The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 17, 1835, Image 1

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®»S FrusitHpices 1 41 * a LOS Nutmegs, SO do Mace ■ ifc4F aufl maw Cimuinun 1 cam pulvurllcd d<>, ) lirl CI»TM i S lap Alaplcp, 10 keg. pure ground Gin. gar, ju»l rewired uod for mU by *■ doe 15 O. R, HENDRICKSON. Canal and Uuckwhent Flour. my ag WHOLE, end 35 hulfbrl- Cenul Flour ( U 31) hell brie Buckwho.1 Flour 30 qr do do do 30 half and qrbrl* Rye do, for aalo by ENSWORTH A- WAY. dee 16 • . lfire. 3 to „H| mo le hired For one pour, ftora lei Jennetp JL noil, flee prime Negro Man, that ere ca pable nf doing way kind of work. Apply et thin Office, dee 15—Ll Oranges. 00«0?o“,k 80 bbl* primo Boot 40 do- Mem Beef 100 kngs Lord SO barrels B. Binuuit Landing, and f**r salo by \V. H. THOMPSON A CO. doe 15 Boots, Shoes and BnJgans, T WNTY THREE carat and Trunk* of tho above article* this day landing and lor Mleloff by the package.. ^ K NAP P dtCO. dee 7 , Adjoining tile City Hotel. Clothing andHats. 1\ ECEIVING from ship B«Ue end brig Georgia a complete usoovunent 'tof Ready Made Clothing j and Silk Hate of tbo latest ■tylo, which will be arid U>w. ' PRWE A'MALLERY. , Drapers and Tailor*. Padoifoni Ky and Co. , ray ai Offer ft K.A\ HUBS N Orleans Su 4” SO do Porto Rico < 50 dnx Ceylnp Wino 100 brUN ERuin SO toxto* Havana Sugar f or tale in ttort. doc 11 Youths Silk Hats. ^ 1SP1.ENDIG Mporlinnnt of youtlia black dooll ■ilk Hat* do Drab, FuY *n|n by LDR1CH i win", , II. N. / A CO. Fulton Market Beef. A FEW hnlf barrel* Fulton Markat Deaf, a choice article put up expressly (hr family ufo. 'Landing from on board ship Macon, f «ato by MICHAEL DILLON, dec 11 Trifuir’a wharf. dec 11 Old Irish Whiskey. u« importoFor aalo bv Michael Dillon. Ti-Uhlr 1 * wharf. Commission Business in D&ricu, Georgia. T HE *ub*cribor will cnnlinuo tbo Commie, aion burinoss heretofore carried on in till* E lacc by Pb. R. Ynnge A Sum. Hie wharves nd store* are extensive and convenient. Good* ehippod to him for the up apuntiy will rocoivo his personal attention* and bn fimvnrded by Bur. iieiit amt beat opportunities. He will remain in Darien at all seat-ons of the yon r. HENUY YONGE. II. Yonge will oonlinuoto run his small boat* until tbo river becomes navigable for slaam vos. Darion, Aug 24, lt>35. atig 27 Grind-Stones. 5 TONS host quality Grind-Stones, assorted .c*i|T lbr “l* by M. HOPKINS. Pork antj Beef. WUST received per Persia, IF. SO Brla city prune pork, 50 do SO do dec 3 300 due 10 do me** beef, irimo- do, for *ale by - - WOO priino ui CLAGIK OKN A WOOD. Eastern Hay, BUNDLES superior Hay fur eale low fly .... ENSWORTH AWAY. Hyarynth Glasses. 1 CASE Hyacyntli or Babou* Root Glasses, jut-t rceoivhd and for sale by dec 10 d. R. HENDRICKSON. 70 Eastern Huy BUNDLES *U|«rior Eastern Hay landing from b<rquoM*ry Kimball will _ _ ., w !»«rno be wild low fr«»|ii the wlwrf. dnn 3 ENSWORTH A WAY, Lost. A , BOX of Glassware marked either J. M. or J«. Mucfio. Any information of the same will bo thank fully received end oxpenae* paid by CLAGHORN A WOOD, dec 15 • Wine. L ANDING from brig Pandora, a few casks choice Clin an l WTmvfor aalo by PADELFORD, FAY A CO. doc 15 Molasses and Coflee. *4 £3 HIIDS Moloasea Ji. * 2U bug* Coffee Landing from brig Rodnoy. iYom Matonza*, for *ale by' dec 15 PADELFORD FAY A CO. II E, Cum. 49^4 DHLS nn board brig Pandora, fur *alo ^ by PADELFORD FAY A CO, doc 15 No. 3 Mackerel. 7 i- .DHLS Nd. 3 Mackerel (■ a 1 Just rccoivncl, fur sfitn Inw by doc 15 ENSWORTH A WAY. ' Wines. 4 IIHDS. and 3 quarter curie- JTqdeira Winn, from the Iiouhu of I * via Cu. importod direct a twelvemonth since- 10 baskut*, qunrta, superior Chainpoigno, Iliodaeick brand 5 do pint* do dn do For -ala by BAYARD A HUNTER. nov25 Raisins, Just Received, *■ 4^.«t. BOXES Bunch Ruiain* JLw" 'i? For sale by nor 24 CLAGHORN A WOOD. Ilats and Caps. Juet received per chip Belle. 6 CASES Gentlemens’ fine Heaver Hata “ “ •• Silk •• C dozen *' " Sea Otter Capa 8 * f *• " Fur Soul •• 6 •• « Nutra « Ainu a good assortment of low priced Uuir Soil. For aale by don? H. N. ALDRICH A CO, Notice. T HE undesigned have fnrmod a Copartner. •hip, for the Irnnsociion of the Factor, age and Commission Business. in the city of Savannah, under the firm of Pliiulzy A McGov. «rn, and tondor their rarvico* to their frionda. ROBERT M PHIN1ZY, james McGovern, Reftr to W. A H* Bryson, l John Pliinizy, > Auguata, Sami. Clarke, _ ) G. B. Luinar, ‘ Savannah. dec 3—11 m James River Tobacco. James Rivor sweat loaf To •5"""" bacon, a superior article for ohnw. ing, also 3 hrls Sugar house Mola>so*, just re. ccivi * Dived and for wlo by ' dec 3 C. L. MoNlSII. Virginia Hams. Jntt Received, T WO Hundred and Fifiy Nuporior Virginia Ham*, selected, for sain by doc. 2 , CHQHOKN AWqOP» #100 Reward^ T OST, on Sunday lo*L between Warrenton JLi and Auguata, a small Wallet, contain^ bo. twenn 6 and 700dollara, in bank Note* piinci pally of the Darion Bank, and sundry papers, Tliewallot liaritlie owner's name marked on it in four place*. The above reward will tie given <o any person who ahull return it to the Geor gian Office. J. W. BANCKEU. deo 2 Canting*.* IX Iona-Coaling*, consisting of Ovens, Pofp, r*.) Skillet*, Spiuora, Kettles, Andirons, Ac. now landing .from ship Bello and hrig Lola, end for sale by M. HOPKINS, oct15 . FuuioTortOImiuittLtoryaiidVVare^ house, New York. T HE Subscriber* liavo cnmmoucod the men, uficluring of Piano Forte*, ml No. 3‘25 Bowery, corner of Socmid *troot, opposite Bond, and anliolt tho patronage of their frionda and tho public. The first premium* wnro awarded, to tho sub. acriher*,by the Mechanics'and tho American In *titutOM for the beat Piano Forte* at the late Fairs'. Tlioir Instrument* are warranted equal uith'-r for tnno or finiah to uny manufactured in tho United States; and will be sold oil the meat muderate term*. Thnsubscrihon mamifaeturo Piano Fnrtea of evory dom-ripiion, among whieh aro Horizontal Grand; Culunet; H<rmonia; Hollow, Round, ami Square Cornered, Au. Ac of Grand and English action*. Piano Fortoa made to ordor and to match other furniturn at the rimrloat no. tioa. Order* from doalnra end others in any part of the United State* promptly attended to, JOHN ABBOTT A CO. Thno Forte Mauufaalurera, New Yurk den 11 s Fine Boots. 4 CASES Calf Boots, ju*t rocoived per Eli Whitnoy, a part ol which aro of a superior quality. For Mile b- dec 3 . N. ALDRICH A CO. Ladies French Slippers. TffUST received from Philadelphia. 2 cates 4\W Lndiet French Slipporr For sale by dec 3 H. N ALDRICH A CO, By the Joye, W E have just received an addition to our Stock of Ready made Clothing, manu featured from the beat impoitod articles, and of. fared for eele et the utu*el low price* for cash or approved credit, by HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO: doo 15 MoCice. ■ Heme or Auowra, 2 November 20,1834. $ 4 T e tneoting of the Board of Direclore, tho following order wee entered upon the min. ” Whereat, The charter nf.thU Bank raquirr* at least thirty dathi imtlco Air a general' mnotirtg of tho Staekhbldor*, tor purpose* relative to tho time, end tint conoorna of the company t it it therefore order, tdi That public notice bo forthwith given, fora general mooting of the etcckholdors, tu luku in. to consideration, tbo establiohinont of Dranohoi, s.hould each an authority be giuutud by thu * g stature nf the Statu. In compliance with'this order, the 8lockholl dorsof tho Bunk of Auguita, are heroby dost, red to a«iomh!o at th>-lr Banking Ilouso, on Monday Morning, tho 28th of December next, at 10 o'clock, fm the putpoao of determining on the establishment of Branchos u! this Inslitu. tion should tho authority bo granted by tho Lo. gislattire t and likewise, to deliberate on <moh other ualtore ae may bn then brought before them. . ROB’T. F. POE, Cathier, nov 23—ut A. Artuis iNt Co. Committion and Faruarding Merchants, No C2, Cedar ttreet, New York, T ENDER their vorvioo* to rocoivo ninrchan. diso (particularly Dry Go«d*l on consign, mont, and oxnnuto otdera for Dry Onude or of A. rr Merchandise on tho beat terms, and from tlioir experience ouii give entire *aii*fucli<>n tu tlmso who may ho pleased to favor them with consign ments or order*. Merchants from the South or North, who purchase at auction nr nthorwino, can havu their good* received,pocked, examittod, forwarded, and in-uruncu t-ffucted, if ordered. Mr. Anthony, who iscxporionced in the Dry Guodn Market, is iutureatod in this eslab. llshment. Tlioir charges will bo moderato. Ae their warohuuro i* exmniiivo, they can rooeive goods in large quantities on ooiikighmtMit or stqrago, •opt 2G--t3.u—194 Grates and t&dves. fVqWELVE GrutosaLBorled Patterns JL 12 box Staves assorted eizea 6 Franklin • do do For «ulo by . N. B. AII. WEED, doo 2 HilU'S. O NE Case percusnion end flint Rifles, this day opened and for *nlo by A. R. K-NAPP&CO. dec 7 Adjoining tbo City Hotel. Hour. ^ 44 HALF BrL BO|iorfine Flour V "F Lauding from brig Frances, from Phi. ladi-lplua, and for *alo bv dec 14 BAYARD A HUNTER. For Salu. a PAIR nf well broke family Horse*. 8old V. for no fault, and any nnn wishing to pur. chesn will cull on Mr. iicnd ir*on at Pickard* S tu bio* dec 14 b (>>.'i>artnership. 3 M4E *uh*crilKir having amociatcd Mr. Wil. hum Reddish in burinosa with him, will continue to transact tho Fndtnrngo and Com miasirn hit'iuniw, under tho firm of Willium Puitoraon A Co. net 5 WM. PATTERSON. Earthen Ware. CRATES Eurtherii Wuro, well selac. : ‘ V tod for reiniling in thi • market. Lan • ding from on buard *hi|i Thalia, and fur eale by doo'l l MICHAEL DILLON. Telfair’* wharf 25 doc 6 Castile S-uip. BOXES first quality Castilo Son] for sale by CUIIEN A Mlf * lUltf J UST rocoived, per ship Bnllo, a apbmdid aiworlmnntnf Ruady 51 idaClothing which will he Hold low for cash or oily BRoeptnuae*. deo 4 H. CLOSE. pos* dne 0 Hay, BUNDLES prime Hay for sale at reduced price* by MICH. DILLON. Tell'air* wharf. Prime J'astern Ilay. nnrgu ofriiip'Argo, for sale in lota to j!( suit purcliosora, at reduood price*, from tho wharf. For sole by MICHAEL DILLON, dec 11 Telf.ii-N wharf. English‘Garden Heeds. O WING in tho many compluints made n. gainst Vdgotuhle Garden Seeds r lived at the north. The Subacriber has procured at consid. erublctrnublo and expense, u supply from En. gland, which havo arrived and aro now landing, they comprizo a fino asaortment, and will bo sold at the same prico no the Nurthein seed. Country customers will please to fuwurd their order* for the auring crop, doc 9 G R. HENDRICKSON. Liverpool Ground Salt. ■|fl SACKS Liverpool Ground Salt JLfi 100 boxn* first quality Soap 6 liulf uipos cognac Brandy, For snlo by M. DILLON. dee 9 - Tolfaira wharf. limns. BALTIMORE Ham* just recoiv- ILwJfhJ ed por ►obnonnr Marion, and for sale by FRANCIS SORREL, doo 3 Hay. BUNDLES Hay, on hoard brig Ma. (tjHF di»oii, f»r *ulo. Apply to dec 14 PADELFORD, FAY A (V), 25 Biscuit, Tobacco &c. BARRELS huttor biscuit, 55 keg* No 1 Tobacco, 10 do No 2 do 100 kegs Whito Load, 56 kogs Black Paint, 50 Tings coffuo, 3'1 brio N. Bread, 30 do P. Bread,. 10 bxa, Pickle*,landing and for *a1o by W.H. THOMPSON A CO. dec. 7 Exchnngw Dock No. 1. ay I ': 44 BUNDLES prime Hoy ™ " 3110 bbl* Canal Flonr, fancy brand Grinding from ship Macon, and for sate from the wharf by TUPPER A SISTARE. In Store, ' 100 bhls Howard Street Flour . SO do Baltimore Whiskey 10 Hilda primo St Croix Sugar dec 7 Flour, Crackers, &c. fiil| ftf BBLS. Butter Crackers 15. half do do 75 bbls PliUadulphia Pilot .Biscuit, Bla den's brand 100 do Navy do 50 liulf and qr bbls Buckwheat Fluur 10 half bbl* Rye Flour 10 qr do do do 50 bh!* Canal Flour 30 qulf do do do 15 boxes Starch 50 do Soap 20 do MuHaid 100 lb* Clove* 75 lb* Nutmeg* 100 maL*Ca*ris, 20 qr bbl* Sicily Wine 5 qr bbls Old Madeira do 5 dn Malm*oy do 10 bnxe* Stoughton'* Bitter* 10 do Lemon Syrup 8 cask* London Purler 50 boxes Raisin* 50 half do For *ale by deo 7 ENSWOIiTII A WAY. Oats and Hams. BUSHELS primo hoavy Oat*, JL end 172 Buttimnro Hems Lending from aulir E*gle, fur aale b 1 dec IS FRANCIS 1 New Store J UST oponed with a 1-rgo assortment rtf 'Fancy Good*, huittthln for Cfiri-ttnue aud Now Year'* present*, which aro nffernd fur eulo at vary low priced wholesale and retail. ANn, a groat colluutiuu of fino black and col. ored Engraving*. J CERVAN, Congre** atraot, oppn*ito B. Snider A Co'*, dry good alore, next door lo Mr. Bouulard'*. doc 7—t A Situation is Wanted, B Y a poison I rum Suulh Carolina, a* an Oversoer on a Cotton plantation. lie can produce tosiiinnninlK from the planlor* in S. C., a* tu character, ability, An. A tine addressed to C. C. S at Wullurboruugh. will bn promptly attended to. iiuv 30—OOpw Found, N June last* near Jackaonbnrnngh, 8otevon . county, A natout levor gold watch, .muuh injured firo/n being buried in the *and Ihr eqrqe • ' - ’* ,l Jig It ». Thc'uwnef can have ii by describing . tying for this advcrtUemmit. at 17 Mr MYERB. 44 ii Co)lins*s Axe*. DOZ. Cvllln'. An,, fnr nils h. N.U. &H.Wfc ED. CIlUUSU, o*» 44 CASKS prime Goshon Cheea^, land. .JB.V ing par brig Georgia, from Now York. >oreiloby JNO. W. LONG, o - deo 3 mI. L.: ' . No. p Mackerel. v*41k DHLS No 3 Maukorol Undit-g and for eale low by duoB ENSWORTH A WAY- Chocolate and Prune a. . 4| HALF boxo* No 1 Clmuolate, 2d ease* fresh Prune* in fancy boxo*, landing and fur aalo by doo5^ TlIPPER fa S1ST VRE. Wanted to Puroliusu. T, A Ai t bi u Lll. ,,r dry ffiddor jtlJr^HPtSt* for which I will ulvo e l 25 por 100 lb. dulivorod olmy Yard Jn_ Snvan. null, dec 9 Savannah, Jockey Club Races, ——— .. Ml (OR LIVERPOOL, B TIio tine n.w >hiu MOHAWK, ft., mutor, hnvinj HUr, her cnr,o .nd g-lns on hoard, will Imun. diale despatch.' jro»" “ toCipt.'S onboard or to TUPPER 50 ton* Biillnfti fur sale low, from said ahin, Ifapplh d fur this day. doe 15 M1CU. DILLON. Suit. njsffc u* TONS Liverpool Ground Salt in bulk, 5t)0 Sai-k*. Do. 4 bushel* onoli, boing the Cargo of Brig Grrland from Liverpoul, f*»r ealo liy * r ANDREW LOW ACa. Poo. IB—p Raisins, Chocsii, &c. «r*a llDXMR whole, SO holf, 50 quarter do (Pwr Bunch Raisin*. 20 cask* prime Cheese. 33 barrel* Middling Flour, for sale by EDWARD WILliY, doe 1(>—e Taylor’* Building*. Oter the Bo nave nt are' Count, 4 milet diitant fr6m the City. T HE following Jockey Club Purse* will be rim for, nvor the above courso, under.tlm exclusive oontroUnd direction of tno Stewards and officer* af the Club commencing nn Wed. ntudtiy the 27lh January, 1836, bring the annual mooting ufthn Club and will continue four day*. 1st day. January, 07 2 milo hoot* fnr a purse of #300. Snd day, Jan. 28 3 milo heats for a purse of 3500 3d day, Jan. 23 4 mile heats fur a puria of #700 4fA day, Jan,40 milo hrats best 3 in 5, handicap fur a purso of 3200 Woight*, Ao. according in the rule* af tlm S. J. Club. MICHAUD D.'ARNOLD. Secretary, deo 11—p—1| N. B. Good Stabling and straw may bo pro. cured un tho premise*. A week nr tun day* before tho Race*, thu privilege uf the (loalha will bu routed an lha Cmirso to the highest hiddor. ST The Milledgeville Federal Uninn and Standard of Union, August* CnnstRutionnlist, aud Courier, Columbu* Sentinnl, Gliarlostnn Morourv, C. (Raleigh) Standard and Kiah. mund Compiler, will plssse give the almvo fuur insertion*, at intervale of (we ueekt between each, and furward tlioir nccniin'Bnnd pnpor* con. mining the ndvnrtl-omunt to the Suuretiry. Logwood. A FEW ton* Jamaica Logwood landing por JO. .cl,i, lUli). Goerpo h or *a!o Uy doo!) COHEN i. MlLLTUt. Bank uf Augusta Stock. 0000 Shares, f S’tHE Bourd uf Director* of tho Bank of Au. JL gnstu, by virtue of un authority, from the Stockholder*, will proceed to sell nt Auction, in front uf tlioir Bunking housa, on Thursday, tho 14th of J. .riiury next, FIVE THOUSAND SHARES of the capital stock of said Institu. tion, the sumo being five sixth* of the incrouso tu it* capitul, auiliurised by the fallowing act of the Logiatuiuro. •• Seo. 1st, Be it Enacted, That the charter of tho Bank of Augusta bp, and it is hereby do. elured in bo prolonged to the first day of Mav, in the yoar ono thuusund eight hundred and uf. ty." •• Sec. 2d,That it shall bo lawful for the Stock holder* nf the arid Bank, at any mooting to be culled for tlio pn-poao, and in the manner pro. Rcribcd in tbo nxi-ring charier, to increase the capital nf said bunk from time to time, and in such perilous, ns they may doom to be oxpodi ent, nut exceeding the whole six hundred thou, •and dnllurs, in uddilion to the present capital of tho said Bank.” •• See. 3d, Upon ovary auch increase, boing agrcod upon by u decision of the Stockholder*, one sixth rnrt of *uch increased atouk, shall be reserved for the Sin to el par, until the end of tho session of the Logi*hluro,n*it after the cap. iial shall be so incroa«cd, and that the other five sixth* ahnll be disposed of by tbo Dirootors fur Urn lime Immg, ip .tho manner pointed out by tho second ruin nf the original charter, for tho hcuofit of the individual stock holders,if any ben. ofit there should to in tho disposition thereof; the interest of the stato in such casn* boing equalized by receiving It* pnrion of inerossed ■tuck, at pur, an linrcin buf«re provided,” By order ufthe Bourd of Director*. Robert f. poe. cpthier. Bank of Augusta, Nov. 6, >635. nov 10—tl4J Notice to Travellers. VV OTICE i* hereby git on thut Iroiq •hi* dato urranpeinont* previously existing for thu trnnHportntiim at Horses and Oarriuges' from Darien re Glynn Cuuniy, ora discontinued, a* the amount of travelling is not mifficiont tu do fray the necessary uxpeuso. W. S. BELL. Dnrion, ‘JGih Oet. 1635. no? 2—||tn f BtHE nndnreignod, having united tlioir Pro. B fossionul interests, tonrior llier service* to their Friends and the Public. They wijl practise in all the Courts ol the Eastern District, in tho Court ofCoftimon Fleas and Oyer and Terminorof this City ^ond one of tho firm Will also attend tho Circuit 'Court* uf tho U. State*. WM.H. BULLOCH, Nov 25—||lm JOHN E. WARD. Wanted to Hire, 300 Negroes. fBjt.HE Riibscribor* wi*h to employ, by tho JL month or year, 300 or more Nrgroe*, to work on the Georgia Union Kail Road, in tho neighborhood uf Augunla—wage* litoral— 'fare and treatment such u* will please tho own. or*, prompt payment, mont lily,quarterly or year, ly, as is preferred. For further particular*, ap. ply to Mo-srs. Holcombe, Peck A Co. Char, lesion, S.C. Savannah and Augusta, Geo., or to tho unduraignod, on the work*, 15 miles un tho lino of road west of Augusta. DAVID COOPER A BROTHERS,- From Virginia, oct 12—t—Augusta Sentinel. Dividend. Marine and Fire Insurance Dank. ) Savannah, December 1st, 1835. ( T HE Board nf Director* having thi* day declared n dividend of one dollur per share tho same will bo paid on nr after Thursday noxt. JAMES SMITH, Cashier, dec 2 Town of St. Joseph’s 1-ots for sale. rB'tllE Luke Wimico and St. Joseph 1 * Cunal 3. Comptny, having contracted for tho con. slruction uf a Rail Rond from the Bay of St. Jo soph’* to connect with tho River Apalachicola, vln Lake* Wimico,—Aire, for the building of wharves and wnre limivo*, it both ends of tho road, to bn ready for tho transaction ofbusinos* by the 1st of Decombar next, havo laid off into eonvenient lots, tho now town of* St. Joseph, on a beautiful clovnlcd plain, abnut liulf way up the Bay, on tho e<i>-t side, at the point where the Rail Road will torminato. The wharf is to to carried out to 17 Icet water, and tho Rail Road track to extend to tho extromo end of it, au (hat vessel* cun load and discharge cargoes along rid" the cars. The Lots in the town of St, Josoph will be of. forud fnr milo at public auction on tho 14th I)u. cumber next. Term’', ono fourth cash—tho bal. once in threa equal paymunts, for which note* will be required at 12,24 and 36 month, with int*ro*t from tho day of .ole. Title bond* will be issued by the company to the purchaser, on tlioir complying with tho terms of suto, and a fco rimplo title oxecatod when tho lust iiisluL raenl is psid. ROBERT BEVIRIDOE Prcst. Lako Wimico and St. Joseph C. C St. Joseph, W. Florida, Oct I, 1035. Sale of Lots in the town of St. Joseph, POSTPONED. Tho solo of Luts in tho town of St. Joseph Jias been postponed till the 18: h of January noxt, wh*n they will take place on thu same terms an those heretofore advertised, doc 7-riUOJ n R ECE doc 9 ) per Herald, and for salo by J. A J. REID. Flour. 44444 BRLSfrush Canal Flour juat rc ceivoil and fur sale by dee 11 PADELFORD. FAY A CO. To the electors ol Beat No. 4. F ELLOW.Ci-tome, I am a Gandiduto for thu Offiuo of Justice of the Pcaco in Boat No. 4, t<» fill tho vuounoy occuslnuod by tho re- Mgnatiun of Justieo Cleland, which Eleuliuii takes place at Dibtdcs on S iturduy 19>h hist. dooll-et WM. C. BARTON. Mena’ Ftu jatid India llubber Cloth Capa. Juit Received, India Rubber Cloth Capa •• fine Cloth Cape For sale by , nov 10 A. WOOD A' CO. For Sale. A TRACT of 1.1,id on Hull. I.Und, (S, C.) containing 300 acre , 250 uf which is good plunting land and cleared, with all neces. earyout buildings on it. Pereuti* wishing to t pur. chuso, can obtain all tho neoersary infurmaUun un uppiaution lo the undersigned at his residence on May Hirer, S. 8* Also, S A Iloure and lot in tho village ,of Grahsmville . C. The building nearly new. nov 9—tillJU* „ W. E. BAYNAUD. M ENS’ Fur Cap*, fine « India Rt Annuals for IN30. fflHE Oriental Annual, or Scones in India. JL enmprislng 22 Engravings by Wjlliuni Duniull, R. A. and a disnripiivo ncoount by tho Rev. H. Cnnntor, 11. D. Jonning* Land*capu Annual, or Tourist in Spain, fur 1836—Andalusia. The F.ngtwh Annual. I loath’* Picturesque Annual, with 25 <m. graving*. • Tho ChrMiun Kcop*ako, and MiislonAry Annual, Edited by tho Rnv. Wm. Ellis. Friendship’* Offering and Winter’s Wreath. Forgot Mu Not, edited by Fredoriak Shuburl, The Magn> tin, hy If. W. Herbert. Tho Tuken A Atlantic Souvonir, by S. G Goodrich. Tim Religious Souvenir, by Chaunoey Colton. Tho Gift,hy Miss Leslie. ' The Pearl nr Affictions Gift. Political Annual being Selectinnr, iYom the English Pools IYom Sponsor to lluuttio. The Juvenile Frtrgut Mu Not, by Miu S, Hall. Kacuivod and for snlo by deo. 16 THOMAS PURSE ACO.. Leeches I Leeches I f 44 4|44ijil VERY Su|u>rior AfYiean lynches, in prime order, just received per hrig Washington* Budge,Capt. Andrews, direct from UitoriUN ALSO- 400 Wedgwood and marble Mortars. For •ale very low, hy P. M. COHEN A CO. Druggist* 61 Broad Street Charleston S. C. dec 9—tp fin Plate. ■ 6£44 BOXES Tin Plate, 1-3 eras* 6JPVLF 25 pound* SpeHrd Suldbr 100 fb Zinc 200 lb Block Tin 500 lb Iron Wire, assn sad size* 25 M Rivots, assorted 18 doz Koltln Eure Fur sulo hy nov 27 N. B. A II WEED. Grind Stones. •g g ^ CJRTNl) 8t„nu. dlToront pu.i for dec G ”viVtf II. THOMPSON A CO. Cream Ale. A FRESH supply of Creum Ale,,; 1 JM. cnlved per ship Peraiu. Fsr sulo b« Hor 1 ' . - CLAGHORN A WOOD. j'lit re. iVIIICU , u ,-.j .mi .stocklmldore of the Morino end JL Fire Ituurauod Bank of the Stato nf Georgia: In conformity with the prevision* of tho Char ter, Aby order .of tho Board qf Director*, an In. rtaimtml of Fifteen dollars (15) on eaoii allure of Stock, is required to bo publ st the Banking- House m Savannah, on or before the first Mon. day in January next. GEO. J. BULLOCH, Acting Cushier. Further Notice, S UCII Stockholder* a* may wirli lo avail themsolve* of thu privilege, are hereby au- tliori*ed to pay into tbo Bank on the firat Mon. day in pecomber noxt, tho sum of Ton (111) Dol lar* <m each share, and upon tho payment of tho instalment uf Fifteen Dollar* on the first M«>ji. day in January, roioive Certificates fur fuU Stock of Fifty Dollars por share, and draw divi. deud* in proportion thereto. GEO. J. BULLOCH, sept 29 • Acting Cashier. The Augusta Conriitutionatisl, and Standard of Union, Milledgovillo, will ploiuo publish the above once • week. Just Landed. %£44 BBLS. Menhaden Fish And in-Sture, 5 gross Playing Cards 18 reams. Letter Paper. 4 Cultivators 2 Corn Fanner*, for winnowing com 2 patent Corn Shollnre 3 putent Corn Mills 2 Cast Iron Pumps 1 Wagon Jack Screw For salo by nov 28 • JOHN CANDLER. l<IO dec 6 I .eat' Tobacco. BALKS Kentucky leafTolacco Fur sale bv COHEN A MILLER. Wot ami Navy Bread. Just received per Citizea. 4444 BBLS.' Pilot and Navy Bread EJW For rale hy novl< • CLAGHORN A WOOD. Gentlemens and Youths 1’umps. ^^ENTLEMENSJVInroccd Dancing Pumps du do do , .Y«oth'* * Morscco • For sale by dec 4 Kid do du Calfskin du dn Seal ’ Walking do do ■ do du Dancing do II. N. ALDIUCH A CO. Hose Water, &o. SJA DOZEN fine English Rose Water ** " French do do tre ble distilled 1 eeao 1st quality Ronria Sheet Itinglue A few pound* Vanilla Beans Just received, sr.d for sale by doe 15 G. B. HENDRICKSON. Ladies Slippers. A FRESH IntofbUck end colored Moroc co and Kid, Lens'* mjnufecture; like wise thuice aveortment of impoiiod Vreueb shoe* from tho celebrated manufactory of Mad. sine Eele, Peris. Jnst received by BREED A WARNER, por 7 North ride Merkel square. i on ooura, wm nava irninr. ■or balance of freight, apply rd it Jons'* Upper Wharf, TUPPER A SISTARE. FOR LIVERPOOL. Tho wall known ship MACON, With ,0*biirno, master # ln> enimnonpod (uhd. mg und will have Immediate dospateh. For freight of 400 bates, apply tu Captain O. un board or to doo 15 TUPPER A SISTARE. Juet landed from ta id ship, 200 bbl* Canal Flour, favorite brand 150 bundles new Hay, FOR LIVERPOOL. , Tho fine new ship MANCHESTER. J. Patten master. For freight of leaCuttuo. Apply to S.lf. PARKMAN ACO. ' • Fur salo landing front said ship. 200 bundles primo Eastern Hay dec 11—L FOli LIVERPOOL. Thu fine now ship OCMUI.GEE.CnpK Thoms* J Leavitt, hnving throc-fourth* iter cargo engaged, and going on board, w‘“ have dinpaloh. For balance uf freight or pi •ago having *uporh*r aeenmmudutiun* apply Guplaiit L. oil board at Jnrtns’a upper wharf, to TUPPER A SISTARE, dee 7 FOR NEW YO/HC—(ucp link.) Tho fast sailing regular pneknt ship MILLEDUKVILLK, Com. Robt. W. u-ter; will bo despatched immediutriy. For freight or pm^age, having su|ierior accoinmnda linns apply on board at Mmigiiis upper wharf or in STONE, WASHBURN A CO P. S. Consignees will please attend to tho re eeption of tlioir goods at tlm above mentioned wuerf. Fur sale landing from said vessel. 100 bundles prime Northern Hay. lino bai, a/tli iriHiam, Sagqa* chip yard, at 11 o’clock, a property °f thu Custom Hous «>f THIS DAY, 171 111 uf .loro, tu cIiihu coH.igniiio 4 piper Dumu.lia IlmnJjr- | ti qr ca.k, L’urt Win. . THIS^AY, \wfimlml front of store, e general u«»orlm< rles, Dry Good*, 5 ' 17 Hu S. PlIILBRIO TI1I8 DAY, 1711. in.t. du will be sold In lYont of stnr*, * - • 20 boxes assorted Cordials—1 dnze“ deo 17 Ter i ; BY J. B HERBERT CO. On Saturday, 10th lint,, af 11 o’clock, will bo sold in front of atare, A Wagon A llarooss, olao, ~ 2 Horae* " P doo 17 HERBERT $ 00 On Saturday, 19th ln«t. at 11 o'clock, will hfl sold In lYont of atnro, a general assortment of Groceries andCronkorywere, ' • dee 17 • Torms.cMh, At Private Main, r A Negro Women nbrtut' pO yoar* of age, A first rate washer and Ironeir; : ‘ dec .17 By P. O. SHICK A O. COHEN. • At Private Sale, A good Plantation Flat, butllien lOOObusbaf* ugh Rico, -A Also, a pair of Carriage IIoi sound, aged 7 yours, dso 17 Tho Subscriber I XlNDfNG ii inconvaniiMitito attend to tho . business of hi* Pluntni inn, will sell-the sold Plantation, eomdsting of 1230 sorts, old mea sure, on reamnablu terms ; or if not sold by the first of January, lie will rent the narno (hr ono or more yoars, uTth the urivilngo nf cutting wood, nf whioh there} is* a largo various kind«*. From tlje situation of tho tract extend ing fnr upward* of two mile* on tlm Groat O- goelioo River and within a quarter nf a rnilo of the canal, whieh extends from the Muvunnali to the Ogreiioo Rivers,-bfiers great ennveiUunee for conveying the Wood to Savannah by way ufthnounul. Fur'ierui*, please apply*to the subscriber, J.B. READ- N. Rf.Clsy of thn'very best qimlity^ncar the buntv'rof a ennui loading to tho rivor, wilh'pino at hand, rendur* tlm Bricknuakingan ob joct nf IntnroMt.fur supplying* the Rail Rond withtlii* srtiulo. deo lfij J. n. READ. Bank State oCGcnrciu, ■ h% w v t.uu-D, in ini* oil dev ofjiihunry next, the belonging tn tlio Bunk, \ Lot* Nn. 31 und 35, Savannah, Hth Dec. 1835. W ILL be sold, ut tlio donr of tlio Cunrl Huu«o, in thi* city, on Tuesday, the 5th tho following real estate, L via r . lit. Yamacrnw, Savan. nah, un tho nor^h we tsido of tho rosidcnco uf Joe. Stiles, E«q. and near tho cunal. One nf thnao LnU haft a large wooden building nn it, originally intendnd, nr mod for a Stride; l.ot Nn. 27 and buildings. Yamaoruw, Movunnuht tills lot Iiom two Uvo.story wnndon building* nn it. Tho eastern building, formerly known a tlm •• Livarpnol Hotel" The we^toru building has two diilinnt tenements. Thi- lot and build, ing* aro on tlm South sido of the street leading from the west end of flay street, by tho house of Mr. Gibbons, up lo Mr- Stiles. Lot Nn. 12, nnd building*, Franklin Ward, Savannah,thi* lot lias 2 gnud building* on it.TIui building on tho oornor uf tlio lot irimting thu Uld Baptist Church square, i* two vtnrio* high; that oil the lane being one story, but both hu.M. ing* intended fur seporatn dwellings. This lot is HiihjuHl to an armuul ground rent to tho ci ty nt Q32 14, and lies directly seres* tlm atreut, west fr»rn Richard F. Williams' ronidenne. Lot No. 16, contniuiug 5 seres un tho smith coin, mom about 100 yard* wo*t of Ogluthorpu Bo^ rank*, nr on tlio wustsidu nf tlie Ogocolmo Rood, embracing the place where some uld butcher pons formerly stund. 1U acre* of land nn tlio west side of Fair Lawn, extending south as fir as the road in front of Mr. JnlitcMHIen's Ilnuso. 719 aerosnf land nn General'* J*1and un the Alatauiaha Rivor, below Darion, formerly own ed hy Archibald S Bulloch, K-q. All tlmsbovo property will positively bn snld tn (lie hlgboHt bidder, and un liborul terms,— S;iy nnu.tliird earii, and tlio balance in two annual inrtalinunt*, with lawful mlorost from day of sulo, with a mortgage on (he pm. purty sold, nr other satuduotuiy aveurity. By urdur of tlio Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. doc 16— U Hides, Fowling Guns, ristols & Spor ting Equipments. 1 CASE fine finished Riflos, assorted calibre, 3 dn double barrelled Fowling Pieces,from 820 tn SCO. 1 single' do do . do 70 puir of Pistol*, coin prising every variety Powder Flask* Shut Pouches and Bag-, Gnmu Bags,superior Percussion Cap*, just i erivud and fur solo by A. R. KNAPP ACO., den 16 Adjoining tho City fctyuctaclus. AX 44 DOZ. Spectacle* consisting nf Groan TCRr and (ireydnublo Glasses in light frumo*, Whito Glossea oval and t-quaru. assorted ages' in German silver end rhell frames, Alsu, 30 dnz low priced Motel Frames, just received and fur sale by A. R. KNArP A CO, dec 16 Adjoining the City Hotel. Notice. M RS. COHEN respectfully informs the oil. izuns of Savannah, that she has reopen ed the store larriy occupied by the late Mr. D. k. Cohen, nuxl door to Mr. 8erantoii'e Bar Komit, where olio intends to carry on tho Spirit Gas Bu*ine«s. By hor ririut attention to busi ness, she hopes to merit a share of tlioir palro. nuge. N IL—Ball rooms and all public places lighted up in • most brilliant stylo, and. ut thu shortest notice. doo 10 Iluuk Ilin, lOOOO deo. J6 N. B< ingcs* LBti. Hook Ilinges t. L w. WEED. Waiters and Cuitaia l’ins. 25 - ETT ' Vai “ r *' 50 doz. eurtain^pinv, received [ Timlin and for salo by dee 16. . B. A H. WJ or ihlp :ed. Lost, A BLACK LACE VEIL, tMakljr spotted— supposed to have boon dropped in Monu ment Square. Tbo finder will to rwmrdod by leaving it *1 this office. _ deo 16- tOR NEW YORK—[oiai unk.) The regular paeltol ship BELLE, Capt. Morvln,will sail on Wednesday imxt For passage only, having splendid no. oommod-itiuns, apply un board at # Mongin'e up. por wharf, nr tu % deo 14 STONE, WASHBURN A CO. — POU EEW.QRLEANS. Tliofa.liailinc lirfg A N N MARIA, Capt. E. Jordon willmeet with despatch. jFor Freight or paieage apply tn Capt. J. on board dr to COHEN A MILLER, doc 11 FOR hHJLADELPirJA. , The regular packet brig FRANCES, captain Cruft*, will moot with deapAoh .Fur freight or pusmge, apply on board, or to BAYARD A UUNTEIl. Consignees by the above vosnel are requested tu attend to tlio receipt of tlioir goods this day at Jones Lower Wharf, dim 14 I FOR HAVRE, Tho very superior coppered and copper (listened brig ARMADILLO, enptain 'Reese, will meet With despatch for tho above purl. For freight <*f 300 bales cott-n ap ply to HOLCOM BE, PECK A Co. r 14 Mongin’s Buildings, The Armadillo having tho greatest part nf her eargo engaged und go ngon board,will bo ready to sail in a few days, dec 12—t . FOR^ PROVIDENCE- -[Fust Vestel^ The regular packet brig WALTHAM* bipt- Sheldon, will moot with quiok le,patch. For (Yeight «r passage hev. ag good aocnmmnd utiun, apply ou board et Mnngin* Upper Wharf, or to uov 30 STONE. WASHBURN A CO, FOR NEW YORK. x The substantial now brig GRECIAN, /VJjSyCapt .Cord wiltliuvo immediate desputoh, fkx£&Fur freight on duck npnly to tho master on board or to COHEN A deo 11 . MILLER. Ft. R NEW YORK. Tho new Hibniiiniinl buppor fastened Brig MACON, Capt Gorham, Will eoiu. _>nonce loading on Tuesday nsxt, and bo despatched forthwith. Fnr freight or pa range, having excellent nacnmmndaliun*, apply -un board, nr to STONE, WASllBURN A CO nov. 27 Octnulguo Sleoiii-buqt Compaov. This curupnny wfll be prepared to eoinmtncnlm. •inesa early in tho next jsoasnn. They will have two superior new slesmhuats (built esponialiy for tbo business) enn«tariUy running betweiin Darien find Macon, with a requisite number of low bout*. Thu company will also have a line of pa Jlotv between Pnrien nnd- Now York. IJBNKY YONGE, Agent in Darion. Four slmms nf nuo thnusand dollars ouolt re. main uiirrild. For parlloular*apply to tlio agent in Darion. Darien, Aug. 21th, 1635.ang 27 Macon (Steamboat Company. Have ifm pisssurure to. return fiieir most grslefijl Boknowledgoinniits for the liberal patronamitliey have received Irani tho Murehunta snd ihoir .friend*, and would nulicit a continuance ofit wliieUlhey hoj*o to merit by tho prompt attention ofullcnt- ion or goods flopped by tho tins, in addition to the steamboat Excel, tlioir tow buaiinow in una. The company havo nnw building a now steami boat with tun new tow boat*, all of the best ma ieriataand expressly adapted to the naviiratiou of the Ontnulgoo and Alutainuha Rivore. Those increased facilities will ufford tlio Company tho mean* of giving despatch to goods intended for tho interior, end will ftirnish -inducements for Merchants weal ufthe Ocmutgce riverlo ship their goods by tho way uf DnrTtnt-stid Macon. There are fivo first rate packets running rs| - ularly between Now York and Darien, which eometo Ilawue and Mitehel. the agents for the Macon Stesmboat Company, Agenti for the above Boats. * L. BALDWIN ACO. Savannah. Bovoc, Hcnry A Walts a. Charleston. Hawbs A MitchslIm Durien. Geo. K. Robkhts, Huwkinsvillo. J. Guduaru Macon. doc 12 Stai-c lor Charleston. WlM.len.lhi.CH;, |eonimenring on the 20th inst. on Sundays, Tuoe in Baday* n * k *-y and tlm miMiniiig d-iys nf the wcok with e Jersey Wagon, and can take one passongor. Apply for *eats at the City Hotel, dee 16 jUi ply to For Rent, The building rccontly occupied by Rnasignel A Knox,a* a school house, situated on Gourt.House Square.— Possession given knmediataly. Ao. 8. PHILUR1CK ACO. For Sale or R.ont, THE Dwelling House in Orleans.' Squire, at prosont occupied by me, I possession of which will be immedi* nov 12 “°^' lV ROHT. HABERSHAM. To Rent, t? The thrro story Brick House, Franklin Ward—Two story Wood, un Hmiro, South Commons, next .Efl«t of Major Fannin’*, end large double Wooden Houre In Broughton.*tract, Posucstoion may bo had immediately. For eon. dilions, apply to : B. F. WILLIAMS. . nor 13—tf Ii; Dy tlie ahipJlacon. HE atn.clbnr. lirto we.ivcd » ■ ddition. T wm im—uawmhsassaa a ai itsaortmnnt of Ready made clothing, ei. so Beaver end Silk (late. Fur and elnlb rap*. 4«t? .mi elnlb HAMILTON HOUSTON A CO. Crockerywiwt. - By J. B. HERBERT $'C6i. | AT FRIVATK SALK. \ \ . . 1 25 crates well nssorlrd Crocknrywaro, now landing and will bo sold if taken iYom the wharf drq .15 I.qaf Suiwr/ BY J. B. HERBERT. , at mivAT* iAtkr! 3 18 tirtree* firat quality Loaf Stigi ing end fur sale low if.taken frer Also, in Store, — —, 110 wholoand 10 half tiercu* retailing RIcov dwnlS ; *-• -4 lilasswnru. By J.B. HERBERT $ CO. at rnivAj* bAlr, , ' Y. ;,» An extensive wnortmontnf Glnraware just rc* ccivod from tho manufactory in l'hllupliia, nn<( will be sold lew. » deo 10 _ By J. U. HERBERT $ ,CQ. O AT rRIVATX SALK. *'" i 35 brlsiuperlor Loaf Sugar 99 boxes-do do do d«»r9 " Old Madeira Wino. I1YP. a SHICK 4. O. COHEN. AX T.IVATS ULS. 20 demljons of suporinr old Medeini V just received and for sulo low , deo 1 Executnra Sale., - BY J. B. HERBERT CO Will be sold at the Court House in tho ci Savannah nn tho first Turrdny in Joumiry si the moral hours, oho fuUrlh of Lot Nn f Drayton, atreot, Reynolds Ward,' brio tho estate of Goorgo Hqopt deceased. de>* 10 l'erins of a; ‘ BY P. O. SlllCK fo. CO HE AT raitATS SALX. Landing from brig Oglrihnno from Bolt lOli bbls superfine Howard street J” nov 24 Ready . BY J dv Mado Clothing. B. HERBERT <> VO HERBERT AT rXJVATK SALK. Pantnlnnns, red end blue Shirts, Vest*, nel Shirts, Canton ditto, figured Vesta, lion Nankin Pantaloons, black clulh Vests and. r bossed ditto, Ao. now landing. uJ1\g7shick ij. oT TA rniVATK BALK. A likely aolivo Negro bny , _ good llnuw servant aeconthmad > und ean tsko o bor. > charge uf a llorso j hodi mr—Fmmtjor* cor AT ratVATR SALK. fl casks super Sp r»n Oil vory light c 50 drums 8myna Figs An innoioe Casting*, assorted Lauding from *ohr- Eagle froiirBultimoi •dee 10 By P. O. SHIC! l AT rniVAT* »aX», 100 drum* superior • Elemo' pulled dec 10 * . • : Woolf - . ' .,. r|(7lIE .uli.crllirr bu now l.mllne, I. son's wharf, at the Eastern on city, a supply of Li vo Oak, Hickory, * ho ufibrs at tho lowest market price- to hi* *hpply of Wood, ho hea on and well defeated supply ofjCnoqKn Winks, An. which to will sail on . COHEN ling torins. July 21 I IM will sail , oil uec«/m JpllN G'UILMAKTl Agency and Brokerage, i r«IlE . subsoiitoy having enlereif int. JL Exchsngo, Biokerage, end " J gency business will attondtn t ohaso of Bank and oth Bolton's Range. nof.rencM, Tl " Messrs. Anderson £ Son, Savannah, Wm. Qartsr, Charleston, doe 10 float* for sale clic , T HE Pule boata Oglsthorpo nn thoOglethorpe carries (Yum fou. dred halos af Colton and- the Lafaj 300 bales, she is nearly new and woi a plantation or wood boat. Applv to F. SHI ELS, WillUmnon’* builu., MICHAEL DILLON,Toifurr's w dec 11—t. •- * Gentlemens fine Beavers i Wats, A FINE assortment recolved cdjpvllle end for solei Isjre deo UIN.ALDRB New Goods. T HE Subscriber hon returned froi with a Urge supply of Di Grsccries, seleeled especially for whieh he offers for salo on hie uki dating terms. ' D. Jliccboro', Oct. 15,1835. oct 15 ■ : 1*o Rent. A FARM, ebout two milo* JWl contiining ,Ut; acre, of' ceUant ilwutliug hnu.a. A boildinna >m tbo prorniw*. nov 20—> Sugnr am] FI ffi.AiniDS.prlm.f- " • Pir bbl. Canal II Franconia, and for u.ila nov 13 WOOD1 Breed TWAVE imt Jtjl Mdic. Doul Fnr WalkinRSbneaa-vei winter. Fur auln luw N _ Uibbcd Bucksl . iKgersoli ilia, a f.:w