The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, December 31, 1835, Image 1

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mah,. i r Furr! * Furs I * A BENNETT liimn hand, Juri frcoived, • 8 grey Squirrel Skin Capas, with tassel* . 8 do do do do hi|* sites Din 4 do do do J - C do do do 4 whip) Ermine Cii 4bh:k KumU Hair 4 hrown do d« do . G FsalW Poloriuo* *n>l Cape* Capas, largo size* air Capua, do do Pludi C All of which will bo aold low at No. doo 84 Building*, M"rket.«qu*ro. V. r\i—i r\.a7. I Wk. I . . Otardj Dupuy & Co,. llraudy. 1 \* PtPRS ofthat calibrated brand, vin. JL r . lagn of 1826, Imported directly from Havre, via Now Y<*k, received and for **Io by UAUDRY A LEGRIEL. On hind—50 domjjolufr bost Scotch Wlila. key, warranted. doc 84 Superior Neck Stocks. ~ TUST received « handi-nmo Variety of Stock*, •P, via: white and blank Batin, Engll*h Silk, !i»mb*tin<v Velvet, Mohair and Plaid Silk made in ibo best kinii of style and oiTured for aalo at Ilia lowest caab nrloea, by PRICE A MALLEI)?, .doo 83 Draper* anil Taylor*. Provisions, &c. gtK. URLS No 1, 3 and 3 Maokorol 65 half do dn do da da . 80 tone Uriud Stonos uf various rizu* land, ig from hrig So* 1 laud hint for aalo by dec I /, WOODBKIDGEA MAY. . Fulton AJarket Beef. " A FEW half barrels Fultou Market floef, i) choice articlo put up expressly for (amity ti»o. Lending fruition board*liip Macon' for use. - tale by doo II MICHAEL DILLON. TulfairV wh irf - v ' Hay uud Wo\tr,- T BUNDLES prime Hny PL d 300 bbl* (Tamil Flnnr, fanny brand Landing from ship Macon, end fur salu ir..m- the wharf by ♦ TUPPER A SISTARE. * , v In Stare, ■)00 bhl* Tlotvard Street Flour 60 do. llalliiuum Whiskey 1ft bhd«,prium St Croix 8 ignr due. 7 man'-Jcuollnr. ahd.his, Mre. Duiivilln's B^n^KtreobMunuinOnl Square, whore-eiulug* Terms from 60 tn fOOdollat* eaeli. ponding on the size of ll»o Minaf Madeira V . ipc, clovon half pi|ice and twenty onn quarter eepka L P Madeira Wine impor. ted direol fronvMaridlra per brig- Mall received and fur sale ut i low prico by doo 83 SC OTT A BALFOUR., Iron Unillng. “ ■ npllE *ub*tril>er would inform the citizen a .n. of Savannah, tlmt, having mudo arrange, inente^wiln an ektensivo manufactory in New York, ha will be able to furnish Plain nr Orna inentnl Railing, in any quantUy^tnd suitable for nil purports; where it may borequirod,al Nwo York prlcoa. n"V«4 G. E. WILLIAMS, Knstcni Hay. , Oi BUNDLES Supnrlnr Hav, for aalo 4* V iR low at the Hnok Slhbln. ‘ Apply to dre 10 HENDERSON A WINKLER. By the Mtip Mucon. T HE ubscriltor* havo.received an addition. at assortment ofRoudy, nl * ao Boaver umi Silk llats.’Fur ami cloth nap*. ' HAMILTON HOUSTON i, CO. dec 0 **• . . - Scotch Ale. 8 Cn.nks.containing 5U qiinrt bottle*, jiirtt received pur Brig Oda*sa anil for Silo hy ~ F. SORREL. (lilies, Fowling Guns, l istols & Spqr- ting J2qulpinents. 1 . CASE flue finished Rifles, assorted ealihre, 3 dn ihrnb'o barrelled Fowling Picce*,from S2ftlo®C0. • 1 eingle do do do /. 70 pqir. nfPiifols, comprising ovory variety Pqwdet. Flask* -Shut Puucftca and Begs f A. R.KNAPP A CO , jdpclft > Adjnlning thoCjty I.ImqI. ~ J Speoljicli;n. . ■ PO}!. Spectacle* onneieling of Green _.ind (irpydmihlo Gljfret'lhliglil fraino*, White Gn-ssoi. i,val and quuro. nssortod .age* iiiCerinuO mul ►hrll frmiiue, . ed Metal Frame*. ju»t received A. R. KN APP A. CO. Adjoining the City lintel. 30d<iz low pr) and for eulubv ‘ lift iust llocoivcil by the ship A'owuik. ■FirkinK GokIioii Bultor JL l" 9 half brl’ Buckwheat mo il ' 0 qr do do do 9 co*o* London P/»rtor plutH oml quart* .10 brie Vinegar. 61ialt*lir|e Tunguoa;' 90 Im»x» i * Pipii-^50 brlr Putuluea 60 biimllea'Huy ' - i v . Fur rain by-. THOMAS WOODfa 9eo33 , . Z ; .No 4, Munglna wlnirT Talus und Skclclics, \ T Mian Sedgwick,liuthof of The LinwQo'de, h^> Hope Lcplif, Ac. ,TJ»o Poetry-of Life, by Sarah fheir of FictiooMifPrlvuio I.ifi. . The Paalur’aTe'tuiiony, by Rov. John A. Clark, third edition, ruvieed and corrected by tbe'auifior.» . - The Chrii*t : an Flnriat. Tlio Onlobratoil 8|M'ooh»>B off-hit hnny, Bnrho, and Krakino ;-tn whioli ie udded, thn iirginiient nfMr. Melutoeli in the ea*e of Peliier. St*. Jcctod by a Member oftliu Philadelphia Bar Cotcbruted TriaU-of oil Cnutitriea, ond re. markablu ease* ni Criminal .lurixprudnueu. f lCulOvi by a MruilMir of the.Philadelphia, Bur. Juekaon'e Alniauuck, f«.r 163ft. Uncle SunVCoinie AhiMiiao, for 1836. ■Ellon'* do ' do do do. David Crocket’* , . do do do Fur enlo by dec 19 THOMAS PURSE A CO. !!$ • . Notice. f qllE nndnndgned hayo f.»rmod aCoparlnor. . aMp,.fur tlio trniiDucliiin of tho Faetnr. age and Ciinliniraion BpainnVe. in tlio city ..of. Savaunaluunder tliefinn'uf PliinizyA McGov. ern, mid londor-ttii'lr aervlce* to llmlr friend*. ROBERT ,M PH1VIZY, JAMES McfiOVKRN, Rufurto W. AII- Bryaon, 1 John Phhilry. > Auguata, Sainl. Clarke, ) G. B. Lamar,' Savannah. doe 3—11 m markubl.. mm. »i Criminal j.itl.|.ruiioiioo. so. i>inno Forte Manufactory nwl \Vare ; house, New York. fUIE SubHcrilMir* Imve nommenccd tho man. J ur*cturing orphinu Furtua. at No. 335 Bowery, comer of Second etroot, opposite Bond, andjeoheii the patr»nago of their friend* and tho piiblie. • ' Tho firet preminm^ wore awabted, to iho nnh. •oril^ thu Mucliani'-e’nnd tlio Amcrinnn Iil^UtntOM fur lilt) heel Putin Forte* ut llio lutn Fair* Tholr Inetrumbnl«are warranted oqniiF either fqr tone or finish to any n.atmfactuwd la tho United States; and will be sold on tlio moat, moderate tertna. • ( TlinRiiliHcrj[hnr«. mnntiftiotnro Pinno Fortoa of ovory do^'flption. among which aro Horizontal Grand ; Cubmoi; II irnioiiic; Uoiluiy, Round, and ^qu1roC n . r nefo^l. Ae. An of Grand and EnglishuotioiiB. Puiio.FnrtCB made to order mid to.iunteh other friruituru ut tlio ehortoat no. iioo. £ Order* from dealers and* in any purl of the United i*tuto* promptly aiiendud to. JOHN ABBOTT A CO. PlAno Forte Muimfacturura, New York, dee 11, ' . . . > - : Twenty dollars Ilcwunl. gtTOLON from Huntor|NilhArf on Tuoaduy night In-tt Ono bundle Huy, oho, O*in Store, utir. half hrl FH Beef nuirked Savon, nail, bittle Beekel, ono bps Kuiune, onn brl Muni Pork, one jirl‘priino do nuukud (I T A C • the-abtivu reward wjllMie pitid up <ri prfiof ti» - Conviction of tlio ihinTor UiievnB hy . WM.H.THOMPSON; AC 0 . dco 19 ‘ • Nit.i, Exoliunge Duck' •.;.Fifty.diillarsrcMBnl. : Vb AN AW.A V frdm thn plant >tio« of the Jli aVih'uribjr lVur «tr /lyn^ivock^ past, a no grn matt iiinnod Sin*it, lie is an old l-'oking negro, ubtiut 3ft yeitra. pl agr, lets Id* lioord grow vorjf long,’conniry *burn, largo, inoiilli abiiiit 4 feovft inolio* in height I hiivo grio it reueon to think hois harbored out'.., I ’Wall pay Urn nbovo/oward up»n proof to conviction tliuL he i* ii irhorcd hy a white jwi'aon, twenty dolhire hy a oulurod pornon ttr ten dollar* fur thu delivery of tho negro in. Jail or to ' J. CUYLGR. ' dec 25 * * M. BiBsoiI, Surgeon Dintist; * Broughton Street euit aide n f Bull Strret. VN the dwollmgruCuitlly uominad hy |L Si*. J| tam E q. where ho will utlviul to till npurn .Ijoft* in .Dental-Surgery. An oxporionce •fth«* Inut nine yeir* in thu practice of hi* profession, lie feel* confidont will enable him to give saiis- filotionln bia oporaiiop*. doo25—p|| , . : . .Miickcrcl., : • BRLS N.. 1, Modkorol m 9M 75 du 2 dn, frit do'3 do - --60,46 half do Nn I and .8 do For sale hy • ENHWORTII AWAY. . Cincinnati Bacon Ji^j nilDS prime Shoulder*, in store; and doo 95 forsalo by TUPPER & SISTARR. Office of tho Howard lnuuruncc Com- V panv. New York. Ifrcemhrr \8th, 1835. IR In coiiMiqiinnee of the grout Jo** by Uro P9\tni Uto itiglu of the I Gill in»*t M wltieh may exceed the amount oft ho capital of this Cnuipa. by, iho Board of Directors, at a meeting last evening.r ^ lieeolred- “ That, no furtiier Insurance* he nmdo ( that Utp.Stc.roliiry iiifprm tho Agmil* of ii|0 Company, nf !(■'proraiit condiiion, direct them !«• give notico thoroof to the por«un» in*ur. cd through their Agency, and to di continue' tlio making of contracta olTinuiranco on hblialf Clin Conijiiiiiy." • Yotiaro toeonri lortiin almve ro«nluiinn a* otiplfcablo to the renewal ut! Policies heretofore issued,Well aalo new application-* for Insu. ranco . ‘ A Report of all Insuranoes made since your last to tlm time ofreeniving Ibi* |<>ttci, you will o!ca«u to transmit to the office, at catiy as may lie convenient) • I -hope toon to.havo it in my power to com. municale a more fav/nirabln itato of tliiuga. T am, very truly,,Y.iur*. Ac. [Signed] LEWIS PHILLIPS, SoCy. S. C. Duuning E*q. Slnoo tlio above wont to proas it has boon a*, curtained that the ainoutii of l<»ac* greatly ox. coed the maaabrejof payment. Tho above wi» received yesterday por mail Post marked SQtli in*t. • jb: c. dinning, Agent. doe 29—p IlgCi LBS. Hook Ilingo* -Ikiolt Hinges* I4f4lOl) d«n. 16 N.n. fell. WEED. Waiters und Cuitaiu I’iiis. SKTT W.ltnr., 5ft dux. curtain pin*, received ri.oli i and for aalo by' N. B^A. H. W doe IB. ’ oct* is*’ " n - h l M Hopkins. HttiVipers l'otatuus. , icviv. ll irmn Liwriw.1, IlHi liunnin . . • Cheese; iJTi'i : . CASKS.snd U0 tH.i.1 (ivlin, Oo.Utu _ Uiov.o. I«n$uf lion. .Iiip Noiv.rk. ilsl.y ■ 1NO..W. LONti. Christmas Presents. A IjiVUGE *f *nrlniont of T«»y« of varioii* kiniU, auttahlo Ibr boya and gfrlv, aoino very haod*oroe*iiiat'o]iienoir hy dc^83 NORTON & FULLER, .. • . lo Hcnt. v v . FARM, aboqt two mile* from 8avaitniili, _ j containing sixty aorea ofland with in ex. eollont dwolling heuso. And all uoeueaary out '•‘“Inglnn-tlto proiiii*p*. 0—1 Apply et this office. Kl^skerc!" ' No. 3 entk: IIBwH f Tt.d or l..nJ died .. F.irl*.. To tho Klectors of Ciktlialn Comity. I^EU.OtV CITIZKN8-! im . nndltl.ii. tor of tho county) a oil Ui< ion living, til-on vested -(Mile aitbscribtra. *« tru*tca», by and fur (lie 'ufo of all the pfoprlo. tor*. t „ Niities I* licroby given, tlm on T^irday, the twcniy third day of Fi tirnqry. ukxl, at ten o’ uluok in tlio luroiinbn, the Diraemr* nftlio Ap*. luehicnla Lind Company will pxiiona \h sale nt publicnuction, in tlio town nf Appalonliico la, the.Building liotsin thu*nid town, agreeably to a c*rtifi.*d plan thuroof to bo exhibited at Iho tiihenrsalo. The torin*' of *.ilc will Wqn« * fourth eaih the ronidun in three annual instalment* with in', tercet, and When tlm payment* are made, and thoroeiirhieaftir ihc instalmonta given, accnr. ding to iho Doed of TrustV and the Mtlnlca of • ^ko tlio. V otoiif 'ol Cliathai'n’Ctiimtv. | H.R |nr rv.vtoo.loH to Iho IXDoo l.l* It... i tilvororT.sHoluwis M a.« BlmtUiuo tu Jonuoty nnt tnu outicii vonr voir.. II. LATIIItUf. d.o g—| Fellow-of Cliatlmin C.mntV, |f AM acxndkJato for * Rcoetver of ’I'ux ire. -H. turn* at the duetluh In January imx), and rokjiecUtilly solicit your fulfraf ** *. C *l h .M.k mm i. I tVK ntH.SNo. 3 Maokorol # •* Jiut rbooivrd, for oolo low hy doo 15. KNSWORTH i ,\V. WAY. inw-Citiaens of Coimtjfj I AM a candidnto ftir the Offimi of R-<oyivnr of Tux Rnturn* at thoeloetion on tlm ftr*t mngvo vuo uocuut »r««, arm \tto Mttrtc* or Mmulayln January next, ahd will bo thank fill an»uolatlon, a clear tltlo In feo simplo will bo fur your siiffi ugort th»d®’ f ' m w/dco 3-1—1. Now Yurk Dco. 15th, 1835 LOUl^ MoLANE, \ CHAS, AUG'S DAVIS, jTriutooa JOSEPH M. WHITE, S < R - C\onk Cords and Tassels, ECEIVED by tho *nhi*eriliore in (he groat, eat variety, both for ludica'am) gontlmnon deo 13 PRICE A MALLERY. ECEIVpi) por (itrald, and for aalo by Ii deo ft J. A J, REID. Oats nml limns. 1 -iM BUSHELS primo l.onvy Oil., f ■ 1 Plr 179 BuHimnru II.III. . . .Landing fromaelir E'igl*, fur>o.o hy' doo 15' FRANCIS SORREL, iVoodT f g^HE subscriber has now landing, at Jack-, I. sou's wharf, at tho Enatorn end of thn' cit'/fA>upply of Llvo Oak, Hlckhry, Ao. which Im otlbr* at tho loivost market prioo-*—In addition to his supply of Wood, ho lua on hand a large and well selected supply of GsocKuirs, Liquor*, Win**,'At. whfch ha will *cll on iincominoda. ting lorma. JOUN.gUILMARTIN, jnly31 ' ,. - • , • / ^ • •: Economy and. Accommodation. J. F. STOKES, Tailor and Hahit.Maker, B EGS loavo to roturu hlrllinnk* tnilmp'ib. lio, fur the liberal pulronagp ho ha* rocel. ved since bis cninuiuncciheni ; he. also beg* Icavo in stale, Hint ho i* utiil doing business at hi* old stand, oh Whitukur.Htraei, next door to -Mr. ProndorgoBt** Store, and tlirno door* north nftlio-Muneinn IL u^e, whore lio will think, fully rocoivo business of every description in tho above lino, arid plodgos himself that every arti. olo dnlriiMlud to Ills eliqrgn, ahall bo cut, (hade and trinimed in tho houleat and moat fa*liion«. bln stylo, or according la ordur, on the follow; ing acamiiniodating terms, fur cash, nt r<'dqced trices, orordurs on Dry Gund*, Girnonry, of 3not mid Sliuo Eatumi*hineiit* in the city Dor- ■pus souding servant* fur Clothes, will plcaso send an ordor for tlm articlesjond tlm c.ikIi, or thn proposed ordor, a*’ no book* will bo kept in fntnre. . ' Poraons.lndiibtod tn J. F. S. will con fur a Tu. vor.liy n illing and eoltliiig thoir ueconuts. doc'23— 2m liyatynth Glasses. 1 CASE Ilyucyuth or Babnii* RootGlaxscs, just mcoivltd and fur *ab> by dec 10 «. R. HENDRICKSON. Dividend. Marine and Fire Inaurance Bank. ) Suvanuuh, Ducouiher l*t,' 1635, \ T tlllH Board nf Directore having' this day declared n dividond of one dull tr per- share tlm *anie will bo paid on nr after Tliumluy next. J AMES SMITH, Coabior. doe 2 > .1 Clothing 1 Clothing! Clothing? UST rocuivcd, per atiip- Boltn, a vpb'ndid „ RNHortmontuf Roady MndoCInlhing which will be aold low for cash of city aneeptnnco*, ' doo 4 . H. CLOSE- . Tcnvn of »St. Joseph’s l/)ts tor aide, f^|t|HE l^nko.Wimico and St Joseph’# Caiuil JL Cnmpiny, having euntrpotod Vor lhn uiinV •tmetiun of* Rail Road from thn Ray of St. Jo' • . .Kiflcs. a NECase pefcii** on and flint Rifle*, Ibis day opened und fur sale hy . A.R. KNAPP A CO, Adjoining tlio City Hotel. doc 7 l’ort Folios. *> .DOZEN olrgept Morocco iMter Port Fo. ,*W line, 6 dn Pasto. Board Fort Folio* for Juat roreivod, for snle by tins, Print* Ac deo 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Hay, Afltit; BUNDLES pritno Hay for ualc at Ocrir reduced price* hy MICH. DILLON. dec ft Telfair* wharf. Larlics Clonks. • F Supnrlbin Q'lnnn’* Cloth mndo In tho , <5 laio-t t-lylc, rbct’ived. and fur sale b>w by dec 19 PRICE A MALEUY. ippli’e tn eonnoet*with*tho River Apalachicola, /in Lake .Wlinlcp.-rAlso,. tor tlio building of wharVosand wore hou>e*, it .both end* or tho road, In ho ready fur the transaction nfbusinos* hy ilia let of Uoccmhur next, liavo laid nfT into convenient lots, Iho new town of St. Joseph, on a beautiful elovated plain, about halfway up tlio Bay, on the oust aide, at the point wliero the Hull Road wifi terminate.- Tho wharf i* to bo carried out to 17 feet water, ond the Rail Road traek to extend to lira oxtromo end of it, ao that vca-ols c-wi load and disehargo cargoo* along aide the car*. The Lots in the town of St, Josnph will’ ho of. fored fur *a!o at public auction on tlio 14lb Do. comlicr next. Term ,one fniirllicash—tho bat. once in thron equal payment*, for which nntn* will be required at 12,24. iind 3G month, with interest from the day of sulo. Title bond* will bo iesned by thn ebnipany to the |ituchorer, on their complying with tlio form* of *.ild, and a fao rimpla title uxucuted whan tho hut initial. mbntUpaid. / ROBERT BEVIRIDGE Prcrt. Lake Winjicu and St. Joacph C. C St., W Florida, Oct t, IB35, Sale of Lots in the tow n ol St. Joseph, I’OBTl’ONEO. • Tli. .nlo of LqU iii .tho town of St. Jnw-pli hn* been puvtpnnedtill the I8'-U of January next, wli'-n they will takn pi tee on tho'a&mo tonne os those heretofore udvonised. don 7—tillOJ Clothing nml lints. lfl| ECEIVING frmn ship Bollo and brig UH Georgia a complete assortment .of Ready Mndo Clothing; and Silk Hats of the latest style, which will bo sold low. nilCE A MALLERY. Drayirt and T*ih*w. Boots, Shoes and Brogans. ripWNTY THREE case* ond Trunks of the I. obt.vo article* this d«y landing and for sale hiw by thc packago. i A. R KNAPP A CO. doe 7 Adjoining the City Hotel. Breed Wnrnur,; !S * AVE ju*t reeeived a primo assortment of *4 1l. Ladie* Double, and single soled Fro eh Fur Walking Slmes a very desirable articlo for winter. Fonwlo low Norfii »ido MarknV equate, dec M Cut lobaeco. GROCE Mr*. Miller’s snporior Cut WS# Tobacco, juat roeeiveri ond f>r *aln by doo 24 . G. R HENDRICKSON. Canal Flour. ' 4 V:*; BRLSCah.ll Flour, 100 4 do do Fur anlo bv doo 25 CLAGHORN A WOOD. > Canal Flour. fl BRIGS' Canal Fiuiir landing from . JLILV; ship Newark for aalo by d?c33 .. STONE, \YASI1BURN AGO. Goshen Butler, I^rdj &c. . Juat Received, Of> KEGS Ge«hon Butler 60 do now lwmt 10bblrnow Hama 6 do smoh^ Tonghat - Forasloby CLAGHORN A WOOD. ^Vatcr, &c.; dee 18 Rose' ... DOZEN fine Roto Water French do ' -do tre ble di'tillod 1 case 1st quality Russia Sheet I inglass A few pound* Vanilla Bean* Ji«t received, ard fur sale hy deo 15 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Overseer. W ANTED, an Overseer—to a Mao that can enmo wall recommended. Generouat wngo*, with a comfortable Situation i* oflbrod, due 39 JF.REMIAIl CUYLER. Tianspaicm Window Shades. J UST rucoived, and fur aalo by J. *$• E. INGERSOLL. doo 29 ' Office Bank United IStutes. Satnnnah, 39/A Dec. 1835.. T THURSDAY noxt, tho 31sl irikt, hairing boon *ot apart by thn City Gqnncil os a Day ofTiiatiksgiving and Prnyor, I III* Office will bo »hut; and, in conformity with the rulea of the Office, it will bLo .bo shut ss usual on the 1st of January, paper falling duo on cither 'idod for on iho 1 iry, day# it ** reoUosted uMy bo provi preceding Wednesday. ' J.I dec 29—o HUNTER, Cashier. Howard Streot Flour. • "I Barrets unpcrflne just received, xior V- % Oglethorpe end fur skle by ile# 29,x - > FRANCIS SORREL. Macke ral, J Sjf O N .?. «toc 29 * sale by, CLAGHORN A WOOD. Tlio Directors nftlio Apalaohioula Laqd.Cimr pany, rctorring tn tlwhbovo edvertixomunt, offiir at private aalo, tn such quantities ns fiuy Im vvaiHod.thntnct' of L md known ns h Furlm** Purohnte,'’ lying vb tween tlm Rlvor Ap. alaobicnln and \8t. Mark’s, andextemling to whhln six tnlles of Tall In tliia teraol ii 'to " bo found anmo of tho finost hnttofr'itnd' sugar lands in tlip Huuihorn country; also tr>ct* ut the finest pinolands, •nd extensive. tracts hf live oak ( but as purChakor* will examine for thonisolxhs, a par. Uanlar doabrintlun i* unoocua*ary. - Tlio titlo tn purobkaor* will ba the tiuuo m tor tlm tuwu Lij.« of Anilacliicula. , T/io town of Apilaohicota i* aitnateiU of tho mouth of the Kivornf same nanlo.nn Stunorgu' Sou pd, in tllnGu If o r Mexico. It is thu sea pmt nf tho Rivors Cliotalimmlio, Flint, Chipolo,' Apalaeliicrdn, and thoir tributary streams, and is rannbeted with tlm fluurisliing towns of Cn. lunibus*and Irwintmij arid with largo districts of rich nml mrillo plantntiqria in Georgia, AUbn. mu and Flpriiln', Tho export* nf outtun from’ lliiaporl hav’o boon regularly increasing fur the last three yours, niy] it i* supposed, will this year exceed fitly thi*u»and*b;ilea.; ' T<ve|voto fittron atpambnAla already find.con. atnnt empluymunl on ii4 waters; and fcw^ouiut trio* have finer prnsppo a of advonchimml in ng. riculturo and catumorco, than thosp. bordering on tlio rivers aliovo mentioned. * Apiilaelilpula.hos beon saltlud but a.fqwyear*, and iIiom) who bnvo liilliorto resided tiferu. fin v- ing no interest itf tho soil, linvo paid no alian. tiontu its imriruvcmonls Anther Ilian suited thoir individual cniivonionco. Sale* of about thii ty lot* linvo already beontnudn to imlividiiuli. roricfiiig'at Apalaehlcola,-; Coluihbu* and'New York? who.have ngrowj th eruct fire proof hull, dings on tlm said lots without dn|.iy, and other mouNUros will bp immediately adopted lo make mich pnrinonnnt ln)prove|nents as will tin doubt, mako it.a* hnnUiiy a<pheo of residence as is in bu unit with in any city snutll of Virginia. St Goorgo'ii Sound is oapaCious, and hos sc. euroqnc|i»rngu jn ,bhi« eluy button,ond Is dofon, dod oh all sidos fruut tUe ]*oa., L has two oh. trnnoV*—uno by tlm" East pa*.,"admitting vo*. jo\* nt CQO'lbns, having sixiemi foot ovi.r the bar at low water; theotlidr by tlm ‘»NVe*t pas*,’ having 124 to 13 fuel at low water, .admitting vessel* nf 361) tons burthen without any drill pulty. Venanlu'drawliiff 8 Amt n*u'ally mini at tlm wliarvos, thorn nr 12J foul or 3j« tun* him then, carrying 1100 . bales of eutmn,' within 3 milt* of the town, and tlioso nfCDO.'tonstakqm thoir eargnin* within sixteen inillis in aocuroiin. chnrngu in tlio Sound. Lqtmrs on tlio, aniijoet of tho abuvo lands to ho Qitdifli-sed to Thomas A Holixull, t’otor Mitalmll, John Giirnnchiii.tir Bonjamin A Put. nam, at the OtlleoN oi iho Apalneliiahln a Land Ciimpany ntTul ih'ixsoo hr Apalicliicoln. pr ln the ohy of Now-York, to Ben inn in WouUcy ; V .• - . S ■. Iiitliogrnpliic Mapa^vAptihaliinnh, end'of im vjnlhlty, umy.bti seen at thn.follnwlcig pl'icffirt— Ih.Now York at tho nffir-o nf lhu-Tiu*ton*, or .ofilia Ilnniirablo Jpmph.M. White, at Washing ton',!), C. In Clinrloslen, S. C. at thp.offiqo of. Richard Garnndltan. . , . ' T Savaiinnh, GertT . , John P. Williamson. Coluuibu Geo, • John DillinglismAGo. Tilluli issoe, Florida. Tlmnias Unltxolj. ’ Apalanlilonla' IJiratn’NouraO. Now Orlotna. . Mobilo, Jamns InnararUy. Pennacota John In norarity, due 28—r.—tillfiF for rcmleutiun to the office of Tax Colh c y, end ros|«etfiiUy *u|ir*iC OR ORRl'yOCK. - Tlm line .cnu|mred ship FRANCIS, fouri. Grlffitha. is now ready to rocoivo B*rgO,l gQ dflo&U-t- r sulfrage*. k . LABAN BRIGHT, . ' TOR LlYBRPOOr., JW Hue'm .l.ip MOHAWK, R i,Stovoii*,nnuitor,|iiiviog two third* of Itnr o.iigo.tinw on hnnrd, will IniVo jmmoitlatc dpsp.uch , Fi/r freight or 8(H) halos cotton ap. p!y ti> Capl. S. on bir.ird ot June'* Upi'or Wharf, nr u TUPPER A SISTARE. . ribefir*- \ : .s ‘ fofTuniWmr Till'll .l,inU0MU1.0EE.C«tii. jg, Timiisui J Lrnviit. having tbree.fourtlis flier onfgo ungiiguj, miilguing mi'board, will . liHti) irtanatph. ; l;nr lethinco pf fryiglif.or pas. *#gn having siij cii'-r mihnnihmriatlrm- njiplv to Captain L. nu buj/d itt. June*'* upper whiirr’nr •» ’■ TUPPER A SISTARE. - doe 7 ELIA8 FORT. lu tlm iiiuutorn ol Cliulham County. 1 AM a nandiduto for rcmlcotioii to tho nlli'co nf Corunor at tlm approacliing olnctinn, whmli takes ptaen hn tho first Monday in January next, and humbly solicit your suifrauns.. deo 8 THOMAS EDEN. Rogitneiitai 0rdftr»;y ' Snranna/i, 88/A Dec- 1835, ■BfN cnrfnrmity'with onleTs from- Rtlgadier I . t^unoral Floyd of 18th Inal re. delved this day tho* Rkglmenul onlors of, Iho IGtb Inat. for a convention of.tlm offinor* dud iuspeatinn, drill and Vo via w ciltho lit Regiment on tlm Ctb 7th and Bill of January, are baroby countermanded. WM. ROBERTSON,; '» Lli'tit.Col. Cuui'dg 1st UegV. T RAltNAitD, Auting Adji. deo 98 . Knsyi'orth At Wny, PER for snleluw from svlintf atvd *tot#r I fit) bbls-primo and iuihii pork, 175 do do ' do luef, 50' ’ do . No 1 riu 300 do , No 1,3, 3 Mackerel, 500 kits No 1, and 3, do 150 half bbls No 1 and 9 do doo 28 Law Nuticc. T HE, suhsoribor, having rotirnd from tho biincli, would bo glid to rnsiiutn the prae. tiee ol his pnduasion am) will dovnto hi* ntlon. lien, unremittingly, lo any buriuoaa with whleli lio may Im intrusted. Ill* nifiiio odj-ln* his reslitimcn on tho south •hie of Monument square, huur tlm Ephenpul Church. JNO V. NICOLL. , don 18—U Whito BeniiM. A ft; BRLS superior White Roans just rueolved.hy. dec 23 ENSWORTH A WAY.1 Planters? Bank. T HIS Bank will bo shut on Thursday next Thnnks.giviitg Day,—paper filling duo oi: that day'must bo taken up previously. dnoS8—1>‘ J» MARSHALL, Cash in r. ; Hiblicit Buckshiu Cassiineres. J A E. INGERSOLL jinvn reorived by L.. w • Camilla, a few ‘piece* Ribbed Rnckaliin Chsaimoros, a jiatidsomo artlolu farGuulloinoiiu’ Pantaloons. doe 14 For Sale . gamV Rundlsa primo Eastern Hay, which Will bo sold low f*r ca ah. . GEO. HAAS. ‘ dec 33 Anderson’s Building. New Store ■BUST, oponcii with n Urge assortment, of •P’ Fancy Gouds, suitublo for Chiidmaa mid Now Year’* presents, which aro oflbrod for aalo at very low. prices wholesale and retail. Al«o, a great collection offino black and col. ored Engravings. J CERVAN, Congress streot, opposite B. Snider A Co’s, dry good store, next aoor to Air. Beaulard’s. doc 7—| Fletcher & lingon, H AVE recoivcd por ship MiTlodgevillo in ad. 'dilidn fo their former slock,-4 ca*e* 1 t quality Satin Beaver Hats, latest fashion They havo also rcccivod per recent arrival* a good as. sortm'ent of Ronta and Slmes. ’ On haiid 1200 pair Negro Shoe* slightly dam. aged which they will *oll vory tow. By the Joyc. v W E-have just roe.eivid an addition to our ’Stock of Ready made Clothing, inxhu- facturcd from tlio ba*t imparted articles, and of. ferod for sale at tlio uMisal low prlcoa foregth or approved credit, by HAMILTON, HOUSTON A COi doo 15 Comlortablcs. V IZ, OVERCOATS; CLOAKS; CAM. BLBT WRAPPERS; ORIENTAL RO. RES; UNDER StllRTS.nil DRAWERS nf all kind.; and a larna of Fn.liinna. III. Bendy Made Gnrmenls of the W quality and wotkmanship; which will be solo at tlio lowest ea*li prices, by deed PRICE A MALLERY. Tickings. 3 BALES Narrow^Tioss.^ do Wide do just received ahdjbr sale low. hy *di}o 19 / ' SAM’L D. CORBITT. ~ - jsutice to Travellers. ICJOTICE is hereby given that fyom Jhia dntn JL™ arrangements pruvjuu^Iy. existing,for tho transportation of Horse* and Carriage* ,frui Darien id Glynn Chanty,are*discontinued, 1 the amount of travolliug-ii pSt aqffielefil'fp ft* fray'ihqnecwMry expense. ’J-* . W* S.BEIJd. Darim, 2Cth Oid.183^. ^ _ miy 2—H" 1 • - : ! ... ■ Nunie Warned. . A N qkperienecd Nnr*e will find cmploymnn 1 ^ at|ood vragpixm ftppUcitton it this office. Gofltfti) Butter. 82'3 l tK INg qualityOhalienButter Roeeived por brig Loin, for min by duo 98 . GAUDRY A LEGRIEL ’ Fia«, Ffvynctt and Lemons*. . ’MtUM-SHrnyrnii Figa W folio/ boxos Prunu* 20 liuxna . do lft boxnjt Sldlly Lmnott* 1 Aladuira and Brazil Nut* 25 hnrrpl* butt Shelf Ahunnd* J50 b ix**« nnd half liuxcs Raisins Rrc^lvwl por brig l^ili, forsalu by- ’ d<m'98 GAUDRY A’LEGRIEL. tm A’fliv 1 ; 0«A-(.h.o7.^o' " • ■ Tho niri MnlllWff ri'guhir phiikut shin MILLEDGKVILI.E, .C«pt. Robt. W. ndurj will bo Uoxpiiubotl imnindiutflly. Fur freight or pitssngo, htivinu Mt|iuriornceommnda linnu'npply-on butird at Munuliis upiior wharf or itr* STlJNl-:, WASH It URN- A CO P. S Conrigsiev* will phtsMiaumid to- iljp m cdptionof their genii* ut thu above nioiilionTd wharf. ! *•,- Fur solo landing frum snid vnsaol. IQQ Uuuula* uiimo Nniltturu Hay den O' V r . ■ FUli iVlitV 1 Ulth—^suun i.i.iV. ■Thqelpjrt’nt.packet brig MADISON, Uulkloy, Mauler, wlU*uil mi Sainrday Inoxt For. freight.qf 5ft bal.a 'on uml undor d*ek.spply'mi hoard, nr lo die 33 1’ADELFOltl), FAY A CO. I-wtijCM-Mronti “ Tlio Dn»lirl k 'miWEI.L. C-pM-'.mk., liavlmr port nf a ru;m> 1-11^1'will mm I with ilnspalall; fir trpii'lil or pu—J^ai |m V . nr j. u. THIS DAY. - b* sold in front _ of G;ooerie«, am 3 .pip** Im 1 Iriid Jaimttra Rum : 05 bbls Pilot ..oh N»vy fl fiD bill* Irish Pnialnes 50 friSfha Wrapping WK^ft 75 nr boxo* bait. SpsnLh Kcgare 10,OUO Spniiihli-Sugars • 40 boxes Snip and.Candfe* Alsu. 100 pair Brogan* and slipper* * AL6, UMW wl Rhoiil.tor* UifOn dec 3fr t ' Ufuknvfitur'H Suk% By J. lit HERBERT *y CO. . Til 14. |»A Y, 3l)ii, mi stH b'clcwk, In fro of rim Exchange, for ucmiirit or uoderwri and all emteorod, tlio wreo)i- of Steunmr. f t'mrpo as slia now lips under.watdrfhvnr I) Forry.^^ Turnisca* lug suntirior accmnmudatlou*. apply tu doo 99 FRANCIS SORREL. *for TJ^iffinr. ^thR ly apply to dqn 39 The packaLbrip Ogluilmrpn, C.iptaiu Fltzuorald, will moot with despatch; hav. “ the cargo Engaged.—fur'pasaage nil. S. FH1LDK1CK A CO, . J9 : - • . Who offer for rale, landing from aaid hrig . 150 Mil* and { au|mriur II* ward St foot 10Q half bill* FI. Ur GOO liuahol* Oats \ 800 pieces small Castings ; .7 q4*o*,CnnRictidnnry. Fan FUEifiliT, Tlm siipnrinr coppered liiig EPtyARD, C. A. Rurryi Master, hartlinn ahuui Gill) Itlorcns is now ready for a frojghttn Eh. rope, iho Weal Indies, nr coe*twi»o. Anp y in J. II. LADD, Williamson's Buildings. Who oflVrs for *ahv mi board void brig, 3ft bundle* Eastern llay. deo 24 Wonted. A N 0ver*onr to lakq charge qfa Plantation. Nunu need apply but such t* uan ptoduco satmfuclory rotiunimondrttlnns. Apply tu doo.88' JAMES 8 wlr,KIN8. T 1'rrmd ami Mew Bceli H BRLS Now York prime Be«f jLMFvr 6ft do do ’ do Mom do *.\. ,.35 do do-, do • dpi Pork/. * 150 dn Point and Navy Broad 25 do New White Beans ; • 10 do New Hama y v .r 5 d5 8mok«l Tongues for silo hy . CLAGHORN A WOOD. dqc28m * .^ v ■ FiT/l NliW V’O/f/f—(arr .sLisiiMi link.) Tho re gift nr pnnkofbrlg LELA, Copt ^^Sv('nlo*woril|/, wRIinuel with imuimi'diatn S^SdasiMtoli, For fndglit or piis«ngo, hav. ingoknoUiint iirnofmpt?dq|ion*,apply on board at JnhiV Up, or witnrf- «ir to d.m 38 TUPPER A SISTARE. . . . i'OU iliAV/ OA Th4 Staunch brig BANNER. Gqpi. Iforris, vytl) nibutwhhdiqiituli .huvlng _ 3.4 nf her oargn ongagod. Fur lialmce of fririkl’t nr pas-ngo apply to fhipl, llarri* on board-nr .to STONE, WASIIliURN ACO. dee 28 * FOB RBliA iVaY7*“"' The siitislantial and fast Tsailiog brig JANE. Ileiiry William*, master, will nail fnT.thenhnvo »»n Thnrsdny the 31*>. Fur ii small qiiitrnlty of light fruight n,r p «qrngi; having rlKgantiiciioniiuodatinus, apply on bnird at Aiioinux's wharf or to dec 88 CLAGHORN A WOOD i Tiinjmqkot solir TANTIVY, will mi.mi tlio Jsiio, nnrl,sail on or nhnut iho lutt. p nximn. Fo^furtliiirTparllciilar* apply n» nl,«v ybli&ALR, Cana) and Buckwheat Flour. ’£ k WHOLEpnil hslfbill* Ciitml Flour JL^FwF 75 half andquartor bbls Buekwhcut • ' • Flour *•- 100 whole, half und quarior bbV« Butter Crackers a 3i » do do Corn Muul. Fur solo low hy •dec 28 ENS WORTH A WAY.- •Silk GcnUciucns lino Beavers and Hats, A FINE assortment received pet ship Mill edgeviIh and for sule by J.. 11 11 M ii finrr»t, i. nn dealt H.N. ALDRICH A CO. Grates and Stoves. T WELVE Gmtea asaorlwl. Pattern* 12 box 8 ti •ye* assorted aizoa G Franklin do do For sale by N. B. AH. WEED, dec 2 Gunp. CASES dnublo pereuision Cun* .mt 8 do . single do do f 5 do do flint do,reeeived por shin Thalia, and for sale hy decSJT. N O. A lJ WEED; Notice; € OUNCIL will .elect, nt the first regular . meeting Ii) J muHry next, the following Cl. ty Officors, uurauant to a rosoluiiou pr ' *' . 1835. . • SAtaRY. rr.usi. • do do --none, ©0*10 00 A do. ^10,000 r. 'IHiphCf dt Snitart), O FFER for wSlubn- apeomimidutlrrg terms, |0 lilids pririie StVCroix Wijgor - ,15 do .; no Porto Riqo dn vory handsome 9ft bbls Loaf Sugar, fin4qriBlity. fill bag* prime old Java Cnflisb . 3ft. do good green - . do ■ 10ft Mila’Howard atrobt Flour. Soft dn Cmal Fh<ur, favorite brand 15ft bundle* primo now Huy 2ft W»l- best Baltimore WltUkny 13 Mill* priqto B icon; ' • * UK) bariwf^sujiGr)or.Champngno, q'inrts and pints.' ' • . / 50 calk* bouliurqlon Brown Stout do do -10 boxos Crab Apple and Champagne Cider 3 pipes *1 . 10 half do I Fine old Madaira Wino,-dL 15 ntjator do [ npt importation 2ft "right* dn J 20 boxes tiost Nuw Bedford Siirrmaooti Can* , .dll’* . , 40 tbou-snd best Sponhh Scgurs 10 keg* Bar--Load fillO bags Youln*' Patent Shot dna 28/ ' • ~ ' Tlm Ruliscribur W^INpINQ il inroiivo'iiirnt to attend to tho H? business oDri* Plnntnt hm, will sell Uio sold Plsntatjon, consist ing of 1230 oeros, old nisi* mire, on roasondblu terina ; nr if not sold-by’ tin; first of January, ho will rent the samo for oiio .nr mote years, with thu privilege of outline wood, of which there in n lurgn quantity ■•( various kind*. From tho situation .of tliO tract extend* ing for upwards of twd mile# on the Crpit O* gen boo River” and Within a quarter of a tnilo -Of the canal, ,w|doli uxtetids from tlio Savannah lo the OgvCtice Rivers, ofijr* groat cnnvrniencr for convoying »ho wood to Savannah hy wuy of llipennal. I-ur .torifi*, ploaso apply l? v the subicrlbor, J. B: READ* N. B. Cluyof the* very best quality, near tho bank of a canql leading to thorivor, with pine, wood at hind, renduts .vlio Brick ninklnc nh cb- joot of interest for supplying-the Kill Roid ' witlitlii* ortiolo. deo 10 . J. B. READ. ing i pass RO*D. ; none. i m Jicuuy By.JR. I/ERBEkT T|lK y DAY, 30h Men Ml. he mill in fro nt nf Mnre/io ~c|oss‘*i of R ,.rl> .\lido Clothing doe 30 ■ r-. . . .< Also, I lly-oli To**, flrat.qual&y Term* mada knownIt eolc-r - * lliillaml .•m limmlv mu UyJ II IHiltUMT'iyCO. THIS I>AY, fifilli in.Unt, at II rfoli.iS will Im.ulil in frI,IU ‘.f -lorri, wilhaul ll.o tea t rcsiMv.i, tn clino coosignmnoiV 7 pipes pure Ho Fund Gin ,j>' 3 pipes do Cngoao BriiRly V'*»v * AI«o,J 45 cheats I* d.-i- 3ft r in r j: THIS DAY; fill ill iii-t. •; rt- n -.i;.tjr„w«r, tm a-»lrt m front of Store, to tlqsn sit**; 17 ■* :.<• '* IJ'tta of good quality.—Alsu q Saddle -and Gig . * V U r-e. , TertOBAt naic. d ... 3<t • ; •'< r. '-v -4 _■ •; * . n^it-uam.ctiiiUclh/t; of 111.Ilka ut Atu> .• tinn—Contihuntl; • BY J. $i nF.UUl'.RT i<GO , f this kvuninu, auiii £&.cj will l.o sold st the store formerly oteupiod by Williim* und P.itoL Shad’s:Building*, a largo and valuable uullecUnn of Bqoks by eatilogne,, comprising a great vqrlaty of Standard Work.i m History, 'niiKiligy; Biography, Pypfry, Pht- lu'i phyanit Drama ;n|*ny of which are -apian, did Liiirary.odii|nns, t in fiuebihdlnga. A great ’ uricty of voyages, tri vnls, f tid4eM,’ annuals, aL . um* Ao ul*t. tlidUk llook*,Loft«r PupurMnn*; ... ^ .—For particulars. »eo^o'* rl twttns Quill*, Ac. Au, gu<*. dsc 30 eo’Mtaluw. Silts Po.Hiye, Mi iliefil Booka at Auction. : " . niiRBEitrf oo,- A'dSm 'ruva i.'vri.*K2ivl i: „w..i,-,i mmmfjra i ■■ r THIS EVENING, al^ posh 8'o’clock at *Ioip in Shad's building, *. I*tgo arid Valpalilb collotAlonof Medical Bonk^ L 'dofhpris1ftg ; a'greet, vario'v of tho most Htmidard work* text Bookr; , ' * Ao ulso, Phitoffipblpsl Work*. Standard W— ih liistury, Biognpky, Pootrir*,-Meeltah)rt . . . -■ 5 ^ V1 r, y 0 p W(: |- Anmials, AJhumai- MapV, « u - •MTtw . <M'iop.Ai;PtlA, 72 do* ‘"ghttf ... binlh«*n-draw* trlight d.ought i.f ’water, nnr'ii-s ovvr 13(H)0 liusho|s of rinn, of -about 50-cord* _ wood. T.liia vessel I* hulU wholly of itynru* nnd.Rve'oak, *hn ia only wu'yenrs old, a ml war. ranted tight.; her liickln and apparel i-omplo n. and nady’for Cargo, and will be *«ld low on ippUentioii to dec 59 II. F, WILLINK. Ocinltlgco Htcam-lMmt Company. l’ltl* company wfll lm prepared to eonunsnentiu- laiiiuss early in tlm next j*OB*nn. Tboy will have t\vp superior, now stoumlioat* (built esjivcially for the business) constantly tunning .taiwuen Darien and Macun, with uruipiiaito uuniliar of low boat*. Tb* company will al*o have a lino nf packet* between Darien and Now York. * s HENRY yoNGE, Agent in Darien. Four sliuros of uno thnu*ann dollars ouch ro. main lipimld. Fur particular* apply to ti e agent in Darmii. Darien, Ang. 2,4th, 1835., . oug 27 To Kent, TJio three atory Brick Ilmiwr, atory Fruiklln. Ward—Two story ( Wuntl. en |Iiiil*e, Spilth Commons, next iEast of Major Fannin’*, and I.irgc dutiblu WiHiritm I Inn so in Brniig|||un.*trni>i. Posoeklrshm may bo bud immediately. • For cun. diUon*, ajqdy to ,11. F. WILLIAMS. ;ftOVj3—1»' Huts, lints. R ECP.IVEDSy tlia'.Mp ftawaik,. ha.u’i fill assortment nftho inn*l Fusbuinablo SILK HATS, finished in tho Now York ((Load way) aiyb*. by PRICE A MALLERY, on tlm Bay, dee 24 A few door* from the City Hotel do. 5,00(1 do. SOtT do. non®- non® 1,000 Tees - 5(10 none.. 1,000 nono 500 1 Ith Doe. Recorder, , City'Siiryoyqr . City .Troaiuror, • City' Marshul, GUO 00 City Clerk, 40U 00 Keeper of Guard Uouso .. und Me**biigMr, - lfld Oft Clerk of Market, Oillj. 0ft Sexton, 200 m Sup, Sirrets end Twines, 300 HO Shp. City Wateb, - 660 00 Dop, sup, d i. ’ . , 540 00 5 ln«poct<-n|of. Wood - 2 Gnnger* of Llqm-r, Koepdr City Magazine, Chimney Contractor, Koepbr City Limps, 300 00 frSergeant* of City - Watch, each 300 00 5 Purl Wardens, Proposal* to execute City Printing for nuo year; aloo, proposal* to keep the City Clunk in repair for one yosr. Person* will leave their applioation* for office, with the name* of their seeuriti**, on or boforo that day, at.tlip Clerk’* office, by 1ft o'clock, A. Iff. ” - p. ELBERT MUSE, . ,’ dee 22 , ' Deputy o, o, • '• ’ J'»r Safe. ;• “ B ANDING from I ng Angola 7.- bundle, JLf New York Hay and dll liin. B.Ha.t n, Buil.llngStono. '.-jpikCUJimiNf!. Cttn#'l l-’loiir, > • /.finding, - i50?«. c r ,F r- Fur **hs by . doe 29 CLAGIfG Jjfg A jWfJOD. none fees fe*-* none foo* feo* /.- • nono foe* 250 2.5(1 250 2,U0» 2.000 nuiie none 500 .(9 <Hlid# prime St Croix Sugar. SclF 100 bbls No 3 Mackerel, 60 do No 2 do 20 • do No l do ... 73ft Grind Stone*, of varluu*-sizes,J*"V sale by WOODBHIDGE A MAY. dec SB ' • . Bank of tlio State of (senrgin. Savannah, 9H/A Dec |b3.». T HURSDAY next, being set apart' by tho the City Cqiincil a* a day of Tliank*giv. ing and Praver, ibis Bank will Im eluded. Of. firing day-Wednesday, Discount day Friday. A. PORTEU. Cashier. Dividend, No, 2. • • ; ’ _j, Bank uf D'lriehs Dec.l; Ib.TJ. fVqUE Board nf Dlrnefo'r* of tlii* Bank, have ■ • (hi* Day dretured u Dividend of Three per ecu', on tho amount of capital stuck paid lo for tho last Six Monlhr, which will be duo and pay. able on a> d after tho 1*1 day of January nyxi,to tho sUicfcholdbr*. or tlmlr legal mproHinUllve*. S REES, Casiftcr. • doe 18 l’lnntqrs’ Hunk, A N Eioetlon will lio held .at tho Bunking li.iuso, on Monday 4th January next: fur eight Dircetors on tlie purtof the Stockholder*. Poll* will bo opened at 10 and closed, si twu o'clock. J. MARSHALL, deo 88—t. . CuslitBr Dwlittic Suaji. 50”obdrt»». | D “ llll '« 8m| ’ Fur.alo hy ' ■ CiAUDBY & HEGIHF.t,. -fcdBggS ’ r . ■ Uioico Old Madeira,, «j noM Ibo hogu of Guidon, Duff & Co, V Madeira Imported^Wa Clurlcston pur brig daefi • . ' Yuuth'a liats. . X- UST recalvod por .elir Dac.l, u fijjltuir .up «S ftp of Ibo datllri BaaiarH.ta. , d«f» , jm.AtPRtCH dfCa Conino Salt nllonf, 9444h(Hl Bushel* heavy alum Salt, ear. Igo uf brig ClurimJo, from .St. Khla fur aajo by .'.deo 29 COIIEN A MILLER. Sack 8nit. BACKS Live’imnl Ground Bait, _ . each sack well filled ond dn fine order, landing from marque -Fairfield, ami for •ale by ANDREW LOW A CO. dec 29—p Coiutiiiubiuii httsinesa iu Uorteti, Georgia. fH^HE rulwcribor quill qimtinue Ibo Comml*. .fit siun buhinos* hrMoforo .carriod on in this place by Fh. U. Yuiige A Son*, His wharves and stores am cx'rnsivo ami cuiirenieni. Goods shipped to liiui f*r ilia pp country will reoaivo hi* imraouai sDcotiinij mul bo forwarded by our. Rest ami lm*t ••ppurtuiiitie*. He Wjil 'remain in Darien atari sodr-uns uf tlm year. HENRY YONGEi H. Yongn will ooutimiute mu his small boat* until tlm rlrur bocoiuos navigablo for atoom voa. so|*. Darien, Aug 21, 1835. oug 27 -Firo Dog». . ££4V PAIR Bf«tM knilirona osiortcd liiq/ 75 do Iron dog* 50 dp do- do with bras* top* 101) pair Sbovol and Tonga assorted. For *alo by N II. A H. WEED. ■ dejB,{;8--. : . • ■ J- 1 - i . UosIidii Butter, itc.: ” KEGS Gushcu.Butler : Olr 50 d-» Nowl^ard. . - 25 huIfbbl* Fultcn Market Beef - ■•I M 1 N thn first Monday' li^ M«^nexi,JwiiI l>o * roM in front of the-Ceurt HiiUso between Adiiiuiisinuor’M »a Howard Street' Flour. By /*. a. s/nr.K «f o. nOifEN. f At Privite Sale, ; .. 100 bills superfine H«.Vrar<i-SVoo» Flour, land- ng from brig Oglethurpi),' and- will ba aold Jow •in tlio wharf. / • ' . dec8tf IlyJB, HERBERT&00- w At Privato Sold. • A ' ' 193 bbls supurfino Flour, now landing, autf . • will be aold uu tlio Wiiarf. • ; - v ' .. -> doo 29 . 1 Furnilni «f CO. 'M Adiiunistrutor h . »v V PllltiHRICK On Tlirti l''Y, Ibo 7l noil ‘.I 11 tt'rln, .. m rrln'brtf lIouHcb'dlii srul Kitchen Ft tu Urn ckts'c of John Dsvlsiu loth ilecrnimd. Hold fry |*irml orablo ili« Justices of. tho mlorior Chatham County,’and by order of the aduii trwtur, fiirhenoA ofllio heirs and eri;rii sahlestato. Terms d**n 28 • Uin anil PcaclYBranUy; By S. HHIhHIlWKi Op. At ptiv.tnoolu. 15 1.1.1. No.tli.>rn Cin ' 19 do Peach Brandy - Landing from auhr Eagle from/Boll! more, doo till ■ • t. „•' ’ By J. II UEUBmf cor-— ■ At private ►•!*. • ** ftft Ii ilf barr Is No I and 3 Mackerel now Ian. ding. dup 28 — — HERBERT S. CO. At priVste sale. -’ A rsal Buggy and Harness. . At privaio silo,' mjh 2fl keg« prime Gushoh Butter, land! ship Newark 10ft bhl* fresh Clh»l FjonrV t * Pure Holland Gfti. attdcBn BY J. B IIERBi:"*■ At Private Snlo. 9 pipes purti HoHwnd Gin . 3 pi non Cognac Brandy, juat recoivcd. dec34 ’ —»t k u. mmtxTmmm A» Private B*l®, . 10ft hrli Fre-li Canal Floltr deu'84 —b nr^mm. .> pmfflgBSk At Print. B.k. 20 keg* primo Goshen Butter, landing i ship Nnwwrlu . . dco 8.3 Mackerel add Chairs. BY J. B. HERBERT t' - 100 No 1 M. h.rol, 00 dc Also, '•• * 400 Cbsln, a.snrleil, 3 Buieaui, Bntilon. or a shirk 5- o. com: AT r»l*AT« .ALB. On. Nrgrn Boy .bout 14 ,Bar. o Also On. Mulaltn Woniin, agei ■ nnod . '.m.tru.1, and bor si - - d.o'SS ii have r T he ftniiocYii Lois, from ' mado .inreuly for ul ownrimini nr Itoody I .rantod In nuallty.and wotkn non*, wholesnlo o'>r«tail: dao29 UAMILT