The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, December 30, 1835, Image 1

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Furs! Fur*! * A DENNETT has on hand, jiM recoived, -■ gay-Squirrel SkinC ipcs, with IimIi m 8 du . do do do largo shrea pin f 4 do do do do mail do do -6-do do do Pelerines 4 white Ermine Capes, Inrgn sizes 4 Mask Russia Hair Capa*, do do 4 brawn do * do do do do C Faalhor Pelerines and Capo* 4 down while and Black Fur Tippota 1 do. Dot a Sugar Loaf ailk plush Capa **' l do Ialan'a Fancy Plu-li C*|»* All of whioh will be aold low «t No. 1. Young 1 * doc 94 Building*! M-rket.«minro. Otard, Dlij Brandy. *■ A PIPES'oftfiat celebrated brand, vin. Jill lagoof 1830,Imported directly Bom ■ Havre, via New York* received and for aula by ' GAUDRY & LKGIURL. On hand—SO demijohn* beat Scotch Wilts. key, warranted. . ■ * dee 34 Su|x)rior Neck Slocks, JUST received a liandhriinevarlMy of Stocks, _ via t whito and Idaok Sarin, English Silk, , Bombasine, Velvet, Molmir and Plaid Silk mado In the beat kino of style and (ifTurod for aula at tho lowest cash price*, hy PIUCE A MABLERY. dec 33 Drapers nnd Taylor*. “ $ Million Market Hoof. A^. FEW half harrels Fulton Market Braf, n il. choice article pul up express)* lor family «ua. Landing (Vom on board ship Macon, for sale by MICHAEL DILLON. deoil Telfair’s whirr By the .Ship Macon. f|lilE ubreribort have rrcoivod au addition. al assort mrni ofUoudv madn cb-thing, ol jo Beaver and Silk llala, For and cloth caps. . HAMILTON HOUSTON & CO. dec 9 Just Received by the ship. Newark. “■ " Firkins Goshen Butter Miniature Fainting, J W, STURGEON, ft.on Europe, • lesvo to inform the inhabitants iif Ssvan. nah and ita vicinity, that Im paints MOiio'urei on Ivory. S'/nfciflient may he reen at Hit Ba»U man's Jeweller, and his rooms, Mrs. Dourille's Bryan ‘treat,Monument Square, winin' linings are taken. Tonne from 50 to 300 dollrrs eaelf. Price de. pouding^on.tlie siae of the Mhtalure .> Maduira Wine,' O NE pipe, eleven halfpipos and twenty ono quarter oasks L P Mmlolra Winn, imp* ted direct from/.Madeira per brig Mail received and fur sale at a low price by —•TT A dne 93 SCOT i dalfour. linn Railing. fj|^HE subscriber would in term tbo citizens of Savannah,'that, having made arrange, inrntsjwith an oxtensivo manufactory in New York, lie will bo nldo to frirnish Plain or Orua inontul Hailing, in any quantity,nnd suitable for nil purposes, whore it may bo required, at Nwe York prices. n"vdM G. E. WILLIAMS. Kustaru Huy. BUNDLES Superior Hay, for salo w low ill the Hack Stable. Apply to dec 19 HENDERSON A WINKLER. Rifles, Fowling Guns, ristols & Spor ting Equipments. 1 CASE fino fmi.lin'd Rifles, aborted calibre, 3 do dutih’e bsrreliud Fowling I’iucu*,(rom #30 to 800. 1 single do do do 70 pair nf Phtule, comprising every variety Powder Flunks Shot Pouches and Bags, Guiih* Bags, superior Purcus.iuti Cups, just re. uuivod end for salu bv A. R. KNAPP A CO., doc lb ' Adjoining thoCity l| 11| F JLlr rtUelfbrL Buckwheat mo il S qr do do : do 2 caws Loudon Porter plot 1 * and quarts 10 brlu Vinegar. 5 hull'hris Tongues SO boXns Pipn« 50 brls Potatooa 50 bundles Hay For *ilo by . THOMAH WOOD. dec S3 No 4, Mottgina wharf Talcs ami Sketched, /g affe DO?5. Sp.'cfiictofl consisting of Green “JR:/” end Grey double GIuhsph In light fruiuns, White Glasses oval nnd -quaro. assorted agea in tirrui.ui silver and shell frames, Also, 30 dot low priced Main I Frnmes, just received and for sale by A. R KNAPP & CO. dun 10 Adjoining the City Hotel, B Y Mis* Sodgwick, author of Tlio Liu woods, Hope Leslie, Ac. • Tho Foot ry of Life, by Sarah Sllcknoy, au. thor of Fictions of Private Lifu. The Pastor's To»limotiy, by Rov. John A. Chirk, third sditi-n, ruyisod und corrected by tho author. . "t Tho Christian Florist. The Celcbrutod Sproohs* nfrh'itham, Burke, •nd Emkino ; to whioh-i* added, tho argument of Mr. McIntosh in' the ci*e of Peltier. So. looted by a Member of the Fhilutlaifilii a Bar. Celebrated Trials of all Coittitfirs, and re. markable cases of Criminal Jurisprudence. Se. Icctoii by a Miuniior of Ihu Phil idulphiu Bur. Jnekson’s Almanack, fi-rlKW, Undo Bjin'u Comic Almanac, fur 1836. Elton's do do do do David Crocket’s do do do Foranlohy dec 19 THOMAS PURSE A CO. Twenty dollars. UoHunJ. a^t TOLON from Hunter's wharf on Tossday r* night la-l: One Inmdiu Ilay.aUo, tf-m Store, one l.alf brl F M Hoof marked Savuu. nah, hiiilo Doskol, one box Raisin'*, mm brl Moss Pork,ono brl prim.i do marked ll T A C the ubovu reward will bo paid up-n proof to ounviction «<f tho lltiof or thiove* by WM. II.THOMPSON. A Tp. doo ID ' No. F Exchange I look' Fifty Hollars rvw ai d. K ANAWAY lYcin* the. plantition of the aubscnb jr four or flvu wooks past, a no gro man named Smart; ho la an o|>l looking negro, about 30 years ol age, lets Ids board grow vary long, country b-rn, largo mouth about 4 feet G inches in height I have great nntson to think he is hnrhorod iut. v I'wTli will pay the atmvo^toward upon proof to conviction that he is It irtmrad by a whito |Htraon, twenty dollars by a colored person or ten dollars fur tho delivery .of thn negro in Jail or tq J.CUYLEU. don 23 Fort Fnliofl, ^ DOZEN eliigeut,Morocco LetterJhirt Fo. lins, 6 do Paste Hoard P-rt Folios for • Print* Ac Just received, for Mile by deb 19 G* R.HENDRICKSON. Marine nnd Fins Insurance Bank. - December 29/A, 183.% I N- conformity to the procUmuiimi of tlm Mayhr of tint Cityj tins Bunk will not bo open un Tliurmlay next. 31&l ins'. Paper d»o thereon, is rcqiuisied'lo he attended to on the previous day, doe 30 ■ JAS. SMITH, Ciiahior. Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the late firm of Low, Taylor A Co.' in open acco nt or noto* post due, uro iiiformed that (In' samb will bn placed iu suit, unless sot tied within a reason, ble time. WM. ROBERTSON, Agont. Dec 3n—o Rodger’s Cutlery. R ODGER'S Pen KuiVea W Table Cnttc. ry, received per ship Tlmlia, and fi.r salo by N.B AH. WEED, duo 33 - 800 Reward. R AN AWAY Brum the, subscriber at Haw kinaville, Gn.Tbreo Negro Men, named April, Ned, and Dave. April formerly belong* ed to W. Hogan. Dayo, to A. C. Fitts i and Ned to. Lewis Turner. ‘April la about 5 fnot 10 inches high, about f»»r 30 yoara of ago, stout, and a smart looking fallow. Dave is about 5 fact, 3 nr 6 iqchos high, and had a small >car on his right eye,, thin visagod, nnd ubout 30 ofti Spectacles. sasBaassH- Griiid-Sttmtw. 5 TONS host quality Griud.Stonoa, aasortod altos, foraale by * M HOPKINS. tint 15. bUST rs FoiatuoH. I Liverpool, loll hampun; J f .... ... * PbUtoaa, vtwy .Miperi .r, for sale bv dec 18 CLMHinUN A WOOD -CIlUCHH. . 1 CASK9 and CO boxes prime Gotlicn JL Cheese, landing from shin Newark. For sale by JNO. W. LUNG, doc 93 • Christmas Presents, 4 LARGE asvorlmnnl uf .Toys of various . kinds, suitable for hoys and girls, some handsome, just npnmuJ by c93 N0RTON A FULLER. To 'Relit,. A FARM, about two milos from 8itvnunitlt, i'w cotitaining sixty acres of land with ah ex. callout dwelling homo. And all necessary out buildings on tint premise*. tniv 2G—1 Apply at thU office. No. 3 Mut; Re nil. y AJ DDLS No. 3 Msekorol Just received, for ante low by doo 13 ENSWORTII A WAY, Cltuiit Cords and Tn>sels, -. Apnlaehicoln. EXTENSIVE 8AI.B OF TOWN-LOTS IN Al'ALkClIICOLA. fBlHE wl. le Tract of Land called *• Forbes* Jl Purehato," amounting to »b* ut Twelve UitudiedTl.tmsantl Acres, aUunlad in Mkldla Florida, tng tlior with tho town ur Apalsebioiw la, and iho adjacuut Island* in tlm Gulf of Mox. ten hiving bten vested in the anHscriber* as trustuea, by and l’or tits usu of all the proprie. lore. Nottoo isltoroby given, that op Tuosday, tho twenty third day of February next, at ton u* clock in the t«wonnott,the Director* of the Apn. Iiteliieola Land Company w ill nxnoxo to sale at P'ddlo auction, in tlm town nr Appalanliico hi, the Building Lots in tltpsuid town, ugrnaubly to a eartifioii plan thereof to bo exhibited at tho timoofsalo. Tho tortus of saW will be one fourth eaah the residue in throe anneul instalment/ with In. tnrest, nnd when the payments nro ihado, und tlmseciiri iti* fur the inst iluumt* giirtt, nucer. ding to the Deed of Trust, ami thn articles of association, a ulour title in tie siinpio will bo made* • Now York Deo. 15th, 1833 LOUIS MoLANE, ) CHAR- AUG'S DAVIS, STrusteoa UTE, ) SB To tho tlcctors ot'Chatlmm C’ouniv. j|AELL<»WCITI2ENS-IJ.iii . miiiIM.'io M.' B»r rmeleutlon to tha nflloa of Tax Collro tor of the county, slid resjiqcifiiilv snlloit your MifTragos on tuo Deal ALmdav in Jttnuary wxi. DAViD BELL, dke 8 ' AmTVolcw oluiHitham ('iimtty. OFFER lor n-.idcctlon to tho OiQce of *Uo. cciverofTa* Returna at tl»o Eh otlnoa In Jauuary next attu aoilcit year votes. B. LATIIROP. doo £3—u Fejiotv-L'iiigeiia of Chatham Cuiurty, I AM a candidate fbr Reaoivov of Tux lit*. Utrns at tlm (deetloh In January next, and rcwmrJfully aoHch your sufiVngi**. dec 5 LABAN WRIGHT. FelldWrC/itixung of Clmtltain County, I AM a eanditlulo for tlm OlRoo of R 'muvVr of Tax Return/ at tho elect inn on I bo first Monday in January next, and will bu thankful for your aiifiVugos, ■doc 94-l V ELIAS FORT. Joseph m, Wiiite jJgF.CElVED by the *ub/cribors in the great. rat .variety, both for ladies nnd gent lemon , _ doo 19 PRICE A MALLEUY. J Ptiroliaje," lying h<tweon tlm River Ap. Rninrinir nnri l «loo*.loi»ltt wtd St. Mark's, and oxtonditig to pppWS®' u i t “ ‘JS** , l I within slx mile* of Tall.has.eo. In this SCEl\bD pbr Herald, and for salo by turacl (s .to be found souio of tho finest Tho Directors of tlio Apnlanldooti pany, roturring tothntibovo adveriisomont, otlhr at pjivatn salo, in such qonntilioa as may bn wauiod,tliutMct <<fl..nd known atForints' To the lileeliirs of ChulHaiit County. I AM annndidaln for reoilootinn.ii* Iho offiou of Cormtur at tho approsehing election, which lakns place nn tiro first Monday in January M. .1 lulll.lilll ..tll.ll mill. MIlALauM md liumbiy lulioil your .uttViun., <So8 TIIOMAH EDF.N. eon euovjiwNOH. Tlmpukot .hill NKWAHK.williimI well dwptioli. ForfMyln or vin, ,iod .cuuMoiliillQiif. Apply to C.pi, (Jvnn.i mi boaolnrlii i!oo3il. S'lONE WA8IIDUIIN i CO dkck PHtiioHT eon uvnnrooiT AilnV 31) In 41) bn,. can h. taken ^ (Vo),In on tho dedk ol Un 11ns .liip Ar,u iu .oil fi, Li.nrpnol ur Bniidu 3 Jnnna. r 'd Mr” ANDREW LOW A CO. _ J.U. On S/Ti URDA . will l» .nld ■( lb. l‘i without twin*. A poi of Flying Home, due 31 'WnvMTiNock; Tlm fine ctuqauial hliip FRANCtS, i, |s now ret if fienpr. (jlritRtiisr. (s'now really to racelvu ForlVoighi of ccd tun .apply I ANDREW LOW dre 29 -i. ’ A CO. FOR LIVERPOOL, , Tho fine new stiip MOHAWK, R. l Stcvi iH<,mnstnr,lii)Viug two thirds nt her cargo new nn h«»iid, will huyo Hinncifiaio ilotqst'clt For fr. iylit of ShlO latlus cotton ap. ply In Old. B on t»nrd nt June's Uppor Wharf, of tn TUPPEU A BWTA41B. din 53 edlTfjT unroot,. in ECEIV doc 9 r snlo hy . A J. REI D. Oats ami Hams. BUSHELS priinn honvy Oats, and 172 llaltiuioru Hama Landing from sohr Eiglv, for sa.o by due 15 FRANCIS SORREL. Wood. ryqllE snbscrilmr ha* now Inndlng, at Jack- I mouth oft , R son's wharf, at tho ,Eastern end of Iho I Sound. Iu tho Golf o‘ Mexico. Jt I* the loract D to be found souto of iltd finest notion and rugar land* in tbo Southern country; also tr eta ol thn finest pino land*, and extensive tructa of livo oak t but sa purchasers will examine for thoniielsns, a par. licular dvscriptinti 1/ unnecessary. The ftllo In purchasers will bo the same as for tlio town lota of Apslaohiooln. The town of ApaldOhioola Jsalluuted^at Iho month of the River of same name,on StGoorgu's Regimental Union*. Savannah, 98f A Dee. 1835. N enrformify with order* faun llrlgadier Gonerul Floyd under dpto of 16th inst re. ceivud tbl* day the Regimental orders of the 15th Inal, for a convohtion of the offiocr* and ihspootlen, drill and review of tho lat Regiment on the Gtli 7th and Bth of January, are hereby countermanded. WM. ROBERTSON, Lieut. Col. Cvut'dg lid Kugt. T Baknard, Acting Adjt. doo 28 dec. 1G Hook Ilingos* O . , LBS. Hook Hingea ip For sate by N. B. A U. WEED. city, a supply of Livo Oak, Hickory, Ac. which port of the River* Chaiahooche, Flint, Chipolu, ho ullbr* ut tho lowost market price—lifaddition Apnlnoliicoln, ntlil tlielr tributary slroam*. nnd to hi* impplypf Wood, he has on hand a largo I* caanaelod with the flourishing town* of Ci» and well «clontci! supply of Ghocuhikr, Liquotis, lumbu* und Irwiiiton, and with Ftrgn districts of Wimrs, An. which ho will sell on neenmmodt. I rich and foriilo plantation! in Georgia, Ahtht. ting terms. JOHN GUIL.MARTIN. I m« and Florida. Tho exports o,f cotton front July 21 | this port .have boon regularly ineron/ing for the Waiters mid Cuitaiu fins. SETT \Voilorn. 50 dot. curtain |fin«, received per rliip ritoli t and for salo by N. B. A ii. WEED. dec 16. 25 Notice. r l5UE itmlnrsigned have formud a Copartner. JL . *> Ip, f»»r tho Irun-acihn of tho Factor, qgc and C'otuuitssion Kusinc**. in tlio city, of Savannuh, under tlio linn of I'ninizvA McGnv. era, und tettdor tln irservicosto ti.eir friends. ROBERT M PHINIZY, JAMES MotUJVEKN, Refer to W. A IL Bryson, | John I'liiuizy, > Augnala, 8-iml. CLrko, ) G. i). Luinur, Savunnuh. hconmny and Acconmindutinn. J Fr STOKES, Tailor and Habit Maker, B EGS leave to return hi* thank* to. the pub. lie, for tho liberal patronage he has recei. veil since Hi* eommencemont ; ho also bog* leavo to stale. Unit.he is still doing •buxine** at his old stand, nn Whiinkur./trcot, next door to Mr. Frendergsal'n Store, utul threo doors north, of tbo Mansion House, ho will thank. dec 3—11m Ilyarynth Glasses, t CASE llyiicyullt or Bubnu/ Root Glasnos, i itlsl receivhd and fdr nitln by dec 111 G..R. HENDRICKSON. abnvo line, und pludgee liimsulf that every urti. clo otilrusteil to his charge, shall he cut, tnado and trimmed in thn uouie*l and most fashion*, bio style,, nr according to order, on tlio follow, ing ocGommod.iting term*, for cash, at reduced price*, or orders on Dry Good., Grocery, or Bunt and Slum EalubliMlunoni* in the city Por son* sending HcrvantN for Clothes, w ill ploasn send an order for tiinhrliole* and thn cash, or tlm projKiscd order, as cio buuks will lio kept in future. Persnii* indebted In J. F. S. will con for a fu. vorliy e illing uud sultling their accounts, dec 23—2nf Kilks. o NE Caso percuss on nnd flint Rifle*, this day opened und for sale by A. U. KNAPP A CO. a 7 Adjotning the City Hotel. Dividnml. Marine and Fire In tin a nee D’tnk. ) r "*Snvttiinuli, Uccoudier 1st, 1635; \ JJf'HE Board »»f Director biiving thin day dec 9 Huy, BUNDLES prime Huy fur sale at reduced price* bv MlCft; DILLON. Telfair/ wharf. declared u dividend of one dollar per share thn sa mo will ho on or niter Thursdny noxt. JAMES SMITH, Caahlor. dec 2 .1,u<lioh Cloaks. .. r F Superfine Queen's Cloth mode in tho m > latent stylo, received, and for sule b*w hy dec 19 PRICE AMALERY. llotlimg]! Clothing! ' UST received, per slim Iloilo, a nphmdid assortment of Ready Made Clothing which will bo sold low for cash nr city acceptance*, dec 4 II. CLOSE. * Clothing and Hols. ITfe ECFIVING from ship Bello and brig •95 Georgia a complete «z/ortniont of Ready Made Clothing; and Silk Hals of'the latest style, which will be sold low. PRICE A MALLEUY. Draper* und Tailors. Town of .St. Joseph’s Lots for sale. rfjlllE l.uke Wimico and St. Jo/opU'a Camtl JL Comp-my, having contracted Tor Ihu eoii. struction of a Hull Road from Iho Bay of Si. Jo Miph'z tounmiuot with the Rivor Apalnehicoia, vin I.nko Wimico,—Also, lor thn boilditig oi wliurvo/and were hnu-oz, it both end* of; tbo road, to he re <dy for the transaction nfbii«>inu*s by tho 1st of December next, bavo laid off into convenient lot/, the now town of St. JoNopli, on beautiful eluvutud plain, about halfway up tho Bnots, Slim's nnd Brogans. B lWNTy THREE cn.ea nndTroukH of Iho . above articles this day landing and for salo low by tho paokugo. A. U. KNAPP A CO. dec 7. Adjoining the City Hotel. Oflici- Biink 1‘inlcd Slums. Saiamioh, 2!)/A Dec. 1835. FHMH.’RSDAY next, tho 3lsl lust,’having J|. been sol apart by tlio City Council n* a Day ofTiotnk-giving utnl Prayer, thip Ofiic« will be -litit; and, in oonfotmily with iho rulos ofthuOfiicii, it will ol/o bo shut a* Usual n'.t the 1st of January, papor falling duo tii either day* it •* requested in >y bo provided fur on tho preceding Wednesday. J. HUNTER, Cuihicr. doc 29 —-o • Howard Street I’lour. | v'tft ^ ^ Barrels ttuperfine j'l/t received per dei* 29 1 brig Oglethorpe and for snte hy FRANCIS SORREL. Macke i n!. il are a\ DDLS. No 1, 2 and 3 Maokeral, for .9. e7 vP salo by CLAGUOKN A WOOD. Bunk of the Stale of Georgia. Savannah, 28Ik Dec. 1835. qilURSDAY next, being sol apart by tho the City Council a* oday of Thank«giv. year* of* go.' Ned is near G feet high, aged •bunt 35 to 40 yours old, vory utout, and a small bit of his left car off A*.tho nbovi uogrnns nro well known in the nit]/,tho abnvo reward will ho paid for their delivery in Savannah Jail, or any other in tlio State, or %2U for each of them. Alt persons «ro forbid harboring nr hiring said N>'grnoa, a*tlio law will bo strictly enforced against them. dco30— l.o MICHAEL KAYS, fiaisins. ing and Prayer, this Bank will bo closed. G firing day Wednesday, Discount day Friday. A. PORTER. Ga-liier. OIBcc uf the Howard Insurance Com- 175 ft!doc 30 BOXES Bunch Raisins For *nle by CLAGHORN fr WOOD. Stjiid .Oat 8. yfl <Cfe4"fe Bushels Soi-d Oats 7\W DIO Horn* 429 barr- ls Eastern Potatoes For snlo by. W. H. THOMPSON; A CO. dec 39 No I Exchange Dock. Hamilton, Houston & Co. H AVE just nponnd an assortment uf thosn vory sU|teriur Engti/li boiled Camblul Cloaks, without soatn/. warranted fast colors, and mid to be waterproof. , doc 30 Tltc Life of A DMIRAL V.cnunt Exmouth, by Edward Osier, E»q. Parts, 20, 30 und 31, Penhy Cydopod'a, Part 36, Saturday Mug izitto A further supply of theDrawing Room Scrap Bonk. Friendshiji’s Ottering for 1836, und Christian Kcop*ako . * Also, a few reams of Superfine Bath tatter Patter, do Blue Satin do do Copying Paper, received and fi>r sale hy TUOMAS PURSE, ACO. due 22 Codling £4IX ton* Castings, conststing of Ovens, Tu*.*, Skillets, Spiders, Kettles. Andirons, &o. now. landing from ship Bello and brig tala, at 1 for sale by M. HOPKINS, act 15 • • Honnets. J UST recciv.od, a handsome ossnrtinont of Ladies and Miaees Silk and SaUin Benvor Bonnet* of the latest Pari* and Now York fuab- pne. Fur ea» B by U. N. ALDRICH A CO. • dcc!9 AVt/J York, hrcrmhrrlBth, 1835. ^ilR In oonsnqitonco of tlio great loss by firo on tlio night of thn l Ctl; inst., which may uxt'Oud tho amount nfthncopital of this (Tompa. ny, tlio Board of Director*, at a meeting lust evening. iletaltrd «Thet no further Insunutcos bo mado ; tho Secretory inform the Agent* of t .0 Company of Us pronont condition, direct them to give notice thereof to lh« poranus insur. i d through their Agotioy. and to dt continue the making nfcoutracia oflusurattea on behalf lh» Company." Yon uro to nonsidor tlio nbnvri rdmhuion uitpliuablu to tlio renowal of P.ilioios huretofnro i'ltied, as well as to now applications for Insu rance r A Report of nil Iniuraneos mado since your lust flUhatimo of recoiviog this luttor, you will ploa/o to transmit to the office, as early os may bo eonvonient. I hopo soon to have it in my power to oopt< ntunieate a more favourable state of things. I uin, vory truly, Your*,. Ac. [Signed] LEWIS PHILLIPS, Soc'y. A’. C. Uuuning E»<j. Since tiiu ubovu wont to press it has boon os- oerteinnd.thot tho amount of Ji>i*ns greatly ex- cued tlm measure of payment. Tho ab..vo was received yesterday por mail Post marked 2(Jlh inst. 8. 0. DUNNING, Ageut. doo 29—p (Jana) Flour. 9 if r*|fh BRLS Canal Flour landing from ship Newark for ante hy doe 23 STONE, WASHBURN ACO. Hats. iho Neweel Stylo, just received ami for ' ealo by HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO, dou 39 !wt Htrco years, nnd it is suppoaed will this year exceed fifty thousand’hjlce. Twelve to fifteen steamboats already find con. atnnl employment on ita waters, and few conn irio* have finer pro*peats uf advnuohmcnt in ng. rie.utiurq unit cummorco, than tliuso bordering on tho rivers nbnve monlioned Apatnuhioolu Ims bran sottlod but a few years, and thoso who have hflhortn resided thtaro. luiv. ing no iuteruHt in tho soil, hnvo paid no ntioii. tlon to its imnr.ivtunonis further than suited tlioir individual convenience. Sales of about thirty lots have already boon mado to iudividunl* rei-iding ut Apalachicola, Colombo* and Now York, who huvo hgreed to erect firo proof hull. ilitigN on the snid hits without diiluy, and ullior measures \\ill lie immediately adopted to make such perinumnit improvements as will no doubt, make it n* healthy a place nf rn/idrtiico as le to bo mot with in any city south of Virginia. St George'* Sound is capkcious. end has so. mire aunhorago in blue clay bottou.aiid iadofon. ded on all Nidea fam thn\*n». ( It has two err. trsncRs—one l>y Iho “ East puns, 1 "admitting ver. hoIh of GOO Inna, having plxtonti lept tiver tlio bar at low wutor; tho oilier by.the “Went'pitas,' having 12^ to 43 foot at low water, odmitiiog vos/ol/ of 350 tens burlhrn without any difli cully. VohmiiIsdrawing 8 feot usually load ut the wharves, thereof 12J foot or 3o(l t-m* bur. llisn, cnrry'ngllOO hates of cotton', within 3 mites of ihu town, nnd those of600 tons take lit 'heir cargoes within sixteen mile* in secure an. uhorugu fit the Sound. Luttnra on thn suhjnot of-the nhnvo land* to bo addressed to Th.unas A Bilizotl, Potnr Mitehnll, John C.'irnocliait. nrBanjninin A Put* •turn, at the Office* ut tho Apalachicola a Land Gumpiitiy.ntTtilnhni>*oo nr Apalteliiouln, or in tho oily uf Now York, to Uonjamiii Wuul«ey Roger*. Lithographic M*ps'o r ApaUehteoia, and of i»a vicinity, may bo seen at the following places v— In New York at tho ofilraofthtfTru-toes, or nftlio Honoruhlo Jo.eph M. White, at Washing too. D. C. In Charleston, S.C. at the office of Richard Cartiucluo. Oav, on tlio u»st side, at tlio puint where the Rail Road will terminate, Tho wharf te to be carried nut to 17 teot water nnd the Rail Ilond track to extend to tho exiroiiin end of it, «u i|iut vos.cls cun load and disclMrgit cargoes along sidx thu cars. Tho Lota in the town nf St, Joseph will ho of. fared for wain ut public auction on the 14th De. comber next. Term*, ono fourth eaah—Iho bal ance in throw equal payment*, for which nntes will bo required at 13, 24 and 36 month, with intere/' frum tho day of sale. Title bond* will bcbisunirby tho company to tho purchhscr, on ihoir complying with lliu term* of mite, nnd a feo Miopio title oxecuicd when tho lost instal ment is paid. ROBERT BEVI RIDGE Pros!. Lake Wimic* und Si, Joseph C. C St. Joseph, W Florida, Pet I, 1635. Sale of Lots in the tow n o! St. Joseph, POSTPONED. The ante of Lot* in the town of St. Joseph hftN hnan postponed till the IBili nf January noxl; when they wdl lukn plane ou the saute terms as those heretofore ndver'isi-d. doo 7— tillOJ Suvnunnii, Geo. Culumbu , Goo, ToUnli/iuuie, Florida. Apalachicula Now Orleans. Mobile, Pcnsuoola dec 28—n—t il!5F John P. Williamson, John DillingliaitiACo. Thomas Bal'zoll. Hiram Nuursu. JiimeaTnnerorlly. John LworuiHy. Biivkshiii Cassimcrcs. J A E. INGERSOLLIiavo received by brig • Cumilbt, a f w plocus Ribbod llucktiliiu Colsimercs, a handsome article furCottllpmun * Pantaloons, dee 11 Canal nmi Biu-kwlmat Flour. H. WHOLE and Itulf bids Cunnl Flour r 75 half and quarter bbls Buckwheat Flour 100 whole, Imlfnnd quarter bbte Butter Crackers 3u do do Corn Moiil - Forsalo low by dim 20 ENSWORTII A WAY. Himworth & Way, O FFER for selo low front wharf and store. 150 lihls prime and mn<n pork, 175 do do du mof, 50 ■ da No 1 do .3110 da No 1.2, 3 Mackerel, GOO kite No 1, und 2, do 150 halfbblsNo I and 9 do doo 28 White Beans. 9&PT BBLS snporior White Beane just looclved by . e* ENSWORTII A WAY.l Goshon Butter. Receivod per brig l^la, fiirssle by due 28 GAUDRY A LEG RIEL m Butter . Fills, Prunes und Lemuii* tlflU ^ DRUMS Smyrtni Fig* 75.fancy boxes Prunoe HD boxes da 10 Iroxns Sicily taumne Madeira and Brazil Note .95 barrels Salt Shell AlnmmlH . 150 boxes and half boxes lUteine Recei vod per brig tala, foraule by duo SN GAUDRY A LEGRIBL. Wonted. lire fimi now ship OCMULGEK.Cnpt, Thonus J taiivlu. having thronTourtli* her cargo ungagi d, and gulog on board, will bifvo dispaloh. For hnlnnro of tYidglit nr pae. Ntigo having suporlor acnoniumdations apply to Cspluiu L.tmbuin-d nt Jones's upper wharf, or TUPPEtt A MISTAKE. doo 7 eon new yuhk-4.u;~ Tlic fcl nlllni n-gul.r pucku, rtiln M1LLEDGKVILI.K, Ciil. flTu. W. ir; will bo deapslahed immediately. For firclght or paeaage, having superior syoomumda lions apply on board at Mongins iipiwr wharf or to 8TON E, WASH BURN A CO F. 8. Cotislgitecs will phase attend to tire re eeption of tlioir goods at lira' above mauUunvd For ealo landing from said vesufl. 100 humllos prime Northern Hay. dee 9 FOR MATAKZAS. Tho brig RODNEY wilt sell on Tues day, January 5th, onn take about thirty caskeRice on Freight. Apply to tho master on hoard or (o due 39 JOHN CANDLER. eon DALTmoitu. Til. flu lirifl IIOWEl.L, Cap). Flint,,, linvlnif part of . uiirgn .ngngL-il, .will uirnt with despatch { for freight or passage, hav ing superior accommodations, apply to doo 29 FRANCIS SORREL. FQfiliXTPmionu, Tho pabkni brig Oglethorpe, Captain Fiixgarald, will meet withitespatch; hov. ■B.tng the cargo engaged.—for posaagn oi pjdy to B. PH1LBRICK A CO, ee 29 A N Over cor to toko charge of a Plantation. None need apply hut such as can produce satisfactory rucominendntious. Apply to dou98 JAMES 8 WILKINS. nt freight or passage apply to Cap!. Ilnrri- board or to STONE, WASH BURN A CO. TfrtntJ nnd Mem Beef. Jfedfe BBLS Now York prime Beef 59 do do do Mom* do. for szlo hy doc 98 25 do do do do Pork 150 do Pulot and Navy Broad 25 do New White Beaus 19 do Now Hams 5 do Smoked Tongue* CLAGllOUN a wood. Ttippor iV Si«turo, O FFER' for sulo mi Rccoinino.lating terms, 10 hlidi prime St. Croix Sugar 15 . do do Purlo Rico do very tiandsome 99 bhla taaf Huger, fir/tquality 50 bugs prime old Java Collbo 2b do good green do 100 bbls Howard aUoot Flour 2u0 do Canal Flour, favorite brand for NiiiwoUt ii A SS. k Tlm suhslantisl and fast sailing hrii . JANE. Henry Williams, mauler, wii ■ sail for the above on Thurstluy thn Slot. For a small quantity of light freight or iNseugo having ('tenant accommodations, apply un botrd ‘ Amdaux's wharf or In dec 98 CLAGllOUN A WOOD. Tlte packet sohr TANTIVY, will succrad thojatio, and soil on or aluiut the 10th p uximo. For fimlmr particular* apply a* above. 159 bundles prime new Hay — « - •vftiakqjr 20 bbte heat Bultlmnru Wi 12 hltfis pritno Bacon 199 baskets superior Champagne, quarts and pints fiOenska host London Brown Stout do do 19 boxo* Crab Applo and Champagne Cider 3 pijw* * “* Fine old Madoira Wine, di. r.ct importation FOR SALK, Sloop ALPHA, 72 lone.huithpn draw* a tight drought of water, conic/ over ^SOOO hitsheU nf riow, or ohout 59 mint* . wood. This vessel is built wholly of uvpro* and live oak, she is nplv w*> years old,und war. rented tight; her Inckfe and apparel mitoplr n, and wrfyAf(Jtr|e| SIS* wilbtm-m-M lo*r*tn- pplieition to doo 29 II,'F., WILL!NIC. 19 half do 15 quntur do 20 eiglits do 29 boxes beat New Bedford Spermaodi Can- dice 40 thou and heat Kpanhh Sngare 10 keg* Bar Load 590hag* Youlo*'-Patani Shot dec 28 ^ The Subscriber BINDING it inunnvenivnt to ettend to tlm Ocnuilgoo Stoam-lxint Company. This company will ho prepared to comtuenuubu. sines* early in tho next season. They will have' two suporlor tn w steamlmata (hoitt eeperJaJly for tho husir.cas) constantly running between Darien nnd Macon, with a requisite number of low boat*. Tho company will a!«o have a line of packet* between Darien end New York. HENRY YONGE, Agent in Darmn. Four shares nf one thousand dollar* each re main unsold. Fur pariiouturs apply to tho agent Darien. Darien, Aug. 21th, 1835. any 97 Gentlemens fine lieavera and Bilk Hats, A FINE assortment recoivod pot ship Mill* edgoviilo and for sale by dec II H. N. ALDRICH A CO. For Sale Bondloa prime Enstcrn Huy. which •w" will be sold low for oath. dec 93 GEO. HAAS. Anderson’* Budding. Grates and Stoves. FVqWELVE Grates assorted Palterne JL 12 b, x Steve* assorted sizes G Franklin do do For sale by N. B. AII. WEED, dec 2 Now iStore "BURT opened with a 1-rgo assortment of tie Fancy Gouds, suitaMo for Clntetmas aud Now Year'* present*, which are oflurod for aale at vory low prices wholesale and retail. Also, a great collodion of fine black and col. ored Engravings. J CERVAN, Congre -s street, opposite B. Snider A Co's, dry good store, next door to Mr. Boaulard's. dec 7—t Guns. CARES double percussion Guns 2 do single do do 6 do do flint do,received por shin Thalia, and for eulu by cQ2 N B. A II WEED. businuiw of his Plantation, will soil tho said Plantation, cousinting of 1239 acres, old mea sure, un rouHonuhle terms ; nr if not sold by tbe first of January, he will rent the same for ono or more yoara, w ith the privilege nf cutting wood, of whioh there te u lnrgn quantity of.' various kind*. From the situutiun of tlio traot oxtend* ing for upwards of two mile* on the Great O* guchee River nnd within a quarter of a mile of the canal, whioh extend* from the Savannah to the Ogi alioo Rivers, otters groat convenience for convoying tho wood to Savannah by way of the canal. For terms, please apply to the subscriber, J. B READ N. B. Qlny'of the'rory boat quality, near lira hank of a canal leading to the river, with pino wood at hand, renders thn Brick making au eh jer.t nf interest fur supplying the Ran Roi * wiihthis artiulo. doe lli J. n. READ. Fletcher & Hagen, H AVE received per ship MiTloilgovUte in od. dilion to tlioir former stock, 4 cases 1 l quality Satin Beaver Hats, latent fashion They hnvo also received per recent arrivals a good eurttnoul of Boots nnd Shoe*. On hand 1290 pair Negro Shoes slightly dam. agod tvliioh they will soil very low. Notice. ^ptOUNCIL will eloct, si the first regular V. > mauling In Jnnonry noxt, the following Ci. ty Officers, pursuant to a resolution paseod llth Deo. Comfortables. V IZ: i BLBT WR APPERS; ORIEN TAL RO. Recorder, Oily Survoyor City Treasurer, City Marshal, CltyClork, Keeper of Guard Uouso ond Mes-ongor, Clork of Murkul, Si-xion, rue. boko. do none, do- none. $690 GO A do. $10,090 GUO 00 do. 5.090 OKS; UNDER SHIRTS and DRAWERS of all kinds ; und a large assortment of Fashions* bio Ready .Made Garments of tho be** quality and workmanship; which will be solo at the lowest cosh prive/, hy ouc 4 PRICE A MALLEUY. Tickings. BALES Narrow Ticks, 2do Wide do Sup- Chy Watch, Dop, tup. d». 5 -lti’pectere *»f Wood 2 Cuugorsof Liquur, Keeper City Magazmo, Chimney Contractor, Keeper City Limps, 2 Sergeant/ of City Watch, each 5 Port Wardens, 409 00 do. 5U0 100 00 do. none 990 00 none 1,000 200 00 fi:ee . 500 300 >’0 IIOIIO 1,000 GUO do mmo 500 540 00 oono 250 feee 250 foye 250 hone 9,000 fees 2.000 300 00 free none 30U 00 nono none fr’DS 500 just reccivod and for sale low by dee 19 flAM'L D. CORBITT. Wanted. A N experienced Nurso will find employment , — — dec at good wages on application at this office. Blade’s Patent iioes. OtlOktt h Urudn'a Patent Hues OlrlJ For eslo by dec 30 N. B. Proposuls to execute City Priming for ono j year; also, proposals to keep tho City Clonk in repair fur une year. Porsons will leave their applicatinn* for office, with tho names nf their securities, mi nr before itialduy, at thu Clerk's office, hy 10 o'clock, A, ' M. 8. ELBEKT MUSE, dec 22 . Deputy c, c. For Sale. . £ IL WEED. L ANDING fVmn brig Angola*75 bundles New York I lay and •* - • Cui Tobacco. GROCE Mrs. Miller's superior Cut New York Huy aiuT 40 "tons Bslleat or : Building Siouo. JOS. CUMMINC. doo 29—b Youths’ Glotli Caps. 1 AOU sole, at prices much, reduced, by i HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO. dee 39 Bacon. 8000 LBS Norfolk midlinge Bacon doo SO W. U.TUOMrsON ACO. Tobacco, jual received und for *nlu by dee 24 G. R. HENDRICKSON- Canal Flour. -g BRLS Canal Flour, 100 £ do do JLafttjF Fur sal* bjr_ dec 25* CLAGHORN A WOOD. Canal t lour, Landing, ft /WA BBLS. Canal Flour JLt>lF75ido do do For eale by doo29 CLAGHORN WOOD Breed At*Warner, Transparent Window Shades. JUST rceoivcd, sod fornletfjp^ dec 29 H AVE just received a prime assortment of tadiu* Poubb- «,mI single soled Ym r.h J. E. H.CERSOLL. Fir Walking ShoeiLa^ycry desirable article for winter. For selo dec 14 h North side Merkol'qnere. To Hunt, Tlio three slruw Brick Ilnuse. Franklin Word—Two etory Wood, en I Inure, South Common*, next ■ East nf Midov Fannin’s, and large double Wooden llcmre ill Broughton-slraei. Pospusiuion may bo Irad immediately. For con. ditlonv, apply to R- F. WILLIAM nov 13—ll' •St. Croix Sugar, &c. A Hhda prime St Croix Sugar. 4L1P 100 this f 109 bhle No 3 Mackerel, 59 do No 2 do 29 do No l do 739 Grind Stones, of various sizes, for salo hy WOODBK1DGB A MAY, dee 28 •. Dividend, No. 2. Han, of Onritai Dee. 7,1(135. T HE nf Director, ofliii. Hank, havo thi. Day rjcclard a Diviilond nf Thrc com, nn tlm nmount nf cupitul .look ptlil I tlm li.t Six Month., which will Im di» .n, pay. ahIn nn .nd after Iho 1.1 day of January tha rtuekhnhlnra. nr llmir lcsal raprauntalim. EUENF.ZEK S REES, Caaliler. duo IB 1‘lniitera Bank. 1 N Elocllnn will h. hold at tho Dankin, /% Iliiuno, lilt Monday 4th January next lor cichl Pir-'Clof. nn tlio (ijrtnf tlm Stnokholdorx. Poll, will hn nyunod at IU and cloimd at two o'clock. J- MARS1IAI.I., d«o2B—t. Ca.hior /B-^kllOXES .JSlr 3(1 halfkoxo. Doolittle Soa[>. 10. I Ooolillto Snop 3A0D UAUDIty 4.LEURIEU Fnroatu hy [,dce SB ■ Choice Did Mniieir.i, ROM tho InalM of Oordon, Duff & Co. 3' Madeira imporlad via Charlutnn por hrly ipor Dimon, in clghthw ,laa 5 it, q-uKara and C«,k. fnr i,k; & UUUUUUUHS. Youth . Hats, J UST rncolvod poroohr Exeat,■ fimhar.up ply ofth. Sal tin Uoowr tlon. d«i 25 H, N. ALDRICH fc CO. lli) dec 3Q CaixJ. K^GStaafUrd Forsalo by CLAGHORN A WOOD. 1*7 AN TED , an Orersaer—to a Man Uiat ▼ * oan conie wall roeoni mended. Ganetbuil wiims, Wit ha ccmtortable Situation ie oOcknd. * njc«9 JEREMIAH CUYLER. doc IWo nffrnr far tale, landing from said brig . 159 bbl* ami ( superior Howard Struit 100 half bbls \ Fb ur GOO btisbols'Oula PU9 piece* small Coaling* 7 caw* Confectionary FOR BOSTON. The Staunch brig BANNER, Capf Harris, will moot with ill-patch having 3.4 ot her cargo engaged. For hnluncr Will be aold on tnn v _. in front nf the Court Home,. bo\i hour, of sole. .„ 4 Two very fink Work' IlofVel A Mulatto Boy about ii yean of age. Liverpool , I Gmuiitl Salta By P. O.SNWK «> O. COHEN, OnhfONDAY, 4th January at 11 o'c willlra snldin front of our stn*o, 810 full enek* Llvrrpnn. ground salt nn board britioli baiquo Fairfmld at A taw A Wharf Terms uude known at s4)o. deofil ir y j: b: mmm r 4Zc<§r?~ * SATURDAY,next 9d Jan. at 11 o’clock. Wta.,U In (Vnrtl nf* ilnM. d rmnnakl dUkhrL will be auld In front of store, a general aroart* inant of Grocories, and Crnckenr. - • Alen. , ^ m 2 pipe* Holland Gin 3 half pitiea Cognac Brandy „ 25 lioxos Snap and Cauilli* 15 qr chest* lly-nn Tin, 15 whuteand hslftiorces flic* 10 bag* prime Coffi-a Al«>. 29,000 half Spanish Hngw* 1*509 wl Rscon llama IttOO wt Hacnn Shoulder* 590 pair Brogane end slipper* «oc 31 Termactnah.: • On ‘ji* j. n. iiniwnitT f. co7 SATURDAY, 3d Un >111 will be snldin front uf/tore, wtttmui leoH kind of of reserve to close Conaignment a (land- sormi aasojlineut of II lob'G lass ward direct from the aianufuelory, Also, 2 good work llorecp. 18 ,lqs Choice Wliib to close a enneerw. doc 91 T*r*ne.eeehj 1 AdmmiHtraior’fi Bole, r ’ ^!V; \ BY p. a. snioK $ 0. cuntSN. t O N the fi at Monday in Match wilt 5® •old in front of the e Court House butwvcn .. sold in front the usual hours of ealo t . -- , - Ono third of the Fllbt Boat Pevannoti belong. Ing to tho estate of Wright White deceased; sold by order the admluielrator with permission thn honorable Inferior Court of Chatham cnuiu ty. Tcrma—cash. dec 29 Howard Street Flour. By V. O. SH1CK $ O. COHEN, At Private Sale,’ 100 bhla superfine Howard Stent Floor, lantj. ing from brig Ogtulburpo, olid will be sold low un the wharf, deo 29 Ily J. B: HERBERT 4- CO. . At Private Sale. 123 bbls euperfijio Flour, no»V landtag, qtid will bo sold un the wharf. ' dec 29 , Administrator^ Sale. . Ill/ S. nllLBRIOK t, CO. OilirilUItSDAY, th. 7ilrd.y nf Jxnu.ry nnxi st II u'nlonk, in front of store, the tlriiisolmhland Kitchen Furniture, bolonging to tho estate of John Davision, tale of Savatu nah deecasod. Sold by pormhHioit nf tbo Hq»^ . orablo iho Junticra of the* inferior Court uf Chatham County, nnd by order of, the admiiw trsV'N for lienefi df Iho helra' and creditors of .said t-state. Tcrhis varir. dec 28 • • - Citinmll’oncliBrandy.- tivs. pint,nit ton i oo. At privstqeale. 12 hb1.« Northern Gih . .•-/ • ’ 12 do I’usch Brandy . _ Lauding from auhr Eagle from Baltimore, due 90 , iitMtiut co.’ :r~ W3! n At p ivato *ate. —.*-■ ■ . 60 half barrel* No 1 and 2 Maukerpl nawlan* ding. ’ doc 98 —By j b. Al private eala. nrl A neat Buggy end Harness. DYl>. a. stfTcKYoTi At private sale. 20 keg* p*:;no Goshen Butter, landing, from ehlp Newark ' 100 bhla fresh Canal' Ploirr dee 08 ' Pure Holland Gin aud Brandy, BY J. XJ HERBERT 4-CO. At Private Beta. 9 pipoe pure llullnnd Uiu , , 2 pipes Cognac Brandy, just received. ' »i 94 W* duo 24 Hi IMS. A' Private.Sale. 100 hrli Fro»li Caual Flnur - , - v dne 24 V91‘. 6, liims -> 0. OoniiN. ' ■’ At Private Sale., 21) keg* prime Goshen Butter, .landing' fr*’ 11 * ship Newnrk. dec 83. x*rcl uud Chain. Huts. Hot,. R eceived by tim >M|i Now.rk,. ixnuti. ful a>surtmant ofthe m»*t Fashionable S1LRIIATS, finished in the New York (Urpad way) elylo, by PRICE A MALLEUY, on tlm Bay, dee 24 A fow door* from the City Hotel. Course Salt afloat. OAfejgWfe Bnehol* heavy alum Sal % Rtr. OaPlflP go of brig (jbirinda, .from St. KiHe for salo by dec 29 COHEN A MILLER. Sack Salt. RACKS Liverpool Ground Soli, eaoh sack well filled and in fine order. lauding from barquo Fairfield, and for sale by ANDREW LOW A CO. dec 29—p Fire Dogs. PAIR liras* andirons eieortod • IMP 75 do Iron dog* 50 do do do with braes tops 190 pair Shovel aud Tongs assorted. •- N B. A II. WEED. For Vulo by dao 8 fiusticn Uutti-r, &c. O^L'KEUS Hi.hen Dutlui p3\W 50 On Now Lnrd 85 hiilf Willi Fulton Murkul fluff Inniliiix, .od f-r uutu by dun 39 CI.AHHORN & WOOD, fiartlii'n Warn. CU AXES Kurtlmrn Won-, wdl »l«o. ■>p.r md liir mlailiur in ilii.^mirk.l. Imn -■ * . .... ,.....,1 .l,ii, Th.lis nml Cur utft lit din, from on In,aid chip Thdlu, und fir uto by * MICHAEL DILLON, dec'-11 Telfair's wharf Oriiiuls ami Flour. w. 1 QU. cu.ku Curdlutu 1> 59 burroW Hiiw.rd Strant Sour, now lut.dins und.furMlulnw by d. cd PTONE, WASHBURN «»CO. Shovels, Spades and Grubbing Hoes, tfAAk DDE stool Shovole and Spades jSmw G do long lisndlo steel do . 10 do sookoi Bliovola and 8pade« Mta d.d.O,ubblu,Uu«.fti, 5 M ?k . -1 iiiiJio^Kruiieh Slippers. « UST rkoelnal |«ir «hr Elc»t. •P Ludln Uiiok >du tdijppur by j. b. Htmmsnr 4 co. 100 brls No 9 Ma koret, 50 du No 1 fib AI*o, 400 Chairs, assorted,'3 Bureaus, landing fm Breiti.n. ~ dec: bY~J B. HERBERT $ QO AT rntVATK bax.k. 100 bundles Prime Eastern 115y dre 22 “BY P. Q. SHWK 4- O. COHEN. AT mtVATK SAIJC. One Negro Boy about 14 years of ago AJ»o, One Mulatto Woman, agod about 25years,* gorni s.'-aipstross, and her onn about 3 years oA d,io 23 'forme dash..-’ Notice. : B’-IIE Subscribers have received per brig SL tain, from tbelr Northern Manufactory, mado expressly for this E-tnbliihmunt, a gencr. ■ at assortmont nf Ready Made Garmoiits, wnr* ranted in quality, end workmanship inferior to none, wholeenle or retails dee 29 HAMILTON,HOUSTON ACO. .-.W.wUl I Commission Business in-Darien, Georgia, T HE rubiotllior will cuiitlnuo tlio Commit pjun bu.inasi hurolufura airritul un id till, plicn by Pll. It. Yiinpo & Bull.. Ilh wliarvm and uluriu. ur. oxt.nuivu nnd ciuveiiluiit. Gond.i - ■ thinned to blin for th. up nmintry wiU recciro bw pcrtonul attention, and bo fnrwuritod by ear. lleut und bett upportunittnu. Hu will renluin in 1 b, r i.„.tull.e., ffiyYoN(;E II. Yong. will oonUnuu to run hiu uiiul) boule until iho rirer beconiou nMIgublufor uionni us llurlon, Aug 3d. 1335, ' ung Eastern llay. mefSK. BUNDLES Prim. ExMarn I FwuuW.luwbX dun 30 CLAOIIURN 4 Medicinal Herbs. B5&S» llonbound, L-mnn llulm, DlglUti-, Sltpp.ry' Eini. Cxiefully out op by ihu sliol " l dJ»80 7 G.RHENnRI du thin KM !h! r ,-riler Bi-otu—4tu -, • food roppty of, j Coals, J V8T reeeteed per brig l .ertm.nt of over Cuutu' bur for curb by dee 39 \ N. B. Winled. Iwo fir.) i Taller*, for wlddb'toady— Cincinnati n ntlDS i.rtmoSKoul .Ji. fotlXlO bj‘ M