, l' oldplim, *-t. W/ulpica's Compand oj Ihstonj—A von tlu day - - . Tioiitilur ami useful work. The Ameeiean lirsl Class Baal .rational Bender, and An Jatradar.tmn to the .rational Header—Ip the Ret. Joint ]'turnout. These works have been prepi rt i] expressly for tho Boston olipouls, where tin y lire now in use, exclusively, as teat hughooks, nmJ so great is their merit, that the tv. o llntt named have lieon republished in England, ns a great improvement on the ueo.ei tltcve "rational Render- At a Tiding£ Evhoul committee of the city ol ilosto . hoi dun at the Mayor and Aldermen s r0 ” ,n •> “ > t »a Voted. That “I'terpout’s National fid, 1S J0—Voted, Tlrnt - ; Header” lie intruditcod into tlio 1?““'“ P”5] tnar seltools of tins city, Um>.. . J English Reader," after tho visitation of the ahimls in August. Boc’ry. of tliu Seliuol tlommitte. Smith's practical Arithmetic, on a new „ian, in which Mental Arithmetic is contlnit- lai with tlie use of the slate. «««» Geography, and large told. small Atlas , Goodrich’s'^History ot the United btntcs , Questions on tho same, by , J ; ! Morse’s Geography, and luster » Grammar, ^tITl'd? 1 expects siiorliy, wliieh is now in tlio press, Lectures on School her mug di g a complete Sehoolt,taster’s Mamtal hStfy sorvicSahlo to every person engagml iu tho subject of common t-chools—bv fe. K. V(pjr Teachcrj furnished with copies fofex- amiuatiou gratis. LL JavcniliiPsalmitit, O R The Child’s introduction to Sncrei Music—Prepared at tlio renttest o the •■Boston SabliatltSchnol Union.' By Low- ,'t Masott. Justreeois-cd^y Tlutad vc n t a res of'a K i lig’s l’agc, > Y tho Author of‘‘.Mmaek’s lte-visited in 2 vo ! s.-Just reemvial ly r]s( , ot ^ Latnp-i. A VINE assortment of enamelled, pkiin lindornaniculed Glass Lamps, now pat terns! with ground shades, just recoiled and f„r sale lowby hbni>iuc k S ON, No. 2 and 15 Gibbon’s Buildings. nov 7 ——- — ■ - Blacksmiths’ Tools. iinishes, pc 1)054. Paint Brushes assorted t3U 5(1 do White wash do do do 4 do lino VurnhU do do do 20 do Marking do 2 kinds . .ii, ’..- iiiiir Ueu.-iis t,*1,1,1 ;tiiii .Silver Leaf, Pallete Knives, &e. iu.-I received. 1’»r sale V.y HAZARD & l»::X,SJ.OW. j n iv 17 \ IInisiiis. VVincs, aiul 'i't’tis. | Tl ( )A BOXKS Bmu*h .Musc’iUd H iisins, 1 1 OvP in fun* order and now fruit L. 1>. Madeira f in rusks nml , “ IVlHTlllo { botlh S Pale and brown Sherry 1 ’ ’ Imperial, Hyson, uiul Black Teas, ol re. j emit importation ami line Uuvor, in chests, • and ratty boxes ‘ Ueoeivod and for sale by* CHARLES A. WOODHITF. i nov 7 1 Just Received, Landing from /trig Lydia 4 O A BBLS Portland Rum ^51/ is sToni:, 2 pipe3 Sciguettu’s Brandy 5 half do do 3 pipes American do 2 do OtardDupuy & Co do 5 do Swan Gin 1 hlul Jamaica Rum For sale by HAZARD & DLNSLOW. nov 4 II, SLOAN, Offers for sale, low, Q A A KEGS Nails mid Brads, assurted (133 Plough Shear Moulds 50 bbls. Whiskey 30 do. Gin d(l bain,bis. | «"f°riiae Flour 14 bbls. Loaf Sugar 8 boxes Lump do. 4 puncheons O. Rum 15 chests Powehonjr 'Pea -« 0 half chests Hyson do. 2 pipes Holland Gin 107 boxes Muscat Whio 30 do. Soap 100 half boxes do. 30 boxes Cid« r 20 barrels do. f> do. Philadelphia lieer 10 do. CfM’dbdH 30 • trt-,> t ’or ii’i's 2 hmls. Stone Waro 50 renins Foolscap Paper tO lte^H ground White Lead, dvc !0 Butler, ifuukxvlieul Aleul",.&c. I d k I'lltKINKIjck’ (loxlien Uniter 1 iU 10 lioil’bbU B.i.iU!.-.-at, (free! from grir) i 20 qr. do d’». d.i. do. | JO half and qr. bids. Rye d ». 10 whole und 30 halt bbls. (’anal j Flour, (Beaehe’s red Jnarkj i 10 bids, send Rye i 20 bbls. Mess Beef, New York In-: spection i 2 half bbls. Salmon 20 kegs do. I 20 boxes fust surt sealed Herring 30 whole und half boxes Bunch llui- New Dry Goods Store. .1.1. &, A. WILSON A NNOUNCE tot ho inhabitant* nfHavnn- imh und vicinity, that they have just opened at flic store ut Johnson’s Square, next door to Mrssrs. Low, Wullaco 6c. Co. u lull i uasorlrneit of , XT.U’LK AND FASHION MILL: DRY GOODS, jmrcla^ed principally at auction sales in the eilyifNew York, ullof which they oll’er at M'hVcsale or retail at the most reduced prim s. Intending to receive regular supplies from N. York, they will oonstaiilly present to tiieir I mstojinT-i a great, variety of all that is new. ! fashionable and useful in their line. Part, ot' their Assortment at present is as tnllow i : Mi ii..u Cloths ot the most lUsiaonabie col ours Slerirn. Circassians do do Long Wliito BJk. &. .Scarlet Merino .Shawls 4-4, 7-4, and 6-1 Square do J.ongiSc square (’ash me re do various colors Gair/.o, Do Coupe, Barngo *So Gros do Nap. llkfs and Scarls Blk and fuucy col’d Barages &. Pulmarinos Satin Cross Barred tlo Own do Nuns, Ores do Berlin, and Gras do Judes, blk ami fashionable colors Heavy black Sinchcws uml Sarsnotts do India Satins & Satin Levantines Matteoni's best black Italian Lutestrings Florence* utul Sulim?,* assorted colors Crape Lisso do Black Murcclitm’ Silks Italian and Areophauo Crapes Black Nankin Canton do , Ladies* horseskin,castor, kid & sill; Gloves and,Mitts d*» Ornamental Tops do Goat’s Woodstocks, castor, horscskin and Norway doe do 2 cases conhiiuuig a complete assortment of Ladies’, Gentlemen's and Misses* Cot ton, Worsted &> lamb’s wool Hosiery Jhiglish & French blk and white silk do Lamb’s wool, Yigmiiu, and silk half Hope jiuum Cumbricks nud linen camb. Jlkls 2 eases Irish Linen of tho most approved fabric Irish ami Russia Diapers, A large selection of Fancy Prints of the ' richest style j Plaid nml Si rijied Ginghams do j JSwiss, hook, jaconet, mull and natisnok ! Muslins* 0-6 and 0—1 Cott on Cambrics { Wliito and London printed jaconet Cruvu' Black and col’d Italian do Valencia, Marseilles, «ml Flor. Vestings Belt Rililwms of various now styles Rich Crude Nan&.do Coupe gau/.e B m- tiet. do Plain, Satin atid Mantua do from II, to22 Rich wliito a .d black Boliiiukt Isico Veils English und French thread Luces urul Kdg- b’MPOKIttfl OF J’AsmON. iLZF’TI hi iblliivmg is 11 iu CuloiuUr of tho Court* hold (ivur^t during itm FuU Tcnu, and for tho Euttra Circuit. , hm-miou Ooi nr.-~lUyu» 7di Uccetnher—Liberty fllh Ucc.—Elliiipliwii bill, Dcir.—Cliitlham 4th Jld ltiitludi, is uiijouuud to TIiuimJiiv, Nov. 26th. iM'i.niuii Ccjvht.—, Monday in Deccm« ber—Wayne, lual ftb-mluy ia Dec.—Carr.dcn, 1st Mnmtay tu January— (iljiin, 2il Murntny in Janoary— itl’IntGuli, OJMbmJuy in‘Jmi.—Jlr>ati.-ftli Monday iu Jan.—UuUucli, 1st Mumluy iu I'ejituury—UtRogUoni, Jtl Monday in Feb.—C!iuiltum,5Jrf.MunUuy in Feint* ury. Bntara doys and Terms o f tho Court or Common 1'iVas mnl Dyer and 'Jirmincr ottlio City of Savannah i Di.c.'lVrai^lU'JO-ltcUirinJuy-ltli-nicctsSdMundoyjldih Jon. •March April Juuu July Oct. Dec. ]J:ll “ dlh 2Uil, Feb. “ 2d 16di, meets 4th 4Mi “ 24 2,1 «» 24 bil» “ s«l ad •• 24 25lh 6th S6tli 144» 12ih 16th 13th MALLE UY A’ DUFFY, ®W -JJUM1 UlA’Jf, • oeposm: inn L.vciiA.soi:, H AVING availed themselves of the most recent arrivals from Ihtrope, are now prepared to furnish their friends ami tho pub lic generally with umuro elegant uml extun- sive assortment of Goods iu their line, than thoy havo ever offered heretofore, viz : Wilkins* superior Golden Brown und Olive CLOTHS, (quite a new style) Blue, Black Drake Neck, Green, Steel and Oxford inixt patent, ltittsh’d LONDON CLOTHS. Siiji. blue, black, brown, drab, fav.m, steel j. Q CASES Saliuels, tii^ortcd eelora tmtl v3 qualities The Court of (Irdinnrv sits rrjnilnrly once ovory two months, bcgimiinj* with tho first IMonduy ia January. Tim Federal Circuit Court opined on tho 6th Nov., at Mill.dgovilh*, ami will sit a cam in this City oa tho 14th uf May nc.\t. mixt, (.'orheaii. I vivender, and other col’d ' 2 buk'S Brown Slieetings 1 case dark Fancy Prints 1 do. low priced’ do. L do. do. Furniture do. Plain Bobinett Footings, wide and narrow Merino and Prussian Shawls and Mantles Merino J landkerehicls, scarlet and white Sillt Bundantts, (line quality) Silk Umbrellas, large siv.e, (ivory handles) Darning Cotton, assorted numbers Pins in jmcks, Nos. 4, 4 j, 5 and 0 Dressing and Side Combs, assorted sizes Wire Ribbons, ussorted colors 0-4 Jaconet Muslins, different qualities Landing from schr. Excel, lor sale by JACOB WARING, nov 30 Gibbons* Range?, More Now Goods. A BENNETT has just received y:-' chip • Fluriun, A few boxes of rich Ribbons A few piec es Cro dv Zincs and Gro3 dc Najihs Silks Alft-o, Rich Scarfs, Ladies’ Horscskiii Gloves nud Mitts Watered Neck Ribbons, assorted Worsted Braids, Cabin Cords, &c. &c. Togetlior with stork on hand, makes hia assortment very complete ; all of which will bo sold at the must reduced prices, at No. I Young’s Buildings, Market Square, dec 7 Merino and Thibet Shawls, &c« Bins f> bbls. Butter Crackers fust received by ship Henry, und other late ivals and fur stile by A. BASSETT. Jus' nrrtv nov 30 lluisins, Unitor, &e. nA BOXES Bum'll Uuisins (new) OxJ till Unit’anil ur. Boxes do. 12 lies Goshen Butter 20 hnU'ondqr.Mib Buck Wheat JIcu! j free frutn grit (i liulfblilsF. Market Beef !)() bhls l’riine Beet' 20 reams Wrapping Paper 00 do Letter and Cap do. Just received per lirig Lydia and tor sale by ,inv .1 ‘ ' A. BASSETT. ltaisins, Wines, &e. A BOXES hunch Muscatel Raisins ) * ^^ y I*,, . .i.. .I., 5* do do do do | Cvtto Madeira Wine Sweet Malaga Wine 50 qr boxes 7 jars grapes 10 qr casks 10 Indian bbls 20 du do owot,’ 1 ' H0 bbls first quality Newark Cider 100 hoxes yellow soap Landing ftoni schr Frances, and for « e by nov 2 COHEN &■ MII.t.ER. St. Croix Sit<inr. q a LARGE hhds prime Et. Croix Sugars, HALl” EIIAI’TER it TUl’I’ER. dee 4 Sugar, Molasses, ole. SJ£\ IIIID& St, Croix Sugar U 20 do New Orleans do G do Mexico dp 50 bhls Domestic Gin different brands 50 do New England Uutu 20 do Brandy 10 pipes lirst quality Holland Gin 5 tlo Cognac Brandy i 10 bbls Smoked Beef ; 20 hhd* Molassea ^ I 50 boxes Jackson’s Candles j 100 tlo Doolittle's and Jnclmon’s Soap | 50 do 2d quality do 50 kegs IiUttl For sale by ' J. B. HERBERT, dec 5 Cliurlcs A. WoodrnlV, On the Bay, ojtjwsitc the lLvchangc, OFPEUH FOIt 8AI.U l C ANAL FLOUR, iu whole nml half bids. Buckwheat in lmlf and quurtcr do. St. Croix and New Orleans ) Iu Hhds. ♦Sugars / and Primo Cuba Molasses ) Barrels. 45 (.’asks “IIibbcrt’s” London Hi Porter and double Brown Stout, containing 0 nud 8 dozen each, quarts and pints. LoafSugar, double rclincd in bbls. HO bags Prime Green Coflee 35 do. old white Java do. 250 sacks Liverpool Ground Still 75 bbls No. 3 “Fall” Mackerel dec 2 r.:\> •.mbju.d. ,y,Kc. &e. AT.SO, Blue, Black, Brown, and Cadet inixt Lon don Clolh;i and Cnvsinvrcs 1 hale white and red Fhumels 5 bales iicnvv inixt r. rt g.M lvvi>t-vs 3 do Blue Ltnsrys 2 do London tin tile Blankets 1 hale Rose do from 3 to I I I b hales brown uml hhutched Shillings and Slrclijig.t 1 case blue nml steel mixt^idtinctls 1 do Cotton Wadding 1 do Apron nml Furniture Checks | net 27 Blos-s uml Primo Pork i handing from sham Splendid, | uIA B11I.S. .Moil Pork i i5U 71) do. Prime do. | 25 bhls. Phelps's Gin. I ix Sloan, i 100 casks Cut Nuils 10(1 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel 20 hhds. St. Croix Sugar 40 bugs primo Green Cullen 40 reams imperial and super royal Print ing Paper 60 reams Wrapping Paper For sale by J. STONE, nov 10 200 Cioshen Huttcr, Flour,&c. fl X KEGS best Goshen Butter J. aJ 20 half ami qr bhls Buck Wheat Maul | live from grit 30 bids (’mini Flour } 30 half bids do do 30 bids prime Pork J 0 tlo Mos do 30 do prime Beef j JXW it tO A lex a mlria Sega rs. Just received per ship Queen Mah nml for' .salt bv ABNER BASSETT, i mv2() j l.j J.itnp, Jfc. CASKS Dexter Lime Jtv 20 bbls first quality Cider 30 do. Potatoes 10 hhds lirst quality retailing; Molasses* i For sale, landing from ship Eliza & Abby, apply t«* the. Cupt. on hoard or to i nov 16 .T. STONE. nov 16 J. MOAK. j on •* _ CitiTmi “Wroiigltt Nuilu, Brads' )l'‘!. it A,Vn. u, ki?P u i‘ is i l h ro , wn ’ &,c J . CWT. White Lead, m largo and NEW GOODS. E mbroidered cmpo simwis Jet and blue blackJSilk Fringe Linen Cambricka J.inon Cnmbrick,. Illikfl* 50 doz Lamb’s wool lmlf hose 30 do Cotton lmlf Misses wliito Cotton Hos* 10 by 15*4 and 10_by-16-l|DaniaBl; table cloths Worsted Barrage assorted colors, &c. Jusfreccivcd nml for salo by CIIAMPK )N &. LATHHOP. S. E. Corner of Gibbons’ Buildings, nov 11 it n«l Spikes. Q CASKS Cut Nails and. 34 to COJ 50 do line Wrought Nails 30 do Cut Brads Oil to 204 30 tlo Wrt. Spikes nsd. 4 to S ins. ‘N. B. &H. WEED. Cards. Received fur sale by nov 24 • Cards of very Super!- j nov Cnmil Flour nml Negro Shoes K A IIB1.S. Cunnl Elmir, GOG pair. Negro Canu l l'louf,OlteCSC, llutlcr, etc r^l I ... /•_ .... 1.. 1,.... I...wl,,irr Irntu rii'.lir. I - .. .- ... r. ... A le, Flour, Butler, &.<•• K/Y BBLS. Fidler &. Taylor’s Albany Ale cJ w 20 Imlflibls. Canal Flour 10 do Fulton Market Beef 10 firkins beut Goshen Butter 10 casks do Cheese 50 boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins 100 do Negro Pipes Landing from ship Statirn and for sain by JOHN BENTLEY. nov 17 P LAYING, Visiting, ». Conversation, ) or qualitv. Just received and for sale bv LAY & HENDRICKSON, dee 2 r 23 i 1 i LONDON l ’A SI.ME RES. Black and blue black plain VELVETS. Figured, brown am! Fancy colored do. And a great variety of light and dark col’d Mill: ami Vnlem *:a V M S T I N G H. Double build him? and brown CAMRLET8, a very superior article for Cloaks and Great Coats. Being supplied with a full and first, rate complement, of New York nml Philadelphia Workmen, from tho lirst establishments, they are prepared to make up the above articles ill a style that cannot fail to please. Also, as usual, t *o!on d Net,Suspenders, low priced For tho accommodation of Travellers and I Red Flannels, various otmlitica those who prefer despatch, they have a lull j Black Worsted Hose, do. do. assortment of Jlftuhj Math' Clothing. of thu 1st, 2d and 3d qualities, consisting ef-~» Coats, Frocks, Coatees, Great Coats, Cloaks, Opera Cloaks, Pants. Vests,' Shirts, under Vests and Drawers, Collars, und Hosiery, ofull descriptions. C loth, moroixo, mnl patent leather Cups ol* Luke Davis* most approved style Doremns &. Snvdnm’s N: York, Tenant's Philadelphia,' nml Towson’s Baltimore approved Htoeks of all patterns Riding Belts, Shoulder Braces, Watch Guards, Euspenders, Fancy Spitnlliold likls. Cravats, Cravat Pads,'Purses, Hair Brushes, Pantaloon and Vest springs, Jlosskin, Cast or,and Buckskin Gloves, Double Meeiumiu Hosskiu Gloves,(the most beautiful article of tho kind ev er offered in this mark el) the whole of which will lie sold ut tho most reduced j prices, lbr cash or town acceptances. N. B. Thu whole of thu above stock huv- a very superior quality, and j ing been carefully srieeted, nml the greater Square Black Merino .Shawls, pari purchased direct from tho importers by Which with their former stock of Merino Mr. i>. personally, und the ready-made cloth- and Thibet EJmwl-s. they olfcr ut a email I ing manufactured immediately under bin in- i advance from Ncw-York'prlccs. spirt ion, wo feel cojitidoiit. in assuring our j ai.ho, friends, that nothinghns been spared in ren-1 Received bv recent arrivals, largo additions during our establishment worthy tlio patron* ; t u tlmir atock'of Stanlu uml Fashionable Dry ag».‘wy have heretofore so liberally emoyi'd. ; Goods.. * deett oct 31 Al»&>D. Landing from brie Frances, 1 (VA DBIe c “ n,J Flu “»- E. 8. D. & IUU Go’s, brand 5U buaketH EaUud Oil, Superior quality IQ) boxes bunch .Muscatel Raisins 20 boxes Lemons, in lino order 30 kegs fresh Mnlugu Figs 7.VJWI Alexandria >?cgara J5 hunches Onions It) bbls first quality Newark Cider .ale by COlUI.X & MILLER dee 4 J jumliiti! from schr. Oregon. ■j BOXES Yellow Soap jL C* vJr 30 do Fancy Soap 20 hhls Primo Pork “City Inspection’* 20 Firkins Goshen Butter H) barrels Cider 2*0 do Vinegar 20 bbls Canal Flour 10 boxes Sperm Candles For sale by COHEN fc MILLER, dec 5 CWT. Wliito Lead, iu largo and P-JlP small kegs 12 hbls. Spa tiihli Browu 8 do. Venetian Red 4 do. Yellow Ochre 20 boxes Chrome Yellow t0 llis. Prussian Blue Red Lead, Litharge, Verdigris Sami Paper, Glaziers Diamonds Just received and for sain by HAZARD Sc DENSLOW. .Butter* Cl ice so. &e. ■4 A CASKS best Goshen Cheese X Cr ir, Firkins Butter Just received per schr. Oregnn, «nd for; sale bv A. BASSETT, dm* 7 j S . ..s' o ( I Loaf Sugar. -i i“k BBLS. double refined Loaf Sugar, X w 10 do. single do. do. do. without Ilio use of blood, from the factory of Lex, C'anby &■ J.ex, lumliug from brig Frun- ccs and for sale by II. SLOAN, nov 30 Prime and Mess Pork. BBLS. Prime Pork bilious, for sub; low, iundil'gftomselir. j ^ K sx PAIR Bellows Du Hit Anvils . no Vices, some very superior 2 casks sledge nml bund bummers Received und forsulc^ &IJ wiiliU. llOVll HAY. rrtHE subscribers oll’or forsulo a quantity T Oftbu best quality Nurtbern Ilay. "j u reduced price, ut tbeir Wore on Hc KOa)l , four’s v/hurf. " “• 4( )y nov 2 Oregon. dee I — WhiiicninroV Cotton Curtis. | Bl)XK8 No. 10 C»nl* AU Landing from ship Mount Vernon and for sale by J.blOMu. doc 7 _ If resit Lemons and Uuisins. •, s'* BOXES fresb Lemons I U 12 do. lluncli Rnismn Lauding^hun bri^Atlanftc^amijor saleby nov 21 BBLS. Canal Flour, E. S. B. & Co’s, red brand Dent’s Pilous Pills- Wool llats. 7 CASES fine Wool Hats, just received par ship Queen Mali, and l«;r sal« low ly nov 'Si A. BASSE l J J 10 casks first quality Cheese 15 firkins choice Goslion Butter 20 half and 10 qr. barrels Buckwheat Meal HI qr. casks Malaga Wine 10 hhls. White Beaus 10 bids, and 10 half <lo. Holt’s Crackers 5 do. Smoked Beef Landing from ship Henry and for sale by nov 30 JOHN BENTLEY. ^Lauding from Brig Atlantic! rtAA BBLS. No. 3, FuU Mackerel 214 casks Nails from 4d t»50d 50 casks Brads, from Cd to 2Ud For sale on uceonimodoting terms by HALL, 811 AFTER ^ TUPPER. nov 21 20 do. Mess do. 50 do. Canal Flour Landing from ship Emperor, fl»r sale bv J. STONE. ’ In Store, 10 cases Negro Shoes 10 do. Huts 100 casks Cut Nails 20 boxes Wliittcinorc’s CuiUs 25 bbls. Phelps' Gin doc 11 Howard Si to.‘I Flour. K K BBLS. lauding from schr. Wctrcc •Je3 and lor stile bv HALL, sn:\VTER&.TUPPER. nov 30 Flour and Oran<;es. Jest Received, t BBLS superior Ilowurd Street and Gallego Flour 20,900 Oranges carefully packed and per fectly sound put up iu small boxes nud barrels, nov 10 S. J. BRYAN. Cut Glass Toilet Pottles and Pungoiils. SUPPLY just received «ml_for_p»le by nov 12 THOMAS RYEKSON, Jr. Cmiul Flour. BBLS Criiuil Flour, lauding from ship OU Queen Mub, und for sidu hv JOHN BENTLEY. nov 20 Share Moulds. 4 TONS bibnre Meubts. Kccciyeil ti.r rale by uov 11 N. II. & II. WEED. iSlicet Cupper. 2 CASUS 10 or.. London Sbeot Copper •bist. received and for rale by. iftvHO A. B-A?SETT Mess Pori; ami Heel. BBI.S. Mess I’ork Seine and Baling TvrjlW, 3 BAT.ES 24 lbs. Bridbott Seine Twine lima lbs. do. Bagging Twine. Received und lur rale by nov 30 N. B. &. II. WEED. 10 10 do. tin. Bee Landing, for sale by r.ov Bti TAFT & TADELFORD 1 Satinets, Brown Sheetings, &c. D Canal Flour, Buckwheat and Hants. Wfi WHOLE and half barrels Canol and 6 *J ltielimond FLOUR * 25 kegs Philadelphia Btickwhoat 1000 lbs. superior Bultinioro HAMS of small size and fmeiluvor Landing nud for sale by CHARLES A. WOODRUFF. nov 21 Buckwheat Flour] Just received ver Excel, (}A HALF Bbls. Ihu:k\vlieut Flour Jmd\r 15 qr. do. do. do. 2500 lbs. Codfish 10 kegs Goshen Butter 10 H>w. “llolt’b” Crackcrg For sale by dec 1 CLAGIIORN & WOOD. Sperm 1 audios. A FURTHER supply of first quality Sperm C« Candler-, Just received per ship QucCB blub, and for sole by nov aa HAZARD &■ DENSLOW. Fresh Artificial Flowers. A BENNETT bus just received per ship . Empcrur, n lmndsomc assortment of tho above article, uleo loiv price Flowers and Wreaths for Cbildrun’s flats. For sale ot No. 1 Young's Buildings, Market Square, dee 12 Albany Ale anil Cider. k>S k BBI.S. Fidler ,V. Toylor's double Alo i JmlA* 20 do. fiuu Cider : Jdinding frtJu eh ip Hern* and achr. Excel I for Milo by JOHN BENTLEY* • aw 30