The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, December 25, 1835, Image 4

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TOBtm SwtHt »aUg. exf-outoiupsale. A GREEABLE to on «Infer of tho Honor*. JW bfe, tho Justices of tho Inferior Court of Camden County, whan Bitting for ordinary pur* tom. Will bp eom *1 tho Court Houae in the Town of Jefferson, QpmJen County, oq .^ocr. day ImJenttury nut, betwoen Uio usual bourn ur Ofe pt°p.;>> «/O- R. nunkloy doecarod, . ; (W Tract Of Un4, containing olio hundred’ and fifty aerca, more or lose, originally granted fo William Himpaon, and ia adjoining land of. N. A. Hardee, and three miles from tbeTqwn Of Juffuraijn, on tlio Poet Road loading to Bt. Marya^—Conditions cub- 'JriRireon, Camden County, Ga. 91st. October, M5T ‘ MARY BUNK LEY. Ea’trix. ISAAC HAILEY, Ex’or oct 30 , " AUMlNISTUAToipS MALE. A GREEABLE to au Order of the Honor** im. Me, the Juwtfe** of the Inferior Court rorUie County of Camden, when Billing for ordinary pur nones. * Will Iw Bold at tho Court House in Jefferson, Camden County, on the ffrst Tuesday In Janua* vy next, between tho uauel imure of sale. Fifteen hundred scree of Pino Land, bo the same more or lose, being all thn. Real E-tala of Israel Jlartor, late of Camdon County, decensrd, told for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deetaaod.—Conditions oash, Jufferson, Camden County, Ua. 91st October, IMS. GEO RUE W. THOMAS. ocl26 Administrator. * AtltniniotrAlor’s Hule. On tho first Tuesday in January next, will tesold by permission of the Justices of tho In. a rlor Court of Cbslham County, while sit- if for ordinary puipusoe, before the Court Hoosodoor in tho city of Savannah, botwoen the usual hours of aale, tlia following property, - Allthosotwo wharf lots, number four (4), and fire (.1) in the llamlel of Ysuiaoraw, and City of Savannah, bounded on tho nurth by the flarannkb river, weat by a continuation or Fnhm street and lot number six (0), south by Im'jsn street, and oait by lot miinbor tliron (3), flip property of Mre, Praeer and Mi*e. Pooler containing three hundred (300) foot front on tho river and extending buck to Indian street, together witli all the 'improvements, known as tho late Daniel Blake's Steam Uico Mills. . Also, the 1 'following Negro Slaves—Rose, Beck, Jobin, Lizzy. June, John, George, Joan, AMi, Syilly. Rlio.iv, Fenny, Hamilton, Nelson, Paul, .Sim, Juno, Nolly, Martha, Clarlmla.Men- • day, Ssroh/ Vioy, Huipio, Nancy, Toney, Ho. I phy, Diann, Inionriek, Chine, Dob, Caln.Jonny, ‘ilannnb, Joe, Iluia%, Patey, Putty, Michael, July, Patimor, Maria, Lnxsru*, Molly, llnnnah, ” ** " if Frodt By P. O.BIIICK * O COHEN. Pill be eold at the door of tho Court House in thiaoity. on Tuesday the 5lh day of January Mil the following real estate, belonging lo tbe Hank of tho State ol Georgia, via: Lola No. 34 and 35. io Yamaoraw, Savan. nab, on tbo north weat side of the residence of Joe. Stiles, Esq. end near tlia canal. On* of those Let* ha* a Urge wooden building on it, originally intended, or usad/or a Stable i Lot No 97 an<flH)ildinga,YamactaW.8avannth—till* lot haa two tw<>.story wooden buildiga on It—The eastern building formerly known as the **Liver. pi.oUiotel,* The western building haa two die. tinet -tenements. This lot and buildings are on the 8outh side of the at tret lerding irnin the west end of Bey street, by the bouse of Mr. Gibbons, up to Mr. Stiles’. Lot No. 13 and buildings, Franklin Ward, Savannah, this lot has 9 good buildings on it— the building on the corner of the lot fronting tho Old Baptist Church square, is two storing high t that on the lano being one story, but both buildings Intended for separate dwellings, This lot is subjflel to an annual ground rent to the eity of 933 14. and lies directly across the street west from Mr# Richard F. Williams' residence Lot No 10, containing 5 acres, on the South Comm n, about 100 yards west of Ogl thnrpe Barracks, or on tlia west aide of the Ogechen Roud. embracing tho plaoe where some old butoher pens formerly rtood. 10 acres of lund on the weat able of Fair Lawn extending south ns fur sa the road in front of Mr John Milkm’s house. 749 acres of land on General’s Inland on the Alatainsha River, below Darien, formerly own* ad by Archibald 8. Bulloch, E-q. All tho abovo property a ill positively ba sold to the highost bidder, and on libera) term*, which willbo made known on the day of salo. doc 10 ' lluio, Honry, Sum, Price, Will antf Frederick, being llin property of Dauiel Blake, ifeensned, and vld fur thn benofil of the heirs and ureditors or said estllo. ROBERT HABERSHAM, * *Bt 31 Adininlst rater, HIIEfefPF>ri SALK? - “ Onthefhui Tuesday in January nrrt. "WM7ILL b* sold tofnre the Court House in w w Uio eity of Hnvanuah, between llie usu. •1 hours of sole, the fallowing property} • Fivo I«ot», known by tho numbors nqo, two twolvo, thirteen and fourteen, being pirtof two flvoaero lots, No 3 and 4 Weat, and known as Curry town j levied on as- tho pro|»arty of John B McKinnon, to satisfy au oxocutloii in fever of Michael I’rondergaM. dto 7 , JOHN I. DEWS, a. y, n, Blicnir« Sale. On the lint Tueeday in February next t W ILL ho rold, at the oourt house, botwoen the hnure of 10 end 4 o’clock, in tho town of Jtffer«on, in Camden County, to wit: 640 acre* ..fluid lying on Spanish Creek,in the county afi'ro»aifl, and «f»saw.nilll thereon, with 10saws in a gang, and one single saw, and a grist mill, with nil and singular tho appurlu. nances thereunl*. belonging or In anywiso ap. pertaining. Levied on as the property of Juntos Lloyd, in satisfy u 11 fk, at the instance of John Ingersol and Company. The said property pointed oil by tlm defendant. RICHARD PAXTON, Sheriff. dec 17 Atitniniatratrix Stile, On the fit el Tueeday in January next. tt,h, ILL bo sold at the Court Hnuve in Juf V v fursnn, Camden Comity, between tho usual hnur|M»l sale, tho fnlluwmg properly, viz: Part of Lot N«i. forty.four (44) in the town of fit- Marys, and iiiiuruvomonta thoromi belong, inff to tho estate ofJ'dm Crichton, deoesvnd— sold by pnrmMbn of tho Hon. tho Inferior Court of said county. Said lot is on a corner within 900 yarda of iho churches and academy, andls 200 by 918 feet. On the promises is a two story dwelling house, a kitnhon, stable: &o. MARY CRICHTON, Adtu’ix. dee 7 Administrator’s Salo. O N the first Tueeday in Fobruary next, will bo sold by ponni*>don of tho Justioes ol tho Inferior Court of Chatham county, while silting for ordinary purposes, before the Court House door in lliocity of Savonnan,botwoen tho usual hoqre of sale,tho following proporty.vlat all those pUnUtions or tracts of land, altliatn, ly lug and Mug in, the County of Chatham, and Htalo of Georgia, to will all that plantation on tho Great Ogoochee River, being the western lulf of all that plantation, known by tbo name of tho Upper l*ojnt Plantation, formerly tho proparty of the estate of Thomas Savago, the e'der,dec sod, which halfpnrlof said plants, turn, eenlttiiiB two hutidrod & oighty.nno acres, tnoro nr lees,hounded on the soutliwost.wost and northwest, bv tho Groat Ogaochoo River, and Lad lato of Stephen Elliott, now ostate D. Blake’* {on tho northeast by land lato Dr. D Mmhmd; and on the ewd by tha other moiety of *sld truot, Into t»ia pfllpurly ofeslato Thomas Savago, now aetata D. BLko’s, which plantation of twu hundred Weighty .aim serct, was convoy, •d to tho said Daniel Blake, by the hoirs or Ben amio 8uvage—also all that tract of land, call, ed tha Lower Point Plantation, containing two hundred and oighty.nno noro>v tnoro or Ia*e, of swatim I •ml. usually called rite lund, in Chat ham County, four tntloe below tho ferry, bound'. 0(1 on tlia west by tho Upper Point Plantation jus* described, on tho east by tho Nawhopo Plan* t-.ti m, tlm properly ol the Elliotta and others { e mthoa-t and south by tho ’Ogoochoo River ; noth by lands of the e-tsta of D. MacIood; and alfo two hundred and fifty acres of'pine land appertaining thereto \ which last mentioned pan tut ion ntnl pi tin ljnd appertaining thereto, vras conveyed in thnlatc Daniel JJ'akc, tiy Mary Savage, adm’x of ertato Thoms* Savago. Al so all tint true! of land, situate, lying and heing on the north vido of tho Great Ugeeclioe River, in the County «.f Chatham, butting and.hound- ing to the north\vo>t, by land pf William and R. K- Ellmtt, say Mount Prosper Plantation ; to the northeast by the Upper Point Plantation already describod; and fu tho aoutliwo t by tfio Great Ogoochoo River, containing about eleven hundred seres, ha the same more or le*s, gener ally known by tlia nauio of Valloml.msa, includ. ing the subordinate relllemontsnf Plainfiold and Pine Island, which tract is part of a (urge tract of land <)t) tlia Ogccdieo River, belonging for- marly to t|{e e-rate of WiUiatn Elliott, the elder, and oonvoyod to Daniel Bloke, by tho Isle Sle. phon Elii»it—aitached to this tract is a large Knowt, sod a highland settlement, with dwel. ling house, uogro iiousoe, and other necessary Quuhuildinge for a large pjog of negroes, hoing IhH property of Daniel Blake, deceased, and void fur tlm honotil ol the heirs and creditor* of eaid r* 1 ato ‘ r - •* ^RORT. HABERSHAM. tlintm/irnto] 1 ^ 1 Bi Ilcnltii hecurcri B Y the uso of the Hygeisn Vegetable Uni versal Modicinosof tho British College of Health, London, which have obtained tho appro bation and recommendation of soino thousands of cures, in Cotisumiitinns, Cholera Mnrtms, In. flammotiona,internally or externally; Dyspepsia, Fevers, Ague, Indigestion, Bilious or Norvous Affections, and all diseases of the Liver t Yollow Fever, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Tin Dolo- reux, Dropsy, St.Vitus’s Dance, Epilepsy, A|». oidoxy, Paralysis, Pulsy, Sinnll Pox, Measles, Whoniiing Cough, Scarlot Fever, Asthma, Juuti. dice, Gravel, Stone, Strictures, Rupture*, and Hypliilis, in all its Nlagos} Constipatnd Bowel*, Worms, Sourvey, Itchings of tlio Skin, King's Evil, and all tlio Cutaneous Disorders; in short, nrory complaint to which tho huinnn franio is so dircfully subject, under nil their varied lorihs nnd names} as tlio Hygoinncuitvictionis, that Jlfan Is f uhjret to one only Ileal Diteaee, that it to the Impurity of the Blood. These medicines are composed only of Vegeta, bio matter, and are warranted on oath as contain ing not ono purlielo of mercurial, mineral, or ohomionl substances. Further particulars respecting their unproco. dented success, modo of administering, &n. may bo had of M. EASTMAN, Smo Agent for tho eity of Savannah. UTAH persons wishing to obtain the gonulno Ilyguinn Medicine nre informed that 6acn Agent ia furnished with a printed appointment, signed by mo; nnd it is hoped that oaoh purchaser will require the product ion of that document, any in dividual soiling without such is an imposter. 11. SHEPHERD MOAT, Solu Guitars) Agent to thn V. S. nov 4 135—USino >'V,. Notice.. ■ ■ . A LL persons indebted to tit* estate of the ijL late Richard A. Hill ere requested to make payment to tho undersigned. All claims •gaiust said aviate must be presented withiu U.u tune presented by -lew. MARY F. HILL, Executrix. St. Marys, Not. 14, 1833. (nov IS) j ~ Notice. t J^OUR Mouths after date, application will be tho Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham county, whon dtting for ordinary pur. poves, for leave to well the roal and personal pro, port/ of tho estate of the late Dr. Moses Hhef. tall. ISAAC COIIEN, Ex’or* nov 31 Notice, A LL persona indabtdd to the estato of John JM. Bent 'ey. are requested to make payment, and those having demands to render tbo same properly attealod within tho time prescribed by law. THOMAS PURSE, Adtn’or. nov 14 Notjcc. F OUR months after date hereof, application wifi bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Csmdeh county, when sitting for .ordinary pur. poses, for lenvo to veil the Real Estate of the luto Capt. M. Ribcron, of said county, deceased. sept! F.LVA B1PBRON. Notice. TIOUR months after da'e, application will bo M 1 mndu to the Jrslicas of (lie inferior Court or Bulloch County. * non sitting for ordinary purposes, for loavn to soil all the lands belong, ing to the estato of lahsin Sheffield, dccoascd, for the lienefit of tho hairs, sept 10 WILSON II. WHITE. Georgia—Cnmrlcn County. W HEREAS John Bussent, Administrator on the Estate ot Jefferson Gton, late of said county, decussed, applies for letters of die. mission from said estato. These are thsreforc to cilo and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dcceaood, to be and appear at my oflico within the time prescribed by law, and ahow cause (if any exist) why said letters should not be gran, tod, Given undor my liand at ofilco, this 37lh Juno 1835, July 9 ISAAC BAILEY, c. o. o. c. 0. Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS Elisabeth Bowen, Adminia. tratrix on tho estates 61 Levin Gunbv and Mary Gunby, Ule of vaid county docuosed, applies for tellers nfduunission from saidentates. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors nf said Le vin Gunby and Mery Gunby decooeod, to be, and appear at my Office within tho time prcecri. bed by law, and show eau«e (if any exist) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at Jufferson in said county tlii«37tli June J835. july 3 ISAAC BAILEY, c. c.o c c. Notice. fV^HREE months after dato, application will Jl Iw made to the Rank nf tho Stato of Gonr. gia in Savannah, fertile renewal of a laet Cor• tificato fur Stock in said Bank, viz : No. 9G0, dated 8th April, 1833, iwued to Will. Flournoy for fifty allures, on whioh 9100 por share have been paid. WM. B FLOURNOY, Sole qualified Ex’or of Wm. Flournoy, Into of Putnam nounty, riocoased, by oct 8—1 A. POUTER, Attornoy. Georgia—Liberty County. B Y Elijah Baker. Clork of the Court of Or. dinary for tho County ol Liberty. * Thomas Milliard, Executor of tho last will and lostamont nf Joseph Hargreaves, lato of said county, deceased, applies to to dismissed from his suid executorship. Tlieso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all portions concerned to filo their object ions (if any they have) within tho limo pro cribed by law, in tlio nffico of tlio Clork of Ordinary (nr said county. In default thereof, thn vaid Thomas Mullard will bo dismissed, agrucubly to Ida an. plication. WiinoHv, tho Ilonorablo John Dunwody, one oftlioJudgna of vaid Court, this filth day of Octolwr, in tlm year of uur Lord oighteon hun. dred and thirty live. [t» "-l E. BAKER, c. c. o. l c. net 19 Now Store. A II. KNAPP A. CO. havo opened and /m • ready for sale at tho store next can*, of thn City Hotel, ail awortmoiil of English, Ger. man, French and Amoriean Good*, to which they Invito the attention of doalors in tho city nnd from the country. Th dr stock conjusta in part of the following articles i Single and douhlo hnrrel Fowling Pieces, Ri. fioa ofvuporior finish, PjvtnlsHn "evory Vilrioty, Pcrciisvlon Caps. Dirk, Pen nnd Pocket Knivov, Scissors, Astral Lamps, Razor*, Plated and Brass Thimbles, Spectacles, Purvov, Indin Rnb. ber Suspender*, Toulli finishes, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Combs of ovory description, Shirt Col. Inrs, Stocks, Hair, Muskrat, Seal mid Otter Caps, Straw Bonnots, Letter paper; Foolscap d». Brass iiiovoinont timo pieces, soap m fanny boxev, pooknt books and wallrts, sealing wax. buck gammon boards, chess men, playing cards, quills, wafers,lavender and eologno water, look, ing glasses, load poucils, snuff boxes,phis, hooks and oyos, tuj*ors, flutes, &c. &.c. AI Jill, Gill buttons of ovory kind from tlm mamifse. lory uf Ivos, t colt &. Co. togotlior with an as. snrtment of pearl, lione, horn, tasting and ja. pan’d shirt, vo-t and coat buttons. Mkewiso—An extensive assortment pf ging, ham and silk umbrellas, from an npprovod man. ufiretory. To tlio above stock there will bn weekly ad. ditlons through tho reason of dosirublo and clionp g?od>. nov 10 Notice. T HREE months after dato, application will bo insdo to the Planters' Bunk in Savan- nail, for tho rnnowal nf a loot Cortlficale for Htocl^ in snid Bank, vizi No. 789, dated 5th January, 1810, is»uod to Wm Flournoy for twenty shares, on which 9$0 P or "bare havo been paid. WM. B. FLOURNOY, Solo niislifibd Ex’or of Win. Flournoy, lato of Putoam county, dneonsed, by oct 8—1 A. PORTER, Attornoy, Notice. r T.OUR months after date, application willbo ' made to tbo Hon. tha Inferior Court of lUdloah County, wldla sitting for ordinary pur. posos, for lenvo to soli tho real estato of tho lato llonry Slater, doe. of said County MARY SLATER, Adm’x. Oclohor lQth, 1835. Notice. A LL porsons having demands ngninstthn os. lute of Wimberly J. Hunter, dneoasnd, are requested to rendor their accuunta duly attostod, within tho timo prescribed by law, and thoso in. dobtud to vaid Evtato to make payment to oct 19 ' WM 11. BULLOCH, A.lm’r, Notice. I ^OUR months after dato, application will Iw 1 made to tho Ju*tieos of tlio Inferior Court of Chatham aounty, whon sitting for ordinary purposes, for loavo In soli part of tho real and porsuuol property of tlm lato Thomas Telfair. GEO. JONES, #„„■ ROUT. 1IAUURSI1AM, i*' 1 '- sopt 39 Sugar and Coflbo. CA -IIHD.S Goorgia Sugar, middling quail. JL ty, suitable for retailers 40 bogs Ulu Coffim, a good article for sale by JOS, GUMMING, oct Q3 Hoots and Shoes. B REED & WARNER havo just roroived a Urge avaortment of Boots and Sheas, nf tho Ut4si fashions and vtrioua qualities, among which are tho Pillowing, viz t 4 cases Gentlemen's fino calf frir stitch’d Boots 10 do calf Morocco and Soal peg'll do fi do Buy's calf sewed do 3 do Ladios Mack unk colored French Morocco Slippers 3 do do Englmii Kid (1st quality) 4 do du whi o A. black Satin Simpers 9 do do Kid Sundsls & Parisian Tio* • 5 do do and Misaos* colored Lasting Support 3 do Gontlemon's walking and dancing ICic. and Mrrocoo Pumps 3 dn Buy'* do do do 10 do Mon's kip pog’d Brogans 15 du Negro Shoes and do Together with various othor kinds, making a good Fall supply of Bouts and Shoes. Fur salo, wholesale and retail, South aide Market Square, oct 30 ' Winter s|iorm Oil. 3 CA8K8 S|»orin Oil, very superior and * light colurod, suitublo fur families,just received and fur sale by nov. 9 G. ft HENDRICKSON iVosh (.•utiloit Soo.iu. £;UOH as Mohawk, Refiigco, largo wliito kid. noy. red oranlmrry, Dutch eoso knife, white Dutch runnors, largo Lima, Sieva or Carolina, sword, long nod, French variegated Beans; oar. ly Juno, oorly frame and Charlton Peas, early York, .Drumhead and sugar loaf Cabbages, Tur. nip. Boots, Radishes and Indian awoet sugar Cora, &c. just received and for sale hy m»rO G.R HENDRICKSON. Nolicp. A LL nereons indebted to tho late firm of Lay A Hendrickaon, are respcclftilly requeued to settle the same on or before tho 1-t day of January next, after that dato they will bo pLcod in tho hands of an attorney for Collection. ' FRANCIS I. LAY. not 31 O. R. HENDRICKSON. ■— ByS Fit I HI HICK A CO. Oo TIHJR8DAY, llie 7th day of January • * ‘ m&t* front of rtn?e, the J i A ^K'tcheo Furniture belonging I "* *■«.».* - -... —.w of Savan- ami* awss sag * buixs and crodjtora of Terms ca«h. said a nov 37 *__ , r | ...kadio* Cloaks*. » , Jl AM/LTON, irouSTON-S. c 6 Notice. rilHOMAS Wood, at No. 4 Mongin's wharf JL offers fur sale a general assortment of pro- visions and Groceries and ship Chandlery : viz. Mess and Prime Pork. Mess Bo^f, Fulton Mar ket Beof, and hall bbls N..’s 3 &3 Muckorel, half Iff hr No 1 Mackerel, hbUand bbl. Sugar! S«a,.Doller. and W.tur Bi 10ui Chouoby rin. A W il« Cbo.-. by bnior .lnglo. -Bmwii Sugar b, tlia l, Pquad. Loif Sugar. Ump,Sagur. J.vaund ■ g ^i-1 jyg." ^pjji^.-Sn.uRd irttur., fir bonoBt «f Ibu litij. and cr«dit.-»r S™L f ; j f ">»!<«•,T;nr»* 8.n..kcd -S.lmnn, I .ckled Sabunn in kit.. Pib.f.nd N..J Bro.d C.pon, Catron. \omiIcilU. Ithcernnl.. Virlaguted S M p. Bturult.,. Cinnamon. Nutinugu. C1»vcs. J-nndoti Mu.lard,. £«jmno add Black Pnppcr Bulngna B.u«g„. Mr., Mittor’.'Chuiring robuoeo. (-tdnrbjr tbo bbl. * • nov 30* , Notice, f !*.OUR months after date, application will he inudn to tho Hon. tlio Ju»tices of the Iufe. rinr Court of Bullooh county, whon sitting for ordinary purposes, for lenvo to soil lot No. 07, l llh district of HouhIoii county, belonging to tho osluto of Jatnos Purvis, doo. dee 9 WM. PURVIS, Adtn’or. Notice. A LL porvon* indohtodto tho Estato of Thom, as J, Charlton deceased, nre required to mnke immediala paymont to tlio subsoribor, and tho oroditora of void estato ore requested to hand In *lioir aeomints nnd demands properly atinntod within tho time prnvcrihod hy law. dec 4 ROBKUT M. CHAULTON, Adm'r. Administrntrix’ Notice. I ?OUR months aftor date, applinntinn will bo . mudo to tho lion, tho Inferior Court nf Bulloeh county, whilo sitting for ordinary pur. poses, for loavo to anil tho rani estato of Edmund Burnside, deceased, late nf said county, oot 81) SUSAN BRAGG, Adm’ix. 1IVOCAN MUDICINR, Health Secured or Retored, T HE IIYGEAN SYRUP which has lately boon discovered, nnd uvod with tlio great, ost nnd most surprising succors in the presorva. tmn or restoration of hoalth, is found to bo nn. tiroly free from the objections which nre urged against tho unoftiincnt of tho late Hygean Pills. It is provod to bo entirely froo from morcury nr any other minora), and has been used by hundreds who havo by it boon cured of all complaints nf. footing tho stomach, liver, head, lungs, spleen intostines, and all tho digostivo organa. It ro. stores all tho secretions to hoalth nml activity, By a slight course or this syrup whilo In hoalth, the system I* kont in such perfect order, that no ilisoiso will attuck without some grent excess or exposure. Ami whnlovor tho complaint is, it no vor fails to civo relief. Written testimony of hundreds might bo givon, in addition to which many highly rospoctablonorsoiiB have given per. iinivsion to refer to them lor tho abovo Diets. Alt humour* which affect tho body oxtornaily, caus. ing pimples and eruptions are removed by correct ing tho vitiatod secretions end inducing healthy In all dyspoetic symptoms costivoness, irro. gulnrity, distress after meals’, pains in tlio sido and torpidity of the liver, cure is perfect,and any ono so afilictod will bocomo immediately convin. cod on using it, that ho has at last found a “ so. vereign balm for his wounds." Females are particularly recommended to uso it for costive, noss or irregularity, And other fem*lo complaints It is proved to correct vitiated and disordered Im. umura keeping tho stomach in most perfect or. dcr. Thoso porsons who after an ownings in diligence at parties, &c. havo hoadachoand dul. puss tlm next day. will find lltU * aura provonlivo if taken at bod timo. For all common coin plaints, in a few days its virtues will Im sclfevi. dent, and a complot© cure will soon l» effected. Whon a person has a cold and feels unwell, ge. noraliy a froo use of it for a few days will ffo suro to relievo without physio or pills. To children it may bo givon with tho greatest ad. vantage. In acidity or sourness nf stomach this remody is sovereign and invaluable } as a gonornl family tnodicino it is now adopted by many of tlm most respectable families. It nuver sickens tlio sto. mach or produces any of the unpleasant effects of physic. Note.—It is positively certain that no bad consonuencot can arise from tlio use of this Sy. rup. One groat objection to tho pills is the prico which is obviatod by llu», which is put at Si per boltlo. N. MOSSNAR, M. D. Profe^nr of Uo Practice of Medicine. A supply of this Mtilicinc, just received and for aale by G U HENDRICKSON, doc 3 Guomin, Camden Courtly. W HEREAS Samuel Goodtiroadapplies to me for letters of adiuinMrulion on the ostate of Tlmma* Tuckor, lute of said county, doccascd: Tliesuaro therofuro to cite and ad. monish, all and singular, tho kindred and cred ilors of tho said droonsod, to filo their objections, if uny they have, in my office*, within tho timo prescribed by law, otherwise lullors will he granted to thn said applicant. Given undor my hand at Jefferson, in said county, this 3isl Nov. 1835. ISAAC BAILEY, nov 37 Clork c.c. o. c. c. Georgia—Glynn county. B Y John Burnett, Clork of tho Court of Or. dinnry, for tho county of Glynn. Whereas, Solomon S. Moody up dins for lot. tors of ndininLtrntion on tho onlato and effects of Robert Moody, lato of Glynn county, deooas. cd. Tlicao are therefore to cito and admonish all nnd singular tho kindred and creditors of said decnasnd, to bo and appear nt my nffico within tho limo proscriltetl hy law, and show cause (if any oxist) why »aid loiter* should not bo grant, cd. Witness the IIonnrnMo Charlrs Grant, ono of the Justices of said Court, this 15th duy nfOc. tobor, A. D. 1835. [i.. *.[ J. BURNETT, c. c. o. a. c. not 10 Georgia—Liberty County. B Y Elijah Baker, (’lurk of tho Court of Or dinary for the G'-unty of. Liborly. John B. Barnard and tho Kuvorund Samuel S Law, apply for Lotlurs of Adminhtrdtion of tho goods and chattels, rights und credit*, that were of Nntlianiul Law, luto of said County,' do* coa«cd, Tlieso nro therofuro to cito and ndmnnNh all and singular tlio kindred mid creditors of tho said dccoanod, to file their objections (if any they have) in my nffico, at Rieohorough, on or before tlio first Monday in Decembor nuxt, oth. orwixo Lullors of administration will bo granted to tlio suid applicants, Givon undor my hand and srnl this sixteenth day of Oetolmr in tho your of uur Lord Eigli. toon Hundred and Thirty.Fivn, »c« SC E. BAKER, c. c o. t.. o. Hygean Universal Vegetable Medi cine. ’ A FRESH supply of this celebrated medicine, warranted the true English and gemimo, just received arid for salo by O R HENDRICKSON, Agent. Castile and Scented Soap, &c. V A BOXES Old Castile Soap jk. V 10 do Scented do in bare 100 doz Fancy do ' assorted just rccoivod and for safe by aprtl 11 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Savannah Four House and Hospital. A TTENDING Physicians for Nnvomta r k £% December—Drs. Kollock and Arnold. Visiting Committoo—Mo*ars. F. Sorrel and M. Hopkins. nov ti JOS. CUMMING, Secretary. BY SHIP BELLE. Norton .St I-'uller have rccoivod fife Afe DOZEN Elastic Suspondera &\w 5 pieces Furniture Dimity 13 do Chintz Prints I0j Damask Diapers 10 pinco* Irish Linons ’ Broad Clothe 40 pieces Plaid Gingham* 40 do Calicoes 20 gross Vest Buttons Black Italian Crapoa 10 dozon Ladies (leaver Gloves C do Mena’ Buck do b*lo Orvill'e Ball Colton 345 nioces bluo &. bile silk Brades &Cord* Ball Klhlioos GoNtlcmon*' bluo bluck and wiiitu silk Gloves Crape Voile Dawn Sleeve* Silk Huso 1 box Tuscan Bonnots 3 boxes Bonnot Ribbons 100 pieces Donioslin Plaid and Stripes An assortment Patent Thread* Negro Cap* and Bonnot* 40 pan Lugo Rose Blankets 1U0 roam* Lottor Paper 5U Cloth Cupa 1(10 piccos bleached Sliirtings 3 do silk and wool Fluiinelf,a hand, aoino artiulo 4.4 and 8.4 Red Casilmore Shawls 1 pinco super. Black Broad Cloths 1 do do Blue do du 2Q do Apron Chock 20 do Twilled Ozuaburge 24 superior Silk Muslins Black, Silk, and Tabby Volvet Gonllciiion’s Black Stocks Boy* Twilled Colton Iloso Do. Dogskin Gloves 50 doznn Lamb'* Wool Socks Shull, Sido, and Tuck Combs Muslin Inserting Trimmings Tho abovo, in uddition to thnir lurgo stock on hand, renders their assortment equal to any in this Slate, and will be sold at Low Price* and on arcnmmodaling terms, oilher C, 9, or 12 moB. nov 28 75 Knswortli & Wav, Have note landing, and for tale, r nnr n.: tv' l nni.S Prime Pork 30 do Mess do Sfl Hn Prim* DmV 20 do Mess do 15 half bids do do 10 do Tickled Tonguos nov G Wrought Spikes. 75 CASKS wrought Spikes ont 20 y N. n.& II. WEED: Uinbrollas. A FULL supply of Silk and Cotton timbrel. las, of the best New York mako, just open, cd by - HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO. -.oct 14 . Georgia—Camdun County. W HEREAS, Solomon Momly applies to me for Loiters of Aduiinisiration on tho Estates ol Mr*. Lurona Gorman, Su*nn M’. Cormiok, and John Patrick M’Corniick, luto of said County,, ducoased. Tlieso are therefore to cito and admonish all and singular tho kindred aud creditors of said deceased porson*, to filo tholr objections, (if any they have) in my offino within tho tiuio pro scribed bylaw, othoruiso letter* will bo grant, od to tho said npplicuut. Givon under my bund at Jefferson, in said County, this 21st Octubor, 1835. oct 9G ISAAC BAILEY, c c. o. c. c Georgia—Bulloch County* W HEREAS, Rachel Wise applies for lot. tors ol adminlHtration on the citato of John Wiso, lato of said county, deconsed. These are therefore to cito and admonMi all and singular thn kindred and ureditors of said deceased, to filn their objections (if any they havo) in niy office, within tho timo required by law, otherwise tellers as aforovuid will be grant, od tho applicant. l.ivon undor inv hand this Mill day of Octo. her, 1835. ELY KENNEDY, o. o. o. d.c. oot 2fi Seiillitz Fmvdcrs. J A GROCE gonuino Soidlitz Powders "F 10 do do Soda Powder* 1 enso Henry’s Mngliosia (real) 1 do Trusses, asxortcd qualities Just rccoivod and for sain ly j»ino 13 G U HENDRICKSON. Win. W. Potter's Vegetable Cntlio- licon. 1 AOR tho cure of Necrosis, Wliito Swellings, 1 Mercurial Diseases, Llvor Complaint, Ul. corulcd Sore Throat, anil Cutnncons Disease*. TO THE PUBLIC. I request those teho hare been cured of any obstinate and unusual malady to send to the Proprietor of the Catholicon statements of their disorders, as tcell as the time and quantity required for their restoration to health. This is a debt trhich they owe to Justice and their suffering fellow creatures. , , It. POTTER. Widow nf the late H’/n. IF. Potter, Tho Catholicon eonsirt* excosivnly of vege. table matter, nnd with a slight determination tn the bowels, which it preserve* in « soluble state, acta msonsibly, is peasant to tl.o lasto, und re. quires no particular regimen or confinement*. Asa gem local hartic medicine, improving tbo appolnto and restoring tiis general tnno of tbe systom, it it* coiifldeutly rocommondod to ladies in a delicate aitiution. There are at this timo several spurious mix. turns in circulation abroad, and soino vended in this city, nssnming to pos*oss tho same, or equul virtues of P.ittoi’s Ctthi>lie*m. It i.< i 0 be |ioj>ed, that tho unsuspocting will bo plaood on tlioir guard ogaii stnoch iinposiiinns, as.nmcb mischief has resulted from tlioir use. They consist principally of sarsaparilla simps, viz. Simp do Culsmior or Rob L’AflVetaur, and are ►old for a much le*-prico; you will, therefore bo particular, and purchase of nono but my au. thorized agent#, where you can obtain tho Gon- uine Catholicon. TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. Tbo very fl ittering accounts which are drily receivod of the superior efficacy of Poiter’* Catholicon in. tho of thoso diseases which are Incident, and mostly pratfall among tho coloured population of tbo south, almost entitle it to the appellation ofa specific. In Yaws or Crah t aws it is a certain euro, and has beon the immua of taVing many a valuable slavo from a premature grave. A Tre.h ropjiWof tl.i. tclobralccl Msdicinojiut received and for sale by J G. R. HENDRICKSON. Sulo Agent dec 3 Cream Ale and Beer. BRES John Taylor’* cclebraled Cream not 4 CLAG1IOR OOP. Agents. Live Oak Timber. I T^URTHER proposals, healed and endorsod, will ho rccoivod at tlriu offmn, until tlirco o’clock, P. M. of tho fourth day of January, 183IY, for tho following Live Oak Timbor, om. braced in tlio advertisement dated nineteenth of Snptombor, 1835, but for which satisfactory offers have not boon rccoivod, viz. No. 1 Fur tho fromo timber, beam nnd ken), son pieces, and for tho promiscuous timber for ono ship «<f tlio line, ono frigate, ono sloop of war, and ono schooner; to bo delivered at the Navy-Yard, near Portsmonth, N. II, No. 3. Fu‘r llio.framo timbor, beam and keel, ■on pioces, and for the promiscuous timber fur two frigates and ono stoamor; to bo dulivorcd at tho Navy Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts. No. G. For tlio frumo timber, Imam and keol. son pieces, and for tho promiscuous timber for one tteuincr and one schoonor; to bo delivered at tho Navy Yard, Philadelphia. No. 7. For tbo irauio timbor, beam and kool. ann pioces, nnd fur tho promiscuous timber for ono ship of ibu lino, and ono sloop of war; to bo dulivorcd at tho Nary Yard, Gosport, Virgin ia, No. 8. For tho frnmo limber, beam nnd konl son piece*, und for tlio promiscuous limber for ono irignte, ono stomnor, and ono schooner; to ho dolivoiod at tlio Navy Yard, Gosport Virgin ia. The quantity and dimensions of tho -prntnis. cuous limber fur each vessel, of oaoh class, is as follows: For each ship of tho lino. 6,000 cubic feet, which must be sided 15 inclios, and he from 12 to 20 fret in longth; six of tho longest pioces to sido 22 inches. For each frigato, 3,000 cubic faet, which must bo sidod 15 inches, aud bo from 12 to 20 feet long: six of Uio longest pieces to side 19 inch. 08 For each sloop of war, 1,000 cubic foot, which must he sided 12 inclios, and be (roiii 12 to 18 foot long; six of the longest pioces to sido 16 inches. * For each stoamor, 1,000 cubic fcot, which must bo sided 15 inclios, and bo from 12 to 18 feel long; six of the longest pieces to sido 1G in cho*. For each schooner 300 cubic foot which must bo sided 8 inclios, nnd Vo from 10 to 10 foot long; six of tbo longnsi piocostu side 12$ inches. A part of tho promiscuou* timbor may bo got to lorgordimensions, provided tho pieces will answer for replacingdefeciivo liawso pioces,trail, soms, breast hooks, or other vuluablo pieces. Separate offers must be mado fur oueli of the preceding numbers, and oach offer must oiubraco all tho timber that is called for by tho nuinbor to which it refer*; tho prices asked nor cubic foot must bo stated separately, for racA and eve ry class ot vessel* embraced in tlio offer,; und for tlio promiscuous timber of each cla*s‘, so. parat'-ly from the other, which is considered meuldrd timber. Ailenst one fourth of tho whole quantity of timber ombracud in each offer, comprising u’fair proportion of tlio most valuable pieces, must bo delivered on nr hoforo tho firet of Juno, 1637 ; one half of the remainder on or boforo ihofiret of Juno, 1838, and tho zoAo/«* quantity on or before tho first day of June, 1839; and if tho abovo proporlionsshall not bo dolivored at tlio respec. tivo times abovo specified, tho Commissioners of tlio Nuvy reserve to themselves tho right of cancelling any contract in tho oxocution of which such failure may occur and of entering into now contracts, holding tho original uon. tractors and tlioir sureties liable for any oxcess of cost and othor damages which niuy bo thus incurred. The said Live Ouk Timber mnit havo grown within twenty fivo milo* of the soabonrd,(which must bo proven to the satisfaction ortho respec. tivo Commandants, must bo got out by the moulds &. written directions,fit specifications of dimensions, fire., which will bo furnished to the contractors for tlioir government, and must bo froo from all injuries and defects which may im. pair thn good quality of the said timbor for the purposos lor wliiuli it is required by coutract, nnd bo in all rorpocts satisfactory to the Cora, raundants of tho rospcclivo Navy Yards whore it is delivered. Bonds, with two good and responsible sure. Ues, (whoso names must bo fiirwnrdnd with tho offi>r*.)in tho amount of ono third the o-tiinated vuluu of tho timbor to bo lurni-diul undor tho respective contracts, will bo required ; and, as collateral security for tho faithful compliance with the terms, stipulations, and conditions, ol tho said contracts, ten per centum will bo ro. served from the actual amount of each payment which may bo mado from timo to timo, until tho said contracts are completed and closed, which reservations, respectively, will Im forfeited to tho ure and benofil of tho U. States, in the evonl of failures to delivor tho timber withiu tho rospcc. tiro periods proscribed. Tbo tnuulus will bo furnl«hod to the cantrac. tor* at ono of tho Navy Yards, Brooklyn or Gosport. •* M&ynord aud Noyes’ Ink-Powder, one Liquid Ink. I F any are still unaoquaintad with the great superiority and unexampled reputation of there articles, thuy are invited to read tbo (o). .lowing respectable testimony to the Diet, end to make trial for thomrelvoe. Tho importance o:‘ having Uio very beat of Writing Ink, is too well known to bo mentioned. This kind has boen in nee fourteen years, and the testimony respecting it is the saino from all parts of the country.— When tl* beat judges among our Resistors of Doods, Scriveners, Writing Moatera, Officors of Bank*, and of Public Offices, unite in saying, that they havo found a hotter articlo than thoy over borer* used, it is evident, that no ono need Iff troubled any longer witli bail Ink. RECOMMENDATIONS. Register of Demis’ Oflico, Boston, Juno 15, 1830. Messrs. Maynard fit. Noyes, Gontleninn,—Having used your Ink about yoart, I havo the ploasuroto inform you, that it fiiliy answers my expectations; and from thoap. pearanco of tho Record* in my office, I am satis, fied that it is superior to any I liuvo over used.— It flows well, and gives a beautiful ponnanont black. Yours, IIENRY ALLINE. American Bank, Boston, Aug. 18,1831 Messrs. Muynord fit Noyes, Gontlomon,—I havo been using your Black Liquid Ink in this Bunk for two years past, and liavu no lioaitatinn in pronouncing it superior to any I havo heretofore used. Rcspoctfiilly yours, WM. H. ODIORNE, Cashier. Boston, May 30,1631. Mossrs. Maynard &. Noyes, Gontlomon,—l uso no other Ink hut yours, on tho books of thi* Institution, and take ploasuro in expressing my untiro satisfaction with it* ap, poamneo, and in recoinmonding it to tho public as a superior articlo. Rospoctfully, your ob’dl sorv’t, THO’S DROWN, nookkeopor, Atlantic Bank. Office, Bank U.R. Middletown, Oclohor 17, 1823. Tho Ink Powder of Messrs. Maynard _ Noy oh has toon uged for some timo past in this Office, and I can cheerfully recommend it asBU. pciior to any I Imve heretofore used. J. P. BURNHAM, Casluor. Cheshire Bank, Ivceno, N. II., January 1, 1831. Messrs. Maynard fic. Noyes, Gontlomon,—Yours of Doc. 27, wnsduly ro. coivcd; in reply to which I briefly stato, that I havo used tho Ink Powder innnufuctitrcd by you, and no othor, for inoro than ten yuars last past. I think it makes tho tost Ink 1 ever used, und while tlio quality remains pure l shall not think of looking for my other kind. Yours, respectfully, N. DANA, Cashior. Nashville, Tana., Doc. 26.1631. Messrs Maynard fic. Noyes, Gontlcmcn,—Within tlio last oiglit years, wo have had constant occasion to uso largo qunnti. tios of Ink. Whon hoing ablo to procure your Ink,wo havo always used it in preference to any. Its flow from tha pen is perfectly free and cluur —it* color in strong and lasting, and in our npin. ion, docidoilly superior for business of anrosenl and lasting nuturo, to any othor Ink before tho public. Respectfully your*, CHAPMAN fit GEYOR, Teachers of Chirogniphy. Rcgistorof Conveyances Office, ) New Orleans, Jan. 20,1832. y Messrs Maynard fit Noyos, Gentlemen,—Having used your Ink for about two years, wo havo the pleasure to inform you tliul wo found it to ho or a superior quality, and tho host wo liuvo over used. It flows well and gives a beautiful permanent black. Yours respectfully, ANTONIO DUCROSS, Register of Conveyances. CHARLES BAYON, Deputy Register. Oflico Bank United States, ) Cincinnati, Den. 7, 1831. { The Ink Powder of Maynard fit Noyes has been used in this Office for suvural years. Wo find it suporior to any we havo over used. P. BENSON, Cashior. Bank of Miohlgan, Detroit, July 5,1830 We have used Ink, nropared from Mossrs. Maynard fit Noyes’ Ink Powder, for sevoral yoare post, and arequito satisfied with it. It flows easily from the pen, and hasabrilliuncy and por. manoucy of color which are not commonly found in other Ink. C. C. TROWBRIDGE, Cashior. From tho lion. Ilonry^ll. Choso, Register of Probato lor the County of Morrimnck, N. II. I havo used Iho Ink prepared by Maynard fit Noyes about ono yonr, and can truly aay I think it tho beet kind now in ubo. ' n. B. CHASE, Patriotic Bank, Washington Citv, April, 10, 1824’. Messrs Maynard fit Noyos, Gentloinon,—For tlio last year I havo toon using your black Ink. I havo toon much ideas, od with it, and have no hesitation in rocom. monding it to all who are desirous ofgiving por. manoucy to their writing. O. CARR, Cashier. Post Office, Now York City, March 19, 1829. Messrs Maynard fit Noyos, Gentlemen,—In answer to your requost res pecting the Ink that has been used in this of fice,1 state with pleasure that your writing Ink is much approved of, and I recommend it as a first rate article, to ovory ono who is desirous of using good black Writing Ink. I am, gentlemen, your most obediont servant, TIIEODORUS BAILEY, Post Mastor. Register’s Office, Now York, Oct. 25,1831 Messra Maynard fit Noyos, Genlfeinon,—Having used your Ink about six yoars, wo have no hesitation in pronouncing it superior to any wo havo heretofore usod, and as sucli cheerfully recommend it. •Respcctfiilly, your obedient servants, JAMES Me MU UR AY, DAVID GLADA, GEORGE MORTIMER. OTA largo supply of Maynard &, Noyes' col. obrsted Ink and Ink Povtder, just received and for salo by ont34 (3 R HENDRTGKROTtf dec 3—| Navy Commissioners’OrncB, 24tb November, 1835. \ Sugar. 6 CASKS Loaf Sugar 4 brU Cru.hed do (roperior irticli.) Juirroroived per rohr Eic.1, and for nlo by '°P lgc C. L. McNISIl. Ginger. “S *!- BAGS Rice Gin£1,r . . 13 k *I“ Pulverized do. Ju.t received end for nle by G. R. HENDRICKSON, no. 16 Linseed Oil. White Lead, &c. /# HO GALLS Dutch Lineced Oil sno bog. Wliito Load 100 canisters Vcr- igris, ground 12 boxes Crome Green 12 do do Yellow 1 do Prussian Bluo 1 cask pumico Stone 1 do Englixh Rotten Stone * 2d doz Paint and Varnish Brushes and Sash Tool* G groco English Cnmol’s flair Pencils 6 d- z Como]'* Hair Varnish Brushes 4 do Bulger’* Brushes, spsoried 2 brls suporior Copal Varnish G do Spirits Turpentine Drop Lako. Lithrage. Dutch Pink, pa. tent Yollow, Turkey Umber, Ferra d 'Sienna, fitc. fitc. just reuoivud and for salo by nov 10 O. R. HENDRICKSON. I’octorage and Commission Business. f HXHE Suoacritors intend CNtoblhhing on the JL first November, a branch of their House m Charleston, So. Ca. for tho transaction of Factorage and Commission Business, undor Iho firm of W, Kino fit Co., to be conducted by their IFm. King, and would respectfully offur their eervic'es in both tho cities of Charleston audSa. vannah, to their frienda and the public. «. , R- & W. KING. Savannah, October 15th, 1835. Sheet Copper, &c. #fe CASES 16 ox. Copper, 2 tone Oakum /W 50 Copper Rode, I ton Sheathing. Paper 100ft Ihe Copper do Nail* Jltat received and for tale by oct 24 CLAGHORN * WOOD. seaso, I shall, msmmmmmmmmmsHasmams* Dj apcpsi# and Liver Complainu. F ’ ERSONS .mictod with II,an fulilon.til, and (loreinfurp considered almost incur* bio disease*, are under lasting obligations to tbl scientific skill and research of'Dr. J. P. Peter* who, for scrersl years haa devoted life entire attention to tho treatment of ehronio or invet crate disease*, in different climates, Jim auo. eroded, by eltimicsl analysis and ayntheeia in forming a combination of several pre*imaio vs getablo principle*, to which he baa given the name Medicinm Stomechiom et il«paiica| which hue stood the lest of experionoo and pro. ved far more efficient than any remedy horeto. fore discovered in curing thoso distressing din, eases of tho mind end body, which are goneraL ly comprehended undor thu .weeping torms.Dyrw popsia and Liver Complaints. It is likowise^ most certain euro in enlargement of the Splcea and Jauudico. Among tbo symptoms ol Dyspepsia and Lir. er Com plaint*, are flatnloncy, sournesa or burning in the stomach, melancholy, irritability disagreeable tasto in tho mouth groat irregulqr. ity of onpetilo, which is somolimos voracious and at other times greatly dofioiont; thirst, fa. tid breath,naueon,weakness of tho stomach, acid eructation*, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of tho bowels, pressure on the stomocli after mo il*, pain in the hood, dizziimrs or vertigo* confusion of mind, attended with lose of memo, a gnawing in tho storoaeh, when empty, olfilli. nee*, a flection of sight and hearing, pain and weakness in tho back, languor, disturbed sleep, cold loot nnd hand*, tremor, uneasiness in tho throat, cough, puiu in the aide nr breast ficc. These Medicines liuvo been found so cflbctu. ol, in removing the complaint* for which they are rocommonded, that physicians frequently liuvo recourse to thnin for thrjr patients, after having exhausted all tlioir skill, to little or no purpose, Tlio Patent Vogntuble Medicinal Stomaphlcm et Iluputicoi aro prouaredbv J. P. l'oters, M D. Inventor nnd Solo Proprietor. Pi ice 94. That the public may rest assured of tho sulu. taryi-trocts of tlieso Medicine*, the following testimonials from gentleman of high rospoctubil. ity aro most rotpoutfiilly Mibmittod. Froin R. A. Green, E*q Secretary told* Ex. ceHoncy Wilson Lumpkin, Esq. Uovornor of tho Sluto of Georgia, TO THE PUBLIC. MilledgevilU, Go. June, 1634. A servant girl of mine, who had for wvornl yoor*laboured underu Dyspeptic and l.ivor uf- lection, and whn>e life I h id dospaired of, aftor tlm trial ofroveral Physicians to reliovo her, wua R. A. GREEN. Laurens County, Ga- Nov, 4th, 1833. To whom it may concern. Tlio undor-fened was severely nfliicled with u Dyspeptic ond Liv. er affection, for many years, und followed thoad^ vice of I liysician* considered eminent in their ** r *° i »i on ’ ^"h'jr bonofliteil; I flnolly tried Dr. Peter*' Medicinm Stomachic© ot Ho. pa tn one ; and oftur innkiug u*o of Two parcels, found myself restored to |«rfoet hoalih; my couiu tananco, instead of being pafe and haggard, re. suinod its former healthful appourunco. and in credible qs it may uppour I gained near 20 pound additional woiglit in tho short spacoof 10 week*. It is near five mouths since I slopped taking tho Medicino and I have foil nn return of Hindi- *“—*», nor hove I the lest mason to suspect that ill. I would numo6tly rccommoml all per. similarly ofilieted, to umko trial of tho tamo remedy. BRYAN ALLEN. . , Wilki*on County, Ga. May, 1834. This is to certify, that my wife laboured un. dor Dyspepsia and enlnrgeinenl of thu spleen I or ten year*, during which slio nt short inlorvale suflitred extremely and at nil times was in a ve. ry feeble stulo of health. About 15 iimuihs sinco site commenced taking Dr. Pater** Modi ciniu Stomachic©, ot Hbpaiite©,fiiuft|ir taking two unreels her health \vu* restored, and slm dik clmeil its furll.or use. I will only udd, that fi, r tlm ast twolvo months sho has onjoyud excellent Health. ADNim hicks. DR., PETRRS VEGETABLE ANTI-DlL lOUtiPILLS. Are universally aektiowinlgcd to have totally eeliysod the preton».ous of every Mhor reiuc. day and *U|*.n«jdud thu nocrw-iiy of ovory mher modo of treatment wherever disoasn* of a bilioua character are found to oxist, ns well as in lor. por of the bowels where n cathartic of luxitivo oiify is required. Tlmy aro ozlrumoly mild i„ llmir itporallon, neither cau«in, eielinnw uf Hid etimmoli. nor nny Implement .on.otion in llie .y.tem. an it loo froquenlly tho remit f r0 in medicine, riven to eel mion tlio hoivol.. They net .pceificully ti|ion Urn liver, whon in a loroid eendition, oor. whig oft - largo quonlity ,.f hilt., through tlio influence of tl.o oteoruenl fliileUon.wlilrjiif.r.Srr od lo roinuin in Iho .y.tem,would |ir„duco oilher Jaundice, Liver compluinl, Uilious Fever, Fo. or .omo other grievou. hodiiy 1“ "» rtm of totpor of the howeli, they oct like a choral. In recent cooeo uf Dyowrn mo, thoy ore a eertoin cure. 'Muoy who wore subject to violent nttapks of sick head actio, have been much benefittod. ond several perfectly cured in a few weeks, by the uso of tli *so pills, T hoy aro highly roenmiibnded at ‘rnST" ° rih ,°^ onr » ■■ * preventive and cure of Bilious complufnts. Persons who are subject o that distressing complaint, 80 a siokness. hy takingu portion or 2 of thorn a fow days previous to emburking on board the vessol.will be almost certain to eseapo it. Females cun uso them at ail period*, without incurring any risk. Per. aims going to sun, or to a Southern climate, should by all mouns lake soino ol iiiure pills with Uiom. llioir virtues will remain unimpaired without then pill.; o porlion of thorn, taken oernttisnufiy, would bo tlio nieane of provonting much Buffering from .icknoa. It u from no. glocl efkeopmg up angular pori.tallie action of tho .tnmaoh and boweln, thus nufforing to bo obaorbed end mingled wiih the blood, uho aimi. n,'p B r d l’ th “*.!" u “ l "ro produced.— Dr. P. fool, cenflidcnt that no peraon who give! the«o pi la a fair trial, will over aftor frol w illing to he without lliont. Tho lo.limony of thou* ■rod. .peeking in the higheit tormS of the efficacy ofthosopill. might bo added, but the very high reputation Dr. P. ha. acquired oa the in. If? lor 0 (, lllB P“ lcnl vcgetahlu Wodioinai,Stoma, elilcto ol Hepatiem for tfio cure of Dyroep.ia.„d ™nm.T’ n :r" n ‘iPl bo “ lllt “ "unicionl guar, rontoo lo Jho«o wl.lflng io moke a trial of their virtue.. They contain not a of Morcu/ ry, or any ingredient that does not act in liar, many with hoalth and oppose disease. Priao SOeanm.* ^ P ‘- »>. thelobcl. These invaluahlo Medicines are for sale in Charleston by S. Huord Druggist, Broad at in. Auguata; by R BH.viland Ico.and Tlimni, Rarrott m Miiledgaville, hy Wright and Co. oar n Saoder-viLbyC I GrelSor "tSfc tillohy Lhcnezor Dothwell in Macon by Shot, voll lfrowm iCo. in Talholton hy /ohn n. Klicrk. At Co. in ColinnhUB hy E. 8. Norton znA in a.nlnzt every other town in tho Stulo whrro numerouaceim^oftpei, unri 3 cy may be men and can be oblained in thi- olnew (havannah) at tho Drag and Apothecary .torn rep. 3—lyrt A. PARSONS. Hollow Ware. IO T h° NS Hollow’ware, for zats b,r N - *• U. WEiJU, Double Percussion Guns g CASES DouMtyPcrcutzion Gena * N ' n. At ii. wr:rcn Cincinnati Hams. iSOO qi"?inn»ti s: Ceylon Wine. 25 ° f It'" "nperior Wine, jii.t rel eidved from Messrs. J. Howard A Co. of Madeira, ,i. llB’i'S'rl'r^U by nny 2G P » rinr wle PADELFORD, FAY fia-CO. Lecciien., CASE eontiioiny 1(1(10 Mediterranean . tieochcs, Iatrl.lV linjmriod, t Just rennived and for sale hy G. R. HENDRICKSON^v nov 6