The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1835, December 19, 1835, Image 1

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// itOhiien Butter, 1-arti, Ate. Jutt Received, OO KEGS Gosh*) Butler && SO do MW Uttl 10 bbU nsw llama S do smoked Tongues Fur sMo by dao 18 CLAG HORN & WOOD. Bank of Darien, VtumbrrB, 1835. A N dsctlon.wUI be held at th < Banking liouso in tlili oil; on Monday, Ilia 4tli of Janurjf. 1838, for throe Director* of thin Bank, on the part oflhe individual Stockholder* lor the •nsuing year. Tho p*.ll » will be opened at 10 o'clock, a. K,and closed at 6 o'clock,r. tt By order. E. S. REES, Caaliicr. dee 18 Flush Spices LBS Nutmeg*, 50 do Mace 20ff mala Cinnamon l caso pulverized do, £ hr! Cl»vea » bage Al-picn, 10 keg* tiure ground Gin* uat received and for wile by » 15 Q. R. HEN DR ICKftON. . Canal and Buckwheat Flour. WHOLE, and 25 halfbrl- Canal Flour 30 half brla Buckwheat Flour 30 qr do do do 30 half and qr brl- Rye do, for stlu ENSWORTU & WAY. Negroes to Hire. jnrcO bo liira fnr one year, from lit January JL, nozt, frtwwrime Nogro Men, that oro cn- twhlo of doin'flf *py kind of work. Apply at thia Office, doc 15—i.B Jratigua* dIAdkA (fRANGES Ufa bids prime Pork •50 bbU nrim» Beof 40 do Moss Dlef 100 keg* Lardv, . SO harrola B. Bt-uuit Lauding, doo 15 nia *». ing, anri>f"r aaio by \V. II. THOMPSON & CO. * Boots, Shoes aml;Brogans. fW iWNTY Til BEE ca«e* and Trunk* oft be K above article* this day lauding and for .■.lol»wb,th..p.ok.g. x _ R>KNAppitCa Adjoining the City Hotol, ' Coinmisbion Business in Darien, Georgia. T HE subscriber will onntlnuo tho C.ommls. ninn hu-ino** hcrotoforo carried on la^ thia place by Ph. R. Yonge & Sons. Hie wharves and stores urn cxtcn"ivo and convenient. Good* shipped to him for (he up country will reebivo hia persons 1.attention, and bo forwarded by ear. lidst and be-t opportunities. Ho will remain In Darion at all seatona of thn year. HENRY YONGE. H. Yongn will continue to run hi* small boat* until tho rivor becomes navigablo fur eloatn vop- Darion. Aug 24,1835. nug 27 Clot lung and Hats, R ECEIVING from »Hlp* Belle anil brig Georgia a complete emrortinont of Ready Mads Clothing} and Silk llals of the' late* style, whiolt will bo sold I w. & MAI.LBRY. D»-'pera and Tailor*. Fadoiiom ray and i-o. Offer for salt ia a/ore. 50 tlHDSNOrlesna Sugar SO do Porto Rico do 50 do* Cdylon VVino 100 brUNERom 20 boxes Havana Sugar • doo 11 Youths tlilk Huts. A 8PLENDIG assortment of youtha black •ilk Hats do Drab. For Nile by doo 11 II. N. ALDRICH & CO. Fulton Market Beef. J^ FEW half barrels Fulton Market Beof, n i. clinice articlo put up expressly for family Landing from on board ahlp Jifacun fur MICHAEL DILLON. • Tnlfuir’* wharf •ale by doo 11 Griwl-Stones. 5 TONS be-t quality Grind-Stones, assorted fixe., for aaio by oct 15 . M* HOPKINS. Lost. . A BOX of Gin-ware marked either J. M. or J-. Macfin. Any information of tin* •nme will be thankfully received and expanse* paid by CLAGHORN & WOOD, doo 15 Wine. L ANDING from brig Pandora, a few cask* choice Current Wine, for sale by PADRLFORD, FAY & CO. dffc 15 Mnlnssos and Coflbe. Tfl II(IDS Molus-ea JL 20 bags Cnffuo Landing from brig Rodney, frorn Matsnza*, for salo by PADELFORD FAY &. CO. doo 15 H Ki Cum. 60 RHLS on board brig Pandora, fur -ale 1 by doo 15 PADELFORD FAY &. CO. No. 3 Mackerel, 7 - BBLS Nn. 3 Mackerel . v T • Just received, for sale low by doc 15 ENSWORTII ft WAY. Wines.. 4 IHIDS, and 3 quarter cask* Madeira Wine, from the liouso c.f Lewis & Co. imported direct a twelvemonth *>1000* 10 bs-kots, quart*, suporior Chumpaigno, Hiedsoick brand 5 do pints <ln do do For rale by BAYARD & HUNTER. nov25 Just Received, , Per ship ATiUedgemle,from New York. kfr A LMONDS, Figs, Prunes, Currants,Applos, Cider, Brooms, Prime Pork ; Soda, But ter. Sugar and Water Biscuit. .100 bundles Huy, in lots to Buifipurchaeor-, for salo by THOS. WOOD, dec 8 No. 4, Mongin’* wharf.- lints and Caps. Just received per ship Belle. « CASES Gentlemens' film Beaver Hats •* •• •• Silk " Gduzon *“ " Sea Oitor Cups 8 " " " Fur Soal “ 6 •* “ " Nuira " Also s good assortment of low priced Hair Seal. For salo by doo 3 II. N. ALDRICH & CO. Notice. T HE undersigned havo formed a Copartner. ship, for the transaction of the Factor, ego and Commission Business, in the city of Savannah, undor the firm of PliinlzyA. McGov. ern, and lender their service-to their friends. ROBERT M PHINIZY, JAMES McGOVERN, Rofcrto W. & H* Bryson, 1 , John Phfiiizy, > Augusts, Sami. Clarke, ) G. B. Lamar, Savannah. dec 3—tlm Buckwheat. HALF brl* and 20 qr do Buckwheat wW IF landing from brig Georgia and for salo by WM. II. THOMPSON & CO. doo 1 No. 1, Exchange Dock. Virginia Hams. Just Received, T WO Hundred and Fifty superior Virginia Hnms, selected, for sale by dec 2 CL \GHORN ft WOOD » 8100 Reward. L OST, on Sunday last, bet worm Warrant on end Augusta, a small Wulhit. cnnlaing bo. (wean 6 jind 700dollar*, in bank Notes pdncl ^ oftho Darien Bunk, and undry paper*, /allot hasjtl|»o owner’s name marked on it in four places. Tim above reward will tie given (o any person who shall to the Uoor- gian Offico. dre 2 J. W. BANCKER. casting?. ;*, consisting of Ovens, Pots, Cjl IX tons Cnptingi. 1CV Skillets, Spiders, Kettles! AmliroSa, Stc. now landing from ship Belle anti lirig Lola, and for salo by net 15 M. HOPKINS. l'ine Boots. 4 CASES Calf Boots, just received per Eli Whitnoy, a part of which are of a superior quality. For sale by dec 3 . ALDRICH & CO. Ladies French Slippers. JUST received from Philadelphia, 2 cases J Ladies French 8lipnera* Fur *ale by deo 3 H. N ALDRICH & CO. By the Joye. W E have just received an addition to our Stock »f Readv mado Clothing, menu* fictarod from tho bost unporlud nrtir.lcs, and of. fered for sale at the uaossl Id v prices for cash or approved credit, by HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO: dec 13 Old Irish Whiskey. P URE .. linpurtei. For by MICHAEL PILLON. don II Tillulr'" wharf. Piano Forte Manufactory and Wtfre- house, New York. T HE Subscriber* havo cnmmencod tho man. ufaoturing of Piano Fortes, at No. 315 Bnwory, corner nf Second -trout, opposito Bond, ond Bof'cit tho pdtronogo of their friends and i ho public. The first premium* wore awnrdod, to tho *ub. aorilmr*, by tho Mechanics'and tho Amorloan In-tltuto- for tho heat Piano Forte* at tho Into Fairs. Tlioir In-trumont* are wurrantrd equal uith'-rfar tnno or finish to any manufacturod in Ilia United Status; and will bo -old on tho meat jnudurata lor mu. Tliesubreribera manufHftitire Piano Fortes of every du*urip:ion, among which oro Horizontal Grand; Cahmoi; Hirmnnic; Hollow, Round, and Squ ire Cornered, &u. &o of Grand and Engli-h notions. Piano Forio* made .to ordor and to mutch oilier furniture ut the -hortoat uo. tico. Orders from dealers ond othur* in any part of tho United State* promptly attended to. JOHN ABBOTT & CO. Piano Forte Manufacturers, Now York den 11 IV A Situntion \n Wanted, iY a person* froih South Carolina, as an t Ovoreoer on a Cotton plantation. He cun P^ueo teailinomids fr m the planter- In S.C., win charactci, ability, An. A tine addre—ud to C 8 at Walluruuruugh. will he promptlv attended to. nm- 30—30J)3w Notice to l'mvcllors. OTICE is Imniby given that Irom this dale 1M erranvementspreviously existing for the transportation of Ilnrke* and- CarHngo* from Dariob to Glynn County, are discontinued, u* the emount of travolliug ia not auffioiout to de fray tho necessary expense. IV. S. BELL. Darien, SBth Oot. 1835. nov 2—jlni Law. rgtfJE nndor-igned, liuving united tholr Pro. Orates and Stoves. |WELVE Grates eraorted Puttorns 12 hoXiSli vos assorted sizes 6 Franklin do do For sale by N. B. A H. WEED, due 2 T Rifles. • O N E Case percussion and flint Rifles, thi* day opened and fur sale by A. R. KNAPP A CO. doc 7 Adjoining tho City Ilotol. Flour. ; s vHALF Brl*.suporfino Flour ’ " Landing from brig Frances, from Fill, ladulplna, and for stile bv ... «VYA due 14 BAYARD & HUNTER. For Sale. L PAIR of well broko family Horses. Sold •- for n» fault, and any ouo wishing to pur- nlm-o will cull on Mr. HondorNon at Pickarda Stable* dne 14 b Earthen Ware. CRATES Earthcrn Ware, well seloc. J'P*" tod for rniailing In thi* mnrkot. Lnn. ding from on board ship Timlin, and for salo by den'll MICHAEL DILLON. Telfair’* wharf Castile Soap. BOXES first quality Custiln Sonp. fur salo by COIILN A MILLER. dun 8 Clnthing I Clothing I Clothing ! • ship Bnllo, a splon “ UST received, pur ship Bulla, a splendid OF assortment of Ready Made Cluthing which will bn sold low for cash or city acceptance*, don 4 H. CLOSE. Hay, BUNDLES prime Hay forzalo at reduced priues bv MICH. DILLON. duo 9 Tolfairs wharf. I’rinic Jiastern Hay. g fHE cargo of-hip Argo, for sale in lots to 3 suit purnhaiers, at roducod pricos, from the wharf. For snle by MICHAEL DILLON, dec 11 Tolfalr** wharf. English Carden Scads. JAWING to the many complaints mado a- 4 r gaiiist Vogotuhlo Garden Seeds raised at tho north. Tim Subscriber has procured at consid. enililr trouble and expense, a supply from En. gland, winch havo arrived and are nmv lauding, they comprizo a fine assortment, and will bo sold at tho samo prioe- as the Nurthoin seed. Country customers will please to Toward their order- for the spring crop, doe 9 G R. HENDRICKSON. Liverpool Cronnd Snlt. I tohAbff SACKS Liverpool (hound Salt V " r 100 boxes first quality Soap 6 half pipos cognac Brandy, For sale by * M. DILLON, dec 9 Tolfairs wharf. Hams. •50^ j u * 1 roco i v * cd per sobiiuimr Marion, end for ■ale by FRANCIS SORREL dec 2 Hay. ■ BUNDLES Hay, on board brig ,Ms. " dl-on, f«»r salo. Apply to dec 14 PADELFORD, FAY A CO, Biscuit, Tobacco &c. |>IP BARRELS butter biscuit, kogs No 1 Tobacco, 10 do No 2 do 100 kogs White Load, 5G kogs Black Paint, 50 Bngs cofibo, 30 brl* N. Breud, 30 do P. Broad, 10 bxs, Pickles, landing and for salo by W. H. THOMPSON A CO. dec. 7 Excliaiigo Dock No. 1. Hay and Flour. UNDI primo Hay _ .. 300 bbls Canal Flonr, fancy brand Landing from ship Macon, and for eale from tho wharf by TUPPER A SISTARE. In Store, 100 bbl* Howard Street Flo ?r 80 do Baltimore Whiskey 10 bhds primo St Croix Sugar dec 7 Flour, Crackers. &c. ► V fi* BBLS. Buttor Crackers \ QP 15 half do do 75 bbls Philadelphia Pilot Biscuit, Bla den’s braud 100 do Navy do 50 half and qr bbls Buckwheat Flour 10 half bbl* Rye Flour 10 qr do do do 50 bbls Canal Flour 33 qalf do do do 15 boxes Starch 50 do Soap 20 do Mustatd , 100 lbs Cloves 75 lbs Nutmeg* 100 roat-'ICsssis, 20 qr bbls Sicily Wine 5 qr bbls Old Madeira do 5 do Malmsey do 10 hoxos Stoughton'* Bitters 10 do l/imon Syrup 8 cask* London Porter 50 boxes Raisins 50 hnlf do For sale by doc 7 ENSWORTII A WAY. Oats and Hama. BUSHELS prime honvy Oats, and'1?2 Bultimoro Hams Landing from schr Eagle, for sale by * *• FRANCIS SORREL. deo 15 Shovels, Spades and Grubbing Hoes. D(>Z stuol Shovels and Spados . 6 do lung handle steel do TO do *nrk«t Shovels and Spades do do Grubbing Hoes, for sale by oct 23 M. !!Oi\{L vS. fossional intorost*, tondor titer torvicos to thoir Friends and thn Public. They will praoti-o in all the Courts ol tho Eastern District, in tlm Court of Common Plots ■nd Oyer and Tormlnorof this Cityj and otmbf the firm, will mIbo altond tho Cirouil 'Courts of tho U. States. WM.fI.BULI.06U, Nov 25—|lln» E. WARD. Town of-St. Joseph’s Lots fop snle. IIE Luke Wimioo and St. Joseph's Canal Company, hnving contracted for tho con. Htruction of o Rail Rmd from the Bay of St, Jo soph's to connect with tho River Apalachicola, via Lako. WInline,—Also, lor thn building of wharves and ware hnu*o«, nl both ond* of tho ro*d, to bo ready for tho transaction ofbusinoss by tho 1-tof Duccinbar next, lisvo laid oft* into convenient lot*, tbo new town of St. Joseph, on a boauiiful elevated plain, about halfway up tho Bay, on tho oast *ido, at thn point where the Rail Road will torininste. Tho wharf is to bo carriod out to 17 foot wa'or. and tho Rail Road track to extend to tho nxtremn end of jt, so that vesrels can load aud disoltargo cargoes along side tho oars. Tho Lots fa tho town of St, Josonh will bo of. rurod for salo at public auction nn tho 14th Do. cumber noxt. Term-., ono fourth ca-h—tho bat. anco in throe equal payments, for which notes Will boTcqtiirod at 12, 24 and 31! month, with interest from the day of *slo. Tillo bonds, will bo issuod by thu company to tho purchaser, on thoir complying witji thu lorrns of nolo, aud a foo -implo title oxocutcd when tho last instaU inent is paid. ROBERT DEVI RIDGE Prcst. I.oko WliriiouandSt. JosopliC. C St. Joseph, 1Y. Florida, Oct 1, 1835.. Sale of Lots in the town of St. Joseph, POSTPONED. Tho snlo of Lots In tho town of St. Joseph has boon postponed till the 18< h of January noxt, whon they will take place on thu sumo lorm* as those horetufure advertised, doo 7—tillflj KnRRing and Osnaburgs, Bf Sr ECEIVED per ilorald, wnd fnr snlo by £%> doo 9 J. AJ. REID. Sheriffs Sale. On'the first Tuesday in February next t V* «/ ILL bo sold, at the court hou-c, botwnon ▼ T tho hours of 10 and 4 o'clock, in tho town of Jofler-on, in Camden County, to wit: 640 aero* of land lying on Spanish Crook, in ( tho county aforesaid, and a saw.mitl thereon, ’with 10 saws in a gang, and ono single saw, and a gri-t mill, with all and singular tho appurto- nances ihorcuut" belonging nr In anywise ap. pertoining. I.ovied nn a* tho property of James Lloyd, in unlit fy u ft fa, at llio instanco of John Ingersol and Company. Tho said property pointed oil by tho defondnnt. RICHARD PAXTON, Sheriff. deo 17 Five Dollars Reward* £4TRAYED, on Tuesday, tho 8th fast, from * Messrs. Butlnr A William*'yard, a small bay Horse, with a hLze face, a scar on hi* lull foro foot, with tho front of hi* inano out short, Tho above reward will bo paid to any person doliv. oring him to Mayor A Iloidt, in Savannah; oi to Emanuel Shearhouse, in Effingham County, doo 17—p An Gvemeer wanting Business. [o, with ■ A m . , ly, who ha* had sovoral ynar* exporinnee in that nupuoity, and for tlm lust 4 your* boon employed on a Cotton plantation. Satisfactory references given, and prompt sitontiun paid to a letter dircotod to W. S. and loft at thi* office, doo 17—|u MackcH, Cheese mul Apples, recc’d. rolMod., £ © 80 liajf lirl. No 1 do, 40 No 2 do 30 canlts priino Choose 30 brls apple* m fine ordnr, far snlo by doo 15—p A. DAY. J Bonnots. UST recoivod, per ship Macon, on* ensn of tho following Bonnot* for Ladio* and Mis I.nco Braid* Leghorn Braid* Al*o, two cases of now Toys, at wholesale or retail, hy S ROGERS, doo 15—u Cordials and Flour. /P*£ QR. casks Cordials landing and for sale low by doc 4 8TONE, WASHBURN A CO. Notice. TBJ EITHER tho Master or Consignees of tho British brig Garland will pay any debts contractod by tho crow of said vessel, doo 17 The Partisan, the Yemas-eo, Guy Rivors, Ac. Tho South West, in 2 vul*. by a Ynnkeo. Tho Rnmblnr in North America, 2 v. by Chnrlos Joseph Lutrobo * Tho Linwo ids, or Sixty Years since, in A< mcrica, by the author ofHopo Lo»!ie, Redwood, Ac, being « fresh supply of a very npat edition " ' nl by Harper A Brothers, Now York. publishoi , The Barbary States, by tho Rev. Michael Russell, witli a map and engraving. Tho 73d No. Family Library. 12th vol. of tho uniform edition of tho works of Mis* Sherwood. Robinson Crusoe, a new edition, by tho liar, pors, in 1 octavo vol. Turkey Morocco gilt. A Treatise on Epidotnic Cholera, by Floyd T. Forris, with plates. For eolo by dec 14 THOMAS PURSE A CO. Sperm Oil. ■J (Q BBLS pure Sporin Oil, landing, and JLO for salo by v ' PADELFORD, FAY A CO. dec 15 Feathers, Buckwheat, Soup, &c. & C( y JOS. BANCROFT A Ci in’s Wharf, ( No. 3, Mongin's Wharf, (Up Stairs.) O FFER for -ale 10 hag* Live Goose Feathers 40 I bbl* Pansylvania Buckwhoat Flour 20 £ " •• •• '12 bids •• Walnuts 20 boxos No. 1 Brown Soap 10 caw* Faiicy Box “ 4P reams Printing Paper, 24 x 30 100 •• Fancy Wrapping Pupor Also, A quantity of Band Leather suitable for Mill uso. • deo 15—o A Card rjpHE -utiacriber having lately returned from the North, lias reengaged ns a foreman to ' “ ' ' moo K conduct tho Boot and 81 , .... Mor-rrs. H. N.Aldrich A Co. take* this metlioil once of the business, ho hopes that he will lie able to pl***e nil who may favor them with or elsewhere, nov 26 RICHARD FltlSBY. * Cocoa Nuts. A 4 k FRE^Ii and large size wUvlf Nuts, landing from tiro schr. Marion, for %tle by nov 30 FRANCIS SORREL. " Found, iyN Juno la*!, near Jafk*ontrornngh, Surevnn Jt county, a psteqt Joyer geld watch, much injured from being burk'd in tho —no fi r mono time. Tlio «iWn*r coil have it by doscribmg it and i aying Ibr tin* advcrtlranient. nov 17 M. MYERS. Collin*’. Axes. , J A DOZ. Collin'* Axes, for sale by. mt. CUuvte. J| CASKS primo Goshen Cheese, land ing nor btlgtloorgis, from N**w York. For sale by . JNO \V. LONG, deo 3 No. :i Mdckorcl. BRLS No 3 Muukorol landing and for sale low hy duo 2 . ENSWORTII A WAY* Clioco lato and l'runes. je A HALF Iioxoh No 1 Chuuolat*, Kfwr 2D cn-u* fresh Prunes In fancy boxo*, lundmu uud far salo hy doo 3 TUPPER A SISTARE. Wanted to Purchase. ■flf rfh /h i AAl LB, uf good dry fodder JlnP,vwv twwhich iwiirgivcet 95 per 100 lb. dvUvored at my Yard in Ssvan. nth. MICH. DILLON. • thro 9 Suit. R* TONS Liverpool Ground Salt in bulk, 5U0 Sucks. Do. 4 bu-hal- oaoh, boing tho Cargo of Brig Garland from LivurpooLfnr suln by ANDREW LOW ACo. Dne. 10—p Raisins, Cheese, &c. ftTAK BOXES.whole, 50 hnlf, 50qur.rtnr do flPMF Bunch Raisin*. 29 cask* primo Chcnsa. 30 barrel* Middling Flmir, for *ntoby EDWARD WILEY, dno lG—o Tayloi'* Buildings. Logwood; A FEW tons Jamaica Logwood landing per /?4l *ehr, Rebl. Goorgo For salo hy dec 9 COHEN &. MILLER. Flour. B URLS fresh Canal Flour just ro. ceivod and tor *nlo by don 11 PADELFORD, FAY JL CO. Mona’ Fui and India ltubbur Cloth Cap,. Ju.t UectiMtt, Mg ENS' Fnr Cups, fino ITH “ India Rubber Cloth Cap* “ fiuo Cloth Caps For salo by nnv 19 . A. WOOD & CO. For {Sale. A TRACT of lurid on Hull* Island, (S. C.) /ML containing 300 ncro*, 250 of which i- gnrnl planting laud and ulearod, with nil none*. Hurynut buildings on it. Persuns wi-hing to^pur. cIiubo, can obtain all tho uoce-sary information on nnpicution to tiro undersigned at hit residence on May River, 8. S' Alan, BA Hnura ond lot in tho village of Grohsinvillo 3. C. Tho building nearly nuw. nov 9—tilIJ||* W. E. BAYNARD. Leeches! Leeches! fl A JMb VERY Superior African Loochos, in prime order, just rocnivcd porbrig Wnshingtons Badge,Cupt. Andrews, direct from Gibraltar. ALSO 400 Wedgwood and marblo Mortars. For ■alo very low, by P. M. COHEN A.CO. Druggists 61 BroUd Street Charleston S. C. dec 9—tp Tin Flaw. gg BOXES Tin Plate, 1.3 cruM 25 pounds SpeUro Solder 100 lb Zino 2H0 lb Blouk Tin 500 lb Iron Wire, assorted sizes 25 M Rivots, ns orted 18 doz Kettlo Ears nov 27 N. B. & II. WEED. Grind Stones. IS flA GRIND Stones different sizes for H B MF selohy doo 2 WM. H. THOMPSON & CO. Cream Ale. A FRESII supply of Granin Ala, just ro. ijL coived per ship Persia. F«r sale by deo 4 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Notico rgnO tho Stookholdnrs of tho Marino and JL Fire liiburauoo Bank of the Stato of Georgia: ' In oonfnrmity with Iho provisions of tho Char ter. Aby order of tho Board of Directors, an In. -tulmcnt of Fiftc - dollars (15) on each share of Stock, is required lobe paid at tho Banking- liouso in Savannah, on or boforatlio fir*t Mon. day in Junuury noxt. GEO. J. BULLOCH, Acting Cashier. Further Notico, filUCII Slockholdofa os may wish to avail themselves of the privilego, ore hereby nu. thorisod to pav fats tho Bank on tho first Mon. duyin Docomber noxt.thesum of Ton (10) Dol lars on each share, and upon tho payment of tho instalment of Fifleon Dollars on tho first Mon. day in January, rocoive Certificates for full Stock of Fifty Dollars per share, ond draw divi. dends in proportion thereto. GEO. J. BULLOCH, sept 29 Acting Cashier. Tho Augusta Constitutionalist, and Standard of Union, MilledgoviUo, will ploaio publish the abovo nnco a weok. Just Landed. BBLS. Mnnhadon Fish . & Mr ' And in Store, 5 gross Playing Cards 18 roams Letter Pa nor. 4 Cultivators U Corn Fanners, fur winnowing corn 2 patent Cora Shelters 3 patent Corn Mills 2 Cast Iron Pumps 1 Wagon Jack Screw For sale by nor 28 JOHN CANDLER. Leaf Tobacco. Jt (fb Jk BALES Kontuoky Ibaf 1 Tobacco Jt-xrMF For solo bv deo 8 COHEN & MILLER. Pilot and Navy Bread. Just received per Citizen. B AA RBLri. Pilot and Navy Broad ARPlJ For sale by nnv!« CLAGHORN & WOOD. Gentlemens and Youths l’umps. ENTLEMENS Morocco Dancing rump* Jjr do Kid do do do Calfskin do do do Soal Walking do Youth's do do do Morocco Dancing do For sale by II. N. ALDRICH &. CO. doc 4 Hose Water, tfcc. il^A DOZEN fino Engli-h Roso Water “ " French do do tre- . ble distilled -1 onra 1st quality Russia Shoet I-inglaas A fow pqunds Vanilla Boons Jutt received,**nd for solo hy dec 15 G. R. II EN D RICKSON. I.adios Slippers. A FRESH lot of b]ac}c and colored Mo roc. co and Kid, Lane's manufacture; like, wu* a choico assortment of imported French shoos from tho celohrutod manufactory of Mad. ame Eate, Paris. Just received by A BREED ft. WARNER, nov 7 North sido Market square. Fletcher & Hnmm, . ■ JC AVE recoivod per ship Milledgevilln in ad. 1013 diiion to llroir former stock, 4 cnno* I t qu>ilily"$utin Boavor Hots, lato-t fashion They have also received per recent arrivals a good as sortment of Bools und Shoe*.. On hand 12 »0 pair Negro Shoos slightly dam. To the Electors of Chatham County* t .ELLOW CITIZENS—I am a rsndidatn fl»r rerolnctiun tu thoeffico of Tax Colluo. tor of tho. n only, and re*i«utfuiU* *nl|rit your -utTrsg-:* on the first Monday In January nuxti DAViD BELL, doo 3 doo 0—H _ Pellow-Citi/.ciw ot* Chatham County, AM ucnudldntn.far Reouivor of Tax Ko* .« turns at tlm election in Janukry noxt. and respectfully solicit your suffrage*, duo 5 LABAN WRIGHT. “to tIni Voters ot tJImilmm County. OFFER lorro.olnoiion to Urn Office al *Un. . csiyrr of Tax Returns at lire Ehutioua in llliarv Host anil mllnit vi.ll- To thu Jiluctui'H of oplffln County. AMs cqudidnto fur reroloclinii t« tho office H nf Cnrotior at the approaching election, which tnkos place on tho first Monday in January next, and humbly solicit v«mr suffrage*, duo 8 VHOMAS EDEN. Annuals for 1830. fW'lllE Oriental Annual, or Hocno* In India, JL cnmpriHihg 22 Engravings by Wiillnm Dnninll, R. A. nud u dl-orip ivu account by thn Rev. H. D. Joinings Lanusoapo Annual, or Tourist In Spain, f«>r 1830—Andalusia. Tho Engli-h Annual, Hoith'* Picture-quo Annual, with 25 on. graving*. ' Tho Christian Knop-nkn, and Missionary Annual, Eilitud hy the Rev Win. Elli*. Friond-hip’- Offering and Winter's Wreath. Forget Mu Nut, oiU'iod hy Frederick Shohorl. Thu Magnolia, hy 11. W. Herbert. Tho Token A Atlantic Suuvoiiir, hy S. G. Goodrich. Tho RoliglousSouvonir,hy Chauucoy Colton, The Gift.hy Mis* frails. . Thu Puarl nr Aftuotinn* Gift. l'ouiical Annual bningSotcctlnns, front tho Engli-h Pout* from Spnnsor to Buat'ia. The Juvoiiiln I-'orgut Me Nut, by Mi** 8. C. Hall. Kaci-ived and for sale bv doc. 16 THOMAS PURSE A CO. 1 ho Subscriber I IN DING it incanvauicnt tu attend to the f biiHinoH* oflii* Plaulai ion, will null tho slid Plantation, con-iMing of 1230 sores, old met* sure, on ruasonablo term* : «r if not told by tho fir*t of January, pu will runt thu samo fnr ono or mnia yours, with pro privilogonf cutting wood, of which then*' is a largo quantity u( various kinds. From the situation of tho tiuot extend* ing for upward* of two milo- on tho Groat O* gucliou Rivur and within a quarter nf a milo of tlm on mil, which extend* from tho Savannah to tho Ogcohoo River*, offers grbnt convenience for convoying tho wood to Savannah hy way of tho canal. For term*, ploaso apply to tho* subscriber, J.B READ N. B. Clay of the very best qunlity,*nnur tho bank nf a canal leading to thu river, with pine wnud at hand, render* tho Hrick.tiiakingnn oh jont nf inituoHl for supplying* tho Rail Road withthis articlo. deo 10Q J. B. READ. FOR {.IV.KRPOOL, Jg^TIlc new -uporier ^l'p|»rrod nntl copper .fu..toned ship ALFRED, pupt. Cl vw. having all iieroargo ung.ignd and going <m board, will mvol With despatch. For Pasnsgs only, having elegant econinmodutimis, apply to 111- captain ou beard, or in HOLCOMBE, PECK A CO. df'Q 17—v. M M-ingiii’. Bnib'iitff*- l ittt /.o LntUUis, , Tire flue new skm MOHAWK, R. 8tev»*n«, mnstnr, having half her cargo engaged aud going nn bnnid, will havo inime. diatQ despatch. For balance of freight, apply to Giipt. S on board at Jnnn'a Upiror Wharf, or to TUPPER A SISTARE. 50 ton* Ballast for salo low, iVom said ship, if applied J\ir this day. doo 15 FOR bl'VIiSPOOL. ,The wall known ship * MACON/Win, ,0-liuron, master ha* oninmuuccd load, mg nml will have immediate daspnlch. For freight of 400 bales, apply to Captain O. on board nr to doolS TUPPER A StSTARE. Jutt landed from ta id ship, 200 bbl- Canal Flour, favorite brand 150 IiimiIIun niu^lluy, FOR UVlilt POOL Tho fiuo now*hip.MANCHESTER. ?J. J. Fallen inn-tor, For iroight of futtlo* Cotton. Apply to S. B. I'AUKMAN A CO. For snlo landing iVom Mild ship. 200 bundle* primo Eaalurn liay don II—t. FOR LlViiRPOOl. Tho finu now-hip OCMULGE.E.Cnpl, i Timm.-.- J Ixiaviit, having ftiroe-faurthy tor*cargo ••ng-g.-d, and going on board, will Imvo di-palch. For balance of Iroight or pa*. Hugo having nilporlor ucnnmmndutinn* apply tn Cuptidn L.onboard at J<>nn*’* upper wharf, nr to . TUPPER A SISTARE. dec 7 • FOR NEW Y<fl<K —(m.u i.i.Ne.) Tbo fast Bailing regular packet *hip LE, Robt. w _M1LLEDGEV1LL1 : . . Fo-tor; will bo du-painhod ininiediuloly. Fnr freight nr pasVngo, having supuriurucoommedn I Inna apply on hoard at Mnngina uppur wlmrf or to S IONE, WASHBURN A CO P. S Consignee* will ploano attend to the ro ooptinn of thoir good* at tho'abovo mentioned wharf, For salo landing from said vessel. 100 bundles primo Northern Hay. doo 9 FOR N12W.ORLNANS. The fust sailing brig A N N M A R I A, 'rK\Copt. E. Jordon will moot with do-nutoh. For Freight or pa-sago apply t«» Capl. J. on board dr'to COHEN A MILLER, doc 11 FOR PHILADELPHIA. Tin. i Bank State of Georgia, Sovqnnuh, 8th Dec. 1835. W ILL be sold, at the door of tho Court Hoiim), in this city, on Tuesday, the 5th day • f January next, tlm fallowing real estate, belonging to tlm Hank, viz t Lot* No. 34 and 35, in Yninncraw, Snvnn. noli, on llio north we Ishlo of the ro*idonao of Joa. Stile*, E-q. mid near tho canal. Ono nf tlioso Lot- has a largo wm-thm building on it, originally intoudnd, or usod for u Stable; Lot Nn. 27 and buildings, Yamucruw, Savamibh; this lot hss two twn.slory wnnilon building* on it. The oo-torn building, formerly known n tlisi'* Liverpool Hntol" Tho wo-torn building has two distinct ibnomnnts. ThL lot and build. ingH are on tiro South side oflhe street leading from tho wost end nf liny street, by the house of Mr. GihbnnH,upio Mr 8iiles. Lot No. 12, mid bpHding-, Franklin Ward, Snvnnnah,thi- lot has 2 good buildings on il.'ilin building on the c-rnor nf tho lot Ironting tho Old Baptist Church square, is two storio* high; that on tho lino being ono story, hut both build. Inga intended for aoporato f*.«lling*. -Thi* lot iaauhjoot to an annual ground rent to tiro ci. ty of Q32 14. andlios directly acros- tho street, west Dorn Richard F. Willium*' rooidande. Lot No. 16, contaiuiug 5 acres on tho south com. mons about 100 yard* west of Oglothorpo Bor* racks, or on llio wustaido oflhe Ogeochno Roud, embracing tho placo whore some old butcher pons formerly stood. 10 acres of lund on tho west *Mo of Fair Lawn, oxieuding south as far ns tho roud in lYoutr of Mr. John Millon'* limiso. 749 acroHof land on Goneral’- I-land on the Alatainaha River, below Dufien, formerly own* cd hy Archibald S Bulloch, E-q. All tho abovo properly will positively ho sold to tiro highest bidder, and on liberal terms,— Say onc.third ca-h, and tbo balance in two equal annual instahnant-, with lawful iiitaro-t from dny of aalo,with a mor'guge on tiro pr<>. party sold, nr oilier satiilnoloiy *iourity. By ordor oflhe Bouril, A. PORTER, Cashier, doc 16—1| Ocmulgee Sleum-lxmt Comjmnv, This company will Iro prepared to oomiironuehu. sinoas onrly In tho noxt Kbnann. 1 r lioy will have two superior new sleanihoots (bitiJt o*|*»cially •fartlio bu-iness) coiislautly running between Dorian and'Mucnn, with a roqnUilo numbor of low bout*. Tlm company will also havo n lino of packet* between Darien and Now York. HENRY YONGE, Agent In Darion. Four aliure* of ono tliousniul dollar* ouch ro. mnin unsold. For imrlioulare apply to tbo ugonf in Darien. Darion, Aug. 24th, 1835. ang 27 Rifles, FowlinnGuns. rislols it Spur- ting Equipments, if CASE fiuo fini-liud Rifle*, uesnrtod calil-rc, JL 3 do doiildo barrelled Fowling Pieces,from $20 to $G0. 1 single do do do 70 pair, of Pistols, comprising every variety Powder Flasks Shot Pouches uud Bag*, Guniu Bags, superior PurcuH-hm Cups, ju-l ro. aoivod und for salo by A. R. KNAPP AGO., dec 10 Adjoining the City [l-.iel. (SFcotucles. yfl idfv DOZ. Spactucles aonslrling of Green and Groy double Glu—uaiu light fromo*, White Glassos oval aud *quare. aa*ortnd ago* in German silver and -hi II frumos, ' Also, 30doz low.priced Molul Frames, just roccivad and for «aluby A. R. KNAPP A CO. dec 16 Adjoining the Cily Hotel. Notice. M RS. COHEN roKpuutfully inform* iho oil, izens of Suvantish, that alio bus reopen' ed the aloro lately occupiod by the Into Mr. 1). A. Cohen, next dear to Mr. Scranton's Bur Runin, whore sho inlonds to carry on tlm Spirit Gas BusinoHS. By her -trict altontion to hu*i« ness, she hope* to moril a share of thoir patro. nags. N B.—Ball rooms and nil public places lighted up in a must brilliant stylo, uud ut thu shortest notice. dec 10 Iiook Hinges' •S, lion 200041 ■ °.° k duo. JO For salo by N. B. A II. WEED. Waiters and (iuitain I’ins, SETT Waiters, Pj* .50 doz. curtain pin*, received Tholia and for sulo by N. B. A II. .WfeEi dec 16. More Now Goods. S BALES Dark Linnejr*, a*aoriod qualitioi 5 do } brown Shirtings 3 case* | bleached do 100 pieces India Silk Flag Ildkfii, assorted sizes and qualities ’ 20 pivco* 4*4 and 5.4 Bobbinolt Laces, as* sorted qualities 50 pieces low priced Prints 51) Uu/ea Blue lidks 50 do Vorona do 50 C-4 fiuo English Curded Skirts 50 white Muslin Robes,'assortod patterns 6A Jaconet Muslins. W B Patent Thread, Black and colored Italian Sowing Silks Cotton Tapes, Cnmbrtn Dimity Black Italian Crape, Ao. Ao. Lauding from brig Madison, from Now York and for sale by dec 17 WILLIAM WARING, Uliolee Old Madeira, 1 71ROM the house of Gordon, Duff A Co. 1 Madeira imported via Charleston per brig Dimou, in eighths, quarters and ca*k* far aalo hy ADAMS A BURROUGHS, deo fl - regular packet brig FRANCES, ^captain Crofts, will meet with desjiituli. ‘ h- ‘ !For freight or pan-age, apply on board, or to BAYARD A HUNTER. Connignnas by tlm nlmvo vessel are requoatod to uttond to Hu* rncoipt of their good* thi* day ut Jones Lower Wharf, doo 14 FOR PROVlDENCH*‘{First Vessel.] — Tho regular packet brig WALTHAM* Capl- Sheldon, will iimut willi quick I'do-patoh. For fteight or paraagu hav- ug good ancmninod iition, apply on board ul Mongins Upper Wharf, or to nov 30 STONE WAHIIBURN A CO. Ft 11 NLWYOIIK. Thn new iiimt ooppor fa*toned Idling MACON,Capl Gorlimn, will com. £j£.iiioiic0 loading on Tun-lny noxt, und bu do-p.itolled foriliwith- For freight or pa-sugo, having cxcullcnt necommodatinns, apply board, or to STONE, WASHBURN A nov. 27 c CO Mucon Stoamliont Company plnasuriira Havo tiro pfonsurure to. return their must gr-iloOil acknnwtei' • -ut* for tho t on -ilioyhavo reauivuil irom tho iMerohmii d i friund*. nml would solicit u oominii c of > -inli they liopo tn merit hy the uromi' •onfall cot. Ion nr good* ‘hipped by tlm hi addition to llio Hloamhonl Excel, uud their low bom* new in Tbo company havo now building a now sloam boat wi'li tun now tow beat*, all of tlm heal mi teriol* mid nxprus-ly Adapted to tlm navigation of llio Ocmtilgoe and Aliilam.ihn Rivors. Thoio .inoruiiKiid faoihtias will afford tbo Company iho mean* of giving do-putch to gmuD intended for thn intorior, end will furnisli induceinenis for Merchant* we-t nf tiro Ooiimlgoo river to ship their good- by the way nf Darinn und Mac«-n Thuro are live fir-t rata packet* rminiug reg ularly hetweon Now York mid Da-imi, which coma to Hawes mid MilclicI tho agoul* for tiro Macon Slumnlinot Company, Agents for the above Boats, L. BALDWIN A CO. Savannah. Boyoii, IIrniiv A Waltkk Churlc-4un. IIawm A Mitciiki.i.. D-rieu. Gko. K. R-ukuts, lluwkinbvillo. J. Godoaho Macon, doc 12 Stiigu for ChnrleHton, WILL leave this City, commenting on ihuSOtli in-t. on Sundays, Tuo a days, Thursdays, and thu rmutihiiig dtys nf the week with a Jersey Wagon, and can lako ono passenger. Apply for -eat* at tho City Hotel, deo 10 i'UtMlC HVJ U IWRMit TOMORROW, 19th iust. bo sold in Irniil uf store. A Wagon A ilsraesz, also, 2 Horses, deo Id „ tt* J B. HERBERT * TOMORROW, 19tiiiu-t atll * told in front of store, a genoral Grocorroa and Croekory wars, M J, n. iiiiiittukr .{• i mass- •-1 * ° TOMOUItOW, llll.ln.t. .1 li d'clock.' will bo mill In from ul .lore, _A Oirrld,,*. . - Spluiidirl Gut Gig HI’J. B. On MONDAY, 81-t mat. si 11 from of store, tho finest assortment ooi of Now stylo Docun'flr*, Tumblori ami V... • Hot* Ca>tnrs Salt, Sugar and CordlM a Colorios, Picklors and Flowar GIawto* * Lamps, Mantel Ornamonls, Cofagnn do * Treflo Dishes, Bowls, Claret and Punch do LmPlinrns. Finger BoWlv, Scgar Stands, Ao. deo 18 T«rma » Ho. Nuw England Hum. ; By P. O 8Hick «J. O. COHEN, AT I'HIVATR SAI.S. 19 litids N E Rum. nmv 'landing.' IVom brig 13laimor, from Boston, received direct front Iho distiller, nod will be sold low on the wharf. . duo 18 ByJ. B. HlirWiR T <(• GO. ” At Private Sale, A Nogro Woman about 30 year* of age, a find rate wushor and ironer. . deo 17 By P. (J, SHICK «f- U. COHEN. • At Private Sole, A good Plantation Flat,.buitiion 1000 bushels rniigh Rico, Also, a pair of Carriage Horses, Renllo and sound, aged 7-yaars. .. tT deo 17 Ci’ockemvnro;» EttllE By J. D. HERBERT $ CO. . AT riUVATB SALK. 25 crates well assorted Crockery warn, nowf landing and will bo anldiftukon from th» -vharf deo 15 Titinf Sugar. i*oni sugar. BYJ. B. HERBERT *> CO. AT rtUVATE SALS. 18 liernes first quality Loaf Sugar now land ing and for »alo low if taken from the wharf, Al-o, in Store, 110 whole and 15 half tierces retailing Rice, dan 15 lilassware. By J.B. HERBERT $ CO. AT ratVATB SALT, An o.\lon-lvn assortment of Glassware hist ro. ccivoil from tho manufactory In Philaphia, nml will Iro-old low. 00015- . UnJU.HliuilRltt.fcO. f AT miVATK HAI.K. 35 brl* superior Lnafbugnr 20 boxos do do do dee 9 Old Madeira Wine. BY P. O SHICK ^ O. COHEN. AT PRIVAT* SALK. 20 demijnn* «f superior old Madeira Wins ju-t received and for salo low deo 13 Executor. Sole. •* BY J. u. HBBURftr .f CO Will bu inld at tho Court Hmiae in the city of.' Savannah on the first Tuatdsy in January liext it thn usual hour*, one fuurthof Lot No 5, on Drayton, street, Reynolds Ward, belonging to ilm naiuin of Goorgo Ilattpl doocascd. doe 10 Terms of mlo ta-h. B i P. G. SHICK cf- O. COHEN, * . AT ratVATB BALK. r Landing from btig Ogloihupo frnm BtiHImftrs 100 bbls suporlluo Howard street Flour nnv 24 BY Ready Made Clothing V J B. i HERBERT # VO. „ AT riUVATB SALK. Pantaloons, rod and blue Shirts, Vests, Flan, nol Shirts, Canton ditto, figured Vasts, l-dovy ' Nankin Pantaloons, blaok clnlh'Vosts apd otn- li-msud ditto, Ao. now landing. doc 9 By P. G. SHICK $ O. COHEN. TA miVATK SALB. A likely nctivo Negro hoy aged 17 yfeira’ai * good ilnusn snrvunt acoostntii'sd to drive A dray ' -mil cun tuko charge of a Uor-u ; honest and so. her. dec9{. BY 8. PHILDRWK £ CU, at ratVATB sAi.q. ft casks super Sp rm Oil vury light oofor 5U drum* Hmyna Figs . . An innoici-Castings, assorted . « Landing from suhr. Euglo from BuUrmors dec 1C Figs. By P. O. SHICK i} 0. COltEN. AT PRJVATR SALB. 100 drums superior * Elumo' pulled Figs doo 10 Wood; t M vflE subscriber has now landing, at Japk- M eon'* wharf, al tho Eautorn ond of tho city, a supply of Live Oak, Hickory, Set. which ho offors at tlio lowest market price—In addition to hia supply of Wood, he hs* on hand a lnrgb nod well selected supply of GimoKniKS, Liquor*, * WiNttf, An. which ho will soli on uccoimnodas. ling tnrnis. JOHN GU1LMARTIN. July 21 For Rent, Tho huildjng recently occupiod hy Rnn-ignul A Knnx.nHn school liouso, situatnd on Coiiri.Houso Square — Po—OKsion given immediately Ap. S. PHlLDRlCK A CO. For Sale or Rom, THE Dwelling House in Orlonnn. Square; at pre-cut occupied by mo, pitsse-sinn of which will bo immedi ately givnn. ROUT. HABERSHAM. To Rent, Tiro threo storv Brick liouso, Franklin 'Ward—Two etnry Wood, on House, Hhuth Cuniuion*, next i East of Mnjor-Fannin’*, ami large double Wooden Horn-* in Broughton.-treot, Poa-osission rnsy Iro had immediately. For con. diliont, apply to R. F. WILLIAMS, nov 13—tt _________ Ily tl.e .Ship Macon. T HE ubsoribors have recoivcd'on oddition. al awortment oflloady mado clothing, al- so Bouvorand Silk Hats, Fur and nbuh cap*. HAMILTON HOUSTON AGO. dec 9 (,’annl Flour and Buckw.ieat. Barrel* extra Canal Flour. V- 4- iiHiYc- .... 2tl qr. bhl* family Buckwhoat. 30 kegs do do landing from brig Gonrgin and forsole,!)^ iT»v.28° G AUPft Y A LEG RIEL. r ^lividend. Marine and Fire Iniuraace Dank. ) Savaniiah, pouemlMr l»t, 1835. { rjrxHE Board of Dirootora having tUi* day JL declared a dividend of one dollar per -hare iho same will bo paid on nr after Thursday next. JAMES SMITH, Csahlcs.' dec 2 • •Agency and Brokerage. 'jnllE subionbnr having entarod into tho *'• V Exohango,, and Pmioral A- J goncy businoH- will altond to the aalo and pur. elro-o of Bank and other slock, at his oinco. - Bolton's Uango. THOS. F. PURSE. Rrtforcncns, Messrs. Anderson tf* Son, Savannah. Wm. Carter, Charleston. dne 10 Boats for sale cheap. r»qHE Polo boats Oglothorpo and Lafayotte,, 9 JL tlroOglothorpo carrin* from four to five jiun- droil bales of Cotton end Uie Lafayotte about 300 balos, she is nearly now and would suit for a plantation or wood boat. Apply in ' F. 8HIEI.S, Williamson’* building nr MICHAEL DILLON,Tolfuii's wharf, doo 11—L Gentlemens tine Beavers and Silk. Hats, i A FINE nsiortmonl received pot ship Mill, oitgovilio and for rain by ’ deoil H. N. ALDRICH & CO. To Rent. A FARM, about two‘miles finm Savannah, containing sixty acres nf land with ancx. 1 ccllcnt dwollii.g liou-o. And all-nefiossary out 1 buildings on tho promise?.. > V nnv 26—t Appf/ at tils office. Sugar and Flour, HIIDS. prime St. Cmix Sugai bbls C-nal.Flour, landing 1 Franennia, and far salnby nov 13 WOODBRIDGE A MA' 5©! Breed. & >Vamer r H AVE just received a prime. os« Ladies Doublo and single soled . Fur Walking Shoes a..vory de-irahlo art* winter. For solo low North-sido Murltol doc 14 ltihbed Buckshin Gassunui r &.E. INGKBSOUilaiv.. roc, iv., ... „ Camilla,a fow pioco- Ribbed . Curaiinoro*, a Imudsotno article for Get Pautaloons; JilL* ;—__ Lost, A BLACK LACE --- supposed to have boon dr inont Squuro. Tlro’findor u ill leaving it at this offico; dec 16 * ■ ■ B "• '• - 1 ' ■ - . HIBBnW . 1 •' ■ i •