The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, November 28, 1835, Image 1

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/ } fc****~^ perwi O. .iiir.tiorud ubrcaat ol t(ii* Light 00 Wedpeodtr i vnoii.jf. Ship Eli Whitney, UanJing, Philadelphia, 5 <]>«■ from tlka Capo*, to 8. B. P .rkmnn ft Co-. Muzn. to En»worlh ft Way, It & W Kiug ft Co. P Wiltborger, C P MU!*, J A Buulard, O Johnson ft Co. 8 Little. L Baric, W Duncan, 1 Mini*, Tuppcr ft SLtnre, 8 D Corbitt, M (lop. kin«. N fl Knapp &Co. II H Furnun, Bayard & Hantor, Nil&H Wood, N Wait km. steamboat Dolphin, Pounoyor, Charleston, to Claghorn ft Wood. Steamboat John Stoner, Curry, Augusta, to Claghorn ft Wood. 450 baloa Cotton for Cb.rlMU>£ tonr LAsT Evm[UO Ship Bolle, and three square riggers in sight. SAILED, FOR'mV-YOilK >s The new -uM tininl copper fastened S.Brlg MACON,'Copt Gorham, will com. Smertco loading on Toe-dev next, and be despatched forthwith. For freight or |>a eftge, having excellent aceommoriM units, apply on board, nr to STONE. WASHBURN 4CO. nor. 27 Ship Macodonla, Weoka, Harre. WENT TO SEA, Ship St Laurence, Chase, Liverpool. Brig Wm. Taylor, Burtram, Nnw York. Solgian brig Edmond, Forleg, Antwerp. FOR CHARLESTON, , The ’ptondld Stoam Pack, ct William Skabrook. W. Dubole, master, will leave title for thoabove,on Moil* doy morning next,at 0 "'clonk prooi oly. For pas sage, apply on board at Anolaaa'a wharf, or to CLAGHORN ft WOOD. N. B The Win. Scabrook will in llilure leavo Charloaton every Friday, uftd title ovory Mon. day morning, thfe nnw urrangeineol puts Her in fino ivith tlio N York Steam Packets, nov 37 MEMORANDA Brig Bannor, up at Boalon for this port. Ship* Macon, and Millodgeville, and »chr Camilla,up at Now York for lid* port. Ship Gondola,“up at New York for Darien. [By the Dolphin.] CHARLESTON, Nov 35, evening.—Arr. Ship Niagara, Beahor, Now York , solir* Firm, Sttoricer, Wilmington N. C-{ Virginia, Hodge*, Elizabeth City 5 Two Brothers, Owonn, Perqtti. mars, N. C-t sloop Panther, Sintpeon, Now born, N.C.; stoum. packets Columbia, Coflby; Now York { Win. Soabrook, Duboie, Sav.mnah Clbarod, brig Hunter, Bonnoy, Wont Indies; •team packet Dolphin, Pounoyor, St Auguslino. MOBILE, Nov. 19.—Arr. BrigB Suian end Sarah, Remington, Providence; Ulucitcr, (Ur.) Havana; Schr United Staton, Jenkins, Peusa. cola. Below, brig Globo, and a eohr unknown. ALEXANDRIA, Nov. 19.—Sailed, brig Plymouth* Robinson, Amsterdam. BALTIMORE, Nov 19.—Cleared, schr Ma. rion, Delano, Savannah. Arrived, brigs Gen Marion, Dolano, Satan- vahi Nimble, F-irroll, Trinidad do Cuba. NEW YORK, Nov. 19.—Cleared, ships Em- ily, Crane, Kingston, Jain.; Katharino Jack: ton,Fisk, Mobile; Bollo, Mervin, SaennnaA; Ocmulgeo, Louvitt, do; liriga Murceliito,Chop, mun, (itutiiugonu; Stranger, Soule, Apaluohi. cola; schr* Atlantic, Stevens, Si Marks. NOV. 20 —Cleared, ships Pitiladelphia, Mor. gon. London; Mogul, Bluke, Now Orloans; Anson, Sinclair, Charleston; Briga Pulaski, Hamilton, Gibraltar; Georgia, Sltorwoori, Sa. vannahi schrsScdum, Soule, Jacntel: Beihle. Item, Mttrsick, St Domingo. NOV. 21.—Cleared, ship Eclto, Akorren, Churloaton; barque Amelia, (Amt.) VUcn,Tri. este; hriga Charlotlo, (Breui) Kulilko, Ant werp; PerBovcruuco, Putnum, Marseille*; Ni. nu, (Br) Alexandria, Kingston; Gip-ey, Pier- son, Sidney; Export, Chaco, Now Orleans; Matlawankoag, Higgins,do; Lawrence, Hull, Charleston. „ „ , Arrived, ships Nowark, Bonnott, Savannah; John ft Elizabeth, Churchill, Turks l-laml; Ot. bit, Mead, Kingston, Jam.; Lorona, Urqnhurt, Mobile; Sutton, Berry, Charleston ; brigs Juno, Lothrop. Turks Island; John Hancock, Fish, do ; North America, Nichols, do; Thetis, Rob bins, St Croix; Pearl, Morrill, Tobasco; Charles Carroll, Hoag Muluga and Gibraltar; schrs Magnolia. Snow, Nuevitus. 16th, 20 miles S. of the Highlands, was run into by a schr which parried away our bowsprit, jib-boom, foroyard, several atancheons, &*c. Buliiw, sltip Alabama, Jackpon, N Orleans. NOV. 21, 2 o’clock, P. M.—Arr. ship Alex, under, Hallot, Canton ; birk Douglass, Bourne, Ri» Junoiro; brigs Jones, Herbert, Charleston; Madison, Buckley, Savannah; Caroline, Pren. tico, Turks Island; Henry Clay, Tookcr, do; EuioraM, McKenzie, Bulizo Honduras; schr Excel, Ly"n, Savannah. Below, brigs Hobo, from Tobasco; Helen,fm Martinique ; 3 ships and 4 brig*, unknown. In tho very thick fog yesterday, the steam- bual Bolivar, on her p’isaugn to Staten Island, ran mi tlio reck* at Governor's Island, about 11 o'clock, and remained last evening—but had rocoivod little or no damage, and it wub suppos- ed would bo got oil*at. high water last night. Tlio weather has boon wurm, calm ami thick ainco Thursday morning. A little before sunset yesterday there was a partial charing off at Sandy llook, which onublud a fow vosboIs to cuiuo into port—but a thick fog again sot in shortly after, and tho weather continued unset tled. The solir Shamrock, Whilden, from Phila delphia, with coal, went ashore ut Five Milo Boach, 18th insl. and waa lost—crow saved. The brig James Hurpor, supposed tlio same v*scet of this name which sail-id from Philadel phia Aug 8, fur Burbaijpcs, was driven sslioro in Richmond Bay, to windurd of Dominico, no porson on board. It was supposed she had cap 1 sized in tho September galo. Tho schr Morchant, Mosard, from Albnn,' for Alexandria, with barloy, wont ashoro llli inst. on Herring island Bar, and bilged. Cargi expected to bo saved. Copt. Brower, late ofshipEnglo, wrocknd at Sable Island, lias arrived at Bo-lon from Hali fax- A French schr. arrived el Halifax 3d inst will) dry goods saved from tho Eugio. Cleared at Philadelphia, 19th, ship Monon- B ihulu, Brown, Liverpool; brig Independence, owell.- Liberia. Sailed from Providence, 17th, barks Hazard, Turks Island; Richmond, N. Urlouns. Arr at Pr4vidcnco,. 18th inst- brig Victory, Norfolk. Cle-.rud, brig Sampson, Purkiss, Ila- vana. Arr at Now.IIaven, 19th, brig Richard, Da vis, Martinique. Cid, brig Henrietta, Downes, Burbadot s. Arret Boston, 17th, suhr Wdmot, Pitman, Marigoano. Cleared, barquo Jane, Foster, Su vinaw; brigs Cedric, Doyle, Rio Grundc ; Mol. ly Moore, Hcnloy, Cork; Gov Winslow, Will- comb, St. Jago.; Tigriss, Priestley, Havuna. Arr at Boston, ltith, brigs Ilumilton, Dew, Smyrna; Josophine, Halstead, Goltonbnrg.— Cleared, ship Block Warrior, Mugford, Capo of Good Hope; barque Lexington, Tildon, Apa- lachioola; brig George, \Vi*o, New.Orleaus sehr. Ann Eliza, Talbot, Gnnuives. Schrs Monomoy, Columbus, Juno and Easox, and sloops Traveller, and Amazon, wont on shore at Cape Cod, last week in a gal -. They received no material damage, but as the tide was very high ut the tiino, it will bo difficult to get thorn oft. Arr at Newburypert, I7th, schr Columbia, Mobile. Clenrod at Nowburyport, lGth, brig Alpine, Aguadilla; schr Mari'in, Ivoy West. Arr at Portsmouth, 15th, Moutor, Va; Turk, and Macdonough, New-York. Arr at Salem, 16th, Brazilian schr Caroiino, Maranham* Sailed from Newbodfurd, 17th, ship Win Rotche, Pucifio. Cleared si Portland. 17th, ships Moscow, M ‘Winburg, New Orleans; John Dunlap, (new) ' Savannah; brigs Pensacola, Mi'chell, and Hen- rictyi,' McLollan, ClU'; s sa(jr. Union, Mitoholl, BorniQdu'.' ■*" Arr. st Portlaud, 16th, brig Argo, and eohr. Mcdura, lienee; Mechanic, Baltimore. Clear ed, brtg Neptune, Gould, Cuba. Arr Hyatunnis, 17th, Calo, Baltimore, tor Boston; schr Nila, Hinckloy, Jacmel. Arr at Boston, lGih, brigs Cashier, Kenny, Toneriffe; Orosios, Dix, Guayana; Thomas and Edward,.Richmond; Union, Norfolk; Co lumbia, Alexandria ; Albert, Henry, do; Patup- sco, Baltimore {schrs Industry, Halifax; Mount Hope, and E'ijoh Chase' Richmond; Cassius, York River j Factor and Tatnoriune, Philadel phia ; Champion, Wm. Wallace, Sumuel and Orion, hence. Cleared, ship Nuntosket, Crock er, Charleston; schrs Worrinr. Philadelphia Trement and Mohican, Now.York. Arr at Marbloheud, 15th, William, Lindsey, Aux Cayoa* Sailed schr Splendid, Tucker, do. Agency Office of tlio Charleston Fire and Marine Inn. Co. nf Savannah. jnHIS Company eontinues to insure Prupor. ty against loss or damage by Fire, against marine ri«ks and those of inland nuvigntion, at the office heretofore occupied by F. D. Polil Do Villors, Esq. in Taylor's building. nov 37—p II. TUPPER, Agent. Administrator’s Snio.~ by pnrililsrion of tho Justicns of tho Inforior Court of Challmm county, tvliito 'sitting for ordinary purposes, between the usual hours of salo, tho fallowing properly, viz: all those planta ions or tracts of find, situate, ly. ing and being in the County of Chatham, and Stale ofGoorgii.tu wit: all that'pi mist ion on llie Great Ogcochco River, being tho western half orall that plantation, known l.y tho naiuo of the Upper Point Plantation, formerly the proparty of tint estate of Thomas S.iVugo, tho eldur, deceased, wlroh half part of said planta. lion, nnntuiiii* two hundrod ft o'ghly one acres, ntoro or less,hounded on tlio southwest,wost and northwest, by tho Groat Ogeoclice Rivor, and land lato of Slephon EJiioit, now ustnto D., Blake's ; on tho northeast by land lulo Dr. D Mucluod ; and on tho oast hy the other moioly of said tract, late the property >.f estate Thomas huvago, now oKtuto D. B1 rku's, which plantution of two hundrod &oiglity.ono^aercB, was convoy, od to the said Dunial Blako, Gy tho Itoirs of Bon jamln Savage—aLo nil thot tract of land, call, ad the Lowor Point Plantation, containing two hundrod and oighty-ono ucrcs morn or Ie*B, of swamp land, ui-unlly called rieo land, in Chut, hum County, four iniloa bolow tho lorry, bound. od on tho wnsl by the Upper Point Plantation ust doM.-rik'd, on thoea-t by tho Nnwhopo P.un- Itrion, tho properly of tho ElliotlB and others ; snullieoHt and south by tho Ogaouhao Rivor; noth by i-indB of the estate of D. M-icleod ; and also two hulfdrod and fifty acres of pino land ‘-pertaining thoroto; which last mentioned ntalioo and pino land apportaining theroio, was convoyed to tlm tale Duniol Blako, by Mary Savage, ailm’x of asUlo Thomas Savage. Al so all that tract of land, siiuato, lying and being on the north side of tlio Groat Ogoochoe River, in tho County of Chatham, butting and bound ing to tho norihwoi-t, by land rf William and R. E. Elliott, say Mount Prosper Plantation; to tlio northoust by tho Upper Point Plantation already dnscribod; and In tho soulhwo t by tho Grout Ogeooheo River, containing about cloven hundrod ucros, bo tho same more or loss, goner ally known by tho namn of V-illombrosn, includ ing i ho subordinate rettlementsof Plain field and Pine Island, which tract is part of a large tract of land on tho Ogeeclmo River, belonging for- merly to the ornate of William Elliott, the elder, and convoyed to Daniel Blake, by the Into St<*. •lion Eliiotl—being tho property of Daniel dlake, deceased, and sold for tho bonofU of tho hoirs and creditors of said ostein. RODT. HABERSHAM, nov 27 Adin’r. of estate Duniol Blako. Brought to Jail, O N the 20tb, William, about 35 yoars age, 5 fool 10 inches high, who says that he belongs to J. P. King of Augusta, and (hut la. U.. <1 wa.tif it. I.ilutrtu ('r.1, ntll liD ll.M IIIS.Ia. 1.1 lie was Mint to Liberty County by his mantor bo cured of fits. Y. S. PICKARD, nov 27 Flour, Hay and Champagne. 1 , aAfc BRIiSCaual Flour s " 150 bundlus prime Northern Hov 25 .baskets choice- Champagne, Lion brand, Juat receiv-d per ship Oomul^ce, and for sale from the wh»rf by. i, ,v 27 TUPPER it SISTARF.. T 1HE nndcrdgned, lizviug united their Pro. ressionai intcritsis, tender liter services to thnir Friends and the Public. They will praeliso In all the Conrta of the Eastern Distrci. in the Court of Common Pie in end Oyor nmJ Terminer nf thin C’ityj snd ononf tlm firm will lino attend the Circuit* Courts uf tho U. States. WM. H. BULLOCH, Nov 35—||lm JOHN E. WARD. S. & M. Allen. EXCHANGE BROKERS, ) FFICE on the Bay, near tho Durian Branch Bank, ofiur in suhts to suit nuroharnrs, Chocks and Drafts on Philadelphia, Now York, Bouton, &o. Tim notes of Wostorn Bunks, Gold and Silver Coins bmight and oxchangod. Wanted to purcliSM, Exchnngo on London uud Pari*. Tho undersigned, Agent for Messrs. S. ft M. Allen, is now roady to rosutuo business with tho o who may favor him with their cuk. tom. 1). PONCE. O* Consignments of Cotton,oltlier fuY sale or ■hinmnnt, will meet duo attention. Savannah, 3d Novemhtr, 1835. (HT Tho Constitutionalist, Augusta; and Stan dard of Union, Milledgovillo , will please insert tlio abovo four limoa and rauder their accounts to the Goorgian Office for payment, nov 3—lm > N tho firi.1 Tuesiluy in Fubruary .next, will be sold by poruilnriou of tho justicn Sugar und Fluur. IIIl DS. prime St. Croix Sugar, mid 100 bbls Canal Flour, lunding from ship Franconia, and for sain by Notice. REGULAR meeting of tho Commissioners of tho Public Road* for tlm County of Clm. tham, will’ bu hold at tho CoiirUHnuse, in tho City nf SuVunnali,ou the fust Monday, being tho 7th day of Docnmhor next at 11 o’clock, A. M. precisely. By ardor, EDWARD BOURQUIN* Vico Chairman. Jncv B. Barnard, Socrctoiy. BBLS. superfino Canal Flour For aula by Fire Insurance. f ^HE undersigned, Agent for tho Hartford . Firo IiiNuranco Company, |b prepared to insuro buildings and properly gancrully aguiiiht Loss or Damugo by Fire, nov 25—l S. B. PAR KM AN. For Snlc, 4 first rate Saddlo Horse, offieo. Apply at this nov. 27 Cordials. "S CASES, a dozen each, assorted. ■“ For sale hv nov 27 GORDON & SEWELL. 'Corn Grist and Flour, ADE of the host Flint Corn, to bo had at V. v the Jail, or Corn ground on shares, nov 27 For Sale, fiS SHARES Marine and Firo Insurance Bank Stock. Apply to nov 27 WOODBRIDGE dr. MAY. Cheese. CASKS prime Goshen Choese, land- Jl"™ ing from schr. Exact. For salo by JNO W LONG. Festival of St. Andrew. 'IlRE Anniversary Meeting and Dinner of ” tho St. Andrews Society of tho City of ‘ )f on .Savannah will t^ko place at the City Ilnlol Monday next 3'Uli inst, Mombors will plt-nKo on. soinblo ut 12 o'clouk M. for tho purpose of b-il. lolling fur members and transaction nf genoral husinos*- Dinner on tho tnblo at 4 o’clock. Tiekots for which to bo had of tho Stewards. JAMES MolIENRY- Socrctnrv. Georgia, Camden County. W HEREAS Thomas F. Ryon, applies to mn fur lottors of administration on tlio estate of Charloa W. Conaway, lato of said county, deceased: Thoso arn thoroforo to uila and admonish, ull and singular, the kindred and creditors of Raid deceased, to filo their objoctimiH, if any they hove, in my offieo, within iha timo prescribed by law, othcrivieo letters will bo grant, ed to the said applicant Given under my hand nt Jefferson, in said county, tliis Slat Nov. 1635. ISAAC BAILEY, nov 27 Clerk c. o. c. c. Tin Plate. BOXES Tin Plato, 1-3 cross 25 pounds Spoltro Solder 100 lb Zinc 200 lb Block Tin 500 lb Iron Wire, assorted aizos 25 M Rivets, assorted 18 doz Kottlo Ears For sale by nov 27 N. B. & n. WEED. Georgia, Caindtm County. II ERE AS Samuel Goodliroud npp W HEREAS Samuel Goodliroud applies to me for letters of administration on tho ostate of Thomas Tuokor, lato of said county, deceased: Thosearo thereforo to cito and ad. monish, all and singular, tho kindred nod errd Hum of the said doce-tsod, to file thoir objections, if any they have, in my office, 'within tho time prescribed by law, otherwise loiters will be granted t - the said applicant. Given under my hand at JcfTorson, in said county, this 21st Nov. 1835. ISAAC BAILEY, nov 27 Clerk c. o. c. c. Ploughs and Corn Shelters, if PLOUGHS, assortod Uf” 10 Corn Shollors For nlo by nov 27 N. B. &II. WEED. The Subscribers offer for Sate, rik DOZEN Shaving Boxoa 50 do do Bru*hoa 10 dozen Cloth Bruahos 6 gross Tooth Brushes 20 dozen Hair Brushes 50 do Snuff Boxes G nosts Backgammon Boxes 50 doz. Wallets, assorted 25 do Pocket Books 100 bunches cut Glass Roads 50 cards do do do nov 27 N B ft II WEED. For l^ease. • S'tHAT very.desirable vacont Lot, 30 feet * fronting on Johnson'R Squaro, and thirty, fnro feet on Bryan Street. There in a good eel- lar,|well walled. It can bo, with a email invest ment, made profitable. For term-, apply to nov 24 A. CHAMPION Dearborn’s Patent Balances. A FEW setts of tho above, made expressly for weighing cotton, for sale by S. B. PARKMAN ft CO. nov 25—r. ^■'lOMBE'S Elomenta ol Phrenology Spurzhujm’e do do SpurzIioiiii'M Mndol of Phrenological Busts fur salo by TIIOM AS PU US E ft CO. ISk 1 PP X sizes, fur vale by ocfl5 HOPKINS, Wnntca MMEDtATELY at tho Goorgian Offieo, v Frontman, to wlmm libornl wagon will lm given. A situation fur thoyour, fur olio capable and linnori, can be soourtld.. nov G Ulster CrouBi Ate. IdlLS of thin superior Ale. landing from ship Newark, ami for sate by GAUDRY ft. LEGR1EL. BTG, ft L will recoivo throughout the sea. son a continued supply of tlm abovo Alo, and invito rotailerR. ana other doalors in the article, to call and try it. nov 7 nov 13 WOODBRIDGE ft MAY. Wood. T HE subscriber has now landing, at Jack- son's wharf, at tlio Eaaluru end of tho city, a supply of Live Oak, Hickory, &-c. which tin ofibrs at tho lowest market price—in addition to his supply of Wood, ho has on bond a largo and well selected supply ofGuooBaiKS, Lluunns, Winks, An. which he will soil on uccnmmoda. ting terms. JOHN GUILMARTIN. July 91 New Store. R. KNAPP ft CO. hnvo opened and nov 17 Flour. GORDON ft SEWELL. French ana Spanish Languages, and Drawing. M R. ALFRED ROGER will opon his Evnn- ing School, for touching young gentle, mon tlio Fronch Language, on Tuesduy even ing, tho tirxt of Decomhor next. Tliess who tro disposed to ontor tlio chiss, will ploa»o np. ply at the store tf Messrs. T. Purse ft Co and subscribe thoir names. It would bo to tho advan tage of tho Scholars to enter tho class simul taneously. Nov. 25 roady for side at tlio storo next oast of tho City Ilotol, an assortment of English, Gor- mun, French and American Goods, to which they invito tlio attontinn ofiloulors in the city and ft-om the country. Thoir stock consists in part of tho following articles: Single and double barrel Fowling PIocor, Ri. fles ofsuporlor finish, Pistols in ovory vsrioty, Percusalqn Caps. Dirk, Pen and Ponkut Knivos, Sr.iRBnrs, Astral Lamps, Rozors, Ptntod and Brass ThimbleB, Sooctaclos, Pursos, India Rob. bur SuspomlorR, Tooth BrushoR, Cloth and linir Brushos, Combs of every description, Shirt Col. lari. Stocks, Hair, Muskrat, Snal and Otter Caps, Straw Bonnots, Letter paper. Foolscap do, llrnfla mnvoiuont timo pieces, soap In fancy bnxoR, pocket books and wallets, sealing wax, back gammon boards, chess man, playing cards, quills, waforR,lavondor and cologne wutor, look, ing glussos, lead pencils, snuff boxes,pins, hooks ' oyes, tapers, ilulos, &c. &c. Wm. I’.* Clark ^ ^FFERS for salo, lauding from sdir. Exuo- and olhors, 12 whole and 1G half bbls Crackers 7 cubIib Clicoso 21 Gaddoy-*' Hyson Toa, Gand 13 lha 5 bids 1st quality Boor 2 casus fancy boxoa Prunes 2G boxes Soap 1 hhd prime Loaf Tobacco, which will be sold by tho 100 lbs 25 b igs primo Green Coffuo 22 coils Bala Ropo 13 bulos Cotton Bugging, slightly damaged 10 boxes Starch .60 mats Ca-sia 1*00 boxoR Rui-ins 5 b ixcs Pouchong Too, In half pouud pipors 5 bales Unblouclmd Ilomospun, 3 uml 4 4 5 lihds Porto Rico Sugar for retailing Loaf Sugar in bbls, Tobacco in buxos or kegs, No. 1 Endorl brand 10 b'xes White Uuvaim Sugar 10 baskotH Sweet Oil 15 bbls Vinegar 50 do. low price Wine. All of which will be sold on accommodating tonus, to close salo. p nov 25 Lhanipnignc. f BASKETS •• key,” »Ldy’’ and -l.C i t* Cliampaigno, in quart and pint bottles, and of superior quality, lauding from schr Ann, and for salo by TUPPER ft SISTAKE. nov 25 Copartnership, fBlHE aubscrilier buying associalod with him JL Mr. Charles C. Corbitt, will lioroufter trunsacl business undor tlio firm of ji. Lord ft Co. NATHANIEL LORD. Now-York, 10th Nov 1835 nov 25—l Almanacs for 183(1. f SMIE Georgia and Carolina Almanac for M 183G, by Robort Grier. Rocoivod and for salo by THOMAS PURSE ft CO. Tlie American Almanac A ND Repository of Usoful Knowledge, for 183G, for salo by nov 10 THOMAS PURSE ft CO. iron Railing. 2pHE subscrlbor would inform h citizens ZL of Savannah, that, having mndn arrange, inonts with nn oxtonsivo manufactory in Now York, ho will bo ublo to furnish Plain or Orna mental Railing, in ony quantity,and sultablo for oil purposes, where it may bo required,at New York pricoR. nov34. G. E. WILLIAMS. Notice. A LL persons iudoblod to tho lato firm of Lay ft Hendrickson, aro respectfully requested to totllo the same on or before the 1st day of Junuary noxt, aftor that dulo t hoy will bo placed in tho hands of un attorney for Collodion. FR ANCIS I. LAY. nov 21 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Notice to Travellers. OTICE is horoby givon that Irani thin date 1^1 arrnngcmontR previously existing for tho transportation nt Horses and Cnrringns from Darion to Glynn County, sro disonntinuod, or tho amount of travolliug is not Bufiiciout to do fray the necessary oxpeiiso. W. S. BELL. Darion, 26th Oct. 1835. nov 2—||m 800 Howard ! A REWARD of sixty dollars will bo paid fur tho npprolioiiRion of my nogro follows, MO. 8ES,LUCK & JOHN, who absconded from me nnar St. Mary's about tho first inst. and soou. ring thorn in oilhor tho jail in St. Marys nr Sa. vunnah. Moses is about 26 yoars of ago about 5 foot 5 inches in height dark cmnplnxinn, thick •ot, broad fuco and mouth, with thick lips and good tooth Luck is about 2-1 years old 5 fuot 6 or 7 inches high, dark complexion, stout and well niado, high forehead, short hair and is a enrpontor by (rado. John is about 19 years old 5 feet 8 inclios high, yellow complexion,*lim and well inndo, hair and oyos rather lightor than common to nngroes. A proportionate reward willbe paid for oilher.Apply to R ft W. KingA. Co. Savannah or to AKCIl’D SMITH, nov 23—ro St. Marys. n- v 10 Uriml-St»Wrt. 'C TONS boM quality Grind-Stones, urortod . Gill buttons of ovory kind from tho manufac. tory of Ivos, f colt ft Co. tngother with un as. sorlment of poarl, bono, horn, lasting and ja. poll’d shirt, vu*t and cout buttons. Likowifro—Aii oxtunsivo ussortmnnt of ging. ham und silk uiulirollas, from an approvod man. ufuctory. To tlio above stock tharo will bo wookly ad. ditions through tho season of desirublo and clionp goods. nov 10 Town-of 81. Jomplk LoUi for salo. inn mho mmiou, uiu m. jowpn s I. Company, having Contrnctod for tho ami. •truoMnn of «t Rail Road (Yam tho Bay of St. Jo. soph's to eoiinoet with tho Hirer Ap’slaohloola, via Lake Wimlen,—Al*«i,..for the building of whaivee and wife h«Ki»w, at both unds of tlw Mad, to ba ready for tho transncUon of huslnosa by tho 1st of pocomber next, have laid of!* iqtn oonvonkmt lots, the new tuwn of* St. JuHopb,on a beautiful elevated plain, about half tvuy up tho Bay, on tho oast side, ot tho point whore tlio Roll Road will terminate. Tho Wharf is to be uarrlod nut to 17 feet wntor, and the Rail Road traok to oxlond to the oxtremo ond of it, so that vuNKole tan load and diauhargu cargoes along aido Ilia cars. Tho L«t« in the toWh of 8t. Jnsnph will bo of fured for snlo ut public auction on tho 14tli Do. comhor next. Terms, ono.fmirth oath—the baluiiRo in thruoequal paymonts, for whidi notes wiil bo raquirod at 12, 24 and 3G months, witli interest from tho day of sale. Title bonds will bo iHiuud by tho company to tho ntirehasor, on thoir complying witli tho torins of sale, ami a fee simple title executed when tho last iuslal. incut is paid. ROBERT BEVIRIDGE, Prest. Lake Wimioo and St. Joseph C. O. St. Jnirph, IV. Florida, Oct. 1,1835. net 28—til ID .Capt, Siiaptor, -will lm despatched ini- mediately. For freight or passage, having good ancmninodatiniiH, apply on board at Mongin’s upp*r wharf, or to nov 20 STONE, WASHBURN it CO. Faucile low, from tlio wharf, 50 bbls superfine C-tial Flour, lunding from said ship. nov 24 Tor Liverpool, fl The fine American enppored and oop. >r fastened ship MERSEY, VV. B. »»«uo, mister, is now ready to recoivo a cargo, und will have dnsputeli. For ftolght, apply to tlio master on board, et Seull and Balfuur'a wharf, or In nov 24-i. IlOBT. L. TAYLOR. FOR PHILADELPHIA' Tho uoppored brig ROMULUS, N. 8, Mur an, master, will havo despatch, ForlVoightof 50 balo* cotton, or pas* sugo, apply on board, nr tn nov 24 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. Pilot and Navy Bread. S ytRESU halti'd Pilot and Navy Bread, and Iiuttor Crackers can bo had at all time and in any quantity, at tlio Bakery of tho sub scribor, cornor of-Broughton and JcfTorson st JOHN WAGNER. Masters of vosnols are particularly invitod to call and oxamine for tlioinselves. fob 13 - 37—IJlyr Casting’. tit lX tons Costings consisting of Ovons, Pols, Skillets, Spinors, Kottins, Andirons, Ac. nnw lunding from ship Bello and brig Lola, and for solo hy M. HOPKINS, net 15 Coparlnerrilii|>. rnvnE Huhscrilwr having nssucinted Mr. Wil. " liam RoddiBh in business with him, will continue to transact tho Factorage and Com. mission burinnsa, undor tlio firm of William Paltorson ft Co. oct 5 WM. PATTERSON. For Sate. A TRACT nf land on BuIIb Island, (S. C.) containing 31)0 ncrok, 250 of which is good planting,land and cleared, with all necos. snryoiit buildings on it. Persons wishing tojpur. cliaso, can obtain all tlio nncossary infurmnlinii on apidaation to tlio undersigned at his rosidonco on May River, S. 8- Alin, A Hnu«o and lot in tho vilingo of Grahnmvillo S. C. The building nearly now. nov 9—tillJlJ* W. E.'BAYNARD. Blanket*. & BALES London Duflil*, 8 by 9, and 7by ff 8 of a supor;nr quality 1 balo Rosa Blanket-*, 10-4,11-J, and 12-4 Will be sold on ro:isnnnldn inrniH hy nov 24 FRANCIS SORREL. £0 Hunch Unisons&c. I Hoxc. Dune nov, 25 BAYARD ft I1UNTEK. SO nov 17 Onions. received, and fur **nlo_b^ ENSWORTH ft WAY. Goshen Butter. rj KEGS clmicn GohIioh Butter- Ju .B Received fur salo hy nov 26 ENSWORTII ft WAY. To Kent. FARM, about two miles from Savannah containing sixty acres of land with an ex buildings on tho premises. nov 26—t Apply at this office. Gin. 40 Emperor. For xalo by nov. 26 COHEN ft MILLER. Seed Oats. *£*141 BUSnEL8Sn°d Oats, juBt rccoiv- QW'Xv^V cd from the north, fur sale by '' nov 24 ENSWORTII ft WAY. Duller, Cheese, Aie. Ptr echr. Exalt, •X Ifk KEGS Goshen Hutt r /^™"20ca»‘kH do Cheese 15 $ bblH Fulton Murkol Beef * 75 bid* Canal Flour 10 do Now York Hams For huIu hy nov 26 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Raisins, Juki Received, U 4b *rt BOXES Bunch Raisins JH.V For saloliy nov 24 CLAGHORN ft WOOD. UjOath and Fur (Japs. J UST rccoivod Gontlamnns cluath and f Caps, a fino a line arlielo H. N. ALDRICH A CO. nov 4 Penfioiils Buildings. A. Champion, Offertfor«ale,jwit received per brig lVro. Taylor BBLS. Canal Flour 12 do- Crackers 10 Imlf bbls Fulton markot Ouof 2 IiIiIh Groon Peas, 3 bbls. Cranberries IlnlF bids, uuarlur and kogs Buokwlioat Meal Raisins 1'icklus, Ae. nov 16 A. B. Hayden* Dcnitst, *« E8PECTFULLY Informs tbo Citlznns of jBIk Havannah, that ho contompiuies visiting that city in tho early partnf Ihoonstiing month, (Docomhor) wlion ho will bo happy to rpndor his professional services to llmso who may ho. nor him with thoir confidence, nov 24—t Tho Republican will ploaso publish tho abovo twlcc.a.uook, until discontinued. New Goods. rn^ME Subscriber lias returned from tho North 1 with u largo supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, solnclod ohpnuinlly for tliis market, which he offora for aalo on me usual ncnnmmo. dating terms. D. STETSON. Riccboro', Oct. 15,1835. oct 15 209—2m Onions nnd Potatoes- (jl)j(rWk BBLS Eariern Potatoes QjjVI 31) do. Onions. For sulo sale low by nov 13 ENSWORTII it WAY. Notice. fRIlIE undorsigned liavo furmod a copartnor. JL ship undor tho firm of WOODBRIDGE*. MAY, for tho transaction of n General Commission Uusitioss, and respectfully oiler their servioes to thoir friends and tlio ouhlia. WYLLY WOODBRIDGE. GEORGE HALL MAY. Savannah, Nov. 13,1635. Sugar and Codec. | Q HIIDs Georgia Sugur, middling quuli. JL *9 ty, suitnhla for retailers 40 bogs Rio Cofleo, a good article for salo by JOS. GUMMING, oct 23 Wines. XI III1DS. and 3 quarter casks Madeira Wine, from tlio houso of Lu<viii ft C6. imported direct a twelvemonth dneo' 16 baxknlH, quarts, superior Cliampaigno, Hiodsuich brand 5 do pints do do do For salo by BAYARD ft HUNTER, nov 25 Mens’ Fui und India Rubber Cloth Cups. Juct Received, MRfENS’ Fur Caps, fino 1fJL « India Ruliber Cloth Caps " fino Cloth Cups For sale by nov 10 A. WOOD it CO Umbrellas, A LARGE assortment of Silk and Cotton JML Umbrellas, of all s'zos and qualitios, for ■ale by J. A. E. INGER80LL. nov 9 Leghorn Elat*. 0^ CASES leghorn Unis, just rccoivod and & lor solo at uncommonly low prices, by nov 12 JNO. f EDW. INGERbOLL. Cabinet-Ware. rWlUE undersigned have just received from JL tlio North, a gonorul assortment of Cnlii. not I’ii rnit lire, Choirs, &e. of tlio latest fashions, which they will sell for cash or city aocop. tnneo. Carpels and Curtains rnndo in tho latest fash ions. FERGUSON ft I1AUPT. nov 7—lm Childrcn'H Dresses, A FEW suits of InudHonio cloth drosios /vh and caps for children, junt received nnd for salo by HAMILTON, HOUSTON ft CO. nov 16 Madeira and Sherry Wines. /fl HALF Pipos Madeira, ‘'Welsh' s brand, pnr Enlorprizo in March, 1834. 3 hi.If, 18 nr, 4 oighlli cusks do do por Orbit, in Maroh, 1835- 1 qr and l.B casks Sorcial, samo brand and importation. 2 pipes and I6qr. casks Madeira, J. Adam's brand of lire vintage uf 1825. 30 catot, 1 dozen bottles oaoli, old bottled Ma deira Wino, Goo.l>uy Welsh 20 doz. old, vory choice paio brown and deop goUTShorry 3 duz. high flavored Burgundy Madeira 3 doz. choice Alogria Port Ac. For salo by nev 24 FnANCIS SORREL. Itont and Shoe Manufactory. Ml HE undersigned haying opened their Boot 1. nnd Shoo Manufactory at tlio corner of Whilaker.sireot nnd Bay Lano, beg leave loin, form tlio ciliznnB of Savannah and its vicinity that they will manufacture Gentlomen's Boots, Shoes and Pumps of the latest stylo from the bast of Bultimoro and Philadelphia Stock. Wo Impo by tho strict attention of our foreman, Mr. Fritby, (an exporhmead workman) that tliuy will meet witli a share of tire public pa. tronagn. N. B.—Boots and Shoos repaired With noat* nosa and dospulch. nov 24 H. N ALDRICH ft CO. Fulton Market Beef. | A HALF bbls. landing per ship Emperor, JL v arid for sslu by nov 26 GAUDRY ft LEGRIEL. GS Cummisbion Business in Darien, Georgia. T IIE Mibscribor will continue tho Commis. sion businoss heretofore carried on in tliis place by Pli. R. Yongc ft Sons. Ills wharves and stores are exlciiHivo and convoniont. Goods shipped to hint for the up country will reccivo his personal otlcntion, and be forwarded by eur. licst ami best opportunities. He will remuin in Durion ot ull seatons of tho year. HENRY YONGE. II. Yonge will continuoto run his small boats until the river becomes navigablo for steam ves- sols. Darien, Ang 24, 1835. aug 27 Coffee and Nails. or BAGS prime Rio Coflee 189 kegs Nails, received by brig Wm. Taylor, for -defy CHS. LIPP1TT. nov 21 Landing per brig Wm. Taylor, £;. CASKS prime Goshen Cheese, fori d't. CASKS prime Goshen Cheese, for sate JB.1^ by JOHN W. LONG. nov fO Cruain Ate and Bern'. BRLS John Taylor’s colobratod Cream Olf Ale and Beer, just rocoivod per echr Excel, and for sulo by * CLAGHORN ft WOOD, Agonts. nov 4 For Sale, 1 1IIE fine boat ADELINE, calculated to . carry about 250 bales cotton. She is nearly now and of light draught. For terms apply to S. p. CORBITT, nov 25 Pails and Measure#. DOZ. Wood Pails &\JI 20 nett Dry Measures For salo by nov 17 N. B ft II. WEED. Cliccee and Butter. CASKS superior Goshen Cheeso 20 |>egs do do Butter 30 4 do do do do, just ro. cnived and for salo by "Li nov 11 CLAGHORN ft WOOD. Silk and Beaver Hals B v the ship Milledgoville; v/o havo a very _ handseme assortment of extra fine Beaver and Silk HATS, wholesale and retail hy HAMILTON, HOUSTON & CO. : ncl 29 OR JKMW YORK—(OLD LIKE.) The regular paoVrt afilp EMPEROR, Castom Iloaro Stores, siibjoiit to d 1 pipo, U hogshnads, and 29 qu»ru mre old Madeira Winn, imported Jn'lh- 1 )rbit in March last, and has novor been \ from tho Omtom House atorbs, nov 27 Terms at salo. FOR LIVERPOOL. t 300 bales Colton - are wanted for the .Co mm rod ship MONTICELLO, Capt, iwtuii, to sail next weok. Apply to ILFAY& Bu J. B. HERDER T «> CO. TO.MORROW, Q8tli hot. at half past 1* o’clock preoisoly, will bo sold before our store, without the loast kind of resorvo, to clo»o coin signment, 5 balos Blue Plains, 1 nov 37 Torins at tho'ieldi nov 19 PADELFORD tCO. FOR NORFOLK $ BALTIMORE. . ^onTIio now paokei brig OGLETHORPE, .Capt. Tyler, will meet with despatch Administrator 8 Sale. By S PHILBRICK A CO, On THURSDAY, tho 7th day of January noxt, at 11 o'clock, in front uf store,' the , Household and Kilohon Furniture bolongirtg ; tno estate of John Davidson, lato ufSnvtm* noli, deeuased. Sold hy |Kirmhwiuu of IliO Honor ihlo the Justices of tlio Inll’Vior Court of , Chatham County, uml by order of ills admin is. trator., ftir benefit of the hoirs and orodilore of said entitle, Term* cash - . : nov 27 •For freight or pammgo apply tn S. PHILBRICK & CO. 40 bliU Gin 3 pipes Holland do 40 bids Howard strnot Flour 25 qr casks Wiuo nov 24 BY J. B. HERBERT .(• CO. TO MORROW, 28th mat ot Ti o'clock will : b*» i eld in front nf our store, a snug Penny, n° v Terms casif FOR NEW.ORLEAUS. Tlio fast sailing brig HERCULES, Capt Outorbrldgo, will on Ueipatohod in [n fow dnys, and enn handsnmely noooin. nov 26 COHEN ft MILLER. FOR GREEffOOk, Tho coppered British brig CARTIIA, Copt. Morrison. For freight apply on JggSbnnrd, or to JNO. ft JAS. REID, nov 21 For lioKton, Tlm brig WILLIAM, Thos. Hatch, nov 25—p BY J• B. HERBERT A- OO TO MORROW, 28th inst. at U o'cloak, will , bo sold in front ofsiore, a genoral assortment < of Groceries aud Crockery ware. Alsu, 3 hints Rum ami Gin 10 bills do do 35 bbls Irish I'otntnes ' 56 half b,axes half Spanish Segar* 15 qr cliosts Hyson Tea 15 buxo-i Soap und Candles 40 bbls Applus 500 puir Brogans Also, a fow urtioios nf Dry Goeds Also; 1000 wt Bacon Shoulders nov 37 Terms Cash. BY J U. HERBERT A Ct .. at Il o'cl - .. GO TO.MORROW, 28lh inst. at li o’clneki will bo sold in front of store, a quantity of Cutlery, Penoil Cases ftc. to closo sales, nov 27 Terms cash* Fur Salo, . Thn fast sailing copper fnstonod brig .‘YORK, about 4 years old, burilion 150 ■ganitoiiB. wall known nu a puckot between Charleston and Now.Ynrk, and has extonilve nccomiiiodntioiis; slio will bo sold low if ap. plied for immediately For torins, apply to COHEN ft MILLER. O* If the abovo Vcssol is not sold within a week from this lime, sho will bo sold at auction nov 95—r. . FOR HAVANA, Tho schr FRANKLIN GREENE, R Waite, Master, can carry tho bulk of ;I50 casks of rice, if applied fur iinmodi 1 Fur freight, apply un board, or to 35 PADELFORD, PAY ft CO, Tor new York. Tlio solir ANN, Gorham, Mailer, wilt meet with immndiato despatch. For {frolghtof 100 bates cotton, or passage, apply to the muster on board, nr to nov 24 E. I*. BUTTS. Inland Conveyance to St. Augustine, K. F. '«\|1E improvements mndn in the machinery of tlio fino stouin packet FLORIDA, Capt. Hubbard, will trouble her to perforin with oaso a trip ovory week, and sho will run regularly in lino wills thn fine stuani packet Win. Seahrook, from Charleston, leaving Savannah ovory Mon day afternoon I Arriving at Darion ovory Tumidity morning, •• St. Marys every Tuosday evening. «* Jacksonville,ovory Wednesday morn ing. •' Pieoluln, every Woduosday craning. Ruliirniug Leave Picoluto ovory Thursday afternoon. Jacksonville, ovary Tliursduy night. St. Marys, ovory Friday. Darion, ovory Friday night or Saturday morning, Arrlvos nlSnvnniinh ovory Saturday afternoon, StugoH in rondinoss at Picnlutn for St. Au. gustino, 18 mtlct; forftirtlior pnriinulnrs apply to R ft W. KING ft CO. Savannah, Nov. IB, 1835. Tho Journal «f Cnmmorco, New York; GloliOi at Washington; Charleston Courier and Mer cury I Augusta Coiiatitutbmalist *, are requested to publish the above fur one woolt. A Card. T IIE subscriber having lately returned from the North, has re-engaged as a foreman to conduct the Boot and Shoe Manufactory for Mossrre. H. N. Aldrich ft Co. takes this method of informing thn citizons of Savannah and tlio public in general, that from increased expori- onco of tho business, lie hopes that lie will be able to please all who may favor them witli thoir custom All work made undor his charge and inspection shall not he surpassed in tliis city or elsewhere. RICHARD FRISUY, nov 26 Water Proof Boots. J UST received one care double solo walor proof Boots, a fine article for wet wealli. r. For sale by nov 21 If N. ALDRICH ft CO, Ceylon Wine. (gg CASES of this superior Wine, jjnri rev ceived from Messrs. J. Howard, Manht it Co. ot Madeira, via East Indie#, and for salo by PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. novUfi Hams, &c. KfikA BAGGED Hams •JmPU 10,600 Iba Bacon, nifortcj. For sale by nov 26 CLAGirORN ft, VTOtTD. Ocmulgec Hteam-bont Company. This company will bo prepnrod to commencobi* sinoss oarly in tho noxt son son. They will Imito two superior now slonmhnnts (built especially for the business) constantly running between Darion and Macon, witli a requisite number of tow boats. Tho company will al«o havo n lino of pnclwts botwcon Darion ami Now York. HENRY YONGE, Agent In Darion. p(.|)r shares of one thnusnnu dollars each re main unsold. For particulars apply to the agent in Darion. Darion, Aug. 24th, 1H35.aug 27 m Apply to n«v 26—p Wanted to Rent, A Dwelling Hoiiho, convenient for n sinnli fumily, situated within 10 or 15 minutes walk of the Exchange. HOLCOMBE, PECK ft CO. 14 Mongin'* building 1 *. For Rent, Tlio building recently occupied by nossignol ft Knox,as a school house,, ^situated on Court.Hntisb Square.— 11'osreision givon immediately. Ap. SlTre 8. PHILBRICK A-CO nov 21 ft lift 1 nov 10 To Rent, A small houso situated in South- Brnad.Stroct, nearly opposito the Independent Presbyterian Church, Apply to R. & W. KING CO, ft. Olfl iVladuim Wmo nt Auci By S. Pim.MtlCKt OO. TIIIS^DAY, 97th in.tanl. it O blue l’lains—Positive Sale,"" llyS. I'lllLUltlCK $VO. ' AT FKIVATK BALK, A B jy Mare, sultablo for the Gig end saddlo. nov 26 Scotch Coni nrnl Potatoes. BY J. B. HERBERT $ CO. AT rillVATK BALK. 100 clintdron Bujicriur Coul, at $10 per chal dron. Almi, 300 hu'hels very superior Potatoes, received per brig Cartha from Ureonook. nov 21 Terms Clisli. BY P.O. SNICK «J* O. COHEN. AT VIUVATB BAlik. Landing from brig Ogioi hope from Bnltimore 10(1 bids superfino Howard street Flour nov 24 j. a Herbert j. oo. AT PRIVATK SALK. A negro Woman about 35 years of ego, tic. euslninsd to tlio field. nnv 20 Valuable Tract oi l.nnd. By S. PHILBRICK *J- CO. AT riWVATK SALK. Lot No. 455, 2d Dlst. -1th Section, Floyd County. nov 20 BY P. G. SNICK 4- O. COHEN, At private sale. 5 bbls LiniocdOnil 1 " Putty . Now lunding from brig Wm Toylcr. nov 18 Loaf Sugar. By J. D. HERBERT $ CO. AT rillVATK UAI.K. 20 boxos superior New Orleans Sugar 35 bris do do do do Now laundiug and will bo sold low It tnkmv on tho wharf. nov 18 BY J.B. HERBERT # 00. At privalo salo. 80 bags primo groon Jamaica Coflun just tds ceived. nov 11 BY J. B. HERBERT $ CO At privalo salo. 35 hags prim graon Coffee., nov 17 By P.G. SNICK *J> O. COHEN. AT PAIVATK BALK. A Soamalross, ngud about 25 yoars, prico 8800 —will not bo sold out of tho city, and to noire other Ilian a kind master, bujug hold for no* fault. nov 14 Fresh Goods, at Private Sale. By J.B. HERBERT# CO. 1 baiu wliito Welsh Plains A “ 6.4 Flushing 1 •• Kilniarnoek Caps . 1 caso Red Flunnola 1 “ Blue Linsoyspnow landing, and v^Ul bo soil low. • A lea, in Store, .' Bod Tick, Sliirtiug, ready made Clothing^ Pnngoo.haiidknruliiufs, Buiiduuado,Blk fiilk da BlankoiHund Linsoys. nov 17 Wool and BocH-Wnx. T HE undorsigned will purchase aiid pny the higliost cusli rates for Woof, Pelts and Bocs-w-x. JOS. BANCROFT ft CO. . No. 3 Mongin’s whf. up stofrsr . For tale a* above. 10 bbls Fall Lnmii Oil . 100 rniini* Cap nnd Letter' Paper 1 cask small size Brass Kettles, nov 5 ||« Scientific Class Book. J UST rnueivcd a fresh supply of Pinnoek’tr Kcinnlitiu class Book part 1st nov 23 THOMAS f URSE & CO. Sianley’H “ Rotary (teoking Stoves.’' A NEW supply of those most npprovcdCooIt- ing Stoves just rcceivodhy nov 18 J. B. HERBERT ft CO. nov 12 For Sule or Rent, THE Dwelling House in Orleans. Square, at present occupied by mo, possession of which will he imtnedi* uloty ,| ADEBgI ,AM. Buef and Tongues. 5 RBI.S H,nuked Bu>f 100 Smoked Tongues Landing from brig Win, Taylor, and for .safer by GAUDRY ft LEG RIEL. To Rent, ■ Tlio three story Brick House, Franklin Ward—Two story Wood, on House, South Commons, next. East of Major Fannin's, nnd largo doublo Wooden I louse in Broughton.street. Possosission may bo had immediately. . For con. ditions, apply to R. F. WILLIAMS, nov 13—tf Fount], I N Juno last, near Jacksonbnrough, Screven county, a pa tout lever gold watch, much injured from being buried in tho sand for some time. Tlio owner can havo it by describing it and paying for tliis adirerthemont, nov 17 M. MYERS. ft: To Rent. The highly desirnhlo fire.proof brick storo corner of Johnson's square nnd null street, lately and long occupied by Low, Taylor ft Co. ss a Dry Goods store, containing every necessary arlielo of counting house furniture, with ample cellars, ware rooms, 5r.c. ftc. one of the best stands in the city fur tho dry goods, grocery or crockery business.— P„«. aT „ (b. ISON. For Sate. - Tlio house and Lot No. 23 Co. himbia Ward and Squaro now in Ufo -occupancy of the subscriber, on np. plication to whom term* will bo mod*, known ‘ nov i SAMVEL Pi CORBETT. Ladies Cloaks. B Y the Wm Taylor, we hsvo a nent assort/ menl of Ladies Cloth and Cnmblot Cloak V nov 16 HAMILTON, HOUSTON & Oo, Double Percussion Guns, CASES Doublo Percussion Gun« ' nov 17 For sulo by N. B. Si H. WEED. Blacksinttli. Tuo!k. nrv Fit. Smith'. Bollow. 25 Sinith’a Vicos 30 Anvils, assorted qualities For sain by nov 17 N. B, ft II. WEED. A. Tumor, ^ .*• , . Exchange TJack t H AS inst received, nnd ofl'uru fur sale, 150 bbls Eastern Potalbea 100 bbls N. E. Run* - 75 do do (Sin 100 whole ami hnlf bbls Catial Flour 20 casks Clicoso 20 kegs Butter - 100 boxoa Soap f 100 do Mould Candida ' 50 wliolo, lulffACor bids Butler Cracky 20 or casks Mslaga Wipe 25 do Marseilles Madolra do 10 do Mountain Lisbon do 5 do Old Sherry dn (pure) 15 qr oaska Domestic Brandy , 20 boxen Bunch Raisins '* ■ 20 Half and qr chests SoacbUng Tes, ic. fh6i *• i.-.-- tujw . .