The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, November 20, 1830, Image 3

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jIAKINK JOJIBWl; PORT Or SAVANNAH. 'Tfithwaltral Ti/bec, tUtpto />!. m Siivunnuh, «"• •15 II 30 4i.ii aip0 li,.."ci,cl. 1 "anl", ^l n .l. A • iVtlliuni. Atwood, B'Mon. Jlusttr. Btl » \it>nvi:i>. Pi*/«> 1, N '"b» ni, N. C. 3 da. *400 , V,j 4 ’(\,nt l" H llalMTaliiiin. h "tC HcM'V & .M.nia, llid' Si. Marys. 5 days. Iliilri.'or.iiijjt'-'i mid Oner hlun*, lo It &. \\ Wms.aml ^iVViorn, Rvan, <>i-nl«i\v. (i !hIi>* S. !. Gallon Wuutl in .Inlui-nu N M.iek'W, T HmiIit iV. t!«i. * SlHoJ«:-r.-*.«. ».««*, Danva.^U. 116 balesCut- *°SH' Aitii, Hen'/, Suuliiay. 1.’ Wales S. I. Pulton I . llStV Km-. J S H.'liaeli. .... 1 ll.'ur f", II irr.s Ni-rk. IG bjl.:a ( Hale Itopc and liugiring. T'fi coils I!,llu R°p« • ’ • 70 pieces Cotton Bajmng Received per Emperor anil for sale lit’ nov 10 HA1.1., SIIAI’TEtt & TUI'i’ER. I 1 ’lour, Nails and Gin. KA BBf.S. Floor X-J 1(10 kegs Nails 20 bbis. Am. Gin. Landing from brig Robert Cochran, and for ealol.y _ • OLIVER TENN V. nov 1.”) { , It Si AV Km: s.iHip A'co a' Carpeting. O NII bale, containing 528 yard’s, Orleans Carpeting, a neat article—just receiv ed per sclir. lived and for sale by nm 15 11AZA III) & DENSLO W. Sllolludl. ft*,. H.1I...V, Sli'.l.t- S'.-.v Or',. orfvst’iv.n. Win. lia-ton, ll.minuti, Aiitfiista. ShipRmroia, Sinilt. ibriliis port ipi a» Oosloii lOih. S - !ir. Tallin.I'<i"t’’a'das I'l'V ap •' 0'.aaa*>v*« l‘o»b. S'la. HiiUrjirwi 1 , \Vii - l»<, li>i 'ins pint up ul t*It .rics* :..n, Wlii. kkom one rounKHeoNnnxT, Ol.wr u, ,l„ ('ourirr, ) (Minrl.'-lan. Nor. M-l 1\ .M. ( i J.I>.Muiiis(ii* D* Frime and Moss Beet. k HUES Prime ami Mess Beef ’ 3 Just received and for sale bv me 1\! CLAGliORN A- \V()l)T). Spirits Turpentine. ^URLS. Spirits Turpentine, lauding from sclir. Excel, and for stile bv nov 12 COHEN & .Mil.I,ER. Blankets. BALES l)uflil Blankets, 8 to 10-4, just •3 received and for sale bv L.‘SCRANTON. Just Received, X PIPES superior L. Dock Brandy iJ 2 do do Soignett’s do 100 boxes Bunch Muscatel Ruisins 50 do Prinio Cheese 100 first quality Dos Amigos Segura in 1, .) & l boxes 40 bids trash Canal Flour 10 pipes Swan Gin 50 bugs Old Java Coffee 10 \ casks Malaga Wine 28 kegs Butter 15 boxes Tobacco, in pound lumps of su perior quality 200 Demijohns l blicl Jamaica Rum 1 .; cask Cherry <1 Brandy ofsuperior 1 do llassberry f quality. IN NTOItH, 210 do/. Howard March &. Co, &. Newton, Gordon, Murdoch & Scott’s, Madeira Wine, per brigs Silshce and Fitzowcn 50 doz Brown Sherry Wine For sale by JNO. \V. LONG, nov 2 EUR NEW-VOLK, [k s t a ii i. i s ii n n i. i n i:.] The regular packet ship f&X MACON, l)• L. Porter, waster, Will sail on Tuesday next.— far freight m* passage, having excellent ue- .inniial.i'ioiis. i‘P|t’v to (’::|»l. Porter on bond , rtu UALU CHAPTER &TUPPEU. nov 20 run charleston, r rhe packet sloop ^ I) E I. I G II T, nov 18 (*eor<»ia Syrup. FAMILIES cun he supplied vvitn the best quality Georgia Svrup. Just received bv GAUDRY & LEG RIEL, nov 18 257—p J. 15. Herbert H AS just received by ship Emperor and brig Robert Cochran the following j articles, which he oilers for sale on accotu- j moduling terms. 50 boxes Muscatel Ruisins 10 half bur re Is Pork 10 do do Beef 10 barrels Smoked Beef 20 kegs prime Goshen Butter 5 casks Cheese and an Invoice ofSuddlory. i liny 17 FOR LIVERPOOL, The elegant new ship MARTHA, T\^* Josiah Wilson, master, *Stst \Vill commence loading THIS MORNING and sail on or before the 1st proximo. For freight of200 bags.Colton,apply to Copt. Wilson on hoard, or to* ANDREW LOW & CO. nov 10 258—p FOR PHILADELPHIA, The regulur pocket brig FRANCES, Thomas Croft, waster. Will ho despatched without delay. Por freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board, or to if. SLOAN, Hunter's Buildings. Sugar, Flour, <$»e. 20 hluls prime New-Orleuns Sugar 100 bbls Superfine Flour l-J hluls | R >’ e " Uiskey 1(1 iljji'g " j- Refined Leaf Sugar 20 boxes Brown Soap 5 bbls Vinegar Landing from suid brig and fur sale ; apply as above. nov 10 FOR PRO VIDE.XCE, The fast sailing brig HORIZON, Capt. Carr, Willi meet with desputch. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on bonrd, or lu imv 12 J. STONE & CO. l.ivorpool (Jroiiiul Salt, ! _ „ 0 JI . T . , 54)0 A U l-'V-rpoo 1 .round Salt s , art i du , hl ,;, Uu , lVum so)u , 1 V« rn un nA. l'vnAnn.n'.n' 8 ' I Cwrn.a and lor aalubv i">\ 18 ( IIARLES A. \\ OODRHl' l\ ' JOHN BENTLEV I Weekly supplies of Pale and Amber Ale of the above brand will be received u.ul sold ut Kcktim's’ (<im Powder. ^ KEGS FFaml FFF, for sale by nov 18 E. SCRANTON. the lowest rales nov JO rf> : V” MlHin St Croix Sugar. f A 11! I I)S. St. Croix Sugar, lauding from n\r ship Maeon and for sale from the! ' I sn i 1 i’lIIS ,MORNIN(i,20fh I wharf on verv favorable terms, by K'-r Ireiah: or passage, having hand-1 nov 12 IIALL, SIlAPTEll & TUI'PER. ,,iiip iifcommoilntions, apply to the Capt.on to.irii «i tlie Steam Riee Mill wharf, or to nov 20 JOHN W. LONG. — for f:\v- \ orkT~ The regular pneket ship ;rr; ; V QUEEN MAB, ff uf \ Hailey, waster, i\tm I laving must other curgo ongn- will .-nil THIS DAV. For freight or jnss.igo, luiviiigsiii'iuMor aeeoinmodations, ap- niv to llie Captuin, on board, at Mongin’s Pork. Wino,Cider,,Su\ Prime Pork, (N. V. City In- Vr ppnetion) - 20 qr rusks Sweet Malaga Wine 12 bids first quality Newark Cider ■ > t< I . fir I do \\ bite Beaus I>l il(K\S i AlCMlt HOPS, j Landing from schr. Georgia and for sale DOZ. Brados* Patent Hoes, assorted 1 by JOHN BENTLEV. Nos. 1 lu 1, ju&L received and forsule J nov 10 E. 15. WEED. | - nov 17 in-v Mil O. nov .'! 1 JOHN CU.MMING SON. To Rptil, S;i\v-Mill Crunks. SAW-MH.L Cranks and Spindles, as-! sorted sizes, just received and forsule, by _ E 15. WEED, j nov 17 Market Square. O FOR PR () VIDEXCE, The packet brig UNION, Capt. Lawton, lias commenced loading and will have immediate despatch. For freight or pas- suge, having good aeeoinmodations, apply on board, at Moore’s wharf, or to nov 1<» TAFT &. PADBLFORD. FOR BOSTON, The sehooner EXCEL, E. I LI i her, waster. Having one half her cargo en gaged and ready to go on hoard, will meet im mediate dispatch. For freight ofthe remain der, or passuge. Apply to nov 17 BAYARD & HUNTER. On Wednesday, tilth inst. T HE drawing ofthe Delaware &. North Carolina Lottery, Class No. 0, will be received or the 24th iust. S C II K M F. : 1 prize of $12,000 dollars 1 prize of 2,000 dollars 1 prize of 1,080 dollars 10 prizes of 1,000 dollars 10 prizes of 400 dollars 20 prizes of 200 dollars 55 prizes of 100 dollars &c. &c. &c. Tickets $4—Halves $2—Quarters $1. Orders attended to at LUTI1ER & CO’S nov 18 Lottery Exchange Office. Eddy & Blanchard, .Vo. 2, Young's Fluililiniis, Savannah, IIAVE constantly for sale, a general us- XI sortment of fuilncii, knolish and AMERICAN GOODS. ALSO, BOOTS. SHOES, IIATS and CAPS, for sale, wholesale or retail at the lowest cash prices: purchasers are respectfully invited to call. MRS. EDDY has a general assortment of MILINAR Y, in the chamber of said store, consisting, partly of Ladies Silk, Leghorn, Straw and Navurino HATS & BONNETS, at prices, calculated to satisfy those who may do tier the favor to call. nov 17 25(5—2\v Win. Finch, RARER & TA Vl,( >11, (next ,hmr In I lie City Hotel) has just received per Ev- dia, and other late arrivals from New Yur! a fresh & fashionable assortment of BRO.H) ,>, • . CLOTHS, CASSEMERES & VESTINGS, | uVA!A*V* *AXi'.m’vI By J. B. HERBERT, THIS DAY 20th inst. ut 11 o’clock, will be sold before my store, A general assortment of G R O C E R l E S. ALSO, 4 Bureaus, 2 doz. fancy Chairs, 4 Bed steads ALSO, 25 barrels Potatoes, 20 barrels Newark Cider, 10 boxes Brandy Fruit, 10 kegs prime Goshen Butter. nov 20 BijJ. //. HER BERT. THIS DAY, the 20ih inst. at 11 o’clock, will be sold before my store, 50 pcs. Colton Bagging. 2 hales Scutch Diaper nov 20 Terms at time of sale. Dry Goods. By 8. /*////,ft/ncA'. On TUESDAY next, 2l)rd November, at 11 o’clock, in store, 5 packages Dry Goods, assorted 2 do Cutlery and Fancy llurd-ware nov 20 I’he convenient HOUSE, enr ol !’. i President Streets, > resell I occupied by JJ. Penny, | i.—terms reusoMid le. Aojdv ; J. D. 11UCUEN1N. * , Just Received, Xfh M. Pnrussion Caps OU 10 pr. Pocket Pistols l nest Back Gammon Boards. For sale by E. B. WEED, nov 17 Market Square. Chairs, Pickles, &,c. (’HAIRS ofdirtermit kinds Pickhfd Olives, uud all other kinds of Pickles Boxes Chloride of Soda Lemon Syrup. I* or sale by rn.v 11 CANDLER & DAVIDSON. Butter. Cheese and Flour. QA BOXES Pino Apple & Cream Cheese; 100 whole, i & hhls Canal Flour FOR NEW-YORK, c II U O N V. II I. 1 N K. j 'i’lie fast sailing packet sehooner GEORGIA, Wm. 11. Nichols, waster, Will meet with quick despatch. I For freight or passage, having extensive fur- i uislied accominodalioiis, apply tu Capt. N. on board, ut Taylor’s wharf, or to 17 ' COHEN & MILLER. R. 1 sale hv \\ iilili'd. ir m hi who u rites a good hand > II nequnUted wilh business, a ; MWatiea ia sun • u .vpcctahic emphiymeiit— unqiic.-tioiialile reference t un he given. A , !m- iuiiii-csseil to J. Newell, and lelt ut the ! Post Oliicc, w ill be attended to. nov 20 250—e* j Nol ii 'tREEXTCRTI.E SOCP willbu served Ul tliofity llutel THIS 1>AV, nl hull' I'ii.t eleven o'clock. Families supplied also, nov 20 B, G 1 l*sitout. Corn Shcllor PATENT Curn Sh-ilers, recuivcil pcr| 110 >’ ui ship Mucou and lor sale low from the} wharf. App’v to 50 do do Buckwheat 20 firkins choice Goshen Butter. i eiveU per Macon and Emperor, for | day. CILYS. A. WOODRUFF. (5 12 HALE, SHAPTER & TUPPER.; 10 Prime Pork. BBT,S New Vork City Prime Pork 10 half hhls fine Beef Sperm l-amlles. B( >XES Sperm Candles, 4, 5 and 0,! assorted, for sale bv I . . , v , • , / • nov 17 CHAVS. A. WOODRUFF, j R:r and tnraalnhy ; nov 10 ( LAGHORN &'< *r« urniini 250 hhls first quality Potatoes 50 ilo Philadelphia Apples Lamps. 4 SUPPLY of Liverpool Brass Suspending, a\. Lamps, Lamp wick, Lamp Glasses, &e. j received per brig Lydia and for sale by WOOD. A To in* ELililt (i FIllIJS KVIiMNG at tlie City Hotel, six j » uiegaiuLANDSCAPES,at six o’clock I jirrfisi*iv. nov 20 nov 11 HAZARD & DEN SLOW. A fS oi leo. N unwsi mu: / vsrn i.vrr. u ink. \ A X election wiil bo held THIS DAY, tho j - ■ 20tli in.-tant, for :t Book-kee|)er for tips j Hank, (la* Salary is eleven hundred dollars, , ■f animiM. The auiuunt ol’the Bond Ton , "tuis'itiul dollars. s desirous of the office will please j ention known in writing, nuin- > .iritics, before that dav, to JAMES S.M1 i’ll, Cashier. lVr.-oi ' akt* Ho i, ;•.!(» ) • >D Coil ( Ini). r pllii l>,t animal m--i Ii:i<_»• ofthe (’oil (' II|b" held it Fairiawn 'I'llLS J>.i Mi.-t.,lit, sit ;j o’clock P. M. hoarrimR. D^(il,I..\|{ and transient Board & T.odg- ^ n^cwnbc obtained at tin* Georgia llu- a t reduced churg* s, on application to » v 20—,, \v. .1. DUDLEY. Altinml i3c*c»r. FURTHER supply of Read & Arm strong's superior Ale and Beer, lauding from brig Lydia and for sale by nov 12 HAZARD & DKNSLOW. 1 .aiidliia, ®‘y*/k BBLS New England Rum 20 boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards 15 casks Cheese 5 pipes Holland Gin For sale ny OL1YER TENN Y. nov 12 JV. O. Shi;MI'S. «;>• 1 111DS Prime N. O. Sugars, landing f.I from schr. Excel and for sale hv m,v 12 COllEN & MILLER. Combs. FINE assoilmeiit of Dressing Combs, all sizes Fine tooth Combs, all sizes Shell ami I very Pocket do 1 lorn ami Wood do. just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 1G 2 and 15 Gibbous’Buildings. White Lead and Oil. TONS ground \Vliitul.uad. in large and ! roil .\i:\v-<)1u.i:a\s, The new st hooner BILLOW, Capt. Shihlc, Will he ready to take freight this Apply to nov 12 CANDLER & DAVIDSON. For Stile, The firm and well known sloop LEADER, in first rale order and in every way completely found, n c be a mulctluin, o years old, burthen 48 2-1)5 tous, draws a light draft of water und well calculated for the inland navigation. Persons desirous of purchasin'' can see Jilt inventory by application to ° CLAGliORN & WOOD, oct ^ Anciaux’s wharf. For salt'l>) Candler & Davidson. , A new, extra well built. BOX BOAT, just arrived fi'oni Augusta, with 400 hales of Cotton, lying at Mongin’s Upper wharf. nov i7 6 1''lour, skov. Ten, «.Ve. Wills.! ^uperlinc Flour 2" do Pliiladidphia Wlnski* lb 12 lbs. boxes Hyson Tea chests Powehong do 'le refilled Loaf! II U. bWu ■ii •■li no I fill Ii •!ll Id MU m mclieons .V. O R •xes .Mu-cat Wine lu ('ordiuls, assorted lo (’Inret Wine I" brown Soap, superior qnulitv •Is Cider Vine-!.,i* • C'> *l*iiw l.iin n lungh Moulds '•• Hi.- .Siraw Paper !'» Pools Cap and L Iter Paper. ^ by II SLOAN, Hunter's Buildings. < '"rn Allunl. • .a D11V.I.S ol'lliu nrtv crop on ; Osnalmrffs Baaffina &. Burlaps,! B VOU SAl.E by V oct 1 I J. t\- J. REID. (anshoil HtltlOl*. ! iT> 4 KEGS choice Goshen Butter JLr. 5 4 do do Lard Landing from schr. Excel and for sale by nm-12 HAZARD & DKNSLOW. Butter and Cheese. A pr KEGS Goshen Butter R 10 casks ilo Cheese Pi r sclir Excel and for sale lovvbv ,inv 12 CLAGliORN & WOOD, j Just Ueceiveil. REAMS Wrapping Paper 2(i qr. casks old 4lh proof Jamaica • Rum nnull kegs 40 kegs Spanish Brown 20 do Verdigris i 20 do Black Paint 0 bids Linseed Oil Received by recent arrivals and fir sale by nov 11 1JAZARP&. DENS LOW. IV.O. and \V. India Molasses. <fT A \ 11I1DS prime retailing New Orleans Z«, \ P Molasses 50 bbls. do. for families 10 hluls Sweet West India Molasses For sale hv I (ALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. To Bent, Two good rooms in the second story of tho buildings on the Bav, occupied hy Messrs. B. W\ Dehimatenfc Co For terms up- 11 ALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. To Kent, A comfort able and commodious house in Broiighton-st. Apply to JL &. W. KING. oct 10 222 Incorruptible Teeth. HP l| K sutwcriliur winliiM! lo inform h; s A Irii'mls and llie i>ut>lic, tliat lio liu s j us t I-OCI-IV...I II supply oi'ciouiint I XroitKUFTi- D RAPER &. TAVI.OR, rnc.rt iloor tutlm ,K. ■" l*)auty to iinyo- Cilil lintel) has iust r.icuimt nor l.v- .'2, , *' '"'" I,0UI , 1 lcull, - tliu stimiuost nciils nimiot nut upon them, nor so- j i vi-ral limns liontii./. llimii to rmlnoss jtlinir homily. Ilo is also ivoll supplied vvilli which will lie sold on moderate imams fur cash j l-Ii mir lari'i' N-V'V’ '*"'* !! "'l’ni’l > I’A M- or approved credit. I' , 1,1 1 I„'«t, Ilo eonti,,. N.B.—The latest I.omlmi, Xon-Vork am! | ‘M'M' v «r , «u* l.ra»el"-« oflds Philmlolphia Minna are received, and Ins ^lb * [ work will lie made hy none but first rate work- (Vii.-i-.Mv*s dvi,,'', I V i.' i'V f 'V , ’, a,K a . r men, of whom I or'.-, would find steudv on,- ' ! .V. 1 ' ' f V Vi V , W ’ " , , , , n style not excelled in the United Stall's — application is made immediately. _ ,V 1 ployn nov IB 258—u N:i]>l(‘ti foinpoiitid Shaving cukes rp U1S cake is intended for those only who X. are w illing to purchase the “ top of the market.” Ii is higher priced than any other soap und isofcorresnondingexcelleuco. It is a preparation combining the properties of the far fumed Naples fcjonji and tho purest in En glish Curd Soap, and has been rendered more easy and agreeable in use, and been made susceptible of a much higher grade of Perfume, without endangering its remarkable qualities. The Naples Soap is, without con-' tradiction, superior to all others, undone- which can he made in no uLier country (ban that whence imported, and yet in itself is nut as agreeuhle as it is valuable, hut w lien pre pared in the manner of the enclosed, is deci dedly improved for use. This cake, there fore is olVered to tho Beau minute, as the lea ding article in its line, and as decidedly supe rior it/ till ot her soaps, whether of domestic or foreign origin. A fresh supply of this Shaving Soap just received uud for sale hv LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 10 Druggists, Gibbon’s Buildings. Superior Brick. rfMIF. subscriber will contract to deliver A uuy jenMiiiunie quantity ui ilrick, made from Swump Clay, considered equal to any rnude in tho United States. A sample may be soeuut my Counting House. WM. MARSHALL, nov 18—h Taylor’s buildings. Those interested are invited to cull and ex amine his specimens—any person may feel assured ul satisfaction,who requests his servi ces. ^ E. OSBORN, Surgeon Dentist, Broughtou-st. nov 1?) 252—Ini Ten Dollars Reward. 4 BSCOA nine months since, a negro man named ITtkk Wiu.ia.wn, belonging to the Steam Boat Company of tins place.' Peter is 28 or 40 yours of age und 5 feet G or 7 inches high ; he has been seen lately in the neighborhood of Mr. Stephen W illiams’ plantation. The above reward will he paid on his being secured in llie Jail of Cha tham ('omity, or on his being delivered to tho undersigned at the Steam Boat ulfiee. WM TAYLOR, nov 10 President S.B.C. Uiv<*r Swnni|> ImiikI lor .solo. O N the Aiulamuhu River, within live miles of Darien, an excellent tract of (524 acres—ami on Cal head Creek, within six miles of Darien, u tract of GIG acres, both of first quality River Swamp, and will he sold low. For further information apply to JL (fc W. KING. The Charleston Courier will publish tin* n- bove twice a week for one month unci for- umr<\ Oiuir bill. 3 i„ V 1 (> Notifo. A LL persons having demands against Pa trick Phknukruant, late of this city, are requested to render in their hills properly attested for payment; und those indebted will please cull und pay the same to the subscri ber, who is duly authorized to receive the same. D. FOLEY, rn* v 18 257—11) Notice. rill IE annual mooting ofthe Commission I l ! will take place on Monday the 0th Decemla i next, ut 11 o’clock, in the Room ofthe Ex change ut present occupied ns Court Room. By order of THOMAS YOUNG, Chairman. J. B. Barnard, Sce’rv. nov 17 ’ 25(5 Fashionable (’lothing. r jP l.U'* «»hscri!u*rs respectfully inform their -E friends and tho public, that they have just received from their CHuhlishment in New York, and ur«* now opening, at the store for merly occupied by thi'iii.unciitiri* new stock of Fashionable Ready Made Clothing, suited to the season which they oiler lor sale on their usual liberal terms. By the first arrivals from New York they will receive an additional supply which will uiuko their assortment extensive and complete. MAYERS & HAMILTON. oel 12 j nov 1“ 200 For Sale, BBLS. best Thoinnstown Lime, lauding from schr Billow, at the j I Exchange wharf. Apply to HENRY M’ALPIN, or EDWARD JONES, nov 11 Court House Square. Raisins. Apples and Lemons. • • | V< » WHOLE, half& qr. boxes Bunch j " Raisins 10 boxes Malaga I,muons ) in hood 20 hhls choice Apples S ordrr. j For sale by C HA’S. A. WOODRUFF, nov 10 nov 8 To Rent. The Dry Goods Store fronting Johnson’s Square, occupied last ! year hy J. A. & A. Wilson. Ap- • ply to L. BALD WIN &. CO. 227 To limit, If immediately applied for, the new tenement brick House adjoin ing the one occupied by J. B. Guu- drv, Esq. Apply to him. or 1. MINIS. 248 Williams's C 1 LASSIGAL and English School is now / open at the Chatham Academy, in tho ers ot tin* tTU. 11 ^KoadsA'IiatfiamUouiity, j m()m |. lf „| y ooctipii-d hy Mr. Wash. Mr. Wibill vms professes to tench tho J.iitin and Greek languages currcc.lty uud thoroughly, as likewise tho various branches of tho Mathematics, hi as to prepare young Gen tlemen to enter either of tho Jour classes at College—Pupils of both sexes will he receiv ed. Tuition payable iu advance; rules mode rate. nov B Dr. J. J. Mitchell H AS remove.! to Mrs. Osiioiin's, Rrouifli. j [‘n.i.osals lor huilllill'r a CilUl'cll. ton Street. nov IB—rp * Violin Strings. 4 SUPPLY of Violin Strings, just rocciv | /V ed for sale hv LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov K5 2 &. 15. Gihhons’ Biiildings. xt ity.a Brick Church for tho iiioii. For furlhor purticu- OLIVERTE : ^ v - (> F ir s ilo low hy nov 12 Choose. e js CASKS cheese, a superior article, now B > P landing from brig Robert Cochran, 1 and for sale by HAZARD & DENSLOW . | nov 15 i f X . — .— J t J St. Croix Sugar. Ill IDS prime, landintr IVo.n brig Ilo- hurt Cochran, ami for Kale bv nov 15 J. STONE & 'CO. ivoiino Popper and Mustard. I KEGS Cayenne Pepper, very fresh ! 12 boxes English Mustard, sup’r quality Just received and for sale hv J.AY& HENDRICKSON, nov 11 Druggists, Gibbous’Build ings Cheese. X. CASKS Cheese 20 boxes Just received und forsule hv nov 18 L. SCRANTON. do 17 1 nt a itr.-, I'/ "iird tlie educed pric' •hr. Rebecca, for in lusts to suit. PALMES LEE, Exchange Dock. Canal Flour, ..ulud, ui ..(.promt brands, for polo Roe & .meiireman. r . , CniipOil. I0(,(l '■ '' I.OXS Hperi.i Oil, very su- a l K ru, r and light colored 2H0 .j,. i ' finality, 75c. per gallon ^ .1,7 1 oW (,y '" r l.i.iiilteo. Just received und '• Av& IIENDIUFKSON, I bit; , Eibbons* tluildiugs. Prime Rolailing Molasses, j T jr HMDS, In...ling frr... brig Hiriingur, .} will bo sold low if takon from tho ! wl.lLrf, apply to m.v is IIUTTS & PATTERSON. (Joorfjia Syrup. HDDS thick Georgia Syrup, landing | from sloop Bolivar and for sale hy nov IB—e R. &. W. KING. Sportsmen. P EGOU WILKS’ Canister and Keg t Powder, kept constantly for sale hy nov 18 Tj. S('RANT()N. Swocl Oil. i I I BASKETS superior Sweet Oil, Ftiit- 1 ‘J;Vf able for the table, just received and ! for sale hy LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 11 Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildings. 13 Fresh Francs. OA BOXES lor sale bv PALMES &' I.EE. nov 17 Exchange Uock.’V? Dressing; Cases. A SMALL assortment of Ladies Japanned Dressing Cases, just received mid for | sale hy LAY & HENDRICKSON, ; nov 10 2 & 15, Gibbons’ Buildings. Militia. Fleet tons. An Election for (’uptain,Firs' and Second Lieutenants of the second outpauy,first battalion, first regiment Georgia Militia, is hereby ordered to be held at tin* Market, on S.vrcaday,27th duy of November, instant, un der tho superintendunce of two Justices uud two Freeholders or wfa majority of them. An election for (.’aplain, First and Second Lieutenants und Eiitign of the fourth company i sixtieth battalion, will be held on Monday, j 2Bth of November, instant, at the Filiuturo in Reynolds Square. I The polls will bj opened at 10 o’clock, A. M. and all person.* residing within the com pany district, liab.e to Militia duty, are enti tled to vote. The returns must be nropcrly certified by the presiding officers ami forwarded hy mail to the Executive Department, Millcdgovillo. By order of W. T. WILLIAMS, Colonel 1*1 Kcg’t. J. Ker, Adj't. nov 15 10 Percussion Ca|>s. pr J’ercussion Caps, in boxes For Hale, 5tvt) eneh, just received TS. Prime Jamaica Sugars—apply to and for sale by LA Y_».V |ILNi)RI( KSON, nov H F. II. WELLMAN. . m.v 10 2 & lo Gibbous Buildings. Nails. Hollow Ware, &c. pr CASKS Nails, assorted from 2d to COd OU 8000 lhs Carron Hollow Ware l ton Hoop and Band Iron 1000 lbs wrought Spikes, assorted from 4 A to 0 inches 500 do liar Lead Just received ami for sale by E. B. WEED, Market Square. nov 17 For Sale, ¥> ECEIVED per ship Emperor, 17 kegs IV Butter, M. Phillips’ brand, Gosbcnfirst quality. DUNNING & CAMPFELD. nov IB 158—j) Seed Cane for Sale. \ QUANTITY of prime Ribbon Seed Cano will he sold at a reasonable price. Apply to Mrs. Jam: Savannah, or at i Plantation, Skiduwuy Island. nov IB 258—p j rill IE undersigned will receive scaled pro 1 posuls until tin* first of December uexl for building in this ■ Baptist (’ongre j lots apply to MICHAEL BROWN. HOMES TUPPER. nov 8 218 i Marshalls Ollier. <icorpia, } | .S',1 U,t YAM//, H)!h October, H20. f j rpHE District Court is adjourned until j n_ Tuesday the 7th dnr of Deceiiihernext, i when nil persons concerned will give their nt- ! tcnd/inee*. By order <>f l In* I lonorahle tho i District Judge. JOHN Ii. MORELL, oct 27 Marshal I). C{. iron Chest. A X Iron Chest, with stand, for sale hv HALL, SHATTER cj- TUI’I’ER. nov IB For Sale, 4 NEGRO MAN, accustomed to any kind of work. Apply to ‘ ’ J.i). IIUGUENIX. nov 10 250 Rutter. Flour an A Teas. 100 half und hr. bbls Canal 20 half and qr. hhls Buckwheat 20 firkins choice Goshen Butler Imperial, Hyson and Black Teas, life*; il'lil ol’the choicest quality, inchests I* nfl. catties, selected expressly for iLuititii'j'lM*, this market. For sale by nov 11 CHARLES A. WOODRUFF. Situation Wanted, \ S CLERK in a imv noon store, by a young man, perfectly acquainted with the French and English languages, and hav ing a knowledge of hook keeping. Satisfactory reference enn bo given ns to character. Ap ply at this office. nov 1(1—tS Wanted lo Purchase, { ‘MIGHT or ten prime negro fellows, he- .J tween the age of eighteen and twenty- | four, for whom a liberal priee w II he given. Apply to JOS. H. BURROUGHS, nov 18 257—r. Furniture. A N invoice of Furniture landing front brig llob’t. Cochran, consisting of 1 Piano Forte 2 Grecian Lounges 1 .Counting House Desk 1 (.’law Table 11 do/.. Fancy Chairs Fur sale by J. STONE & CO. nov 15 Tlie Worl O f complete edition with a blicl memoir of the author in 2 voL. Family Library. No. 10. Bush’s life* of Mahoinmed, with a plate. Just received und for sale hv nov 17 T. M. DRISCOLL. Wanted to Furcliaso, A GANG of from 20 to 20 field Negroes. \ Apply to ELI AH FORT 212 Apply to nov 2 Wanted. V X active black hoy from 14 to 1(5 years old—for one that can come well recom mended, liberal wages will be given. Apply to CHARLES A. WOODRUFF, nov 12