The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 18, 1835, Image 1

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BBiPBBE® EXTRAORDINARY AND WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES I ART 1118 THREE SONS. From Drury Lane Thentre, London, who havo boon universally acknowledged tho mo«t sur. prising and elegant Artists in thoir'lino in (ho World.—Hignior DiavMo Aulunb*, whoso extraordinary Pnrfonnancoa nn tho CORDE VOLANTE in all tho principal Tlioa- ires on tho Continont, and hi* private porformnnuoa tho orownud lie ids and nobility of Europe, for which ho ho* their written certificates of ap. probation gained him tho name of the $ Notice to Travellers. i%’ OTICE ii hereby given that from this date iw arrangements previously existing for the transportation ot Horsts and Carriages from transportation ot tfnrs* and Carriages from Darien In Glynn County, are discontinued, ok tha amount of travelling ia'not sufficient to de fray tho n# oeseary oxpeuso. W. S. BELL. Darien, 96th Oot. 1835. * a no? 9—Um La\i. rB'JlE underriguod, having united their Pro. M. fessionat interests, tender liter services to Collins’. Axes. A DOZ. Callifl'. A..., fnr >.h by Tt-jl N.B. &H.WBED. duo II . No. 3 MacUerel. AT Ak BRLS No 3 Maoketel landing and for OIF aalolowby * deott EN8W0RTII A WAY* lo tho Electors of Chatham County. ■ NELLOW CITIZENS—I im a candidate for reflection to the olBco of Tax Colleo. tor of tho county, end respectfully anlinit ynur sufftagoe ou tho first Monday in January thoir Frinnda and the Public. Thoy will practise in all the Courts ol tiio Eastern District, in the Court of Common Ploaa and Oyer and Tonninorof this Citys,sndono of Uie firm will also ettond the Circuit Courts of tho U. States. WM.II. BULLOCH, Nov 25—Him JOHN E. WARD. Chocolate and Prunes. HALF boxes No 1 Choci.lato,' 90 cases fresh Prunes in fancy boxer, landing and for aalo bv TUPPER A8ISTARK Wantedto Purchase. to tho Vptors ofClmtham Courttv, I OFF^R tor ro.olaolinn to tho Offiae ol’Ko. ceivlr of Tax Returns at tho Elections in January next anu solicit your voles. 13. LATHROP. dco 2—|l g gb ibsag, LB.uf fond dry fodder JLtF 9 lF<PQt'* for which IW ill given I nth. dec 25 por 100 lb. dolivorod ut my Yard in Savan. MICH. DILLON. And his unrivalled performances on tho Flying Rope will provo him worthy of tho Title. Tho entertainments will be givon in two parts the first will eunnnonco with tho Performances of his Three Surprizing Children, ANTONIO, LORENZO, AND AUGUSTUS, of St. Joseph’s Lots for sale. _ Lake Wimloo and Ht. Jomph’. Canal Jompany, having contracted for tho con. struotinn ofe Rail Road from the Bay of St. Jo soph's In oonneot with tho River Apalachicola, via Lako Wiiuioo,—Also, (or tho building of wharves and ware houses, at both ends of the ro<id, to bo ready for tho transaction ofbuftinpss by the Lt of Docomber next, have laid oif into oonvoniont lots, tho new town of St. Joseph, on a beautiful elevated plain, about halfway up tho Bay, nn tho oast side, at thl point whoro tho Rail Road will tnrminnto. Tho wharf is to bo carried out to 17 foot wa'cr and tho Rail Road track to oxiend to tho extreme end of it, ao that vessels can load and dischargo oargoos along Bido the oars. Tho Lots in tho town of 8t, Josoph will bo of. ferod for sale at public auction on tho 14th Do. comber uoxt. Term', ono fourth cash—tho bal* ance in three equal payments,' for which notes will bo required at 12, 24 aqd 86 month, with intorost from the day of »nlo. Title bonds will beissuod by the aompeny to tho purchaser, on tliQir complying with tho tonne of salo, and a foe simple title oxocuted when the lost instal* mont is paid. ROBERT BEVIRIDGE Prest. l«nke Wimieo and St. Joseph C. C St. Joseph, W. Florida, Oct 1, 1835. Logwood. A FEW Ions Jamaica Logwood landing par schr, Relit. George tor salo by dee!) COHEN A MILLER. 100 don 11 . Flour. BRLS frosh Canal Flour just ra. cuivod and for sale by PADELFOUD, FAY A. CO. Mens’ Fui and India KubboA Cloth Caps. Who will perform a Sorio* of novel md untertainlng Feats, truly olugant and admirable poai. tions, (who, from tho exceoding grace with which they pnurtray tin* different po.ilions of tho bumau frame,) havo excited the wonder and admiration of every audience. THIS EVENING, DECEMBER 10th, 1835, Will bo presented iho amusing Comedy (in Three Acts,) of tho MERIiV DAY'S, OR, Aftor which IL DIAVOLO and thu THREE YOUNG DIAVOLOS Will go thVough their Surprising 1‘urlbrniances! The Imcrludo of tho HOLE Iiv TmE WALL. Tho GRAND CHINESE I'As DE TROIS of the TEA PICKERS, Or the BALLET DE CUINOIS I A FAVORITE SONG, by Mrs HART. A SAILOR’S HORNPIPE, by the YOUNG ANTONIO DIOVOLOI Tho Last Part of the Entertainment will bo givon by ®3@JSFE®ffi &Q8LBB WGB&SP&B' Introducing tho following iuimiublo Evolutions and Attitude* t—II Silto del Lmno or the Lion's Loup. La Grand Stnibai. L'Eq’iilibrio Supra la Testa. * II Silto Mnrtallo la . Capriola The Sea Syren. La BaIiuiiz i dnlli M.dinarn, Ac. Ao. lie will also represent, in full\otion, ilia po-Uum ,i,M •«ypr i*4oa of the following Statues : The Gladiator—the Apollo Bolvldere-Mercury—and thut unrivailod Exhibition y 1L GRANMOLlNA a vento: For Sale. TRACT of loud on Bulls Island, (S, C.; containing 300 aero., 250 uf whioh ii good planting lund and cleared, with all nuces. sarynut buildings nn it. Persons wishing to 4 pur. chase, can obtain all tho noco*snry information appiention to tho undersigned at his residence May Rivor, 8. 8* Also, A IVeu«o and lot in tho villago of Grahnmvillo C. Tho building nearly new. •. nov 9—tillJll* ’ W. E.BAYNARD. Sale of Lots in the town of St. Joseph, POSTPONED. The salo of Lola in tho town of St. Josoph has boon postponed till the !8ih of January noxt, when they will take place ou tho same lorini as those horotnfure advertised, doc 7—tillOJ , Bagging and Osnaburgs, R ECEIVED por ilarald, and for salo by dec 9 J. A J. REID. Sheriffs Sale. On the first Tuesday in February next: W ILL bo sold, at the cotyt house, between the hours of I0 und-4 o'clock, in tho town of Jefferson, in Camden County, to wit: 640 acres of land lying on Spanish Crook, in tho county aforesaid, and o savv.tnill thereon, with 10saws in a gang, and ono single saw, and a grist mill, with all and Angular tho appurto. nances thoreunto bolonging or in anywise ap pertaining. Leviod on as tho proporty of Jamot Lloyd, to satisfy a fi fa, at tho instance of John Ingorsol and Company. Tho said. property polnlod oat by tho defendant. RICHARD PAXTON, Sheriff. deo 17 Tin Plate. QA BOXES Tin Plain, 1.3 cross 25 pound* Spo'tro Solder 100 lb Zino 200 lb Block Tin 500 lh Iron Wire, assorted sizes 25 M Rivets, as-mrlod 18 dux Kettle Ears For salo by nov 27 N. B. A II. WEED. Five Dollars Howard* wjTRAYED, on Tuesday, the 8th inst. from Messrs. Butler A- William*' yard, a small boy Ilnrso, witli a blaze faco, a scar On hi* left foro foot, yith tha front of hi* mano out short. Tho above reward will bo p.iid to any parson iloUW. ering him to Mayor A Iloidt, mSuvnnnah; or. to Emanuel Shearhouso, in Effingham County, duo 17—p An Overseer wanting Business. A Man. 25 years of ago, with a small fami< ly, who haa had several years experience in that capacity, and for the Inst 4 yoare been employed on a Cotton plantation. Satisfactory ter Boi Shout «t iho GoorgUn Ofli;u.—Door, opirn at i han't, .ml nufumi.iiM to ' iommenco at 7 p’clock. r ,j 00 jy Virginia Ilatns. J/itt Received, FBlWO Hundred and Fifiy hupurior Virginia JL Hama, selected, for sale by deo 2 „ CLAGHORN &. 6 WOOD > Fine Boots. 4 CASES Calf Boots, junt received per Eli Whitney, a part of which are of a Superior quality. For sole by dee 3 . ALDRICH & CO. Ladies French Slippers. J UST received from Philadelphia, 2 cases Ladies French Slippers’ For vale by deo 3 H. X ALDRICH &. CO. By tho Joye. ‘VV^'E have junt received an addition to our T T Stock of Roudy mado Clothing, innnu- faeturod from tho host imported articles, and of. fered for sale at the usux&l lo * prices for cash or approved credit, by HAMILTON, HOUSTON &. CO: dec 15 Commission Business in Darien, Georgia. T HE rubneribor will continue tho Commis. sion business herolofuro carried on in this place by Ph. R. Yongo & Sons. His wharves and stores urn extensive and convenient. Goods shipped to him for tho up country will recoivo hi* personal attention, and be forwarded hy oar. liost and best opportunities. He will remain in Darien at all seasons of the year. IIENRY YONGE, IT. Yonge will continuoto run hix small bonts until tiio river beconios navigablo for stoim vus. sols. "*■ Darien, Ang 24, 1835. aug 27 Lost. A BOX of Glassware mnrkod oilher J. M. or Js. Macfio. Any information of the same thankfully received and expenses paid by CLAGHORN &. WOOD. dec 15 Wine. T ANDIMI from brig Pandora, a few casks JLd clioico Currant Winu, for sale by PADELFOUD, FAY &CO, dec 15 Molassus and Collce. *g Q IiHDS Molasses JL ^ 20 bags Coffeo Landing IVbin brig Rodney, from Matanzns, for sale by PADELFORD FAY &. CO. dec 15 H E, Cum. CO BHLSon board brig Pandora, for sale dec 15 PADELFORD FAY & CO. No. 3 Mackerel. BBLS No. 3 Mnckeml • W Just received, for sale low by dec 15 ENSWORTH &. WAY. Just Received, I’erthip Milled Seville, from [few York. DS, Figs, IV * * A LMONDS, Figs, Prunes, Currants,Apple?. Cider, Brooms, PrimnPork; Soda, But. tor. Sugar and Watnr Biscuit. 100 buudles Hay, iu lots to suit purchasers, for sala by £HOS. WOOD, dec 8. No. 4, Mongin's wharf. Hats and Caps. Juet received perehip Belle. CASES Gentlemens' Hue Beavor Hats H „ „ S $ |k 0 dozen •* *• Seu Otter Caps 8 •• •• «• Fur Seal •• G *• •* •• Nutra H Also a good assortment of low priced Hair Seal. For vale by due 3 H.N. ALDRICH & CO. Notice. 'ITIIE undersigned hnvo formed a Copartner. u ship, f«.r tho transaction of the Factor, nge and Commission Biiriiners, in the city of Savannah, undor the firm of PhinizyA. McGov. urn, and teudor tln-ir service* to thoir frinnda. ROBERT M PHISJIZY, JAMES MoGOVERN, W. & H* Bryson, l . John Pliiuizy, > Augusta, Sami. Clurko, ) G. B. Lamar, Suvannah. dec 3—Jim Re for to Buckwheat. HALF brls and 20 qr do Biiokwhcat W*llr landing from brig Goorgia and for salo by WM. II. THOMPSON &. CO. doc 1 No. 1, Exchange Dock. Notice. BOXES Sperm Candles 30 kegs Whito Lead 2(1 kngs Blank Paint 20 bbls Pilot Broad 20 *• Navy do 10 « No 2 Mackerel 1G *• •• 3 do 5 half bbls No ldo 10 boxes Bologna Sausagos 40 do Soap 10 do Starch 10 casks London Porter Ml lb* Nutmogs 25 IIh Cloves * 5 buxea Mustard For sale by THOS. WOOD, duo 18' Nn. 4 Mongol's wharf. references givon, and prompt attention paid to a lettor directed U> W. S. and loft at this office, deo 17—lu ’ Bonnots. P UST rocoivcd, per ship Macon, ons naso of i*' 1 the following Bounels fur Ladios and Mis. Lace Braids Leghorn Braids Also, two cases of new Toys, at wholesale or rotail, by S ROGERS. 15—v dec 1 Cordials and Flour. 5 QR. casks Cordials 50 barrels Howard Street flour, now lauding and for solo low hy WAI dec 4 STONE, WASHBURN & CO. Notice. N EITHER tho Master or Consignees of the British brig Garland will pay any debts contracted by tho crow of said vessol. dec 17 Sperm Oil. y. C) BBL8 pure Spann Oil, landing, and . C9 for sale by PADELFORD, FAY & CO. dec 15 Lost, A BLACK LACE VEIL, thickly spotted- supposed to buvo been dropped in Menu ment Square. Thn finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office, dec 1G Grates and Stoves. FJlWELVE Grates ^sorted Patterns 12 box Stoves assorted sizes G Franklin do do For salo by N. U. & H. WEED, doc 2 Goshen Butter, Lard, &c. Juet Received, AQ KEGS Goshen Bu' ^r 50 do new Lard 10 bbls new Hama 5 do smoked Tongues For sale by deo 18 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Piano Forte Manufactory and Ware house, New York. T HE SnliHcribnrs have rnmmencod tho man. uficluring uf Piano Fortes, at No. 325 Bowery, corner of Second struut, oj p tsilo Bond, and solicit tho patronage uf their mends and i he public. Tho first premium* were awarded, to tho sub. serilmrs.hy tho Mechanics' and die American Institute* for tho boat Piano Forte* at t'»o late Fairs Thoir In»truincnt* are warranted equal oith'Tfor tono or finish to any manufactured in iba United Slate# i and will bo anld on the most moderate terms. Thn'suhscribers manufacture Pis no Fortes of overy description, among which arc Horizontal Grand; Cabinet; Hinnonic; Hollow, Round, and Square Cornered, &u. Ac of Grind and English actions. Piano Fortoa made to ordor and to match other furniture at the shortest nn. lice. Orders from dealers and others in any part of Uie Unitod States promptly attended to. JOHN.ABBOTT &. CO. Tiano Forte Manufacturers, Now York, dec 11 Rifles. O NE Cose percusvion and flint Rifles, this day opened and li.r m,I* hy A. R.'KNAPP & CO. deo 7 Adjoining the City Hotel. Fresh Spices sl LBS Nutmegs, 50 do Mace .a."PMr 200 mats Cinnamon 1 caso pulverized do, h hrl Cloves . 5 hags Alxpica, 10 kegs ouro ground Gin. ger, just received and for vale by dco 15 . G. R. HENDRICKSON. Feathers, Buckwheat, Soap, &c. JOS. BANCROFT & CO. JVo. 3, Moanin'* Wharf, (Up Stairs. O FFER fur sale 10 bags Live Geose Feathers 40 \ bbls Pcnsytvania Buckwheat Flour 20 £ « “ •• 12 bbls •• Walnuts 20 boxos No. 1 Brown Soap 10 cases Fancy Box <• 40 reama Printing Paper, 24 x 30 100 “ Fancy Wrapping Paper Also, A quantity of Band Leather suitable for Mill ItSO. dec 15—u A Card. ryiHE Mibscriber having lately relumed from thu North, has reengaged ss a foreman conduct the Boot and Shoe Manufactory for Moisrrs. H. N.Aldrich Sc Co. tokos this method of informing tha citizons of Savannah and tho public in general, that frftm increased expori. enco of tho huainoBS, he hopes that ho will be able to please all who may favor them with their custom All work made undor his charge and inspection shall not bn surpnssod in this city or elsewhere. RICHARD FRISBY. nov 26 Cocoa Nuts. *'Jkfcp41kr:{j| FRESH and largo sizo Cocos Nuts, landing from tho schr. Marlon, for salo by uov 30 FRANCIS SORREL, Sperm Oil and Candles, "Jj CASKS Supr Sperm Oil JL V 75 boxes “ •• Candies 45 “ *• patent do 50 •• *• Tallow do Just rocoivcd by dec 18 C. L. M'NISII. (Jolting ^IX tons Castings, (*onsutiDg of Ovens, Pots, Skillets, Spiders, Kettles, Anilirnns, Ac. now lauding from ship Bello and brig Lots, m " for sale by M. HOPKINS, oct 15 Liverj)ool Ground Suit, "fl SACKS Liverpool Ground Salt JL /dw’wt Ip 10(1 boxes first quality Son] 6 half pipoi cugnao Brandy. For sale dec 9 M. DILLON. Tolfuirs wharf. L salo by deo 2 Hams. BALTIMORE Hams just rocniv- v ed per reboonnr Marion, and FRANCIS SORREL Ilay. BUNDLES Hay, onboard brig Ma. 50 dibon, for sale.Apply to doc 14 PADELFORD, FAY A CO, Old Irish Whiskey. P URE aa imported. Forsale’by MICHAEL DILLON. deoil Telfair’i wharf. Juet Received, VENS' Fur Caps, flno . JL " India Rubber Cloth Caps nov 10 flue Cloth Cups For sule by A. WOOD A CO. i BELL. FOR LIVERPOOL. THE fine npw ship JOHN DUN. LAP. Clsment Soolfield msstor, will meet with prompt despatch. For freight apply lo S. B. PARKMAN A CO. deo 18—r. Who offer for sale, landing from said ship Q0 Barrels No 1 beer, * 30U Barrels No. 1 2 anil 3 Mackerel. Fellow-Citizens of Chatham < :n County, AM Bcatididslo for Receiver of Tax Ke. turn* at the elootlon In January next, and rotpectftilly solicit your suflVages., . duo 5 LABAN \VRKR1T. To the Llectors of Chatham County, I AM s camlidnto fur reflection to tho office of Corottor at the approaching election, which takes plaoo on tho first Monday in January next, and humbly sulioll your suffrages, doc 8 THOMAS EDEN. FOR LIVERPOOL, The new bitperior coppered and copper ■ftmenod ship ALFRED, Capt.Chce* vor, having all her cargo engaged and going on board, will moot With despatch. Fnr Vattage only, liavihg elogant accommodations, apply lo tho captain on hoard, or to . HOLCOMBE, PECK CO, deo 17—1« * 14 Monglu'a Buildings. " t OU iii YiiRPOUL, Tho fine new ahip MOHAWK, R Stevens, .maater. having half her curgo engaged and going on board, will liavo immo. diaio duap&toh. For balance of freight, apply to Capt. S. on board at June's Upper Wharf, * ‘’.ISTARE. .Annuals for 1880. T HE Orlentul Annual, or Soenoa In India, comprising 22 Engravings by William Danioll, U. A. and a dUeripdvo account by the Rev. II. Cannier, B. D. a . Jennings Landsoapo Annual, or Toiiriat in | Spain, for 183G—Andalusia. The English Annua). Healh'a Picturesque Annual, with 25 on., gravings. Tho Christian Koopaako, nnd Missionary Annual, Edited by the Rev. Wm. Ellis. Friendship’s Offering and-VVintor's Wreath. Furgnl Mo Nut, edited by Frednriek Shoborl. Tho Magmdia, by 11. W. Herbert. Tho Token A Atlantic Souvenir, by S. G, Goodrich. Tho Cliaunooy Colton, Tho Gift,by Miss Leslie. Tho Pearl nr Alfiiotiona Gift. Poe) leal Annual being Selections, from tho English Poets from Sponsor to Boaltia. Tho Juvenile Forget Mo Not, by Miss S. C. Hall. Roceived end for snlo by deo. 1G THOMAS PURSE A CO, „ v> r Whirl or to' TUPPERASl 50 tons Ballast for aalo low, from said ship. If applied fur this day. deo 15 FOR LI VERPOOI* Jp s Tho fine new ship MANCHESTER, /£J. J. Patton mobler, Fur irclghi of biles Cuttun. Apply to S. B. PARKMAN -A CO. For salo landing (Yarn Mid ahip. 200 bundles prime Eastern Hay dao 11—t. UYJ. Ii HERBERT $ ( O. THIS DAY, 19th insi/it 11 o'clock, will bo tuld in firuut of at ore, A'Wagon A Uarneis, alio, 0 Hones duo 19 BY J. B. HERBERT A CO THIS DAY, IDiliin.t at 11 o’clock, tvill bo •Id in lYonl of storo, a genoral assortment of Groceries and Crockery ware, due 19 Terms cash. WT U. HEktiERT ACOr at llo'' Tenift cash. THIS DAY. 19.h hist, will bo sold in front of store, A Carriage. dec 19 Fancy Bt Auction. By S. PHILBRWK ^ CO y o'cluck, Will On Tuesday, 234 in.t at 11 o’dk in tho storo next door weal of Mrs. Bnaularda storo on Con groM airoot, a groat.vurioty of French, German ami English Fancy arllolsu, suitable for . Now Year's oud Ciirislinus proaants,. in lot* to suit purnhaaers Tonn* <’n*h dou 19 FOR LIVERPOOL. The fino now ahip UCM ULGEE.Copl, I TliomaaJ Leavitt, having throe.fourlha ' her cargo engaged, and going on board, will havo dUpuloh. For balance of lYoight ur par. sage having supeilor aconmmndutioiiM apply to Captain L. un board at Jouna'a upper wliarr, ur to TUPPER A SISTARE. doc 7 Hu ll l'uiicy rnirtH. By P. G. SHJCK $ O C(\HLN., AT rxnUTB BALK 1 caso sapor, rich Fancy Prints, idl'able for Ilia Roasun, Just roueivod; por ship C* lia, from »1 New York. . . drc 19 , r * iiy a. silicic i- o.buHiifi, ' - At Priv.ln (Inin At Private Salo. , A fiw boxos While Soap, fit fur -family ni»o# Also, 2'iQl) CoNconnts. doc 19. Grind Stones. •g ■g ^ GRIND Stones diflbrent sizee for dco 2 salo hy WM. H. THOMPSON A CO. Cream Ale. A FRESH supply of Crosin Ala.just ro. coivod por ship Persia. Fsr sain by d«n 4 CLAGHORN A WOOD. Notice T O tho Stockholders of tho Murino and Fire Insurance Bank of tho Slalo of Georgia i In conformity with the provisions of the Char ter. Aby order of the Board of Directors, an In. stalmeiit of Fifteen dollars (15) on oaoh share of Slock, Is required lo bo paid at the Banking- House in Savannah, on ur before the drat Moll, duy in January next. GEO. J. BULLOCH, . ^Acting Cashier. Further Notice, 2jUCH Stockholders a* inuy wish to avail ^ thomsolvcB uf the privilogo, are hereby au< thoriftcd to pay into the Bunk on the first Mon. dnytn Dbceiribor noxt, the sum of Ten (10) Dol lars on each share, and upon tho payment of thn instalment uf Fifteen Dollar* on the first Mmi. dny in January, receive Certificates for full Slock of Fifty Dollars per share, anddfdw Uivi- deuda in proportion theroto. ‘ GEO, J. BULLOCH, 1 lie Subscriber « RINDING it inconvenienljo attend to tho busiiioss of his Plantation, will aull thoffohl Plantation, consisting of 1230 acres, old mea sure, on reasonable terms ; or ifnot sold by the first of January, ho will rent the samo for one nr innro yours, with tho nrivilogeof cutting wood, of whioh there* is a largo quantity of various kinds. From tho Rituution of tho tract oxtond- in'g for upwards of two miloaon tho Great O- gneheo River and within a quarter of a rnilo of the canal, which oxtunds from thn Savannah to the Ogcchoo Rivers, offers groat convenience for convoying tho wood to Suvannah hy way of llio_,oanal. Fur terms, ploaso opply % to tho subscriber, J. B READ- N. B. Clny’of the'vory bort quality^ttoar tho bank of a canal leading to tiio rivor,’with pino wood at Imud, rondure tho Briok-mqkiugan oh jont of interosl fur aupplying* tho Kuil Ru-jd withthis artiulo. dec 10 J. B. READ. FOR NEW YORK—(quo link.) Tho fnst sailing regular packet ahip MlLLEDGKVlLLErGnnt. Robt. W. r o«ter; will be deipatohed immediately. Fnr freight nr. pnssnge, having superior acoommoda (inns apply on hoard at Mmtgina upper wharf or to STONE, WASHBURN A CO P. S Consigneea will please attoud to tho ro ception of their goods at tho abovo inuuiioncd wharf. For salo landing from said vessol. 100 buutllos prime Nurthern Hay. ddo 9 Splendid Cut ida«s at Auction. . RY J. B. HERBERT A CO. On MONDAY, QLt inat. in 11 oVlock in front ufatoro, thu finest assortment oonsUting of j - Now stylo Dooan' era, Tumblers and Wines Sul* Ca.tnra Salt, Sugar and Cordial stands Colurias, Hjoklors and Flower Glasses lumps, iVliiniol Ornnmonts, Colngno do Treflo Dishes, Buwls, Claret and Punch do Lam horns, Finger Bowls, Segnr Stands, Ao. dvd 18 Tornia . xlu. FOR NEW.ORLEANS. s The fiwt sailing brig ANN MARIA, ,Capt. E. Jordop will moot with despatch. oFnr Freight or pn^sugo apply tu Capt. J. on board or lo COHEN.-& MILLER, deo 11 New England. Rum. By P. O SHJCK O. COHEN, AT rniVATB SALS. 10 hlida N E Sum. now landing from brig Banner, from Boston, rocoivcd direct from tho "(Ualillor, and will bo sold low un tho wliarft dou 18 "BjZ B. HERBERT $ CO. “ At Privsto Stic, FOR PHILADELPHIA. Tho regular packet brig FRANCES, captain Crofts, willmuut with despatch. Fur freight or jiusangn, spplv on^on A Negro Woman about 3(k years uf ago, i first rntn washer and ironor, \ dec 17 ' * v • Ily l‘7u. SHICK $ o. boh .... board, or to BAYARD A IlUNTBR. Consignees by thn nliuve vessel are m|uostod to ationd to tho rncuipt uf thuir goods this day at Junes Lower Whuif. dun 14 At Privato Sale, . . A good Plantation Flat, buttliori 10 rough Rico, Also, a pair of Oarriago Horses, <g9ni sound, nged 7 years, duo 17 - V- Diviriend, No. 2. Bank of Darien; Dec. 7, 1835. T HE Board of Directors of this Bank, have this Duy deolured a Dividend of Thrno por cent, on tho amount of Capita! stuck paid in for tho last Six Months, whioh will bo due and pay. able on ai d aftor tho 1st day of Jnnuary nsxi,to tho stockholders, or their legal representatives, EUENEZER S REES, Cashier. dec 18 Wh new-york. s Tho new Mibsliiiiiial copper (batoned .Brig MACON,Capt Gorham, will com. uimmco loading on Tuesday nsxi, and ho despatched forthwith. For freight or pa»sagu, having excollonl acoommodalinns, apply nn board, or to STONE, WASHBURN A CO. nov. 27 wM'EDi I- Ilfs. By P. O. S1I1CK 4- O. COHBtf: AT raiVATK SALS *100 drums auporldr ‘ Elome'pulled Figs ' Copartnership. T IlEumlor*ignod havo aasooiatod themsalves in buslnoss, under tho firm of Bisu A 1 Cmitrrie, and ruapootftiUy solicit a sliAro of pub. lie paurouuga. JOS1AII BIRD, LUKE CHRISTIE: doc IP—v A vessol from 100 lo 12ft tons burthen to load fur a northern port. Fur Author ’ {particulars, apply to duo 18—b T. T. WHITE. sept 29 . Acting Cnahier. Thu Augusta.Constitutionalist, and Standard of Union, Milledgovillo, will please publish the abnve oneo a week. Griml-S tonus. wr TONS boMt quality Grind-Stones, anortod 9P sizes, fur sale by oet 15 M. HOPKINS. Just Landed. BRLS. Menhaden Fish And in Store, 5 gross Playing Cards 18 roams Letior Paper. 4 Cultivators u Corn Fanners, for winnowiug corn 2 patent Corn Shelters 3 patent Corn Mills 2 Cast Iron Pumps 1 Wagon Jack - Screw For salo hy nov 28 JOHN CANDLER. Hampers Potatoes. IT UST rocoivcd from Liverpool, 100 hampers •P P<>t itooa, very *uperior, for salo by doo 18 CLAGHORN A WOOD. Eastern Potatoes, BBLS prime white‘Eastorn Pota. too*. For salo hy dao 18 CLAGHORN A WOOD. Baltimore Hams. Canvassed hams just reooivod por FC P Eagle and for sal* by deo 13 F. SORREL. Leaf Tobacco. BALES'Kentucky leafTobapoo deo 8 COHEN A MILLER. Pilot and Navy Bread. Juet received per Citizen. D ifKWK BBLS. Pilot and Navy Broad For sole by nov I * CLAGHORN A WOOD. Gentlemens and Youths Pumps. G \ ENTLEMENS Morocco Dancing l’umps r do Kid do du Calfskin do do Soai Walking do du do do Dancing do II.N. ALDRICH A CO, do do dn Youth's Morocco For sale by deo 4 Hose Water, &c. DOZEN fine English Roso Water ijx/ «• •• Fronch do do tre ble distilled 1 case 1st quality Russia Sheet Isinglass A few pounds Vanilla Beans Just rocoivcd, and for sale by doc is o. r. Hendrickson. Notice. ICO L - E - 8 u - y „ 10 bbbls Mesa Pork 10 bbs Mohs Beef Pototocs Bailor Biscuit- Sugar do •• Soda do > St Croix Sugar -*5 hhd do do 200 bushols Whito Beam 10 half (ibis Pig Pork 100 15 29 30 10 10 20 10 10 20 2U 20. 20 Fulton’ Market Boof Canal Flour Indian Mnnl Ryu do Butter Bisboit Soda do. Sugar do Wotor do 10 kits Salmon r 100 IHu Hinoked do 5 bbls Loaf Sugar 5 do Lump do 20 bags St. Domingo Coffeo L!' do Java do HI Gib caddys Young Hyson Tea 20 half boxos Raisins 5 boxos Prunes 1 k«g Currants For sale by TIlOS, WOOD, dec Ifl No.4, Muiigin's .turf. By the Celia. ■THE Subscribers Ii fWTHE Subscribers have rocoivcd a largo ad. JL ditioii to their atock pf Ready Mado Clothing, also, Silk and Beaver Hats, Cloth end Fur Ceps, Silk'and Cotton Umbrellas. Me. rino under Shirts and Drawers, Linen and Cot. ton Shirts, Elastic Suspondors, Gloves, Collars, and Bosoms, S'neks, Ac. wholotalo and retail by HAM ILTON, HOUSTON A CO. deo 18 Ocinulgce Steam-boat Company. This company will bo preparod to coinmGiicobu. isiuoss early In tho noxt isoaeon. They will have two superior new stunmbnats (built especially for tho buxii.nss) constantly running boiwocn Darion nnd Macon, with a xoqiiialte number of tow boats. Tlm-oompany will afro havo a lino of packet* between'Darien's rid Now York. IIENRY YONGE, Agent in Darien, r shares of one thousand dollars en Wood, /M^HF, subscriber bus now landing, at Jack- i. eon's wharf, at tho Eastorn end of tho city, e supply of Live Oak, Hickory, Ac, which ho offers at tliu lowest market prico—In addition to his supply of Wood, ho lias on hand a largo and wrll aelcctcd supply ofGaocRiUEi.LmuoHs, Winks, An. whioh ho will sell on occnnunoda- ting tonne. JOHN GUILMART1N. July 21 •Agency and Brokerage. > HE •subscriber having cntorLl into.the Jl Exchange, Biukeiago, and Gouerul A. gnnny Imsinnss will attend to tho salo. and pur. chuso of Bank and other stock, at his ofliue, Bolton's Rungs. TIlOS. F. PURSE. Itnrnrnncna, Meiers. Anderson A Son, Sarahnah, IVm. Carter, Charlsstun. ■ doc 10 Uuutlumciis fino Boavcrs Darien, Ang.jMlh, Iggfl. im 37 8 Casks containing 5G dozon quart bottles just rcooivod pur Brig Odosak and for salo ‘ F. SORREL. Macon Steamboat Company, Havo tiift'pfaaaururn to. return Uinirmost graloful paaknowlsdgnmonts fur tlm tliberal p*'*on igethoy imvu I received from tha Merchants d l ulr friend*, and would solicit a ooitiltiuan oqf > which thoy hope to ino'rit by tho nrnmpi ulle.niun nfulloot. ton or goods fliippod by tho lint, in addition to the steamboat Excol, and their tow boats now in cul Silk Hats, A FIND ...nrttnuul recalvod pet plilp Mill, eilgevillo and for sals by H.N. ALDRICH A CO. duo 11 To Rent, ?■ A FARM, about two miles from Savannah, J*\ containing sixty acres of land with an ex. celled dwelling hnuro. And all necessary out buildings on tiio promisor. 1 nov 26—t Apply at 'this office. . Sugar aud Fluid'. by The company hnvo nnty building n now stoani,* host with ten now tow boat*, ell of tlis In-si ftfiflv UH DS. priumSt. Croix Sugar, and 100 •Px“ bbls Ciinul Flour, landing from ship Franconia, and for solo by nov 13 WOODBRIDGE A MAY. i>:«A 0 l ooni wtui ten now cow uoai«, an or ms nr-sunn RlIiCS, 1 tAVltllg Guild, i Idiots at Spor* 1 lerbilB niitl expro»»ly adapted to tlm navjg.ition finer T'.nuinmnnfo. I nmi Aisi.m..ii<. liiun.. M'l.n.n ting Equipments, 1 CASE fmo fininhed Rifles, assorted calibre, 3 do double barrelled Fowling Pieces,from 820 to 860.. 1 single . do do do 71) pair of Pinlols, comprising ovory variety 1'owdnr Flunks Shot Ponchos olid Big*, Game Bags, superior Percussion Capa, just ro. coivod and fur sale by A. R.KNAPP A CO., doc 10 ' Adjoining Iho City H«iel. bfjhe OoHiulgce and Alalemaha Rivers. Thoro Tiumijiad fawjhtioH will afford thu Company iho mnalls pfgivifigduspuioh to rfooda iiitondod fnr tho interior, end will furnish inducomoufs for Merchant* west of the Ocnmlgne river to ship thoir goods by.the way of Darlonand 51ae»n. Thom arc five first rate packets running reg ulurly between Now York nnd Darien, which Breed Ai Warner, H AVF. just rocelvod a pritno nssor.tniontjnf l. tdies Double and siogln soled French Fur Walking Shoes a very dorirahle article for wiotor. For sule low* North »ido Market equate. dec I . .... itibbea Buckslilt.-Cnssmicres. . come to Ha war and Mitohoh the ogonts for thu I TT A E. INGERHOLLhaw received by brig Macou Steamboat Company, n } Qv • Camilla, a fi-w pioces Ribbed Btickahin CaMintoros, a iiandsumo orliclo for Goutletnone* 8j?ectaclus. /fl 4^ DOZ. Spdctaclos ootisisling of Green TtMr and Grey double Glumes in light franioe, White Glasses oval and *quare. assortod ages in German silvorand shall Irornoe, Also, 30doz low priced Mulul Frames, juat received andfnrsulohy A. R. KNAPP A CO. doc 16 Adjoining thn City Hotel. rfor the above Boats. In BALDWIN A CO. Savannah. Bovor, Henry A Walter Charleston. Hawes A Mitchell, Darion. Geo. K. Roberts, Ilawkinsvillo. J. Goddard Muuon. dao 12 Pantaloon*, doa 14 Stage iur CiiarleHtnn. WILLleavo this City, noiiiinonciug on tho 20t' inst. on Sundays, Tuo i M RS. COHEN ro,™iruII, inform, tlm Dll, I S? day . „ f ' ^‘wrokTlih 51 ! “j.'my lion, of, lli.l .1.0 hn. reiipcn- i.g - ■' Notice. reopen ed tho storo lately occupied by the late Mr. D. A. Cohen, next door to Mr. Scranton's Bur Room, whoro she inlands to oarry on.tlio Spirit Gas Business. By her »triot attention to busi ness, she hopes to merit a share of tiieir patro. noge. N B.—Ball rooms and nil public places lighted up in a most brilliant stylo, and ut the shortoMt notice. deo 16 Wagon, and can taknnno passenger, for seats at the City Hotel, deo 16 Apyly * Bank of Darien, December 1835. A N election will bo held at th ’ Banking Houao in this city on Monday, tiio 4th of Janury, 1836, for three Directors ofthia'Bank, on the purl of tho individual Stockholders for the onauing yi’sr. l'he p* Ua will be qponnd at 10 o'obxtk, a u-fUnd oloaed at 6 o'clock,>. It. ' By o*der. E. S. REES, Cashier, dec 18 iii Hook Hinges - lOOOO r BS - * ' k ply lo nov 21 For Rent, The building recently occupied hy Rnssignol A Knnx.aa a school house, Mtimind on Conri-Houso Square.— PosHossion givon immodiately. Ap- S. PIIILBKICK A CO. Canal anti Buckwliuat Flour. WHOLE, and 25 half brls Canal Flour a 39 half brls Buckwhoat Flour 3(f qr do do by doc 15 39 half ond qr hrl* Rye do, for salo ENSWORTH : A WAY. .. deo. 16 1 Fur aalo bj rsale by N. B. A II. WEEP. Waiters and Cm tain Pins. A/r. SETT Witters, 50 doz. curtain pins, received por ship Tholia and For salo by N. B. A ii. WEED, dec 16. |l& nov 12 For Sale or Hem, THE Dwolling Housa in Orleans. Sqnnre, at p>e*onl occuuind by mo, ptouinssion of which will be immedi ately givon. ROBT. HABERSHAM. Negroes to Hire. : ,r«iO bo hired for ono year, from 1st January JL next, five prime Negro Mon, tlmttaro ca pable of doing any kind of work. Apply at tIlia niTinn. - ■ - M this Offino. doc 15—Lit Oranges. More New Goods. 6j£ BALES Dark Linsoya, assurtod qualities fur Fletcher & Hagen, H AVE received per ship MiTledgeville in ad. dition to their former atock, 4 cases 1-t quality Satin Boovur Hats, latest fashion Thoy have also r*ceivod per recent arrivals a good as. Bortmont of Boms and Shoes. On hood 1200 -pair Negro Sbuos slightly dam. aged which they will sell very low. White’s Rockspring Giu. BRLS, juit recoivud and for sule hy IIV doc 8 FRANCIS SORREL. 5 do J brown Shirtings 3 cases J bleached do 100 pieces India Silk Flag Hdkfs, assorted sizes and qualities 20 pieces 4-4 and 5.4 Bobbinott Laces, as* sorted qualities 50 pieces low priced Prints 50 dozen Blue Hdka , 50 do Vorona do 50 6.4 fino English Corded Skirts . 50 while Muslin Robes,^'assortedpattern* G-4 Jaconol Mu Alina. W B Patent Thread, Black and oolored Italian Sen ing Silks Cotton Tapos, Cambria Dimity Black Italian Craps, Ao. Ao. Landing from brig Madisou, from Now York vnd for aalo by dec 17 WILLIAM WARING. To Rent, The thrro story Brick Hnuao, I Franklin Ward—Pwottnry Wood. Ion House, South Commons, next lKant of Major Fannin's, aud large doublo Woodnn llouso in Brnughlon.Mtroor. Poasosission may bo hadimmediatoly. For con-1 ditiotis, apply lo R. F. WILLIAMS, nov 13—tf ,,y 100 bids prime Pork m ils pi 40 do Me*s Beef *1110 kogs Lord 20 harrola I). BUuuit Landing, and for sale by' doc 15 W. II. THOMPSON A CO, wm : ;r. . Uuots, Shot'B and BrogflnR. T W.NTY Til BEE case* and Trunks rtf th Hy the Ship Macon. T HE ulwcribers have rrcoived an addition. al assortment ofRoudy mado clothing, al> so Beaver nnd Silk Hots, Fur and cloth nap*. HAMILTON HOUSTON A CO. doc 9 above articles this day landing and. for sole low by the package. . - ' A. R. KNAPP A f doc 7 . Adjoining the City II Choice Old Madeira, F ROM the houso of .Gordon, Duff A Co. Madeira imported via Charleston per brig Dimon, in eighths, quarters and' casks for aalo Canal Flour and Buckwnuai. AA Barrels extfhCanal Flour, vw"!* 25 halves do do , 29 qr. bbls family Buckwheat, i 30 kegs do do landing from brig Georgia and for solo by nuv.28 GAUPitY A LEG RIEL. Dividend. X-’lour. 80 IIALF Brls. superfine Flour Landing fryn brig Frances, ladclphtii, and fur snle bvJpHHM doc 14 BAYA dec 5 ADAMS A BURROUGHS. Clothing 1 Clothing! Clothing 1 JUST reooivod, jier ahlp Brilo, a sphindid _ assortment of Ready Made Clothing which will be sold low. for oasboroity ar.cepuncot. ./Ac 4. Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, \ Savannah, Dnoember 1st, 1835, $ T HE Board of Director* having this day declared a dividend of one dollar per aha re tho same will be paid on nr after Thurvday next. . JAMES SMITH, Cashieri dec 2 New Leaf Lardu For Si . . A PAIRnf well broko fnmil; ;xi for nh fault, and any one \ . chose will call ou Mr, lieiiderson Stables ‘ ’ ~ ‘ •• Earthen Ware. #X CRATES Earthorn Ware, CJJfl v tod fnr retailing In thi- inr retailing in thi* ding from qu board ship Thsli.r, MICHAEL D1 dec'll Toll CnBlilo m KEGS juit received and for salo by 2 5 ?? XES dec 19 A. CHAMPION. dot 9 for vole by. CORK!