The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 14, 1835, Image 1

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iw -A *. iii'i. M essrs hart & hardy begicsvet. inform tlm r*it#s* ii* nt Savannah. that thoy will open tlm T ooire n„ TIIJS EVENING, Dee. 15fA. ISugnr and i’ lutir. . HHDS. prim* St. Croix .-uj;»r. nnd 100 tv bbU Canal Flour, landing from aliip Franconia, and for sale by ii. v 13 VNOODHRIDOK & MAY. Tbo Celt braird II Diavolo Antonio ano in* Three Surpriaiag Children, Fromths Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, aud Nl* blu^Girden, Now York, whose prrfurmant'tn* havo been (ho delight and ndmir.i'ion of nruwil cd and fashionable anriioncca wherever they have performed, arc engaged for a abort time, and will perform on Monday First appearance in 6 years of Mr. Judah, First appoaranoo in 4 yours’of Mr. C Young. Breed <V Warner, AVE jual received a prune sssortn eul of li*i!le« Double mid single anted Fro cli •’ur Walking Slu es n veiy desirable article fur winter. Fur salo low North sido Market square. d.e 14 Needle worked cape*, collars Palatine* Ac. &e. some very rich, received mid for sale by den 14 NORTON &FUI.ER THIS EVENING, Dec. 15th, the Melo Drs. ma ofTIIERKSKn. t|, B ORPHAN OE GENEVA. Corwin (an Advoc.ito) Mr. Judah. Fontaine (a Pastor) Mr. Young. Lorigne (a Farmer) Mr. Hart- After whioh tho THURE YOWNO OIAVOI.OB WILL 00 TllltOlfQII THEIR arroMsiiiNO and wonderful performances. The Int rlude of Nature and Philosophy. Colin (.« youth thalnftver auw a woman) Mrs. Hart. IL DIAVOLO ANTONIO. Will concludo the perform meo by hi* dnrimg fonts on tne FLYING ROPE. Doors open nt $ past 6, and performance to commence at 7 o’clock. doc 15 Oats and Hams. 1 .., BU>11 ELK prune heavy Oats, and 73 lliltiiuore llama Landing from schr E*gl". fm salo by ,0>c 15 FRANCIS SORREL. Lost. •*ware marked either J. M or J*. fA we fie. Any information of tin tame will be thunk lull v cowived and espouse* paid by CLAGHORN Sc WOOD dec 15 j^ BOX nfGlas* Wine. L ANDING from brig Pandora, u few enttk' choice Currant Wine, for rniln by PADELFORD, FAY Sc CO. doc 15 Molasses and Codec. I O II111)S M"lassos 3H lings Cotree Landing from brig Rodnoy, from Matnnzss, for salo by PADELFORD FAY Sc CO. dnq 15 H 13, Cum. €0 Hill.Son board brig Pandora, fur»ulo dec 15 PADELFORD FAY Sc CO. Provisions. 1 AA BRLS Primo and Mesa Pork 7 ? 50 do Mesa Beef 55 Prime Beef 35 No Boston Beef Ju-t received, for snlo by dee 15 ENA WORTH Sc WAY. Kieli worked Capes, &c. ^ N invoice .'onOrting of: Kihhcd Buckshin Cnssimures. Si E. INGEKrtOLLhnvc rucivi-d by brig Camilla, a few pirn s Ribbed lliirkaliin Castimorea, a hatidsumu article fur Gcullutuciu' Pantaloons, doe 14 White a UockspriiiR Gin. dk BRLS, juat receivod and for sale by PP\W deob FRANCIS SORREL. Agency and Brokerage. HIE subscriber having entered into tho Exchange, Boke-ago, and General A. gcncy business will attend to tho sain and pur. elmao of Bank and othor stock, at his uflieo, Bolton’s Range. TIIOS. F PURSE. References, Mestra. Anderaon Son, Savannah. Wm. Carter, Charleaton. dec 10 Boats lor sale cheap. t MIB P<do boats Oglethorpe mid Lafayette, thcOglothorpo carrii-Hfrom four to five bun. drod halos of Colton ami the Lafayotto sbont 300 Imlns, slio is nearly now mi,I would suit for a plantation or wood boat. Apply to F.SHIF.LS, Williamson’* building or MICHAEL DILLON,Telfair’s wharf, doc 11—t. Gentlemens line Beavers ami Silk Hats, ; FINK 'i,inrtm«nL received pet riiip Mill.i oilgovilln and for -ale by jdec 11 II. N. ALDRICH Sc CO. •15 New !,ear Lard KEGS just received and for ahloby dee 13 A CHAMPION. Biscuit, iobacco &c. 5 BAH REls'* butter biscuit, 5 "55 keg* No 1 Tobacco, 10 do No 3 do I Oil kega While I,cad, 56 kega Blank Faint, 50 Bag* coffee, . 3d brls N. Brcid, 30 do P. Bread. 10 bis, Pickles,binding and for sale by* W. II. THOMPSON Si CO. dec. 7 Exchange Dock No. 1. llnv and Flour. BUNDLES primo II.y 300 bbW Canal Flonr, fanny brand Landing from ship Macon, and lor s.i|h from tho ivliarf by TUPPER Si SISTARQ. In Store, 1001 ibis Howard Street Flour HU do Baltimore Whiskey 10 lilnla primo St Croix S dee ‘ Flour, Crackers, &c. 5 BRLS. Bultor Cruckerg 15 half do do 75 bbla Philadelphia Pilot Biscuit, Bla den’s brand 100 do Navy do 50 half ami of bbls Buckwheat Flour 10 half hbls Rye Flour 10 qr do do do 50 bids Canal Flour 30 qnlf do do do 15 boxes Starch 50 d ■ Soap 30 do Mu«tntd 100 lbs Cloves 75 lbs Nut mega 100 mut«"Ca*sia, 30 qr bbls Sicily Wine 5 qr tibia Old Mndeirn do 5 do Malinsoy do 10 boxes Stoughton’s Bitters 10 do lsnmon Syrup 8 casks Isindnn Purler 50 boxes Raising 50 half do For salo by doc 7 ENSWORTH Sc WAY Boots, Shoes and Brogans. WNTY THREE cases and Trunk* ffilWNTY THREE ensoa nndTrunkH of the U abuvo articles this day landing and fur ►alo low liv the package A. R. KNAPP A CO. Adjoining the City Hotel. Copartnership. tfiMlE subscriber having Mandated Mr. WW. £ ham Reddish in business with him, will continue to transact tho Factorage and Com misrii n bu i ies». under the lirm of William PutWrmn iV t o. oci 5 WM. PATTERSON. Blaukvts, BALES London Du fills, 8 by 9, and 7by I of a superior quality 1 bale Rove Blanket-, 10—4, 11-4, an«l 13-4 Will b6 sold on rn <son tide terms by nnv 31 FRANCIS SORREL, Men s and Youth’s Caps. BUST received, a splendid assortment of )¥ ‘ 07 Men’s and Youth’s Cloth Caps, of the la- t*>»t style, from the well known fnntory of Luke Dnvis Sc Soli, New. Fork, for wile by nnv 3rt A. WOOD Sc CO. For Ijonsi*. ' HAT vory desirablo vacant Lot, 30 foot frnutiog on Johnson’s Square, nml thirty, five feet on Bryan Street. There L a good cel lar, well M ulled. It can he, with a small invest, loom, mads profitable. For term, apnly nov 94 A. CHAM PI To tho FJeetor* of Chatham County* ■ AELLOW CITIZENS—l am a candidaV JT for reflection to tho ofHoo of Tax Culleo tor of tlio county, snd respentfliUv anlinll your sudVages on tfio first Monday in Jauuiry next. DAVID BELL, dec 3 Til tiui Votoi'B tjjfelmtlmm Cnuniv. W OFFER tor ra.oloctinu to the Office ol Re. m coiver of Tax Returns at tho Khciinns in January next aim solicit your votes. fl. LATH HOP. dee S—1| Fojuiw-Ciiizi'iis of Cliatlmui County, fi AM a cnndiiLto for Receiver of Tax ifv. 4 turns at the election in Januury next, and respect hilly solicit your suffrage*, ebe 5 LABAN WRIGHT. FOR LIVERPOOL, Tim fine now shtpOCMUl.GEE.Capt. Tlinous J Leavitt, having tbroo.fuurlbs ■rnor aargo engaged, nml going on board, will buve dispatch. For buluneo of freight or pas. sage having superior acnommodatlons apply to “uplaiu L. oil board at Jones’s upper wharf, nr TUPPER Sc SISTARE. doc 7 • To tin) Eloclors o? Cliittlmiii Comity 5 AM a rnmlidaln for reflection to the oflicn of Coroner nt llm iipproneliing election, built takes place on the first Monday in January next, and humbly solicit your suffiagcr, dec8 THOMAS K PIUN Just I.nudtMl. li^ik BB1.S. Menhaden Fish V V And in Store, 5 g’ne* Playing Cards 18 roams Letter Pupar. t 4 Cultivators a Copn Fanners, for winnowing cutn 2 patent Corn Shelters 3 patent Corn Mills 3 Cast Iron Pumps 1 Wagon Jack Screw For sale by nnv 28 JOHN CANDLER. Winds, ^ HMDS, and 3 quarter casks Madeira Wine, from the house of Lewis Sc Co. imported direct n twelvemonth *incn* 10 basketN, quarts, superior Chainpnigne, lliodioick brand 5 do niiits do do do For sale by BAY ARD Sc HUNTER, nov 25 Iron ltniliiin. T ,E subscriber would iniorin tlioollixom of Siivaiinnli, that, having made arrange, nicntsgwith an extrusive manufactory in New York, he will Iso able to furnish Plain or Orna mental Railing, in any quantity,nml suitable for all purposes, where it may bu required,at Nwu York prices. nov24 G. E. WILLIAMS. dec 7 Midway Seminary. ’R : .IIE next term ofthis Ins itnlinn will com. 19 menne on tho first Monday in January. This Institution is now now unitor tho care of tho Trustees of the Oglethorpo University, and they arc prepared to make full provision lor the reception of a large number of students du. ring the next year. Tho Rev. Mr, Roman, tho Principal,will bo nasistodhy Mr Moadn.roceiitly toacliar of the Mount Zion Academy ; mid if the number of Scholars require it, other aa-ua. tant* will bo provided. All ooiiiinunicntinnsmust bo nddrnasod to tlio undersigned. Secretary and Tmiisumr of tho Board of Trustees. R. K. II IN ES. dec 10—u New Goods. Ill E Subscriber lias rnturned from tlio North with a largo supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, selected especially for this market, which ho offers for salo on hia usual accommo. dating terms. D. STETSON. Riceboru', Oct. 15.1835. oci 15 c, 209—2m .\o. 3 Mackerel. BBLS No. 3 Mackerel C Just received, for sale low by doc 15 ENSWORTII Sc WAY. Bonnets. Tj UST received, per ship Manon, ons cane ol •7 tho I'ollowiiig Bmiuels fur Ladies uud Mis • BSH s « L ee Braids Luglimn Braids Also, two esses of now Toy*, at wholesale nr retail, by ® ROGERS. decl5r-U To HeK. FARM, about two •••ilqs from Savannah, containing sixty" Jrcs of land with an ox cellent dwelling hnuM . And all nccossary oul liuildio>;H on ilia prom'ses. nov 26—t Apply at thia ojjies.ftj By the Juyo. lisvo just roceivod an addition to our . R Stock of Ready inadn Clothing, manu factured from the best imported articles, and of. fernd fr*r salo ut the usitsal lo k prices for cash or unproved credit, by HAMILTON, HOUSTON Sc CO: don 15 hlntrkenO* ('htfosc mul Apples, rec.r’H, 7'. #Hk BRLS No • Mackerel, 40 d*» No 2 dc As 20 half brls N» 1 do, 40 No 3 do 30 nnsks prime Clificso 30 brls apple* n fine order, for sale by dec 15—p A- DAY. S|H‘nil Oil. H BBLS pure Spent Oil, lauding, and ii (3 for si ‘ ‘ dec 15 lie by PADELFORD, FAY & CO. Feathers, Buckwheat. Snap, &c. .108. BANCROFT Si. t’O. No. 3. M login’* Wharf. (Up Stair a.) O FFER for -ulc 10 bags Live Goo»o Foathcrs - 40 i bbls Pensylvania Buckwheat Flour 20 i “ •• •• “ 12 bids “ W louts 20 boxes No. 1 Brown Soip 10 eiiM-v Funoy Box “ 40 roams Priniing I’opi-r. 21 % 311 100 »» Fancy Wrapping Papor Also, A quantity of Band Louthor suilublo for Mill Urn. den 15—u Apply Tuis Day. T HIS DAY, tlio Drawing of tho Millrdgn. villo Struct Lottery, I'ltiss No 2, will tukn place. sen E M B. Prize of 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 810.000 5000 4000 3000 1470 1200 1000 &c. &c. &c. As the drawing will be completed in fivo minute*, adventurer* wanting iickots should ap ply at ntico, for all ticket* unsold will bo return, nd tn ili« munagors by the mail of This Div at 2 o’clock. Tickets 85, Halves §2 50. Quarters $1 35. For -ale ut tho ESTABLISHED “ NEW OFFICE.” M* r hln Buildings on the Bay, Where «ut standing prizes in Yatc* Sc Mein tyre’* Lotteries aro received as cosh, and all toL tory information may bo bad. due 14 810,000. M ILLF.D«E V, LLE street Lottery, Class No. 2, will ho drawn THIS DAY. SCH E M E, 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Prize of &c. &c. Tickets Q5, Halvev §2 50. For aale ut LOTH BU Sc CO’S, dec 10 810,000 5000 4000 3000 1470 1200 1000 &c. Quarters 81 25. Cocoa Nuts. FRESH and l irgo aim Cocoa /*la^C5>H7Vr Nats, landing from tlio schr. Marion, for sulo by nnv 30 FRANCIS SORREL. Lost. CjETIVEEN the Mansion House and Gram Ji P et's Stable, a plop* Gold Watch with a blank tibbnn and two plain gold rings and a k« v attached. The finder will b« liberally reward dec 14—p Pade.lo-it Pay am v.;». Offer for aale in atore. IIIIDS N 1 Orb-ana Sugar ftp 3d do Porto Rico do 50 dot Ceylon AVine 100 brls N E Rum 20 Imxos Havuna Sugar doe 11 Conmiission Business in Darien, Georgia. fltHE subscriber will continue tlio Comm is. « sion business heretofore -carried on in this place by Pin U. Yougo Sc Suns. His wharves and stores arc extensive and convenient. Goods ►hipped to hint f ir tho up country will recnivo hi« personal addition, and be forwarded by onr- lioni and host opportunities. Ho will remuin in Darien at ull acasona of the year. HENRY YONGE. II. Yonge will contimioto run bis aniull bonts until tlio river bcoomoa navigable fur stoam vex. aula. Darien. Aug 24, 1835. aug 27 A Curd. T HE ntiNcrilior having lately returned front the North, haa ro.eugngod as a foreman lo rotiducl the Uont and Shoo Mormfiictnry for Mos-rrs. It. N.Aldrich Sc Co. Inkm-thu method of informing the citizens of Savannah and the public in giMiornl, that from increased export, dice of tlio ItusinoKs, ho hopes that ho will Im aide to pleuso ull who may fuvor them with their custom All work mado undor his charge and iuapection shull m>t lut mirpnssi d in this city ... Dir-11 i It u riiiLim, * or elsowhoro, nov 20 RICHARD FRISBY. For Sale. A FIRSTratoGigHorao, well known in this city, apply io nnv 28 II. F. W1LL1NK, Grind-Stones. q»”lity Grind.Stonos, assortod sixos, for sale by oct 15 M. HOPKINS. 1 .atlics Slippers. A FRESH lot of black and colored Moron. ‘V. co and Kid, Lnno’s inanufacturo t liko wise n clioico assortment of imported French ►hoc* from tn« cnlebr ucd manufactory of Mad. lime Eslo, l’aria. Jitsl received bv x, w/ ComlbrlabittM. VIZ: OVER COATS- r CLOAKS; CAM ¥ BLET WRAPPERS; ORIENTAL RO. BE8; UNDER SHIRTSand DRAWERS of II kind* ; and a largo assortment of Faaliiuua- blo nov 7 BREED A WARNER. North sido Market *ipiuro. Dividend. Marine anil Fire Inaurnnce Rank. ) Savniinuh, Dnctnnber 1st, 1835. ^ fBlIIE Board of Diroctora hnving this day fi. declared a dividend of one d'dlur per share tho same will bo paid on or oftnr Thursday next. JAMESSMITH, Cashier, dec 2 Bendy Mode Garments of tlio bos’ quality and workmanship; which will Iks solo ut tho lowest cash pri*-e*, by need PRICE & M A LI.FRY. Youths f^Jk Hats. 4 SPLENDIG aa-ortiiMiit nf youths black silk Hats do Drab, FAr* by dec II II. N. ALIlRICII Si CO. A Fulton Market Beef. FEW half barrels Fulton Market Boef, ii choice arliulo put up expressly fur family use Lauding from on board ship Macon for Bile by MICHAEL DILLON, dec 11 Tclfuir’s wharf Old Irish Whiskey. v.URE us imparlo For sale by X‘ MICHAEL DILLON doc 11 TellnirV wharf. Piano Forte Manufactory aud Ware house, New York. 3 - HE Subscribers have f-mninencod the man. ufiCturiuff "f Piano Fortes, ai N<*. 315 Bowery, Corner of Socond street, opposi'o Bond, iiihI solicit tho putroiiugo of their friends and ‘he public. Tne first iircmium* were awarded, to the sob. scrilicrs. by the Mcchani'-R'and the American ln'lituta* for iho best Pi.ino Forte- at the late Fairs. Tlioir Instrument* nro warranted equal oith'-rfor lone or finiiih to nny manufactured in Iho United States ; aud will be sold on tlio most moderate terms. TlicHitli«cril«rs manufacture Piano Ftirtos of ovory doscrjpiion, itmong which am Horizontal Gr.iml; Cabinet ; II .nimnic; Hollow, Round, and >q«*raCornered. a».u. Ac of Grand and Euglt-h actions. Piano Forios made to order and tn match nlhor furniture nt the shortest no. tjcc. Orders from doalnra and others in nny part of the United States promptly attended to. JOHN ABBOTT &. CO. Piano Forte Manufacturers, New York dec 11 Karthcn Ware. CRATES Earthcrn Ware, well selec * tod for roiniling in tlii- market. Lan ding from on board ship Thalia, and for s-ilo by MICHAEL F dec‘11 MICHAEL DILLON. Telfair’s wharf Castile Soap. PZ BOXES first quality Castile Snap. P& for sulo by COIILN Sc MILLER, doc 8 Clothing j Clothing ! Clothing J^UST received, per aliip Bofio, a splendid usHoriinont of Ready'Made Clothing which will lie sold low for coahorcity acceptance*, dec 4 If. CLOSE. Hay, BUNDLES primo Hay for sale at 4 v reduced pri'-cs by MICH. DILLON. doc 9 Telfairs wharf. I'nmo Eastern 11 ay. HE cargo of ship Argo, for sale in lots to Suit purchaser*, at reduced pi ices, fi. thowhirf For a*le by MICHAEL DILLON. ncc'll IMf.i-’- vuf English Garden Seeds. i ».\VING to the many complaints made 4 ^‘gainHi Ycgoi-.blo (I'ardou ScoiIb r-iisedattho north. Tho Subscrihor has procured qt consiH. era Id i* trouble and oxpenso, a -upi ly from En. gland, which have arrived and nro now landing they comprize a fine assortment, and will ho sold ut tlio same prico na tho Northern seed. Country customers will please to fiiwurd tlioir nrdor>- f«r the spring crop. dec 9 G R. HENDRICKSON. Liverpoul Ground Salt. "fi ft R a SACKS Liverpool (Ground Salt Ml & " 10fi boxes first quality Soap 6 half pipes cognac Brandy. For snlu by dec 9 M. DILLON. Telfairs wharf. Hams. AjHj BALTIMORE Hams juNtrccciv ^>fi7"”cdper sehocner Murinn, nnd for •ale by FRANCIS SORREL- doc 2 Iloy. ed, by Irving it at tho Oiiiiu'iog • f Eliua ® , ,0 BUNDLES II.iy, on hoard brig Ma- BUM. WILLIAM UOPntEV. ’ Ji-un, f-.r Ml.. Apply to *> f ' dec 14 Apply PADELFORD, FAY A-CO, Town ot'^t. Joseph’s Lots For sale. ■f HE Lake Wimico and St JoMipb’s Canal Company, having contracted for tlio con- Hlruction of a Rail Road from tlio Bay of St. Jo soph'* In connect with tlio Rivor Apalachicola, via Ignite Wimico,—Alan- Inr tho building of wharvo-and ware hou-e«, at both on I* of the ro»d, to lm ready for the transaction ofbusinnas by tho 1st of Dccninbnr next, hove laid off into convenient lots, tlio now town of St. Joseph, on n beautiful elevated plain, about half way up tlio Bay. mi tho pi*t sido, at thn point where tlio Rail Road wRl terminate. Tho wharf is to bn carried out to 17 toot wator. und tho Rail Road track to exlnnd to Iho extreme end nf it, an that vpa-els can load and diaohargo cargoes along aidri the cars. Tho Lota in tho town of St, Joseph will bo of. fared for ante at public auction on tlm 14th Dc. comber next. Term-, ono fourth cash—tho hal. nnco in thren equal payments, for which note* will be required at 12, 21 and 36 month, with intnro*! from tlio day of-ale. Title bonds will bo iaaund by tlio company to tbo purolinsor, on their complying with tho terms of sale, nnd a fca rimplo title executed when tlio lust inatul. incut is pa,d. ROBERT BEV1 RIDGE Prost. Lake Wimico and St. Joseph C*. C St.Joeejh, IF. Florida, Oct I, 1835. Sale of Ix>ts in the town of St. Joseph, POSTPONED. Tlio sale of Lots in tlio town of St. Joseph has been postponed till tbo I8ih of Junuary noxt, when they will takn place on tlio sauio terms os llioto adveriisod. den 7— tillOj Clothing and lints. ?| t ECEIVING from ship Bdlo and brig Georgia a coniplrtn assortment of Ready Mado Clothing; nnd Silk Hits of tlio latOMt stylo, which will bu Hold b w. PRICE A. MALLERY. Drapers and Tuilor*. Grates and Stoves. ffilWELVE Grains assorted Patterns JL IS box St- voa assorted sizes 6 Franklin do do For wle by N. B. Sc II. WEED. Rifles. O NE Case percussion and flint Rifljs, th day opened and for Rnlo by A. R. KNAPP & CO. doc 7 Adjoining tlio City Holul. Stanley's “ Rotary Cooking Stoves.” A N EW supply of tlicao most approvcdCook' ing Stovea just rocnivod by J. B. HERBERT Sc CO. doc 2 -Agents. Mill Irons. f# MILT. Cranks, 12 Wing Gudgoons. (.9 4 Rag Whools, 6 Saw Stirrups and Noddlo pins. Fur sale by N. B. Sc H. WEED, dec 2 Scotch A hi mid Whiskey. 5 CASKS each 7 dnz Edinburg Alo it puocle'nn gcimhm «»ld Inlay Whiskey Just landed from brig Carlha from Grconcck. and for sale in quantities to *uit purcliasers liy dec 11—p ROUT. JOHNSTON Negro Cloalli. C l BALES Knrsey'a assorted colors and qua!. it ities, just landed from the New York pock, ets, and for nalo by nov SB WILLIAM WARING. Oranges. 1 ** fifiJNifiOKANOES’Lndinrfrotn brig Rorlnay nml for* alo by 7 W. H. THOMPSON Sc CO, den 13 Raisins. WHOLE boxes ) Superior • * 50 half do > bunch 50 quarter do j Raisins. For do by COHEN Sc MILLER, doc 14 Flour. HALF Brls. superfino Flour Landing from brig Frances, from Phi ladotplns, and for salo bv doc 14 BAYARD Sc HUNTER. For* Sale. 4 PA IR nf well broke family Horses. Sold for no fault, and any ono wishing to pur. chasn will cull on Mr. Henderson at Picks Stabh't dec 14 I Hay. BUNDLES Primo Northern Hay, fur Bulohy G. HAAS, nov 30 Anderson's building. Shovels, Spades and Grubbing Hues. tftjfiHh DOZ Htnnl Shovels nnd Spinlna ■aa^VP 6 do long handle steel do 10 do socket Shovels and Spades du do Grubbing lines, for sale by 123 M. HO Chamnaigno. BASKETS •• key,” “Ioly” and *-l.C <tP V7 Champaigns, in quart and pint bottles, and of superior quali y, landing from schr Ann, and for sale by TUPPER Sc SISTARE. Wanted. A N Overseer fora cotton plantation in Bry- fH. an County. Nona need apply without rood racnimmmdations of character nnd knuw. "dgo of planting. Enquiro at thia idfice. DEN. Raisins, Just Rocoivoit, ■fi fik x ja BOX EH Bunch Kaibins JLlr^r Fur sale by nov 21 C LAGHORN Sc WOOD. T’resli Tuscnn Rnnmits ■fiUST rrcoivoilj per ship Bello, und now )F npiMiing, 4 cases Indies Tuscan*, which, in addi'ion tn those recently received comprises n large aaaortment, wholesale or retail, very low by A. BLN NET, nnv 30 No. 1, Young's Building' lints ami ('nps. Juat received per aliip Retie, fib CASES Gentlemens' lino Soever Hats HP •• « •• silk 6 dozen " •• Sea Ottor Caps 8 •• •• •• Fur Seal C •* •• •• Nutra A Ison good nHnortmuiit of low priced Hair So il. Fur aale by doc 3 II. N. ALDRICH Sc CO. Notice. fW^IIE nudnraigned have formed nCopartner. Q aliip, for tho transaction of the Factor- ago ami Commission Uu*ine-*. in tho city of Savannah, under tho firm of Phioi/.y Si. Mr.Gov. ern, and luudor their service- to tnoir friends. ROBERT M Pill VIZ Y, JAMES MoGOVKRN, Refer to W. Sc II- Bryson, ) John Phinizy, > Augnata, Snml. t’larke, j G.B. Lumar, Savaunuh. dec 3—tlm James River Tobacco. mm LBS James River sweet leaf To bicen, a suporior uriiolo for nhaw. in^, plan 3 hrls Sugar house Moln huh. juat re. ceived and for aulo by C. L. McN ISlI. dec 2 Virginia limns. Juat Received, T WO Hundred and Filly -uperior Virginia llama, selected, fi r sale by dec 2 CLAGHORN & WOOD* FOR LIVERPOOL. v Tho Uim new ship M ANCIIERTER, I j-J. J. Patton nmatar. For ireightof| baleaCuUun. Apply tn H. B. i’ARKM AN Sc CQ. F< r aMe Imidiiig from Midship. 300 bimdles prime I'Laturn lluy dec II—i. By J. U. HERBERT «f CO, THIS DAY, 15th insUt II u'slook will LJ sold in front or store, 3 Dnniuacus twist Fowling Pisces 5 Patent do do do 2 Patent Lover Hunting Wstobes 1 large Mahogany Wardrobe Also, A quantity of Negro Cloths doc Dry Goods at Auction. J. B. ~ FOR NEW YOUK-(m.i> link.) ' Tho fast sailing regular packet ship £MILLKDG|:VILLK, C..m Root W older} will lm doopatchud immmliutoly. For 'eight or puNMigc, having HU|>orioracaouiuindu BY J. B. HERBERT A CO. THIS DAY, 15th InsUnt at 11 o’clock,. . will bo sold in our storo without rflsorVo,to clone •* a ooiicern, a variety nf ataplo nnd fauoy Dry Goods wall adapted to the present scuioii. dec 15 he — —-k., Cotils at Auction. • „ . BY B. PHILRRWK A CO, , .. urns apply on hoard at Mmigins upper wharf THIS DAY, the 15th Inst, at half pall >J.l ' r in STONE, WASHBURN Si CO o’clock, on Smith's wharf. It o : - ...ill ..I i. i ... I IU.I..U I n. I. t * • . P S Consigneea will please aiieml to the re. option ul‘their goods ut thu abovo mcmiunid whurf. Fur silo landing from said vnisol. 100 luimilea prime Northern lluy. den 9 18 chaldrons Orrul Copts, landing from fhtp - Persia, in lotiU> suit purolmaof. dec 15 Tentis cash. tun i\EW 1 utia— ^oi.n Tbo regular packet sliip BELLE, Dipt. Marvin, will tail on Wednesday imxl For p'lssago only, li ivmg splendid ac commnd.itioila, apply mi lmaidut ( .Mi.ugiu's up per wharf, »>r In droll STONE, WASHBURN .V- CO Undcrwriti.-r’s Hale. .... IlyS. 1‘HIUIKICK A VO. Tills DA V.'tlio Ull, at II o\Iock, on Souililora wharf, II hags Upland Cotton, damaged, aud dhld for account ol' all cancorncd uudur Ut»uccli--n • | of tlio Wardens vf tho Port. ^ l* r » Terim caxh» FOR PHILADELPHIA. Tho regular punkot brig FRANCES, captain Crofts, w ill meet wiill (Wptlul 1 , iFur freight or nus*ug«, apply ««’ hoard, or lo BAYARD Sc HUNTER. Consignees hy tlio nhovn vessel are requested to attuiid lo tlm receipt of il.uir good-* tin* day at Joiioh Lower Wnurf. dun 14 FOR HAVRE, f^xTIm vo»y superior eoppnred nnd enppor liMkMimed brig ARMADILLO, eaptnn SB^Ueese, will inert wilhdespuicli ihr the above port. For Iriuglit "I* 300 bales enttm ap ply to HOLCOMBE; PECK ft Co. 11 Mungm’* Buildings. The Armadillo having the greatest part of her cargo engaged and go ngon board,will bo ready to sail in a lew days, dec 12—t. R Y J R HERBERT A CO TOMORROW, 16th Inst at li o’clk,will bo sold in from of store, a gauoral assortment of i|t Groceries and Crockery ware, ’) . Also, A variety of Dry G«w>ds. Turin, cwli. , Fosiuvo Male ul Pure Holland Gin" m Ciiirnuu liratidv. i n flV J. II. IIHUHBHT ., BO. ■ w TOiMoltKOW, 10U. in.l. at II o'clock, will • e sold in front of blorc, without Ills least re. > serve, to close sate*, 0 pipes pure Holland Gin 5 halfpipe. C»gnno Brandy dee 15 Terms at sal#.' i-. Mailoirn Wiuo. //» J B. lllilWERT A CO ' On WEDNESDAY, Itilh Iln'clork, BVII 1‘UOrlOBNCIS- 4/•’«■«(" I’cic/.l »• a-Tlio regular pnekui brig WALTHAM, /T^pv*'"pt' Siiohloii, will meet with quick ■3fjraK.dc patch. For freight «*r huV- ag good aueniiiiiiod ati-m, upply on bourd at Motigiii. Upper Wharf, or to uov 31) STONE. WASHBURN Sc CO. will ho .old in front of our store, without iho least kind of resnrvo, , r 80 qr casks Madeira Wine Terms st tala. don 15 FOR NIiW.ORLEANS. ±. ,*^?' Tlio fast sailing brig A N N M A R I A, /y’lrvCupt. E. Jordon will meet with despatch. 3dca&For Freight or piissagn apply t- Capl, J. i hoard orlo dec 11 COHEN A MILLER. IJtjoUs, Friitta, &c. at Audio it. BY S. PHILRRICK A CO. TOMORROW EVENING, filth iost. »t .7 "'clock ul bale* room, corner ol Buy & Whita ker wts A splendid u« orlmsnt of Books, Prints and { iamy article*. Term* cash. dee 15 k . - ' "«V S. PHILRRWK '4* tO. FOR NEW YORK. 1- -P's Tlm new luig GRECIAN, Jpj^Cupi •Card will have iinuiodiiitedo.patah, .TsSSs^I’ur freight on deck apply to tlm uia.toi "II hoard or to COHEN Sc MILLER, deli On THURSDAY, 17th Inst, at II o'clock.)n front * f b|..r«, a general absortincnt of Groso* . non, Dry Goods, &t. Terms cash, dee 15 $100 Howard. T OST. on Sunday list, between Wnrrontnn U.J and Aiignsla, a small Wall t. Rontaiug tic. Iwcpii 6 nnd ?ll0dnlhirH, in hank N"tcs piinci- pally "film Darien Bank, mill undry papers, Thewnllel liU'I'.lm owner’s name murk'd mi it in four pku'oa. Tt o utmVe reward will be given to any person who shall return it to thoGonr* gian tlffico. J. W. BANC'KKK, dec 2 FUR NEW-YOHK. S TIm new -ohstan'ial copper fastened Brig tM A('ON,( Goiham, w ill com. mencu tooling on Tim-iiuy iM>xi,undlM) di'Hpatulied forihwilll. t For freight orpa-suge, huving excellent nceniiimuilutioii., apply on hoard, .*> *o STONE, WASHBURN Sc CO nov. 27 BY P. G. SIIICK £ O COHEN. On THURSDAY, 16th inst. will be sold at SagUb* ship yard, at 11 o’clock, a lnfgn Boat, tbs property of tho Custom IIous of this oily duo 15 Terms tesh. <5ii by Buckwlicat. HAf.F brls nnd 20 qr do Buckwheat laiiiliug from brig G.-orgin and for sale WM.II.THOMPSON &.CO. No. I, Exclnfngo Dock. Just Rocoivod, Per aliip MiUeJgemUe.fram New York. A LMtiNDS, Figs, Prunes, Cnrianis,Apples, Cidor, Hrnonia, Prime Pork ; Soda, But. ter, Sugur und Wuter Biscuit. 100 bumllus Huy, in lots to suit purcliunor*, fur sale by TIIOS. WOOD, dec 8 No. 4, Mnngin'* wharf. Flantors Bank. 40th Dividend. A DIVIDEND offimr |»cr coot, upon the la-t six months liusinosii Inis been dcclar ed this day. which will be pad on mid alter Thurmhiy next, lftth lust dee 8-i.Jj J MAILS HALL, Cashier. Conjuh Remedies. CASES Jujube Pusto (Real French) 4ae 2 du Gum Drops 2 do White Gum Arabic (selected) 1 do Refined Liquorice (English) 1 do White Horohuund Candy 20 dozen Boimsot Lozenges A fresh supply of those choieonriWilos highly recoiuiiiPiiflcd f'er c>iI'Ib. muglm, Sets. Just received, and for salu by dec 4 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Fire Dogs. PAIR Bras* andirons asserted 75 do Iron dugs 50 do du do with brass tops 100 pair Shovel and Tongs assorted. For salo by N 0. Sc II. WEED, dec 8 Provisions, &c. fi aft KZ BRLS No I, 2 and 3 Mackerel PM 65 half du do do do do Flour nml Soap. 100 11DL$.. Superfine Howard «trcot 100 bbls Cn'nnI Flour J (J 0 boxes No ] Snap Landing, nnd for ante Ly MICHAEL Dll.LON, nov 5 Telfair’* W linrf. Holland Gin. ffi PIPES Ilolluiid Gili. Purn ns imported G For salo by MICII. DILLON, oct 29 Gaslin/f’. IX tons Castings, I’nuMbt ing of Ovens, Pots, Skillets, Spiders, Kettles, Andir"iis, &i*. now landing from ship Bello and brig Lola, ni for sale by "" ‘ oct 15 M. HOPKINS. Finn Bools. 4 CASES Calf Bents, just received per Eli Whitney, a part of which arc of a tupurior quality. Fur sulo hy doc 3 II. N. ALDRICH Sc CO. Uppers. Iclphin. 2. i "fiUST received fr«ni Philadelphia. 2. ensos IF Ladins French Slippcrw Fur m»1« hy doe 3 II. N ALDRICH At CO. Cordials anti FJuur. »■/SN QR. casks Cordials TFfly 50 hurrols Howard Street flour, now landing and for salo lew hy dec 4 STONE, WASHBURN Sc CO. Choice Old Madeira, NROM tho home of Cordon, Duff At Co, Madeira imported via Chorlnaton pur brig Diinon, in (igbtii*, quarters nnd casks for sale by ADAMS At BURROUGHS, dec 5 C’nnul Flour and Btidtwiicul. Barrels extra Canal Flour. 25 halves do do 20 qr. bbl« family Buckwhoat. . 30 kegs do do landing from brig Georgia and fur sain hy nov.28 GAUDUY At LEG HI EL. 20 tons G-rind Stunna of variuus sixes land, ig from brig Sea I-Lnri and fur sale by dec I WOODIIRIDGE At MAY. Corn Grist and Flour, M ADE of tho best Flint Cum, to bn had ot thn Juil, or Com ground on shares, nov 27 Ju&t Received, front Ncw-York, Ry the ahipa Emperor and liellr, fi BUTTER, laird, Fulton Markc* Beef, Pig JIJ^ Pork, Hams, Smoked Beef, Smoked Tongues, Sugar, Soda Water ond Butler Bis. cuit, 18 bbls N'ewurk Cider. Forsnle by THOMAS WOOD, No. 4, Mongin's Wharf. nov 28 Canal Flour. 13! NM" Canul Flour just received and for salo hy ENSWORTII At WAY. dce.l Leaf Tobacco. Kentucky leaf Tobacco COHEN At MILLER. Pork nnd Beef, fi UST roeoivod per Persia, 01* 50 Brls city prime pork, 50 do do iiios* beef, primo do, for salo by 50 do dec 2 CL At* BORN At WOOD. Eastern Hay, two BUN IJLES superior Hay fur salo doc 10 . ENSWORTII A WAY. Hyacynth Glasses. f CASE Ilyncynth or Ilabous Root Glasses, just rpAoivhd and for sale by dne 10 O. R. HENDRICKSON. Eastern Il^y. i\ BUNDLES suporior Eastern Hay # landing from b.rquoMury Kunlmlt will bn sold low from the wli irf. doc 2 ENSWORTII At WAY. Fletcher Ilngen, H AVE received po- ship Millodgovillo in nd. dilinn to their former stuck, 4 canon I t quality Satin Denver Huts, latest fasbiun Thoy havo als-i received per recent arrivals a good at. aortmnut nf Boots und Shoes. On hand 1200 pair Negro Shoes slightly duui. aged which thuy will sell vory low. The J’artisim, A Talc of the Revolution, hy tho author or tho Yomasseo, Guy Rivnrs, Am, Tho South West, in 2 vol* by u Yaukco. Tlio Rambler in North America, 2 v. by Charles Joseph Latroho Tho Linwnods, or Sixty Year* since, in A- nmrica, by the aiiilmr ofllopo Loslio, Redwood, Arc, being a frosh ►upply of a vpry nout edition publixbcd by Harper Sc Brothers, Now York. Tho Bathary States, by llm Uov. Michael Rii-m-II. with a map and engraving. Tho 73d No. Family Library. 12th vol. of the uniform edition of tho works of Miss Sherwood. Robinson Crum-c, a new edition, hy the liar, per*, in I octavo vol. Turkey Morocco gill. A Treatise on Epidemic Cliolora, by Floyd T. Ferris, with plates. For salo hy dec 14 THOMAS PURSE Sc CO. HYJ. R HERRERT A CO. TOMORROW, 16ihui*l.atll o’clock, will will bo sold in front ol storo, A North ern bred horse, draws gentle in liar-, ness and pleasant under the saddle, dec 15 ^ u FOR NEW ORLEANS. rv Tho oi'W fust ►ailing ►chr ALBION. V\ Cupt. Fiindium, will sail on Toe*uay I 15th inst. For freight or pncHiigu. I having acconim(M|.iliiM>s, apply ‘ Capl- F. on board, m Anciaux wharf or to duo 9 COHEN ,V MILLER Croekorywnrd, Ily J. R. HERRERT # CO. vr rsm-TK sal*. 25 crates well assorted Crockery wars, now lauding und will lm soldiftukou from the •vlmrf dec 15 OciiiuIrcc SlLuin-bnnl Gnitipaiiy. /arev This cmnuaiiv will cmnuaiiy will prepared to omomr.nnehu. KiuesH curly lit tbo next seiisnn. Thvy will luive IWoHipurjnr low slearnhoats (built es|icciii|ly for tho liUfh-ess) cnn-lautly running hetwi'on Darien and Macon, with u ruquuitu uuntlmr of low hoiita, Tho company will afro have n lino of pockot* Imtwuon Darien and Nmv York. HENRY YONGE, Agent in Darien. Four shares of one thousand dollars each re. main unsold. For paiticularu upply to tbo aguut or Eouf Suirar. — BY J. B. HERBERT $ CO. AT rniVATR RAMI. 18 tiercel first quullly Louf Sugar now land, ing and for salu l -w if taken froui the wharf. AI ", in Store. UOwholoand 15 lulf tiercos rot tiling Rice. dec 15 a 9p Glnssware. By J. D. IIBItBBItr 4 CO. ^ iii D-tricn. D iricn, Aug. 21th, 1835. sug 27 Mucoit Ktcaiiilinnl Coiiipaiiy. ILtvu tlio plnuMirurn to. return their most gr-ituliil pnckiiowlcilguiiu'iit* for the ililsir.'l patrutiiiguUie) liar AT raiVAT* SAI.R, An extensive aasorlmentof Glassware bt»t rtb?.^k- coivcil fnini the niunufactory in Philaphis, and 1 1 he will he sold low. dec 15 _ eh By J~BTTtHHBEIlF4~CO: AT Ml VAT* SALK. 35 brls "upnrinr Loaf Sugar 20 boxes do do do dec 9 2 roceivuti lmm the Merchants uud Hmir frioml- and would solicit u coutinunuco of it which limy bop« to merit by the prompt attuntion of nil cut. •on or goods Hupped hy tlm line, in addition io tlio Atouiubuut Excel, uud ihuirlow hou's now io UFO. Tlm company have new building n new stoam, bout wi'li ton HOW tow heat*, ull of the lu'Nt iih icriuls and cxpr*'S-ly adupH'd io llm navigition of the Ocimilgco unit Al.ilsiiiuhu Rivers. Tfiose increased fucilitias will utUiuf tlm Cmii|iuuy tltu means of giving de*pulch to goods intended for llm iutorior, uud will furnish iiidiicuiimiiis for Merchuuis west ofilm Oumnlgeo river lo ship their gmslshy the way of Darien uud Macon. There aro five first rale packets running rng ulurly hstwueu New York and l).i'joii, which come to lf-iwi-i mid Milctiul tfio agents lot thu Muuuii Sleuoiliont ('"iiipauy, A grata for the above Boat a. L, BALDW IN Sc CO. Savannah, li'iVGK, IIhmiv Sc Wai.tku. Ch.xriu»toii. Hawks Sc Mitriiki.i., D iriou. Gko. K. R- bkkts, Hawkinavillc. J. Goduaiio Mace.i. dec 12 Old Maduira Wine. BY P. G SHICK $ O. COHEN. AT PIUVAT* SAL*. 20 dnmijons of superior old Mcdoira Wlna ju-i received and for sulo low - dto 13 Execut»ir8 Sale. H RY J. R HERBERT A CO Will be told at the Court Hoitld in the elfjnf n< Savannah on tlm first Tuatdqy in January t It tlm usual flours, ono fourth of Lot No 5, on Druytmi, stroot, Reynold" Ward, tmlonging to , the ustate oi'Gcorgu Ilaupt do censed. . do.- If) Terms of sulo rash. - ^ Rk P.U. SHICK 4 O. COHEN. AT PRIVATE 8Atilt. Landing from brig OglutImpe from Bnltimoro l()(j lilils oupcrliue Howard stroot Flour nov 24 By P. G. SHICK $0. COHEN. TA PRIVATtt SAL*. A likely active Negro boy aged 17 yosrs a good Ilnu*o servant acno-tomsd to drive a dray -nd can lake charge of a Horse ; honest and so. her. dec 9 For Kent, The building recently occupied by Rosrignnl Si. Kirnx.a* n school house, : Minuted on Cmir'.House Square.— ToHHUsbioii given immediately. Ap< S. 1’HILIIRICK &.CO. Cheese. 10 CASKS prime Goshen Cheesn, fang For sulo by dec 3 ing per brig Georgia, from New York', JNO. W. LONG. For Rent, Tlm house on tlm liny, one door I we-tnfMr. A Bartow’s apetliccu., store. Tosscksiun given immediate. Apply at the office. v 28—||li No. 3 Mackerel. T BRLS No 3 Mackerel landing and (br Hf sulo low by ENSWORTII * WAY* New GoocJh. jt^jORTON At FULLER havo just roeoivod I by ship Millcdgcvitle. Fioo Olive, Green, Black and Bluo Cloths, White and colored countorpancs. Striped Snttinots, cotton yarn. English Shirtings. Ci.tlon and worstod Hosiery. Mull, Swiss, aud jaconet mu*lins. Corded do do do Scotch Plaid Shawls. Piano covers, with a vorioly of other slople aud farcy good* dec 14 Cincinnati Bacun. TIERCES Hams 1 7 hhds Middlings ' 1000 lbs Shoulders superior quality, and in fine order Just received per brig Francos,from Phllado! phis, and for solo by * * * B.1 dec 14 BAYARD 6l HUNTER. nov 12 For Sale or Kent, THE Duelling l(pu*» in Orleans* S piuro, el prokonl occupied by urn, IposKOHHion of which will bu iuiuicdi- Sutoly given. ROUT. HABERS HAM. Clioco late and Pruncn. L't tfli hnxea Nn \ Chooi-lato, i 1 '"" 20 cases fresh Pruuos in fancy boieti landing and for salo by ' m3 TUPPER & SISTARE. To Kent, Tlio tlireo story Brick House, Franklin Ward—Two story Wood, a llnu*o, South Commons, next last «if Major Fannin's, and largo double Wooden Hxiuso in Brmiglitun.Htroet. Pos'osissimi may bu had immediately. For con- ditions, apply to R. F. WILLIAM! nov 13—tf Wood. 0(!rf ' fa '.I1E subscrihor has now landing, at Jack- " * * l0 »’» whsrf, at the Eastern ond of tho‘ city, a supply of Live Oak, Hickory, die. which he offers at tho Inwost market prinu—in addition f tn his supply of Wood, he has on hand a largo’ and well selected supply ofGRoccnigs.Liduo**, • Winks, Sen. which lie will sell on accnmmoda. n o ling terms. JOHN GU1LMART1N. msn lm July 21 AS. Bnuging and Unnabums, ECEIVbD per Usrsld, and for sale h< Bl dec 9 Found, S N June lust, near Jurksnnhurnugh, Screven enmity, a patent lever gold watch, much I injured from iioing liuricd in Iho sand for noiiio time. The owner can have it hy describing it and i aying for this odvortireinont. nnv 17 M. MYERS. r r sale bf • p,., J. 4 J. REU>. VVantcd tn Purchase. lOOih# 25 per 100 lb. delivered at tny Yard in Savan. nsh. MICH, DILLON* dec 9 Brought to Jail. O N Iho Uth inst Dink about 17 yoars of ago I five foot fivo inches high, who *ay« ho be- • lungs to Dr. Atkins, Coorevvhaihio S. C. and that lm runaway oil Monday last, doc 14 By the Ship Macon. T HE obsoribers have received an addition al assortment ofKendv mado clothing, al so Boavorand Silk data, Furandplnth HAMILTON HOUSTON & Y.8. PICKARD, Jailor. duo 9 & i- For Sale, i «.. 5 ,.wu«, - . *», jpn SHARES Mtrlno nnd Fir. Imuranco A FJ!W to". Jiim.loa Wwondl.mllnK p«» v );> Hunk S'ock. Ai.f.Jy to whr, K,bt. G«or^ Z. nnv 27 WOOUHKIIHiE &. MAY. | *•> 8 COHEN &. MILl.Ell. ;D Logwood. Collins « Axce. M M DOZ. Cblliti's Axes, fnr sale hy N. B. 4. If. WEED. due >t Flour. fi dkdh BRLS fresh Canal Flour just re. JLv|FV P«rvod and for salo by PADEUrORD.f At fcGO. dee 11 x