The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 24, 1829, Image 3

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Boof, Pork, lugs, &c. J l/ST received nor skip Statira, sclir. 0- tlieilo, end oilier Into nrrirais, viz : fit! bbls. Prime Beef, New SO do. Mess do. do. 00 do. Primo Pork do. ■10 do. Mess do. do. 10 hair do. Moss Boof do. 10 do. do. do. Pork do. SO kegs Butter, best Goshen 30 drums New Pigs SO bbls. Butter Crackers, fl esh SO qr. do. do. do. do. SO Imlf do. Buckwheat Flour SO qr. do. do. do. SO kegs Wino'Biscuit SO boxes Raisins SO half do. do. SO qr. do. do. And in Store, A flill nssortmhnt of Groceries and Ship Chandler)’, which will be sold low by CLAGIiORN & WOOD, dec 84 Ancianx’s wharf. Flour. Bayard & Hunter, Offer for tale, QAA BBLS.Snpf. “Gnllego"! OUU BO half do. do. do? 141 do. lino do. 0 do. X middlings 50 do. straight do. 300 do. “llaxall” Super. 300 do. Howard-st. Super. 100 half do. do. do. do. 370 kegs Nails nssortcil, from 4d. to 40d. in 50 and 100 lb. kegs 14 do. Brads 40 bbls. LoafSui rnr 15 boxes Lump do. r>0 bbls. Apple Brandy 10 do. Poach do. 10 do. Cordial 5 pipes sup. Baltimore Gin T> do. American Brandy 4 boxes superior Baltimore Hums 50 chaldrons Virginia Coal 100 kegs Lord 50,000 Spanish Segars 2 packages Pow chong Tea t H do. Hyson do. 2 baskets Champaigno Power and Shot, assorted, dec 23 25—p LutlCsSt London Fashions. Apples, &c. Received per ship Macon. *1 UBLS. R. I. Greenings JL 20 drums fresh Figs 5 kegs Butter 10 half and qr. bbls. Buckwheat 20 do Canal Flour Also, per sc hr. Mystic, from Boston, 20 bols No. I Mackerel 10 half 1 do. 10 “ “ 2 do. 100 bbls 44 3 do. In store, A general, and select assortment of Wines t Teas, and Groceries. The pqtronago of friends, und the public, is respectfully solici ted. PALMES & RICHARDS, dec 22 24—p Currants, Almonds, <Si.c. TUST received by ship Macon and other tr lato arrivals, 0 keg* Zanto Currants (now) S sacks Almonds do. 50 demijon* 5 gallons oacli 13 kegs Goshen Butter 10 casks do. Cllccso CO Smoked Tongues !} bids Smoked Boof 10 hogs Salmon 70 bids Primo Pork. For sale by A. BASSETT, dec 10 DRAPERS & TAILORS, H MARKET SQUARE, AVE rocoivod by ship Emperor and other Into arrivals a now and coinploto asaortmont of GOODS, which random thoir assortmont as good, and aa omiiiontly calcu lated for tho season, os can bo found at any similar establishment in tho State, consist- ing of Superior black, bine, brown, olive, green and mixt BROADCLOTHS. • Very superior bluck, blue, fawn, cdrbonu, “JKSSSJlJind otlier colored CASS! M E RES, VLSt INGS, of all qualities and dcscriii tions. 1 Together with a genera! anil fashionable assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Such as, Coats, Frocks, Conttoos, Pants- Vests, ore. ot all qualities and descriptions— with a great variety of Fancy articles, all of whicTi will bo sold as cheap as con lie bought m any similar establishment in the Union. N. B. As the subscribers are determined that nono shall excel them, either in fludiinn, neatness or punctuality of execution, they hope to merit a continuance ofpnblio patron- All orders from tho country or otherwise, will bo gratefully rocoivod, and executed with a particular reference to neatness and dura bility, as wo have in our employ tho first rate New York and Philadelphia workmen, dee 10 ]0 Notice. Bank of Darien, December!), 1820. A N ELECTION will bo hold,.at tho Bank ing House, in this city,’ on MONDAY, «>r FIVE DI RECTORS on tho part of tho individual Stockholders, for tho ensuing year. Tho poll will bo opened at ton A. M,and closed ut two P. M. By order. EBENKZER S. REES, Cashier. Tho Savannah Georgian and Millodgovillc Journal will publish tho above uiitil the elec tion. dee 12 i(j Oflice Bank United States, > Savannah, S3il December, 1821). ( F RIDAY next, Christmas dav, this office will bo shut. Bends or Notes failing duo on that dnv, must he attended to on Thursday, 24th. J. HUNTER, . ■«- Cnsli’r. dee 23 23—0 Bank State of Georgia, I Savannah,Diet December, 1820. i NOTICE. F RIDAY’next tho 23th lust, being Christ ians day; tills Bank will be shut. Paper intended for discount must lie offer ed oil Wednetday, ns tho Board of Directors will meet on Thursday morning at' 0 o’clock. A. PORTER, Cnsli’r. dee23 21 p Planters’ Bank. O N Friday next, Christmas day, this Bunk will be shut. Paper lullingdue <»n that day, must bo taken up on the Thursday pre vious, ilon 22 J. MARSHALL, FOR A'EW-YORK, [ESTAnXiISlIKU LINE.) Tho r< W 1 ,^ I ,| ) I "^ i0 . t skip Tliomat Wood,matter, dee 33 IIALh, SHAPTER & TUPPER. FOR NEW- YORK, The fast sailing packet ship ELIZA & ABBEY, , Cn P‘- Manche.ter, ply on hoard, or to j. STONE. For talc landing from taid thin, 00 casks Lime, dec 32 ■ FOR NEW YORK, [nsTAnr.isiied i.ixe.] Tho regular packet ship MACON, ir • , ,?’/'• Porter, matter. -ill bo bmwUMdy Ik.;..“-f^’b.laNTOor , HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. Christmas and New Year’s Pre sents. doc 10, FOR NEW YORK. [EHTAal.lSIlED M.\n.] 1’!‘a regulnrpacket sliip E M P E R O R, 1 H,. Bennett, matter, _ . Will have immediate dispatch. For freight or passago apply to Copt. B? on board or to ,_HALL, SHAPTER & TIPPER, dee 12 board, or to doc 22 FOR NE IV'- YORK. Tho brig TRIO, Thomas, master. For froightapplyto tlio master on CANDLER & DAVIDSON. _____ 24—p l'OR PHILA DHL phi a , Tho fast sailing packet brig TS A Oi! K, A r . S. Mavran, master, Will incot. with inuundiato dt.’S- mtch. For freight of 50 bulcs or passage, laying good accommodations npbly on bourd nt Mongin’s wharf or to doc 12 TAFT & PADEf>ORD. 31273,760. • T 1 ™,. a canal lottery, iimi~?i“ . K °. 14 ’ <rc ,' v ,n Philadelphia on tho 1/tli instant, and the result will boro- coivod horo.orrtha Ufltli inBlnnt. Tho follow. diSsXmo 1 ’^ 1101,riZL ' 8 *" ,1,is tr,ll y splen- 30,000 DOLLARS 30,000 DOLLARS 10,000 DOLLARS 6,000 DOIiliARS 6,000 DOLLARS 4,*10 DOIiliARS i ’non nnfHSS 1 ’°°° HOLLARS «SSSf«52 i’222 dollars lyUlMV DOIiTjAItH 1,000 DOIiliAllH *.000 DOLLARS 1,000 DOLLARS 1,000 DOLLARS 1,000 DOLLARS JO of 000 Dollars it) of 300 Dollars 10 of BOO Dollars 28 of 200 Dollars 10 of 600 Dollars 51 of 100 Dollars Together with prizes of inferior denominn- tion, amounting in tho whole to more than a quarter of A million of dolls. Yates & M’Intyre, Managers—00 numbers —-9 drawn ballots—all to bo determined in one day. Tickets, only $10 00 Halves, 5 00 HTBLIC SAlrBS. Marine and Fjro Insurance Bank Stock. EERBERt. .... Phis day, 24th inst. At 11 o clock,.will bo sold befitfc my store, 100 shares Marine and Fire Insurance Bank Tertng at time of sale. Stock, doc 24 Jamaica Rum. R y .-L R ~HFRBERT. a, t, 9? “ONDAY, 28th inst. At II O clock, Will be sold boforemy store. P " nc i r ons 4t !‘ preof Jamaica Rum, of d?Sto?",up y ^ nmnted sclmi “°’ *“» ‘fo c 24 Terms at timo of sale, Quarters, 82 50 GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, draws this day, in Washington City, anil drawing received on Wednesday wool:. 60 numbers—0 drawn ballnta. PRIZES: FOR NEW-YORK, The substantial schooner JOSEPH BONNER, Capl. Somers, Will liavo immediate despatch. For freight or passage applv to BAYARD' dr HUNTER. Who have landing mul far tale, 00 tons superior Virginia Cual 180 bbls superfine Ilaxnll Flour 120 kegs Nails and Brads of 50 and 100 Ills from 4d to 4thl. dee I I 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 i if 810,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,025 20 of 150,24 of 100, 5 of 5 of 5 of 10 of 10 of 81000 500 400 2(H) Slid and prizes of 70, CO, 30’ tie. amount ing in tho whole to 8130,380. Tickets 85—shares in proportion! MARYLANDSTATELOTTERY,draws on Thursday in Baltimore, und tiio drawing will lio received 1st January. 00 numbers— 0 drawn ballots. PRIZES: Madeira Wine. _ RYJ. bTherbert, O" WEDNESDAY, 30th inst. At 11 o clock, will bo sold before tho Costing Room of Messrs. Ketehum & Bur. 2 pipes ) Oliveira Wine, ofsu- a, lion do Jporior quality, entitled W qr c.k, do $ to dob.iwo ALSO, 0 cases of 2 doe each, said to have boon ill bottles 12 years. de,!g4 ' Terms at time of sale. B Y J. B. HE RB E R T, ,C,)n WEDNESDAY, 30th inst. A* * J® ®‘°ak> will bo sold before my store, 30 doz Cotton Shirts 30 “ Duck Troivsers. At,So, 10 ps.Scotch Ciiqioting, different pat. terns 1 bnle Kerseys 20 pieces Negro Cloth 1 case Swunsdown Vests, dec 34 Terms at time of sale. 1 of 1 of 5 of 88.0(H) 2,035 1000 r, of 5 of 5 of 8500 300 250 Electors of Chatham County ! I’niEXBSAND FEM.OW CITIZENS, 1 AM a candidate for Coroner nt flic Elec tion in Jnimnry next, ond should I bo elected, will enduuvor to discharge tho duties ot tho olHeo with lidoJity, Very respectfully, A on II.I1AUPT. oct 20 240 Landing, QA BBLS. Northern Gin OU 20 do. do. Whiskey 20 do. do. Rum 100 do. Potatoes 20 do. Apples 20 firkins Goshen Butter 20 half hbbls. Fulton Markot Beef 10 do. do. Buckwheat Flour For sale by COHEN &. MILLER dee 18 A.gfiivy Oilieo, Of the Charleston Fire, and Marine ) fnsurance. Company,Dee. 15,1820. I T HIS Company continues to insure Ves sels and O.vnoons against Marine 1 risks, Produce and other Mnaciuxmzn u- gninst the hazard* of inland navigation by | Vessels, Boats or Boxes, ami House*. Fun- nituhb and Goonn, against loss or damage by Fire. For terms npplv to IlOMEH TUPPER, Agent, doc !•*> 18 T« Rent, THE upper rooms in Johnston's buildings, corner of Buy and Hull > streets, having recently been nut 1 SiMf??' T$f°& cfiSBBfnef- _ And a brgo number of interior dcmiminn- tinn. Tickets only 83—shares in propor tion. 85* Orders received at ROBERTSON’S j Lottery and Exchnngo Oflice, Rull-Blreet, j next to Eppingcr’e—where ensli is paid lor ! prizes, and prizes received in payment. To tho Electors of Chatham eo. F ELLOW Citizens—I again nnnmmco myseifa candidate for the continuance of tho ollico of Coroner ofClmtliam County nt the approaching election ill January next, and humbly solicit your sufiVages. THOMAS EDEN, nov2 420 due 2*2 Mackerel and Sperm Candles. •J A BBLS No. 1 Mackerel XU 2 do. ” 2 do. 01 do. “ 3 do. 2 half do. 3 do. 20 boxes Sperm Candles—New Bed ford manufacture. Landing per sclir Mystic from Boston and for sale by HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPPER. dec 21 Christmas and New Year’s pre sents. M RS. E. BEAULARD has on hand a vc- ry handsome assortment of gi&MQY? &&&£&&&&? suitable for tlieso occasions. Also, a few children’s Toys, tiio whole to bo sold at mod erate prices. dec 22 24—p Harrison Apple Cider. L ANDING from ship Macon 20 bills Ciilor, manufactured by J. Crane of West Bloomfield, N. J., for snlo by JOHN BENTLEY. A supply of tiio abovo suporior article will be received weekly. J* dee 17 Iloes, Nails snd Trace Chains. KA CASKS Carolina Iloes all t 20 do. Bmdes Co. Pat. do. 250 casks Cut Nails and Brads assorted 3d. to OOd. „ . , , 50 hags Trace Chums Received and for sale by N.B.&H. WEED. ■ dee 19 Spanish Segnrs, Jutt receivedper tloop John Chevalier, K,-> aaa Spanish Sogars,Silva bra— U 5 crates of Crockery!, containing hluo painted Ewers and Basins, and bundled Lon- ' 10 FoTs°n"iohy J. B. HERBERT, dee 18 Ail Academy of Fine Arts W ILL bo nnened in Mr. Young’s Building, above the store of Messrs Nichols & Jones, by P. G. GUTTENBERG, of Germany, who will teach the various branches of DRAWING, such ns Architecture, Perspec tive, Historical, Landscape, Flowers, &u. &c. He will also take Portraits in oil and ill water-colours. den 12 13 For Hale, 4 VALUABLE Plantation in Liberty- Comity, within two miles of Riceboro’, contain# Nine Hundred Acres: about 250 ncrcs of this land are tide-swamp very fertile under bank, and thorc arc at least One Hun dred Acres more, all of which are believed to be very well adnptcd to tiio culture of Sugar Cano. The high-land is very good, and lias generally produced as abundant Crops of Cot ton and provisions, as any in the neighbor hood. For terms, which will be accomoda ting, apply to Mr. PETIT DE V1LLEUS, in Savannah.* dec 10 10—re given Woodruff or tho subscriber. GEO. IIOUSTOUN. nov 12 258 UNION HOTKTi (North West corner of the Public. Ntjuarr.) TIIO.IIASTON, UPSON COUNTY, GEO. THE Subscriber has the plea sure of announcing to tho public, that this largo ami commodious establishment is nearly comple ted ami will bo fitted in the neatest stylo for tho Rccamniodation of TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS, by tho first of Januuiy, 1830. lie flatters himself that his friends ond the mblic .will now havo additional inducement i o patronize him, os their own comfort can bo more completely secured. llis STABLES nro excellent, and con venient to a line spring of water, stored with provender, &c. &c. J. B. BATEMAN, doc 10 14 Tho Macon Telegraph and Messen ger, Georgia Journal. Savannah Georgian, and Augusta Chronicle, will insert tho above un til the first of.Turiuary, and forward 4 thcir ac counts to Thomaston for settlement. J. B. B. 30,000DQLLARS. UNION djvNAL LOTTERY OI I’IJXXftYl.VAMA, OI.ANH .NO. XIV. Wf AH drawn yesterday I?th inst in i’Jiila- TT dolphia, and will bo received hero on the 2(ilIt inst. BO Numbers- SCHEME: •9 drawn ballots. Notice. A LL persons indebted by note or other wise, to tho firm of Chichester & Scran ton, nro respectftillv requested to call and set tle tho same on or before tho 1st day of Jan uary next, as after that date those remaining duo and unpaid, will bo placed in tho hands of an Attorney for collection. dec 7 11 Storage. T HE subscribers have several commodi ous Stores, where they can conveniently store from 1500 to 2000 bales Cotton, which, or other goods will be taken on moderate tcn " 3- IIALL, SIIAPTER & TUPPER. doc 22 Wluttomoro’s Cotton and Wool Cards. -g A BOXES No. 10 Colton Cords JLU 5 do No. 8 do. do. 10 do. No. 0 Wool do. For solo low by S. G. GREENE. dec 8 12—nil Hfors \xcs. 20 B0XES ^'^r&aWEEij. Notice. . A LL persons ore forbid trusting the crow oi'tlioship Macon, os no debts ot their contracting will be paid by tiio Captain or Consignees, dec 19 For Hale, -rF applied for soon, o light, komhiomo I COACHBB, olniostos good os new, nov- mg been lotely put in complete order. Apply Ot this office. ^ dec 23 ' Sporting. "SlSSSi- GIGS! GIGS.'! A. DAY COACH-MAKER, HAS received by late ar rivals from the North, o now and complete assort ment of (MGS—one clip- tic spring Barouche, lor one or two horses, and 3 one horse Wagons, which arc offered for sale (at his old stand, corner of Bryan and West Jroad-sts.) as low ond oil as good terms as can bQ bought elsowhoro in the State. Pur chasers are solicited to call and examine lor themselves. „ „ ,. . . , Crtrriagosaml Gigs of all kinds repa,red with despatch, and in a workman-like order. Wagons, Drovs, Carts and Wheels of all descriptions ninjo and repaired for prices to suit tho times, ami work warranted. A aUn ' M ofpublic patronage is solicited’ oct 31 I prize of 830,000 >J do 10,0(M) 2 do 5,(1110 1 do 4,210 10 do 1,000 10 do 000 10 do 500 111 do 400 10 do 3(H) 28 do 200 51 do 100 Anil others of smaller denomination amount ing to §27:1,760. Tickets, : : : : : $10 00 Halves, : : : : : 5 00 Quarters, : j : : s 2 50 Orders in this splendid scheme attended to at LUTHER’S dee 22 Lottery tf- i^.rchange Office. Savannah, where ho once lived. A share 248 Sweet Orange Trees. T HE subscriber ns Agent for a respecta ble planter in St. Augustine, oilers for solo from three to five thousand Sweet Or ange Trees, deliverable in Savannah. They are live years old, and from 5 to 7 loot Iiign. They will bo delivered on tlm wharf nt 82 a piece, and bo put up in such a iimiiucr as to ensure their living. They con bo deliver cd at any time between tiio middle of De cember and 1st of February. The subscriber will receive orders for any mtmlier. Apply to J. D. I1UGUENIN. nov 12 . dee 23 New Goods. Jutt received, by the thip Macon. A FEW boxes of handsome und lushiona- bio Bonnot Ribbons 1 box of do. do. Bolt Ribbons A fresh supply of Rich Flowers 20 nests Bandboxes, and many other arts clcs, which together with Stock on hand, moke a general assortment, and are oflored for aalo at the very lowest market prices, at No. 1 Young’s Buildings Market square, by dec 10 A. BENNETT Christinas & New Year’s Gifts. THOMAS M. DRISCOLL, H AS just received the YOUT’S KEEP- SAKE, for 1839, a Christmas Gift for Young People “ Tako it—’t in a gift of Love, Tliat f cek8 the good ulotii*; Kufji it for tlm civor’a Baku, And read it for tliiuu own.” List of Engravings— 1 The Torn llat, engraved by Chenoy 2 Charity, 44 44 J Andrews 3 The Cottage Door, 44 44 O Potton 4 The Savoyards, 44 44 do. 5 Tho Coquette, 4 » “EGPerkins 0 The Fniry Tule, 44 “EGullumlet THE PEARL for 18.30, with 9 Splendid Embellishments. THE TALISMAN, for 1830, edited by F. Herbert, with 12 Splendid Engravings. TIIB ATLANTIC SOUV1NER, for 1830, with 12 Splendid Embellishments. THE BOSTON TOKEN, for 1530, edited by S. G. Goodrich, 1 Vignette Titlopogo, engraved by J Che noy after a design by II Inniuu, 2 Sibyl, cnjjraved by J Cheney from a painting after Guido, 3 innocence, onjmtvcd by O Pellron, de signed by It Weston, 4 Doomed Bride, engraved by G W Hutch from a painting by II Inman, 5 Lost Cliildrcn, engraved by J Cheney, designed by Schoner, 0 Portrait of J G C Brainard, engraved by J B iiongacre, 7 Meditation,engraved by G B Ellis,design ed by II Fradollc, • 8 Biliks of tho Juniata, ongraved by G B Ellis from a painting by Doughty, 9 Grandfathers Hobby, engraved by ] Gallandet, from a painting oy T Sully, 10 Chocorutt’s Curse, engraved by G W Hatch after a painting ftoni Nature fConvny Peak Now Hampshire) by T Colo, 11 Schoolmistress, engraved by T Kelly designed by W Owon, 12 Genevieve, ongraved by J Andrews, de signed by A ArHuffraan, 13 Greok Lovers, engraved by A B Durand, after a-point ing by R W Weir, dee 22 mo to Jioever will return the said Boy to me, or lodge him in Jail either in Savannah or Dublin, shall re ceive the above reward and oil reasonable churges. JOHN M. HAMPTON. Laurens County, Ga. Dec. 8. dec 12 10—Ji. Notice. D AVID BELL is a candidate for re-elec tion n« Tax Collector at tho ensuing election in January. dee 23 ptjelic saxes. Brogans. A Auction Stored’ WU1 b ° eoW inftont «'«•<* dec 23 C “ 8 ° S M °"’ a Tllick Br °8“s- Executor’s Sale. RSKa.MATK;■£ Bin j cknr w,ni > on <l Lot No. iS, and half tho improvements, Decker Word. Au j„ ‘| ° ; ,t y °f Savannnh ; being part ofthere- nalXoascd 081 Ponfiold ’Savon. „ P« nnl 'ssion of tiio Court of Ordin. !r? cou . n, y>for tho benefit ortho heirs and creditors, byordcr of tiro Executors. dee 22 forms ot time of sale. .9^“ “The Episcopal 8ocietv for the XJ—MMlMl of CIWsImS, m Oeorirta." public that thoy intend having an Exhibition at tho Exchange on Thursday 31st of December, fos the solo of an extensive vanty of beautiful and usefiil articles, manv ot them not to be procured in tho Southern Country. The ladies of Savannah who are disposed to aid tho Society in their intended Exhibi. tionnio respectfully solicited to attend a meeting at the I 1 ree School on Wednesday next at 3 o’clock, P. M. The ladies of tiio Episcopal Church are particularly requested to attend. Doora to bo opened on tho day of Exhibition nt 3 o clock, P. M., and tickets of admission to bo procured at tho door. China Ware, «frc. I' pieces 4 oval brown do. do. 1 blue DINNER SET, 114 pieces 1 blue do. 07 do. Moulded Glass oval and octagon Dishes, Butter Tubs, Salad Bowl, and Cup Prates. For sale, Bull-street, next to LpjHnger’s, by ^ G. ] dee 22 . ROBERTSON. Filly Dollars lleward. L OST, or Stolen from tho Stage on the morning of 30th ult. botwoen Savannah and II. 8. Lamb’s, Bryan county, a largo size Trunk, containing Gentlemen's nnd Ludics’ AVnurii.jj A|»wm»l. • It iiLn contniucd some jcweliy, muong which are a set of Gold Lur-rings, with Topoz Stone3 and Broacli to match, another sot of Ear-rings with Topaz Stones, ono sot of all Gold nnd Broach, ono Gold Cuhlo Chain, a chain four foot long formed of rings of wrought gold nnd fastened with a chased gold clasp, tho Miniature of a Lady in a Gold enso, E- puiilcltcs and various other articles, with the owner’s name Juincs Al. APIntosh, Lieut, United States Navy, on a plate on tho front of the Trunk. Fifty dollars reward will bo paid for any information leading to the re covery of the property by Bern. S. Lamb, Bryan Court House or Copt. Newcomb, at tho Mansion House, Savannah, dec 21 23 $15 Reward. R ANAWAY from tho subscriber a Negro Boy about 20 years of age named Dick, very dark, has a down look, is about 5 feet 5 inches high, and is supposed to have all, Counting House Calender, FOR 1830. T HOS. M. DRISCOLL is now preparing and will publish in the first week of January a Calendar for Counting Houses, for 1830—Containing tho rates of Freight ’between this place, Augusta and New York, also new rates of \Vharfugc,and with all oth er local information of interest to the Mer chants. Public Noteries nnd others desirous of having a card inserted, can do so by early ap plication. dee 21 Holmes’ Annals of America. T HE Annals of America from the Disco very by Columbus in the year 1402 to the year l82o, by Abiel Holmes, I>. D. Boooud Edition SKETCHES OF AAIERICAN CHAR ACTER, by Airs. Sarah J. Hall. Tho American Common Place Book of Prose, a collection of Eloquent and interest* extracts from the Writings of American Au* thors. TI10S. M. DRISCOLL, dee 21 Five Dollars Reward, I S offered for tho recovery of a Jib, sold by the subscribers at thoir snlc on Jackson’s wharf, on tho 14th inst. It was eiitrustcd to a Drayman to bo carried on board tiio ship Franklin, and has not been delivered there, dee 18 PHI LB THC1C & l^KKR^ Fresh Spices. M ACE, Nutmogs, Cloves, Cinnamon. Ginger, puro. Pepper, Alspico anil Cayenne Popper, of tiio first imnlit);, liavo just been received, and will bo sold to families aVlo W prices ^' &heni : rickson , iloc 17 Druggists, Oibliona’ Buildings. Swartcopc’s Physical Drops. A SUPPLY oftheso celebrated Drops, just received and for sale by LAY fc HENDRICKSON, jo,. 23 Gibbon’s Bm’dtng*. Cordials and Champaigne. C ORDIALS in Boxes, assorted London Pickles, Ketchup and Fish Sauces Champaigne and sparkling Burgundy, of tho most approved brands, in baskets For sale by C. A. WOODRUFF, der. 10 <Jorn Alloat. BUSHELS new Crop will be sold low if immediate applica tion is made to dee 22 PALMES & LEE, Exchange Dock. Canal Flour &, Goshen Butter. OI | firot quality Flour 10 firkins best Butter 20 casks Cheese PALMES &. LEE, <Jcc 0 Exchange Dock. Figs. S AIYRNA FIGS 44 now fruit” in Drums. Just received for salo by CHARLES A. WOODRUFF. dec 15 English Thread Laces. A N invoice, well assorted, just received and will be sold low to close a consign ment, dec 10 PIHLBRICK&. BAKER. GUNS. 3 CASES fine Double and Single Barrel Guns. Received by the Agnes & Ann and for sale by N. B. & II. WEED, dec 19 Indigo. 2 CEROONS Flotant Indigo, just received per ship Alacon. For sale by doc 17 HAZARD &. DENSLOW. Linseed Oil. 5 BBLS. Linseed Oil, just received nnd r * * * for salo by dee 17 A. BASSETT. Wilmington Tar. WA BBLS. Wilmington Tar, just receiv- ■ U oil and for snlo by A. BASSETT, doe 17 New Crop N. O. Sugar. QA IIIIDS primo new crop, will be sold O v low if applied for immediately.’ * . dee 12 J. 1». HENRY. Prime St. Croix Sugar. Qi*. IIIIDS. just rocoivod ond fnr Bale by OU J. I>. HENRY, dec 1 L-emons. QA BOXES Sicily I<emons in handsome vr order, just rcceivod and for sale by dec 22 COHEN & MILLER. C. Iron, Franklin &, Box Stoves. JjXOR sale by dee 2*2 N. B.&II. WEED. Bolting Cloth. A N Assortmont oftno abovo article receiv ed ond for salo by dee 22 N. B.&.II.WEED. Brass Grates, JUST Received ftrrad.% „ doc 10 Oranges. . . Ert/lO PRESll from tho trefcs of a JjUUU large size. For salo by . doeJS PALMES & LEE. Just Received, OAAA BUSHELS Comrorsalo low if dUUD taken from tim vegeii^T Wanted an Overseer... PPLY to JEREMIAH rUYf.rfc. t di'cir- " •*