The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 08, 1835, Image 1

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Bun Komulu., PUiUdulpuia. 8chr Exact, Niebuhr, Now York. Sohr Ann, Gornain, New York. DEPARTED, Steamboat Dolphin, Pennoyor, Si Augustine memoranda Sblpa Colin. Newark, and brig Medium, up at Now York for this port, Ship Gondola, up at Now York Tor Darlsn. DARIEN, Deo. 4—Arrivod, aclir Cygnet, Lorihg. Soiled, uhlpGwv. Troup, Smith, Liverpool, cargo 1071 bol«* Cotton ; schr# George Henry, Burns, CharloHnn ; R'Ohard, Drake, do. Boat Nowa-r*Arrived, boat G M l roup. Dub. iln, 210 bn let Cotton ;hoxoe 18. 814 do ; No S3 303 do; P R Yonge, Jr'*, box, Mnoon, 898d.*} II Yongo'eb>ix4,doS46do} bout Florida, do 497 CHARLE8TON, Deo. 4— Arrived, ship 8utton, Borry, Now York; brig Gen Marion, Chapman, Baltimore. ■ Cleared, .hip Now Orleans, Agry, Havre. DEC. 5.—Clourod, Sp. brig Ligaras, falbre gee, Barcelona. . . ‘ MOBILE, Nov. 28.—Arr. achra Savoy, bor- geant, Charleston} Mary Viokory, CurfltfrPen sacoln 5 Com, Roach, Now York. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 27.—Cloarod, schr Bahama, Loret, Havana. / Arrived, ships Alexander, Leeds, London? Ann Mary Ann, Clark, Portland | Nov., Bun. kor.NeW York} barque Philadelphia, Ilotnea, Havana; brig Harriot. ColUt*, Providonoe; *chr Loo, Sneaen. Kingston, Jum. NOV 28.—Cloarod, ship* Isaac Hick*, Ingor. roll, Liverpool; Cumberland, Ronnoy, Havre; brig Neptune. Luring, Mnr8nillea{ schr David, Roger*, Gyemsl'intun, Apaluchioola. Arrivud, ships Clun-ter, Wu'hoii, Philadelphia; Robert Morris, Gay, Castiiio; hrig# Morin dd, Abbot, Rio Janeiro; Helen* Priuco, Portland; Columbus, Clark. Ba ama Island*. BALTIMORE. Nov. 28.—Arrived, Br. sclir Nimble, Hudson, Nassau, N P. Cleared, schr Aloxandur, Sosrborough, Co rco. In the Bay. ship Chunontino, from Dromon brig Erio, Gatahell, West Indina, TologrnpUnd, one full rigged nut) 2 horm.brigB and a f>ro mid uft schr. The *liip Pulo.iinn, nnd brig Nelson, for Now Orleans, went to sea on Sunday. (From our Correspondent.) Office of theCoinoioretel Herald, Philadelphia, Nov 28—4$ P. M. Arrived; brig Star, Ireland, Chuilqaton. Clourod, ships. Eliza ASu*an, MeRuillln, Ha. yonn ; Mohawk, .Sloven*, Charleston barque Madeline, Slmnkland, Trinidad de Cuba, aehr Robert A James, Warren, Mobile. By the Moron. NEW YORK, N .v. 30.—Cleared,‘ Fr. brig natted and waterlogged—crow taken elf by the Birmingham Lloyd's Lint, Ort. 20.—Off Dover, Luoilie, cynr, Va,—15ih, C' - re«, Camming, do. Off' Hastings, 16th Augusta Caroline, Bradley, N, York. At Cove of Cork, lb1h,Vigilrnt,Tli« rpo, Laguira. Ar. at Cronst ult, 6th, Cahinot, Bor. ry, und Wallace, Thextor, Bo-ton. Ar. at Ve nire, 8th, Auiuinn, Drown, Bo.trm. Oet 23.—Ar. at Newport, 19th, Jefferson, Raine«, Antwerp ; Core#, Cummings, Vu. The Tusker, and John A- Robb, nr. at Havre, 18h Ar at Loghurn, Zanto, Wiiisof, Nwwfoutnl. land/ Ar. at Portland, 27th, brigs Ppirta, and Mar. thn, Pict' U ; Dime, Richmond, for Boston. Cid at Portland, Gunyutna, Stackpolo, Guay, ama. Ar. nt Salem, Gon. Brooks, Symanda, Ha. vena, 18 ; C!d. brig Abby M. Hutchinson,ponce R. Ar at Boston, 25th, ship Anne wan, Gtedn, Gottonburg. Oct. 1, b igs Phebe Ann. Iqulqub, Peru, Aug 15, Mary Helen, Ryder Leghorn, Oct 8, Cld brigs Russel, Mnthows, Leghorn, sohr# Emellno Guodwin/fatnatau; Jew Stearns Mobile Ar 27ih, hrlg Shamrock, Prnotor, Surinam} Cld birqun Jonos, Roiisop, Messina { brigs Gar not, Tay, Gibraitor; Orbit, Henchman, Trinl. dud. The Magnolia, was got of shore at Holmes Hole, without damage, or taking off deck load. Aral Boston, 28th, [from D. Adv. office,] barquo Niagara,Paine, Malaga; Franklin, Gibbs Trinidad : brigs Nile. Ellis, Messina. Sopt-29 ; Effort Copeland, Triost, Aug. 14, aohra Nano loan, Blanchard, Antigua; bolow, ship India na, Tenorlffo, 15; brigs- Clipctaw, Leghorn } Wave, Sidney; Centurion, Sawnnah • old slii p Sarah A Caroline, Sieolo. N. W. Cooat; bk. Chief, ChirloNton; C-iriimn, Bru-h, Gonna . Coorges, Snow, NouvUan;.brig* Adelaide. Ba ker, Trinidad ; achra Soituato, Colo, St Thom, ai; Cresnun’fSiucey, Aux Cuyus; Fornax. Liu. e dn, N. Oilcans- Tho brig New; Packet, of Ipawtoh, from 8yd. ney, f r Boston, was abandoned on Friday, off Cape Cod, Ciow saved by a vess"l arrived at B s'on.. A new lumber loaded, hrig, from nn Eastern tort, for Providenco or N. York, wentaslroro on No in n’s Land, night of 23d and would bo lost. A part of her materials will lie saved.’ Coloatinn, Henry Marseilles; hrig' Rapid,Wait, Havana; Pavo, Rued, Mansanilla; Wick ford, *Lamphucr, Ouruoon; How nil, F»i>k-,St Angus, tino; SP-hrsRapid, (Br.) Gjiuntlott, Bermuda; New York, Marks,T'inidnd,Cuba ; Uneas, Lo. veil, Charleston; Samuel, Berry, Mobile { Now York, Cu hiug. Apalachicola; sloops Actor, Smith, ICoy West; JnHoic, Wise,do. Arrived, ship* Roscoo, iJeluno, Liverpool Francis 1st, Castoff, Havre—the F oxperioncei very heavy weather, sprung fore yard, lest boats mid laid to 5 hours; AngcTiquo, Hilioy, Char- lostoii; Loonidas, Woodoury, P<yia; barque Baring Brothers,Hinokloy, Madeira; brig Glia', hum, M rgan, Havana; schr* Orleans, Norris, Junmel; New Union, Baxter, Gibraltar Bolow, a hrig. Saih d, ships Havana, for Havana; St Law- rnnoo, Mnbilo ; brigs Mueandy, Marseilles ; A mericu, Mogmlnro; Gambia, Gibraltar; Try, St Croix, and others, with u fresh wind from the N. W. ■ Tlin paoketship Europe, fr.*m New York, 2d Oct, puKiod Tuskar, on the 17th, and anchored ot the Floating Light off Liverpool on the I8iii pHsaugo.of 16 days. A sin ill riv t sloop wa- dixmisted yestord iy morning off the Battery, during the fresh N. \V. wind. DEC. 1—Cleared, ships Orpheus, Bursley, Liverpool; Pre-idont, Chudwick London ; Or. louns, Sears, New Orleans-; France, Funk, Ha vre; Robert Pulsford, Price, New Orlouns barques Villa do Cental*}, —, Havre; John Bmwer, liofto Now Orleans; hrig* Trinuoroa, (Neap.); Laganu* Messina; Hope, Burke, St Johns, N. F. Arrived, ship Maria, Lnvolt, Richmond. Beluw, a ship, a burquo unu 3 brigs. Sailed, ship Orleans, for New Orlonns. Tire Fronds 1st, firm Havre, on tho 15th of Nov. lot. 41) 20, long. 50' 12, fell in with the wreck of the Br. barque Charlotte, B.irihe, from Bristol, (Oet. 3d,) for New York, with a full . <rurgo*«l‘ tHoroUaU'Usa, having experienced con tinued westerly gales for 40 days, und 8 feet wa. tor iu her hold. Took from her the captain, crow mid 17 p'lBsongnrs—nothing wus saved but (heir clothes. Next duy spoke barque Aurora, II day* from St Johns, N. U for Hull; capt, Baohu, male and 3 sun men went oil oourd- By the Roscoc. Entered at Liporpool, provi-ua to Oct. 15th, Jnsnphino, Wilson, and Sheffi-ld, Alien, Now York. I4tii, Constitution, Wilson,Philadelphia, loth, Hibornia, Wilson, Tho* Dickar-on, Lyon, and MatukcebOt, Now York. Suilotl 8th, Chas. Josoph, Baltimore; Industry, Ollond, Wilming ton. Arr. at Liverpool, Out. 16, Caspian, P< New Orleans-’ 17th, Konshigton, Curtis,Char. \n-t»n; Susquclmuah, Ciopp- r, Philadelphia; Birmingham, Patterson, New York. 18ib Mo suit, Welsh, Now Orleansj Scotland, Hick, stuff, anil John Baring, Half, and Europe, Mar. shall, Nuw Yoijk. 19th. Ganges, Jones, Now Orleans. 20tli Eiriporinm.jUro-by, do ; Rltmlo Id'ihd, Sohrodel*, Now Y<<ek. 22-.I Great Bri tain, French, Now York. 23.1, Tally Ho, Vir. ginia. Sailed, 17ih, Mordenai, and Bangui, Mobile Lynns, D ■voupnit, Now Orluao-; Columbia, ('h'trlnston. 18th, Mouni Zorn, Nuw York ; Richmond, Leu»x, Virginia , North Star, Phi. ladolphin, (had boon on shore and put back.) J9*It, Cnlndoniu, Now Y«>rk; Arab, Marshull, N-w Orleans. 22d, Cal.tdouia, Brander, Vir- ' ginia t Turbo, Boston f Alaria, Ford, and Ditt inond, Tombs, Mobile. Thu Conway, Br. Friguio, urr. at Portsmouth 29th, fr mi Pc.u, &c. witu two millions of dol lajis. London Shipping Lisle, Oct. 17 to 23. Arr at Gravesend, I8ih, Wosiminster, Moore, N York. 23d, St James, Sober, do; Hermann, Alien, Richmond. Sailed from Portsmouth, 21*t, Toronto, Gris, wold, from London, Now York. Arr. xt Havre, 14th, Formosa, Orno, Now •York ; Silvia do Grasso, Weidothldi, do. At Havre, Oct. IB, tho Utica,for Now York. 24th ; John A Robb, do,- soon ; Tuscar, Borodi. do, and Fortune, N Orleans, do; Marengo, N Orlouns, 20th, Arr. at Marseilles, 11th. Venus, King, New York. Arr at Antwerp, 14th, Juio Caroline, Pundor. #on, New York. Arr at Breinorhaven, 15th, Ann & Emilio, Arr at HeWoet, 15th, Lagranga, BartkVt, Al. cxnndria. Arr at El incur, 9th, Ponelopo, Kruso, New York. Arr at Conalradt, 2d, Falconer, Winsor, Boa ton; Juno. Grungar, Malanzas; Orion, Rogers, Hamburg. 5‘.h, Czarina, Dwyot, Boston. Arr ut Mernol, 5th, Liun, Riedel, Boston. Arr at Lisbon, 8th, Dale, Burton, Liverpool, for New Orleans, with loss of topmast und vca. •al etruined. Arr nt Capo of Good Hope, July 29. Choice, dony, Summer, Van D. Land. Sailed from Cowes, t7Ui, Cowper, Endicott, Antwerp. From Deal, 17th, Montpelier, Allen, London *Tor Charleston. From Clyde, 19th, Undine, Soule, Fhlladel- pliiu* From Cove of Cork, 21«t, Grecian, Prince, Bo ton. Arr at Falmouth, 18th, Commerce, Barry, iu Prince. Arr at Plymouth, 16th, Henrietta Louise, Spilker, Bremen, for Philadolpiua. Arr. ut Leith, 19th, Jubilee, Spencer. Ant werp*. Arr at Shields* 19th, Edward, Kirby, Amster. dam . Arr at Cowcf. 21st, Fame, Purvis, Padnng Gov. Brook*, Abbott, Bangor, for Boston, put buck from long. 8. with damage. Ltvnrp- olj Oni 18,—The Mary Ann, of and from New Bedford, on a .whaling voyrge, was saandoned Sept, 39, iat., 38, long. 64 30, din. A Card, W BF.VEDIC f, whose name sppoar* P, subioribad to thecsll fbr the ALolitiuu _ nvention,in the Stutoof New York, is tie proprietor <»f the New York EvxugetUt, end In no oisnner related io,oroounQOted with the sub. scriber. (entertain views dbnuelrinslly oppnsi u to the AbolUlouUts, Rud du uut* \vi«h to he eousidcrod ■s nt all favoring their side of tho question, SAM'L. W BEN EDICT, W»toh.Maker, Corner of Wall and WiUiem Sts M Y, doc 7—p .Notice. L AY days on cotton per Comnany’s boots Nos. 10 und 14, expire Tliis Afternoon, dao 7 WM. TAYLOR, m a co FOR LIVERPOOL. Tho fine now ship OCMULGEE.Cnpt, ___ Thomas JLoavitt. having thron.fuurth* her cargo engngnd, and going on board, will have dispatch. For balance of freight or pas. •age having superior accommodations apply to Captain L. on bourd nt Jones's upper wharf, or to TUPPER & SISTARE. dec 7 FOR CHARLESTON, The plcndid Steam Pack, ot William Sbadkook. W, Dubois, ma-ter, will Inavo j this fur the ubnvo, THIS MORNING ut 9 i•’clonk preci ely. Fur freight or naivago, apply on board at Anciaux’s wharf or to CLAG HORN & WOOD, dec 7 FOR ST. AUGUSTINE VIA PICOLATA, DARIEN, ST. MARYS, AND JACK. SONVILLE. Tho fine Stoam Packet FLORIDA, Cupt. Hub. bard, will louvo n» nbovo, this afternoon, 7th instunl, at 4 "’clonk. For freight or pas. goa|iply on board, or to R & W KING. No Freight will be landed el any not designated as abnvo, unless a beat or flit bo in readme"* to receive it. No freight taken alter 2 P. M. Freight payuble by sbippors. AH slave pas sengers must bo cleared nt the Custom* House. Conveyances for St. Augustino in roadinort at Piuoluts. doe 7 Christ Church. f|lHE Pews not held in foe. simple, unless ro. M. lained us resolved by tho Vo-try will be putup in let This Day, 7lh December inst. the Church at 11 o'clock A M on tho aunie termsnslasl yoar. ANTHONY BAR VOW. dec. 7 Treasurer c o.. l'ilntnml Navy Broad. _ Butter Crackers can be had at all time ami in uny quantity* at tho Bakury of the sub soril'er, onrnur pf,Broughton ami Jefferson si' JOHN WAGNER. ...asters of voksoIs nto particularly Invited t< call and examine for thomimlvus. fob 13 37—Illy r Notice. ’ AY days on cotton per Iron Steamboat ^Company's bouts Nos. 11 and 15, expire This D-iy, doe 7 C. F. MILLS. Biscuit 1 olmceo cSic. 1 ^ BARRELS .butter biscuit, tig 55 kegs No 1 Tobacco, 10 do No 2 do 100 kegs While Load, 56 kegs Black Pulut, 50 Rags coffee, 30 brls N. Broad, 30 do P. Bread, 10 bxs, Pickles,landing and for sale by W. H. THOMPSON & CO. doc. 7 Exnhango Dock No. Notice. T HE Consignees por ship Macon are re. quosted lo attend to tho rocopt of-their goods this day at Jonas upper wharf, deo 7 For Sale. h FARM, about six mila* from town oca- Bt taining about 330 acres. ' Also, A good draught horse, young and perfortly gomlo in harness. Apply to W. E. LONG. •>o 7—1 til 1 J. Ilav and Flour. m A BUSpt.GS ptlrtio II»y |L “JP 300 bill* Cana) Flour, fancybranil Landing from ship Muoon, and for sale from tho wharf by TUPPER & SISTARE. In Store, 100 bbls Howard Street Flour 60 do Baltimore Whiskny 10 lihds prime St Croix Sugar doQ 7 Captninerslii,). Patterson & Co. oet 5 WM, PATTERSON. A ForSnle, TRACT of land on Bulls Maud, on May River, S. 8* Also, . C. Tho building nearly now. ■nov 0-iillJ||* W. E. BAYNARD. Blankets W R ALES London Dullils, 8 by 9, and 1 I 8 «f n miporinr quality 1 bale Hore UlnukuU, 10-4,11-4, and 12- Will bo sold on reasonable terms hy nnv 21 FRANCIS SORREL, lo Itoilt. A FARM, about two mllo cuutnining sixty acres o callout dwelling Imuso. And buildings on thn premUo*. .nov 26—t Apply at this office. ■ Lnrrf. UST recoivod J00 kogs In nov. 28 -CLAGHORN & WOOD. Steel Fens. Oix GROCE Gillott’s, Lunar, and rian Stool Pens, just received ni sale by G. R* HENDRICKSON, nov 28 Flour. t>' XXgb BRLS. superfine Canal F x ing from ship Bello, lb from tho wharf, by nov 28 STONE; WASHBURN* CO. New Store J UST opened with a Urge assortment of Fancy Goods, suitable for Ch'Ltmns and Now Year’s prosonts, which ore offered for sale at very low prices wholesale ond retail, Al-m, a great collodion of fine black and col. ored Engraving*. J OF. RVAN, Congress stroot, opposite B. Uniilor A Co's, dry good store, noxt door to Mr. Buaulard's. doc 7—t The Consignees of 2 brig Brandy. 3 do Gin nnd 2 hiids Rum, marked 8. & G. und 2 packages of Mefchandizo marked Nahnminli Ellis AngiiAta, landed front schr Mary, Cnpt. Stephen* from Boston aro informed ^tliat thuy can r.’eoivo their Goods hy culling on doc 7 ENSWORTH & WAV. Notice. C tOUNCtL will eloct TH» -DAY, six y Vendue Masters, a Physician, ttntT'u Har. bor Muster, for the Port und Harbor of Sayan, naji. Applicants wiU loavo their applications' with mo on or before that day with the names of their Hocuritios. S. ELBERT MUSE, don 7 Deputy Clerk of Council SHERIFFS SALE, On the first Tuesday in January next, • ‘AjLi ILL bo sold before the Court Houso in ¥ w tho city of Savannah, between tho usu. al hours of sole, the following proporty; Five Lot*, known hy tho numbers one, two twelve, thirteen and fourteen, being part of two five aero lots, No 3 una 4 West, and known a* Curry towp ; levied on as the property of John R McKinnon, lo satisfy on oxccution in fav r of Michael PrendergaA, dee 7 JOHN I. DEWS, s. c. o, CITY SHERIFFS SALE On the Fret Tuesday in January next, W ILL bo sold before tho Court Homo in the city of Savannah, betwoen thsusu. al hours ol sale the following proporty : One two horse Buggy, three Huoond bund Car. ringi’s, two Grtg*, one black, one bay Ilorso, and one Sorrell Ponoy; levied on a* tho property of John C. Gromet, under two executions in favor of John M.Cuylor and George J Bulloch, SAMU EL ELBERT MUSE, o. a. doc 7 Administratrix Sale, On the first Tuesday in January next. W ILL bo Bold at the Court House in Jcf fnrson, Camden County, between tho umial hour* of sale, tho-following property, viz s Part of Lot No. forly-four (44) in tho town of St. .Marys, and improvements thoronn bolong. ing to the estuto of John Crichton, deceased— sold by permission of tho Hon. the Inferior Court of said county. Said lot i* on a corner within 200 yards oftho churches and academy, and is 200 by 218 feot. On the promises is a two story dwolling house, a kitchen, stable; &c. MARY CRICHTON, Adm’ix. doc 7 Town of St. Joseph's Lots for sale. jrVqllE Lake Wimioo and St. Josaph's Canal JL Company, having contracted for tho con. slruction of a Rail Road from thn Bay of St, Jo. soph’s to ennnoot with tho River Apalachicola, via Lako VVimico,—Al«o. tor tho building of wharvon and ware homes, at both ends of the road, to be ready for tho transaction nfbuslnoHB by the 1st of Docernbor next, havo laid off into convenient lots, tho new town of St. Joseph, on a boautifnl olovatod plain, about halfway up tho Bay, on tho o i»t aide, at tho. poiot whore tho Rail Road will torminato, The wharf is to he carried nut to 17 tcot water, and :h-t Rail Road track lo extend to tho extreme end of it, so (hat vcmoU c-a load and discharge cargoes along side thn cars. Tho Lots in tho town of St, Joseph will bo of. fared for sale at public auction on tho 14th Dc. comber noxt. Term*, ono fourth cash—tho ba]. ance in three equal payments, for which no'os will bo required at 12, 24 and 36 month, with intorost from tho day of i-alo. Title bonds will boissnod by the company to tho purclioser, on their complying with tho torms of sale, nnd a fee simple title executed when tho last instal. meat is paid. ROBERT BEVIRIDGE. Prost. Lake WimiconndSt. Joseph C. C Si. Joseph, W. Florida, Oet 1, 1835. Sale of Lots in the town of St. Josoph, POSTPONED. The *alo of Lots^in tho town of St. Joseph 4io* boon postponodull the 18ih of January noxt, wlti'D they will take place on tho same terms as thore heretofore advertitod. doc 7—tillOJ Apples. BARRELS ‘Nawtown Pippins and 4>Jrn.8F Pelicans landing from ship Persia for sale low if applied fur at No. 3 Mon. gins wharf. . dec7-r JOS. BANCROFT & CO. Rifles. O NE Case percussion and fli*t Rifios, this day opened and f»r sate by A. R. KNAPP A CO. dec 7 Adjoining tho City Hotel, Flour, Crackers, &c, $15 BBLS. Bultor Cruckors 4tQJ> 15 half do do 75 bbls Philadelphia Pilot Biscuit, Bit don’s brand 100 do Navy do 50 half and qr bbls Buokwhonl Flour 10 half bbls Ryo Flour TO qr do do do 50 bbls Cunal Flour 30 qalf do do do 15 boxes Starch • 50 dn Soap 20 do Mu*tatd 100 lbs CIovob -75 lbs Ntttniogs 100 inats"Ca«*ia, 20 qr bbls Sicily Wine 5 qr bbls Old Madeira do 5 do Malmsey do 10 boxes Stoughton's Bitters 10 do Lamnn Syrup 8 cask* London rortor 50 boxes Raisins 50 hair do For sale by doc 7 ENS WORTH & WA Y. iialliinore llams, NEW Baltimore Hums, od por sclir Marion, fo from tho vossa]. nnv 28 ENSWORTH , . Ale Wives. BARRELS Ale Wives, Je. pJ) 4* ond fur sale by nov.28 COHEN & MILLER. Iron ltailina. I\HE subwsribor would inform h \ r ork prieos, nnv 24 G. E WILLI AI Men’s ami Youth's Caps. J UST recoivwd, a splendid aasurtmi Mon's und Youth's Cloth Caps, of t test stylo, from tho wall known factory ot Duvi* A Son, New. York, for sale by nov 28 A. WOOD &. t f ; OR Sale by 1 oct 15 Osnaburgs. J. A J. REID. For Lease. r j»*!!AT vory desirable vacant Lot. < ^ fronting tin Johnson’s Square, nnd fivo foot on Bryan Stroot. There is a go lar, well walled. It can bo, with u small menl, mods profitable. For term* apply to nov 24 A. CHAMPION Bools. Shoos and Brogans. SmVNTY THREE oaso* and Trunks oftho •• nbovuartiolasthis day landing and for •ale low by the packago. A. R. KNAPP A CO. dec7 Adjoining the City Hotel. Just Landed. *2>tfV DB L3. Menhaden Fish And in Store, 5 gross Playing Curds 18' resins feelteYrnper. < 2 Corn Funnors, for winn 2 patent Corn S ho I lure H patent Corn Mills 2 Cast Iron Pumps 1 Wagon Jack Screw For salo by $00 Reward I A REWARD ofsixty. dollars will bo paid for tho apprehension of my negro fellows, MO. SES.LUCK A JOHN, who ubscondcd from mo noar St. Mary’s about tho first inst, and socu. ring them in either the jail in St Marys nr Sn. vannah. Moses is about 26 years of uga about 5 foot 5 inchOR in hoight dark comploxion, thick set, bread faco und mouth, with thick lips and good.teolh- Luck i* about 24 years old 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, dark cotnploxinn, stoat and woll mado, high forehead, short hair ond iw a carpenter by trade. John is about 19 years old 5 foot 8 inches high, yellow'complcxion,*lim and well made, hair and eyes rather lighter that, common to negroes. A proportionate reward willbepaid for oilher. Apply to it A W. King A Co. Savannah or to ARCH’D SMITH, nov 23—re Bt. Marys. Commission Business in Darien, Georgia. T HE subscriber will continue tho Commis. eion buRinonB heretofore carried on in thin place by Ph. R. Yonge A Sijiib. His wharves and stores urn extensive and convenient. Goods shipped to him for tho up country will rocnivo hi* personal attention, and bo forwurdod by ear. licsl and best opportunities. He will remain in Durion nt all Boanons oftho yon r. . HENRY YONGE. H. Yonge will continuoto run his small boats until the river becomes navigable for steam vos- sols. Darien, Aug 24, 1835. aug 27 Grind-Stones. TONS best quulity Grind-Stones, assorted 9JP sizes, for sale by oct 15 M, HOPKINS. Ladies Slippers. A FRESH lot of hlack and colored Moroc co and' Kid, Lane’s manufacture; like, wwe a choice atworlmcnl of imported French shoos from the colobrntod manufactory of Mad- ama Eslo, Paris. Just received by BREED A WARNER, nov 7 North side Market squnro. Cordials. 100 CASES, a dozen each, assorted. nnv 27 For solo hy GORDON A SEWELL. Divdeml. Marine and Fire Insurance Dante. I Savannah, December Ut, 1635. $ T HE Board of Directors having this day declared a dividend of one dollar per share tho samo will bo paid on or oiler Thursday next. JAMES 8MITH, Cashier, dec 2 • Wood., • U’HEsubscriber has now landing, ot Jack- 9 son’s wharf, at the Eastern end of tho city, a supply of Livo Oak, Hickory, Ac. which ho offors at tho lowest market price—in addition to his supply of Wood, ho has on hand a large and well soloctcd supply of GnocsniBB, Ltauons, Winks, An. which ho will tell on .ucemnnioda. ting terms. JOHN GUILMARTIN. July 21 Notice. .' HA HE consignee of 125 bbls Potatoes and 7 3L bbls Applo* marked W H, on board ship Othello, capt Saundors, fVom Wiseassct is ro. quested to call for the same immediately, other wise they will bo put on storage on his account, dee 4 • Grates and Stoves. T WELVE Grates assorted Pattern# 12 box Bt've# assorted sizes 6 Franklin do do For salo by N. B. AII. WEED, deo 2 T” A Cara. their custom or elsowhcre, nov 26 For Sale. is. tilts city, apply io nov 28 Fire Dogs. PAIR Brass andirons assorted 75 do Iron dog* f»0 do du do with bra bn top# 100 pair Shovel and Tonga osBortod. For solo by N- B. A II. WEE doc 8 7& l lay. a 11-:- sale by G. HAAS, Comlbriatilos. ble Ready Mode Garments oftho bes‘ quality and workmanship; will ho solu ut the lowed cash prices, by flood PRICK A MALLE] BUSHELS Pulatoos 15,000 feot White Boards 500 melton Spruce Spars Cargo of schr Albion, from Nn For kbIo by COHEN A ! dec 1 DOZ steal ShovelB and Spades 6 do long handle stool do 10 do sockot Shovels arid Spades do do Grubbing IIocs, for salo by oct 23 M. HO*' ' Flour. sees BBLS. superfine Canal Flour For snlo hy Drawing. men the French Lungmigo, on Tuosrluyo ing, tho lir*t of December noxt. teneously. Chainpaigne. ATO BASKETS •• Key,”I'loly"and • PJr 19 Champnjgne, in quart and pint bi and for *nle by nov 25 Oakuin. nov30 AIM. II. THOMPl • Wanted* A N Overseor for a cotton plantation In Dry. ■n Cnunty. None nsod apply without good rocouimend.itions of character and know- lodge of pluutiug. ' Enquire it ibis office. To tho Hectors of Chatham County. . HAELLOW CITIZENS—I urn a candidate A M? for roteleotlonto the i ffien of Tax Colkc. AS tor of , tho ocpnty, and res|i«olfiiUy anlh’it y»mt suffrectt* ou Uto fust Moudny. In January wi next. DAVID BfiLU J, 0 ” doo 3 » rt To the Voters oll.'luiilmiu Coiiniv. IB OFFER tor re-election to thn Offico of Ro. ;• CL celvnrofTax Returna at tho Elections in 'January noxt ana aolioit your votes. ~ • : „ B.LATUttOP. s—11 nl Fellow-Citizens of Chatham ConntV, TT AM a candidate for Recoiver- of Tax Ire- a. turns al the election in Jsnuury noxt, and respsotfully solicit your suffrago*. I* 0 dee5 LABAN WRIGHT. WinoiL oc At IU1DS. and 3 quarter cork* Madeira Wine, in TC from U10 house c.f Lowis A Co. imported direct a twelvemonth »lnee’ 10 barkots, quarts, superior Chompaigno, Hlodsoiok brand . ' ? 5 do pints dn dn do L For salo hy BAYARD A HUNTER. J* nov 25 jj Cabinet-Ware. f|nHE undersigned liavo just roeeivod from JL the Nnrth, a gunnral assortment nf Cuhi* net Furniture, Chairs, Ao. oftho latest fashions, >■ which they will sell lor cash or oity aocop. tanco. da Carpots and Curtains mndo in tho Intnst fbali* hu Iona. FERGUSON A IIAUI’T. b« nov 7—1m Huisins, Just Itocoivcd, 1 4b *c, BOXES Hunch Raisins ■ For ante by L nov 84 tlLAOHORN & WOOD. “ ' Frenit 'L’usenn Bonnot* TUSY. roeeivod; per ship Bello, and now IP opening, 4 coses Lmltes Tusoiiuh, which, lf in addition to thoso recently roeeivod comprises to „ a largo assortment, wholesale or retail, vory low r by A. BEN NET* nov 30 No'. 1, Young's Buildings. Huts and Cops. r Just received per ship Belle. * 41 CASES Gcntlcmana' fine Iteavcr Hate V » •• •• silk *• Gduzon *• •' Soa Otter Cap* 0 8 •• •• '• Fur Soul “ F G •' " " Nutrft " a Also a good assortment of low priced Ilair .. Seal. ‘ For sale by - dec 3 II. N. ALDRICH ACO. Notice. ) nnflE nndoraignod havo formod aCopnrtnor- r, JL ahiji, for tho transaction of tho Fueler, p age and Cotnmisainn BuHine«a, in the city of a Savannah, under the firm nf PUlnizyA MeGnv. - ern, and toudor their services to thoir friend*. ROBERT M PHIN1ZY. > JAMES MoGOVERN, 0. Refer to W. A 11-Bryson, ) w John Phinizy, > AugUBlo.ti «• fiantl. Clurkv. ) or • G. B. Lamar, Savunnnh. w dec 3—tlm Goshen Butter and Cheese* - KFGS ohnico Guslion Butter -50 boxes dn" du Cltuose J of 100 barrels Sugar, Landing and for ante u- by W. II.THOMPSON ACO, k. || 0 |. a Cnnnl Flour, - JTUST received, 100 bid* Cnnnl Flmir . qJP 50 half bbls Canal Fb'tir, fer sale by doc2 CLAGHORN A WOOD. - Jumus River Tobacco. LBS James River sw.wt loaf To ot JJR p bicnn, a superior article for oltmv- y* mg, nlso 3 brls Sugar houso M»da>aes, just re. coivod und for buIu by C. L. MoNlSll. Ht - dec 2 Virginia Hams. Just Reesived, fjnWOHundred nnd Fifty superior Virginia JL Hama, selected, f*-r sale by . dec 2 CLAGHORN A WOOD* . #100 Reward. W on Sunday last, between Wnrronton and Augusta, n small Wallet, onnluingbc. tween C and 700dollars, in bank Notes princi jinlly of the Dnrion Bank, nnd sundry papers, Tiiewallal ha>|: fio owner's namo marked nn it in four plncos. Tbo nbovo reward will be given to nny person who shall return it to tlm Goer- ginn Offico. J. W. BANGKER. ^ (lr*C 2 tn Flour and Stnp. for "fl BBLS. Superfine llowurd street od Flour bn 100- bids Cnnnl Flour' rl- 100 boxes No 1 Soap be Landing, nnd for ante by th MICHAEL DILLON, ge nnv 5 Telfair’# \\ linrf. li . Holland Gin. tFb PIPES Holland Gin. Pure ns imported — Fur sale by ' MICH. DILLON, oct 20 ■*" Casting.. (^IX tons Castings, consisting nf Ovens, Pol*, — Skillets, Spiders, Ketllos. Andirnns, Ac. new landing from ship Bella and brig Loin, nnd for snlo by M. HOPKINS, net 15 Chocolate'and Francs. 11ALF boxes No 1 Chocolate, 20 ensoa fresh IVunos in funcy boxos, — landing and for salu hy doc 3 TUPPER A SISTARE. fur Fine Boots. A, CASES Calf Boots, just received por Eli I— ^Jfc Whitney, a part oi whiuh are of a superior qiiolity. For sulo by M doo 3 H. N. ALDRICII A CO. “f Ladies French Slippers. ia. TTUST roeeivod from I’hiludnlpbia, 2 cases q]s Ladies French Slippuhr Fur sale by dec 3 II. N. ALDRICH A CO. teh \V m. V. Clark, ^kFFERS for salo, tending from shjps Per- * *47 sio, Ocmulgeo, and others, on aucotnmo* dating terms, 17 hrla Cider ' 20 do super Sugar 6 half brls Beef Me. 10 boxes White Havana Sugar , ‘ 50 kegs new Lard 5 brls Beef Halves, qunrtors,and eighths brls Buck Wheat Flour 30 brls Cnnnl Flour 85 kegs No 1 Euiler*# Tobacco CO boxed do do doc 5—p Men’s Calf Over Shoes. TRUNKS Men’# Coif Over 8lioos, of au. ^ porior quality, recoived by the late arrivals, nov 28 A. WOOD A CO. • Kersey’s ! Kersey's 1 &c. &c. ltd flMIk BALES Rod Korssy’e /wlrS do Dark do 4 coses do do °, n * 3 bate" 64 Coaling l ‘ e ' 2 do Duflilo Blankots en * SOdnz blue Hnnkoroliiofs j u> t received and for sale low by • , «P; BENJAMIN SNIDBII &. CO. in “ dee 4—p Sliud# Ilango. vul- Cordials arid Flour. ® QR. cosks Cordials 9& 50 barrels Howard Streot flour, now „ „ landing and for snlo low by £. dec,4 STONE, WASHBURN & CO. nn, Travelling Trunks an4 jUarpet liaga, .• A PRIME assortment, received per Eli il. Whitney and fof sate by doc 4 II. N. ALDRICH ACO. and Silk HatB. A FEW dozens of the lew pressure just re- ceived and for no., aa Hamilton; Houston & coj FOR LIVERPOOL, v Tho Ape American coppered and cop* jjpor fastened ship MERSEY, W* U. , muster, comoncea loading this day, and , ROOT. L. TAYLOR. . tn( AitIV IZmA*-*•(.ut.ti unk.) kTho regular packet ship EMPEROR, ;Capt, Simpler, will Ih> dospatchod im* Sly. For freight on deck or passage, jjnnd Qcaommudaiinii*, apply on. board iigin'x upper whurf, or to STONE, WASIIi;URN ACO. ship Bol:o On pi, Mutwlu, will succeed iin|»ef..r iiml. sail in i few days. For S. W. A CO. ‘.Thn regular packet hrig NVALTUAMi Mhipl' SMldon, will moot with quick £do pntoh. For freight nr piissugo liitv. nit aoeoinmod ation, apply du board at ;ins Uppnr Wharf, or to > no 8TON70 WASHBURN A CO, Br,g Yfirk nt Aliiitiop, nv v. a. shwk «t. o. vour.N, l.MOnROW, 811, in.t, nt IS n'olncl,, nil bo sold al WlHink # # ship yard, t|io fast sailing ouppor fattened brig Yorki about 4 years old, hnrthen 150 tons, well known a* a packet ho', twcon Oharldainn and New York, (in# extensive aonenmmodaUnnt f»r puiaortgors nnd is well found. Term# llboral f and matfd known on tho day of tale. \ f v ' 1 dee 7 IIV JUi lltiKIIlilci' 4- i.o On WEDNESDAY, 0,1, », lls'cik, will hh .old in from of .loro, a poll»r..l nt.orl. ment of Grocerlea and Ctoeketywaro. Al*c. 4 pipe* Brandy ond.Ufa *' 8 brls Gin and RniR 6 hrla Gremi C».ff e, 40’ dn Pnlaloet 40 hoxosSyap nod Candle# ' . 15 brls Loaf Sugar, 6 casks cheese 5 tuba Buttor . Also,’ A quantity of Dry Gncdi ' . • - 1600 wt IJncon Should'irs dee 7 Fell NEW'YOHK, -s Tho now Mtlmtiintbil enppor faatoned \Brig MACON, Capt Gurhnni, will cum- Skinouco loading <ni Tuunluy n»xt, nnd bo taltod furihwith. For freight nr pa»#ugu, ig excollont necominodalinn*. apply on I, nr to STONE, WASHBURN ACO FOR PfllLAOELPA I A. < THE regular piiokot lirlg N E'V IIAN- ^OVIOR, Churlos Curly master will incet do*p itoli. For IWdght nr puss igo Tim D:ig wl 8. Ii, CORBITT. I noMiiitouco direliurging FOR PHILADELPHIA• ^Tho oopporod hrig.ROMULUS, N. 8, s. Mur,:n, master, c*»»* taku 60 bale# Cut. Stun. For freight of whiuh apply on or to 1 PADELFORD, FAY A CO. FOR CHARLESTON uTMEachr MARGARET ANN Cnpt, k Oohb, will moot with despatch. For S freight or tias-age, apply to 3 S. PHIi,BRICK A CO. FOR NEW.ORLF.ANS. Tim suhstmitinl and fast imlllng schr ^MARY, Stovnus, Master, will Rail for £t|ie above port tut tho lflth inst. For doc a CLAGHORN A WOOD. "FOR WmilT Olt CHAHTP.ll. The fine now schooner ALBION, cnpt, . Alex Fnrulmm, 102 ton* burthen, low 'dock. Apply tn thn mnstor nn hoard or COHEN:A MILLER den 1 VOR II ALT I MU RE. ■» THE regular packet schr. MAB10N sy MnDonald mnstor, will hu’vo lininwliute K do-paloli. For frfllgh* nr passngn npnly FRANCIS SORREL. FOll NEW ORL TiANS. Tho new fast sailing srhr ALBION 'Capt, Fitrnhnm, will havo immodlnt- de#, kiutoh. Fur freight nr passngo. havi ’ *o iiconminndntiniiR, apply to Cupt. J t Aneiaux wnrrf or tn COHEN A MILLER FOR HAVANA, Tho soh- FRANKLIN GREENE. R Wnite, .Muster, eim curry the bulk ni I5U casks nf rluu, if upplied for immndi For freight, apply nn bnnrd, ,ir to nnv 25 PADELFOKD, l'AY A CO. Dry Ooods nt Auction. nv'J II ii lilt HURT <y co. . On WEDNESDAY Ollilnil. .t 11 o’etook will bo told in front' ol Store. 20 pair Duffie BlatikeTs 22 dn Bed LlltMiyo, Dark do 15 do Blaok Cuml-ric Also', 15 pair Point Blanket* good quality dee 7 ' - ~~'Sv J. u. H&furnnr ‘ On 1VKDNESDAY 0,1, tnit. .11 will ho »old in front nf store, An liivnian of -ingle ond d"tthla barrel Oun# nf new patent twist and dnmuBCus. Aim, Gontlomcn and Lndipa Clonks. v ALo, An assort ment of, Boy* flaps. .deo .7 Uy J. tii HERBERT 1} CO, * AT FltlVATH BALK. boxes Sunp'iil'gdnu quality, now bind# ing A will bo void low if taken from the wharf, dee 3 , liy J. 11. iTiiWUKRTiCO'. at rmvATB BAtr. 20 boxes HatP, now landing and will he fn rd low. ' nuv.3ff Howard ntroet Flour, BY S. PHILDR/rir 4. CO. ^ . At Private Male.. 80 bnrrels Howard Rtreet Flour, .’'BengntiRo brand," landing from aehr Marlon from •B'llu* •»'«*« nnv 3ll * Wolsh Plains. By P. O. SHWK $ O. COHEN, At Private sale. 2 bale# suporiur w hi to. Welsh Plain s. Also. A good droll Horse obput 7 years old and a good wound hand Waggon and harness, nov 30 By J. B. HERBERT # CO. AT PRIVATE. SALE, Now tending, 217 roams Crown Paper, nnv 98 JlyJ.ti. HERBERT $ COt AT PRIVATR BALK. 200 Imxq# “ Fays" Soap now landing. , nov 28 Bi’undy. , BY P. a. SHWK $ O COHEN. AT rntVATK KAl.B. 4 pifies Otnrd, Dupuy A Co's Brnndy b do do do ■ dn do Subject to dobonitirn. Landing from schr. Marion and will he sold iow if taken from tho wharf. »)nv37 Ocmulgeo Slcam-bottt Company. Vhte company will be prepared to coimiu'itcolm. f sinosH early In thn noxt jon. They will havo Thu company will also have a lino of pocket* etwoon Dnriou and Now Fork. HENRY YONGE, Agent In Dnrion. Four shares of one thousand dollars each ro. Darien, Aug, 21th, 1835. aug 27 I'or Rent, The building recently nccuplotl by Rnssjguol A u school house, Bsitnuted on Court.Hnu*it Square.— } Possession given immediately. Ap- 8. PillLUUICIC ACO. nov 12 For Sale or Hem, THE Dwelling lloutmiu Ortwin*. Square, at present necupied by mo, "I possession of whiuh will be iiuiucdi* lately given. ROUT. HABERSHAM. To Kent, Tim three story Brink Houso, Franklin Ward—Two tinry Wood- Ion Iloiiso, South Commons, naxt \East of Major Fannin's, nnd Urge nov 13—tf U.F. lately. Fo WILLIAS MS, I'ound, 5'N.Juno last, near Jarksonborongh, Screven 8 county, n patent lover gold wateh, much n |urod from being buried in tho sund for somo imn. Tito owner can Imvo it by describing it i 17 M. MY BBS. For Rent, Tho house nn tlin Bay, ono door wont of Mr. A. Barlow's apothecary store. Possession given immediate, at tho office, lib JutJt Received, from New-York, B tiy the ships Emperor and Belle, UTTER. I*ard, Fulton Market Hoof, Pig Pork, Hams, Smoked Beef, Srnokod s. Sugar, Soda Water and Bultor Ri«. bbls Newark Cider. For salo hy THOMAS WOOD, !8 No. 4, Mongln's Wharf. Canul Flour. 1 Bbls Canal Flour just received and JlWforwlelty ENSWORTIIA WAY. dcc.l Rrouirlit to Jail, fVN tho 20th, William, about 35 yoars of 17 ago, 5 foot 10 inches high,, who suya that 10 belongs to J. 1* King of Augusta, and that io was RHiit to Liberty County hy his mnstor l o cured of HU. Y. S. PICKARD; nov 27 Pork and Beef. |J UST received per Persia, |F 50 Brls city prime pork, 50 dn do moss beef, 60 do do prime do, for sale by doo 2 CLAuHORN A WOOD. X N EW supply of these most approvcuCuoU i»g Stoves Just reco|vcdby dec 3 J. B. HERBERT A CO. Agents. Mill Irons 8 MILL Cranks, 12 Wing Gudgeons. 4 Rug Wheels, . C Saw Stirrups and Noddla pins. For. sale by ,N. B. AII. WEED, deu 2 H AVE per Goorgiaa full supply of Ready Made Clothing at thoir Usual low prices for cash or approved credit, for sale wholesale or retail. A Situation is Wauled, B Y a person from South Carolina, as an Overseer on a Cotton plantation. Ho can produce testimonials from tho planters in S. C„ as to character, ability, An. A line addressed to C. C 8 at Wulterburough, will bo promptly attended to, • nov 30j— 37J!3 v Jiucoil. * - BY P, a, SHWK *y o COHEN. Al private snlo. G lihds Bacon Hums I tiorao du do - , ' - 2 Ulttte * do Bhouhtet# ‘ % 1 liurco do • do Landing nor ship Ocmulgeo frnrp New York. . • nnv 28 - - T '^' : ; By S. PlllLBRWK y GO, AT rniVATB SAI.K, A Buy Mure, suitablo for the Gig and saddle, nov 20 Scotch Coal and Potntbe$. BY J. B. HERBERT # COi AT I'RIVATB SALE - 100 chaldron superior Coal, at $10 per chal dron. Also, ,t; 300 hushois very superior Potatoes, received per hrig t'artlia from Greenock, nor 24 . Terms Citflh BY P H. SHWK y O. COHEN. AT VIUVATB 1AI.R, Lnndttig from brig Cglullmpo from Bultimoro 100 bbls Hiipurmio Howard stroot Flour nnv 24 , New Goodp, T HE Subscriber bos returned from tho North with a largo supply of Dry Good# and GroonricB, relbcted eymctally for this ninrknt, •spot , . which ho offors fur safe on his usual neentnmo. • datine term*. D. STETSON. Rteehoro’, Oct. 15,1835, on 15 209—2m — For Haiti, - ; rfflOTb SHARES Marina nml Flrolnsufllnoo “DPf Bank Htonk. Apply to nov 27 WOO DPR 11>GE A MAY. » Negro Cloutlt. e BALES Kursoy's assortfcd color* and quak Bins, just landed from tho New York pack.' i«ts, and for sale by nnv 28 Wl LLI AM W ARING - , Clothing and . Hats, snp ECE1VING from ship Bolio and brig Georgias eomplntnassortment of Ready Mado Clothing; nnd Silk Huts of tho laldfit stylo, which will bo sold low. PRICE A MALLERY. Drapers and Tailor*. Coni Crist and Flour, M ADE of Hie best Flint Corn, to bu had ai thn Jail, or Corn ground on shares, nov 27 .- Provisions, &n. H & BRLS No 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 65li«lfdodo do do do 20 ton* Grind stones nf various sizes land- ig from l»rig8ca I tend <md for silo by do °J WOODBRIDGE A MAY. ; Hnm«. fr/fkdk BALTIMORE Hsm* just rocoiv- * ‘-Pmr dr cd per sohn-nor Marion, ond for sulnby den 2 FRANCIS SORREL.. Share Moulds. TONS Share Moulds, for salo bj doo 2 lids, for salo by < N. U. H. WEED, Cnroa 'Nuts. 1*rs.«Uo Cocm • Cr.'irw Nu'«, landing (Vow Ilia Salir. • Marion, for aMo by nov 30 FRANCIS SORREL. Snjnrantl b’l.iin-. ' • 11111)8. prime St; Croix Shgsv. sndlOt) tlPx" bbls Canal Fbmr, tending from ship „ Franconia j and for ante by nov 13 WOODBRIDGE A MAY. * Miiliro. . 1 REGULAR mr^iing ufthoOommi«M'nner» y. oftho Public Ronds for the County nf Cp r. tbnm, will bo bold at tlm (bnirt-Hnuse, in thn City, of Savannah, cd the. first Monday, b-lng the 7th day of Itecomber next at 11 o’clock, A. M. precisely.Vjly, ■ . ' - eDwakd BOIJRQUIN* ■VicoChairinao. Jno- B.Barnard, Secretary, nov 17 . Thoxe Ultl iViamiu-a, t NROM the hourb of Gordon, D.ff & Madolra Imported via Charleston pur ! Ditnon, in eighlha;.quurteiii and rusks Tor by ADA Hi' A BURROUGHS, dec 0