The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 15, 1835, Image 1

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A M essrs hart a harpy b»,t«.wio inform the citizens of Savannah, that they will open the Theatre on TOMORROW EVENING, Dec. !5tA. Tho Celobr&ied II Diavolo Antonio AND IUR Three Surprising Children» From the Thoatre Royal, Drury Lane, aud Ni. bio's Garden, Now York, whose performance# Itavo been tho delight and admiration of crowd ed and fashionable andionces wherever they have performed, are engaged for a ahort time, and will perform on Mouday First appearance in 6 yeara of Mr. Judah, First appoorance-in 4 yeara of Mr. C Young. ' TOMORROW EVENING,Deo. 15th,theMo. lo Drama ofTHERESEor iho ORPHAN OE GENEVA. Corwin (an Advocate) Mr. Judah. FoHtaine (a Puatnr) Mr. Young. Larigne (a Farmer) Mr. Hart* • After which the THREE TOVNd DIAV0L08 WILL 00 TI1R0U0II TIIEin ASTUNIMIINO AND WONDKRKUL PEBP0IUIAN0E8. The Interlude of Nature and Philosophy. Colin (a youth that nevor saw a woman) Mra. Hart. IL DIAVOLO ANTONIO will conclude tho porforinunco by his darimg funts on tno FLYING ROrE. Doors open at ) past 6, and performance to commence at 7 o’clock. duc.14 ■ Sugar and Fluur. HHDS. primsBt. Cmix Sugar. and 100 bbl* Canal Flour, landing Burn ship Friineonirt, and for eulebv " imv 13 WOOl/BRIDGE I MAt. Raisins. WPS WHOLE boxo. ) Superior' • m 9ft 50 half do £ bunch 00 quartor do ) Raisins. “ r salo by COHEN A MILLER, s 14 New Goods. JORTON hi FULLER kayo just rocoivod I by ship Milledgoville, Fine Olive, Green, Block and Blue CloUis. White and colored counterpanes. Striped Suttinets, cotton yarn. IOngiish Shirting*. C«itton and worked IJomory. Mull, swiss, and juconot muslin*. Curded dq do do Scotch Plaid Shawls. Piunooi'Vora, with a variety of other staple and farcy goods dec 14 Breed & Warner, I juat received a prime assortment of Ladies Double and single soled Fronch Fur Walking Shoes a very desirable article for winter. For sale low North »ido Market square, dec 14 Rich worked Capes, &c. A N invoice < ou isling of: Needle worked captor, colln-s Pelerines Ac. Ac. some very rioii, received mid fur sale by doc 14 NORTON AFULER. Ribbed Bui-kshin (Jassimcres. ft A E. INGERSOLLhavu received by brig O9 % Camilla, a ffw pieces Ribbed Bucksiiin Cassimerdt, a handsome article for Geutlemoni' Pantaloons, dec 14 5 Hay. BUNDLES Hay, on bqnrd brig Ma. di<on, for sale. Apply to dee 14 PADELFORD, FAY Si CO, Cocoa Nuts. (Fg) FRESH mid lurgo sizo Cocoa Apt Nuts, landing from tho sclir. Marion, for wile by FRANCIS SORREL. rnlo by doe 2 Hams. BALTIMORE Hams just receiv ed per Kehimnnr Marion, and for FRANCIS SORREL Notice. PttAHOMAS Wood, at Nn. 4 Margin's wliarf JR. offers for sale a general Assortment of pro vision* and.Groceries and ship Chandlery s viz. Moss and Prime Pork, Moss Do if, Fulton Mar ket Beet', and Pig Pork in hall bids No’s 2 Mnckerol, half bbls No 1 Mucknrol, bbls und half bbU Canal Flour, Buckwheat, Rye, and Indian Meal in'half and qr. bbl-.; bbls and half bbls Sugar ; Sut u, Butler, and Wutor Biscuit, Cheese by tho cask. Pino Apple Choose, by tho bmt'or single. • Brown Sugar hy tho lilid. bh.or Pound. Loaf Sugar. Lump k Sogar. Java and Si. Domingo Coffee, by tho bag pr* pound. Groon and Black'Teas, Molasses. Vinegar Sporm Oil. Spnrm Candles. Hams. Smoked B«iof. Smoked Tongues. Smoked "Salmon. Pickled Salmon in kits. Pilot and Nuvy Bread Potatoes. Pickles, Olives, Capers, Catsup, ‘Vorniioilli- Macoroni. V.iriogaiod Soap. Starch. Raisins. Cinnamon. Nutmegs. Cloves, London Mustard. Cayenne anil Black Popper* Bologna Sausi'ges. Mrs. Miller's Chowing Tobacco. Cider by the bbl. nov 30 Fresh Garden Seeds. H UST rocuived and offered for salo hv iF A.G. OEMLER. dec 4—Urn * Drug Store, Youngs building White Lend &c. ft KEGS White Load jftSlW 75 do Black do 5 brls Puiht Oil. For sale by doo 1 ENSWORTH A WAY. North’s Solution of Kroseate. fTMllIS invaluube artielo, lately discovered to .ft Ihj tho preserving principle of Pyroligniotis Tar, has obtained a li'gh cliaruc'or as an anti- palresccnt and styptio agont in tho Hospitals of Europe and this country. From tho groat number of surprising cures it has performed in Cancerous Ulcers, Old Sure!*, Tatters, Ring Worms, Chaps, Burns, mid will immediately or. rest blooding ut tho n»*so nr fresh wounds 5 it is received us an established urlicle of tho Materia Medica. Proparod only by Dr. North. Dentist, oct 27 210—t2«n Tin Elate. BOXES Tin Plate, 1.3 cross ♦PU y 25 pounds SpoHro Solder 100 lb Zinc 200 lb Block Tin 500 lb Iron Wire, assorted sizes 25 M Rivols, assorted 18 doz Kettle Eurs For sulo by • nov 27 N. B. & H WEED. •10,000. ft JILLEDGEVILLE Street Lottery, Class II No. 2, will bo drawn nn the 15th. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 310,000 X “ 6000 1 “ 4000 X “ 3000 1 “ 1470 1 u 1200 10 « 1000 &c. & c. &c. Tiokels 95, Halves §2 50. Quarters $1 25. For sain it LUTHER A CO'S, doo 10 White's Rockspring Gin. BRLS, just received and for sola hy dec 8 FRANCIS 80RREL. Agency anu Brokerage. ■ WE subscriber having milerod into tho •£. Exchango, Bmltorngu, and Genoral A. gonoy bu*inos* will attend to tho sale and pur. chnso of Bank and othor stook, at his oflico, Bolton's Rango. TllOS. F. PURSE. References, Messrs. Anderson Son, Savannah, Wm. Carter, Charleston.' doe IQ Boats lor splc cheap. r llE Pde boats Oglethorpe and Lsfayotte, theOglethorpo carries from fourto five bun. drod bales of Cotton and the Lafuyotto about 3UQ halos, she is Hourly now und would suit for a plantationor wood boat. Apply to F. SHIELS, Williamson’s building or MICHAEL DILLON,Telfair’s wharf, dec 11—L Gentlemens fine Beavers and Silk Hats, A FINE assortment received pet ship Mill. edgevillaand for sate by ftdeo'lf H. N. ALDRICH & CO. New Leaf Lard ICEGS just received and for.onto hy dee 12 A CHAMPION. 25 Midway Seminary. T HE next term of this Institution will com. munco on tho first Monday in Junuary. This Institution is now now undor tho cure of. tho Trusioes of tho Oglothorpa University, and they are prepared to rnako full provision for the reception of a largo number of students da. ring the next yqar. Tho Rev. Mr. Bomun, the Principal,will be assistclby Mr Moado,recently teacher of tho Mount Zion Academy ; and if the number of Scholars require it, other assis tant* will bo provided. All communication* must bo addresred to the undersigned, Secretary and Treasurer of tho Board of Trustees. R. K. HINES. ‘ dec 10—11 biscuit, Tobacco &o. BARRtiLS buitorbirruit, %F5o hogs Nn 1 Tobocco, 10 do N 2 do 100 kegs While I*mJ> - ” 56 kegs Rhek Paint, 50 Bagrfnffos, 30 brls N. Bread, 30 do U^Broad, 1 10 bxs, Piohl**. landingjfawlr *alo hy dm. 7 \^Cg<fttrmgyj|iook No. 1. Hay and Flour, I 1 ‘ BUNDLES primn Hay . ftp 300 bbls Canal Flonr, faneybrand Landing (Vain ship Maeon,ond for sals from tho wliarf by TIIPPBR Sl SISTARE. In Store, 100 bbls Howard Street Flour 81) do Baltimore Whiskey 10 hlids prime St Croix S-igar doc 7 Tho Consignees of 2 brls Brandy. 3 do Gin and 2 hlids Rum, msrkod S. Si (». and 2 packngo.4 of Merohandisn marked Nehomiah Ellis, Augusta, lauded from schr Mary, Cnpt. Stephens from Boston are informed that they ran r -cnivo their Goods by calling on doe 7 ENS WORTH & WAY. Flour, Crackors, &c. tfe'K, BBLS. Butter Crackers && 15 half do do 75 bbls Philadelphia Pilot Biscuit, Bla den's brand 100 do Navy do 60 itulf and qr hhls Buckwheat Flour 10 half hblu Ryo Flour 10 qr do do do 50 bills Cnnnt Flonr 30 qalf do do do 15 boxes Starch 50 do Soap 20 do Mustntd 100 lbs Clovos 75 lbs Nutmegs 100 nittU*CosslQ, 20 qr bbls Sicily Wine 5 qrhbTs Old Madeira do 5 d'i Malmsey do 10 boxes Stoughton's Bitters 10 do Lemon Syrup 8 ensks London Porter 50 boxes Raisins 50 hulf do For salo by doc 7 ENS WORTH Si WAY. New Goods. •'Z1 HR Subscriber has returned from tho North nl with a largo supply of Dry Gooda and Groceries, soloclod especially for this market, which he offers for salo on his usual accommo dating terms, D. S TETSON. Riecboro’, Oct. 15,1835. oct 15 209—Qin To Rent. ft FARM, about two miles from Savannah, ^ containing sixty acres of laud with an ex cellent dwelling houso. And all necessary out buildings on the promises. nov QG—‘t Apply at this office. Padeiford Fay and Co. Offer for sale in store. (IHDS N Orleans Sugar 30 do PortuRico do 50 doz Coyhm Wine 100 brl* N E Rum 20 bnxos Havana Sugar doe 11 50 (Youth* Silk Hats. 4 SPLENDIG uB-nrimnnt'of youths black silk Hats do Drab, For Sate by doc 11 H. N. ALDRICH & CO. Fulton Market Beef. ^ FEW half barrels Fulton Market Boef, a choice article put up expressly for family use. Landing from nn board ship Macon fur salo by MICHAEL DILLON, doc 11 Telfair's wharf. Boots, Shoes and Brogans. npWNTY THREE casco and Trunks of tho .19. nbnvo articles this day landing and for salo low by tho packugo. A. R. KNAPP Si CO. dec 7 Adjoining tho CityHotel. Commission Itusincss in Darien, Georgia. placo by Ph. R. Yongo Si Sons, and stores nro cxtonsiv^iuid cunvt shipped to him for thommuuntr hl« personal altnntianY antPhefurv Host and best opportunities.":.' He 1 Durion at all reasons of the yonr. lie yi he: Bols. Darien, Aug 24, 1835. INRY YONGE. nug 27 Grind-S tonus. TONS besD sizes, for oct 15 iuthprelity Grind-! U ? " VM- H M. HOPKINS. Ladies SWppers. A FRESH lot of black nnd colored Moroc. co and Kid, Lane's manufacture; liko.. wise a chnico assortment of imparlod Fronol shoes from the celebrated manufactory of Mod. ama Esto, Paris. Just rocoivod by BREED A WARNER, nov 7 ' North fide Markot nquaro. nnn .9. d( next, doc 2 Dividend. Marine and Fire. Insurance Bank. \ 35. j Savannah, December Ut, 1835. JAMES SMITH, Cashier. Town of St. Joseph’s Dots for sale. Old Irish Whiskey. ,.URE as imports . Forsnloby MICHAEL DILLON, dec 11 Telfair’* wharf. Piano Forte Manufactory and Ware- house, New York. -,HE Subscribers have commenced the man. ufucturing of Piano FnrtoB. at No. 315 Bnwerv, corner of Second stftnt, opposite Bond, nod solicit tho patronage of thoir friends and the public,. Ttio first premium* were awarded, to tho mib. scribcrs, by tlie Mechanics’ and Uie American Institutes for the best Piano Forte* at the late Fairs. Thoir Instruments nro warranted equal either for tone or finish to any manufactured in tho United Slates 5 and will be sold on tho moBt moderate terms. The subscribers manufacture Piano Fortos of every description, among which nro Horizontal Grand; Cabinet; Harmonic; Hollow, Round, and .Square Cornered, Ac. An of Grand and English notions. Piano Fortes made to order and to match other furniture at the shortest no. tice. Orders from donlers and others in any part of tho United Stnto* promptly nttendod to. JOHN ABBOTT A CO. Piano Forte Manufacturers, New York. deoil Earthen Ware. A CRATES Rarthern Ware, woll selec- Gj?#” tod for reiniling In thi* market. Lan. ding from on buurd ship Timlin; and for sale by MICHAEL DILLON. doc‘11 Telfair’s wliarf Castile Soap. 5 BOXES first quality Castile Soap. :i for riilu by COHEN &• MlLMHtT doc 8 Ploughs and Corn Shellers. "M PLOUGHS, assorted JL v 10 Corn Sliollors For salo by nov 27 N B. A II WEED William Waring. H AS now landing from brig Camilla, just arrived from Now York, n large additiou to his firmer stock of Goods consisting in part of tho following arliolos. 20 balos 3.4 Brown Shirting 10 cases 3.4, 7-8 and 4-4 Blenched do - 100 pioces 3.4 and 4-4 Domestic Plaids 100 do 3 4 nnd 4-4 do Chocks 50 do 3-4 fine do Stripes 100 do low priced-Prints 50 do email figured do 100 ladies Ribbed While Skirts 50 do fine Corded do 50 do ladies white eotton IToso. mostly fino in imitation of Englmh 30 do Misses dodo assortod eizos and qualities 20 do do Black do do 20 do do Slate do do 50 do blue Romul Handkerchiefs, good quality 50 do Vpronn do 50 do largo Fancy do 3 piccos black Iluliun*Lustring* assorted qualities All color* patent - Thread, plated Hooks and IUyos of best quality, Japanned Buttons sssnr. tep sizes nnd qualities, Blue Lulisii sowing Silk Pearl Shirt Holtons ^sorted, Ac. Ac- dec 9 Clothing 1 Clothing ! Clothing ! J UST rocoivod, per ship Bnllo, a splendid assortment of Ready Made Clothing which will besold low for cash or oily acceptance*, doo 4 II. CLOSE. Hay, r BUNDLES prime Hay fdrsalo at \ r reduced prices by MICH. DILLON, dec 9 * Tellairs wharf. Dissolution. f EH HE Copartnership heretofore exiting un- JL dor tho firm of Bird A Leigh is this day dissolved by mutual conxont. Persons having demands against said firm are requested to pro. sont them fur eettlemcni and iIioho indobtud will please mako payment to ejthor of the under signed. JOS!All BIRD, dec II—p WM M. LEIGH. . Prime Eastcim Hay. }, •HE cargo of ship Argo, for sule in lots to suit purchasers, at reduced prices, from the wharf. For sale hy MICHAEL DILLON, dec 11 Telfair's wharf.. English Garden Seeds, O WING to the many complaints made a. gainst Vogeluble Gardon Seeds niredntthe north. The Subscriber has procured at consid erable trouble and expense, a supply from En. gland, which have arrived and are now landing, they compriz-s n fine assortment, and will bo sold at tho samo price us the Northern seed. Country customers will please to fuward their order* for tho spring crop, doc 9 G R. HENDRICKSON. Liverpool Ground Salt. ^ l SACKS Liverpool Ground Salt A 100 boxes fir*t quality Soap 6 half pipes cognac Brandy, For sale by M. DILLON. Teifuirs wharf, ment is psid. ROBERT BEVIRIDGE Prest. I.nko WjmicnandSt. JoccphC. C St. Joseph, W. Florida, Oct I, 1835. POSTPONED. those heretofore advertised, dgp 7—tillOJ Clothing and Hats. stylo, which will be sold low. PRICE A MALLERY. • Draper* and Tailor*. Grates and Stoves. T WELVE Grntoa assorted Patterns 12 box St«vos assorted sizes 6 Franklin do do For aalo by N. fi. & II. WEED. O 1 Rifles. day oponed and for solo by A. R. KNAPP ACO; doc 7 Adjoining llm City Ilolol. NEW supply of these mnatapprovou'Ctj ing Slopes just received by J. B. HERBERT A CD. doc 2 A gouts. A Mill Irons. C d MILL Cranks, 12 Wing Gudgeons. P. 4 Rug Wheel*, 6 Saw Stirrups and Noddle pins. For sale by N. B. AIL WEED, doo 2 Scotch Ale and Whiskey. 5 CASKS each 7 doz Edinburg Ain 1 puncheon genuine old Iwluy Whiskey deu II—p ROBT. JOUNSTON; Leeches! Leeches! AO.Otfft jiist received per brig Washingtons Badge,Capt. Andrews, direct from Gibraltar. ALSO. salo very low. hy Druggist* 61 Br dec 9—tp P. M. COHEN ACO. Negro Cloath. ets, and for aalo by _ nov 28 . WILLIAM WARING. Oranges. llMVxM) In. ' IU n hy W. H. THOMPSON ACO, TT**"'' 1 " ■ CotjttVtAoralnp. ' 1>HE suhseribor baling assooiatod Mr. Wll. A. 1 tin Reddish in busluoss 'wltli him, will continue) lo transact the Fdatnr.-tgu and Com miasinn bU‘i»u >», unaor tlio' firm of William l'atierson Ale. not 5 . WM. PATTEftSON. fi’iMikefs. BALES Immlun Dufllls, 8 by 9, and 7 by 0 8 nf r suporior quality 1 halo Ruse Blanket*, )6-i 11-4, and 13-4 Will be sold on ro»son3Me terftia hy nnv 81 FRANCIS SORREL. ' Iron Hailing. r*MIE subscrilmr would inform h rltlzon* E of Savnnnuh, that, having made arrange, nmntn with nn extousivo manufactory in Now York, h« will lia able to fttrulnh Plain «r OVna mental Railing, in nnv quantity,and auitublo for ull purposes, wlipiu it may bo required, at New York pricos. nov 24 G. E. WILMA MR. Men’s tuul Youth’s Gups. ■fo'UST received, a splendid ai-nrlmnut of •" Men's nnd Youth's Cloth Caps, of tho la ical stylo, Drum tho well known factory of Luke Davis A Son, Now- Turk, fur sale by nnv 28 A. WOOD A CO. For Louse. njlHAT vory dosirnlilo vacant Lot, 30 fbet K fronting on Johnson's Squure, nnd tliirly. fivo ftet on Bryan Streot. There is a good cel lar, well walled. It oau bo, with a smell invent, uiont, made profitable. For term* apply to nnv 24 A. CHAMPION JuFt Lnuded. ijigh BBLS. Menhaden Fi*l| And in Store, . 5 g f oss Playing Curds 18 reams L«t»nr Paper. 4 Cultivators it Corn Fanners, for winnowing corn 9 piitviiUCom SI)o|Jors 3. putont'Corn Mill* 2 Cast Iron Pumps 1 Wagon Jack Screw Fur sale hy iiovQ8 JOHN CANDLER.* A Card. fgnllE siibRcrlhor having lately returned from .0. the North, has ro.engngod as a foreman to conduct tho Boot nnd Shoe Manufactory for Mos«rnt. H, N.Aldrich A Co. take* this inolhnd of informing the oitiion* of Savannah and tho public in genoinl, that from inercasod oxpori. once of the business, ho hopes that he will he able to plaaae nil who may favor them with their custom All work made under his aharge nnd inspection shall not bo surpassed in thi* city or elsewhere, RICHARD FRISBY. nov 26 For Sale. A FIRST rato Gig Horse, well known in ffm. this city, apply io nov 28 H. F. W1LLINK, Hnv. BUNDLES Prime N. rllicrn !).», for O CS eeloly G. HAAS, nov 30 Andorenn’s building. ComtortabJos. ■nriZ: OVERCOATS; CLOAKS 5 CAM V BLET WRAPPERS; ORIENTAL RO. BES; UNUER SHIRTS and DRAWERS of all kinds 5 und a lurgo assortment of Fushiona. ble Ready Made Garments oftlio bes' quulity nnd workmanship; which will bo solo at thu lowest ca*b privos, by aoc 4 PRICE A MALLERY. Shovels, Spddes and Grubbing Hoes. HOZ steot Shovols and Spudaa '•IF 6 do long hsndlo steel Ho 10 do socket Shovel* nnd Spndos do do Grubbing Hoes, for salo hy oct 23 M. HO ' «t . Chnmnaigne. BASKETS •• Koy," “Ioly” nnd *-l.C ’’ Chumpnigno, in quart nnd pint hollies, and of suporior quality, landing from aaUr Ann, and for solo by TUPPER A SISTARE. y nov 25 Wanted. AN Ovorsoor for « cotton jdantul ion In Dry- . /m. an County. None need spply without 1 good recommendations of character nnd know. • ledge of planting. Enquire at tbi* oflico, deo 4 f Biukwhoui. JIALF brls nnd 20 qr do Buckwheat ftF 'ilf .'landing from brig Guorgia and for sola by WM. 11. THOMPSON A CO. doc 1 No. 1, Exchange Dock. Just Received, Per shin Mille dge vi lie .from New York. I A LMONDa, Figs, Prunes, Currants,Apple*, rSL Cidor, Brooms,' Prune Pork ? Soda, But. ter, Sugar and Water Biscuit. 100 bundles Hay, in lots to suit purchaser*, for salo hy . THOS. WOOD, dco 8 No. 4, Mongin’* whnrf. Planters Bank. 40fA Dividend. 1 A DIVIDEND of four per coot, upon tho last six month* buHinoss has (icon dnclnr- od this day, Which will bo paid on and aftor Thursday next, 10t!i inst * deo 8—l]| J MARSHALL, Cashier. Gough Remedies. QA8ES J)tju»)n Paste (Real French) A* '2 do Gum Drops 2 do Whlto Gum Arabic (selnotod) ' r ; 1 do Refined Liquorice (English) , 1 do While Horolmund Candy ; ’ 20 dozen Bonesot liOzonKoa Y A fresh supply of these choice articles highly recommendod for colds, coughs, Ao. Juitrecoivod, and for salo by doc 4 G.R. HENDRICKSON. „ Fire Dogs. ) PAIR Brass andiron* assortod i .Y 75 do Iron dogs 50 do do do with brass top* 100 pair Shovel and Tongs assorted. For salo by N. B. A II. WEED, deo 8 Provisions, &c. Tg BRLS No 1, 2 ami 3 Mackerel 65 half do do do do do * 20 Ions Grind Stones of various sizes land, ig from brig Sea Lland nnd for shIo by doc I WOppBRIDGE A MAY. „ fiorn Grist and Flour, IftM-ADE of iho host Flint Corn, to bo had at 1TJ. tiio Jail, or Corn gnMpWtrsharqs* nnv 27 ” Just Received, from NHw-Vdrk, By the ships hmaernr'arid Belle, MUTTER. I.itrd, Fulton Markot Boef, Pig Pork, Hntn*, Smoked Beef,-'Smoked Tongue*, Supr, Soda Water nnd Butter Bi*. cult, 18 bbls Newark Cidor. For salo by THOMAS WOOD, nov 28 No. 4, MnngiVs Whnrf. Canal Flour. * . , r . T? Bbls Canal Flour just roceivBd’nnd fur salo by EN8WORTI1A WAY. dcc.l Leaf Tobacco. ft dfliftft BALES Kentucky leafTnbacco For salo bv doc 8 COHEN A MILLER. Pork and Beef. "MUST received per Porsia, •ft 50 Brls city prtmo pork, 50 dn . do mo** beef, 50 do do prime do, for sole hy dec 2 CLAuliORN A WOOD. Eastern Hoy, superior Hay for sale dec |0 y ENS WORTH A WAY. I Ilyacynth Glasses. ft CASE Hyscynthnr Babou* Root Glasses, A ju*t recoivhd sndTer solo bv deo 10 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Eastom Hay. 5 ffyjrh BUNDLES superior Eastern Hnv &■ "r landing from bnroueMary'Ktmball will be sold low from tlm wharf. Savannah, Jockby : Club Kuccs. Over the Bonavsnture Course, 4 miles distant from the City. MIE following Jockey Club Pursos will lm S. run for, over tho above course, under tho oxdusire control nnd direction of tno Steward* and officer* nftbn Club nomimMioifg on Wed. niuday tha 27th January, 1830, being.the annual mooting of lltn Club am) will continue four days. 1st day, January, 27 2 ntilt* boats for a purse of $390. 2nd day, Jan. 28 3 tnilo boats for n purso of •500 3d day. Jan. 29 4 mile heats for n purse of $700 4th day, Jan, 30 mile lmata host 3 in 5,iiatidioup for 0 purso of ®200 weight*', Ac. according to tho rule* of the S. J. Club. RICHARD D. ARNOLD. Socretury. doo 11 —p—1| N. B. Good Stabling and straw tuny bo pro. cured on tho premires. A week or ten days before tho Races, the privilege ofthu Booths will bo routed on the Course to tho highest bidder. 03" Tho MillodgovlHo Federal Union nnd StundHrd of Union, Angustn _ Constitutionalist, and Courier, Columbus Sentinel, Chnrlnston Morourv, N. C. (Raleigh) Standard and Rinh. nmnd Compiler, will plonnogivo tho above four iiiRnrUnus, at intervale of turn weeks between each, aud forward thoir ncooun'sand papers eon , ( FOR LIVE It POOL. Ue&V Thu fine now ship MANCHESTER r^iigJ. J. Pnit« n mnstor. For irolght of )tl tiulu* Colton, Apply to 8. B. PA UK MAN A CQ. - F«r salo lauding fnm -aid ship. 200 bundles prime Eastern llay doo 11—1. 'FOR LIVERPOOL, frWfS'k Tho very fino new aud odppercd ship nj^rpS^AUGO. cupt J. IC. Furloy, will 00111. meneoTinditig on Tlursday next, I Dili instant, aud having the greater part of her cargo on- [aged, shipper* may rely 011 her despatch, not totiig for a single day impeded. For freight of 300 lo 400 bags cotton, apply to dec 8-1. A N Dll B\V LOW A CO. HB—9 _ FOII MIVBHPOOL. T&S'-'Tho well kiiMwn n..pnored and -flopppr 'll n ' ship MACd>Ni Wm Osborne, iiastui having part o| h*r cargo engaged, will tave qniek.ucsputch, F--rbahutoo of freight or Asrege apply In Cuptuiri O. on board at Janes' pp r wharf, oLlu, de li , TUFl’ER AtStHTARE. FUR LIVERPOOL. Tho fino now ship OCMULGEE.Capl. _ Thomas J Leavitt, having thi^e-feurtlis "if lior cargo engaged, and going on hoard, will have til*pateh. For halnndo of freight or pn*. Huge having superior accommodations apply to Captain L. on board at Jones's upper whnrf, nr dec 7 TUI'FEU A SlST(iRE. l or Rent, Tho house on tho Bay, one door l»wostof Mr. A- Bartow's hpnthecnry ftdgTrTftstore. Possession given immudiatu. y. Apply at tho oflico. nor 28—(lb To tho Electors of Chatham County. ft .BELLOW CITIZENS—I nm n candidate ft." for ro-olouiion to the • fHco of Tax Collcc- lor of tho county, snd rnspentfullv solicit your suflVugos on the first Monday in January next. DAVID BELL, doo 3 To the Voters ofChatham County. OFFER lor reflection to the Oflico ol'‘ltn. Ja coivnr of Tax Rolurns at tho Elections in Junuary next anu solicit your voles. B. LATIIROP. doo 2—1| Fellow-Uilizcns of Chatham County, W AM a Candida(0 for Rouoivcr of Tax lfo. J9. turn* at tho oloction in January noxt, and rospnetfully solicit your suffrngo*. dec5 LABAN WRIGHT. To the Electors of Chutham County, ft AM a nonriidato for ro.oloclinn t» the oflico ft of Corouor at tho approaching election, whmh take* plica on tho first Monday in Juiiuury next, ami humbly solicit your suffrage*. don8 THOMAS EDEN. Wines. 41 IIHDS. and 3 quarter cask* Madeira Wino, rNr from the houso of Lewis A Co. irnpnrtod direct a twolvamonth ^ince* 10 basket*, quarts, suporior Champaigno, Hiedseick brand 5 do pints do do do For tale by BAYARD A HUNTER, nnv 25 ItnisinB. Just Received, -ft 4ft ■ ^ BOXES Bunch Raisins For sale by nov 24 CLAGIIORN A WOOD. Fresh Tuscan Bonnets ft UST rocoivod; pnr ship Belle, and now ®ft opening, 4 casos Ladies Tuscan*, which, in addition to thoso rononily received compriBos a largo assortment, wholesale or retail, vory low by A. BENNET, nnv 30 Nq. 1., Young’* Buildings. Hats and Caps. Just received per ship Belle. 4ft CASES Gunliemun*' fino Beaver Hat* O «« «V " Silk " 6 dozen " *♦ Sen Otter Cup* 8 “ •• «* Fur Seal •• 6 •' “ " Nutra " Also# good sttsortmenl of low priced Hair So'il. For sale by . dec 3 II. N. ALDRICH ACO. Notice. qnHE Undersigned hava formed a Copartner. Jl. silip, fur Iho Irnnsnntinn of tho Factor, age nnd Commission Businere. in tho oily of Savannali, undor tlm firm of PhinizyA McGov- .ern, and tender their services to thoir friends. ROBERT-M PHINIZY, JAM EH MoGOVERN, Ho for to . W, A IL Bryson, i Jolm Phinizy, > Augusta, Sami. Clsrko, j G. B. Lamar, Savaunah. doo 3—tlm James River Tobacco. LBS James River *wont loaf To bacon, a suporior article for ehuw. ing, also 3 brls Sugar houso Mola^sns, just ro. cotvod and for «alu by C. L. McN 1SH. doo 2 Virginia Hams. Just Received, fftlWO Hundred nnd Fifty suporior Virginia JL Ham*, selocled, forvuloby doc 2 CLAGHOUN A WOOD » ®100 Reward. ft OST, nn Sunday lust, hntwonn Warrontnn sLA and Augusta, 11 small Wall-t. conlsing ho. Iwoen 6 and 700dollars, in bank Notes princi pally of tho Darien Bank, and -undry papnrs, Thowallol liujtho owner’s name marked on it in four placo*. Tho abovo reward will be given to uny person who shall return it lo thn Gnor giari Office. J. W. BANCKER. deo 2 Flour and Snap. *ft BBLS. Suporfmo Howard slroot Flour 100 bbl* Canal Flour 1QG boxes No 1 Soap landing, nnd for sale by MICHAEL DILLON, nnv 5 Telfair'* W liarf. Holland Gin. PIPES Holland Gin. Pore a* imported For salo by MICH. DILLON, oct 29 Casting*. £4IX ton* Costing*, consisting of Ovens, Pots, ^ Skillet*, Spidnrs, Kettles, Andirons, Ac. now landing from ship Bello and brig Lola, and for salo hy M. IlOFKINS. net 15 Fine Boots. ft CASES Calf Bouts, just received per Eli tS: Whilnoy, a part oi which are of a suporior quality. * For nule by dec 3 H. N. ALDRICH ft CO. Ladies French .Slippers. "jjTUST rocoivod from I'liiladnlphia, 2 casos •P Ladies French -Slippers* For solo by doc 3 IL N ALDRICH A CO. Cordials and Flour. QR. casks Cordial* •Jf * " 59 barrels Howard Slroot flour, now landing and for sale low by doo 4 STONE, WASHBURN A CO. Choice Old Madeira, W7JROM the houso of Gordon, Duff A Co. ft' Madeira imported via ChogoKton pnr brig Dinion, in eighths, quarters and cask* for sale by ADAMS A BURROUGHS, dec 5 FOR NEW YOliK—(oi.d mwE) P The last sailing regular packet shlii MU.i.i?D(ifcy,iu.Bi e.pi. linht, w o^tor; will ho 'dospatulrod iinmediutoly. For iVeight or puBKitgo, having superior noeummodn (ion* npply on hoard at Mangles upper wharf or to STONE, WASHBURN A CO P. S. Consignees will please attend to tho re. ocptlon of thoir goods at Die above memiom-d wharf. For salo landing from said vessel, 100 bundles prime Nurthoru Hay. - doo 9- FOR HAVRE, ■r^The very suporior coppered and copper Tvvfastened brig ARMADILLO, onptain ^SRooso, will meet with despot oh Ter tho above purl. For (Yeight of 300 bnlos cnlt-m np ply lo HOLCOMBE. PECK A Co. 14 Mongin'* Buildings, Tito Armadillo having tho greatest part of hor cargo engaged and go ugon board,will buraudy to *ail in a low day*, den 19-— r. FOR PROVIDENCE*-[First Vessel.) ,-^-Tha regular packet brig WALTIiAMt ^SLt'apt* Slioldon, will meet with quick «2gdo-putuli. For freight or patsago Imv- ag good noemnmod athm, apply on board at Mongin* Upper Wliurf, ortb uov 33 STONE. WASHBURN A CO, FOR NEW.OIiLEANS. ■f* Tim fast sailing brig ANN MARIA, (^Capt. E. Jordon will moot with despatch. SfaFor Freight or passage apply to Cnpt, J. on hoard or to COHEN A MILLER, doc 1' FOK NKW Volt'S. > The substantial new brig GRECIAN . Cnpt .Card will have immodiutn doxputob, £For IVeight on deck apply to tho utnstor on board or to COHEN A MILLER. droll FOR NEW-YORK. The new -uhsuniial onppor fusioned Brig MACON, Cnpt Gnrlmin, will com- jiiouce loading on Tttusday naxi, und be despatched forthwith. For freight or pa'sago, having excellent ancormnodntmn*, npply on board, or to STONE, WASHBURN ACO nov. 27 JP Watc ByJ. B:1 TOMORROW, will ho »uld in tVont of store, .9 - Dimasou's iVvist’ Fqwllt)| 6 Patent do dp 2 Patent Lcvor Hunt! 1 largo iMohngni A quqntity. nf" DryC IIYj. il; HJiJlUflUl TOMORROW,. lSUl hi-i, «i will be sold iu our store without rr a concern, " Variety nf -staple ami Qouds w*)) adapted to tho present si doo 14 do liv j n. UEiniBiir .yco On Wodnoiday, I5th Mist' at 11 o'clk, will uo Hold in from of store, a gonafoi aijiortniOnt 6f Groceries and Crockorywarc,. A variety of Dry Goods. ^ 'i°o 14 Tormscash. rosiiivc Halo of Puru ilollrtml t!*])!'* and Cognac Brandy. •' *. BY J. B. HERBERT ,4 GO. On Wudnurdsy, 15ih innt at 11 bVloekf will 00 sold itrfrnul of store, without the least rp* serve, tn close sales, ‘ ' 9 pi|*!H pure Holl uid Gin- 1 • • 5 half pipes Gdgtupf Brandy dec 1,4 ’ Torms at s'lld. Old Alruloirii Wine. ■ by /*, a shick $ o. cour.N. at ran-ATE »Ar.a. SO clatnljnti, .if .uporliir 1 old iXIcduir i win. jil-l reeoivml nail for, .uie Imv >■ dec la ExAioutors Sale. - nr J. II. HBHUBIIT 4 CO Will bo sold at tho Cniiri. Houso in the city of Savannah on thoifitst Tpmdny iu Jaiiuan |‘V*L . at the u*ual hours, one fourth of Lot No 5, mi 1 Drayton, street, Reynolds Ward, iiolohgliig 10 the osintn ofGoorgo llaupt doceasnd. doe 10 Terms of salo rash. Scotch Gnnl mul i’otntoce. HY J. a. tlHUUEHT. 4 CO., AT rillVATK HAI.K. tj 100 ehnldron suporlor Coal, at 910 per r.bal- j •Iron. Also, , ; 300 bu-hnl* very superior Potatoes,,, roeei •r brig Curiba from Grounoek. < rig t;i nnr.94 Terina.Cbsl Hi P. a. SHICK i. At raivAtie e. Landing from brig Oglcthcq 100 libls suporfino Howard street J Ready^ Siiado Clotliii BYJ II. HERBERT 4 At riltVATB BALK. Funtnlnon*, rod nnd blue Shir|s, Vests,i nel Shirts, Canton ditto, figured Vtfsls# heavy Nankin Pantaloons, black cloth Vents and aUi* b<ifsail ditto, Ac. now lunding, ^ dec 9 By J B. IIEKHEKT 4 ;CO. At rillVATR SALB. ' ■ *. 35 brls superior Lbftf Sugar 21) boxes do do do- By J. II. HiiltbE, At private salo. 20,000 spanidi Sogars just received. dec 9. -• .• j' ‘ *2t FOR NEW YOltK—isciiii i.inl. THE regular packet brig GEORGIA Capt. Sherwood will sail un Tbursday !next. For. pitbHiige only having good acoumniodaiions apply on hoarilur to PADELFORD FAY A CO. OT Tho pnekot brig Camilla, Cnpt. Kolly will sueernd the Georgia arid huvn dispulob. Fur freight or passngo apply ns ahnvo. Consignees pur Camilla will please attend to tho landing oftlio goods at tJuntor’s wliarf. dec 8 ByP. G. SHICK $ O 'COHEN. TA rntVATE SALE. A likely native Negro boy aged 17 ym. good House servant aaoostmnsd to drive u d and cun tuko cliurgo of a Horso ; honost and s bor. dba 9 FOR NEW ORLEANS. Tho now fust sailing snhr ALBION, Capt. Furnham, will soil on Tuesday .... 5IJOXI 15th inst. For freight nr passage, having superior acouiiimodations, 'apply to Cupt. F. on board, at Anoioux wharf or In duo9 COHEN A MILLER Canal Flour and Buckwheat. Barrels extra Canal Flour. Ad* W 25 halves do do 20 qr. bbls family Buckwheat. - • 30 kegs do do landing from brig Georgia and !*•? sslo hy nuV.C8 GAUDRY'A LFfGBlEL. Ocmulgee Steam-boat Company. This company will he prepared to oominbiiuolm- psinus* ouriy in tho next , j season. Thoy will liavo two Nupuriur now slennihoata (built espeeiully for tho bushicss) constantly running between Durion and Macnn, with u ruquisito number of low boatir. t The company will nl*o hovn o lino of packet* bntwnon Darien nnd Now York. HENRY YONGE, Agent In Darien. Four shares of ono tlipiisana dollars cnoh ro. mai l unsold. Fm* particulars apply to tho agent in Durion. Darien, Aug, 24th, 1835,nug 27 Macon Steamboat Company. ’ HaVu.tho pluuHurnre tp. roluru thsir must gruteful pnaknowledgomnnts fur the llilwiral pnlronagethey have rcc ivuo Irmn iliu Murulnuiis and thoir IViund*, and would solicit u continuance of it w|iich limy hope to merit hy llm prompt aiientiop of all cot- ton nr goods shipped hy thu line, in addition in the steamboat Excel, and thoir tow boats now in uro. The company liavo now building rvnowatonm, boat with ten new tow boats, all of the best mu tcrials und expressly adapted to tlm navigation of tho Oomulgee unit Alulnmuha Rivers. TIiumi increased facilities will afford tho Company the moans of giving dospatch In gouds intnndud fur tha interior, end will furnish inducoruoiiis fur Merchants west of the Oamulgoo-fiver to ship their goods hy the way of Dariao and Macon. There nro five first rate packots*running reg ularly between New York und Da'inn, which coinoto Iluwui and Milchnl the agent* fur the Macon Stuumbeat Company, Agents for the above Boats, L. BALDWIN A CO. Savannah. Buvck, Henry A Walter Charleston. Hawkr A Mitchki.l, Durion. Geo. K. R -beiits, Uawkiiisvillo. J. GuonAKD Macon. doc 12 For Rent, Tho building rocontly ocoupicd by Rossignol A a school houso, situated on Court-Hnusu Square.— Possession given immudiatoly. Ap- S. PHILUR1CK ACO. nov 13 For Sale or Rom, THE Dwelling Houso in Orleans. Square, nUpresunl occupied hy me, I possess in n of which will be iminodi- Iruloly given. ROBT. HABERSHAM. To Rent, The threo story ftrick Ilnuso, Franklin Ward—Two story Wood, on (louse, South Commons, noxt iEast of Major Fannin's,, nnd large double Wooden House in' Broughton-strect, Posresission may bo had immediately. For eon. ditions, apply to R. F.WILLIAMS, nov 13—tf l’ound, W N Juno last, near .larksotibornugh, Scrnvun E county, a pstnut lovur gold watch, muoh injured from being buriod in tho sand for smno time, 'rue owner can havn it by describing it and l aying IV this advertisement. nov 17* M, MYERS. Flotcher & Hagen, H AVE received per ship MiTlndgevilln in ad. dition to their former stuck, 4 case* 1 t quality Satin Bosver Hats, latest fashion They liavo also received per reauit arrivals a-good as. surlment of-Bootsend Shoes. ' %• On hand I2U0 pair Negro Shoes slightlyHdam. s^Eif which they*wllf sill ver} low. Cheese. Tl Jft CASKS, prlrpe Gosljen Cheese, JSLftr Ing pur brig Georgia, froin.f’ For salo by -JNO W. dco 3 Inndj G, No. 8 Mackerel, ' ILS No 3 ' suio low by BRLS No 3 Muukerol lati'ding and duu a 'rmswortha way- _ (flioco Inlf and' FiUneB?: landing d*r S O IJALF boxes No 1 Choc Into, 20 ousos fresh prunes in fiincy ha. 1 ud for sal* by la by TU PPER A STSTAHE VVood. At '(HE subscriber has now landing, at Jai W son’s wharf, at the Eastern end nf tin oily, a supp)y # of Live Onk,Hioknry, Ao. whlel lin offer- at tho lowest market prico—in ac|cJition to Ilia supply of Wood, ho has on hand a lftrgi arid well Hulooted supply of Groceries, Liftbo: Wines, An. which ho will sell on accmnnu' 1 ting term*. JOHN GUILMARTIN July 21 . f'p dec 9 J. A J. RKIL Wanted to l’urchflse. 25 per 100 lb. delivered at my.Yard in Sevan n*h. MICH. DILLON, dec 9 By the 8lup Malfcbii/ S T HE ubsoribers hayo recblvoU en udfiilimi. nl nsHorluianl ofRomly made clothing, ui so Beaver end Silk .Hats', Fur and cloth nips, IIAM 1LTON HOUSTON A CO. dec 9 *■' ' .■ Logwood. A FEW tons Jamaica Logwood landing pnr Xft. "ehr, Rebt. Goorgi For salo by COHEN A MlLLEt! of i| Notice, H IS ‘excellency ih»* Captain General c Lion;) of Cuba, with «bo v owof pnhll llto introduction into tlie I -land, nf peranns fontlingagninsl tho laws, or othor persons o, bud ch,trader, has lately pns-od a .luw'requirmi all person* enming from foreign ports into any pnrt of the Island, lo be provided with a ps-sp. from Iho Spanish Consul. -As this law wilt rigorously enforced Tit tall eat publiclygivon, that no ono 1 mice and complain ot tin consequent on a non-com mentioned lavr. „ v Ail captuina of vessels are also h od lo provide themselves with < health from tho Spanish Consul u Until the Spanish Govornmont Agent at Savannah; tfiore per* v>ma, captains of vessels and paksengoi apply'ft,r neaeosary papers to J. D. Spaniih Consul o,l Charle-ton, " • By order of tho Cousiil General Don Chacon. ■ Spanish Consulate Office of Charleston, ) for Savannah, 1WA December,IB:);'*- t dec 12—e '. ' 7 Wanted, B Y a young-married man* a situation l. Dry Good store, who lid* hud *ix • y- exporienue in tho butmiere, or in a .Cphimis* House; tho advertiser would hnvu no 1 to superintend a vatd. Satistbctm will l»e givou by addressing to H. 1 Office, duo 12—0* Laurel Hill Tull JVlnl. T HE above mill is In Cue order, mid vr ceive Rivju to-bo leialo'u on Toll. * WM. Fatteuson j deo 12—o ' T’Jour. . tort cwivcR .ml fur ..Iu Uy* ^ doo 11 PADBLFOUD, FAY & For Sale, f»fl» SHARES .Marine and Fir. WW Bulk Stock.., AhjOyTto nor 27 WOODBRlDf- Collins’s Axes. dec M